[hlds] Quickplay & Community Servers - 6 Months in.

2014-07-07 Thread Jason Tango
Dear TF2 Team,
We are approaching the 6 month mark to what we had been told would be a 
temporary situation (i.e. the removal of community servers from Quickplay by 
default). To my knowledge - unless I missed something somewhere - there has not 
been any communication in those six months from the TF2 development team as to 
if/when we can expect to return to a level playing field in terms of how 
community servers are treated.
At this point, it appears the change is permanent. If so, all I ask is that you 
communicate with us and let us know if that is indeed the case, and community 
servers will no longer receive equal treatment in the long term. 
In our case, we are hanging onto - and paying for - dedicated (ad-free) servers 
that have been online for over four years in the hopes that we might be able to 
see them repopulated again down the road...but again, if that will no longer be 
possible, it would simply be courteous to let us know so that we can let our 
community know we have to shut them down for good.
Thank You.___
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[hlds] Can we have a Quickplay Status report, please?

2014-05-30 Thread Jason Tango
Dear TF2 team,
Would it be possible for you to communicate a status as to if/when the 
quickplay changes you made four months ago will be reverted to allow all 
community servers to be included in quickplay again by default?
Fletcher Dunn had stated when this change was made that it would be temporary, 
yet four months later as community server after community server dies out, 
we've had zero communication on the subject from the TF2 team.
Why are you no longer talking to server operators?
Please, guys - communicate to the server community that has supported the game 
for so many years. If this is going to be the "default" quickplay configuration 
from now on, at least let us know so we can start shutting off servers as 
opposed to continuing to pay for hardware in the hopes that we'll be treated 
fairly again. We're hanging on here and financially supporting servers in the 
hopes that we'll be able to fill them again someday soon, but if there's no 
more hope left for us, at least let us know.
Thank you.
- JT
P.S. If I could express to you the extreme sense of hopelessness you are 
imposing on the good communities that have built themselves around TF2, I 
would. We love this game, and we see the "culture" that so attracted us to it 
for all these years slipping away. Please consider the harm you're doing to the 
"good" communities out there but effectively diverting half of the player 
traffic away from even finding us.  Spending years building a community only to 
have the rug pulled out from under us has depressed some of our members so much 
that they've walked away from the game all together.  These are long-term TF2 
players who - if they can't play on the community servers they helped build - 
are not going to play anymore at all.  ___
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[hlds] When will quickplay return to a level playing field?

2014-03-24 Thread Jason Tango
As we approach the 2-month mark since Valve's servers were made the "default" 
servers for all quickplay players, can the TF2 team give us a time frame when 
they will return the system to a "level playing field" for all servers?
As it stands, the players who want to avoid all community servers now have the 
ability to do so simply by clicking the "Official Server Only" button, so is it 
really necessary to keep driving nearly all quickplay traffic away from 
community servers? 
In fact, a better question would probably be - is it in TF2's best (long-term) 
interest to do so? Helping players find a "home" server where they become a 
"regular" creates long-term players, and since so much emphasis (in the design 
of the UI) has been placed on guiding players to use quickplay, the longer that 
community servers are effectively excluded from that traffic, the more 
long-term players the game will likely lose.
The players that only want random games with random people on Valve servers now 
have the option to make sure that's all they get, but preventing the rest of 
the player base from experiencing all the diversity that the TF2 community can 
provide is both unnecessary and unfair to those of us who have never broken any 
rules, or violated any policies.
With that in mind, please consider leveling the playing field again asap by 
including all community servers by default, and let the players decide for 
themselves if they don't want to be a part of that community.
Thanks, guys.

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[hlds] When will it be safe to start migrating servers to new IPs?

2014-03-01 Thread Jason Tango
I know the TF2 team had said we needed to wait a bit before we started 
migrating servers under the new favorites system, but since I've had my servers 
registered and working under the new system now for a little over a week, I was 
wondering how much more time we need to give it before it's safe to start 
moving server to new IP addresses?
Thanks.   ___
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[hlds] Windows 2008R2 server hangs?

2014-02-13 Thread Jason Tango
Has anyone seen an increased amount of TF2 servers "hanging" since the last 
couple of patches on Windows 2008R2 servers?
 I've been having 2 or 3 of these a day now (mostly payload & dustbowl maps), 
when I had gone for quite a long time without having that problem.
Server specs:
Windows 2008R2Intel Xeon 123016GB ram
CPU is at less than 25% when all server are full (only 4 servers running on 
each box at the moment)   ___
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Re: [hlds] Mediated Discussion about Quick play change

2014-02-05 Thread Jason Tango
SO - we're a little over a week into this, and here's what we've noticed:
Our 32-player and custom servers are doing relatively fine (although they 
certainly take longer to fill up in the morning, and empty out much earlier at 
night), but it is our 24-slot vanilla servers that are really suffering. They 
still fill up, but only stay full for about 1/3 of the time they normally did 
(all had/have high scores according to the system as well). At this point, if 
the traffic to the Vanilla servers continue to decline, I can see us turning 
them off all together in 6-8 weeks or so.
The tragedy with that is that players who want to play Vanilla, but don't wish 
to deal the non-Administered Valve servers filled with low-skilled, screaming, 
12 year-olds (not to mention all the rampant hackers) are going to start 
running out of places to play, and I can't see that being good for the game in 
the long run.
I suppose my biggest issue with this drastic action that Valve has taken is the 
fact that not only could it have been prevented, but that they took no steps to 
do so in the first place.
For example, in Fletcher's quoted response above, he states that "But the 
player experience was really bad and we felt it called for some immediate 
action." That's all well and good, but here's the problem - they never clearly 
defined what they considered a "bad experience".
Now, I'm sure we can all guess what they mean (the truly terrible video/audio 
ads, the "pay to win" premium crap, etc.), but since they never clearly stated 
"these are things we don't want in Quickplay" , they've taken this heavy-handed 
approach to enforce a code of conduct that they were NEVER clear about in the 
first place.
Don't get me wrong - I think Pinion Ads (and their ilk) and all the "pay to 
win" servers have absolutely NO PLACE in quickplay, and never should have been 
allowed to flourish in the first place - but againwhen Valve sits back for 
over a year while this is all happening, allows it to not only continue, but 
grow -  all without ever coming out with a well-defined, documented policy that 
says "none of this, this or this on qucikplay enabled servers", only to then 
apply a blanket "punishment" that lumnps all the "good" server operators who 
have NEVER run any of that crap in with all the "bad", then they are not only 
enforcing a set of rules that DID NOT AND STILL DO NOT EXIST, but they are 
doing so in such a blunt, ham fisted way as to hurt the very game they are 
trying to "save".
Why not, instead, simply do the right thing? Why not come out with a revised 
Quickplay policy that is stricter and more clear as to what they DO want in 
quickplay, and simply tell server operators that they have X amount of days to 
comply, or be thrown out of quickplay permanently?
As it stands - this drastic action is tantamount to penalizing people for 
law(s) that are not even on the books, and grouping all "non-offenders" in with 
the "offenders" simply because they do not wish to take the time and effort to 
do the right thing.
When it comes to gaming, I've always thought of Valve as the "smartest guys in 
the room", and this is, quite frankly, not worthy of them. It is choosing an 
easy wrong over a hard right, and it needs to be fixed in days, not months.
Do the right thing, Valve - you're better than this.
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Re: [hlds] An open letter to Valve about MOTDs

2013-11-07 Thread Jason Tango
Your cite Skial as an example, but what you fail to realize is that those large 
server groups only have those large number of servers because they are/were 
trying to use the quickplay system as a source of profit over and above their 
"expenses", NOT as a response to the natural growth in their "communities."
In other words - those kinds of communities did not grow "organically", 
starting with just enough servers to support their current membership, and 
adding servers as their community grew. They threw up those huge numbers of 
servers as nothing more than "quickplay ad farms", turning the playerbase into 
little more than disposable ad impressions. Do you honestly think any of those 
groups have the massive community membership necessary to require 80+ servers? 
Of course not.
Do you see the distinction? 
There are server operators who have slowly and consistently grown their server 
"regulars", adding to their server fleets as both their membership and funding 
permitted, and there are those that simply threw up high-volume "quickplay 
honey pot" fleets of ad-farms/servers with the intent of turning the players 
into an easy source of profit.
Now,  I'm not looking down my nose at Skial (I don't really know anything about 
them), or any other of these large server fleets, BUT - the fact is that most 
new players first few experiences with the game will be through quickplay, and 
the vast number of these ad-farms (many of which were hosted by the hundreds on 
cheap, under-powered VPS servers) are/were giving these players a very negative 
first impression of the game.
While I don't necessarily agree with HOW Valve has fixed the problem (as I 
think it stinks that ALL server operators have to be made to suffer due to the 
actions of those abusing the system), I'm certainly glad Valve is taking steps 
to at least insure new players don't think that these ad-infested servers are 
the way ALL servers are run.

Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 21:24:00 +0100
From: sai...@specialattack.net
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] An open letter to Valve about MOTDs

Forced in-game ads are evil. You’ve already paid for the game, why watch ads? 
There never was such a problem until quickplay and motd allowing video. Build a 
good community and likable servers, and you shall have your money through 
donations. We haven’t done it any differently in the past 15 years and we’re 
still doing so today. People are willing to donate bits for a fun community to 
play at who has their own servers up and running. The whole problem here is 
quickplay, you have tons of people roaming around random servers without an 
real good opportunity to bind them to your community. Before people would 
search for likable servers and add them to their favorites. These people would 
then return and start to get familiar with other people at the servers. This 
allowed for great community building. Unfortunately I don’t expect VALVe ever 
to turn off quickplay. That’s why I think communities will slowly start to die 
out. I can remember days where 90% of the players in a server had a 
clan/community tag In front of their name, nowadays you barely ever see them. 
Saint K.From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com 
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Supreet
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 7:58 PM
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: [hlds] An open letter to Valve about MOTDs Valve,
Listen. People make good money off of running their TF2 servers. Moreover, it 
helps them pay for the servers. 
Why don't you just take all our liberty away, pull an EA and cut dedicated 
servers and host them all yourself?
Quickplay has only been beneficial to free to play players or what I like to 
call "Window Gamers". They try a game because its free then after a while they 
leave the game because they're bored of hopping on random servers through quick 
play and finding ads everywhere.
The liberty and freedom of browsing through a server list was an amazing idea 
so you should keep to it.
Your quick play scoring system is pretty stupid and flawed. Why? Because its 
Over time, there's just been servers that get a behemoth influx of players and 
and the quick play system starts favoring them. Therefore, ignoring the 
possibility of any potentially better servers people might like if they ended 
up on them.
You should really consider stopping your shenanigans. You can't make up your 
own mind Valve. You released an update months ago with vague release notes 
about the removal of HTML motds then you modified it and now you just released 
another update. 
If you really cared about the game server operators, you would remove this bs 
"tweak" and give server operators the liberty to use methods to recovery money 
to cover costs and pocket money for their efforts.
Build a better dedicated server that doesn't eat up so many resources so server 
operators don't have to pay $30 a month for a single server to a hosting 

Re: [hlds] Coming soon: changes to TF HTML MOTD support

2013-11-07 Thread Jason Tango
This is kind of a double-edged sword. On one hand, while I certainly hope this 
deals all the "quickplay ad farms" a death blow (although it wouldn't surprise 
me to see the more nefarious folks create some hack(s) to once again circumvent 
these measures), it's a shame that so many long-standing features of the game 
that legitimate server operators use to convey valuable information (and assist 
in community building) are being stripped out bit by bit because of the folks 
whose only concern is/was easy ad impressions.
I still firmly believe the right way to approach the problem is by disabling 
javascript/flash/html5 in the in-game browser itself, and allowing the good old 
basic html MOTD to continue to function as it has for over 5 years. I'm not 
sure if Valve even cares anymore that this approach - while it certainly hurts 
the pinion farms - also makes it that much harder for legitimate server 
operators to build a community around the game.
Our 5+ year old community is, and always has been, fueled by member support 
(donations) that pay the server bills, and this just makes it that much harder 
to get new TF2 players to take a good look at the value we've built into the 
TF2 team - please take the time and take a step back and think about what is in 
the best long-term interest of TF2. This game NEEDS communities built around it 
- they promote and build the game's audience, drive commerce within the game, 
and create and police the best servers so that they don't degenerate into 
free-for-all zones of racsim, bigotry, and a haven for hackers & cheats. 
Just about every major change you've made to the game recently, both in 
introducing quickplay in its current form, AND in stripping out MOTD 
functionality to prevent the kind of ad farms that quickplay made possible in 
the first place,  make it actually seem like you are trying to not only 
marginalize the importance of those communities, but to remove all diversity 
from the game as a whole.
Please think about it, Valve.

From: mc...@doctormckay.com
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 09:59:19 -0500
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Coming soon: changes to TF HTML MOTD support

Nobody forces you to go on servers that have ads. I fail to understand how the 
fact that some servers might use advertisements affects you personally when you 
can easily ignore them.

Dr. McKaywww.doctormckay.com

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Saint K.  wrote:

Anything they do to battle them ad’s gets my vote. For all I care they disable 
the HTML functionality all together.

 Back to oldskool community building where one can only survive on donations. 
Donations means your servers are appreciated.

 Saint K.

 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com 
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of 1nsane

Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 3:38 PM
To: Paul Lewis; Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] Coming soon: changes to TF HTML MOTD support

 There wasn't much point to running MvM servers before. Even less so now it 

Not like you can make a community around stock MvM.

 On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Paul  wrote:

I imagine many communities will close up on using TF2 Quickplay, whether they 
will successfully move to a different game or game mode is another question 
though. I'm switching from having 23 Mann vs Machine servers to trying Slender 
Fortress. If servers switch to being non-reliant on Quickplay then in my view 
that's partly good, as Quickplay from day one was a bad idea in my opinion. It 
doesn't promote or offer options to join servers which are run in an unofficial 
way (e.g. custom gamemodes or custom maps). In the days of Team Fortress 
Classic players had to use the server browser, and those days were better in my 
view. Custom run servers saw more players back then than they typically do in 
TF2 these days.

 It's impossible to use the MOTD for even simple images and links, so is 
practically impossible for a community to make links to things such as donation 
pages to help them cover costs of their servers. I'm expecting to see the 
number of Quickplay servers drop by a reasonable amount, and possibly more 
non-Quickplay servers to open (custom gamemodes and/or custom maps).

 On 7 November 2013 11:00, Element  wrote:

I run a group of servers which are funded from MOTD impressions resulting in my 
small community of players being able to play on servers setup the way they 
like, for FREE.

My servers are in the quickplay pool to help fill the empty spaces for my 
community members, generating mostly full servers consisting of around a 50-50 
mix of members and quickplay traffic.

With my community impressions alone, server costs weren't quite being met each 
month. But when i added them to the quickplay pool, i was then able to use the 
advertising revenue to fully pay for my servers.

But now this is not the case, thanks to valves latest and greatest idea

I will

Re: [hlds] Coming soon: changes to TF HTML MOTD support

2013-11-06 Thread Jason Tango
I assume this is in response to all the server operators who are using those 
MOTD ads and abusing the system?
If so - why can't you simply disable javascript/flash from working instead? 
This action punishes legit server operators (yet again) who don't use any of 
those kinds of advertisements on our servers from showing a standard HTML motd 
- something we were able to do for years until those pinion ad-farms came along.

From: fletch...@valvesoftware.com
To: hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com; hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 23:03:30 +
Subject: [hlds] Coming soon: changes to TF HTML MOTD support

We’re making two changes to TF HTML MOTD support that server operators should 
be aware of:
HTML MOTD’s will no longer be shown by clients that connect via quickplay.  
Those clients will show the plaintext message instead.  (The file identified by 
the convar motdfile_text, which defaults to motd_text.txt.)
When sending a URL to the “info” panel by name, the URL must begin with 
‘http://’ or ‘https://’.  Note that this change does not affect putting a URL 
in motd.txt directly, which has always required a protocol prefix in order for 
 file contents to be interpreted as a URL.

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Re: [hlds] Hide server from certain IP's?

2013-10-22 Thread Jason Tango

Yeah, we added him to our firewall(s), but the point I was making was that it 
would make a server less of a target if we could simply make them not appear in 
the server browser of designated IP's/Steam IDs at all (even though his IP is 
banned, our servers will still appear in the browser, making them a target even 
though he can no longer connect).
After all - if a user can blacklist a server (which makes it not appear in the 
browser when they search), wouldn't it make sense to allow the server to 
blacklist a user?
From: mc...@doctormckay.com
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:00:42 -0400
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Hide server from certain IP's?

Use iptables or a similar firewall to drop all traffic from his IP.

Dr. McKaywww.doctormckay.com

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Jason Tango  wrote:

We've had several DDOS attacks in the past several weeks. We now know the IP 
address of the person who is initiating the attacks (he has admitted as much). 
Unfortunately, he is using some kind of reflection attack that comes from 
hundreds of different IP addresses, so just blocking his IP won't do us much 

My question is - is there some way to prevent our server from even appearing in 
the server browser for his IP address?

It sure would be wonderful for server operators to be able to blacklist certain 
IPs from even being able to see our servers in the server browser ;-)   


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[hlds] Hide server from certain IP's?

2013-10-22 Thread Jason Tango
We've had several DDOS attacks in the past several weeks. We now know the IP 
address of the person who is initiating the attacks (he has admitted as much). 
Unfortunately, he is using some kind of reflection attack that comes from 
hundreds of different IP addresses, so just blocking his IP won't do us much 
My question is - is there some way to prevent our server from even appearing in 
the server browser for his IP address?
It sure would be wonderful for server operators to be able to blacklist certain 
IPs from even being able to see our servers in the server browser ;-)   
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Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP address

2013-10-08 Thread Jason Tango
Correct - and here's something else to consider.
DOS attacks have been on the rise this year, and it only seems they are getting 
worse. Having the server's favorites NOT tied to an IP address would also help 
mitigate these attacks.
Consider this: If server favorites were tied to the 
"server_identity_account_id" instead of IP, if/when  a server was on the 
receiving end of a DOS or DDOS attack, it would be possible tosimply launch 
that server on a different machine/IP address if necessary.
Sure, it would add an expense of keeping a machine in reserve, but it would 
cost far less to do that than some of the DDOS mitigation hosts charge for 
Anyway - I sure would like to hear someone from Valve weigh in on this - is 
there any reason why this change CAN'T be implemented?

> From: peter-h...@jerde.net
> Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 16:01:55 -0500
> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
> Subject: Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP  
> address
> It doesn't matter whether some datacenters are helpful about IP addresses or 
> not... it's still the case that changing providers *always* results in loss 
> of former IP addresses.
> The whole point of this thread is that it would be nice if Steam Server 
> Favorites weren't tied to IPs, but instead to something more permanent, like 
> server_identity_account_id.
> ___
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Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP address

2013-09-27 Thread Jason Tango
I would agree, however there are circumstances that can prevent that. We've 
also been with a good host for over 5 years - but unfortunately, they were sold 
to a larger corporation last year, and their number of server options/packages 
have gone down, while their prices have gone up - which is why we started 
looking elsewhere in the first place.
All we're really asking for is some flexibility that changing the "favorites" 
system to something more server-operator friendly would provide. The current 
system locks you into a single host/datacenter in perpetuity unless you are 
willing to start over again if/when you move.
Frankly, it seems like it would be a relatively easy fix on Valve's part, and 
since there's a huge upside to allowing operators the flexibility to improve 
their hardware, I'm not sure why it hasn't already been addressed.
Cmon, Valve.  Help us out!

> CC: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
> From: ad...@topnotchclan.com
> Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 11:53:55 -0700
> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
> Subject: Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP  
> address
> Find a good host and stick with them. Iv leased 20 or so IPs for 5 years now 
> and have had 3 different hardware configurations. 
> However it does suck to move when you are a smaller community. 
> Sent from my iPhone 5
> > On Sep 26, 2013, at 10:33 PM, ics  wrote:
> > 
> > upgrading hardware doesn't always mean IP change. We have retained our IP's 
> > for years. But i'm all in for keeping my servers in users favorite lists in 
> > other methods too.
> > 
> > -ics
> > 
> > Jason Tango kirjoitti:
> >> 
> >> I would definitely be curious to know how many server operators have 
> >> decided against upgrading their hardware (which would be better for the 
> >> overall game's userbase in the long run) for this very reason.
> >> 
> >> Is it simply the difficulty of implementation? Or is Valve so close to 
> >> releasing Source 2 (that may already have this implemented) that they 
> >> think it's a waste of time?
> >> 
> >> All I DO know is that I would have to recommend against changing IP's to 
> >> anyone that doesn't absolutely have to. It's a disaster to your traffic.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:33:59 -0700
> >> From: thepauls...@gmail.com
> >> To: mreeu...@yahoo.com; hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
> >> Subject: Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP 
> >> address
> >> 
> >> I said this a month ago and I explained why it would be much easier and 
> >> better for Valve to implement DNS instead of tying it to the server 
> >> registration system.
> >> 
> >> When people upgrade you usually change hosts because the old ones have 
> >> gone bad so you cannot keep IPs. My experience with most hosts is that 
> >> they may let you upgrade your server, but they will not fix their network 
> >> providers, add ddos protection, or reduce your costs so you stop paying 
> >> $200/month because that was the standard price 4 years ago.
> >> 
> >> I think what we need to do in order to get this implemented is to 
> >> understand why Valve has ignored this request for so long.
> >> 
> >> This isn't rocket science or as difficult as implementing Source3, so the 
> >> problem must be because Valve doesn't think this will improve anything.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk  >> <mailto:mreeu...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
> >> 
> >>The only way to truly "move" is keeping the old servers for a
> >>while, and point those to the new servers so they can connect and
> >>favorite them. having a turnover time without paralel, would give
> >>    no incentive to the players to add those IP's.
> >> 
> >>I do agree a solution would really be nice to keep your playerbase
> >>of a server. I even proposed various workings for that (via steam
> >>group memberships to have a specific tab / option to show them in
> >>favs). But its been on deaf ears for years now.
> >> 
> >>Also, I never hear anybody about having a chat with the hoster /
> >>datacenter to move the IP's to the new machines.
> >> 
> >>
> >> --

Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP address

2013-09-27 Thread Jason Tango
The issue in our case was the necessity to change providers/datacenters, which 
(of course) negated any chance of transferring IP's.
I just wish we could get an official answer as to why this can or can't be done 
from Valve. There are a ton of great deals out therefor new hardware we would 
love to try, but we don't dare due to the traffic hit.

> Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 18:30:05 +0300
> From: i...@ics-base.net
> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
> Subject: Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP  
> address
> It depends a lot from the hoster. Usually they don't bother to go to the 
> server room. They just move things over network to a server in another 
> ip address and be done with it and wont bother change ip. Too much work 
> and would mess up their network.
> Our hoster keeps our machine and IP that is assigned to it. Even if we 
> change hardware, we get to keep the ip. I can see no reason to change it 
> and our hoster does not either. I can see more reasons to keep it though.
> -ics
> Kyle Sanderson kirjoitti:
> > We used to have to fight our provider pretty hard to retain our IP 
> > addresses. Management would say it's alright, then the rest of the 
> > company would deny it ever occurred and would just close the ticket 
> > feigning ignorance. The whole process would take about two days to get 
> > the addresses transferred to the new, in limbo server. Now they just 
> > charge everyone $20 per /29 block to move. I'm sure there are other 
> > horrible providers, that still do the former.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Kyle.
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 11:33 PM, ics  > <mailto:i...@ics-base.net>> wrote:
> >
> > upgrading hardware doesn't always mean IP change. We have retained
> > our IP's for years. But i'm all in for keeping my servers in users
> > favorite lists in other methods too.
> >
> > -ics
> >
> > Jason Tango kirjoitti:
> >
> >
> > I would definitely be curious to know how many server
> > operators have decided against upgrading their hardware (which
> > would be better for the overall game's userbase in the long
> > run) for this very reason.
> >
> > Is it simply the difficulty of implementation? Or is Valve so
> > close to releasing Source 2 (that may already have this
> > implemented) that they think it's a waste of time?
> >
> > All I DO know is that I would have to recommend against
> > changing IP's to anyone that doesn't absolutely have to. It's
> > a disaster to your traffic.
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> >
> >
> > Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:33:59 -0700
> > From: thepauls...@gmail.com <mailto:thepauls...@gmail.com>
> > To: mreeu...@yahoo.com <mailto:mreeu...@yahoo.com>;
> > hlds@list.valvesoftware.com <mailto:hlds@list.valvesoftware.com>
> > Subject: Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server
> > favorites to IP address
> >
> > I said this a month ago and I explained why it would be much
> > easier and better for Valve to implement DNS instead of tying
> > it to the server registration system.
> >
> > When people upgrade you usually change hosts because the old
> > ones have gone bad so you cannot keep IPs. My experience with
> > most hosts is that they may let you upgrade your server, but
> > they will not fix their network providers, add ddos
> > protection, or reduce your costs so you stop paying $200/month
> > because that was the standard price 4 years ago.
> >
> > I think what we need to do in order to get this implemented is
> > to understand why Valve has ignored this request for so long.
> >
> > This isn't rocket science or as difficult as implementing
> > Source3, so the problem must be because Valve doesn't think
> > this will improve anything.
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk
> > mailto:mreeu...@yahoo.com>
> > <mailto:mreeu...@yahoo.com <mailto:mreeu...@yahoo.com>>> wrote:
> >
> > The only way to truly "move" is keeping the old servers for a
> > while, and point those to the new servers so they 

Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP address

2013-09-26 Thread Jason Tango
The change asked for in that thread would be good, but using the server 
registration would (IMHO) be much simpler. Heck, they could simply make an 
announcement that server registration will now be required for ALL servers (we 
don't bother with our custom map servers at the moment), implement a change 
that stores client favorites in the steam cloud, then run a database 
query/change that links the server in the favorites to the registration info 
instead of IP addess.

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 17:58:31 -0400
From: joewatshis...@gmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP


On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Jason Tango  wrote:

I would definitely be curious to know how many server operators have decided 
against upgrading their hardware (which would be better for the overall game's 
userbase in the long run) for this very reason.

Is it simply the difficulty of implementation? Or is Valve so close to 
releasing Source 2 (that may already have this implemented) that they think 
it's a waste of time?
All I DO know is that I would have to recommend against changing IP's to anyone 
that doesn't absolutely have to. It's a disaster to your traffic.

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:33:59 -0700
From: thepauls...@gmail.com
To: mreeu...@yahoo.com; hlds@list.valvesoftware.com

Subject: Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP

I said this a month ago and I explained why it would be much easier
 and better for Valve to implement DNS instead of tying it to the server
 registration system.

When people upgrade you usually change hosts because the old ones have gone bad 
so you cannot keep IPs. My experience with most hosts is that they may let you 
upgrade your server, but they will not fix their network providers, add ddos 
protection, or reduce your costs so you stop paying $200/month because that was 
the standard price 4 years ago.

I think what we need to do in order to get this implemented is to understand 
why Valve has ignored this request for so long.

This isn't rocket science or as difficult as implementing Source3, so the 
problem must be because Valve doesn't think this will improve anything.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk  wrote:

The only way to truly "move" is keeping the old servers for a while, and point 
those to the new servers so they can connect and favorite them. having a 
turnover time without paralel, would give no incentive to the players to add 
those IP's.

I do agree a solution would really be nice to keep your playerbase of a server. 
I even proposed various workings for that (via steam group memberships to have 
a specific tab / option to show them in favs). But its been on deaf ears for 
years now. 

Also, I never hear anybody about having a chat with the hoster / datacenter to 
move the IP's to the new machines. 

From: Jason Tango 

 To: "hlds@list.valvesoftware.com"  

 Sent: Thursday, 26 September 2013, 22:11
 Subject: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP address


I know this has been brought up many, many timesbut it would seem that with 
the maturity of the server registration system that Valve is now in a perfect 
position to fix this issue which both negatively impacts long-established 
servers, AND prevents server operators from moving to better/improved hardware.

I'm talking about the way server favorites work in the server browser. 
Specifically, the fact that if  - for any reason - a server operator needs to 
change their server's IP address, it disappears from all the users clients who 
have added it to their favorites over the years.

That may not seem like a big deal, but it absolutely IS. It takes months and 
years to build up a strong base of server regulars, and that
 base is virtually destroyed if you change that server's IP address.
For examplewe recently had the opportunity to acquire hardware at a 
significant discount at another server provider that was a significant upgrade 
from our current hardware (from a Q9400 to a E3-1270v3 with a samsung Pro SSD) 
for the same price we were currently paying per month. Wanting to give our 
players the best possible experience, so we decided to make the move.

To prepare, we ran a message for 30 days on the current servers informing the 
players the servers were moving (and the new address). After that 30 day 
period, we flipped the switch, and shutdown the old server, bringing the new 
ones online (the 1270v3 is ridiculously powerful,
Now, these are servers which had previously stayed full for 18+ hours per day 
on a regular basis, with a 24-hour average population (according to HlStats) of 
21 players.

After the first 30 days, the 24-hour average is now down

Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP address

2013-09-26 Thread Jason Tango

I would definitely be curious to know how many server operators have decided 
against upgrading their hardware (which would be better for the overall game's 
userbase in the long run) for this very reason.
Is it simply the difficulty of implementation? Or is Valve so close to 
releasing Source 2 (that may already have this implemented) that they think 
it's a waste of time?
All I DO know is that I would have to recommend against changing IP's to anyone 
that doesn't absolutely have to. It's a disaster to your traffic.

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:33:59 -0700
From: thepauls...@gmail.com
To: mreeu...@yahoo.com; hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP

I said this a month ago and I explained why it would be much easier
 and better for Valve to implement DNS instead of tying it to the server
 registration system.

When people upgrade you usually change hosts because the old ones have gone bad 
so you cannot keep IPs. My experience with most hosts is that they may let you 
upgrade your server, but they will not fix their network providers, add ddos 
protection, or reduce your costs so you stop paying $200/month because that was 
the standard price 4 years ago.

I think what we need to do in order to get this implemented is to understand 
why Valve has ignored this request for so long.

This isn't rocket science or as difficult as implementing Source3, so the 
problem must be because Valve doesn't think this will improve anything.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk  wrote:

The only way to truly "move" is keeping the old servers for a while, and point 
those to the new servers so they can connect and favorite them. having a 
turnover time without paralel, would give no incentive to the players to add 
those IP's.

I do agree a solution would really be nice to keep your playerbase of a server. 
I even proposed various workings for that (via steam group memberships to have 
a specific tab / option to show them in favs). But its been on deaf ears for 
years now. 

Also, I never hear anybody about having a chat with the hoster / datacenter to 
move the IP's to the new machines. 

From: Jason Tango 

 To: "hlds@list.valvesoftware.com"  

 Sent: Thursday, 26 September 2013, 22:11
 Subject: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP address

I know this has been brought up many, many timesbut it would seem that with 
the maturity of the server registration system that Valve is now in a perfect 
position to fix this issue which both negatively impacts long-established 
servers, AND prevents server operators from moving to better/improved hardware.

I'm talking about the way server favorites work in the server browser. 
Specifically, the fact that if  - for any reason - a server operator needs to 
change their server's IP address, it disappears from all the users clients who 
have added it to their favorites over the years.

That may not seem like a big deal, but it absolutely IS. It takes months and 
years to build up a strong base of server regulars, and that
 base is virtually destroyed if you change that server's IP address.
For examplewe recently had the opportunity to acquire hardware at a 
significant discount at another server provider that was a significant upgrade 
from our current hardware (from a Q9400 to a E3-1270v3 with a samsung Pro SSD) 
for the same price we were currently paying per month. Wanting to give our 
players the best possible experience, so we decided to make the move.

To prepare, we ran a message for 30 days on the current servers informing the 
players the servers were moving (and the new address). After that 30 day 
period, we flipped the switch, and shutdown the old server, bringing the new 
ones online (the 1270v3 is ridiculously powerful,
Now, these are servers which had previously stayed full for 18+ hours per day 
on a regular basis, with a 24-hour average population (according to HlStats) of 
21 players.

After the first 30 days, the 24-hour average is now down to 6 players, and they 
only fill up roughly 4-6 hours per day.
And therein lies the problem. We did (we believe) what was absolutely the right 
thing in that we chose to upgrade our hardware solely for the purpose of giving 
our players a better, smoother, more state of the art gaming experience. The 
server runs wonderfully (3 full servers uses less than 7% CPU!), and the 
players who ARE playing on them regularly comment on the improvement to frame 
rate, stability, and map load times.

The only
 thing on our end that changed as far as server configuration was the IP - and 
it has essentially KILLED the traffic to those servers, forcing us to basically 
start over from scratch trying to build our server traffic back up (and no, we 
don't run any of those atrocious MOTD ads or anythi

Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP address

2013-09-26 Thread Jason Tango
Sorry about that  - I'm not sure why outlook did that.

From: asher...@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 22:18:57 +0100
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP

Is your email in enough different font sizes?
"Their heads are green, and their hands are blue,
  And they went to sea in a Sieve." - Edward Lear

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 10:11 PM, Jason Tango  wrote:

I know this has been brought up many, many timesbut it would seem that with 
the maturity of the server registration system that Valve is now in a perfect 
position to fix this issue which both negatively impacts long-established 
servers, AND prevents server operators from moving to better/improved hardware.

I'm talking about the way server favorites work in the server browser. 
Specifically, the fact that if  - for any reason - a server operator needs to 
change their server's IP address, it disappears from all the users clients who 
have added it to their favorites over the years.

That may not seem like a big deal, but it absolutely IS. It takes months and 
years to build up a strong base of server regulars, and that base is virtually 
destroyed if you change that server's IP address.

For examplewe recently had the opportunity to acquire hardware at a 
significant discount at another server provider that was a significant upgrade 
from our current hardware (from a Q9400 to a E3-1270v3 with a samsung Pro SSD) 
for the same price we were currently paying per month. Wanting to give our 
players the best possible experience, so we decided to make the move.

To prepare, we ran a message for 30 days on the current servers informing the 
players the servers were moving (and the new address). After that 30 day 
period, we flipped the switch, and shutdown the old server, bringing the new 
ones online (the 1270v3 is ridiculously powerful, BTW).

Now, these are servers which had previously stayed full for 18+ hours per day 
on a regular basis, with a 24-hour average population (according to HlStats) of 
21 players.

After the first 30 days, the 24-hour average is now down to 6 players, and they 
only fill up roughly 4-6 hours per day.
And therein lies the problem. We did (we believe) what was absolutely the right 
thing in that we chose to upgrade our hardware solely for the purpose of giving 
our players a better, smoother, more state of the art gaming experience. The 
server runs wonderfully (3 full servers uses less than 7% CPU!), and the 
players who ARE playing on them regularly comment on the improvement to frame 
rate, stability, and map load times.

The only thing on our end that changed as far as server configuration was the 
IP - and it has essentially KILLED the traffic to those servers, forcing us to 
basically start over from scratch trying to build our server traffic back up 
(and no, we don't run any of those atrocious MOTD ads or anything - our servers 
are supported by donations only).

The fix, it would seem, would be relatively easy. Why not tie the server 
favorites to the server registration information instead?
Connecting the favorites to IP address does nothing but prevent server 
operators from upgrading/moving to better equipment and/or datacenters, and 
severely limits the options we have to improve the gaming environments for our 
players. I, for one, won't be upgrading/moving anything else if it means I have 
to change IP addresses. It's simply not worth the traffic loss you incur as a 

Please make this a priority, Valve. The time has come.


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[hlds] Problems caused by connecting server favorites to IP address

2013-09-26 Thread Jason Tango
I know this has been brought up many, many timesbut it would seem that with 
the maturity of the server registration system that Valve is now in a perfect 
position to fix this issue which both negatively impacts long-established 
servers, AND prevents server operators from moving to better/improved hardware.
I'm talking about the way server favorites work in the server browser. 
Specifically, the fact that if  - for any reason - a server operator needs to 
change their server's IP address, it disappears from all the users clients who 
have added it to their favorites over the years.
That may not seem like a big deal, but it absolutely IS. It takes months and 
years to build up a strong base of server regulars, and that base is virtually 
destroyed if you change that server's IP address.
For examplewe recently had the opportunity to acquire hardware at a 
significant discount at another server provider that was a significant upgrade 
from our current hardware (from a Q9400 to a E3-1270v3 with a samsung Pro SSD) 
for the same price we were currently paying per month. Wanting to give our 
players the best possible experience, so we decided to make the move.
To prepare, we ran a message for 30 days on the current servers informing the 
players the servers were moving (and the new address). After that 30 day 
period, we flipped the switch, and shutdown the old server, bringing the new 
ones online (the 1270v3 is ridiculously powerful, BTW).
Now, these are servers which had previously stayed full for 18+ hours per day 
on a regular basis, with a 24-hour average population (according to HlStats) of 
21 players.
After the first 30 days, the 24-hour average is now down to 6 players, and they 
only fill up roughly 4-6 hours per day.
And therein lies the problem. We did (we believe) what was absolutely the right 
thing in that we chose to upgrade our hardware solely for the purpose of giving 
our players a better, smoother, more state of the art gaming experience. The 
server runs wonderfully (3 full servers uses less than 7% CPU!), and the 
players who ARE playing on them regularly comment on the improvement to frame 
rate, stability, and map load times.
The only thing on our end that changed as far as server configuration was the 
IP - and it has essentially KILLED the traffic to those servers, forcing us to 
basically start over from scratch trying to build our server traffic back up 
(and no, we don't run any of those atrocious MOTD ads or anything - our servers 
are supported by donations only).
The fix, it would seem, would be relatively easy. Why not tie the server 
favorites to the server registration information instead?
Connecting the favorites to IP address does nothing but prevent server 
operators from upgrading/moving to better equipment and/or datacenters, and 
severely limits the options we have to improve the gaming environments for our 
players. I, for one, won't be upgrading/moving anything else if it means I have 
to change IP addresses. It's simply not worth the traffic loss you incur as a 
Please make this a priority, Valve. The time has come.
Thanks.   ___
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[hlds] Steam Content srvers down (east coast)

2013-09-10 Thread Jason Tango
I've been trying to install a new TF2 server all morning, and I keep getting 
the following message:
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.ERROR! Timed out waiting for 
AppInfo update.
Are the content servers down for some reason?   
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Re: [hlds] Floating Intel glitch

2013-08-29 Thread Jason Tango
As a matter of fact, yes.

From: mc...@doctormckay.com
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 13:31:11 -0400
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Floating Intel glitch

Do you use the SourceMod plugin "AFK Manager"?

Dr. McKaywww.doctormckay.com

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 8:47 PM, Jason Tango  wrote:

Has anyone else seen this old glitch resurface? We've had a half dozen players 
using the "floating Intel Glitch" on 2Fort over the last few days.
Does anyone know how to block it?



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[hlds] Floating Intel glitch

2013-08-27 Thread Jason Tango
Has anyone else seen this old glitch resurface? We've had a half dozen players 
using the "floating Intel Glitch" on 2Fort over the last few days.
Does anyone know how to block it? ___
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[hlds] Small issues since the last patch

2013-07-26 Thread Jason Tango
I've noticed a couple of small bugs since the last patch.
First is probably client-side (I think - but I'm not sure so I'll post it here 
as well). A number of users have complained about the "Gib Messages" appearing 
on their screens (the "your liver", "your torso", etc.) and not going away. I 
was able to duplicate that last night myself (played a few rounds of a CP map 
with those 8 of those messages "stuck" on my screen).
The other is a strange issue I can't identify the cause of yet - all of my 
24-slot "vanilla-settings", quickplay-enabled servers have "hung" at least once 
today, some twice. The hung server needed a manual restart to get going again.
This is on a windows 2008R2 server. I say this issue is strange because it has 
not happened on any of my 32-slot non-quickplay servers.
Anyone else seeing these issues?

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Re: [hlds] mp_stalemate_enable/mp_stalemate_meleeonly Causing Crashes

2013-07-23 Thread Jason Tango
Probably a stupid question - but have you been trying it on a full server? The 
crashes we've been seeing have been happening on servers with 32 players.
I wish I had saved some of the crash dumps - I can try to get some tonight. The 
symptoms are simply this:
- server settings are mp_stalemate_enable "1" , mp_stalemate_meleeonly "1" and 
mp_stalemate_timelimit "180"
- server clock runs out, and server attempts to go into sudden death
- server crashes immediately
*I've tried this with and without Sourcemod/Metamod enabled, and the crash 
persists, so I think we can eliminate Sourcemod as a cause.
From: er...@valvesoftware.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com; hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 21:41:48 +
Subject: Re: [hlds] mp_stalemate_enable/mp_stalemate_meleeonly Causing Crashes

We’ve been trying to reproduce this crash and haven’t been able to. We’ve tried 
TF2 dedicated servers for Linux and Windows (even 2008R2) and can’t get the 
 to crash with these settings in the server.cfg:
mp_stalemate_enable 1
mp_stalemate_at_timelimit 0
mp_stalemate_meleeonly 1
mp_match_end_at_timelimit 0
We’ve been testing on TC_Hydro by letting the round timer run out. Please email 
me if you the steps to reproduce the crash or if you have any crash dump files.

From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com 
On Behalf Of Jason Tango

Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 3:06 PM

To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com

Subject: [hlds] mp_stalemate_enable/mp_stalemate_meleeonly Causing Crashes




Ever since the July 10 "balancing" update, setting
mp_stalemate_enable "1" & mp_stalemate_meleeonly "1" causes our windows 2008R2 
TF2 servers to crash every time.


Our players really miss melee-only sudden death - is a fix for this in the 

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[hlds] mp_stalemate_enable/mp_stalemate_meleeonly Causing Crashes

2013-07-22 Thread Jason Tango
Ever since the July 10 "balancing" update, setting mp_stalemate_enable "1" & 
mp_stalemate_meleeonly "1" causes our windows 2008R2 TF2 servers to crash every 
Our players really miss melee-only sudden death - is a fix for this in the 
works? ___
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Re: [hlds] (no subject)

2013-06-16 Thread Jason Tango
Make that four accounts.

From: serverg...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 20:19:06 -0400
Subject: [hlds] (no subject)

Way to attack people contributing to the list!!  What makes you think they are 
the same person? because they disagree with your wrong opinion? Which one of 
those people said anything about "quickplay" at all? do you actually read what 
people write or do you just make things up in your head and respond in kind? A 
few loud mouths do not reflect the opinions of all.  - Original Message 
From: Evourr [evo...@gmail.com]
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server 
mailing list 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 MOTD and 
The problem is this thread got derailed by one user with 
3 subscribed accounts. (Liquid Source, Steam Commander, and Valve 
Additional information added to the return of the 
"status" command would suit your needs.
The problem with your original statement is that you 
wanted Valve to implement a restriction on the quickplay clients so the motd 
completely disabled, but you only wanted it so you could detect quickplay 
clients. (That's just bad practice.)  

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Re: [hlds] NO to in game advertising

2013-06-05 Thread Jason Tango
Wow, that's brutal, even if unintended. I can see what they're trying to do - 
but this will probably alienate players even more.
I think the solution to all the player complaints would be to simply disallow 
quickplay traffic to Pinion servers. That way, server operators can still use 
it if they wish, but they will need to attract & build traffic the 
old-fashioned way (via the server browser).
I honestly think that's the litmus test for a good server environment - will it 
stay full without quickplay? For pinion/3rd party ad supported servers (that 
interrupt the natural operation/flow of the game to force an ad on players), I 
doubt they would survive without being constantly fed easy traffic.

Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 21:00:36 -0400
From: 1nsane...@gmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] NO to in game advertising

It's not on purpose. Just a side effect of their implementation.
What they did was add a dynamic timer. So if there's no ad you can skip right 
away, if there is an ad it prevents you from closing it while the ad is 
playing. And all of this is queried in real time. So a 13 second ad will only 
prevent you for 13 seconds.

Where as before their system would just force everyone to wait 30 or whatever 
seconds. Even when there was no ad.
Now if you have Pinion blocked in one way or another, it will assume your video 
is taking a long time to load and will wait as long as the plugin allows (which 
was decreased to 40 seconds in the new plugin or something).

I haven't looked at the code in a while either, but that's what it was like 

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 8:33 PM, Doctor McKay  wrote:

Evidently, Pinion has implemented procedures to delay the game for players who 
block their ad server in their hosts file. I haven't looked at the code though, 
I'm only going from what SPUF has spewed forth.

Honestly, just blacklisting the servers is your best bet. If you believe that a 
server that forces advertisements on its players is of poor quality, why would 
you consciously choose to play on it? Regardless, this is a discussion for 
SPUF/SPUD, and it's already been beaten into the ground several times over 

Doctor McKay


On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk  wrote:

Nah, thats a blacklist for in TF2, so you don't see those servers.

technically its not a ad-blocker. creating the hosts file to block the advert 
server of pinion would be considered such.

 From: Christopher Andrews 

 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list 
 Sent: Wednesday, 5 June 2013, 15:35

 Subject: Re: [hlds] NO to in game advertising
Didn't Dr. McKay already make one?

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Patrick Delle Grazie 

Here’s an idea.  Why don’t one of you stalwarts create an in game ad blocker. J 
 But then of course you’d have to advertise it

to get people to use it. ;)  



From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com 
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Saint K.

Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 9:26 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] NO to in game advertising
It's a server discussion mailing list, we, the server operators make the call 
on advertisements.

No need for SPUF, perfectly valid here.

Saint K.
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] 
on behalf of Sebastian Iskra [seabas...@gmail.com]

Sent: 05 June 2013 14:18
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] NO to in game advertising
Once upon a time there was SPUF. /thread.  On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 8:04 AM, 
Saint K.  wrote:

Once upon a time there was an era where community's survived on donations. 
Receiving donations was an indication of the community doing a good job, after 
all, if they weren't, they wouldn't receive donations and the community 
wouldn't last.

With crap like Pinion nowadays all that counts is luring people in to connect 
and then earn money per player being forced to watch the pinion crap in their 
MOTD (MVM matchmaking and quickplay makes for an easy task to do this).

You can host the most shittiest servers now and still earn money to survive.

I for one would like to see VALVe picks up their old policies again, where 
advertising in their games was completely prohibited.

Want to have better quality servers again VALVe? Then make sure you get rid of 
crap like Pinion.

My 2 cents.

Saint K.
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] 
on behalf of Devin [hollan...@gmail.com]

Sent: 04 June 2013 17:50 

To: 'Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list'
Subject: Re: [hlds] NO to in game advertising

 Valve and Pinion are independent companies. Pinion is designed to help offset 
the overhead required to host servers, web sites, etc. Valve isn’t going to 
force you to start using pinion. My

Re: [hlds] Fake Client Fool

2013-05-31 Thread Jason Tango

If people want to spend their time as the "quickplay police force", that's fine 
by me - but I believe Valve has said on numerous occasions that this mailing 
list is not the place to "name and shame" other server operators. There are 
proper venues for reporting perceived violations, and this list isn't one o f 
Do I think people who aren't setting the proper tags should be dropped from 
quickplay? Absolutely.but pointing fingers in a public forum just leads to 
the more nefarious readers of this list into doing things (like attacking the 
servers/community in question) against operators that may or may not be doing 
anything wrong. It's easy to accuse people (and equally easy to falsify 
"evidence") - but the only people here whose responsibility to dole out 
punishment should be the Valve team.
So - how about we have enough respect for each other to use the proper channels 
for these reports, as opposed to starting virtual witch hunts.  
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Re: [hlds] Dynamic Slots & the Policy of Truth

2013-05-05 Thread Jason Tango
I actually agree, in theory. In fact, the system we had been working on would 
have given the existing players on the server a 90-second "warning" that the 
server was going to change conditions (i.e. increase player slots), so they 
would be given fair warning if they wished to leave first. The system also 
performed checks to insure that the proper sv_tags were always set (to prevent 
any accidental omissions/glitches) when the slots were increased.
I also agree that as long as the sv-tags are correct and describe the 
current/active server conditions, then a server operator is staying within the 
letter of the "law".
However, I still think it's important that we get an "official" ruling on this 
issue from Fletcher & co. - if for no other reason than to prevent any 
misunderstandings with the TF2 team.

From: saul.renni...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 5 May 2013 13:57:35 +0100
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Dynamic Slots & the Policy of Truth

As long as you report increased_maxplayers when you increase your maxplayers, 
you aren't lying whatsoever, and so complying with the Policy of Truth.

Kind regards,Saul Rennison

On 5 May 2013 13:46, Jason Tango  wrote:

Fletcher Dunn and/or TF2 Team:
Can we get a ruling on the use of "Dynamic Slots" with TF2/CS:S servers and 
their compliance with the Policy of Truth?
Specifically, there are server operators using them to keep their servers at 24 
slots (to gain the maximum benefit from quickplay, I assume) until they fill, 
and then switching them to a higher slot count, etc. I know that there are much 
fewer server operators using these anymore (and one of the major TF2 gaming 
communities stopped using them about 6 months ago simply because they didn't 
want to run afoul of the "Policy of Truth"), but there are still quite a few 
operators using them, and it gives them an advantage (when filling their 
servers) as a result.

I asked Fletcher this question many months ago, but never received a reply. We 
were considering using a similar system to keep our servers at a slot count of 
24 until one of our donators needed to join a full server, at which time we 
would have the system change to a 32 slot server (and report all appropriate 
tags, etc.). We had no intention to "game the system", but we wanted to 
maximize server population while preventing as many players as possible from 
getting kicked due to reserved slots. 

In the end, since we never received an answer back, we decided to err on the 
side of caution and not use a such a system.
I know this is kind of a "grey" area, because on one hand Fletcher has said the 
"Policy of Truth" says that all servers must report the correct sv_tags that 
are actively in use, so technically, as long as the server reports 
"increased_maxplayers" when they change to 25+ slots, then I suppose they are 
in compliance, but as I've never heard a definitive yes or no as to whether 
this type of system would cross the line, I just wanted to pose the question 
here so we can know if using the kind of system I described above (to prevent 
too many reserved-slot kicks) would be ok.

To be clear - this is not meant to "call anyone out" who are using dynamic 
slots, I'm merely trying to finally get a ruling on their use and compliance 
with the "Policy of Truth"



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[hlds] Dynamic Slots & the Policy of Truth

2013-05-05 Thread Jason Tango
Fletcher Dunn and/or TF2 Team:
Can we get a ruling on the use of "Dynamic Slots" with TF2/CS:S servers and 
their compliance with the Policy of Truth?
Specifically, there are server operators using them to keep their servers at 24 
slots (to gain the maximum benefit from quickplay, I assume) until they fill, 
and then switching them to a higher slot count, etc. I know that there are much 
fewer server operators using these anymore (and one of the major TF2 gaming 
communities stopped using them about 6 months ago simply because they didn't 
want to run afoul of the "Policy of Truth"), but there are still quite a few 
operators using them, and it gives them an advantage (when filling their 
servers) as a result.
I asked Fletcher this question many months ago, but never received a reply. We 
were considering using a similar system to keep our servers at a slot count of 
24 until one of our donators needed to join a full server, at which time we 
would have the system change to a 32 slot server (and report all appropriate 
tags, etc.). We had no intention to "game the system", but we wanted to 
maximize server population while preventing as many players as possible from 
getting kicked due to reserved slots. 
In the end, since we never received an answer back, we decided to err on the 
side of caution and not use a such a system.
I know this is kind of a "grey" area, because on one hand Fletcher has said the 
"Policy of Truth" says that all servers must report the correct sv_tags that 
are actively in use, so technically, as long as the server reports 
"increased_maxplayers" when they change to 25+ slots, then I suppose they are 
in compliance, but as I've never heard a definitive yes or no as to whether 
this type of system would cross the line, I just wanted to pose the question 
here so we can know if using the kind of system I described above (to prevent 
too many reserved-slot kicks) would be ok.
To be clear - this is not meant to "call anyone out" who are using dynamic 
slots, I'm merely trying to finally get a ruling on their use and compliance 
with the "Policy of Truth"
Thanks.   ___
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