[hlds_linux] Identifying which content server is being used

2007-08-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg
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Hey there,

I remember a few years ago there was either a utility, or a hldsupdatetool 
argument, or some other way to tell which content server a clientregistry.blob 
was pointing to. Can anyone remember what it was? I can't find it via google 
for the life of me. I'm trying to help someone debug some very strange steam 
update behaviour.

Cheers  thanks,


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Re: [hlds_linux] Identifying which content server is being used

2007-08-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg


- Original Message -
From: Kevin Ottalini [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hldsupdatetool -command ticketexplorer

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS 1.6 in game Ads

2007-03-07 Thread Andrew Forsberg

- Original Message -

Actually, you can't. Remember a while back when a company was putting
ads into CS:S servers? Valve said it was against the EULA and they had to

If you're advertising your server/website they probably won't say much,
if you're putting sponsored ads for products, they want to reserve the
rights to be the only ones doing that.

Hmmm, I don't remember that. What about cases like Mani's Admin Plugin's

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS 1.6 in game Ads

2007-03-07 Thread Andrew Forsberg

Re: CS: Source having ads:

On 08/03/2007, at 6:06 AM, Cc2iscooL wrote:

Not until it hits $9.99.

My point exactly.

CS 1.6 is an old game that is costing them a lot more money to run
than they're making out of it. You may be running a server for love
or profit, or both. Valve is a business too, and has responsibilities
to the shareholders to remain profitable. That the content servers
and network is still running AND being upgraded all the time is to
their credit. No doubt many of their staff still play 1.6 for fun as

On the other hand, you can count the number of EA's CNC games with
current lobby systems running on the fingers of no hands. They made
their money and then dump the project in the hands of the community,
or third parties like IGN, and if nobody else picks up the ball,
well, tough shit.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS 1.6 in game Ads

2007-03-07 Thread Andrew Forsberg

On 08/03/2007, at 10:25 AM, Saint K. wrote:

Dont you think supporting a game once its released has been pre-
in the bugets?

When the budget has expired do you want to see support for the game
cease completely? or could you put up with a few small ads here and

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS 1.6 in game Ads

2007-03-07 Thread Andrew Forsberg

From: Thomas S. Crum - AAA Web Solution

Why not turn the source code over to the community that supported it in
the first place.  That is if this is truly an intellectual debate speaking
to what is best for everyone and not just a sponging revenue off a
deprecated product discussion.

Good point. That's what they do with the older versions of Quake. But, are
the older Quake versions still supported by content/lobby servers?

Maybe you could rephrase that to: how about they turn over the
content-serving code to the community and GSPs so they can manage 1.6 and
hldm and the other goldsource mods?

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS 1.6 in game Ads

2007-03-06 Thread Andrew Forsberg

On Tue, 6 Mar 2007, Frederick P wrote:

don't see any reason for this idea to be added to Ad unless if it is a
marketing scheme to kill off CS 1.6 and get people into CS Source.

Hmmm, I doubt that. CS *was* a cash cow, but I imagine sales figures for it
these days are rather slim. They've got a lot of gear, a lot of bandwidth,
and a lot of staff to maintain. That costs $$$s. Why should sales of new
games continue to support their old one? Obviously because if they got rid
of that support the backlash would be immediate, and permanent.

From: Marcel Beringer
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 7:49 AM

As I have mentioned before, I finance my hardware and server connectivity
myself, no ISP sponsoring me whatsoever. I do not need Valve to make
advertisements on my server

Erm, tough! :-) You could always put your own ads on the server to finance
your hardware and connection.

Sorry, I don't want to sound like a valve fanboy or anything, and I
personally dislike having dynamic ads in games that I've played and enjoyed
for years, but if it's a choice between ads, or decreasing quality and
quantity of support and service for CS 1.6, then I'll choose the ads. I
think the situation is quite different from the bf2142 one. Besides, so far
it seems they're just advertising their own products, which makes sense --
1.6 is helping promote the current generation of games.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Speakeasy security module wont load no matter what

2007-02-13 Thread Andrew Forsberg

- Original Message -
From: linux penguin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some ppl said here that its better to run the 32 bit binary on a 32 bit OS.

False,  imo. At least your OS and any supporting processes will gain
whatever advantages there are from a 64bit processor.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: XEON or Opteron?

2007-01-17 Thread Andrew Forsberg

On 18/01/2007, at 1:16 PM, Valtteri Kiviniemi wrote:

Also, if i run 32bit HLDS servers in 64bit debian the server fps is
333. Why?

With 64bit binary the fps is constant 500, and CPU usage is only a few

64 bit hlds native is no longer supported by Valve. It did run
considerably better, but they haven't maintained it for well over a
year. You have to choose between a binary suited to your
architecture, or a binary which has all the latest patches. I opted
for the latter with my machines, but I know other admins have chosen
to stick with the old 64bit builds.

I do wonder if the compulsory advertising within cs 1.6 games will
cause the 64 bit build engine to become incompatible with 1.6
clients. If so you'll have no choice but to move to the 32 bit builds.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Using screen as a virutal terminal.

2006-12-18 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Sun, 2006-12-17 at 15:02 +, Dave M3PH Williams wrote:
 as you guys are probably aware i'm new to this whole running linux
 servers thing. I've been doing some reading on screen as i know some of
 you guys use it. But there is one concept i don't understand. how do i
 get screen to capture the running tty session in a bash script?

I think everyone is too busy screaming at valve at the moment to help
you. :-)

Anyway -- while I don't personally bother with screen, you shouldn't
really need to capture the TTY session. Your hlds or srcds logs will
contain all the info you need in the appropriate logs/ directory.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Using screen as a virutal terminal.

2006-12-18 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Tue, 2006-12-19 at 00:37 +, Dave M3PH Williams wrote:
 Screen for
 me is a necessity for me as when we get our hardware in (atm this is all
 leaning and practise) we plan on running as many servers as possible (my
 numbers say 8 but we'll see) on a dual core processor.

Yea, I run between 6 and 10, depending on the way the wind's blowing.
Never felt any need for screen, tbh. There's always kkrcon or similar
console apps if you need them on linux/bsd or via ssh, or if you're in
windows then hlsw ftw. Screen just seems like a waste of cycles to me,
but each to their own.


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Re: [hlds_linux] VALVe wants advertisements in CS 1.6

2006-12-11 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 15:00 +0100, kama wrote:

 But I do agree that they really are stepping on our feets. We pay a lot of
 money for setting up good servers sollutions. If we should count all the
 ongoing costs that needs to be paid for setting up the servers we end up
 with a lot of money. Ongoing costs mostly includes Colo and the work hours
 we do.

Well, perhaps one thing that would soothe server admins would be if
valve re-enabled the little custom advert that used to show up while you
were joining a server. However I suspect that spot is now reserved for
paying advertisers. :-/

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Re: [SPAM:: score=4.0] RE: [hlds_linux] VALVe wants advertisements in CS 1.6

2006-12-11 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 16:12 -0500, Scott Tuttle wrote:
 The second location was removed for liability issues.

Oh, I didn't realize that. I thought it just got dropped off when they
released VAC2. I know Alfred said it was never coming back, but I don't
remember anyone saying why.

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Re: [SPAM:: score=4.0] Re: [hlds_linux] VALVe wants advertisements in CS 1.6

2006-12-11 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 22:33 +, Dave M3pH!sT0pL3s Williams wrote:
  The gaming companies really need to start go through all the
 costs on all levels. Sooner or later all the communties will stop
 supporting the games and they have to set up all the servers themself and
 administrating them will not be an easy task

You mean like MMOs? :-)

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Re: [hlds_linux] (no subject)

2006-12-05 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 15:10 -0800, jonatan sandberg wrote:
 [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

 Ok I though I wouldn't have to deal with the kind of attitude i got from some 
 of you people.
 Seriously, shame on you!

Try the hlcoders list. The hlds_linux list is for linux admins of valve
software, not plugin writers. AFAIK 100 tick is bugged, and has been for
some time. As stated by others, it really is more or less a waste of
resources via the internet anyway, but may perform better on LAN.

Have you tried a variety of server boxes/platforms just in case you can
find a combo that does work?

Finally, don't say 'shame on you' to a list of admins who mostly agree
that it is a waste of resources, and frequently results in *worse*
performance than a properly configured tick66 server. You asked, you got
an answer. You didn't like the answer... Tough.

Again, try the hlcoders list. There may be someone there who has tried
to solve the same problem and succeeded.

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RE: [hlds_linux] Half-Life 1 Dedicated server update

2006-10-26 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 18:19 +1300, Scott Pettit wrote:
 Forcing it to load amd64 fixed the issue.

Oh gods. Why are you using that?

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RE: [hlds_linux] Half-Life 1 Dedicated server update

2006-10-26 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 20:00 +1300, Scott Pettit wrote:
 Because we don't have any x86 swervers : 

 amd64 has always worked nicely for me.

Fair enough. I'd have thought vac and engine updates would have been
enough to sway you toward using hlds_amd instead. As Michael's just
pointed out, Valve's not even pretending to include 64bit builds any

Each to their own.

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RE: [hlds_linux] Half-Life 1 Dedicated server update

2006-10-26 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 20:41 +1300, Scott Pettit wrote:
 I've never quite understood all the drama about 64bit VAC - it's just an anti
 cheat, it doesn't need that much grunt.

It's nothing to do with grunt, it's to do with non-existence. Like going
to the library and finding the book you want is in traditional Chinese
script only, and you're language is Russian...

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Re: AW: [hlds_linux] Error downloading Security Module from Speakeasy.net - VAC gets disabled

2006-10-24 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 23:07 +0200, kama wrote:
 I just dont understand why the dont delete the option to download the
 64bit through steam.

 On servers that currently running 64 bit, just put up a Sorry, this
 plattform is not supported at the moment.  Please download and install the
 32bit version instead. and then dont allow clients to join.

 And once they will be ready for a release of the full 64bit version, just
 pop a message on the different news, forums and mailinglists. Hopefully
 valve will get less Why dont you support 64bit version? type of messages
 every month.


Yea, not a bad idea. Another one would be to update the steampowered
download for the hlds update tool so people don't: a) get really
confused before they've even started to try to run a server; b) post the
same question on this list all the time. :)

But, we've all got to do lists. The length of mine isn't anything to
brag about. lol.

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Re: AW: [hlds_linux] Error downloading Security Module from Speakeasy.net - VAC gets disabled

2006-10-23 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Sun, 2006-10-22 at 22:48 +0200, k-mystik wrote:
 Indeed not the greatest performer.

TBH, I find recent 32 bit builds perform on a rough par with the
discontinued 64 bit builds from yester-year. YMMV.

 On top of that, 64bit technology is one of the key feature in our game
 server rental solutions.
 So, downgrading to 32bit is not an option... :-(

Tell your customers they have two options: an extremely out of date
64bit service, or an up to date 32 bit. Point out that the background
services on your box are all running 64 bit builds which helps with
performance overall, but that valve have higher priorities than 64 bit
binaries for their games.

You can't force them to release binaries that they don't want to, or
don't have the time to. Although I do find it curious as to why the
unmodified straight rebuilds for 64bit platform, which they initially
reported having such amazing results, can't be released simultaneously.

 Why did Valve give up support/maintenance to 64bit version?

Too-hard basket? Better things to devote dev time to? They enjoy raging
GSPs and the hlds_linux list once or twice a month when this topic comes
up? Bribery from Intel to stay 32bit? :-) Who knows?

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Re: [hlds_linux] Memory Issues?

2006-10-12 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2006-10-12 at 21:38 -0500, Cc2iscooL wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 2x44 man? What supercomputer are you running?

$50 down on the table that it's a typo for 24 player.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Memory Issues?

2006-10-12 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2006-10-12 at 22:36 -0500, Kyle Caulfield wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Also, two 44 man servers does not take a super computer...

 Thanks in advance,

Hell, I've gotta stop gambling.

As already said: 2 x 44 + 2 x 12 = 112 slots is way too much for 1GB of
RAM. You are going to have to put more RAM in, and then your problems
should go away.

They're not being jerks, you've just pushed the boundaries of your
system way too far. Try using the 'free' command from a terminal to see
what's going on.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Disabling Valve Authentication

2006-10-05 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Yea, this subject comes up almost every week. Could a summary please be
put on the Valve support site? Along with instructions for 64 bit users
as to how to force their server to use 32 bit binaries (i.e., add
-binary ./srcds_amd to your command line)? Might save a lot of
frustration for new server admins.

It would also help folk choose server hardware more responsibly.
Currently google searches for terms like steam cs source 64 bit turns
up this:
which is obviously no longer true.

New gaming server providers could spend a very large amount of money on
equipment which will just not get used to anywhere near its full
potential based on the outdated publicly announced information.

I'm not really complaining -- I love my opteron server. :) But it'd be
cool if this subject would die, or get resolved.

On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 18:21 -0500, Cc2iscooL wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

 On 10/5/06, Adam-CEO [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thats because VAC2 doesn't support 64bit? Hence why people don't use the
  64bit binary on the opteron servers?

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Re: [hlds_linux] Disabling Valve Authentication

2006-10-05 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 13:43 +1300, Andrew Forsberg wrote:
 which is obviously no longer true.

Oops, my bad. Yes, that is still true, but by saying the source engine
operates on 64 bit platforms a reader could get the false impression
that this is also true for servers. That false impression could be
backed up by a previous press release about how much server performance
was improved by simply recompiling for the new platform with little or
no changes.

It'd be better to come clean and announce on the support site that it's
no longer supported, but may be at some stage in the future.

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Re: AW: [hlds_linux] CS:S - Net-Code FIX - open letter

2006-10-02 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2006-10-02 at 13:18 +0200, Lefty wrote:
 To make it short: There could be a bug in the lag compensation/interpolation
 code. I don't think it was the intention of Valve that a moving player can
 see a non moving player earlier.

I guess that might just be because the non-moving player isn't sending
any location updates, so their position doesn't need to be interpolated.
Or if it is sending updates / being interpolated, then it's
interpolating that the player is still not moving based on the recent
history of the player standing still.

The moving player is sending new location information continuously, so
interpolation will have to come into effect.

Can you think of any way the moving person's location could be known as
accurately across all clients as a stationary person's location? This
doesn't seem like a 'bug' to me. It's just the way things have to be.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S - Net-Code FIX - open letter

2006-10-01 Thread Andrew Forsberg
I really must be missing something here. The guy turns off interpolation
and then complains that there's no longer any lag compensation. He then
turns on interpolation and complains that there is lag compensation.


1) Got teh internets? Got latency.

2) If you're on a dedicated lan, as stated by Valve many times before:
feel free to turn off interpolation. You probably don't need it. This is
especially true of decent switched gigabit networks.

3) If you're playing games over the internet then you want to make sure
that what you can see, and shoot legitimately on your screen, gets hit.
Even if that means that the player you shot gets retrospectively killed
after he/she thinks they've moved away from that location.

Really, it seems the argument is that gamers can't understand why there
is latency, or use any of the methods provided to deal with it. Then the
blame is put on bad 'netcode', specifically Valve's CS Source netcode,
because the gamer in question messed around with a few variables without
any clear understanding of what they do.

Short version: if you have little or no latency, turn off interpolation.
If you have latency above a few ms, then you probably should turn it on
and just play the game. What you actually shot will get hit (give or
take a few ms, but it will still count as a hit in the original time).

The game as you see it is not identical to the game as everyone else
sees it because, to date, computer networks do not have a light speed
hive mind. There's no point in comparing differing screenshots timed
across networked computers. All that's doing is confirming the need for
lag compensation in the first place.

When will this subject die?


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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S - Net-Code FIX - open letter

2006-10-01 Thread Andrew Forsberg

 When will this subject die?


Another suggestion, and equally worthy of an open letter, is to ask
Valve to hardcode the settings in so gamers and server providers can
stop messing around with the variables completely, and simply play the

*That* would be closer to CS 1.6's net code, and probably solve the
problem with less dead-chicken waving from the punters.

Alternatively, build the whole thing into a 'lan mode' and 'internet
mode' server setting (sv_lan :-/ ), with generally optimized
interpolation/lag comp settings, which the client cannot override.

Demonstrably the target market cannot get their heads around the
settings as currently offered.


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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S - Net-Code FIX - open letter

2006-10-01 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2006-10-02 at 01:46 +0200, Regime wrote:
 Personally I have never looked at this into that much detail, so I would
 not be able to confirm or deny the problem.

You should. And you should read through the hlds_linux archives, because
this has been dealt with many times before. You should start by reading

Then read this:

Quote from the latter:

This article describes the current issues that the netcode still has
underspecific clientside and serverside net related convars. This is NOT
a repeat of any video that has been proven incorrectly 10 times over
already, this is not a complaint about receiving poor hit rego, this is
an article backed up by evidence and test scenario's for you to try out.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S - Net-Code FIX - open letter

2006-10-01 Thread Andrew Forsberg
 Valve should seriously consider developing deterministic netcode.  To wit:


lol. You do know what I mean, though, don't you? There's more complete
and utter rubbish spoken about 'netcode' than you can point sticks at.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Linux HL2 Server issue

2006-09-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Two suggestions:

1) do not run it as root.
2) try:
./srcds_run -binary ./srcds_i686 -game hl2mp +ip  -port
27015 +map dm_lockdown +maxplayers 16

use -binary ./srcds_amd instead of ./srcds_i686 if you're on an AMD
machine, of course. This switch forces srcds_run to use the specified
binary file.


On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 13:30 +0100, fishy wrote:
 looks like im thinking of hlds rather than srcds, hacking srcds_run
 would seem to be the best option

 Juston Griggs wrote:
  I get this:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] steam]# ./srcds_i686 -console -game hl2mp -port 27015 +ip +map dm_lockdown +maxplayers 2
  Failed to open bin/dedicated_i686.so (tier0_i486.so: cannot open shared
  object file: No such file or directory)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Setting Vac port on startup

2006-09-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg
It's -steamport for hl2 and -sport for hl1.

On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 23:36 +0200, J. Miribel wrote:

 I think I saw it somewhere and can't find it back, can't we define VAC's
 port in the startup command line ? (-sport doesn't seem to work, at
 least for HL²)

 Thanks :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] srcds still unstable after 8/24 update

2006-09-07 Thread Andrew Forsberg

 Thank you for your suggestion!  This has been a very frustrating
 experience with a formerly stable server :(


Have you moved the install location? There isn't a space in the path, is
there? Is there anything remotely non-standard about the device, file
system, or mount method? Are there any kernel messages in your system

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Re: [hlds_linux] srcds still unstable after 8/24 update

2006-09-07 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Fri, 2006-09-08 at 09:40 +1200, Andrew Forsberg wrote:
  Thank you for your suggestion!  This has been a very frustrating
  experience with a formerly stable server :(

 Have you moved the install location? There isn't a space in the path, is
 there? Is there anything remotely non-standard about the device, file
 system, or mount method? Are there any kernel messages in your system

One other thing -- double check the file and directory permissions for
the user that's running srcds. For whatever reason it's unable to read
very large numbers of files. Check that the ones spamming those error
messages actually do exist of course!



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Re: [hlds_linux] srcds still unstable after 8/24 update

2006-09-06 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Wed, 2006-09-06 at 21:30 -0400, Roger Perkins wrote:
 Since nobody has replied to this, I decided to delete the
 ~/.steam/ClientRegistry.blob as suggested in another post.  This has not
 resulted in any better stability.

 Anyone have any other suggestions for me?


Can you tell us which maps it is crashing on? If it's happening really
frequently then take a couple of days worth of logs and do a bit of
deductive reasoning.

I don't think it's just custom de_ maps, btw. I think there are a very
large number of custom maps that may start behaving badly.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Counter-Strike: Source update released

2006-08-26 Thread Andrew Forsberg
That's all true. One thing does confuse me a bit -- when you guys at
Valve are running internal game-play tests, do you only ever play with
stock-standard css? If not, and if you know the update stops one of
those mods from working, perhaps a heads up to the mods you also use
would be a nice thing to do? Something along the lines of: sorry guys,
hope you're not busy this weekend... would probably do.

Apart from that, meh... change happens. The update itself is really very

On Sat, 2006-08-26 at 15:27 -0400, Kevin H wrote:
 Oh well, deal with it. I did. And my servers are all running fine.
 Software updates almost always break something on third party mods.

 This has been happening since valve started. Alfred dealt with this
 with Adminmod.

 You whining is not going to change a thing. And if your running a
 business, explain to your clients that addons will be disabled to
 there is a fix.

 And if you run a gaming community and rent a server. You just have to
 wait for the mods to be updated. Not the end of the world.. Its just a

 Oh, and the servers still run without mods.. :-)

 On 8/26/06, Thiesson Johann wrote:

  The fact that every update broke the work of the HL community is a
  bad thing, and is not normal. I think there isn't anything to add to

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Re: [hlds_linux] Counter-Strike: Source update released

2006-08-26 Thread Andrew Forsberg

While we're all being pedantic -- I take it you're referring to Snakez'
comments rather than mine, which I don't think are quite that

My point is that I'd be surprised if office and inter-office matches during
the time leading up to a release were done solely via rcon commands. That
sort of thing gets real old, real quick. I'm genuinely interested to know if
Valve do use any source plugins internally. If so, which ones. Finally, if
they're third party, then what's wrong with a quick note saying the plugin's
going to be broken with the next release. I'm not saying they should play
test third party plugins, that's just loony. I'm talking about a case where
they are also using them occassionally and/or informally for their own
office games.

Anyway -- it's not fair to say they never pre-release binaries. They've been
using the -beta swich for a few major releases over the last year or so.

- Original Message -
From: David Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: hlds_linux@list.valvesoftware.com
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Counter-Strike: Source update released

oh what a great idea why didn't anyone ever think of that before!?!1one

hint: I don't know of anyone that hardcodes memory offsets.  We use as
dynamic methods as we can, but breakage is inevitable across large

There's two solutions to this problem.  One is actually listening to
server-side developers and the other is pre-releasing binaries to
server-side developers.  Given the track record of almost two years, I
don't see anything changing.

In the meantime, us developers try to help each other out during updates
so we can all fix things within a week.  It generally works out okay as
long as you're patient and supportive of the people doing the work.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 6:38 PM
To: hlds_linux@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Counter-Strike: Source update released

That's all true. One thing does confuse me a bit -- when you guys at
are running internal game-play tests, do you only ever play with
stock-standard css? If not, and if you know the update stops one of those
mods from working, perhaps a heads up to the mods you also use would be
nice thing to do? Something along the lines of: sorry guys, hope you're
busy this weekend... would probably do.

Apart from that, meh... change happens. The update itself is really very

On Sat, 2006-08-26 at 15:27 -0400, Kevin H wrote:

Oh well, deal with it. I did. And my servers are all running fine.
Software updates almost always break something on third party mods.

This has been happening since valve started. Alfred dealt with this
with Adminmod.

You whining is not going to change a thing. And if your running a
business, explain to your clients that addons will be disabled to
there is a fix.

And if you run a gaming community and rent a server. You just have to
wait for the mods to be updated. Not the end of the world.. Its just a

Oh, and the servers still run without mods.. :-)

On 8/26/06, Thiesson Johann wrote:

The fact that every update broke the work of the HL community is a
bad thing, and is not normal. I think there isn't anything to add to

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Re: [hlds_linux] svc_bad

2006-08-09 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 01:18 +0200, Saint K. wrote:

 sv_maxrate is set at 2
 sv_maxrate is set at 90

 I'm pretty much clueless on whats happening here.

Which one is the typo for maxupdaterate?

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Re: [hlds_linux] svc_bad

2006-08-09 Thread Andrew Forsberg
You've written sv_maxrate twice in your email. Hopefully that's a typo
and in your server.cfg file the 90 value is sv_maxupdaterate. If you
have it specified twice, or your maxrate is 90 and updaterate is 2,
then no wonder you're having trouble.

On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 23:44 +, Despise at home wrote:
 what you mean? ,sorry

 From: Andrew Forsberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: hlds_linux@list.valvesoftware.com
 To: hlds_linux@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] svc_bad
 Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:40:31 +1200
 On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 01:18 +0200, Saint K. wrote:
   sv_maxrate is set at 2
   sv_maxrate is set at 90
   I'm pretty much clueless on whats happening here.
 Which one is the typo for maxupdaterate?

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Re: [hlds_linux] svc_bad

2006-08-09 Thread Andrew Forsberg
yup -- but a maxrate of 90 would be interesting. a maxupdaterate of
2 would be very interesting.

On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 00:08 +, Despise at home wrote:
 :D yea, im sure he ment sv_maxrate and sv_maxupdaterate

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Re: [hlds_linux] svc_bad

2006-08-09 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Correct -- the obvious point being: in this case does it end up as 90 or
as 2?

On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 20:18 -0400, Joseph Laws - Hi-Definition Gaming
 Duplicating cvars shouldn't cause an svc_bad error, it just overwrites
 the var as it reads the file.

 J. Laws

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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: http downloads

2006-08-08 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Tue, 2006-08-08 at 10:56 -0700, m0gely wrote:
 BlueHawk^4u wrote:
  You can also put a blank/advertising or redirecting index.html file in each
  directory, that way it will show that page rather than the file listing.

 Or deny directory listings in that folder or all together.

That's definitely worth doing for any site. Here's the .htaccess file I
use on my hl1 and hl2 web roots:

BrowserMatch ^Half-Life halflife
Files *
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from env=halflife

Files .htaccess
order deny,allow
deny from all

It's not fool proof of course. Spoofing a user-agent is relatively


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RE: [hlds_linux] VAC 1 and 2

2006-07-12 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 09:06 -0400, Scott Tuttle wrote:
 How is he running an old 64bit build of hlds?  Unless I am confused hes
 running 32 bit

My bad, I was confusing threads.

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RE: [hlds_linux] VAC 1 and 2

2006-07-11 Thread Andrew Forsberg
He's specifically interested in VAC2 on the old 64 bit build of hlds.
Which, as stated, does not exist. There is only VAC1 available for those
servers. Also, VAC2 is *not* just a client side system. A server does
have to auth with the VAC servers in order to run it.

On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 11:41 -0400, Scott Tuttle wrote:
 If you are running 32 bit and your server is secure then you are set.  On 32
 bit hlds/srcds instances vac2 is the only vac available.  You either run
 vac2 or you run in insecure mode.

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Re: [hlds_linux] SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Client Datagram

2006-06-29 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 21:43 -0700, Erik Hollensbe wrote:
 On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 11:03 -0700, Erik Hollensbe wrote:
  Hi folks, I searched my archives and cannot find anything about this,
  even though I know I've seen it before. We're getting delays of up to 10
  seconds at a time when this happens. How is this solved again?

 Anyone on this issue?

Just searched my list archives. There are several suggestions, nothing
1) you are using a map with too many spawn points (that suggestion
sounds spurious)
2) it just happens, ignore it (groan, that sounds familiar)
3) the server cannot send data fast enough (possible? check rates?)

Are there any 3rd party apps installed? No one that I can see has posted
a response after they've fixed the issue, so...

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Re: [hlds_linux] Fedora 5 Issues

2006-06-18 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Sun, 2006-06-18 at 22:05 +0100, Richard Fennell wrote:
 Hi Guys
 Anyone here running on Fedora 5 succesfully?
 I have installed 3 boxes with Fedora Core 5. We are running the 64bit
 version as we have AMD64 Chips.

 [...](I have tried running both
 i686 and i486 versions of hlds.

 Many Thanks


Try using the hlds_amd binary, and make sure your hlds install is up to
date, as well as your third party plugins (e.g.: amxx 1.71 + metamod-p

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS 1.6 / CZ Cheats

2006-06-09 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 08:29 +0200, W0kk3L wrote:
 You mean CS, instead of CSS.

My bad, sorry. I was replying to the original thread so it would stay
grouped with those posts. I should have corrected the subject line...

 Not sure how you can consider that to be proof - it isn't.

I suppose so. We cleaned out a few hundred users who were either using,
or had installed these cheats, inside a week. I didn't say it was
proof-positive of cheating. You don't have to use it if you don't want

Re: client-side execs from malicious admins. I admit I hadn't thought of
that. I don't let any of mine have access to those plugins, but, that
doesn't stop other servers. Sounds like the sort of thing admins of
cheat servers would do.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: sv_maxrate and sv_minrate.....

2006-06-08 Thread Andrew Forsberg
It does. What some clients and server admins get pissy about are
'raters' who intentionally set their client rates so badly that they
teleport, and are very hard to hit.

Unfortunately you can't really tell a rater from a lagger. IMO the limit
options valve have offered admins are fine for public servers if
configured properly for users in your area. A script won't replace a
decent on site admin for testing this.

On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 10:35 +0200, SeNtiX wrote:
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I know about them scripts, but shouldn't sv_minrate and
 sv_minupdaterate do the job?

 Xeen wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Its pointless to discuss rates with clients, to much of a hassle.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CSS Cheats

2006-06-08 Thread Andrew Forsberg
There's another ecstatic cheat derivative one of my admins has found in
the wild. Here's a signature example:

name\Ipsy 007\model\gsg9

Here's a modified version of the amxx script I posted before which
catches the new one:

#include amxmodx
#include amxmisc

public plugin_init(){
  register_plugin(Ecstatic Check,2.1,Anthrax)
public client_putinserver(id){
  new infoField[32]
  new infoField2[32]
  new infoField3[32]
  new infoField4[32]


new name[32]
new auth[32]


if (equal(infoField,Hack_User)){
  server_cmd(amx_ban %d %s %s,0,auth,Ecstatic Cheat)
  log_amx(Player %s %s was Banned for Ecstatic Cheat,name,auth)
if (equal(infoField2,Hack_User)) {
  server_cmd(amx_ban %d %s %s,0,auth,TeKilla Cheat)
  log_amx(Player %s %s was Banned for TeKilla Cheat,name,auth)
if (equal(infoField3,Hack_User)) {
  server_cmd(amx_ban %d %s %s,0,auth,Mic Cheat)
  log_amx(Player %s %s was Banned for Mic Cheat,name,auth)
if (equal(infoField4,Hack_User)) {
  server_cmd(amx_ban %d %s %s,0,auth,Alpha Cheat)
  log_amx(Player %s %s was Banned for Alpha Cheat,name,auth)

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Re: [hlds_linux] sv_maxrate and sv_minrate.....

2006-06-04 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 01:58 +0200, SeNtiX wrote:
 I tried using these commands (sv_minrate, sv_maxrate, sv_minupdaterate,
 sv_maxupdaterate) in my server, but they don't seem to enforce the
 players rates, any ideas maybe why? or I need to configure something else?

 Infact in my server sv_minrate is set to 15000, but still I tried settig
 my rate down to 1000 and the server allowed it


You can set the client options to whatever you like, but it will capped
to the min or max rate set on the server. So if you set minrate to 15000
(which is quite high!?!!) on the server, then connect at 1000, then you
will actually still be playing at 15000.

IMO, the best thing to do is set your client to the defaults for your
net connection, connect to your server, open up a net graph (3 is good),
then fiddle with the server settings via rcon while in game until you
find something that works for you and your players.


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Re: [hlds_linux] *Alfred* Very high CPU usage since HLDS Engine upgrade 35

2006-05-23 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 18:41 -0400, Gary wrote:
 You should really try and use a 32bit system instead of bleeding edge
 64bit stuff. I don't see any high cpu usage everyone that everyone
 says, but then again, I stick to using x86 stuff until I have the
 need for more than 4 gigs of memory.

Well, I haven't noticed any problems. My box has two opteron 270s, 4
gigs or ram, SATA drives, and runs on FC4 x86_64 (kernel:
2.6.15-1.1833_FC4smp). Source is a lot hungrier than hlds, of course,
and it continuously leaks memory, even when not in use. That could be a
mani or other plugin problem, however. On average between 2 and 3 x 20
slot srcds servers, and 4 and 6 x 16 slots hlds mods are running at any
time. All hlds servers use the hlds_amd binary, not the out of date 64
bit one.

Apart from a slight increase in resource use on srcds servers, most
likely related to the extra content released in the major updates, I've
not noticed anything odd in the last year or so for either hlds or srcds
servers. The steam ID issue has gone, performance is much of a muchness.
Resource use for hlds has actually decreased a bit for me lately, due to
improvements in amxx and metamod-p. This has had the most noticeable
affect on the bigger, bulkier mods (e.g.: wc3ft).

I don't think it's directly to do with the 32bit/64bit architecture
differences. More likely the libraries, as others have suggested?

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Re: [hlds_linux] CSS Cheats

2006-05-22 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 09:25 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Very nice plugin, I have some ideas here:

 - removing cheat names from the plugin
 - adding a cheats.txt, where admins can add new cheats that are scanable
 - admin should decide what to do with a hacker found by the plugin ***

 *** = internal admin message would be very useful for admins, are just 
 logfiles, maybe some admins would like to record a demo for SteamBans ;)

Thank you!

What you're asking is more or less what quite a few of my own admins
have asked for. You're more than welcome to extend it to use a config
file, it wouldn't be a big task. I prefer it as is, since it can be
updated, recompiled, then copied or linked to each server's plugins
folder and it just works identically on each server as of the next map
change. Since it only takes a few seconds to recompile it, a config file
seems like more of a nuisance than an aid to me. The admin who built the
first version, Anthrax, seems quite keen on playing around with pawn
scripting for amxx at the moment, so if you like I could ask him to make
a config file version that looped through a comma separated list of
known cheat cvars in a cfg file.

What I'm more than a bit interested in is that at least two of these
cheats are meant to have a detect other players' cheats feature. I
wonder if these user cvars are there to let cheating players identify
each other? Who knows. I can't think of any other good reason for them
being there, unless it's a VAC2 side project. :-)

I'm not sure from your first point if you are wanting to remove the
cheat names from the ban reason or not. That's trivial -- just change
the reason at the end of the amx_ban line to something different. I've
left it in (against the advice of my admins) for statistical purposes,
and to hopefully warn any players away from using these cheat systems on
our servers.

If all you want to do is log users with any of those cheats then delete
the three server_cmd() lines, delete the server_exec() line, and change
the log_amx() bit to say Player %s %s was detected using  rather than
was Banned for . e.g.:

new name[32]
new auth[32]


if (equal(infoField,Hack_User)){
  log_amx(Player %s %s uses Ecstatic Cheat,name,auth)
if (equal(infoField2,Hack_User)) {
  log_amx(Player %s %s uses TeKilla Cheat,name,auth)
if (equal(infoField3,Hack_User)) {
  log_amx(Player %s %s uses Mic Cheat,name,auth)

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Re: [hlds_linux] CSS Cheats

2006-05-20 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Sat, 2006-05-20 at 05:55 +0200, Telepath wrote:
 Andrew Forsberg schrieb:
  only problem is that if they're installed at a net cafe, then
  removed, the cvars stick around on the shared machine.

 Then u have wrong admin on ur netcafe.

Sorry for replying off list this morning. I was having a hard time with
a weird webmail program via a handheld device... Groan.

Short version: I don't own a netcafe. I was meaning the crappy netcafes
that don't use drive mirroring (or better) systems to keep the machines

  It automatically perm bans people, and logs their offense, if
  they have those cvars.

 U misunderstand.
 Banning ppl by cvar outdated.

Please elaborate. These cheats are still in use, and still identifiable
by the cvars. The cvars hang around even if the cheat isn't currently in
use, but there's no reason for them to be on an account unless they have
been using the cheats at some stage. Quite frankly, that's good enough
for me. They may have removed the other cheat due to a hack upgrade, or
change of cheat program. I don't care. :-)

I've changed my mind about publishing the source code on the hlds_linux
list -- but will email it to anyone who is interested. Mail me offlist.
I know it's not that hard to find info on the cheats with google, but,
still... fewer references to it the better for those of us who are
trying to get rid of its users.

btw: these are cs 1.6 cheats, not cs source cheats. i'm not quite sure
how come we're discussing them in this thread.


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RE: Re[2]: [hlds_linux] CSS Cheats

2006-05-18 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 20:41 +0100, Knuts wrote:
 It would appear three cheats can be detected in a players cvars as reported
 by rcon user or from a demo by using demofreak.

 TeKilla Hack_User
 EcstaticCheat Hack_User
 MicCheat Hack_User

 Handy to know chaps.

Yea -- only problem is that if they're installed at a net cafe, then
removed, the cvars stick around on the shared machine. If you can live
with that, then you're welcome to a wee amxx plugin one of my admins
wrote. It automatically perm bans people, and logs their offense, if
they have those cvars.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CSS Cheats

2006-05-17 Thread Andrew Forsberg

 1: WTS: Clue
 2: Public Bugs get squashed before non public bugs.
 3: He used goggle. Its a public site. If someones smart enough to
 subscribe to this list to find '1337 h4x', theyre smart enough to use google
 4: See 1

Downgrade the aggression level please. We're adults here.


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RE: [hlds_linux] amd64 VAC2 doesn't work

2006-04-15 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Which ports do you have open? These ones?

i.e., http://tinyurl.com/gccpr

On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 13:53 +0100, Knuts wrote:
 This is my start line which is in an autostart (I don't use screen):

 ./hlds_amd -game cstrike +maxplayers 22 +map de_dust -port 27015

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Re: Re[4]: [hlds_linux] serious security issue on CSS servers, exposed system command

2006-04-06 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 18:51 +0200, Adam Grzesko wrote:
 Thus we do not allow users
 to run any third party binary. The third party software I did mention
 were the management components of our system. They are needed by us to
 run the servers.

Your logic is extremely flawed. Your argument is that you:
1) Installed this plugin because you need it for your management
systems, and you
2) Want to have the same plugin made ineffective by valve because your
punters can abuse it.

As others have said -- either disallow upload access to the addons
directory completely, or fix your customer's privileges.

Personally, I can see all sorts of neat ways to use a plugin like this
-- none of which are malicious. It's even more attractive since
minimizing and maximizing CS: Source can take a freaking age.

Good luck,

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Re: [hlds_linux] Can SRCDS be set up on sun-sparc linux ?

2006-04-05 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 08:55 +0100, Matt Judge wrote:
 Sparc processors are a pile of junk.

Trolls live on the other side of this newsgroup's bridge.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Can SRCDS be set up on sun-sparc linux ?

2006-04-04 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Hi there,

Lucky you -- sounds like a great deal. :)

Unfortunately the CS: Source binaries are all for the AMD/Intel chipset
platforms. There are binaries optimized for i486, i686, and 32 bit amd.
There are no 64 bit binaries for Source. The game is closed source too,
so you won't be able to recompile it for your platform.

I guess you could donate one of your many new boxes to the folk at Valve
so they could at some stage make a Sparc build. But seeing as a 64 bit
server binary for the AMD platform is either causing a lot of
difficulty, or is very low on the priority list, I seriously doubt
you'll see a Sparc build any time in the next few years, if ever. More
likely it'd be turned into an office doom server. :-)

If you choose Sun Servers with intel or amd chips you may be able to use
lxrun under Solaris to run CS Source:

I don't think that will work on the Sparc platform however.


On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 22:13 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have the oppertunity to buy several Sun-Microsystems Servers at a bargin
 price. One is has 2 or 4(depends on what i get) Ultra-Sparc IIi 450mhz 64-bit
 processors and 2gig of ram.

 I also can get my hands on some older Sparc-Station 10/20 machines which have
 32-bit microSparcII processors.

 My question is are there sparc binaries available, or is the original source
 available for 'SRCDS' so I can build a CounterStrike-Source server on
 sparc-linux machines?

 Also how much processor power does the Dedicated Source Server actually need?
 And does it take advantage of multiple processors?

 I've done extensive searching and forum posting and cant find an official or
 current answer to this. I tried using Valve-Support knowlege-base and ask a
 question and they redirected me here.

 Thanks guys!

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Re: [hlds_linux] Can SRCDS be set up on sun-sparc linux ?

2006-04-04 Thread Andrew Forsberg
For halflife 1 mods, not for halflife 2. Peterson was specifically
requesting info regarding CS Source. There are no hl2 binaries for amd64

I don't think the hl1 amd64 binaries have been updated at all since VAC2
was released for anything else either. Could be wrong -- had to
reinstall everything not so long ago, so the hl1 binaries all have the
same date.

On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 20:00 -0700, Dan E wrote:
 I thought there were 64 bit binaries for AMD, just not
 VAC2 supported as of yet?

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Re: [hlds_linux] Can SRCDS be set up on sun-sparc linux ?

2006-04-04 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Hi there

 Thanks both for the detailed responses. I hate to pass up this deal, but if I
 don't have a job for the server right now, justifying the cost is difficult.

You're welcome, and that's exactly the problem many smaller players like
myself have with platforms. A server based on the dual core Opteron CPU
is in my opinion the best suited for hlds and srcds servers. You won't
be able to take advantage of the 64 bit command set for the game, but
the operating system and supporting apps will. The hl1 servers are now
threaded, I'm sure something similar is coming soon for source servers.
At any rate, both cores will get used well.

 I'm surpised that this program (SRCDS) is closed source. I'd noticed the
 previous generation of HLDS was closed source, but I figured the new Source
 Dedicated Server would be a very small subset of the SOURCE engine, and
 therefore open.

 Is SRCDS written-by/owned/controlled by valve? Curious  who controls it since
 Valve obviously doesn't support it...

Valve license their engine. They're a business, they need to make money.
Like it or lump it. This list is part of their support network.

 I could probably hack my own server as a CS-mod out of the source-SDK but
 thats WAY more work then i'm looking for tonight ;-)


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Re: [hlds_linux] Can SRCDS be set up on sun-sparc linux ?

2006-04-04 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 00:37 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  One is has 2 or 4(depends on what i get) Ultra-Sparc IIi 450mhz
  64-bit processors and 2gig of ram.
 I've run SUN machines with those processors. Sorry to say, but even if you
 could find 64bit Linux binaries for SUN arch, they wouldn't have the horse
 power to run a HL2 based server.

This sounds right -- hlds/srcds seems to be very cpu heavy, and light on
pretty much every other part of the architecture. Maybe if you could get
one of those lovely new 8 core cpus, but again... there are no binaries
for Sparc, so it's all academic.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Reason: Server shutting down

2006-04-02 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Does it always shut down at the same time of the day? If so, check your
cron jobs. Also, try disabling mods like CD.

On Fri, 2006-03-31 at 16:49 +0300, ensnmz wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I have 1.5 CS servers on Redhat Linux FC3 machine.

 Everything works well. but after about 24 hours, server gives an error, and
 closes down.
 These are last lines of my *nohup.out* file.

 *CDMOD: Player id #-1 disconnected
 Dropped SeVeN*HELL_tosi from server
 Reason:  Server shutting down
 Fri Mar 31 21:10:49 EEST 2006: Server Quit*

 and i cant do anything. and there is no errors in debug.log..

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Re: [hlds_linux] +mapcyclefile not working?

2006-03-27 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 22:58 +1200, Scott Pettit wrote:
 I seem to be having problems where on servers that I have specified the
 mapcyclefile in the command line, it is being totally ignored. This is in
 srcds. Is anyone else seeing this?

If you're using mani, either use it to configure your mapcycle for the
server, or, set it respect the default.


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Re: [hlds_linux] VAC and log retrieval problems since 08/09 March update

2006-03-26 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 22:07 +, DI wrote:
 Finally got hold of another admin to try it, he gets the same problem
 though, rollbacked server gives him the logs fine, the others he gets
 the time out error and no logs.

 I've also been in touch with another Windows server adminstrator whos
 having the same problem, he's got one server that he updated recently
 and he can't get logs from and the other three he hadn't updated at
 all and gets his logs just fine.


Are you specifying -ip as well as your -port and -rcon_port on the
command line? (or in your +exec whatever.cfg file?)

Recent releases of the source engine seem to require -ip, or it simply
fails to allow rcon access at all.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Roundtime for CS:S

2006-03-22 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Worth a try, though. Either that or set it explicitly to 0 rounds.

There's some setting there that's making the game play a set number of
rounds. Could you post your server.cfg?

On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 05:57 +0100, W0kk3L wrote:
 No not yet, but i think that also will give problems if only one or two
 players are on the server. If they both die at the same time (and that's
 well possible... especcially with one person :)), the round would
 immediately be over. And the map would change...


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Re: [hlds_linux] Roundtime for CS:S

2006-03-21 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 08:26 +0100, Martin Zwickel wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 21:40:27 +0100
 W0kk3L [EMAIL PROTECTED] bubbled:

  No, no plugins currently.

 Why not write one that fixes your problem? ;)

Because he's not entirely certain what the cause of the problem is. :-)

Have you tried setting mp_maxrounds to 1?

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Re: [hlds_linux] Day of Defeat: Source update released

2006-01-26 Thread Andrew Forsberg

Isn't it more likely the specific content server you're using is getting
hammered, and/or it's outgoing traffic is at its limit (or the network
interface's limit)?

Updating 'Day of Defeat Source Base Content' from version 7 to version 9
Downloading: ./\dod\bin\client.dll
Downloading: ./\dod\bin\server.dll
Downloading: ./\dod\bin\server_i486.so

You will have to stop the server before you can replace the game
binaries, like Erik said before.

On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 12:33 -0800, Erik Hollensbe wrote:
 What exactly do symbolic links have to do with files contained in

 On Jan 25, 2006, at 9:58 PM, Joseph Laws wrote:

  Shouldn't have that much effect...the clients are all sym linked so
  having all those files in memory.  I can remove their account and all
  their files but if their process was not disabled then they
  continue to
  operate as normal.  HLDS does not have this problem.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Linux Distro

2006-01-16 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2006-01-16 at 09:18 +, aXeR (AmmoBOX) wrote:
 A lot of the major distro's are shipping with kernel freq set to 250Hz now

Would you mind recommending repositories of reliable pre-built kernels
for 32 and 64bit linux gaming servers?


Please don't flame me and tell me to google for it. I'm specifically
interested in the opinions of list members here, rather than operators
of servers with different demands to the hlds and srcds engine. I'm
currently repairing a server thanks to FC3's journalling system going
buggo, so don't have any overly warm feelings toward their defaults.

Yes I could compile my own, but I imagine there are a lot of people out
there who dedicate a very good portion of their working and leisure time
to kernel optimization. Not being one of them, I would prefer to buy
them a beer or two or three, than go down the same route.

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RE: [hlds_linux] Crashes

2005-12-22 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 16:32 -1000, K2 wrote:
 Very well said Duck.


 Valve - are you listening?

Probably only to those of us who aren't frothing at the mouth.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Recompiling the kernel

2005-12-12 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Sun, 2005-12-11 at 23:09 -0600, Eric (Deacon) wrote:
 In a bold display of creativity, Scott Pettit wrote:
  cmd/update at 101 = 101 updates/s - hence why I can't see a point in having
  1000fps and so on - all those extra frams would just be dumped.

24 clients

client 1: requests snapshots at ticks 27 + 54 + 90
client 2: requests snapshots at ticks 28 + 54 + 80
client 3: requests snapshots at ticks 42 + 88
client 24: requests snapshots at ticks 12 + 27 + 48 + 62 + 82

 What's the point in being able to push so many clock cycles?  All those
 extra cycles would just be dumped.  That's why I stick to low-end
 hardware.  Three cheers for The Low End Brethren!

Lol, you and your bank of acoustic couplers.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Recompiling the kernel

2005-12-11 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Mon, 2005-12-12 at 13:46 +1300, Scott Pettit wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 What's the point in an FPS over about 150fps anyhow?

The more frequent the snapshots the more accurate each client's update
is. The client's don't get snapshots simultaneously, they request them
as frequently as *their* net connection can manage.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Source and Half-Life 1 Linux dedicated server Beta update

2005-12-08 Thread Andrew Forsberg

If I write a program, the usage output shows me every parameter that is 
possible to use with my program...

Martin makes a valid point. Would it be possible for srcds_run and/or
hlds_run to also be fitted out with a list of command line options and
brief descriptions of what they do?

It would save a lot of hassle for new admins, and is the logical place
to state the preferred syntax for each option (+ip vs -ip, etc...).


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Re: [hlds_linux] Source Dedicated Server updated

2005-12-05 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 01:32 -0500, Joseph Laws wrote:
 I ran a -verify_all to overwrite those 3 maps
 and...tada...no segfault.  Can Valve perhaps take those maps from Drax
 with the flashbang fixes and make them standardized?

What, so we can all enjoy those segfaults? Why replace a working map
with one that doesn't?

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Re: [hlds_linux] Oh no a new subject line!

2005-11-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg

Eric (Deacon) wrote:

In a bold display of creativity, Dagok wrote:

Majority of people do not view the mailing lists in a threaded view.
Instead they view them as normal emails.

Even assuming this speculation is true, how does that excuse you?

More importantly, these posts are archived and viewable online in a
threaded form. The threads are not arbitrarily decided on by subject
title, but by the message headers. IMO that's pretty standard behaviour
for mail sorting, no matter how much you like/apologize for MS products.

Show your consideration by creating a new post to the list. It's a small
amount of effort, but helps keep the archive a useful resource that we
all use from time to time.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Oh no a new subject line!

2005-11-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg

Dagok wrote:

An even smaller effort is not bitching about it everytime someone does
It's going to happen and it's not the end of the world nor is it going to
have much effect on the mailing lists.

So knowingly stuffing up the threading is somehow defensible? How very
helpful of you.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Oh no a new subject line!

2005-11-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg

Dagok wrote:

Obviously he didnt know when he did it, nor did I until it was pointed
in this thread.  So how is that knowingly?

My cl_care cvar for this subject is rapidly approaching 0, however --
your and Glenn's point of view appears to be that we should be using
Outlook. This implies that it is everyone else's problem that elementary
list etiquette isn't required.

I say 'knowingly', since you're also complaining about Eric 'bitching'
about this sort of thing. Ben K in particular has posted on the same
subject many times recently.

It's not such a difficult concept to grasp. But whatever... back to work.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Half-Life 1 Engine update

2005-11-23 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 10:02 +1030, Kingsley Foreman wrote:
 I just rolled back.


Me too. Am happy to provide a link to a tar.bz2 archive of version 24's
binaries as long as no one at Valve objects.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Re:why isn't this working? Dedicated lan server 64 bit Opteron

2005-11-18 Thread Andrew Forsberg

Correct, it is dm_steamlab, but i specified it
correctly on the command line, i wasn't cut and
pasting... like you said it should return an error and
it isn't  the console won't return a status either
even though it will report the variable of hostname or

Could you please copy-and-paste your command line then?

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Re: [hlds_linux] why isn't this working? Dedicated lan server on 64 bit Opteron (940 pin)

2005-11-17 Thread Andrew Forsberg

You use -binary ./srcds_amd or whatever you want, but I doubt that's the
problem in this instance.

Make sure you specify the +maxplayers 16 (or whatever) and +map
(whatever you want the default map to be) on the command line. It won't
start until you specify a map to play.


devin812 wrote:


So I ran the steam tool to install HL2mp (completely fresh install in new
directory), everything installed fine, I ran a simple command line
#./srcds_run -game hl2mp +ip +sv_lan1

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Re: [hlds_linux] counterstrike 1.5 server - is data encrypted?

2005-11-04 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2005-11-03 at 18:44 +, Kathy Simm wrote:
 Can anyone help?

1) Probably not. Wrong list. Please bear in mind this is a hlds list
query, not hlds_linux.
2) Have you checked the server logs? What do they say? Are they still
generating? If not, what error message does the server leave when it
3) Have the office clients been updated recently? Or the server? If
either is true then you're screwed for 1.5.
4) 'Doesn't work' is just not going to help anyone. Would love to help,
but that's just not enough info.

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Re: Re: [hlds_linux] Mario Maps

2005-10-17 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Fair enough! I guess in the light of that evidence then the original
poster should remove his current .bsp and try connecting to a different
server to get a version of the map that includes dod ents. Either that
or contact me offlist, as the first server I tried gave me a working bsp
for dod servers.

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 19:49 -0700, Ook wrote:
 It works in HL1/OP4, that is how you have, for example, modified C maps.
 I've done this for years. You take the BSP, rip the ents out, modify them,
 import them back in, and put the map on your server. Clients connect, they
 download the entity list from the server version of the map, and it works
 great. So long as the the entity list is all that is different, the client
 does not get a bsp files do not match error.

 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew Forsberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: hlds_linux@list.valvesoftware.com
 Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 1:37 PM
 Subject: Re: Re: [hlds_linux] Mario Maps

  Are you certain about this? Every instance I've ever seen where there is
  a different .bsp file on the server and client, result in the user being
  disconnected with a 'bsp files do not match' error.
  On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 07:33 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As a spawn point is an entity and entities are read from the server
  of the map, not the client, it is possible to have 2 versions
  To protect the work of the person that converted it they put the non
  converted version on the webserver and then use the converted version on
  game server.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Mario Maps

2005-10-16 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Hi there,

If you've seen it working on another server, and tried to use the
downloaded .bsp file and it fails, then they're doing something
different to make the maps work. I'd suggest joining one of these

Then try to work out what admin modules and plugins they're running. Or,
if you like, please forward a direct download link to me off list for
the map. I'll try to get it running on a clean install of dod here, it
could simply be a config problem with your setup.


On Sun, 2005-10-16 at 08:14 -0400, Jordan Bagwell wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 [...]The maps load fine in the dod
 server environment but players don't spawn. Does anyone have a link to a
 good tutorial or utility that can convert these maps for me? I've downloaded
 several different versions from different map sites and the result is always
 the same... I even tried to use the .bsp from a server that had mario_air
 working and got the same result. Any help/ideas would be greatly

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Re: [hlds_linux] Mario Maps

2005-10-16 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Just tried it here and it works fine. Please check you've got co-op
turned off, and deathmatch on.

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 09:14 +1300, Andrew Forsberg wrote:
 Hi there,

 [...] I'll try to get it running on a clean install of dod here, it
 could simply be a config problem with your setup.


 On Sun, 2005-10-16 at 08:14 -0400, Jordan Bagwell wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  [...]The maps load fine in the dod
  server environment but players don't spawn. Does anyone have a link to a
  good tutorial or utility that can convert these maps for me? I've downloaded
  several different versions from different map sites and the result is always
  the same... I even tried to use the .bsp from a server that had mario_air
  working and got the same result. Any help/ideas would be greatly

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Re: [hlds_linux] Remote Desktop Connection for SUSE 10.0

2005-10-15 Thread Andrew Forsberg

And I'm certain you would have been a whole lot more polite about it
than this guy (genocide). Conspiracy theorists amongst us might wonder
whether the user 'genocide' was made up by someone in the GSP-only list
camp to force the issue.

hondaman wrote:

I subscribed to hlds_linux.  I believe im not going too far out on a
limb by assuming that means, people trying to run hlds on linux  Had I
wanted help on linux home networking, after failing to comprehend the
thousands of pages covering this very subject via google, I probably
would have asked in the linux_newbies list, which is precisely where
this thread belongs.

InspectorGifts wrote:

One last off topic remark.  I joined this list to get help and to
try to help with linux server.  I dont give a shit if its hlds linux
specific, if this guys trying to run a hlds server on his linux
machine, then ANY
freaking problem he has on his machine I think he should get help
for.  Most people did help him.  If those of you on this list dont
like helping
people, unsubscribe.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Mani admin mod: Team Killing in Free for all?

2005-09-30 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 22:20 +0100, Ben Kennish wrote:
 Hi all,

 Was just wondering if any of u guys have had problems with the mani
 admin mod activating the team kill punishment mode in free for all HL2

 I like to toggle between mp_teamplay 0 and 1 whilst playing on the
 server but it seems that with mp_teamplay 0 and MANI's
 mani_tk_protection set to 1, players are asked whether they want to
 punish any other player that kills them!

 It's a pretty minor point but though someone might know.

He mentions this in his notes for version 1.1.0s:

Warning, if you are using a HL2DM server you should add the new console
command :-


at the end of your server.cfg file. This is because the game changes the
game name once mp_teamplay has been initialised.



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RE: [hlds_linux] Settings suggestions for 32 player DOD:S

2005-09-29 Thread Andrew Forsberg
On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 18:16 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [...]End result, you
 can't run big servers with the HL2 engine no matter your hardware or network
 settings as it's the core of the engine itself that can't handle it's
 workload in a single-threaded process.[...]

That sounds quite likely. Seeing as the hl1 engine now has threads for
vac and steam as well as the game proper, I guess we can expect
something similar in the near future for the hl2 engine.


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RE: [hlds_linux] Amd64 DualCore - gamespeed haywire

2005-09-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg

A quick warning -- I just added the lines below to the kernel line for
my dual core optie server at our colo, rebooted, and the machine is now
unavailable. So... I'm going to have to schedule a time with them to
manually reboot and change the grub.conf kernel line back again.

YMMV of course.


On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 23:13 +0100, Karl Shrubb wrote:

 The quickly solution to resolve the kernel timer issue with the AMD X2's is
 to add the following to your grub kernel boot line.

 'no_timer_check=0 acpi=noirq noapic'

 So your line should look something line this,

 title iNUX v2 (2.6.13smp)
 root (hd0,0)
 kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.13smp ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
 no_timer_check=0 acpi=noirq noapic
 initrd /initrd-2.6.13smp.img

 Karl Shrubb,
 Software Engineer,

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RE: [hlds_linux] Amd64 DualCore - gamespeed haywire

2005-09-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Hi Karl,

Thanks. Unfortunately I don't think their techs like messing with
customer equipment beyond reboot requests. They're phasing in a KVM-
over-IP service next week, but that's not a lot of use to me r.n. :-)

I'll remove all of it and try your suggestion below when the virtual
KVMs up and running. Thanks again!


On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 00:35 +0100, Karl Shrubb wrote:

 Contact the datacenter to go to grub console to remove the part with
 acpi=noirq noapic.

 It is known that this line will kernel panic sometimes, but most servers
 require it to resolve the issue fully.

 Sorry about not saying this earlier.

 Karl Shrubb,
 Software Engineer,

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew
 Sent: 29 September 2005 00:23
 To: hlds_linux@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] Amd64 DualCore - gamespeed haywire


 A quick warning -- I just added the lines below to the kernel line for
 my dual core optie server at our colo, rebooted, and the machine is now
 unavailable. So... I'm going to have to schedule a time with them to
 manually reboot and change the grub.conf kernel line back again.

 YMMV of course.


 On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 23:13 +0100, Karl Shrubb wrote:
  The quickly solution to resolve the kernel timer issue with the AMD X2's
  to add the following to your grub kernel boot line.
  'no_timer_check=0 acpi=noirq noapic'
  So your line should look something line this,
  title iNUX v2 (2.6.13smp)
  root (hd0,0)
  kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.13smp ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
  no_timer_check=0 acpi=noirq noapic
  initrd /initrd-2.6.13smp.img
  Karl Shrubb,
  Software Engineer,

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Re: [hlds_linux] cs 1.6 issues

2005-09-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Hi William,

To me these all sound like you're trying to run hlds as the wrong user.

Good luck,

On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 20:01 -0400, William Warren wrote:
 here's yet another error

 Console initialized.
 scandir failed:/servers/hlds/./valve/SAVE
 scandir failed:/servers/hlds/./platform/SAVE
 Protocol version 47
 Exe version (cstrike)
 Exe build: 00:51:04 Aug 11 2005 (3213)
 STEAM Auth Server
 couldn't exec language.cfg
 Server IP address
 Host_Error: Couldn't get DLL API from !
 FATAL ERROR (shutting down): Host_Error: Couldn't get DLL API from !

 email debug.log to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Wed Sep 28 19:58:36 EDT 2005: Server restart in 10 seconds

 Andrew Forsberg wrote:
  You've checked the user has write permissions to /servers?
  On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 19:26 -0400, William Warren wrote:
 Suddenly my server process began rebooting itself over and over.  I
 killed it and wound up deleting all core files.  When i tries to run
 steam i get the following:
 Checking bootstrapper version ...
 Failed to create directory /servers/.steam
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 My Foundation verse:
 Isa 54:17  No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and
 every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt
 condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their
 righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

 -- carpe ductum -- Grab the tape
 CDTT (Certified Duct Tape Technician)

 Linux user #322099

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RE: [hlds_linux] Amd64 DualCore - gamespeed haywire

2005-09-28 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Hi Karl,

That's an excellent suggestion. I did not know you could do that. How
does the fallback system work? Oh, nvm, I'll RTFM. :-)

Just for the record, I tried to restart it at the colo without the
'acpi=noirq noapic' bit and it panicked. It suggested trying it with
noapic, but tbh, I just wanted to get the hell out of there (1 year old
daughter was in the car with the dog, so could only pop in for a couple
of minutes). I've set it back to the standard kernel boot settings. I
haven't actually noticed the timings being wrong anyway, but will check
soon. If there is a problem then next week the virtual kvm will let me
test all this stuff out easily anyway.

In case it helps anyone else out -- the setup that died with the mods
suggested earlier in this thread was an FC3, kernel
2.6.12-1.1378_FC3smp, Opteron 270, on an MSI K8D-Master3-FA4R with the
German BIOS update to support DC on that board.


On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 01:28 +0100, Karl Shrubb wrote:
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Hi Andrew,

 If you wish to try this before they install their KVM units. You could set
 your grub configuration file to have a fallback option.

 In detail, this basically means if it kernel panic's, it will boot with a
 working kernel option. So you could have one with the parameter
 no_timer_check=0 and another one with the default kernel parameter you had
 before you edited.

 So in therapy, it should return from a failure without having to be in front
 of the server.


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Re: [hlds_linux] day of defeat source server release

2005-09-27 Thread Andrew Forsberg
I meant to thank you at the time of the release for this, Alfred. I'm
not sure if you were involved in the decision to make a *nix friendly
game name or not, but it's still appreciated. :-)

On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 21:05 +1200, Andrew Forsberg wrote:
 'dods' if there are any merciful, influential, cli-friendly gods
 watching over this list.

 Glenn Shannon wrote:

 Probably Day of Defeat Source, is Counter-Strike Source is any indicator
 -Original Message-
 Current rumour appears to be that the server files will be released at the
 same time as pre-loading begins ie a week before actual release date.
 Anyone know what the -game name will be?

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Re: [hlds_announce] RE: [hlds_linux] Engine update

2005-09-23 Thread Andrew Forsberg

Eric Smith wrote:


You need to contact the authors of the server plugins/mods if you're
having problems with them.  Many of the server plugins/mods don't use
the APIs provided by the SDK.


-Original Message-

This was only a Windows Source engine update.  It should fix the
problems servers and clients were having running Source Mods
(modname\gameinfo.txt missing).

This does *not* address the problems people are reporting with Mani.


Not sure if this helps anyone else -- but while both Mani and NeMod
segfault (the stats code seems to be the major problem, which AFAIK
can't be disabled in NeMod) -- XADmin appears to be working fine.
Downloads and instructions in the XAD's section of the sourcemod.com forums.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: hlds_linux digest, Vol 1 #4616 - 12 msgs

2005-09-16 Thread Andrew Forsberg
   From a business standpoint, it doesn't make sense to
 feed the 64-bit market until more pressing matters are finished.

And, tbh, the hlds_amd and srcds_amd binaries work pretty well on opties
atm. In fact, I'd put a small amount of money ($10NZD) on the 32 bit
hlds builds working better now than the latest available 64 bit builds.
Despite Jussi/Hullu's efforts with regard to MM-P and MM mods. It takes
time to build something, it takes a lot of time to optimize it. Let them
do their thing ffs.

Anyhoo -- I'd rather Valve released things when they're ready than put
up with rubbish from certain other gaming companies who only provide
full versions (cough ranked servers cough) to select companies in
specific regions. I realize that's not strictly relevant. Just had to

Righto cheers!

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Re: [hlds_linux] Counterstrike Source server for Linux?

2005-09-08 Thread Andrew Forsberg

 I DID search.  You have no clue how hard I did or did not try.  And yes
 if one searches long enough and hard enough then NO ONE would need to
 ask questions in ANY forum.  So get the fuck out of my face you jerk.

Dude, that would sound a lot more impressive if it weren't obvious you
hadn't even checked the support pages, or forums, on the
steampowered.com site. I mean... that's where you get the client from,
that's where you get the windows server from. Where did you think the
linux server would be?

Settle down.

Hell, try these keywords in google:
counter-strike source server linux install

First result is the install page on the steampowered.com site. Box on
the right of that page has direct links to both the windows and linux
dedicated server install tools.

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Re: [hlds_linux] day of defeat source server release

2005-09-07 Thread Andrew Forsberg

'dods' if there are any merciful, influential, cli-friendly gods
watching over this list.

Glenn Shannon wrote:

Probably Day of Defeat Source, is Counter-Strike Source is any indicator

-Original Message-
Current rumour appears to be that the server files will be released at the
same time as pre-loading begins ie a week before actual release date.

Anyone know what the -game name will be?

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[hlds_linux] Steam clients correctly reporting HTTP_REFERER on sv_downloadurl

2005-09-05 Thread Andrew Forsberg
Hi there,

This is just a wish list request -- is there any chance a future release
of the steam client could ensure all redirected http traffic included
the gaming server's HTTP_REFERER ip:port? Some hl1 traffic includes it,
most doesn't, while it seems almost all hl2 traffic includes the referer
-- but not all...

Cheers  thanks,

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Re: [hlds_linux] Steam clients correctly reporting HTTP_REFERER on sv_downloadurl

2005-09-05 Thread Andrew Forsberg

as far as i can see this already works perfectly. i do get referer urls like
HL2:// and also i do get Information String Half-Life2
we do even check the referer and it works like the charm as long as the
client does not use thirdparty utils to refuse the referer information (best
known for making trouble: norton security).

A, Nortons. That'd be the one. Bugger -- I suppose that means
there's nothing Valve/Steam can do to ensure the info is passed on.
Still doesn't explain why roughly 90% of hl2 traffic includes the
referer string, but less than 5% of hl1 traffic does. Must be some
strange quirk in my user demographics.

Thanks for that.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Memory usage

2005-08-30 Thread Andrew Forsberg

 We use Fedora Core 3 with kernel 2.6.12-1.1376_FC3

Stupid question, but... you are using the SMP version of it, aren't you?
Don't laugh, because after the last kernel release, yum set grub to
default to the UP version...


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Re: [hlds_linux] HLTV

2005-08-06 Thread Andrew Forsberg

Thanks for the suggestions. I restarted the box and hltv suddenly
started to 'just work' again... Go figure?!

Seghers Bart wrote:

Well our clan doesn't run a HLTV server irself,but we had a HLTV recorder
last night =).Have you checked for updates? Maybe it's just the HLDS Linux
package as I read somewhere a report of a user that didn't even had a
hltv.cfg =) anyway maybe try running hldsupdatetool manually =)

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[hlds_linux] HLTV

2005-08-05 Thread Andrew Forsberg

Hi there

I'm having a lot of trouble running HLTV, which worked flawlessly a
couple of months back. Initially it just wouldn't do anything at all
except fail to connect to a 1.6 server with messages like:
WARNING! Server::Challenge: Timeout after 3 retries

Now it still won't connect, but the HLMaster is responding:
HLMaster: your HLTV server is out of date. Please update and restart

Is it possible that a recent update of the hl1 engine has left hltv
behind? I'm seeing a lot of these messages floating around google
searches, and nobody appears to be resolving them.

I don't care about the error messages if they're irrelevant (as some
posts are suggesting), but basically I have the same problem as Pierre
Johansson did back in May of this year:


That issue doesn't appear to have been resolved either.

Another way of phrasing the question -- is anyone able to use HLTV to
proxy and record demos? for hl1 mods? I've just spent the last 5 hours
trying to get an existing, functional, hl1 hltv system working again and
it's not even listing in the favourites of the steam browser when the ip
and port has been selected manually.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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