Re: [hlds_linux] Multi-homed breaks steam?

2004-03-16 Thread Frank Stollar
[BT]Black V wrote:

I have to disagree with that statement

I have several machines behind a double nat
And they get steam auth fine
Your statement does not colide with my statement. Servers have no
problem with NAT, the client has if the server connecting to is on the
same network.
But what im not too sure on a couple of points the hlds server and the client on the same network  ?
Yes it is.

2.Is the server in lan mode or inet mode (sv_lan 1/0 nomaster etc)
I would say inet mode like ours, IMHO in lan mode not all people from
the inet could connect to the server otherwise. Afterall it was like
that in cs1.5 and I don't think steam would be that different.
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Re: [hlds_linux] Multi-homed breaks steam?

2004-03-16 Thread Frank Stollar
m0gely wrote:

Mad Scientist wrote:

Hmmm... probably not. It is an Internet server... Anyhow, worth a try,
I will pass that suggestion on.

Basically you mean your server is publicly accessible and users are
authenticating to Steam to play on it.  Users can still authenticate to
Steam playing a LAN game.  Thats how you need to do it.  My server at
work is set up the same way.  sv_lan is set to 0 and people from the net
connect to it via Internet games, everyone at my connects via LAN games.
 Everyone has a steamid, everyone is happy. :)
Interesting, I will try it. Since our SNAT solution was build befor the
LAN game come up. Probably it is now easier with the LAN mode.
Thx any way,
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Re: [hlds_linux] Multi-homed breaks steam?

2004-03-16 Thread Frank Stollar
Mad Scientist wrote:

According to the great words of Frank Stollar:

Another admin wrote an User-space SNAT Proxy
running on the server, the server will see the clients fake outside
IP and the Steam Ticket is valid for the people now.

Any idea where I can find this?
As this special solution was coded by an admin of our servers and a good
friend of mine. As this is a very special solution because the masq for
2500 clients use dynamical ip allocation per user. Therefor the SNAT
proxy on the server querries the masq via a module which extern IP that
specific client has and maps that IP as SNAT to the pakets send to the
server. The next problem was that this SNAT Proxy has to be implemented
in user-space and not kernel-space. If you wish, I can get you his email
address, he would surely public his code under the GPL.
This may be helpful for other people but surly it must be rewritten to
their personal needs. And if you use a plain NAT that would be overkill,
as iptables has better method of static SNAT translation as Marques
already pointed out.
But he is wrong as POSTROUTING is no solution at all, because the pakets
must be altered _before_ they reach your server. PREROUTING would be the
right chain. But SNAT does not work in the PREROUTING chain :-/
To circumvent that behaviour you must set up another pseudo interface
and route your internal traffic through that interface. Then you can use
POSTROUTING on that pseudo interface and get SNAT working.
Well, indeed that is somehow the same procedure as the user-space SNAT
is working, but without the overkill of dynamic IP NAT.
Hope I enlighted you,
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Re: [hlds_linux] Update feature request

2004-03-10 Thread Frank Stollar
Frash wrote:
For the server update I'd like to request 2 things:
1) A referer: header containing the server IP address, professional
webmasters can grant access to files by referer
(More important than you think, other servers can get your bandwidth down by
leeching/sniffing the downloadurl)
2) A fully working banner (To get sponsoring webhosts)
I second that!

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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: steam update - Broken Server :(

2004-03-03 Thread Frank Stollar
Jay Carter wrote:

After the update, my server is not starting. Has anyone else experienced
this? The server starts up, looks like everything is working fine but
doesn't show up on HLSW and doesn't accept console commands.
The update is not finished yet. Please look at or first.
Thank you!
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Re: [hlds_linux] Steam hlds: sv_downloadurl ?

2004-02-13 Thread Frank Stollar
ruwen wrote:

Am I too stupid or did it not work under cs 1.5?
It was introduced with the new Steam update though. As 1.5 is not using
Steam it could not be updated and therefor it could not work :)
If you read all posting about this subject you should have known this
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Re: [hlds_linux] 5 reasons i'm shutting down my HL Servers

2003-11-12 Thread Frank Stollar
Brett Fernicola wrote:

I never once claimed to have 0% cpu ususage.  You guys are truely dumb and
try so hard to find fault in my posts.
I was trying to illustrate the fps of my server not my cpu usuage which
always shows 0% with hlsw you dumb noobs, this is also why I included a
screen shot of top.  I wasnt even going to respond to your dumb statements
but your just pissing me off too much.
[ ] The word netiquette is something I know of.

And your statements about 'You guys have to much friggin hardware and
not enough linux expierence' doesn't explain at all, why on the same
machine are runngin 5x16slot CS1.5 without a glitch but 2x12 CS1.6 have
a normal load of 0.6 and spikes of 1.2, laggs and so on.
Befor calling somebody dump and of not enough linux experience, you
should first explain that friggin behaviour.
We tried all we knew and read of, but nothing did really help. Just
replacing the cpu with a 512 L2-cache core does help. And therefor I
call 1.6 bad software, as a new version bringing no new enhancements
serversides is x2-x5 more CPU hungry on the same hardware. It is a
fucking _update_ and no new game! An update implified to me a
enhancement and no step back.
If you call yourself so 'linux experienced' than you can surly tell me
how to get 2 CS1.6 server with 12 slots running lagfree on a XP2000+
when full. At this time 6 different people with deep linux and hardware
knowledge tried there fortune but nobody solved it. Only a Barton core
solved it easily and that's not ok to me.
Valve, do someting!
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Re: [hlds_linux] 5 reasons i'm shutting down my HL Servers

2003-11-11 Thread Frank Stollar
dual_bereta_r0x wrote:
the sad truth
The same here. Since the servers I get pissed cause of the bad
performance. And since the release of Steam our XP2000+ in not capable
anymore of a fluid gameplay for 2 servers. That's not only bad that's
disgusting. Besides the point that does not bring any new
enhancements for a server regarding the increase in cpu load.
With Steam it just got worse. Not to mention the problems and bugs on
the client side.
As we are trying new hardware (Barton core Athlons seem to be much
better performing with steam servers than Palomino cores) we are giving
MoHAA, BF1942 and Tribes2 a shot. They perform much better, are also
full most of the time and there are less known problems.
For the long run we will decrease the HL Servers, because of the immens
cost for new hardware they are needing.
Myself I would drop HL completly because of the bad support regarding
the performance hit since and valve ignoring the bitching.
Any other server is performing better. Some 1/2 some 1/5 of CPU load for
the same amount of slots used. Best example is Tribes2, it is real cpu
If there will be no update in the near future fixing this problem, there
will be no CS server anymore hosted by us. It's too expensive.
That's it, flames on
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Re: [hlds_linux] 2.6.0-test9-bk6 16 players 90fps 38% usage

2003-11-06 Thread Frank Stollar
Simon Garner wrote:

On Friday, November 07, 2003 4:42 AM NZT,
Brett Fernicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Im pinging 250 on your server from a t3, thats
not good no matter where its at in the world.

Hmm, well, considering he's in Australia and you're (presumably) in the
USA... the speed of light becomes a little bit of a nuisance. 250ms is
pretty good considering. I ping it at 35ms here.
Throwing another piece in the bowl, I got an average ping of 340ms from
Munich/Germany with a 100Mbit fiberline.
Well, conisdering the Inet connection to australia is not very good from
germany but more surprising is the 75% packet loss.
The Traceroute is also interesting:
 1: (  2.593ms
 2: (   2.409ms
 3: (  8.730ms
 4: (  4.481ms
 5: (   2.672ms
 6: (  8
 7: (  18.533ms
 8: (   asymm  9
 9: (  15.663ms
10: ( 13  40.156ms
11: ( 13  40.253ms
12: (  asymm 16  39.790ms
13: ( asymm 17  39.839ms
14: ( 16  39.733ms
15: (   asymm 14 103.717ms
16: ( 15 103.655ms
17: (  asymm 16 107.063ms
18: (  asymm 17 106.807ms
19: (  asymm 18 167.150ms
20: ( 19 167.903ms
21: ( asymm 20 168.553ms
22: (   175.558ms
23: ( 24 324.047ms
24: ( asymm 23 323.277ms
25: ( 323.789ms
26: (   318.845ms
27: (   325.962ms
28: (   asymm 29 324.465ms
29: (   327.079ms
30: ( asymm 29
31: (
The pakets are really going a long way from London over New York and New
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Re: [hlds_linux] MY Response to CPU Usage -- Test Result Database

2003-09-24 Thread Frank Stollar
Very nice indeed!

Hope you will not bite my for adding a few ideas:
- What should be added is if you are VAC running or not.
- Possability to add server-fps and CPU load for old server and to compare with.
- Should I add the same machine multiple times for different
configurations/kernels ?
I will add myself as I looked more closly in my box.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Crazy Usage

2003-09-18 Thread Frank Stollar
I am telling you, and PROVING to you, that using this kernel, with DEFAULT
kernel timings results in performance vastly superior to any kernel
released after.

When we all know it is just impossible for the 1% you quote to be true.
I fully ACK Jeremy. This is not possible, no way. The new VM started
with 2.4.10 was (after some bugs) superior as the old VM. Proved by
application benchmarks. And the new scheduler in 2.6. adds even more
power to the kernel. Why should all other applications gain from the new
VM besides HL? Indeed why should a kernel which only 'manages' the
ressources be guilty for a userspace programm needing 1/10 of the CPU
Power. The calculations done by hlds are done the same way, with 2.4.9
or 2.4.22. And HLDS is no high-stress program like a database with 100
nodes and a few 10xgig of data. Why should the hlds do its calculations
10 times faster with a differnet kernel, just saying 'ho you can now
have some CPU power' and 'here is the memory you wanted'. Normaly the
kernel does almost not need much CPU power but the user programms can
have let's say ~95% of the CPU power. There may be a fault in the HLDS
code, no other dedicated server around like Tribes2, Q3 and so on are
needing that much CPU power from a server. Sometimes I whish I could
have a look for optimizing the HLDS engine or VALVe would make it under
the GPL or any other Licence as HL2 is approching the horizon. Also
Steam is a nice idea and I would like it is a GPL project, many people
can offer there knowledge and talents to it. If Steam would be
open-sorce, nevertheless VALVe could use it as destribution for there
very own products without a hassle, like other open-source online-shops
projects. But I'm dreaming and going to far...
With your
numbers that should mean that you could add 50 16 player 24/7 iceworld
server. Name them all 24/7 iceworld in the hostname and wait for them to
fill up. Lets see your server lock up WAY before you ever get to those 800
concurrent players. Because with your match you could get all 800 on there
and still have powere to spare.
Well nothing to say about this. The numbers speak for themselfes. If
that would be true, HLDS has a bigger problem as anybody ever expected. :)
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Re: [hlds_linux] cstrike server for class A network

2003-09-18 Thread Frank Stollar
Alfred Reynolds wrote:
The definition of LAN game has not changed. All clients that match the
servers ip with netmask are allowed into a LAN game.
Sorry Alfred that's definitly not correct. We are running a few CS
servers for a large dormitory in Munich with 2500+ users. As they are
running with the IP and sv_lan 1, all user with 10.x.x.x
are able to join them. For example 10.149.x.x which is definitly no mask. Please recheck your code. By the way, if you would
change this to another behavior and regrett it to a Class C (new
meaning), many large LANs cannot host a HL Server anymore like we do
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Re: [hlds_linux] cstrike server for class A network

2003-09-18 Thread Frank Stollar
Matthew Cheale wrote:
Didn't they say that if you authed with Steam then LAN restrictions
didn't apply?
I'm talking about 3110c 3111d and new Steam version. All have this
behavior, besides Steam does not support real offline LAN game till now.
And as old versions like 3110c also does not restrict LAN game to Class
C as said by Alfred, there is an error flowting around.
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Re: [hlds_linux] hlds fix for buffer-overrun exploit CAUTION:is not working !

2003-08-02 Thread Frank Stollar

I have no idea how this can happen to a server - if the patch got
it prevents anything beyond 255 characters from being passed to the
original function.
I'm guessing, since no one else is reporting crashes/hangs/overflows,
that this isnt related to your patch. Frank, are you sure beyond a
doubt? If the patch wasnt working, or was crashing servers, don't you
think we would see more comments here? I *know* attacks stopped against
my servers once i applied the patch.

We have over a dozen servers using that patch on, all were tested
after patching and none have went down since it was applied. I think Frank
is doing something wrong. Watch your server output when you fire it up
Frank, I forgot to put the .so file in the hlds_l dir on one of the servers
I upgraded but caught the mistake when I saw it looking for the file on
Thank you for your answers. We are investigating further into it and
will retry this test.
To clear some questions:
We wrote the line 'export LD_PRELOAD=./' into hlds_run in
the halflife directory direct after the 'export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' line. We copied in
the hlds_l directory. It shows up when we fired up the server.
The only difference could be, it was an LAN server we tried this.
Dominic, I will contact you for further informations to this topic.

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Re: [hlds_linux] hlds fix for buffer-overrun exploit CAUTION:isnot working !

2003-08-02 Thread Frank Stollar
Frank Stollar wrote:

I have no idea how this can happen to a server - if the patch got
it prevents anything beyond 255 characters from being passed to the
original function.

I'm guessing, since no one else is reporting crashes/hangs/overflows,
that this isnt related to your patch. Frank, are you sure beyond a
doubt? If the patch wasnt working, or was crashing servers, don't you
think we would see more comments here? I *know* attacks stopped against
my servers once i applied the patch.

We have over a dozen servers using that patch on, all were
after patching and none have went down since it was applied. I think
is doing something wrong. Watch your server output when you fire it up
Frank, I forgot to put the .so file in the hlds_l dir on one of the
I upgraded but caught the mistake when I saw it looking for the file on

Thank you for your answers. We are investigating further into it and
will retry this test.
Ok here we go. We just found the problem and it is persistent, but not
as bad as supposed first.
We tested it again at our LAN server and he was vulnerable again after 2
attacks. Ok, switching over to inet via 'sv_lan 0' and it works
fluently. Hammered on the server with the exploit-tool but it was not
going down. Switched back to lan with 'sv_lan 1' and after 2 attacks it
goes to it knees.
That would be no big problem for most of you, but I'm running LAN
servers too, and I don't want it to be killed by a kiddy during a
tournament or similiar.
Therefor when the server is running in LAN mode, another function seems
to be responsible for the exploit.
I hope Dominic would take a look into this problem and could fix it.

Thx go to Bernhard again for his help.

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Re: [hlds_linux] problem with

2003-07-31 Thread Frank Stollar
JC | KrUCiaL | wrote:
as you can see in this image the server runns for 40 seconds and seems
to be down every 40 seconds for 20 seconds - but the server is NOT
crashed - players are still connected and the have no lags or

Dowload lastest HLSW (v1.0.0-beta 3).
Latest beta is v1.0.0-beta6 and I recommend to use it, as beta3 has many
bugs already fixed in beta6.
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Re: [hlds_linux] problem with

2003-07-31 Thread Frank Stollar
Eric (Deacon) wrote:
Frank Stollar wrote:

Funny, the internation side seems to be not up-to-date. As the developer
is german, here the link from the german page ( that's just the program executable, NOT an updated installer?
HLSW is nothing more than a executable. Files missing will be generated
by the first startup. I plugged it over beta3 and it works without a glitch.
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Re: [hlds_linux] Half-Life Primary Server x.1.1.1d Beta Release

2003-07-31 Thread Frank Stollar
Steven Hartland wrote:
- Original Message -
From: Frank Stollar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OMG! I can't believe there are admins sticking with older versions than
1.16!! Hitbox bug was awesome till this release. I did research on my
own to discover it was metamod and not WWCL-tool to blame.

I think he meant awful not awesome :P
Indeed! 8-)
Did I mention that english is not my native language? :)
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Re: [hlds_linux] hlds_amd 2 times for 1 server???

2003-07-29 Thread Frank Stollar
since i updated to hl my server starts 2 hlds_amd processes???
why? is that correct? what does the 2nd one do?
 9317 ?00:00:01 screen
 9318 pts/300:01:14 halfd
 9320 pts/301:19:35 hlds_amd
 9338 pts/300:00:00 hlds_amd
You are running C-D 4.1.0, right? This seems some 'bug' or
'misbehaviour' of C-D at the moment. I got myself extremly performance
problems with the new release, besides the 'double process' bug or whatever.
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Re: [hlds_linux] Reporting Server Hackers

2003-07-23 Thread Frank Stollar
Florian Zschocke wrote:
Frank Stollar wrote:

Espacially this would be very hard if anywhere between two routers is no
ethernet-link but ATM or any other Layer2 protocol. In no other Layer2
are ARPs present.

Uhm, no. ARP is not restricted to Ethernet.
As ATM hast no MAC adresses, ARP would not work. There you use ATMARP,
similiar to ARP on ethernet. Ok these are also 'ARPs' but not that ARP
we are reffering for spoofing.

And also written in the first PDF document I refered:
This paper deals with the subject of ARP spoofing. ARP spoofing is a
method of exploiting the interaction
of IP and Ethernet protocols. It is only applicable to Ethernet networks
running IP.
And as we talk about getting the MAC of a network card on the internet,
which does not appear or travel through ATM except by Eth-over-ATM.
Every network technologie hast something similiar to address resolution
ARP, but they are not dealing with MAC addresses as ethernet does.
As you can see, I refer ARP as 'ethernet ARP' as the most common situation.
Sorry for the simple misunderstanding as I only talked about 'ethernet
ARP' as we are taking about MAC addresses.
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Re: [hlds_linux] Reporting Server Hackers

2003-07-23 Thread Frank Stollar
Britt Priddy (PZGN) wrote:

Ok - to clear the confusion - this is done by spoofing and placing
yourself on that local segment - and you can obtain any MAC address you
are able to connect to - note I pulled the MAC of the IP of the guy that
asked me to look at it - this was done by sitting on his network with a
spoofed packet to his game server and did an ARP Request.  I'll just
tell you its very possible and its done everyday - I do not feel its my
place to tell someone how to 'hack' and/or spoof to gain access to a
segment of a network to listen to the broadcasted traffic.
You didn't answer my question! I was the guy asked you for the MAC of, and the MAC you gave me is definitly wrong!
Read it again:
As for your machine - I see SSH running that's pretty much it as far
as anything I can connect to to establish an open connection. IP  = MAC = 00:09:b7:27:84:a0 Almost 99% UDP traffic is seen

Look for yourself:

bigbadaboom:~# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:CB:56:56:CC
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   RX packets:121311890 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:99285661 errors:60 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:60
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:2021109323 (1.8 GiB)  TX bytes:1738254273 (1.6 GiB)
   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xc00
eth0:0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:CB:56:56:CC
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xc00
As you can see is the HWaddr=MAC not the same you specified. The 99% UDP
traffic is easy to guess, if you scan the machine for services and found
a few CS servers running. This can be provided with nmap or similiar
port scanners.
Please explain why you told us a wrong MAC if this is foolproof? I can
give you another example:, tell me the MAC of that machine.
If you cannot give me the MAC of my machine, how will you than spoof my
MAC at all? Or even sniff the traffic itself?
You must give more evidence and argument to strenghten your position. If
you are right, you should bring any proof with it.
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Re: [hlds_linux] Reporting Server Hackers

2003-07-23 Thread Frank Stollar
Florian Zschocke wrote:
Britt Priddy (PZGN) wrote:

LOL Florian - that is where I sit. (the spoofed packet):P

LOL Britt - I'm not sure what you are trying to tell me. :) That MAC
address is a Cisco MAC address and I am 95% sure that Frank doesn't have
a NIC with a Cisco MAC address. So I guess I still didn't quite
understand your method there, really.
Oh, I can give you 100% :)
For those not knowing what we talk about, the first 3 hex digits are
dedicated to certain manufacturer.
Here you can take a look:
Serching for cisco gave you besides many other entries this:

00-09-B7   (hex)Cisco Systems
0009B7 (base 16)Cisco Systems
80 West Tasman Dr.
San Jose CA 94134
Looking at the MAC Brit is providing 00:09:b7:27:84:a0 we can easily see
that is the MAC of a CISCO product.
Looking at the MAC of my NIC 00:00:CB:56:56:CC will reveal:

RINGSTR. 56 - 58, 5450 NEUWIED
This is correct, at they build this TULIP card build in.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Reporting Server Hackers

2003-07-23 Thread Frank Stollar
Kevin J. Anderson wrote:
I cant believe you guys are STILL talking about this...
Hey, this is one of the best and most productive discussions since months :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] New Security Modules -February 25

2003-02-25 Thread Frank Stollar
Tyler Overkill Schwend wrote:
No, more info for us is fine. But the problem is, the cheaters
can make better use of that information than we can. We don't
really have any real dire need to know what is and isn't
detected. Sure, in time everyone will know, but that doesn't mean
we should go ahead and bust loose with it. Anyone who really
wants to do crack is gonna do it eventually anyway, but that
doesn't mean we should just go ahead and make it perfectly
available :-)
I am not sure why cheaters would make better use of this information
when it will be puplic a few days later anyway. I don't say they should
puplic the list along with the VAC update, but a few days/weeks, maybe
months later. I try to imagine which use a cheater can make about an
info several weeks old?!? I don't see any if I think hard about it. Am I
not weird enought?
You are right wo don't have any real dire about this, but if it don't
harm, why not share? :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] New Security Modules -February 25

2003-02-25 Thread Frank Stollar
Thomas J. Stensås wrote:

The only problem is that the people being keept in the dark are the server
admins. The cheaters already know what VAC detects and not, they cant make
any real use of such an addition to logs as they are quite aware which cheat
they where running to test if VAC caught it or not.
I see you take the point. The cheater has no new info but the admin
looking into the logfiles maybe days later, has no info at all. Why not
save and share that info. I think cheaters have more use for this
behavior than a server admin.
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Re: [hlds_linux] New Security Modules -February 25

2003-02-25 Thread Frank Stollar
Thomas J. Stensås wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 01:05, Frank Stollar wrote:

I see you take the point. The cheater has no new info but the admin
looking into the logfiles maybe days later, has no info at all. Why not
save and share that info. I think cheaters have more use for this
behavior than a server admin.

Wrong, admins have no info, but cheaters already have the info. It takes
approx 5 minutes from a new VAC module is released until most of the cheating
community is spreading the news of which new cheats are being caught.

Did I say something different? *g* Maybe my rusty bad english was not
clear enough? :)
As I said, the cheater has the info already, the admin does not get
_any_ info at all. I don't see the logical point why this is done like
it is.
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Re: [hlds_linux] [OT] Re: Multi-vendor Game Server DDoSVulnerability

2003-01-20 Thread Frank Stollar
Frank Stollar wrote:

Jeremy Brooking wrote:

I believe a lot of it has to do with 1 having a degree vs a working
history in an ISP.

A lot of people either lack the ability, or purely do not understand the
effects these things can have. From their view, the network works, so I
wont touch it...

Never touch a running system, ey? I can't believe this old law will
stand also for this 'behavior'!

But the point about 'degree' is obviously the bitter true reason. *sigh*

Oups, pressed the send button too fast
Sure it is also true, the most admins don't see something is wrong,
there network is running and all is fine. I think most admins won't know
the risk which arise out of misconfigurated network. *sigh*

good night


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Re: [hlds_linux] [OT] Having fun as an admin..

2002-09-09 Thread Frank Stollar

Another way to have some fun is:

mp_buytime 0.01
slow buying players will have no fun

mp_footsteps 0
at the end of a round when everybody is camping and hear the enemy
before comming around the corner.

mp_roundtime 1
when the T (in de levels) will take too much time to finish

mp_c4timer 15
when the CT are taking all time to get to the bomb

mp_freezetime of course

mp_startmoney 16000
just bevor a mapchange... not all people get it :)

sv_maxspeed 80
slow baby slow

but also a fun is to give the worst player on the server (with a 0:xx kd
ratio) an extra bonus with admin_godmode player for one round.

But better do this with people online you know, otherwise there will be
lameness come up.


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[hlds_linux] Win XP, A3D and compatibility mode

2002-09-04 Thread Frank Stollar

Leon Hartwig wrote:
 We have confirmed a false positive with the current (August 28) beta
 modules: Windows XP clients who run HL/CS in Windows 98 compatibility
 mode.  We'll get new beta modules up soon to correct this.

Well, this is used often by users trying to get a3d 2.0 to work under
Win XP. I already wanted to write something about this topic but never
managed to.
Everywere this is a common tip for XP users to enable the compatible
mode in XP for HL to get A3D to work. Just look at the source for every
Aureal user:
There in the forum you can see most people get A3D running only with
compatibility mode activated.
It's a walk trough hell to get A3D with the AU8830 to work on w2k or XP.
With good old 95/98 it is a piece of cake.
So the comp. mode will used more likely as you think.

I know this is a bit OT but I will tell you anyway, hoping somebody know
the answer or somebody from VALVe will read this.

I on my self are one of the less lucky guys who do not get A3D 2.0
running with HL. Will VALVe please fix this obvious bug ?
It's a pain for all users of modern WinOS to stumble with HL to get A3D.
I have a AU8830 card and installed the W2k Driver available. They run
flawless. Everything work. The A3D 2.0 demos, A3D plugin for winamp, all
just fine. But when I activate A3D in HL and somebody shoot (pistole,
rifle anything else) it will instantly freeze the HL process. I tried
many many thing, different drivers, HL original A3D.DLL, newer, older,
with and without compatibility mode but nothing works. All sound are
played very well as A3D but it will hang 1-3 sek after the first shot of
any weapon.

I hope somebody out there will hear this...


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Re: [hlds_linux] weird wonid

2002-08-12 Thread Frank Stollar

Jay Anstiss wrote:
 I had someone join my server tonight and they ahd the following wonid:

 :[Tara'sKnight]: - wonid: -1

 I'm not saying they're upto anything dodgy, but that is a weird wonid. I
 mean, -1?!

 Any thoughts?!

That's very easy. If you habe an LAN HL Server, the WonID you would see
in the logs is 4294967295.
If you put this in a signed integer of 32 bit, this would be equal to -1.

It's a kind of computer math and how a computer interprets positiv and
negativ numbers. But 4294967295 = -1 that's the point :)

Hope this helps


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