Re: [hlds_linux] Cant Kick Players with Quotes in their names

2008-05-08 Thread Peter Kirby
2008/5/8 Guy Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Can someone make a plug-in that "corrects" bad usernames?

I don't have a plugin as such. But the perl script that monitors the
multiple servers also issues admin/amx commands to force a name
change..So I have an event that is called on Namechange with oldname
and newname as parameters. That then runs some functions to check
naming rules. If they break the rules, it sends a execclient to the
user to change their name BACK to the old name. Likewise if they
connect with a name in the banned list (using rexexp matches) they are
kicked before the progress bar even gets to the end. (rcon is sent to
the server in question from the perl script).

It's something I've meant to make non specific to us (since it does a
lot more than what I've mentioned above), and more configurable and
available to people actually. But it'd be quite a task now I think.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Cant Kick Players with Quotes in their names

2008-05-08 Thread Peter Kirby
2008/5/8 Ronny Schedel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> No, I don't want to ignore the line and I don't want to kick players. I want
> it fixed by Valve :-)

Well personally to get to the point where you cannot salvage the line
(using my parse method) the player must have deliberately tried to
circumvent the logging system (e.g. to know exactly what to put to
cause parsing abiguity). We can pick up that there's an ambiguity, but
sometimes cannot establish the REAL data (if they've been clever).. In
that case, what's wrong with kicking them? Hell actually after this
thread, I am considering putting checking for dodgy names which could
exploit this in the join/name change events and boot them/change the
name back on that eventuality.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Cant Kick Players with Quotes in their names

2008-05-08 Thread Peter Kirby
Oh, and don't get me wrong. The logging system could be made much
better. Making a character that surrounds data fields and CANNOT be
placed into any field supplied by a user (name mainly). It would make
the whole process a lot less painful (believe me I spent a lot of time
trying to break my own parsing code).

Ideally you would have player info as a unique format. As it is now is
fine, but you'd want to lock out quotes as a usable character.

You could then have something like:

EVENTCODE,NUMPLAYERS,PLAYER1,PLAYER2..,event specific args (as
many as you'd expect).
So perhaps the above example of mine might be:


But, at the end of the day - we can't expect the format to be changed
by valve overnight (or even ever) so.. You just have to work your best
at writing a parser that does the best it can and sometimes has to
discard attempts at forgery.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Cant Kick Players with Quotes in their names

2008-05-08 Thread Peter Kirby
2008/5/8 Ronny Schedel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> You can fuck up every game. The name can be in the first place, at the
> second (killed event, attacked event) and in the last place (flag capture,
> point capture). The example is from TF2, but you also have a similar log
> line in DODS when you capture a flag. It is not possible to catch this abuse
> by a program, forget it.

I don't use regex. I process the line using substr and index mainly (perl).

Let's take a line you'd usually see a problem with:

L 05/08/2008 - 16:51:00: "player1<21>"
attacked "player2<23>" with "deagle" (damage "18")
(damage_armor "3") (health "82") (armor "97")

So how would I decode it? Of course first take the timestamp and
decode it. Remove it fro the line:

"player1<21>" attacked
"player2<23>" with "deagle" (damage "18")
(damage_armor "3") (health "82") (armor "97")

Now I see you're using quotes to take player 1 and player 2. But we
know they can be faked. So forget about them.

So now we can pull info backwards. That part is reliable at least. So
armor = 97. Remove it from the line:

"player1<21>" attacked
"player2<23>" with "deagle" (damage "18")
(damage_armor "3") (health "82")

Health 82, remove it from the line

"player1<21>" attacked
"player2<23>" with "deagle" (damage "18")
(damage_armor "3")

damage_armor 3, remove it from the line

"player1<21>" attacked
"player2<23>" with "deagle" (damage "18")

damage 18 remove it

"player1<21>" attacked
"player2<23>" with "deagle"

We get weapon "deagle" remove

"player1<21>" attacked

We have 2 players and the reason. Now to a certain extent there is a
possibility to fraud. But, on the whole I am not so sure.

We can get the team name of player 2. It's safe they can't mess with that. CT

"player1<21>" attacked "player2<23>"

Steam ID also

"player1<21>" attacked "player2<23>"

Slot ID

"player1<21>" attacked "player2"

Now we have the problem. They COULD put "attacked" in their name. But
we can check for more than one use of "attacked" or if other "reason"
codes were used within context (outside the quoted area we expected).
I could at this point just issue a kick on the player (by steam ID or
slot ID which we reliably have already remember). Or I can ignore the
line. Provided I can ascertain the reason safely (and it would take
elaborate work to deceive) we've got player name. Now by the way
quotes in the name don't matter. I worked from the first instance of
"attacked" outside what I believe to be player 1's info. So now I have
player 2's name

"player1<21>" attacked

We had already pullled reason, but now we remove it from the string.


Now it's even easier. We retrieve team, ID and slot in the usual way.
and what's left is the player name.. e.g. it couldn't be spoofed at

Worst that can happen is through some elaborate naming (NOT JUST
quotes) we ignore the line, or boot the player from the server. Hell
you can even issue an amx/adminmod command to force them to change
their name.

It's been running forever and I've not seen anything get past it. And
looking at the player join logs (also pulled using the log listener) I
see plenty of names with single quotes double quotes > and < in the

Maybe TF2 has some tougher obstacles to overcome. Like I say it's not
something I've looked into.

Certainly nothing interupts the running of this script. It's maximum
non stop running time was 5 months once (interupted due to server
reboot). Sure enough server has been up 9 days, process was started on
boot (process number 185).

It is possible to either safely parse a line, or ignore it at the very
worse case if it's a blatant attempt to spoof info.

Hope this walloftext has explained what I meant.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Cant Kick Players with Quotes in their names

2008-05-08 Thread Peter Kirby
2008/5/8 Ronny Schedel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> No, the quotes allow an user to break out the quotes, like with SQL
> injection. You can produce valid loglines, but wrong one. An example:
> A valid logline, without date and stuff:
> Team "Blue" triggered "pointcaptured" (cp "2") (cpname "a") (numcappers "1")
> (player1 "player1<1>") (position1 "1 1 1")
> Now, let's break out the quotes. Rename to:
> player2<2>") (position1 "2 2 2") ( player2 "
> Now the logline looks like:
> Team "Blue" triggered "pointcaptured" (cp "2") (cpname "a") (numcappers "1")
> (player1 "
> player2<2>") (position1 "2 2 2") ( player2 "
> player1<1>") (position1 "1 1 1")
> The line itself is valid, except the logical part: we have 1 numcappers, but
> 2 players in the line and a player from the Red team was able to capture the
> point. This case is not possible to track down by a program, because the
> logline format is valid, only the logic part is wrong.
> Breaking out the quotes is a common hack for SQL injection and a big
> security problem. It should be handled here like the same.
> This is only an example, I did not tried it out, I want to show only what
> happens if you allow every character. There are better examples to fuck up
> the logs, I am sure.
> Currently we have to kick all people with invalid characters in the name,
> there is no other solution yet.

Aha, if the player name is not the very first field on a line, you
have a problem. I've only used this on CS/CSS/DOD/DODS servers so far.
Is this for TF2 then? We don't have any of those running. It has been
mentioned to move some of the old CS servers onto TF2 mind you. So I
am sure I'll find out these perils soon enough.

Umm, are the "player1" and "player2" lines after the capture on
separate lines? If so it's easy to pull them out. If not... Yes,
there's scope for abuse that is unavoidable I guess.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Cant Kick Players with Quotes in their names

2008-05-08 Thread Peter Kirby
2008/5/8 Mark Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> What processing engine? All they do to print a log is this:
> Log("%s<%d><%s>\n", name, id, steamId);
> So if there is a quote in the name it gets printed out.

You misunderstood. I am referring to the engine processing the log
lines and parsing them into fields. If they are failing to handle
quotes/other characters in the name, they're processing the line
wrong. Simple as. Valve limiting characters would just mean the badly
coded parsers would work fine.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Cant Kick Players with Quotes in their names

2008-05-08 Thread Peter Kirby
2008/5/8 Ronny Schedel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The problem is not the stats program. Valve must fix the log entries and
> does not allow any character. You have also problems if Valve would allow <
> and > in the names.

Wrong. If you read HOW I process the logs you'd see they can put ANY
characters they like (except CR/LF of course) in their names and I'd
process the line correctly still.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Cant Kick Players with Quotes in their names

2008-05-08 Thread Peter Kirby
2008/5/8 Mark Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Could just make a plugin which kick players with quotes in there name

Or the processing engine could just parse the logs properly in the first place.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Cant Kick Players with Quotes in their names

2008-05-08 Thread Peter Kirby
2008/4/28 Jon Swope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> While Psychostats halting completely is indeed an error with Psychostats,
>  allowing unescaped double quotes in usernames breaks Valve's own logging
>  format.  While minor (it only hurts log parsing programs) it still should
>  qualify as a bug.
>  While through some crazy regexing the logs can still be parsed, it shouldn't
>  be necessary to have to handle both of these cases:
>  "Cow<1>"
>  "Cow "of the night"<2>"

A year or two ago I wrote a process that handles the log output of
multiple servers and performs actions based on those log messages
(server fleet wide bans, admin calls, warnings for language etc etc
all kinds of things). At that time I considered quotes and decided the
best way to solve the problem was to work BACKWARDS on each log line.
Once slot number is processed the rest of the line is player name,
regardless of what flashy characters you find.

Any other way and you can get problems with various characters in the name.

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Re: [hlds_linux] server is insecure

2006-03-27 Thread Peter Kirby
On 27/03/06, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to add that HLSW reports following:
> "v1.1.2.5/Stdio 3421 insecure (secure mode enabled, disconnected from
> Steam3) (RCON) (Linux, Dedicated)"
> That somehow doesn't make sense.

Was about to report the same thing. Message is a recent addition, and
it seems to mean exactly what it says. Server wanted to be secure.
Steam auth server says no.

Maybe they're updating VAC2 or the secure auth servers are down at the
mo for some maintenance... Hopefully it won't be for too long!

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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: [hlds] The Famous "Your Map de_dust differs from the server" ERROR.

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Kirby
Rather than delete everything can I suggest first trying (in this order)

delete InstallRecord.blob (will force a verify_all anyway I think)
delete ~/.steam folder (user's home folder where ./steam is run from)
this contains clientregistry.blob etc.
finally delete server.dll itself (as it's the file it's failing on).

See if this helps the update complete at least.

As to the possible underlying causes. Quite a few good suggestions
have already been posted.

On 19/02/06, irv carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> we have 2 gig of ram in the box i dont think that is it
> >From: kama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Re: [hlds] The Famous "Your Map de_dust differs
> >from the server" ERROR.
> >Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 11:17:56 +0100 (CET)
> >
> >
> >Backup configs (if needed)
> >Delete the dir.
> >Make the dir
> >Make sure the permissions are correct.
> >Then copy a steamclient from directory where it already works.
> >run the steamclient again.
> >
> >Btw, you are not running out of memory or something?
> >
> >/Bjorn
> >
> >On Fri, 17 Feb 2006, Munra -hlds wrote:
> >
> > > I have 3 servers install
> > >
> > > css1
> > > csstest
> > > cs1.6
> > > DODS
> > >
> > > All installed under a Different dir
> > >
> > > All the server we update expect the csstest server
> > > And even as a super user I still get that error when I try and update I
> >also
> > > delete the steam files and reloaded the tool but when I run ./steam I
> >still
> > > get that error.
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "kama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 9:05 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Re: [hlds] The Famous "Your Map de_dust
> >differs
> > > from the server" ERROR.
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > One server is??? One fysical server or one instance of hlds of
> >multiple
> > > > installations on one server?
> > > >
> > > > /Bjorn
> > > >
> > > > On Fri, 17 Feb 2006, Munra -hlds wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> Well It seems That it only does not work on one server i can update
> >my
> > > >> other
> > > >> css server and my dods server Fine just not this one.  It also does
> >this
> > > >> as
> > > >> when I use sudo or i am a super user.
> > > >> - Original Message -
> > > >> From: "kama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >> To: 
> > > >> Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 4:32 AM
> > > >> Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Re: [hlds] The Famous "Your Map de_dust
> >differs
> > > >> from the server" ERROR.
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> >
> > > >> > At the first look, it feels like a memory or disk related problem.
> >May
> > > >> > even be a permission problem.
> > > >> >
> > > >> > fread() tries to read a binary safe stream from pFile and store the
> > > >> > data
> > > >> > into m_MallocBlockBuffer.get(), which probably return a pointer to
> >the
> > > >> > memory where to store the data.
> > > >> >
> > > >> > The other part it seems you have got a bad download or again it can
> >be
> > > >> > memory related.
> > > >> >
> > > >> > /Bjorn
> > > >> >
> > > >> > On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Munra -hlds wrote:
> > > >> >
> > > >> >> This Problem was on the Windows list But I am haveing the same
> > > >> >> problems
> > > >> >> with
> > > >> >> windows and Linux
> > > >> >> I am doing an update with verify_all and All server are shut down
> >and
> > > >> >> I
> > > >> >> getting this error.(This is putty Log)
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >> -bash-3.00$ cd /home/games/cs/test
> > > >> >> -bash-3.00$ cd /home/games/cs/test
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >> -bash-3.00$ exit./steam -command update -game
> >"Counter-Strike
> > > >> >> Source" -dir . -verify_
> > > >> >> _all
> > > >> >> Checking bootstrapper version ...
> > > >> >> Updating Installation
> > > >> >> Checking/Installing 'Counter-Strike Source Shared Content' version
> >46
> > > >> >> Verifying: .\cstrike\bin\server.dll
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >> DebugAssert
> > > >> >> Expr: ( fread(m_MallocBlockBuffer.get(), uLen, 1, pFile)) == ( 1 )
> > > >> >> Line: 1025
> > > >> >> File: LocalDepotCreator.cpp
> > > >> >> Aborted
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >> I don;t Get why it is Crashing on the dll this is not a windows
> >server
> > > >> >> Then after trying to Redownload the the hldsupdatetool I now get
> >this
> > > >> >> err
> > > >> >> when I run ./steam
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >> Enter 'yes' to accept this agreement, 'no' to decline: yes
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >> uncompress: stdin: corrupt input.
> > > >> >> tar: Read 2434 bytes from -
> > > >> >> tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
> > > >> >> tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
> > > >> >> tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >> This was working fine last Night
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >>
> > > >> >> - Original Message -
> > > >> >> From: "Robert Dodd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >> >> To: 
> > > >> >> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 9:27 PM
> > > >> >> Subject: Re: [hlds] The Famous 

Re: [hlds_linux] This server is using newer protocol (7) that your client have (5)

2006-02-06 Thread Peter Kirby
On 06/02/06, Erik Hollensbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2006, at 6:52 AM, Peter Kirby wrote:
> > On 06/02/06, Dmitriy Gorbenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> And, besides, I am not an a criminal man - dedicated servers from
> >> Valve are free spread software.
> >> Are my clients, which want to play CS, are criminals ? Maybe yes.
> >> But, this is Ukraine (as Russian like), and no one here will pay
> >> $19 (or more) for game, which everyone can buy for $2.
> >> Very sad...
> >
> > Be that as it may. You come onto a Valve administered mailing list,
> > with Valve employees reading it, asking these questions and somehow
> > expect an answer? This is probably the last place you will get one!!
> >
> > But this highlights the difference between a $2 copy and a $19 copy..
> > You have somewhat more chance of using the $19 copy. Unless you want
> > to run around on your own/with bots :P
> Just because this is an inane thread that I would really like to see
> end instead of having to dig through someone's attempt to regurgitate
> the obvious...
> Start a listen server with your hacked client.
> Now, can we please end this thread?

I will certainly let it end with that 'lol' ;)

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Re: [hlds_linux] This server is using newer protocol (7) that your client have (5)

2006-02-06 Thread Peter Kirby
On 06/02/06, Dmitriy Gorbenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And, besides, I am not an a criminal man - dedicated servers from Valve are 
> free spread software.
> Are my clients, which want to play CS, are criminals ? Maybe yes.
> But, this is Ukraine (as Russian like), and no one here will pay $19 (or 
> more) for game, which everyone can buy for $2.
> Very sad...

Be that as it may. You come onto a Valve administered mailing list,
with Valve employees reading it, asking these questions and somehow
expect an answer? This is probably the last place you will get one!!

But this highlights the difference between a $2 copy and a $19 copy..
You have somewhat more chance of using the $19 copy. Unless you want
to run around on your own/with bots :P

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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: hlds_linux digest, Vol 1 #4925 - 13 msgs

2006-02-06 Thread Peter Kirby
On 04/02/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Different story for me, we run an AMD64 3000, 2GB DDR, 120GB SATA which we
> rent from INX and is located at RedBus Server Farm in London running FC4, on
> this box we run 2 1.3 DoD Servers and 2 DoD:S Servers, i tried the swapbeta
> on one of the source servers and the ping for the other 3 shot into the
> 500-1000 range, the updated one just timed out in HLSW. Although over SSH I
> could still see it running ok.
> Rolled it back and they all settled down again.

Well. Just to add the test machines in this case are mostly P4's. No
AMD at all. It's been rolled out across the farm now and seems to be
OK (so far)

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Re: [hlds_linux] This server is using newer protocol (7) that your client have (5)

2006-02-06 Thread Peter Kirby
On 06/02/06, Reinder P. Gerritsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, Clear.
> Now I run - and I think most of us do - a CS Source server, and I realy
> can't come up with a reason that you so desperately require support for an
> older protocol version.

I can only think of one. And it's already been mentioned here. If
that's the case I suspect the original poster can expect zero support
anyone here in that matter!

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Re: [hlds_linux] Revert back to 29

2006-02-04 Thread Peter Kirby
On 04/02/06, Mathias Sandahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Hello!
> Is 32 a stable release? cause I can't revert back to 29 with "-beta
> swapbeta" command. Or am I doing it wrong?
> The reason I want to downgrade is huge pingspikes with version 32.

Just removing -beta swapbeta from the steam update command line should
roll back. Unless indeed they have made it stable..

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Re: [hlds_linux] Source and HL1 dedicated server Beta available

2006-02-03 Thread Peter Kirby
On 03/02/06, Tim McLennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Kirby
> > Sent: February 3, 2006 02:59 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Source and HL1 dedicated server Beta available
> >
> > On 03/02/06, Martin Zwickel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > --
> > > > On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 08:52:36AM +0100,  bubbled:
> > > > --
> > > > On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 22:41:23 -0800
> > > > "Alfred Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> bubbled:
> > > >
> > > > > We have a beta release available for both the Source and HL1 engine.
> > > > > > This beta fixes the steam id swapping problem amongst other small
> > > > > fixes. You can apply the beta by running the hldsupdatetool and
> > > > > adding "-beta swapbeta" to the command line.
> > > > >
> > > > > A couple of users in an initial test reported a server hang and
> > > > > associated assert (pipes.cpp line 298), if you see this please send me
> > > > > your OS configuration and hardware.
> > > > >
> > > > > - Alfred
> > > >
> > > > Thx Alfred! Hope it works, at least it starts ;)
> > >
> > > BTW: STEAM ID PENDING bug is still present with latest swapbeta!
> > > I got one user that had STEAM ID PENDING:
> > > "bleiti<326>
> >
> > Yeah well the thing is. Without the swapbeta that pending would have
> > mixed up the next map's player IDs.. I know which bug I'd rather have
> > ;)
> In many cases, players who do not get a validated STEAMID are playing with a
> hacked client. (no cd key = no steamid)

I've never seen this happen. I have seen the 'bug' cause of the
problem many a time and could even explain exactly how/why it happens
(although you'd need damn good timing to reproduce it to order). In
fact it was the same trigger for this as was the skewed steam ID
problem we just had.

If you'd like to be bored to tears I could explain it from start to finish. :P

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Re: [hlds_linux] Source and HL1 dedicated server Beta available

2006-02-03 Thread Peter Kirby
On 03/02/06, Martin Zwickel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 08:52:36AM +0100,  bubbled:
> > --
> > On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 22:41:23 -0800
> > "Alfred Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> bubbled:
> >
> > > We have a beta release available for both the Source and HL1 engine.
> > > This beta fixes the steam id swapping problem amongst other small
> > > fixes. You can apply the beta by running the hldsupdatetool and
> > > adding "-beta swapbeta" to the command line.
> > >
> > > A couple of users in an initial test reported a server hang and
> > > associated assert (pipes.cpp line 298), if you see this please send me
> > > your OS configuration and hardware.
> > >
> > > - Alfred
> >
> > Thx Alfred! Hope it works, at least it starts ;)
> BTW: STEAM ID PENDING bug is still present with latest swapbeta!
> I got one user that had STEAM ID PENDING:
> "bleiti<326>

Yeah well the thing is. Without the swapbeta that pending would have
mixed up the next map's player IDs.. I know which bug I'd rather have

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Re: [hlds_linux] Source and HL1 dedicated server Beta available

2006-02-03 Thread Peter Kirby
On 03/02/06, Peter Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 03/02/06, Erik Hollensbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree. It's also a pretty damn quick response to the performance
> issue (which I think is the only one preventing a full server farm
> rollout of the beta).

Looks to me like performance issues are solved in this release. Not
seen any problems so far today (and both processes on the tets server
have been busy for quite some hours now)

FPS is between 95-115 which is what I'd expect ;)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Source and HL1 dedicated server Beta available

2006-02-03 Thread Peter Kirby
On 03/02/06, Erik Hollensbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Completely unrelated, I want to mention that it's very cool and
> surprising to see a paid employee answering mail on a help list at
> midnight pacific time (which is where the valve offices are located,
> at least).
> I know there are a lot of gripes out there about various (and worthy)
> things from the server operators, but this should echo (through
> action, the best kind) a few things about the effort involved to keep
> people happy.

I agree. It's also a pretty damn quick response to the performance
issue (which I think is the only one preventing a full server farm
rollout of the beta).

With regards to the AMD problem though. The hostname thing may be the
problem. But why would the i486 binary work for these people (well I
say people, only 1 person replied that the i486 worked fine) with VAC
and the AMD not?

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Re: [hlds_linux] FPS-drops

2006-02-02 Thread Peter Kirby
On 02/02/06, Mathias Sandahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Now I've installed a totally fresh hlds + cstrike copy and made NO changes
> to the default setup. When I start the server I get the same results, 5-12%
> CPU usage and FPS drops with 0 players online.
> When I updated from 29 to 31 things got even worse, CPU usage skyrocketed to
> 50-99% with NO players online.

I have to report seeing the same drop. Servers which used to be 90-120
and mostly sit at 100 solid now freely fluctuate from 40-110 and are
all over the place.

I've not checked out what the in game experience is yet though.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Source and HL1 dedicated server Beta available

2006-02-02 Thread Peter Kirby
On 02/02/06, WhiskyHornan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, are you running an Amd or Intel cpu on your server?
> My Intel starts up fine with VAC, but my Amd just totally refuse to start up
> with VAC and it doesn't enter secure-mode for all the time it's up.
> The only difference is the cpu, same os on both and same connection to the
> Internet. Tried with both -sport stated and not, used a lot of different
> ports to.

Could try forcing the i486 binary. Should be compatible with amd (not
optimized though). If VAC starts you can be sure it's the binary :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Source and HL1 dedicated server Beta available

2006-02-02 Thread Peter Kirby
On 02/02/06, W0kk3L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's weird, cause the (beta release) server keeps starting without VAC.

Silly question. You are specifying a -sport? Something like +1 from
the +port argument should work.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Source and HL1 dedicated server Beta available

2006-02-02 Thread Peter Kirby
On 02/02/06, Alfred Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This update is for Linux only (the bugs were located in Linux only
> code).

Glad about the pipes thing. It's running on a couple of the affected
servers now. We'll know soon enough (well I will) if it wasn't
successful. I've not seen any stalls yet though.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Source and HL1 dedicated server Beta available

2006-01-31 Thread Peter Kirby
On 31/01/06, Evaldas Zilinskas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, my server hangs up, when someone connects. I mean, that people get
> "Connection problem". Still looking a reason why.

If it's same as what we got. If you run the hlds in a console when it
happens you'll find hlds locks for 1 minute (exactly) and you'll get
the Assertion error Alfred mentions. When it comes back after the 1
minute everyone will have timed out.

It seems to be to do with linux setup rather than hardware though.

On the whole batch of servers this happens (various hardware
configurations, all same distribution). So far I've been running it on
my own dedicated server similar hardware, different linux
distribution. And it's working fine.

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Re: [hlds_linux] sv_unlag

2006-01-28 Thread Peter Kirby
On 28/01/06, Ben Kennish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ben Kennish wrote:
> > The default on my server (DoD:S) seemed to be 1.0 (1second).  This seems
> > FAR too large as a default.  Surely a more sensible default now that so
> > many users have broadband would be 0.25 (250ms) or even lower?  Perhaps
> > if the default was lowered, server admins wouldn't feel the need to use
> > 3rd party mods to auto-kick players with high pings?
> >
> > Or maybe I'm getting a little confused here?
> Anyone?

Well I'm not sure it will actually make a great deal of difference. I
doubt if you only have broadband players that it will hurt though.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Ban List

2006-01-25 Thread Peter Kirby
On 25/01/06, W0kk3L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a plugin for HLDS and for SRCDS. Both work great.
> And yes, SB currently still has closed the ban submission.

Yeah that won't re-open until the ID bug is fixed. Even then I reckon
they won't allow demos taken during the period the bug was known to

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Re: [hlds_linux] Ban List

2006-01-24 Thread Peter Kirby
On 24/01/06, Joel Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of any central place for reporting hackers steam Ids?
> I know that central spam lists of IP and email server exist. I'm
> wondering if anyone has started something like this for steam Ids?

I think you must have heard of steambans? The DB isn't downloadable
(seriously if you have that many IDs in your banned.cfg mapchanges
would take a century :P) a plugin is used instead.

Anyway go take a look-see at steambans

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Re: [hlds_linux] Fw: steam update binary

2006-01-23 Thread Peter Kirby
On 23/01/06, Rock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Peter Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 22/01/06, Andreas Brisner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> > > --
> > > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: Andreas Brisner
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:26 AM
> > > Subject: steam update binary
> > >
> > >
> > > I am trying to run the steam binary as root,
> > > but i get this:
> > > "Checking bootstrapper version ...
> > > Segmentation fault"
> > >
> > > Does anyone know what could be wrong?
> > > I know this isnt probably the right mailinglist,
> > > but i hope someone knows
> >
> > I don't know the answer. But I just spotted this
> > happening tonight on
> > only 1 server of about 30. Hardware identical to
> > others, the linux
> > install pretty much a mirror. It used to work. Now
> > it doesn't. steam
> > binary md5 matches the other servers too.
> >
> > ___
> >
> I'm seeing the same thing on one of my boxes.  Played
> with it for quit a while and don't see what is
> diffrent between this and all my others.  All boxes
> are setup identical and I have 3 others that are
> identical HW wise too.

Someone else pointed the solution to this out to me.

In your game server user's home folder (cd ~) you might find a hidden
folder .steam.

rm -rf ~/.steam and try again. Not going to say it will deffo work.
But it might :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Fw: steam update binary

2006-01-22 Thread Peter Kirby
On 22/01/06, Andreas Brisner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> - Original Message -
> From: Andreas Brisner
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:26 AM
> Subject: steam update binary
> I am trying to run the steam binary as root,
> but i get this:
> "Checking bootstrapper version ...
> Segmentation fault"
> Does anyone know what could be wrong?
> I know this isnt probably the right mailinglist,
> but i hope someone knows

I don't know the answer. But I just spotted this happening tonight on
only 1 server of about 30. Hardware identical to others, the linux
install pretty much a mirror. It used to work. Now it doesn't. steam
binary md5 matches the other servers too.

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Re: [hlds_linux] sv_unlag

2006-01-21 Thread Peter Kirby
On 21/01/06, Evaldas Žilinskas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you. So what's the problem for me, you would ask. The problem is, that
> players on my server to often die, when they are already out of firing
> range, so I decided to find something about this "unlag" system.

Yeah, it's a side effect of the lag compensation. If its any
consolation, they really were in range when the bullet that killed
them was actually fired :P

If you turned it off you would equally get complaints from people
saying "They definately got a hit on that guy" and so on.
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Re: [hlds_linux] steamid changes with name

2006-01-21 Thread Peter Kirby
> A player was running a multi hack with the name changing feature which we
> were unable to ban via server or hlsw. The player was kicked and the log
> file was opened to obtain the player's info to add to the server's
> ban.cfg. In reviewing the log file we came to discover that as the
> player's name changed, his steamid changed as well. How is it that a
> player connects to steam with one steamid/account and is assigned to
> different steamids/accounts during name changes ?  If you would like to
> view the log file I would be more than happy to provide it.

I have personally never heard of this. And due to the way assignments
are made would have thought this impossible.

> We also recently had an instance in which one of our admin could not
> connect to steam as he received a message stating his account was 'already
> in use'. The admin then opened hlsw to find that there was a player in our
> server who had been assigned to his steamid/account. What is going on with
> steamid assignments ?

This happens at the moment. It's the bug they are currently working
on. So like the rest of us you have to sit tight :)

> Please help- it's hard enough as an admin trying to sort the cheaters from
> the skilled players and now to top that off we are caught up in deciding
> who's steamid we are really banning when a cheater is caught not to
> mention having to worry that a player may connect under an admin's account
> and exploit admin powers.

The only way to decide I've found is to check the history of a STEAM
ID. For example if you see that steam ID connected over the last week
with an IP always starting 175.192.x.x and suddenly a cheat comes on
with that ID but the IP is 195.149.x.x then you can clearly tell it's
not likely the same player.

Yeah, it's very annoying. But we're all experiencing the same things.

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Re: [hlds_linux] sv_unlag

2006-01-20 Thread Peter Kirby
On 20/01/06, Evaldas Žilinskas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Hello again,
> Can anyone tell the right meaning of the sv_unlag?

Well we wish it was sv_unlag 1 to remove all lag from the server ;)

Really it should always be on (maybe not if you're playing on a
seriously low ping LAN).

Setting sv_unlag to 0 should have the same effect as setting cl_lc 0
on all clients. The server would not bother calculating for lag
compensation (e.g. most people's shots wouldn't register because they
would be 50 or so ms behind real time).

e.g. Usually when you shoot at someone on your screen (the client)
your crosshair is on the other player's head. But when you hit fire,
the command is sent. During which the play has moved on. Most of the
time by the time the command gets to the server that player would have
moved on (hence the player would see no hit). What actually happens
(when unlag is 1) is that the server checks the history for both you
and the player at the time you hit fire (I don't know if it uses ping
or whether with the fire command the client sends the server frame
number IT was receiving at the time for comparison) to decide if you
made a hit or not. This is why sometimes you die when you KNEW you
made it out of firing range ;)

Better to leave it on and let clients decide which they prefer.
Something worth playing with might be sv_maxunlag. It defines the
maximum number of seconds the server will compensate upto. I think by
default this is 0.5 (500ms). If you are catering only for DSL you
could lower this. I am not sure whether a lower value would translate
to less taxing CPU workloads. I've never bothered changing from
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Re: [hlds_linux] STEAM ID Bug

2006-01-19 Thread Peter Kirby
On 19/01/06, LuZiFeR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know, but we have 3Connection/Month and it had take much time to
> popularise the server to this point..
> I don't want to annoy all players with restarts every day

Yeah but until the problem is resolved. It's pretty much the only
thing you can do. Adding the password will stop people getting the
admin access. But once it's happened you will find your admins will of
course not have their access password or not :(

It doesn't happen once a day. Over 30 or so HL1 servers we see it once
every 4 days I think.

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Re: [hlds_linux] STEAM ID Bug

2006-01-19 Thread Peter Kirby
On 19/01/06, LuZiFeR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Today all Ids are mixed completly on all our servers (CZ)after a
> map-change
> 4 foreign players are getting Admin-Rights (AMXX)...Stats are brokenetc.
> PLEASE PLEASE fix this fast !!!
> If you need more logs, i can send them. (I think you have a bunch of logs
> already)...
> Very very very annoying
> A frustrated LuZi :(

Yeah as soon as you see it happen, just reboot the offending server.
Once it starts it will go on and on at least for that map.

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Re: [hlds_linux] STEAM ID Bug

2006-01-17 Thread Peter Kirby
On 17/01/06, Matt Judge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a thought.  Has anyone thought about the implications of someone
> being banned by VAC because someone has been assigned the wrong STEAM ID?

This has been asked previously. The answer given was that the STEAM ID
issue is related to the hlds itself whereas VAC/VAC2 runs on the
client. So the wrong people won't be getting VAC banned because of
this bug :)

It does make it tougher for server admins to spot the genuine cheats
though of course :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] 1.6 server crashing after last update

2005-11-24 Thread Peter Kirby
On 25/11/05, Peter Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 23/11/05, Para <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Also here multible crashes on CZ Server. Server Crashers while Mapchange
> > (around 15 Seconds after mapchange) only with players on it.
> > Hat to reroll update.
> > While logged in server gives while crash:
> >
> > > ./hlds_run: line 424: 30411 Speicherzugriffsfehler  (core dumped) $HL_CMD
> > > Cannot access memory at address 0x40016f04
> > > debug.cmds:1: Error in sourced command file:
> > > Cannot access memory at address 0xbffedc50
> > > email debug.log to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > There is nothing with acual date in debug.log.
> > Server is running with pingboost, plugins are:
> >
> >  [ 1] AMX  RUN   -amx_mm_i586.sov0.9.9
> > ini   ANY   ANY
> >  [ 2] CSStats  RUN   -csstats_mm_i586.  v0.9.9
> > ini   ANY   ANY
> >  [ 3] Fun  RUN   -fun_mm_i586.sov0.9.9
> > ini   ANY   ANY
> >  [ 4] VexdUM   RUN   -VexdUM_mm_i586.s  v0.9.9
> > ini   ANY   ANY
> >  [ 5] HLGuard  RUN   -hlguard_mm_optim  v1.8
> > ini   Chlvl Chlvl
> >  [ 6] SBSRVRUN  v2.1
> > ini   Start Never
> > 6 plugins, 6 running
> >
> > No Problems before update.
> > Linux is kind of hardened Suse 9.0 with source server running on it
> > without problems.
> > Para
> >
> >
> > >Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 23:57:13 +0100
> > >From: Axel Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >To:
> > >Subject: [hlds_linux] 1.6 server crashing after last update
> > >Reply-To:
> > >
> > >our 1.6 server crashing on every mapchange since the last hl1 update.
> > >here is the debug log from today (only last 2 hours):
> > >
> > >
> > >CRASH: Di Nov 22 22:16:28 CET 2005
> > >Start Line: ./hlds_i686 -game czero +map de_dust2_cz +maxplayers 17 -ip
> > > -port 27020 +log on -noipx -nojoy -autoupdate -debug
> > >-pidfile
> > >Using host libthread_db library "/lib/".
> > >Core was generated by `./hlds_i686 -game czero +map de_dust2_cz
> > >+maxplayers 17 -ip -por'.
> > >Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> > >#0  0x4024e106 in ?? ()
> > >#0  0x4024e106 in ?? ()
> > >End of crash report
> [SNIP]
> Am getting similar. (oddly I am often getting these with addresses
> ending e106 too - as well as others) cstrike on P4HT 3.06 running
> 2.6.10 SMP kernel using adminmod + steambans mods. coredumps
> available.
> Oddly though for us it's only happening on some servers and then it's
> happening all over the place. Sometimes when a player joins. Sometimes
> totally at random.
> More detailed info (plus coredumps) available if valve will find them helpful.

Ignore that. Just saw the fix has been posted. :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] 1.6 server crashing after last update

2005-11-24 Thread Peter Kirby
On 23/11/05, Para <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also here multible crashes on CZ Server. Server Crashers while Mapchange
> (around 15 Seconds after mapchange) only with players on it.
> Hat to reroll update.
> While logged in server gives while crash:
> > ./hlds_run: line 424: 30411 Speicherzugriffsfehler  (core dumped) $HL_CMD
> > Cannot access memory at address 0x40016f04
> > debug.cmds:1: Error in sourced command file:
> > Cannot access memory at address 0xbffedc50
> > email debug.log to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> There is nothing with acual date in debug.log.
> Server is running with pingboost, plugins are:
>  [ 1] AMX  RUN   -amx_mm_i586.sov0.9.9
> ini   ANY   ANY
>  [ 2] CSStats  RUN   -csstats_mm_i586.  v0.9.9
> ini   ANY   ANY
>  [ 3] Fun  RUN   -fun_mm_i586.sov0.9.9
> ini   ANY   ANY
>  [ 4] VexdUM   RUN   -VexdUM_mm_i586.s  v0.9.9
> ini   ANY   ANY
>  [ 5] HLGuard  RUN   -hlguard_mm_optim  v1.8
> ini   Chlvl Chlvl
>  [ 6] SBSRVRUN  v2.1
> ini   Start Never
> 6 plugins, 6 running
> No Problems before update.
> Linux is kind of hardened Suse 9.0 with source server running on it
> without problems.
> Para
> >Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 23:57:13 +0100
> >From: Axel Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To:
> >Subject: [hlds_linux] 1.6 server crashing after last update
> >Reply-To:
> >
> >our 1.6 server crashing on every mapchange since the last hl1 update.
> >here is the debug log from today (only last 2 hours):
> >
> >
> >CRASH: Di Nov 22 22:16:28 CET 2005
> >Start Line: ./hlds_i686 -game czero +map de_dust2_cz +maxplayers 17 -ip
> > -port 27020 +log on -noipx -nojoy -autoupdate -debug
> >-pidfile
> >Using host libthread_db library "/lib/".
> >Core was generated by `./hlds_i686 -game czero +map de_dust2_cz
> >+maxplayers 17 -ip -por'.
> >Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> >#0  0x4024e106 in ?? ()
> >#0  0x4024e106 in ?? ()
> >End of crash report


Am getting similar. (oddly I am often getting these with addresses
ending e106 too - as well as others) cstrike on P4HT 3.06 running
2.6.10 SMP kernel using adminmod + steambans mods. coredumps

Oddly though for us it's only happening on some servers and then it's
happening all over the place. Sometimes when a player joins. Sometimes
totally at random.

More detailed info (plus coredumps) available if valve will find them helpful.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Half-Life 1 Engine update

2005-11-22 Thread Peter Kirby
Ah OK. So not so much an optional update if you have multiple
processes per box ;). I'll certainly give that a go. Thanks.

On 22/11/05, Alfred Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use the "-sport" parameter and give each server a unique Steam port
> (which also needs to be unique from the game ports).
> Peter Kirby wrote:
> > On 22/11/05, JoeSoap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> We have run the update and it did that sucessfully and now it's
> >> showing as insecure even though we've made no other changes.
> >
> > More specifically. I'm finding the first process run is secure. All
> > others are not. I've not investigated further yet however.
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
> > archives, please visit:
> >
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:

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Re: [hlds_linux] Half-Life 1 Engine update

2005-11-22 Thread Peter Kirby
On 22/11/05, JoeSoap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have run the update and it did that sucessfully and now it's showing as
> insecure even though we've made no other changes.

More specifically. I'm finding the first process run is secure. All
others are not. I've not investigated further yet however.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Day of Defeat: Source characters in the name that screws up the terminal

2005-09-26 Thread Peter Kirby
On 27/09/05, Joachim Sehlstedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Noticed this when I was watching the console. Also when I opened the log
> file I had to do a reset for the terminal to resume normal output.
> L 09/27/2005 - 01:38:58: "Kebubâ
>¢<13>" killed
> "Daddyo<14>" with "colt"
> greetings
> Joachim Sehlstedt

That's normal in all source servers. Probably a unicode name. When
parsing names in my log analyzer I had to use a regexp filter to kill
all control chars to stop similar problems when writing to DBs etc.

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[hlds_linux] Log format bug in source dedicated server.

2005-09-25 Thread Peter Kirby

Hopefully someone at valve can read this and maybe fix it. Isn't a
serious problem but I had to work around it.

In source for the 'STEAM ID Validated' log message it doesn't contain
the 'standard' log format (standard is "Name"").
Here are examples of what I mean:

>From standard 1.6 Counter-strike server (ID's/IP's changed): : 27035 > log L 09/18/2005 - 01:55:07:
"CaPadonNa<627><>" connected, address
"" : 27035 > log L 09/18/2005 - 01:55:08:
"CaPadonNa<627><>" STEAM USERID validated

You see both log entries have the standard format. Although of course
at this point there is no team so the field IS there but empty.

The CSS version: : 27015 > RL 09/18/2005 - 22:19:14:
"sparkdoggie<3023><>" connected, address
"" : 27015 > RL 09/18/2005 - 22:19:16:
"sparkdoggie" STEAM USERID validated

You see the STEAM ID validated message only shows "Name"
instead of the full format (which the connected line shows properly).

Is only a problem because my log listener takes logs from both SOURCE
and 1.6 servers and handles them both. So I needed to code it to
support the correct AND broken format. Which unfortunately means when
I am matching players from connected and validated states, I must use
name and not slot number. Which is a shame.

Anyway just letting the valve folks know about this.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Steambans VS VAC

2005-08-25 Thread Peter Kirby
On 8/20/05, Karsten Lund (COD) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When your VAC banned you cannot even enter a server, steambans doesn't have
> that option and therefore the same player can be banned multiple times which
> will create the illusion its more effective compared to VAC, which it is not
> since VAC banned people will never even enter the server for you to see him
> being banned.

I am not sure I agree here. If VAC didn't even tell you when VAC
banned people tried to connect, why would you get reports in the
server's logs saying VAC has removed a player. The point people were
making is there ARE entries for VAC in their logs. But they nowhere
near approach the amount they get about Steambans related bans (in the
logfiles for the same servers).

It's more likely the *REAL* reason for this difference is that that
once someone is VAC banned and they know they are VAC banned, they
know there is no point trying to connect to secure servers anymore.
Hence they do not even bother trying to connect to secure servers.
Instead searching for insecure servers. Since it's easy to know if a
server is secure or not. It's even possible to search for all insecure
servers within the browser.

However from within the steam browser it is not so easy to spot if
SBSRV is running. Hence the higher detection rate (because they need
to connect using trial and error)... This is in fact evident when you
see the same cheat trying to connect to multiple SB connected
servers.. They are simply looking for a server that will let them in.
With VAC they'd just look for insecure servers, not create a log of
their attempt and get straight in.

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Re: [hlds_linux] erm question

2005-07-19 Thread Peter Kirby
On 7/19/05, Simon Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is anyone interested in the infrastructure of the city of moscow, kiev,
> whatever?!
> NO!

Well since the subject here got onto multicasting, and the poster's
original point was about Moscow using LAN structures (valid in this
context) AND other people asked for more info. With this in mind, I
would say YES someone WAS interested in the infrastructure for network
connectivity in Moscow.

Of course if you're not interested, simply skip the posts that bore you.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Counter Strike 1.6 Dialup Server config file

2005-01-28 Thread Peter Kirby
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 17:55:18 +0100, The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let me remind you:
> The original post was about dial-up players on a CS1.6 server. I'm really so
> sorry because of my failure on the example with my f*cking mouse, but can
> anyone tell anything else for the lady who sent that post? c'mon, you're
> like small-frame 14 years old kids with these posts, guys :))) lol...

Well I think we've covered all three possible bases:

Either Melissa wanted to host a server off of a modem. We all agree -
don't be silly.
-or- Melissa wanted to host a server with a bank of modems, in which
case my answer applies about pppd.
-or- Melissa wanted to host a server primarily for modem users on the
internet in general, in which case the server settings provided by
someone else are handy and possibly the high ping only plugin also
suggested. Also the note that you can never fully remove the broadband
advantage (nor stop them playing at all unless you have your own modem
pool and use option 2)

Did I miss anything?

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Re: [hlds_linux] Counter Strike 1.6 Dialup Server config file

2005-01-26 Thread Peter Kirby
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 11:08:38 +, wouter v/d Bergh
> When i was 56k i used to play on a 56k only Jolt server.
> They simply had a plugin running kicking all pings below 150.

But I could give myself a ping of 150+ and still have an advantage
over the 56kers (well unless max rates are enforced but then at the
max they would still get loss/choke when I didn't)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Counter Strike 1.6 Dialup Server config file

2005-01-26 Thread Peter Kirby
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 10:39:14 +1300, Scott Pettit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Melissa Carley wrote:
> You can't keep broadband users from joining unless you firewall off the
> server from traffic outside known dialup subnets but using those rates
> would make it very unenjoyable for broadband users and should be enough
> to make them leave shortly after joining.

Or just have pppd dish out 192.168.x.x IP's and have the server on the
same subnet.. You might even be able to get away with having the
server show in the LAN list (although I promise nothing). That will
prevent the broadbanders getting on.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Counter Strike 1.6 Dialup Server config file

2005-01-26 Thread Peter Kirby
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 10:23:31 +1300, Andrew Forsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 07:42 +1030, Melissa Carley wrote:
> > I am trying to help out a gaming community, and as such they need to
> > provide an alternative for gamers who just CANNOT get broadband of any
> > form. So I am wanting to setup a CS dialup server so that they can
> > play online without having to play against players that have
> > broadband.
> >
> > I dont think  it's such a silly request and quite annoyed in everyones
> > response.
> I think everyone has interpreted your question as:
> "I have a dial up connection and want to run a CS server."
> Which is simply not going to work for any modern fps game.

Actually no. I didn't interpret it that way.. I understood the
question from the word go. My advice wrt to pppd is still valid.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Counter Strike 1.6 Dialup Server config file

2005-01-26 Thread Peter Kirby
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 12:03:02 -0600, Eric (Deacon) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a bold display of creativity, Peter Kirby wrote:
>  > There are many places in the world where broadband is absolutely
>  > unobtainable or prohibitively expensive. So it doesn't surprise me a
>  > great deal to hear this kind of thing.
> Lies.  This is a SERVER he's talking about running, not a client.  How
> many Ford Escort owners do you know talking about using their vehicle to
> start a business for transporting giant quarry diggers?

You know I really don't think the modem was gonna be the server's
internet access..

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Re: [hlds_linux] Counter Strike 1.6 Dialup Server config file

2005-01-25 Thread Peter Kirby
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 09:23:16 -0600, Eric (Deacon) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You're bothering to reply?  I thought this thread was a joke...

There are many places in the world where broadband is absolutely
unobtainable or prohibitively expensive. So it doesn't surprise me a
great deal to hear this kind of thing.

Now come on admit it. You miss the sound of a good V32bis train as
much as the rest of us... Before all that new fangled X2 and VFC stuff
came along

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Re: [hlds_linux] Counter Strike 1.6 Dialup Server config file

2005-01-25 Thread Peter Kirby
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 15:26:26 +1030, Melissa Carley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I was just wondering if anyone had a good sample server.cfg file for a
> CS 1.6 dialup server?
> I am looking to set one up, but unsure what the best sort of config
> would be. Any help would be appreciative!

Well if you want to run dialup from the CS server.. Then there is
indeed no hope.. However if you want a bank of modems for which people
can dial in and play CS together... Then yes it's possible. But as far
as the CS server is concerned it doesn't care how the players are

That is you setup PPPD etc to accept the calls on your modems and
assign IP's etc. Then these players can join your server (either you
make the server LAN and have pppd give broadcast address to PPPD
clients - Not 100% sure this will work - or make sure everyone know IP
to connect to once connected).

You might of course want to set up min/max rates according to the
dialup parameters too. Of course in general not many people use dialup
now-days though.

Also disabling compression/error checking on modems might decrease lag
somewhat but would force the use of lower rates (maybe impossibly low
rates).. So I'm not sure whether that's worthwhile.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Already there is a HL2 online exploit....VALVE please fix!

2004-11-29 Thread Peter Kirby
On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 10:00:50 -0500, Brandon Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's not like that information is "secret" or anything, anyone who wants to 
> find out will find out.

My argument isn't against that. My point is that yes the information
is out there. But by reporting it here you are introducing it to a
potential new audience and not only that since the email list is also
published on a web page also indexed the exploit's instructions on
umpteen web indexes for anyone to search hence making yet another
source for the information.

In this case I doubt it matters.. But ideally the email should be sent
direct to valve employees to be honest because. A summary of the
problem and protection instructions *IF* an exploit effects normal
server operators should of course be posted to the list. I just
disagree with posting instructions on the exploit itself. Especially
as in this case it does not really concern server operators as such.

It all goes back to the good old saying. With Knowledge comes responsibility.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Ping goes up with more than 15 Players

2004-11-23 Thread Peter Kirby
On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 01:32:42 -0800, Alfred Reynolds
> kBytes not kbits ( so 32 - 48 kb per user ). So between 12 and 19
> players per 600kb/s.

I'd also like to point out that latency goes up quite rapidly when you
approach the maximum transfer for a circuit (e.g. even if only using
85% upstream you could have a rapid ramp in ping). So you should aim
to keep the circuit at 80% or less capacity.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Already there is a HL2 online exploit....VALVE please fix!

2004-11-23 Thread Peter Kirby
On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 11:17:07 +1030, Melissa Carley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Umm...yes it would affect online play if you read my original
> post.This allows people to play HL2 online (ie Source) without logging
> on via Steam...which means that apart from banning via IP - it would
> be nearly impossible to admin. This is the ONLY reason why I brought
> this up - not just for valve to fix but for other admins to be aware
> of what could happen on their server.

Well they won't be playing online without a STEAM_ID I think you'll
find. However there are the other exploits alluded to elsewhere in
this thread which are currently used *extensively* in the wild for
both CS:S and CS1.6.. Which is most annoying when trying to ban by

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Re: [hlds_linux] LAN server weirdness

2004-11-22 Thread Peter Kirby
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 00:14:54 -0600, hondaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ran a dedicated server the other night at a LAN party, and discovered a
> couple peculiararities.  First, only servers on ports 27015-27020 would
> appear on the lan game browser.  Is this a bug or a feature, and is
> there a workaround?

I would say it is very much a feature and the reasoning behind it is
quite simple should you see this scenario:

You're running a massive LAN event. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of
PC's all wired up on LAN. Switches all setup so that the network
doesn't get flooded with all the traffic. The only worry here is
broadcast traffic.. In this event you don't need thousands of PC's
boradcasting to 50 ports at a time to see which games are running.
You'd quickly end up with a packetstorm.

5 ports is probably about right. Not sure I agree with the choice of
ports. But that's life.

> Second, how do I  make a server run on an aliased IP and have it appear
> in the LAN browser at the same time?

If you mean aliased as in it's behind a firewall using port
forwarding.. Then so long as it runs on one of those ports and is on
the same subnet as the other games.. It should (in theory) still be
included in the LAN games list even if not running in LAN mode.
Although I've never really tried it.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Already there is a HL2 online exploit....VALVE please fix!

2004-11-21 Thread Peter Kirby
On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 12:04:23 +1000, Bruce Bahamut Andrews
> Peter Kirby wrote:
> >On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 09:08:19 +1030, Melissa Carley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Valve...
> >>
> >>Already there is a HL2 online exploit...someone from what I can gather
> >>can basically get a warez type release of the game and crack it so
> >>that they can play online without a valid steam id or some description
> >>like that.
> >>
> >>As a game admin - this could be an issue, especially with banning...etc...
> >>
> >>Here is a copy of the NFO regarding how to apparently do this. I have
> >>not tested this out and i do not intend for anyone else to either. I
> >>would like Valve to investigate this and patch it ASAP.
> >>
> >>
> >[SNIP]
> >
> >I'm not convinced posting the workaround here is very helpful. It
> >would have been far better to mail Alfred directly first. Now a lot
> >more people know about the exploit.
> >
> Everyone already knew about it anyway, it's been out for months.

Well I don't think EVERYONE knows about it.. Or else every cheater on
earth would be using the infinite ID trick.. Whereas I'm still
catching cheats on old ID's.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Already there is a HL2 online exploit....VALVE please fix!

2004-11-21 Thread Peter Kirby
On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 22:02:33 +1000, Bruce Bahamut Andrews
> Melissa Carley wrote:
> >The only reason i posted it was to ensure that something gets done.
> >The extent that it was easy to find was what was troublesome. I am an
> >admin on a server - so I also wanted to make any other admins aware of
> >any potential problems. I figure that with the brains that would be
> >available on this mailing list, that someone would be able to come up
> >with a useful solution.
> >
> Yeah, that's cool.  I've discovered you're better off emailing Alfred
> for direct answers to bugs, though with this kind of issue letting the
> server admins know that it exists and that IP banning is a more
> effective solution then steamid banning at the moment is a good idea, so
> thanks =)

Indeed, but when you got someone making new IDs all day and they have
dynamic IP adsl.. You're pretty much helpless :(

I just do a 24 hour IP ban these days for dynamics and hope they're
too dumb to see what's happened.

This is for CS1.6 as well :-/

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Re: [hlds_linux] Already there is a HL2 online exploit....VALVE please fix!

2004-11-20 Thread Peter Kirby
On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 09:08:19 +1030, Melissa Carley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Valve...
> Already there is a HL2 online exploit...someone from what I can gather
> can basically get a warez type release of the game and crack it so
> that they can play online without a valid steam id or some description
> like that.
> As a game admin - this could be an issue, especially with banning...etc...
> Here is a copy of the NFO regarding how to apparently do this. I have
> not tested this out and i do not intend for anyone else to either. I
> would like Valve to investigate this and patch it ASAP.

I'm not convinced posting the workaround here is very helpful. It
would have been far better to mail Alfred directly first. Now a lot
more people know about the exploit.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Newish? cheat "no steam"

2004-10-14 Thread Peter Kirby
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 16:28:31 +1000, Bruce Bahamut Andrews
> It's not new, and there's been some word to people who bothered to email
> them, they're monitoring our nice little conversations on these lists
> and hopefully are working on a solution though my email to them has not
> yet been answered.
> The solution to ban newer ID's is pretty dodgy, as anyone buying HL2 on
> a new account would most likely end up banned, even though I was the one
> who devised that solution.  Currently, banning IP addresses is the ONLY
> way to get rid of the hackers for over 2 minutes.  Hopefully this will
> change soon, but we'll have to wait and see.
> Just so you know, servers all over Australia are being hit, generally
> the larger GSP's are getting hit a lot more, though HLSW allows you to
> ban IP addresses relatively fast if you notice a myg0t or JAP5 tag =)
> Bruce "Bahamut" Andrews.

Indeed it is not new. However I think there are a lot more instances
of this now because there is now a program around I believe which will
'activate' an account with all games (intended to let people get HL2
for free I am sure but giving the side effect of cheats getting an
infinate number of accounts to cheat from)

Yeah I had someone who was coming back every 3 minutes with a new ID
the other night. IP ban was the only way to stop. But in the world of
dynamic IPs it is of course only a temporary solution.

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Re: [hlds_linux] glibc < 2.3.2 and srcds

2004-09-15 Thread Peter Kirby
On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 18:48:50 +0200, Traxer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> i've a debian woody server which i don't want to upgrade at the moment
> but i want to run the source dedicated server on it, so will there be a
> statically linked version of the source dedicated server?

I'd say it depends on how badly you want to run the server.. I got
around the problem by installing a basic gentoo within a chroot and
then installing hlds2 there.. Works a charm but a bit messy really.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Cheats are out

2004-08-24 Thread Peter Kirby
On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 17:36:24 +0200, Robert M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PLease fix theses annoying rcon-issues! i 've been not able to kick
> someone oof my server!!!  The Server tells me, i cant  get an remotly
> connection. Does any1 have a fix for this??? I have not set a rconport.
> My  Configuration:
> rcon_address "ip:27015"
> rcon_password "mypassword"
> Can any1 help me? Ich don't understand it!

rcon_address "ip"
rcon_password "yourpassword"
rconport 27015 (well default is 27015 anyway and I am not convinced
the command actually works yet)

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S and Gentoo

2004-08-22 Thread Peter Kirby
On Sun, 22 Aug 2004 13:37:17 -0400 (EDT), Tyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> S. Zimmermann said:
> > Anyone tested CS:S on a gentoo system?
> > Good/bad performance?
> > Sys specs?
> >
> > Thx in advance
> >
> Runs great. Old system is a dual P3 1 Ghz with 1 GB ram. 16 player CS:S
> game (almost always full, heh) runs at about 20% CPU utilization. Much
> better in fact than the old engine.

I've got one running on a gentoo chroot under redhat.. Works fine..
Getting the occasional memory leak where it eats all the ram and swapd
goes into one trying to swap stuff in and out of ram. But I doubt
that's anything to do with operating environment.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S memory problem?

2004-08-19 Thread Peter Kirby
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 17:03:29 +0200, Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone else got sometimes a memory problem:
> 11283 testhls4   19  -9 1073M 840M  152M R <  63,1 84,6  46:22   0
> srcds_i486
> Seems the srcds_i486 don't release the memory. It happens some hours after
> starting on only some of the 16 slot public servers.
> It takes much CPU and the whole memory.
> Fedora Core1 / 2.4.27 / Intel P4 2,66GHz / 1024MB DDR333

Yep I've had it twice. It's only the memory.. The CPU is taken whaen
kswap tries to swap stuff away to make room for the ever more memory
allocations. Is most definately a bug!

I'm also getting segfaults in some places.. Definately some odd stuff
to do with memory going on. Unfortunately when the server auto starts
after segfault it doesn't give me RCON anymore.

Redhat 7.2 with gentoo chroot (yes really). 2.4.18 / Intel Celeron 2Ghz / 256Mb

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S-dedicated help!

2004-08-13 Thread Peter Kirby
On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 02:19:34 +0200, Philip Lorenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steven Hartland wrote:
> > Read the mail list archives and you will find the answer.
> > Basically u need to upgrade your OS unless Valve do
> > a compile compatible with older versions :(
> >
> >Steve / K
> It's time for ya to upgrade anyways ;p. Debian Woody is kinda out of
> date anyways and Sarge is about to be released (as stable) soon. For all
> you FreeBSD users, it's a linux port so please don't b*tch about that it
> doesn't work for you. The only reason the old HLDS worked was becaused
> it was built for older glibcs (ok if this is wrong correct me (i havent
> tried cs:s on a freebsd machine yet)). I think it's about time that all
> GSPs update to the "newer" glibc 2.3 which has been around for a while.

There is a 'hack' you can do which worked fine for me on the dedicated
box I run which is still on glib 2.2.x

Simply I downloaded the gentoo stage3 tarball.. Untarred into a folder
(/root/gentoo for me).  Made a folder /root/gentoo/home/steam and
copied the contents of my existing steam folder over. did a mount -t
proc none /root/gentoo/proc then chrooted in.. env-update and a source
/etc/profile to get my gentoo environment.. Then I emerged vim (cause
I like vim) created the steam user in the chroot environment, changed
ownership of the steam folder and it's contents.. su - steam and run
srcds_run happy as can be :).

Overkill mainly.. But when you're done the whole lot can just be
removed with no harm done.. So it a good temp workaround if you don't
want to re-install just yet. (dedicated box - no I don't want to just
yet ;))

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