RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-29 Thread McCormack, Chris
Nelson :
>I will get HL2 if there's a conversion of DoD to the new engine,

Taken from another thread posted by Brian A. Stumm :
>Ok so reading latest news (
>about Half-Life 2 purchase options I notice that the Steam Online Gold
>Package purchase comes with DoD-Source, CStrike-Source, etc.

It looks like you are going to be parted from your hard earned.

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RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-29 Thread Mark Ellis
Again I have to agree, the whole feel of this "beta test" is more of giving
CSZ owners something more than everyone else, at first I hoped that release
to café's then to CSZ users was a ploy by Valve to stagger the release and
save Steam falling to its knees again.

I am also pretty sure that some of the bugs that come with each beta release
are intentional ie no comms in the latest as this is something that could
not have been missed in a quick internal test before release of the update
and something that could have been patched next day if it was yet a week
later and we await an update to fix that and bring yet more obvious
problems, all the beta tests I have been involved in before for other games
we would see nightly builds and fixes not weekly.

The appeal of CS and DoD is that you can play on just about any hardware and
it runs without to many problems, there are so many copies of HL out there
that’s anyone can get a key to play not that it's legit but you used to be
able to buy some of the HL packs and get 3 or more keys you did not need all
these so 2 friends could soon be playing, this is what helped bring CS and
DOD to the masses be it by accident or design.

CSZ was a flop they promised so much all that time and delivered NOTHING I
would not own a copy if it was not for the fact I run game servers for a
living with the company paying for my games and I really need to have at
least one copy for testing, I have it install but have only actually spent
5-10 mins playing on the single player part of the game the day it was
released. CSZ was the update CS 1.6 should have been, and CS:S is the game
that CSZ should have been. But yet again we sit here baffled at what is
going on up in the CEO's ivory tower and what they plan next to upset a
dedicated community of users as I see them do time after time, year after

As for this "Beta Test" it's no more than valve wanting to iron out a few
final bugs and Offer yet more to the CSZ owners because they shelled out on
a right stinker of a game and to try and boost a few more sales probably
cause there are still so many copies sitting on the shelf's of games stores
that expected to be selling them by the thousand, my local game store in the
UK has about 20 copies on the shelf and has done pretty much since its
release only selling a handful of copies.


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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-28 Thread Micheal Patterson
It's quite possible that others have found something else. If my comment
was taken to be that of a troll, it wasn't intended as such. I just
recall the uprising within the steam forums when the beta was released
and those that have CZ thought they were golden, yet CZ still isn't
selling as much as Valve would probably have liked it to.  To me, CZ is
to CS and Source as Win ME is to Win98 and Win2K. It's just something to
fill the gap between CS and Source to appease the customer base and
attempt to get valve more return for the money they spent on it's
development.  Usually, when a new game is released, it is an updated
game experience.  CZ was not.
When CZ was with Gearbox, it was a totally different game experience
with CS to be the multi-player portion of it. Consumers didn't have a
problem with that. Then, it was changed mid production to what it is
now, which is to say, nothing more than a cosmetic patch to an old game.
Nothing really new included with it and most gamers aren't thrilled at
shelling out $39.99 for skins/maps/sound packs.
Then, to tempt the consumer base with the Source beta, oh, but wait, you
need CZ to play it. Consumers of today aren't what they were in 1998.
They've learned the way of software businesses. The general public is
more into computers and software than it was in the 90's. Consumers are
basically "gun shy" because they've been burned on too many things
software wise and hardware wise and simply aren't willing to part with
the cash as easily anymore.  One would think, that with over 8000
different servers using hlds and over 2000 of those with active players
at literally any given time, it would be in everyone's best interest, to
truly test this software, to use that client base for the testing.
Instead, they opt to release it to cafe's and CZ owners only which has
resulted in approx 160 servers with less than 200 clients on them. While
I have the utmost respect for those employees of Valve that assist us
within this mailing list, the upper management's logic is faulty for not
using the largest pool of diverse hardware and software they have for
their testing.  I just feel that if Valve was truly interested in
performing a proper beta test for Source, they would have chosen to
allow everyone to test it. Otherwise, it's nothing more than a cheap
ploy to boost CZ sales and I for one, am not interested. I have other
software that I can purchase to entertain me.
Micheal Patterson
- Original Message -
From: "Nelson Marques" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps
Or maybe people found a more attractive formula with Frag.Ops powered by
Epic's Unreal Engine.
Despite of all the CS clones that are around for many Engine's including
comercial and open source, I still can't figure what makes CS so
special, but then again, what does make DoD so special ?
In the past years I bought pretty much games concerning WW II,
Medal of Honor
RTC Wolfenstein
Call of Duty
Then tryed others:
The Red Orchestra
Enemy Territory
The Third Reich
Still, the only one I play on a regular basis is DoD. First the
community is not that large (unfortunatly the lame people from CS have
arrived in strengh and the united community because suspicious and
WW II for me, as close as it gets to real war experience comes with DoD
(crosshairs should be removed and added iron sights only, the only thing
it misses). For those who have been in a war, or close to war, either
engaged or either in UN special mission, like in Timor, or Bosnia, trust
me, the closest you get to the real fight is present in DoD.
It's a pitty Valve doesn't make a stand-alone game for WW II with the
same ingredients from DoD.
As for CS, I only fell confortable playing CS in LAN Houses (eventually
on HomeLAN, though don't step there for a long time, since the pings
accross continents are too high for me), because cheaters usually get
taken care off when caught there.
As for the rest...
Chill out and let them work on their stuff and solve their legal issues
with VUG... and some russian pirates...
I will get HL2 if there's a conversion of DoD to the new engine, else I
will continue cursing ID Software for not being able to play Doom III on
a super-computer at Ultra over 15 fps, spitting on Epic UT2004 fucked up
CD's that they refused to swap, with their dumbass support claiming I
should have my SCSI Plextor 40x drive set on PIO Mode 4 for it to
Oh well... Thats the kinda shit you pay when you get into a business
where your products have an average life of months... SDK's have changed
it... Mod's take people to buy keys... else what ? ;)
Oh... I am sure many people will love the day when ID's Q3 Engine comes
open source, or when the Tenebrae2 project gets stab

Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-28 Thread Nelson Marques
Or maybe people found a more attractive formula with Frag.Ops powered by
Epic's Unreal Engine.
Despite of all the CS clones that are around for many Engine's including
comercial and open source, I still can't figure what makes CS so
special, but then again, what does make DoD so special ?
In the past years I bought pretty much games concerning WW II, including:
Medal of Honor
RTC Wolfenstein
Call of Duty
Then tryed others:
The Red Orchestra
Enemy Territory
The Third Reich
Still, the only one I play on a regular basis is DoD. First the
community is not that large (unfortunatly the lame people from CS have
arrived in strengh and the united community because suspicious and mined).
WW II for me, as close as it gets to real war experience comes with DoD
(crosshairs should be removed and added iron sights only, the only thing
it misses). For those who have been in a war, or close to war, either
engaged or either in UN special mission, like in Timor, or Bosnia, trust
me, the closest you get to the real fight is present in DoD.
It's a pitty Valve doesn't make a stand-alone game for WW II with the
same ingredients from DoD.
As for CS, I only fell confortable playing CS in LAN Houses (eventually
on HomeLAN, though don't step there for a long time, since the pings
accross continents are too high for me), because cheaters usually get
taken care off when caught there.
As for the rest...
Chill out and let them work on their stuff and solve their legal issues
with VUG... and some russian pirates...
I will get HL2 if there's a conversion of DoD to the new engine, else I
will continue cursing ID Software for not being able to play Doom III on
a super-computer at Ultra over 15 fps, spitting on Epic UT2004 fucked up
CD's that they refused to swap, with their dumbass support claiming I
should have my SCSI Plextor 40x drive set on PIO Mode 4 for it to work...
Oh well... Thats the kinda shit you pay when you get into a business
where your products have an average life of months... SDK's have changed
it... Mod's take people to buy keys... else what ? ;)
Oh... I am sure many people will love the day when ID's Q3 Engine comes
open source, or when the Tenebrae2 project gets stable (if not dead)...
As for my personal opinion if still reading all this... Grab one of
those Cohiba's on the black oak box on top of your desk, get a glass and
the 30 year old James Martins, seat back... and enjoy... Tomorrow is
another day for gossip, problems, troll handling and so on...

Micheal Patterson wrote:
I can only speak for myself on this.
I was thrilled to hear that the beta would be out shortly for CS Source.
However, like many I assume, once I found out that it was a "limited"
beta, available to only those that were either a cafe or those that
purchased CZ, I was turned off by the beta project. Not so much at the
beginning but when I read the faq that clearly states that the CZ owners
can't keep Source after the beta period, it turned the tide for me at
least. Especially with the release date of HL2 in the flux that it's in.
I just don't feel it appropriate or economical for me to purchase CZ,
when HL2 could be available at literally any time or never. For me to
purchase CZ, just to play Source Beta, doesn't seem economical to me in
the least. Even at $29.99, I can take that, and approx $40.00 more and
purchase HL2 the day it's released.
In my opinion, the opening of the beta to CZ owners is nothing more than
a ploy to get people to purchase CZ. My guess is that it's not selling
as well as Valve had hoped it would. Here's my reasoning behing that
statement folks. There's no need to flame, the numbers are available to
anyone who wishes to check them with their own steam client.
Based on a current check via Steam:
Total CZ Servers:526
With Players:185
Total CS Servers: 8042
With Players:  2208
CZ simply isn't as popular as the old basic CS is and I feel that Valve
is using the source Beta to boost it's sales to decrease it's losses on
the product. No thanks.. I'll wait until it's out. I don't want CZ, and
as soon as HL2 and CS Source is released, CZ will be a dead product in
the light of the end users for the most part. Those that purchased CZ,
I'm sorry, but I feel you've been jacked in a major way. You can flame
all you wish, but the numbers of servers that anyone of us can pull from
steam, at any given time, simply don't lie and they spell out JACKED.
Micheal Patterson
----- Original Message -
From: "Mark Ellis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:38 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps
I fully understand the meaning of beta test, but what use is a beta test
without a decent amount of data, feedback and updates.
There has been a massive drop in the number of players on all

RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-28 Thread Mark Ellis

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of muldy
Sent: 28 September 2004 23:53
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

Mark Ellis wrote:

>I fully understand the meaning of beta test, but what use is a beta test
>without a decent amount of data, feedback and updates.
I guess that is the end of the beta test?

It is nearly for us we just can’t gather any useful data now due to the lack
of players, 3 admins have tried tonight to fill 4 servers but there are just
not enough players and some don’t stay more than a few rounds.

It is not the server or the game but just people getting bored I think, we
could happly plug away with a single server and 6-10 peeps but this just
really is not testing our hardware or the game and as the updates are so
slow coming it's not like you are doing loads of play testing either.

If this is a serious beta test then I would be expecting a server update
every other night at the very least.

I have to agree with Micheal Patterson's mail about boosting the sales of CZ
as I do know a few peeps that have got copies of CSZ from ebay etc just to
play and see the beta and do you blame them I have just been back on a 1.6
server for the first time in 2-3 weeks and god I had forgotten how bad
de_dust looks in 1.6

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-28 Thread Micheal Patterson
I can only speak for myself on this.
I was thrilled to hear that the beta would be out shortly for CS Source.
However, like many I assume, once I found out that it was a "limited"
beta, available to only those that were either a cafe or those that
purchased CZ, I was turned off by the beta project. Not so much at the
beginning but when I read the faq that clearly states that the CZ owners
can't keep Source after the beta period, it turned the tide for me at
least. Especially with the release date of HL2 in the flux that it's in.
I just don't feel it appropriate or economical for me to purchase CZ,
when HL2 could be available at literally any time or never. For me to
purchase CZ, just to play Source Beta, doesn't seem economical to me in
the least. Even at $29.99, I can take that, and approx $40.00 more and
purchase HL2 the day it's released.
In my opinion, the opening of the beta to CZ owners is nothing more than
a ploy to get people to purchase CZ. My guess is that it's not selling
as well as Valve had hoped it would. Here's my reasoning behing that
statement folks. There's no need to flame, the numbers are available to
anyone who wishes to check them with their own steam client.
Based on a current check via Steam:
Total CZ Servers:526
With Players:185
Total CS Servers: 8042
With Players:  2208
CZ simply isn't as popular as the old basic CS is and I feel that Valve
is using the source Beta to boost it's sales to decrease it's losses on
the product. No thanks.. I'll wait until it's out. I don't want CZ, and
as soon as HL2 and CS Source is released, CZ will be a dead product in
the light of the end users for the most part. Those that purchased CZ,
I'm sorry, but I feel you've been jacked in a major way. You can flame
all you wish, but the numbers of servers that anyone of us can pull from
steam, at any given time, simply don't lie and they spell out JACKED.
Micheal Patterson
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Ellis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:38 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps
I fully understand the meaning of beta test, but what use is a beta test
without a decent amount of data, feedback and updates.
There has been a massive drop in the number of players on all "beta"
and the biggest question I see in logs is maps, I asked the question
was kind enough to reply.
I am resigned like many to a long wait for both HL2 and CSS and have
for many years already. I was just expressing my concern at the lack of
players we were seeing and therefore the lack of feedback we can offer.
valve really needs this "beta" testing then we need to see more regular
fixes and or something to keep the interest of players. Because without
players this beta test is useless, I can’t force people to play on the
servers and without players on servers there is little we can test
of the server working on our hardware setups.
As you said people get bored and just want to play but there are some of
that want to help however without controlled servers from valve we all
to do our own beta testing this thin's out the real testers and you can’t
test fully playing alone.
Maybe the next stage is to release this to whole CS community at least
we would have a much higher number of players for servers.
I don’t care if I host 5 servers, 200 servers or none what I do care
is that I do my best to help and give as much feedback as possible I am
happy to offer all the feed back from an empty server but I am sure this
of little help to valve, this is why I am thinning down my servers as
numbers of players fall unlike others who are just using them to
I should have really thrown a smiley on the end of the comment about the
release as it was a tongue in cheek comment.

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-28 Thread muldy
Mark Ellis wrote:
I fully understand the meaning of beta test, but what use is a beta test
without a decent amount of data, feedback and updates.

I guess that is the end of the beta test?
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RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-28 Thread Mark Ellis
I fully understand the meaning of beta test, but what use is a beta test
without a decent amount of data, feedback and updates.

There has been a massive drop in the number of players on all "beta" servers
and the biggest question I see in logs is maps, I asked the question Alfred
was kind enough to reply.

I am resigned like many to a long wait for both HL2 and CSS and have been
for many years already. I was just expressing my concern at the lack of
players we were seeing and therefore the lack of feedback we can offer. If
valve really needs this "beta" testing then we need to see more regular
fixes and or something to keep the interest of players. Because without
players this beta test is useless, I can’t force people to play on the
servers and without players on servers there is little we can test outside
of the server working on our hardware setups.

As you said people get bored and just want to play but there are some of us
that want to help however without controlled servers from valve we all have
to do our own beta testing this thin's out the real testers and you can’t
test fully playing alone.

Maybe the next stage is to release this to whole CS community at least then
we would have a much higher number of players for servers.

I don’t care if I host 5 servers, 200 servers or none what I do care about
is that I do my best to help and give as much feedback as possible I am
happy to offer all the feed back from an empty server but I am sure this is
of little help to valve, this is why I am thinning down my servers as the
numbers of players fall unlike others who are just using them to advertise.

I should have really thrown a smiley on the end of the comment about the
release as it was a tongue in cheek comment.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chuck Gibke
Sent: 28 September 2004 12:58
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

>> Alfred,

We are getting less and less players on our servers by the day, we used to
run 8 servers now we run 4 and may lose 2 of these by the end of the week
they are not getting used.

Can we expect a release shortly ?

Mark <<

I don't think that you understand the concept of "beta test" - you are
looking for a full-blown release. That is not the case. A beta is a
semi-controlled environment to keep as much constant as possible to weed
out bugs before a full release. There IS a reason for only one map.

Beta testing requires a dedicated set of players to help find and report
bugs and provide feedback to the developers. It is NOT to fill servers. I
see a lot of empty CS:S servers now because all the players just want to
play, not help test. Once the novelty wears off - they go back to their
self-centered gaming needs.

I suggest that you wait for the full release before you worry about hosting
x number of CS:S servers.

..Chuck, just my opinion (sorry, all down due to hard drive failure)

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RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-28 Thread Chuck Gibke
>> Alfred,

We are getting less and less players on our servers by the day, we used to
run 8 servers now we run 4 and may lose 2 of these by the end of the week
they are not getting used.

Can we expect a release shortly ?

Mark <<

I don't think that you understand the concept of "beta test" - you are
looking for a full-blown release. That is not the case. A beta is a
semi-controlled environment to keep as much constant as possible to weed
out bugs before a full release. There IS a reason for only one map.

Beta testing requires a dedicated set of players to help find and report
bugs and provide feedback to the developers. It is NOT to fill servers. I
see a lot of empty CS:S servers now because all the players just want to
play, not help test. Once the novelty wears off - they go back to their
self-centered gaming needs.

I suggest that you wait for the full release before you worry about hosting
x number of CS:S servers.

..Chuck, just my opinion (sorry, all down due to hard drive failure)

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RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-28 Thread McCormack, Chris
hehe maybe you cannot read :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mark Ellis
Sent: 28 September 2004 01:21
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps


We are getting less and less players on our servers by the day, we used to
run 8 servers now we run 4 and may lose 2 of these by the end of the week as
they are not getting used.

Can we expect a release shortly ?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alfred
Sent: 27 September 2004 18:52
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

This is a technical test, we don't plan to release any more maps into
the beta.

- Alfred

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Ellis
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Alfred please can we
have another official map to test.

I can't take de_dust much longer, It's really starting to get boring now
running around the same map hour after hour.

Is there any plans to release a new maps into the beta ?



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RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-27 Thread Mark Ellis

We are getting less and less players on our servers by the day, we used to
run 8 servers now we run 4 and may lose 2 of these by the end of the week as
they are not getting used.

Can we expect a release shortly ?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alfred
Sent: 27 September 2004 18:52
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

This is a technical test, we don't plan to release any more maps into
the beta.

- Alfred

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Ellis
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Alfred please can we
have another official map to test.

I can't take de_dust much longer, It's really starting to get boring now
running around the same map hour after hour.

Is there any plans to release a new maps into the beta ?



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RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-27 Thread Bruce \"Bahamut\" Andrews
I think you'll find Alfred avoids legal stuff - that and the chances of
him giving us an answer when none of the huge websites for HL2 have that
answer is pretty slim ;)

 -  Bruce "Bahamut" Andrews

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Tuesday, 28 September 2004 4:14 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

>-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of >Alfred
>Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 10:52 AM
>Subject: [SPAM] - RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps - Bayesian Filter detected

>This is a technical test, we don't plan to release any more maps into
the beta.

>- Alfred

Alfred, thanks for the info.  Do you know - is the release of CS:Source
contingent on either A) the approval of the HL2 RC submitted to VUG, or
B) resolution of the legal situation between Valve and VU (i.e., is it
considered a wholly-owned Valve property?)?



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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

2004-09-27 Thread Killer Creation Services
it's boring only 1 map i got bored after 1 week. dont bother playing beta
version anymore...
Frederick Abrams
Killer Creation Services
Killer Creation Founder(s)
(+44) 079 4907 1020
- Original Message -
From: "Alfred Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 6:52 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps

This is a technical test, we don't plan to release any more maps into
the beta.
- Alfred
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Ellis
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: [hlds_linux] CS:S Maps
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Alfred please can we
have another official map to test.

I can't take de_dust much longer, It's really starting to get boring now
running around the same map hour after hour.

Is there any plans to release a new maps into the beta ?



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