[Hornlist] Horn sound projector

2008-06-21 Thread Karon Ismari
Please excuse the poor description but I remember having seen a round 
(cone shaped maybe) sound projector (correct term?) connected to 
something like a Manhasset stand base.  You place it behind your bell 
to project the sound where and how you want it as it is adjustable 
.  I have scanned the archives and can not find anything related to 
this, but I thought I read it here at some time or other.  I have 
scoured the internet also and can find nothing.  I know it was out 
there as I remember the price was around $50.00.  Can anyone help 
with this?  Thank you.  Karon 

post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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[Hornlist] Metal Reaction

2006-06-09 Thread Karon Ismari
Hello again.  I want to thank all of you who responded, both on the list 
and privately,  to my Metal Reaction problem, if indeed that is what it 
really is.  I am at the point now where I am going to quit playing for 
several weeks, or whatever it takes to clear this up.  Besides I can't play 
anything below middle C right now.  You have given me much food for thought 
and many fine suggestions.  You are a very compassionate group and I 
appreciate all of you.  If you can think of anything else please email me 

By the way, does anyone know what Wynton Marsalis's problem was that caused 
his lip inflammation?   Karon Ismari

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post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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[Hornlist] Metal Allergies

2006-06-07 Thread Karon Ismari
Hello.  I hope someone can relate to this and help me out.  About 4 months 
ago I started developing two red areas on my lower lip where the mouthpiece 
rests.  They kept getting bigger and now are open sores.  I have been using 
a gold plated rim for years.  I switched to a delrin (plastic) rim on my 
metal stem and for about a week things started clearing up.  Then it came 
back with a bang!  I have been to my dentist who says that I am developing 
an allergy to the metal in my permanent bridgework (probably nickel) only 
on the outside of the gums where the cheeks are, but not on the inside of 
the gums .  He can not explain that or the lip sores.  I went to a 
dermatologist who did testing for nickel which turned out to be 
positive.  However, he did not test for any other metals for some reason 
beyond my understanding.  I am going to make an appointment with an allergist.

In the meantime, I have ordered a delrin stem to go with the rim as I think 
my lower lip is "spilling" into the rim a bit and making contact with the 
metal of the stem.  However, from what I've been told and researched, brass 
does not contain nickel so I'm thinking I'm allergic to some other metal.

I am slathering vitamin E on my lips about a million times a day in order 
to make them less painful.  Nothing else seems to help and believe me, I've 
been through the whole line up. Has anyone had this problem and what did 
you do about it?  Also, has anyone ever tried a wood (ebony or some such 
exotic wood) mouthpiece and what did you think of it?   What about 
stainless steel?

Thanks for your help and I'm really getting desperate.  I see a future of 
no horn playing if this keeps up and that is tragic for me.   Karon

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[Hornlist] F.Horn player Correction

2006-01-13 Thread Karon Ismari
Thanks for the address correction.  Even though I double checked it, I 
still didn't catch the error.  Sorry .  Karon

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[Hornlist] Real Horn Playing!

2006-01-12 Thread Karon Ismari
I hope this gives you as much of a laugh as it did me.  A, if only I 
could play like that!   Karon Ismari


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[Hornlist] Ward Fearn

2005-05-10 Thread Karon Ismari
In reference to Mr. Fearn's book "Exercises for Flexible Horn Playing".  My 
copy was printed in 1965 by Elkan-Vogel Co., Inc., Phildelphia 3, Pa.  The 
first page states: "Modern Exercises are Fun to play and will not wear out 
your lip"  Studies that will improve your Lower-middle range, flexibility, 
technique, rhythm, tone, and ear.  This is not a "brag" list on his 
part.  I love the book and swear by it, especially when my lip is tired 
from previous playing.  You get the maximum results with no pain and the 
exercises are funreally!   Karon Ismari

post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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[Hornlist] Sheet music

2005-05-10 Thread Karon Ismari
Hi.  Has anyone ordered music from www.Thompsonedition.com  within the past 
month and had communication problems?  If so, would you please contact me 
OFF the list?  Thank you so much.  Karon Ismari

post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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[Hornlist] Trios

2005-02-04 Thread Karon Ismari
Hello.  I would like some thoughts , in any direction you choose, on the 
trio combination of  flute, clarinet and horn.  Comments concerning music 
type, availability, transcribing from other instruments, adjustments in 
horn playing, and so on, would be welcome.  Thanks.  Karon

post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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[Hornlist] Music History

2004-09-19 Thread Karon Ismari
Hello. I would like to thank those who answered my question either on the 
list of privately.  You have given me some very good suggestions that make 
me realize just how much I have forgotten about some of the programs/books 
that were offered years ago. I, myself, am looking forward to some fun 
time, much less my friend.  Again, thank you.  Karon Ismari
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[Hornlist] History of music

2004-09-17 Thread Karon Ismari
Hello all. I have a friend who, due to various sad reasons, has actively 
avoided music most of her life. She is now 64 and through our friendship 
she is starting to awaken to the joys of music. Not playing, just 
listening. Can anyone recommend a book (books) that would help her 
understand the whys and wherefores of music? I guess something like the 
history of music written for a non musician is what I'm after. Also, 
something included about how listening to music affects emotions. The book 
(books) should be on an intellectual level but not too clinical.  Small 
order, I know!  Thank you in advance for any on list and/or private 
answers.  Karon Ismari
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[Hornlist] Christmas music

2003-11-18 Thread Karon Ismari
Hi.  I have a non-playing, non- musical friend who is interested in the 
French Horn for listening only.  I would like to send her some Christmas 
music ( CD's) featuring the horn(s).  I am not thinking of sending 
something by the Canadian Brass or other groups  because she would not be 
able to identify the different brass instrument sounds.  I'm thinking more 
on the solo line and/or horn groups. Any suggestions would be 
appreciated.  Thank you, Karon Ismari 

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[Hornlist] Movie

2003-08-14 Thread Karon Ismari
Hello.  Thanks to those of you who replied to my question regarding 
protocol of section leaders.  I have missed some issues of the list due to 
server problems so this may be a repeat.  The first (If memory serves me-i 
the first ones could have been the bicyclists on the bridge) person to get 
run over by an angry car in the movie "The Car" was a hitchhiking Horn 
player.  Was someone trying to make a statement here? :)   Karon

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[Hornlist] protocol

2003-07-30 Thread Karon Ismari
Hello all. Let me throw this question at you. What are the duties and 
responsibilities of a section leader or 1st player? Is there any protocol 
to use regarding seating/solos/longevity in the section/and anything else 
you can come up with? How should politics be handled before going to the 
director? Or should politics be handled at all by the section leader? I'm 
talking about a union paid summer band. I know my feelings on the subjects 
but I don't know if my thinking is proper or in line with protocol (if it 
exists). Thank you for your input. Karon Ismari

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

[Hornlist] music store

2003-01-24 Thread Karon Ismari
Hello.  THere is a large store called Wichita band in Wichita,Kansas.  Nice 
people and they will work with you.  Karon

Horn mailing list

[Hornlist] Orchestra and percussion

2002-11-14 Thread Karon Ismari
Hello fellow list members.   I have a request to make.  Our Civic Symphony
Orchestra needs percussion .  We only get to use the college's, where we
practice, for the actual concert day.  It's a real eye-opener in a concert
when the percussion start up with something that was not heard at any time
during practices.  I am starting a search for used ones.  Timpani, snare,
bass etc. etc. Whatever it takes .  Does anyone know where I might get some
of these used things at a reasonable price and in reasonable shape?  I've
seen the timpani on EBay so please don't recommend that. I am in Illinois
but am willing to consider any point from which they could be sent.  Thank
you.  Karon

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