[Hornlist] Mouthpiece placement

2009-08-05 Thread William Botte

Good day all,
I lamented on the dereliction on the part of 'music' teachers several months 
ago.  These people have not served their students at all.  If they don't have 
the time to help students with  basic  instrumental skills,  they could reach 
out to competent members of local community orchestras and bands for volunteer 

Herb Mazer was laid to rest Tues, 4 Aug.  Herb performed with the Coachella 
Valley Symphony (Palm Springs area).  Horn section members played a selection 
from  Brahms  no.1.   Unfortunately the U.S.Navy detail showed up to render 
honors without a competent bugler.  They utilized an electronic doohickey and 
had a Machinist Mate pretend to play a bugle.  A professional musician 
volunteered to play Taps but was told off by the ABIC(arrogant bastard in 
charge).  Most of the people attending were musicians, and were disgusted with 
the amateurism. 

Enough of my negativity.  I was contemplating buying an F/G bugle and 
relearning basic calls and then volunteering at the local Veterans Cemetery.  I 
will do so now.

Get your vacation photos on your phone!
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[Hornlist] Brass safety

2009-06-23 Thread William Botte

I hope that the manufacturers of mouthpieces take into consideration the health 
and welfare of their employees.  The microscoptic aerosol bits that result from 
cutting turniing grinding and polishing are a health hazard to the workers 
making the mouthpiece and others around them.  There are other metals that are 
as dangerous when inhaled.  And dust masks, annoyingly referred to as 
"respirators", are virtually useless for protection.
The Romans were aware of the inherent danger of lead way back when, though they 
tended to ignore it.   Contemporary manufactorers should take a pro-active 
approach to employee and end user safety.
Would you let your child or pet eat paint chips?

William of Wildomar

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[Hornlist] Idle minds

2009-04-04 Thread William Botte

An idle mind is the devil's workshop.
Isn't about time that Kenny Betts got a real day job?  Perhaps if he was 
gainfully employed we would be spared the April Fools Day pranks etc.
Prof. G. must be appalled at his former student's gratuitous lack of dignity.  
Have a good day.
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[Hornlist] Recording debate

2009-03-01 Thread William Botte

Good afternoon,
Last weeks' recording discussion quickly turned into a wrangle and a primer on 
recording studio techniques.  I think Kendall was  decrying  the none too 
subtle  affect that  the recording  industry was/is having  on individualism  
of tone production  and musical interpretation by musicians and orchestras.  
Several years ago during a rehearsal with  cast of a production  the  'King  
and I',  the conductor was informed that  all tempi  were to follow  exactly  
the  tempi on the  VHS  recording.   The  recorded template  was the director 
and conductors' objective. The cast had to follow suit also.
I don't know if this approach is prevalent in schools and horn studios, I hope 
not.  But relying on digital recordings as objects of perfection will stifle 
intellectual and musical curiosity.

On another note, I bought a used Pizka mouthpiece last week.  My mistakes clams 
and bleeeahs are much better sounding now.  Thanks Hans

Carpe Kopprash

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[Hornlist] KMZT

2009-01-12 Thread William Botte

Did anybody on the list listen to the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra performing 
Beethoven Symphony 7 Sunday evening of KMZT FM (KMozart)?  This was one of the 
most disappointing performances  of the seventh that I've ever heard.  
Articulations and tempos where not what I remember from when I have performed 
it and some of the intonations were 'iffy'.  Maybe the musicians were reacting 
to a lack luster direction from "maestro" Kahane, I think was his name.
Was this something new in the world of music or am I an elitist SOB?

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[Hornlist] horn position

2008-05-30 Thread William Botte

Why not practice while standing?  Then the chair height won't make any 
difference.  (Some) folks that play and practice while seated, horn on knee, 
have a tendency to face the bell of the horn toward their bellies, deadening 
their hone tone.  Practicing while standing will develop proper posture for 
horn playing.  If the horn is to heavy for the inevitable whiners, lift weights 
to develop strength or the piccolo.

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[Hornlist] Chinese Brass

2008-05-04 Thread William Botte

Mr. Weiner makes a good point.  I doubt that the manager of the Han Brass Works 
thought that after watching re-runs of Baywatch he could hoodwink gullible 
Westerners with crappy copies of brass musical instruments.  I have private 
students playing on these junk horns supplied by indifferent importers and 
cheap school administrators.  These are not "student horns".  They are junk and 
fit for wall ornaments or target practice.  This includes the Conn 6D. 

I imagine that the Chinese could reverse engineer a working horn, trumpet and 
so on.  What would be their impetus?  These people are not ignorant.  I doubt 
that an intelligent businessman would risk sustainable profits on a whim.  Some 
Westerner bankrolled these operations and are exporting these instruments to 
the west.  


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[Hornlist] Performance anxiety

2006-08-23 Thread WIlliam Botte
Has anyone paid any attention to the last Tour de France and the drug 
scandals prior to during and after?  Do we want the same scrutiny and 
humiliation (druf testing etc.)?  I don't.  Yet someone suggested using 
a beta blocker to control perfomance anxiety.  The drug suggested for 
experimentation isn't licensed for helping folks with  panic attacks.
Sooner or later some governing body will discover a "problem" and 
draconian scrutiny and onerous drug tests will fall on us like the 
sports community now endures.  These irresponsible suggestions for drug 
use should be reputiated by all responsible muscians.  I don't want to 
have to depend on a drug dependent colleage that can't control his/her 
nerves.  And let's keep the 'big brother" out of our concerts.

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[Hornlist] Air travel rules

2006-08-12 Thread WIlliam Botte
The rumor for the new rules for air travel that I am promulgating are as 

1.  No luggage what so ever.
2.  No clothes.
3.  No metal internally or externally.
4.  Nothing carried on to aircraft.
5.  Anyone that complains will be subject to body cavity search.
6.  If this is a problem for you, remember that a small minority, 
.01 per cent, have caused this disruption in air travel and 
your ninny government has reacted like a bunch of lemmings in search of 
a cliff.

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[Hornlist] W.Melton advice.

2006-08-02 Thread WIlliam Botte
Yes, Mr. Melton.  Juvenile and peevish replies by adults on the list are 
not appreciated by the readers.  Perhaps the gentleman in question 
should be remanded to kindergarten for rehab on manners and courtesy.

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[Hornlist] Confusing.........

2006-07-22 Thread WIlliam Botte
I'm confused, didn't the Jewish people speak Araimic after leaving the 
Babalonians into and much later after the Diaspora?  The modern Hebrew 
language and alphabet is different than Araimic, see the Dead Sea 
Scrolls.  Araimic was used by the Babalonians and after 900BC was the 
commercial lingu franca later supplanted by Greek and Latin.  And 
Araimic was the precursor to several other modern Southwestern Med. 
languages.  As Latin became French, Spanish Italian etc.

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[Hornlist] BB's suggestion

2006-07-19 Thread WIlliam Botte
Bill Bamberg has made a very good suggestion.  I would pay to have a 
very good tech teach me service my horn.  $20.00 is cheap price for a 
well structured course with a low teacher/student ratio.  A slide show 
won't do.
The student should have a list of tools to be bought for the course and 
brought with them.

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[Hornlist] PPPPP-FFFFF

2006-07-17 Thread WIlliam Botte
Perhaps the composers are guilty of hubris and hyperbole?  Or common 

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[Hornlist] Clarification

2006-06-23 Thread WIlliam Botte
Oops.  The genleman withe three horns would switch from one to the other 
on the same piece of music.  Each horn had a different mouthpiece.

Mea culpa.  I shall try to be more careful in future.
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[Hornlist] Multiple mouthpieces

2006-06-23 Thread WIlliam Botte
I use just two. An M1 Stork with my 801 Hoyer and an M1 Stork with my 
descant Hoyer.  :)
Much has been written about staying with just one best mouthpiece.  The 
most dogmatic and hectoring about this was the late Claude Gordon.  Phil 
Farkas was also an adherent.
Brassy Jim, the pricipal horn with x orchestra came to a rehearsal after 
a 4 hour gig playing tuba.  He sounded like a goose with a severe upper 
respiratory infection.
Another principal had an E. Schmid double, triple and an 8d that he 
played equally badly.  Another halfwit played all high parts on a flugel 
horn.  The joy of amateur orchestras.
I have been told that I MUST use a shallow cup narrow orifice mouthpiece 
with the descant.  When I ask, "What should I therefore use if I buy a 
triple?".  The answere is still "blowing in the wind".

Lunch beckons.
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[Hornlist] Metrognome

2006-06-14 Thread WIlliam Botte

Is he the short conductor that keeps the train on time?
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[Hornlist] Perfect Pitch

2006-06-03 Thread WIlliam Botte
I've enjoyed and have learned much with the perfect pitch dialogue.  I 
do have a few questions.
1.  Is perfect pitch learned or is it genetic?   2.  How do 
cultural differences ie., Yaqui Indian, Western music educated, Chinese 
opera traditions, affect perceived perfect pitch?

I have been exposed to these and several other indigenous music 
concepts.  What those from Western music traditions may perceive as 
"wrong" is "right" to some other ethnic group.  I imagine that the 
ideal/idea of perfect pitch might also change across cutural lines.

Hans has said several times that music parallels language.  This might 
affect tonal systems, scales and pitch.
This discussion is probably worthy of a doctoral paper, I just thought 
that some of the more learned could elaborate a bit.

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[Hornlist] Dummers

2006-05-29 Thread WIlliam Botte
Little Johnny:  "Grandma, Grandma, when I grow up I'm going to be a 

Grandmother:  "Now now Little Johnny, you know you can't do both".
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[Hornlist] Ears still ringing:-(

2006-05-29 Thread WIlliam Botte

NINE horns, wow.
If you're a temp., you have to grin and bear it.  How ever, make the 
orchestra pay for the Etymotic ear plugs.  If enough temps require this 
extra payment, maybe the admin will put the horns trumps and tromboons 
where they belong, to the left of the horns, and the dummers waaayy to 
the right of the horns.

When the dummers in our orchestra started to encroach in the area behind 
the horns, making noise talking dropping things etc, I called the 
conductor and threatened to bring my large mean dog to rehearsals and 
tie her up behind the horn section to rid the horns of the 
encroachment.  Next rehearsal the dummers were back where they 
belonged.  I did get some strange looks and one of the.dummers quit.

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[Hornlist] Thank you

2006-05-19 Thread WIlliam Botte
During the bell thread lubrication dialogue and unpleasentness, somebody 
described a liquid parafin lube for bicycle chains.  Thank you for the 

My sliding glass doors were stricking and no lube would resolve the 
problem.  I bought the parafin lube, cleaned the tracks and applied the 
parafin as directed.  Voila!!   C'est incredible.  Merci.

I know this isn't horn related, but the cross germination problem 
solving is as good as any reason to subscribe to the list.

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[Hornlist] Re: Con Duck Tours

2006-05-08 Thread WIlliam Botte

This is an amusing thread.  To bad it's not fiction.
I've had two drunks that liked more than a wee nip before 
perforemances.  One is deceased and the other back to grade school 
beginning band.  Another thought that the start up orchestra could play 
anything.  We couldn't and he should have known better.  No 2nd 3rd and 
4th horn, no english horn, no 2d trumpet etc.
We later had a "lady" that refused to answer questions. "Am I over 
powering the oboe in the duet", answer, "What do you think?"  My answer 
to this was, "It is your job to conduct, not mine.  Please answer the 
question."  She also liked use body movements to suggest how to phrase.  
?whooray to Farkas and Clevenger for cutting through the 
obfuscation.  Her downbeats were rarely doun and sometime nonexsistent.
Then there is Bob Gilson, conductor of the Palomar Symphony Orchaestra. 
The principal clar tolf the new bassoonist not to watch the conductor as 
he will confuse you.  All tempos at rehearsal were ignored and new ones 
for performance.  2 1/2 hour rehearsal 1 hour of Bobs mouth.  Cues given 
during rehearsal and promised for performance never materialize.sp? I 
was always cheered after rehearsal to observe the abused and angry 
musicans kick Bobs ratty old Volvo.
Tony Ginter, James Guthry, Briam Aldehef sp?, Mr. Byam, and several 
other outstanding conductors whose names I've forgotten including a 
Chinese gentleman who returned to China and Beijing Symphony were real 
pleasure to perform with.

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[Hornlist] Pristine

2006-04-28 Thread WIlliam Botte
Walmart isn't a crazy shop, whatever that means.  The heirs to Walmart 
founder are some of the richest people on earth.
If you would like a Walmart in your neighborhood, you can have the 
Walmart in Lake Elsinore, CA.  Ask your local council or MP to trade a 
fish-n-chip or curry take-out to replace our hyper+value eye sore.
When you ask the horn list for a simple answer, please be patient.  
There is no such thing.

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[Hornlist] Natural horn------Mara

2006-04-06 Thread WIlliam Botte
Natural horn studies used to be de rigeur for hornists, so it should 
help your over all technique.  I don't speak from experience, others 
that were lucky enough in there early teachers should provide us with 
the insight you seek.

Let's hope that all of Maras interlocutors aren't dealt with in such a 
contemptible manner.

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[Hornlist] Transposing quickie

2006-03-30 Thread WIlliam Botte
To those that thought Hans was being a meany or rude.  He wasn't.  Hand 
feeding information to people doesn't help their growth or education.  
Remember the od saw?  Give a man a fish and fed him for one day.  Teach 
him to fish and feed him forever.
Telling Erin to check into the Farkas or O.Franz books would have 
fulfilled her quest and provided a much more reliable and continuous 
source of information than the internet.

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[Hornlist] Endurance

2006-03-25 Thread WIlliam Botte
Nobody has commented on posture yet.  Are you stiff and tense, laidback 
and casual, or carefully poised and attentive.  Many times the hornists 
outward appearance reflects their inward attitude.
Hans has addressed attitude.  An incorrect atitude can have a 
detrimental affect on your posture, deminishing your endurance.

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[Hornlist] Mozart and horn with band

2006-03-10 Thread WIlliam Botte
My 1995/96 Ulrich Kobl, Katalog Horn, has several band and horn scores.  
This is an outdate catalog, priced in DM etc.

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[Hornlist] Things on horn

2006-03-10 Thread WIlliam Botte

A "Pink Panther" rubber toy!
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[Hornlist] Good F horns.

2006-03-04 Thread WIlliam Botte
Mr. Mumford asks a good question.  The lack of good, or, even more 
precise; Why the lack of quality, professional grade F horns.
The Brasswinds catalogue lists many "student" model F horns, yet no Pro 
F horns.  They may also sell the 3/4 wrap kiddee horns, excellent for 
marching band, god forbid, I pitched the catalogue?
A reasonably priced, around $2,ooo.oo, pro grade F horn would a 
reasonable investment for a students first horn.  If not damaged and 
maintained properly, the resale could help finance the purchase of a pro 
double when the student needs to move on.
Notice I said, needs.  Today and tomorrow, our orchestra is performing 
Tchaikowskis fiddle concerto, Finlandia and other less exciting pieces.  
The horn parts could easily be performed on F horns.
If real quality, well slotted intervals, unstuffy F horns were available 
the need for expensive doubles could avoided.

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[Hornlist] Transposing, et al

2006-02-27 Thread WIlliam Botte
A hornist acquaintance couldn't get respect from the staff at the 
several colleges and university where her student matriculated until she 
got her PHD.
Another hornist, couldn't get respect from the blues clubs because he 
played the horn.  He played blues very well in my "humble" opinion.  
Most of his blues contemporaries couldn't read music and wouldn't know 
solfege if it was served at the BBQ house.
There are many country and western, folk, blues and jazz performers that 
can't read music, yet consider themselves musicians.  You see, they are 
actually making a living playing music.  I would imagine that the 
international folk music community would be apalled at the last few days 
dialogue didn't include them as musicians.
Snobbishness and bigotry will divide us, preventing learning and a 
musical dialogue.  I've seen this attitude in the med/dental field, in 
the military, etc.  The "my dog is better than your dog" attitude won't 
help the kid from the wrong geographic area read Mozart, Brahms, Wagner 
et al, unless he is provided with music he can read.  Congratulations to 
those of you who had great schools, thoughtful parents or just good luck 
in your musical training.  I envy you.  My liberal parents thought that 
private teachers and music conservatories were elitist.  I can transpose 
through my own efforts, there were no requirements for this skill in 
band music.
Some of the comments on the list were I would expect from those that 
can't empathise with others from wildly varying socio-economic 
BTW  T he lady PHD. passed on several years ago at the age of 50.  She 
was a marvleous performer and much loved teacher.  Her interpretation 
Strauss #1 was especially intriguing.  She performed as a binary 
dialogue between the Hero(Daddy) and his Wife(Mommy).  A very musical 
dialogue was heard by those that attended the prformance.

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[Hornlist] Curious pricing

2006-02-25 Thread WIlliam Botte
This thread has exposed the raw feelings and misunderstanding of music 
education or the lack thereof.
The US does not have a national education system.  Our education 
"system" is locally funded and supervised.  Musical education is at the 
whim of elected school boards.  The quality of musical education is 
therefore a geographic crap shoot.
If ones parents are able and willing to pay for private lessons, all is 
not necessarily well and good. The quality of instrumental teachers can 
vary wildly.  Again, the students education is impacted by conditions 
beyond their control

Transposing!  A short story.
A young oboist in the local high school band was required to play a bell 
front F marching horn.  She was annoyed to discover that the notes she 
was playing sounded lower than read.  Her remarks, "Who dreamed up this 
stupid system!", while funny begs the next question.  Why continue this 
Republish every thing horn in F or C. In  one clef.  The key notations 
aren't all that irritating either. No more excuses from the hornists 
about transposing. Save the the original charts for reforance or 
performance on antique instruments.

A British hornist proposed this several years ago, to no effect.
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[Hornlist] Re: Another "Clam"

2006-01-15 Thread WIlliam Botte
Perhaps "Chatty" Cathys' professor was having a senior moment, brain 
fart, or a neural neutering?  The good professor was giving  his 
students areal world example of what not to do.

You rock Professor!

May the force of Clamsaa be your light.
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[Hornlist] The real meaning of Clamsaa

2006-01-02 Thread WIlliam Botte
Whilst dining and imbibing (Lone Star beer, Thunderbird wine, pickled 
eggs and 3 kinds of kim chee) with friends during New Clamsaa Day, the 
real meaning of Clamsaa became bone of contention between the Sachbutts 
and Posaunes.  After the melee had been cleared by the police and 
ambulance staff, the more refined and unarmed celebrants quickly 
realized the true meaning of Clamsaa resided in the wisdom of the light 
weight pamphlet, The Theory of Trickle Down Clamsaanomickx.  Some 
saxophonics honked at this but were out voted.   The High Holy Day of 
Clamsaa is celebrated on April 15 (US only).

En Hoyer Veritas
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[Hornlist] "False notes"

2005-12-30 Thread WIlliam Botte
Mr. Bamberg tells us of his son's ability to play all the notes between 
the first and second intervals or partials or your favorite label.  
Claude Gordon and Jimmy Stamp taught the use and playability of this 
area to their students.  See Mr. Gordons "Systematic Approach" and  
"Velocity Studies".
Perhaps if the horn community would bury its parochialism and 
investigate other brass pedigoguies for new insight into brass skills 
and teaching concepts, playing a low E on an F horn would have been easy 
to do.  I was taught this technique by my teacher, a Gordon student.  
It's not easy, but doable.  Lucky me, I also had to accomplish this on 
the appropriate area of the Bb horn also.
I know some will say, "Why learn an unneccesary skill, as we have double 
horns?".  Why not?  Can we ever learn to much?

Query.  Is a "false note" well played a "false note".  I've seen this 
term used for 7th and 11th interval applications.  When is a note 
false?  Who dreams up our terminology?  Maybe Prof I.M.G. has a 
disfunctional answer.

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[Hornlist] PREposterous double rant

2005-12-15 Thread WIlliam Botte

The PREposterous double rant on pre not unintentional
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[Hornlist] Music metaphor

2005-12-15 Thread WIlliam Botte

If you like being annoyed, how about:
Pre-recorded any thing.  The "pre" is redundant.
Metal woods in golf jargon.   ??
This is cheerfully stupid 22 gauge rifle or even dumber,  a .12 
shotgun.  And on a Chinese channel, a 45mm pistol.

"We'll keep an eye out for."
Deja vu all over again.  This is part of a quote by Yogi Berra, famously 
inarticulate baseball coach.  TV "jounalists" use the phrase to appear 
articulate  without realising the source.
Using pre redundantly..prewashed, prepackaged, prerecorded, 
preheated ad nauseum.

If Mr. Cole starts ranting at his TV, he'll be in good company.  My wife 
has ceased reminding me that the idiots can't hear me.

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[Hornlist] "Will the........"

2005-12-05 Thread WIlliam Botte
Somebody asked, "Will the day come when our music stand is a flat screen 
computer?".  The answer is, yes.  The Woodwind and Brasswind folks sell 
a system call the Freehand Music Pad.

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[Hornlist] Surgical embouchure

2005-11-20 Thread WIlliam Botte
Hans has a great idea, surgical embouchure implants.  Why not neural 
implants to enhabce intonation, rhythm, timing and other abstract 
conceptions?  We hornists with these enhancements could then concentrate 
on careerism,  backstabbing, arrogance and conductor baiting.

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[Hornlist] Re: anticipating afterbeats

2005-10-10 Thread WIlliam Botte
Loren Mayhews responce needs to be archived in perpetuity for every 
hornist.  Conductors and stage personnel will listen to a reasonable 
solution after a botched perfomance due to improper stage setup.  For 
armed with Lorens' explanation and ameniable staff, proper horn balance 
should be resolved.
The conductor of local orchestra placed the horns on third risers 40+ 
feet from reciprocating wall in the nave of a church.  The resulting 
cacaphony was ludicrous.  After the peerformance he confronted the horns 
wanting to know "what's your problem".  He didn't like the answer, but 
horn placement and sound reflectors have been utilzed ever since.

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[Hornlist] Horn repair/awful advice

2005-09-28 Thread WIlliam Botte
Bravo Mr. Osmun.  Your reply and admonishment to Mr. Bamburg is spot 
I don't do complicated work on my horn for the same reason that I don't 
work on the brakes on my car and piickup truck.  I want these items to 
work every time I use them.  No excuses and no amateur mistakes by me on 
things that I really rely on.

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[Hornlist] Re: broken horn

2005-09-26 Thread WIlliam Botte
Take the horn to a Con(n) dealer, preferably the one you bought the horn 
from, and have them fix it.  A reputable dealer will fix their lemons 
for free.

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[Hornlist] Re Rushing headaches

2005-09-03 Thread WIlliam Botte
Hans is probably right about the ladies problem resulting from 
technique.  I wouldn't rule out underlying organic problems either.  
Cerebral-vascular hypertension should be addressed by an MD.  The 
technique problem should be addressed by a competent horn teacher.
Glibly diagnosing physical, societal, technique and philosphical issues 
and the basis of one paragraph querie by a lister is a bit much, Hans.  
A little bit more humilty on your part would make your philosophy more 
palatible.  If I wanted preaching, I wouldn't subscribe to the horn 

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Re: [Hornlist] LB becareful

2005-07-17 Thread WIlliam Botte
Drats, say it isn't so.  I was hoping my 20 years as a dental 
technition/drone would have qualified me to become a horn repair tech.  
The hours sounded ideal.  And the alcohol debauchery would not alienate 
my standing with trolls, 2nd bassoonists, violist', and country and 
western freinds.
It appears that horn repairers and builders are the paragons of virtue 
that we had been enthralled with from at least last Wednesday.

Beethovens 9th horn parts and players were addressed in the Horn Call 
several years ago.  The date eludes me and since the magazines are 100 
miles away, I can't be more helpful with details.
It is unfortunate that 4th hornists have their main solo taken from them 
to appease reviewers, nervous conductors, or grandstanding pricipals.
I have had to play 2nd, 3rd, and 4th horn solos for the above players 
because the couldn't/wouldn't play their parts.  [Community 
orchestras.]  I had assumed that professional orchestras had higher 
performance standards for their horn sections.
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[Hornlist] Teaching horn

2005-06-21 Thread WIlliam Botte
How I wish that I had the opportunity to study horn as described by 
Hans.  1960, at 14 years old, I put aside my accursed trumpet and 
started on horn.  I was assigned a miserable King single F, given a 
fingering chart, and that comprised my sole lesson on horn.  Some of my 
fellow high school hornists assisted/hindered my studies.  My liberal 
and cheap parents considered private lessons elitist (also college).  
The high school wanted their lousy horn back after I graduated.
I was able to sound like a horn player.  My first ten years were lived 
in Chicago/Elmhurst, Ill.  Our radio was constantly tuned to classical 
music stations.  I got to hear a lot of the Chicago Symphony, Grant Park 
group?, and other local and national orchestras.  The horn playing was 
always exciting to me and memorable.  I tried emulate what I had heard 
then and later Mason Jones with the Philidelphia Orchestra.
When I look bach at some of the old photos of the horn sections, it is 
evedent tthat not all of the hornists had double horns.  Anyway, it's 
that sound, with its pallete of colors that I still try address in my 
playing today.
When I got a cd player and added European orchestras and soloists ro my 
collection, wow new ways to play the horn.  So many variations betweeen 
the many countries.  So many great hornists to learn from.
My point is, I can't describe the typical F horn sound, there aren't 
enough adjectives and adverbs to be helpful, but I know the sound when I 
hear it.  A hornist with a bad sound, sounds bad.  There is no 
quantification for ineptitude.
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Re: [Hornlist] horn tone color

2005-06-20 Thread WIlliam Botte
When did the characteristic F horn color become optional.  Hans was 
right, the F horn tone through out its range is what we are after.  The 
tone color will vary with the piece of music being played, ie., Ravels' 
Pavanne require a more delicate and wistful interpretation than the bold 
and masculine hunting horn motif of Wagner.
The other instruments in the orchestra are required to change their tone 
color to fit the piece of music played.  Strings utilize different 
bowing techniques; brass, embouchure and mutes, etc.  Horns are not 
immune from these requirements.
All to ofte, I hear hornists say that we all have individual tone 
qualities and what you hear is what you get.  How selfish.  We need 
to.blend in as a section, as part of the brass ensemble, the woodwinds 
and accompaniasts with the strings.  One tone color won't due.  Woodwind 
and brass quintet playing require another approach to balance and tone 
color too.
All this demands that we learn to Listen.  Listen to ourselves, each 
other in the section, and to the whole group.  Ask ourselves, "what can 
I do to improve my sound, section sound, and oveall sound."  Be generous 
with self critisism.  If you're not part of the solution, you are the 
Teachers can utilize CD's and live performances to their students 
achieve a mental picture, an aural memory of what a horn typically 
sounds like.  Various digital reproduction devices can help students 
achieve that self awareness to learn to listen to themselves 

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[Hornlist] Dbl tonguing

2005-06-13 Thread WIlliam Botte
If we were strings, the solution to dbl tonguing and trp tonguing would 
be obvious.  One doesn't just up bow or down bow, one practices bowing 
in both directions.
If we were taught as beginers to tongue both ways, ie: tuh and kuh, dbl 
and trp tonguing would be easy.
A simple exersise
Using any horn scale study, tongue with tuh articulation and then with 
kuh articulation.  When a listener can't observe a difference, commence 
dbl and trp tonguing lessons.
It's not easy and I hated doing it, but learning to dbl, trp tonguing 
and trilling were relatively easy as I learned the requisite tongue 
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[Hornlist] Officer and a Gentleman

2005-06-03 Thread WIlliam Botte

Cabbage..Sometimes you go to far.
A gentleman does not use a nom de plume to issue insults.

--wabotte  USN Ret.
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[Hornlist] Horn conductors

2005-06-01 Thread WIlliam Botte
How about Elliot Higgins, Albequerque Symphony.  He also operates 
asummer music camp.

Then there is Richter, conductor for several Wagnerian operas.
And, a gentleman whose name I can't remember, conducted/directed the US 
Marine Corp Band, retired several years ago.

Re: Outstanding sections.
The viola section, yes, the viola section of the Palomar Symphony 
Orchestra.  During the '90s these four gentleman were an outstanding, 
always there, and always right on sectionfor.the symphony.  And under 
appreciated.  As usual

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[Hornlist] Whispering

2005-05-28 Thread WIlliam Botte
Larry Jellison wrote that his horn section whispered together while the 
conductor berated some other section.  Herr Pizka has it right.  Always, 
as a general rule, pay attention to what the conductor is saying.  99% 
of the time, what ever the conductor is harping about will land on your 
lap.  Conductors don't like to repeat themselves.  Save yourself and 
your section potential grief by belaying the chatter.
In re. General rule.  If the conductor is being abusive, consider the 
source of his annoyance, play your part right, get rid of the nasty 
conductor or find some other group ro perform with.

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[Hornlist] Counting Darwin Method

2005-05-23 Thread WIlliam Botte

Counting measures, The Darwinian Contract.
Lose your place, lose a chance to breed {succesefully}.  Lose enough 
chance to breed successefully and eventually eliminate yourself and your 
hypotheticaly mathmaticaly challenged progeny from the gene pool.

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[Hornlist] Conductors

2005-05-23 Thread WIlliam Botte
The past 15 years, I've been pleased and/or plagued with excellent and 
less than excellent conductors.  The excellent conductors were niether 
timid or tyranical.  They were universaly clear in direction and 
consistent with cues and tempi.  No surprises.  No tantrums.  No 
The plagues were incompetent time wasters, ill prepared, inconsistent 
withe cues, tempi and beating patterns.  There is nothing more 
terrifying than to look up at conductor twirling the baton in the air 
like a skylight.  Or looking for the noexistent downbeat. WTF!!!  Or the 
micromillimeter twitching of the right hand to indicate pianissimo.  
AAAGH.  Communicate with troops in the back row, not just the 
octet semicircle within whispering distance.

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[Hornlist] Re: Endurance

2005-05-23 Thread WIlliam Botte

Endurance is gained by systematic and incremental practice.
Systematic:  Range, volume and dexterity.
Incremental:  Not expenontial.  In other words, two min., four min., six 
min., etc.  Not twomin., four min., eight min., sixteen min., etc.
Practice something universaly useful.  Scales, arpegios. velocity 
studies etc.  Save etudes for lessons in musicality.

post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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[Hornlist] Re: Marching

2005-05-23 Thread WIlliam Botte

Let me enumirate the reasons I enjoy marching so much.
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[Hornlist] Triple horns

2005-05-09 Thread WIlliam Botte
The triple horn thread has been interesting.  No one has adressed the 
advantages/drawbacks of the F Bb Eb triple or the Bb Eb double descant. 
I think Eng. Schmidt and Hans Hoyer build these horns.
Batter up?
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[Hornlist] Addinsell

2005-03-26 Thread WIlliam Botte
Good day,
  A question to our British freinds.  Is there a Web site or email 
address for the Richard S. Addinnsell Will Trust?  Also an email address 
for Phillip Lane.  Any assistance would be appreciated.
  Thank you.
post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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[Hornlist] Re: TTA

2005-03-23 Thread WIlliam Botte
Ah, yes, Tree Top Airline.  In the late '60s, the most terrifing flight 
of my then short life.
   A local radio station had a contest.
   1st prize,  One way flight anywhere on TTA routes.
2nd prize,  Round trip anywhere on TTA routes.
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[Hornlist] Low range

2005-03-19 Thread WIlliam Botte
  Mr. Mansur has the best advice, get a real good teacher.  If there are 
none in your locale, here are some suggestions.
  Keep the mouthpiece.
  Have your horn examined by a competent Horn repair expert.  I had a 
new leadpipe installed on my 801 Hoyer.  My low range volume increased 
   To improve tone quality,  play along with D.Brain, D.Clevenger, 
A.Halstead et al on CD's.  When someone in an adjoining room can't tell 
the difference between you and the CD, Voila!  Again, it might not be 
you, maybe your horn.  Don't do anything weird or drastic with your 
embouchore to improve your tone or range.
  A really good teacher is your best choice and worth the investment.
  Good luck, Don't give up.

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[Hornlist] Mozart vs JMHaydn

2005-03-04 Thread WIlliam Botte
JM Haydn Romance for horn and strings dated Aug 30, 1795.  JMH 
"borrowed" the horn melody almost totally, with some modifications.  The 
arrangement has little or no relation to Mozarts 2nd movement K.477, 
  See Diletto Musicale 832W.A.Mozart-J.M.HaydnRomance, As dur 
Fur horn und streichquartettWerner RainerDoblinger, Wein.
  Dr. Rainers preface wil resolve the chicken vs egg conundrum.
  Feel free to make a fool of yourself by substituting Mozarts original 
horn score vice Michael Haydns with the string quartet arrangement.
  Have fun, drive fast and take chances.
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