Re: [HOT] [Feature Interpretation] #767 - Mali, Bamako

2014-11-21 Thread Michael Collinson

A colonial-era military structure??


On 21/11/2014 16:07, Pierre Béland wrote:
This farmland seems well structured. These circles seem connected one 
to the other. Not sure, but this could be water reservoirs for the 
adjacent fields.


*De :* Blake Girardot
*À :* althio forum
*Cc :* HOT Openstreetmap
*Envoyé le :* Vendredi 21 novembre 2014 8h53
*Objet :* Re: [HOT] [Feature Interpretation] #767 - Mali, Bamako

Wow, thats a good one althio, I have no first hand knowledge of what
those are, but they are cool. I have no idea, grain silos is my first
guess, but I don't think they make sense in the middle of the fields
like that, nor do I know if they are divided up inside like these are.
But they could just be interesting huts too.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 2:56 AM, althio forum wrote:

 In the middle of farmland:
 What are those circles?

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Re: [HOT] Skybox for Good imagery

2014-11-21 Thread Michael Collinson

Hi Satoshi,

Yes.  My fault for delaying this but now done. Hence Josh' announcement. 
I am happy that:

 * The provider is aware of what we will do with their imagery and data
   derived from it.
 * The provider has given their explicit permission to include derived
   data into the OSM database.
 * The proposed attribution mechanism, adding source to tags and/or
   change sets is practical, (the imagery will only be released in the
   context of HOT projects).  I have also added a new section for HOT
   under .


On 22/11/2014 01:15, Satoshi IIDA wrote:


As my understanding, using Skybox imagery is a task for LWG currently.

Are there any progress since the discussion?

2014-11-22 8:43 GMT+09:00 Pat Tressel

Josh --

As some of you may be aware, we recently announced the Skybox
for Good

We know that some of this imagery can be especially useful in
Crisis Response situations, and therefore we are explicitly
authorizing usage of Skybox for Good imagery in any current
HOT Activation, under the
condition that changesets and/or features that are derived
from Skybox for Good imagery and committed to OSM are
attributed to Skybox.

That's fantastic news!!

Ok, folks, who gets to send the formal Thank You?  I bet
that's the communications working group.  And I also bet it's safe
to infer a whole bunch of individual thank-yous.  ;-)

This could, for example, include the method of attributing
Skybox as the source, or a similar method deemed appropriate
by HOT.

We had that older thread about imagery tagging, where it came down
to source (used since forever) and the new, automatically-added
imagery_used tag in iD, which, it was pointed out, might not be
accurate if the user switches imagery temporarily -- would have to
see what iD does in that case.  One thought -- maybe it would be
good to add imagery_used in JOSM with the same behavior as iD,
just so they're consistent.  We'd keep adding source, but
imagery_used would be there as a fallback.  Task validators can
also check for a source tag, since a task usually specifies a set
of imagery.

-- Pat

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Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire

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Re: [HOT] Launching the hot mailing list in French

2014-07-11 Thread Michael Collinson
As mentioned, I create the OSM lists, so I hope these neutral 
observations help the discussion:

Yes, indeed the OSM list system works in as loose and free-wheeling 
manner as possible along the support-but-not-control mission of the 
OSMF.  So unless I can think of a really strong reason, I just go ahead 
and create whatever list is requested provided that it is in some way 
OSM-related and that it is free for anyone to join and participate 
subject to etiquette guidelines.  I may nudge and suggest a bit, for 
example a better name or pointing out a potential overlap with another 
list, but that is all. To my recollection, I've only sought board 
guidance once. For OSM Just Do It ethos, it works well.

However, I can see a number of reasons why a little time for HOT to 
discuss and have a good collective strategy is a good thing:

1) We (OpenStreetMap) do draw a firm distinction between OSM and OSMF, 
i.e. a broad community with fuzzy membership and a, well, bureaucratic 
organisation with with specific finite membership. In line with that, 
our osmf-* lists are only generated after broader discussion and may 
involve board sanction.  Should HOT reflect that distinction in some way?

2) When OpenStreetMap started, we did not explicitly consider branding. 
So it is not always clear what OpenStreetMap refers to. That can be a 
good thing, someone starts a weird project, it turns out to be useful 
and is absorbed into the OSM universe. But it can be a bad thing if 
someone represents themselves to governmental or commercial 
organisations in a way that might be damaging to the overall project. 
So, having a discussion over about some control over who and how folks 
can use the word HOT or Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team is worth having?

3) OSM lists on**are easy. HOT 
lists have an extra layer in that they are effectively being hosted by a 
sister organisation that HOT has no control over. Should HOT have any 
ground rules that I can be guided by?


On 10/07/2014 15:26, Severin Menard wrote:

Hi Heather,

I am a bit surprised by your reaction, it seems you do not know well 
how the OSM lists work. Any group can ask OSMF (Mike Collinson is in 
charge of this) to create one, about a specific topic and/or a 
specific location. Here is the whole list of OSM talk lists: for you to figure out.

As you can see, there are very specific lists like eg 
Talk-gb-oxoncotswolds for Oxford, Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds in GB 
or Talk-it-trentino for the Trentino in Italy. These lists have been 
created by locals or people specifically interested in these regions; 
creating it does not require the permission of an upper list that 
would be the country one or the general talk list (without suffix). 
Regarding your background, you could eg create an OSM-Ushahidi list to 
discuss about the interactions between OSM and Ushahidi (and this 
would not be a bad idea at all), knowing that many people would join.

Are you really suggesting setting a public, open OSM list allowing a 
potential +200 million people to raise their voices on humanitarian 
and development topics should have been decided by a board or people 
outside them? Or that we should make a general survey (in English) to 
state if Spanish, French, Portuguese or Swahili speakers will be 
allowed or not to have a list in their language? This does not fit 
with OSM. This hot list in French is actually something that is in the 
minds and wished for years.

Otherwise I do take care about communicating about this when it 
starts, this is the aim of my message, so that this larger (I mean 
larger because many could not participate before in hot discussions 
and now will join) community (and not separated communities) can 
collaborate efficiently.

Hope these points are more clear for you.



On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Heather Leson wrote:

Sev, it would have been great to talk in person before setting up
a separate HOT list and community process.

For example, this was already a topic for the upcoming Board
meeting and definitely something we want to do right by really
consulting with the HOT community.

While I appreciate your initiative, collaboration and community
means communicating.

I'll be following up on this in the coming month.

Thank you


On Jul 10, 2014 7:33 AM, Severin Menard wrote:


There is a hot
list now for French speaking people who do not have enough
English to participate to the hot (English) list, and they are
numerous not only in France (I think well-known to be one of
the worst English speaking countries :) but also in Africa and
in the Caribbeans. 

Re: [HOT] odbl non-agreement and humanitarian exceptions.

2012-02-07 Thread Michael Collinson
FYI, you can now see declined and undecided mappers in the Haiti and 
Dominican Republic at

Thank you to OSM users SunCobalt and wicking and to Simon Poole 
respectively for providing these.


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