Re: [HOT] Name tag in non-latin script - hindrance for NGOs/aid agencies?

2019-11-28 Thread Pierre Béland via HOT
Summary of Frederik Ramm presentation> the DWG has been involved in a 
discussion being had by the community in
a country where the official language uses non-latin characters.
> more than 98% of the population speak the official language as their native 
> language
> Older people or people outside of the university system will often not be 
> able to write English fluently.
> Signs (road signs, signposts) seem to be exclusively in the official
> There is a dominant group in the country that says: Let us use English

This is a country where the great majority of the people (98%) speak the native 
language and where many are not fluent in english.  Sign post are it seem in 
native language except for the major roads.

Like for many african countries, their access to the digital world is often 
through phones. And surely applications could be adapted to let them access the 
information in their one language / alphabet including why not Maps.  Various 
experimentations of  Vector map layers that let switch from languages / 
alphabets show that it is possible to answer the needs of various communities.  
And the humanitarian international community would be surely better served if 
it could know the local road names and not only an english translation. 

NGOs/aid agencies is to develop the country. I also suppose that this is a non 
permanent situation and that the best is to do it with empowering the Local 
community to develop their country.

If the first to OSM contributors were mostly educated, mostly communicating in 
english and adapting rules to favor english, they should now take time to favor 
more participation and discuss about this and see if some compromises can be 
adopted.  But importantly this should be done with respect. The first adopters 
should avoid imposing their view, but take time to listen to others.

As it has been said, it is possible to add both name, name:native and name:en.  
From there it will later be easy to structure the info with the official name 
being :native or :en.
Below are some statistics I gathered from Nov.27 OSM extract for nodes having 
names. It shows that the great majoriy of names (79%) are only in english.  The 
major problem seems to assure that local names be offered in OSM.  

A big data collection effort to realize. And good challenges for our 

Country OSM nodes statistics  that contain namesfrom Nov.27 Geofabrik extract
Name  :native   :en    Count---
bn                    1,670
bn            en     3,709
bn native           93
bn native  en     1,901
en               31,792
en            en    185
en  native     872en  native en      
Total                   40,281


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] building=yes tags removed by new mapper about a month ago.

2019-07-05 Thread Pierre Béland via HOT
Relation Le Niger is back
Since he did not edit a lot This Overpass query can extract all the objects 
last edited by this contributor.  It seems to be all in Mali.


Le jeudi 4 juillet 2019 19 h 11 min 08 s UTC−4, Pierre Béland 
 a écrit :  
 Using JOSM to undelete, I downloaded the previous version 69 of the relation 
and I tried send the data, accept to synchronize the data for conflict 
resolution.  But the synchronized data is not added to the the conflict panel 
for conflict resolution.


Le jeudi 4 juillet 2019 13 h 40 min 14 s UTC−4, john whelan 
 a écrit :  
HOT mailing list  

So far I've retagged some 750 buildings in different areas in Mali but the 
changeset covers a lot of ground and a number of countries so it might be nice 
for someone to have a look at what has happened.
The mapper has made no reply to a query.
Cheerio John  ___
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] building=yes tags removed by new mapper about a month ago.

2019-07-04 Thread Pierre Béland via HOT
Using JOSM to undelete, I downloaded the previous version 69 of the relation 
and I tried send the data, accept to synchronize the data for conflict 
resolution.  But the synchronized data is not added to the the conflict panel 
for conflict resolution.


Le jeudi 4 juillet 2019 13 h 40 min 14 s UTC−4, john whelan 
 a écrit :  
HOT mailing list  

So far I've retagged some 750 buildings in different areas in Mali but the 
changeset covers a lot of ground and a number of countries so it might be nice 
for someone to have a look at what has happened.
The mapper has made no reply to a query.
Cheerio John___
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [OSM-talk] Mali

2019-06-30 Thread Pierre Béland via HOT
John some answers about your concerns
We have our own difficulties in countries like Canada to recruit contributors. 
Not surpsingly, for  African communities with more difficult economic 
conditions, they have poor, unstable internet access and less time to 
Problems are multiple in countries like Mali. It is hard to train and maintain 
local communities. Following the school and health faicilities imports in 2014, 
the Mali community has tried to fix bad imports. But has you see there are 
still problems. The government cannot provide detailed data and the community 
organize various trips to collect more precise data. 

If the international community could work with the local community and not only 
organize mapathons discionnected from these communities with too often newbies 
and problems never corrected. Projects disconnected from the african 
communities add burden, inconsistent map, Spaghetti has one contributor 

How collectively can we corret that ? We need our partners that organize 
mapathons to revise their policies to bring in Quality.  Also, it would be 
interesting that software editors could catch more rapidly duplicates to 
correct them quickly.

- About Overlapping and duplicate buildings - Tools like Osmose report these. 
Looking for Mali, it seems that it has been cleaned.

- Large Areas tagged as buildingYou can use this query in JOSM (Overpass Query 
Panel). If you cover a large zone in one query, your query might be rejected.  
In this example, it will query building polygons that have a perimeter longer 
then 1,000 meters. Only a few were reported in Mali.

[out:xml][timeout:60];way[building](if: length()>1000.0)({{bbox}}); out meta;>; 
out meta;


Le dimanche 30 juin 2019 13 h 18 min 55 s UTC−4, john whelan 
 a écrit :  
talk mailing list
  I think the concerns are more to do with how do we clean it up.

The first major concern is  "Working for a mapping project with Apple."  the 
concern here is paid mappers and the quality of their work.
The second is there are a fair number of imports of varying quality.  Most 
schools I suspect are fairly accurate but it would be nice to tie the node to a 
building or an area.  Some hospitals are very definitely wrong the node is in 
the middle of nowhere and yes I have checked different imagery.  This really 
needs local knowledge to sort out.

Much of it is HOT, highways that are mapped to the edge of the task manager 
tile.  So one highway section gets mapped as track, another as unclassified, 
another as path, another as tertiary as different mappers put heir own 
interpretation of what the tag should be.
If some nice person could come up with an overpass that picked out large 
buildings in Africa that should pick out the villages tagged as buildings.
For paid mappers I think we need a code of conduct.
I think there is sufficient infrastructure in Africa three days for local 
mappers.  Smartphones are becoming more common and so is an Internet connection 
albeit driven by social media.
Can we build on this?  Schools need to communicate with parents and other 
schools.  This sort of implies a postal service which in turn implies names on 
streets and house numbers.
My impression is there would be an economic advantage, larger cities already 
have street names.  Could someone do a PhD in the subject which might well mean 
a bit more government.  My personal view is some things are best done by 
governments.  Highways for example.
By the way some mappers seem to be non HOT so if we can pick them out and 
support them a percentage may well be local.
Cheerio John
On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 11:24, Andrew Hain  wrote:

Is there any sign of mappers being part of an organised activity or of someone 
having encouraged them to contribute?
From: John Whelan 
Sent: 29 June 2019 23:49
Cc: Pierre Béland via HOT
Subject: [OSM-talk] Mali I've been going over Mali adding in missing villages 
and hamlets working in the southern and eastern part of Mali and cleaning up as 
I go.  Adding nodes to highways that cross but have no nodes, adding tags to 
untagged ways etc.  I even try to make sure each village has one highway at 
least leading to it. 

However as I work west I'm coming across areas that have lots of buildings and 
lots of errors.  I've zapped more than a few hundred duplicate buildings.  I 
confess I have not put a comment on every changeset especially when the mapper 
has less than 30 edits.  I'm seeing three buildings mapped on top of each other 
by the same mapper.  One is untagged and its not just once.  Interestingly some 
of the changesets are tagged "untangling the spaghetti" and I have sympathy 
with that mapper.

In particular I'm seeing whole villages marked as a single building=yes, 
villages with highways tha

Re: [HOT] NB: Organised Editing Guidelines | Re: Final Request: Volunteers Needed for Global Mapathons!

2019-03-28 Thread Pierre Béland via HOT
" or 
>>> other type of highway.
>>> 4) Additional tags are added without local knowledge such as railroads, 
>>> traffic cameras, and businesses that are not apparent from imagery.
>>> 5) Using iD with the default image (Bing) without changing the background 
>>> image leads people to mark a tile as "bad imagery" when the Digital Globe 
>>> or Esri imagery in that location is fine.
>>> 6) Sometimes mappers will assume that OSM is a game like Sim City or 
>>> Minecraft and create their own imaginary features
>>> 7) One characteristic of many of these mappers is an apparent hurried to 
>>> try to finish a tile. The buildings are over-generalized by either 
>>> combining buildings, creating polygons much larger than the actual 
>>> building, often the shapes are very crude and are not carefully formed with 
>>> right angles, many buildings are skipped or overlooked, many are 
>>> overlapping with other buildings or roads, and in many cases create 
>>> self-intersecting polygons
>>> 8) Once a mapper starts with these bad habits the habits are picked up by 
>>> others working at the same time which expands the problems
>>> 9) It appears that after a small number of edit sessions the mappers from 
>>> these efforts do not continue with other HOT tasks, and presumably go a way 
>>> thinking they have done their feel-good-humanitarian-service.
>>> The net result of these mapathons is that rather than contributing to the 
>>> completion of mapping in an area, there is actually more work required to 
>>> clean up the messes than there would have been to properly trace the 
>>> features from scratch.
>>> I do not believe this is a validation issue, but is an issue with 
>>> leadership. The individual organizing the event for the corporation or 
>>> group may have little or no OSM experience, and have been giving the task 
>>> of setting up the mapathon  and do not have the skills or expertise to help 
>>> newbie mappers.  I also have seen people that claim to have OSM experience 
>>> or skills often are very inexperienced and have very slight exposure, There 
>>> is a lot to learn about OSM, and we do ourselves a disservice by saying 
>>> that it's easy and anyone can do it. We should be happy to teach people, 
>>> but I don't believe any of us doesn't have more to learn.
>>> I have led several corporate mapathons in person and remotely, they are 
>>> hard work. The same can be said for tertiary school effort.
>>> Perhaps HOT should establish a test or a vetting process for potential 
>>> mapathon leaders?
>>> Emmor
>>> On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 2:06 PM Mikel Maron  wrote:
>>>> Important to note the guidelines are suggestions not enforced requirements 
>>>> of the OSMF. More on that in the blog post
>>>> My opinion is master list of mapathons is a very good idea. I don’t think 
>>>> the wiki is best system suited to be the place for that primary list. 
>>>> Another tool could mirror to the wiki for archiving purposes.
>>>> I agree with Pierre. Data quality needs to become a primary focus of these 
>>>> and other mapping activities asap. Otherwise it’s not valuable experience 
>>>> for those present or everyone else working with OSM data. I think that 
>>>> will take more than trend, but a substantial direct investment by HOT, 
>>>> Missing Maps and others in systematically operationalizing data quality 
>>>> improvements across through training, monitoring, etc.
>>>> Mikel
>>>> On Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 11:22 AM, Pierre Béland via HOT 
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> Shoud I insist, we also need a new trend where such projects take 
>>>> responsability to produce quality data.  Badly, too often, this is not 
>>>> what we observe.  For the Ebola response in North Kivu, the coordinators, 
>>>> we had to restart the mapping of Butembo in december since the data 
>>>> produced by newbies was so imprecise, so incomplete.
>>>> Adequate training material and mapathon procedures need to be developped 
>>>> for Live data monitoring, interaction with newbies, and correct 
>>>> immediately quality problems.
>>>> Pierre

Re: [HOT] NB: Organised Editing Guidelines | Re: Final Request: Volunteers Needed for Global Mapathons!

2019-03-27 Thread Pierre Béland via HOT
Shoud I insist, we also need a new trend where such projects take 
responsability to produce quality data.  Badly, too often, this is not what we 
observe.  For the Ebola response in North Kivu, the coordinators, we had to 
restart the mapping of Butembo in december since the data produced by newbies 
was so imprecise, so incomplete.
Adequate training material and mapathon procedures need to be developped for 
Live data monitoring, interaction with newbies, and correct immediately quality 

Le mercredi 27 mars 2019 10 h 40 min 07 s HAE, Rory McCann 
 a écrit :  
 The OSM community & Foundation has recently adopted the Organised
Editing Guidelines, to guide events like this. The community wants to
help you make this a successful mapathon.

In emails like this, and in accordance with the OEG, you should link to
the wiki page(s) describing your mapathon.

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Strange behavior of the HOT Tasking manager with JOSM

2019-01-30 Thread Pierre Béland via HOT
Quality is important to respond to Emergencies such as the OSM Ebola Response 
for DRC. This morning, I did monitor the Job 5705 for Yumbi, DRC.
Thanks to the validators who support OSM DRC and this response and revised 
geometry for almost all the buildings traced for this project. This is one more 
example that we should not accept beginners for these tasks and continue to 
propose to use JOSM until a better workflow can be established with beginners.

JOSM is a major editor for quality mapping and validating in OSM. But by 
default, every time I reconnect to the TM, iD is proposed by default (the first 
in the list) and the TM do not remember my choices. For tasks where we restrict 
access to intermediate contributors and to JOSM,  this is not the best solution 
for Project coordinators to assure quality of data.

An other problem surged recently. What a surprise to me when selecting from the 
 Production HOT Tasking Manager 3 to use the JOSM editor to see  the TM opening 
a window with an Ambiguous message 

Contact with JOSM Failed
JOSM remote control did not respond. Do you have JOSM 
running and configured to be controlled remotely? 

+    ++ 
    |  Dismiss |  |   Stop Using JOSM   |
    ++  ++
I see two problems with this.
1. Connection problems to fix with JOSM. My editor was running and often I did 
already have received data with success before this window open. I often have 
to click many times to succeed to send data to JOSM. And less often offen this 
morning but often with this window opening.

2. Ambiguous message on the quality of JOSM
I understand that this terminology is similar to buttons proposing to stop 
mapping. But it remains quite ambiguous.  Clicking on the X button on the top 
right panel, there was no problem. But selecting Dimiss did lock the task. 

This morning, I did a test trying to select more then one task and I was 
successfull to select / lock successsively 10 tasks. 

Claire Halleux from OSM RDC tested on her side if she could select one of these 
tasks. As expected, the task was locked.See

I hope this help to enhance the TM. 
HOT mailing list

[HOT] The point on the OSM Response to the DR Congo North Kivu / Ituri Ebola outbreak

2019-01-11 Thread Pierre Béland
Thanks to all the contributors for the Tasking Manager project 5601 for Butembo 
which is now completed with a great success. The number of buildings has 
doubled from 2018-12-11 and is now at 146,466 for the area covered. Also the 
ratio of Irregular geometries and Duplicates has dramatically decreased.

The coordination group for this Ebola Response now switch the priority to the 
areas along the road between Beni and Bunia (Job 5660) and we should come back 
later to complete Butembo.  

For job 5660, Buildings and roads need to be completed for the urban areas and 
the forestry isolated areas.  In the forestry area, we ask to keep the map 
significant and then avoid to add short segments of temporary tracks where the 
forestry workers did cut wood or to indicate these areas as wood cut since 
either these tracks or wood cut are permanent.

The project is again limited to intermediate mappers to assure quality in the 
context of this emergency.revising geometries and adding new buildings.  

To see jobs available and priorities for this OSM Response, see


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Tracking vehicle movements

2019-01-09 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Jorieke

There are small vehicule gps logger, some very precise reading various 
satellite networks. I tried a Columbus. It did work very well but could not 
replace the battery.
Search simply for vehicule gps logger. This Ebay link show various models, some 
with an USB connection and / or sim card.



HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [OSM-talk] Quality (was: The point on the OSM Response to the DR Congo Nord Kivu Ebola outbreak)

2018-12-13 Thread Pierre Béland

Yes, Quality should be be integrated at all levels, from Documentation, Editing 
tools, Projects monitoring particularly in the context of Mapathons to catch 
problems rapidly and correct. And  yes validation is the last step, the last 
barrier to catch Quality problems and correct. 

After the experience with Mapathons in the last few years, we are surely at 
this point where we need to revise our global process and suggest where 
improvements would contribute to this Quality Quest.
Bjoern, in a HOT discussion about the Ebola Response  in Butembo, gave us a 
link to some Documentation used in the context of Mapathons.  It is  important 
to propose such documentation specific to 
Documentation easily accessible in iD with the ? shortcut is also a good point. 
Such easy access to documentatin should be part of the various OSM editors. But 
it should also focus on specific skills like Trace a building, Correct 
irregular geometry, Adjust the offset of imagery, Classify roads. Links to 
short videos would also greatly help the beginners.
There are projects more complex with aspects such as the density of urban 
areas, imagery quality and offset and it is important to restrict access based 
on OSM experience for more complex projects and this is now possible for the 
various Tasking Manager projects. Taking this step for the Butembo Ebola 
response this week dramatically improved the quality of the data produced. But 
still, I often observed that some occasionnal contributors to Mapathons 
continue to produce some Fantasy buildings more then a year after they started 
This is indication of how it is important not only to provide good 
documentation and tools to beginners, to restrict more complex jobs, but also 
to better accompany and motivate the OSM beginners. Let's be a community. Let's 
go back to our roots! We should stop to have thousand of one day contributors 
that produce inadequate data that often is not corrected afterward.

Irregular geometries in the OSM database are probably more then 90% of the time 
an indication of incorrect mapping. Highlighting Irregular geometries and 
overlaps in editors such as iD and JOSM would faciliate revision by beginners.  
It could be integrated in the JOSM validation process.  iD could also have such 
a validation process.   

Monitoring of Quality and OSM edits need tools to quickly identify such 
problems. The Overpass and JOSM could provide the possibility to query for 
irregular geometries and overlaps.  Such addition in Overpass would offer to 
the Mapathons the possibility to visually monitor Quality of editing with the 
participants using for example a list of OSM user id's.  This could also be 
used for edition in JOSM.  And imagine the Mapathon participants that view the 
progress on a «Live Quality Map» plus «Quality statistics». This would be both 
motivating and pedagogic.

There were some regression with the Tasking Manager updates for the possibility 
to monitor the users. For example, the Activity and Stats section do not let 
see on the map the squares mapped by a particular contributor. It is then 
uneasy to revise the edits of a specific contributor that do not map 
appropriately. On the other hand, it is now possible to restrict the access to 
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] The point on the OSM Response to the DR Congo Nord Kivu Ebola outbreak

2018-12-11 Thread Pierre Béland
Thanks Franz-Josef
We started  a new project to both redress the Quality of the data for Butembo 
and to add new buildings with the rapid growth of this city population (more 
then 3% per year). Thanks to USAID who provided a recent imagery who shows a 
lot more buildings.  This information is important to evaluate the population 
of the city for vaccination campaigns. The last census was 10 years ago.

With the extent of the quality problems from Newbies participation, we have to 
reserve this project to experienced contributors preferably using JOSM and that 
know how to adjust offset of imageries.  Validating first contributions to 
project 5601 this morning, we observed that it is going very well and we just 
need more contributors :)  Let's keep it motivating for experienced mappers to 
Respond to such humanitarian emergencies while solutions are looked at to 
better integrate Newbies in such projects.  This first project to redress the 
data exclude hills where different offsets are observed for the imagery. We 
will add distinct projects for these areas.

Analysis of Newbies contribution

The OSM-DRC coordination team with Claire Halleux, Fred Moine and myself, we 
have followed closely the tasking manager projects 5485, 5487 and 5585 now 
archived. Looking at the map, It was easy to observe that Tracing of buildings 
was very inadequate, everywhere, and statistics did show a rapid growth of 
errors  with the participation of newbies. Restricting projects to experienced 
mappers, we could confirm that exclusion of Newbies was drastically reducing 
errors. This Butembo OSM Map extract on twitter shows Quality problems that we 
find everywhere around Butembo with sometimes 2-3-4 overlap buildings and 
overlaps over roads.

For many of us, it was motivating to start to participate to OSM while mapping 
for major humanitarian responses. At first the ratio of newbies / Experienced 
mappers did let progress smoothly. But with media coverage of such OSM 
humanitarian responses, more and more newbies have come.  The Tasking manager 
and the organisation of Mapathons greatly contributed to escalate the number of 
participants.  Now let's say that this is time to escalate the Quality too.
The errors observed seem to confirm that Newbies have easy access to OSM 
editors and start to edit without any knowledge, no training and monitoring. Do 
Mapathons can redress this situation or do they let contributors map without 
any training and monitoring ? We have to assure that Mapathons organizers play 
a role, take the responsability to produce Quality data, to train and monitor 
Newbies mapping, to assure that they trace regular buildings (not fantasy forms 
we too often see) assure tracing corresponds to the outline of the buildings 
observed on the imagery. Sorry to say that the quality observed for Butembo is 
quite inappropriate to respond to this Ebola outbreak emergency. 

Let's mention that some Mapathons organizers have good procedures to train and 
validate data. Other organizers should follow this trend and «Live Monitoring 
of quality» should also be look at by the Mapathon organizers to assure to 
deliver Quality data at the end of a session.

Adding to that, there are hills in various parts the city and images available 
have various offsets in the city as compared to the Bing reference. The newbies 
did not align the imagery and have simply traced buildings over the roads 
previously traced with Bing. Trying to correct this, some inexperienced 
validators simply started to realign the roads with the imagery used for 
projects 5485, 5487 and 5585.

In the meantime, we have no other choice for this Nord Kivu Ebola Activation to 
restrict mapping to experienced mappers. 


Le vendredi 7 décembre 2018 01 h 49 min 03 s HNE, Franz-Josef Behr 
 a écrit :  
Very interesting findings and recommendations, Pierre!
I find it very useful to have some numbers like that, not only vague 
recommendations regarding education.
Best regards - Franz-Josef
HOT mailing list

[HOT] The point on the OSM Response to the DR Congo Nord Kivu Ebola outbreak

2018-12-06 Thread Pierre Béland
The media reported recently about the current Ebola outbreak in Nord Kivu and 
the difficulty for the humanitarians to operate in a difficult security context 
with rebels around towns plus population displacements in response to various 

After Beni, the efforts are now concentrated around Butembu. The population of 
this town is increasing rapidly.The DR Congo health department, the World 
Health Organization and MSF need good evaluations of population for vaccination 
campaigns.  In this context, OSM-DRC has obtained recent imagery courtesy of 
USAID that shows many new buildings. 

We would like assure a quick response but are faced with quality problems. This 
week, we started new a job for Bulembo, east of Butembo with new imagery. good imagery and a rural area, it 
seemed to us that this job would fit for newbies.  But we rapidly observed on 
the map more and more overlaps and imprecise building tracing.

We then used the Irregular shapes indicator that we developped a few months ago 
to quantify these problems. The indicator offers us a measure of the problem 
and let us validate the individual buildings reported as needing close 
evaluation of builidings quality problems (shapes + overlaps).!
Looking at project 5585, we observe :
- on dec.5 with beginners, participation, 3,025 buildings were edited but 40.2% 
with irregular shapes
- on dec.6 with beginners excluded,  3,471 buildings were edited with only 0.9% 
with irregular shapes.  

The OSM-DRC coordination team is also faced with a high ratio builidngs bad 
quality + overlaps for the densely town of Butembu : TM 5485, 5487 and 5507.

This is caused by various factors, including dense urban area, dark imagery, 
different offsets between imagery plus often very imprecise building tracing 
from newbies.  Observing the multiplication of problems this week for Butembu, 
including a high ratio of building overlaps with roads, we have decided to 
archive the current jobs for Butembu.  The option seems to start over with the 
new imagery and first realign buildings and roads before adding new buildings.  
And the jobs would be reserved to experienced mappers. The Tasking manager 
offers options to select intermediate contributors. We should add jobs in the 
next days to revise Butembu.
We also need to discuss how to better integrate the participation of the 
newbies  in disaster mapping and at the same time assure both a quick answer 
and high quality.  Solutions should be proposed to assure that newbies receive 
an adequate training and how to better monitor their participation.  As 
coordinators of the response, we dont know where from the newbies come from. 
Are they simply coming and select a task or participate to a mapathon ? This is 
hard to say. 

Mapathons might be the solution to better supervise newbies participation.  But 
this only if the mapathons organizers accept the responsability to provide high 
quality data for their group, to offer more training and assure more monitoring 
of their participants.

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Getting the Bounding Boxes of the Validated Regions

2018-11-20 Thread Pierre Béland
As John is saying, quality can vary a lot. You should look at the thread where 
I presented geometry quality analysis 
You need a more rigourus procedure where you can compare AI with contributors 
that operate in the same conditions, with the same imagery. 


Le mardi 20 novembre 2018 09 h 44 min 59 s HNE, John Whelan 
 a écrit :  
 I've done a lot of validation in HOT.  Some is done by people with little 
experience so I don't think validated tiles would be much use to you.  Also be 
aware that some imagery can be three years out of date so the imagery can vary. 
 The sort of problems you'll run into are much of the HOT mapping is done by 
inexperienced mappers using iD and the buildings are more approximate than you 
might like especially on size and shape.  It takes four times longer to correct 
a building than to remap it so as a rule of thumb validators tend to stay away 
from projects with buildings.

Having said that have a look at the hot projects for one that is 100% complete 
and 100% validated.  You should be able to work out the coordinates from the 
project and if you are lucky it should also give you the imagery used when 
mapping for HOT.  Beware this OpenStreetMap and some mapping may have taken 
place on the ground showing buildings etc that are not on the image.

You might be better off working with an experienced mapper who can both map and 
check the sources.  They should also check for duplicates, there are tools 
available.  I suggest an area that hasn't been mapped before and map it 
correctly with an experienced mapper using JOSM and things like the 
building_tool plugin.

If you're just trying the algorithm out Ottawa in Canada has accurate buildings 
in OpenStreetMap.

Have fun

Cheerio John

Georgy Potapov wrote on 2018-11-20 9:25 AM:

Dear John,
the question isn't about imports. Seems guys are preparing dataset to train and 
test models and they need to download data that's been already validated within 
Missing Maps,  as a "ground truth". Is there a way to get the precise 
coordinates of the areas where this job is done or projected to be done?Me too 
was asking if it makes sense to apply algorithm to detect damaged buildings on 
imagery to leverage the mapping speed in disaster affected areas?
All the best,Georgy
On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 3:29 PM john whelan  wrote:

Essentially you are proposing an import.  There are OpenStreetMap rules about 
how this should be done.  It can be done, Microsoft has released building 
outlines for the US which were created in this manner but the import itself is 
being done in sections by conventional mappers.
You will need the cooperation of the local mappers on the ground and imports of 
dubious quality tend to get a fair chunk of flack.  I would suggest you Google 
OSM imports before doing anything.
Cheerio John
On Mon, 19 Nov 2018, 10:47 pm Serkan Karakulak

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Re: [HOT] [LearnOSM List] Help in collecting data in Kenya - Canadian students - January 2019

2018-09-27 Thread Pierre Béland
Bonjour Sarah

Je vois que vous êtes localisée à Paris où vous pouvez rencontrer une 
communauté OSM très dynamique. Je vous invites à consulter / communiquer sur la 
liste de discussion de OSM-France si vous voulez discuter des techniques de 
collecte OSM ou connaitre leur calendrier de réunions. cordialement


Le jeudi 27 septembre 2018 03 h 04 min 43 s HAE, Nick Allen 
 a écrit :  
 Hi Sarah,
I've included the main HOT mailing list in my reply, and I'm sure there will be 
many people there who can help.

Nick (Tallguy)
my phone is responsible for any spelling mistakes!
On Wed, 26 Sep 2018, 15:05 Sarah Bortolamiol,  


I am contacting you to get information on your activities, especially the HOT 

I am a trained geographer and my research is mainly based on human-animal 
interactions in Uganda and France so far. 

I am in charge of a field course for Canadian students to be held in Kenya in 
January. My course will have between 15 and 20 students and will focus on GIS / 
data collection and field surveys. The program is still under construction but 
a priori we will move between Nairobi (6 days), Mt Kenya (4 days), Naivasha (4 
days), Maji Moto (4 days), Masai Mara (2 days) and Kakamega (2 days) between 
January 13th and February 9th 2019.The idea is that I give students basic 
knowledge on GIS and surveys, and have them collect data in the field 

 I would like students to realize the practical utility of GIS and field 
surveys, and feel involve in what they do. Therefore I wonder if you have any 
projects in Kenya, in the areas we will visit, to which we could contribute?In 
terms of logistics we would have 4 computers with QGIS, generators when we do 
not have access to electricity, means of transport and a variable internet 
connection depending on the sites. We also plan to use tablets or mobile phones 
to collect field data but we have not yet acquired it. 

Thank you for the time you will give to my request for 
information,Sincerly,Sarah Bortolamiol
Sarah Bortolamiol
Géographe (PhD), Post-doctorante
Chercheuse associée:
UMR 7206 - Eco-anthropologie et ethnobiologie
Tel: +33 (0)6 78 05 31 78

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Ebola Outbreak Nord-Kivu Building Geometry analysis

2018-08-10 Thread Pierre Béland
If you are tired on the Talk list discussion about the gender of post codes, 
What's about OSM data quality ;)
Building Data quality Evaluation after Tasks are completed and validated is 
possible by the analysis of the Geometry of buildings.
For 3 jobs completed for the Ebola Response, you will find below links to 
Achavi. This will let you evaluate rapidly if this seems to satisfy OSM data 
quality standards.  Even if the Task manager indicates jobs as 100% validated, 
this seems to confirm that validators are demotivated and do not want to 
correct anymore imprecise building tracing from successive waves of one day 
Task 4947
Task 4953
Task 4958

Le jeudi 9 août 2018 16 h 14 min 25 s HAE, Pierre Béland 
 a écrit :  
 I published a Blog post about a tool that Potentiel 3.0 develops with OSM-RDC 
to classify Building geometry and  to spot the more problematic contributions. 
Topological analysis is made from a PostgreSQL - PostGIS database.See!
I have looked at task 4947 that was completed august 6. I From the 18312 
buildings in the area covered by this task, only 3.5% have irregular form 
(other then 90 degres or regular angles like huts).  There exist buildings with 
irregular form but they are the exceptions. 
The objective with the focus on the analysis of these irregular buildings, is 
one more angle to validate the OSM mapping. First, we can have rapidly a 
quantitative measure of irregular polygons to look at more closely. This also 
let's validate the more problematic contributions. 
The Overpass query links provide a list of buildings that are still reported as 
irregular today for the contributors with significant buildings flagged as 
irregular. Each query concern one contributor and a rapid look at each shows 
imprecise mapping. I would like the validators to look at this data and comment 
about how the focus on such data can help in the process of validation / 
correction of the mapping done for this Ebola response.

[HOT] Ebola Outbreak Nord-Kivu Building Geometry analysis

2018-08-09 Thread Pierre Béland
I published a Blog post about a tool that Potentiel 3.0 develops with OSM-RDC 
to classify Building geometry and  to spot the more problematic contributions. 
Topological analysis is made from a PostgreSQL - PostGIS database.See!
I have looked at task 4947 that was completed august 6. I From the 18312 
buildings in the area covered by this task, only 3.5% have irregular form 
(other then 90 degres or regular angles like huts).  There exist buildings with 
irregular form but they are the exceptions. 
The objective with the focus on the analysis of these irregular buildings, is 
one more angle to validate the OSM mapping. First, we can have rapidly a 
quantitative measure of irregular polygons to look at more closely. This also 
let's validate the more problematic contributions. 
The Overpass query links provide a list of buildings that are still reported as 
irregular today for the contributors with significant buildings flagged as 
irregular. Each query concern one contributor and a rapid look at each shows 
imprecise mapping. I would like the validators to look at this data and comment 
about how the focus on such data can help in the process of validation / 
correction of the mapping done for this Ebola response.


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] The tag landuse = clearing

2018-08-07 Thread Pierre Béland
We should not make permanent what is not permanent !
Let's look at North of DR Congo, which is a forestry area with small villages 
spread everywhere and  people making wood cuts.  In such areas, the cuts are 
not permanent and a few years later there will be trees growing already.  Since 
this is not permanent, not grass, this should not be distinguished in the 
OpenStreetMap database. 
There were also many missinterpretations for the Ebola outbreak with 
contributors tracing residential landuse polygons.  Sometimes there are cuts 
for building houses. But more often, simply wood cuts to sell the wood to the 
forestry industry. 

Le lundi 6 août 2018 23 h 40 min 54 s HAE, Warin <> a 
écrit :  
 The tag “landuse=clearing” was extensively used in Costa Rica by 
#hotosm-task-417 #YouthMappers #TexasTech during November 2017, mapping around 
Parque Nacional Coicovado in Costa Rica. 
 Unfortunately this tag is not documented on the OSM wiki, I have started to 
document what I think it is and looks like from some satellite imagery. 
 The proposal page to document the possible tag can be found here 
 There are several suggestions as to how to map these things better- with more 
information and some should result with rendering on maps. 
 However, my questions are;
 Do HOT use the tag at all for there own purposes? 
 Will there be any problems and/or objections to changing ‘landuse=clearing’ to 
“landcover=clearing” ?
 Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the subject. 
 PS I note that many of these ways introduced have touching rings and duplicate 
segments. I have edited many of them so they now don’t generate errors on 
OSMinspector see  
 I have not touched the north eastern coastal area so you can see the problems. 
 PPS I am motivated to keep land cover things out of the land use key, hence my 
personal interest in this tag. 
HOT mailing list
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] building=yes both on the way and on the nodes

2018-07-08 Thread Pierre Béland
It seems that you have not received my previous answer to John on this list 
where I provided a solution to query a bbox from Overpass.See

A more generic solution where it shows child nodes of a building with any key 
except source.In this example around Freetown, it even picks a power line 
connected to a building where also the node has keys. We also see what seems to 
be field work for the Ebola outbreak in 2015 by MSF and Red Cross where keys 
such as name are added to child node of a building.

|  | 
overpass turbo




content /* --> osm keys (except source) on buidings child nodes */

out meta;<; out meta;
>; out meta;


Le dimanche 8 juillet 2018 15 h 23 min 48 s HAE, john whelan 
 a écrit :  
 I suspect its more general than just Chad since its more than one mapper.  At 
2,657 in Chad I'd say that's liveable with unless some kind soul could zap 
them.  I very much doubt there is a valid reason for their existence.

Cheerio John

On 8 July 2018 at 15:12, Jean-Marc Liotier  wrote:

On Sun, July 8, 2018 4:09 pm, john whelan wrote:
> I'm seeing a fair number of these especially in CHAD.  Could someone do an
> overpass or whatever to see how big a problem it is?

I loaded the following query into JOSM:

{{geocodeArea:chad}}->. searchArea;
  way["building"="yes"](area. searchArea);
out meta;

I ran the validator... "Nodes duplicating parent way tags" numbered 2657
and they were all building=yes

Committed: changeset/60516490

The changeset covers only a region around N'Djaména - I don't know if it
is because no buildings in Chad exist outside of this are or if my query
applied to the bounding box rather than to the geocodeArea I intended.

HOT mailing list
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] building=yes both on the way and on the nodes

2018-07-08 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi John,
In Overpass-turbo, with the following Query it is possible to select any bbox 
and extract.  The query will retain only buildings where duplicated tag on the 
chlid nodes. For this example in N'Djamena, other then the duplicate, we see 
that the OSM contributor added various unnecessary tags on the 

Le dimanche 8 juillet 2018 10 h 11 min 23 s HAE, john whelan 
 a écrit :  
 I'm seeing a fair number of these especially in CHAD.  Could someone do an 
overpass or whatever to see how big a problem it is? 

and they were done months ago by mappers who haven't mapped recently.

Thanks John
HOT mailing list
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Ebola outbreak in the DRC

2018-05-21 Thread Pierre Béland
Great Jean-Guilhem
With some Ebola cases in the large city of Mbandaka, it is important to 
intensify mapping to support epidemiologists in Congo. This url link let's see 
the urgent tasks for the OSM community to support 
The ESA Global Buildup Density map can be added to JOSM with this josm wms link 
I also added these «pixels» to my osm-pixel map.
you select as overlay (Section A superposer) the ESA urban density layer.In the 
bottom section we can select Bing or other imagery to compare with this density 
We see that not all urban areas are identified. Would other layers help to 
cover smaller housing density areas?

Le lundi 21 mai 2018 13 h 05 min 19 s HAE, Jean-Guilhem Cailton 
 a écrit :  
  Hi Claire,
 Regarding the identification of inhabited areas, do you know about the “Global 
Urban Footprint” dataset? See for example:!=GUF%2FGUF2012-12m
 Could it also be useful?
 Best wishes.
 Le 20/05/2018 à 13:35, Claire Halleux a écrit :
  Hi all, 
  Many thanks to the 293 OSM contributors and to the amazing validators who 
have already participated to the mapping in the Equateur province, since May 
  The 17th task was published this morning to respond to the needs expressed by 
Doctors without Borders and the Congolese Ministry of Health. Yesterday 
afternoon, while visiting the emergency operation center team at the Ministry, 
it was said that the identification of inhabited areas in OSM (mapped as 
residential landuse) is particularly helpful to them at the moment, as well as 
the detailed mapping of the urban areas, to better follow the people that have 
recently been in contact with confirmed cases.  
  While there's been at least one new case detected each day in the area since 
the outbreak declaration, they also wished additional areas to be mapped as 
well. Some tasks are already ready to be added but in order to keep up with the 
quality of the data produced (i.e. keeping the rythm with the validation), we 
need more validators. 
  If you are already participating to this validation, thank you so much! If 
you are not yet but have already significantly contributed to OSM, maybe it's 
time to give it a try... 
  If you want an overview of the area covered by these mapping tasks so far, 
you'll find one here:
  Happy mapping! 
Claire Halleux  +243 81 611 6998 (Kinshasa, DRC) OpenStreetMap RDC
HOT mailing list
 « Tant qu’on n’aura pas compris que le cerveau est une machine à dominer, on 
ne pourra pas lutter efficacement contre ces hiérarchies aliénantes. » 
Dominique Dupagne, La revanche du rameur 
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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Hurricane Maria - Puerto Rico dam failure

2017-09-22 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Andrew
Hard to say where are the risky areas but OpenCycle style might help. It shows 
that this valley has steep hills near the river after the dam. The water might 
flow rapidly up tu the sea, about 20km from there. And risks of lanslides in 
the valley.   

  De : Andrew Buck 
 À : HOT  
 Envoyé le : vendredi 22 Septembre 2017 18h13
 Objet : [HOT] Hurricane Maria - Puerto Rico dam failure
The BBC is reporting the failure of a major dam in Puerto Rico.  The OSM
object for the dam is below:

Here is the BBC article:

My suggestion would be to map all the buildings in a strip aprroximately
2 miles wide along the course of the river as it flows north to the
ocean.  Not sure if we should set up a task manager task for this or
just do it in an ad-hoc fashion, as it is not a terribly huge area to
cover.  I am going to start mapping at the dam and work my way
northward.  I will do the Eastern side of the river first, if someone
else wants to map the buildings on the western side then we will not
have any conflicts/duplication.

Send an email if you plan to map on the western side.  If we get more
than 2 or 3 people working on this before it is finished, maybe we
should make a TM task, but otherwise I see no need for one.

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Imagery offset / Décalage d'imagerie

2017-09-15 Thread Pierre Béland
Bonjour Martin,
Not everyone on HOT US speaks french and not everyone on hot-francophone speaks 
english. I think that the best is to create a thread on each list.

For the haiti earhtquake in october 2016, I already refered to these imagery 
alignment problems plus edition with inexperienced contributors. The mapathons 
bring in a lot of one shot contributors. It would be important that mapathon 
organizers assure quality of data traced on the map, even more for humanitarian 


  De : Martin Noblecourt 
 À :; "" 
 Envoyé le : vendredi 15 Septembre 2017 10h26
 Objet : [HOT] Imagery offset / Décalage d'imagerie
  (en Français ci-dessous) Dear all, Following an exchange on the 
HOT-francophone list, we realized we're heading towards possible edition issue 
with the multiplication of quality imagery available (in particular with the 
newly released DG one). We'll increasingly have situation were beginning 
mappers will open their editor, and find an offset between the data (created on 
Bing) and the imagery we recommend (DG or custom).
  We discussed at the HOT summit what we could address that, we haven't found a 
solution but identified a few leads:
   - There is a Crowdsourced Offset plugin database in JOSM. However this is 
not accessible to ID & not installed by default. Possible solutions: a) install 
in the original JOSM, and edit the "offset warning" already existing to mention 
if a crowdsourced offset has already been entered for the area and b) include a 
similar feature in ID (probably more complex)?   
   - With the multiplication of imagery, it would be useful to increase the 
metadata: a) include automatically the date of the imagery together with the 
source in the changeset comment (should be possible for Bing, for DG unsure the 
date can be extracted) and b) include it in the objects mapped themselves, more 
easy to track than the changeset (but that might be heavy on the 
database/slowing the editor...)
   - Another quick fix would be to set up offset for different imagery from the 
TM to ID/JOSM (this way the TM project manager can set up the offset for the 
various imageries to use himself), this feature is not included in the current 
version of the TM and is not yet planned in the new one, but maybe could be 
added later? To be 100% accurate it would also need to allow several offset for 
one provider if there are different images within the project (probably an 
overkill though)   
   - The francophone list started a discussion either on created field 
reference control point (GPS): they already exist in several countries but are 
not always open. a) Trying to open this data when existing might be feasible 
and b) creating from scratch such a network when non existing is probably out 
of scope for the OSM community alone. I might have missed some points of the 
discussion on HOT-franco here, feel free to complete.   
 I am personally not capable to really contribute to the topic (too technical 
for me) but I think this is an important topic and I would be super grateful if 
more skilled users could contribute to it ;-)
  Best Martin  (en Français ci-dessous) Bonjour à tous, Faisant suite à un 
échange démarré sur cette liste, nous avons réalisé que nous nous dirigions 
vers de possibles conflits d'éditions du fait de la multiplication d'images 
satellites de qualité disponibles pour OSM (notamment après la publication de 
la nouvelle imagerie DG). Nous aurons de plus en plus fréquemment des cas de 
contributeurs débutants ouvrant leur éditeur, et trouvant un décalage entre la 
donnée (créée sur Bing) et l'imagerie que nous recommandons dans le TM (DG ou 
  Nous avons discuté rapidement au HOT summit de comment résoudre ce problème, 
nous n'avons pas trouvé de solution mais identifié plusieurs pistes :
   - Il existe un plugin Offset à partir d'une base de donnée générée par les 
contributeurs dans JOSM. Cependant celui-ci n'est pas disponible pour ID et pas 
installé par défaut. Solutions possibles : a) inclure le plugin nativement dans 
JOSM, et changer le message d'avertissement sur le décalage potentiel qui 
existe déjà pour y mentionner si un décalage a déjà été renseigné par un 
contributeur pour la zone et b) inclure un outil similaire dans ID (sans doute 
plus complexe) ?
   - Avec la multiplication de l'imagerie, il serait utile de renforcer les 
métadonnées pour a) inclure automatiquement la date de l'imagerie avec la 
source dans le commentaire de changeset (cela devrait être faisable sur Bing, 
pour DG nous sommes moins sûrs que la date puisse être extraite) et b) inclure 
ces métadonnées dans les objets cartographiés eux-mêmes, ce qui les rend plus 
facilement à repérer que si dans les changeset (mais cela risque d'être 

Re: [HOT] Huracán Irma

2017-09-06 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Miriam
the french community, we are in contact with the OSM Haiti community. 

For the latam community, if you have contacts in Santo Domingo and Cuba,it 
would be good to organize follow-up with them.
links to follow the progression of the hurricane,19.96,3000


  De : Miriam Mapanauta 
 À : hot  
 Envoyé le : mercredi 6 Septembre 2017 21h19
 Objet : [HOT] Huracán Irma
Hi hotties, 
I hope you are doing well, is there any Mapping plan or activation for helping 
people in Irma's pad?
HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Highway Tag Africa wiki

2017-08-03 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Emmor
What i wanted to insist - I believe that we should focus on the main goal of 
this wiki page (ie. the role of the road) and describe in other sections the 
other keys that describe physical aspects of the roads, the practicability, the 
access, etc.
For the North Mali Activation in 2013, we were faced with the problem of dirty 
main roads at rainy season with highway=track tag and duplicates where people 
make derivations while a section is impassable. There were no infrastructures 
and vehicules would move in parallel tracing 1, 2, 3 ... new segments. The 
remote contributors from northern countries did not understand this reality and 
traced all these segments and classified the main road has highway=track. This 
was the spark that brought in discussions on IRC and the HOT discussion list 
about writing a specific highway tag wiki page to support better routing 
The OSM highway routing information helps the WFP and other organizations to 
monitor the distribution programmes across various countries and they 
collaborate to document the condition of the road. See this map for Sierra 
Leone in 2015.
 It is now common for the various NGO's to use OSM maps on mobile devices. This 
info is also accessible to the population in general. 
WFP images, Sierra Leone
 Irinnews - Kataga, Democratic republic of 

  De : Vao Matua <>
 À : Pierre Béland <> 
Cc : HOT Openstreetmap <>
 Envoyé le : jeudi 3 août 2017 10h34
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Highway Tag Africa wiki
Thank you for your thoughtful email.I also want to thank you for your work over 
the years for OSM and HOT, I truly appreciate your efforts.I also want to 
apologize if you take offense by my efforts, please know that I am trying to 
contribute in a way that improves the way OSM develops and refine resources to 
help HOT tasks.A little background on myself; for more than 25 years I have 
worked as a geospatial professional and have designed and contributed to many 
GIS data construction efforts and have lead projects that transitioned from a 
legacy product to a more streamlined design. The frustration and mistakes 
associated with inconsistent design cannot be underestimated.If we were to 
start the tagging design for OSM today I believe that our collective experience 
would give us something different than what we have now.  I realize that this 
is not possible and I am trying to help clarify the existing tagging to help 
ensure future contributions are consistent as possible.It is unfortunate that 
you were not able to be in Kampala for the State of the Map Africa conference.  
The discussion highway tagging workshop there was very positive and 
constructive, and did not have strong disagreements.Following that discussion 
my intent in editing the wiki was an attempt to have the descriptions in a 
similar format without a long description.  I also am trying to develop a one 
page guide that can be used in a mapathon or carto-party as a tool to help new 
mappers. It would be best if the language of the guide and the wiki were the 
same.In terms of classification I am very sensitive to the arrogance that 
sometimes can be communicated by expatriates regarding infrastructure in a 
developing countries. A rough road that would not be considered worth mapping 
in Europe could be a vital transportation link for a settlement were the same 
construction found in Africa. I have seen many roads tagged as highway=track 
when in reality the road should be either unclassified or even tertiary. We 
also have the challenge of describing major routes within an urban area. The 
words used in US transportation language are "collector" and "arterial" which 
imply that traffic is collected from several residential streets and then 
joined with other collectors to an arterial route. This is less of an issue 
than a rural setting in Africa, but still should be addressed in the wiki.
Again, I appreciate your efforts and hope you understand that I want to 
contribute to the OSM in a positive fashion.

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 2:44 PM, Pierre Béland <> wrote:

Hi Emmor
The Highway Tag Africa wiki page is used in Africa and other countries with 
similar realities. It has often been discussed since 2013, contributors being 
in favor in general to bring in this classification that insist on the role of 
roads vs the infrastructure and other aspects. Be assure that we do consider 
paths as important elements of mapping. Either in trainin

Re: [HOT] Highway Tag Africa wiki

2017-08-02 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Emmor
The Highway Tag Africa wiki page is used in Africa and other countries with 
similar realities. It has often been discussed since 2013, contributors being 
in favor in general to bring in this classification that insist on the role of 
roads vs the infrastructure and other aspects. Be assure that we do consider 
paths as important elements of mapping. Either in training sessions or for the 
various OSM Responses like Congo, Mali, Ebola, Nepal, Haiti, etc. we have 
always given instructions to trace paths either in urban areas or between 
villages and hamlets, mountains in Nepal, etc.
Comparing the wiki page July 9 vs July 22, I see that important segments of 
this wiki page have been rewritten.

As the architect of this page in 2013, I believe that the modifications made 
add confusion to the economic an social role of each class of highways.  Some 
descriptions added to each class about passable (access ?), plus road width and 
surface bring back the notion of infrastructure to describe each class. These 
additions should be discussed and we have to decide the best place where to 
introduce these concepts.
We can group roads in three blocks
1. Major interconnecting roads : highway=tertiary and over, that assure the 
intercity traffic or intra-urban collector traffic in major towns
2. Local interconnecting roads : highway=unclassified, interconnection at the 
local level, between villages / hamlets . There are also paths that connect 
3. Local roads and paths: higway=residential, track, path
When we make the distinction between roads and paths it is important to 
evaluate if a car or a 4x4 can circulate on this way. This is important to 
evaluate the population that have access to roadways, to evaluate if any access 
is possible by car to offer services or for emergency support.  If information 
about motorbike access is important, a tag motorcycle=yes could be added.

If a 4x4 can circulate on a way, we do not specify highway=path. If there are 
seasonal restrictions, (ie. at rainy season in Africa or winter in northern 
countries), we simply add a restriction to indicate the non-accessibiliy for 
this period.
The same with tracks. These are important. But we dont want contributors to 
mark all roads as track making the infrastructure aspects overrule the economic 
and social role. There are other keys to describe the other aspects.

See my analysis of the modifications comparing wiki page July 9 vs July 22.

The addition below to the wiki page is a bit confusing, not clear what we want 
to insist on here 
   - Please note that a highway = track is not a more primitive construction 
class of a residential road

Road passable, road width and surface : Additions made to the various classes 
reduce the clarity. 
1. road passable - we talk here of access permitted to piedestrians, motos, 
etc. For more clarity and keep the classification easier to understand, I 
suggest that this access description should be in a distinct section an not 
repeated in each class (ie. primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.)
2. road width - My objective writing this wiki page in 2013 was to insist about 
the distinction between the economic / social role of a road vs the 
infrastructures and road condition. This insistance on widths is confusing, 
bringing in the concept of the state of the road vs it's role. A note to say 
this is simply indicative?
3. surface - there are other sections to talk about surface - not necessary to 
add in each class.

Highway=secondary, New description is less clearOriginal :
   - The roads connecting with regional capital cities and the towns of some 
importance (health services, commerce, etc.).
The new description, the first sentence added is less clear.
   - Major transportation routes connecting cities and large towns. Collector 
function in urban areas.

highway=tertiary, New description, the first sentence added is less 
   - The roads interconnecting villages and the major streets in towns of some 
The new description added
   - Major transportation routes connecting towns and larger villages. 
Collector function in urban areas. 

This class is used to distinguish rural roads interconnecting villages VS 
tracks going to the outskirts of villages. We should clarify that the section 
that cross a village, even if housings on each side should still be classified 
higway=unclassified.The new definition is ambiguous   
   - Minor collector roads that allow travel and commerce from paths and 
residential roads to and between settlements. Generally not residential

highway=residential- Previous description was   
   - Used for roads in the residential areas except the major streets that 
interconnect with various roads (ie. primary, secondary, tertiary). Should not 
be used to connect villages and hamlets.   

- New 

Re: [HOT] [OSM-talk] A tool for picking up settlements tagged as a single building?

2017-03-25 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi John,
The OSM Changeset Analyzer let's select bbox and option parameters including 
big building. To test if it provides too many positive answers. There could be 
an other option for very big buildings??

example with reason 34 Large buildings


  De : john whelan 
 À : OpenStreetMap talk mailing list  
Cc : "" 
 Envoyé le : samedi 25 mars 2017 13h28
 Objet : [OSM-talk] A tool for picking up settlements tagged as a single 
It's something I've noticed in Africa so its probably not putting new mappers 
through a month's training first but many villages have been mapped but tagged 
as a single building with building=yes.

They aren't grouped together but rural Africa doesn't have that many large foot 
print buildings so it should be possible to pick them out based on location and 

Any thoughts on how to pick them out?

Thanks John
talk mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Optimal NAS tech specifications to serve imagery tiles

2017-03-23 Thread Pierre Béland
Donal Hunt wrote

> It occurs to me that partnering with a team like Ideas Box (see 
> may be the way to go here...
What is the cost of such equipment + softwares ?


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Broken (multi)polygon cleanup

2017-03-17 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Jochen
Your focus on these problems more related to the softwares process is quite 
interesting and valuable. 

While I continue to focus on the Haiti south west peninsula after the Matthew 
hurricane landing in october 2016,  I looked today at multipolygon relations 
For Buildings with only outer rings, I merged the ways if necessary, removed 
the relation and added the building tag to the ways.
This Overpass query shows some of these multipolygons before correction.

I also found and incorrect use is multipolygon relation as a collection of 
buildings, removed the relation and corrected the tagging. There were 7 
buildings in this relation. This does not respect the OSM data model and we 
cannot easily count the number of building in GIS softwares. The mapper who 
added this relation has more then 600 days of contribution and hence classified 
by Pascal Neis as Great Mapper (Very Active).

The next problem I will look at is ways with only the area tag. 


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Broken (multi)polygon cleanup

2017-03-16 Thread Pierre Béland

On 16 Mar 2017 3:49 pm, "Jochen Topf"  wrote:

Hi Blake,

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 05:29:04PM +0100, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM wrote:
> Can you send me something that would help me see those 1600 examples
> you found on OSM so I can see what might be going on and how to
> improve things in HOT/MM workflow to reduce them?

Those 1600 are some very specific errors I am currently looking at, but
only have those on my local machine currently. But for the wider picture
you can use the OSM Inspectors "area" view to see the scope of the problem.

Just go to any place where HOT/MM was active. Here is an example: osmi/?view=areas=33.65927& lat=-2.07600=8

My current workflow is as follows: I choose one particular well-defined
problem and extract the data from OSM that shows this problem. Then I
put the data into Maproulette and document the problem and how to fix
it. Some problems are easier, some harder to fix. Mappers can choose
what problems to work on based on their skill level. If somebody
doesn't feel comfortable with one of the harder problems, there are
simpler ones they can work on. I also have some more general
descriptions for the experts who want to go exploring/fixing on their
own. Once the challenges are done, I choose a new problem and start the
process from the beginning.

Here are the current challenges: fixing.html

Usually I am splitting up larger challenges into regions, for instance
by continent or country. I could also do this by HOT activation area or
so if that makes sense for HOT mappers. Splitting up, often makes the
problems easier to fix, because problems inside an area are often very
similar, but different to problems in other areas due to mapping
priorities and methods. For instance, some regions have lots of problems
with buildings, others with landuse areas, etc. Concentrating on one
very well-defined problem at a time makes all this work simpler.

Jochen Topf  +49-351-31778688

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Re: [HOT] note to Project Managers: Highway=road

2017-02-22 Thread Pierre Béland
See comments that I made today for the Matthew disaster 

This applies also to road tagging. Instructions in the tasking manager are only 
one step to complete the global task of mapping for an area.
 We need a collectiv approach, a systematic revision of road tagging. 
Organisers of mapathonns, and later Project managers, should monitor road 
addition and assure that the tagging is corrected appropriately by experienced 
 As John just said, it is important to classify appropriately for the various 
Navigation Applications to find the appropriate roads to connect between two 

  De : john whelan 
 À : yo paseopor  
Cc : "" 
 Envoyé le : mercredi 22 février 2017 18h01
 Objet : Re: [HOT] note to Project Managers: Highway=road
But how many tiles get validated and how many validators check for highway=road 
every time?

I'm not sure I do.

Cheerio John

On 22 February 2017 at 17:51, yo paseopor  wrote:

Some projects of HOT should re-define their instructions. Also I think it would 
be interesting a specific HOT taggin' in some parts of a mapathon or similar 
(for example in phase one  , when you have 50 unexperienced mappers making 
roads with bad imagery, it would useful a specific tagging highway=road or 
something like that). Then validators can specifiy the category of that road 
knowing the country and their possibilities with normal OSM tagging.And a 
"special simplified version" of ID with only the two, three buttons you have to 
touch to take the keys and the values of this project would be useful too.
Salut i mapatons (Health and Mapathons)yopaseopor

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 11:42 PM, john whelan  wrote:

Currently there are HOT projects that include in the instructions the words 

"If you are unsure of what tag to assign to a road, use the provisional 
highway=road tag."

Yes but many routing systems ignore this these.  When we mapped with GPS traces 
we used highway=road because you didn't know if it was a motorway or a footway 
with steps and that's why many routing systems ignore them and JOSM validation 
flags them.

I would suggest if in doubt use highway=unclassified for instructions.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?


Cheerio John

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Re: [HOT] Matthew

2017-02-22 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi all,
Mapping for disaster response is to support NGO's and assure a good territory 
management. Mountains in Grand'Anse and Sud department are quite particular 
with people spread everywhere.  Both houses, road and path networks are 
I am just back from the UNOGA - Potentiel 3.0 mission with Fred and others in 
the mountain valley around Despagne, Grand'Anse. People in this 1,000 meter 
altitude valley are spread in the various hills and live for subistance 
agriculture. Walking in the valley, we saw destructed houses everywhere. People 
are still waiting for substantial help 4 months after the hurricane. Nights are 
very cold and humid. Houses, tools, livestock, plants and seeds were lost. 
While the majority of houses are destructed, we saw very few reconstuction or 
roof repairs. So far, NGO's have concentrated their efforts in the more 
accessible areas along the National road.  

We visited many families in the valley.  They used debris from the hurricane to 
build temporary shelters next to their destroyed stone houses. Their situation 
is very precarious. Many health problems are reported and no permanent health 
clinic in the valley except a 1 day/month clinic. It takes three hours by truck 
to go to the clinic in Leon. These families live from subsistence farming. They 
are currently undernourished and the aid received is still too minimal.
Talking about mapping, let's be clear.  Various actions need to be taken to 
assure a good coverage and qualit of data.

We need images clear and detailed enough to spot houses, paths and highways. 
Various images with various quality, dates and offsets were used to cover the 
Matthew huricane disaster area. In this context it was difficult for newcomers 
to interpret the imagery and provide good data.

When we discuss about quality of data, we do not say that this is the 
responsability of newcomers. They need more support and monitoring from the 
organizers of mapathons and the OSM humanitarian community. In 2016, prior to 
the october hurricane, various Mapathons were organized to map Haiti. The 
Disaster response was concentrated in the first 2 weeks of october. But badly, 
not enough efforts to correct the data in these two weeks and since then. Read 

Other then assure the quality of the data for this ungoing disaster response, 
tools should be developped to monitor each Mapathon and support Mapathon 
organizers providing more support and feedback to the newcomers The people that 
organize mapathons should accept the responsability to provide better quality.  

In the past more experienced mappers did contribute to Disaster responses. It 
was then ok to say that others will correct later while the majority of 
contributors where experienced. In the last two years we often discussed about 
the impact to organize mapathons and bring thousand of new contributors to 
participate in a short period of time to mapathons. Read again discussions for 
the Nepal response and the report that I wrote after. 

The Tasking manager simply help to distribute efforts to cover mapping and 
validation of each square.  This need to be completed with Monitoring tools 
that cover a complete area or a particular group contribution. Otherwise OSM 
will loose it's credibility as the de facto Map for disaster response.  We 
cannot accept the answer that other people will come later and correct the data.
Monitoring and Quality tools are important to collectively provide a better OSM 
map to support humanitarian actions and better follow newcomers edit:- live 
tools that can follow the Group activity and spot rapidly the type of problems 
and individual contributors errors. 
- Have tools for Mapathons organizers to report the list of contributors
- Quality data tools that can monitor a specific area would also help to come 
back to a particular area and evaluate what's need to be corrected.
Quality is more important then quantity.  Covering the map with so many errors, 
we discourage the more experience mappers.  


  De : john whelan 
 À : Fred Moine  
Cc : HOT 
 Envoyé le : mercredi 22 février 2017 10h30
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Matthew
Data quality is always an issue and we don't have enough validators which 
doesn't help.

We also have user expectations.  If you want to use OSM in a particular area 
with low internet access perhaps you could arrange with someone to run an eye 
over the area first?  With a large number of different mappers mapping by hand 
I think you must expect some inconsistences. I've even seen mappers with more 
than two years experience tagging in a way that didn't follow local guidelines.

We know if we catch mappers making mistakes within the first 24 hours the 
errors go down after that.  Crisis mapping is always going to be lots of new 
people wanting to help.  In Nepal I think 

Re: [HOT] Surveying Helicopter Landing Zones (HLZs)

2016-11-07 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Denis
In the context of Humanitarian Responses, there are various situations were we 
have specific requests. We accepted for the Nepal response to spot eventual 
helicopter landing zones. We did setup a Skype room to discuss with people with 
experience with helicopters.  Often in the context of such emergencies, we dont 
necessarily have the contact with the persons that would use the data or any 
But the interface with operationals in the field is essential. This is 
something we should improve. If organizations want to work with us to do such 
tasks, they should interface and assure we can progress rapidly with quality 

For the Vanuatu response, I had the opportunity to share my screen from Skype 
with an airport controller to validate each landing field on the various 
islands. This was an efficient, rapid way to validate the data, and adjust if 
necessary. We could evaluate if this was a valid landing zone, evaluate the 
lenght of the runway and revise the tags.
If there are any interest to repeat such experiments, I agree, we need this 
type of discussion with organizations that actively fly helicopters & planes 
within the affected areas.
Private tasks could be setup to reserve the access to experienced contributors 
that have been trained to do such jobs.

  De : Denis Carriere 
 À : ""  
Cc : Jack Reid ; Kathmandu Living Labs 
; Jennifer Bottrell 
 Envoyé le : lundi 7 novembre 2016 10h29
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Surveying Helicopter Landing Zones (HLZs)
During the Nepal earthquake relief effort, mapping HLZs (Helicopter Landing 
Zones) did not seem very coordinated, many factors need to be taken into 
consideration to properly define a HLZ. I can confirm that very little of the 
OpenStreetMap HLZ data was not used for any mission planning by any NGO, 
Government or UN aid during my time in Nepal.
However, it would be great to open this type of discussion with organizations 
that actively fly helicopters & planes within these affected areas. Most of 
these organizations already have a their own HLZ data with tons of precise 
attributes associated with the particular HLZ & terrain data.
Before any mapping happens, we should properly define a HLZ OSM Wiki page to 
clearly define how to map an HLZ. (Humanitarian 
purposed tags) (Not defined) (Not defined)

@MAF & @MountainChild @KLL: It would be great to have your input on this topic.

~~Denis CarriereGIS Software & Systems SpecialistTwitter: @DenisCarriere
OSM: DenisCarriereGitHub: DenisCarriereEmail:
On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 7:11 AM, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM 

Hi Keith,

I worked a lot on this issue during the Nepal 2015 response.

What you propose sounds great. We had a lot of difficulty trying to do
this via the tasking manager for several reasons.

I would love to speak with you more about it, maybe we could chat via skype.

-- --
Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
President, HOT Board of Directors
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 5:55 PM, Keith Darby  wrote:
> All:
> I am a retired Marine Corps Helicopter Pilot, and a current Masters Candidate 
> in GIS Technologies at USC.
> I am working on my thesis, which is based on the premise that crowd-sourced 
> geospatial information, if properly structured, could aid aircrews in 
> surveying potential HLZs for disaster response.
> The work flow would be as follows:
> (1) Helicopter planners and aircrews would select potential HLZs in a 
> disaster-affected region, using whatever mission planning GISystem at their 
> disposal (normally baed on remote sensing data)
> (2) Those proposed HLZs would be uploaded to OSM.
> (3) Volunteers could select one of those HLZs and conduct a ground-truth 
> survey, following a script (that I would develop).
> (4) Those surveys would be uploaded to OSM and validated.
> (5) the Helicopter mission planners and aircrews could use those surveys to 
> select the best zones for disaster relief operations.
> I am looking at using the towns of Honokaa and Waimea on the northern end of 
> the Big Island of Hawaii as my study area, as I live close by, and I have the 
> local Community Emergency Response Team (volunteers) willing to support.
> Who do I need to talk to about getting HOT permission to conduct a limited 
> objective study in this area?
> Thanks,
> Keith Darby
> __ _
> HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] [Hot-francophone] Haïti : CNIGS aerial cover / couverture aérienne du CNIGS

2016-10-25 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Christiano
On the hot-francophone list, a few african OSM french collaborators answered 
you saying that they dont understand english and are asking that you stop 
addressing in english HOT messages without translating in french to a french 
list. Since the OSM humanitarian volunteers are following the HOT list, you 
dont need to send to the HOT francophone list.
The OSM francopohone humanitarian volunteers leading this OSM volunteer 
response, including myself are part of HOT. For many we volunteer since 2010 
and did lead OSM responses for years, developping expertise and relations with 
the international organizations and UN agencies. There are tensions in HOT 
about which projects to favor and about how to deal with volunteers. You might 
not know all the discussions at HOT behind the scene. You should let the Board 
answer on such matters.

The tradition at OSM is that volunteers an various partners organize various 
projects, exchange, build together this fantastic project that OSM is today. 

This a major activation and the HOT Board should make peace and respect the 
volunteers highly engaged in Activations for years.
It is indicated on the HOT list 

HOT list run by mikel_maron at, kate.chapman at, mail at, bgirardot at, heather.leson at

Could these persons confirm that they are still administrators of the HOT list? 
And please, I am asking you to stop censuring the HOT list. This is surely not 
time for power games in such humanitarian responses. There is 1,4 million 
people to help. Crops have been destroyed, water is contaminated and cholera is 
spreading. Some remote villages are struggling to receve help.
Please let's come back to the tradition of doing some Humanitarian Responses 
with peace and respect.  

Xavier Lamure Tardieu, Presler Jean and Fred Moine are working very hard in 
Haiti. A journalist did describe yesterday how useful are the UAV missions. 
If you want to read and 


  De : Cristiano Giovando 
 À : Jean-Guilhem Cailton  
Cc :; "" 
 Envoyé le : mardi 25 octobre 2016 15h52
 Objet : Re: [HOT] [Hot-francophone] Haïti : CNIGS aerial cover / couverture 
aérienne du CNIGS
Hi Jean-Guilhem,

Thanks for making this imagery available. Can you kindly clarify the
license and the exact geographic footprint? It would also be really
helpful to have more details about accuracy and whether ground control
was used in the orthomosaicing process.

With regards to your messages to the HOT list I believe they are being
moderated for reasons related to previous conduct. Since this is not
your first complaint, would you please take the lead to draft a
proposal for governance of the HOT mailing list?

As you said, the HOT list is open all humanitarian OSM mapping groups,
and a proposal on the wiki could be a concrete first step for the
community to discuss and move forward.

Here are also some materials that may be helpful or could be referenced:



On Oct 25, 2016 3:29 AM, "Jean-Guilhem Cailton"  wrote:
> (Version en français ci-dessous)
> Hi,
> An aerial reference cover of the western end of Tiburon Peninsula has
> been made available by CNIGS (Centre National de l'Information
> Géographique et Spatiale), Haiti national mapping agency. It was taken
> in 2014-2015, with a resolution of 25 cm. It is hosted by OpenStreetMap
> France. A few tiles and strips are currently missing, due to the
> difficulty of connections with Haiti.
> If you are to realign data or images, you should use it as reference.
> tms[23]:{zoom}/{x}/{y}
> (This same layer was first started with coverage of the areas covered by
> drones after hurricane Matthew).
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> PS : After some "post-factual" messages, it could be necessary to recall
> that my messages to the mailing list have been
> delayed and even often completely blocked since more than a year. That
> is why I also now address them to the Talk list, so that this be visible
> publically. No justification whatsoever was ever given, in spite of many
> requests - not even an example of an inappropriate email.
> My last blocked emails were about drone images after Matthew. By the
> way, that subject was considered interesting enough by AFP to publish
> this article by Amélie Baron, that appeared around the World:

[HOT] Map4Haiti Matthew Hurricane - A premiere - 15km2 of UAV images for damage evaluation

2016-10-22 Thread Pierre Béland
Two weeks after the Hurricane Matthew landing in Haiti, more then 1.4 million 
people need help and the situation is still very precarious. Many villages have 
not yet received aid. The already precarious health services prior to the 
earthquake were severly hit. MSF reports that 23 health centers were damaged or 
partially destroyed. The cholera epidemic risk worries health organizations. 
New tropical depressions arrived on Haiti still causing flooding and increasing 
landslide risks.

Reconstructio Programs are planned by International organiztions. The first 
step is to assess the extent of damages and estimate the necessary financial 

UAV Images covering 15km2

A Premiere with humanitarian responses, high precision UAV images covering over 
15km2 and ten sites are available. They are hosted on the OSM-fr WMS and TMS 
servers. These images are targeting localities highly affected by the 
hurricane. They complete the information provided by the post-disaster 
satellite images. Since yesterday, the UAVCompare online map shows the Before / 
After panels that let observe the magnitude of the disaster. Pre-disaster 
images taken by plane are made available by the CNIGS Haitian geospatial 
agency. See

UAV images are often up to 10 times more accurate than the satellite images. 
Zoom in on these UAV images and see what details they provide on the  building 
structures in the various communities. You can judge by yourself how they can 
be used for damage assessment. Remember, experienced contributors are invited 
to contact us to contribute to the assessment of damages.

UAV's field missions were carried out by two teams, working in difficult 
conditions and reduced material means. Our colleagues Fred Moine and Presler 
Jean of the Haitian NGO Potentiel3.0 and Nicolas Clarens, a consultant for the 
Inter-American Development Bank, organized the field missions.

Flight plans, field image collection missions, processing and transfer of data 
are essential tasks for the success of such operations. Despite the material 
difficulties, problems with electrical power and internet transfer, Fred, 
Presler and Xavier have treatment from personal computers, and makes the 
transfer of data to the OSM server-France. Jean-Guilhem Cailton then took the 
baton, converted these images when necessary, and incorporated them to servers 

With heavy rain and the damaged bridge on the main road to the south peninsula, 
Fred and Presler have difficulty to reach the affected areas. Nevertheless, 
they continue their efforts and will organize UAV flight missions over areas at 
risk of landslides.

Hats off to all those colleagues who have managed to work just in time with 
very few resources and deliver stunning images. 
Pierre twitter pierzen
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Map4Haiti

2016-10-15 Thread Pierre Béland

Mikel Maron mikel.maron at  wrote on Sat Oct 15 12:03:00 UTC 2016 > 
Having two tasking managers for the same response area is of course going to 
create conflicts. 
> There's no need at all to create jobs for Haiti on another tasking manager. 
> Simply, communicat>  the needs for mapping, including AOI, need, etc, to the 
> HOT activation team and it will be prioritized and set up.
Nicolas Chavent lead in January 2010 the OpenStreetMap Humanitarian Responses 
in Haiti, making a few trips in Haiti with other GIS from the not yet 
incorporated NGO called HOT.  These first major Activtion add quite a great 
success and showed the capacity of NGO's to collaborate with UN agencies and 
humanitarian NGO's.
>From 2012, we started a serie of major Activations. I lead Activations for DR 
>Congo, Mali, Haiyan Philippines, West Africa Ebola, Vanuatu and the Nepal 
>earthquake last year.  Severin also lead a serie of Activations for forgotten 
>conflicts such as Central Africa an South Sudan.  This brought in a lot of 
>innovations, more and more confidence for humanitarian NGO's to work with 
But badly at the same time there are conflicts inside HOT about orientations 
and some people that do not respect enough volunteers. New rules to control the 
Tasking manager, censorship of the HOT list, new rules that exclude the 'Bad 
frenchies' from the Activation lead, this is not the best when you start an 
Activation like this one for Haiti.
Nicolas, Severin, Jean-Guilhem, Fred and myself all worked in Haiti to develop 
the OSM community.  Fred Moine worked two years for the OIM in Port-au-Prince 
and continued collaboration with haitians to develop an Imagery acquisition 
project with Drones.  He did provide 3D imagery for various location at risk 
such as Riviere Grise and Canaan.

You and your friends Mikel have choose to not support Fred initiatives but to 
support later the development of Uviator.
In parrallel to HOT our group of quite experienced leaders of OS Responses are 
working to support a team of OSM responders in Port-au-Prince. Fred Moine, 
Xavier Tardieu and Pressler Jean are working closely with the Haiti Civil 
Security. We did work to enhance the list of Schools and hospitals in the South 
West peninsula of Haiti. The OSM african contributors from Bouake organize Task 
Manager jobs to focus on the most affected areas.  Our collegues in 
Port-au-Prince also had the opportunity last week to take an helico while the 
road was closed and take the first drone images of Jeremy to asssess the 
situation with the Haiti Civil Security. They will have new missions next week 
to cover more areas.
There are tensions and hunger in these towns where more then 80% of houses are 
damaged or destructed. The drones offer a great possibility to help to assess 
the damages and the Civil Security wants to try this option.
As Jean-Guilhem was saying yesterday (please stop to censor his emails) we will 
organise post-disaster tasks to evaluate damages.
Dale was criticizing before such projects.  As I told him after Haiyan, both 
OSM, Copernicus and others did evaluations using very bad aerial imagery due to 
bad atmospheric conditions.  There were surely limits to such evaluations. 
Imagery from Drone offer quite better quality. Plus we have to adapt to the 
reality and needs of each Activation.
In the best world we would work all together with respect and continue to 
progress to respond better and better to international humanitarian responses.
We have great experience with Activations and want to continue helping the 
international community and NGO's in such difficult situations.  We need to 
concentrate in the western part of the South-west peninsula where NGO's did not 
deliver yet water and food, where teams of doctors circulate rapidly in some 
points to take care only of more wounded persons. Cholera is spreading and 
there is a high risk of epidemy.
Mikel, Dale and other board members you decided to take different directions. 
If you are ready to work with respect, openess with us, to let the experienced 
volunteers continue to lead Activations and be on the DHN coordination room 
with our partners, tell us. 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Haiyan HOT extracts?

2016-04-29 Thread Pierre Béland
Dion Houston wrote :I'm preparing a demonstration of a capability I'd like to 
immediately for US military disaster relief operations in the Pacific.
Essentially I have geospatial analysts that are immediately deployable, and
GeoSHAPE ( that provides a user friendly portal as well as GIS

For this first demonstration, I'd like to simulate a single analyst
deploying with the initial US response, setting up a geospatial portal in
an offline environment. Hi Dion
I did not save OSM Planet files while coordinating for the Hayian Activation. 
But the Overpass Query platform might be an interesting platform to prepare. 
You can extract history for a specific date. You can also either extract all 
nodes, ways and relations or select some layers providing the specific tags you 
The link below will provide you the script to extract for highways layer on 
2013-11-17T00:00:00Z (00:00:00Z=midnight).

Query with Overpass is trial an error. If you click on the Execute button, the 
data is provided in the browser. If you choose a zone that is too large, you 
will have memory problems. If you have a time out , choose a smaller zone, 
zooming in. 

To avoid memory problems, the best is to export the data. You can select to 
export the data either to JOSM or the Overpass API. In this case, you will be 
requeste to save the file named interpreter on your computer. Simply rename it 
adding the extension .osm
you could also select other features, replacing the ["highway"] tag
If you want all features, simply remove the ["highway"] tag in the query.

Dont hesitate to contact me personnaly for more infos. 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] OSM before and after

2016-01-05 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Pete,
The Before tile is back in the OSMCompare page. See compare for Gueckedou

I just corrected the tile link with the new tile url specified in, 
the OSM fork project that let us compare when we add new infos to OSM.  

We might have to consider eventually to host a copy of these Before tiles 
somewhere else. If the same Humanitarian style was used for the Before and 
after tiles, it would also make a better map compararizon.



  De : Pete Masters 
 À : ""  
 Envoyé le : mardi 5 janvier 2016 8h52
 Objet : [HOT] OSM before and after
Hi all, happy new year!
I have used Pierre's website for showing impact of Missing Maps activities 
extensively in the past:
But, for a while now, it has not been working. Does anyone know of an 
alternative that shows a before and after map?

Pete Masters
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518

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Re: [HOT] OSM before and after

2016-01-05 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Andrew,
The Before OSM layer comes from FOSM, a fork of OSM in end of 2012. See 

I only need to provde a Client HTTP page that access external FOSM and OSM/HOT 
layers. With this light solution, I have no database to maintain. This is also 
a practical way to compare rapidly any area in the world. This Compare map is 
used in general for communications about mapping progress. The results are in 
general satisfactory enough to illustrate the mapping progress. We can provide 
a more precise measure of progress with statistics of contribution.

The comparizon is in general ok since the FOSM map did not evolve rapidly since 
the end of 2012, in particular in development countries where HOT and partners 
have mapping projects.  This way we dont need to develop scripts to extract 
history data end produce map tiles each time we want to make a comparizon for 
an area.  


  De : Andrew Wiseman <>
 À : Pierre Béland <> 
Cc : Pete Masters <>; "" 
 Envoyé le : mardi 5 janvier 2016 13h47
 Objet : Re: [HOT] OSM before and after
These tools are really cool! What is the date for the before tiles, and is 
there a way to specify them?
On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Pierre Béland <> wrote:

Hi Pete,
The Before tile is back in the OSMCompare page. See compare for Gueckedou

I just corrected the tile link with the new tile url specified in, 
the OSM fork project that let us compare when we add new infos to OSM.  

We might have to consider eventually to host a copy of these Before tiles 
somewhere else. If the same Humanitarian style was used for the Before and 
after tiles, it would also make a better map compararizon.



  De : Pete Masters <>
 À : "" <> 
 Envoyé le : mardi 5 janvier 2016 8h52
 Objet : [HOT] OSM before and after
Hi all, happy new year!
I have used Pierre's website for showing impact of Missing Maps activities 
extensively in the past:
But, for a while now, it has not been working. Does anyone know of an 
alternative that shows a before and after map?

Pete Masters
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list


600,000 DC residents don't have a vote in Congress --

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Tom Taylor passed away Dec. 24th, 2015 - Goodbye Tom

2015-12-28 Thread Pierre Béland
Tom started to collaborate as a volunteer for the HOT/OSM humanitarian 
responses with the North Mali Activation in early 2013.  Tom was part of the 
very motivated contribtors that joined in weekly to discuss on the HOT IRC with 
the humanitarians in the field plus the OCHA coordinator.  We discussed about 
the particular context of the Upper Niger Delta and the desertic zones north of 
Mali and how to adapt mapping to this context. To help contributors 
classify roads more appropriately in the context of the development countries, 
we also started the OSM  Mali highway tag wiki page that is now renamed Highway 
Tag Africa. 
I already had discussions with Tom at the time about his health condition plus 
his medical treatments. He was too sick to have a constant presence. After 
various absences, Tom was back in 2015. Other then for the Learning group, Tom 
contributed to the Nepal response in april and was still contributing in 

Like for many other volunteers, I am convinced that contributing to 
humanitarian responses helped him to give more sense to his life, to make it 

Yes, Tom had a charming personnality and we will miss him.

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] JOSM and TM problems (was RE: HOT Digest, Vol 69, Issue 21)

2015-11-22 Thread Pierre Béland
I had this same problem this week while the remote control was activated in  
JOSM. When I type in Firefox it completes the request. I first did not 
realiased that the prefix htts was used for the url. There was a thread 
recently saying that until the developpers fix the bug connecting from https, 
we should use http://tasks.hotosm.organd not 

  De : Russell Deffner 
 À : 'Kazeem Owolabi' ; 
 Envoyé le : Dimanche 22 novembre 2015 11h12
 Objet : [HOT] JOSM and TM problems (was RE: HOT Digest, Vol 69, Issue 21)
Kazeem, sorry if this is too late, but I think because you replied to the 
digest this message went to my junk box (and probably many others). Please just 
email directly when starting a new topic.  I am not 
having any issue, so without knowing more about your set-up I would just 
suggest making sure your JOSM is up-to-date as well as your browser. If you’re 
still having troubles, reply-all and let us know more about your set-up.  Kind 
regards,=Russ  From: Kazeem Owolabi [] 
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [HOT] HOT Digest, Vol 69, Issue 21  Evening All,  I am currently 
having issues with my JOSM, it seems not to connect to the HOT Tasking manager 
and the remote control is enabled.  Please, I need a bail out here, need to map 
over the weekend with JOSM.  Thanks.  On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 6:57 PM, 
 wrote:Send HOT mailing list submissions to

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Today's Topics:

   1. Putting communities on the map in Bangladesh - research
      report (Lizz Harrison)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:20:42 +
From: Lizz Harrison 
To: "" 
Cc: "Carmen Sumadiwiria \(\)" 
Subject: [HOT] Putting communities on the map in Bangladesh - research
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi all,

We thought you might be interested in our new research report on what 
influences digital map-making with young volunteers in Bangladesh.  Carmen 
Sumadiwiria and Y Care International produced the report together from Carmen's 
research in Bangladesh this summer.  We're really thankful for the OSM 
Bangladesh community for being involved.  The research looks at influences in 
mapping and a Y Care International pilot getting young volunteers from the UK 
and Bangladesh mapping with coordination with the Missing Maps project.  Any 
comments or feedback very welcome!

The report can also be accessed from Y Care International's website 
 and PreventionWeb 

Many thanks and happy reading,
Lizz Harrison
Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergencies Advisor

Y Care International
67-69 Cowcross Street, London, EC1M 6BP
Direct: +44 (0)20 7549 3169
Main:   +44 (0)20 7549 3150
Skype: lizz.harrison.ycare
Facebook | 
Twitter | 
England and Wales Reg. No. 1109789 | Company Reg. No. 3997006


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Re: [HOT] Mapathon OSM Haiti : Canaan housing and road revision

2015-11-21 Thread Pierre Béland
Bonjou tout moun. Good morning all.
A few km from the first area I mapped remotely in jan 2010, we start a  
mapathon at Haiti Communitere. It is a great pleasure for me to participate to 
this mapathon today.

  De : Pierre Béland <>
 À : HOT Openstreetmap <> 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 20 novembre 2015 16h54
 Objet : Mapathon OSM Haiti : Canaan housing and road revision
In the context of the OSM Francophone Space, we organize tomorrow a Mapathon at 
Communitere in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Hopefully our colleagues gathered in Lome, Togo will join us virtually to 
contribute to update the data.

We will work with the November 2015 imagery realised by Presler Jean and the 
OSM Haiti community and revise information on Canaan to reflect the evolution 
of housing in particular.

Deforestation of the mountains and the rapid urbanization of areas along the 
Canaan Ravines pose a risk to people nearby. The OSM Haiti community has made 
flights of UAVs over the area since 2013 to measure the progress of residential 
buildings and identify the most at-risk areas. In parallel, meetings with local 
communities aim to raise awareness of the risks related to habitat in a flood 
zone where heavy rains swell rapidly in the Ravines. Meetings with local 
councils also help to support them in analyzing data and identifying solutions 
and look at long-term planning.

The precision of UAV images will allow to draw buildings and roads in the area, 
and revise as new construction or relocation of houses in areas most at risk to 
other areas.

We will publish the job tomorrow morning.In the meantime, I am asking that we 
archive the current ONA job using Satellite imagery to avoid any duplication. 

Dale, could you archive the task and avoid to map from the UAV imagery tonight 
in your mapathons? This woud let the OSM Haiti community map tomorrow from the 
UAV imagery they produced.


HOT mailing list

[HOT] Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects

2015-11-20 Thread Pierre Béland
Being in Port-au-Prince for a Training session of the Haiti OpenStreetMap 
community (Espace OSM francophone project), I collaborate this week with the 
Haiti OSM community who have monitored urbanisation progression in the Canaan 
sector, providing UAV imagery in 2013, 2014 and 2015 (60% of the zone covered 
so far).  They have also added to osm the building footprints in the area from 
precise and accurate imagery (4 cm precision).

We organize a mapathon tomorrow to revise the Canaan zone using the November 
2015 imagery available and monitor the progress of rapid House contruction in 
this sector.  

Planning the work, I see today that one contributor did most of Tak 1238 for 
Canaan Haiti and it seems deleted systematically buildings before redrawing 
them.  In JOSM if I download buildings and search for newly created buildings 
(ie version:1), most of the buildings have version=1. 
If this is exact, we should note that this is contrary to the OSM philosophy. 
The rule that we generally follow at OSM to respect previous contributions and 
keep history, is to revise geometry and not delete / retrace.

For these two changesets alone, I count 50 and 44 ways 

At the same time, many buildings are missing. Since I have no comparizon with 
the situation before this mapping, It is hard to say what was done exactly, if 
any building were erased and not replaced.
Could somebody confirm that buildings were systematically deleted before 
retracing. What should we do to correct rapidly this situation before we start 
the mapathon tomorrow?
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects

2015-11-20 Thread Pierre Béland
Thanks Rafael for the overpass queries.

Presler Jean, Fred Moine and Jean-Guilhem took care of the imagery. It is 
available from today.
url for josm tms  
Dale, the flights were done in november. About 60% of the coverage is done so 
far for 2015 as compared to the zone previously covered in 2013 and 2014.  The 
rest of the coverage will be added to the same url above 

Comparizon of this image with GPS traces shows a great accuracy. But the JOSM 
imagery adjustment function can be used to align to previous images (ie Bing 
and WW3).

  De : Rafael Avila Coya <>
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 20 novembre 2015 14h30
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Task 1238 Canaan Important Deletion of existing objects
Hi, Pierre:

I guess this is what the majority of people do, and only the most
experienced users re-trace objects, also using the replace geometry tool
(CTRL+SHIFT+G). It took me long to me to realise about that too.

As usual in these cases, I would contact him to check what happened, and
tell him how he should proceed from now on, so he learns the advantages
of not deleting objects unless really needed, but improving those
objects instead.

I've checked the edits by that user, and he made lots of changesets
(maybe around hundred), so I see a potencial reversion very troublesome
and time consuming.

The first of the changesets seem to have been edited about a month ago
[1]. So around 6 am 21 Oct 2015.

To check what buildings were at the area before deletion, you may use
the next overpass query: [2]. As there isn't any Canaan area in OSM,
just used the ({{bbox}}) thing. I set the date at 00:00:01 of that day
(so 6 hours before the first changeset).

With this other query [3] you can get a file with the building ways that
were present at that same date and time, that were deleted, and also
those that were modified and new buildings created. The output file
don't open in JOSM, but could be use to get statistical info (for
example) on number of buildings deleted.




On 20/11/15 19:29, Pierre Béland wrote:
> Being in Port-au-Prince for a Training session of the Haiti
> OpenStreetMap community (Espace OSM francophone project), I collaborate
> this week with the Haiti OSM community who have monitored urbanisation
> progression in the Canaan sector, providing UAV imagery in 2013, 2014
> and 2015 (60% of the zone covered so far).  They have also added to osm
> the building footprints in the area from precise and accurate imagery (4
> cm precision).
> We organize a mapathon tomorrow to revise the Canaan zone using the
> November 2015 imagery available and monitor the progress of rapid House
> contruction in this sector. 
> Planning the work, I see today that one contributor did most of Tak 1238
> for Canaan Haiti and it seems deleted systematically buildings before
> redrawing them.  In JOSM if I download buildings and search for newly
> created buildings (ie version:1), most of the buildings have version=1.
> If this is exact, we should note that this is contrary to the OSM
> philosophy. The rule that we generally follow at OSM to respect previous
> contributions and keep history, is to revise geometry and not delete /
> retrace.
> For these two changesets alone, I count 50 and 44 ways deleted.
> At the same time, many buildings are missing. Since I have no comparizon
> with the situation before this mapping, It is hard to say what was done
> exactly, if any building were erased and not replaced.
> Could somebody confirm that buildings were systematically deleted before
> retracing. What should we do to correct rapidly this situation before we
> start the mapathon tomorrow?
> Pierre
> ___
> HOT mailing list


HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Reference to Drone Imagery in TM1237 - Missing Maps: Campeche, Haiti

2015-11-11 Thread Pierre Béland
In the instructions of the TM1237, I see Imagery:DO NOT use Drone Imagery. This 
is out of date and has poor spatial accuracy. What is the purpose of this note? 
It sound quite negative without any justification. And dont you think this 
could be perceived as quite negative from our Haiti OSM colleagues that did a 
great job operating drone over the last few years?
I suggest that you correct or remove this instruction.

While in Limonade, Haiti in 2013, I had the opportunity to use drones images of 
Limonade to trace in detail. I was able to compare both with what I observed 
walking in the informal and very dense areas of the town and with Satellite 

The drone image was well aligned and provided great details (4cm accuracy). 
There are no streets in such areas and paths cannot be observed from Satellite 
imagery (50 cm).
Even if the drone image available is older, dont you think that this can 
complete the information provided from the satellite imagery? And quite easy to 
align the 2 images.

For this area, I see a white surface on the satellite imagery, but the drone 
imagery let me clearly see the 

Here I can see that cars are parked in the 
Here, it is a lot easier to distinguish the various roofs on the drone 
Here, I can better distinguish on the drone image each house, plus I can see 
the path between 


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Refugee Crisis

2015-11-10 Thread Pierre Béland
The crisis community is supporting for the refugees with various actions. 
Various communities support in various areas and wifi services are offered. We 
see a new phonomenon where Refugees use social medias and smartphones, 
communicate, navigate with maps.


I read that refugees are downloading Google Maps on their smarthphones to 
travel. The OSM communitycould help by providing an up to date map of the areas 
of transit and offering download services. For example, with a Website to 
download OSM extracts that cover the zones where  the refugees travel. Country 
downloads are probably too big. OSMAnd is what we use generally for 
humanitarian responses and it works well.
We can also update the OSM map with data collected in the field related to 
services for refugees. I have discussions presently to obtain such data.  

  De : Ralf Stephan 
 À : Leon van der Meulen ; Mike Dupont 
Cc : "" ; "Henk Hoff 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 10 novembre 2015 5h08
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Refugee Crisis
U.N. prepares for refugee exodus when Iraqi forces attack 
"This time the humanitarian community is acutely aware that there will be no 
justification if we are caught unprepared again," Geddo told Reuters in an 
interview. "This will probably entail massive civilian displacement".That will 
compound an intensifying humanitarian crisis in Iraq, where the number of 
internally displaced persons (IDPs) has reached 3.2 million - about a tenth of 
the population.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 11:03 AM Leon van der Meulen 

Henk Hoff is going to coordinate this kind of activities for the Red Cross from 
Budapest, maybe he has some ideas. I’ve included him in cc.



> On 10 Nov 2015, at 04:25, Mike Dupont  wrote:
> I am thinking that the refugee crisis is something that might be
> mapped. It seems to be the biggest crisis in a long time yet no HOT
> activation. There are all types of things to map, starting with
> makeshift refugee camps.
> mike
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 7:14 AM, Bob
>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In the Uk we are seeing groups of people setting up collection points for 
>> donation for refugees. Are there any mapping groups/tasks visualising data 
>> concerning refugees, coordinating aid,camps etc. I hope to pass this 
>> information on to various groups at State of the map Scotland
>> all the best
>> Bob
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
> --
> James Michael DuPont
> Kansas Linux Fest
> Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
> Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
> Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion
> ___
> HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2015-11-10 Thread Pierre Béland
Umap is accesssing the same basemaps that we see on and like 
OpenStreetMap will refresh the map as the data is edited.

If the map was already opened in your browser, you can update the page ignoring 
data already in the cache by pressing keys ctrl-F5 with Firefox and Google 

  De : "Rieger, Courtney" 
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 10 novembre 2015 18h03
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
If I add a disaster layer to an OSM basemap using UMap, will the basemap
change when more information is added to OSM or do I have to periodically
update it?


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] OSM Damage Assessment

2015-11-08 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Michal,
HOT did not make Building damage assessments for Nepal, letting other groups 
outside OpenStreetMap taking care of this, and avoiding duplication of efforts. 
Coordination among various groups should be an important aspect of such 
assessments to progress rapidly and efficiently. We also have to clarify the 
objectives of Damage asssessments from aerial imagery. There are texts that 
describe objective of assessment from imagery vs from field data collection. 
Assessments from imagery is more to identify priority zones then individual 
buildings. Field data collection let's identify precisely the damaged buildings 
and the type of damage. 

For the OSM Response, we identified IDP camps in Kathmandu (Informal tent 
camps).  This task went well and was done rapidly. 

A second task was to identify potential helicopter landing zones.
The third task was about outlining villages in remote mountainous areas where 
severe damages could be identified. Contributors had more difficulty with this 
task and it progressed slowly, was never totally completed.
Questions1. No since not the same type of tasks2/4. links to all images used 
are in the Task Manager Instructions

  De : Michal Bodnár 
 À : John Fortier  
Cc : HOT Openstreetmap  
 Envoyé le : Dimanche 8 novembre 2015 9h36
 Objet : Re: [HOT] OSM Damage Assessment
*In this email I am asking for a help from HOT community regarding my research. 
If it is not of your interest, you may ignore it. Thank you very much*
Dear HOT community,
it has been a long time since I have written the first email which started this 
thread, but as I have been extremely busy over last period of couple of months, 
I am just starting now to dig into this again. And I would like to ask for your 
help, if you do not mind. 
So a small recap - I am planning on conducting a research on the quality 
assessment of the different damage assessments that were undertaken for the 
Nepal earthquake. Concretely, I would like to focus on conducting a validation 
studies on how crowdsourcing tools/organizations/campaigns, such as Tomnod and 
HOT are "good enough" in producing damage assessment. On the other side, I have 
the data coming from UNOSAT/Copernicus and NGA. I would like to do variety of 
the studies, meaning firstly I would like to compare Tomnod and HOT results to 
the reference data separately. Then I would like to compare HOT and Tomnod 
between each other and finally I would like to compare then with 
UNOSAT/Copernicus and NGA results. Couple of questions are arising from my side 
and I think some of you here are capable of helping me out:
1. Is it "meaningful" to make a comparison between the results from Tomnod and 
HOT? Because as I know, Tomnod results were categorized differently than HOT 
ones, but probably I could just choose one category (damage buildings, for 
instance) and focus on this. 
2. Does anyone have an access to the good reference data and willingness to 
share it? By that I mean field survey data, aerial imagery or even UAV data. 
3. If I do not have any of the reference data sources mentioned in question 
no.2, do you think I could use UNOSAT/Copernicus or NGA results as reference 
data instead? I have read some papers in which it was done like that. 
4. Anyone that has saved in his local storage (or online access to) the 
pre-event and post-event imagery of Nepal earthquake that were used for HOT 
assessment? I would need that data in order to load them to my GIS software. 
Again, thank you very much for any kind of help or recommendation. I am very 
much open to the discussion and I hope this study could be useful for HOT 
community itself as well. And if you think another somewhat related study 
should be made as well, please come up with the suggestions as well.
Cheers from Beijing,Michal.
On 4 July 2015 at 20:43, John Fortier  wrote:

Good Morning
Sounds interesting.
Can I help.
I've had over 40 years experience in hazardous materials management, built 
environment and geotechnology.
John Fortier

> On Jul 3, 2015, at 9:26 AM, Blake Girardot  wrote:
> Hi Michal,
> This is a somewhat complicated topic.
> Just for clarity: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and OpenStreetMap 
> (OSM) are closely related, but separate organizations.
> HOT would be the group actually doing any damage assessments. We probably 
> would be using OpenStreetMap (OSM) to store that damage assessment data or we 
> might find another data store for that information, but for Nepal, the 
> mapping related to damage we did, we stored in OSM.
> But HOT and OSM are separate organizations, even though we (HOT) rely on OSM 
> to do our work and follow OSM conventions and guidelines for all the mapping 
> we do.
> So talking about OSM damage assessments would not be the best way to refer to 
> them.
> They would be 

Re: [HOT] Digital Revolutions Workshop, Bergen University

2015-11-07 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Michal,
My presentation is online at

Oludotun Babayemi presentation :

You can verify on twitter if other presentations are listed for this Workshop.
The people from the conference, we had a discussion thursday night for which a 
video is available.
Subject : How to make sense of a million of tweets. (not 
compressed, 1 giga)

  De : Michal Bodnár <>
 À : nicolas chavent <> 
Cc : Pierre Béland <>; HOT Openstreetmap 
 Envoyé le : Samedi 7 novembre 2015 17h40
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Digital Revolutions Workshop, Bergen University
Hello Pierre,
Thank you for informing us about your research as well as workshop itself. 
Question - will the presentations from the workshop available online (pdf, 
video)? Would love (and I guess not only me) to watch it.
On 3 November 2015 at 17:55, nicolas chavent <> wrote:

Thanks Pierre for this heads up on this two days workshop that sounded really 
Excellent day to all,


On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Pierre Béland <> wrote:

#DigiRevCMI New Information Technology Tools in 21st Century 
My presention yesterday was the opportunity to review that last major  
OpenSteetMap / HOT Responses in the context of disaster and to show the various 
management aspects of such interventions plus quality problems / management in 
the context of such 

I presented briefly the Semantic analysis I started of the 2015 Nepal response. 
Looking at the OSM Planet File for 2015-04-24 (before the Response) and 
2015-06-07 (After the response), I measured how the objects are related to OSM 
features. This important measure of quality, completes other quality measures 
of OSM data. It also gives us a global measure of quality, and can help us 
monitor the progression of the crowdsource effort and detect rapidly some 
tagging problems. The first step is to relate parents / childs (ie. relation, 
way, node) and find the tags that describe each OSM Feature.

Either before or after the Nepal Response, only 1% of the objects cannot be 
related to a feature such as highway, building, amenity, etc.  No key / value 
combination listed on the OSM Map Features wiki page (plus specific HOT 
disaster keys).  A 1% error shows a high ontologic precision of the data 
produced.  Data with no feature, is Invisible data. Either, there was syntax 
error in the key / value, no tag, or a contributor simply added a name or note. 
We need to look more closely at such patterns and find ways to correct them 
To show how we can focus on this "Invisible Data" and cure it, I created the 
JOSM NoFeature Mappaint style. It can be selected from the JOSM Mappaint 
Preferences. This Style 
shows the key-value combinations I selected for my OSM data analysis.  I invite 
HOT Validators to use this style and test it while validating data.

We also have access to  dynamic data (ie data created, modified, deleted).  I 
will analyze more in detail and try to identify patterns. Monitoring semantic 
quality of data produced can help to correct rapidly, revise instructions, etc.

This two day workshop is a great opportunity to discuss with other Digital 
Humanitarian Network contributors and thanks to Per Aarvik from SBTF and Bergen 
Universiy who organized this workshop.

HOT mailing list

Nicolas ChaventProjet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent

HOT mailing list

Michal Bodnár, M.Eng. PhD Researcher at Beihang University/NDRCC Coordinator at 
Standby Task Force
China +8613031164554| Czech republic +420 607957528Find me on: LinkedIn 
Facebook Twitter Alumni at CTU - Czech Technical University, Prague 
Geomatics @CTU
Alumni at BEST (Board of European Students of Technology)

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Adding a disaster layer to openstreetmap

2015-11-05 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Rieger,
as already answered on the import list, you should simply create a polygon and 
save with geojson format. With UMap, it is easy to overlay such disaster layer 
over an openstreetmap basemap.
If you need any help, dont hesitate to ask on the list.

  De : "Rieger, Courtney" 
 À :; 
 Envoyé le : Jeudi 5 novembre 2015 18h08
 Objet : [HOT] Adding a disaster layer to openstreetmap
I'm looking for a way to add a disaster layer to any mapping program utilizing 
OSM software. I work for a community that wants to display their flood data on 
a map of their town utilizing the interactive interface of OSM. Any 
Thanks,Courtney Rieger

Courtney Rieger MSc (current)Environmental Science and Social JusticeDepartment 
of GeographyUniversity of Lethbridge403 329 2401
HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

[HOT] Digital Revolutions Workshop, Bergen University

2015-11-03 Thread Pierre Béland
#DigiRevCMI New Information Technology Tools in 21st Century 
My presention yesterday was the opportunity to review that last major  
OpenSteetMap / HOT Responses in the context of disaster and to show the various 
management aspects of such interventions plus quality problems / management in 
the context of such 

I presented briefly the Semantic analysis I started of the 2015 Nepal response. 
Looking at the OSM Planet File for 2015-04-24 (before the Response) and 
2015-06-07 (After the response), I measured how the objects are related to OSM 
features. This important measure of quality, completes other quality measures 
of OSM data. It also gives us a global measure of quality, and can help us 
monitor the progression of the crowdsource effort and detect rapidly some 
tagging problems. The first step is to relate parents / childs (ie. relation, 
way, node) and find the tags that describe each OSM Feature.

Either before or after the Nepal Response, only 1% of the objects cannot be 
related to a feature such as highway, building, amenity, etc.  No key / value 
combination listed on the OSM Map Features wiki page (plus specific HOT 
disaster keys).  A 1% error shows a high ontologic precision of the data 
produced.  Data with no feature, is Invisible data. Either, there was syntax 
error in the key / value, no tag, or a contributor simply added a name or note. 
We need to look more closely at such patterns and find ways to correct them 
To show how we can focus on this "Invisible Data" and cure it, I created the 
JOSM NoFeature Mappaint style. It can be selected from the JOSM Mappaint 
Preferences. This Style 
shows the key-value combinations I selected for my OSM data analysis.  I invite 
HOT Validators to use this style and test it while validating data.

We also have access to  dynamic data (ie data created, modified, deleted).  I 
will analyze more in detail and try to identify patterns. Monitoring semantic 
quality of data produced can help to correct rapidly, revise instructions, etc.

This two day workshop is a great opportunity to discuss with other Digital 
Humanitarian Network contributors and thanks to Per Aarvik from SBTF and Bergen 
Universiy who organized this workshop.
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Subject: task #1250 South Kivu road tags

2015-11-01 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi both
With crowdsourcing + unexperienced contributors, this is always a problem to 
revise /  classify properly. And yes, badly some unexperienced contributors 
revise for the wrong. 
Validation of squares from the Task Manager needs to be completed from some 
validation workflows where we focus on different aspects. The various tools 
like Osmose let complete these validation. The revision / classification of the 
network is one of these aspects where it would be interesting that some 
experienced contributors can focus on with a broader perspective then 
individual squares.
It would be interesting if a tool could be developped to help classify roads 
and spot these track types classification in the middle of a network. 

  De : Leon van der Meulen 
 À : Ralph Aytoun  
Cc : 
 Envoyé le : Dimanche 1 novembre 2015 16h29
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Subject: task #1250 South Kivu road tags
Thanks Ralph,
The highways I’ve checked were traced by different people, but in the same 
period. Maybe there was a mapping event going on then? It will certainly not 
put me off mapping, just wanted to check this with someone.

On 01 Nov 2015, at 16:26, Ralph Aytoun  wrote:
Hi Leon, I have had a look at that 
you worked on and can see what you are referring to. You have correctly tagged 
the highways as unclassified but (in this square) someone else has come in and 
changed your tagging to track even though it is clearly connecting a number of 
villages. (See attachment). I will look at a few more squares to see if it is 
the same person that is doing this and send them a polite message explaining 
the correct tagging. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and please do 
not let it put you off your mapping. Ralph Aytoun

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] 7.5 magnitude EQ over Pakistan-India-Afghanistan

2015-10-26 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi all, 

I dont think that there is an important OSM community in Pakistan. This is 
surely a difficult region to access near the Afghan border. 

We should start a skype room with Digital Humanitarian Network, OCHA and others 
if they plan any response. 

  De : Heather Leson <>
 À : Nama Budhathoki <>; Faisal Chohan 
Cc : Pierre Béland <>; HOT <> 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 26 octobre 2015 10h45
 Objet : Re: [HOT] 7.5 magnitude EQ over Pakistan-India-Afghanistan
Dear HOT allies please meet Faisal Chohan. He is the leader of 
and is very familiar with HOT and Digital Humanitarian communities. Nama, ran on Ushahidi software as well. He also worked with the NetHope 
and OSM communities in a number of responses. 

Hopefully you can connect and coordinate


Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson 

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Nama Budhathoki <> 

Hi Maning, Pierre and Others,

Looks like the quake is strong. Do we have contacts to local OSM communities in 
Afghanistan and Pakistan? Lets monitor the situation.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Pierre Béland <> wrote:

Hi Maning,
Only preliminary reports so far. AFP is reporting only deaths of the schools 
girls.that panicked going out of the school. Yes, let's monitor the situation 
and see how it evolve.

  De : maning sambale <>
 À : HOT <>; Activation WG <> 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 26 octobre 2015 7h51
 Objet : [HOT] 7.5 magnitude EQ over Pakistan-India-Afghanistan
This came up some hours ago.

A couple of the activators are into Hurricane Patricia.  Might be good
for others to watch the situation for this area.

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list


Nama R. Budhathoki, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Kathmandu Living Labs (
Cell: 977-9803571739
Office: 977-6205000

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] 7.5 magnitude EQ over Pakistan-India-Afghanistan

2015-10-26 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Maning,
Only preliminary reports so far. AFP is reporting only deaths of the schools 
girls.that panicked going out of the school. Yes, let's monitor the situation 
and see how it evolve.

  De : maning sambale 
 À : HOT ; Activation WG  
 Envoyé le : Lundi 26 octobre 2015 7h51
 Objet : [HOT] 7.5 magnitude EQ over Pakistan-India-Afghanistan
This came up some hours ago.

A couple of the activators are into Hurricane Patricia.  Might be good
for others to watch the situation for this area.

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] 7.5 magnitude EQ over Pakistan-India-Afghanistan

2015-10-26 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi started a Skype room to coordinate where HOT volunteers are starting to 
assess the situation. Hundred of deaths reported soon. We try to identify the 
disaster zones plus high res imagery available.
I contacted Roxanne Moore. No news yet of any international response.  
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Cat-5 Hurricane Patricia heading to Mexican Pacific Coast

2015-10-23 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Rodolfo,
As Rafael said, we had problems importing for Nepal. We spent a lot of time in 
the midlle of a crisis to prepare the data and discuss on the import list, this 
without any success.
The same with COD/FOD. This cannot in general be imported into OSM. 

The best then is to carry all such data available and create layers to overlay 
over OSM. Not the ideal, but the best solution to operate when a disaster surge.

  De : "" 
 À : Rafael Avila Coya  
Cc : HOT  
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 23 octobre 2015 7h43
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Cat-5 Hurricane Patricia heading to Mexican Pacific Coast
Hi all,
here is the same document translated to spanish that was used during landslides 
in Salgar, Colombia (you can copy and adapt):

Rafael, I'm not so expert with imports, just thinking with another hut: what 
about if a raster image is created from the data and then used to create 
derivate data (by tracing)?  Each image (with points, vectors or polygons) 
could be a set of themes --by colors-- (cod, fod or any other pertinent 
geospatial object).
Rodolfo, do you think is possible to contact agriculture (or other 
private/public) institutions that may have aerial imagery that can be used for 
a potential disaster?
There are some field pictures in mapillary that maybe can help: 
(maybe you can deploy a fast mission with vehicules before hurricane arrives).

2015-10-23 4:35 GMT-05:00 Rafael Avila Coya :

Hash: SHA1

Hi all:

You can download an Authorization of use of data here:

I don't know if there is an Spanish-translated one.

We got the same problem with CC-by when trying to import VDC
boundaries in Nepal after the earthquake. For me, this is a non-sense,
because if you release data with CC-by, you are mainly giving
permission to do whatever, and only asking for attribution, that can
go in the import wiki and metadata of the changeset (and also the
objects too).

The reason they give is just the opposite: that ODbL doesn't guarantee
that they will attribute the data according to the "restrictions" of
the CC-by license.

Sarah Hinchliff Pearson, Senior counsel of Creative Commons, was asked
about this and said clearly that ODbL is compatible with CC-by, but
not even this statement was sufficient.



HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Nepal Earthquake IDP Camp Sites Validation

2015-10-13 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Benni,
I suggest that you update the Shelter Dynamics Observer page to indicate that 
this is an academic study to develop the methodology in assessing such IDP 
Camps when the situation evolve rapidly in such crisis context.

The primary role of HOT and the OSM community in such responses is to produce 
rapidly the basemap and offer Maps and Services to support the humanitarians 
that deploy in affected areas. Many organizations are involved in damage or IDP 
camp assessments other and this is not done only from interpretation of aerial 
In such Humanitarian Activations, communications among various organizations 
and flexibility are key factors. Our Coordination team, the DHNetwork partner 
organizations, Imagery providers, UN Agencies and international organizations 
are in constant contact and re-evaluate constantly the situation and actions to 
take. After the first evaluation of the Kathmandu IDP camps, the decision was 
taken to let the field teams in Kathmandu revise assessments of IDP camps in 
these urban areas since it was easy for them to access camps in the Kathmandu 

This was not the case for the remote areas in the mountains and the bad news 
coming from various sources convinced the Coordination Group to reorient the 
OSM remote mapping priority to complete rapidly the basemap for these areas not 
yet mapped in detail.  There was almost no communication with many isolated 
villages, with often no roads, landslides and constant risks with the 
earthquake aftershocks.

  De : Hagellach37 
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 13 octobre 2015 10h09
 Objet : [HOT] Nepal Earthquake IDP Camp Sites Validation
Hello everyone,

I'm Benni from disastermappers Heidelberg. Pete Masters recently wrote a
post about a crowdsourcing application that uses PyBossa to identify
human settlements in South Kivu for the Missing Maps project. First of
all, thank you for the great feedback.

Currently I'm working on a study to assess the quality of IDP camp sites
mapping after the 2015 Nepal earthquake. You may agree that in
situations like the Nepal earthquake we still have problems validating
all the incoming data. Nevertheless, this step is crucial and especially
for IDP camps it determines the further usage of the data in the field.
Many camps became outdated just after a few days after the earthquake.
Therefore, I created a microtasking validation task similar to the
PyBossa task for the Missing Maps project. I think, that this may help
to fasten up the validation process with special regard to features that
are temporally dynamic like IDP camps.

Since I know that many of you contributed to the Nepal earthquake
mapping efforts I would be glad if some of you could help to validate
the OSM data. If you would like to contribute just follow the link:

You find additional information on our blog:

Futhermore, I set up a googledoc for any feedback our ideas you may
have. It's here:

Have a nice day,

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Using TMS Within QGIS

2015-10-12 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Noah,
No I dont know. But you can try either to search the archives of the QGIS users 
group or contact the list

  De : noah ahles <>
 À : Pierre Béland <> 
Cc : hot <> 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 12 octobre 2015 21h13
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Using TMS Within QGIS
Hi Pierre,
Do you know of anyone who does use these TMS layers within QGIS? I am very 
interested in making this work. Not sure why my .tsv files are causing an error.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:57 PM, noah ahles <> wrote:

I have been using the TileLayer Plugin with the same syntax but I keep getting 
this error downloading message: 
It seems to recognize the files I am trying to download but can't access them 
for some reason.
Syntax:Martadi   DigitalGlobe, 2015-05-10{x}_{y}_{z}.png
On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 12:56 PM, <> wrote:

You need to install the Tilelayer Plugin. From Internet / OpenLayers plugin 
Menu, this provides a list of available tms layers such as osm.
I have not tried adding a custom layer in QGIS, but the TileLayerPlugin github 
page describes how to specify custom layers.
Example of the syntax recognized by this pluginRoadMap FreeTileMap{z}/{x}/{y}.png  You would then have to 
convert the link provided in the Nepal Imagery wiki page for Martadi replacing 
{zom} by {z}{x}_{y}_{z}.png


  De : noah ahles <>
 À : hot <> 
 Envoyé le : Jeudi 8 octobre 2015 11h25
 Objet : [HOT] Using TMS Within QGIS
I'm trying to figure out how to bring in Tile Mapping Service within QGIS using 
the TileLayer plugin. I have attached a .tsv file that I am using to try and 
access the Martadi imagery tiles from this page:
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for how to get this to work. I 
want to create educational materials (labs) to show how OSM data/imagery can be 
used to explore world events in great detail and tell a story about how certain 
data is actually being utilized on the ground. For example, a module may be:
a. Using the imagery and available data identify all of the IDP camps in a 
neighborhood of Kathmandu
b. Estimate the population density assuming 3 people per X square meters of tent
c. Given some total amount of resources (food, water, medical supplies, 
clothing etc.), allocate X amount of resources to each IDP camp based on that 
population density
d. Determine how long it will take to get to each camp assuming an average 
speed of X km/hour while taking into account downed bridges and blocked roads

Getting imagery into QGIS is my biggest hurdle so far!
HOT mailing list


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] meetbot in #hot irc channel

2015-06-23 Thread Pierre Béland
Thanks Milo for the Bot.
I checked these links immediately at the end of the meeting and they did work. 
I just verified again and the links are still working for me.


  De : Milo van der Linden
 À : Russell Deffner 
Cc : hot 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 23 juin 2015 14h37
 Objet : Re: [HOT] meetbot in #hot irc channel
Hello Russell!

Good to hear you used the bot, and I am also glad to hear it worked.

I checked out the log at

And followed the links:

15:21:12 hot_meetbot` Minutes:
15:21:12 hot_meetbot` Minutes (text):
15:21:12 hot_meetbot` Log:

From my home location, these links are reachable, so I do not understand 
completely what can be wrong. 
Can you please try again, maybe refresh the browser? Maybe have someone else 
also try the links?
As far as I know I haven't set up any black or whitelisting, so I am a bit 
puzzled of why they are unreachable.

I appologize for any inconvenience. Please let me know how I can be of service!

Kind regards,


2015-06-23 19:16 GMT+02:00 Russell Deffner

Hello Milo, I used the meetbot today for the Activation Working Group.  All the 
commands seemed to work fine, but when I ended the meeting, the links the bot 
spit out were no good.  Can you point me to the ‘root’ URL and/or investigate 
what happened; the meeting occurred 14:00-15:20 roughly on 23 June. Thank 
you,=Russ From: Russell Deffner [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 4:22 PM
To: 'Milo van der Linden'
Subject: RE: [HOT] meetbot in #hot irc channel Hi Milo, Yes please (in regards 
to admin) – and would wonder if you know Mumble as well? We have an ‘expert’ 
but he is very busy nowadays and often our ‘Parliamentarian’ ‘falls-asleep’ it 
would be great to have a better solution – as he also (and currently really 
only) is our echo-test bot. Let’s maybe chat sometime soon,=Russ Russell 
DeffnerChairperson for the Voting MembersEmail: Russell.Deffner@hotosm.orgUS 
Mobile/SMS/WhatsApp: +1-970-217-4195OSM/Skype: russdeffnerHumanitarian 
OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)Web | Wiki | Blog | Contact | Donate  From: Milo van 
der Linden [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 2:09 PM
To: hot
Subject: [HOT] meetbot in #hot irc channel Hello hotties,I have set up a 
meetbot in the #hot irc channel. This adds enhancements to help streamline 
online meetings by automagically creating minutes. The commands that can be 
used are simple and well documented[1] and will after the #endmeeting command 
is issued, generate the minutes and show the links to the minutes[2]. Currently 
the meetbot is running indefinitly on one of my servers.I have a couple of 
questions:1. Could this be of use?2. Since I will not always be present at IRC 
meetings; is/are there anybody that would like to have admin access to control 
the bot and be able to start meetings? And would they have to be 
boardmembers?Your advice would be highly appreciated.Kind regards,milo/miblon

|  |  |



|  |  Milo van der Linden
 web: dogodigi
tel: +31-6-16598808  |

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Introducing myself to OSM world

2015-06-23 Thread Pierre Béland
this is great Blake 

  De : Blake Girardot
 À : Pierre Béland; 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 23 juin 2015 18h35
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Introducing myself to OSM world

On 6/24/2015 12:12 AM, Pierre Béland wrote:

 The Replace Geometry functionality in  JOSM can be used to redraw
 rapidly the buildings. Adding instructions in the Task Manager, it
 should be easy for the contributors to follow the workflow using the
 Replace Geometry. I did a rapid test, moving the building aside,
 re-tracing it and then selecting the Replace Geometry to update it's
 geometry. It works fine.  Revising highways should be easier.

After Andrew showed me how to use Replace Geometry, I use it quite often 


I made a _very_ informal instructional video on how I use Replace Geometry: (7 mins long)


HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Introducing myself to OSM world

2015-06-23 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Alfred,
Andrew and I did coordinate the Activation and passed some time around all of 
this area.  We did everything possible working remotely to make the map. But 
there are limits to our mapping contribution. We cannot add local infos. 

This is a great opportunity to have somebody like you and other people from the 
local community to complete the map adding POI and address names. We will be 
pleased to support your community. And as you saw working on Skype with Andrew, 
there are interesting ways to support at distance.

There was already some mapping done for Bo last year before the international 
community contributed to complete the coverage of Bo.
I agree with you Andrew, the building outlines are quite sketchy. It would be 
easy to erase / redraw. But I think that it is important to keep history of the 
work done  before by local mappers. We should then avoid to erase / redraw the 
We can prepare Task Manager Jobs to have the collaboration of the HOT-OSM 
community to revise the geometry of buildings and roads.
The Replace Geometry functionality in  JOSM can be used to redraw rapidly the 
buildings. Adding instructions in the Task Manager, it should be easy for the 
contributors to follow the workflow using the Replace Geometry. I did a rapid 
test, moving the building aside, re-tracing it and then selecting the Replace 
Geometry to update it's geometry. It works fine.  Revising highways should be 

For the Field work, we can provide you some learning material and support you 
in the first steps to update the map.


  De : Andrew Buck
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 22 juin 2015 20h19
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Introducing myself to OSM world

Hash: SHA1

Thank you Alfred for introducing yourself to the mailing list and for
your interest in joining our community.  Just to let everyone know,
Alfred and I spoke via skype last week and discussed his mapping of
the town of Bo. He has contributed hundreds of POI names and addresses
for the town already and is interested in further collaborating with
HOT in order to more effectively map the town.  I suggested that he
post a message here to introduce himself and join the list so we could
discuss with the broader group how best to move forward in finishing
the map of the town.

As it currently stands, the town of Bo has most of the buildings
mapped (although they were apparently mapped from old imagery) as well
as most of the roads.  This means the additional tracing work by our
remote volunteers could contribute is somewhat limited, but not
completely impossible to make further contributions.  For example, the
imagery the buildings were traced from was mis-aligned according to
bing/gps traces in the area and also the building shapes are not quite

This situation means the mapping is a bit trickier than just working
from a blank slate, however I think it is an interesting opportunity
to test our skills on a more complete town as well as working out a
good workflow for integrating remote and on the ground mapping and
trying to find better ways of doing both.

I encourage others who are experienced mappers to have a look at the
town, how it is mapped so far, and to think about how we might move
forward from this point.  Alfred is interested in doing more ground
surveys with his team, so I think we can have a really interesting mix
of local and remote participation and this could be a really good test
case for more detailed mapping.

I look forward to hearing what others on the list think about this
project and am excited to see how this will progress.

- -AndrewBuck
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] humanitarian font

2015-06-17 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Mhairi
When designing tools or map styles like he humanitarian style, it is always 
useful to have access to such free icons. If you have any need for icons to 
develop the Export tool, you can surely look more closely at this.

  De : Mhairi O'Hara
 À : Blake Girardot 
Cc : Pierre Béland; HOT Openstreetmap; 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 17 juin 2015 0h02
 Objet : Re: [HOT] humanitarian font
These are great. Thanks Pierre, is this something we should consider using for 
the enhancement of our online tools? i.e the redesign of the Export Tool UI?
On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 9:34 PM, Blake Girardot wrote:

wow, nice, thank you for pointing that out. those look really useful.

On 6/16/2015 3:20 PM, Pierre Béland wrote:

For those that need to integrate icons in applications, you might be
interested by this Humanitarian Font collection available from Github.


HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Mhairi O'HaraTechnical Project ManagerMobile: +62 822 4701 1475Email:

twitter | linkedin | facebook | website
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response  Economic Development 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] New Build on brownfield in Nepal

2015-06-14 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Mathew
Katmandu Living Labs represents the OSM Nepal community. They are in contact 
with the Nepal governmentare and are looking how they will be able to 
collaborate for the reconstruction. We will support them.

Until then, destroyed buildings should not be removed from the map. This is an 
important information for the Nepal government and the humanitarian 
organizations that support the local communities and are planning the 

  De : matthew brunswick
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Dimanche 14 juin 2015 9h32
 Objet : [HOT] New Build on brownfield in Nepal
Sorry if this has already been covered, as I haven't been keeping up with the 
emails, but how are we going to address new buildings going up on the sites of 
the old in Nepal?  I am pretty certain this is starting to happen (Village in 
South east corner of task 116, #1062). I have tagged them as new build post 
quake, but apart from anything else the map is going to get very hard to read 
if demolished structures aren't deleted. 
HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Accra Metropolitan Assembly GIS Data Release for OSM, Help

2015-06-13 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Enock
Great news and the HOT community will be happy to support you developping the 
community. Our expertise can be quite useful to support you about the Data 
import process, preparing the data and document it.

  De : Clifford Snow
 À : Enock Seth Nyamador 
Cc : 
 Envoyé le : Samedi 13 juin 2015 10h39
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Accra Metropolitan Assembly GIS Data Release for OSM, Help

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 1:33 AM, Enock Seth Nyamador 

After the recent floods in Accra, seems it might speed up the release of Accra 
GIS data (including, street names, house numbers, etc) under open license for 
import into OSM and use by the general public by the Accra Metropolitan 
Assembly (AMA). Thanks to the World Bank. 

Why am I sending this message?

I know HOT well as I am a member myself. Kindly advice us on what and what to 
do. Who to talk to here.

Currently the OSM community in Ghana is not say big , even though some 
natives map they don't know about communities and HOT. That was one reason I 
decided to start OpenStreetMap Ghana[1] to bring mappers together. I was able 
to connect with few active mappers thanks to changeset history and OSM messages 
we're doing our very best.

If you are considering importing the data check out the import guidelines [1] 
found on the wiki. Basically the guidelines are there to insure we only import 
data that is properly licensed, is suitable for import, the local community is 
in agreement, and the tags being imported are appropriate. Use the import 
guidelines to build the import wiki page and then announce the import on the 
import mailing list. 
One of the more import aspects in any import is to have the community behind 
it. Plus you can use the import as a tools to build your community. The 
community can also check the validity of the data. Just because it is from an 
official source doesn't mean it is perfect. Most likely there will be errors. 
Looking forward to seeing your import announced on the import list. 
Good luck,Clifford

osm_seattle.snowandsnow.usOpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Mapping South Kivu - micro tasking and the TM

2015-06-10 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Pete,
For the coverage of South Kivu, if you compare with the work already done for 
the Kivu Activation Dec 2012, and later to fight cholera, you will see some 
duplications.  All the eastern part along the lakes was covered. For example, 
were largely covered if not all. The same around Uvira and Kalemie. 

  De : Pete Masters
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 10 juin 2015 5h19
 Objet : [HOT] Mapping South Kivu - micro tasking and the TM
Hi all, I have some stuff to share and a request for some feedback.
Missing Maps has taken on the mapping of the province of South Kivu in DRCongo. 
This will be our first attempt at such a large AOI.
As part of many things we need to do to achieve this, we have been working on 
some intelligent tasking processes, which are being documented on the wiki [1]. 
Leading on all this are the DisasterMappers from Heidelberg University and they 
have developed the microtasking process we used to analyse satellite coverage 
of the area and have made a similar crowdsourcing task for identifying where 
roads and settlements are (to save mappers spending hours scrolling through 
The imagery analysis was very successful, but the second task is trickier and 
it is important we get it as effective as possible before promoting it widely. 
I wondered whether some of you would have time to test the tool and feed back, 
so we can optimise it.
It's all linked from the wiki page anyway, but the tool is here [2] and the 
feedback document is here [3].
If you have any questions or comments about any of this, including the wider 
Map South Kivu project, I'd love to hear them.

Pete Masters
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] some issues about the HOT task manager

2015-06-09 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Oliver
If you look at the Task Manager issues on Github, these various problems (ie 
polygon and comments) have been 

We have to work with these limits when we prepare a new task. If I use a 
polygon to define a new Job, I myself look at the squares once I published it. 
I usually indicate as completed the squares that are outside of the Imagery 
But for Nepal TM#1043, even if part of the box is outside the District, it does 
not create any problem to map if the Bing imagery is available. For this 
reason, we provide no instruction and let the contributors map it.

  De : Oliver Richters
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 9 juin 2015 2h12
 Objet : [HOT] some issues about the HOT task manager
Dear HOT activists,

I have a question and a comment concerning the task manager:

In the case of the Nepal mapping, the relevant area for a task is
usually following administrative boundaries. Due to the process of
setting the squares, the square at the borders usually contain lots of
space from outside the task area. Should mappers map the square or only
the marked area (blue)?

Sometimes, because of splitting, it may happen that squares lie
completely outside the area of the task. Map it or not?

I don't care what policy you prefer, but it would be great to know!

Second, one comment:
It would be a big improvement if the comments and edit history did not
vanish after splitting a task. If you receive a comment per private
message and the task has been deleted although it was just split up,
it's nearly impossible to find it.
If you split a task, the new parts should inherit the data generated
before and the old task should stay and link to the 4 new ones. Would
help a lot...

Taken the two things jointly: if you split a task and one of the squares
lies outside the boundary and should not be mapped therefore, it should
vanish at best.

Thanks for all your work,
Kind regards,


Theoretische Physik / Komplexe Systeme, ICBM
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Tel: 0441 - 798-3505

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Good data from a poor quality image of Nepal

2015-06-08 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Suzan,
interesting these various ways to play with the screen adjustment and find more 
details. Yes it is important with poor quality image to analyze the image, plus 
get our eyes adapted to this image. More challenging but provides a great 

A statistic that shows the great effort that the OSM community made for the 
first 5 weeks of this Nepal response: we traced nearly 1.4 million buildings.


  De : Suzan Reed
 À : Team) 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 8 juin 2015 19h03
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Good data from a poor quality image of Nepal
Using this method I was able to see many buildings, roads, and paths in a 
number of validated tiles. This is worrisome, especially when it's fixable. 


On Jun 7, 2015, at 2:08 PM, Suzan Reed wrote:

Dear Friends, 

As we know, many images of Nepal are poor and it's daunting if not impossible 
to see what's there. 

I used the System Preferences on my MacBook Pro to create a new display profile 
for my monitor, not for color, but pushing the monitor to show greater 
contrast. (This differs from image to image.) I was then able to see more of 
what was impossible to see before. Because I am familiar with village images in 
Nepal, I was able to locate and map a village of 100 buildings, and to find 
many more buildings, paths, and tracks on the task I was working on. 

A high resolution TIFF or png screen shot and almost any photo adjustment 
software, for instance something that comes with a phone or computer, can 
increase contrast. But I understand taking a screen shot and adjusting it 
violates the licensing agreement, even if it's for my own use to help me see 
what's there. 

However, the monitor adjustment hack, although not at all as good enough as a 
software solution, proves adjusting the entire map makes it possible to map 
using these images. But, the monitor adjustment is a hack, not a solution. 

It is possible hundreds of buildings, entire villages, and many roads, paths 
and tracks are being missed, and therefore hundreds of people will be left out 
of the HOT maps. That would be a terrible tragedy affecting real people and 
their lives. What we do matters to the lives of real people on the ground, 
something easy to forget when squaring buildings. 

Given the enormity of the crisis, it may be the licensing company would be open 
to having these specific images of Nepal adjusted for contrast. You never know 
until you ask. 

Fingers crossed someone will make the calls and ask. Someone once told me, we 
aren't psychic, but we often think we know the answer before it's asked. 
Surprises do happen. 


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HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Questions regarding metrics from taskprojects, tasks and volunteers.

2015-06-05 Thread Pierre Béland
Good marketing stuff would bring in more people. As the Nepal response showed, 
it is important first to be ready to receive a massive contribution from people 
that dont know yet OpenStreetMap. 

We also need to look at better monitoring the various mapathons organized, to 
assure that the trainees receive sufficient support. The mapathon organizers 
should also be careful to not add a burden to the Coordination team by having 
hundred of new contributors in one mapathon.

  De : Suzan Reed
 À : Andrew Buck 
Cc : 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 5 juin 2015 18h30
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Questions regarding metrics from taskprojects, tasks and 
Your excellent response noted a number of things I've noticed as a new comer. 

It is not always clear that mapping helps. Stating your contribution helps 
real people in this crisis or your contribution helps save lives is focused 
and to the point. I don't see that on any of the landing pages (home pages) of 
any of the learning or OSM materials. When someone knows what they do has a 
direct impact on people on the ground, it is much more engaging and urgent. 
Having someone adept at writing PR, marketing, and communications materials 
would be so helpful to the organization. It's a skill not many have. 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Level of user experience to focus on

2015-06-05 Thread Pierre Béland

I also received some invalidations + comments for task that I completed with a 
message saying - This duplicates with a new task, more recent imagery. I 
politely answered to read the comments.
But this shows that we need to revise our workflows with the Task Manager and 
avoid such ambiguities. 

As we discussed before, we need to better control who can validate. 
Invalidations by new contributors should be also restricted. This could be 
monitored / approved by the validators. 

We could also plan at the beginning of major activations to have more basic 
tasks to offer to the new contributors. For example, it could be a buildings 
only task with good imagery. This way, they would have less instructions, tags 
and imagery problems to digest for their first contribution.


  De : Suzan Reed
 À : 
Cc : hot OpenStreetMap Team) 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 5 juin 2015 18h21
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Level of user experience to focus on
A reminder to be kind and to completely describe what the validator found with 
more words would be helpful. I've had people send me terse, rude, and 
disheartening comments. Would they talk that way to me in person? I doubt it. 

Having a wiki for validators would be helpful with examples of complete 
sentence descriptions and so on. 

Also, establishing some bar of expertise a validator has to meet? So many tiles 
completed, or number of edits? I've had people with little or no experience 
validating my work, and they are far off target having not read the 
instructions. (Saying no buildings tagged, when the Instructions clearly 
state no buildings are to be mapped.)


On Jun 5, 2015, at 4:44 AM, Blake Girardot wrote:
On 5/29/2015 9:37 AM, Suzan Reed wrote:
Routing newbies to tasks where they are reviewed by mentors? I would have liked 

This is an interesting idea.

While every project needs to have its task squares reviewed and validated (at 
least once), the idea of creating some projects that new contributors to HOT 
mapping are directed to and special attention is placed on reviewing those 
completed task squares and providing feedback as soon as absolutely possible 
seems like a good compromise between the ideal world (lots of training and 
mentoring) and what we can realistically do, especially when welcoming 
thousands of new mappers to HOT/OSM during a major event.

It would also help give focus to experienced mappers who are doing validation 
and feedback knowing that certain projects are where they should always look to 
first to do validations.

I think we kind of, sort of do this now, but making it more explicit would be a 
big improvement I think. It is at least worth a good solid try at some point.


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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] grabbing a username in JOSM

2015-06-03 Thread Pierre Béland
Selecting an object, press Ctrl-I shortcut. This provides info about the 
object, including the contributor who edited it.

  De : john whelan
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 3 juin 2015 9h20
 Objet : [HOT] grabbing a username in JOSM
Sometimes when validating its obvious that a new user needs nudging for example 
tagging area=yes rather than building=yes but unless they complete a tile and 
mark it as done its quite difficult to send them a message.

Is there a way to pick up the username in JOSM history rather than having to 
retype it?

Thanks John

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Tasking Manager - Overlapping Projects with the same Instructions

2015-06-03 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Tom
When we received new Post-disaster Imagery, I wen to previous tasks, and 
indicated the task as completed with a message saying in which task this would 
be done.
Looking at TM#1018 and TM#1043, it is exact as you noticed that we did overlap. 
 Not easy to compare / monitor from the Task Manager. 

Note that no data will be lost since these are two pre-disaster tasks. This 
create duplication with contributors examining twice the area an assure the 
mapping is completed.
To avoid duplication of efforts, What you can do is to compare the two TM and 
indicate the TM#1018 square completed with the following messageArea covered in 

  De : Tom McDonald
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 3 juin 2015 22h06
 Objet : [HOT] Tasking Manager - Overlapping Projects with the same Instructions
I have discovered that some geographical areas appear in more than one project 
– with the *same instructions* (roads/buildings, etc). This is resulting in 
some tasks being marked as Validated in one project, and yet the same area in 
another project may not have this status. Examples are Validated, and the same area marked as Done, awaiting 
Validation.This is happening at the edges of #1018, overlapping with at least 
#1043 (SoluKhumbu) and #1048 (Tanahu) – both roads, buildings, settlements, 
waterways projects.Helpfully, user ninjamask mentioned this in a task comment 
here 18 days ago. As Project 
#1018 is down to the last 10% I think someone should address this before too 
much work gets wasted.

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[HOT] OSMCompare Before / After map

2015-06-02 Thread Pierre Béland
Various groups are using my OSMCompare Before / After map to show progress of 
the mapping. People are reporting today problems using the map.

The Before layer corresponds to an old version of OSM back in 2012.  But we 
experience some instability for the access to this layer.
The best solution would be that somebody in OSM can provide a Before layer with 
more recent data, plus on a more stable server.
Could somebody suggest a solution for this?  regard

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] HOT Chat on Mumble

2015-05-30 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi John
we are discussing now  

  De : john whelan
 À : Russell Deffner 
Cc : hot 
 Envoyé le : Samedi 30 mai 2015 12h30
 Objet : Re: [HOT] HOT Chat on Mumble
And the server name is?

Thanks John

On 30 May 2015 at 11:06, Russell Deffner wrote:

Hello everyone, There are a few of us hanging out on Mumble for the next couple 
of hours.  Please feel free to join us, we can help answer questions about 
mapping, or generally about HOT. Here are the instructions for installing and 
setting up Mumble:  Kind 
regards,=Russ Russell DeffnerRussell.Deffner@hotosm.orgHumanitarian 
OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)   
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Re: [HOT] Editing with ID query

2015-05-20 Thread Pierre Béland
John extracts data by changesets and let's visualize 
it. But it would be easier to work by OSM contributor. We can have a such a 
feature using the script below to query from
Replace your-osm-nickname by the nicname of any osm contributor you want to 
validate the data. You can also export the data into JOSM. The Validate panel 
can be used to validate the data. Select all data and click on the Validate 
button. For duplicate nodes, it should be easy to repair

out meta;
out meta;

  De : john whelan
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 20 mai 2015 7h52
 Objet : [HOT] Editing with ID query
I've noticed all the objects mapped on some tiles by the same mapper are 
sometimes duplicated, it gets picked up by JOSM validation.  This is happening 
with different mappers which raises the question is there a way that you can 
upload your edits in id twice somehow?

I happen to know that at least one of the mappers was using id and it is 
difficult to do in JOSM.

Thanks John

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Re: [HOT] DRAFT- HOT Nepal Response Community Survey

2015-05-20 Thread Pierre Béland
Yes it would be an idea to classify people and send a different url for 
- 1 day edit- less then xxx edits- others
We would also know how many answered in each of these groups while respecting 

  De : john whelan
 À : Pierre Béland 
Cc : Heather Leson; HOT@OSM (Humanitarian 
OpenStreetMap Team) 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 20 mai 2015 18h48
 Objet : Re: [HOT] DRAFT- HOT Nepal Response Community Survey
You should be able to get a list of HOT /OSM ids with the data attached.  Now 
extract from this those who have only done one session in Nepal and have less 
than 5 edits in OSM.

When you send out the questionnaire to this group you send them a link to the 
full version.

For those who are experienced in OSM say greater than 100 edits send them a 
link which omits the training questions.  Etc.

If you can find someone to code it it is technically possible that when you 
send the link you also send the email address embedded in the link.

Hopefully that makes it a bit clearer.  

Cheerio John

On 20 May 2015 at 18:34, Pierre Béland wrote:

This will work only with the people that accept to provide their identity and 
osm nickname.

  De : john whelan
 À : Heather Leson 
Cc : HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 20 mai 2015 17h54
 Objet : Re: [HOT] DRAFT- HOT Nepal Response Community Survey
It appears my comments on email addresses were not understood clearly.

If we do an extract on OSM and HOT we can identify people who have mapped in 
OSM before, those who have mapped on only one occasion in Nepal etc.  In other 
words if we only send the relevant questions to a group of email addresses who 
we know have never mapped before then we can tailor the questions specifically 
to them.  Or have two or three versions of the questionnaire one for each group 
we are interested in.  The other method is to pick up their email address, 
there are methods to do this by passing the information in the link to the 
questionnaire.  If you use that method then link the email address to the 
questionnaire you can then link it to other information from HOT and OSM.  
However this method may run into privacy law considerations in various 
countries unless you ask permission. 

Asking an experienced mapper say one with a hundred plus edits in OSM what they 
think of the training is probably a waste of time, they probably didn't look at 
it.  However by asking them the question you have added to respondent burden.  
If you know the answer or can deduce it then first its probably more accurate, 
people do not always answer truthfully, second the normal rule of surveys is 
take up the minimum time necessary to get the information you require.

Can you get the person's country from their OSM profile?  etc.  Can we get 
their preferred language from their OSM profile?

Another issue is if you are going to host the questionnaire on Hackpad or 
Dropbox then you may lose some respondents who will not agree to giving up 
their list of email contacts to dropbox should they elect to sign in using 
something like Google sign in.  Typically these may represent a group of users 
you might be interested in.

Cheerio John

On 19 May 2015 at 12:38, Heather Leson wrote:

HI Folks, A few of us have been working hard to create a HOT Nepal Response 
Community Survey. We have collected input from working groups and activation 
leads. With so many new contributors and deep engagement at all levels, we 
really heard your comments on the list and see the future opportunities. 

The final version is not ready yet, but we are close. Take a look and add some 
comments. Note: it is our goal to be as brief as possible to respect people's 

Tyler, Heather and the team are aiming to send this far and wide by May 21st. 

(Note: this is the first time we have ever done a formal HOT community survey. 
We do want to improve and hope that your input once the survey will help you 
grow HOT. Stay tuned for when it is live.)

Also, if you want to be part of the data analytics (post survey team), please 
let us know 


Heather on behalf of the team

Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson 

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Re: [HOT] DRAFT- HOT Nepal Response Community Survey

2015-05-20 Thread Pierre Béland
This will work only with the people that accept to provide their identity and 
osm nickname.

  De : john whelan
 À : Heather Leson 
Cc : HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 20 mai 2015 17h54
 Objet : Re: [HOT] DRAFT- HOT Nepal Response Community Survey
It appears my comments on email addresses were not understood clearly.

If we do an extract on OSM and HOT we can identify people who have mapped in 
OSM before, those who have mapped on only one occasion in Nepal etc.  In other 
words if we only send the relevant questions to a group of email addresses who 
we know have never mapped before then we can tailor the questions specifically 
to them.  Or have two or three versions of the questionnaire one for each group 
we are interested in.  The other method is to pick up their email address, 
there are methods to do this by passing the information in the link to the 
questionnaire.  If you use that method then link the email address to the 
questionnaire you can then link it to other information from HOT and OSM.  
However this method may run into privacy law considerations in various 
countries unless you ask permission. 

Asking an experienced mapper say one with a hundred plus edits in OSM what they 
think of the training is probably a waste of time, they probably didn't look at 
it.  However by asking them the question you have added to respondent burden.  
If you know the answer or can deduce it then first its probably more accurate, 
people do not always answer truthfully, second the normal rule of surveys is 
take up the minimum time necessary to get the information you require.

Can you get the person's country from their OSM profile?  etc.  Can we get 
their preferred language from their OSM profile?

Another issue is if you are going to host the questionnaire on Hackpad or 
Dropbox then you may lose some respondents who will not agree to giving up 
their list of email contacts to dropbox should they elect to sign in using 
something like Google sign in.  Typically these may represent a group of users 
you might be interested in.

Cheerio John

On 19 May 2015 at 12:38, Heather Leson wrote:

HI Folks, A few of us have been working hard to create a HOT Nepal Response 
Community Survey. We have collected input from working groups and activation 
leads. With so many new contributors and deep engagement at all levels, we 
really heard your comments on the list and see the future opportunities. 

The final version is not ready yet, but we are close. Take a look and add some 
comments. Note: it is our goal to be as brief as possible to respect people's 

Tyler, Heather and the team are aiming to send this far and wide by May 21st. 

(Note: this is the first time we have ever done a formal HOT community survey. 
We do want to improve and hope that your input once the survey will help you 
grow HOT. Stay tuned for when it is live.)

Also, if you want to be part of the data analytics (post survey team), please 
let us know 


Heather on behalf of the team

Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson 

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Re: [HOT] [Nepal] JOSM presets #1046 and #1060

2015-05-19 Thread Pierre Béland
I added the presets to jobs #1046 and #1060.  The contributors need to download 
and install the presets.
As Pierre Giraud noted to me, the link appears at the top of the instruction 
tab. We could eventually highlight it more to assure good visibility. 

You should see :
Using JOSM? Please use the dedicated preset.thanks castafico.  

  De : Pierre GIRAUD
 À : cascafico 
Cc : HOT Openstreetmap 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 19 mai 2015 5h31
 Objet : Re: [HOT] [Nepal] JOSM presets #1046 and #1060

Note for the the project managers and/or activation managers: in the
tasking manager, a JOSM preset can be added to the project
instructions. See the misc tab.


On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:27 AM, cascafico wrote:
 Hi List. This is my first post here.

 I set up two JOSM presets files for assigning IDP and brownfields:

 Nepal Earthquake task #1046

 Nepal Earthquake task #1060

 Hot to load in JOSM:
 F12 (preferences), third icon (map), third tag, click + sign and load one
 of the above files.

 They shuold allow to addign several tags in a click, and (for IDP camps) to
 select status.

 Let me know if they works properly.


 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) mailing list archive at

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  | Pierre GIRAUD


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Re: [HOT] Nepal post-earthquake pictures

2015-05-19 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Katja,
Hi have revised the flickr link. 


  De : Katja Ulbert
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 19 mai 2015 13h50
 Objet : [HOT] Nepal post-earthquake pictures
 Hi all,
 I´ve added relevant post-earthquake pictures that maybe can help identifying 
objects on the ground. It includes IDP camps, temporary shelters, damaged 
roads, bridges, houses, squares, monuments in urban as well as in rural areas.
 Could someone please remove the links in the wiki and replace them by this one?

Am 18/05/15 um 12:39 schrieb Katja Ulbert:
 Hi Mhairi and all,
 it absolutely makes sense to me to collect post-earthquake pictures as well as 
pre-earthquake ones as they will be helpful for the same reasons. There seems 
to be a request for this additional kind of information, so it would be great 
to bundle them all at one place. I think there´s two possible options to do that
 1. Public access: photos we own the copyright (or have the allowance from the 
owner) and those that are public domain. We can use Creative Commons, which 
make it easy to identify the different type of licences. 
 2.Restricted access/collaboration by invitation: photos we find anywhere on 
the web regardless to copyright, people can upload by themselves, no 
surveillance needed. 
 I am a graphic designer, for this reason I am very aware of the copyright 
issue, it shouldn´t be underestimated.
 I favor the first option, but leave it to the community to decide. I am very 
willing to take over the organisation and management of our photo material 
including tagging, georeferencing and attributions. I am very familiar with 
this kind of work.
 Am 18/05/15 um 10:17 schrieb Mhairi O'Hara:
 Hey Dennis and Pierre, 
  I know that Katja has a dropbox folder [1] with all her pictures from Nepal. 
Would be great to add these photos as well, so that they are all in one place. 
Is there already such a designated place for pictures? 
De : Denis Carriere
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 15 mai 2015 4h12
 Objet : [HOT] Photos from Nepal (Sankhu Village)
  Being in Nepal at the moment providing mapping support for the military  
No-Government Organizations (NGO), I come across a lot of people helping and 
giving me their  geo-referenced photos. 
  I thought I would share to the HOT community some of these photos[1] taken 
only 2 days ago in a village  called Sankhu (27.7296, 85.4634). 
  For all the volunteers that are continuing to edit the area of Nepal, thank 
you very much for your  contributions. 
  [1] Photos: 
~~ Denis, MCpl Carriere Canadian Forces GIS Project Manager OP 
Renaissance Nepal 2015
   Twitter: @DenisCarriere
  OSM: DenisCarriere  Email:   
 HOT mailing list
 Mhairi O'Hara Technical Project Manager
 Indonesian Mobile: +62 822 4701 1475   
  Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Using OpenStreetMap  for Humanitarian Response   Economic Development  
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Re: [HOT] very small round objects in project/1048#task/90

2015-05-16 Thread Pierre Béland
When you ask to validate objects like this, try to be more specific. The best 
would be to give us the ID of one of these objects or to zoom in and give us 
the osm url to point more precisely to this zone (Ctrl-J in JOSM).

  De : john whelan
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Samedi 16 mai 2015 16h07
 Objet : [HOT] very small round objects in project/1048#task/90
Start at the bottom left and you'll see them in the fields.  I suspect its 
crops drying out they look very small for huts to me.  Some have been mapped as 


Thanks John

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HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Issue with new mapper invalidating my task

2015-05-16 Thread Pierre Béland
Julian well described what we should do. To have small sections of paths a few 
meter long in the fields is useless and add confusion to the map. But it is 
important to try to complete paths from villages and assure they connect to the 
highways. I understand that this is not always eaysy to trace paths. They are 
not as visible as roads and vegetation can obscure them in some areas.


  De : john whelan
 À : 
Cc : 
 Envoyé le : Samedi 16 mai 2015 7h49
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Issue with new mapper invalidating my task
Paths, tracks and highways in Nepal are some the the most challenging to map 
anywhere I've seen.  For that reason I rarely map them or mark tiles done.  In 
Nepal basically I just map buildings and let the rest of the mappers sort the 
highways out and I've done quite a bit of mapping.  I think someone has already 
said there are conflicts between different guidelines in the wiki and in the 
project instructions.

If there is some sort of highway connection between two settlements then I may 
just map it but otherwise I stick with buildings.

Cheerio John

On 16 May 2015 at 07:10, Carl von Einem wrote:


I just noticed that an area mapped by me yesterday [1] has been invalidated by 
user GoUtes! [2] with the comment some tracks not yet traced in SE corner.

I just had a second look at that area and can't follow the reasoning of 
GoUtes!. Can someone please double check that task? Is that the way 
validation works?

My earlier comment when setting the task as completed was completed; 
partially skewed imagery makes detection of details a difficult task; should be 
reinspected once newer imagery is available.



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Re: [HOT] Photos from Nepal (Sankhu Village)

2015-05-15 Thread Pierre Béland
Thanks Denis
Cheers to all the people supporting in the field.

  De : Denis Carriere
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 15 mai 2015 4h12
 Objet : [HOT] Photos from Nepal (Sankhu Village)
Being in Nepal at the moment providing mapping support for the military  
No-Government Organizations (NGO), I come across a lot of people helping and 
giving me their geo-referenced photos.
I thought I would share to the HOT community some of these photos[1] taken only 
2 days ago in a village called Sankhu (27.7296, 85.4634).
For all the volunteers that are continuing to edit the area of Nepal, thank you 
very much for your contributions.
[1] Photos:

~~Denis, MCpl CarriereCanadian ForcesGIS Project ManagerOP Renaissance 
Nepal 2015
Twitter: @DenisCarriere
OSM: DenisCarriereEmail:
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Re: [HOT] TM server down/struggling

2015-05-15 Thread Pierre Béland
Good news
The Task Manager is back. Sorry for those trying to connect and more 
particularly for the Mapathons organized today.
We will have a close look at this and assure that the server can support this 
Cheers all.

  De : john whelan
 À : Harry Wood 
Cc : HOT Openstreetmap 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 15 mai 2015 7h05
 Objet : Re: [HOT] TM server down/struggling
Yesterday I noticed that I had a couple of time out errors but the server come 
up OK, it maybe just overloaded.

Cheerio John

On 15 May 2015 at 06:48, Harry Wood wrote:

| I'm currently visiting hospital with my wife not in a position to do 
anything, but getting panicked calls from people at a massive London mapping 
party because the task manager server is broken. 
Can someone Ping dodobas on IRC to tackle this urgently?

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone |

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Re: [HOT] [OSM-talk] Mapping high tension power lines in Nepal

2015-05-15 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi François,
See #hot irc where discussions are going on for Nepal.


  De : François Lacombe
 À : Pierre Béland 
Cc : OpenStreetMap Community in Nepal; 
OpenStreetMap in India; Jean-Guilhem Cailton; OSM; HOT@OSM (Humanitarian 
OpenStreetMap Team); Brad Neuhauser 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 15 mai 2015 11h39
 Objet : Re: [HOT] [OSM-talk] Mapping high tension power lines in Nepal

Hi Pierre,I will take a look at it this evening.Is there a live discussion 
taking place on IRC or wherever else than HOT ML to get other contributors in 
touch ?
I'm not so at ease with HOT organisation.It would be great to do this 
collectively and share the experience around tagging schema.Cheers from Lyon 

Le 15 mai 2015 17:08, Pierre Béland a écrit :

Hi François
We need various expertises to answer quickly and produce data of quality It 
would be great if you could extract the Nepal powers in the area of the 
response around Kathmandu and revise the tagging schema.
And  say Bonjour to the OSM Lyon contributors meeting at the charming Chez 
Thibault café.

  De : François Lacombe
 À : Brad Neuhauser 
Cc : HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team); OSM; Jean-Guilhem Cailton; 
OpenStreetMap in India; OpenStreetMap Community in 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 15 mai 2015 6h26
 Objet : Re: [HOT] [OSM-talk] Mapping high tension power lines in Nepal

The power generation model was refined in 2013 and include some distinction 
between a power plant and a power generator.
It would be convenient and sustainable to take care of this for this concern.

Power generator only regard any kind of device which convert energy from one 
sort to another. It should be mapped with power=generator

Power plant is the whole site and can be mapped with an area or a relation if 
the power plant isn't enclosed with a fence (which is often the case for hydro 
power plant).
power=plant is the tag currently approved.

The hydropower_project tag may be redundant with power=plant.
Currently, it may be useful to map power=plant sites features only. Generators 
are supplementary information only used by specialized mappers.

It would be great to don't use any other custom power=* value to allow the 
largest amount of mapper to work with these datas.

I'll add some in my spare time.

All the best

François Lacombe

fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com

2015-05-14 17:23 GMT+02:00 Brad Neuhauser

Fyi, user GautamPratik already started entering some hydro sites using the tag 
hydropower_project:name. Here's a search for that: 

And one for power=generator generally in Nepal:

Cheers, Brad

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 9:03 AM, Steve Bower wrote:

The Nepal Electric Authority would likely already have such a map, or relevant 

Page 106 of their annual plan has a transmission line 

I did not find anything better in a quick search of their web site, but they 
could probably provide something.

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 7:26 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:


As you may know, helicopters play a critical role in bringing help to
Nepalese people affected by April 25 7.8 earthquake, and May 12 7.4
aftershock, with roads blocked or made dangerous by landslides and
unstable terrain.

A USMC helicopter that was taking part in this effort is missing since
May 12. Other helicopters involved in the search and rescue mission
report that: A primary concern for ongoing search and rescue efforts is
unmarked high tension power lines, which have been reported and bisect
many of the valleys in the search area.

Some high tension power lines have already been mapped
( , passed along to those conducting the
searches). Starting from electrical dams makes it easier to spot them.

If mappers experienced at mapping power lines could give a hand, this
would be great. (Or others willing to learn, like me :) ).

Bing is available for large parts of Nepal. A focus for current search
and rescue effort is around Ghorthali (27.7517 N  86.0342 E) from where
a Nepalese local reported seeing a helicopter crash. But of course high
tension power lines would also be nice to have for Sindhupalchowk

Re: [HOT] Fwd: Question on Task #1043 roads

2015-05-14 Thread Pierre Béland
We dont have time to reconcile with Nepal OSM community highway schema. Our 
friends at Kathmandu Living Labs are quite sollicited now and can revise the 
classification after this response.

I would reserve highway=unclassified for end of networks, where the road 
connects to hamlets.Track is for roads connecting to forestry areas. They are 
generally at the end of the network branch.

  De : Steve Bower
 À : Pierre Béland 
Cc : amrit karmacharya; Megha Shrestha; hot 
 Envoyé le : Jeudi 14 mai 2015 10h18
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Fwd: Question on Task #1043 roads
Pierre noted, If  road connect villages, indicate minimally highway=tertiary. 
If unpaved, add the tag surface=unpaved.
We might need some guidance on what constitutes a village for this purpose, for 
example, minimum number of buildings.
On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 6:33 AM, Pierre Béland wrote:

Let's avoid to map highway = road since the routing software wont use this 
If  road connect villages, indicate minimally highway=tertiary. If unpaved, add 
the tag surface=unpaved.

  De : amrit karmacharya
 À : Megha Shrestha 
Cc : hot 
 Envoyé le : Jeudi 14 mai 2015 4h50
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Fwd: Question on Task #1043 roads
The appropriate one is highway = road, until it has been verified. If they are 
roughly two lane and long, then use highway = tertiary.

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Megha Shrestha 

You can tag the unpaved, but maintained roads between small villages as highway 
= tertiary. You can see the description 

He, all,

        I read the instructions for tagging roads on Task


        However, there is no tag for roads that fall between highway=secondary
and highway=track. What about the unpaved, but maintained roads between small
villages? These are roads that we might tag highway=unclassified in the U.S.
These roads often are (barely) two lanes. They're definitely larger than a 
        Do we tag those highway=secondary also?


Charlotte Wolter
927 18th Street Suite A
Santa Monica, California
Skype: thetechlady

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Best RegardsAmrit KarmacharyaInstructor, Survey OfficerLand Management Training 
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Re: [HOT] Fwd: Question on Task #1043 roads

2015-05-14 Thread Pierre Béland
All buildings should be traced.
If houses are clustered closed one to the other (more like usual hamlets or 
villages), trace a polygon around the houses with the tag landuse=residential.

  De : Suzan Reed
 À : Steve Bower 
Cc : Pierre Béland; hot; Megha 
 Envoyé le : Jeudi 14 mai 2015 23h30
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Fwd: Question on Task #1043 roads
A note on villages: many villages in Nepal are spread out. People in rural 
areas don't bunch their homes together. There can be as much as 500 ft between 
neighbors, but they all consider themselves part of a village. 

Hope this helps. 


On May 14, 2015, at 7:18 AM, Steve Bower wrote:

Pierre noted, If  road connect villages, indicate minimally highway=tertiary. 
If unpaved, add the tag surface=unpaved.

We might need some guidance on what constitutes a village for this purpose, for 
example, minimum number of buildings.

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 6:33 AM, Pierre Béland wrote:
Let's avoid to map highway = road since the routing software wont use this 

If  road connect villages, indicate minimally highway=tertiary. If unpaved, add 
the tag surface=unpaved.

De : amrit karmacharya
À : Megha Shrestha 
Cc : hot 
Envoyé le : Jeudi 14 mai 2015 4h50
Objet : Re: [HOT] Fwd: Question on Task #1043 roads

The appropriate one is highway = road, until it has been verified. If they are 
roughly two lane and long, then use highway = tertiary.

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Megha Shrestha 


You can tag the unpaved, but maintained roads between small villages as highway 
= tertiary. You can see the description in


He, all,

        I read the instructions for tagging roads on Task


        However, there is no tag for roads that fall between highway=secondary
and highway=track. What about the unpaved, but maintained roads between small
villages? These are roads that we might tag highway=unclassified in the U.S.
These roads often are (barely) two lanes. They're definitely larger than a 
        Do we tag those highway=secondary also?


Charlotte Wolter
927 18th Street Suite A
Santa Monica, California
Skype: thetechlady

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Best Regards
Amrit Karmacharya
Instructor, Survey Officer
Land Management Training Center

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Re: [HOT] Fwd: Question on Task #1043 roads

2015-05-14 Thread Pierre Béland
Let's avoid to map highway = road since the routing software wont use this 
If  road connect villages, indicate minimally highway=tertiary. If unpaved, add 
the tag surface=unpaved.

  De : amrit karmacharya
 À : Megha Shrestha 
Cc : hot 
 Envoyé le : Jeudi 14 mai 2015 4h50
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Fwd: Question on Task #1043 roads
The appropriate one is highway = road, until it has been verified. If they are 
roughly two lane and long, then use highway = tertiary.

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Megha Shrestha 

You can tag the unpaved, but maintained roads between small villages as highway 
= tertiary. You can see the description 

He, all,

        I read the instructions for tagging roads on Task


        However, there is no tag for roads that fall between highway=secondary
and highway=track. What about the unpaved, but maintained roads between small
villages? These are roads that we might tag highway=unclassified in the U.S.
These roads often are (barely) two lanes. They're definitely larger than a 
        Do we tag those highway=secondary also?


Charlotte Wolter
927 18th Street Suite A
Santa Monica, California
Skype: thetechlady

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Best RegardsAmrit KarmacharyaInstructor, Survey OfficerLand Management Training 
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Re: [HOT] New - Nepal Earthquake 7.1

2015-05-12 Thread Pierre Béland
Thanks Prabhas for this update from Kathmandu. 

We will make the point today with Kathmandu Living Labs on the priority, look 
for imagery and start new Task Manager projects where necessary.
For  please revise the priority polygon 
if necessary to cover also the southern area.
We will make the point today with the imagery providers.
take care all. 

  De : Prabhas Pokharel
Cc :; 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 12 mai 2015 6h14
 Objet : Re: [HOT] New - Nepal Earthquake 7.1
Hi all, the earthquake today was strong and quite long, and has a lot of weary 
souls shaken. Reports of a few deaths in the valley and landslides in the hills 
are already coming through. Damage around Kathmandu has been much less than the 
first time from the reports I have been hearing and observations on my own trip 
across the city coming home.

The one suggestion I thought I would fire off, which I'm guessing is also 
obvious to the HOT community, would be focus some energy on this task: which covers the area nearest to today's 
epicenter. Even though the imagery is a bit old, doing damage assessments from 
the last earthquake and IDP camp markings will help the work of relief efforts 
in those areas.
Other tasks that would also be helpful: - Identifying more recent imagery that 
has come in in Dolakha and Sindhupalchowk (both priority 1 and 2 districts 
here) would be good. A few reported deaths are in mostly from Kathmandu, 
Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Dolakha, and Sindhupalchowk.
Tomorrow, the KLL team will also discuss whether we need to create some new 
mapper tasks for first and second pass for Solukhumbu district (ie, the Everest 
region), and more points east. The epicenter this time was farther east than 
before, and damage reports may come in from farther east in the country.

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 2:31 PM FOFANA BAZO BAGNOUMANA wrote:

Morning Heather and everyone
This mean that we must to do  our best to support NepaleseLe 12 mai 2015 08:26, 
Heather Leson a écrit :

Nama, thank you so much for writing during a hard time. Thinking of you and the 
teams and our humanitarian allies. 

Please rest and be safe. We are here for you. 


Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson 

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Nama Budhathoki 

We are terrified again. I am writing this from the parking lot outside our 
situation room. People are scared and seem to  be totally confused. Sent from 
my mobile phone.On 12 May 2015 13:43, Heather Leson 

Hi folks, many of you may be sleeping. 

There was another earthquake in Nepal this morning

We will await direction from Activation and the Kathmandu Living Labs. 

Some of the humanitarians that I know in the field are posting to social media 
about their safety. 
Our thoughts are with the Nepali people and humanitarians responding. 


Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson 

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Re: [HOT] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Nepal Earthquake Mapathon TODAY

2015-05-12 Thread Pierre Béland
Our experience from the first two weeks of the response, it is important for 
the organizers of mapathons to assure that experienced OSM contributors can 
validate the work of the new contributors, especially if this their first day 
updating OSM and they dont yet understand the various aspects of geometry and 
Otherwise, this will add burden to the validation team.
The volume of objects edited should not be the criteria. What is important is 
to assure that at the end of the day, the trainees know the basic of OSM and 
find it fun enough to contribute again.

Thanks all for your contribution.

  De : Heather Leson
 À : HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team); 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 12 mai 2015 9h22
 Objet : [HOT] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Nepal Earthquake Mapathon TODAY
Wendy, thanks for supporting HOT with your Boston event today.  Fellow HOT 
folks, it would be great to guide them some 


Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson 

-- Forwarded message --
From: Guan, Wendy
Date: Tue, May 12, 2015 at 4:10 PM
Subject: [CrisisMappers] Nepal Earthquake Mapathon TODAY
To:,,,,,,,,,,, ABCD GIS (, CGA staff (, Technical_Committee 
(, CGA Affiliates 

Nepal Earthquake Mapathon
Sponsored by Nepal Quake Aid, Center for Geographical Analysis, MDesS Risk and 
Date:  May 12th, 6:30-8:30 PM
Location: CGIS South S020, 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge MA 02138Please come 
join the efforts to map Nepal as the country and many agencies around the world 
face the aftermath of the recent earthquakes. Students, professors, staff, or 
any others interested in contributing can come spend some time learning how to 
use the Humanitarian OpenStreetMaps Team task manager platform. There will be 
some food, and the product is able to facilitate better long and short term 
recovery.  At the end of the session we can see how much progress we have been 
able to make as a group so please come by and spread the word about how others 
can be helping from across the globe!  Email with any 
related questions and find out more about the mapping projects on and If you have used the 
toolkit before and feel comfortable, the more teachers the better so please 
contact us.  -- 
CrisisMappers | The Humanitarian Technology Network
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Re: [HOT] QGIS and OSM and..

2015-05-11 Thread Pierre Béland
Overpass queries offer great possibilities to extract layers of data directly 
in QGIS or JOSM.
But you need to know how to write the queries. You should connect to the Live 
#hot irc channel and discuss with experienced HOT contributors.

They will provide you some examples and explain the plugins to add either to 

  De : Phil (The Geek) Wyatt
 À : 'Springfield Harrison'; 'Michael'; 'HOT' 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 11 mai 2015 2h42
 Objet : Re: [HOT] QGIS and OSM and..
#yiv3849233296 #yiv3849233296 -- _filtered #yiv3849233296 
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div.yiv3849233296WordSection1 {}#yiv3849233296    From: Springfield Harrison 
Sent: Monday, 11 May 2015 3:43 PM
To: Michael; 'HOT'
Subject: Re: [HOT] QGIS and OSM and..  Hello Michael,

Thanks for your reply.

So you are confirming that downloading OSM data through JSOM is a waste of 
time?  I wish I had known this earlier.  I was advised that it would download 
all of Nepal but that doesn't seem to be the case.  JOSM is really just an 
editor for doing small area changes to OSM data - its not designed for country 
editing. QGIS however, can download any area in the world (subject to your 
bandwidth and hard disc size)

I tried the open street map data link that you provided.  It shows some promise 
but I haven't looked at the data yet.  [Just looked at some of those 
shapefiles, they do load and display in QGIS.  However, when I tried to change 
the symbology for the helipads, they all disappeared.  WTF?]  OK - thats likely 
a QGIS issue - nothing to do with OSM

I also stumbled upon the HOT Export site.  It is very convoluted but also shows 
promise once one figures out the myriad of options.  Creating presets would be 
helped enormously if there were drop-down lists for the keys and their values.  
My last attempt here failed, probably due to bad capitalization or some such.  
It looks like a dog's breakfast.

Now I see your reference to Overpass Turbo, hopefully not another blind alley.  
Simply downloading data in OSM is anything but streamlined.  The key/value 
concept seems to complicate things considerably.  What is the benefit of that 

I have fired up Overpass Turbo.  Used the wizard to create and run a query but 
the export options only offers some less than useful choices.  GPX and KML 
files are of limited use in a GIS and I don't recognize any of the other files. 
 The geojson file was only recognized by QGIS but it would not display.  Make 
sure JOSN is running (with remote control turned on) and then use the Overpass 
turbo export load data into an OSM editor: JOSM,Level0. Then in JOSN you can 
edit away as required
Then I tried the KML and GPX files.  I'm QGIS the KML file was listed but not 
accepted for viewing; the GPX layers were accepted but would not display.  In 
JSON the KML file was not recognized and GPX file would not display.    Most of 
this sounds like QGIS issues/familiarity not OSM issues.

If I recall correctly, the option to send the query results directly to JSON 
failed also.

This is a huge amount of trial and error with very little, almost nothing, to 
show for two late nights.  I appreciate everyone's attempt to help, and have 
read many wiki pages but she's all uphill.

My intention is very simple  -·     download a shapefile of the Nepal task 
tiles·     download a shapefile of the potential and actual helipads [this 
might have been achieved with the Hot Export, the many attempts are all 
blurring together now]·     possibly download a shapefile of other features 
 The question here is what do you want to do with the data after you have it? 
We can suggest the best tools if we know what the whole job actually is. I have 
sent you a KML file of Leisure=common 

Re: [HOT] Again task 1088

2015-05-11 Thread Pierre Béland
Did you adjust your imagery offset? Inside of moving everything, you should 
move the image before tracing new objects. 

  De : Tom Taylor
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 11 mai 2015 16h17
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Again task 1088
If you have the time, my personal view would be to do the corrections 
AND complete the tile. If not, locating new communities should take 

Tom Taylor

On 11/05/2015 3:54 PM, Barbara Figge wrote:
 Good evening to everybody!
 It's me again and it is again tile 2777 which gives me always new
 queries... This tile in my eyes is nearly ready but: in the past
 buildings weren't mapped correct: not squared and a lot of buildings
 slipped away just some meters. Some of them are clustered too. Some of
 them sit upon a street and so on. But: this is all situated inside a
 town, so my question is about priorities: shall I correct all this stuff
 (I can do, not the question) or shall I have a last view and afterwards
 mark it as finished for validating? And work on some ground where
 perhaps houses are not yet found?
 But on the other hand I won't leave #2777 alone because I suppose it
 is nearly ready and could become finished.
 As before thankful for your responses!
HOT mailing list

[HOT] Urgent : Nepal earthquake , we still need your help

2015-05-10 Thread Pierre Béland
The monsoon is coming soon in Nepal. To avoid an epidemy, it is necessary to 
help people rapidly, provide them food and shelter. There are still many urgent 
Jobs to complete to spot damaged villages, Informal camps in moutains. 

Please continue to support this HOT / OSM / Kathmandu Living Labs to support 
the Nepal government and the international community.
For all contributors% com-pleted  Task Manager job
79%   #1018 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, detailed mapping 2nd pass91%   #1009 Nepal 
Earthquake, 2015, Gorkha, Residential areas and buildings

For experienced contributors% com-pleted  Task Manager job
56%   #1024 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, Severely damaged housing areas and IDP 
Informal camps, Gorkha 61%   #1030 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, Severely damaged 
housing areas and IDP Informal camps 16%   #1044 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, 
Severely damaged housing areas and IDP Informal camps, Trisuli Valley91%   
#1023 Nepal Earthquake, 2015, Pilot task, Helicopters landing and common 
leisure, Northern Dhading 
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Suggestion to support Newbie development via Validated work

2015-05-10 Thread Pierre Béland
This is a quite challenging mission, different terrain with these Nepal high 
mountains and after two weeks, less mediatic attention.
We need to re-accelerate this response and find ways to support newbies. They 
are as important as experienced conributors and we should help them progress. 

I suggest to the new contributors that want help to go on the Live #hot irc 

From this link, simply provide a nickname to identify yourself. You can type 
in to present yourself as a new contributor looking for a mentor. If you 
listen at the discussion on the #hot irc, you will se that this is quite 
informal and a pleasant place to meet with other contributors.

The core HOT / OSM contributors, could you please assure a rotation on the #hot 
irc to assure the support to the new contributors?

Thanks all for the response for this emergency.

  De : graham
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Dimanche 10 mai 2015 9h17
 Objet : [HOT] Suggestion to support Newbie development via Validated work
Hi All,

Might I suggest a way that will allow Newbies to see examples of good 
interpretation and digitalisation:

In OSM Task Manager, they could select a Validated tile, open it and 
look at the work completed. One would hope that the validated work is of 
standard, but that is a different issue.
I tested this, and found that I could invalidate the work via a 
button. I presume that I could actually make alterations to this work as 
well. Neither of these two things I did.

Perhaps, validated tiles could be accessible to Newbies to view only, 
thus allowing them to review what is considered good work. However, 
perhaps they should not have to ability to modify the work.
Selected tiles could be promoted as standard/quality etc. as the tiles 
get validated.


HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Worried about task 1018

2015-05-09 Thread Pierre Béland
Thanks Laura for your comments
you dont want you all to go home. This is true that such response brings in a 
lot of new contributor, some effervescence, discussions. At the same time, this 
is how the crowdsourcing community is progressing. Some volunteers see 
chalenges out of our discussion and then take the lead to respond in various 
ways : learning material, videos, update the softwares we have.
People that go over the first day session show to my point of view some 
interest to learn and progress, and they do. And the question is to how make 
this fun for all of us, new contributor or more experienced.
We surely need some visuals, Facsheet or other, that let's quickly find an 
answer and link to more detailed documentation.

You can connect to the live #hot irc channel and discuss. Less verbose then 
this list this week :)
Just provide a nickname to represent you on the discussion. This is public. 
Anyone can look at the discussion, type to present itself, ask questions and 
It worth's look back at what we did in only 5 years since the Haiti earthquake- 
Haiti 2010, 1 million objects edited in a month- Haiyan Philppines 2013, 1 
million in half a week- Nepal 2015, nearly a million a day for 12 days.
We should not forget that must of the work is made by volunteers. Our Tasking 
Manager does exist only since the mid-2012. At every major response, we discuss 
and propose enhancements to this software. The core leaders, we started to 
discuss after the Hayian response about the need for more monitoring tools. 
This was even more necessary for the West Africa Ebola. With the unprecedented 
number of participants for this Nepal response, we are pushed again forward. 
Believe me, we feel the necessity to adapt rapidly.

As we receive new fundings to help better answer such responses, we should 
surely look at improving these various aspects.

  De : laura brittain
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Samedi 9 mai 2015 14h29
 Objet : [HOT] Worried about task 1018
Ideas regarding using newbs,
Please embed instructions (and a link to Google translate or another) in Task 
Please put important instructions in Bold Capital Letters in Task manager.

Info on unlocking a tile isn't visible when you are locked in a tile and it's 
hard to realize you have to go back and do that in TM.

Please don't let new JOSM users validate tiles unless they've been vetted.
In my case it would be a disaster.

HOT has been linked to all over in media. Of course you're inundated with 
newbs. The message out there and in tutorials is that anyone can help with even 
20 minutes and that learning how takes an hour or two. Um, no.

To avoid discouraging us, could discussions of our many mistakes be done off 
the HOT list that is one of the sources we go to to learn?

Consider a message like this that pops up on unlocking a tile:
Thank you for mapping —please come back and see what you can do to help in the 
weeks, months, and years ahead.

Finally, I'm sure a lot of us would love to have someone comment on our work 
and point out errors.
Just remember the feedback sandwich: one positive feedback on either end of the 

And if absolute newbs  aren't helpful or needed please let us know so we can go 
Hope this helps! Thank you.

HOT mailing list

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Worried about task 1018

2015-05-09 Thread Pierre Béland
We have to adapt to an awesome contribution with this Nepal emergency. We need 
more people. At the same time, we need to adapt in various ways to 
crowdsourcing as we see various problems arizing.

I also opened a ticket. This would be for the validators to prioritize 
validating first for the less experienced. A checkbox could let show only tiles 
selected by less experienced 

  De : Severin Menard
 À : Extra Paul 
Cc : 
 Envoyé le : Samedi 9 mai 2015 7h49
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Worried about task 1018
Hi all,

I understand your worry Paul, and have the same experience of unvalidating 
tasks. I put clear comments for the people to know why. There is no offense I 
hope, everyone has been a beginner once and learning and improving is part of 
the motivation with OSM, IMHO.
I just suggested this change in the asking Manager that should prevent in the 
future the fact that tiles are validated by beginners:, titled: Validate 
button only for mappers who clicked previously on Edit with JOSM. I also hope 
iD will have in the future not only a building mapping tool, but also (as 
mappers may not use the building tool) an automatic proposition to square or 
round the shape that has just been traced as soon as a building tag is chosen 
(GitHub issue: 

The tools and the documentation apart, we also need to organize and exchange 
between us the people: who is interested in validation checking meaning also 
providing feedback or monitoring beginners? Basically you need to be a 
proficient user of JOSM and having a lot of edits (not less than with 4-5 
zeros, I would say)
 It takes a bit of time but it is valuable and a nice way to interact. My hello 
to Suzan Reed who asked me  directly for monitoring her tasks.
We have a list (thanks to Pascal Neis!) of the beginners from the start of the 
Activation, some are drive-bys (typically only 1 day of mapping, a few edits) 
and others more to super committed mappers. I have started a spreadsheet for 
those who would like to monitor these committed mappers. 


On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Extra Paul wrote:

Dear openstreetmappers :)
I'm quite worried about the quality of maps for task 1018.Many of mappers, 
obviously, did not check the instructions or even the tutorials. People want to 
help, and that's awesome, but maybe validation should be done my more 
experienced and meticulous mappers.I've seen mappers validating more that 10 
areas in less than an hour, and those areas still contain many errors : 
clusters of buildings mapped as one, landuse=residential area used for clusters 
of nothing more than 1 or 2 buildings, many streams seen as footpath, many 
paths in the middle of nowhere... Maybe instructions should contain some images 
to show clearly what is expected, and explain that the purpose of this map is 
to count each individual buildings and have roads and paths connected to them 
so buildings can be reached by humanitarian teams.Currently, most of my time on 
1018 is to check validated areas because half of those areas are not correctly 

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Worried about task 1018

2015-05-09 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Barbara
I appreciate your testimony about beginners experience. Your various testtimony 
are important for us to adapt and find the best strategy to adapt our workflow 
including training material, mapathons, Tasks instructions, Validations.
Areas with no Description : If this correspond to a polygon where no tags were 
added, our Global Validation process can take care with Query to the database 
and spot all of these and correct.
Buildings not aligned : Bing imagery is our basis to align objects. When we 
work with post-disaster imagery, it might be slighlty moved away from Bing. 
Both in ID and JOSM it is possible to realign the imagery to correspond to what 
was previously mapped. The importance is to keep coherence among all objects 
mapped. This is often a mistake of new contributors to each realign buildings 
using various images. 

To go back to a tile you worked on, You go back to the Task Manager job you 
workded on.  Go to the Stats panel of the TM job and pass the mouse over your 
OSM-ID. This will show the tile you worked on. If nobody works presently on the 
tile, you can click to review the tile.
To show your TM history, click on your OSM-ID in this Stats panel.
Yes, a lot of people, of volunteer people from around the world are doing great 
work supporting Kathmandu Living Labs and the Nepal population, including you! 
Thanks a lot!
Sometimes frustrating this crowdsourcing, but we surely all gain something 
working together, gathering from around the world and exploring ways to provide 
better answers while participating to such disaster managements. As many have 
said in the medias, this is a great way to make the difference other then 
providing money to caritative organizatons. And be assured that the 
organizations appreciate the efforts made by this virtual volunteered community.


  De : Barbara Figge
 À : john whelan 
Cc : Pierre Béland; 
 Envoyé le : Samedi 9 mai 2015 11h12
 Objet : Aw: Re: [HOT] Worried about task 1018
Hi to everyone,I am one of the beginners of the last weeks, since last friday I 
mapped - mostly buildings (and mostly unsquared, I am one of them, too), tried 
some paths. I try to read the mailing list notes in between, I started with the 
mapgive things before first mapping, I read the instructions before starting, I 
did not validate and though these mistakes happened. But I am learning a 
lot.Currently I am a little irritated about all the mistakes one can make and 
so I made up my mind not to stop mapping, but to stay on the safe side of the 
street: mapping buildings, and after I noticed the importance of buildings 
being squared, squaring my and the buildings of others.Now there are some 
questions left: in the tile I worked in there are some areas without 
description (and no bulding or something else to see)- shall I delete them or 
do they have a special reason I overread in the mailing list conversation?There 
are a lot of mapped buildings, where the symbol is some meters away from the 
building. Shall I correct or is it okay?And: is there a possibility to go back 
to a tile I worked on by searching the number or must I search inside the 
map?Best wishes and: as far as I can see from my small desk, a lot of people 
are doing great work!Barbarabarbaraulrike in osm Gesendet: Samstag, 09. Mai 
2015 um 15:11 Uhr
Von: john whelan
An: Pierre Béland
Betreff: Re: [HOT] Worried about task 1018I think I'm moderately experienced in 
mapping.  In West Africa I'm very comfortable validating, in Nepal I'm happy I 
know what a building looks like but paths, streams etc I'm not so comfortable 
with, there is a lot of distracting detail on the images.  Do I validate and 
clean up the building and tag side?  Or just add a few more buildings?
 Thanks John On 9 May 2015 at 08:27, Pierre Béland wrote:
We have to adapt to an awesome contribution with this Nepal emergency. We need 
more people. At the same time, we need to adapt in various ways to 
crowdsourcing as we see various problems arizing. I also opened a ticket. This 
would be for the validators to prioritize validating first for the less 
experienced. A checkbox could let show only tiles selected by less experienced 
contributors. regard 
Pierre  De : Severin Menard
À : Extra Paul
Cc :
Envoyé le : Samedi 9 mai 2015 7h49
Objet : Re: [HOT] Worried about task 1018 Hi all,
 I understand your worry Paul, and have the same experience of unvalidating 
tasks. I put clear comments for the people to know why. There is no offense I 
hope, everyone has been a beginner once and learning and improving is part of 
the motivation with OSM, IMHO.I

[HOT] Ebola Outbreak - WHO declares Liberia free of Ebola

2015-05-09 Thread Pierre Béland
While we focus on the Nepal response, it worth's mention that WHO declares 
Liberia free of Ebola virus, this after 42 consecutive days without any ebola 
cases declared. Quite good news for the country the most affected by this 
Cheers to the medical staff and field teams who worked on this. The 
international organizations are still present to support the West Africa 
government to reinforce the Health structures.
 While this response has now less intensity for us, we are still present, 
coordinating through internet to support UN agencies and international 
HOT mailing list

[HOT] 2015 OSM Nepal Earhquake Response - Usage examples

2015-05-08 Thread Pierre Béland
Some new examples
HDX, the official Data humanitarian depot. A la une, We see OpenStreetMap 
Informal camps map.
Nepal news update - Mapping Collaboration, Katmandu Living Labs and Canada Dart 
mission, east of Kathmandu.
More on the Documentation usage section of wiki for this 2015 Nepal earthquake 

Thanks for you constant support since Apr.25 to this humanitarian emergency.

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Missing Maps Training Video Suggestions

2015-05-07 Thread Pierre Béland
OSM and HOT are volunteer organizations. And we are force to adapt rapidly to 
the reality of responses like for Nepal. People with experience to develop such 
material either through a wiki page, github or other are welcomed.
With the extent of this response, we organized various support groups to take 
care of Imagery, Validation, Imports, Routing, etc. We also have a HOT training 
group. People interested to contribute can write 
to activation @ We will follow your contact to the training group.

  De : Steve Bower
 À : Suzan Reed 
Cc : HOT 
 Envoyé le : Jeudi 7 mai 2015 11h06
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Missing Maps Training Video Suggestions
A few thoughts on the training materials, from a 2-week OSM user and long-time 
GIS user:
I have not yet found the single, systematically organized portal for access 
to all training materials  events, This would be great to have, and other 
training references could point back to it. The closest I have found is the HOT 
Training working group, current sources and 
But, for example, that page does not point to How to get started contributing 
to a HOT task:
So yes, Suzan, I think organization and production of comprehensive training 
material is a great idea - thank you. I think getting the top-down organization 
right is key. It seems this would be guided by the HOT Training working group 
(is there a general OSM training working group?).
Existing training materials on how to use OSM and the editors is fairly 
comprehensive, but somewhat scattered. Multiple sources overlap in the material 
they cover. An OSM/HOT training portal would help identify gaps and guide where 
new material (including new videos) is needed.
Training on how to interpret features from imagery is minimal. This could 
really be expanded, with examples of special cases, especially for poor-quality 
imagery where interpretation is difficult. Interpretation issues seem to 
dominate a lot of quality concerns and newbie questions. 
I don't think it's reasonable to expect new mappers to be able to take quick 
start training and jump into contributing, at least for those who have not 
mapped before. For HOT response in particular, I think the expectation should 
be that mappers should expect to invest at least a day of on-line training 
before starting to contribute. Yes, that would turn away some mappers, but with 
the benefit of fewer quality issues. Yes, you can learn to trace buildings in 
far less time, but many mappers soon confront more complex tasks and a better 
training foundation would serve them well. (My opinion on this may evolve...)

On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 5:24 AM, Suzan Reed wrote:

Althio and all.

I don't understand the shared document format, and don't find it an easy place 
to express these views, nor do I understand where I could add to it in a 
constructive way.  That's why I expressed my thoughts here, so that someone who 
understands the shared document format could incorporate these thoughts if they 
are useful.

I'm sure Im not the only newbie who has the same exact feelings and thoughts. 
We all want to do a good job, we all want concise, well done training that gets 
us going quickly, we all want to contribute to a healthy, successful project 
that helps people. I hope leadership can find people and resources to make good 
training available.

So far, like Spring, I'm a bit confused. Are my hours of work going to do any 
good for the people who live in the hundreds of houses I've mapped? I hope so. 
Fingers crossed.

All that said, as a designer and writer expert in technical documenting, I 
would be happy to help with the production of a comprehensive set of training 
tools. Small group, hopefully? I'm also adept at working in a global 
environment, cross culturally. Use me if you wish.


On May 7, 2015, at 12:44 AM, althio wrote:


As you are interested to help with these 1-min video: please join the
shared document, read it and update it.

 There's a shared doc here, where we're collecting ideas for the
 individual modules. Please feel free to add your thoughts and, even
 better, to encourage newbies to identify where there are most needs
 for training materials...

Your other comments (about current training) are certainly valid but
this is not the best thread for that.


- althio

On 7 May 2015 at 09:30, Suzan Reed wrote:
 My major problem with the current training, it's long, boring, and slow. A 
 Quick Start Guide would be perfect for someone like me. A video with this 
 information would be great. I could not go through the 

Re: [HOT] chinese letters

2015-05-06 Thread Pierre Béland
cheers Dongpo

We had more then 100 countries that partiipate for Hayian, Philippines and West 
Afica Ebola responses.
It is important that experienced contributors from the various communities take 
the relay to support the new contributors and assure they have access to the 
appopriate learning material.

  De : Dongpo Deng
 À : Henning Bolz; HOT openstreetmap 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 6 mai 2015 5h45
 Objet : Re: [HOT] chinese letters
Hi Henning and all
空地 means vacancy or open space.This is indeed done by a newbie. I also will try 
to contact with the user and give her/him some mapping tutorial resources for 
mapping in Chinese.
On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 4:45 PM Henning Bolz wrote:

Hello all,
can someone read these fiery letters? I found 29 areas, completely 
unremarkable, mapped by a new user.
The tags are area=yes and name=空地 For an example see way  340648957  . What 
does it mean and what to do with it?I will contact the user, but tend to delete 
them. Henning (aka hebolz)___
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Re: [HOT] newbie needs advice

2015-05-05 Thread Pierre Béland
The informations about the various communication channels are at the beginning 
of the wiki for the Nepal 
IRC is a tool similar to Skype. The difference, it is a public forum. You 
simply connect and provide a nickname to identify yourself. You follow the 
discussion, present yourself, ask questions, comment discussions. We plan to 
eventually integrate such a tool directly into the Tasking Manager. This way, 
it would be easy for the new contributors to exchange with the more experienced 

  De : Springfield Harrison
 À : Suzan Reed 
Cc : 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 5 mai 2015 18h21
 Objet : Re: [HOT] newbie needs advice
I couldn't find  a thing on the IRC, I thought it was something to do with the 
Intl Red Cross, silly me. Information sources are hugely fragmented.  I don't 
get a sense of leadership, just random action. I'm not sure if succesful GIS is 
a crowd activity. I've asked but heard nothing about the end use of all this 
activity.  Is it serving the folks on the ground?Cheers . . . . .   Spring
Samsung Tab 4

On May 5, 2015 2:59 PM, Suzan Reed wrote:

Dear Blake,

It would be great if you could answer this on the list as I have many of the 
same questions.


On May 5, 2015, at 8:42 AM, Blake Girardot wrote:

I am going to answer some of this via irc.


On 5/5/2015 5:34 PM, Katja Ulbert wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am a newbie coming up with a few questions, It would be great if
 someone with more knowledge could take the time to answer them. They
 don´t have to be answered here and now or via mailinglist, I am also on
 IRC #hot as katjaulbert. I am mapping in task #1018.

 1) Paths: I have come across some that are obviously connected but there
 are small areas where I cant´t follow their course. Same with paths that
 lead into forests, where they disappear and reappear on the other side.
 Should I connect them? I don´t think it´s useful to have tiny bits of
 paths in the map or paths that lead into nowhere.

 2) I need advice to distinguish dried waterways from paths. Waterways
 seem to be much broader and uneven and often accompanied from paths.

 3) Tags: I cant´t find some tags that are advised in the task
 instruction, for example bridge=supension. Are there any presets I
 forgot to load?

 4) Imagery: I use Bing and Mapbox, are there any more sources? Also, is
 there a way to digitally zoom Mapbox imagery? Sometimes it´s easier to
 spot things with Mapbox, especially paths, but it stops displaying at
 some point.

 Thanks for taking time!



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Re: [HOT] data alignment to satellite imagery

2015-05-04 Thread Pierre Béland
Hi Michael,
It would greatly help us if people who have trekked in these areas send us gps 
traces. These long paths woud be useful, plus village names.
I sent a twitter yesterday to sollicit receiving these gps traces. People 
should write to activation @ 

  De : Michael Krämer
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 4 mai 2015 2h56
 Objet : Re: [HOT] data alignment to satellite imagery


for me the gold standard for image alignment in OSM are gpx traces with high 
quality. If no traces are available - which likely applies to most of Nepal - 
Bing is the standard to use. In either case adjust any other imagery to match 
the alignment of the standard.

But now the limitation: Some of the imagery currently in use with HOT shows 
some difference compared to Bing. But this is not a simple shift. To my limited 
understanding this comes from the correction applied to the image. Especially 
in mountains this is difficult - which likely is especially true for the 
Himalayas. But keep the distances in mind: With high resolution images a shift 
of let's say 10 m is pretty visible - but should not really matter too much in 
real live.

In any case: Try to align any of your work with Bing. Leave any misaligned data 
for now.

Michael (user Ohr)

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