[hugin-ptx] Re: Enfuse expert parameter EdgeScale doesn't work?

2009-03-01 Thread David Haberthür
On 28.02.2009, at 14:31, John Bastin wrote:


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[hugin-ptx] Re: What is the status of keypoint detection and keypoint matching: machpoint (gsoc2007) and feature_matching (gsoc2008)

2009-03-01 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Bruno,

Bruno Postle schrieb:
> On Wed 25-Feb-2009 at 14:19 +0100, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
>> During gsoc 2007 Zoran Mesec created/worked on matchpoint: the patent free
>> keypoint detector. As far as I'm aware matchpoint works fine, but still has
>> problems dealing with transparency masks.
>> True or wrong? Anyone who does know, please explain. Any relevant info that
>> I didn't ask here is welcome too.
> If I understand Zoran correctly, matchpoint is very good at 
> detecting scale invariant features, but the feature descriptors 
> generated are not as good as those from SIFT or SURF.

Yes, the interest point detector in matchpoint works ok, but the 
descriptor is currently not good.

> I'm not sure that this is very important - Current feature matching 
> tools such as those in Onur's project, panomatic or autopano-sift 
> work entirely by comparing these descriptors, but for panoramas we 
> can compare the geometrical relationships between points too.
>> During gsoc 2008 Onur Küçüktunç created/worked on feature_matching to be
>> used in combination with matchpoint. Is this now (relatively) mature or not?
> It worked for me, but I have no idea why it wasn't integrated.  Even 
> if the results are not so good, any patent-free control point finder 
> is better than none.

I remember that the feature detection code just contains duplicate 
copies of the matchpoint code, so we would have the same code in two 
locations: src/hugin_base/algorithms/control_points and src/matchpoint
The code in matchpoint should be made a library and linked from within 

I will have some time for hugin development this month (wife and baby 
are traveling, I'm stuck at home...), and I will look into these issues 
and make sure that we will have patent-free solution that is well 
integrated into hugin.

> It is implemented as part of the hugin GUI which makes it impossible 
> to script around.  I would very much like a command-line version 
> (equivalent to the 'autopano' tool from autopano-sift-C).
>> Combination of matchpoint and match-n-shift: Is this now a working keypoint
>> detection/matching combination as such or does match-n-shift "just" use
>> autopano for the keypoint matching?
> match-n-shift uses a combination of autopano-sift-C and 
> align_image_stack.  There is a --matchpoint option which substitutes 
> the 'generatekeys' part of autopano-sift-C, but it doesn't work 
> because of the alpha channel bug.  Even so match-n-shift still uses 
> the 'autopano' part of autopano-sift-C for feature matching.
> [later...] I just added an ImageMagick workaround to match-n-shift 
> --matchpoint and now it seems to work ok.  Also match-n-shift runs 
> ptoclean as a final step, so it kind-of does the 'geometrical' check 
> needed.
> I hope Pablo will add to this thread, he mentioned that between 
> the various projects (matchpoint, panomatic, autopano-sift-C, 
> feature_matching) there is all the code necessary to paste together 
> a complete patent-free solution.

So we have:

matchpoint (see above)

autopano-SIFT (patented algorithm (although the SIFT patent seems rather 
weak and might not apply if the SIFT descriptor is used together with 
another interest point detector).

panomatic (SURF, also patent. However, the interest point detector alone 
is not really patented, so we just need another feature descriptor).
The panomatic code is very nice and clean, and contains all the required 
matching stages, including a ransac step for throwing out outliers 
(which probably currently doesn't work with fisheye images and very wide 
rectilinear ones). I have already created a separate executable of the 
keypoint generator, it should be quite easy to do so for the matching 
stage, too.

> Otherwise, a command-line version of Onur's feature matching would 
> be enough to allow me to make match-n-shift 'patent-free'.

Actually, something like ptoclean should really be part of the core 
functionality in hugin.
Hmm, so should we make your perl modules a requirement for hugin?

Actually, I have also started a python wrapper around the core hugin 
libs (using boost-python). I also hope that this will be finished the 
end of this month, but I'm not sure if I can finish both the feature 
matching and the python interface. (as I mostly write code during the 
day, so its sometimes not that attractive to do the same in the evening, 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Makefile test target. Implementation and question.

2009-03-01 Thread Lukáš Jirkovský

2009/3/2 Bruno Postle :
> On Sun 01-Mar-2009 at 14:24 +0100, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>>I've tried to implement test target for hugin makefile, which then can
>>be used for testing of existence of tools but I've stuck when target
>>test: isn't present in generated makefile. Does anyone have idea what
>>can cause this?
> Nope, it doesn't compile for me:
> src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefileExport.cpp:734: 
> error: expected primary-expression before '/' token
> src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefileExport.cpp:734: 
> error: `dev' was not declared in this scope
> src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefileExport.cpp:734: 
> error: `null' was not declared in this scope
> I guess this because the NULL_DEVICE macro gets expanded into the
> bare string /dev/null before compilation.

My fault. At least I know that it's probably not compiled in my case
because it compiles without a glitch (but it doesn't work). I'll
change it into a std::string;

>>Anyway, I'm not sure if using define is good for setting device for
>>redirecting output (see macro NULL_DEVICE).
> It would be more useful if this was defined as a variable in the
> Makefile, then you could redefine it on the command-line if you
> wanted to capture the extra info that otherwise goes to /dev/null:
>    make -f project.pto.mk NULL_DEVICE=/tmp/test.log
> Also I'm not sure if it makes any difference, but is it 'nul' or
> 'NUL' on Windows? I have only ever seen 'NUL'.

I've found this on the web (I'd no idea what should be used). I'll
change it as you suggest.

>>I've divided it into two patches, test_target.diff is the one which
>>should add test: to makefile (but it doesn't). add_test_target.diff
>>adds building test before stitching.
> Thanks for doing this, the 'test' rule should definitely go in,
> though we need to be sure that we do want to run it for every
> stitch.  For example a missing exiftool isn't fatal at the moment,
> we don't want to change this by failing it in the test.
> --
> Bruno

Maybe it could be run only the first time hugin is started or
something like this.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Changed Enblend/Enfuse options have no effect

2009-03-01 Thread Bruno Postle

On Mon 02-Mar-2009 at 00:40 +0100, Guido Kohlmeyer wrote:
>I changed the options of Enblend and Enfuse in the properties dialog of 
>Hugin, but these options are not taken into account for the current 
>project. Neither Save nor Save as write the options to the project file. 
>If I start a new project, then the options are taken into account and 
>written to the PTO file as well as the makefile.

The Properties settings define stuff for new projects, there is a 
separate place to add enblend/enfuse options for the current project 
in the Stitcher tab.

It isn't well explained in the manual and isn't very intuitive 
anyway.  Maybe changing it in the Preferences should change it for 
the current project too.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Makefile test target. Implementation and question.

2009-03-01 Thread Bruno Postle

On Sun 01-Mar-2009 at 14:24 +0100, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:

>I've tried to implement test target for hugin makefile, which then can
>be used for testing of existence of tools but I've stuck when target
>test: isn't present in generated makefile. Does anyone have idea what
>can cause this?

Nope, it doesn't compile for me:

error: expected primary-expression before '/' token
error: `dev' was not declared in this scope
error: `null' was not declared in this scope

I guess this because the NULL_DEVICE macro gets expanded into the 
bare string /dev/null before compilation.

>Anyway, I'm not sure if using define is good for setting device for
>redirecting output (see macro NULL_DEVICE).

It would be more useful if this was defined as a variable in the 
Makefile, then you could redefine it on the command-line if you 
wanted to capture the extra info that otherwise goes to /dev/null:

make -f project.pto.mk NULL_DEVICE=/tmp/test.log

Also I'm not sure if it makes any difference, but is it 'nul' or 
'NUL' on Windows? I have only ever seen 'NUL'.

>I've divided it into two patches, test_target.diff is the one which
>should add test: to makefile (but it doesn't). add_test_target.diff
>adds building test before stitching.

Thanks for doing this, the 'test' rule should definitely go in, 
though we need to be sure that we do want to run it for every 
stitch.  For example a missing exiftool isn't fatal at the moment, 
we don't want to change this by failing it in the test.


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[hugin-ptx] Changed Enblend/Enfuse options have no effect

2009-03-01 Thread Guido Kohlmeyer

I changed the options of Enblend and Enfuse in the properties dialog of 
Hugin, but these options are not taken into account for the current 
project. Neither Save nor Save as write the options to the project file. 
If I start a new project, then the options are taken into account and 
written to the PTO file as well as the makefile.
Is this the intent behaviour? If so I didn't see the reason for this 
behavior. Or is it even a bug?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Reset button

2009-03-01 Thread Bruno Postle

On Sat 28-Feb-2009 at 17:58 +, Bruno Postle wrote:
>It adds about three new strings, I'm inclined to apply this patch, 

Applied, though it is more like seven new strings.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin SDK for Mac (Experimental)

2009-03-01 Thread Ippei UKAI

To all,

I think I've missed a very important information. Compiling is not as  
simple as building one target in Xcode as I thought.
And silly me, Harry and I have written a tutorial last year:

SDK will let you skip steps through 3.4 to 5.3. You can setup your  
machine with section 3.1 to 3.3, install the new SDK, continue from 5.4.


On 2009-03-02, at 06:57, Michael Galloway wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 01, 2009 at 09:08:18PM +0100, Kornel Benko wrote:
>> Am Sonntag 01 März 2009 schrieb Michael Galloway:
>>> line 41: msgfmt: command not found
>>> when running customs shell scripts, inside the build process.
>> On unix, this is part of the "gettext"-package.
>> Googling with "msgfmt mac", the first entry was
>>  http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?t=72591
>> .
>> So on mac it is  gettext-tools.
>>  Kornel
> thank, did a bit more googling and tried this:
> mkdir -p /SourceCache
> cd /SourceCache/
> curl -O ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.17.tar.gz
> tar zxf gettext-0.17.tar.gz
> cd gettext-0.17
> MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.5 CFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch  
> i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os  -pipe -no-cpp-precomp" CCFLAGS="-arch ppc - 
> arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os  -pipe" CXXFLAGS="-arch  
> ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os  -pipe" LDFLAGS="- 
> arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -bind_at_load" ./ 
> configure --enable-shared
> sudo make
> sudo make install
> which gettext
> /usr/local/bin/gettext
> then restarted xcode but still get the msgfmt errors.

Have you tried "which msgfmt"?
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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin SDK for Mac (Experimental)

2009-03-01 Thread Michael Galloway

On Sun, Mar 01, 2009 at 09:08:18PM +0100, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Sonntag 01 März 2009 schrieb Michael Galloway:
> > line 41: msgfmt: command not found
> >
> > when running customs shell scripts, inside the build process.
> On unix, this is part of the "gettext"-package. 
> Googling with "msgfmt mac", the first entry was
>   http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?t=72591
> .
> So on mac it is  gettext-tools.
>   Kornel

thank, did a bit more googling and tried this:

mkdir -p /SourceCache
cd /SourceCache/
curl -O ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.17.tar.gz
tar zxf gettext-0.17.tar.gz 
cd gettext-0.17
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.5 CFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch 
x86_64 -g -Os  -pipe -no-cpp-precomp" CCFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 
-arch x86_64 -g -Os  -pipe" CXXFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch 
x86_64 -g -Os  -pipe" LDFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 
-bind_at_load" ./configure --enable-shared
sudo make
sudo make install
which gettext

then restarted xcode but still get the msgfmt errors.

-- michael

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin SDK for Mac (Experimental)

2009-03-01 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Sonntag 01 März 2009 schrieb Michael Galloway:
> line 41: msgfmt: command not found
> when running customs shell scripts, inside the build process.

On unix, this is part of the "gettext"-package. 
Googling with "msgfmt mac", the first entry was
So on mac it is  gettext-tools.

Kornel Benko

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin SDK for Mac (Experimental)

2009-03-01 Thread Michael Galloway

On Sun, Mar 01, 2009 at 10:01:45AM +0900, Ippei UKAI wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just thought we can do it on Mac too. So I archived my  
> ExternalPrograms folder, and here it is. Completely untested and  
> unwarranted.
> It should be like "to compile Hugin, all you need is a Mac with  
> developer tools, and Hugin SDK".
> http://homepage.mac.com/ippei_ukai/.Public/HuginMacSDK20090228.zip
> Happy hacking!
> Ippei

ok, again, please bear with me,

i seem to be stuck with some errors and warnings, the errors all seem to be
this one:

line 41: msgfmt: command not found

when running customs shell scripts, inside the build process.

- michael
> > 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: PTBatcher and PTBatcherGUI in SVN

2009-03-01 Thread Bruno Postle

On Sun 01-Mar-2009 at 13:46 +0100, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>There are lots of code which uses it for eg. writing files, wxString
>is used there a lot (this one should be fairly easy to convert it to
>std::string). I'll try to remove this dependency later if it would be
>possible (I'm not sure difficult would be for example getting user
>config directory without use of wxWidgets).

This isn't a priority, the Batch Processor was only ever planned to 
be for GUI users.

Bruno Postle

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin SDK for Mac (Experimental)

2009-03-01 Thread Michael Galloway

On Sun, Mar 01, 2009 at 11:07:25PM +0900, Ippei UKAI wrote:
> > You should have Xcode Tools 
> > (http://developer.apple.com/technology/xcode.html 
> > ) installed. To compile hugin, put 'BuildConfig.xconfig' under "/ 
> > hugin/mac", and all the rest into "/hugin/mac/ExternalPrograms".  
> > Open 'Hugin.xcodeproj', choose 'Apps' as Target with 'Release' as  
> > Configuration, and build.
> >
> > i've got the current xcode from the adc site, i've got:
> >
> > michaeltn:mac michael$ pwd
> > /hugin/mac
> Right, I've made a big assumption here. The SDK is meant to assist  
> compiling Hugin from source, and you have to get the actual source  
> first. The path "/hugin/mac" refers to inside the source package where  
> "/hugin" is the top directory as you download or check out from  
> repository.
> You can get the latest source code from our SVN repository:
> "svn co https://hugin.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/hugin/hugin/trunk  
> hugin"
> Ippei

yes, of course, let me start playing then. thanks!

-- michael

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[hugin-ptx] Re: German translation: a few questions about original strings

2009-03-01 Thread J. Schneider

Sorry, these two I could have found myself. But thanks for the good 
And I think the English texts should be changed.

>> "Add application"
> ... I guess the button
> label is not well chosen. It's the call not the application itself which 
> is added. Should be something like: "Add application call" or "Call 
> application":
The former sounds best to me.

> "Aufruf hinzufügen"

>> "Remove complete"
>> ="Remove those projects which are completed"?
> Yes, I even wondered about the button label. I think the original 
> english text must be "Remove completed" or "Remove finished". 
Yes, "Remove completed".

> Some suggestions for translation:
> "Entferne beendete" (klingt etwas steif)
> "Entferne erledigte" (finde ich ganz gut)
Das nehme ich.
> "Entferne abgeschlossene" (bisschen lang?)
Aber am präzisesten.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: German translation: a few questions about original strings

2009-03-01 Thread Guido Kohlmeyer

Suggestion see below.

J. Schneider schrieb:
> Hi,
> I'm currently updating the German translation and again I have a few 
> questions about where some original strings appear and so on:

> "Add application"

Something like to add the call of an application. If you click the 
button, you a dialog appears to enter the command. I guess the button 
label is not well chosen. It's the call not the application itself which 
is added. Should be something like: "Add application call" or "Call 
"Aufruf hinzufügen"

> "Remove complete"
> ="Remove those projects which are completed"?

Yes, I even wondered about the button label. I think the original 
english text must be "Remove completed" or "Remove finished". I thought 
that I can delete the whole list with this button, but it removes only 
the completed projects.
Some suggestions for translation:
"Entferne beendete" (klingt etwas steif)
"Entferne erledigte" (finde ich ganz gut)
"Entferne abgeschlossene" (bisschen lang?)


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin SDK for Mac (Experimental)

2009-03-01 Thread Ippei UKAI

On 2009-03-01, at 22:37, Michael Galloway wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 01, 2009 at 10:01:45AM +0900, Ippei UKAI wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just thought we can do it on Mac too. So I archived my
>> ExternalPrograms folder, and here it is. Completely untested and
>> unwarranted.
>> It should be like "to compile Hugin, all you need is a Mac with
>> developer tools, and Hugin SDK".
>> http://homepage.mac.com/ippei_ukai/.Public/HuginMacSDK20090228.zip
> You should have Xcode Tools (http://developer.apple.com/technology/xcode.html 
> ) installed. To compile hugin, put 'BuildConfig.xconfig' under "/ 
> hugin/mac", and all the rest into "/hugin/mac/ExternalPrograms".  
> Open 'Hugin.xcodeproj', choose 'Apps' as Target with 'Release' as  
> Configuration, and build.
> i've got the current xcode from the adc site, i've got:
> michaeltn:mac michael$ pwd
> /hugin/mac

Right, I've made a big assumption here. The SDK is meant to assist  
compiling Hugin from source, and you have to get the actual source  
first. The path "/hugin/mac" refers to inside the source package where  
"/hugin" is the top directory as you download or check out from  

You can get the latest source code from our SVN repository:
"svn co https://hugin.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/hugin/hugin/trunk  


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[hugin-ptx] Re: German translation: a few questions about original strings

2009-03-01 Thread Lukáš Jirkovský

2009/3/1 J. Schneider :
> Hi,
> I'm currently updating the German translation and again I have a few
> questions about where some original strings appear and so on:
> "Error: Could not get status, project with index "
> "Error: Could not set status, project with index "
> "Add application"

This one is in PTBatcher. It adds specified console application to the
queue and run it after it gets at it's position.

> "Remove complete"
> ="Remove those projects which are completed"?
> "Error shutting down. Do you have root privileges?"
> Is root the same as administrator? Or is it something different Unix
> specific? If so, does anybody know a translation?
> Btw I wonder why one should have root privileges to shut down.

It how the administrator is called on Unix-like systems. Anyway, it's
quite common that user must have been added privileges to shutdown the
computer, otherwise only root user can shutdown computer. It's used to
avoid shutting down computer by mistake when for example your computer
serves as http server.

> "Cannot open app in Hugin."
> Why should one open an app in hugin? Or is it an error message when you
> try to?
> "> >  Is this string complete?
> "Trans Mercator" (EN) is translated with "Transverse Mercator" (DE)
> which is actually English spelling. Has a previous string "Transverse
> Mercator" in the English original been changed to "Trans Mercator"? If
> this is an abbreviation: Should this be abbreviated?
> In a previous mail I asked:
>>> Click to create or edit control points here.
>>>      (Does here refer to click or to create/edit? [Hier klicken, um
>>>      .../ Klicken um hier ... ?]
>> This is the 'identify' mode in the new fast preview.  Clicking on
>> the overlap between two photos will open those two photos in the
>> Control Points tab.
> I think the string should be changed to "Click here to create ..."
> because cps are not edited "here"=in the preview.
> "Specify project source file(s)"
> Does it mean anything different from "Specify project file(s)"?
> "Complete"
> Something like "completed the job"?
> What about the letters prefixed with a "&" to make them keyboard
> shortcuts: Do I have to use the same letter in the translation because
> it is coded somewhere else or does the application react accordingly if
> I use a different letter? (Of course I would have to know which other
> letters are already in use for other commands in this situation.)

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin SDK for Mac (Experimental)

2009-03-01 Thread Michael Galloway

On Sun, Mar 01, 2009 at 10:01:45AM +0900, Ippei UKAI wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just thought we can do it on Mac too. So I archived my  
> ExternalPrograms folder, and here it is. Completely untested and  
> unwarranted.
> It should be like "to compile Hugin, all you need is a Mac with  
> developer tools, and Hugin SDK".
> http://homepage.mac.com/ippei_ukai/.Public/HuginMacSDK20090228.zip
> Happy hacking!
> Ippei

thanks ippei, 

i've started to play with this, and be forward, i'm pretty much a complete n00b 
with respect to os x development.
my first issue is, in the readme is says:

You should have Xcode Tools (http://developer.apple.com/technology/xcode.html) 
installed. To compile hugin, put 'BuildConfig.xconfig' under "/hugin/mac", and 
all the rest into "/hugin/mac/ExternalPrograms". Open 'Hugin.xcodeproj', choose 
'Apps' as Target with 'Release' as Configuration, and build. 

i've got the current xcode from the adc site, i've got:

michaeltn:mac michael$ pwd
michaeltn:mac michael$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r-  1 michael  staff  1246 Feb 28 23:51 BuildConfig.xcconfig
drwxr-xr-x@ 8 michael  staff   272 Mar  1 08:26 ExternalPrograms

but i cannot find the Hugin.xcodeproj file in the SDK anywhere.


-- michael

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[hugin-ptx] German translation: a few questions about original strings

2009-03-01 Thread J. Schneider

I'm currently updating the German translation and again I have a few 
questions about where some original strings appear and so on:

"Error: Could not get status, project with index "
"Error: Could not set status, project with index "

"Add application"

"Remove complete"
="Remove those projects which are completed"?

"Error shutting down. Do you have root privileges?"
Is root the same as administrator? Or is it something different Unix 
specific? If so, does anybody know a translation?
Btw I wonder why one should have root privileges to shut down.

"Cannot open app in Hugin."
Why should one open an app in hugin? Or is it an error message when you 
try to?

"> > > Click to create or edit control points here.
>>  (Does here refer to click or to create/edit? [Hier klicken, um
>>  .../ Klicken um hier ... ?]
> This is the 'identify' mode in the new fast preview.  Clicking on 
> the overlap between two photos will open those two photos in the 
> Control Points tab.
I think the string should be changed to "Click here to create ..." 
because cps are not edited "here"=in the preview.

"Specify project source file(s)"
Does it mean anything different from "Specify project file(s)"?

Something like "completed the job"?

What about the letters prefixed with a "&" to make them keyboard 
shortcuts: Do I have to use the same letter in the translation because 
it is coded somewhere else or does the application react accordingly if 
I use a different letter? (Of course I would have to know which other 
letters are already in use for other commands in this situation.)

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"hugin and other free panoramic software" group.
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[hugin-ptx] Makefile test target. Implementation and question.

2009-03-01 Thread Lukáš Jirkovský
I've tried to implement test target for hugin makefile, which then can
be used for testing of existence of tools but I've stuck when target
test: isn't present in generated makefile. Does anyone have idea what
can cause this?
Anyway, I'm not sure if using define is good for setting device for
redirecting output (see macro NULL_DEVICE).

I've divided it into two patches, test_target.diff is the one which
should add test: to makefile (but it doesn't). add_test_target.diff
adds building test before stitching.

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Index: src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefileExport.cpp
--- src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefileExport.cpp	(revision 3693)
+++ src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefileExport.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@
+#ifdef __unix__
+ #define NULL_DEVICE /dev/null
+#else // WINDOWS
+ #define NULL_DEVICE nul
 namespace HuginBase {
 using namespace std;
@@ -258,7 +264,7 @@
 o << "--compression " << opts.quality;
 o << endl;
 if (opts.outputImageType == "tif" && opts.outputImageTypeHDRCompression.size() != 0) {
 o << "--compression " << opts.outputImageTypeHDRCompression;
@@ -720,6 +726,38 @@
 << "\t-$(RM) $(TEMP_FILES_SHELL)" << endl
 << endl;
+// test rule
+o << "test: " << endl;
+// test remapper
+switch(opts.remapper) {
+case PanoramaOptions::NONA:
+o << "\...@$(NONA) --help > " << NULL_DEVICE << " 2>&1 && echo '[OK] nona runs'" << endl;
+case PanoramaOptions::PTMENDER:
+// test blender
+switch(opts.blendMode) {
+case PanoramaOptions::ENBLEND_BLEND:
+o << "\...@$(ENBLEND) --help > " << NULL_DEVICE << " 2>&1 && echo '[OK] enblend runs'" << endl;
+case PanoramaOptions::PTBLENDER_BLEND:
+o << "\...@$(PTBLENDER) -h > " << NULL_DEVICE << " 2>&1 && echo '[OK] PTblender runs'" << endl;
+case PanoramaOptions::SMARTBLEND_BLEND:
+o << "\...@$(SMARTBLEND) > " << NULL_DEVICE << " 2>&1 && echo '[OK] smartblend runs'" << endl;
+// test enfuse
+o << "\...@$(ENFUSE) --help > " << NULL_DEVICE << " 2>&1 && echo '[OK] enfuse runs'" << endl;
+// test hugin_hdrmerge
+o << "\...@$(HDRMERGE) --help > " << NULL_DEVICE << " 2>&1 && echo '[OK] hugin_hdrmerge runs'" << endl;
+// test exiftool
+o << "\...@$(EXIFTOOL) --help > " << NULL_DEVICE << " 2>&1 && echo '[OK] exiftool runs'" << endl;
+// test rm
+o << "\...@$(RM) --help > " << NULL_DEVICE << " 2>&1 && echo '[OK] rm runs'" << endl
+  << endl;
 // ==
 // output rules for all targets.
 // remapped LDR images for exposure stacks.
Index: src/hugin1/base_wx/RunStitchPanel.cpp
--- src/hugin1/base_wx/RunStitchPanel.cpp	(revision 3693)
+++ src/hugin1/base_wx/RunStitchPanel.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
 DEBUG_DEBUG("Overwrite existing images!");
-wxString args = wxT("-f ") + wxQuoteString(m_currentMakefn) + wxT(" all clean");
+wxString args = wxT("-f ") + wxQuoteString(m_currentMakefn) + wxT(" test all clean");
 wxString caption = wxString::Format(_("Stitching %s"), scriptFile.c_str());

[hugin-ptx] Re: PTBatcher and PTBatcherGUI in SVN

2009-03-01 Thread Lukáš Jirkovský

2009/3/1 Bruno Postle :
> On Sun 01-Mar-2009 at 07:58 +0100, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>>2009/3/1 Ippei UKAI :
>>> Lately, I'm wondering why PTBatcher and PTBatcherGUI are not in the /
>>> hugin/src/hugin1 directory.
>>> Should they be moved before the release?
>>I think it would be reasonable to move only PTBatcherGUI. And the best
>>would be to make PTBatcher (the comandline tool) not dependent on
> Yes it should be moved, but it isn't clear why PTBatcher has a
> wxwidgets dependency.
> --
> Bruno

There are lots of code which uses it for eg. writing files, wxString
is used there a lot (this one should be fairly easy to convert it to
std::string). I'll try to remove this dependency later if it would be
possible (I'm not sure difficult would be for example getting user
config directory without use of wxWidgets).

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Enfuse expert parameter EdgeScale doesn't work?

2009-03-01 Thread Harry van der Wolf
The patch works on OSX. --EdgeScale=0.3:3.0:2.5 can be used.

However the , can't still be used in something like --EdgeScale=0,3:3,0:2,5.
An error is returned: "enfuse: could not decode edge scale specification
"0,3" for EdgeScale."
As such this is OK. All documentation clearly specifies the use of 0.3
instead of 0,3.

The patch is again attached as file to this mail to make sure that it
doesn't "disappear".


2009/3/1 Bruno Postle 

> On Sun 01-Mar-2009 at 01:00 -0800, cspiel wrote:
> >
> >I have attached a patch that
> >(i)  drops the comma from the list of option delimiters making it a
> > viable radix point again and that
> >(ii) explicitely clears the error indicator before converting a string
> > into a number.  HTH.
> The ptx list is very busy at the moment, could you also post this to
> the enblend tracker or send it directly to Andrew so it doesn't get
> missed?
> --
> Bruno
> >

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Description: Binary data

[hugin-ptx] Re: [Win32] hugin- for download

2009-03-01 Thread Guido Kohlmeyer

Sorry for the second mail.
Google was very slow to deliver the mails and I though they were sorted 
out due to the exe link, or they were lost.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Enfuse expert parameter EdgeScale doesn't work?

2009-03-01 Thread Bruno Postle

On Sun 01-Mar-2009 at 01:00 -0800, cspiel wrote:
>I have attached a patch that
>(i)  drops the comma from the list of option delimiters making it a
> viable radix point again and that
>(ii) explicitely clears the error indicator before converting a string
> into a number.  HTH.

The ptx list is very busy at the moment, could you also post this to 
the enblend tracker or send it directly to Andrew so it doesn't get 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: PTBatcher and PTBatcherGUI in SVN

2009-03-01 Thread Bruno Postle

On Sun 01-Mar-2009 at 07:58 +0100, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
>2009/3/1 Ippei UKAI :
>> Lately, I'm wondering why PTBatcher and PTBatcherGUI are not in the /
>> hugin/src/hugin1 directory.

>> Should they be moved before the release?
>I think it would be reasonable to move only PTBatcherGUI. And the best
>would be to make PTBatcher (the comandline tool) not dependent on

Yes it should be moved, but it isn't clear why PTBatcher has a 
wxwidgets dependency.


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[hugin-ptx] [Win32] hugin- for download

2009-03-01 Thread Guido Kohlmeyer

For testing a current development build of Hugin can be found on

The file is a self-extracting archive, no installer (see below)!

Revision information

Hugin  : SVN 3690
Enblend/Enfuse : 3.2 (precompiled)
Autopano-sift-C: SVN 3677 (similar to version 2.5.0)


The archive contains the Hugin build directory INSTALL/FILES

How to install

1) Simply execute hugin-
2) Enter a destination path in dialog and click Extract
3) Execute hugin.exe in bin directory


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"hugin and other free panoramic software" group.
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx

[hugin-ptx] [Win32] hugin- for download

2009-03-01 Thread Guido Kohlmeyer

For testing a current development build of Hugin can be found on

The file is a self-extracting archive, no installer (see below)!

Revision information

Hugin  : SVN 3690
Enblend/Enfuse : 3.2 (precompiled)
Autopano-sift-C: SVN 3677 (similar to version 2.5.0)


The archive contains the Hugin build directory INSTALL/FILES

How to install

1) Simply execute hugin-
2) Enter a destination path in dialog and click Extract
3) Execute hugin.exe in bin directory


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"hugin and other free panoramic software" group.
A list of frequently asked questions is available at: 
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx

[hugin-ptx] Re: Enfuse expert parameter EdgeScale doesn't work?

2009-03-01 Thread Harry van der Wolf
Hi Chris,

Thanks for your patch. Could you add it to a mail as a separate file. This
included patch doesn't work when copied back into a file as the mailing
programs modified it.


2009/3/1 cspiel 

> Harry -
>File "enfuse.cc" defines OPTION_DELIMITERS to be ",;:/", so
> the comma ends up as a number _separator_.  Therefore, it cannot be
> used as a radix point inside a number anymore.  This explains why
> --EdgeScale=0,3:3,0:2,5
> causes you problems.  However, it has nothing to do with the problem
> when parsing
> Here, the error message
>enfuse: illegal numeric format "..." for EdgeScale
> tells us that the conversion function strtod(3) could not convert the
> string into a floating-point number.
> I have attached a patch that
> (i)  drops the comma from the list of option delimiters making it a
> viable radix point again and that
> (ii) explicitely clears the error indicator before converting a string
> into a number.  HTH.
> Please holler if the problems persist.
> Cheers,
> diff -r c48aaa8e667a src/enfuse.cc
> --- a/src/enfuse.cc Sun Mar 01 08:11:44 2009 +0100
> +++ b/src/enfuse.cc Sun Mar 01 08:37:19 2009 +0100
> @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
>  #include 
>  #include 
> -#define OPTION_DELIMITERS ",;:/"
> +#define OPTION_DELIMITERS ";:/"
>  struct AlternativePercentage {
> double value;
> @@ -421,6 +421,7 @@
> switch (option_index) {
> case MinCurvatureId: {
> char *tail;
> +errno = 0;
> MinCurvature.value = strtod(optarg, &tail);
> if (errno == 0) {
> if (*tail == 0) {
> @@ -452,6 +453,7 @@
>  << "EdgeScale is required." << endl;
> exit(1);
> }
> +errno = 0;
> FilterConfig.edgeScale = strtod(token, &tail);
> if (errno == 0) {
> if (*tail != 0) {
> @@ -467,6 +469,7 @@
> token = strtoken_r(NULL, OPTION_DELIMITERS,
> &save_ptr);
> if (token != NULL && *token != 0) {
> +errno = 0;
> FilterConfig.lceScale = strtod(token, &tail);
> if (errno == 0) {
> if (strcmp(tail, "%") == 0) {
> @@ -485,6 +488,7 @@
> token = strtoken_r(NULL, OPTION_DELIMITERS,
> &save_ptr);
> if (token != NULL && *token != 0) {
> +errno = 0;
> FilterConfig.lceFactor = strtod(token, &tail);
> if (errno == 0) {
> if (strcmp(tail, "%") == 0) {
> @@ -522,6 +526,7 @@
>  << "LowerCutOff is required." << endl;
> exit(1);
> }
> +errno = 0;
> EntropyLowerCutoff.value = strtod(token, &tail);
> if (errno == 0) {
> if (*tail == 0) {
> @@ -541,6 +546,7 @@
> token = strtoken_r(NULL, OPTION_DELIMITERS,
> &save_ptr);
> if (token != NULL && *token != 0) {
> +errno = 0;
> EntropyUpperCutoff.value = strtod(token, &tail);
> if (errno == 0) {
> if (*tail == 0) {
> @@ -614,6 +620,7 @@
> }
> char *lastChar = NULL;
> +errno = 0;
> double value = strtod(optarg, &lastChar);
> if ((lastChar == optarg || value < 0.0 || value > 1.0) &&
> (option_index == WeightExposureId || option_index ==
> WeightContrastId ||
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"hugin and other free panoramic software" group.
A list of frequently asked questions is available at: 
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx

[hugin-ptx] Re: Enfuse expert parameter EdgeScale doesn't work?

2009-03-01 Thread cspiel

Harry -

File "enfuse.cc" defines OPTION_DELIMITERS to be ",;:/", so
the comma ends up as a number _separator_.  Therefore, it cannot be
used as a radix point inside a number anymore.  This explains why
causes you problems.  However, it has nothing to do with the problem
when parsing
Here, the error message
enfuse: illegal numeric format "..." for EdgeScale
tells us that the conversion function strtod(3) could not convert the
string into a floating-point number.

I have attached a patch that
(i)  drops the comma from the list of option delimiters making it a
 viable radix point again and that
(ii) explicitely clears the error indicator before converting a string
 into a number.  HTH.

Please holler if the problems persist.


diff -r c48aaa8e667a src/enfuse.cc
--- a/src/enfuse.cc Sun Mar 01 08:11:44 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/enfuse.cc Sun Mar 01 08:37:19 2009 +0100
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@

-#define OPTION_DELIMITERS ",;:/"
+#define OPTION_DELIMITERS ";:/"

 struct AlternativePercentage {
 double value;
@@ -421,6 +421,7 @@
 switch (option_index) {
 case MinCurvatureId: {
 char *tail;
+errno = 0;
 MinCurvature.value = strtod(optarg, &tail);
 if (errno == 0) {
 if (*tail == 0) {
@@ -452,6 +453,7 @@
  << "EdgeScale is required." << endl;
+errno = 0;
 FilterConfig.edgeScale = strtod(token, &tail);
 if (errno == 0) {
 if (*tail != 0) {
@@ -467,6 +469,7 @@

 token = strtoken_r(NULL, OPTION_DELIMITERS,
 if (token != NULL && *token != 0) {
+errno = 0;
 FilterConfig.lceScale = strtod(token, &tail);
 if (errno == 0) {
 if (strcmp(tail, "%") == 0) {
@@ -485,6 +488,7 @@

 token = strtoken_r(NULL, OPTION_DELIMITERS,
 if (token != NULL && *token != 0) {
+errno = 0;
 FilterConfig.lceFactor = strtod(token, &tail);
 if (errno == 0) {
 if (strcmp(tail, "%") == 0) {
@@ -522,6 +526,7 @@
  << "LowerCutOff is required." << endl;
+errno = 0;
 EntropyLowerCutoff.value = strtod(token, &tail);
 if (errno == 0) {
 if (*tail == 0) {
@@ -541,6 +546,7 @@

 token = strtoken_r(NULL, OPTION_DELIMITERS,
 if (token != NULL && *token != 0) {
+errno = 0;
 EntropyUpperCutoff.value = strtod(token, &tail);
 if (errno == 0) {
 if (*tail == 0) {
@@ -614,6 +620,7 @@

 char *lastChar = NULL;
+errno = 0;
 double value = strtod(optarg, &lastChar);
 if ((lastChar == optarg || value < 0.0 || value > 1.0) &&
 (option_index == WeightExposureId || option_index ==
WeightContrastId ||

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