[hugin-ptx] Re: Enblend won't blend my panoramas (was: Enblend oddity)

2019-05-28 Thread zarl

Am Sonntag, 26. Mai 2019 16:20:43 UTC+2 schrieb Roberto ornelas orozco:
> Try using enblend 3.2 instead of 4. You can download ir from their page un 
> sourceforge

The current enblend version 4.2 that ships with Hugin 2019.0.0 actually 
works. No need to use old versions. Just check Hugin's preferences for the 
default enblend arguments (used for new projects), they changed from 
version 3.2 to 4.x and need to be adapted if you still use old settings. If 
you work with old .pto files you might want to check the enblend arguments 
for this project. 

The documentation is available from 
http://enblend.sourceforge.net/index.htm or directly here: 

Some notes:

- Basic enblend arguments for Hugin

In Hugin you can add commandline arguments either by entering directly to 
the 'options' dialog for your current project or as a default for new 
projects in the Preferences. If it works for you without options just leave 
this line empty.

- There are basically to points to look up in the documentation when 

  - enblend's output shows artefacts or you'd like to improve the way the 
seam is generated -> current enblend features
  - enblend fails to run on the complete set of your images -> problem 

Since enblend is a work in progress each version can show certain changes 
in how it processes your images with certain arguments. That's why you need 
to first of all determine the enblend version your current installation of 
Hugin is using:

- stitch a simple panorama (to save some time you can deactivate all but 
two overlapping images in the preview window) and keep an eye on the 
stitching log. Search the first dozen lines for a line starting with 

- If that log closes too fast make sure (that in Hugin Preferences the 
'Stitching' tab uses (in the third paragraph 'Processor') PTBatcherGUI with 
option 'Verbose Output' activated). Now while stitching your panorama 
switch to PTBatcherGUI and make sure that both options 'Verbose output' 
(shows a separate window describing step by step what's happening while 
PTBatcherGUI processes your project file) and 'Always save log' are 
activated. The latter saves a .log file in the same directory as your .pto 
project file. The .log file can be opened in a basic text editor like 
Notepad++ (Windows) or BBEdit (OS X). The verbosity level can be increased 
in Hugin's Preferences and for enblend in the stitching tab (add '-v' once 
or even up to 6 times to make it a real chatter box)

Here are the current enblend arguments I use:
--preassemble --primary-seam-generator=nft --blend-colorspace=identity

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[hugin-ptx] Re: GoPro Fusion image stitching

2019-05-20 Thread zarl
That looks like a "circular fisheye". Use that as the lens type. If you 
need to provide an estimate for the focal length start with 8 (mm). The 
assistant / optimiser can change that later for you.
Next, switch to Masks tab (available when you select advanced user 
interface) and in this tab move from "masks" to the "crop" area where you 
can fine tune the image circle (try to deselect "always center crop" and 
then move the circle. You can also alter the circle's diameter.

Your nadir shot: it looks like most of the photos where shot using a 
panoramic tripod head and the nadir shot was done handheld. In the list of 
images right click on that image and choose "new lens" from the context 
menu. I recommend masking walls etc. so that only a broader circle of the 
pavement remains.

Now try your assistant...


Am Montag, 20. Mai 2019 01:36:19 UTC+2 schrieb Michael Karmazin:
> Hi T.Modes, thanks for the quick reply!
> The samples are attached. These are the files written to the SD cards of 
> the camera.
> Thanks!
> Michael.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin 2019.0 beta 2 released

2019-02-26 Thread zarl
Hi Niklas,

thanks for the build! Can you please also post checksums for  the new beta?



Just as an info for those who wonder what to do with a checksum like the 
"md5" and "sha1" values below... those are used to verify that your 
download actually contains the file that was uploaded by the developer, 
i.e. without extra "features" added by someone who got access to the file 
Example for Mac users: open the application Terminal and for a sha1 
checksum type this line...

 openssl sha1

... then add a blank (space) and from the finder drag the downloaded 
(*.dmg) file into the terminal window (which adds the correct path to the 
file you want to verify). Now hit your Enter or Return key on the keyboard 
and compare the newly processed checksum with the one provided by the 
friendly developer.

Am Samstag, 23. Februar 2019 13:01:05 UTC+1 schrieb Niklas Mischkulnig:
> Build for macOS 10.9+: 
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/hugin/hugin-2019.0/Hugin-2019.0.0.beta2.dmg/download
> Am Sonntag, 10. Februar 2019 11:21:00 UTC+1 schrieb T. Modes:
>> Hi all,
>> today we are releasing a beta 2 of Hugin 2019.0. 
>> Source tarball can be downloaded
>> at sourceforge: 
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/hugin/hugin-2019.0/hugin-2019.0beta2.tar.bz/download
>> or at launchpad: 
>> https://launchpad.net/hugin/2019.0/2019.0beta2/+download/hugin-2019.0beta2.tar.bz
>> Verify its checksums:
>> md5: 0514d6a0eda7b8b182659407f1db58cf  hugin-2019.0beta2.tar.bz
>> sha1: 3e54b166a6cdfb45e667cc2c8e23795375e6df72  hugin-2019.0beta2.tar.bz
>> This is a source code release. 
>> Users communities produce executables for their respective platforms. 
>> Please announce them here.
>> (The beta 2 correspond to changeset 75168618c648 in our repository, which 
>> is also tagged as 2019.0beta2).
>> Changes since 2019.0 beta 1
>> * Integrated raw import into add images dialog.
>> * Moved raw converter settings into preferences.
>> * Updated translations and help pages.
>> * New parameter for user defined assistant.
>> * Fixes running geocpset from inside Hugin.
>> * Unified handling of feathered alpha channel.
>> * Fixed installing of lcms2.dll in Windows installer.
>> Some changes resulted in changed string. This was needed to improve the 
>> behaviour of the new raw import feature.
>> So some translation files needs also an update.
>> Changes since 2018.0
>> * Added raw import: It converts the RAW images to TIFF using a raw 
>> converter.
>>   This can be done by dcraw (requires additional exiftool), RawTherapee or
>>   darktable. These programs needs to be installed externally.
>> * Fixes for align_image_stack with EXR images.
>> * Added option for range compression. Can be helpful for LDR panoramas to 
>>   brighten the shadows before merging, because at this stage the blender 
>> has 
>>   some more information which can be helpful.
>> * New hotkeys for mask editor (change zoom level with 0, 1 and 2).
>> * Expression parser (pto_var and "manipulate image variables" in GUI) can 
>> now read also
>>   all image variables.
>> * line_find: Ignore lines with low distance to each other to get better 
>> coverage.
>> * pano_modify: Added new switch --projection-parameter to set projection 
>> parameters.
>> * Store program settings according to XDG base dir specification (Linux 
>> only, needs to 
>>   compile with wxWidgets 3.1.1 or later).
>> Upgrading from previous versions of Hugin should be seamless. If you do 
>> have problems with old settings, these can be reset in the Preferences 
>> window by clicking 'Load defaults'.
>> This is also a call for translators. Please update your translation 
>> files. Some new strings (since 2018.0, but also since 2019.0 beta 1) have 
>> been added. Sorry for the inconvenience.
>> Please test and report bug/issues to mailing list or bug tracker 
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/hugin

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Re: [hugin-ptx] Could not decode image error in 2019.0 beta 1

2019-02-06 Thread zarl
The subject suggests that this is a new behaviour in the latest version, so 
did you try that earlier and what happend with earlier versions of hugin?

>From what you write I get the feeling that you want to merge projects, or 
what do you try to do? 


A .pto is a project file and thus not digested via an "add image(s)" 
command. Try opening a .doc (containing image names) in Photoshop...

On Monday, February 4, 2019 at 7:27:47 PM UTC+1, Abrimaal wrote:
> PTO files contain names and paths of images. This is all what is needed to 
> open images.
> With one click multiple images can be opened to:
> correct a panorama
> add images to these already open, to create a new panorama.
> File paths and names are everything what is needed to merge images+pto or 
> pto+pto+pto...
> The rest of .pto file, projection, exposure data may be discarded.
> On Monday, February 4, 2019 at 4:14:08 PM UTC+1, Luís Henrique Camargo 
> Quiroz wrote:
>>   By the message I understand that Hugin is trying to open an image file 
>> named 20180317_1735_c26-3s.pto  
>>   Please check if the project file is not included as image. The 
>> extension, ".pto", does not correspond to an image file ;)

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Adding new lenses to the lensfun database and implementing other users requests

2018-06-12 Thread zarl
Hi Robert,

hugin doesn't use lensfun for some time, see the changes section in 

First of all, did you try to contact Torsten Bronger? I think contact 
information should be available here: http://wilson.bronger.org/calibration

You mentioned a user request repositor. Did you try the "bug reports" link 
on http://lensfun.sourceforge.net/ ? 

Also I think darktable.org  uses lensfun so 
maybe you can contact darktable's user and developer community.

I hope that helps,

Am Freitag, 8. Juni 2018 17:17:30 UTC+2 schrieb Robert Lounsberry:
> This seems to be the only Google group where lensfun is discussed.. If not 
> please point me to the right place. 
> I have submitted several corrections and would like to get access to the 
> user request repository so I can work on corrections for the submitted RAW 
> images. 
> How do I go about getting my stuff in the development versions even if I 
> have to do it myself? And how can I gain access to the submitted RAW files 
> so I can work on some distortions in my spare time?

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[hugin-ptx] Re: part of a panorama is filled by a solid color

2018-05-16 Thread zarl
Hi Alexander,

as Thomas already said we need more details. If you use enblend for 
blending your images I am also interested in the command line arguments you 
provided. Can you share the .pto file with us?

Also did you add more images to the project than needed, e.g. are images 
overlapping almost completely? If that´s the case please try to deactivate 
redundant images (using the Fast Preview Window). 

Does it work better if you change the order of images (in the Photos tab) 
so that the image in the affected part of your panorama is used earlier in 
the blending process?


Am Sonntag, 13. Mai 2018 17:57:53 UTC+2 schrieb Alexander Rabtchevich:

> When I try to make one panorama from 8 tiffs (4500x3008 pixels each), 
> larger part of the resulting image is filled with the blue or yellow 
> color. Images are not overexposed, each of them have excluding mask (but 
> one having including one.) The masks have enough required corresponding 
> space in other images. The result is bad both with and without GPU. 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin, mac osx el capitan and photos

2016-10-10 Thread zarl
Hi Peter,

Am Dienstag, 20. September 2016 08:04:24 UTC+2 schrieb Peter Johnston:
> Hello,
> I am having trouble with hugin-2016.2.0 on my mac running el capitan and 
> using mac's "photos" software. When I double click the Hugin icon the 
> window in the attached screenshot appears. The xml file mentioned in the 
> window contains the following information:
> (...)
> Is there something else that I could provide that might help?
> I think this is great software when I have used it previously. I have a 
> new mac running the latest operating system (OSX 10.11.6). Have I set up 
> something incorrectly at some point?

I don't see a connection to the usage of Photos.app, why do you mention 
that? Hugin 2016.2.0 starts without problems on my OS X 10.11.6, i.e. I 
work from a standard user account (no admin rights) and my version of Hugin 
is in the Applications folder.

If this is a reoccuring issue on your computer try with a freshly restarted 
system (no other apps running), and prior to starting hugin open the folder 
/Users//Library/Preferences/ and delete the preferences file 
("hugin Preferences").

Does that work for you?


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Re: [hugin-ptx] Hugin fails to start

2015-11-04 Thread zarl
There is no OS X build for Hugin 2015.0.0 yet. If you want to download 
2013.0.0 again just download it from the directory of that version:


Am Mittwoch, 4. November 2015 09:01:17 UTC+1 schrieb Tom:
> Thank you Stefan 
> > Please let us know 
> > 
> > * under which operating system you have encountered this 
> I have Snow Leopard (MacOS 10.6.80 installed. 
> > * where did you get your hugin version from 
> http://hugin.sourceforge.net/download/ 
> > * if you have upgraded recently from an older Hugin version and, 
> >  if yes, from which version. 
> Sorry but I'm not sure. It may have been version 2013.0.0 which worked 
> wonderfully. I probably tried to download 2015.0.0 when it came out but was 
> only able to download 2014.0.0 most likely due to OS limitations. Is there 
> a way to reinstall 2013.0.0?

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin 2014.0beta1 released

2014-02-03 Thread zarl
Hi Thomas,

that helped a lot and my translation is almost finished now. Thanks for the 

Do you also know where this string is used?
Output exposure layer %ld


Am Sonntag, 2. Februar 2014 10:02:32 UTC+1 schrieb T. Modes:

 Hi Carl,

 Am Samstag, 1. Februar 2014 22:20:33 UTC+1 schrieb zarl:

 de.po is in the works now...

 I struggle with this one: Translation remap plane yaw
 I'm pretty sure this is a hover text to describe a column for a 
 parameter. Can someone please try to rephrase that in a less Yoda style 

 This is the yaw of the plane for translation remapping. But I think, this 
 does not help you further.
 See http://wiki.panotools.org/Stitching_a_photo-mosaic for a more 
 detailed description of the translation parameters.

 I also have no idea where I can find Project save: in the GUI. Where is 
 it used?

 Preferences, tab General.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin 2014.0beta1 released

2014-02-01 Thread zarl
de.po is in the works now...

I struggle with this one: Translation remap plane yaw
I'm pretty sure this is a hover text to describe a column for a parameter. 
Can someone please try to rephrase that in a less Yoda style sentence?

I also have no idea where I can find Project save: in the GUI. Where is 
it used?


Am Samstag, 25. Januar 2014 14:10:12 UTC+1 schrieb T. Modes:

 This is just a reminder:

 Am Dienstag, 31. Dezember 2013 19:34:06 UTC+1 schrieb Harry van der Wolf:
 The translations still need updates.

 There are some languages which needs an update for only some strings:
 de.po: 1361 translated messages, 23 fuzzy translations, 15 untranslated 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Crash on image load Windows 7 64 bit

2013-12-03 Thread zarl
I'm not familiar with Window but I think I remember that sometimes graphic 
card driver issues can cause problems:

Do you load images per drag and drop or do you use the load images 
button? Does that make a difference?

Did you try to trash the prefs file?

Can you make some of your image files available so people can test on their 

BTW which version of Hugin do you use? 2013.0.0?


Am Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013 08:55:33 UTC+1 schrieb mrf:

 Is anybody willing to help with this, please? Is there another forum to 
 raise this issue?

 Thank you

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin 2013.0.0 released

2013-11-18 Thread zarl
Hi Matthieu,

sorry that it took me so long to stumble over an issue with the release for 
OS X... In the last weeks I had used both the 3013.0.0-rc as well as the 
old 2012.0 version.

The current default download for OS X will (at least on my Mac) always 
start using the english version while both other versions I mentioned start 
in my system's default language (DE). Is it possible that the de.pto is 
missing in the current build? Are other language versions affected as well?


Am Freitag, 1. November 2013 23:49:40 UTC+1 schrieb ___matthieu___:


 Sorry for the last post, but MacOSX binaries are now available here :


 They have been tested to run on MacOSX 10.6, 10.8 and 10.9; they are 
 64bit-only binaries.
 Python scripting is available.



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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin 2012.0.0 released

2012-11-12 Thread zarl
First of all thanks to everybody for their energy!

I just started the German version of the 2012.0.0 release notes and noticed 
a minor glitch: 
the title tag of http://hugin.sourceforge.net/releases/2012.0.0/en.shtml 
incorrectly says Hugin-2011.4.0 release notes.


On Monday, November 5, 2012 9:44:35 PM UTC+1, Harry van der Wolf wrote:

 Hugin-2012.0 RELEASE NOTES

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Translators requested for Hugin 2012.0 release

2012-08-07 Thread zarl
I'm just working on the last few strings (using the new changeset) and
stumbled over Removes all control points, which are in masks. Do we
need a comma here, and (technically) I hope this doesn't remove points
from include masks... (does it?)

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Attitude in EXIF?

2012-04-06 Thread zarl

what about this one:
This one seems to have a 0.01 degree resolution for roll, pitch and


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Exposure Stack Troubles

2012-04-06 Thread zarl
Hi Calvin,

On Apr 6, 7:52 am, Calvin McDonald c...@ckmcdonald.com wrote:
 My apologies John and Carl.  With both of you telling me it should work I
 decided to try again - even though I was convinced I did as you directed
 and it didn't work.  I tried again, and it worked beautifully.


 Now that the blending anomaly is gone my interest has move to the shade of
 blue it selected for the sky.  It picked a paler shade of blue that I would
 like.  Is there a way to direct it to pick a darker exposure?

Maybe something went wrong with computing exposure values etc., so try
to reset Exposure, Colour, Vignetting and Camera Curve via the images
tab - reset button. A description for these values is in http://

In the Fast Preview window you can modify EV and use the grey value
See http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_Fast_Preview_window


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[hugin-ptx] Re: bad allocation error

2011-10-15 Thread zarl
Hi Harry, I hope you monitor this thread...

That's quite interesting... the Hugin builds for OS X use an installer
only for some short time, before that users were able to just drag the
application from a dmg image to wherever one wished (or was able) to
drop Hugin. The latter could have been the user's desktop or his/her
own applications directory (in /Users/user/Applications/) whereas an
installer favours /Applications/ and asks the user for an admin pw.

Apart from the problem Roy runs into there is also one other feature
that I think of: it's a lot easier to test the behaviour of different
versions when I'm able to set up different folders with several
versions of hugin.

Is there an important reason why an installer is to be preferred? And
would it make sense to return to the former behaviour?


On 14 Okt., 21:30, Roy Wiggins roy...@gmail.com wrote:
 I would run it under OSX, but it asks for admin privs to install Hugin
 there, which I don't have- it's a school lab machine. [...]

 On Oct 14, David Haberthür david.haberth...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Oct 13, Roy Wiggins roy...@gmail.com wrote:
   I'm running the latest Hugin on Windows 7, on a 2011 iMac.

  Really, Windows on an iMac?
  I suggest you use the newest hugin version fromhttp://hugin.sf.net
  Download on OS X. If you really are running it on Windows on an iMac I
  suppose there's a problem with memory management of your virtual
  machine or of Boot Camp...

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin 2011.2.0 release notes

2011-07-22 Thread zarl
The last paragraph in the Download section should end with a '/p'.

On Jul 22, 1:18 pm, Carl von Einem c...@einem.net wrote:
 I just found a small typo in the release notes...

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin 2011.2.0 release notes

2011-07-22 Thread zarl
Sorry, I have another question regarding the release notes...

I find three different names for the same tool:
- http://hugin.sourceforge.net/releases/2011.2.0/en.shtml
  Lens Calibration Tool
- http://wiki.panotools.org/Calibrate_lens_gui
  Calibrate lens gui
- http://panorama.dyndns.org/index.php?

What's the official name for it?


On Jul 22, 5:22 pm, zarl c...@einem.net wrote:
 The last paragraph in the Download section should end with a '/p'.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: 20110623 hugin-mac-2011.1-5322_5c296e79fe54-build2 (NO 2011.2 beta build)

2011-07-04 Thread zarl
With the latest built I see an error message in the log:
 enblend: warning: option -m has no effect in this version of
 enblend: warning: because it was compiled without image cache
This is on Mac OS X 10.6.8 / 6-Core Intel Xeon / 64-bit / 26 GB RAM.
Seems to slow things down a bit... I can live with that at the
moment :-)

Apart from that hugin works like a charm. Thanks!


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[hugin-ptx] Re: [OSX] New 2011.0.1 bundle for tryout (Was: Try to get a workaround for OSX 10.5 stitch for 2011.0)

2011-06-07 Thread zarl

On Jun 7, 1:15 pm, AKS-Gmail-IMAP aksei...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am sorry to report seeing problems with this one with PTBatcherGUI  
 included in the dmg. I have tested it only on 10.5.8 PPC. For one, the  
 stitching status window is not verbose. So I assume this is not the  
 same PTBatcherGUI that was functioning in previous tests. Second, the  
 stitch reports as complete when it is not. In fact the resulting  
 file does not appear to exist. Third, the OS reports The application  
 nona quit unexpectedly.

I just tested again and it works for me on 10.5.8.
I see the stitching progress window with verbose messages (at least I
don't know what else it could wish telling me)
I only see an issue because I can't delete older (status File
missing) list entries in PTBatcherGUI. I tried clicking on one and
then clicking the 'minus' symbol, I also tried the Remove complete
button. So if I rename a project file on my computer PTBatcherGUI's
list view isn't able to forget about the missing file.

Did you make sure you disabled (renamed) all other versions of
PTBatcherGUI first?
Did you make sure you clicked that verbose checkbox in PTBatcherGUI?
Do you have a nona crash report (in /Users/YourAccount/Library/Logs/
Can you send the .pto file?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: [OSX] New 2011.0.1 bundle for tryout (Was: Try to get a workaround for OSX 10.5 stitch for 2011.0)

2011-06-07 Thread zarl
On Jun 7, 3:38 pm, Harry van der Wolf hvdw...@gmail.com wrote:
 2011/6/7 zarl c...@einem.net

 With regard to the missing ptos that can't be removed: I did see this as
 well. I could remove them after I closed PTBatcherGui, reopened it and
 immediate selected one of the missing ptos and start deleting them.

I added it in the wiki http://wiki.panotools.org/

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Try to get a workaround for OSX 10.5 stitch for 2011.0 (Was: stitching issue on OSX 10.5)

2011-06-04 Thread zarl
Wow, on 10.5 only the button for the batch processor appeared,

wait... 18 min for the same project on the same machine as the 10.4
system, that's weird!

Conclusion: this version works on 10.4 / 10.5 / 10.6
Thanks! :-)


On Jun 4, 11:17 pm, Carl von Einem c...@einem.net wrote:
 now stitching the same project on 10.6 on a different machine (including
 the same precautions as described for my test on 10.4):

 - both buttons ('stitch now' and 'Send to PTBatcherGUI') work nicely
 - I'm able to quit Hugin, that menu command is not dimmed
 - already finished, that new Mac is a little bit faster...
    about 3 min. on the 2x 2.66 GHz 6-core Xeon / OSX 10.6
    16 min. for the same job on a 2x 2.3 GHz G5 / OSX 10.4

 Now rebooting for the 10.5 test... stay tuned

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Try to get a workaround for OSX 10.5 stitch for 2011.0 (Was: stitching issue on OSX 10.5)

2011-06-03 Thread zarl
Sorry, Stitch Now on an existing project doesn't work... just the
progress window flashing up for a moment.


On Jun 3, 4:01 pm, Harry van der Wolf hvdw...@gmail.com wrote:

 *@OSX 10.5 Users*: I built this Hugin 2011.0.1-Beta1 version with my patch
 in it. Please do some quick test to try whether it works on 10.5. As said I
 assume the Assistant doesn't work, but the stiching should. See (2.)

 2. http://hugin.panotools.org/testing/hugin/Hugin-2011.0.1-Beta1.zip

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Try to get a workaround for OSX 10.5 stitch for 2011.0 (Was: stitching issue on OSX 10.5)

2011-06-03 Thread zarl
This was on a Mac OS X 10.5.8 on Dual 2.3 GHz G5 / 6.5 GB RAM.

Batch stitching works as expected.

On Jun 3, 5:17 pm, zarl c...@einem.net wrote:
 Sorry, Stitch Now on an existing project doesn't work... just the
 progress window flashing up for a moment.


 On Jun 3, 4:01 pm, Harry van der Wolf hvdw...@gmail.com wrote:

  *@OSX 10.5 Users*: I built this Hugin 2011.0.1-Beta1 version with my patch
  in it. Please do some quick test to try whether it works on 10.5. As said I
  assume the Assistant doesn't work, but the stiching should. See (2.)

  2. http://hugin.panotools.org/testing/hugin/Hugin-2011.0.1-Beta1.zip

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[hugin-ptx] Re: male hugin skinnable

2010-11-10 Thread zarl
This message is a test, sent via http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/


On 10 Nov., 14:09, Carl von Einem c...@einem.net wrote:
 Henk Tijdink schrieb am 10.11.10 13:35:

  Why is someone using 2 names on the forum?
  Pasajesenvenezuela and John Doe have the same e-mail adress.
  Does he likes a discussion with himself? Or a certain hidden agenda?

 Messages sent from a mail app such as Thunderbird will show the
 information from the account settings while messages sent via Google's
 web interface will show the nick name for that Google account.


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