Re: GO TO cobol

2012-04-17 Thread Jeff Holst
Without the GO TO, Grace Hopper might have been forever stuck in Japan.

Many years ago, I was at an ACM meeting where Grace Hopper was a speaker. One 
of the stories she told was of a visit to a data center in Japan. Somehow, she 
was left there without an interpretter. The folks at the data center spoke no 
English and she spoke no Japanese. Fortunately, the programmers knew COBOL. And 
while COBOL was designed so that the english commands could be easily 
translated into other languages (in most languages, the verb in a command is 
the first thing in the sentence), this is almost never done. Her solution was 
simple. She poiinted at herself, then said GO TO and the name of the hotel. 
This was enoungh so that the programmers were able to get her to the hotel.

Jeff Holst 

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Re: Grace Hopper Stories!! (was RE: Pre-Friday fun: Halon dumps and POK Resets)

2012-03-26 Thread Jeff Holst
I saw her once in the mid-70s at an ACM meeting in Bloomington, Illinois.

I recall a story she told about her first assignment at the Pentagon. She had 
an office and an assistant. But no furniture in the office and no budget. That 
did not stop her. Fortunately, her assistant was a good scrounger, and within a 
day she had her furniture, and she had not had to touch her non-existant budget 
or her own personal funds. Those nan0-second wires she would hand out were 
obtained by similar means. At the pentagon, the wiring in the phone closets was 
constantly being changed. She or her assistants would procure the scrap wiring 
that the phone guy had removed and use it for her lectures.

When she eventually reached flag rank, she selected the Jolly Roger as her 
personal flag.

Jeff Holst

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Re: User datasets wrongly catalogued under Master Catalogue

2012-03-01 Thread Jeff Holst
Somewhere stuck in the back of mymemory is a restriction that the source 
catalog for a REPRO MERGECAT cannot be the active master catalog. However, I am 
not able to find something in the documentation to back up this memory.

Maybe this is an old restriction that has since been removed; maybe I cannot 
find the doc to prove this; maybe I am just getting old.

If this is a restriction, you can always bring up the system with another 
master catalog and connect this master catalog to it and treat it as a user 

Jeff Holst 

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Location of abending program

2012-02-27 Thread Jeff Holst
I am working with IBM's Fault Analyzer product. We compile our COBOL prorgrams 
with the TEST(SEPARATE) option to produce a SYSDEBUG file. For those of you 
familar with this option, you know that the name of this file is recorded in 
the compile unit. Unfortunatly, our process for moving programs into produciton 
involves copying the SYSDEBUG file and load modules to new locations, and not a 
recompile. Thus the compile unit does not contain the new location of the 

There are several ways to overcome this. We aslo have Debug Tool, and there is 
a Debug Tool exit that can provide an alternative location. This is fairly easy 
to code, but Fault Analyzer still looks first at the location specified in the 
compile unit. The way the RACF rules are written here, production jobs do not 
have access to test libraries. While Fault Analyzer continues to function (It 
bypasses those files the job cannot access), the attempt genereates RACF errors 
which upsets the security folks.

A second way to overcome out problem is to use an IGZIUXB exit. This will, 
according to the documentation, allow one to replace the SYSDEBUG file name 
with a new one. If I am reading this correctly, if this exit changes the name 
of this file, it does not use the one stored in the compile unit.

One of the big differences  between the two exits is that in the Degug Tool 
exit, the name of the library from which the abending program is executing is 
provided via the paramater list. The IGZUIXB provides the compile unit name, 
but not the library from which it was loaded. This information is important 
because our naming standards allow us to determine the location of the SYSDEBUG 
file if we know the load library name. Does anyone know of a good way to locate 
the library name when we are in this exit? 

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Re: SHARE Attendance

2011-08-15 Thread Jeff Holst
I wonder if what I observed at another (not SHARE) conference held at the 
Dolphin a number of years ago held true. Morning sessions were generally well 
attended, but afternoon sessions not so much as a lot of participants headed 
for the parks.

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Re: OT: If you use

2011-08-12 Thread Jeff Holst
It appears that this is being addressed.

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Re: Does this apply to some of the messages here?

2011-08-04 Thread Jeff Holst
On Tue, 2 Aug 2011 16:36:54 -0500, Rick Fochtman wrote:

Too many #%$# lawyers with too much free time and too little to do.

But on the positive side (ever the optimist), perhaps it's the
beginning of an effort to demonstrate the inanity (and insanity) of far
too many knee-jerk-reaction laws enacted to protect us from various and
sundry bogeymen.
What do you call 100,000 lawyers buried chin-deep in concrete?



You are in a room with Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Ladin, and a lawyer.   You have 
a gun and two bullets. What should you do?

Shoot the lawyer. Twice.


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2011-06-27 Thread Jeff Holst
I have used the BYPASSNQ program from the CBT as a general solution to the 
issue of deleting or renaming datasets that are enqued because there are in 
use copies on another volume.

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Re: Z EOD oops

2011-06-10 Thread Jeff Holst
On Thu, 9 Jun 2011 13:46:11 -0400, Richards, Robert B. wrote:

Glenn, if we fired someone after a mistake, NONE OF US would have a job. :-)


Yes, but there is a difference between a mistake and incompetence. I once 
had to deal with an operator who called me 2-3 times a week about what to 
do in a certain situation. The procedure was well documented, but he chose 
not to read the documentation even when directed to do so. It was not that 
hard of a procedure to understand and follow.

Finally, I talked to my manager, who talked to his manager. Procedures were 
put into place that operators had to call their manager and mine before they 
called me. (If neither was available, I could be called directly.) Failure to 
do so 
could result in termination. This eliminated a lot of stupid phone calls.

Jeff Holst

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Re: Personal: bad news

2011-06-09 Thread Jeff Holst
I've had the same thing (celulitus in my left leg) and it is nothing you want 
mess around with. The first time I had it I was out of work for several months, 
most of it getting IV antibiotics at home. My wife and I learned how to hook 
up and run an IV 3 times a day. Visiting nurse came 3 times a week.

Take care and get well. 

On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 18:37:58 -0500, John McKown wrote:

I've talked with the doctor. I need acute care due to celulitis in my left
leg. That requires IV meds. The doctor thinks 3-4 weeks. Once there,I may 
able to work from home.
John McKown

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Re: Facebook for professional usage (was Re: Recent maintenance for z/XDC)

2011-05-24 Thread Jeff Holst
My employer doesn't even allow access to LinkedIn from the corporate 

Jeff Holst

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Re: Recent maintenance for z/XDC

2011-05-23 Thread Jeff Holst
Is this information also on your web site? Some of us have corporate policies 
against accessing social networking sites frmo our work computers.

Jeff Holst

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Re: How Mainframe Startup Screen Works

2011-05-11 Thread Jeff Holst
On Tue, 10 May 2011 08:23:33 -0700, Ed Gould 



You can actually logon on to *ANY* application in the world that is hooked 
up to
you network.
logon applid(cicsbombay)
Will take you to *WHERE EVER* ythe applid is running in the attached 
IT really does not have to be defimes in any USSMSG just an active APPLID 
in the
SNA network that you are attached to.


And just to further confuse things, there is an option that tells VTAM to 
expect the LOGON command in the format:
LOGON APPLID=cicsbombay

and if this is set, it will not accept the option with the applid within 

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Re: Problem with LPA=xx on IEASYSxx

2011-05-05 Thread Jeff Holst
It is my recollection that one of the CICS SVC modules needs to be in 
NUCLSTxx. Any chance that this is the one you re having a problem with?

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Re: Mixing Auth and Non-Auth Modules

2011-04-26 Thread Jeff Holst
Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but I have yet to encounter an IT auditor I 
could trust. 

At my very first job I was in a small shop running DOS on a 360/40. The 
company was scheduled for its annual outside audit. The IT auditors typically 
wanted to completely take over the machine for the days of the IT audit. It 
happened that our payroll process occurred during the period of the audit. Our 
operations manager informed the auditors that payroll processing would take 
priority over the audit if they came on those days, on any other days they 
could have the machine. Guess which days they came. We were written up 
because we did not give then dedicated use of the machine. It was noted in 
the audit report that the uncooperative data center manager had since been 
demoted. Not true. He had decided to return to graduate school and was now 
only able to work third shift, so he became an operator. This was his decision, 
and certainly not a demotion in the sense that the auditors implied. 

I think that when I was later in an MVS shop, our auditors used that same 
playbook, but I also think that they read slowly, as they seemed to find one 
new thing in the book each year.

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Re: Mixing Auth and Non-Auth Modules

2011-04-26 Thread Jeff Holst
On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:37:31 +, Ted MacNEIL 
And, management should have backed the ops manager.
I failed to mention that management did in fact back up the actions of the ops 
manager. As I mentioned, the change in assignments from ops manager to 3rd 
shift operator was NOT performance related. Because of some oddities in the 
salary structure of the organization, he may have retained the same salary. 

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Re: Recursive PERFORM in COBOL

2011-04-26 Thread Jeff Holst
I am reminded of something I encountered early in may career. The COBOL 
reference at the time (and this may still be true) stated that if the target of 
MOVE statement overlaps the source, the results are unpredicable. (my 

Back in the days of the 360, the COBOL compiler would compile a move of 
more than 256 characters into a series of MVC operations. The results of a 
series of MVC operations is well defined, and certain programmers in out shop 
had taken advantage of this to initialize arrays via an overlappping move. 
When we upgraded to a 370 and a compiler designed to run on the 370, the 
series of MVC operations was replaced by a single MVCL operation. The 
behaviour of the MVCL is also well defined, but quite different in the case of 
an overlapping move. The MVCL moves no data in this case and sets a 
condition code which was not checked by the compiled program. For all 
practical purposes, the MOVE had become a NO-OP. 

Needless to say, this had the potenetial of causing all kinds of problems. 
Fortunately, we were aware of this issue and were having to update and 
recompile everything due to  DOS to OS conversion. We were on the lookout 
as we updated the programs.

On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 07:37:18 -0500, McKown, John wrote:

I try to avoid doing things which are documented to have unpredictable 
results. You'd be amazed at the number of times that some programmer will 
complain that the system is broken when something which is documented to 
have unpredictable results has worked in the past but was now broken. I 
must then try to explain to them that getting the correct answer is covered 
by the phrase unpredictable results just as much as getting a wrong answer 
or an abend.

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Re: 0Cx abends

2011-04-11 Thread Jeff Holst
Years ago I was asked (told) to look at a S0C4 that had occurred in 
SyncSort, which I maintained in our shop. SyncSort was being invoked by a 
COBOL program. I was assured that there had been no changes to the COBOL 
program in several months', so it could not be the fault of the application 
so the programmers claiimed). On the other hand, there had been no recent 
SyncSort changes - of that I was certain.

A review of the dump made be think that some storage had been overlaid.  I 
asked to see the application program, and after some intervention by my 
manager, it was made available to me. As I examined it, I realized that the 
record size on the SD statement was shorter than the 01 record associated 
with it. The resulting buffer was too short. 

Impossible, the programmer claimed. This has been running fine for months. 
Upon further questioning, it was revealed that this sort had been added a few 
months before to handle a new input, but the new input records had been few 
until this abend occurred. We came to realize that until there were enough 
records to overflow the too short buffer, no abend would occur. 

Another systems problem revealed to be an application error.

Jeff Holst

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Re: How to find problems on code like S0C4 on programs that were made by others

2011-03-05 Thread Jeff Holst
On Fri, 4 Mar 2011 07:15:14 -0500, Veilleux, Jon L 

Look up some of Jerry Ng's presentations at SHARE ( He has an 
excellent way of explaining dump reading in easy to understand terms. 

And if you find that interesting, Jerry offers a class in Poughkipsee on z/OS 
Diagnostics that is really great, It is likely beyond what the OP needs. This 
the same class that is used to train IBM support people internally.

Jeff Holst

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2011-02-14 Thread Jeff Holst
I have confirmed with IBM that DISP=SHR in the TSO region is appropriate. 

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2011-02-11 Thread Jeff Holst
I ran into an issue recently when testing the Fault Analyzer GUI. One of its 
functions causes the Fault Analyzer GUI server to try to read a member if the 
user's ISPF profile data set. This was failing because we have this data set 
allocated as DISP=OLD in the TSO user's address space. Needless to say the 
function does not work so well when the TSO user is logged on.

I did some research and found that the ISPF documentation has plenty of 
examples showing how to set up a TSO logon proc or CLIST to allocate the 
required ISPF data sets. Some show ISPPROF with DISP=SHR, but more show 
it with DISP=OLD. I have yet to find a firm recommentation as to which way 
this should be allocated. 

I doubt that update integrety would be an issue in our environment, as  the 
userid is the HLQ for the data set, and we do not permit users to be logged on 
more than once within the same sysplex.

Is allocating this data set DISP=OLD a throwback to some earlier epic, and the 
doc (and our shop) has simply not caught up, or is there a good reason why 
we should keep this as it is?

Jeff Holst

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Re: Fault Analyzer IDITABD usermod

2010-11-20 Thread Jeff Holst
Since Fault Analyzer 7.1 has been out of support since April, I too would 
recommend that you upgrade to 10.1. I would not be confident that it would 
work with z/OS 1.11.

In the meantime, you might want to order PTF UK54662. It was the last Fault 
Analyzer 7.1 PTF issued, so it may contain a copy of IDITABD that supports 
z/OS 1.11. 

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Re: Library won't add to LNKLST00

2010-07-02 Thread Jeff Holst
You can use the LNKLST UPDATE paramaeter (or its SETPROG equivilent) to 
update the LNKLST used by active address spaces. However, there are 
warnings that this can cause errors if an address space is performing a fetch 
at the time the UPDATE takes place.

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Re: ENQ trap for dynamic allocation

2010-07-02 Thread Jeff Holst
Reading this thread, and Mark's link to the DFSMS advanced functions manual, 
it seems that it is necessary to code a program using the CAMLST macro to 
do renames of datasets that are enqueued, and that it must be executed 
access to the appropriate resource. Correct?

Would I be correct in thinking that IBM has not supplied a utility that does 

Has anyone yet coded such a program?

We have been using BYPASSNQ as part of our SYSRES clone process. The 
VOLSER of the HFS files that reside on the SYSRES is part of the name, so 
after we do a volume copy, we rename the HFS files on the new SYSRES. If 
BYPASSNQ is no longer going to work when we get off z/OS 1.9 we will need 
to change something in our process. 

Jeff Holst
Dublin, OH

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Re: Of interest to the Independent Contractors on the list

2010-05-18 Thread Jeff Holst
Getting back to the oringinal topic:

As the article notes, there is a lengthy test that the IRS has to determine if 
one is indeed an independent contractor. As someone who has seasonally 
worked as a tax preparer (and who is an IRS Enrolled Agent), I have seen a lot 
of people who have been (in my opinion) misclassified as independent 
contractors. All too often businesses will do this to avoid having to pay the 
employer portion of FICA and Medicare. I have seen lots of young people who 
have made $2000-$3000 in their first job who owe $300-$500 in self 
employment tax because they were paid on a 1099. They never understood 
that this was happening or the tax consequences of it. If they prepared their 
own tax return or did so with their parents help, they all too often did it 
(schedules C and SE are necessary), resulting in penalties. If they paid a 
preparer they discovered it was not the simple (inexpensive) return they 
thought it was.

Jeff Holst

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Re: SHARE 2214 - How to run the PDS Lab at home (somewhat off topic)

2010-03-30 Thread Jeff Holst
The presentation refers to PDS as the Swiss Army knife of utilities and notes 
that Swiss Army is a trademark of Victronix and its subsidiaries. While true, 
should be noted that it is also a trademark of Wenger and its subsidiaries! At 
one time the the Swiss government contracted with both of these companies 
to produce knives for their army, so both properly claim the right to the 
trademark.  Victronix markets the Original Swiss Army Knife and Wenger 
markets the Genuine Swiss Army Knife. 

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Re: Any tools for managing z/OS system software products inventory?

2010-03-24 Thread Jeff Holst
On Tue, 23 Mar 2010 14:03:05 +, Ted MacNEIL 

In either case there are DOCUMENTS. The documents are not retired, fired, 

But, they are lost, incomplete, or misunderstood.

We're not talikng about group of PFCSK and bunch of PCs for gaming, we're 
talking about professional team.
Mainframe specialists!

Who, unfortunately, are only human.
Sh*t happens!

People, docs, source code, contracts, libraries, etc., are lost, misplaced, or 
(in some cases) destroyed, all the time.

I have been involved in a situation where my employer purchased a company 
whose data processing was being performed by a third party, and the decision 
had been made to bring the data processsing in-house to our data center. We 
brought over whatever software they thought they needed from their previous 
processor. In some cases, they owned a license but were no longer paying 
maintenance, so no documention was available. It was never clear that all of 
the installed software was actually required. In some cases, we had good 
reason to believe that some of the software was not really needed, but we 
could never get the business unit to agree to remove it from the system, and 
to stop paying for it.

People - original installers were long gone
Docs   - unavailable
Source code - what source code?
Contracts - proves it's legal, but not that it's used.
Libraries   - proves it's there, but not that it's used.

Jeff Holst
Philadelphia, PA 

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Re: What was old is new again (water chilled)

2010-02-19 Thread Jeff Holst
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 09:52:51 -0500, Anne  Lynn Wheeler wrote:

also mentioned in the above, the science center's 360/67 machine room
cooling had large city water pipe coming in, going thru the cooling unit
and then dumping directly into city sewer system.

in the mid-70s, the city started making noises about conserving water.
the problem was that it would have required a water tower on the roof to
recycle the water ... and the building hadn't been constructed to handle
such loading (some comments from the period was that few of the large
multi-story office buildings had been built to handle such loading, also
the science center's 360/67 datacenter wasn't the only one in the
building). misc. past posts mentioning science center at 545 tech sq
(offices were on 4th flr, machine room was on the 2nd flr)

I used to work at a commercial data center (doing bank processing) that had 
a similar issue with its 370/155s. When they brought in these water cooled 
beasts, they talked to the landlord about installing cooling towers on the roof 
at their expense. However, it was found that the roof would have to be 
reengineered for the load, which would be the landlord's responsibility. 
Somehow the landlord decided it would cost him less if the data center used 
city water (at his expense) and dumped it down the drain. It was a decision 
he would come to regret.

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Re: Compuware FileAid to IBM FileManager Conversion

2010-02-16 Thread Jeff Holst
Last year we converted several Compuware products to IBM PDTOOLS 
replacements. Some brief comments:

File Manager: 
* IBM's conversion took much longer than expected. 
* Jobs which involved large files often ran longer and used more CPU (50% or 
more) using File Manager than FileAid. This was largely resolved by changing 
these jobs to use some other utility (Syncsort copy was found to outperform 
FileAid in almost all of these cases.)
* FileAid and File Manager handle truncation of VB files differently. This was 
often an issue for us.

Application Performance Analyzer: No issues of signifigance that I was aware 

Fault Analyzer: 
*We still have open PMRs because of this product. These mostly involve large 
dumps. In some cases dumps are not viewable. We have exposed issues in 
PDS/E code that can hang jobs in the midst of a dump in such a way that the 
job must be forced. 

Debug Tool:
*Our users have deemed this as all but unusable.
*We have experienced severe performance issues with large complex 
programs. Jobs that ran in 3 minutes when monitored with Expeditor run for 
over 3 hours with debug tool.
*We have experienced abends under CICS that only occur in conjunction with 
Debug Tool. 
*At no time since we started trying to use Debug Tool have we had less than 
2 open PMRs.

*This has worked pretty well for us. We had one problem where the date was 
rolling at midnight under conditions where the doc said it should not. This was 
ultimately resolved.

Jeff Holst

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Re: Issues with FDRTCOPY and TMS

2009-10-08 Thread Jeff Holst
The documentation for FDRTCOPY contains the following in its explanation of 
the EXP paramater of the copy command (the following is paraphrased and out 
of order from the manual):

EXP=JCL is the default

EXP=JCL says that any EXPDT or RETPD on the output tape will be honored. If 
these are not present on the DD statement, the expiration date will be copied 
from the input file.

So Russell's guess is on the money.

Jeff Holst

On Wed, 7 Oct 2009 20:37:41 -0500, Russell Witt 

I am guessing that FDRTCOPY is attempting to copy the expiration from the
input to the output file. If BES260 is not defined to CA-1; simply remove
EXPDT=98000 from the TAPEIN DD statement.

Russell Witt
CA 1 L2 Support Manager

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List []on
Behalf Of O'Brien, David W. (NIH/CIT) [C]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 4:31 PM
Subject: Issues with FDRTCOPY and TMS

I'm attempting to copy data from a 'foreign' tape to a virtual tape on my
The input tape is duly designated as foreign with Expdt=98000,

 My problem is TMS thinks the output tape is foreign as well.

JCL follows:
//   UNIT=FRGN3490,VOL=SER=BIS260,EXPDT=98000
//   DISP=(NEW,CATLG),VOL=(,,,255)
//SYSIN  DD   *

The system mounts a tape number known to TMS but I then get the 
TMS008  IEF233A M 0B6A,BIS260,,BISTC260,FDRTCOPY,abc.def
R 55,U

First of all my operator should not have replied U but does anyone have an
idea as to why that TMS thinks 503002 is a duplicate of a known TMS tape
when in fact it is the TMS 503002 being written to?
Of course a query against 503002 on TMS reveals a scratch tape.

Thank You,
Dave O'Brien
NIH Contractor

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Re: Best IEFACTRT (off topic)

2009-09-30 Thread Jeff Holst
Your story about the broken brancher reminded me of an event I experienced 
many years ago. 

We had installed a new CEC for a new workload we were bringing into the 
shop, and I was tasked with bringing up VM and VSE on the box. I had just 
installed maintnenance for VM and IPLed. Did not notice right away, but there 
were some things that did not come up that should have, but the kicker was 
that VSE would not IPL. Like all good sysprogs, I had a backoff for my 
maintenance, so I backed off my changes. VSE still failed, and when I looked 
more closely I found that everything that used a certain VM function failed.

Since I had backed off to a level that had worked the day before, I concluded 
that it must be hardware, so we called our 3rd party hardware support guys. 
The first reaction was yeh, right. You put on maint and it failed, so it must 
hardware. Still, they ran diagnostics and after several hours, they got a 
failure. After they looked at the results of their diagnostics, they ran some 
additional diagnostics that led them to a hard failure in the handling of 
overflow. The condition code was not being set properly when that occurred, 
and for reasons I never looked into, that was causing the VM function in 
question to fail. They replaced the board with the defective processor and I 
was off and running.  

On Tue, 29 Sep 2009 21:34:13 -0500, William H. Blair wrote:

Edward Jaffe asks:

 Which is the best IEFACTRT?

I am dying to know what you meant exactly by that question.

But I'll offer my candidate (in case this is a contest):

R1   EQU   1
R14  EQU   14
R15  EQU   15
 SRR1,R1  Write SMF termination record
 SRR15,R15JOB processing is to continue
 BRR14Return to INITiator
 BRR14(just in case the brancher's broke
* when it executes that first BR)

And, yes, at one point, I had a machine where the brancher
was broke. I had to code a Bx immediately after every Bx
in case the first Bx ended up at a certain offset in a page,
else the box ignored the Bx as if it were a NOP[R] and went
on to whatever followed, unless it was an invalid opcode,
in which case it threw an ABEND S0C4 on the Bx even if the
branch address was, in fact, good. No, the CE didn't believe
me.  Nobody believed me for a week or so until some special
CE diagnostic tape flown in by IBM from POK failed to run,
red lighting the box.

The hardware guys kept telling everyone it was a software
problem, but the IBM software guys kept saying what they
saw in the dumps was impossible, so it had to be a hardware
problem. (IBM pointing fingers at itself.) Took 2 weeks to
find it. Meanwhile, everything ran fine except _my_ code,
which had the BR that elicited the error (an IEFACTRT exit,
in fact), and the odd application here and there (which the
operators just recovered and restarted on the other machine).

I remembered the incident because a frequent complaint from
some of the less experienced application programmers working
on Assembler programs (when the PSW ended up somewhere they
didn't think it should ever have gotten to) was that the
brancher was broke. It always gave us lots of good laughs.

Well, for at least once in this world, it really was broke.


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Re: Software delivery via internet or tape

2009-08-25 Thread Jeff Holst
A couple of comments based upon what I have heard at Share.

The reason for the discontinuation of 34XX tapes is because they are no 
longer being manufactured. IBM has a stock of them, but when they are gone, 
there is no more.

Somebody mentioned using the HMC to load from a DVD. According to one of 
the IBM speakers, this is not supported for z/OS tapes.

Alledgedly, there have been improvements on the download function. Haven't 
tried it, but that was the claim.

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Re: Converting CPU Time to MIPS

2009-07-03 Thread Jeff Holst
It may not be relevant to this particular application, but it is often 
to look at the big picture. Years ago, a client I was supporting had a batch 
job that ran extremely long. Analysis revealed that most of the time was spent 
in a calculation of the penalty for early withdrawal that would be imposed if 
money was withdrawn from CD before it reached maturity. This was done so 
that the CICS application could simply display the value when a depositor 
asked for the information. It turns out that this information was being 
requested for a tiny percentage of the accounts each day, but the calculation 
was being done for every account every day.

The soution: Move the calculation to the CICS application. Yes, it caused the 
CICS application to use more CPU and run a little bit longer. However it shaved 
hours of run time and lots of CPU time from the batch job.

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Re: IPCS and multiple CICS address spaces

2009-07-01 Thread Jeff Holst
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 10:32:18 -0500, Don Moore wrote:

Is there a simple inventory command that says what parts of which address
spaces are in a system level dump dataset?

The CBF RTCT command will show you the ASID numbers for the address 
spaces in the dump (under the column heading SDAS).

Follow that up with SELECT ALL to get a quick summary of all the ASIDS in the 
system (so as to associate the ASID numbers with the address space names) 
or SELECT ASID(nn) to get the name of a specific ASID (nn is decimal or use 
x'nn'  for a hex asid number.

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Weird Formatting of posts

2009-06-25 Thread Jeff Holst
From time to time I'm reading a post on IBM-MAIN and I notice that the last 
few words on a line are repeated at the start of the next line. At first I 
thought that perhaps the particular user had in fact typed the word or words 
again, but as I saw it more frequently I decided it had to be software related 
(as opposed to a poster error). Then I noticed something else. If I navigated 
away from a post where I observed this by clicking on next or previous post 
and return to it by clicking on the browser previous page button, the duplicate 
words disappear. 

Weird, huh? I'm on IE 7. Has anyone else noticed this or have a resolution or 

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Re: IBM Debug Tool in pure batch

2009-01-01 Thread Jeff Holst
I don't have specific experience with this, but when I look at an example in 
the user manual, I noticed that there is no hyphen on the continuations. In 
fact, I found elsewhere that the commands are free form and can start in 
column 1. A command is terminated by a semicolon ';'. I suspect that if you 
simply remove the hyphen, you will not get the errors.

On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 17:41:52 -0800, Michael Bradley wrote:

I'm trying to use the IBM Debug Tool to list some data names during a Batch 
run, with the DT commands in INSPIN, and capturing the responses in 
INSPLOG.  All is well, until I attempt to continue a command onto a second 
line.  Since it's a COBOL program that's running, I start the command in 8, and 
attempt to continue the statement onto the next line by using a hyphen '-' in 
column 7 of the continuing line.

DT's response is an objection to the second line.

Does anyone have experience continuing commands onto another line in the 



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Re: TCP/IP Printing JCL

2008-12-11 Thread Jeff Holst
It has been a while since I worked with BARR, but it was my experience that 
the BARR looks to the operating system like an RJE workstation. Since you 
don't state your operating system, I am going to assume z/OS First, the BARR 
must be defined to JES. You then have the output from the job go to a DD 
SYSOUT=class with appropriate routing parameters.

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Re: IF/THEN/ELSE checking in JCL

2008-11-21 Thread Jeff Holst
An approach that has been taken in this shop is to place steps that execute a 
program named BLOWUP after each step that must achieve a specific return 
code for any of the following steps to execute. Each BLOWUP step checks the 
return code of the immediately previous step. Depending on who is doing the 
coding, either a COND on the step or An IF/THEN construct is used to do the 

Blowup is a simple program that reuslts in a user abend.

Jeff Holst
Fiserv Enterprise Technologies

On Thu, 20 Nov 2008 13:02:25 +0930, Fred Schmidt 


We have a job with lots of steps, where STEP1 must complete with RC =04
and all subsequent steps must end with RC=00 if the next step is to run.

I can see that we could test IF (RC LE 4) AND (STEPn-1.RC=0) for each
STEPn. However, that means a lot of editing to specify the stepname in
each test.

I know we could split the job into 2 separate jobs, submitting the
second job from the first if STEP1's RC was =4. The second job could
then simply specify IF RC EQ 0 on all steps. 

However, this seems like such as basic requirement, I am wondering
whether there is a less painful way of using IF THEN testing within the
one job, to achieve the required result?

Fred Schmidt
Department of Business and Employment
Data Centre Services (DCS)
Northern Territory Government, Australia

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2008-09-25 Thread Jeff Holst
That VATLST00 you listed looks suspiciously like the one you get from IBM 
with a driver system when you first installed MVS/OS/390/z/OS. I am willing to 
bet that it was never customized after that initial install.


I would like to pass a situation by everyone to get their opinon of an issue I 
am having. I have opened an issue with IBM but many heads are better than 1.
We are getting some new dasd and after the dasd is installed I am to run an 
ICKDSF REFORMAT with the REFVTOC parm against all the dasd, per the dasd 
I tested this on a test machine against a few volumes and found that my 
MVSCAT volume is mounted as STORAGE and the ICKDSF does not like this, it 
wants it mounted PRIVATE. This is the only volume mounted as STORAGE. My 
VATLST00 is as follows:
MVSCAT,1,0,3390    ,Y 
DLIB02,1,2,3390    ,Y 
DLIB03,1,2,3390    ,Y 
MVSDLB,1,2,3390    ,Y 
MVSRES,1,2,3390    ,Y 
TARG02,1,2,3390    ,Y 
TARG03,1,2,3390    ,Y 

I took over this system from someone else and do not know why this was set 
up to be mounted STORAGE. 
It looks like I could shut down the system, ipl a stand alone ICKDSF and run 
the REFORMAT but that seems like a last resort to me.
The system master catalog does reside on MVSCAT as do other data sets.
Is there a reason to have this mounted as STORAGE?
Are there system datasets that are required to be on a volume mounted 
Can I change this MVSCAT to be mounted as PRIVATE and re-ipl without 
causing issues since it has been this way for a while?
Is there a requirement to have at least one volume mounted as STORAGE in 
Thanks to everyone in advance for your help.

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Re: OT Comcast Internet Service Limitations

2008-09-02 Thread Jeff Holst
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:23:51 -0600, Howard Brazee 

On 29 Aug 2008 09:53:40 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Warren Brown) wrote:

Hey wait a minute! Customers who top 250 GB in a month twice in a six-
month timeframe could
 have service terminated for a year implies that you've done something 
wrong.  Why not charge the heavy users more maney? Is'nt that the bottom 
line of any business? MONEY

Probably because they need to upgrade their infrastructure to handle
it.They want that bandwidth for the more lucrative pay-per-view.

According information I came accross on another web site, a customer who 
goes over the limit may be charged $15 for each 10 Gigabytes that they go 
over the 250 GB. (This was ommitted from the original announcement.) The 
median Comcast user uses 2 to 3 GB, so 250 GB is extreme. Most users come 
nowhere close to the 250 GB usage. According to Comcast, a user could 
download 125 movies (about 4 a day) without going over the limit. 

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Re: SMPE Receive Out of Space Question

2008-08-18 Thread Jeff Holst
It is also possible that the OP arn out of space for rel files. In that case, 
may be necessary to specify additional volumes for these files, or to free 
space on the existing volumes.

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Re: Response time info for TPX

2008-08-13 Thread Jeff Holst
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 16:52:54 -0500, Todd Burrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We currently use a session manager called Netpass, and we are looking at
replacing it with CA-TPX.  Right now Netpass gives us response time info that
is fairly simplistic, and management uses this for some SLA comparisons.

It appears that CA-TPX does not provide the same type of response time 
and we do not really have any other type of product that will pull this.

So my question is this - is there a way to get response time info for CA-TPX
for the selected applications within native CA-TPX (I don't think so), or from
some other IBM SMF record?  We can also purchase another CA product to do
this since we have a global license with CA.  So if CA-TPX will not 
do this, and there is no SMF info that natively gives this, then is there a CA
product anyone knows of that may do this?


Todd Burrell

It has been a while since I worked with tpx, but I seem to recall that there 
was an interface that could be used by CA-MAZDAMON or NPM.

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Re: California's COBOL payroll system

2008-08-11 Thread Jeff Holst
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 07:49:05 -0600, Howard Brazee 

On 10 Aug 2008 15:33:56 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Don Leahy) wrote:

I remember when I first taught my son how to use a wrench.  I had to
explain to him the difference between clockwise and
counter-clockwise.  It was not obvious to him because of digital

At one time the words widdershins and soleil were used - BC
(before clocks).

Back when I was in college studying physics, we referred to things with twist 
or spin as having right- or left-handed spin. As one might expect, the initial 
right-handed was r, but the initial for left-handed was s, for sinister. (Look 
the origins of that word.)

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Re: IBM's financial results ?

2008-08-11 Thread Jeff Holst
On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 09:34:13 -0500, Anton Britz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Just to get all these Wandering minds on to something more productive :

How do you think IBM keeps their financial results so rosy ?

All the other vendors have annouced buy backs ex. Dell/Sun etc but IBM still
announced fantastic results.

Something smells fishy some where..

What's fishy about this? A buy back is done when (1) a company's 
management believes that their stock is underpriced (2) the company has 
excess cash or can access cheap credit (3) The company believes that the 
best use of the cash is to invest in their own stock (as opposed to 
acquisitions, RD, joint ventures, or any other posibility).

A buy back is generally not a sign that the company is in financial trouble, as 
they must have access to cash to do the buy back. Nor is a decision to do a 
buy back a sign of financial trouble, as the management may not believe their 
stock is underpriced or they may have a better use for their money.

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Re: Example of what a very small JCL Interpreter can do to your installation.

2008-07-30 Thread Jeff Holst
On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:05:15 -0500, Paul Gilmartin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Copout!  This is irresponsible language design.  If the JCL developers
had any pride of craftsmanship, they would remove all references to
unpredictable and unsupported from the language specification
by variously either:

o Specifying clearly the predictable behavior of supported constructs

o Reporting as JCL errors all remaining (unsupported) constructs.

As for the compatibility implications of reporting as errors use
of constructs that might not work in the future, better that
progammers foolishly exploiting such constructs be informed today
rather than in the future.

I quite agree. I have been in IT for a long time. (We didn't call it IT when I 
started.) My first job was on an IBM 360, coding in COBOL. I haven't looked at 
a COBOL reference manual lately, but back at that time it stated that if the 
source and target fields of a MOVE statement overlapped, the results were 
unpredictable. However, the compiler did not generate an error - it simply 
compiled any character move statement (numerics were another matter) as 
one or more MVC commands. (More than one would be needed if the move 
involved more than 256 characters.) Programmers would routinely initialize 
large arrays by initializing the first row and doing an overlapping move. 

Problem came when the 370 arrived and we upgraded to a new COBOL 
compiler. Now, a character moveof more that 256 characters were compiled 
as a MVCL. For MVCL, when source and target fields overlap, a condition code 
is set and no data movement occurs. The new COBOL did not check the 
return code, the COBOL move statement effectively became a NO-OP. No 
error statments in the COMPILE and the program would either abend when it 
later found some field uninitialized or it would produce incorrect results.

IBM's out was that they had said that the results of the overlappping MOVE 
were unpredictable, so this did not violate their compatablity statement that 
programs would be source level compatable if they were coded according to 
the language reference. As we commented at the time, the results were 
predictable (the compiler does not take random actions), but the results might 
change with future releases.

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Re: Example of what a very small JCL Interpreter can do to your installation.

2008-07-30 Thread Jeff Holst
On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:45:44 -0500, Paul Gilmartin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hmmm.  I wonder what happens when there are two (or more) overriding
DD statements referring to the same DDNAME in the PROC.  Absent any
explicit exclusion, I'd expect from the general description both (all)
to be effective, and parameters on them to be merged into the PROC DD.
But in what order?

Actually, this is covered in the reference manual, as it states that all but 
first will be processed for allocation purposes (new data sets will be 
and the DISP parameter will be honored) but only the first will actually be 
merged into the PROC DD. 

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Re: Example of what a very small JCL Interpreter can do to your installation.

2008-07-29 Thread Jeff Holst
On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 10:55:40 -0500, Paul Gilmartin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I'll sometimes disable a lot of JCL with IF.  Which is why I regret
that IF FALSE is documented as not supported and unpredictable
in behavior (although no error is reported and the construct has
(almost) the intuitive effect).

If one takes the JCL reference literally, most of the examples they give are in 
fact not supported and unpredictable. Why? The manual states;

A relational-expression consists of: 
Comparison operators 
Logical operators 
NOT (¬) operators 
Relational-expression keywords.

A value, such as 8 in the relationship-expression RC = 8 is none of these. 

I recently opened an ETR to clarify this, and was told that what they test is 
relationship-expressions of the form keyword comparison-operator value, in 
that order. Yet value is not listed as one of the allowed components of a 
relationship expression. While the documentation does not rule out such 
expressions as STEP1.RC = STEP2.RC (and it does work), I was told that this 
was not something that it is not in fact supported and might not work in the 

What prompted my ETR was that I had encontered some installation JCL from 
CA that contained a construct something like
//  SET VAR1 = 1
intervening JCL
// IF VAR1 = 1 THEN
more JCL
which works, but CA-JCLCHECK flagged this as an error. 

After some arguement with CA-JCLCHECK support, where I argued VAR1 is 
not a keyword (by the time the system evaluates the truth of the expression, 
it has been replaced by the value 1), and that the JCL Reference was clearly 
incomplete in its definition, I expressed my observations to IBM in an ETR.

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Re: Example of what a very small JCL Interpreter can do to your installation.

2008-07-28 Thread Jeff Holst
On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 17:56:35 -0500, William H. Blair 

Jeff Holst noted that an IBM SRL states:

 1. Overriding statements can appear in any order when
they explicitly specify the step that is being

This is apparently the missing documentation. However,
it is not completely technically correct, because it is
obviously not, in fact, necessary that they explicitly
specify the step that is being overridden.

Thanks for the heads-up.


If you go on to read the next paragraph it explains what happens when the 
step is not specified (it uses the step name from the last DD statement that 
did specify a step name, and if none exists the first step in the proc is 
overridden.) The paragraph that follows further clarifies things by stating 
overriding DD statements must appear in the order of the steps in the proc. 

It is misleading to take one paragraph in isolation.


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Re: Example of what a very small JCL Interpreter can do to your installation.

2008-07-24 Thread Jeff Holst
On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 02:21:29 -0500, William H. Blair 

Note that page 12-14 of the z/OS V1R9.0 MVS JCL Reference SRL
_still_ states:

 To override more than one DD statement in a procedure, place the
 overriding DD statements in the same order as the overridden DD
 statements in the procedure.

However, on page 5-4 of that same manual it says:

Place modifying OUTPUT JCL and DD statements in the following order, after 
the EXEC statement that calls the procedure: 
  For each procedure step in the invoked procedure: 
   1. Overriding statements can appear in any order when they explicitly
   specify the step that is being overridden. Added statements can appear
  in any order when they specify the step explicitly.
   2. Overriding and added statements that do not explicitly specify the step
   are applied to the step named in the previous overriding or added
  OUTPUT JCL or DD statement. If no previous override statement named a
  step, then they are applied to the first step in the procedure.
  For all procedure steps in the invoked procedure, place the modifying
  statements for each procedure step in the same order in which the 
  procedure steps are specified.

The 1.7 version of the manual reads the same. I have not looked to see how 
far back this section of the manual has read this way.

It appears to me that the change brought about in z/OS 1.8 in response to 
APAR OA05951 (which was accepted in 2004 for inclusion in a future release) 
brings the behavior of the JCL interpreter in compliance with page 5-4. IMO 
page 5-4 describes the syntax for overrides in the JCL and page 12-14 
describes the best practive for coding overrides. 

Note that APAR OA05951 gave as a local fix coding the JCL as described on 
page 12-14.

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