Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Mark Nelson
IBM Mainframe Discussion List  wrote on
07/19/2019 06:16:33 PM:
>  Who remembers how to "ripple core" on a 360/75J?   Back in the
> day, I was taught that it "wrote un-digit zeros" to all storage
> locations (main + LCS) on the box.   If course, an IPL was required
> after this was done.
>  Not sure how widely it was used.   A simple yes or no is OK if
> you cannot provide details.

Bob, in the very early 80's, I was a computer operator at Time Sharing
Resources (TSR) in Great Neck, LI.  We had two S360/75Js running APL in a
three-partition DOS environment. Prior to each IPL, we had to "clear
memory" using the console switches on the very impressive 360/75 light

The process was:

1. Load GR 0 with zeros.
2. Set the data keys with a multiple-store instruction (Op code 90,
R2 other than 0, all other positions zero).
3. Press the load A-B regs push button.
4. Turn on the enable storage ripple switch.
5. Press start.

Successive storage locations are stored with zeros. Storage wraps
around and keeps running until computer or system reset is pressed.

I'd like to say that I remembered all of this over the 37-years since I
IPLed a 360/75. That would not be true. The process is described in "Field
Engineering Manual of Instruction, 2075 Processing Unit - Volume 4" which
is on (

Five 360/75Js (running a modified version of OS/360 called RTOS)
constituted the Apollo Real Time Computing Complex. At the time that I
worked at TSR there was a rumor that the machines had been purchased from
NASA. I've never been able to confirm that rumor.

  - Mark

Mark Nelson, CISSP®, CSSLP®
z/OS Security Server (RACF) Design and Development
IBM Corporation
2455 South Road MS/P388
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

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Re: JCL disp on abend

2019-07-22 Thread Dan D

As you can see from the IEF142I the job did NOT abend but rather IDCAMS ended 
with a return code 12.


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Re: JCL disp on abend

2019-07-22 Thread Elaine Beal
//DDOUT1   DD DSN=file2,
// LIKE=file1
//SYSINDD DISP=SHR,DSN=PROCLIB(AIBACKC1)   --> sysin is just reporo in to 

When these abend with a B37, the DDIN dataset is deleted even though the DISP 

XXDDOUT1   DD DSN=file2,
XX LIKE=file1

IEC030I B37-04,IFG0554A,TYC1DABK,EDIOUT2,DDOUT1,C441,OY721C,0426041D,
IEF285I   temp file.D227.? SYSOUT
IEF373I STEP/EDIOUT2 /START 2019200.1222'

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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread William Donzelli
> There's no comparison with the ship's machinery.  That was designed by very
> conservative naval architects,

Yes, but those same naval engineers very often need to adapt
non-military (what today we call COTS) equipment for duty on a ship.
They know how to deal with modifying equipment to get to their
standard. When "washing machine" disk drives were used on ships, they
would have gigantic shockmounts installed. Certainly the Fastrand -
and the rest of the Univac associated with it - would get this

About half the time I hear the Fastrand story, it involves the
Fastrand's gyro effects interfering with the ships movement. This I
find completely implausible.


> and the propulsion system has far greater
> forces to deal with than gyroscopic effects.  I don't think it's totally
> implausible a disk drive not designed for a moving environment could cut
> loose... but those things were over-engineered quite a bit too.  So I for
> one abstain for the time being.
> sas
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 9:12 PM Ron Hawkins 
> wrote:
> > Will,
> >
> > I'm thinking that just because one article says the story is urban legend,
> > there are more references that talk to the FirstRand I actually being
> > installed on a US Navy ship.
> >
> > This 1st person posting says that it was on the USS Hunley, and the poster
> > was on board they removed it.
> >
> >
> >
> > I checked the video twice when they talked about the FirstRand I on one of
> > the navy ships, and did not hear them say it was a legend.
> >
> > Interesting that Australia used them in the telegram messaging systems.
> >
> >
> > Director, Ipsicsopt Pty Ltd (ACN: 627 705 971)
> > m+61 400029610| t: +1 4085625415 | f: +1 4087912585
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf
> > Of William Donzelli
> > Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2019 10:02
> > Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] DASD nostalgia
> >
> > > We had a professor who was on the inspection team out of the Navy Yard.
> > Said the drum popped out and churned around like a 4000lb weed-eater for
> > several minutes. I believe Adm. Hopper was on the review board and after a
> > short synopsis. "Just stupid!"
> >
> > If you could dig up the original inspection report - sure, that would be a
> > primary source.
> >
> > Otherwise, no.
> >
> > There is just too much "not right" about this myth, especially with a
> > little marine engineering knowledge and common sense thrown in.
> >
> > --
> > Will
> >
> > --
> > For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email
> > to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> >
> > --
> > For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> > send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> >
> --
> sas
> --
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> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread William Donzelli
> I'm thinking that just because one article says the story is urban legend, 
> there are more references that talk to the FirstRand I actually being 
> installed on a US Navy ship.

I have no doubts about a Fastrand being on installed on a ship. I have
my doubts about the spinning drum causing havoc.I can buy that the
Fastrand beat itself to death with the bearings wearing out very

> I checked the video twice when they talked about the FirstRand I on one of 
> the navy ships, and did not hear them say it was a legend.

Right around the 1:30 mark.


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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread Steve Smith
There's no comparison with the ship's machinery.  That was designed by very
conservative naval architects, and the propulsion system has far greater
forces to deal with than gyroscopic effects.  I don't think it's totally
implausible a disk drive not designed for a moving environment could cut
loose... but those things were over-engineered quite a bit too.  So I for
one abstain for the time being.


On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 9:12 PM Ron Hawkins 

> Will,
> I'm thinking that just because one article says the story is urban legend,
> there are more references that talk to the FirstRand I actually being
> installed on a US Navy ship.
> This 1st person posting says that it was on the USS Hunley, and the poster
> was on board they removed it.
> I checked the video twice when they talked about the FirstRand I on one of
> the navy ships, and did not hear them say it was a legend.
> Interesting that Australia used them in the telegram messaging systems.
> Director, Ipsicsopt Pty Ltd (ACN: 627 705 971)
> m+61 400029610| t: +1 4085625415 | f: +1 4087912585
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf
> Of William Donzelli
> Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2019 10:02
> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] DASD nostalgia
> > We had a professor who was on the inspection team out of the Navy Yard.
> Said the drum popped out and churned around like a 4000lb weed-eater for
> several minutes. I believe Adm. Hopper was on the review board and after a
> short synopsis. "Just stupid!"
> If you could dig up the original inspection report - sure, that would be a
> primary source.
> Otherwise, no.
> There is just too much "not right" about this myth, especially with a
> little marine engineering knowledge and common sense thrown in.
> --
> Will
> --
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> to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> --
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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Steve Smith
The 1620 was my first computer.  For some reason, UTA was still running one
in 1975, and in my senior year of high school we used it for a new computer
course.  The course was mostly programming FORTRAN II, but I managed to
find an SPS manual, and learned that on my own.  I was hooked on
assembler!  In college, learning System/370, I initially found registers
rather a PItA.  The beautiful 1620 didn't need them!  Ah well, I guess I
got used to them.


On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 8:58 PM Thomas Kern <> wrote:

> On 07/22/2019 12:07, retired mainframer wrote:
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On
> >> Behalf Of Gary Weinhold
> >> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 7:50 AM
> >> Subject: Re: Friday!
> >>
> >> I almost remember how to do it on an IBM 1620
> >
> > Simply the best machine ever for teaching programming.
> >
> > IIRC, it was a Transmit Record instruction with the destination one byte
> beyond the source.  At the end of memory it would wrap back to zero and run
> forever.
> >
> > --
> > For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> > send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> >
> That is the machine I started on back in Jan 1971. Nice way to start,
> machine language, then FORTRAN.
> /Tom Kern
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN


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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread Ron Hawkins

I'm thinking that just because one article says the story is urban legend, 
there are more references that talk to the FirstRand I actually being installed 
on a US Navy ship.

This 1st person posting says that it was on the USS Hunley, and the poster was 
on board they removed it.

I checked the video twice when they talked about the FirstRand I on one of the 
navy ships, and did not hear them say it was a legend.

Interesting that Australia used them in the telegram messaging systems.

Director, Ipsicsopt Pty Ltd (ACN: 627 705 971)
m+61 400029610| t: +1 4085625415 | f: +1 4087912585

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
William Donzelli
Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2019 10:02
Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] DASD nostalgia

> We had a professor who was on the inspection team out of the Navy Yard. Said 
> the drum popped out and churned around like a 4000lb weed-eater for several 
> minutes. I believe Adm. Hopper was on the review board and after a short 
> synopsis. "Just stupid!"

If you could dig up the original inspection report - sure, that would be a 
primary source.

Otherwise, no.

There is just too much "not right" about this myth, especially with a little 
marine engineering knowledge and common sense thrown in.


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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Thomas Kern

On 07/22/2019 12:07, retired mainframer wrote:

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On
Behalf Of Gary Weinhold
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: Friday!

I almost remember how to do it on an IBM 1620

Simply the best machine ever for teaching programming.

IIRC, it was a Transmit Record instruction with the destination one byte beyond 
the source.  At the end of memory it would wrap back to zero and run forever.

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That is the machine I started on back in Jan 1971. Nice way to start, 
machine language, then FORTRAN.

/Tom Kern

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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread William Donzelli
> We had a professor who was on the inspection team out of the Navy Yard. Said 
> the drum popped out and churned around like a 4000lb weed-eater for several 
> minutes. I believe Adm. Hopper was on the review board and after a short 
> synopsis. "Just stupid!"

If you could dig up the original inspection report - sure, that would
be a primary source.

Otherwise, no.

There is just too much "not right" about this myth, especially with a
little marine engineering knowledge and common sense thrown in.


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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread Edward Finnell
We had a professor who was on the inspection team out of the Navy Yard. Said 
the drum popped out and churned around like a 4000lb weed-eater for several 
minutes. I believe Adm. Hopper was on the review board and after a short 
synopsis. "Just stupid!" 

In a message dated 7/22/2019 6:32:27 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
Primary source info, please!

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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread William Donzelli
> Not myth.

Primary source info, please!

Otherwise, it is, as they even say in the video, a "legend".


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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread Edward Finnell
Not myth. a message dated 7/22/2019 5:07:32 
PM Central Standard Time, writes:
This is a myth. Warships of the era (1960s/70s) are loaded with really
big heavy spinning things (motor-generators and amplidynes), and they
do not rip off the deck during maneuvers or rough seas. If anything,

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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Lester, Bob
Hi Gil,

 Dunno, never thought about it as an Operator, but as a Sysprog that seems 

 360/75J, running OS/MVT, and later OS/VS1 (?).   Gubmint installation.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 1:53 PM
Subject: [EXT] Re: Friday!

On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 19:46:05 +, Lester, Bob wrote:
> This was (in 1976/77) a procedure where various front panel toggle 
> switched were toggled, and a button was pushed.   This caused the machine 
> panel lights to flash in a pattern.   It was called "rippling core" and was 
> to invalidate any data left prior to IPL'ing the machine with a different 
> environment.   
Was this actually loading a small program from the toggle switches?

Do you remember the model #?

-- gil

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Re: Strange FTP issue

2019-07-22 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 09:25:36 +0400, Peter  wrote:

>I am trying to download some PDS member to submit to vendor.
Is AMATERSE a viable option?  It's what many vendors, including IBM, prefer.

-- gil

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Re: [External] Re: Strange FTP issue

2019-07-22 Thread Sebastian Welton
Well you're not going to get any prompts for members to download because you've 
entered 'prompt off'...After you've done the 'cd' command, do a 'dir' to 
actually see that you're in the correct PDS and there are in fact members there 
to download


On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 18:58:32 +0400, Peter  wrote:

>I am doing
>Cd ..
>Cd 'somethin.pds'
>Prompt off
>Mget *
>200> After this point it doesn't prompts for the members to download.
>It just comes out with
>There is nothing in SYSLOG too
>On Thu, 11 Jul, 2019, 6:46 PM Pommier, Rex,  wrote:
>> Peter,
>> The "200 representation..." message is normal, just telling you that it's
>> going to translate from ebcdic to ascii.  I just tried it and got that
>> message - right before it downloaded the members.
>> What is the sequence of commands you're running?
>> Are you doing a "cd" into the PDS you're trying to download then just
>> doing a "mget *" or are you doing a "mget pds(*)"?
>> Rex
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On
>> > Behalf Of Peter
>> > Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 10:26 PM
>> > Subject: Strange FTP issue
>> >
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > I am trying to download some PDS member to submit to vendor.
>> >
>> > I am trying to do ftp via dos and I am able to list the PDS from DOS.
>> > When I do mget * I get a message as '200 representation type is ASCII
>> nonprint'
>> > and after that it is not showing up any member to download and it just
>> > goes to a ftp prompt like FTP>.
>> >
>> > I don't find a error message in lpar SYSLOG too.
>> >
>> > I tried sending file via 3270 emulator and it works but just through
>> > dos it fails
>> >
>> > Any clue where I might be looking ?
>> >
>> > Peter
>> >
>> > --
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>> > email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
>> --
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>> The information contained in this message is confidential, protected from
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>> not the intended recipient or an employee or agent responsible for
>> delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified
>> that any disclosure, distribution, copying, or any action taken or action
>> omitted in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If
>> you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately
>> by replying to this message and destroy the material in its entirety,
>> whether in electronic or hard copy format.  Thank you.
>> --
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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 19:46:05 +, Lester, Bob wrote:
> This was (in 1976/77) a procedure where various front panel toggle 
> switched were toggled, and a button was pushed.   This caused the machine 
> panel lights to flash in a pattern.   It was called "rippling core" and was 
> to invalidate any data left prior to IPL'ing the machine with a different 
> environment.   
Was this actually loading a small program from the toggle switches?

Do you remember the model #?

-- gil

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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 19:20:33 +, Seymour J Metz wrote:

>I recall hearing about a UNIVAC shipboard computer where the drum ripped loose 
>from the deck when the ship was maneuvering quickly. 
I have heard this story called apocryphal, as on the FASTRAND page:

But it states that the model II had counterrotating drums to nullify
precessional effects due to earth's rotation(!)  Can't both be true.

>... And I as there when an IBM 2305 did drivek, after multiple power failures, 
>let out a scream like the wailing of the damned and left nicely polished disks 
>and a pile of brown dust. IBM promised that they would have it up in an 
>absurdly short (but still too long) time - and did.
Did they reconstitute the brown dust?

-- gil

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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Lester, Bob
Hi All,

 This was (in 1976/77) a procedure where various front panel toggle 
switched were toggled, and a button was pushed.   This caused the machine panel 
lights to flash in a pattern.   It was called "rippling core" and was to 
invalidate any data left prior to IPL'ing the machine with a different 


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Seymour J Metz
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 1:16 PM
Subject: [EXT] Re: Friday!

I don't remember a ripple button, but I recall a clear button and a ripple CE 
utility. The ripple utility was designed to test core, not just clear it. I 
don't recall whether IBM ever wrote anything to test semiconductor memory.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  on behalf of 
Lester, Bob 
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 6:16 PM
Subject: Friday!

Hi All,

 Who remembers how to "ripple core" on a 360/75J?   Back in the day, I was 
taught that it "wrote un-digit zeros" to all storage locations (main + LCS) on 
the box.   If course, an IPL was required after this was done.

 Not sure how widely it was used.   A simple yes or no is OK if you cannot 
provide details.😊


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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread William Donzelli
> I recall hearing about a UNIVAC shipboard computer where the drum ripped 
> loose from the deck when the ship was maneuvering quickly.

This is a myth. Warships of the era (1960s/70s) are loaded with really
big heavy spinning things (motor-generators and amplidynes), and they
do not rip off the deck during maneuvers or rough seas. If anything,
the drum bearings were probably tortured to death.

I was on RANGE SENTINEL and VANGUARD (freighters turned missile
trackers, basically) in the ghost fleet maybe 8 years ago, and in the
old computer and telemetry rooms, everything was clearly WELL fastened
down. Also, they had the most expensive raise computer floors I have
ever seen - all very heavy duty stainless steel construction. I think
each riser for the floor tiles was a solid 2 inch diameter post.

And I need a 2305.


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Re: DASD nostalgia

2019-07-22 Thread Seymour J Metz
I recall hearing about a UNIVAC shipboard computer where the drum ripped loose 
from the deck when the ship was maneuvering quickly. And I as there when an IBM 
2305 did drivek, after multiple power failures, let out a scream like the 
wailing of the damned and left nicely polished disks and a pile of brown dust. 
IBM promised that they would have it up in an absurdly short (but still too 
long) time - and did.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  on behalf of 
Gabe Goldberg 
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 5:51 PM
Subject: DASD nostalgia

I mentioned a while ago remembering a friend's long-ago story about disk
head crashes at DEC, resolved by rotating drive cabinet so platters
aligned with loading dock of old mill building (rather than rotating
perpendicular to dock's orientation). Problem had been head crashes when
trucks backed into loading dock and hit/shook building. I asked my
friend Who Was There (and who spent his career in storage
architecture/design/etc.). His response:

The disk story is, in fact, true. The disks were from Burroughs,
single-platter and huge (3 foot diameter) with a head per track, if I
recall - no seeking. They were in Building 5, just under the loading
docks. They each held about 10MB.

We also received another disk from Burroughs  (multiple huge horizontal
platters, seek arms like boxer's arms, heat exchanger) that was so huge,
the freight elevator took it down to the basement lab for testing but
couldn't bring it back up again after - we had to partially disassemble
it and bring it up in pieces. I think it held 50MB.

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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Seymour J Metz
I don't remember a ripple button, but I recall a clear button and a ripple CE 
utility. The ripple utility was designed to test core, not just clear it. I 
don't recall whether IBM ever wrote anything to test semiconductor memory.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  on behalf of 
Lester, Bob 
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 6:16 PM
Subject: Friday!

Hi All,

 Who remembers how to "ripple core" on a 360/75J?   Back in the day, I was 
taught that it "wrote un-digit zeros" to all storage locations (main + LCS) on 
the box.   If course, an IPL was required after this was done.

 Not sure how widely it was used.   A simple yes or no is OK if you cannot 
provide details.😊


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Re: JCL disp on abend

2019-07-22 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Elaine Beal wrote:

>We have a job that is coded as follows-

>step1 - idcams repro dummy in to file1,disp=(mod,catalg)
>step2  repro above (dummied) file1 , disp=(old,delete,keep) to file2 
>when we get a B37 on step2 file2, file1 is deleted even though it has 

The info you supply is too little for IBM-MAIN members to make a suggestion 
what could be wrong.

Please post the JCL and all the messages.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: [External] JCL disp on abend

2019-07-22 Thread Pommier, Rex
Are you actually getting an abend in step2 or are you getting a RC=12?  Do you 
have a job scheduler/rerun/restart product forcing the delete?

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Elaine Beal
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 12:17 PM
Subject: [External] JCL disp on abend

We have a job that is coded as follows-

step1 - idcams repro dummy in to file1,disp=(mod,catalg)

step2  repro above (dummied) file1 , disp=(old,delete,keep) to file2 

when we get a B37 on step2 file2, file1 is deleted even though it has 

I've scoured the rules and this seems it should work.

Effect of abnormal termination during execution When a step abnormally 
terminates but is not automatically restarted, its data sets are disposed of as 
specified by the abnormal termination disposition. If an abnormal termination 
disposition is not specified, the normal termination disposition is processed.

Effect of abnormal termination during allocation If a job step fails during 
step allocation, the system disposes of the data sets as follows: 
•   Deletes a data set being created in the step.
•   Keeps a data set that existed before the step.

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the intended recipient or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this 
message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, 
distribution, copying, or any action taken or action omitted in reliance on it, 
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copy format.  Thank you.

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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Seymour J Metz
ITYM 470V/6, and there was an old ripple CE program that you could use. Not 
that the function described was for testing memory, not just clearing storage.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  on behalf of 
Gary Weinhold 
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Friday!

I almost remember how to do it on an IBM 1620 and had to do it on an
Amdahl 470 V6 (in two steps).  But it was a machine language routine,
but you seem to be referring to perhaps a buit-in function of the hardware.


BobL wrote:

> Hi All,
>   Who remembers how to "ripple core" on a 360/75J?   Back in the day, I 
> was taught that it "wrote un-digit zeros" to all storage locations (main + 
> LCS) on the box.   If course, an IPL was required after this was done.
>   Not sure how widely it was used.   A simple yes or no is OK if you 
> cannot provide details.😊
> Thanks!
> BobL

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
Visit us online at
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attachments is confidential and may be subject to copyright or other 
intellectual property protection. If you are not the intended recipient, you 
are not authorized to use or disclose this information, and we request that you 
notify us by reply mail or telephone and delete the original message from your 
mail system.

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For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

JCL disp on abend

2019-07-22 Thread Elaine Beal
We have a job that is coded as follows-

step1 - idcams repro dummy in to file1,disp=(mod,catalg)

step2  repro above (dummied) file1 , disp=(old,delete,keep)
to file2 disp=(,catlg)

when we get a B37 on step2 file2, file1 is deleted even though it has 

I've scoured the rules and this seems it should work.

Effect of abnormal termination during execution
When a step abnormally terminates but is not automatically restarted, its data 
sets are disposed of as specified by the abnormal termination disposition. If 
an abnormal termination disposition is not specified, the normal termination 
disposition is processed.

Effect of abnormal termination during allocation
If a job step fails during step allocation, the system disposes of the data 
sets as follows: 
•   Deletes a data set being created in the step.
•   Keeps a data set that existed before the step.

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread retired mainframer
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On
> Behalf Of Gary Weinhold
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 7:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Friday!
> I almost remember how to do it on an IBM 1620 

Simply the best machine ever for teaching programming.

IIRC, it was a Transmit Record instruction with the destination one byte beyond 
the source.  At the end of memory it would wrap back to zero and run forever.

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

ISPF Development Tips and Tricks version 1.2 - just uploaded

2019-07-22 Thread Lionel B Dyck
Go to   to get the version
1.2 of the ISPF Development Tips and Tricks and enjoy.


Comments/contributions(code)/suggestions welcome.


Change history:


Version 1.2

22 July 2019

1. Information on the ZUSERMAC variable to define the ISPF Edit Initial

2. Information on using LISTC and CSI to get a list of data sets as an
alternative to LMDLIST.

3. Update to PNVDSN to clean up the panel REXX dsname verification code.

4. Clarified the XMIT file name in the ZIP file.

5. Add to the Appendix information on the CBTTape File 452 version of

6. Miscellaneous editorial changes for clarity.

Version 1.1

31 May 2019

7. Several minor corrections from W. Jensen along with a new randomized

8. Change date in footer

9. Sample Skeleton REXX with TSO services from W. Jensen

10.  Sample using BPXWDYN for a random ddname from W. Jensen.

11.  Section on using LISTDSI to return a fully qualified data set name.

12.  Additional sample random routines for ddname or table names.

13.  Add info on PANELID ON/OFF

14.  Update the How to Contribute section

15.  Added a chapter on Other Tools

16.  Added section on Stem Sorting from John Kalinich.




Lionel B. Dyck <

"Worry more about your character than your reputation.  Character is what
you are, reputation merely what others think you are." - John Wooden


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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Carmen Vitullo
same here, but on a Univac processor we had in school, all done by switches. 

Carmen Vitullo 

- Original Message -

From: "Gary Weinhold"  
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 9:49:38 AM 
Subject: Re: Friday! 

I almost remember how to do it on an IBM 1620 and had to do it on an 
Amdahl 470 V6 (in two steps). But it was a machine language routine, 
but you seem to be referring to perhaps a buit-in function of the hardware. 


BobL wrote: 

> Hi All, 
> Who remembers how to "ripple core" on a 360/75J? Back in the day, I was 
> taught that it "wrote un-digit zeros" to all storage locations (main + LCS) 
> on the box. If course, an IPL was required after this was done. 
> Not sure how widely it was used. A simple yes or no is OK if you cannot 
> provide details. 😊 
> Thanks! 
> BobL 

Gary Weinhold 
Senior Application Architect 
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization 
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216 
Visit us online at 
E-mail Notification: The information contained in this email and any 
attachments is confidential and may be subject to copyright or other 
intellectual property protection. If you are not the intended recipient, you 
are not authorized to use or disclose this information, and we request that you 
notify us by reply mail or telephone and delete the original message from your 
mail system. 

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN 

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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Gary Weinhold
I almost remember how to do it on an IBM 1620 and had to do it on an
Amdahl 470 V6 (in two steps).  But it was a machine language routine,
but you seem to be referring to perhaps a buit-in function of the hardware.


BobL wrote:

> Hi All,
>   Who remembers how to "ripple core" on a 360/75J?   Back in the day, I 
> was taught that it "wrote un-digit zeros" to all storage locations (main + 
> LCS) on the box.   If course, an IPL was required after this was done.
>   Not sure how widely it was used.   A simple yes or no is OK if you 
> cannot provide details.😊
> Thanks!
> BobL

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
Visit us online at
E-mail Notification: The information contained in this email and any 
attachments is confidential and may be subject to copyright or other 
intellectual property protection. If you are not the intended recipient, you 
are not authorized to use or disclose this information, and we request that you 
notify us by reply mail or telephone and delete the original message from your 
mail system.

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Re: RSH Consulting - RACF Survey - June 2019 - Performance - ERV

2019-07-22 Thread Horst Sinram
Prior to to z/OS 1.3 (i.e., some 15 years ago) there were reasons for 
increasing the value of the ERV parameter and from time to time one can still 
see values of up to 50,000.
Since the ERV is being restarted there are no good reasons for such exaggerated 
values and I'd consider the default of 500 to be good. 

And just to extend the topic a bit - the IEAOPT parameters that one would 
frequently want to specify non-default values for are:

-ManageNonEnclaveWork=Yes (when using WAS/Liberty with enclave management)
-BLWLIntHD=5 for more aggressive blocked workload support, namely for DB2 

And for both RCCFXET and RCCFXTT AUTO should be in place.

Then there are a few that deserve consideration, such as INITIMP=E, 

It is possible that the defaults will eventually change:-)

Horst Sinram - STSM, IBM z/OS Workload and Capacity Management

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Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

2019-07-22 Thread Rob Scott

Rather than alter the ISPF panel logic, an alternative would be to create a 
USERMOD to replace the contents of the ISFM701 message with :

' '

This will cause the ISFM701 message to only overlay a single blank on the 
underlying SDSF main panel.

Note that if you invoke SDSF with an initial command using the ISPF "." (dot) 
convention the logo display is also bypassed (this does *not* work when using 
the ";" command stack delimiter).

By the way, the fact that MXI 4.3 still fundamentally works when I have not 
touched it in almost 15 years is a testament to the IBM z/OS team commitment to 
provide rock solid interfaces and fixed offsets ..and also the fact that I have 
NOT changed any of the code 😊

Rob Scott
Rocket Software.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Richards, Robert B.
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3


> SDSF Development have an RFE for the removal of the LOGO on entry to the 
> product.

Thanks for the heads-up, but, in the meantime, couldn't they just provide the 
general population with an "ASIS, use at your own risk" line or two of panel 
code?   Pretty please? :-)

And I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge your freebie MXI contributions. 
On z/OS 2.3 and MXI Version 4.3 GenLevel 050627 appears to still work as 
advertised. Thanks for this tool. As you know, I have been using it for quite a 
long time! Hard to believe that I left Saudi Arabia twenty-one years ago!


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Rob Scott
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

The addition of the IBM logo on the SDSF main panel goes back many years - 
sometime in the late 1990s to early 2000s I believe.

It was probably influenced by a lot of Windows software having similar "splash" 
screens and was trendy for a while.

Until recently, the number of SDSF primary commands could fit on a statically 
defined two column table to present a coherent main menu.
With the numerous primary command additions in 2.2, 2.3 and those planned for 
2.4+, the ability was lost to contain all primary commands in a static 
two-column format.

Therefore the product introduced a scrollable main panel which acts like all 
the other SDSF displays.

Development realized that there may well be scripts that required the SDSF main 
panel to look the same, therefore the ISFMIGMN DD method provided relief so 
that these scripts would work under 2.3 and enable the customer to test and 
change the logic of the script to handle the new format. The lack of PF7/PF8 on 
the old-style menu is consistent with the old releases.

SDSF Development have an RFE for the removal of the LOGO on entry to the 

In other news, I will be presenting a Share session in PIttsburgh about what is 
new with SDSF for 2.4 - maybe there will be some interesting items within the 

Rob Scott
Rocket Software

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Richards, Robert B.
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

Yes, if you can find the correct place to insert a .RESP=ENTER in  panel logic 
of ISFPCU41 that will not cause issues. I took a fast look and would assume 
that after the "ABC" logic for the action bar stuff might be appropriate. I 
can't pursue this at the moment. Maybe a SDSF developer will chime in. Then 
again, they probably want you to see the logo. :-(

I have already coded two dozen command table entries for all the options in 
SDSF that I want direct access to, especially ones like SYS, APF, LINK, SP, 
etc. :-)


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Carmen Vitullo
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 9:14 AM
Subject: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

Is it possible to bypass the logo pop-up in SDSF on z/OS 2.3 ?

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN 
 Rocket Software, Inc. and subsidiaries ■ 77 
Fourth Avenue, Waltham MA 02451 ■ Main Office Toll Free Number: +1 855.577.4323 
Contact Customer Support:

Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

2019-07-22 Thread Rob Scott
As stated, I am guessing that the "logo splash" was introduced into certain IBM 
ISPF applications as it was deemed modern and attractive at the time. 

I was not working for IBM SDSF development at the time, so I do not know the 
actual reasons. 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
David Spiegel
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

The splash screen.

On 2019-07-22 06:09, Rob Scott wrote:
>>> "... goes back many years ...".
>>> If that's true, why not introduce it sooner?
> Apologies but I am not sure what you mean by "it".
> Introduce what exactly?
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On 
> Behalf Of David Spiegel
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 10:51 AM
> Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
> "... goes back many years ...".
> If that's true, why not introduce it sooner?
> On 2019-07-22 04:49, Rob Scott wrote:
>> The addition of the IBM logo on the SDSF main panel goes back many years - 
>> sometime in the late 1990s to early 2000s I believe.
>> It was probably influenced by a lot of Windows software having similar 
>> "splash" screens and was trendy for a while.
>> Until recently, the number of SDSF primary commands could fit on a 
>> statically defined two column table to present a coherent main menu.
>> With the numerous primary command additions in 2.2, 2.3 and those planned 
>> for 2.4+, the ability was lost to contain all primary commands in a static 
>> two-column format.
>> Therefore the product introduced a scrollable main panel which acts like all 
>> the other SDSF displays.
>> Development realized that there may well be scripts that required the SDSF 
>> main panel to look the same, therefore the ISFMIGMN DD method provided 
>> relief so that these scripts would work under 2.3 and enable the customer to 
>> test and change the logic of the script to handle the new format. The lack 
>> of PF7/PF8 on the old-style menu is consistent with the old releases.
>> SDSF Development have an RFE for the removal of the LOGO on entry to the 
>> product.
>> In other news, I will be presenting a Share session in PIttsburgh about what 
>> is new with SDSF for 2.4 - maybe there will be some interesting items within 
>> the presentation.
>> Rob Scott
>> Rocket Software
>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
>> Richards, Robert B.
>> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 5:01 PM
>> Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
>> Yes, if you can find the correct place to insert a .RESP=ENTER in 
>> panel logic of ISFPCU41 that will not cause issues. I took a fast 
>> look and would assume that after the "ABC" logic for the action bar 
>> stuff might be appropriate. I can't pursue this at the moment. Maybe 
>> a SDSF developer will chime in. Then again, they probably want you to 
>> see the logo. :-(
>> I have already coded two dozen command table entries for all the 
>> options in SDSF that I want direct access to, especially ones like 
>> SYS, APF, LINK, SP, etc. :-)
>> Bob
>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
>> On Behalf Of Carmen Vitullo
>> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 9:14 AM
>> Subject: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
>> Is it possible to bypass the logo pop-up in SDSF on z/OS 2.3 ?
>> -
>> - For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, 
>> send email to with the message: INFO 
>> -
>> - For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, 
>> send email to with the message: INFO 
>> IBM-MAIN  Rocket Software, Inc. and 
>> subsidiaries ■ 77 Fourth Avenue, Waltham MA 02451 ■ Main Office Toll 
>> Free Number: +1 855.577.4323 Contact Customer Support:
>> r&data=02%7C01%7C%7C063924808a144d97e3ef08d70e8d5bba%7C79544c1eed
>> 224879a082b67a9a672aae%7C0%7C0%7C636993872611137708&sdata=1Quz6ia
>> wlWC8aJg0FjLxnI04LrZLzKe%2F1aF7h7TYzGI%3D&reserved=0
>> % 
>> 7C%7Cd51af3e7278848d7833c08d70e8a13d3%7C79544c1eed224879a082b67a9a672
>> a
>> ae%7C0%7C0%7C636993858532391278&sdata=h7DBHOuLaWtgCm%2BeiB%2BRqjN
>> 1
>> rZpapIMeqTKSVSWd5ic%3D&reserved=0
>> Unsubscribe from Marketing Messages/Manage Your Subscription 
>> Preferences -
>> r&data=02%7C01%7C%7C063924808a144d97e3ef08d70e8d5bba%7C79544c1eed
>> 224879a082b67a9a672aae%7C0%7C0%7C636993872611137708&

Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

2019-07-22 Thread Richards, Robert B.

> SDSF Development have an RFE for the removal of the LOGO on entry to the 
> product.

Thanks for the heads-up, but, in the meantime, couldn't they just provide the 
general population with an "ASIS, use at your own risk" line or two of panel 
code?   Pretty please? :-)

And I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge your freebie MXI contributions. 
On z/OS 2.3 and MXI Version 4.3 GenLevel 050627 appears to still work as 
advertised. Thanks for this tool. As you know, I have been using it for quite a 
long time! Hard to believe that I left Saudi Arabia twenty-one years ago!


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Rob Scott
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

The addition of the IBM logo on the SDSF main panel goes back many years - 
sometime in the late 1990s to early 2000s I believe.

It was probably influenced by a lot of Windows software having similar "splash" 
screens and was trendy for a while.

Until recently, the number of SDSF primary commands could fit on a statically 
defined two column table to present a coherent main menu.
With the numerous primary command additions in 2.2, 2.3 and those planned for 
2.4+, the ability was lost to contain all primary commands in a static 
two-column format.

Therefore the product introduced a scrollable main panel which acts like all 
the other SDSF displays.

Development realized that there may well be scripts that required the SDSF main 
panel to look the same, therefore the ISFMIGMN DD method provided relief so 
that these scripts would work under 2.3 and enable the customer to test and 
change the logic of the script to handle the new format. The lack of PF7/PF8 on 
the old-style menu is consistent with the old releases.

SDSF Development have an RFE for the removal of the LOGO on entry to the 

In other news, I will be presenting a Share session in PIttsburgh about what is 
new with SDSF for 2.4 - maybe there will be some interesting items within the 

Rob Scott
Rocket Software

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Richards, Robert B.
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

Yes, if you can find the correct place to insert a .RESP=ENTER in  panel logic 
of ISFPCU41 that will not cause issues. I took a fast look and would assume 
that after the "ABC" logic for the action bar stuff might be appropriate. I 
can't pursue this at the moment. Maybe a SDSF developer will chime in. Then 
again, they probably want you to see the logo. :-(

I have already coded two dozen command table entries for all the options in 
SDSF that I want direct access to, especially ones like SYS, APF, LINK, SP, 
etc. :-)


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Carmen Vitullo
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 9:14 AM
Subject: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

Is it possible to bypass the logo pop-up in SDSF on z/OS 2.3 ?

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Rocket Software, Inc. and subsidiaries ■ 77 Fourth Avenue, Waltham MA 02451 ■ 
Main Office Toll Free Number: +1 855.577.4323
Contact Customer Support:
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Rocket Software, Inc. All unauthorized use, disclosure or distribution is 
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify Rocket 
Software immediately and destroy all copies of this communication. Thank you.

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

2019-07-22 Thread David Spiegel
The splash screen.

On 2019-07-22 06:09, Rob Scott wrote:
>>> "... goes back many years ...".
>>> If that's true, why not introduce it sooner?
> Apologies but I am not sure what you mean by "it".
> Introduce what exactly?
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
> David Spiegel
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 10:51 AM
> Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
> "... goes back many years ...".
> If that's true, why not introduce it sooner?
> On 2019-07-22 04:49, Rob Scott wrote:
>> The addition of the IBM logo on the SDSF main panel goes back many years - 
>> sometime in the late 1990s to early 2000s I believe.
>> It was probably influenced by a lot of Windows software having similar 
>> "splash" screens and was trendy for a while.
>> Until recently, the number of SDSF primary commands could fit on a 
>> statically defined two column table to present a coherent main menu.
>> With the numerous primary command additions in 2.2, 2.3 and those planned 
>> for 2.4+, the ability was lost to contain all primary commands in a static 
>> two-column format.
>> Therefore the product introduced a scrollable main panel which acts like all 
>> the other SDSF displays.
>> Development realized that there may well be scripts that required the SDSF 
>> main panel to look the same, therefore the ISFMIGMN DD method provided 
>> relief so that these scripts would work under 2.3 and enable the customer to 
>> test and change the logic of the script to handle the new format. The lack 
>> of PF7/PF8 on the old-style menu is consistent with the old releases.
>> SDSF Development have an RFE for the removal of the LOGO on entry to the 
>> product.
>> In other news, I will be presenting a Share session in PIttsburgh about what 
>> is new with SDSF for 2.4 - maybe there will be some interesting items within 
>> the presentation.
>> Rob Scott
>> Rocket Software
>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
>> Richards, Robert B.
>> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 5:01 PM
>> Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
>> Yes, if you can find the correct place to insert a .RESP=ENTER in
>> panel logic of ISFPCU41 that will not cause issues. I took a fast look
>> and would assume that after the "ABC" logic for the action bar stuff
>> might be appropriate. I can't pursue this at the moment. Maybe a SDSF
>> developer will chime in. Then again, they probably want you to see the
>> logo. :-(
>> I have already coded two dozen command table entries for all the
>> options in SDSF that I want direct access to, especially ones like
>> SYS, APF, LINK, SP, etc. :-)
>> Bob
>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
>> On Behalf Of Carmen Vitullo
>> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 9:14 AM
>> Subject: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
>> Is it possible to bypass the logo pop-up in SDSF on z/OS 2.3 ?
>> --
>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send
>> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
>> --
>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send
>> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
>>  Rocket Software, Inc. and
>> subsidiaries ■ 77 Fourth Avenue, Waltham MA 02451 ■ Main Office Toll
>> Free Number: +1 855.577.4323 Contact Customer Support:
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>> ae%7C0%7C0%7C636993858532391278&sdata=h7DBHOuLaWtgCm%2BeiB%2BRqjN1
>> rZpapIMeqTKSVSWd5ic%3D&reserved=0
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>> Preferences -
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>> 7C0%7C0%7C636993858532391278&sdata=JQ1QIXLByxaoSQKbWIudrttymxZlbhG
>> A6eCU1TY2jIc%3D&reserved=0 Privacy Policy -
>> 7C%7Cd51af3e7278848d7833c08d70e8a13d3%7C79544c1eed224879a082b67a9a672a
>> ae%7C0%7C0%7C636993858532401273&sdata=VA9nAmCawiAXVRkSF5MZECP1uR1t
>> h9TpF243zaCH1kY%3D&reserved=0
>> This communication and any attachments may contain confidential information 
>> of Rocket Software, Inc. All unauthorized use, disclosure or distribution is 
>> prohibited. If you 

Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

2019-07-22 Thread Rob Scott
>>"... goes back many years ...".
>>If that's true, why not introduce it sooner?

Apologies but I am not sure what you mean by "it". 

Introduce what exactly?

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
David Spiegel
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

"... goes back many years ...".
If that's true, why not introduce it sooner?

On 2019-07-22 04:49, Rob Scott wrote:
> The addition of the IBM logo on the SDSF main panel goes back many years - 
> sometime in the late 1990s to early 2000s I believe.
> It was probably influenced by a lot of Windows software having similar 
> "splash" screens and was trendy for a while.
> Until recently, the number of SDSF primary commands could fit on a statically 
> defined two column table to present a coherent main menu.
> With the numerous primary command additions in 2.2, 2.3 and those planned for 
> 2.4+, the ability was lost to contain all primary commands in a static 
> two-column format.
> Therefore the product introduced a scrollable main panel which acts like all 
> the other SDSF displays.
> Development realized that there may well be scripts that required the SDSF 
> main panel to look the same, therefore the ISFMIGMN DD method provided relief 
> so that these scripts would work under 2.3 and enable the customer to test 
> and change the logic of the script to handle the new format. The lack of 
> PF7/PF8 on the old-style menu is consistent with the old releases.
> SDSF Development have an RFE for the removal of the LOGO on entry to the 
> product.
> In other news, I will be presenting a Share session in PIttsburgh about what 
> is new with SDSF for 2.4 - maybe there will be some interesting items within 
> the presentation.
> Rob Scott
> Rocket Software
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
> Richards, Robert B.
> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 5:01 PM
> Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
> Yes, if you can find the correct place to insert a .RESP=ENTER in  
> panel logic of ISFPCU41 that will not cause issues. I took a fast look 
> and would assume that after the "ABC" logic for the action bar stuff 
> might be appropriate. I can't pursue this at the moment. Maybe a SDSF 
> developer will chime in. Then again, they probably want you to see the 
> logo. :-(
> I have already coded two dozen command table entries for all the 
> options in SDSF that I want direct access to, especially ones like 
> SYS, APF, LINK, SP, etc. :-)
> Bob
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Carmen Vitullo
> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 9:14 AM
> Subject: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
> Is it possible to bypass the logo pop-up in SDSF on z/OS 2.3 ?
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> --
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>  Rocket Software, Inc. and 
> subsidiaries ■ 77 Fourth Avenue, Waltham MA 02451 ■ Main Office Toll 
> Free Number: +1 855.577.4323 Contact Customer Support: 
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> ae%7C0%7C0%7C636993858532391278&sdata=h7DBHOuLaWtgCm%2BeiB%2BRqjN1
> rZpapIMeqTKSVSWd5ic%3D&reserved=0
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> A6eCU1TY2jIc%3D&reserved=0 Privacy Policy - 
> 7C%7Cd51af3e7278848d7833c08d70e8a13d3%7C79544c1eed224879a082b67a9a672a
> ae%7C0%7C0%7C636993858532401273&sdata=VA9nAmCawiAXVRkSF5MZECP1uR1t
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> prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify Rocket 
> Software immediately and destroy all copies of this communication. Thank you.
> ---

Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

2019-07-22 Thread David Spiegel
"... goes back many years ...".
If that's true, why not introduce it sooner?

On 2019-07-22 04:49, Rob Scott wrote:
> The addition of the IBM logo on the SDSF main panel goes back many years - 
> sometime in the late 1990s to early 2000s I believe.
> It was probably influenced by a lot of Windows software having similar 
> "splash" screens and was trendy for a while.
> Until recently, the number of SDSF primary commands could fit on a statically 
> defined two column table to present a coherent main menu.
> With the numerous primary command additions in 2.2, 2.3 and those planned for 
> 2.4+, the ability was lost to contain all primary commands in a static 
> two-column format.
> Therefore the product introduced a scrollable main panel which acts like all 
> the other SDSF displays.
> Development realized that there may well be scripts that required the SDSF 
> main panel to look the same, therefore the ISFMIGMN DD method provided relief 
> so that these scripts would work under 2.3 and enable the customer to test 
> and change the logic of the script to handle the new format. The lack of 
> PF7/PF8 on the old-style menu is consistent with the old releases.
> SDSF Development have an RFE for the removal of the LOGO on entry to the 
> product.
> In other news, I will be presenting a Share session in PIttsburgh about what 
> is new with SDSF for 2.4 - maybe there will be some interesting items within 
> the presentation.
> Rob Scott
> Rocket Software
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
> Richards, Robert B.
> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 5:01 PM
> Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
> Yes, if you can find the correct place to insert a .RESP=ENTER in  panel 
> logic of ISFPCU41 that will not cause issues. I took a fast look and would 
> assume that after the "ABC" logic for the action bar stuff might be 
> appropriate. I can't pursue this at the moment. Maybe a SDSF developer will 
> chime in. Then again, they probably want you to see the logo. :-(
> I have already coded two dozen command table entries for all the options in 
> SDSF that I want direct access to, especially ones like SYS, APF, LINK, SP, 
> etc. :-)
> Bob
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On 
> Behalf Of Carmen Vitullo
> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 9:14 AM
> Subject: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3
> Is it possible to bypass the logo pop-up in SDSF on z/OS 2.3 ?
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to 
> with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to 
> with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> Rocket Software, Inc. and subsidiaries ■ 77 Fourth Avenue, Waltham MA 02451 ■ 
> Main Office Toll Free Number: +1 855.577.4323
> Contact Customer Support: 
> Unsubscribe from Marketing Messages/Manage Your Subscription Preferences - 
> Privacy Policy - 
> This communication and any attachments may contain confidential information 
> of Rocket Software, Inc. All unauthorized use, disclosure or distribution is 
> prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify Rocket 
> Software immediately and destroy all copies of this communication. Thank you.
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

2019-07-22 Thread Rob Scott
The addition of the IBM logo on the SDSF main panel goes back many years - 
sometime in the late 1990s to early 2000s I believe.

It was probably influenced by a lot of Windows software having similar "splash" 
screens and was trendy for a while.

Until recently, the number of SDSF primary commands could fit on a statically 
defined two column table to present a coherent main menu.
With the numerous primary command additions in 2.2, 2.3 and those planned for 
2.4+, the ability was lost to contain all primary commands in a static 
two-column format.

Therefore the product introduced a scrollable main panel which acts like all 
the other SDSF displays.

Development realized that there may well be scripts that required the SDSF main 
panel to look the same, therefore the ISFMIGMN DD method provided relief so 
that these scripts would work under 2.3 and enable the customer to test and 
change the logic of the script to handle the new format. The lack of PF7/PF8 on 
the old-style menu is consistent with the old releases.

SDSF Development have an RFE for the removal of the LOGO on entry to the 

In other news, I will be presenting a Share session in PIttsburgh about what is 
new with SDSF for 2.4 - maybe there will be some interesting items within the 

Rob Scott
Rocket Software

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Richards, Robert B.
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

Yes, if you can find the correct place to insert a .RESP=ENTER in  panel logic 
of ISFPCU41 that will not cause issues. I took a fast look and would assume 
that after the "ABC" logic for the action bar stuff might be appropriate. I 
can't pursue this at the moment. Maybe a SDSF developer will chime in. Then 
again, they probably want you to see the logo. :-(

I have already coded two dozen command table entries for all the options in 
SDSF that I want direct access to, especially ones like SYS, APF, LINK, SP, 
etc. :-)


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Carmen Vitullo
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 9:14 AM
Subject: SDSF initial display and z/OS 2.3

Is it possible to bypass the logo pop-up in SDSF on z/OS 2.3 ?

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Rocket Software, Inc. and subsidiaries ■ 77 Fourth Avenue, Waltham MA 02451 ■ 
Main Office Toll Free Number: +1 855.577.4323
Contact Customer Support:
Unsubscribe from Marketing Messages/Manage Your Subscription Preferences -
Privacy Policy -

This communication and any attachments may contain confidential information of 
Rocket Software, Inc. All unauthorized use, disclosure or distribution is 
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify Rocket 
Software immediately and destroy all copies of this communication. Thank you.

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN