Re: Learning Rexx (was: Need tutorial)

2013-12-30 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <07dd01cf055e$eb92e0d0$c2b8a270$>, on 12/30/2013
   at 07:59 AM, Charles Mills  said:

>It's really a separate topic, but I think there is little doubt 
>that it makes sense to edit code of any sort in some fast
>character-at-a-time interactive environment even if the target
>compile and/or execution environment is z/OS.

You can't do only one thing, and the Devil is in the details. There is
little doubt that it makes sense to edit code of any sort in some fast
character-at-a-time interactive environment that offers the same
convenience, functionality and speed as the available alternatives.
There is also little doubt that it makes sense to use a block mode
editor that offers more convenience, functionality and speed than a
GUI alternative.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: Learning Rexx (was: Need tutorial)

2013-12-30 Thread Charles Mills
Gee, I don't want to pose as an expert in the relative benefits of various
Rexx environments. I have near-zero experience on 'nix and USS, no recent
(15 years) experience on CMS, and although I have written large systems in
Rexx, I am not at present writing much Rexx beyond basic "TSO helper"

I certainly don't want to contribute to an OS war.

I was just answering the question about how to learn Rexx, and if you happen
to have access to both, IMHO CMS is a more Rexx-friendly place than TSO.

It's really a separate topic, but I think there is little doubt that it
makes sense to edit code of any sort in some fast character-at-a-time
interactive environment even if the target compile and/or execution
environment is z/OS. My particular choice is MS Visual Studio, but I only
claim that it makes sense for me, not that it is the best for everyone.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: Learning Rexx (was: Need tutorial)

On 2013-12-28, at 10:21, Charles Mills wrote:

> The user-friendly interactive nature of CMS. 
How would you rank CMS vis-a-vis Unix System Services by this criterion?
Before USS was available I tended to edit JCL on CMS with XEDIT; nowadays on
Solaris, often accessing legacy data sets with NFS.  NFS will deal with
PDSE; I suspect that CMS would have trouble ACCESSing a PDSE, and writing to
any legacy z/OS data set from CMS is questionable, as is catalog search.  I
use TSO/ISPF, now as earlier, largely for:

o Testing with a customer-like environment.

I keep one ISPF session active, and as many USS or Solaris as convenient;
I've never mastered WSA.

(and I have one EXEC that uses ISPF LMGET to process RECFM=U (by override)
data sets because EXECIO refuses to deal with U.  That's reported to get
better in 2.1.)

Rexx SYSCALL is a boon (or a least it spares me learning Perl).

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Re: Learning Rexx (was: Need tutorial)

2013-12-30 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <>, on
   at 12:21 PM, Charles Mills  said:

>The user-friendly interactive nature of CMS. 

Rhat would seem to describe TSO as well. The only place where CMS has
a clear edge, IMHO, is XEDIT.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: Learning Rexx (was: Need tutorial)

2013-12-29 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On 2013-12-28, at 10:21, Charles Mills wrote:

> The user-friendly interactive nature of CMS. 
How would you rank CMS vis-a-vis Unix System Services by
this criterion?  Before USS was available I tended to edit
JCL on CMS with XEDIT; nowadays on Solaris, often accessing
legacy data sets with NFS.  NFS will deal with PDSE; I
suspect that CMS would have trouble ACCESSing a PDSE, and
writing to any legacy z/OS data set from CMS is questionable,
as is catalog search.  I use TSO/ISPF, now as earlier,
largely for:

o Testing with a customer-like environment.

I keep one ISPF session active, and as many USS or Solaris
as convenient; I've never mastered WSA.

(and I have one EXEC that uses ISPF LMGET to process
RECFM=U (by override) data sets because EXECIO refuses
to deal with U.  That's reported to get better in 2.1.)

Rexx SYSCALL is a boon (or a least it spares me learning

-- gil

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Re: Learning Rexx (was: Need tutorial)

2013-12-28 Thread Charles Mills
The user-friendly interactive nature of CMS. 

Composed on a mobile: please excuse my brevity 

Paul Gilmartin  wrote:

>On 2013-12-28, at 09:47, Charles Mills wrote:
>> Actually CMS on VM better for rexx than z/OS. 
>Why?  (Risking an advocacy thread.)
>For me, one reason is the CMS HELP facility.  In fact,
>sometimes coding Rexx for z/OS I'll log on to CMS merely
>to use HELP REXX .
>Other reasons?
>-- gil
>For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Learning Rexx (was: Need tutorial)

2013-12-28 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On 2013-12-28, at 09:47, Charles Mills wrote:

> Actually CMS on VM better for rexx than z/OS. 
Why?  (Risking an advocacy thread.)

For me, one reason is the CMS HELP facility.  In fact,
sometimes coding Rexx for z/OS I'll log on to CMS merely
to use HELP REXX .

Other reasons?

-- gil

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