Re: RESMGR exit vs. end of task

2018-11-21 Thread Peter Relson
Are you able to share what your application cares about, in its resmgr, 
with respect to the DCB?

Have you opened the DCBs in the mainline, not closed them in the mainline, 
and then expected the RESMGR to close them?

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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Re: RESMGR exit vs. end of task

2018-11-20 Thread Gary Weinhold

Thanks, Jim,

We suspected that must be the explanation, but I wanted reassurance that we 
hadn't missed something.

I appreciated the other comments, too.  I now understand why my searches for a 
variety of keywords involving RESMGR, CLOSE, DCB, etc., showed many results, 
some of which were interesting, others not so, but none that help explain the 
changed behaviour.


On Thu, 15 Nov 2018 at 17:28, Jim Mulder 

 This is an intentional change in APAR OA55657.
You should see the same results on z/OS 2.1 with PTF  UA97322.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization

Phone:  +1.613.523.5500 x216


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Re: RESMGR exit vs. end of task

2018-11-17 Thread Ed Jaffe

On 11/15/2018 2:27 PM, Jim Mulder wrote:

   This is an intentional change in APAR OA55657.
You should see the same results on z/OS 2.1 with PTF  UA97322.

With an obscure title like "OA55657: IN-SUPPORT-OF APAR FOR DFSMS 
OA55365" and being unable to find APAR OA55365 in the data base, I must 
assume this is a system integrity fix...

Phoenix Software International
Edward E. Jaffe
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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Re: RESMGR exit vs. end of task

2018-11-16 Thread Tony Harminc
> > From: "Gary Weinhold" 
> > Recently we observed that when a task abends, the DCBs/ACBs are already
> > closed when we get control in the RESMGR exit.  We know this was not
> > true under z/OS 2.1, but has occurred on our z/OS 2.3 system and at a
> > customer site recently.

On Thu, 15 Nov 2018 at 17:28, Jim Mulder  wrote:
>   This is an intentional change in APAR OA55657.
> You should see the same results on z/OS 2.1 with PTF  UA97322.

I have a little trouble seeing the connection between disallowing
ATTACH by unauthorized callers after task termination (which task,
BTW?), and xCBs being closed before the RESMGR runs. Certainly it
doesn't say that it changed that. But the title for OA55657: "Provide
Supervisor support for DFSMS OA55365", and the complete absence of
OA55365 anywhere I can search for APARs, suggests that it's a system
integrity fix, and that the early closing of xCBs (or perhaps it's
better seen as late running of RESMGR routines) would have been done
by OA55365. Why, we can only guess at.

Tony H.

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Re: RESMGR exit vs. end of task

2018-11-16 Thread Binyamin Dissen
To be frank, I never considered doing an ATTACH out of a RESMGR.

On Thu, 15 Nov 2018 17:27:57 -0500 Jim Mulder  wrote:

:>  This is an intentional change in APAR OA55657.
:>You should see the same results on z/OS 2.1 with PTF  UA97322.
:>Jim Mulder z/OS Diagnosis, Design, Development, Test  IBM Corp. 
:>Poughkeepsie NY
:>"IBM Mainframe Discussion List"  wrote on 
:>11/15/2018 02:52:41 PM:
:>> From: "Gary Weinhold" 
:>> Date: 11/15/2018 05:23 PM
:>> Subject: RESMGR exit vs. end of task
:>> Sent by: "IBM Mainframe Discussion List" 
:>> Our product is called as a subroutine of the user's program (usually 
:>> COBOL).  Most of our code is user key, but on the first call for a task 
:>> we issue a PC to set a RESMGR exit.  This exit allows us to freemain our 
:>> control blocks and close any datasets we may have opened whether the 
:>> task abends or not.
:>> Recently we observed that when a task abends, the DCBs/ACBs are already 
:>> closed when we get control in the RESMGR exit.  We know this was not 
:>> true under z/OS 2.1, but has occurred on our z/OS 2.3 system and at a 
:>> customer site recently.  This has no significant consequences because 
:>> all we do is issue a message.  But I have not been able to find any 
:>> documentation which would have allowed us to anticipate this behavioural 
:>> change.  So I thought I'd ask you all if you'd observed this or know 
:>> what changed..

Binyamin Dissen

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.

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Re: RESMGR exit vs. end of task

2018-11-15 Thread Jim Mulder
  This is an intentional change in APAR OA55657.
You should see the same results on z/OS 2.1 with PTF  UA97322.

Jim Mulder z/OS Diagnosis, Design, Development, Test  IBM Corp. 
Poughkeepsie NY

"IBM Mainframe Discussion List"  wrote on 
11/15/2018 02:52:41 PM:

> From: "Gary Weinhold" 
> Date: 11/15/2018 05:23 PM
> Subject: RESMGR exit vs. end of task
> Sent by: "IBM Mainframe Discussion List" 
> Our product is called as a subroutine of the user's program (usually 
> COBOL).  Most of our code is user key, but on the first call for a task 
> we issue a PC to set a RESMGR exit.  This exit allows us to freemain our 

> control blocks and close any datasets we may have opened whether the 
> task abends or not.
> Recently we observed that when a task abends, the DCBs/ACBs are already 
> closed when we get control in the RESMGR exit.  We know this was not 
> true under z/OS 2.1, but has occurred on our z/OS 2.3 system and at a 
> customer site recently.  This has no significant consequences because 
> all we do is issue a message.  But I have not been able to find any 
> documentation which would have allowed us to anticipate this behavioural 

> change.  So I thought I'd ask you all if you'd observed this or know 
> what changed..
> Gary

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RESMGR exit vs. end of task

2018-11-15 Thread Gary Weinhold
Our product is called as a subroutine of the user's program (usually 
COBOL).  Most of our code is user key, but on the first call for a task 
we issue a PC to set a RESMGR exit.  This exit allows us to freemain our 
control blocks and close any datasets we may have opened whether the 
task abends or not.

Recently we observed that when a task abends, the DCBs/ACBs are already 
closed when we get control in the RESMGR exit.  We know this was not 
true under z/OS 2.1, but has occurred on our z/OS 2.3 system and at a 
customer site recently.  This has no significant consequences because 
all we do is issue a message.  But I have not been able to find any 
documentation which would have allowed us to anticipate this behavioural 
change.  So I thought I'd ask you all if you'd observed this or know 
what changed..


Gary Weinhold 
Senior Application Architect 

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization 

Phone   +1.613.523.5500 x216

Visit us online at 

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