Re: HCPMCV1459E trying to IPL a z/VM guest with CPU Type = IFL

2010-09-19 Thread Imler, Steven J
We found the problem.  On this system the level of SALIPL was at ESA
2.4.  After correcting that situation of course the problem went away.



JR (Steven) Imler
Sr Sustaining Engineer
Tel:  +1-703-708-3479 



 Original Note 

We have several z/VM test systems that run either z/VM 5.3, 5.4, or 6.1.
All the systems run as guests in the same LPAR under the same z/VM 5.4
host.  Of the several, we have only ONE that cannot be reconfigured to
run in VCONFIG set to LINUX and CPU type set to IFL.  This particular
system would be running z/VM 5.4 if it would IPL.  Here's the attempt to





Storage cleared - system reset.


CPU 00 redefined as TYPE IFL

Storage cleared - system reset.





Do you want to IPL the guest? (Yes|No)


Just one moment... .



HCPMCV1459E The virtual machine is placed in system check-stop state



As I said, every other one of our test systems IPLs fine with this
reconfiguration.  The only thing that is obviously different in this
guest's directory entry from the others that work is:




JR (Steven) Imler
Sr Sustaining Engineer
Tel:  +1-703-708-3479 


Re: Automated Logon (autofill userid and password) using TN3270 of TCP/IP for VM or Logical Device

2010-09-19 Thread James Laing - Hotmail
One teeny weenie comment about the issue of security.

In my limited experience .. surely the SVM's would maintain a list of 
authorised users from which they would accept commands. At IBM - when I worked 
there we would programmatically query the ID ie) department, access level and 
other stuff through HACS in-house (ESM) to determine the exact privilege of a 
specific user; to determine if that command was allowed.


From: Scott Rohling 
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 3:52 AM
Subject: Re: Automated Logon (autofill userid and password) using TN3270 of 
TCP/IP for VM or Logical Device

I have found it is important to know why you are doing something before 
deciding how to do it (or whether to do it at all).   

Bonne chance...

Scott Rohling 

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 8:00 AM, Michel Beaulieu wrote:

  It is so interesting that people need to expand so much on why before 
discussing the how.
  In Unix/Linux, we have the su command that let someone take another 
  for a while and when done, just exit and return to the normal userid. 
  Can we do something like that in z/VM?
  In one situation I have, operations staff are logging to service machines 
  close the service, take a backup and then restart the service machine to 
finally disconnect.
  I am not trying to change the logic and the why things are done that way. I 
have to take it as it is. 
  I am just trying to see if I can add some automation first. 
  Later, behind the scene, I will be able to eliminate the need to log on to 
the service machines completely.
  I hope this helps.
  Michel Beaulieu
  Montreal, Canada

  Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 19:00:04 -0600

  Subject: Re: Automated Logon (autofill userid and password) using TN3270 of 
TCP/IP for VM or Logical Device

  Yep - SVM's are VM 'daemons' ..   DIRMAINT, RACFVM, and at least a VMUTIL or 
some such guest that reacts to communication, be it reader, msg, smsg, ad 
nauseum.It's the basis behind all VM system management tools and VM based 
applications:  a disconnected guest, running some version of CMS, which is 
waiting for work which can come in many different forms.   This also provides a 
'queuing' ability to support requests from multiple users, which are handled 
sequentially - first come, first served.

  Actually logging into another guest as Michel suggests implies only one user 
can run whatever application it is you're building.  Maybe that's fine in this 
case.   But the typical way to support multi-user applications on z/VM, using 
CMS guests, is to have a front end that runs in the end user guest -and  that 
communicates with one or more SVM's to either submit work and/or request 
information.   Very much like 'daemons' in the Unix world - at least, that's 
how I think of them.

  Anyway - if the real objective could be explained - I'm sure several of us 
could suggest ways to not have to login to a USERB for your application to work.

  Scott Rohling

  On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Rich Greenberg wrote:

On: Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 04:34:15PM -0400,Rich Greenberg Wrote:

} The way this is often done is to have a program such as WAKEUP running
} in the service machine (SVM) which waits for an event (typically an SMSG
} from userA which requests something), does the requested work, returns
} the result (spool file or SMSG), and waits for the next request.

P.S. to above:  If you ask 25 experienced, long time VM sysprogs,
if they have such a program, you will probably get 30 or so different
ones.  Even IBM has one which ISTR is called VMUTIL EXEC and frequently
runs in a userid of the same name.

Rich Greenberg  Sarasota, FL, USA richgr atsign  + 1 941 378 2097
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself  my dogs only.VM'er since 
Canines: Val, Red, Shasta, Zero  Casey (At the bridge)
Canines: Red  Cinnar (Siberians)  Retired at the beach  Asst 

Re: Automated Logon (autofill userid and password) using TN3270 of TCP/IP for VM or Logical Device

2010-09-19 Thread Dale R. Smith
On Sat, 18 Sep 2010 10:00:33 -0400, Michel Beaulieu wrote:

In Unix/Linux, we have the su command that let someone take another 

for a while and when done, just exit and return to the normal userid. 

Can we do something like that in z/VM?
Michel Beaulieu
Montreal, Canada

Yes you can do something like su in z/VM.  I do it nearly every day. 
It's called Set Alternate User ID - Diagnose D4.  We use Top Secret/VM 

for our VM Security product, (because we access MVS datasets from VM and 

Top Secret/VM allows us to protect access to them from VM), and it 
provides a SUROGATE MODULE, (aka su), that allows an appropiately 
authorized userid to switch to an alternate userid, issue commands as tha
ID, then switch back to your own ID.

SUROGATE SET * otherid
issue commands

I don't know if any other VM Security products provide anything like this
but Diag D4 is a native VM Diagnose code so it can be invoked without a 

Security product installed, (as shipped by IBM it requires Privilege Clas
B).  You could write your own code to invoke Diag D4 and do your own 
authorization checks as well.  Your gun, your foot!  :-)

Dale R. Smith

Re: Automated Logon (autofill userid and password) using TN3270 of TCP/IP for VM or Logical Device

2010-09-19 Thread Alan Ackerman
On Sat, 18 Sep 2010 10:00:33 -0400, Michel Beaulieu beaulieumic...@live.
ca wrote:

It is so interesting that people need to expand so much on why before 
discussing the how.
In Unix/Linux, we have the su command that let someone take another id
for a while and when done, just exit and return to the normal userid. 

Can we do something like that in z/VM?

You have hit upon one of the fundamental differences between Unix and z/V
M. Unix is process-
oriented. z/VM is virtual machine oriented. In Unix you can spawn another
 process which (courtesy 
of su and other mechanisms) has greater privileges than the original proc
ess. In z/VM, virtual 
machines are hermetically sealed from one another, unless the system prog
rammer does 
something to authorize breaking through, or unless you give a virtual mac
hine non-class-G 
privileges. You cannot spawn another virtual machine. (You can AUTOLOG 
it though, given 
authorization, but you have in no way taken over its privileges.) This di
fference also explains why 
you can login to the same userid multiple times in Unix (different proces
ses) but you cannot do 
that in z/VM (only one virtual machine). It also explains why there is no
 SSH server on z/VM, since 
that would require spawning other virtual machines. 

IBM built into CMS something called OpenEdition which is a Posix subset, 
but not a full Unix. In 
particular, it does not support the full Posix 'fork' command. IBM went a
head and upgraded z/OS 
to a fully Unix-compatible (but EBCDIC) Unix System Service, but did not 
do that for z/VM. It 
would have required significant changes to the CP component (the hypervis
or) of z/VM. Whether or 
not that was a correct decision back then, I doubt it will ever happen no

There are many ways to do what you want to do in z/VM. WAKEUP is simply t
he simplest way to do 
it -- a built-in CMS command around which you can build an SVM. Unix does
 many things with 
daemons, so it should not be such a foreign idea to Unix folks. Similar t
hings could be done 
directly in assembler -- from our viewpoint, it's easier to work in REXX.

Another way is to use the logical device support facility built into z/VM
. The logical device support 
facility allows a program to create a logical terminal, which can then lo
g on, just like a real 
terminal, enter passwords, issue commands, etc. I would do that using the
 MPVM component of 
the PVM program product. But PVM is a non-free program product. There are
 free downloadable 
programs in the z/VM library that implement logical device support, and M
IGHT allow automaton (I 
have not tried) or you could again write code in assembler. Of course, to
 do this, you would need 
to know the userid and password of the machine you want to logon to. And 
only one user could do 
it at a time.

As someone else pointed out, there is diagnose D4. The manual says:

DIAGNOSE code X'D4' is used by a master virtual machine when scheduling w
ork on one of its 
worker virtual machines on behalf of an end user. The end user's user ID 
is considered to be the 
alternate user ID. 

I don't see how that really provides a way to increase the authority of a
 virtual machine. If you can 
do that, then, I'd think that would be a hole in z/VM's underlying securi
ty big enough to drive a 
truck through. (And therefore APARable.)

Then there are APPC/VM and CPI Communications. These are rather more comp
lex, but you could 
read up on them. 

Right, more WHY instead of HOW. But all that stuff I mentioned is documen
ted, if you want to try 

Alan Ackerman

Re: BookManager format softcopy

2010-09-19 Thread Alan Ackerman
Learning curve is nil.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott


Then I must be stupid. I have tried to use Information Center from time t
o time and find it very 
frustrating. I don't know how to find things, and when I do find somethin
g, but it is the wrong one, 
I seem to have to start my search all over again. Where is the BACK butto
n so I can go to the next 
found item? I guess I need a course in Information Center.

I still use BookManager because the search across a while bookshelf works
 really well. I still 
haven't had such luck with searching PDFs. Maybe I am just missing someth
ing, or maybe it's just 
something my employer does to our PC setup? 

Is there a tool to convert from BookManger to PDF? We still have some hom
e-grown manuals 
around that I have been asked to retain access to. 

There are some manuals that are available only in BookManager. Would you 
please consider 
bringing them forward as PDFs? EXEC2 comes to mind, but I think there are
 others you have 
abandoned, but not deleted the function from z/VM. 

Alan Ackerman