Learning curve is nil.
>Alan Altmark
>z/VM Development
>IBM Endicott

Then I must be stupid. I have tried to use Information Center from time t
o time and find it very 
frustrating. I don't know how to find things, and when I do find somethin
g, but it is the wrong one, 
I seem to have to start my search all over again. Where is the BACK butto
n so I can go to the next 
found item? I guess I need a course in Information Center.

I still use BookManager because the search across a while bookshelf works
 really well. I still 
haven't had such luck with searching PDFs. Maybe I am just missing someth
ing, or maybe it's just 
something my employer does to our PC setup? 

Is there a tool to convert from BookManger to PDF? We still have some hom
e-grown manuals 
around that I have been asked to retain access to. 

There are some manuals that are available only in BookManager. Would you 
please consider 
bringing them forward as PDFs? EXEC2 comes to mind, but I think there are
 others you have 
abandoned, but not deleted the function from z/VM. 

Alan Ackerman

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