Re: FTP and BFS

2010-11-10 Thread Alain Benveniste

I read and read again the doc and I found and tested the standard translate 
table through the openvm mount command.
That does the work like FTP with binary option. During the transfer I 
cut/pasted one that was finished to move it in an other windows folder... All 
the others transfers failed in a rc=686
I did all the work again without touching anything and all worked perfectly. As 
you said, it's a brittle methid...


Le 22 oct. 2010 à 15:40, Richard Troth a écrit :

 The syntax you indicate for the BFS stage is wrong.  Did it get pasted
 into the message incorrectly?
 You can FTP to/from BFS just fine.  I forget off the top of my head
 just how to activate it.
 You can mount NFS filesystems into a BFS tree.  I have used that for
 years.  It is really teriffic.  When you mount the filesystem, you
 must pay attention to whether or not character set translation is in
 effect.  I ALWAYS turn it on or off for the whole hierarchy being
 mounted.  (There is a list option, which I believe is the default,
 where translation can be applied based on the filename.  it gets
 DO NOT use NFS for general file transfer.  It looks appealing.  But it
 has never worked well.  The design of the network filesystem protocols
 has never been tuned for bulk transfer.  This has nothing to do with
 the implementation, CMS or some other.  The underlying NFS protocol is
 not well suited to heavy content transport.
 -- R;   
 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 02:56, Alain Benveniste wrote:
 I'm looking for a way to reduce a step to send a file.
 The long method is :
 pipe tape ! a a a1 then use FTP in binary mode to send it to windows
 The short method I would like to see it working :
 pipe tape ! bfs a a a1  (avoid to create file to use FTP) to send it to NFS
 I tried many options like doing a openvm mount with translate posix and 
 adding a a 'specs 1-* 1
 x0d15 n' before the bfs step. I have a set input/output off too. But the 
 structure of the output files
 when comparing them is not the same.
 Any idea ?

Re: How to determine SYSRES

2010-11-10 Thread Frank M. Ramaekers
In a single PIPE:

  PIPE (endchar ?), 
 |  CP, 
 |  TAKE LAST 1 ,   
 |  SPECS W6 1 ,
 |l:LOOKUP W1,  
 |  DROP FIRST 1,   
 |  CP, 
 |  SPEC W2-*,  

Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Alan Ackerman
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: How to determine SYSRES

   '| TAKE LAST 1' ,
   '| CONSOLE' ,
   '| SPECS W6 1' ,
   '| VAR sysres' ,
   '| PICK W2 == /'sysres'/' ,
   '| SPECS W2-* 1' ,
   '| CONSOLE' 

This won't work. You cannot set the REXX variable and use it in the same

   '| TAKE LAST 1' ,
   '| CONSOLE' ,
   '| SPECS W6 1' ,
   '| VAR sysres' 

   '| PICK W2 == /'sysres'/' ,
   '| SPECS W2-* 1' ,
   '| CONSOLE' 

Not tested. But then the first pipe wasn't tested either.

Alan Ackerman

This message contains information which is privileged and confidential and is 
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Re: How to determine SYSRES

2010-11-10 Thread Mike Walter
 Not tested. But then the first pipe wasn't tested either.
Au contraire mon ami.  My first Pipe was tested, albeit not quite 

I had used a home-grown REXX EXEC to test it.  Until QUIT is entered, 
the REXX EXEC repeatedly prompts for a rexx command, executes it, and 
continues to prompts again. 

I didn't believe that using a rexx variable would work either, not even 
inside a rexx exec.  But I had recently re-learned that inside a pipe one 
can read an existing stem, make changes, use the BUFFER stage, and then 
re-write the same stem name.  I re-learn more every day.

So I wondered if recent changes to Pipes might let me use a variable as 
part of the processing, after all, the Piper is very clever.  I again 
re-learned that  it is not possible because when rexx interprets that pipe 
command, the variable has not yet been set, and will still be an 
uninitialized variable when processed at its second reference in the pipe.

But that REXX EXEC provided a quite surprise.  The first time I entered 
that erroneous Pipe command, the results were as expected: it did not 
work.  But it silently set the sysres variable before failing.  Not 
realizing that the sysres var had been set, and not leaving the REXX 
EXEC prompts, I decided to try adding the 'BUFFER' stage to see if that 
might help the way it does when reading and writing the same stem.  So I 
pressed the RETRIEVE PFkey, inserted the 'BUFFER' stage and pressed 

That time it worked perfectly.  So I removed the BUFFER stage and tried 
again (there might have been a few other attempts that failed due to 
typos).  It continued to work perfectly, but unbeknownst to me only 
because the sysres var was still set.  So the tested results were 
posted, with me confident that I had learned something new.

After Richard replied that it could not work, I tried again so that I 
could show a console list of it working.  Naturally that test was doomed 
to failure, since the command was copied and pasted from the post (with no 
typos).  But it worked when I pressed the RETRIEVE PFkey and pressed 
Enter again, unchanged!  WTH!!???  It took a couple minutes for the 
proper synapses to fire before I understood why.  :-)

Moral of the story: ah... you figure it out - consider it a learning 

The corrected, complete pipe was posted November 4:
pipe cp q alloc all | take last | cons | spec /q dasd/ 1 w-1 nw | cp | 
pick w3 == /CP/ | cons

Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

Alan Ackerman 

Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU
11/09/2010 10:22 PM
Please respond to


Re: How to determine SYSRES

   '| TAKE LAST 1' ,
   '| CONSOLE' ,
   '| SPECS W6 1' ,
   '| VAR sysres' ,
   '| PICK W2 == /'sysres'/' ,
   '| SPECS W2-* 1' ,
   '| CONSOLE' 

This won't work. You cannot set the REXX variable and use it in the same 

   '| TAKE LAST 1' ,
   '| CONSOLE' ,
   '| SPECS W6 1' ,
   '| VAR sysres' 

   '| PICK W2 == /'sysres'/' ,
   '| SPECS W2-* 1' ,
   '| CONSOLE' 

Not tested. But then the first pipe wasn't tested either.

Alan Ackerman

The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents may 
contain information that is confidential or otherwise protected from 
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message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender 
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dissemination, distribution or other use of the contents of this message by 
anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. All messages 
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and to protect our business. E-mails are not secure and cannot be guaranteed to 
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contain viruses. You are deemed to have accepted these risks if you communicate 
with us by e-mail. 

Re: How to determine SYSRES

2010-11-10 Thread Schuh, Richard
True, but you can use the value in another cp command that you construct in the 
Pipe (tested):

'| TAKE LAST 1' ,
'| CP',
'| LOCATE / CP /',
'| SPECS W2 1 WRITE W5 1',
'| DROP 1', 

There is no need for more than 1 invocation of Pipes or for multi-stream Pipes.

Richard Schuh 


 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
 [] On Behalf Of Alan Ackerman
 Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:22 PM
 Subject: Re: How to determine SYSRES
 This won't work. You cannot set the REXX variable and use it 
 in the same = pipe.
 Not tested. But then the first pipe wasn't tested either.
 Alan Ackerman

Re: How to determine SYSRES

2010-11-10 Thread Kris Buelens
This pipe below can never work as the author apparently expected, whatever
the piper might implement
   '| TAKE LAST 1' ,
  '| CONSOLE' ,
  '| SPECS W6 1' ,
  '| VAR sysres' ,
  '| PICK W2 == /'sysres'/' ,
  '| SPECS W2-* 1' ,
Just think a bit.
It is a REXX EXEC, so REXX is reading the source lines, and replaces all
variables by their contents (or the uppercased variable name).  In the case
above: only 'sysres' is outside the quotes and replaced by whatever value it
has at that time.  All lines (but the last) end with a , so REXX joins it to
the presvious string with 1 blnk in between.
When REXX built this long string (from the 9 source lines), it sees it is
not an assigment, not an IF,   So it passes the string to the current
address (those that know me a bit know that I tell it should better be
So the CMS command processor starts the PIPE command, and it gets this long
string to handle.  PIPE simply cannot know that part of the PICK parameters
ever were a runtime variable.
And, there is even a second error: the second CP stage.  It will first pass
QUERY CPOWNED as command to CP, and then the records it finds in its input
stream.  In this case the 6th word of the last line of Q ALLOC.  I guess
your IPL volser is not labeled LOGOFF ... you would have been very surprised

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Re: How to determine SYSRES

2010-11-10 Thread Dale R. Smith
I have a local mod to CP that I originally got from Melinda Varian thru 

VMSHARE, (that I have maintained thru all the versions/releases of VM 
since), that adds an extra line to the reponse from QUERY CPLEVEL, (for 

Class E users), that display the IPL, CheckPoint, and Warm Volsers and 

Addresses.  The output looks like this:

query cplevel
z/VM Version 5 Release 4.0, service level 1002 (64-bit)  

Generated at 2010-09-22 15:15:16 EST 

IPL at 2010-11-07 03:45:01 EST   


IBM could easily add this same info.  The IPL Volume information is store
in HCPSYSCM and can be retrieved and displayed with a REXX Exec, (assumin
you have Class E or the equivalent CP Privilege class.  Here is sample 

Exec that does this.  (This is not a fully roubust Exec with all the erro
checking/messages built-in.  That is left as an exercise to the reader! 

:-)  It should work for most people.)

/* Display the VM System IPL Volume Volser and Address from HCPSYSCM. */
   Address COMMAND   
   Parse Source . ctype ename etype emode .  
   Numeric Digits 12  
   eol  = '15'x  
   asysvold = '60.6'/* Offset.Length of SYSRES Volser */

   asysdvno = '730.2'   /* Offset.Length of SYSRES Device Address */ 
   locsyslc = 'LOCATE SYMBOL HCPSYSLC'   
   cpver= C2D(SubStr(Diag(00),11,1))   
   If cpver  4 Then  
  display  = 'DISPLAY HLS'  
  display  = 'DISPLAY HS'  

   Parse Value Diagrc(08,locsyslc) With rc cc . . asyscm . 
   If rc \= 0 Then Exit rc   
   Parse Var asysvold offset '.' length .   

   dispcmd = display||D2X(X2D(asyscm) + X2D(offset))'.'length
   Parse Value Diagrc(08,dispcmd) With rc cc . sysvold . (eol) .   
   If rc \= 0 Then Exit rc   
   sysvold = X2C(sysvold)
   Parse Var asysdvno offset '.' length .   

   dispcmd = display||D2X(X2D(asyscm) + X2D(offset))'.'length
   Parse Value Diagrc(08,dispcmd) With rc cc . sysdvno . (eol) .   
   If rc \= 0 Then Exit rc   
   Say 'SYSIPL='sysvold'('sysdvno')'

   Exit 0  

Dale R. Smith

Re: How to determine SYSRES

2010-11-10 Thread Mike Walter
Are my posts not getting through, is the list not sending everything on 
the same day it is sent, or are members responding to old posts before 
reading all the way through the posts to see if there are already 

OK, so I had a bad day on 4 Nov 2010 when I posted that erroneous piece 
of code.  Richard Schuh replied within minutes, pointing out a different 
problem.  I responded by re-posting with Richard's fine suggestion in a 
slightly different way.

Then on 9 Nov Alan Ackerman said what I had posted originally back on 4 
Nov would not work for the reasons of the variable usage.  That was true, 
but since a different solution had been posted late 4 Nov I did not 
elaborate on the variable problem back then. 

Earlier today 10 Nov, I explained why the use of the variable had seemed 
to work when I actually did test it before the erroneous post back early 
on 4 Nov.  Hasn't this particular horse been beaten to death for long 
enough by now?  Can we claim it dead and buried?  The red blush on my 
cheeks faded over a week ago, c'mon already - give me a break!   :-( 

Dale Smith's post on this subject is an altogether better solution anyway. 
 One should expect that critical DASD volume information that was used 
during an IPL would be displayed as a documentary I-level message during 
IPL anyway.  Some of this is already displayed, but a clean, concise 
display of the volsers and rdev of the sysres, checkpoint, warmstart, 
directory, parm disk, and the cylinder extents of each (even the sysres 
since it could be a 2nd level system) would be useful diagnostic 
information in the console log at a later date.  Some of that is already 
available in various messages (displayed as they are discovered), but a 
single set of messages, perhaps in response to a command would be useful 
when things go bump in the dark.

Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

Kris Buelens 

Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU
11/10/2010 01:37 PM
Please respond to


Re: How to determine SYSRES

This pipe below can never work as the author apparently expected, whatever 
the piper might implement
  '| TAKE LAST 1' ,
  '| CONSOLE' ,
  '| SPECS W6 1' ,
  '| VAR sysres' ,
  '| PICK W2 == /'sysres'/' ,
  '| SPECS W2-* 1' ,
  '| CONSOLE' 
Just think a bit.
It is a REXX EXEC, so REXX is reading the source lines, and replaces all 
variables by their contents (or the uppercased variable name).  In the 
case above: only 'sysres' is outside the quotes and replaced by whatever 
value it has at that time.  All lines (but the last) end with a , so REXX 
joins it to the presvious string with 1 blnk in between.
When REXX built this long string (from the 9 source lines), it sees it is 
not an assigment, not an IF,   So it passes the string to the current 
address (those that know me a bit know that I tell it should better be 
So the CMS command processor starts the PIPE command, and it gets this 
long string to handle.  PIPE simply cannot know that part of the PICK 
parameters ever were a runtime variable.
And, there is even a second error: the second CP stage.  It will first 
pass QUERY CPOWNED as command to CP, and then the records it finds in its 
input stream.  In this case the 6th word of the last line of Q ALLOC.  I 
guess your IPL volser is not labeled LOGOFF ... you would have been very 
surprised ...

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents may 
contain information that is confidential or otherwise protected from 
disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, or if this 
message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender 
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be error free as they can be intercepted, amended, lost or destroyed, or 
contain viruses. You are deemed to have accepted these risks if you communicate 
with us by e-mail. 

Re: How to determine SYSRES

2010-11-10 Thread Schuh, Richard
Most likely someone waking up from a long nap and looking at digests instead of 

Richard Schuh

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Mike Walter
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: How to determine SYSRES

Are my posts not getting through, is the list not sending everything on the 
same day it is sent, or are members responding to old posts before reading all 
the way through the posts to see if there are already corrections?

OK, so I had a bad day on 4 Nov 2010 when I posted that erroneous piece of 
code.  Richard Schuh replied within minutes, pointing out a different problem.  
I responded by re-posting with Richard's fine suggestion in a slightly 
different way.

Then on 9 Nov Alan Ackerman said what I had posted originally back on 4 Nov 
would not work for the reasons of the variable usage.  That was true, but since 
a different solution had been posted late 4 Nov I did not elaborate on the 
variable problem back then.

Earlier today 10 Nov, I explained why the use of the variable had seemed to 
work when I actually did test it before the erroneous post back early on 4 Nov. 
 Hasn't this particular horse been beaten to death for long enough by now?  Can 
we claim it dead and buried?  The red blush on my cheeks faded over a week ago, 
c'mon already - give me a break!   :-(

Dale Smith's post on this subject is an altogether better solution anyway.  One 
should expect that critical DASD volume information that was used during an IPL 
would be displayed as a documentary I-level message during IPL anyway.  Some of 
this is already displayed, but a clean, concise display of the volsers and rdev 
of the sysres, checkpoint, warmstart, directory, parm disk, and the cylinder 
extents of each (even the sysres since it could be a 2nd level system) would be 
useful diagnostic information in the console log at a later date.  Some of that 
is already available in various messages (displayed as they are discovered), 
but a single set of messages, perhaps in response to a command would be useful 
when things go bump in the dark.

Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

Kris Buelens

Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU

11/10/2010 01:37 PM
Please respond to

Re: How to determine SYSRES

This pipe below can never work as the author apparently expected, whatever the 
piper might implement
  '| TAKE LAST 1' ,
  '| CONSOLE' ,
  '| SPECS W6 1' ,
  '| VAR sysres' ,
  '| PICK W2 == /'sysres'/' ,
  '| SPECS W2-* 1' ,
Just think a bit.
It is a REXX EXEC, so REXX is reading the source lines, and replaces all 
variables by their contents (or the uppercased variable name).  In the case 
above: only 'sysres' is outside the quotes and replaced by whatever value it 
has at that time.  All lines (but the last) end with a , so REXX joins it to 
the presvious string with 1 blnk in between.
When REXX built this long string (from the 9 source lines), it sees it is not 
an assigment, not an IF,   So it passes the string to the current address 
(those that know me a bit know that I tell it should better be COMMAND).
So the CMS command processor starts the PIPE command, and it gets this long 
string to handle.  PIPE simply cannot know that part of the PICK parameters 
ever were a runtime variable.
And, there is even a second error: the second CP stage.  It will first pass 
QUERY CPOWNED as command to CP, and then the records it finds in its input 
stream.  In this case the 6th word of the last line of Q ALLOC.  I guess your 
IPL volser is not labeled LOGOFF ... you would have been very surprised ...

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents may 
contain information that is confidential or otherwise protected from 
disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, or if this 
message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender 
by reply e-mail and then delete this message, including any attachments. Any 
dissemination, distribution or other use of the contents of this message by 
anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. All messages 
sent to and from this e-mail address may be monitored as permitted by 
applicable law and regulations to ensure compliance with our internal policies 
and to protect our business. E-mails are not secure and cannot be guaranteed to 
be error free as they can be intercepted, amended, lost or destroyed, or 
contain viruses. You are deemed to have accepted these risks if you communicate 
with us by e-mail.


2010-11-10 Thread Schuh, Richard
Finally, the powers that be are considering remote shadowing of DASD as the way 
to handle the BRP situation. The time we are allotted to recover the system has 
been reduced to a number that is impossible using tape backups. I would 
appreciate it if anyone who is already doing this would regale me of their 
experiences - what they are doing, what are the gotchas, how satisfied are 
they, etc.

It undoubtedly is different depending on the dasd vendors so here is what we 

*   EMC DASD - about half of our DASD.
*   HDS DASD - the other half.
*   Currently, there is no SCSI, it is all ECKD

We currently have no IBM DASD; however, that does not mean that we will not 
have some in the future. Every couple of years, we go through a DASD refresh, 
at which time we may change vendors.

I will gladly accept replies on or off list. TIA.

Richard Schuh


2010-11-10 Thread O'Brien, Dennis L

We're using disk replication on HDS DASD for disaster recovery.  We were
able to reduce a script that had about 30 steps to one that isn't much
more complicated than:

1.   Suspend replication

2.   IPL

3.   Answer one question: is this a test or a real disaster?

4.   Certify


The test or real disaster answer determines the network configuration.
DR tests are behind a firewall, so they use different OSA's than we
would use for a real disaster.  The answer can also be used for other
things, such as determining which guests are started.  We don't start
z/Linux guests automatically during DR tests, because our Linux security
product has a problem with two guests having the same name.  If the DR
guest refreshes keys or whatever it does with Active Directory, the
production guest loses access.  This seems to happen around midnight, so
we start up DR guests when we're ready to test and shut them down as
soon as we're done.  One of our Linux people could explain this much
better than I can.


Make sure that your CP maintenance is current.  We had a CP abend and
guest I/O errors when we resumed replication on a z/VM 5.4.0 RSU 0801 or
0802 (I forget which) system.  The problem went away when we upgraded to
RSU 1001 plus some additional service.


We have two copies of the disks in our DR site.  This allows us to
continue replicating production on the secondary disks while we test on
the tertiary disks.



In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.  -- Mark Twain


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 16:51
Subject: [IBMVM] BRP


Finally, the powers that be are considering remote shadowing of DASD as
the way to handle the BRP situation. The time we are allotted to recover
the system has been reduced to a number that is impossible using tape
backups. I would appreciate it if anyone who is already doing this would
regale me of their experiences - what they are doing, what are the
gotchas, how satisfied are they, etc.


It undoubtedly is different depending on the dasd vendors so here is
what we have: 


* EMC DASD - about half of our DASD.

* HDS DASD - the other half.

* Currently, there is no SCSI, it is all ECKD


We currently have no IBM DASD; however, that does not mean that we will
not have some in the future. Every couple of years, we go through a DASD
refresh, at which time we may change vendors.


I will gladly accept replies on or off list. TIA.


Richard Schuh 




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