Re: Sol-390 mailing list created to discuss OpenSolaris for System z

2008-08-20 Thread Jon Brock
I thought that was going to be the Marketing arm of the Sirius
Cybernetics Corporation.

Too bloody many lawyers. First against the wall when the revolution



2007-08-22 Thread Jon Brock
This brings to mind a question I have had: how do y'all (as we way here)
go about creating a second-level VM?  



1) create second level vm
2) apply maintenance
3) test
4) wait for maintenance window
5) backup system
6) apply maintenance
7) test



2007-08-22 Thread Jon Brock
Thanks for the tips, folks.  It's good to see some solid examples of how
to insulate the host from the guest.  I hope to get started on the 5.3
upgrade next week, if I can beat down the z/OS RSU apply this week.

Busy times.


Re: different levels of CP and CMS after put2prod for z/VM 5.2

2007-05-18 Thread Jon Brock
Must be the new TARDIS module.

So now you've applied maintenance next week!  ;-)  

Re: SERVICE install problem

2007-04-18 Thread Jon Brock
Thanks, Mark.  That helped a lot.  (I was looking in the wrong manual before.)  
I *think* I have gotten past this.
Now, on to the next problem.

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mark 
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: SERVICE install problem

On 4/17/07, Jon Brock  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Is there a way to terminate the first PTF apply process, or will I need to 
figure out how to manually apply the prereq PTF?

Manual service really pretty straight forward.
Look in the Service Guide - GC24-6117 

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems 

SERVICE install problem

2007-04-17 Thread Jon Brock
I have a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem regarding trying to use the automated 
SERVICE EXEC.  I have a PTF I tried to put on using SERVICE, but the process 
failed since I do not have a prerequisite on.  I have downloaded the prereq, 
but I can't put it on because SERVICE wants me to do a restart on the first 
PTF, but I can't restart the first PTF because the prereq is not on, but I 
can't put the prereq on because I need restart the first PTF, but I can't . . . 

Is there a way to terminate the first PTF apply process, or will I need to 
figure out how to manually apply the prereq PTF?



2007-03-08 Thread Jon Brock
You get my vote.   
Not that you need it, your Poohbah-ness, sir.
Once so elected I will issue a Grande Pooh-Bah Declaration that if it is wise 
to save daylight in the summer, it's even wiser to save it in winter - so we'll 
stay on Daylight Savings Time which will henceforth be known as Sir Mike 
Standard Time.  So there!  

Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31, 2007

2007-01-11 Thread Jon Brock


Tony H.

Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31, 2007

2007-01-04 Thread Jon Brock
Heh.  I had that album.  


-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Adam Thornton
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31,

On Jan 4, 2007, at 7:56 AM, Alan Altmark wrote:

 (Wolf Creek Pass, way across the
 Great Divide, truckin' on down the other side).

It's not every man who knows the OTHER hit of a one-hit wonder.


Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31, 2007

2007-01-04 Thread Jon Brock
Nope.  Can't say I have.


Have you ever tried Nehi and Onion Soup mix?

Nobiity and not-quite-so-nobility

2006-12-28 Thread Jon Brock
OK, so there I was taking a break while waiting on something and I started 
diddling around on the Web.  After going through a maze of twisty passages, all 
alike, I came across this disturbing page: .

Now, I can certainly understan bestowing such appellations as Sir Alan the 
Persevering,Sir Chuck the Wide Awake, and Dame Maryrita the Explicator, but 
Sir Rob the Plumber?  

And what's up with the shorts?  And that shirt?  Even I wouldn't wear that.  
Well, not often, anyway.

Jon Earl of Brock

Re: Litotes?

2006-12-27 Thread Jon Brock
One day maybe I'll learn that lesson.  But not yet.


snip re: IBM-MAIN
I have learnt not to open my mouth (keyboard) there, 
or on ASSEMBLER, but they do occasionally have 
fun OT threads. 

Fork returning EAGAIN

2006-12-08 Thread Jon Brock
This may not be the correct place to ask this question, but Google isn't 
helping a ton and I can't bear the thought of posting into most other Linux 
fora, so I'm going to run this past you folks first.

To cut to the chase, as part of an effort to figur out why we had trouble with 
a prof-of-concept application that ate every CPU cycle our IFL could give it, I 
have written a couple of small Ruby scripts as a stress-testing mechanism.  The 
basic idea is:

* Create a small test database on our problematic MySQL image.  (Database = 
100,000 rows, each of which has a numeric key and one field consisting of 30 
random alphabetic characters.) this part is fine.

* On another guest, fork a bunch of processes, each of which will read a random 
row from the database, generate another random 30-character string, and update 
the record.

This procedure goes fine as long as I fork a few thousand processes.  Once I 
reach 8500 or so, however, I start receiving this:
Resource temporarily unavailable - fork(2) (Errno::EAGAIN)

According to everything I can find, EAGAIN on fork(2) indicates that the system 
can not allocate sufficient memory to create the child process, but if I issue 
free -m while my stress test script is running I show plenty of available 

Am I hitting a per-user process limit or some such?  Any ideas?


Re: Fork returning EAGAIN

2006-12-08 Thread Jon Brock
My apologies.  I intended to send this to the LINUX-390 list.  


-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Jon Brock
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 2:06 PM
Subject: Fork returning EAGAIN

This may not be the correct place to ask this question, but Google isn't 
helping a ton and I can't bear the thought of posting into most other Linux 
fora, so I'm going to run this past you folks first.

To cut to the chase, as part of an effort to figur out why we had trouble with 
a prof-of-concept application that ate every CPU cycle our IFL could give it, I 
have written a couple of small Ruby scripts as a stress-testing mechanism.  The 
basic idea is:

* Create a small test database on our problematic MySQL image.  (Database = 
100,000 rows, each of which has a numeric key and one field consisting of 30 
random alphabetic characters.) this part is fine.

* On another guest, fork a bunch of processes, each of which will read a random 
row from the database, generate another random 30-character string, and update 
the record.

This procedure goes fine as long as I fork a few thousand processes.  Once I 
reach 8500 or so, however, I start receiving this:
Resource temporarily unavailable - fork(2) (Errno::EAGAIN)

According to everything I can find, EAGAIN on fork(2) indicates that the system 
can not allocate sufficient memory to create the child process, but if I issue 
free -m while my stress test script is running I show plenty of available 

Am I hitting a per-user process limit or some such?  Any ideas?


Re: Fork returning EAGAIN

2006-12-08 Thread Jon Brock
Yeah, that's where I thought I was sending it first.  Had a slight brain-page 


:-) Everyone on the LINUX-390 list is gentle!

Re: TAPEMAP source?

2006-09-27 Thread Jon Brock

think you can pick it up at the CBT Tape site:


  -Original Message-From: The IBM z/VM Operating 
  System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of David 
  BoyesSent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 4:28 PMTo: 
  Does anyone happen to know the 
  location of the current source for TAPEMAP (the incredibly useful tell me 
  whats on this tape utility)? I seem to have misplaced my copy. 
  Sine Nomine 

Re: Performance Toolkit, browser graphics?

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Brock
Make sure you are up to date on PTK maintenance.  I could not use Firefox with 
it at all on my old maintenance level, but it works fine now that I'm 
reasonably current.


I couldn't get Firefox to connect to the IP address of PerfKit; maybe a
http proxy issue.


2006-09-20 Thread Jon Brock
We use FDR, but DFDSS should be able to do it with no problems.  Just make sure 
to stop whichever guest you are backing up before you do your backup.  


Anybody backing up VM volumes using this on z/OS?  

Re: LPAR Frozen with HIGH CPU

2006-09-15 Thread Jon Brock

Speaking a relative VM newbie, what in the Wide, Wide World of Sports is 


snipOh, yeah, I had that one during 
share in march 2005. Lots of NDMBKs and things fell apart./snip

Re: LPAR Frozen with HIGH CPU

2006-09-15 Thread Jon Brock

 That is frequently the case. If we have 
problems, I have one compatriot who will search through Google in preference to 
IBMLink or manuals. She usually gets what she needs.


  I saw that Kurt Acker beat me 
  to it but I think it was interesting that I found it more easily by googling 
  NDMBK rather than on the IBM website or a CD.

Re: Stand Alone Dump to Disk

2006-08-08 Thread Jon Brock
It isn't just thumb drives.  Google for pod-slurping.


Just a short note to let folks on this list that a lot of I.T. security 
guys are beginning to view USB thumb drives as a security exposure. Many 
desktop PCs now have USB port located on the front of their cases, 
making it fairly unobtrusive to plug a thumb drive in, and walk out with 
a hard disk's worth of information.

Re: Programmable Operator: The epic conclusion

2006-08-07 Thread Jon Brock

Tomangle Terry Pratchett, a one-in-a-million-chance will come 
through nine times out of ten.


  I have an entry in the RTABLE to 
  look for NOT in positions 10 thru 13. The last three letters of the file name just so happen 
  to be in 10 thru 13. What are the 

Re: New mainframe redbook

2006-08-02 Thread Jon Brock
Rabbit season!
Manager season!
Rabbit season!
Manager season!  Shoot!  Shoot! 


IT managers generally run about 30-35 cents a pound, and about 12 miles 
per hour, top speed.  They're usually in season from August through 
October, with the young ones appearing in April or May.  The bag limit is 
2: one in each hand - that's all they can carry.

Re: z/VM v5.2 - Common Criteria - Order Questions

2006-07-14 Thread Jon Brock
The problem is not grammatical; it is that the reference is to a quote from a 
movie -- Highlander, maybe? -- and Alan posted the corrected quote.  


 On Friday, 07/14/2006 at 09:56 AST, Nick Laflamme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Adam Thornton wrote:
   On Jul 13, 2006, at 9:43 PM, Alan Altmark wrote:
   Alan Altmark
   Lead Security Weasel
   David? Can that be *my* job title?
  There can only be one.
 (sigh) There can be only one. 

Now that reminds me of Mr Gilmore's postings on the Assembler list.
Please explain the difference for the gramatically challenged?

Re: Linux mainframe game machine....

2006-07-10 Thread Jon Brock
I still used those words at times, when I need to make a file name or something 

I also sometimes use a phrase taken from a successor to Adventure (NEWADV): 
I have neither the tools nor the expertise.


That was the one with the cave and the secret words (XYZZY and PLUGH)

Do I owe anybody anything?

2006-07-06 Thread Jon Brock
Rich Smrcina's note about the new Hobbit client for z/VM reminds me of 
something I have been meaning to ask for a while now: Do I owe anybody 
anything?  Code?  An email reply?  A smack upside (if that's a word) the head?

2006 has not been such a hot year so far, and I fear I may have lost track of a 
lot of stuff.  If I owe you something, I'm not ignoring you.  I'm just 

And no, don't try convincing me I owe you cash.  I'm not *that* clueless.  :)


Re: Technology Breakthrough

2006-06-30 Thread Jon Brock
I gotta get me some of dat.

How in Heaven's name did that guy even memorize the script?  I wouldn't even be 
able to read that stuff off a teleprompter with that much aplomb.


Re: OT: And now, a note from our moderator regarding Acronym Silliness

2006-06-28 Thread Jon Brock

Hmmm. Fromt he article:

"The faults of 
youth are retained along with the virtues, he believes. These include short 
attention span, sensation and novelty-seeking, short cycles of arbitrary fashion 
and a sense of cultural shallowness."

Ha! That's ridicu- oh, hey, check it 
out --a foam-rubber penguin!

. . 




Re: Can not snapshot volume on zOS

2006-06-06 Thread Jon Brock
Just to let folks know the outcome of my problem of a couple of weeks ago 
wherein I could not snapshot on z/OS a VM/Linux volume, I used CPFMTXA to 
format 0,0 as Richard mentioned and now everything seems to work.  At any rate, 
I can snap it and back it up.


If it contains the user directory, it should have a minimal VTOC. An ICKDSF 
FORMAT CPVOL (or simply a CPFMTXA) should place a 2 or 3 record VTOC 
immediately following the volume label (which is at cyl 0, track 0, record 3). 
Can you do a DDR TYPE or PRINT of that track to see what is really there?

Richard Schuh

Re: zVM Performance Toolkit newbie...

2006-06-05 Thread Jon Brock
Title: zVM Performance Toolkit newbie...

haven't read the install guide, so I can't comment on much of it. I can at 
least answer a couple of your questions, though.

There is a disconnected machine (call PERFSVM on our system) that does the 
collecting. No, you don't need a physical terminal dedicated to 



  Maybe it's just me, but the 
  manual for the zVM Performance Toolkit seems overly vague as to just where it 
  is supposed to be running and how to set it up.
Is it really intended to run on the system 
operator's userid? I get that impression, but it never really comes out and 
says that. Is there a disconnected machine that collects the monitor data, 
or do I actually have to have a physical terminal attached and dedicated to 
it 24/7?
The manual comes just short of telling you 
how to actually set it up, teasing at times with small amounts of vague 
data, but never really telling you anything useful.

Re: Upgrading zVM 5.1 to 5.2

2006-05-26 Thread Jon Brock
Thanks for the reply, Alan.  I have reordered z/VM 5.2 (I think).  I am sure I 
will have loads more questions when it gets here and I get a chance to work on 

And my favorite editor is probably Gene Weingarten, although I think he's a 
columnist now.


It's worth pointing out that there is nothing that upgrades your 5.1 
system to a 5.2 system, per se.  Rather, you perform a fresh 5.2 install 
on another set of packs and either bring your 5.1 configuration to your 
5.2 system (implemented by the 5.2 migration utilitites), or you take the 
5.2 components over to your 5.1 system.  The 5.2 version of the Automated 
Installation book comes when you order the z/VM 5.2 product (not service).

(And I would rather discuss the subjective nature of reality, religion, 
global warming, sex education in public schools, stem cell research, the 
influence of math on science and engineering, conservative vs. liberal 
politics, and, if pushed to the limit of discretion, even which text 
editior is the best, before talking about which of those two migration 
philosophies is best.  But, everyone, PLEASE don't use this post as an 
excuse to talk about your fave editor!)

Can not snapshot volume on zOS

2006-05-26 Thread Jon Brock
I have another little issue that has cropped up.  My normal backup 
procedure for right now is to vary the DASD online to z/OS, then use 
FDR/Instant to snapshot them and back them up.  I have created a new guest and 
loaded RHEL onto it.  I can back up all of the volumes except for one; the 
snapshot for that one fails with a message I/O ERROR READING THE VTOC.  No 
snapshot means no backup.  This volume is part of a volume group that contains 
the /usr directory.
Is there a way I could recreate a VTOC on this volume without having to 
redo the logical volume?


Re: Moving a guest to new DASD

2006-05-23 Thread Jon Brock
When you say a DDR restore, did you back up the guests and then restore them, 
or did you simply do a disk-to-disk copy, which is what I was planning on doing?


I have been successful in using DDR to copy the volumes.  The one big step
that I originally over looked was to format the new volumes before the DDR
restore. I have just finished copying two LINUX guests to a new storage
array and it is now in production.

Upgrading zVM 5.1 to 5.2

2006-05-15 Thread Jon Brock

 OK, I have ordered service to 
upgrade our z/VM from 5.1 to 5.2. (At least, I think I have. I got 
two 3480 cartridges containing UM97520.) I don't see a 5.2 version of the 
"Guide for Automated Installation and Service." I'm assuming I should use 
the one for 5.1. After all, I'm actually applying the service to a 5.1 
system anyway. Besides, the 5.1 and 5.2 manualsshould be pretty much 
identical, right?


Re: Water cooling -- was: (off topic) sump pump

2006-05-15 Thread Jon Brock
Yep.  Came close to doing it myself.  


Gamers have been water cooling over clocked Intel and AMD cpus for quite some 

Re: shutting down a linux guest on VM problem

2006-04-26 Thread Jon Brock
IIRC, you also have to make sure that you have set up inittab to handle the 
signals propagated to Linux by VM.  

Something like:
ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -h now 

Could that be the culprit?



 We are Suse9 sp3+(2.6...252)

This should *definitely* handle signals!  Did SuSE turn this OFF in  
their kernel, for reasons unknown?  Anyone got any light to shed?

Something else is wrong, I suspect.