RSCS in the base VM

2010-06-23 Thread Paul Nieman
We are running z/VM Version 4.3.  What functionality of RSCS was
included in the base at that point?  Where can I go to find this?

Paul Nieman

Re: Hi everybody

2010-02-08 Thread Paul Nieman
I used to enjoy class A privs.  I put SET PRIVCLASS -A in my PROFILE.

- SET PRIVCLASS is an auditable event and I didn't want to explain to
the Security staff why I used it so much.  If you have the privilege to
begin with, no audit record was cut.  Start out with anything that you
are entitled to, and trim it back with the means at your disposal.
- I don't want to become the System Operator, which you become eligible
for if you are Class A at the time the Sysoper gets logged off.  (In
olden days, we never had that problem since we ran OPERATOR disconnected
running reliable PROP and Operators could not log on (AUTOONLY).  But
after outsourcing, that was changed so that OPERATOR ran a vendor
product, Operators logged onto the OPERATOR id, and occasionally I have
seen the OPERATOR id mysteriously not logged on.)

Paul Nieman

On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 12:53 -0800, Schuh, Richard wrote:
 For any user who doesn't have class C, Set priv is not a security
 concern at all. They cannot go outside their directory classes. All
 they can do is remove an existing class or restore it. the real
 security concern is the Directory Class C, not the user's ability to
 use SET PRIV. One must be very cautious about granting that privilege
 Richard Schuh 
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
 [] On Behalf Of Scott Rohling
 Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 12:07 PM
 Subject: Re: Hi everybody
 Yes - as you parenthetically alluded to  - allowing SET
 PRIVCLAS is a feature you have to enable..   some customers
 see a command like SET PRIVCLAS as a security breaker..   It
 depends on how strict and how much 'separation of duty' is
 built into their security policies.   Anyone with class C and
 SET PRIVCLAS feature enabled is essentially an all-powerful
 user, period.
 On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 12:12 PM, zMan
 On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 1:44 PM, Schuh, Richard wrote:
 It isn't a matter of trust, it is a matter of
 minimizing the risk of an accidental SHUTDOWN.
 Here MAINT does not have class A; however it
 does have class C. That allows it to use the
 SET PRIV * +A in order to issue class A
 commands such as Q CPDISKS, CPRELEASE and
 CPACCESS. By requiring that extra step of the
 SET PRIV, it heightens the awareness of the
 person to the fact that they now have
 extraordinary capabilities and
 Exactly. I'd argue that best practices (a term I
 hate) has even MAINT doing a CP SET PRIVCLAS * =BEG
 (unless that's disabled, of course) in its PROFILE
 EXEC, and then using a CLASS EXEC for privileged

Re: Switching between Xedit screens.

2008-11-24 Thread Paul Nieman
Looking at the original stated problem, 'not enough text showing', I'm 
wondering if you can't see enough at one time, or is it just too slow moving 
through many lines.  A few solutions come to mind, depending upon your need.

Increase screen size:
You can change the model of the screen to display more than the standard 24 x 
80 screen size.  I don't know if you've tried this, and it has been discussed 
in the past, so I won't pursue it.

Show the lines of two screens a little differently, vertically:
Instead of 'screen 2', try 'screen 2 v'.  This displays the two files side by 
side, with a full set of lines showing, albeit only half of each line.  
Sometimes, that is a good way to see more of the files at the same time, 
sometimes better for comparing them.  (This depends upon what you are trying to 
see or do, so as a solution, it might not fit for you, but it might for others 
reading this.)

Work more efficiently with the keyboard - !:
No, I'm not cursing.  You can prefix x with an ampersand, thus 'x'.  The 
command will be redisplayed in the command area when you return.  If you do 
this on both screens, you can toggle back and forth between screens every time 
you hit enter.  Now, combine using the ampersand with two screens, and although 
you may not see a lot of lines at the same time, you can page through two files 
simultaneously, rapidly, with little keystroke effort.  Hence, after 'screen 
2', type 'fo' (or maybe 'n5') on both command lines, and hitting enter will 
page down both files at the same pace.  Of course, it can be used with 'screen 
2 v' as well.  And locally, we have a macro with which we can do 'compare' to 
find the next lines that aren't the same.  'locate /...' (or '/...') works 
well also.  I like something like '/.../#-2' followed by inserting '+2#' after 
the ampersand, thus paging through the file with '+2#/.../#-2', finding '...' 
but showing a couple lines above it.  (I know there are other ways to do this.)

Paul Nieman
  - Original Message - 
  From: Howard Rifkind 
  Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 12:48 PM
  Subject: Switching between Xedit screens.

  Hello all,

  I first Xedit one file then Xedit a second file, now there is one up front 
and one in the background.

  I don't want to do a 'screen 2' because it's to small, not enough text 

  How do I flip between the two screens?  There has to be an easy way to do 


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Re: X Disk in SFS

2008-02-22 Thread Paul Nieman
I agree with not using a maintenance id, MAINT, or even the canned SFS 
servers.  But this depends a little upon how varied the site is from vanilla 
VM.  But you sound like you want to get your feet wet also, so a little 
playing around is called for.

Your original question does not tell what the tools are for or where they 
come from, but I'm supposing that they are local, not IBM or other vendor. 
Even if they are, I wouldn't put files available to production users into a 
directory owned by MAINT (I wouldn't put the production S-disk on a minidisk 
owned by MAINT either ;-).  You can then separate what gets upgraded when 
system changes occur.  Makes for a better test environment too.

So, I would create a global filepool called 'MYCOMPNY' in a server id called 
VMSFS001, and create a filespace within that called 'PUB', and create a 
directory under that '.TOOLS'.  Then I would 'GRANT AUTH MYCOMPANY:PUB.TOOLS 
TO PUBLIC (READ NEWREAD', and finally modify SYSPROF to 'ACCESS 
MYCOMPNY:PUB.TOOLS X'.  I might be inclined to change the access filemode to 
something right before the S-disk, maybe O, or P.  BTW, there is no need for 
the PUB filespace to exist as a user.  In fact, I would avoid it.

So, while I would create another VM, it would be to host a new SFS filepool 
for production.  It would be global, though your site might not care.  This 
should safely get your feet wet.  That is, you can play with the SFS server 
to your hearts content, until you put it in SYSPROF.  By then, you should 
have all your backup and recovery capabilities in place.  You should 
probably create an SFS server called VMSFS002 for a filepool TSCOMPNY for 

You get to pick better names.

Others have posted about DIRCONTROL and XC and an exit in SYSPROF, all good 
points, so you can see there are issues to read up on before you put that 
ACCESS in SYSPROF.  Another issue is where to put the startup of VMSFS001; 
early in the IPL process!

Last, and maybe most important, be sure you know how you are doing your 
backups and recovery.  There are different (vendor) solutions, and a 
thorough understanding is important because SFS is different than minidisks. 
Maybe practic recovering from VMSFS002 to VMSFS003 (named RECOMPNY).

- Original Message - 
From: Gentry, Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: X Disk in SFS

You've got some catchin' up to do.  8-)
I would not use MAINT as a file space. Reason being, when new releases
of VM come out, you'll have to worry about backing your stuff up and
reloading it.
Taken literally, no need to set up another Virtual Machine (I take this
to mean install VM again and run it 2nd level or perhaps in an LPAR)
either.  You can define another VM user, and define SFS space to it.
Then grant access to that space, those users who need it.
I've glossed over the details and can provide them if you like.

Steve G.

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Fox Blue
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 11:04 AM
Subject: X Disk in SFS

Dear all,

I am currently busy to understand the capabilities of SFS. Started in

late 80ies as system programmer we had VM/SP but there was no SFS. Since

year I am working on a z/VM installation and have to catch up with all
new facilities in VM.

I am wondering what would be best approach to define an X Disk in the
. I
mean, normally one puts the files accessible to all users on a mini disk
that everybody can access.

How can you do that with SFS?  Should it be a directory in the file
MAINT or should I define an extra Virtual Machine for that? What would

the most common way of achieving this?

Thanks very much in advance.


Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINT

2008-02-16 Thread Paul Nieman
Re: How comments treated by DIRMAINTThere is actually a tool that does a fair 
job of recreating the source directory from the object directory.  It actually 
won't put PROFILEs back in, or INCLUDEs, or comments, but can put all object 
parts back to their source equivalents.  The DIRENT tool (in the VM download 
packages) does this, though when I last looked, it wasn't up to date.  I 
maintained it locally to provide what was missing.  Alas, I no longer have 

The nice thing about this tool for me was for viewing of several reference 
systems (and for disaster recovery and a few other cases).  A frontend exec 
took a parameter for which system I was curious about, linked to the disk with 
the desired DRCT space, and displayed in XEDIT whatever source I wanted.  
DIRENT was most often used on a particular USER, but it had the option to 
view/rebuild the entire DRCT.  Reading the object directory was fast and there 
was no need to wait for a maybe busy DIRMAINT to return a GET, no spool space 
taken up, no temporary clutter in my reader, especially, no need to even bring 
up the second level system;  just show me what I want.  It is possible to see 
the first level from the second level, given a RR link back upward.  Or 

Security and outdatedness (though not sure where it stands now) aside, a nice 

I agree about no purpose for comments in the object directory.  The audience 
for querying the directory seems small, just system programmers, who can get to 
comment/informational references some other way.  General users on our system 
never needed to see comments.  Oh, well, we had an elaborate frontend to 
DIRMAINT that provided users the same thing, as part of billing information 
that they entered when they requested their own minidisks!  But this data 
wasn't stored in the source directory, and querying was built into that 
frontend.  And system disks were never considered or treated like user 
minidisks.  Two tools for two audiences is OK.

Now, if IBM were to add a versatile frontend to DIRMAINT, that could be useful. 
 All kinds of metadata COULD be useful for different sites.  But I imagine that 
SFS features and declining use of VM by end-users would reduce the market for 
such a tool.  (Actually, the billing-oriented tool was built before the DIRM 
SAPI interface, which would have made it easier.)  I imagine that an ESM could 
be a good place to store metadata (some is already).  And maybe Accounting 
packages could be integrated with the ESM to use the metadata.  So maybe a 
vendor could run with this, and IBM can develop what they see as more strategic 
to VM.

On 2/11, RPN01 said...
Second, someone mentioned comments taking space in the object directory... My 
impression / hope would be that comments would be stripped from the information 
before building the object directory, since there is no actual purpose for them 
there, and there isn't a convenient tool to take an object directory and turn 
it into a source directory. Are the comments actually left in the object 
directory? If so, MAINT is one of the worst offenders, leaving in the hundreds 
of links that it uses during the installation as comments.

Re: Time Change

2006-03-28 Thread Paul Nieman

 individually. We have a wide variety
of z/OS, Linux and CMS based apps and
 only a couple of ancient ones have an issue (PROP gets cranky).

Why would PROP get cranky? PROP
doesn't wake up on timed events, but on messages. If there is any
problem with PROP, it would probably be with the coding of the action routines,
or some handoff between the action routines if they kept GLOBALV variables
with timestamps. But PROP itself should have no problem with the
SET TZ change. Is it more accurately the PROP-based apps that are

Towers Perrin has run PROP for years
and, though Towers Perrin IPLs shortly after the new time is in effect,
they do SET TZ before the IPL, and never saw any problem with several PROP
machines (though they were recycled with the IPL and hence didn't stay
up real long after).

Paul Nieman
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