Re: z/TPF List Server

2007-11-07 Thread Ray Mullins
There is a moderated newsgroup, comp.os.tpf, which was created in January
1999 (vote in November 1988).  However, the last legitimate post occurred in
July of 2002, and I believe that the moderator is no longer around.

The original RFD was put out by Andre Rosenthal and can be found in this
Google Groups USENET archive:

I don't know the procedure for the Big 8 to change moderation, but that
might be a way to go.

There is also one Google-hosted group.


M. Ray Mullins 
Roseville, CA, USA 

German is essentially a form of assembly language consisting entirely of far
calls heavily accented with throaty guttural sounds. ---ilvi 
French is essentially German with messed-up pronunciation and spelling.
--Robert B Wilson
English is essentially French converted to 7-bit ASCII.  ---Christophe
Pierret [for Alain LaBonté]

 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Ian S. Worthington
 Sent: Thursday, 01 November, 2007 17:08
 Subject: Re: z/TPF List Server
 There's 3(!) contenders over at Yahoo Groups, plus a jobs group.  With
 exception of the later, which is heavily moderated to keep out the
 the noise to signal ratio was too high when I looked at them a while
 The traffic is just too low, for the reasons already given.
 There used to be a forum on Al's site, but following the closure of his
 magazine his server died and as I'd been the only person to access it
 months he was reasonably disinclined to repair it :(
 Given the move to z/tpf though I do think one is called for.  I can set
 it up
 but not sure how to get the word out to people.
 -- Original Message --
 Received: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 11:38:25 PM GMT
 From: Schuh, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: z/TPF List Server
  That confirms what I was thinking. I have never heard mention of a
  list, and I have been lurking on the fringes of the TPF (PARS, ACP,
  ACP/TPF) world since the mid 1970s. Personal contacts and the
  development lab seem to obviate the need for a list. If you look at
  number of TPF shops, it is quite small and dwindling (with the
  merger of WorldSpan and Galileo) compared to the number of VM, MVS,
  or Linux licenses. With the smaller universe, a list really is not
  Richard Schuh
  From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Behalf Of Rick Giz
  Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:03 PM
  Subject: Re: z/TPF List Server
  I worked in that arena for a number of years and I am not aware of
  anyone ever hosting a list server for TPF.   Best bet has always been
  personal contacts established at conferences via the user group or of course there is also the IBM Lab.
  Rick Giz
  From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Behalf Of Raymond Noal
  Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 6:18 PM
  Subject: z/TPF List Server
  Dear Lists:
  Is there a list server for z/TPF?
  Raymond E. Noal
  Senior Technical Engineer
  Office: (408) 970 - 7978

Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31, 2007

2007-01-04 Thread Ray Mullins
Hey, he had a couple of others, but none that approached Convoy.


-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Adam Thornton
Sent: Thursday January 04 2007 07:53
Subject: Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31, 2007

On Jan 4, 2007, at 7:56 AM, Alan Altmark wrote:

 (Wolf Creek Pass, way across the
 Great Divide, truckin' on down the other side).

It's not every man who knows the OTHER hit of a one-hit wonder.


Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31, 2007

2007-01-04 Thread Ray Mullins
Have all of 'em, including the 'Convoy' soundtrack and the American
Gramophone CD + the albums re-issued on CD.  

Charter member of his fan club from 1974,

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jon Brock
Sent: Thursday January 04 2007 08:50
Subject: Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31, 2007

Heh.  I had that album.  


-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Adam Thornton
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31,

On Jan 4, 2007, at 7:56 AM, Alan Altmark wrote:

 (Wolf Creek Pass, way across the
 Great Divide, truckin' on down the other side).

It's not every man who knows the OTHER hit of a one-hit wonder.


Re: CMSCALL return code

2006-12-04 Thread Ray Mullins
There is a new option now, especially with non-zero codes:

LHI  R15,4

No storage fetch.

The subject of instruction timings on IBM-MAIN and ASSEMBLER-LIST comes up
now and then.  I point y'all to the archives of both lists.  With the new
z/Architecture pipelines and caches, sometimes what seems at first to be
illogical instruction placement may actually be better.  Hypothetical
illustration example:

LR4,RECPTRLoad address of pointer
AHI  R6,1 Add 1 to counter
AHI  R8,(-8)  Some other strange counter
CLI  16(R4),X'40'

The z/Architecture processor will execute the two AHI instructions while the
base/displacement calculation and storage access for the L instruction is
occurring, because it knows that R4 isn't affected by those instructions.
By the time the CLI is hit R4 will contain the address and there is no delay
that might occur if you code

AHI  R6,1 Add 1 to counter
AHI  R8,(-8)  Some other strange counter
LR4,RECPTRLoad address of pointer
CLI  16(R4),X'40'

In this case, there might be a delay at the CLI.

Speaking of branches there's been an interesting discussion recently about
the branch-prediction logic in z/Architecture, which is why I demonstrate
with the RI (or is it IR? I can never remember) instruction.


-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Walter
Sent: Monday December 04 2006 12:02
Subject: Re: CMSCALL return code

Sheesh, this goes way back to my good old Assembler diaper days when
programmers really cared about performance instead of drag and drop
Slightly off-topic: if I remember correctly, we argued intensely about
zeroing a GPR and the performance differences between: 

- SR R15,R15
- XR R15,R15
- LA R15,0(not seriously considered by performance geeks)
- L R15,=F'0' (considered for use only by amateur programmers coming from a
BASIC or COBOL background and otherwise held in low esteem by real
programmers).  ;-)

IIRC, the actual performance difference between SR and XR was different
based more on specific processor models that anything else.

Mike Walter
Hewitt Associates
Any opinions expressed herein are mine alone and do not necessarily
represent the opinions or policies of Hewitt Associates.

Schuh, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU
12/04/2006 11:37 AM
Please respond to


Re: CMSCALL return code

True, and it is undoubtedly faster to use SR  R15,R15 than it is to use LA
R15,0 to zero the register - there are no storage fetches and real
subtraction is not needed if the result can be predicted, as it can in this
case. However, the discussion had more to do with fetches of
boundary-aligned vs. non-aligned data. There was no mention of the optimum
speed for getting either a specific or an arbitrary value loaded into a
register. In this day of pipelined machines
This is sort of reminiscent of the good old days, programming in 7080
Autocoder. Boeing insisted that the programmers use a MOVE macro because
there were 26 different ways to move data from one storage location to
another. It was expected that most programmers would use either their
favorite way or the first one that popped into their heads if left on their
own. The macro chose the optimal way, depending on the operand definitions.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Stanley Rarick
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: CMSCALL return code

For a return code, LA R15,value is *much* faster than a L - only one storage

Schuh, Richard wrote:
I really would not have left it to chance, I would have defined a
word-aligned constant rather than using a literal. However, it might not
have been as chancy as it may seem. The literal pool is doubleword aligned
and boundary alignment may have been a factor in determining where the
literal resided. I would like to think that the 8-byte multiples are put at
the front, the 4-byters next, then the twos followed by everybody else. In
looking at an assembly listing, that seems to be the sequence. The first two
literals in the program are =x'A00', the next =x'FF', etc. In the
literal pool, all 4 byte entries (there were no 8 byte literals) precede the
two byte literals and then come the ones of only 1 byte. Within each of
these groups, the literals appear in the order in which they were defined.
There were no long strings defined as literals in the particular listing. 

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Don Russell
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: CMSCALL return code

Schuh, Richard wrote:
I agree, it does seem non-intuitive. The initial SR   

Re: Any resources on VLIW?

2006-07-20 Thread Ray Mullins
Two is a number.  :-)

Not IBM-specific, but S/390 architecture specific:  the smaller
Fujitsu-Siemens SX series are really non-Intel Sun boxes running an
emulator, with BS2000/OSD and VM2000 running on top.  (The S-series are real
boxes.)  I think that F-S may also have some Intel boxes doing this as well.

Unisys is moving towards the same scenario with its 2 mainframe lines, both
called ClearPath, but differentiated by origins (Sperry or Burroughs) and
operating systems (OS2200, MCP).


-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Adam Thornton
Sent: Thursday July 20 2006 14:03
Subject: Re: Any resources on VLIW?

On Jul 20, 2006, at 12:52 PM, Anne  Lynn Wheeler wrote:

 re: Any resources on VLIW? Any resources on VLIW?

 as an aside ... some number of the relatively recent 370 emulators 
 written for intel platforms have quoted avg. instruction ratio numbers 
 around 10:1 also (have to play some real tricks to get it much below 

Some number?  I'm only aware of two emulators, namely Flex/ES and Hercules.
What else is there?


Re: OT: Cursed Scroll Lock key vs 3270 emulators

2006-06-16 Thread Ray Mullins
delurk again

This may be apocryphal, but I've heard a story where Seymour Cray was once
asked why the Cray 1 operating system was case-sensitive.  His reply was
that he didn't want to waste CPU cycles on case conversion that could be
better spent on number crunching.


/delurk again 

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Lloyd Fuller
Sent: Friday June 16 2006 13:47
Subject: Re: OT: Cursed Scroll Lock key vs 3270 emulators

On Fri, 16 Jun 2006 15:21:17 -0400, David Boyes wrote:

David Boyes
Sine Nomine Associates
 When I get that fixed, I'm also going to find whoever decided *ix
 be case-sensitive and cure him

Just wait until you get a Plan 9 system. Case sensitive, character set 
sensitive, 32-bit character set (full ISO 10646 support)...

-- db

Or a newer Teradata database engine:  it is the same way.


Re: OT: Cursed Scroll Lock key vs 3270 emulators

2006-06-15 Thread Ray Mullins


I've done that on my work laptop with the USD 5.00 add-on 
wireless keyboard, which is sans indicator lights. The keyboard came with 
some state software, where it puts the status of caps, num and scroll in the 
Windoze SysTray, but I use a hiding taskbar so it's not always apparent to 


--M. Ray MullinsRoseville, CA, USA 
is essentially a form of assembly language consisting entirely of far calls 
heavily accented with throaty guttural 

  From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roger 
  BolanSent: Thursday 15 June 2006 15:23To: 
  IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDUSubject: Re: OT: Cursed "Scroll Lock" key vs 
  3270 emulators
  How about trying the Accessibility 
  Options in the Windows Control Panel and turn on ToggleKeys.  That 
  way CapsLock, NumLock, and ScrollLock all beep when you press them.  
  That should alert you whenever you press one by accident. Regards,   Roger 
  BolanIBM Printing Systems Division Visit our Web site at 

Re: This may interest some.

2006-05-26 Thread Ray Mullins

Those copyright statements are in LE modules.  Since C under z/OS is
LE-enabled, it establishes an LE environment, which includes abend
intercepts, etc.

I just did a test on z/OS 1.7, and there are only 2 copyrights, in CEESTART

Of course, since the example is actually a subroutine, I tried it with
changing TEST to main.  Then I get 5 copyrights, all in LE routines.

Interestingly, there is a #pragma comment copyright where you can insert
your own copyright text in the object code generated by the compiler.



M. Ray Mullins 
Roseville, CA, USA 

German is essentially a form of assembly language consisting entirely of far
calls heavily accented with throaty guttural sounds. 
