Re: [IceHorses] Re: Kolur and Brenna meet the new alpacas

2008-05-04 Thread Susan McKenney
 It was my intention to have alpacas until the horses ate the money.
 They are very expensive. You must be rich! They are gentle.They have no
 bottom teeth.

My neighbors are breeding them and intend to make money doing it.  And
they got the pregnant females at a discount in return for taking care
of the non-breeding stock on the 7 acre pasture my horses are on next
to my house.  Guess what...these people are always going on vacation
and one day hasn't passed before they have asked to start using my
trailer!  So in a sense they are mine too!


Re: [IceHorses] Tough times

2008-02-17 Thread Susan McKenney
On Feb 15, 2008 9:35 AM, Laree Shulman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's been a tough week in our family.

Gee Laree, that sounds really hard.  I know you have a lot of support
from your family and friends.  Let's get together soon.


Re: [IceHorses] OT - chickens

2007-12-11 Thread Susan McKenney
 Actually, we had chickens when I was a kid and I'm not anxious to go back to
 those days.   The bantam roosters would sometimes chase me

Now we're getting down to the real issue...Karen is scared of roosters! ;)


Re: [IceHorses] Missy Brenna

2007-12-08 Thread Susan McKenney
 It looks like poster pictures - beautiful location where you live and both
 you and Branna are looking well and happy.

It's in the 60's here in western NC this week - just got back from
hiking a ridge trail off my property with six Alpine goats, greeted at
the trail head by Kolur and Brenna.  My idea of paradise...


Re: [IceHorses] Iceland

2007-12-03 Thread Susan McKenney

 They sure didn't ask ME to vote, LOL!  Any country that has 23 daily hours
 of daylight one season, then 23 daily hours of darkness another, and can
 have snow in July is NOT going to make my top 10 list!   Gee, I get an
 attack of Seasonal Affective Disorder just thinking about it!

When I went on a trek in July maybe 8 years ago the hardest things for
me were not being able to sleep when the sun was still up at midnight,
riding in 40 mph sustained winds some days, and lack of privacy on the
trail because there weren't any trees to relieve oneself behind.  Yet
I met some of the most positive most happy seeming people there, and I
really looked forward to returning although i haven't yet.


Re: [IceHorses] OT Fun - I'm a Golden Retriever

2007-12-02 Thread Susan McKenney
UmmmI'm a Great Dane.


Re: [IceHorses] OT Fun - I'm a Great Dane

2007-12-02 Thread Susan McKenney

 I think we're ok being Great Danes!  My mom's friend raised Great Danes and
 I really liked them. They were big, gentle and protective. I wanted one, but
 my hubby didn't because they don't live very long.

 The breed standard says, The Great Dane must be spirited, courageous,
 always friendly and dependable, and never timid or aggressive

 Intelligence, loyalty and dependability are true breed characteristics.


That's you Cherie!  I'm a Great Dane too.


[IceHorses] jumping with the clicker

2007-12-02 Thread Susan McKenney
Now that there is hardly any grass to preoccupy them Brenna and Kolur
are wanting more clicker stuff.  I wanted to come up with something
new so I decided to click them for jumping; thought they might find
that fun.  But I wasn't sure how to drive them over that low jump the
first few times.  So I first jumped over myself and clicked while they
watched.  Kolur picked it up pretty quickly when I used my hand as a
target and we jumped it together.  But the second time I tripped and
fell flat on my face just as I clicked!  Kolur gave me this look as if
I must be crazy to ask him to fall on his face after he jumps!  I
agreed!  Won't be doing that again...


Re: [IceHorses] Brenna and Kolur in a schooling show

2007-10-30 Thread Susan McKenney
On 10/29/07, Cherie Mascis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yahoo Sue!  Did anyone get a video or photos?

Yes the show was professionally videotaped so i should be able to pull
something off it.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Brenna and Kolur in a schooling show

2007-10-30 Thread Susan McKenney
On 10/30/07, Anna Hopkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And Kolur
   amazed them with what he's been clicker trained to do - such a
   character.  They were the hit of the show, got big time applause


 What 'tricks' did you have Kolur do?

I trained Kolur to watch me and do whatever I do.  So we dance
together - side to side he does the same thing, face to face he moves
in the opposite direction.  So he waltzes with me and does a head down
at the end for a bow - I need to get some waltz music for the full


Re: [IceHorses] hay

2007-09-06 Thread Susan McKenney
 We also ordered timothy hay from upstate NY.  It is wonderful quality  hay in
 75-80 lb compressed bales.


I'll be there to get some soon...


Re: [IceHorses] Rain!

2007-08-27 Thread Susan McKenney
On 8/26/07, Karen Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Told ya you'd get it.  ;)

 Yes you did - thanks for sharing!

Karen, those big rain clouds passed right over Asheville on the way to
your house and only gave us a few sprinkles.


Re: [IceHorses] yet another question

2007-08-26 Thread Susan McKenney
On 8/26/07, pippa258 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Susan at SaddleupTack sells Flygone 7000.  And she offers 10% off if you
 mention you are on the the Icehorses list.  She's located in FL.


Has anyone tried Endure?  It says it works against No-Seeums and it
does seem to be working, plus it smells a whole lot better than


Re: [IceHorses] Removing Toxins

2007-08-14 Thread Susan McKenney
Ordering from my site gets you support from me and my
upline who have more experience with it than I do.

By the way another benefit besides mental alertness I'm experiencing
from taking the Natural Cellular Defense product is that I'm sleeping
very soundly every night.  Usually I am restless and get up in the
middle of the night so now I feel better all day.  My friend who
introduced it to me had all her menopausal symptoms disappear. Her
husband really appreciates that.

They say there aren't any side effects but after taking the initial
detox dose (30 drops a day with a lot of water) I did experience an
increased sensitivity to several things for about a week:  a candle my
husband was lighting, sulfites in wine, and truck exhaust.  I'm not
noticing it so much now, and my husband isn't lighting that *^*^*
candle any more.


Re: [IceHorses] Wanted - Icelandic Horse

2007-08-07 Thread Susan McKenney
Those who buy horses advertised as good sound trail horses with no
issues from people who breed, sell and trail ride are probably
statistically way up there as being happy, probably 80 %. but those
who buy good safe trail horses from those who breed for color or show
and sell for color and or show and or trailriding, are probably very
very low. maybe 10% happy. jmo. jmo based on reading posts here for

Wow, I've been on this list for three years and don't remember discussions
people being unhappy with their horses. or breeders who sell for color etc.
how many are there in each group?  10 percent of how many?


Re: [IceHorses] In memory....

2007-08-04 Thread Susan McKenney
We found our wonderful old TWH gelding, Mac, dead in the pasture this

We heard a lot about him so there are lots of memories out there now.
Sounds like it was quick and painless.  We know you'll miss him.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Another step / Calm Down

2007-08-03 Thread Susan McKenney
We've really got it better on cue now and the head down
from the saddle is getting very good. I barely tap his withers and
his head goes down.

Kolur uses the head down cue to get ME to do clicker training.  Whenever he
wants to do it he puts his nose to the ground several times quickly and I'm
so well trained I'll usually do it with him.  He acts so thrilled and proud
of himself over what he can do.


Re: [IceHorses] What is in your first aid kit?

2007-08-02 Thread Susan McKenney
I have several first aid kits for different circumstances, keep in mind I'm
a Vet Tech and lapsed EMT
and an everything but the kitchen sink type!


Just one of the reasons I like trail riding with Cherie!


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Weight-Carrying Ability

2007-08-01 Thread Susan McKenney
It struck me that it was put out there to combat the
American ideas about ponies - they are for children etc.

I would surely agree with this since I find myself without fail talking
about weight carrying capability to every person I'm introducing my
Icelandics to...I don't want them to think I'm abusing the ponies by riding
them, I guess.


Re: [IceHorses] horses reading people vibes

2007-07-30 Thread Susan McKenney
Cherie on Kolur and Cary on Skjoni, both geldings went into a slight
hyper mode at the beginning of the first two rides. In this case, I don't
think either Cary or Cherie were particularly nervous or uptight, but I
suspect that somehow, the two geldings picked up each other vibes.

The first time I brought Kolur and Brenna to Trish's was a very cool breezy
day after a warm spell.  Kolur was quite hyped up before we got there but as
soon as he met Trish's Kopar his masculine energy went into overdrive.  He
lives with a mare so when he finds a gelding to hang with he gets very
energized and excited and seems to really like Kopar in particular. (Just
prior to this he was the picture of calm and collected leading three mares
trail riding at Biltmore.)  Subsequently Brenna bonded strongly with
Cherie's Lilja but the energy was more about hanging out together away from
the boys.  So in these cases too the energy coming from the people was
nothing compared to the energy from cool breezes, new horse buddy hormones,
and being in a new place.


Re: [IceHorses] Sensation saddle

2007-07-23 Thread Susan McKenney
One thing I have to say about the Sensations - I can't think of another
saddle with so many ways to adjust it for the rider.

I can't think of another person who enjoys re-engineering her saddle as much
as Karen!


[IceHorses] Kolur and Brenna Speak

2007-07-13 Thread Susan McKenney
An equine bodyworker and animal communicator was in the area and
worked on Kolur and Brenna today.  Here are some things the horses
said to her:

Kolur said he was with someone for five years who didn't pay attention
to him except to get on him and tolt. This person was disappointed
that Kolur didn't tolt faster.  A previous owner traded him for a gray
horse.  He wonders what is better about that color.  Kolur likes
adventure and likes the goats.  He likes where he lives now.  His only
complaint is that Brenna eats more hay than he does.

Brenna has a big question about why people change their mind.  She was
trained to be a show horse and they didn't choose her.  She was hurt
by that.  Her trainer was overwhelmed by too many horses in too short
a time and Brenna didn't have time to become good enough.  Her
complaint now is that Kolur keeps snatching hay away from her.


Re: [IceHorses] Kolur and Brenna Speak

2007-07-13 Thread Susan McKenney
Very interesting, Sue!

Sounds like she was close?

 Yes, I don't have all the details of Kolur's background but my understanding 
is that he was driven pretty hard to tolt and to perform.  In the arena now he 
tenses up and gets cranky at first when asked to tolt but on the trail he's 
just fine with it. His last owner did trade him for another horse to show with 
while she still had Kolur (after he refused to perform any more), but I don't 
know if it was gray._

Brenna was started at 5 and six months later was taken to the evaluations
with several other horses from the same herd.  Her scores weren't great and
she was brought to Robyn's to be sold.  Today she just loves to have a
chance to perform in the arena.  She wants to get everything right and
perfect and gets very upset if she doesn't understand what is being asked of
her.  At a clinic last year she stood next to me for hours watching the show
and each horse going by.  I feel she yearns to be a great show horse.



[IceHorses] Re: Kolur and Brenna Speak

2007-07-13 Thread Susan McKenney
On 7/13/07, Susan McKenney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 An equine bodyworker and animal communicator was in the area and
 worked on Kolur and Brenna today.  Here are some things the horses
 said to her:

Oh and she also said Kolur had his saddle changed and it bothers him
that sometimes it slips and because the person gets unbalanced he has
to move to rebalance them.  He said it bothers his withers too.  If
this is true I'm guessing that it happens with people who are not used
to the Sensation, which includes my husband and a friend or two.  And
I'm wondering if I have it too far forward.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Reiki and Other

2007-07-12 Thread Susan McKenney
I think this is a very important concept, that it is ok to let our
horses have a say and to be able to listen to them. I'm not sure how
we can have a partnership with our horses unless we allow them input.

 I can't even begin to tell you how important it is to my Kolur to have a
 say.  I believe that it's the only way he will cooperate and the only way he
 can be happy with people.


Re: [IceHorses] Icelandic weights/sedation

2007-07-10 Thread Susan McKenney
  The theory that I have, and my vet seems to agree, is that they have
 mass in bone than other horses of the same weight which is why they
 take less tranquilizer for their size. Although like everything there are
 always exceptions.


Last time Brenna had her teeth floated she was squirming around, rolling her
eyes, and taking her head off the stand.  I think the vet underestimated her


[IceHorses] Kolur and the Kids

2007-07-01 Thread Susan McKenney
Luc and I were trimming one of the goat kid's hoofs today and it was
her first time.  We had to hold her down and she didn't know what was
happening so she was crying out for her mom.  Kolur stuck his head
into the goat barn and nuzzled and lipped the kid's head while we
trimmed, and the kid settled right down with a big sigh.

My Kolur is a curmudgeon on the outside but a really big hearted horse
on the inside.  He's just crazy for human kids too.


Re: [IceHorses] Farm life

2007-06-26 Thread Susan McKenney
I spent most of my life in the suburbs of Boston, a consultant spending too
many days in airports with late and cancelled flights, too many nights in
same-old same-old hotel rooms, putting up with lousy New England weather.  I
was yearning for horses and to be closer to nature.  Three years ago my life
changed completely when I moved to western North Carolina.  I live with my
husband in the blue ridge mountains on 45 acres, great weather, amazing
mountain views, two wonderful Icelandics, a herd of dairy goats, loads of
chickens, and a couple of cats.  I find it hard to go on vacation because
nothing seems to compare to the life I have here.


Re: [IceHorses] Farm life

2007-06-26 Thread Susan McKenney
 My husband is in the process of building a chicken treehouse complex.
 I'll send pics when it's done.


Re: [IceHorses] Svertla

2007-06-26 Thread Susan McKenney
She looks great!  What is she like personality-wise?


[IceHorses] Flygone 7000

2007-06-02 Thread Susan McKenney
I recommended Flygone 7000 to my vet who has a horse with summer eczema, and
she thinks it's great but finds it expensive.  She would like to buy in
quantity and perhaps be a distributor.  Anyone have a contact I can pass on
to her?


[IceHorses] OT - chicken story

2007-05-29 Thread Susan McKenney
Our favorite hen with two patches of missing feathers from getting pecked on
the head by the rooster and grabbed by a neighbor's dog when she strayed
disappeared and we thought she was dead.  Three weeks later she reappeared
and had been sitting on something like 25 eggs on top of an alfalfa bale in
the goat barn rafters.  When we got back from Trish's yesterday 10 were
hatched with two more almost out when I filmed this clip.  Somehow she got
those 10 chicks down to the ground without hurting them and we set up a
nicer space for them.


Re: [IceHorses] Ride at Trish's

2007-05-29 Thread Susan McKenney
Cherie said Ron might come next time when he finds out that three guys who
haven't ridden much went out and didn't die!  If Renee and Paul came that
would be..gulp..six men with Cary!  Wait, Laree has a husband and Sara Lyter
and her man are back in town...I guess I'm getting carried away at the
unlikely prospect that we could feasibly get eight men riding together in
western North Carolina - seven on Icelandics!


Re: [IceHorses] OT - chicken story

2007-05-29 Thread Susan McKenney

 Ohmigosh, 25 eggs! Do they usually have that many?

 What happens when a baby chick, like the one in the video, gets stuck on
 back? Are they able to turn them over?

I think that's twice the average number.  I turned that chicken over myself,
and she doesn't seem to be turning them when that happens.  Might be
survival of the fittest...


[IceHorses] Wonderful ride at Trish's today

2007-05-28 Thread Susan McKenney
Cherie with Lilja, and my husband Luc and I with Brenna and Kolur, made our
way down to Trish and Rich's today for a trail ride off her property in
Tryon, NC.  Her neighbors Sheila and Mike joined us on their big horses and
we had a great ride. (Three whole men on the trail!!!)

I love taking Brenna and Kolur for a playdate with the other icelandics.
Now Kolur is bonded with Kopar and Brenna is bonded with Lilja...this is the
first time I've had trouble getting Brenna into the trailer.  She visibly
sulked and wouldn't get in while Cherie couldn't get Lilja into her trailer
until I finally got Brenna into mine!

All the horses were good on the trail although Brenna wiped out twice - she
rammed into a concrete post while galloping with the other horses in Trish's
arena and fell down, and she stepped into a hole on the trail and fell while
I was on her.  I fell under her as she was pulling herself up and luckily
she was kind enough to avoid stepping on me.  We both are fine.  Thanks for
the Arnaca, Trish!

There's this funny restaurant we went to down the street from Trish's.  It
looks like a truck stop / dive and yet they have this exotic menu of all
kinds of fishes you never see, frog's legs and the like for $6.95 including
your choice of three side-dishes.  What a great way to end a ride while the
horses are relaxing back at Trish's!

Others were taking pictures and I hope will post them...
