Re: [IceHorses] Sightseeing on the trail

2008-07-04 Thread Janice McDonald
> Now, answer me honestly, do you REALLY think you could train Nasi into being
> a horse like Stonewall...?  :)
> Karen Thomas, NC

he is high energy tho you really dont know til they get under saddle,
and he has that stonewall sense of doing something if he feels it
needs to be done, knowing I will understand.  Like when stonewall laid
down in the middle of the trail to rest with me on him.  He had mild
anemia.  The vet said "well he is the type horse who knows he CAN do
something like that, that you'll let him."  I thought he was dying.
Then Nasi, one day he almost killed me cause I led him up to a closed
gate and when curly ray jumped him he decided he had to ram through
the barely open gate, nearly smushing me.  I roared and ran at him and
popped curly in the nose with the end of the lead rope and they were
all yii she SNAPPED and running like nuts.  But he should not have
even tried that.  None of my horses are that disrespectful.  any of
them would have known running me down was not an option.  But also
like stonewall, I put him in the roundpen to work with him and he is a
model ctizen, all happy and relaxed and wow, i get to go to school
today.  so i see these same similarities and they worry me some.  also
he has so much energy he will play on and on with curly, way way after
the others are tired of it.  But I dont know if thats his age, four,
or his temperament.  4 seems old to be playing like a yearling but
maybe not.  I dont know.  he is the baby around here.  oh!  but last
nite he did a stonewall thing.  he dragged his feet coming in from
turnout so I did not hold his spot.  I fed everyone and as soon as
they ate he came to the gate wanting me to put him in with Trausti,
knowing Trausti would be a kinder gentler roomie for the nite than the
fearsome mccurdy boys who tromp him the instant he gets the least full
of himself.  and when i wouldnt let him in he went over to trausti at
the fence and stuck his foot thru, something that gives me chills.  I
was tempted to let him in but instead ran throwing my arms at him to
get him off the fence and turned the electric on.  He knows I love him
and manipulates me sometimes.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Sightseeing on the trail

2008-07-04 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Do you ride at a certain time of day to avoid flies?  My bug spray 
>>> doesn't keep them off.

We have barn swallows plus we've been dry so they really aren't too bad.  We 
just have heat...LOTS of heat...heat and humidity.  We were back in at 11am, 
drenched and exhausted after just two hours.   The humidity wears me out.

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Sightseeing on the trail

2008-07-04 Thread Virginia Tupper
On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mr. Teev, just chillin' and checking out the sights...

Do you ride at a certain time of day to avoid flies?  My bug spray
doesn't keep them off.

Re: [IceHorses] Sightseeing on the trail

2008-07-04 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> But he cant be like stonewall.  Stonewall, I dont know if he has a screw 
>>> loose or if its me, but I dont want to take any chances.  I sometimes 
>>> feel scared to train nasi something, afraid i will mess him up...

I wouldn't worry, Janice.  Stonewall seems to me to be a "hot" horse...and, 
at risk of sounding Seinfeldian, not that there's anything wrong with that. 
I have never seen an Icelandic that is "hot" in that sense - not even close. 
A few gaited horses, yes.  Some Arabs, yes.  Some TB's, yes.  Even some QH. 
I just don't think that kind of hotness (whatever you choose to call it) 
exists in this breed.

Now, answer me honestly, do you REALLY think you could train Nasi into being 
a horse like Stonewall...?  :)

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Sightseeing on the trail

2008-07-04 Thread Janice McDonald
On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 he is like the don rickles of icelandics whereas Trausti is like the
 john denver of icelandics.  nasi is like the carrot top of icelandics
> HA!!! Oh man, did you ever nail the first two - I don't know Nasi well
> enough to know if he's Carrottop!
> Karen Thomas, NC
oh believe me, if you do the parelli horsenality thing nasi is most
definitely extrovert fearless comedian, i dont know which one is that.
 but it is scaring me because the only one i raised from babies is my
daughter, my dog ruby, stonewall and nasi. and so far they are all
totally 100% the most heartachingly spirited, funny, march to the beat
of their own drummer beings...  yet a horse can kill you so easily
when like that.  They have to be treated firmly and i am no good at
that!  Nasi, like the little mule, forced me to be firm, i got sick of
his hi-jinks, galloping toward me to frighten me, clipping me to knock
me down or knock the feed bucket out of my hand, constantly nipping
and being in my space... this was from age 6 months to one year.  Then
at around one year I just couldnt take him being dangerous like that
and got real firm with him so he did exactly like stonewall...  he
became ingenious at discerning when he has crossed a line and goes
yi and beats a quick retreat.  But he cant be like stonewall.
Stonewall, I dont know if he has a screw loose or if its me, but I
dont want to take any chances.  I sometimes feel scared to train nasi
something, afraid i will mess him up...
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Sightseeing on the trail

2008-07-04 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> he is like the don rickles of icelandics whereas Trausti is like the 
>>> john denver of icelandics.  nasi is like the carrot top of icelandics

HA!!! Oh man, did you ever nail the first two - I don't know Nasi well 
enough to know if he's Carrottop!

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Sightseeing on the trail

2008-07-04 Thread Janice McDonald
he looks like trigger.  i was thinking yesterday how he would take the
reins in his mouth and put his ears back and try to take them from my
hand when he would get tired of standing around when I would be
chatting with people or something.  that was so funny to me!! HAHAHA
but others would go oh my.  they just did not understand him.  he is
like the don rickles of icelandics whereas Trausti is like the john
denver of icelandics.  nasi is like the carrot top of icelandics
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Sightseeing on the trail

2008-07-04 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> That's allotta bling on that sidepull  Looks good.

Yeah, but I do call him "Mr. T" about half the time...he just needs a few 
gold chains now. Janice sent him here with the Mohawk 'do already done.  :)

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Sightseeing on the trail

2008-07-04 Thread Wanda Lauscher
2008/7/4 Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Mr. Teev, just chillin' and checking out the sights...

That's allotta bling on that sidepull

Looks good.


Thoughts become things...