Re: Last Call: draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check (Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity in Certificates Used with Transport Layer Security) to Proposed Standa

2010-07-17 Thread John C Klensin

--On Thursday, July 15, 2010 16:08 -0700 The IESG wrote:

 The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter
 to consider  the following document:
 - 'Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application
 Service Identity in Certificates Used with Transport Layer
 Security 'draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check-08.txt as
 a Proposed Standard


These are sort of nits, but they do identify areas where the
document is substantively incorrect and subject to

(1) In Section 4.4.1, the reference should be to the IDNA2008
discussion.  The explanations are a little better vis-a-vis the
DNS specs and it is a bad idea to reference an obsolete spec.

(2) In Section 4.4.2, note that there are definitional and
procedural problems if one tries to talk about a single rule for
full domain names.  It is possible, and has been the only option
until very recently, for a fully-qualified IDN to contain both
traditional and internationalized labels.  IDNA2008 avoided
a number of definitional problems by being defined strictly in
terms of labels for just that reason.   In particular,
conversion of an all-ASCII label to an A-label is undefined and
meaningless: such a label is not a U-label and hence cannot be
converted.  One needs to parse the string into labels, determine
for each label whether it is traditional or
internationalized, and then apply the appropriate rule. I'd
recommend rewriting 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 in terms of labels, not

(3) Note that anything that requires that an application program
parse a FQDN that might be an IDN into labels should probably
have a Security Considerations note about the risks if various
dotoids leak into the relevant environment.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Historic Moment - Root zone of the Internet was just signed minutes ago!!!

2010-07-17 Thread Paul Wouters

On Fri, 16 Jul 2010, Tony Finch wrote:

unbound requires trust anchors in DS format which is somewhat more
convenient, though you still have to edit IANA's XML to convert it into
master file format.

You can also use DNSKEY statements in unbound:

~ grep trusted-keys /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
trusted-keys-file: /etc/pki/dnssec-keys/production/root.conf
~ cat /etc/pki/dnssec-keys/production/root.conf
trusted-keys {
. 257 3 8 
 // key id = 19036



Ietf mailing list

Re: TSV-DIR review of draft-daboo-srv-caldav-05

2010-07-17 Thread Joe Touch

Hi, Cyrus,

On 7/16/2010 6:11 PM, Cyrus Daboo wrote:

Hi Joe,

--On July 16, 2010 2:55:42 PM -0700 Joe Touch wrote:

1) the document contains a section discussing the registration of caldev
and caldevs (Sec 3); a corresponding section for carddev and carddevs
should be added.

As noted in the fourth paragraph of the introduction, the CardDAV
service types have been defined in [I-D.ietf-vcarddav-carddav] currently
in the RFC Editor queue.

The information from section 11 of that draft should be repeated in 
summary in this one, e.g., in Sec. 3.

Note that ietf-vcarddav-carddav does not request that the 
carddev/carddevs strings be added to the SRV registry.

2) the IANA recommendation that these four service names be added as
aliases to http and https (correspondingly) does not seem correct. If
these are indeed aliases, then this specification should recommend the
use of either http or https (correspondingly) in the SRV records,
without the need for new names. However, I believe the intent is that the
caldev and/or carddev servers could exist on other ports than the typical
web server; as such, they should be registered as service names (as per
the existing SRV registry, e.g.), NOT as aliases in either the SRV
registry (which has no such concept) or the IANA ports table.

I.e., these new names should be registered as service names, not as
aliases. This should be sufficient for the purposes of this document.

In [I-D.ietf-vcarddav-carddav], after much debate with the IESG and the
associated working group, the approach of registering the service types
as aliases was agreed upon as a stop gap measure until the IANA SRV
registry is setup. draft-daboo-srv-caldav follows that same approach.

The SRV registry exists even in advance of IANA's management thereof. 
Further, aliases have no meaning in the SRV registry - they are 
meaningful only in the IANA ports registry, and only insofar as multiple 
strings are assigned the same port number. No such port number 
assignment is requested or appropriate here (they aren't needed for SRV 
records per se).

One exception would be if you *also* intend that these strings serve as 
aliases to the well-known ports 80 and 443, respectively. However, this 
document does NOT define an alias for either of those ports. An alias 
would be an equivalent name which can be substituted without impact. 
Here, were you to use http or www instead of caldev or carddev, 
you should presumably not be using the /caldev or /carddev URI suffixes.

I would be glad to discuss this further wiht the IESG or WG if needed.

3) The use of a required URI suffix (/carddev or /caldev) seems to be too
fixed. draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd (intended as standards track)
indicates a way to embed this information in the a TXT record with the
same DNS name as the SRV record; RFC 5507 represents the IAB
(informational) position that most additional information should be
included in new RR types (though it's unclear this could easily support
URI suffixes). My concern is that this document does neither; it embeds
this information in this document as a requirement, rather than
presenting it as a configurable option with a default. I would prefer to
see the latter (regardless of how), to indicate the URI suffix if not the
'default' as specified in this document.

RFC5785 defines the .well-known URI - I think it is very clear that,
given that CalDAV and CardDAV are in effect web-services, making use of
.well-known is the right thing to do. There is no need for any
additional data in the DNS. What is more, the .well-known approach is in
fact useful in the absence of SRV - it can minimise the information
users would have to enter. I don't see this approach as being too
fixed - the whole point about .well-known is to fix things like this.

This doc seeks to escape the fixed allocations of the static IANA ports 
table by using SRV records to locate resources dynamically. However, 
this doc also refers back to a different but equally fixed .well-known 
URI table without a similar SRV-like dynamic escape mechanism.

This isn't a fix; this is creating a stop-gap, and having a dynamic SRV 
registry refer back to a fixed table undermines the whole point of SRV 
records AFAICT.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check (Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity in Certificates Used with Transport Layer Security) to Proposed Stan

2010-07-17 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 5:22 AM -0400 7/17/10, John C Klensin wrote:
(1) In Section 4.4.1, the reference should be to the IDNA2008
discussion.  The explanations are a little better vis-a-vis the
DNS specs and it is a bad idea to reference an obsolete spec.

+1. I accept blame on this one, since I was tasked on an earlier version to 
bring the IDNA discussion up to date.

(2) In Section 4.4.2, note that there are definitional and
procedural problems if one tries to talk about a single rule for
full domain names.  It is possible, and has been the only option
until very recently, for a fully-qualified IDN to contain both
traditional and internationalized labels.  IDNA2008 avoided
a number of definitional problems by being defined strictly in
terms of labels for just that reason.   In particular,
conversion of an all-ASCII label to an A-label is undefined and
meaningless: such a label is not a U-label and hence cannot be
converted.  One needs to parse the string into labels, determine
for each label whether it is traditional or
internationalized, and then apply the appropriate rule. I'd
recommend rewriting 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 in terms of labels, not

Here we (may) disagree. 4.4.2 is already in terms of labels:
   If the source domain of a reference identifier is an
   internationalized domain name, then an implementation MUST convert
   every label in the domain name to an A-label before checking the
   domain anme.
Are you saying that the correct wording should elide If the source domain of a 
reference identifier is an internationalized domain name, then and just start 
at An implementation MUST? That would work for me.

(3) Note that anything that requires that an application program
parse a FQDN that might be an IDN into labels should probably
have a Security Considerations note about the risks if various
dotoids leak into the relevant environment.

E, why should this document be forced to have such a warning when the 
IDNA2008 documents don't?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
Ietf mailing list

Nomcom Enhancements: Improving the IETF leadership selection process

2010-07-17 Thread Dave CROCKER


Nomcom has been an integral part of the IETF for nearly 20 years.

A number of us have been developing a set of recommendations designed to adapt 
the Nomcom process to better match current realities of the IETF community.  The 
draft has progressed far enough to call for public consideration.

Some of the proposal's recommendations require no changes in formal rules.  They
can be adopted immediately, possibly by the current Nomcom, should it so choose.
Others require a formal development and approval cycle.


there is a copy of the Full Proposal, and a Summary which primarily contains 
just the recommendations.

The proposal's Abstract is:

Every year the IETF's Nominating Committee (Nomcom) reviews and selects half
of the IETF's leadership on the IESG, IAB and IAOC/Trust. In the 18 years
since the inception of the Nomcom process, the Internet industry and the IETF
have gone through many changes in funding, participation and focus, but not
in the basic formation, structure or operation of Nomcom. This paper explores
challenges that have emerged in the conduct of Nomcom activities,
particularly due to changing IETF demographics. The paper reviews the nature,
causes and consequences of these challenges, and proposes a number of
specific changes. The changes provide better communication of Nomcom
institutional memory, enhance Nomcom membership expertise, and produce
stronger confidentiality and etiquette practices among Nomcom participants.
Some changes require formal modification to Nomcom rules; others can be
adopted immediately.

Please feel free to discuss the proposal with any of the authors or folks listed
in the Acknowledgments section, or on this list.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
Ietf mailing list

Re: TSV-DIR review of draft-daboo-srv-caldav-05

2010-07-17 Thread Cyrus Daboo

Hi Joe,

--On July 17, 2010 8:19:13 AM -0700 Joe Touch wrote:

As noted in the fourth paragraph of the introduction, the CardDAV
service types have been defined in [I-D.ietf-vcarddav-carddav] currently
in the RFC Editor queue.

The information from section 11 of that draft should be repeated in
summary in this one, e.g., in Sec. 3.

Note that ietf-vcarddav-carddav does not request that the
carddev/carddevs strings be added to the SRV registry.

There is supposed to be an RFCEditor note covering the change.

2) the IANA recommendation that these four service names be added as
aliases to http and https (correspondingly) does not seem correct. If
these are indeed aliases, then this specification should recommend the
use of either http or https (correspondingly) in the SRV records,
without the need for new names. However, I believe the intent is that
the caldev and/or carddev servers could exist on other ports than the
typical web server; as such, they should be registered as service names
(as per the existing SRV registry, e.g.), NOT as aliases in either the
SRV registry (which has no such concept) or the IANA ports table.

I.e., these new names should be registered as service names, not as
aliases. This should be sufficient for the purposes of this document.

In [I-D.ietf-vcarddav-carddav], after much debate with the IESG and the
associated working group, the approach of registering the service types
as aliases was agreed upon as a stop gap measure until the IANA SRV
registry is setup. draft-daboo-srv-caldav follows that same approach.

The SRV registry exists even in advance of IANA's management thereof.
Further, aliases have no meaning in the SRV registry - they are
meaningful only in the IANA ports registry, and only insofar as multiple
strings are assigned the same port number. No such port number assignment
is requested or appropriate here (they aren't needed for SRV records per

One exception would be if you *also* intend that these strings serve as
aliases to the well-known ports 80 and 443, respectively. However, this
document does NOT define an alias for either of those ports. An alias
would be an equivalent name which can be substituted without impact.
Here, were you to use http or www instead of caldev or carddev,
you should presumably not be using the /caldev or /carddev URI suffixes.

I would be glad to discuss this further wiht the IESG or WG if needed.

Well there have been plenty of discussions around this in the context of 
the CardDAV draft. This draft is following the process agreed upon for 

The goal here is to not delay drafts trying to use SRV whilst details of 
the IANA ports stuff is sorted out (and then debate on that has been going 
on for a while now). Once the new IANA procedure is in place it will 
subsume the definitions in CardDAV and this draft.

3) The use of a required URI suffix (/carddev or /caldev) seems to be
too fixed. draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd (intended as standards track)
indicates a way to embed this information in the a TXT record with the
same DNS name as the SRV record; RFC 5507 represents the IAB
(informational) position that most additional information should be
included in new RR types (though it's unclear this could easily support
URI suffixes). My concern is that this document does neither; it embeds
this information in this document as a requirement, rather than
presenting it as a configurable option with a default. I would prefer to
see the latter (regardless of how), to indicate the URI suffix if not
the 'default' as specified in this document.

RFC5785 defines the .well-known URI - I think it is very clear that,
given that CalDAV and CardDAV are in effect web-services, making use of
.well-known is the right thing to do. There is no need for any
additional data in the DNS. What is more, the .well-known approach is in
fact useful in the absence of SRV - it can minimise the information
users would have to enter. I don't see this approach as being too
fixed - the whole point about .well-known is to fix things like this.

This doc seeks to escape the fixed allocations of the static IANA ports
table by using SRV records to locate resources dynamically. However, this
doc also refers back to a different but equally fixed .well-known URI
table without a similar SRV-like dynamic escape mechanism.

This isn't a fix; this is creating a stop-gap, and having a dynamic SRV
registry refer back to a fixed table undermines the whole point of SRV
records AFAICT.

I don't understand this. SRV by itself (whilst dynamic in terms of host and 
port) is not sufficient for clients to reasonably do account 
bootstrapping as needed for CalDAV and CardDAV. A path is needed in 
addition to the host/port. This specification standardizes the path for 
CalDAV and CardDAV services. The whole basis of .well-know is that web 
clients want fixed paths for finding out things about web servers. This 
spec simply extends that to allow CalDAv and 

Re: TSV-DIR review of draft-daboo-srv-caldav-05

2010-07-17 Thread Patrik Fältström
On 17 jul 2010, at 21.00, Cyrus Daboo wrote:

 The whole basis of .well-know is that web clients want fixed paths for 
 finding out things about web servers. This spec simply extends that to allow 
 CalDAv and CardDAV clients to quickly find the paths to their relevant 

As I have said before as input to this last call, I think IESG should make a 
decision whether using such redirects in HTTP is a proper architecture solution 
to finding out how a service can be reached.

I think personally it is not good design.

I therefore ask IESG to make a specific decision on this topic, and not just 
say ok or not ok on the draft in question.


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Ietf mailing list

Re: TSV-DIR review of draft-daboo-srv-caldav-05

2010-07-17 Thread Joe Touch

Hi, Cyrus,

On 7/17/2010 12:00 PM, Cyrus Daboo wrote:

The SRV registry exists even in advance of IANA's management thereof.
Further, aliases have no meaning in the SRV registry - they are
meaningful only in the IANA ports registry, and only insofar as multiple
strings are assigned the same port number. No such port number assignment
is requested or appropriate here (they aren't needed for SRV records per

One exception would be if you *also* intend that these strings serve as
aliases to the well-known ports 80 and 443, respectively. However, this
document does NOT define an alias for either of those ports. An alias
would be an equivalent name which can be substituted without impact.
Here, were you to use http or www instead of caldev or carddev,
you should presumably not be using the /caldev or /carddev URI suffixes.

I would be glad to discuss this further wiht the IESG or WG if needed.

Well there have been plenty of discussions around this in the context of
the CardDAV draft. This draft is following the process agreed upon for

The goal here is to not delay drafts trying to use SRV whilst details of
the IANA ports stuff is sorted out (and then debate on that has been
going on for a while now). Once the new IANA procedure is in place it
will subsume the definitions in CardDAV and this draft.

Until the new procedure in place, the current procedure - albeit 
unoffical - is to register with the SRV registry as a conventional SRV 

The term alias has no relevance here, though.

3) The use of a required URI suffix (/carddev or /caldev) seems to be
too fixed. draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd (intended as standards track)
indicates a way to embed this information in the a TXT record with the
same DNS name as the SRV record; RFC 5507 represents the IAB
(informational) position that most additional information should be
included in new RR types (though it's unclear this could easily support
URI suffixes). My concern is that this document does neither; it embeds
this information in this document as a requirement, rather than
presenting it as a configurable option with a default. I would
prefer to
see the latter (regardless of how), to indicate the URI suffix if not
the 'default' as specified in this document.

RFC5785 defines the .well-known URI - I think it is very clear that,
given that CalDAV and CardDAV are in effect web-services, making use of
.well-known is the right thing to do. There is no need for any
additional data in the DNS. What is more, the .well-known approach is in
fact useful in the absence of SRV - it can minimise the information
users would have to enter. I don't see this approach as being too
fixed - the whole point about .well-known is to fix things like this.

This doc seeks to escape the fixed allocations of the static IANA ports
table by using SRV records to locate resources dynamically. However, this
doc also refers back to a different but equally fixed .well-known URI
table without a similar SRV-like dynamic escape mechanism.

This isn't a fix; this is creating a stop-gap, and having a dynamic SRV
registry refer back to a fixed table undermines the whole point of SRV
records AFAICT.

I don't understand this. SRV by itself (whilst dynamic in terms of host
and port) is not sufficient for clients to reasonably do account
bootstrapping as needed for CalDAV and CardDAV. A path is needed in
addition to the host/port.

That's what I understood from the doc. The question is whether that path 
is fixed in some table somewhere - much like IANA ports - or whether the 
path is provided by a service - like SRV records are for port numbers. 
SRVs have extensions to do this - associated TXT records, as per 
Cheshire's draft.

This specification standardizes the path for
CalDAV and CardDAV services. The whole basis of .well-know is that web
clients want fixed paths for finding out things about web servers. This
spec simply extends that to allow CalDAv and CardDAV clients to quickly
find the paths to their relevant services.

The problem is the idea of a 'fixed' path. That's no more useful or 
appropriate than a fixed port number.

Arguably ./well-known is just as dynamic as SRV in that the
.well-known resources can use HTTP redirect to any arbitrary
host/port/path combination. All we are doing is fixing the name of the
.well-known via a registry - which seems to me exactly the same process
as registering the SRV service types.

I agree with Patrick here; redirects are NOT a solution to dynamic 
discovery of paths. The appropriate solution for a port discovered via 
SRV records is to use TXT records.

Ietf mailing list

Re: TSV-DIR review of draft-daboo-srv-caldav-05

2010-07-17 Thread Patrik Fältström
On 17 jul 2010, at 21.27, Joe Touch wrote:

 The appropriate solution for a port discovered via SRV records is to use TXT 

And, for the ones that have not followed the whole history of this last call, 
my view is that a new RR type is needed, and I propose a URI resource record 
that as RDATA have the full URI to the resource in question.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Ietf mailing list

Re: TSV-DIR review of draft-daboo-srv-caldav-05

2010-07-17 Thread Joe Touch


Are you suggesting a new RR instead of the SRV or in addition to the SRV?

The latter seems useful; the former begs the question of how many SRV 
variants we would want.


On 7/17/2010 12:33 PM, Patrik Fältström wrote:

On 17 jul 2010, at 21.27, Joe Touch wrote:

The appropriate solution for a port discovered via SRV records is to use TXT 

And, for the ones that have not followed the whole history of this last call, 
my view is that a new RR type is needed, and I propose a URI resource record 
that as RDATA have the full URI to the resource in question.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Nomcom Enhancements: Improving the IETF leadership selection process

2010-07-17 Thread Brian E Carpenter
On 2010-07-18 03:48, Dave CROCKER wrote:
 there is a copy of the Full Proposal, and a Summary which primarily
 contains just the recommendations.

Um, we have this new system called Internet-Drafts, whereby proposals
are issued by a certain cutoff date so that people have a chance to
read them before a meeting. Did you consider using that system?

Ietf mailing list

Re: Nomcom Enhancements: Improving the IETF leadership selection process

2010-07-17 Thread Scott Brim
Brian, it wasn't ready. Are you trying to say something beyond asking why it 
wasn't submitted as a draft? I don't understand the subtext.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Nomcom Enhancements: Improving the IETF leadership selection process

2010-07-17 Thread Dave CROCKER

On 7/17/2010 1:49 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:


Um, we have this new system called Internet-Drafts,



There is?  Good to know.  I'll try to use it for the next version.[*]

And now that we've traded the requisite sarcasm...

As Scott noted, I circulated it as soon as it was stable.  For example, last 
night I got a review comment that greatly improved the clarity of the text for a 

This proposal covers a difficult topic, with a problematic history.  Deciding 
when to offer it for public discussion was its own challenge.

Although the substantial list of contributors to the proposal embody deep IETF 
history, it is currently only an unofficial activity. It's not on any agendas, 
except some of our personal ones.  The goal is hallway discussion.

If you are pressed for time, please scan the Summary version.  That's what it's 
there for.


[*] FYI, the I-D submission tool happens to currently enforce a hard limit at 
the number of authors, contrary to the RFC Editor's suggested limit.  I'm told 
that the tool will get fixed eventually, but I thought it worth mentioning the 
added hassle of using the tool that you might not have known about.  I 
discovered the limit in the usual fashion, for this document.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check (Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity in Certificates Used with Transport Layer Security) to Proposed Stand

2010-07-17 Thread John C Klensin

--On Saturday, July 17, 2010 08:42 -0700 Paul Hoffman wrote:

 (2) In Section 4.4.2, note that there are definitional and
 procedural problems if one tries to talk about a single rule
 for full domain names.  It is possible, and has been the only
 option until very recently, for a fully-qualified IDN to
 contain both traditional and internationalized labels.
 IDNA2008 avoided a number of definitional problems by being
 defined strictly in terms of labels for just that reason.
 In particular, conversion of an all-ASCII label to an A-label
 is undefined and meaningless: such a label is not a U-label
 and hence cannot be converted.  One needs to parse the string
 into labels, determine for each label whether it is
 traditional or
 internationalized, and then apply the appropriate rule. I'd
 recommend rewriting 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 in terms of labels, not
 Here we (may) disagree. 4.4.2 is already in terms of labels:
If the source domain of a reference identifier is an
internationalized domain name, then an implementation MUST
 convertevery label in the domain name to an A-label before
 checking thedomain name.

 Are you saying that the correct wording should elide If the
 source domain of a reference identifier is an
 internationalized domain name, then and just start at An
 implementation MUST? That would work for me.

That would probably be an improvement.  But my problem was with
every label and a sticky detail of IDNA2008: the only things
that can be converted to A-labels are U-labels.  One cannot
convert an LDH label to an A-label, nor can one convert
something that was already an A-label into an A-label.  Those
operations are just not defined.  So I think this should be
every internationalized label or (probably better) every
non-traditional label or something to that effect.

 (3) Note that anything that requires that an application
 program parse a FQDN that might be an IDN into labels should
 probably have a Security Considerations note about the risks
 if various dotoids leak into the relevant environment.
 E, why should this document be forced to have such a
 warning when the IDNA2008 documents don't?

The IDNA2008 base document sort of dodge the problem by dealing
with labels, not FQDNs.  If I recall, you have some beware of
leaks language in Mapping, but I might be wrong.  In any event,
the reason it occurred to me as something that might be useful
to say here is that the functions of this document would be,
IMO, particularly sensitive to having someone want to store a
name with the local label separator convention and that would be
a problem.  Possibly not more serious than other places, but
still possibly worth mentioning.  

In any event, I consider the topic worth mentioning but
definitely not a showstopper.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check (Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity in Certificates Used with Transport Layer Security) to Proposed St

2010-07-17 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 8:57 PM -0400 7/17/10, John C Klensin wrote:
--On Saturday, July 17, 2010 08:42 -0700 Paul Hoffman wrote:

 (2) In Section 4.4.2, note that there are definitional and
 procedural problems if one tries to talk about a single rule
 for full domain names.  It is possible, and has been the only
 option until very recently, for a fully-qualified IDN to
 contain both traditional and internationalized labels.
 IDNA2008 avoided a number of definitional problems by being
 defined strictly in terms of labels for just that reason.
 In particular, conversion of an all-ASCII label to an A-label
 is undefined and meaningless: such a label is not a U-label
 and hence cannot be converted.  One needs to parse the string
 into labels, determine for each label whether it is
 traditional or
 internationalized, and then apply the appropriate rule. I'd
 recommend rewriting 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 in terms of labels, not

 Here we (may) disagree. 4.4.2 is already in terms of labels:
If the source domain of a reference identifier is an
internationalized domain name, then an implementation MUST
 convertevery label in the domain name to an A-label before
 checking thedomain name.

 Are you saying that the correct wording should elide If the
 source domain of a reference identifier is an
 internationalized domain name, then and just start at An
 implementation MUST? That would work for me.

That would probably be an improvement.  But my problem was with
every label and a sticky detail of IDNA2008: the only things
that can be converted to A-labels are U-labels.  One cannot
convert an LDH label to an A-label, nor can one convert
something that was already an A-label into an A-label.  Those
operations are just not defined.  So I think this should be
every internationalized label or (probably better) every
non-traditional label or something to that effect.

Sounds good to me. Suggested edit for Paul and John to sing kumbaya:

4.4.2.  Checking of Internationalized Domain Names

   The term internationalized domain name refers to a DNS domain name
   that conforms to the overall form of a domain name (dot-separated
   labels) but that can include Unicode code points outside the
   traditional US-ASCII range, as explained by and [IDNA2008].

   An implementation MUST convert every non-traditional label in the
   domain name to an A-label before checking the domain name.

  (3) Note that anything that requires that an application
 program parse a FQDN that might be an IDN into labels should
 probably have a Security Considerations note about the risks
 if various dotoids leak into the relevant environment.

 E, why should this document be forced to have such a
 warning when the IDNA2008 documents don't?

The IDNA2008 base document sort of dodge the problem by dealing
with labels, not FQDNs. 

... fully dodge...

If I recall, you have some beware of
leaks language in Mapping, but I might be wrong. 

We talk a bit about leaking into the app; this document is about certs and 
identities, and those identities don't necessarily come from the apps.

In any event,
the reason it occurred to me as something that might be useful
to say here is that the functions of this document would be,
IMO, particularly sensitive to having someone want to store a
name with the local label separator convention and that would be
a problem.  Possibly not more serious than other places, but
still possibly worth mentioning.

But this would cause a false negative, not a false positive. It seems to me to 
be the same as many false negatives such as the app storing U+00B2 instead of 

In any event, I consider the topic worth mentioning but
definitely not a showstopper.


--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check (Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity in Certificates Used with Transport Layer Security) to Proposed St

2010-07-17 Thread John C Klensin

--On Saturday, July 17, 2010 19:05 -0700 Paul Hoffman wrote:

 In any event,
 the reason it occurred to me as something that might be useful
 to say here is that the functions of this document would be,
 IMO, particularly sensitive to having someone want to store a
 name with the local label separator convention and that would
 be a problem.  Possibly not more serious than other places,
 but still possibly worth mentioning.
 But this would cause a false negative, not a false positive.
 It seems to me to be the same as many false negatives such as
 the app storing U+00B2 instead of U+0032.

Yes, absolutely.   And, again, if we disagree, it is about
whether the issue is worth mentioning, not whether avoiding
mentioning it would be some sort of showstopper.  I think it is
marginally worth mentioning.  You may think it marginally not
worth the bits.  But I can't imagine either of us losing a lot
of sleep about either outcome.

 In any event, I consider the topic worth mentioning but
 definitely not a showstopper.

Yes.  See above.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check (Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity in Certificates Used with Transport Layer Security) to Proposed Standa

2010-07-17 Thread Shumon Huque
On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 04:29:07PM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 At 4:08 PM -0700 7/15/10, The IESG wrote:
 The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to consider
 the following document:
 - 'Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service
Identity in Certificates Used with Transport Layer Security '
draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check-08.txt as a Proposed Standard
 The middle of Section 4.2 says:
The client then orders the list in accordance with the following
 Then, in 4.3, it checks each reference in this ordered list until
 it (hopefully) finds a match. Given that it is going to do an
 exhaustive search, what is the purpose of ordering?

Not sure I'm following your question, but the purpose of ordering
is to look for the subject identities in preference order (SRV/URI,
before dNSName, before Common Name etc). Once a match is found,
the search is aborted; an exhaustive search is only performed if
the matched identity is the last one or there is no match. Section
4.3 has:

   It does so by seeking a match in preference order
   and aborting the search if any presented identifier matches one of
   its reference identifiers.  The search fails if the client exhausts
   its list of reference identifiers without finding a match.

Shumon Huque
University of Pennsylvania.
Ietf mailing list