RE: [storm] Last Call: draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-sam-06.txt (Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) SCSI Features Update) to Proposed Standard

2012-07-26 Thread
A number of the documents referenced by this draft are T10 (SCSI) standards
that are access-restricted to members of that organization unless a copy
is purchased - this requirement has been imposed by the parent organization
of T10; please do not complain to T10 about this.  As the official liaison
from T10 to the IETF, I am authorized to provide copies of these standards
to IETF participants for their personal use in IETF activity.

Of course, if you work for a company that is a T10 or T11 member, you can
get these documents directly, and I'd ask that you do so.

This applies to the following documents:

- Normative references:
-- T10
  [SAM2]  T10/1157D, SCSI Architecture Model - 2 (SAM-2).
  [SAM4]  ISO/IEC 14776-414, SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4).

The Committee Drafts of [SAM5] and [SPC4] are public documents.  I can
help with access to them if there are problems.

If you would like copies of any of these standards, please send me an email
directly (please *don't* cc: either the IETF or STORM mailing lists) and
indicate which standards you would like copies of.

Of course, if you work for a company that is a T10 or T11 member, you can
obtain these documents directly, and I'd ask that you do so.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of The
 Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 5:20 PM
 To: IETF-Announce
 Subject: [storm] Last Call: draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-sam-06.txt (Internet
 Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) SCSI Features Update) to Proposed
 The IESG has received a request from the STORage Maintenance WG (storm)
 to consider the following document:
 - 'Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) SCSI Features
   draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-sam-06.txt as Proposed Standard
 The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
 final comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2012-08-13. Exceptionally, comments may be
 sent to instead. In either case, please retain the
 beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.
 Please note the concurrent Last Call for draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-cons, as both
 drafts should be reviewed together.
Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) is a SCSI
transport protocol that maps the SCSI family of protocols onto
TCP/IP. The iSCSI protocol as specified in [draft-ietf-storm-
iscsi-cons-xx] (and as previously specified by the combination
of RFC 3720 and RFC 5048) is based on the SAM-2 (SCSI
Architecture Model - 2) version of the SCSI family of
protocols. This document defines enhancements to the iSCSI
protocol to support certain additional features of the SCSI
protocol that were defined in SAM-3, SAM-4, and SAM-5.
This document is a companion document to [draft-ietf-storm-
   RFC EDITORS NOTE: The above references to [draft-ietf-storm-
   iscsi-cons-xx] should reference the RFC number assigned to
   that document, and this note should be removed.
 This last call explicitly identifies these downrefs in the normative
 of this document:
  [SAM2]  T10/1157D, SCSI Architecture Model - 2 (SAM-2).
   [SAM4]  ISO/IEC 14776-414, SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-
   [SAM5]  T10/2104D rev r04, SCSI Architecture Model - 5 (SAM-
   5), Committee Draft.
   [SPC4]  T10/1731D rev r23, SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (SPC-4),
   Committee Draft.
 The file can be obtained via
 IESG discussion can be tracked via
 No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.
 storm mailing list

RE: [storm] Last Call: draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-cons-06.txt (iSCSI Protocol (Consolidated)) to Proposed Standard

2012-07-26 Thread
A number of the documents referenced by this draft are T10 (SCSI) and T11 (FC)
standards that are access-restricted to members of those organizations unless
a copy is purchased - this requirement has been imposed by the parent 
of T10 and T11; please do not complain to T10 or T11 about this.  As the
official liaison from both T10 and T11 to the IETF, I am authorized to provide
copies of these standards to IETF participants for their personal use in
IETF activity.

This applies to the following documents:

- Normative references:
-- T10
 [SAM2] T10/1157-D, SCSI Architecture Model - 2 (SAM-2).
 [SAM3] T10/1561-D, SCSI Architecture Model - 3 (SAM-3).
 [SAM4] T10/1683-D, SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4).
 [SBC2] NCITS.405-205, SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2).
 [SPC3] T10/1416-D, SCSI Primary Commands-3.

-- T11
 [FC-FS] INCITS 373-2003, Fibre Channel Framing and Signaling
   Interface (FC-FS).

- Informative References
-- T10
 [SAS] INCITS 376-2003, Serial Attached SCSI (SAS).
 [SRP] INCITS 365-2002, SCSI RDMA Protocol (SRP).

If you would like copies of any of these standards, please send me an email
directly (please *don't* cc: either the IETF or STORM mailing lists) and
indicate which standards you would like copies of.

Of course, if you work for a company that is a T10 or T11 member, you can
get these documents directly, and I'd ask that you do so.


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of The
 Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 5:19 PM
 To: IETF-Announce
 Subject: [storm] Last Call: draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-cons-06.txt (iSCSI
 Protocol (Consolidated)) to Proposed Standard
 The IESG has received a request from the STORage Maintenance WG (storm)
 to consider the following document:
 - 'iSCSI Protocol (Consolidated)'
   draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-cons-06.txt as Proposed Standard
 The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
 final comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2012-08-13. Exceptionally, comments may be
 sent to instead. In either case, please retain the
 beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.
 Please note the concurrent Last Call for draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-sam, as both
 drafts should be reviewed together.
   This document describes a transport protocol for SCSI that works
   on top of TCP. The iSCSI protocol aims to be fully compliant with
   the standardized SCSI Architecture Model (SAM-2). RFC 3720
   defined the original iSCSI protocol. RFC 3721 discusses iSCSI
   Naming examples and discovery techniques. Subsequently, RFC 3980
   added an additional naming format to iSCSI protocol. RFC 4850
   followed up by adding a new public extension key to iSCSI. RFC
   5048 offered a number of clarifications and a few improvements and
   corrections to the original iSCSI protocol.
   This document obsoletes RFCs 3720, 3980, 4850 and 5048 by
   consolidating them into a single document and making additional
   updates to the consolidated specification. This document also
   updates RFC 3721 and RFC 3723. The text in this document thus
   supersedes the text in all the noted RFCs wherever there is a
   difference in semantics.
 This last call explicitly identifies these downrefs in the normative
 of this document:
  [EUI] Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64),
  [FC-FS] INCITS 373-2003, Fibre Channel Framing and Signaling
Interface (FC-FS).
  [OUI] IEEE OUI and Company_Id Assignments,
 [SAM2] T10/1157-D, SCSI Architecture Model - 2 (SAM-2).
  [SAM3] T10/1561-D, SCSI Architecture Model - 3 (SAM-3).
  [SAM4] T10/1683-D, SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4).
  [SBC2] NCITS.405-205, SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2).
  [SPC3] T10/1416-D, SCSI Primary Commands-3.
  [UML]   ISO/IEC 19501, Unified Modeling Language
Specification Version 1.4.2.
  [UNICODE] Unicode Standard Annex #15, Unicode Normalization
 The file can be obtained via
 IESG discussion can be tracked via
 No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.
 storm mailing list

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-12

2012-07-16 Thread
The -12 version of this draft resolves all of the comments in the
Gen-ART review of the -11 version.


 -Original Message-
 From: Black, David
 Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 4:51 PM
 Cc: Black, David; Shida Schubert;; IETF Discussion; Robert
 Subject: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11
 I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on
 Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at
 Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
 you may receive.
 Document: draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11
 Reviewer: David L. Black
 Review Date: June 28, 2012
 IETF LC End Date: June 28, 2012
 IESG Telechat date: (if known)
 This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the review.
 This draft describes support for shared appearances in support of multi-line
 and shared-line telephone often found in businesses.  All of the open issues
 are minor.  The draft is well-written and reasonably clear for the most part,
 although significant SIP expertise is required to completely understand it.
 Major issues:  None.
 Minor issues:
 4.1 - REQ-16:
in this case, seizing the line is the same thing as dialing.
 That seems wrong - I would have thought it was a prerequisite as
 opposed to the same thing because seizing the line is immediately
 followed by a dialing request.
A user may select an appearance number but then abandon placing a
call (go back on hook).  In this case, the UA MUST free up the
appearance number by removing the event state with a PUBLISH as
described in [RFC3903].
 What happens when that can't be done due to UA or network failure?
A 400 response is returned if the chosen appearance number is invalid,
 Is that always a 400 (Bad Request) or is any 4xx response allowed?  If
 it's always 400, add the words Bad Request after 400.
If the Appearance Agent policy does not allow this, a 400 response
is returned.
 Same question.  In addition, is 403 Forbidden allowed here?
If an INVITE is sent by a member of the group to the shared AOR (i.e.
they call their own AOR), the Appearance Agent MUST assign two
appearance numbers.  The first appearance number will be the one
selected or assigned to the outgoing INVITE.  The second appearance
number will be another one assigned by the Appearance Agent for the
INVITE as it is forked back to the members of the group.
 How does that interact with the single appearance UAs in 8.1.1 that won't
 understand the second appearance number?  A warning that such a UA can't
 pick up its call to its own AOR would suffice, either here or in 8.1.1.
A UA that has no knowledge of appearances must will only have
appearance numbers for outgoing calls if assigned by the Appearance
Agent.  If the non-shared appearance UA does not support Join or
Replaces, all dialogs could be marked exclusive to indicate that
these options are not available.
 Should that could be marked be changed to SHOULD be marked ?
 Also, analogous questions for could in 9.2 and can in 9.3.
 All three of these affect interoperability.
 12. Security Considerations
 In general, this section is weak on rationale - the second, third and
 fourth paragraphs should all explain more about the purpose of and/or
 rationale for their security requirements (e.g., what does the security
 mechanism protect against and when/why might that protection be desired
 and/or required?).
NOTIFY or PUBLISH message bodies that provide the dialog state
information and the dialog identifiers MAY be encrypted end-to-end
using the standard mechanisms.
 What are the standard mechanisms?  List them, and provide references,
 Please ensure that the section 6 XML and Section 7 ABNF are
 syntax-checked with actual tools.
 Nits/editorial comments:
The next section discusses the operations used to implement parts of
the shared appearance feature.
 The following list describes the operations ... would be better.
A UA wanting to place a call but not have an appearance number
assigned publishes before sending the INVITE without an 'appearance'
element but with the 'shared' event package parameter present.
 I think I understand what was intended here, but this would be clearer
 if publishes was replaced with language about sending a PUBLISH.
 It's also not completely clear whether without applies to the
 INVITE or the PUBLISH, so this sentence probably needs to be reworded.
 5.4. - Expand B2BUA acronym on first use.
 idnits 2.12.13 ran clean.
 David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11

2012-07-02 Thread
That works for me, Thanks, --David

 -Original Message-
 From: Worley, Dale R (Dale) []
 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 3:18 PM
 Cc: Black, David;;; gen-;;
 Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11
 On Thu, 2012-06-28 at 20:05 -0500, Alan Johnston wrote:
   4.1 - REQ-16:
 in this case, seizing the line is the same thing as dialing.
   That seems wrong - I would have thought it was a prerequisite as
   opposed to the same thing because seizing the line is immediately
   followed by a dialing request.
  This requirement is about sending one request that causes both actions
  to occur.  In a PSTN ringdown circuit (a very specialized circuit,
  used for hotlines), the two operations are the same thing.  Besides
  this statement, is REQ-16 itself not clear?  Perhaps I should just
  remove this statement if it adds confusion rather than clarity to the
 IMHO, a good fix is:
REQ-16 The mechanism should support a way for a UA to seize a
particular appearance number and also send the request at the same
time.  This is needed when an automatic ringdown feature (a telephone
configured to immediately dial a phone number when it goes off hook)
is combined with shared appearances - in this case, seizing the line
is integrated with dialing.

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11

2012-06-29 Thread

Thank you for the quick response.  I have a few comments on the proposed
resolutions.  Absence of a comment implies that I agree with the proposed

REQ-16 - I understand what's going on here (automatic ringdown), but the
language is just slightly off because there is actually a dialing request.
Here's all of REQ-16:

   REQ-16 The mechanism should support a way for a UA to seize a
   particular appearance number and also send the request at the same
   time.  This is needed when an automatic ringdown feature (a telephone
   configured to immediately dial a phone number when it goes off hook)
   is combined with shared appearances - in this case, seizing the line
   is the same thing as dialing.

The language problem is that the line seizing includes a dialing request,
so is the same thing as isn't quite correct when applied solely to
seizing the line.  As you suggest, the simplest fix would be to just
remove - in this case ... dialing, or it could be changed to:

- in this case, seizing the line is part of dialing.

5.3 - Doing nothing is fine.  I'm not a SIP expert, so I assume that
the standard PUBLISH behavior (soft-state times out if not refreshed)
is well-known to anyone who is, and hence no change is needed.

5.4 - please add (Bad Request) after each of the two instances of 400.

9.1/2/3 - please change to using SHOULD in each of these sections
and explain that the SHOULD is motivated by user experience concerns.


 -Original Message-
 From: Alan Johnston []
 Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 9:05 PM
 To: Black, David
 Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11
 Thank you for your review of the document.  See below for how I
 propose to resolve the issues you have raised.  Let me know if you
 have any other issues or concerns.
 - Alan -
 On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 3:51 PM, wrote:
  I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on
  Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at
  Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
  you may receive.
  Document: draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11
  Reviewer: David L. Black
  Review Date: June 28, 2012
  IETF LC End Date: June 28, 2012
  IESG Telechat date: (if known)
  This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the
  This draft describes support for shared appearances in support of multi-line
  and shared-line telephone often found in businesses.  All of the open issues
  are minor.  The draft is well-written and reasonably clear for the most
  although significant SIP expertise is required to completely understand it.
  Major issues:  None.
  Minor issues:
  4.1 - REQ-16:
    in this case, seizing the line is the same thing as dialing.
  That seems wrong - I would have thought it was a prerequisite as
  opposed to the same thing because seizing the line is immediately
  followed by a dialing request.
 This requirement is about sending one request that causes both actions
 to occur.  In a PSTN ringdown circuit (a very specialized circuit,
 used for hotlines), the two operations are the same thing.  Besides
 this statement, is REQ-16 itself not clear?  Perhaps I should just
 remove this statement if it adds confusion rather than clarity to the
    A user may select an appearance number but then abandon placing a
    call (go back on hook).  In this case, the UA MUST free up the
    appearance number by removing the event state with a PUBLISH as
    described in [RFC3903].
  What happens when that can't be done due to UA or network failure?
 A little further down in this section says:
   This publication state is refreshed as described in [RFC3903] during
    the early dialog state or the Appearance Agent may reassign the
    appearance number.
 So if the removal publish is lost, it will eventually timeout since it
 is not refreshed.  This is standard PUBLISH behavior described in RFC
    A 400 response is returned if the chosen appearance number is invalid,
  Is that always a 400 (Bad Request) or is any 4xx response allowed?  If
  it's always 400, add the words Bad Request after 400.
 We chose 400 in particular, although any 4xx response would have the
 same result.  Bad Request is the reason phrase, and the practice of
 putting it in () is a convention commonly used in SIP documents.  The
 actual reason phrase can be different, customized (Invalid
 Appearance) if desired, or in a different language.
 So in this case we are specifying the 400 response.
    If the Appearance Agent policy does not allow this, a 400 response
    is returned.

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11

2012-06-29 Thread
 understand what was intended here, but this would be clearer
 if publishes was replaced with language about sending a PUBLISH.
 It's also not completely clear whether without applies to the
 INVITE or the PUBLISH, so this sentence probably needs to be reworded.
 5.4. - Expand B2BUA acronym on first use.
 idnits 2.12.13 ran clean.
 David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
 EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
 +1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786 at emc.comMobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11

2012-06-28 Thread
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on
Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.

Document: draft-ietf-bliss-shared-appearances-11
Reviewer: David L. Black
Review Date: June 28, 2012
IETF LC End Date: June 28, 2012
IESG Telechat date: (if known)


This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the review.

This draft describes support for shared appearances in support of multi-line
and shared-line telephone often found in businesses.  All of the open issues
are minor.  The draft is well-written and reasonably clear for the most part,
although significant SIP expertise is required to completely understand it.

Major issues:  None.

Minor issues:

4.1 - REQ-16:

   in this case, seizing the line is the same thing as dialing.

That seems wrong - I would have thought it was a prerequisite as
opposed to the same thing because seizing the line is immediately
followed by a dialing request.


   A user may select an appearance number but then abandon placing a
   call (go back on hook).  In this case, the UA MUST free up the
   appearance number by removing the event state with a PUBLISH as
   described in [RFC3903].

What happens when that can't be done due to UA or network failure?


   A 400 response is returned if the chosen appearance number is invalid,

Is that always a 400 (Bad Request) or is any 4xx response allowed?  If
it's always 400, add the words Bad Request after 400.

   If the Appearance Agent policy does not allow this, a 400 response
   is returned.

Same question.  In addition, is 403 Forbidden allowed here?

   If an INVITE is sent by a member of the group to the shared AOR (i.e.
   they call their own AOR), the Appearance Agent MUST assign two
   appearance numbers.  The first appearance number will be the one
   selected or assigned to the outgoing INVITE.  The second appearance
   number will be another one assigned by the Appearance Agent for the
   INVITE as it is forked back to the members of the group.

How does that interact with the single appearance UAs in 8.1.1 that won't
understand the second appearance number?  A warning that such a UA can't
pick up its call to its own AOR would suffice, either here or in 8.1.1.


   A UA that has no knowledge of appearances must will only have
   appearance numbers for outgoing calls if assigned by the Appearance
   Agent.  If the non-shared appearance UA does not support Join or
   Replaces, all dialogs could be marked exclusive to indicate that
   these options are not available.

Should that could be marked be changed to SHOULD be marked ?
Also, analogous questions for could in 9.2 and can in 9.3.

All three of these affect interoperability.

12. Security Considerations

In general, this section is weak on rationale - the second, third and
fourth paragraphs should all explain more about the purpose of and/or
rationale for their security requirements (e.g., what does the security
mechanism protect against and when/why might that protection be desired
and/or required?).

   NOTIFY or PUBLISH message bodies that provide the dialog state
   information and the dialog identifiers MAY be encrypted end-to-end
   using the standard mechanisms.

What are the standard mechanisms?  List them, and provide references,

Please ensure that the section 6 XML and Section 7 ABNF are
syntax-checked with actual tools.

Nits/editorial comments:


   The next section discusses the operations used to implement parts of
   the shared appearance feature.

The following list describes the operations ... would be better.


   A UA wanting to place a call but not have an appearance number
   assigned publishes before sending the INVITE without an 'appearance'
   element but with the 'shared' event package parameter present.

I think I understand what was intended here, but this would be clearer
if publishes was replaced with language about sending a PUBLISH.
It's also not completely clear whether without applies to the
INVITE or the PUBLISH, so this sentence probably needs to be reworded.

5.4. - Expand B2BUA acronym on first use.

idnits 2.12.13 ran clean.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

RE: [nvo3] WG Review: Network Virtualization Overlays (nvo3) - 25-Apr-2012 update

2012-04-26 Thread
Joe and Pat,

I'm less concerned about this - I think the words if suitable regarding
use of existing IETF protocols are sufficient to support choosing the best
solution whether it comes from IETF or elsewhere.  As Pat notes:

 when the time comes, we will debate what is suitable anyway.

I agree that such a debate is inevitable.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of Joe
 Pelissier (jopeliss)
 Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 7:35 PM
 Cc: IETF Discussion
 Subject: Re: [nvo3] WG Review: Network Virtualization Overlays (nvo3) - 25-
 Apr-2012 update
 I too am uncomfortable with the wording regarding the IETF protocols.
 It seems that we should be striving to choose the best technical
 solution regardless of whether its an IETF protocol or that from another
 SDO. This can, and should, be covered as part of the gap analysis.
 Also, we should give preference to using existing suitable protocols
 (IETF or from other SDOs) over development of new protocols.
 Joe Pelissier
 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Pat Thaler
 Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 5:55 PM
 To: Stewart Bryant (stbryant);;
 Cc: IETF Discussion
 Subject: Re: [nvo3] WG Review: Network Virtualization Overlays (nvo3) -
 25-Apr-2012 update
 The charter is looking pretty good. I'd like to get on to the next
 phase, but not with this text:
 Driven by the requirements and consistent with the gap analysis, the
 NVO3 WG may request being rechartered to document solutions consisting
 of one or more data plane encapsulations and control plane protocols as
 applicable.  Any documented solutions will use existing IETF protocols
 if suitable. Otherwise, the NVO3 WG may propose the development of new
 IETF protocols, or the writing of an applicability statement for a
 non-IETF protocol.
 There are two issues with this:
 Is now the right time to be defining the boundaries on what we might
 request being chartered next? Framework, requirements and gap analysis
 drafts are still to be written. If we get to the end and find we need
 something other than or in addition to a data plan encapsulation or
 control plane protocol, would we not request it to be chartered? Surely
 once the work is done.
 Secondly, as this text got rewritten, it gives a preference for IETF
 protocols over other protocols even if they are standards. There is a
 part of the work where an IEEE 802.1 protocol, VDP, may turn out to be
 suitable. Obviously any IETF protocols that are also suitable should be
 considered but not to the exclusion of consideration for an IEEE
 Presumably there is always a preference for using existing protocol if
 suitable rather than inventing new. It seems unnecessary to state that -
 when the time comes, we will debate what is suitable anyway.
 Therefore, at least  Any documented solutions will use existing IETF
 protocols if suitable. Otherwise, the NVO3 WG may propose the
 development of new IETF protocols, or the writing of an applicability
 statement for a non-IETF protocol.  should be deleted.
 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Stewart Bryant
 Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:39 PM
 Cc: IETF Discussion
 Subject: [nvo3] WG Review: Network Virtualization Overlays (nvo3) -
 25-Apr-2012 update
 This version of the NVO3 charter reflects the discussions on the list
 and comments received as of this afternoon.
 I propose to take this to the IESG for their second review tomorrow.
 NVO3: Network Virtualization Over Layer 3
 Chairs - TBD
 Area - Routing
 Area Director - Stewart Bryant
 INT Area Adviser - TBD
 OPS Area Adviser - TBD
 Support for multi-tenancy has become a core requirement of data centers
 (DCs), especially in the context of data centers supporting virtualized
 hosts known as virtual machines (VMs). Three  key requirements needed to
 support multi-tenancy are:
o Traffic isolation, so that a tenant's traffic is not visible to
  any other tenant, and
o Address independence, so that one tenant's addressing scheme does
  not collide with other tenant's addressing schemes or with
  used within the data center itself.
 o Support the placement and migration of VMs anywhere within the
   data center, without being limited by DC network constraints
   such as the IP subnet boundaries of the underlying DC network.

Re: Last Call: draft-george-travel-faq-03.txt (IETF meeting attendees' Frequently Asked (travel) Questions) to Informational RFC

2012-02-27 Thread
This looks very useful.  I have a few suggestions for the -04 version.

(1) The addition of non-flight options to 3.1 is a good idea.  That should be
complemented by adding a sentence to the end of 3.1.1 (Transit between the 
and primary hotels) to say that if non-rail options are included, then 
info for them (e.g., how to get to/from the train station) should be included,
although train stations are often more convenient to the meeting venue than 

(2) In to this bullet:
   o  Description of official taxis if appropriate
I'd suggest adding and advice on avoiding common taxi scams if appropriate.

This is often not appropriate, but there are a (small) number of cities that are
notorious for taxi scams; I think it helps to mention that here, even though 
scams are
noted in general in the Health and Safety section (3.3.1).

(3) In 3.7 Tourism, it might be good to add a suggestion to mention notable 
events occurring during the meeting week that may be of interest - perhaps a 
festival, although this suggestion was motivated by the wonderful fireworks in 


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

Ietf mailing list

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-08

2012-02-06 Thread
The -08 version is a significant improvement that aligns the draft's
recommendations on mechanisms for redaction and anonymization with the
situation-dependent levels of security that are appropriate for those

idnits 2.12.13 didn't find anything.

The -08 version is ready for publication as a Standards Track RFC.


 -Original Message-
 From: Black, David
 Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 7:10 PM
 To:; Murray S. Kucherawy;;
 Cc:;; Black, David
 Subject: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-05
 Based on discussion with the authors, the -05 version of this draft resolves 
 issues raised in the Gen-ART review of the -04 version.  An important element 
 the approach taken to issue [1] has been to explain why the security 
 for redaction are significantly weaker than the strength of the secure hashes
 that are suggested by the draft.
  -Original Message-
  From: Black, David
  Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 9:44 PM
  To:; Murray S. Kucherawy;;
  Cc: Black, David;;
  Subject: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04
  I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on 
  Gen-ART, please
  see the FAQ at
  Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you 
  may receive.
  Document: draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04
  Reviewer: David L. Black
  Review Date: January 10, 2012
  IETF LC End Date: January 18, 2011
  IESG Telechat Date: January 19, 2011
  Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in 
  the review.
  This draft specifies a method for redacting information from email abuse 
  (e.g., hiding the local part [user] of an email address), while still 
  correlation of the redacted information across related abuse reports from 
  the same
  source. The draft is short, clear, and well written.
  There are two open issues:
  [1] The first open issue is the absence of security guidance to ensure that 
  redaction technique effectively hides the redacted information.  The 
  technique is to concatenate a secret string (called the redaction key) to 
  information to be redacted, apply any hashing/digest algorithm, convert 
  the output
  to base64 and use that base64 string to replace the redacted information.
  There are two important ways in which this technique could fail to 
  effectively hide
  the redacted information:
  - The secret string may inject insufficient entropy.
  - The hashing/digest algorithm may be weak.
  To take an extreme example, if the secret string (redaction key) consists 
  of a
  single ASCII character, and a short email local part is being redacted, 
  then the
  output is highly vulnerable to dictionary and brute force attacks because 
  only 6 bits
  of entropy are added (the result may look secure, but it's not).  Beyond 
  this extreme
  example, this is a potentially real concern - e.g., applying the rule of 
  thumb that
  ASCII text contains 4-5 bits of entropy per character, the example in 
  Appendix A
  uses a redaction key of potatoes that injects at most 40 bits of 
  entropy -
  is that sufficient for email redaction purposes?
  To take a silly example, if a CRC is used as the hash with that sort of 
  short input,
  the result is not particularly difficult to invert.
  I suggest a couple of changes:
  1) Change any hashing/digest algorithm to require use of a secure hash, 
  explain what is meant by secure hash in the security considerations 
  2) Require a minimum length of the redaction key string, and strongly 
  (SHOULD) that it be randomly generated (e.g., by running sufficient 
  of an entropy-rich random number generator through a base64 converter).
  For the latter change, figure out the amount of entropy that should be used
  for redaction - the recommended string length will be larger because 
  ASCII is not entropy-dense (at best it's good for 6 bits of entropy in each
  8-bit character, and human-written text such as this message has 
  From a pure security perspective, use of HMAC with specified secure hashes
  (SHA2-family) and an approach of hashing the redaction key down to a 
  key for HMAC would be a stronger approach. I suggest that authors consider
  approach, but  there may be practical usage concerns that suggest not 
  adopting it.
  [2] The second open issue is absence of security considerations for the 
  key.  The security considerations section needs to caution that the 
  redaction key
  is a secret key that must be managed and protected as a secret key.  

Gen-ART review of draft-daboo-webdav-sync-07

2012-01-20 Thread
Hi Peter,

Yes, the new -07 of this draft is fine, as it resolves issues [1] and [2] as 
with the authors, and also resolves issue [3] by changing RFC 5842 from a 
reference to an informative reference. That change is fine with me, as the 
to RFC 5842 are all for examples that explain some of the synchronization 
- it is not necessary to implement any of the requests listed as being 
specified in
RFC 5842 in order to implement the synchronization functionality.


 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Saint-Andre []
 Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:53 AM
 To: Black, David
 Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-daboo-webdav-sync-06
 Hi David,
 The text changes that Cyrus proposed have been incorporated into a
 revised I-D:
 Please let us know if the new version accurately reflects your
 discussion with the authors.
 On 1/2/12 12:55 PM, wrote:
  Hi Cyrus,
  The proposed changes for the two major issues look good to me:
  [1] I'm pleased that the concern about adding elements turned out to be a 
  wording issue.
  [2] Your proposed new text is fine - it provides adequate notice/warning 
  about possible
  collection inconsistency, so I'm ok with not providing pseudo-code.
  I'll leave the Downref issue ([3]) for you and Peter to work out with the 
  IESG, and I'm
  fine with continued use of your name in the examples if that's common 
  -Original Message-
  From: Cyrus Daboo []
  Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 2:44 PM
  To: Black, David;;;
  Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-daboo-webdav-sync-06
  Hi David,
  Thank you for your review. Comments inline:
  --On December 27, 2011 11:07:49 PM -0500 wrote:
  [1] -Major- Section 3.5 does not appear to cover the case reporting added
  elements on a subsequent synchronization.  The problem may be that the
  word changed as used in Section 3.5.1 is assumed to cover adding an
  element - if so, that's not a good assumption, and the addition case
  should be explicitly called out in the title and body of Section 3.5.1.
  The first sentence of 3.5.1 is:
  A member URL MUST be reported as changed if it has been mapped as a
  member of the target collection since the request sync-token was
  The term mapped implies creation/addition of a new resource in this case.
  That may not be obvious to anyone who is not intimately familiar with
  WebDAV terminology here, so I propose changing that to:
  A member URL MUST be reported as changed if it has been newly mapped as
  a member of the target collection since the request sync-token was
  generated (e.g., when a new resource has been created as a child of the
  [2] -Major- The operations to retrieve changed members of a collection
  are not atomic wrt the operation that obtains a report on what has
  changed; collection changes can occur between retrieving the report and
  retrieving the changed elements or while retrieving the changed elements.
  For this reason, simply obtaining a change report and then retrieving the
  elements that have changed according to the report may not result in a
  consistent (e.g., as of a point in time) copy of a collection.  I believe
  that this absence of atomicity is a WebDAV feature, as opposed to a
  bug, but I believe that this behavior and what to do about it should be
  discussed in the draft.  I suggest the following, possibly to the end of
  section 3.1
  i) Add a sentence or two to warn that obtaining a change report and then
  retrieving the changed elements may not result in a consistent local
  version of the collection if nothing else is done because changes may
  have occurred in the interim.
  ii Add a discussion of how to ensure that a local copy of the collection
  is consistent. The basic idea is to re-presented the sync token for that
  copy to the server after the changed elements have been retrieved; the
  local copy is consistent if the server reports that there have been no
  changes.  Some pseudo-code may help, e.g.:
GetSyncCollectionReport(in token, out newtoken, out report);
while (ReportHasChangedItems(report) {
token = newtoken;
GetSyncCollectionReport(in token, out newtoken, out report);
  Actual code should include a counter that counts the number of iterations
  of the while loop and exits with an error if the number of iterations
  exceeds some limit; that error exit implies that the collection is
  (currently) changing too rapidly to obtain a 

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-05

2012-01-20 Thread
Based on discussion with the authors, the -05 version of this draft resolves the
issues raised in the Gen-ART review of the -04 version.  An important element of
the approach taken to issue [1] has been to explain why the security 
for redaction are significantly weaker than the strength of the secure hashes
that are suggested by the draft.


 -Original Message-
 From: Black, David
 Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 9:44 PM
 To:; Murray S. Kucherawy;;
 Cc: Black, David;;
 Subject: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04
 I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
 see the FAQ at
 Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 
 Document: draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04
 Reviewer: David L. Black
 Review Date: January 10, 2012
 IETF LC End Date: January 18, 2011
 IESG Telechat Date: January 19, 2011
 Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in 
 the review.
 This draft specifies a method for redacting information from email abuse 
 (e.g., hiding the local part [user] of an email address), while still allowing
 correlation of the redacted information across related abuse reports from the 
 source. The draft is short, clear, and well written.
 There are two open issues:
 [1] The first open issue is the absence of security guidance to ensure that 
 redaction technique effectively hides the redacted information.  The redaction
 technique is to concatenate a secret string (called the redaction key) to 
 information to be redacted, apply any hashing/digest algorithm, convert the 
 to base64 and use that base64 string to replace the redacted information.
 There are two important ways in which this technique could fail to 
 effectively hide
 the redacted information:
   - The secret string may inject insufficient entropy.
   - The hashing/digest algorithm may be weak.
 To take an extreme example, if the secret string (redaction key) consists 
 of a
 single ASCII character, and a short email local part is being redacted, then 
 output is highly vulnerable to dictionary and brute force attacks because 
 only 6 bits
 of entropy are added (the result may look secure, but it's not).  Beyond this 
 example, this is a potentially real concern - e.g., applying the rule of 
 thumb that
 ASCII text contains 4-5 bits of entropy per character, the example in 
 Appendix A
 uses a redaction key of potatoes that injects at most 40 bits of entropy -
 is that sufficient for email redaction purposes?
 To take a silly example, if a CRC is used as the hash with that sort of short 
 the result is not particularly difficult to invert.
 I suggest a couple of changes:
 1) Change any hashing/digest algorithm to require use of a secure hash, and
   explain what is meant by secure hash in the security considerations 
 2) Require a minimum length of the redaction key string, and strongly 
   (SHOULD) that it be randomly generated (e.g., by running sufficient 
   of an entropy-rich random number generator through a base64 converter).
 For the latter change, figure out the amount of entropy that should be used
 for redaction - the recommended string length will be larger because printable
 ASCII is not entropy-dense (at best it's good for 6 bits of entropy in each
 8-bit character, and human-written text such as this message has significantly
 From a pure security perspective, use of HMAC with specified secure hashes
 (SHA2-family) and an approach of hashing the redaction key down to a binary
 key for HMAC would be a stronger approach. I suggest that authors consider
 approach, but  there may be practical usage concerns that suggest not 
 adopting it.
 [2] The second open issue is absence of security considerations for the 
 key.  The security considerations section needs to caution that the redaction 
 is a secret key that must be managed and protected as a secret key.  
 of a redaction key removes the redaction from all reports that used that key.
 As part of this, guidance should be provided on when and how to change the
 redaction key in order to limit the effects of loss of secrecy for a single
 redaction key.
 Editorial Nit: I believe that anonymization is a better description of what
 this draft is doing (as opposed to redaction), particularly as the result is
 intended to be correlatable via string match across reports from the same 
 idnits 2.12.13 didn't find any nits.
 David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
 EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
 +1 (508) 293-7953 

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04

2012-01-12 Thread

Thanks for the response - I appreciate the perspective.

 The comments are from a security perspective.  To be candid,
 redaction is silly as the email folks know how to get around
 that.  The secret key does not even have to be broken; a cookie in
 the message would get you the information you want.  The cost of
 preserving the secrecy is not worth it in my opinion.

At a minimum, I like John Levine's suggestion that the draft explain
the level of security required for redaction in practice.  Such an
explanation could help illuminate whether the secure hash (the
example in the draft uses SHA-1) is for obfuscation purposes
vs. actual security.

Absent such an explanation, I saw the use of a secure hash and inferred
the existence of actual security requirements.  If that was an incorrect
inference, then text should be added to the draft to avoid having
other readers make similarly incorrect inferences.


 -Original Message-
 From: SM []
 Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 2:50 PM
 To: Black, David
 Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04
 Hi David,
 At 18:44 10-01-2012, wrote:
 I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on
 Gen-ART, please
 I appreciate that you have spent your time and effort in performing
 the review.  I find the review useful.
  From a pure security perspective, use of HMAC with specified secure hashes
 (SHA2-family) and an approach of hashing the redaction key down to a binary
 key for HMAC would be a stronger approach. I suggest that authors consider
 approach, but  there may be practical usage concerns that suggest
 not adopting it.
 [2] The second open issue is absence of security considerations for
 the redaction
 key.  The security considerations section needs to caution that the
 redaction key
 is a secret key that must be managed and protected as a secret
 key.  Disclosure
 of a redaction key removes the redaction from all reports that used that key.
 As part of this, guidance should be provided on when and how to change the
 redaction key in order to limit the effects of loss of secrecy for a single
 redaction key.
 The comments are from a security perspective.  To be candid,
 redaction is silly as the email folks know how to get around
 that.  The secret key does not even have to be broken; a cookie in
 the message would get you the information you want.  The cost of
 preserving the secrecy is not worth it in my opinion.

Ietf mailing list

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04

2012-01-11 Thread
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
see the FAQ at

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 

Document: draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04
Reviewer: David L. Black
Review Date: January 10, 2012
IETF LC End Date: January 18, 2011
IESG Telechat Date: January 19, 2011

Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the 

This draft specifies a method for redacting information from email abuse reports
(e.g., hiding the local part [user] of an email address), while still allowing
correlation of the redacted information across related abuse reports from the 
source. The draft is short, clear, and well written.

There are two open issues:

[1] The first open issue is the absence of security guidance to ensure that this
redaction technique effectively hides the redacted information.  The redaction
technique is to concatenate a secret string (called the redaction key) to the
information to be redacted, apply any hashing/digest algorithm, convert the 
to base64 and use that base64 string to replace the redacted information.

There are two important ways in which this technique could fail to effectively 
the redacted information:
- The secret string may inject insufficient entropy.
- The hashing/digest algorithm may be weak.

To take an extreme example, if the secret string (redaction key) consists of a
single ASCII character, and a short email local part is being redacted, then the
output is highly vulnerable to dictionary and brute force attacks because only 
6 bits
of entropy are added (the result may look secure, but it's not).  Beyond this 
example, this is a potentially real concern - e.g., applying the rule of thumb 
ASCII text contains 4-5 bits of entropy per character, the example in Appendix A
uses a redaction key of potatoes that injects at most 40 bits of entropy -
is that sufficient for email redaction purposes?

To take a silly example, if a CRC is used as the hash with that sort of short 
the result is not particularly difficult to invert.

I suggest a couple of changes:
1) Change any hashing/digest algorithm to require use of a secure hash, and
explain what is meant by secure hash in the security considerations 
2) Require a minimum length of the redaction key string, and strongly suggest
(SHOULD) that it be randomly generated (e.g., by running sufficient 
of an entropy-rich random number generator through a base64 converter).

For the latter change, figure out the amount of entropy that should be used
for redaction - the recommended string length will be larger because printable
ASCII is not entropy-dense (at best it's good for 6 bits of entropy in each
8-bit character, and human-written text such as this message has significantly

From a pure security perspective, use of HMAC with specified secure hashes
(SHA2-family) and an approach of hashing the redaction key down to a binary
key for HMAC would be a stronger approach. I suggest that authors consider
approach, but  there may be practical usage concerns that suggest not adopting 

[2] The second open issue is absence of security considerations for the 
key.  The security considerations section needs to caution that the redaction 
is a secret key that must be managed and protected as a secret key.  Disclosure
of a redaction key removes the redaction from all reports that used that key.
As part of this, guidance should be provided on when and how to change the
redaction key in order to limit the effects of loss of secrecy for a single
redaction key.

Editorial Nit: I believe that anonymization is a better description of what
this draft is doing (as opposed to redaction), particularly as the result is
intended to be correlatable via string match across reports from the same 

idnits 2.12.13 didn't find any nits.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

Ietf mailing list

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04

2012-01-11 Thread
Hi Murray,

Thanks for the quick response.

 These are all good points.  My gut reaction is to say that this is all good 
 advice and entirely
 correct but probably goes a little far for the problem space we're trying to 

That sounds reasonable to me, and I like John Levine's suggestion to add 
material to explain
more about the level of security that is appropriate for this problem space and 
why.  In light
of such an explanation, an HMAC-based mechanism could well be overkill.

 - make a SHOULD suggestion as to the minimum redaction key length (instead of 
 a requirement)
 - make a SHOULD suggestion as to the type of hash to be used (instead of a 

I have a hard time believing that the examples used in the review (a as the 
key, CRC as the hash) are ever acceptable, and for that reason, I think a 
couple of MUSTs
would be in order to prohibit that sort of nonsense.  In particular:

- I think there ought to be a MUST minimum length requirement
on the redaction key string to prevent really short ones.
- I think use of a secure hash ought to be a MUST to prevent
use of CRC and other bad ideas.

That could be accompanied by additional guidance that may or may not be 
SHOULDs, e.g.,
suggest a SHA2 hash as a good secure hash, suggest use of a longer string than 
minimum requirement.

  [2] The second open issue is absence of security considerations for the 
  key.  The security considerations section needs to caution that the 
  redaction key
  is a secret key that must be managed and protected as a secret key.
  Disclosure of a redaction key removes the redaction from all reports that 
  that key. As part of this, guidance should be provided on when and how to 
  the redaction key in order to limit the effects of loss of secrecy for a 
  redaction key.

 Also a good point.  I don't think this is the right place to introduce advice 
 about key rotation and
 the like as those are well-discussed concepts, so instead Security 
 Considerations can simply make
 reference to such material elsewhere.  I'll go find some.  I know there's 
 stuff like that in RFC6376
 (DKIM) but I'm sure there are better ones.

That would be fine - introducing the concept of key rotation as a means to 
reduce the impact of key
compromise accompanied by a reference to a longer explanation elsewhere seems 


 -Original Message-
 From: Murray S. Kucherawy []
 Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:41 PM
 To: Black, David;;;
 Subject: RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04
  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 6:44 PM
  To:; Murray S. Kucherawy;;
  Subject: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-marf-redaction-04
 Hi David, thanks for the review.
  [1] The first open issue is the absence of security guidance to ensure that 
  redaction technique effectively hides the redacted information.  The 
  technique is to concatenate a secret string (called the redaction key) to 
  information to be redacted, apply any hashing/digest algorithm, convert 
  the output
  to base64 and use that base64 string to replace the redacted information.
  I suggest a couple of changes:
  1) Change any hashing/digest algorithm to require use of a secure hash, 
  explain what is meant by secure hash in the security considerations 
  2) Require a minimum length of the redaction key string, and strongly 
  (SHOULD) that it be randomly generated (e.g., by running sufficient 
  of an entropy-rich random number generator through a base64 converter).
  For the latter change, figure out the amount of entropy that should be used
  for redaction - the recommended string length will be larger because 
  ASCII is not entropy-dense (at best it's good for 6 bits of entropy in each
  8-bit character, and human-written text such as this message has 
  From a pure security perspective, use of HMAC with specified secure hashes
  (SHA2-family) and an approach of hashing the redaction key down to a 
  key for HMAC would be a stronger approach. I suggest that authors consider
  approach, but there may be practical usage concerns that suggest not
  adopting it.
 These are all good points.  My gut reaction is to say that this is all good 
 advice and entirely
 correct but probably goes a little far for the problem space we're trying to 
 address.  Thus, my
 inclination is to make the following changes (subject to WG consensus):
 - add all of this advice to Security 

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-daboo-webdav-sync-06

2012-01-03 Thread
Hi Cyrus,

The proposed changes for the two major issues look good to me:

[1] I'm pleased that the concern about adding elements turned out to be a 
wording issue.

[2] Your proposed new text is fine - it provides adequate notice/warning about 
collection inconsistency, so I'm ok with not providing pseudo-code.

I'll leave the Downref issue ([3]) for you and Peter to work out with the IESG, 
and I'm
fine with continued use of your name in the examples if that's common practice.


 -Original Message-
 From: Cyrus Daboo []
 Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 2:44 PM
 To: Black, David;;;
 Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-daboo-webdav-sync-06
 Hi David,
 Thank you for your review. Comments inline:
 --On December 27, 2011 11:07:49 PM -0500 wrote:
  [1] -Major- Section 3.5 does not appear to cover the case reporting added
  elements on a subsequent synchronization.  The problem may be that the
  word changed as used in Section 3.5.1 is assumed to cover adding an
  element - if so, that's not a good assumption, and the addition case
  should be explicitly called out in the title and body of Section 3.5.1.
 The first sentence of 3.5.1 is:
 A member URL MUST be reported as changed if it has been mapped as a
 member of the target collection since the request sync-token was
 The term mapped implies creation/addition of a new resource in this case.
 That may not be obvious to anyone who is not intimately familiar with
 WebDAV terminology here, so I propose changing that to:
 A member URL MUST be reported as changed if it has been newly mapped as
 a member of the target collection since the request sync-token was
 generated (e.g., when a new resource has been created as a child of the
  [2] -Major- The operations to retrieve changed members of a collection
  are not atomic wrt the operation that obtains a report on what has
  changed; collection changes can occur between retrieving the report and
  retrieving the changed elements or while retrieving the changed elements.
  For this reason, simply obtaining a change report and then retrieving the
  elements that have changed according to the report may not result in a
  consistent (e.g., as of a point in time) copy of a collection.  I believe
  that this absence of atomicity is a WebDAV feature, as opposed to a
  bug, but I believe that this behavior and what to do about it should be
  discussed in the draft.  I suggest the following, possibly to the end of
  section 3.1
  i) Add a sentence or two to warn that obtaining a change report and then
  retrieving the changed elements may not result in a consistent local
  version of the collection if nothing else is done because changes may
  have occurred in the interim.
  ii Add a discussion of how to ensure that a local copy of the collection
  is consistent. The basic idea is to re-presented the sync token for that
  copy to the server after the changed elements have been retrieved; the
  local copy is consistent if the server reports that there have been no
  changes.  Some pseudo-code may help, e.g.:
  GetSyncCollectionReport(in token, out newtoken, out report);
  while (ReportHasChangedItems(report) {
  token = newtoken;
  GetSyncCollectionReport(in token, out newtoken, out report);
  Actual code should include a counter that counts the number of iterations
  of the while loop and exits with an error if the number of iterations
  exceeds some limit; that error exit implies that the collection is
  (currently) changing too rapidly to obtain a consistent local version.
 Good point. I agree that this deserves some additional text to clarify this
 situation. However, I would rather not go into too much detail of how
 clients re-sync in cases like this as there are a bunch of different ways
 that could happen each of which depends on exactly what the client is
 trying to do (e.g., in a lot of cases clients will be doing two-way syncs
 so will need to reconcile server and local changes within the loop you
 propose above - the details of that are not in scope for this
 specification). What I propose is the addition of the following paragraph
 to the end of Section 3.1:
 Typically, a client will use the synchronization report to retrieve the
 list of changes, and will follow that with requests to retrieve the
 content of changed resources. It is possible that additional changes to
 the collection could occur between the time of the synchronization
 report and resource content retrieval, which could result in an
 inconsistent view of the collection. When clients use this method of
 synchronization, they need to be aware that such additional changes
 could occur, and track them 

Gen-ART review of draft-daboo-webdav-sync-06

2011-12-28 Thread
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
please see the FAQ at

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 

Document: draft-daboo-webdav-sync-06
Reviewer: David L. Black
Review Date: December 27, 2011
IETF LC End Date: December 29, 2011

Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the 

This draft specifies new WebDAV functionality that reports on changes to 
enabling a local copy to be kept in sync without retrieving the entire 
collection each

I found three open issues, two major, one minor:

[1] -Major- Section 3.5 does not appear to cover the case reporting added 
elements on
a subsequent synchronization.  The problem may be that the word changed as 
used in
Section 3.5.1 is assumed to cover adding an element - if so, that's not a good
assumption, and the addition case should be explicitly called out in the title 
body of Section 3.5.1.

[2] -Major- The operations to retrieve changed members of a collection are not 
wrt the operation that obtains a report on what has changed; collection changes 
can occur
between retrieving the report and retrieving the changed elements or while 
retrieving the
changed elements.  For this reason, simply obtaining a change report and then 
the elements that have changed according to the report may not result in a 
(e.g., as of a point in time) copy of a collection.  I believe that this 
absence of
atomicity is a WebDAV feature, as opposed to a bug, but I believe that this 
and what to do about it should be discussed in the draft.  I suggest the 
possibly to the end of section 3.1

i) Add a sentence or two to warn that obtaining a change report and then 
retrieving the changed
elements may not result in a consistent local version of the collection if 
nothing else is
done because changes may have occurred in the interim. 

ii Add a discussion of how to ensure that a local copy of the collection is 
The basic idea is to re-presented the sync token for that copy to the server 
after the
changed elements have been retrieved; the local copy is consistent if the 
server reports
that there have been no changes.  Some pseudo-code may help, e.g.:

GetSyncCollectionReport(in token, out newtoken, out report);
while (ReportHasChangedItems(report) {
token = newtoken;
GetSyncCollectionReport(in token, out newtoken, out report);

Actual code should include a counter that counts the number of iterations of 
the while
loop and exits with an error if the number of iterations exceeds some limit; 
that error
exit implies that the collection is (currently) changing too rapidly to obtain 
a consistent
local version.

[3] -Minor- idnits 2.12.12  reports a Downref to RFC 5842.  Please consult your 
Director (Peter Saint-Andre) to determine what to do about this Downref (it 
attention, but may not require changes to the draft).

Nit: I suggest not using the author's own name (cyrusdaboo) in the examples.  
may copy the code from the resulting RFC.

Nit: idnits 2.12.12 reports that draft-ietf-vcarddav-carddav has been published 
as RFC 6352;
the RFC Editor will correct this if a new version of the draft is not required 
for other


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

Ietf mailing list

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-geopriv-policy-uri-02

2011-11-09 Thread
Hi Richard,

I think we're close:

 Confidentiality and integrity protections SHOULD be used when policy URIs are 
 conveyed in a location
 configuration protocol, and in the requests that are used to inspect, change 
 or delete the policy
 resource.  Note that in some protocols (such as DHCP), these protections may 
 arise from limiting the
 use of the protocol to the local network, thus relying on lower-layer 
 security mechanisms.  When
 neither application-layer or network-layer security is provided, location 
 servers MUST reject requests
 using the PUT and DELETE methods, and SHOULD reject PUT and DELETE requests 
 for policy URIs that use
 the http: URI scheme.

This text looks good to me, except that the structure of the final sentence 
inadvertently neuters the final SHOULD requirement.  Can we move that 
requirement into Section 7.1?  The change in Section 7.2 would then be:


Confidentiality is required for its conveyance in the location configuration 
protocol, and in the requests that are used to inspect, change or delete the 
policy resource.


Confidentiality and integrity protections SHOULD be used when policy URIs are 
conveyed in a location configuration protocol, and in the requests that are 
used to inspect, change or delete the policy resource.  Note that in some 
protocols (such as DHCP), these protections may arise from limiting the use of 
the protocol to the local network, thus relying on lower-layer security 
mechanisms.  When neither application-layer or network-layer security is 
provided, location servers MUST reject requests using the PUT and DELETE 

This change in Section 7.1 would pick up the moved requirement:

If other means of protection are available, an http: URI MAY be used.
If other means of protection are available, an http: URI MAY be used, 
location servers SHOULD reject all PUT and DELETE requests for policy 
that use the http: URI scheme.

One of my concerns behind wanting this general SHOULD is that there's no 
assurance that an http: URI will stay confined to the local network that is 
being relied upon to secure it.


 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Barnes []
 Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 9:43 PM
 To: Black, David
 Cc:;;; gen-;;;
 Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-geopriv-policy-uri-02
 Hi David,
 The penalty for getting a quick response for the first time is that the 
 second response takes longer
 :)  Inline.
  - The additional text in section 3.1 stating that the policy URI is a shared
  secret with a forward reference to the security considerations section
  removes the surprise factor.
  - The additional text on URI unpredictability in section 7.2 recommending a
  combination of 32 bits of entropy with rate limiting provides concrete
  guidance to implementers.
 Thanks, we'll note those changes for the RFC editor (or for a new revision, 
 if our AD prefers).
  That leaves the issue of confidentiality and integrity requirements in 
  section 7.2:
  Alternatively, changing required to REQUIRED in the following sentence
  in Section 7.2 may suffice, although integrity is not mentioned in this
 Confidentiality is required for its conveyance in the
 location configuration protocol, and in the requests that are used
 to inspect, change or delete the policy resource.
  I like this phrasing.  I'm not sure it's quite REQUIRED (following the 
  MUST implement / MAY use
  pattern of BCP 61), but I would go for a strong SHOULD.  The underlying 
  LCP protocols already
  guarantee the MUST implement.   Suggested text:
  Section 7.2
  Confidentiality is required for its conveyance in the location 
  configuration protocol, and in the
  requests that are used to inspect, change or delete the policy resource.
  Confidentiality and integrity protections SHOULD be used when policy URIs 
  are conveyed in a
  configuration protocol, and in the requests that are used to inspect, 
  change or delete the policy
  The reason for going beyond BCP 61 is that BCP 61 concerns protocols in 
  general, but this
  is a specific case with additional security requirements because a policy 
  URI is a shared
  secret.  If a policy URI is sent without confidentiality, a likely result 
  is that the
  policy URI is still shared, but is no longer sufficiently secret (oops).
  This is particularly dangerous if there are no additional authorization 
  checks on the
  PUT or DELETE methods for the policy URI, but it's probably ok in some 
  situations if only
  the GET method is allowed (e.g., policy creation and update are handled via 
  some other means
  such as a secure web portal).
  For that 

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-geopriv-policy-uri-02

2011-10-24 Thread
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART,
please see the FAQ at

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 

Document: draft-ietf-geopriv-policy-uri-02
Reviewer: David L. Black
Review Date: October 21, 2011
IETF LC End Date: October 25, 2011

Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the 

This draft specifies policy URIs for management of privacy policy for location
information obtained and maintained by Location Configuration Protocols (LCPs).
The draft is clear and well written.

The open issues concern the security consequences of the shared secret nature of
policy URIs - the authorization model is that a policy URI is a shared secret
between the location provider and the client whose location is involved, and 
presentation of the URI is sufficient authorization for its use, as an 
entity will not know and cannot guess the URI.

[1] This first turns up as an editorial issue in Section 3:

   Knowledge of the policy URI can be considered adequate evidence of

That sentence should be expanded to explain why, because this is not the case
for URIs in general.  The explanation is that a policy URI is constructed
to be very hard to predict, and functions as a shared secret (e.g.,
confidentiality protection is required in all protocols that transmit
a policy URI).

There are a couple of Security Considerations (Section 7) aspects that should
be strengthened because a policy URI is a shared secret.

[2] The first paragraph of section 7.1 is descriptive:

   Each LCP ensures integrity and confidentiality through different
   means (see [RFC5985] and [I-D.ietf-geopriv-dhcp-lbyr-uri-option]).
   These measures ensure that a policy URI is conveyed to the client
   without modification or interception.

The paragraph ought to also be prescriptive and include possible future 
that may use policy URIs - adding a sentence like the following would help:

   All LCPs that use policy URIs MUST provide confidentiality and integrity
   for policy URIs sufficient to ensure that a policy URI is conveyed to
   the client without modification or interception.

Alternatively, changing required to REQUIRED in the following sentence
in Section 7.2 may suffice, although integrity is not mentioned in this

  Confidentiality is required for its conveyance in the
  location configuration protocol, and in the requests that are used
  to inspect, change or delete the policy resource.

[3} The unpredictability requirements are vague:

   o  The Location Server MUST ensure that the URI cannot be easily
  predicted.  The policy URI MUST NOT be derived solely from
  information that might be public, including the Target identity or
  any location URI.  The addition of random entropy increases the
  difficulty of guessing a policy URI.

Something needs to be stated about how much random entropy is required
(e.g., 8 bits is probably not enough ;-) ).

Nits: I found a number of acronyms that should be expanded on first use,
e.g., LIS, LS, and HELD.

idnits 2.12.2 did not find anything that needs attention.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

Ietf mailing list

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-geopriv-policy-uri-02

2011-10-24 Thread
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the quick response.  Two of the three proposed changes are fine with 

- The additional text in section 3.1 stating that the policy URI is a shared
secret with a forward reference to the security considerations section
removes the surprise factor.
- The additional text on URI unpredictability in section 7.2 recommending a
combination of 32 bits of entropy with rate limiting provides concrete
guidance to implementers.

That leaves the issue of confidentiality and integrity requirements in section 

  Alternatively, changing required to REQUIRED in the following sentence
  in Section 7.2 may suffice, although integrity is not mentioned in this
  Confidentiality is required for its conveyance in the
  location configuration protocol, and in the requests that are used
  to inspect, change or delete the policy resource.
 I like this phrasing.  I'm not sure it's quite REQUIRED (following the MUST 
 implement / MAY use
 pattern of BCP 61), but I would go for a strong SHOULD.  The underlying LCP 
 protocols already
 guarantee the MUST implement.   Suggested text:
 Section 7.2
 Confidentiality is required for its conveyance in the location configuration 
 protocol, and in the
 requests that are used to inspect, change or delete the policy resource.
 Confidentiality and integrity protections SHOULD be used when policy URIs are 
 conveyed in a location
 configuration protocol, and in the requests that are used to inspect, change 
 or delete the policy

The reason for going beyond BCP 61 is that BCP 61 concerns protocols in 
general, but this
is a specific case with additional security requirements because a policy URI 
is a shared
secret.  If a policy URI is sent without confidentiality, a likely result is 
that the
policy URI is still shared, but is no longer sufficiently secret (oops).

This is particularly dangerous if there are no additional authorization checks 
on the
PUT or DELETE methods for the policy URI, but it's probably ok in some 
situations if only
the GET method is allowed (e.g., policy creation and update are handled via 
some other means
such as a secure web portal).

For that reason, the proposed SHOULD requirement would be ok with me if a 
couple of things
were added:
 (i) If an LCP sends a policy URI without confidentiality protection, then the
LIS or LS MUST reject the PUT and DELETE methods for that URI.
 (ii) The PUT and DELETE methods SHOULD NOT be supported for policy URIs that
use the http: URI scheme (in contrast to the https: URI scheme).

For (i) it'd also be useful to note that the current LCPs never send a policy 
without confidentiality protection in connection with this (already stated in 
but ought to be connected to (i) if that text winds up in a different section).

For (ii), I'm not sure what is envisioned by the final sentence in section 7.1:

If other means of protection are available, an http: URI MAY be used.

What sorts of other means of protection were the underlying motivation?  
Those other
means of protection would be the reason for (ii) being a SHOULD instead of a 


 -Original Message-
 From: Richard L. Barnes []
 Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 11:19 AM
 To: Black, David
 Cc:;;; gen-;;
 Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-geopriv-policy-uri-02
 Hi David,
 Thanks for your review.  Glad to provide clarification on these points.  
 Responses inline below.  Let
 me know if these address your concerns.
  This draft specifies policy URIs for management of privacy policy for 
  information obtained and maintained by Location Configuration Protocols 
  The draft is clear and well written.
  [1] This first turns up as an editorial issue in Section 3:
   Knowledge of the policy URI can be considered adequate evidence of
  That sentence should be expanded to explain why, because this is not the 
  for URIs in general.  The explanation is that a policy URI is constructed
  to be very hard to predict, and functions as a shared secret (e.g.,
  confidentiality protection is required in all protocols that transmit
  a policy URI).
  There are a couple of Security Considerations (Section 7) aspects that 
  be strengthened because a policy URI is a shared secret.
 I definitely appreciate that this could be surprising in Section 3, but since 
 this section is mainly
 dealing with how the server makes access control decisions, I'm inclined to 
 address this mainly with a
 forward reference to the Security Considerations. Suggested text:
 Section 3.1
 Knowledge of the policy URI can be considered adequate evidence of 

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-nfsv4-federated-fs-dns-srv-namespace-09

2011-10-10 Thread
The Gen-ART review of the -08 version raised two significant open issues.

I will defer to the DNS experts in the INT area to determine whether the changes
in the -09 version resolve the issues around the format of the service name in 
DNS SRV records [1], although based on IESG Evaluation Record, this issue does 
appear to have been resolved, and I strongly recommend a DNS Directorate review 
this draft.

The -09 version of this draft resolves the UDP issue [2].

I noticed one additional minor issue: Due to the change in primary service name 
_nfs4 to _nfs, something should be said about the applicability of this 
draft to
versions of NFS other than v4 (e.g., v3).  Here's a suggestion for a change in 
Section 3:

   The Service name is _nfs._domainroot.  The Protocol as of this
   writing could be either _tcp or _sctp; version 4 NFS is not
   defined over UDP.  Other transport protocols could be defined in the
   future, and SRV records that advertise domain root file services with
   other transport protocols would use the same Service name.  The
   Target fields give the domain names of the NFS servers that export
   filesystems for the domain's root.  An NFS client may then interpret
   any of the exported root filesystems as the filesystem published by
   the organization with the given domain name.

   The Service name is _nfs._domainroot.  The Protocol as of this
   writing could be either _tcp or _sctp; version 4 NFS is not
   defined over UDP.  Other transport protocols could be defined in the
   future, and SRV records that advertise domain root file services with
   other transport protocols would use the same Service name.  The
   Target fields give the domain names of the NFS servers that export
   filesystems for the domain's root.  An NFS client may then interpret
   any of the exported root filesystems as the filesystem published by
   the organization with the given domain name.

   The domain root service is not useful for NFS versions prior to v4,
   as the fs_locations attribute was introduced in NFSv4 (see Section 2).
   The _nfs. Service name prefix is not limited to NFSv4; it is possible
   to use that prefix to define additional DNS SRV records for services
   that are also applicable to other versions of NFS (e.g., NFSv3 [RFC1813]).

In addition, an informative reference to RFC 1813 should be added .


 -Original Message-
 From: Black, David
 Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 3:20 PM
 To:;;;; ietf
 Cc: Black, David;; Brian Pawlowski; Spencer Shepler; David 
 Subject: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-nfsv4-federated-fs-dns-srv-namespace-08
 I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
 please see the FAQ at
 Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 
 Document: draft-ietf-nfsv4-federated-fs-dns-srv-namespace-08
 Reviewer: David L. Black
 Review Date: September 23, 2011
 IETF LC End Date: September 23, 2011
 Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in 
 the review.
 This draft specifies the use of DNS to locate the root of a federated 
 filesystem namespace
 based on the fs_locations functionality in NFSv4.
 I have two significant open issues:
 [1] There has been an extensive Last Call discussion of this draft, focusing 
 on the use
 of a composite two-component service name in DNS SRV records, and the apparent
 incompatibility of that format with RFC 2782.  This discussion has surfaced a 
 resolution in the form of  unitary single-level service name specified 
 without a port
 number.  It is *vital* that this proposed resolution be reviewed by DNS 
 experts (probably
 the DNS directorate) for consistency with DNS as currently specified and 
 Another IETF Last Call may be appropriate, as this change has a significant 
 impact on
 this draft, involving a serious rewrite of the portion of Section 4.2 that 
 discusses the
 possible use of more than two components in a service name and presents a 
 [2] While NFSv4.1 (RFC 5661) is restricted to TCP, this draft also references 
 (RFC 3530) as applicable, and the latter is defined over both UDP and TCP.  
 this draft is written as if TCP is the only transport protocol for NFS - 
 that's not the
 case for NFSv4.0, so either this draft needs to say something about use with 
 NFSv4.0 over
 UDP, or needs to explicitly prohibit use of this DNS SRV record with NFS over 
 UDP.  If
 the former approach is pursued, RFC 5405 on Unicast UDP Usage Guidelines for 
 Designers is an important consideration in writing that text and RFC 5405 
 should be
 added as an informative reference.
 idnits 2.12.12 ran clean.

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-nfsv4-federated-fs-dns-srv-namespace-08

2011-09-26 Thread
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
please see the FAQ at

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 

Document: draft-ietf-nfsv4-federated-fs-dns-srv-namespace-08
Reviewer: David L. Black
Review Date: September 23, 2011
IETF LC End Date: September 23, 2011

Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the 

This draft specifies the use of DNS to locate the root of a federated 
filesystem namespace
based on the fs_locations functionality in NFSv4.

I have two significant open issues:

[1] There has been an extensive Last Call discussion of this draft, focusing on 
the use
of a composite two-component service name in DNS SRV records, and the apparent
incompatibility of that format with RFC 2782.  This discussion has surfaced a 
resolution in the form of  unitary single-level service name specified without 
a port
number.  It is *vital* that this proposed resolution be reviewed by DNS experts 
the DNS directorate) for consistency with DNS as currently specified and 
Another IETF Last Call may be appropriate, as this change has a significant 
impact on
this draft, involving a serious rewrite of the portion of Section 4.2 that 
discusses the
possible use of more than two components in a service name and presents a 

[2] While NFSv4.1 (RFC 5661) is restricted to TCP, this draft also references 
(RFC 3530) as applicable, and the latter is defined over both UDP and TCP.  
this draft is written as if TCP is the only transport protocol for NFS - that's 
not the
case for NFSv4.0, so either this draft needs to say something about use with 
NFSv4.0 over
UDP, or needs to explicitly prohibit use of this DNS SRV record with NFS over 
UDP.  If
the former approach is pursued, RFC 5405 on Unicast UDP Usage Guidelines for 
Designers is an important consideration in writing that text and RFC 5405 
should be
added as an informative reference.

idnits 2.12.12 ran clean.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

Ietf mailing list

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-19

2011-09-16 Thread
The -19 version of this draft resolves the issues raised by the Gen-ART review 
of the -18 version,
although issue [2] on registering the URIs has a couple of nits:

- IANA also found issue [2] and IANA will need to acknowledge that the -19 
version of this draft
resolves this registration issue to IANA's satisfaction (the text in 
the -19 version should
be sufficient).
- It is unclear to me whether the PSKC registry used to resolve issue [2] is 
appropriate, but
this topic has been discussed in the WG, and hence I prefer to defer 
this topic to the WG
and the responsible Security AD.


 -Original Message-
 From: Black, David
 Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 8:46 PM
 To: Richards, Gareth;; ietf
 Cc: Black, David;; Sam Hartman; Stephen Farrell
 Subject: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18
 I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
 please see the FAQ at
 Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 
 Document: draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18
 Reviewer: David L. Black
 Review Date: August 24, 2011
 IETF LC End Date: August 29, 2011
 Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in 
 the review.
 This is a tightly written draft on one-time-password token-based 
 preauthentication for Kerberos.
 The text does a good job of tightly specifying the algorithms and protocol 
 steps; the resulting
 text is a bit dense to read, but provides the necessary precision for 
 Disclaimer - the draft author and this reviewer work for different 
 organizations in the
   same company (EMC).
 I found two open issues, both of which are relatively minor:
 [1] In section 6.1 at the top of p.28, I don't believe that the use of lower 
 recommended is a strong enough warning about the danger in using
 anonymous PKINIT because it exposes the OTP value:
It is therefore recommended that anonymous PKINIT not be used with
OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC and
that careful consideration be made of the security implications
before it is used with other algorithms such as those with short OTP
 At a minimum, that warning should be in upper-case:
It is therefore RECOMMENDED that anonymous PKINIT not be used with
OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC. In
addition, the security implications should be carefully considered
before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms such as those
with short OTP values.
 Beyond that, the security issue in the first sentence may be severe enough
 to justify a prohibition, so the following would also be acceptable:
Therefore anonymous PKINIT SHALL NOT be used with
OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC. In
addition, the security implications should be carefully considered
before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms such as those
with short OTP values.
 [2] In section 5, the first paragraph in the IANA considerations is unclear, 
 following its reference to section 4.1, I don't see any clarifying text there 
 I think Sections 4.1 and 4.2 need to say that the value of otp-algID is a URI 
 from the PSKC Algorithm URI Registry, and the first paragraph in section 5 
 say that URIs for otp-algID are to be registered in that registry, see RFC 
 I also found a couple of minor nits:
 In Section 1.1, please expand the FAST acronym on first use.
 In section 2.4, the following sentence is potentially confusing:
For example,
event-based tokens may drift since the counter on the token is
incremented every time the token is used but the counter on the
server is only incremented on an authentication.  Similarly, the
clocks on time-based tokens may drift.
 The confusion arises because the resync mechanism described in that section 
 the client to use the next token value.  By itself, that won't help when an 
 event based
 has gotten ahead of the server; using the next value only puts the token 
 further ahead.
 Similarly, by itself, this mechanism does not help if the token clock has 
 drifted ahead
 of the server clock, but does help if the token clock has drifted behind.  A 
 little more
 explanation of what the server can do to take advantage of this mechanism 
 (e.g., how to
 deal with an event-based token that is ahead of the server) would reduce the 
 idnits 2.12.12 generated a bunch of warnings, none of which require any 
 change to the draft.
 David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
 EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
 +1 (508) 293-7953 

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18

2011-08-26 Thread
 I believe that the WG consensus here was that this security issue only 
 applies if the identity of the
 KDC has not been verified.
 How about the following updated version of the paragraph?
Therefore, unless the identity of the KDC has been verified,
anonymous PKINIT SHALL NOT be used with OTP
algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC.  In
addition, the security considerations should be carefully considered
before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms such as those with 
 short OTP

That works for me, as the use of SHALL NOT is clear and explicit.


 -Original Message-
 From: Richards, Gareth
 Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:56 AM
 To:; Black, David
 Subject: RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18
   [1] In section 6.1 at the top of p.28, I don't believe that the
   use of lower case recommended is a strong enough warning about
   the danger in using anonymous PKINIT because it exposes the OTP
  It is therefore recommended that anonymous PKINIT not be used
   with OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the
   KDC and that careful consideration be made of the security
   implications before it is used with other algorithms such as those
   with short OTP values.
   At a minimum, that warning should be in upper-case:
  It is therefore RECOMMENDED that anonymous PKINIT not be used
   with OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the
   KDC. In addition, the security implications should be carefully
   considered before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms
   such as those with short OTP values.
   Beyond that, the security issue in the first sentence may be
   severe enough to justify a prohibition, so the following would
   also be acceptable:
  Therefore anonymous PKINIT SHALL NOT be used with OTP
   algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC. In
   addition, the security implications should be carefully
   before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms such as
   those with short OTP values.
  I definitely agree that we should use RFC 2119 language.
  Note that WG participants have questioned this text in last call for
  other reasons.
  Many implementations use anonymous pkinit in a mode where the KDC's
  certificate is verified--that is the client is anonymous but the KDC is
  identified through a PKI.
  WG participants believe (and I agree) that the security concern does
  apply at all in this case.
  So, the text needs reworking.
 I believe that the WG consensus here was that this security issue only 
 applies if the identity of the
 KDC has not been verified.
 How about the following updated version of the paragraph?
Therefore, unless the identity of the KDC has been verified,
anonymous PKINIT SHALL NOT be used with OTP
algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC.  In
addition, the security considerations should be carefully considered
before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms such as those with 
 short OTP
Ietf mailing list

RE: [Ietf-krb-wg] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18

2011-08-26 Thread
 Resynchronization in the algorithms I am familiar with involves the server 
 resetting its OTP search
 window and the system in the ID allows the client to send an additional value 
 to help the server do
 this.  This is just as described in RFC4226.
 How about the following clarification text:
 Methods to recover from this type of situation are OTP algorithm specific but 
 may involve the client
 sending a sequence of OTP
 values to allow the server to further validate the correct position in its 
 search window  (see section
 7.4 of [RFC4226] for an example).

That new text is fine.  My primary concern with the existing text is that the 
server has to do
something like this for all the cases except when the clock in a clock-based 
token is slightly
slow, but the existing text doesn't indicate that such server action may be 
needed.  The proposed
new text does so, and the reference to section 7.4 of RFC 4226 is a good 
addition that makes the
point clear.


 -Original Message-
 From: Richards, Gareth
 Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 10:45 AM
 Cc: Black, David;;;
 Subject: RE: [Ietf-krb-wg] Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18
   In section 2.4, the following sentence is potentially confusing:
 For example,
 event-based tokens may drift since the counter on the token is
 incremented every time the token is used but the counter on the
 server is only incremented on an authentication.  Similarly, the
 clocks on time-based tokens may drift.
   The confusion arises because the resync mechanism described in that 
   section causes
   the client to use the next token value.  By itself, that won't help when 
   an event based
   has gotten ahead of the server; using the next value only puts the token 
   further ahead.
   Similarly, by itself, this mechanism does not help if the token clock has 
   drifted ahead
   of the server clock, but does help if the token clock has drifted behind. 
A little more
   explanation of what the server can do to take advantage of this mechanism 
   (e.g., how to
   deal with an event-based token that is ahead of the server) would reduce 
   the confusion.
  Possibly there is something in RFC4226, section 7.4 which could be
  referenced or re-used?  It seems to assume that the server itself knows
  the token seed, which may not be a valid assumption, so perhaps not.
 Resynchronization in the algorithms I am familiar with involves the server 
 resetting its OTP search
 window and the system in the ID allows the client to send an additional value 
 to help the server do
 this.  This is just as described in RFC4226.
 How about the following clarification text:
 Methods to recover from this type of situation are OTP algorithm specific but 
 may involve the client
 sending a sequence of OTP
 values to allow the server to further validate the correct position in its 
 search window  (see section
 7.4 of [RFC4226] for an example).
Ietf mailing list

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18

2011-08-25 Thread
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
please see the FAQ at

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 

Document: draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18
Reviewer: David L. Black
Review Date: August 24, 2011
IETF LC End Date: August 29, 2011

Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the 

This is a tightly written draft on one-time-password token-based 
preauthentication for Kerberos.
The text does a good job of tightly specifying the algorithms and protocol 
steps; the resulting
text is a bit dense to read, but provides the necessary precision for 

Disclaimer - the draft author and this reviewer work for different 
organizations in the
same company (EMC).

I found two open issues, both of which are relatively minor:

[1] In section 6.1 at the top of p.28, I don't believe that the use of lower 
recommended is a strong enough warning about the danger in using
anonymous PKINIT because it exposes the OTP value:

   It is therefore recommended that anonymous PKINIT not be used with
   OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC and
   that careful consideration be made of the security implications
   before it is used with other algorithms such as those with short OTP

At a minimum, that warning should be in upper-case:

   It is therefore RECOMMENDED that anonymous PKINIT not be used with
   OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC. In
   addition, the security implications should be carefully considered
   before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms such as those
   with short OTP values.

Beyond that, the security issue in the first sentence may be severe enough
to justify a prohibition, so the following would also be acceptable:

   Therefore anonymous PKINIT SHALL NOT be used with
   OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC. In
   addition, the security implications should be carefully considered
   before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms such as those
   with short OTP values.

[2] In section 5, the first paragraph in the IANA considerations is unclear, and
following its reference to section 4.1, I don't see any clarifying text there 
I think Sections 4.1 and 4.2 need to say that the value of otp-algID is a URI 
from the PSKC Algorithm URI Registry, and the first paragraph in section 5 
say that URIs for otp-algID are to be registered in that registry, see RFC 6030.

I also found a couple of minor nits:

In Section 1.1, please expand the FAST acronym on first use.

In section 2.4, the following sentence is potentially confusing:

   For example,
   event-based tokens may drift since the counter on the token is
   incremented every time the token is used but the counter on the
   server is only incremented on an authentication.  Similarly, the
   clocks on time-based tokens may drift.

The confusion arises because the resync mechanism described in that section 
the client to use the next token value.  By itself, that won't help when an 
event based
has gotten ahead of the server; using the next value only puts the token 
further ahead.
Similarly, by itself, this mechanism does not help if the token clock has 
drifted ahead
of the server clock, but does help if the token clock has drifted behind.  A 
little more
explanation of what the server can do to take advantage of this mechanism 
(e.g., how to
deal with an event-based token that is ahead of the server) would reduce the 

idnits 2.12.12 generated a bunch of warnings, none of which require any change 
to the draft.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

Ietf mailing list

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18

2011-08-25 Thread
Hi Sam,

Thanks for the quick response?  I'll watch for the new text on anonymous PKINIT.

 Why should we require that alg-ids be registered URIs?  

That's not my concern - the existing first paragraph of the IANA considerations 
section in the draft requires IANA registration (or at least tries to) by 
pointing to the PSKC registry.  My concern is that if this is going to be done, 
it needs to be done right (duh!), and the current text is insufficient. Please 
take the issue of whether to use IANA for this purpose up with Gareth and the 

 I have no problem with the IETF registering its algorithms there, or us
 encouraging people to register them there, but it's a URI. What purpose
 is served by forcing registration?

Hmm - more than one URI for the same algorithm might cause interoperability 


 -Original Message-
 From: Sam Hartman []
 Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 10:04 PM
 To: Black, David
 Cc: Richards, Gareth;;;; hartmans-;
 Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18 writes:
  [1] In section 6.1 at the top of p.28, I don't believe that the
  use of lower case recommended is a strong enough warning about
  the danger in using anonymous PKINIT because it exposes the OTP
 It is therefore recommended that anonymous PKINIT not be used
  with OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the
  KDC and that careful consideration be made of the security
  implications before it is used with other algorithms such as those
  with short OTP values.
  At a minimum, that warning should be in upper-case:
 It is therefore RECOMMENDED that anonymous PKINIT not be used
  with OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the
  KDC. In addition, the security implications should be carefully
  considered before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms
  such as those with short OTP values.
  Beyond that, the security issue in the first sentence may be
  severe enough to justify a prohibition, so the following would
  also be acceptable:
 Therefore anonymous PKINIT SHALL NOT be used with OTP
  algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC. In
  addition, the security implications should be carefully considered
  before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms such as
  those with short OTP values.
 I definitely agree that we should use RFC 2119 language.
 Note that WG participants have questioned this text in last call for
 other reasons.
 Many implementations use anonymous pkinit in a mode where the KDC's
 certificate is verified--that is the client is anonymous but the KDC is
 identified through a PKI.
 WG participants believe (and I agree) that the security concern does not
 apply at all in this case.
 So, the text needs reworking.
  [2] In section 5, the first paragraph in the IANA considerations
  is unclear, and following its reference to section 4.1, I don't
  see any clarifying text there either.  I think Sections 4.1 and
  4.2 need to say that the value of otp-algID is a URI obtained from
  the PSKC Algorithm URI Registry, and the first paragraph in
  section 5 should say that URIs for otp-algID are to be registered
  in that registry, see RFC 6030.
 Why should we require that alg-ids be registered URIs?  I.E. what is
 wrong with me using
 (or a tag URI if you like) for my OTP algorithm?
 I have no problem with the IETF registering its algorithms there, or us
 encouraging people to register them them, but it's a URI. What purpose
 is served by forcing registration?

Ietf mailing list

RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18

2011-08-25 Thread
Make that - Thanks for the quick response. (off-by-one key error ...)


 -Original Message-
 From: Black, David
 Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 9:14 AM
 To: Sam Hartman
 Cc: Richards, Gareth;;;;; Black, David
 Subject: RE: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18
 Hi Sam,
 Thanks for the quick response?  I'll watch for the new text on anonymous 
  Why should we require that alg-ids be registered URIs?
 That's not my concern - the existing first paragraph of the IANA 
 considerations section in the draft
 requires IANA registration (or at least tries to) by pointing to the PSKC 
 registry.  My concern is
 that if this is going to be done, it needs to be done right (duh!), and the 
 current text is
 insufficient. Please take the issue of whether to use IANA for this purpose 
 up with Gareth and the WG.
  I have no problem with the IETF registering its algorithms there, or us
  encouraging people to register them there, but it's a URI. What purpose
  is served by forcing registration?
 Hmm - more than one URI for the same algorithm might cause interoperability 
  -Original Message-
  From: Sam Hartman []
  Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 10:04 PM
  To: Black, David
  Cc: Richards, Gareth;;;; hartmans-;
  Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-krb-wg-otp-preauth-18 writes:
   [1] In section 6.1 at the top of p.28, I don't believe that the
   use of lower case recommended is a strong enough warning about
   the danger in using anonymous PKINIT because it exposes the OTP
  It is therefore recommended that anonymous PKINIT not be used
   with OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the
   KDC and that careful consideration be made of the security
   implications before it is used with other algorithms such as those
   with short OTP values.
   At a minimum, that warning should be in upper-case:
  It is therefore RECOMMENDED that anonymous PKINIT not be used
   with OTP algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the
   KDC. In addition, the security implications should be carefully
   considered before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms
   such as those with short OTP values.
   Beyond that, the security issue in the first sentence may be
   severe enough to justify a prohibition, so the following would
   also be acceptable:
  Therefore anonymous PKINIT SHALL NOT be used with OTP
   algorithms that require the OTP value to be sent to the KDC. In
   addition, the security implications should be carefully considered
   before anonymous PKINIT is used with other algorithms such as
   those with short OTP values.
  I definitely agree that we should use RFC 2119 language.
  Note that WG participants have questioned this text in last call for
  other reasons.
  Many implementations use anonymous pkinit in a mode where the KDC's
  certificate is verified--that is the client is anonymous but the KDC is
  identified through a PKI.
  WG participants believe (and I agree) that the security concern does not
  apply at all in this case.
  So, the text needs reworking.
   [2] In section 5, the first paragraph in the IANA considerations
   is unclear, and following its reference to section 4.1, I don't
   see any clarifying text there either.  I think Sections 4.1 and
   4.2 need to say that the value of otp-algID is a URI obtained from
   the PSKC Algorithm URI Registry, and the first paragraph in
   section 5 should say that URIs for otp-algID are to be registered
   in that registry, see RFC 6030.
  Why should we require that alg-ids be registered URIs?  I.E. what is
  wrong with me using
  (or a tag URI if you like) for my OTP algorithm?
  I have no problem with the IETF registering its algorithms there, or us
  encouraging people to register them them, but it's a URI. What purpose
  is served by forcing registration?

Ietf mailing list

Gen-ART review ofdraft-ietf-mboned-mtrace-v2-08

2011-07-23 Thread
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on 
Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments 
you may receive.

Document: draft-ietf-mboned-mtrace-v2-08
Reviewer: David L. Black
Review Date: 21 July 2011
IETF LC End Date: 19 July 2011

Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the 

This draft describes version 2 of multicast traceroute.

Major Issues:

This review is late because it took me much longer than expected to work 
through this
draft in order to figure out how the protocol works. While I believe that the 
does work if correctly implemented, I don't believe that the protocol is 
implementable from this draft, and hence significant work is required.

The open issues fall into two primary areas:

- Message Structure: Sections 4 and 5 are confusing.
- Message Processing: The most important functionality of this protocol is the 
processing of messages in Section 9.  I found numerous problems there, 
significant missing pieces of the specification (e.g., the material on 
when and
how to generate Reply messages is incomplete).

In addition there are some missing security considerations around traffic 

-- Message Structure --

The text in sections 4 and 5 is confusing.  The problem starts with 
the following sentence in section 4.2:

   An mtrace2 message MUST contain exactly one Mtrace2 Query header.

Because the mtrace2 Query header is not discussed until section 5, this
sentence is easy to misread as a requirement for exactly one Mtrace2
Query TLV.  

It gets worse, because it turns out that the Mtrace2 Query header is actually
the value[V] for the Query, Request and Reply TLVs.  Hence, calling that a Query
header is an invitation to confusion (e.g., where are the Request and Reply

I suggest renaming the Mtrace2 Query header to Mtrace2 Trace header and then
changing the above sentence to:

   An mtrace2 message MUST begin with a Query, Request or Reply TLV. The value
   for each of these TLVs is an Mtrace2 Trace Header (see section 5).  These
   three TLVs MUST NOT be used in any position other than the beginning of
   a message.

That is not easy to figure out from the current text.

5.  Mtrace2 Query Header

What's the maximum size of the UDP packet?  This is important because there's
text in Section 9 on that depends on whether another TLV fits into the message
or not. There needs to be a minimum size, as nothing will work if there isn't
room for at least one standard response block after the header.

How does one figure out whether the addresses in the Mtrace2 Query Header
are IPv4 or IPv6?

I suspect that at least one of the multicast address and source address needs
to be valid (i.e., not all 1's for IPv4, not :: for IPv6).  That should be 
along with what happens when both addresses are invalid.

State that the client address must be valid (not all 1's for IPv4, not :: for 

Add the 24 bits of TLV to the packet structure diagrams in sections 5, 6, 7 and 

Sections 6 and 7 - The IPv4 and IPv6 response blocks use the same TLV code (4),
but have different contents and lengths.  How does the receiver determine which
response block is present for TLV code 4? 

Section 8 Mtrace2 Augmented Response Block

   The augmented response block is always appended to mtrace2 TLV header

No, definitely not.  Section 4.2 says that the mtrace2 TLV code for an augmented
response block is 5, not 4.  The following would be better:

  The augmented response block uses TLV code 5 and always comes after a standard
  response block TLV (code 4).

-- Message Processing --

Section 9 is confusing and incomplete.  This is the most important functionality
in the document, and it needs to be clear to the reader.  I'm having a very hard
time figuring out exactly what the router is supposed to do, and I found a 
of things that are clearly wrong.  It is not sufficient to just fix the things 
noted in this review - Section 9 needs to be clear and cogent about exactly what
the router does for each received message so that code can be written from it.

Section 9.1.1 Packet Verification

   If the router determines that it is not the proper last-hop router,
   or it cannot make that determination, it does one of two things
   depending if the Query was received via multicast or unicast.  If the
   Query was received via multicast, then it MUST be silently dropped.
   If it was received via unicast, a forwarding code of WRONG_LAST_HOP
   is noted and processing continues as in Section 9.2.

The last sentence has a number of problems:
- It needs to say that the TLV type in the first TLV is changed from 1 to 2,
- Section 9.2 requires that there be a response block, but the Query
message doesn't have one.
- Section 9.2 will 

RE: tsv-dir review of draft-ietf-mptcp-congestion-05

2011-07-21 Thread

The proposed -06 version sufficiently clarifies my one open issue.

I agree that the NSDI paper is an important citation and did not intend to
suggest that it be removed.  In addition, your decision to not cite RFC 3124
is ok with me.

Thank you for responding to the review.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

 -Original Message-
 From: Costin Raiciu []
 Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 12:35 PM
 To: Black, David
 Cc: tsv-dir; tsv-area; ietf; m.handley; d.wischik; multipathtcp
 Subject: Re: tsv-dir review of draft-ietf-mptcp-congestion-05
 Hi David,
 Thank you for your review.
  I have one open issue - the first two goals (in the Introduction) are to 
  have multipath
  TCP connections behave somewhat like single-path connections in terms of 
  effects on
  (fairness to) other traffic.  The algorithm specified accomplishes this 
  solely by
  coupling the additive increase functionality across the flows, but allowing 
  each flow
  to react to drops and congestion separately (no decrease coupling).  The 
  draft does
  not explain why increase coupling alone is sufficient to achieve these 
  goals or what
  compromise to the goals results from only coupling increases.
 Our proposal fully achieves goals 1 and 2 - fairness to single path tcp  and 
 improve throughput. It
 does not fully achieve goal three - balancing congestion; fully achieving 
 goal 3 is very difficult,
 and an explanation is attempted in section 5; a reference is given to the 
 NSDI paper for further info.
  Section 5 is a good start on this discussion, but it's not clear about what 
  to the goals results from increase coupling only.  Section 5 criticizes an 
  that couples both increases and decreases for failing to achieve Goal 1, 
  but doesn't
  say what this approach achieves.  At most a few additional sentences in 
  Section 5 should
  suffice to address this concern, and Section 2 should be edited to align 
  with the
  changes to Section 5.
 We have updated section 5 to make these points clear - they weren't clear 
 enough before.
  While the [NSDI] paper is a fine place to reference work published in 
  and/or journals, RFC 3124 on the Congestion Manager is related IETF work 
  and should
  be cited here as an Informative Reference.
 The congestion manager is indeed related work and should be cited in a 
 research paper, but does not
 help understanding the congestion controller presented in this draft. We 
 chose not to cite it
 We chose to cite the NSDI paper because it describes in detail the design 
 choices that shaped the
 algorithm, and it will help an interested reader understand more about the 
 The discussion section is itself a short high level summary of those 
 We attach the new version of this draft to this email (we cannot post a new 
 version online of the
 draft because the IETF submission cutoff date has passed). Could you please 
 check the draft and see if
 the issues you raised have been clarified?
 We will post the draft as soon as submissions reopen after the IETF
Ietf mailing list

Gen-ART review of draft-polk-local-emergency-rph-namespace-01

2011-07-13 Thread
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
please see the FAQ at

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 

Document: draft-polk-local-emergency-rph-namespace-01
Reviewer: David L. Black
Review Date: July 12, 2011
IETF LC End Date: July 13, 2011

This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits that should be 
fixed before publication.

This draft defines a SIP Resource Priority header namespace, esnet, for use in
providing preferential treatment to emergency calls (e.g., from on-scene 

This field is an addition to rather than a replacement for existing notions of
priority in the SIP Resource Priority header.  Section 2 explains why this was
done, but section 2 is a bit sloppy and imprecise.  Some level of imprecision is
necessary as this draft deliberately does not specify how this header namespace
is used to provide preferential treatment.  Nonetheless, the following two items
could be improved in Section 2's discussion:

1) Explain the reason for including the second paragraph, the paragraph
that references RFC 4412's discouragement of modification of priorities
within an administrative domain.  That paragraph's not connected to the
rest of section 2.
2) Explicitly state that one of the anticipated uses of the priorities in the
esnet namespace is to override the ordinary priorities found elsewhere 
the Resource Priority header.

Small nit: There's an extraneous to in the first line of section 3:

   The esnet namespace should not to be considered generic for all

idnits 2.12.12 found a few formatting problems:

  == You're using the IETF Trust Provisions' Section 6.b License Notice from
 12 Sep 2009 rather than the newer Notice from 28 Dec 2009.  (See

  == It seems as if not all pages are separated by form feeds - found 0 form
 feeds but 7 pages

  == The copyright year in the IETF Trust and authors Copyright Line does not
 match the current year


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

Ietf mailing list

tsv-dir review of draft-ietf-mptcp-congestion-05

2011-07-05 Thread
I've reviewed this document as part of the transport area directorate's ongoing
effort to review key IETF documents. These comments were written primarily for 
transport area directors, but are copied to the document's authors for their
information and to allow them to address any issues raised. The authors should
consider this review together with any other last-call comments they receive.
Please always CC: if you reply to or forward this review.


This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the review.


This draft specifies the congestion control modifications for multi-path TCP.


I have one open issue - the first two goals (in the Introduction) are to have 
TCP connections behave somewhat like single-path connections in terms of 
effects on
(fairness to) other traffic.  The algorithm specified accomplishes this solely 
coupling the additive increase functionality across the flows, but allowing 
each flow
to react to drops and congestion separately (no decrease coupling).  The draft 
not explain why increase coupling along is sufficient to achieve these goals or 
compromise to the goals results from only coupling increases.

Section 5 is a good start on this discussion, but it's not clear about what 
to the goals results from increase coupling only.  Section 5 criticizes an 
that couples both increases and decreases for failing to achieve Goal 1, but 
say what this approach achieves.  At most a few additional sentences in Section 
5 should
suffice to address this concern, and Section 2 should be edited to align with 
changes to Section 5.


While the [NSDI] paper is a fine place to reference work published in 
and/or journals, RFC 3124 on the Congestion Manager is related IETF work and 
be cited here as an Informative Reference.

idnits 2.12.12 didn't find any nits.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: draft-ietf-pwe3-fc-encap-14.txt (Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Fibre Channel Traffic over MPLS Networks) to Proposed Standard

2011-02-08 Thread
This IETF draft contains normative references to three Fibre Channel standards 
that are developed by INCITS Technical Committee T11 ( - FC-BB-6, 
FC-FS-2 and FC-SP.  FC-BB-6 is under active development at T11, and hence its 
latest working draft (revision 1.02) is publicly available from T11's web site. 
 As the other two references are to published standards, their availability is 
restricted.  In both cases, the material relied upon by this IETF draft has not 
been changed by follow-on standards work, so the latest drafts of T11's 
follow-on standards efforts (FC-FS-3 and FC-SP-2) can be used for reference.

If anyone needs a copy of FC-FS-2 and/or FC-SP in order to review this IETF 
draft, please send me an email - I have been authorized by T11 to provide 
copies of these standards for the personal use of IETF participants in IETF 
activity related to this draft.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of The IESG
 Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 11:13 AM
 To: IETF-Announce
 Subject: Last Call: draft-ietf-pwe3-fc-encap-14.txt (Encapsulation Methods 
 for Transport of Fibre
 Channel Traffic over MPLS Networks) to Proposed Standard
 The IESG has received a request from the Pseudowire Emulation Edge to
 Edge WG (pwe3) to consider the following document:
 - 'Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Fibre Channel Traffic over MPLS
   draft-ietf-pwe3-fc-encap-14.txt as a Proposed Standard
 The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
 final comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2011-02-21. Exceptionally, comments may be
 sent to instead. In either case, please retain the
 beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.
 The file can be obtained via
 IESG discussion can be tracked via
 No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.
 IETF-Announce mailing list

Ietf mailing list

RE: tsv-dir review of draft-ietf-storm-ifcp-ipn133-updates-02

2010-09-22 Thread

Many thanks for reviewing the draft.

The requested changes look reasonable, with one clarification - protocol number 
133 was used for a pre-standard version of FCIP, not iFCP .


 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Touch []
 Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 2:02 PM
 To:; Black, David;
 Cc: IETF discussion list; TSV Dir
 Subject: tsv-dir review of draft-ietf-storm-ifcp-ipn133-updates-02
 Hi, all,
 I've reviewed this document as part of the transport area
 directorate's ongoing effort to review key IETF documents. These
 comments were written primarily for the transport area directors, but
 are copied to the document's authors for their information and to
 allow them to address any issues raised. The authors should consider
 this review together with any other last-call comments they
 receive. Please always CC if you reply to or forward
 this review.
 This document updates the specification for iFCP over TCP by
 deprecating address translation mode.
 There are no significant transport issues raised by this
 document. There are some clarifications that seem necessary, as noted
 The title implies that there is a 133rd version of IP (i.e., IPv133). It
 might be more useful to focus on the changes it proposes:
   Deprecating Translation Mode for iFCP over TCP
 Overall, the prominence of the protocol 133 issue should be reduced, as
 it is not specific to the changes proposed by this document. This includes:
- removing the last sentence of the abstract
- removing the last paragraph of Section 1
- change section 4 as follows:
  section heading:
   Using iFCP over TCP
  section content:
  Explain that iFCP runs as a payload inside TCP
  using dynamic port numbers coordinated out-of-band.
  Add that IP protocol 133 is not used for iFCP,
  but was used for a pre-release version that
  did run directly over IP, was deployed, and
  may still be in use.
  (do not discuss IANA actions; that's for Sec 6,
  and since removal is not requested, it would not
  occur anyway)
 If references to Protocol 133 remain, such references should be
 IPv6-friendly and should be more clear that they are inside IP (rather
 than versions of IP), i.e., IP Protocol/Next Header field with a value
 of 133.
 Sec 6 should more clearly state that the IANA entry for IP protocol
 133 be updated to note that it is NOT used by iFCP.

Ietf mailing list

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-hip-via-01

2010-06-14 Thread
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
please see the FAQ at . 

Please resolve these comments along with any other comments you may receive.

This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits that should be 
fixed before publication.

This draft describes the addition of source routing and route tracing to HIP.  
It is proposed for Experimental status, which seems appropriate, especially for 
source routing.

The draft's in good shape - idnits 2.12.04 found a few minor nits:

  == You're using the IETF Trust Provisions' Section 6.b License Notice from
 12 Sep 2009 rather than the newer Notice from 28 Dec 2009.  (See

- Copy the correct boilerplate.

  == Outdated reference: A later version (-06) exists of

  == Outdated reference: A later version (-08) exists of

- These are only worth updating if a new version of the draft is needed for 
other reasons.


David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
+1 (508) 293-7953 FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786    Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754

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