Re: Last Call: 'Progressive Posting Rights Supsensions' to ...

2006-10-24 Thread Scott Bradner

I agree with John K 

lets purge 2418, 3683 etc of any language that appears to limit 
enforcement options and work things out on a case by case basis


Ietf mailing list

RE: I understand that there is an ISO MOU with the IETF- ...

2006-10-12 Thread Scott Bradner

see RFC 3563 for one agreement


Ietf mailing list

Newtrk and ISDs (was: Re: Facts, please not handwaving ...

2006-09-21 Thread Scott Bradner

to expand on John's ps

for those of you who were not involved or who have forgotten the details

the note the IESG sent about their review of the ISD idea can be found at

but the feeling that the WG got from the IESG review is better
viewed at:
where an IESG member said

  The IESG is not at all sure that the ISD proposal is a good idea.
   We'd think it reasonable if newtrk decided not to follow it any more.

the IESG member then goes on to say that if the WG decided to continue
it would be a hard row to hoe

It's not hard to see why the newtrk chair (me) decided that newtrk had
no real future unless we happend to come up with something that the
IESG liked (without the IESG members providing much help figuring 
out what they might like)

in all the newtrk experience was not the highpoint of my IETF experience

(I'm sure that some of the IESG members at the time would agree but
for quite different reasons)


Ietf mailing list

Re: Now there seems to be lack of communicaiton here...

2006-08-31 Thread Scott Bradner

 (1) Andrew's decision stands.  Under RFC 3777, the only recourse available
to anyone who disagrees with that decision would be to ask Andrew to
reconsider or to file a dispute with the ISOC President.  The former
has already been done, and so far no reversal has been announced.

we have not heard from Andrew since this discussion began - maybe he is 
off the net - lets not make any assumptions on what he has decided
to do until he tells us

my preference is to take note of the text in RFC 3797 pointed to by
Donald and keep the already selected nomcom

but it would not be the end of the world if Andrew decides
to respin the selection

in any case, this event does indicate that fixing RFC 3777 to follow
the guidance in RFC 3797 is needed


Ietf mailing list

Re: Now there seems to be lack of communicaiton here...

2006-08-31 Thread Scott Bradner

PS - I do think its fully in Andrew's remit to make this decisison
and I do not think it would be good for the IETF for anyone to
appeal his decision


Ietf mailing list

Re: Comments on draft-iab-rfc-editor: IETF control

2006-05-30 Thread Scott Bradner

this summary is right on
 E.g. the IAB should keep its hands off the independent submission 
 process at least with this channel

so is the rest of Mike's message


Ietf mailing list

Re: Comments on draft-iab-rfc-editor: IETF control

2006-05-30 Thread Scott Bradner

 the level of independence and discretion granted to the RFC 
 Editor to edit and publish documents that are not the outcome of the
 IETF's peer review process is, I believe, a central matter in any 
 version of an RFC Editor Charter.

how could be any other way?


Ietf mailing list

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: PI addressing in IPv6 advances in ARIN]

2006-04-14 Thread Scott Bradner
 Jason had the chair ask how many folks in the room were in the Default
 Free Zone, and 20 people raised their hands.  So from that I conclude at
 the very least that 14 of those 20 did not oppose the PI proposal.

its a bit harder to say than that - the 2nd question (how many from
default free ISPs) was done asking only one person per default free ISP to 
rase their hand - the hands showed that there were one or more reps from 20
default free ISPs in the room. Since a number of organizations sent more than 
one person the 14 Thomas mentions is the low end of the number of 
the 60 that were from default free ISPs since there was no 
one-hand-per-isp limit on the 1st show of hands.

in fact - most of the people in the room were from ISPs of one size or another


Ietf mailing list

RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: PI addressing in IPv6 advances in ARIN]

2006-04-14 Thread Scott Bradner

Michel sed
  breaking news
 The ARIN Advisory Council (AC), acting under the provisions of the
 ARIN Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process (IRPEP), has reviewed
 policy proposal 2005-8: Proposal to amend ARIN IPv6 assignment and
 utilisation requirement  and has determined that there is community
 consensus in favor of the proposal to move it to last call. The AC made
 this determination at their meeting at the conclusion of the ARIN Public
 Policy meeting on April 11, 2006. The results of the AC meeting were
 reported by the Chair of the AC at the member meeting. This report can
 be found at

note the move it to last call

teh last call (very much like teh IETF last call) will be on the ARIN
ppml - see for information on
the policy process and instructons on how to subscribe to the mailing list

if you have an interest in this topic please do join the list and 
the discussions - silence is seen as agreement


Ietf mailing list

RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: PI addressing in IPv6 advances in ARIN]

2006-04-14 Thread Scott Bradner

now is the time to comment if you want to - a lack of comment means 

from ARIN Member Services

The ARIN Advisory Council (AC), acting under the provisions of the ARIN 
Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process (IRPEP), has reviewed Policy 
Proposal 2005-1: Provider-independent IPv6 Assignments for End Sites and 
has determined that there is community consensus in favor of the 
proposal, as edited below, to move it to last call. The AC added the 
final sentence to section as shown below. The AC made this 
determination at their meeting at the conclusion of the ARIN Public 
Policy meeting on April 11, 2006. The results of the AC meeting were 
reported by the Chair of the AC at the member meeting. This report can 
be found at

The policy proposal text is provided below and is also available at

Comments are encouraged. All comments should be provided to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] This last call will expire at 12:00 Noon, Eastern Time, 
April 28, 2006.

The ARIN Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process can be found at


Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Ietf mailing list

Re: the iab net neutrality

2006-03-24 Thread Scott Bradner

maybe I can summerize John's note by asking if this IAB has the
will to write a RFC 1984 about net neutrality


Ietf mailing list

Re: STRAW PROPOSAL RFC Editor charter

2006-03-18 Thread Scott Bradner
 I think that was your point Scott?

I just wanted to be sure the list of RFC types was complete


Ietf mailing list

Re: STRAW PROPOSAL RFC Editor charter

2006-03-17 Thread Scott Bradner
I think they are independent submissions (not generally written by
teh RFC Editor staff)


Ietf mailing list

Re: STRAW PROPOSAL RFC Editor charter

2006-03-16 Thread Scott Bradner
 The other publication tracks in the above is meant to be
 for -- IAB, IRTF, independent submissions, whatever comes next.

and 1 april RFCs?

Ietf mailing list

Re: Alternative formats for IDs

2006-01-12 Thread Scott Bradner

Dave sed:
 Nroff has no current industry penetration.

fwiw - Nroff is on every Mac OSX shipped

it is a shell procedure that fronts groff


Ietf mailing list

Re: Question about the Neustar logo on

2006-01-02 Thread Scott Bradner

Brian sed
 It's traditional, and I think fair.

fwiw - it took a bit of adjusting when the ISOC logo was 1st put on
the home page (as I recall) - I also think its fine but should be 
about the same scale as the ISOC one


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last call IETF experiments

2005-12-14 Thread Scott Bradner

Sam sez:
 It's certainly current IESG procedure that we can last call
 informationals and experimentals.  I don't know that 2026 does or
 needs to say anything about it.  Unless it is forbidden it seems like
 a reasonable decision making tool for the IESG to apply in some cases.

imo - its quite reasonable for the IESG to specifically ask the IETF
community for its views on whatever topic the IESG would like to know
the community's opinion about (and a Last-Call is a tool for the IESG to
use to find out the community's opinion)


Ietf mailing list

Re: Any Final Comments on the IETF Trust

2005-12-09 Thread Scott Bradner

I think that further tweaking with this document is not going to
make it much better  I think its more than good enough now - so lets
sign it and get it behind us


Ietf mailing list

Re: Update: IETF Trust Consensus Call

2005-11-23 Thread Scott Bradner

 I would like to extend the Consensus Call on the IETF Trust for one
 additional week until December 2nd.

fwiw - I think that the IPR trust is basically the right path to take
considering the circumstances but I would like to see answers to
John's issues before proceeding and join John in requesting that
the IETF get a commitment that the trust documents will not
be signed until those answers have been posted and the community
has had a chance to comment on them - thus, while it is good to
extend the last call, I'd like to see it extended to a week after
clarifications Lucy notes in her posting have been sent to the IETF list.


All -

I would like to extend the Consensus Call on the IETF Trust for one
additional week until December 2nd. Feedback to the IETF list has been
sparse, but there has been some traffic on the IPR-WG list and a few
comments directed to the IAOC. Additional clarification has been
requested on several points related to future Licensing of IPR held by
the IETF Trust and on the exact nature and disposition of both Current
and Historical data as defined in Schedule A.

The combination of IETF 64, WSIS related travel, and the coming US
holiday has made it hard for all three parties to the IETF Trust
(CNRI/ISOC/IAOC) to coordinate our responses on these two issues. We
hope to have clarifying text on the Licensing issue and updates for
the FAQ shortly, and will publish before 12/2/05. Watch this space:

Thanks to all who have made comments, and we will keep you posted.

Lucy E. Lynch   Academic User Services
Computing CenterUniversity of Oregon
llynch   (541) 346-1774

Ietf mailing list

Re: UN plans to take over our job!

2005-10-05 Thread Scott Bradner

Noel sez:
  If some WSIS-blessed
  bureacracy decides to make IP addresses portable (like phone numbers in a
  number of jurisdictions),

fyi/a - an example of this thinking can be found in the aug 7 1997 
amendment to the ARIN articles of incorporation - put there under the
insistance of part of the US regulatory establishment


added paragraph
   (7) to encourage allocation policy changes for Internet Service 
   Providers in order to enhanse comperition by providing mobility
   of Internet Service Providers among upstream Internet Service
   Providers when it is generally agreed that the technology is
   available for portable addressing.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Cost vs. Benefit of Real-Time Applications and Infrastucture Area

2005-09-20 Thread Scott Bradner
One David opines

- we need two more people out of the community who are going to spend
  a lot of their time on the administrative side of our organization
  instead of producing real work for the IETF.

 ADs do not have to stop doing useful work - many ADs (and even a
 or two) have done useful technical work while doing teh AD role

- IETF documents will receive more scrutiny in the IESG. While this
  could be considered a good thing, there has been a significant
  amount of backlash in the community that enough is enough. I for one
  believe that we currently already provide enough review, and possibly
  already too much.

 I assume you mean 2 more people looking at things
 I'm not sure this will make a significant difference to the flow
 through the IESG which I always found to be more dependent on
 the pickyest AD not the number of ADs

- Management research has shown that optimal group sizes are in
  general quite a bit smaller than the current IESG. In fact, I see
  already significant strains within the IESG due to our group size.

 imo - the size of the IESG has been more than some would consider
 ideal for quite a while, I do not think that adding two more ADs
 will do additional harm to its functionality - I think the more
 important issue is how the IESG operates  reviews things - maybe
 things have changed since I was on the IESG but in those days
 there were only a few ADs that were consistently active on the
 mailing list when we were discussing  big issues - a few more 
 active folk would actually have helped in those days

An IESG that doesn't operate efficiently is not in the benefit of the IETF.

 agreed, but imo, that problem is already there and is 
 quite independent of the number of ADs

I believe it is very dangerous to add an area before addressing the
issues associated with a larger IESG

 fwiw, I disagree with this because I think that the proposal
 will add people who can dedicate more attention to this set
 of WGs and I think that is a good thing - see above, I think
 the optimal size may have been exceeded a while back but
 I think that adding two additional folk would produce
 more positives than negatives at this point

Another approach could be to do serious surgery on how the IESG
operates to make it a more scalable group.

 I think this should be done (and have proposed some ideas 
 in the past) but I expect it to take quite a while and I'd like
 to get focused attention on this (conceptionial) area in the 

Another David opines
If we applied much more strict quality, relevance and timeliness
measures to the existing IETF load, we would probably get rid of 
1/3 to 1/2 of our current activities.  And possibly more.

 that is an option, but I expect that the level of IETF work would 
 not change much, the work would just be distributed among 
 fewer WGs  (but I do not doubt that some number of existing WGs
 should be closed for one reason or another)


Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis-02.txt

2005-07-15 Thread Scott Bradner
 In which case, what you last call is not the document itself but
 what the IETF intends to say about it, and do about the related
 IANA action.

just so


Ietf mailing list

Re: Port numbers and IPv6 (was: I-D ACTION:draft-klensin-iana-reg-policy-00.txt)

2005-07-14 Thread Scott Bradner
 I was surprised that TCP-over-IPv6 and UDP-over-IPv6 didn't increase
 the port number space. I know it's off-topic here, but anyone know why
 they didn't? It surely must have been considered.
 That was considered to be part of TCPng, and as best I recall was 
 explicitly out of scope.



Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis-02.txt

2005-07-14 Thread Scott Bradner

imo this update is much needed - there has been considerable confusion 
about some of the processes in RFC 2434 and it would be good to
clear up the confusion

one specific area of confusion was what used to be called IETF
Consensus - renaming it to IETF Review may help but I'm not sure

I think there should be a IANA evaluation process that includes a
required IETF-wide Last-Call and evaluatiopn of the results of
that Last-Call by the IESG - the current text for IETF Review does
not make a Last-Call manditory  (this is seperate from IETF Standards
action because it should not require a standards-track RFC - an info or
exp RFC should be fine)

it would be my suggestion to use a very specific term such as IETF
Last-Call  Consensus  for a process that includes the following
requires a public document (not limited to IDs  RFCs)
requires an IETF-wide Last-Call
includes IESG evaluation of results of Last-Call
IESG permitted to do own evaluation but if
results differ from results of Last-Call then
IESG has to specifically justify difference in
public message to IETF list

also concerning the IESG Approval process
I'm fine with having such a process but considering the
mess we have been going through I would like to add a 
step to the IESG Approval process 
if the IESG decides to turn down a request it
must document the reason(s) for the reject in
a message to the IETF list and run a Last-Call
like request for opinions on the proposed IESG
rejection - if the responses to the comment
requested process clearly do not support the
proposed IESG rejection the IESG must withdraw its
proposed rejection.  The IESG can publish 
a RFC listing its issues with the proposed use
but can not block the assignment
if the responses to the comment requested process
do not clearly object to the proposed IESG rejection
then the IESG recommendation for rejection can
be forwarded to the IANA


Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis-02.txt

2005-07-14 Thread Scott Bradner
works for me (assuming that you include non-IETF documents when you
say IETF review documents)


From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Jul 14 18:12:46 2005
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Bradner)
Subject: Re: I-D ACTION:draft-narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis-02.txt
From: Sam Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 18:12:40 -0400
In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott
 Bradner's message of Thu, 14 Jul 2005 12:52:38 -0400 (EDT))
User-Agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

would it be reasonable to just say that we are going to always last
call IETF review documents?  Personally I'd approve of this option
unless people think it is too restrictive.

Ietf mailing list

Re: When to DISCUSS?

2005-07-10 Thread Scott Bradner
Sam asks:
 how about just waiting to see if we have a problem before designing
 new process?

we have running code that there have been problems in the past 
maybe this new process will help avoid some of them  maybe the IESG will 
be more ready to push back on ADs that do not follow these much clearer
guidelines - I hope so

 It seems likely that if there is internal conflict within the IESG,
 the IESG will find a way to resolve that conflict.  If you don't feel
 that you can leave these sorts of details to the IESG, then you
 shouldn't be trusting the IESG at all.  That's a valid position, but
 it is not resolved by creating enforcement mechanisms.

humm - I thought this was a document from the IESG not someone
from outside trying to impose process on the IESG so I'm not
sure if a resolurtion process shoudl be called an enforcement

in any case I do hope that the IESG will think about what to do before its
confronted with a specific case even if its not willing to give the 
public any hints


Ietf mailing list

Re: When to DISCUSS?

2005-07-08 Thread Scott Bradner

re draft-iesg-discuss-criteria-00.txt

I think this is a very helpful document - if followed by the IESG it
should reduce the number of what appears to be blocking actions
by ADs 

but I did not see any enforcement mechanism - i.e. if an AD enters a 
DISCUSS over a section 3.2 reason how does the IESG tell that AD
to back off?  It seems like the alternate voting process is
not needed to have the IESG look at a DISCUSS comments and reach
a consensus that it is not (or is) a legit DISCUSS area

maybe somthing like a 'review of comment' process that gets 
kicked off by another AD or a WG chair after an AD files their
DISCUSS comment.  The process just involving a requirement for all
ADs to review the comment in question and discuss the issue on
the next IESG call ending in a vote - if there is not majority 
support that the comment is a blocking type then the DISCUSS is
changed to a non-blocking comment


Ietf mailing list

Re: IANA Action: Assignment of an IPV6 Hop-by-hop Option

2005-06-29 Thread Scott Bradner

Yakov asks:
 What was the reason(s) the request was made for an assignment
 that required IESG Approval, rather than either Specification
 Required or First Come First Serve ?

it semed to be the right thing at the time

it seemed to be too lose to have the IETF out of the loop
when changing one of the core IETF protocols in a way that could
require changes to deployed software and hardware but it seemed
a bit much to require that all such options have to go through 
a full IETF development process ( because there could
be options the IETF did not have much interest or concern
about and such a lack of interest should not be an automatic block)

i.e. a middle ground


Ietf mailing list

Re: RFC 2434 term IESG approval (Re: IANA Action: Assignment of an IPV6 Hop-by-hop Option)

2005-06-29 Thread Scott Bradner

Margaret sed:
 Personally, I think that if the IETF doesn't want to give the IESG 
 the right to approve (and refuse to approve) the allocation of IP 
 options, then the IETF should update  RFC 2780.

for what it's worth (speaking as an IETFer, forment IESGer  co-author of
RFC2780) - to me its not a question of the IESG having the right to
approve (and refuse to approve) the allocation of IP options - its a 
question of process - specifically *how* should the IESG refuse to
approve an assignment - thus its not a question of changing 2780
to remove that right 

but maybe it is a question of establishing an understanding of
what process the IESG should follow (e.g. make a statement
and subject it to a process along the line of a Last-Call)

this is not that new a concept - ADs have done this in the past (see 
for example, Randy's request for input about PIBs and the process that 
was followed to see if the IETF should continue to work on CR-LDP) - 
I see no reason that the IESG could not do the same sort of thing

note that I think that any assertion that one can not do a last-call 
wiithout an ID misses the point - the point being that the IESG
should attempt to get an understanding of the IETF community's 
opinion on the IESG's conclusion - calling it a Last-Call is
just using a common IETF term as a way to describe a process
so that people can easily understand the concept


(also see draft-klensin-iana-reg-policy-00.txt)

Ietf mailing list

Re: RFC 2434 term IESG approval (Re: IANA Action: Assignment of an IPV6 Hop-by-hop Option)

2005-06-29 Thread Scott Bradner
 I agree that this would be a reasonable process, but wouldn't that be 
 IETF Consensus (an entirely separate choice in RFC 2434 from IESG 

see RFC 2434 
  IETF Consensus - New values are assigned through the IETF
   consensus process. Specifically, new assignments are made via
   RFCs approved by the IESG.

note that IETF Consensus specifically requires an RFC approval

on the other hand IESG Approval specifically does not require a RFC
  IESG Approval - New assignments must be approved by the IESG, but
   there is no requirement that the request be documented in an

so a process by which the IESG determines if the IETF community 
agrees with a decision to reject an assignment request which is
not done by ID/RFC is not the same thing as IETF Consensus in
RFC 2434

fwiw - saying that the IESG should check with the community should
be a simple concept to understand - but maybe I'm wrong


Ietf mailing list

Re: RFC 2434 term IESG approval (Re: IANA Action: Assignment of an IP

2005-06-29 Thread Scott Bradner

 It's not a hard concept. It just isn't mentioned or implied in RFC 2780.

neither is not drinking gasoline but I trust that will not change
your desire to not do so


Ietf mailing list

Re: Appeal of decision to standardize Mapping Between the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and Internet Mail

2005-06-14 Thread Scott Bradner
 I don't see that text either.  I suspect it was omitted because 
 of the possibility of denial of service attacks on getting 
 standards out (Scott Bradner, a comment on this might be 

I do not recall any discussion on this particular question but tere
was a general assumption that common sense would be used so as to not
render any appeal moot before it was processed - note that just
because someing is not specifically enabled in RFC 2026 should
not be read to mean that teh action is specificaly disabled - that
can be the case if 2026 says 'you MUST do X but I see no reason to 
extend 2026 to automatically block actions the WG (or editor) did
not think about unless 2026 dictates a particular path to follow

in this case I see nothing in 2026 that says that publication
can not or should not be held up


Ietf mailing list

Re: IENs: 127, 117, 93

2005-04-17 Thread Scott Bradner
 I am looking for Internet Experimental Notes 127, 117 and 93.  Any idea where
 these can be found.

for example


Ietf mailing list

Re: IENs: 127, 117, 93

2005-04-17 Thread Scott Bradner

ps - you will also find those IENs under RFC # 762, 758 and 755


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: 'Requirements for IETF Draft Submission Toolset' to ...

2005-04-08 Thread Scott Bradner

I use nroff 


Ietf mailing list

Re: Voting Idea? (Was: Last Call: 'Requirements for IETF Draft Submission Toolset' to Informational RFC)

2005-04-07 Thread Scott Bradner
 But we *often* take straw polls in f2f meetings,

but we do not count hands - we look to see if there is a clear
difference between hands one way and or the other


Ietf mailing list

Re: What problems does the draft cut-off solve? ...

2005-03-02 Thread Scott Bradner

 At this point, less than one week before the meeting, only 14 WGs 
 (not counting BOFs) have agendas posted. 

humm - maybe there is another explanation for part of that

I sent an agenda (including ID names) in almost a month ago but its not
on the WG  BOF agenda page

forwarded message=
From sob Mon Feb  7 21:09:58 2005
Subject: agenda for newtrk

newtrk working group agenda

intro  status - chair  10
report and discussion on the anti-cruft effort  40
background reading: 

discussion of ISD proposal  60
background reading:

wrapup - chair  10

Ietf mailing list

Perhaps clarify: #825 - IASA responsibilities regarding IPR

2005-01-31 Thread Scott Bradner

Harld admits and thinks:
 I'm sure Jorge could phrase it better. but I think the meaning
 is clear.

works for me


Ietf mailing list

Re: Suggested resolution - #826: Section 4 - Removal of the IAOC Chair

2005-01-30 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald asks:
 is using
 the term 5/8 of the voting members an acceptable phrase?

it's just what I was asking for (i.e, to answer your question - yes)


Ietf mailing list

Re: Suggested resolution - #826: Section 4 - Removal of the IAOC Chair

2005-01-28 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald suggests
   The Chair serves at the pleasure of the IAOC, and may be removed from
   that position at any time by a vote of five of the IAOC voting members.

I don't think its a good idea to use absolute numbers - its better
to use fractions '4/5ths of the voting members' for example - in case
you have a situation where some IAOC members have dropped off for some 
reason - using absolute numbers can get into a situation where the
action can not be taken even though all existing members of the
IAOC want to do so


Ietf mailing list

BCP sec 4 - end of term

2005-01-27 Thread Scott Bradner

not a showstopper but it woudl eb good to be clear

the text curently says:
   Subject to paragraph 2 of Section 4.1, appointed members of the IAOC
   serve two year terms.  IAOC terms normally end at the first IETF
   meeting of a year, just as as IAB and IESG terms do.

I suggest changing this to say
   Subject to paragraph 2 of Section 4.1, appointed members of the IAOC
   serve two year terms.  IAOC terms normally end at the end of the
   first IETF meeting of a year.

its good to be specific as to when during the meeting


Ietf mailing list

RE: Resolution? #787 terminology - in particular ISOC Standards Pillar

2005-01-26 Thread Scott Bradner
 I have left the change to General Ledger Accounts out for the
 time being, because I am not sure we have consensus on that yet
 (even though ISOC prefers that terminology).

I would think it is a generally good idea to use the legal terms to
reduce confusion so I see no justification to not use General Ledger


Ietf mailing list

RE: Resolution? #787 terminology and issue 794 - naming of accouts

2005-01-26 Thread Scott Bradner

Bert suggests:
section title=Cost Center Accounting anchor=cc-accounting
As discussed with ISOC, funds managed by IASA shall
be accounted for in a separate set of general ledger
accounts within the Cost Center IASA.
In the remainder of this document, these general ledger
accounts are termed IASA accounts.
A periodic summary of the IASA accounts shall be reported
in the form of standard financial statements that reflect
the income, expenses, assets, and liabilities of the IASA
cost center.
IAOC and ISOC shall agree upon and publish procedures
for reporting and auditing of these accounts.
Note that the ISOC in consultation with IAOC can determine
to tructure the IASA accounting differently in the future
within the constraints outlined in
xref target=isoc-responsibilities/.

OK by me 


Ietf mailing list

Re: FW: Resolution? #787 terminology and issue 794 - naming of accounts

2005-01-26 Thread Scott Bradner

Bert resuggests:
 5.1  Cost Center Accounting

   Funds managed by the IASA shall be accounted for in a separate set of
   general ledger accounts within the IASA Cost Center.  In the remainder
   of this document, these general ledger accounts are termed IASA
   accounts. A periodic summary of the IASA accounts shall be reported
   in the form of standard financial statements that reflect the income,
   expenses, assets, and liabilities of the IASA cost center.

   The IAOC and ISOC shall agree upon and publish procedures for
   reporting and auditing of these accounts.

   Note that ISOC in consultation with the IAOC can decide to structure
   the IASA accounting differently in the future within the constraints
   outlined in Section 7.

still OK by me


Ietf mailing list

NeuStar consensus (was Re: Progress report......)

2005-01-26 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald sez:
  - We will *share* with the community our opinion that this effort could 
  help achieve a transition with less conflict and uncertainty than going 
  straight from a CNRI-provided secretariat to an open RFP process would.

is there any particular consensus determination mechanism envisioned?

i.e., how will who (IASA, IAD, IESG, IAB, all of the above) figure
out of the IETF community thinks that its a good idea for the IETF
to agree to N years (where N seems to be an unknown value) of NeuStar
before issuing an RFP?


(ps - my personal feeling is that the general idea is a good one but,
like John, I think there are a lot of questions that need to be answered
before IETF community should be asked if it supports the arrangement
so that NeuStar can find out, as they say they want to know, if the
IETF community supports their initiative)

Ietf mailing list

NeuStar as a unit (was Re: Progress report......)

2005-01-26 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald mentions in passing:
  for instance, the transition team has 
  briefly considered the option of making permanent institutional memory in 
  the form of archives a separate task that is carried out outside the 
  present secretariat framework - since Carl's reports indicate that this 
  task may need a different skillset, and different resources, than the 
  secretariat currently has.

is there a requirement for the IETF to agrre that NeuStar take over 
all of the current Foretec funstions?  It seems to me that providing
mailing list services (along with the archives of them) is a quite
separable function - there are a number of companies in that business.

I'd like to see a RFP be developed for the mailing list function and
that bids be solicited for it - NeuStar could bid on the RFC if they
felt that they have the expertise but I see no reason to think that
they would automatically be the best choice.

In the long run I'd like the IETF to move away from having a single
vendor for all of our support services (ignoring for the moment the
RFC Editor and IANA which are already seperate) - it puts too much 
dependency in one place and assumes that expertise in, for example,
meeting managment automatically translates into expertise in other areas
such as mailing list management.


Ietf mailing list

a full time IAD (was Detailed Neustar answers)

2005-01-26 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald quotes John and says
  Or, more generally, if the IAD is expected to act merely as a
  conduit for information between the IETF leadership and
  Neustar/Foretec, is the job description correct (at least for
  the duration of the Neustar arrangement) and does the job really
  require a full-time person.
 I believe the IAD should be negotiating those contracts, and that these 
 contracts should have adequate controls. And I believe that this can EASILY 
 consume a full-time employee.

I can immagine that it might take a full time employee to negotiate 
a contract with NeuStar (not sure what other contracts you mean) but
I can not immagine that the full time work would last any longer than
it takes to negotiate the contract(s) after which I would think the 
IAD would be at most a 1/3 time task (unless NeuStar turns out to
be real bad and takes a lot of oversight) - it seems to me that
the IAD will be idle most of the time - not condusive to retaining
good people.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Comment on draft-ietf-iasa-bcp-04

2005-01-26 Thread Scott Bradner

Russ sez:
  We want to keep it simple.  However, a recall is serious.  At a minimum, we 
  need to require that 2/3rd of the voters are present for the vote.  If we 
  say that at least 2/3rd of those present must vote for removal, then an 
  'abstain' is essentially a vote to keep the chair in office.

I agree except that I'd like to not tie this to a physical (or
teleconference) meeting - why not email in which case it can be
2/3 of the members other than the chair is required to zap the chair


Ietf mailing list

RE: Progressing Re: Progress report......

2005-01-26 Thread Scott Bradner
 All we need to do is that as soon as we have IASA in place (we
 still need to approve the BCP first) that IASA then starts
 to prepare for RFPs and such and then the process can start.

the prepare for RFPs seems futile (or at least *very* premature)
if NeuStar is to get a N-year agreement/contract

I agree with John that we need to figure out if the BCP as-is is all that
useful in the face of what appears to be a done deal


Ietf mailing list

Re: Discussion: #822 legal review 3: Legal advice

2005-01-25 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald suggests teh following
   The IAD negotiates service contracts, with input, as appropriate,
   from other bodies, including legal advice, and with review, as
   appropriate, by the IAOC.  The
   IAOC should establish guidelines for what level of review is expected
   based on contract type, size, cost, or duration.  ISOC executes
   contracts on behalf of the IASA, after whatever review ISOC requires
   to ensure that the contracts meet ISOC's legal and financial

works for me

Harald also asks
  The other point raised is whether the legal advice for IASA needs to be 
  independent from ISOC's legal advice. Consideration so far seems to be that 
  sometimes this would be good, sometimes this would be indifferent or extra 
  overhead - hard to codify in this BCP.

  Should we leave that as no change proposed?

also works for me


Ietf mailing list

Re: Edits - #819 - Elwyn's editorials

2005-01-25 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald suggests
   The IAD shall ensure that personal data collected for
   legitimate purposes of the IASA are protected appropriately,
   and at least satisfactorily according to relevant legislation.
 Place it just after paragraph 5 of section 3.1, the one that starts out 
 talking about contracts giving the IETF rights in data - it seems 



Ietf mailing list

Re: A little more feedback? #818 Hiring and firing the IAD

2005-01-24 Thread Scott Bradner

I prefer NEW(2)

  Although the IAD is an ISOC employee, he or she works under the
  direction of the IAOC. A committee of the IAOC is responsible for
  hiring and firing of the IAD, for reviewing the performance and for
  setting the compensation of the IAD. The members of this committee are 
  appointed by the IAOC, and consist at minimum of the ISOC President, the 
  IETF Chair and one IAOC member that has been selected by the Nomcom.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Rough consensus? #425 3.5

2005-01-23 Thread Scott Bradner
I agree that postmortems can be useful but I'm not sure that 
doing such on a decision to hire Bill instead of Fred is one of
those cases where it woudl be useful, feasiable (due to confidential
info including recommendations) or produce any useful results (unless
teh reason to hire Bill was that he was the IAD's dad)

the same thing with reviewing the decision to hire company A rather than 
company B - I can see reviewing the process by which the decision
was made but I do not think (for teh same reasons above) that the
reviewing the decision itself would be all that easy or useful


From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Jan 23 15:17:14 2005
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Bradner)
Subject: Re: Rough consensus? #425 3.5
From: Sam Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 15:17:16 -0500
In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott
 Bradner's message of Fri, 21 Jan 2005 09:17:25 -0500 (EST))
User-Agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 Scott == Scott Bradner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Scott ps - I'm not sure that its all that useful to be able to
Scott appeal/review awards if they can not be overturned -
Scott apealing or reviewing the process that was followed is fine
Scott but appealling the actual award seems broken

I disagree.  Reviewing a specific decision in an operational context
to determine whether the right decision was made can be a useful
feedback step in a control loop of a system.  I've found this to be
true whether systems are technical or manigerial.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Re: Rough consensus? #425 3.5

2005-01-21 Thread Scott Bradner

Brian clarifies:

 Reviewing procedures is fine. Reviewing specific awards isn't, IMHO,
 which is all I intended my words to exclude.

I agree with Brian - allowing the review of specific awards could
easily cause the DoS attack that I've been warning against


Ietf mailing list

Re: Re: Rough consensus? #425 3.5

2005-01-21 Thread Scott Bradner
Margaret sez:

 None of the versions of the text that we are looking at (the current 
 BCP, Harald's, mine, Scott Brim's...) indicate that a request for 
 review of an IAD or IAOC decision could result in:  (1) reversing a 

if all of the proposed text actually said (as the -04 text does) that
awards can not be overturned then there is not a DoS threat -
but Harald's suggested wording does not do that 


Ietf mailing list

Re: Re: Rough consensus? #425 3.5

2005-01-21 Thread Scott Bradner
ps - I'm not sure that its all that useful to be able to appeal/review
awards if they can not be overturned  - apealing or reviewing
the process that was followed is fine but appealling the actual
award seems broken

this may seem like a wording nit but I think it would properly set


Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus? #789: Section 5.6 - Financial reserves

2005-01-21 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald suggests:
  The IASA expects ISOC to build and provide that operational reserve,
  through whatever mechanisms ISOC deems appropriate.

looks good to me


Ietf mailing list

Re: No change needed? #790: Section 2.2 - In-kind donations

2005-01-21 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald points out and suggests
  The question was what the purpose of the last line was.
  The discussion seems to have revealed that this is good business practice 
  (don't accept gifts of white elephants), and there's no real need to change 
  the text.

agree (he says agreeing to his own words :-) )


Ietf mailing list

Re: Minor issue, no change? #791: Section 2.2 - Editorial

2005-01-21 Thread Scott Bradner

I agree with Harald - lets leave it as-is

Margaret wrote:

 8. The IASA, in cooperation with ISOC, shall ensure that sufficient

 s/shall ensure/shall attempt to ensure/ ??

 reserves exist to keep the IETF operational in the case of
 unexpected events such as income shortfalls.

I think this should remain as-is. There are other principles in the list 
where it's possible to imagine that one could fail (7 on IPR, for 
instance). But I won't lose any sleep over it either way.

Ietf mailing list

re: Minor resolution: #793: Section 7 - transition of funds

2005-01-21 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald suggests
 To the extent allowed by law, any balance in the IASA accounts, any 
 IETF-specific intellectual property rights, and any IETF-specific data and 
 tools shall also transition to the new entity. Other terms shall be 
  negotiated between the IETF and ISOC.

works for me


Ietf mailing list

Re: Rough consensus? #425 3.5

2005-01-19 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald suggests:
  3.5 Decision review
  In the case where someone questions a decision of the IAD or the
  IAOC, he or she may ask for a formal review of the decision.
  The request for review is addressed to the person or body that made
  the decision. It is up to that body to decide to make a response,
  and on the form of a response.
  The IAD is required to respond to requests for a review from the
  IAOC, and the IAOC is required to respond to requests for a review
  of a decision from the IAB or from the IESG.
  If members of the community feel that they are unjustly denied a
  response to a request for review, they may ask the IAB or the IESG
  to make the request on their behalf.
  Answered requests for review and their responses are made public.

why not make public all requests (i.e. remove Answered from the 
last line)

I still feel that this leaves things too open (specifically it does not
set expectations about the possible results of a review ) to a DoS 
attack but as I said before I can live with this as-is.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Rough consensus? #425 3.5

2005-01-19 Thread Scott Bradner

Margaret notes
 It seems strange, IMO, to be so worried about DoS attacks through the 
 appeal process we've been using this process for several years for 
 IESG and WG decisions and haven't experienced that sort of problem...

the current appeals process does not apply to commercial decisions 
such as the awarding of a contract so whatever experience we already
have is not relevent to what we might experience under the new process


Ietf mailing list

Re: Rough consensus? #425 3.5

2005-01-19 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald explains

Answered requests for review and their responses are made public.
  why not make public all requests (i.e. remove Answered from the
  last line)
 1) some requests are an embarassment to the sender, and the sender doesn't 
 really want an answer

not sure that giving someone an additional way to embarrass themselves 
(in addition to the existing public mailing lists) is all that much of
a negative in the face of a general desire for openness

 2) anything that's got a requirement to do something is a DoS vector, 
 even if trivial - so I bent over backwards to prevent that.

you seem to be more bendable than I am :-) - I don't see that a public
archive for the request submission list would be all that big a deal to do

Harald (again) asks
 I still don't understand how not setting expectations opens to a DoS attack 
 - setting expectations would be such an opening.
 Want to try to explain?

(again) for example, if the looser in a RFP process feels that they can 
get the decision overturned and a particular IASA does not have a strong
assumption that this is outside the scope the IASA could think it
could put the decision on hold (and block the delevery of a service
such as getting ready to provide networking at an IETF meeting) until
the review is done

but I repeate - I can live with the text as Harald proposes it


Ietf mailing list

Re: Rough consensus? #739 Assuring ISOC commitment to AdminRest

2005-01-19 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald asks:

  2.5 Effective Date for Commencement of IASA

  The procedures in this document shall become operational
  after this document has been approved by the process defined in
  BCP 9 [RFC2026] , including its acceptance as an IETF process BCP
  by the ISOC Board of Trustees, and the ISOC Board of Trustees
  has confirmed its acceptance of ISOC's responsibilities
  under the terms herein described.

  Is that something we can live with?

I can


Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus? #746 IAOC decision making

2005-01-19 Thread Scott Bradner

harald suggets
  The IAOC attempts to reach consensus on all decisions.
  If the IAOC cannot achieve a consensus decision, then
  the IAOC may decide by voting.

looks good to me


Ietf mailing list

RE: iasa-bcp-04: unanimity in section 3.4

2005-01-17 Thread Scott Bradner
Bert sez:
The IAOC attempts to reach consensus on all decisions.
If the IAOC cannot achieve a consensus decision, then
the IAOC decides by voting.

I thought the other point was that the text should read
  If the IAOC cannot achieve a consensus decision, then the IAOC
   can decide by voting

i. not mandate voting - leave it up to them


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call Comments on draft-iasa-bcp-04.txt

2005-01-15 Thread Scott Bradner
Margaret asks

 ISSUE #5:
 6.  There shall be a detailed public accounting to separately
 identify all funds available to and all expenditures relating to
 the IETF and to the IASA, including any donations, of funds or
 in-kind, received by ISOC for IETF-related activities.  In-kind
 donations shall only be accepted at the direction of the IAD and
   What is the purpose of the last line?  Is there some fear that
   someone would accept inapproprite in-kind donations?  What happens
   if they do?

I intended that last line to make it clear that its the IETF (though the 
IAD and IAOC) that decides if an in-kind donations is actually something
that the IETF wants and is comfortable with any conditions - for
example someone might be concerned if the ISOC accepted an offer
from Bill' bait  sushi shop to sponsor lunches at IETF with the minor
requirement that an add for BBSS be appened to all RFCs


Ietf mailing list

re: iasa-bcp-04: unanimity in section 3.4

2005-01-14 Thread Scott Bradner

John K sez:
 Proposed change: Get rid of unanimous (both times), replacing
 it with consensus and appropriate editorial smoothing.

I fully agree


Ietf mailing list

Re: No communication: #746 IAOC decision making

2005-01-13 Thread Scott Bradner
 So - Scott, can you confirm that you think quorum rules should be in the 
 BCP? Rob, can you confirm that you think they should not be?

imo - if rules for voting are in the document then quorum rules should be
but I'm fine with the idea that the document say
1/ general method is consensus
2/ the IAOC will develop and publish quorum and voting rules
   and publish them for the cases where consensus can not
   be found


Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus search: #725 3.4b Appealing decisions

2005-01-13 Thread Scott Bradner
harald proposes:
  3.5 Decision review

   In the case where someone questions a decision of the IAD or the
   IAOC, he or she may ask for a formal review of the decision.

   The request for review is addressed to the person or body that made
   the decision. It is up to that body to decide to make a response,
   and on the form of a response.

   The IAD is required to respond to requests for a review from the
   IAOC, and the IAOC is required to respond to requests for a review
   of a decision from the IAB or from the IESG.

   If members of the community feel that they are unjustly denied a
   response to a request for review, they may ask the IAB or the IESG
   to make the request on their behalf.

   Answered requests for review and their responses are made public.

I am still worried about the possibility of a DoS attack and the messy
situation where the looser in a bid wants the bid award overturned so
would be happier with some language that says that its real hard
or impossible to overturn signed contracts 

but that said I can live with what Harald suggests if no one else
shares my worries


Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus search: #725 3.4b Appealing decisions

2005-01-13 Thread Scott Bradner
 I think you have to explain more why you are worried before I'm able to 
 share them.

I have in detail in the past


Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus search: #725 3.4b Appealing decisions

2005-01-13 Thread Scott Bradner

 -On torsdag, januar 13, 2005 07:20:22 -0600 Spencer Dawkins 
  So the IAD and IAOC don't have to respond to individual requests for
  review unless IAB or IESG make the request on behalf of an individual,
  but we all get to see requests and responses and make our own NOMCOM

oh - I did not parse that - in that case I'm OK with the proposed text


Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus? #746 3.4 IAOC decision making

2005-01-13 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald further suggests:

  3.4  IAOC Decision Making

   The IAOC attempts to reach all decisions unanimously.  If unanimity
   cannot be achieved, some decisions may be made by voting.

   The IAOC decides the details about its decision-making
   rules, including its rules for quorum, conflict of interest and
   breaking of ties.  These rules will be made public.

   All IAOC decisions shall be recorded in the IAOC minutes and
   published regularly.

works for me


Ietf mailing list

Re: Suggest no change: #739 Assuring ISOC commitment to AdminRest

2005-01-13 Thread Scott Bradner

note that in the resolutions that accepted the IETF process BCPs 
(2026 for example) also had text that said that the ISOC aggreed to
undertake the role described in the document for the ISOC

i.e. I would expect that both would be in a single motion


Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus? #733 Outsourcing principle

2005-01-12 Thread Scott Bradner
harald asks
 We have to adjust the second sentence (referring to such contracts would 
 become ambiguous), so the total paragraph becomes:

   In principle, IETF administrative functions should be
   outsourced. Decisions to perform specific functions
   in-house should be explicitly justified by the IAOC
   and restricted to the minimum staff required, with these
   decisions and staffing reviewed by the IAOC on a regular
   basis and against a zero base assumption.

   The IAD is responsible for negotiating and maintaining outsourcing
   contracts, as well as providing any coordination necessary to make
   sure the IETF administrative support functions are covered properly.
   The IAOC is accountable for the structure of the IASA and thus
   decides which functions are to be outsourced.  All outsourcing must
   be via well-defined contracts or equivalent instruments.  Both
   outsourced and in-house functions must be clearly specified and
   documented with well-defined deliverables, service level agreements,
   and transparent accounting for the cost of such functions.

 Is that OK with everyone? Case closed?

ok by me


Ietf mailing list

Re: Minor word tweak: #718 Transparency - Decisions and Reports

2005-01-12 Thread Scott Bradner
haralald's Suggested revision:

   All IAOC decisions shall be recorded in IAOC minutes, and IAOC
   minutes shall be published regularly.

looks fine to me


Ietf mailing list

Re: V2 Consensus? #770 Compensation for IAOC members

2005-01-10 Thread Scott Bradner

Harald suggets:
   so I'll switch to proposing 
   that we adopt the text by (at last count) John Klensin and Mike St. Johns 
   at the end of section 4.0:
   The IAOC members shall not receive any compensation for their services as 
   members of the IAOC.
   The IAOC shall set and publish rules covering reimbursement of expenses, 
   and such reimbursement shall generally be for exceptional cases only.
   I think this captures the intent of *all* the posters so far.
   End of thread?

works for me


Ietf mailing list

Re: IASA Finances - an attempt at some uplevelling

2005-01-10 Thread Scott Bradner
Specific suggestion for text changes from harald


Section 2.2 bullet 7, current:

   8.  The IASA shall establish a target for a reserve fund to cover
   normal operating expenses and meeting expenses in accordance with
   prudent planning, and ISOC shall work with the IASA to build up
   and maintain the reserve.

Under the principle of state principles, not mechanisms, change to:

   8.  The IASA, in cooperation with ISOC, shall ensure that sufficient
   reserves exist to keep the IETF operational in the case of
   unexpected events such as income shortfalls.

 looks good to me

All other details should be in section 5.6.
In section 5.6, change:

   Rather than having the IASA attempt to build that reserve in its
   separate accounts, the IASA looks to ISOC to build and provide that
   operational reserve, through whatever mechanisms ISOC deems
   appropriate: line of credit, financial reserves, meeting cancellation
   insurance, and so forth.  Such reserves do not appear
   instantaneously; the goal is to reach this level of reserves within 3
   years after the creation of the IASA.  Such funds shall be held in
   reserve for use by IASA for use in the event of IETF meeting
   cancellation or other unexpected fiscal emergencies.  These reserves
   shall only be spent on IETF support functions.


   The IASA expects ISOC to build and provide that
   operational reserve, through whatever mechanisms ISOC deems
   appropriate: line of credit, financial reserves, meeting cancellation
   insurance, and so forth. Long term, financial reserves are preferred;
   it should be a goal for ISOC to reach this level of reserves within 3
   years after the creation of the IASA.

   If the IASA account accumulates a surplus, ISOC may count that as
   part of the reserve.

 also OK by me modulo changing account to accounts in the last 

IASA accounts
In section 7 (Removability), change:

  Any accrued funds, any IETF-specific intellectual property rights,
  and any IETF-specific data and tools shall also transition to the
  new entity.


  Any IASA account balance, any IETF-specific intellectual
  property rights, and any IETF-specific data and tools shall also
  transition to the new entity. Other terms of removal shall be
  negotiated between the non-ISOC members of the IAOC and ISOC.

 I agree with John's concern 
 maybe fix by saying non ISOC-appointed members


Ietf mailing list

Re: Adminrest: BCP -03: Compensation for IAOC members

2005-01-03 Thread Scott Bradner

Jonne asks:
 x.x Compensation for IOAC members
 The IOAC members shall not receive any compensation (apart from
 reimbursement of expenses) for their services as members of the
 do the trick then?

works for me

Ietf mailing list

RE: Adminrest: BCP -03: Compensation for IAOC members

2005-01-03 Thread Scott Bradner
bert asks:
 The current text in section 3, 1st para states
   The IAOC consists of volunteers, 
 does that not say enough?

I'd say no - volunteers can get paid in some cases


Ietf mailing list

RE: Excellent choice for summer meeting location!

2005-01-03 Thread Scott Bradner

Glen rants:
 Are you then claiming that there is _nowhere_ in France that a) is
 capable of hosting a meeting with the IETF's requirements and b) the
 weather is more pleasant? =20

how about Paris?

seems like the news story about extraordinary is also rare

average max temp in Paris in july looks like 24 C and a bit lower in aug

cooler than boston

average max temp in july 27 C

now if you are coming from Seattle I can see that both might be
considered deadly  :-)

see 4th paragraph of


Ietf mailing list

Re: Issue #727: Section 2.2, 4, 7 - Miscellaneous editorial

2005-01-02 Thread Scott Bradner

brian asks 
 Perhaps we do indeed need to explicitly limit the
 IAOC Chair to chairing the IAOC. But we almost do - the following paragraph
 The chair of the IAOC shall have the authority to manage the
 activities and meetings of the IAOC.  The IAOC Chair has no formal
 duty to represent the IAOC, except as directed by IAOC consensus.
 Isn't this enough?

maybe the 2nd sentence change to

  The IAOC Chair does not represent the IAOC (unless directed to do so
  by IAOC consensus) and does not represent the IETF.

no formal duty leaves the IAOC chair to do so anyway and it would
be good, in the same place, to say that the IAOC chair does not
represent the IETF


Ietf mailing list

Re: Adminrest: BCP -03: Compensation for IAOC members

2004-12-31 Thread Scott Bradner
 Personally, I don't understand why we would have a different 
 reimbursement policy for IAOC members than for IESG and IAB members. 

just being willing to pay travel expenses might make it possible for
someone to be able to do the IAOC job (since I think it can be done 
in non-day-job time) - that is not the case for IAB or IESG members


Ietf mailing list

Re: Adminrest: BCP -03: Compensation for IAOC members

2004-12-31 Thread Scott Bradner
  just being willing to pay travel expenses might make it possible for
  someone to be able to do the IAOC job (since I think it can be done 
  in non-day-job time) - that is not the case for IAB or IESG members
 To be honest, I don't quite follow this logic. What would be the major
 difference here on the reimbursement? 

the key difference is if the job can be done while holding down a 
full time day-job (so the employer does not have to donate significant
time) - since an AD job is at least half time it can not be done 
without significant employer support (or by someone with their own
money) - if the IAOC job can be done on someone's own time then
they do not need employer support for their time and, if the expenses
for the few trips needed are covered, support for travel (outside of 
normal IETF travel)


Ietf mailing list

Re: Adminrest: BCP -03: Compensation for IAOC members

2004-12-31 Thread Scott Bradner
 However, people from outside US have to pay
 for the long distance fee to call those numbers.

the services that teh IESG used when I was an AD called out to non-US
folk (or to folk that were in those %%(*$%$ hotels that charge 
per minute for toll free calls longer than some time)


Ietf mailing list

Re: Adminrest: BCP -03: Compensation for IAOC members

2004-12-30 Thread Scott Bradner

thanks to Jonne for bringing this up - I agree that some text about this
should be in the document but I disagree on what it should say.  

imo - the IAOC members should not be compensated for their time but
I think its reasonable for them to be reimbursed for expenses for
travel to meetings not held in the same place and time as IETF
meetings (or just before or after an IETF at the same location) - since
I would hope that almost all of the work of the IAOC shoudl be done
over the net or by phone I would not think this would come up
that often but it might during startup (revaluating RFP responses
for example) - doing this enables peopel who do not have strong
money support to still be able to be on the IAOC


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Re: Adminrest: BCP -03: Compensation for IAOC members

2004-12-30 Thread Scott Bradner
 I admit that I maybe have too much a view point of someone working for a
 relatively large company.

not everyone does

 I try to approach this from a position where
 the IAOC itself does not become a significant cost for IASA.  

I agree - see my note - I do not think that face to face meetings are
all that needed but might happen for special things

 However, as these are the people that are responsible for setting the
 budget and supervising the finances of the IASA and there is no real
 owner to control the expenses it would be clearer to have the IAOC
 members being responsible for their own expenses.

that limits who can be on the IAOC to people who can afford it not to
those who would do the best job

 If we would decide to reimburse traveling I think we cannot make the
 distinction between meetings co-located with IETF or not. There will
 always be people to argue that they wouldn't or couldn't come to the
 IETF and travel to IAOC meetings during the IETF should also be

I disagree - I do not think we should easily have people who do not
come to the IETF on the IAOC deciding what is good for the IETF


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Re: Adminrest: BCP -03: Compensation for IAOC members

2004-12-30 Thread Scott Bradner
please do not read more into what I said than I said - I *only* meant
what I said - nothing more (I have a hard time understanding how anyone
could have misread what I said)

I did not suggest any change to the non-reimbursment of IESG  IAB
expanses - nor did I intend to

I expect the job of being an IAOC member will take little time and
almost no travel (after maybe a startup phase) - someting that someone
who was willing to put non-day-job time in could do - thus I'd like the 
maximum flexability in being able to get the right people and if
that means paying expenses for one or two face to face meetings a year 
(if the IAOC feels that it must meet face to face other thna at
an IETF meeting) it seems like a small price to pay 


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Re: Issue #723: Section 3 - Requirements for Outsourced Activities

2004-12-23 Thread Scott Bradner

accounting transparency is mentioned in a number of places already
it seems overly redundent to mention it here yet again - but its not 
a big deal to me


Kurtis comments on text suggested by Bernard:
 On 2004-12-09, at 17.02, Bernard Aboba wrote:
  Suggest this be rewritten to:
  The IAOC is accountable for the structure of the IASA and thus decides
  which functions are to be outsourced. All outsourcing must be via
  well-defined contracts or equivalent instruments.  Both outsourced and
  in-house functions must be clearly specified and documented with
  well-defined deliverables, service level agreements, and transparent
  accounting for the cost of such functions.
 I think this is overkill. It is up to the IAD/IAOC to decide how to 
 account for costs of outsourced contracts, so I would put a period 
 after service level agreements.
I have seen support for Bernard's statement (on email I believe by Margaret)
and I like Bernard's text myself as well.
I have not seen anyone agree with Kurtis yet. So for now I am believing
we seem to have more agreement on the complete text suggested by

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Re: No change needed? #723 - Outsourcing as a principle

2004-12-23 Thread Scott Bradner
Harald concludes:
 I believe that these are valid reasons to keep the mention of the 
 outsourcing principle in section 3, so I suggest we close #723 with no 
 changes needed.

I agree


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Re: #732: Section 5 - Fund raising cost allocated to IASA?

2004-12-23 Thread Scott Bradner

clearly fund raising expenses must be accounted for but, imo, 
there is nothing special about fund raising expenses - there will
also be other overhead costs that will have to be seen as being in the
IASA budget (Bert mentions credit card fees, there is also office space,
legal support for contract negotiation, etc, etc) - I do not see 
a particular need to call out fund raising expenses in a special way.

Bert proposes:
 So my proposal is: no change needed

I agree


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RE: Issue: #749: Section 6 - Budget process

2004-12-23 Thread Scott Bradner

Bert sez:
   As a result of the discussion I have updated the text
   and it currently looks as follows in my edit buffer:

section title=IASA Budget Process anchor=iasa-budget-process
While the IASA sets a budget for the IETF's
administrative needs, its budget process clearly needs
to be closely coordinated with ISOC's.
The specific timeline shall be established each year
by IASA and ISOC.
As an example, a general annual timeline for budgeting is:
list style=hanging
t hangText=July 1:
The IAD presents a budget proposal
(prepared in consultation with ISOC staff)
for the following fiscal year, with 3 year
projections, to the IAOC.

 more text as in rev 02 

The dates described above are examples and subject
to change.  They will most likely be modified each
year based on the dates of the second and third IETF
meetings of that year.  They also need to be
synchronised with the ISOC budgeting process.

   I think that closes the issue.

it does for me - tnx


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Re: Issue #740: Section 2.2 5.6 - IASA BCP -02 Reserves

2004-12-23 Thread Scott Bradner

Bert quotes lynn and then says
  Maybe replace the last two sentences with some variation of Access 
  to these reserves would expect to follow normal IAOC and ISOC 
  approval processes for any budget overruns.
 I believe that the current text was quite extensively discussed in the 
 past. I am not sure I can just go ahaead and make changes based on
 one person bringing it up. So I'd like to see more support on the list

I support Lynn's suggestion


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Re: No change needed? #723 - Outsourcing as a principle

2004-12-23 Thread Scott Bradner

I like John's formulation  reason

In principle, IETF administrative functions should be
outsourced. Decisions to perform specific functions
in-house should be explicitly justified by the IAOC
and restricted to the minimum staff required, with these
decisions and staffing reviewed by the IAOC on a regular
basis and against a zero base assumption.


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Re: Issue #745: Section 3.1 - ISOC involvment in budget

2004-12-23 Thread Scott Bradner
 Scoot, I believe that we have also resolved that issue
 implicitly by resolving issue749. Do you agree?

not being someone who memorizes issue numbers I had to look these up
but I think you are correct


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Re: Consensus? Minor issue #743: Defining the IETF

2004-12-22 Thread Scott Bradner

works for me

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Dec 22 04:42:35 2004
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 10:20:15 +0100
From: Harald Tveit Alvestrand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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I'm trying to go through the list of open issues and resolve those that 
appear easy, and this one caught my eye:

 maybe define the IETF - maybe point to RFC 3233

Suggested resolution:

Add to section 2.1 Alphabet Soup:

IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force (see [RFC3233])

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Re: Consensus? Minor issue #743: Defining the IETF

2004-12-22 Thread Scott Bradner

OK by me

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Dec 22 05:00:02 2004
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 10:49:09 +0100
From: Harald Tveit Alvestrand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subject: Consensus? Minor issue #730:  Section 2.2 - Authority over
 standards development
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Old text:

 2. The IAD, IAOC and ISOC shall not have any authority over the IETF
 standards development activities.

Issue: ISOC already has a role in IETF standards development activities.

Suggested new text:

 2. The IAD and IAC shall not have any authority over the IETF
 standards development activities, and this document does not
 confer any new authority or responsibilities to ISOC regarding
 IETF standards development.


Slight modification of the suggested text:

2. The IAD and IAOC shall not have any authority over the IETF
standards development activities. This document does not
modify ISOC's other roles related to the IETF standars process.

(Reason: This doc neither expands nor contracts the existing 



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Re: No change needed? #724 IAD Job description

2004-12-22 Thread Scott Bradner


From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Dec 22 06:47:13 2004
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 12:11:57 +0100
From: Harald Tveit Alvestrand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subject: No change needed? #724 IAD Job description
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Bernard said:

 Section 3.1

 As has been stated by others, I think we want the IAOC to be able to
 rewrite the IAD's job description if and when circumstances warrant it.

 So I think we need to be clear about what are essential IAD duties
 prescribed by this document (which require another BCP to change) and what
 elements of the IAD's job description may be modified/added by the IAOC as
 it sees fit.

 Section 6

 The IAD shall provide monthly accountings of expenses, and shall update
 expenditures forecasts every quarter. This may require adjustment of the
 IASA budget: if so, the revised budget will need to be approved by the
 IAOC, the ISOC President/CEO and, if necessary, the ISOC Board of

 Doesn't this belong in Section 3.1?

As I read the document, the only thing that is stated as this is not part 
of the instruction is the timeline in section 6, so moving this text will 
not change anything.

I suggest that we close the ticket with no text change.

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Re: Consensus? Issue #744: Section 3 - Backup mechanism for IAD

2004-12-22 Thread Scott Bradner

harald suggest:
 If there is no IAD or the IAD is unavailable, the IAOC may temporarily 
 assign the IAD's duties to individual members of the IAOC.

looks good


Ietf mailing list

Re: Consensus? #746 Section 3.4 - IAOC decision making

2004-12-22 Thread Scott Bradner

harald asks
 My reading of the discussion is that there is no support for making such a 
 requirement (too many corner cases with absent members), and that writing 
 detailed rules on IAOC decision making into the BCP is a Bad Idea.
 However, the idea of IAOC *having* such decision rules seems good.
 Suggested resolution:
 Add after the first section of 3.4:
   The IAOC decides further details about its decision-making rules.
   These rules will be made public.

I think the added statement is fine 

I do not like this resolution - I think it would be very bad to have a 
situation where a bare majority of the IAOC (5) can hold a face to face (or
conference call) meeting and then have a bare majority (3) of those 
present make a binding decision (to approve a contractor for example) -
this would wind up with a minority of the IAOC making such a decision.
That minority (or even the discussion) might not include the IETF or 
IAB chair, the ISOC prez etc - that seems like a very bad situation.

it seems to me to be a no brainer to require that decisions be
only binding if the majority of the IAOC agree one way of another
(in person or via email)

(the situation of one member being (literally) in the woods does not make 
any difference -- if 4 members were in the woods such that one cound not
get a majority of the 8-member IAOC then maybe the decision should wait


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