Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-06-03 Thread Dave Crocker

At 02:09 PM 5/31/2002 -0400, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
So we seem to have only a few work items suggested so far:

>I think the problem is that while there is (very) rough consensus
>IETF-wide that there is a strong cultural bias against patent
>encumberances (*), this bias is not adequately documented in writing.

1.  Improve the language that indicates IETF community preferences 
concerning when to accept or reject IPR components to a specification.  Per 
Ted's observation, the improved language needs to give better guidance to 
new IETF participants and to other groups that work with the IETF. (The 
rest of Ted's note suggested some nicely pragmatic goals/caveats for upper 
and lower bounds to this goal.)

>Ten years ago, we were mostly concerned with the "silent patent holder" 
>problem. ...
>The current process was designed to minimize this risk, ...
>  As KRE points out, the whole mechanism falls apart when vendors field 
> products based on a proposed standard, not to mention an internet draft.

It seems unlikely that we can do much about this, for specifications that 
have IPR announced after proposed standard has been reached.

2.  When we know about IPR before going to Proposed, we could of course 
require the "interoperability test" for IPR licensing beforehand.

The idea of requiring interoperability testing before going to Proposed is 
already in the IETF repertoire for certain sensitive cases, so this would 
be a pretty compatible change to the current model.

>  There are other issues. The first one is the imprecision of the 
> disclosure requirements.

3.  Seems like this is a relatively minor tuning issue to the current 
policy, followed by some careful legal language crafting.  Yes?

>A second issue is the interaction between the standardization process and 
>non-disclosure agreements. For example, an IETF participant may know that 
>his or her former employer has a patent claim on a technology considered 
>for standardization; in fact, I know case where the participant is in fact 
>one of the authors of the patent. Yet, the agreement signed when leaving 
>an employer typically prevents disclosure of such information. In another 
>example, a vendor may have to sign an NDA before learning that its product 
>infringes on some other organization's patent. This vendor is then legally 
>prevented to signal the existence of the patent claim to the IETF.

4.  This is probably going to be the toughest of the set to 
resolve.  Perhaps we can treat some sorts of NDA-related issues as conflict 
of interest, and invoke our current rules concerning them?  Ultimately I 
suspect we have little leverage here.

>I would contend that, if we have one urgent problem to solve, it is to 
>find a way to ensure speedy disclosure of intellectual property issues 
>that affect a standard.

I have never heard anyone claim that we have more leverage over this than 
we are already exerting.


Dave Crocker 
TribalWise, Inc. 
tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850

Dave Crocker 
TribalWise, Inc. 
tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-06-02 Thread Vernon Schryver

> From: Harald Tveit Alvestrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ...
> >> (And yes, this would be a case of "the Good Guys file a bull-manure
> >> patent to pre-empt the Evil Guys from filing a bull-manure patent" - but
> >> until the Patent Office gets their act together we're stuck with borked
> >> software patents that are invalid due to prior art, etc)
> >
> > In theory that could happen.  It may have happened in practice with
> > the Ethernet patent.  But what's the point? ...

> the only advantage I could see is that the only prior-arts database the 
> patent offices are REQUIRED to search is the database of old patents.

The trouble with that common suggestion is that it assumes the word
"search" makes sense in this context.  It does not and cannot.  Anyone
who has read at least two patents realizes that they are certainly not
intended to be written to do clearly describe an idea.  Because of the
way they are written, it is too much hope that people of reasonable
intelligence and at least ordinary education and skill in the relevant
arts can honestly "search" patents.  If that notion made sense, new
patents would be as popular reading as the "Scientific American." There
would be trade publications that consisting largely of patents.  You
would consult US4558302 instead of the BSD code to figure out LZW.

Second, what do the followin words from say about the
intelligence and ordinary education of the responsible examiner:

A method to transmit and receive electromagnetic waves which
comprises generating opposing magnetic fields having a plane of
maximum force running perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the
magnetic field; generating a heat source along an axis parallel to
the longitudinal axis of the magnetic field; generating an accelerator
parallel to and in close proximity to the heat source, thereby
creating an input and output port; and generating a communications
signal into the input and output port, thereby sending the signal
at a speed faster than light.

Yes, I know the group velocity can exceed the speed of light.  Do
you think that is relevant?  You used to be able to see that whole
patent for free.  As far as I could tell then, it and the companion
patents made less sense than Eugene Terrell's IDs.

Third, if you pay the least attention to business news, you frequently
hear of court cases in wich one patent is found to be invalid because
of other patents.  If "patent searching" is makes sense, how did the
Welch LZW patent get granted after the IBM patent?

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-06-02 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

--On 31. mai 2002 07:54 -0600 Vernon Schryver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>> I guess what I was asking was how the IETF would feel about an
>> organization grabbing a patent on an algorithm and using it the same way
>> the GNU crew uses copyright on source code.  (Remember - the GNU
>> copyright only works for *code* - since algorithms can be (at least in
>> the US) patented but not copyrighted, you'd have to do a similar stunt
>> with a patent).
>> (And yes, this would be a case of "the Good Guys file a bull-manure
>> patent to pre-empt the Evil Guys from filing a bull-manure patent" - but
>> until the Patent Office gets their act together we're stuck with borked
>> software patents that are invalid due to prior art, etc)
> In theory that could happen.  It may have happened in practice with
> the Ethernet patent.  But what's the point?  What is gained by
> winning such a patent from government(s) compared to publishing
> the same document, other than a year or three of jumping through
> hoops and plenty of money and hassles?

the only advantage I could see is that the only prior-arts database the 
patent offices are REQUIRED to search is the database of old patents.

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-06-01 Thread Joel M. Halpern

In general, this IPR debate seems to be missing several relevant parts of 
the discussion.
The discussion seems to be focussed on the case where a company brings 
forward a proposal, and simultaneously has or applies for a patent.  That 
is one interesting case.  It does cause problems.  It is hard to 
control.  But the other cases are much harder:

At the time when VRRP was chartered we knew that Cisco claimed relevant 
patents, and that while they were (to my perspective) trying to be 
cooperative they would not guarantee that whetever the working group did 
they would provide free licensing on their existing technology.
Should we have refused to charter the working group?

In anumber of working groups, as the work was going along, vendors have 
come forward with claims that they have patents that are (or may be) 
relevant to the work.  We once (probably more than once) tried to actually 
have IETF counsel determine whether these patents were likely to be 
relevant.  The result of this experience was the conclusion that the IETF 
should NEVER get into that game.
As such, we are in no position to evaluate patent claims.  We simply 
publish them.
Whould we then prevent standardization if anyone claims a patnet that is / 
may be relevant to practicing the standard under consideration unless they 
promise to license freely?
That is a recipe for disaster!
For those who do not se why...
Anyone who did not like a standard could undertake a bit of work, file for 
a related patent, and then claim that they thought it was necessary to 
practice the standard.  Since we can not be in the business of validating 
such claims, any such policy would inherently provide lots of companies, 
particularly large companies, with a way to block things they don't like.

Then there are the folks who are not participating in a particular activity 
at the IETF, but then conclude (after we standardize) that they have a 
relevant patent.  Should we declare the standard historic?
And then there are the folks who do not even participate in the IETF...

Joel M. Halpern

At 07:54 AM 5/31/2002 -0600, Vernon Schryver wrote:
> > > In still other words, don't you remember the years of pain
> > > Motorola/Codec caused PPP with those two bogus patents?
> >
> > I guess what I was asking was how the IETF would feel about an organization
> > grabbing a patent on an algorithm and using it the same way the GNU crew
> > uses copyright on source code.  (Remember - the GNU copyright only works
> > for *code* - since algorithms can be (at least in the US) patented but not
> > copyrighted, you'd have to do a similar stunt with a patent).
> >
> > (And yes, this would be a case of "the Good Guys file a bull-manure patent
> > to pre-empt the Evil Guys from filing a bull-manure patent" - but until the
> > Patent Office gets their act together we're stuck with borked software 
> patents
> > that are invalid due to prior art, etc)
>In theory that could happen.  It may have happened in practice with
>the Ethernet patent.  But what's the point?  What is gained by
>winning such a patent from government(s) compared to publishing
>the same document, other than a year or three of jumping through
>hoops and plenty of money and hassles?
>If you look at patents, you soon see that there's nothing special about
>software patents and that the problems with the system are more than
>100 years old.  What would you expect from giving lawyers and government
>bureaucrats (specifically including examiners) the responsibility and
>authority to determine the validity (e.g. no perpetual motion) and
>novelty of other people's ideas?  Government central planning of
>economies is more or less dead (for now), but government central planning
>for science and technology lives in the West.
>Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Vernon Schryver

> From: Pekka Savola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ...
> .. If it takes a lawyer to write (or understand) licensing terms, they're
> probably too complex ..

Something like "the programmer who is his own IP lawyer has a fool for
a client" applies.
In other words, if you need to sign a license, then it takes a lawyer
to understand its terms.

10 or 15 years ago people said that free RFCs versus expensive ITU
(ISO) standards were a major advantage of the DDN Protocol Suite.
Today, the cost of necessary legal advice dwarfs those old
documentation fees by orders of magnitude.

This is all merely sweeping against the tide.  I predict all of this
noise will come to nothing but affirming the IETF's IP status quo.
The IETF has always had too many people who without the faintest clue
or interest in implementing anything, except when they mean "unpack
a box and plug it in."  That problem has continued to worsen over the
years and has been joined by another problem.  Many of the ever fewer
IETF implementors (or their employers) now hope to get rich (or avoid
bankruptcy) by selling IP licenses.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Pekka Savola

On Fri, 31 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Fri, 31 May 2002 08:40:17 +0300, Pekka Savola said:
> > A bad thing IETF could do (but not the worst luckily :-) is to give a
> > signal "Ok.. feel free to patent and give RAND licensing.. depending how
> > good it is, we might give it a standards status or we might not".  That
> > _encourages_ to do patents (or try to), and we want to avoid that.
> Patents *in and of themselves* are not a Bad Thing. As far as the IETF goes,
> the problem only arises when the patent is used to enforce a restrictive
> licensing policy.
> Can anybody think of a reason the IETF should object to patented tech *per se*,
> as opposed to objecting to *hard-to-license* patented tech (the latter I think
> we have consensus as being a Bad Thing)...

Some reasons have been given already about the evilness of (almost) all 

I'll add one that hasn't been widely discussed.

The patent holder is in charge of the licensing.  So he could do e.g.:
 - write so ambiguous licensing terms nobody has the courage to implement 
the spec without long, long consultation with lawyers
 - the licensing terms could have a few (intentionally or unintentionally) 
clauses that can afterwards interpreted differently *)
 - change the license afterwards

*) an example of this is:, specifically:

[...] If
SRI's submission (or portions thereof) is accepted and becomes part of
the IETF standard, then SRI will grant royalty-free permission under
such patents for both commercial and non-commercial uses, to the extent
_necessary for compliance_ with the standard. [...]
(underlining mine)

This can be interpreted that everyone implementing a MAY or SHOULD in the 
specification could be blamed for infringing the licensing terms 

Fun, eh?

.. If it takes a lawyer to write (or understand) licensing terms, they're
probably too complex ..

Pekka Savola "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Brian E Carpenter

Bill Strahm wrote:
> On Thu, 30 May 2002, RJ Atkinson wrote:
> >
> > On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 09:48 , Melinda Shore wrote:
> > > Here's one for starters: there's no guidance on how or whether to
> > > treat differences in licensing terms for competing proposals.  It
> > > would be nice to be able to say that all other things being more-or-
> > > less equal we should prefer technology which will be available
> > > royalty-free,
> >
> >   Agree.
> >
> >   My druthers would be to have an IETF policy explicitly saying that
> > the first
> > choice is to use unencumbered technology if it can be made to work,
> > second choice
> > is encumbered but royalty-free technology, and last choice is "fair and
> > reasonable
> > licence terms" (or whatever the equivalent correct legal wording might be
> > for that last).
> >
> >   And it would be good to have a conventional template for the
> > royalty-free
> > licence -- one that the IETF's legal counsel has reviewed and believes
> > is acceptable
> > for IETF purposes.
> I disagree with this, I don't think the IETF can afford to keep a staff of
> lawyers working on determining the licencing statements of all of the
> standards being churned out.
> That said, I don't think it would do any good anyway, lets say the IETF
> lawyer gives his Okey Dokie, then my company implements the standard and a
> problem with the licencing terms comes up... Who do I go sue, the IETF ???
> I hope not, but that could be creating a legal liability for the IETF if
> its lawyers make statements on the licencing terms of protocols...
> Bill


The IETF isn't incorporated, so there is no way it can make such statements.
The IETF's corporate umbrella is the Internet Society. Now I haven't
consulted ISOC's CEO and VPs but I am on pretty safe ground in asserting
that you are correct: ISOC would never accept such a liability. Our
insurance company wouldn't let us.

Brian E Carpenter 
Board Chairman, Internet Society
INET 2002, Washington, DC, 18-21 June

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Theodore Ts'o

On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 11:13:24PM -0500, Dave Crocker wrote:
> To underscore the point that Marshall has been making:
> The IETF has a strong preference to use unencumbered technologies.  When 
> there is a choice between encumbered and unencumbered, the working group 
> includes encumbrance into the range of factors it treats as important for 
> evaluating alternatives.
> There are some unknowns about licensing.  Some holders of IPR are helpful 
> to resolving that easily and quickly.  Others are more reticent.  That 
> become a component of the evaluation about the IPR factor.
> And so on.
> Generally this thread seems to be seeking determinacy for a matter that can 
> only be made deterministic by a) ignoring IPR encumbrance, or b) rejecting 
> all IPR encumbrances.  The first is not compatible with IETF culture.  The 
> latter is not practical in some cases.
> So, what exactly do folks think is a practical kind of change to the 
> current IETF policies?

I think the problem is that while there is (very) rough consensus
IETF-wide that there is a strong cultural bias against patent
encumberances (*), this bias is not adequately documented in writing.
This is exacerbated by the fact that some IETF working groups,
particularly those where a greater number of the participants do not
have as much IETF experience and acculturation.  This is happening
more and more as we start doing more cross-collaborations with other
standards bodies, and when technologies which previously had been used
on top of other media are "ported" to IP, and people who had been used
to working in other standards bodies find them selves working within
the IETF.  

(*) Unless there is a ***very*** reason why you can't do without the
patent --- RSA signatures/encryption being classic example, but even
there, RSA DSI's licensing policies were probably far more effective
that the U.S. government's export control regime at preventing the
deployment of secure protocols in the Internet).

Many of these newcomers to the IETF very dutifully read the relevant
RFC's (2026, et. al.), and then are surprised either (a) they get
strong push back from the IESG, or (b) their decisions get attacked at
IETF plenery sessions, the IETF mailing list, or in other venues.
They are get surprised, and there is some fairness to their argument
that this bias against non-RF patents isn't written down anywhere and
isn't formally part of our policies.

Granted, we can't document every tiny detail of cultural biases within
the IETF in our policy documents, but I think this one is important
enough that we need to say something.  Once we do decide that we need
to say something, then the next question is exactly where do we draw
the line, and that's where all of the discussion and long missives to
the IETF mailing list are coming from.  

Although it's pretty clear we won't be able to give working groups an
algorithmic flowchart about when a non-RF patent is acceptable, I do
believe that we can give some general guidelines, and then require
that the working group chair work with the area director when this
sort of issue raises its ugly head.  This won't solve the "stealth
patent" problem, where the patent problems only reveal themselves very
late in the process, or even after document is published as an RFC,
but it does handle a large number of other cases.

- Ted

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Carsten Bormann

> I think the most effective thing would be to send a strong signal of some
> kind: "If you patent technologies and give non-RF licenses, _do not expect
> the technology be supported in IETF at all_".  

The problem is that there are enough companies out there that don't care.

There are some areas of technology out there where companies that don't need 
IETF-style interoperability have essentially patented every possible branch of 
the decision tree (and are continuing to do so).  What should the IETF do here?

Fortunately, we don't do codecs.  Whew.  However, there may be other areas where 
the only remaining way forward is to actively cut through the existing jungle of 
utterly bogus patents.

By the way, I do completely agree with your point.  Just pointing out that it 
may not be enough.

Gruesse, Carsten

RE: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Christian Huitema

>   | And the flip side - we've moved an amazingly SMALL number of documents
>   | to Full Standard, and only when we *think* we *fully* understand
> things.
> That's the problem.   Or it is with the IPR issues.   It is determining
> whether
> we can make that final step (widespread deployment is what is required,
> expecting full understanding of almost anything is naïve) that actally
> decides whether or not the IPR rights holder is being reasonable or not.

Ten years ago, we were mostly concerned with the "silent patent holder" problem. It is 
reasonably easy for a WG to make its own decision when the existence of the patents 
and the licensing conditions are disclosed up front, before the WG agrees on a 
solution. But the real problem occurs when the patent holder "ambushes the standard". 
Products get developed and fielded, and then the vendors or the users of these 
products get hit by an infringement lawsuit. 

The current process was designed to minimize this risk, on the belief that if an issue 
actually existed, it would surface during the early phase of testing, i.e. before the 
standard would move from "proposed" to "draft". The rationale was that there would not 
be much usage at that stage, and that if push came to shove the WG could re-design the 
standard so as to not require licensing of a hard-to-get patent. As KRE points out, 
the whole mechanism falls apart when vendors field products based on a proposed 
standard, not to mention an internet draft. 

There are other issues. The first one is the imprecision of the disclosure 
requirements. The current process does not exactly say who is required to disclose the 
existence of intellectual property. According to some interpretations, a working group 
chair whose organization holds patents affecting a draft discussed in the working 
group is not required to disclose these patents, if he or she does not contributes or 
otherwise participate in the discussion of this specific draft. 

A second issue is the interaction between the standardization process and 
non-disclosure agreements. For example, an IETF participant may know that his or her 
former employer has a patent claim on a technology considered for standardization; in 
fact, I know case where the participant is in fact one of the authors of the patent. 
Yet, the agreement signed when leaving an employer typically prevents disclosure of 
such information. In another example, a vendor may have to sign an NDA before learning 
that its product infringes on some other organization's patent. This vendor is then 
legally prevented to signal the existence of the patent claim to the IETF.

I would contend that, if we have one urgent problem to solve, it is to find a way to 
ensure speedy disclosure of intellectual property issues that affect a standard.

-- Christian Huitema

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Vernon Schryver


> ...
> The problem is that you can publish the same document, and then some
> sleazeball competitor patents it, because the patent office does such
> a poor job of researching "prior art".

That seems to be based on the false notion that the patent
office checks even its own documents for prior art.

>If didn't have a reason to exist, I'd agree with you

The reasons I see for that and similar publications do not involve the
assumption that government bureaucrats and everyone else involved in the
"IP protection" business don't see that their own interests lie in what
can be charitably summarized as erring on the side of accepting instead
of rejecting patent applications.

Look for the notion of "blocking patents" in the 19th Century in such
as in development of firearms.  Unless you think everyone in the 19th
Century was a superstitious and ignorant idiot or that all real science
and technology appear after 1950, look at the many obviously silly
patents from the first century of the extortion racket.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 31 May 2002 07:54:49 MDT, Vernon Schryver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:

> In theory that could happen.  It may have happened in practice with
> the Ethernet patent.  But what's the point?  What is gained by
> winning such a patent from government(s) compared to publishing
> the same document, other than a year or three of jumping through
> hoops and plenty of money and hassles?

The problem is that you can publish the same document, and then some
sleazeball competitor patents it, because the patent office does such
a poor job of researching "prior art".

If didn't have a reason to exist, I'd agree with you.

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Robert Elz

Date:Fri, 31 May 2002 11:48:24 -0400

  | How would that work (having 2 full standards for the same exact thing)?

Depends on what the thing is, and how precisely you mean "the same exact 

In some cases it wouldn't - it is common for a new std to obsolete an old
one, no reason that can't continue.

But sometimes the new std is written in such a way that the old one can
also continue.   Eg: the standard for IP.   There's a new one (not yet
full std, but really should be by now), and the old one.  They do the same
job, but can co-exist (version field works, though other ways used more
commonly).   You might say those are not the same thing, but the new one
really is intended as a replacement (eventually) for the old.


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 31 May 2002 22:34:06 +0700, Robert Elz said:

> Yes, that's true - but it would be even easier if the new one were a
> full standard (even if the old one was too).

How would that work (having 2 full standards for the same exact thing)?

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Robert Elz

Date:Fri, 31 May 2002 09:03:43 -0400

  | OK.. I'll bite - at what point should a not-yet-full standard expire to
  | historic?

Pretty quickly.   What the max period at DS should be I'm not sure, but
certainly no more than 2 years.

The point not being to shed lots of stuff necessarily of course, but
to put more pressure on all of us to take the comparatively small
steps needed to move the docs up the chain.   Compared with the work
needed to get something to PS state, the rest of it isn't difficult

  | And the flip side - we've moved an amazingly SMALL number of documents
  | to Full Standard, and only when we *think* we *fully* understand things.

That's the problem.   Or it is with the IPR issues.   It is determining whether
we can make that final step (widespread deployment is what is required,
expecting full understanding of almost anything is naïve) that actally
decides whether or not the IPR rights holder is being reasonable or not.

That's what we really need to figure out relatively quickly - we can't
wait 10 years with docs in PS (and a lesser number DS) state with everyone
assuming they are *the* standard - then we haven't properly tested any
IPR problems that might exist.

  | One of the *GOOD* things about protocols living at DS is that you can
  | convince vendors to start supporting the *new* DS rather than the *old* one.

Yes, that's true - but it would be even easier if the new one were a
full standard (even if the old one was too).


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Vernon Schryver


> > In still other words, don't you remember the years of pain
> > Motorola/Codec caused PPP with those two bogus patents?
> I guess what I was asking was how the IETF would feel about an organization
> grabbing a patent on an algorithm and using it the same way the GNU crew
> uses copyright on source code.  (Remember - the GNU copyright only works
> for *code* - since algorithms can be (at least in the US) patented but not
> copyrighted, you'd have to do a similar stunt with a patent).
> (And yes, this would be a case of "the Good Guys file a bull-manure patent
> to pre-empt the Evil Guys from filing a bull-manure patent" - but until the
> Patent Office gets their act together we're stuck with borked software patents
> that are invalid due to prior art, etc)

In theory that could happen.  It may have happened in practice with
the Ethernet patent.  But what's the point?  What is gained by
winning such a patent from government(s) compared to publishing
the same document, other than a year or three of jumping through
hoops and plenty of money and hassles?

If you look at patents, you soon see that there's nothing special about
software patents and that the problems with the system are more than
100 years old.  What would you expect from giving lawyers and government
bureaucrats (specifically including examiners) the responsibility and
authority to determine the validity (e.g. no perpetual motion) and
novelty of other people's ideas?  Government central planning of
economies is more or less dead (for now), but government central planning
for science and technology lives in the West.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 31 May 2002 07:12:50 MDT, Vernon Schryver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:

> In still other words, don't you remember the years of pain
> Motorola/Codec caused PPP with those two bogus patents?

I guess what I was asking was how the IETF would feel about an organization
grabbing a patent on an algorithm and using it the same way the GNU crew
uses copyright on source code.  (Remember - the GNU copyright only works
for *code* - since algorithms can be (at least in the US) patented but not
copyrighted, you'd have to do a similar stunt with a patent).

(And yes, this would be a case of "the Good Guys file a bull-manure patent
to pre-empt the Evil Guys from filing a bull-manure patent" - but until the
Patent Office gets their act together we're stuck with borked software patents
that are invalid due to prior art, etc)


Description: PGP signature

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread John Stracke

>> Right.  Standards exist so that we can get interoperability; expensive
>> licenses limit interoperability.
>No, expensive licenses place an upper bound on the number of
>interoperable implementations.

I believe it comes to the same thing.  Interop is not actually the end 
goal; it is a tool to prevent vendor lock-in by maximizing people's choice 
of implementations.  If a standard is subject to an expensive license, 
that raises the bar on who can implement it, which reduces choice.

|John Stracke|Principal Engineer|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |Incentive Systems, Inc.   |
| |My opinions are my own.   |
|There are footprints on the moon. No feet, just footprints.|

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Vernon Schryver


> Patents *in and of themselves* are not a Bad Thing. As far as the IETF goes,
> the problem only arises when the patent is used to enforce a restrictive
> licensing policy.
>Can anybody think of a reason the IETF should object to patented tech *per se*,
>as opposed to objecting to *hard-to-license* patented tech (the latter I think
> we have consensus as being a Bad Thing)...

In real life, every patent that is enforced is hard-to-license.  Every
patent that is not ignored by everyone including the holder has a
restrictive licensing policy, official IETF, IEEE, and other dogma
notwithstanding.  Any sort of real patent licensing requires dealing
with lawyers, negotiations, and the rest of that very painful, incredibly
slow, and cripplingly expensive show.  The phrase "non-restrictive
patent licensing policy" is an oxymoron.  The entire and only point of
a patent is to restrict that other people can do.  At best, you can
have a "take equal money from anyone patent licensing policy."

In still other words, don't you remember the years of pain
Motorola/Codec caused PPP with those two bogus patents?

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 31 May 2002 16:09:47 +0700, Robert Elz said:

> My suggestion to fix this problem is quite simple
>   No more last calls before moving protocols to historic,
>   except where they're full standards already.
> For everything else, going to historic should be automatic.  That is,
> the only way to avoid any spec being made historic automatically, is
> for it to become a full standard.

OK.. I'll bite - at what point should a not-yet-full standard expire to

And the flip side - we've moved an amazingly SMALL number of documents
to Full Standard, and only when we *think* we *fully* understand things.
Even then, things have been known to get "out of sync" with reality:

1119 Network Time Protocol (version 2) specification and
 implementation. D.L. Mills. Sep-01-1989. (Format: TXT=143, PS=518020,
 PDF=187940 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0958, RFC1059) (Obsoleted by RFC1305)
 (Also STD0012) (Status: STANDARD)

1305 Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification, Implementation.
 David L. Mills. March 1992. (Format: TXT=307085, PDF=442493 bytes)
 (Obsoletes RFC0958, RFC1059, RFC1119) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)

One of the *GOOD* things about protocols living at DS is that you can convince
vendors to start supporting the *new* DS rather than the *old* one.  I've
had *enough* fun with one vendor who insisted on sticking with RFC2133
rather than updating to RFC2553 for IPv6 socket API, even though both
are only Informational.
Valdis Kletnieks
Computer Systems Senior Engineer
Virginia Tech

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Fri, 31 May 2002 08:40:17 +0300, Pekka Savola said:

> A bad thing IETF could do (but not the worst luckily :-) is to give a
> signal "Ok.. feel free to patent and give RAND licensing.. depending how
> good it is, we might give it a standards status or we might not".  That
> _encourages_ to do patents (or try to), and we want to avoid that.

Patents *in and of themselves* are not a Bad Thing. As far as the IETF goes,
the problem only arises when the patent is used to enforce a restrictive
licensing policy.

Can anybody think of a reason the IETF should object to patented tech *per se*,
as opposed to objecting to *hard-to-license* patented tech (the latter I think
we have consensus as being a Bad Thing)...
Valdis Kletnieks
Computer Systems Senior Engineer
Virginia Tech

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-31 Thread Robert Elz

Date:Thu, 30 May 2002 23:13:24 -0500
From:Dave Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  | So, what exactly do folks think is a practical kind of change to the 
  | current IETF policies?

Actually, like many things, I suspect that the underlying problem
that we're seeing is in quite a different area than the one we're
looking in.

My suggestion to fix this problem is quite simple

No more last calls before moving protocols to historic,
except where they're full standards already.

For everything else, going to historic should be automatic.  That is,
the only way to avoid any spec being made historic automatically, is
for it to become a full standard.

This is more or less saying what Henning Schulzrinne said before I got
the chance...

The problem is that very few standards make it to Draft.

Exactly.   We have developed a culture of getting the work to PS
status, and considering it done.   We even disband working groups
(or move them to dormant status, which is effectively the same thing)
as soon as all their docs have been published.

And the implementors see that - as soon as something has reached PS
status, it is considered finished, and we even have people getting
upset (because of the deployed base we'll be breaking) if any changes
get made.

That's what's really broken here - we actually have almost the prefect
IPR policy in place, but we're not bothering to actually attempt to
use it before it is way too late.

What we need to do is make sure that everything gets to draft standard
within a relatively short time after it has reached PS, say 9-12
months (preserving the current 6 month minimum to make sure there's
enough time for implementations to be attempted).   Anything that
hasn't made it to DS then should simply be shelved, abandoned (DS isn't
much of a hurdle after all).   And we should be actively discouraging
distribution in products of anything that isn't at least DS (to do
that we probably should get into the habbit of making random innocuous
changes to docs when they go to DS state - like if we have commands
that are issues in binary and they're 1, 2, 3, ... (as usual), we
just change which is 1, which is 2, etc so everyone actually running
the code has to update - which of course is impossible after something
has been shipped.

Then again, we need to make sure that all DS's get elevated to full
standard quickly, or dropped.   This is where the IPR rules really
get exercised, where we see if the proposal has IPR rules that make
it difficult to implement and deploy or not.   If the IPR rules cause
problems, then the doc won't reach Std status, and again, that should
mean that it is automatically made historic and abandoned.

It isn't the IPR rules that need changing here, the current formulation
that Christian Huitema came up with is almost certainly the best we
can do - anything different is far more likely to cause problems than
to solve any.


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Pekka Savola

On Thu, 30 May 2002, Dave Crocker wrote:
> Generally this thread seems to be seeking determinacy for a matter that can 
> only be made deterministic by a) ignoring IPR encumbrance, or b) rejecting 
> all IPR encumbrances.  The first is not compatible with IETF culture.  The 
> latter is not practical in some cases.
> So, what exactly do folks think is a practical kind of change to the 
> current IETF policies?

I think the most effective thing would be to send a strong signal of some
kind: "If you patent technologies and give non-RF licenses, _do not expect
the technology be supported in IETF at all_".  Cannot adapt
internet-drafts with RAND terms as working group documents unless
explicitly chartered to do so etc. (Though there could be a case-by-case
appeals process or whatever -- if something really really major would show

A bad thing IETF could do (but not the worst luckily :-) is to give a
signal "Ok.. feel free to patent and give RAND licensing.. depending how
good it is, we might give it a standards status or we might not".  That
_encourages_ to do patents (or try to), and we want to avoid that.

That way, RAND and other restrictions would only be used to harass IETF
progress (and those of their competitors) with patents that they never
intend to go to standards.  But we can't avoid that anyway.

Pekka Savola "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Dave Crocker

At 11:15 AM 5/30/2002 -0400, Scott Brim wrote:
>and if one solution is 120% better technically than another, but has a
>RAND license associated with it?  What if it's 170% better?

And Scott's questions become particularly comfortable if we translate them 
into questions about protocol efficiency.  That is, we consider a range of 
merits, rather than just stating flat rules about single decision attributes.

To underscore the point that Marshall has been making:

The IETF has a strong preference to use unencumbered technologies.  When 
there is a choice between encumbered and unencumbered, the working group 
includes encumbrance into the range of factors it treats as important for 
evaluating alternatives.

There are some unknowns about licensing.  Some holders of IPR are helpful 
to resolving that easily and quickly.  Others are more reticent.  That 
become a component of the evaluation about the IPR factor.

And so on.

Generally this thread seems to be seeking determinacy for a matter that can 
only be made deterministic by a) ignoring IPR encumbrance, or b) rejecting 
all IPR encumbrances.  The first is not compatible with IETF culture.  The 
latter is not practical in some cases.

So, what exactly do folks think is a practical kind of change to the 
current IETF policies?


Dave Crocker 
TribalWise, Inc. 
tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Dave Crocker

At 12:54 PM 5/30/2002 +0100, Graham Klyne wrote:
>- can we identify (and agree) a "top N" problems that need fixing (for 
>some small N)?

We have have had IPR-related rules for a long time.

So let me suggest that this one question out of your list is the only one 
we should first focus on.

Even though I have been around a number of problematic IPR situations in 
the IETF, I have no idea what problems we think need fixing (for which 
there is any real fix possible, that is.)


Dave Crocker 
TribalWise, Inc. 
tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread John Stracke

> one that's O(logN) with a non-RF license
> one that's O(NlogN) with an RF license
>i probably wouldn't need to think very hard to go with the
>latter. simply because we'll see a lot more community good...

Right.  Standards exist so that we can get interoperability; expensive 
licenses limit interoperability.

|John Stracke|Principal Engineer   |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |Incentive Systems, Inc.  |
| |My opinions are my own.  |
|"The Empire has a tyrannical and repressive government." "What|
|form of government is that?" "A tautology."   |

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread RJ Atkinson

On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 01:27 , Bill Strahm wrote:

>  I don't think the IETF can afford to keep a staff of
> lawyers working on determining the licencing statements of all of the
> standards being churned out.

Interesting, but actually no one suggested that.

I said that IETF's lawyer ought to create *1* template of "known to be
acceptable".  I did not say "have an lawyer review each proposal a 
might make", nor did anyone else.  I did not say "require companies to 
the known to be acceptable template" nor did anyone else.  Still having
such can help well-intentioned firms, which are trying to figure out what
*an* acceptable approach might look like, do something reasonable without
having to guess.

> That said, I don't think it would do any good anyway, lets say the IETF
> lawyer gives his Okey Dokie, then my company implements the standard 
> and a
> problem with the licencing terms comes up... Who do I go sue, the 
> IETF ???

See above.  The situation you outline (IETF lawyer reviews everything)
was NEVER proposed on this list.

Amateur lawyer might be amusing to some, but not to me.  Experience
is that amateur lawyering isn't terribly useful on an IETF mailing list.
Having an example template created by IETF's lawyer, whatever that might
consist of, could even help reduce amateur lawyering (though I'm not that
optimistic myself).


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Marshall Rose

> Unfortunately, while we can compare proposals based on their complexity, 
> maybe even performance or overhead, there is, in reality, usually no way 
> to compare the actual licensing costs at the time a decision is made. At 
> least as far as I know, none of the non-free licensing statements on the 
> IETF web site contain any information on these terms, beyond vague 
> generalities. "Reasonable" is hardly a term with engineering precision.

i think the community has a lot of experience in seeing the costs of licensing. turn 
back the clock ten years and look at the rsa patent stuff... 

i'm sure lots of folks in different network areas have lots of similar examples. so, 
i'll go out on a limb and predict that, after a lot of community discussion, the 
concensus will come down to "non-RF licensing is very costly".

now, what does "very costly" mean? i'm not sure. we'll have to take it case by case. 
however, my gut tells me that if i'm comparing two algorithms, that are equivalent in 
most ways except that:

one that's O(logN) with a non-RF license
one that's O(NlogN) with an RF license

i probably wouldn't need to think very hard to go with the latter. simply because 
we'll see a lot more community good...

of course, ymmv, and that's fine too!


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Bill Strahm

On Thu, 30 May 2002, RJ Atkinson wrote:

> On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 09:48 , Melinda Shore wrote:
> > Here's one for starters: there's no guidance on how or whether to
> > treat differences in licensing terms for competing proposals.  It
> > would be nice to be able to say that all other things being more-or-
> > less equal we should prefer technology which will be available
> > royalty-free,
>   Agree.
>   My druthers would be to have an IETF policy explicitly saying that
> the first
> choice is to use unencumbered technology if it can be made to work,
> second choice
> is encumbered but royalty-free technology, and last choice is "fair and
> reasonable
> licence terms" (or whatever the equivalent correct legal wording might be
> for that last).
>   And it would be good to have a conventional template for the
> royalty-free
> licence -- one that the IETF's legal counsel has reviewed and believes
> is acceptable
> for IETF purposes.
I disagree with this, I don't think the IETF can afford to keep a staff of
lawyers working on determining the licencing statements of all of the
standards being churned out.

That said, I don't think it would do any good anyway, lets say the IETF
lawyer gives his Okey Dokie, then my company implements the standard and a
problem with the licencing terms comes up... Who do I go sue, the IETF ???

I hope not, but that could be creating a legal liability for the IETF if
its lawyers make statements on the licencing terms of protocols...


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Scott Brim

On Thu, May 30, 2002 08:59:50AM -0700, Marshall Rose wrote:
> > >   My druthers would be to have an IETF policy explicitly saying
> > >   that the first choice is to use unencumbered technology if it
> > >   can be made to work, second choice is encumbered but
> > >   royalty-free technology, and last choice is "fair and reasonable
> > >   licence terms" (or whatever the equivalent correct legal wording
> > >   might be for that last).
> > 
> > and if one solution is 120% better technically than another, but has
> > a RAND license associated with it?  What if it's 170% better?
> working groups make trade-offs all the time between simplicity,
> functionality, and so on. licensing is another cost. given the amount
> of traffic on this topic, it appears that licensing is a very heavy
> cost. this may provide an answer to your question...

Given the content of the traffic on this topic, there is a range of
opinions about how heavy a cost it is -- which is what I wanted to bring

We can, if we like, declare that all standards must be unencumbered, but
by doing so we'll just make the IETF less relevant.  That ideal is left
over from the days when everyone was working for the common good -- in
some working groups it's wrong, and in others hard to apply.  Right now
there is no explicit guidance for working groups.  Smart ones figure out
creative solutions on their own.  I'd like to see some prose added to
the working group guidelines, not to lay out explicit rules, but to give
groups a framework for making decisions about standards and intellectual
property in the modern world.


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Henning Schulzrinne

 >> and if one solution is 120% better technically than another, but
 >> has a RAND license associated with it?  What if it's 170% better?

Marshall Rose wrote:

 > working groups make trade-offs all the time between simplicity,
 > functionality, and so on. licensing is another cost. given the amount
 > of traffic on this topic, it appears that licensing is a very heavy
 > cost. this may provide an answer to your question...

Unfortunately, while we can compare proposals based on their complexity, 
maybe even performance or overhead, there is, in reality, usually no way 
to compare the actual licensing costs at the time a decision is made. At 
least as far as I know, none of the non-free licensing statements on the 
IETF web site contain any information on these terms, beyond vague 
generalities. "Reasonable" is hardly a term with engineering precision.

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread John Stracke

>Thus, this mechanism offers almost no remedy or protection.

I didn't say it was the optimal policy.  :-) Someone implied that the IETF 
didn't have an IPR policy, and I pointed to it.

|John Stracke|Principal Engineer |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |Incentive Systems, Inc.|
| |My opinions are my own.|
|This space intentionally not left blank.|

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Henning Schulzrinne

> RFC-2026, section 4.1.2 ("Draft Standard"):
>  If patented or otherwise controlled technology is required for
>  implementation, the separate implementations must also have resulted
>  from separate exercise of the licensing process.

The problem is that very few standards make it to Draft. As the old saw 
goes, "the Internet is running on proposed standards". (A more accurate 
description would be "on Internet drafts and proposed standards"). 
Statistical details were presented at the last plenary.

Thus, this mechanism offers almost no remedy or protection. It would 
also be interesting to know if this has ever been checked in reality, 
even for the few standards that have made it that far. Also, this does 
not help if the two licensing arrangements are between two big 
corporations that have blanket mutual licensing deals, as is common. 
This says very little about whether a smaller company, a competitor or 
an open-source implementation could get a license.

RE: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Christian Huitema

> From: Scott Brim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Thu, May 30, 2002 10:59:27AM -0400, RJ Atkinson wrote:
> > My druthers would be to have an IETF policy explicitly saying
> > that the first choice is to use unencumbered technology if it
> > can be made to work, second choice is encumbered but
> > royalty-free technology, and last choice is "fair and reasonable
> > licence terms" (or whatever the equivalent correct legal wording
> > might be for that last).
> and if one solution is 120% better technically than another, but has a
> RAND license associated with it?  What if it's 170% better?

The de-facto policy in these cases has been to choose the
less-encumbered technology as the standard (i.e. MUST implement), and
the more-encumbered technology an option (MAY implement). For example,
when RSA was still encumbered and Diffie-Hellman was not, the IETF
settled on making Diffie-Hellman mandatory, RSA optional. Maybe this
should be documented.

-- Christian Huitema

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread John Stracke

>> ... we should prefer technology which will be available
>> royalty-free, but that's not current policy
>Whose policy?

RFC-2026, section 4.1.2 ("Draft Standard"):

 If patented or otherwise controlled technology is required for
 implementation, the separate implementations must also have resulted
 from separate exercise of the licensing process.

|John Stracke|Principal Engineer  |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |Incentive Systems, Inc. |
| |My opinions are my own. |
|I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be assi... Mmm, doughnuts!|

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Marshall Rose

> > My druthers would be to have an IETF policy explicitly saying
> > that the first choice is to use unencumbered technology if it
> > can be made to work, second choice is encumbered but
> > royalty-free technology, and last choice is "fair and reasonable
> > licence terms" (or whatever the equivalent correct legal wording
> > might be for that last).
> and if one solution is 120% better technically than another, but has a
> RAND license associated with it?  What if it's 170% better?

working groups make trade-offs all the time between simplicity, functionality, and so 
on. licensing is another cost. given the amount of traffic on this topic, it appears 
that licensing is a very heavy cost. this may provide an answer to your question...


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Carsten Bormann

 > ... we should prefer technology which will be available
> royalty-free, but that's not current policy

Whose policy?

Some WGs have a policy (or are actually chartered) to develop deployable 
protocols.  Where a legal issue would make a protocol non-deployable, we have to 
look elsewhere.  (Of course, that only applies to parts of the IETF -- maybe one 
reason why an IETF-wide policy may be harder to come up with than e.g. in the W3C.)

Oh, and I would rather avoid the confusing term royalty-free.  Imagine a 
"technology" that is licensed royalty-free to end-users (i.e., every single user 
has to pay a lawyer to get a license contract in place, which then is 
royalty-free).  Royalty-free, but useless.
Lawyer-free/paperwork-free would be the more useful criterion.

Gruesse, Carsten

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Scott Brim

On Thu, May 30, 2002 10:59:27AM -0400, RJ Atkinson wrote:
>   My druthers would be to have an IETF policy explicitly saying
>   that the first choice is to use unencumbered technology if it
>   can be made to work, second choice is encumbered but
>   royalty-free technology, and last choice is "fair and reasonable
>   licence terms" (or whatever the equivalent correct legal wording
>   might be for that last).

and if one solution is 120% better technically than another, but has a
RAND license associated with it?  What if it's 170% better?

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread RJ Atkinson

On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 09:48 , Melinda Shore wrote:
> Here's one for starters: there's no guidance on how or whether to
> treat differences in licensing terms for competing proposals.  It
> would be nice to be able to say that all other things being more-or-
> less equal we should prefer technology which will be available
> royalty-free,


My druthers would be to have an IETF policy explicitly saying that 
the first
choice is to use unencumbered technology if it can be made to work, 
second choice
is encumbered but royalty-free technology, and last choice is "fair and 
licence terms" (or whatever the equivalent correct legal wording might be
for that last).

And it would be good to have a conventional template for the 
licence -- one that the IETF's legal counsel has reviewed and believes 
is acceptable
for IETF purposes.

Creating a separate open [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list for these 
would also be helpful, IMHO.  Perhaps the IETF Chair could arrange such ?



Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Melinda Shore

At 08:12 PM 5/29/02 -0500, Pete Resnick wrote:
>And overall I'm pretty darn sick and tired of wasting my time in WG/BOF sessions 
>where all I get is a series of undiscussed presentations that could have been done in 
>I-Ds which I could have read before the meeting.

So don't go to the session.

One thing that's pretty clear is 1) that there's a problem, and 2)
nobody's exactly certain what the problem is.  I don't think that
putting some effort into trying to scope the problem is a bad idea.

Here's one for starters: there's no guidance on how or whether to
treat differences in licensing terms for competing proposals.  It
would be nice to be able to say that all other things being more-or-
less equal we should prefer technology which will be available
royalty-free, but that's not current policy and I have absolutely
no clue if there are legal problems with doing it.  (It might
also help damp some conduct problems that are arising out of people
being overly enthusiastic in promoting their encumbered technology.)
I wouldn't expect questions like that to be answered at an IPR
session, but I hope that issues like it will be raised.


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-30 Thread Graham Klyne

At 02:58 PM 5/29/02 -0700, Dave Crocker wrote:
>At 09:10 PM 5/29/2002 +0100, Graham Klyne wrote:
>>At 08:53 AM 5/29/02 -0700, Dave Crocker wrote:
>>> Certainly we do not have to worry about whether there is 
>>> sufficient community interest in IPR.  What we do not have a good sense 
>>> of, perhaps, is what problems need to be resolved.
>>How do we best approach the design of Internet technologies so that 
>>IPR-related obstructions to their deployment will be minimized?
>Excellent question.
>It is not clear that an entire week of discussion would be fruitful for 
>that sort of deep and broad requirement for substantial process and 
>concept invention, nevermind a couple of hours at the end of a long 
>work-week, with little group preparation.

Of course, but I didn't want to hog the mailing list ;-)

I was trying to follow your lead and focus on the real issue rather than 
wandering in the woods hand-wringing about the process for fixing an 
unspecified problem.  We all know there's an IPR problem facing Internet 
development, don't we?  But do we know (or, more importantly, agree) what 
the problem actually is?  Or are?

So starting from the question above, I would go on to ask:

- do we agree what constitutes IPR for the purpose of this debate?

- what are the demonstrable cases of IPR obstructing Internet technology 
deployment?  Looking for reasonably solid evidence here, not just 
hand-waving vaguenesses.

- are there any demonstrable cases of IPR actually promoting the deployment 
of new Internet technology?

- can we identify (and agree) a "top N" problems that need fixing (for some 
small N)?

- can we identify (and agree) things that we definitely do not want to change?

- what specialist legal input do we need to properly understand the 
identified problems?

Maybe addressing such questions would go the same way as all other debates 
on the topic.  But if we don't try to focus we'll never know.  I was trying 
to support your call, which I understood to be for such focus.


Graham Klyne

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-29 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Wed, 29 May 2002 15:35:26 PDT, Randy Bush said:
> sure is a lot of interest in this subject from diverse folk.  maybe
> we should hold a wg/bof meeting on friday in yokohama to discuss it.

Just remember to let us non-travellers know what happened. ;)

Valdis Kletnieks
Computer Systems Senior Engineer
Virginia Tech

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-29 Thread Pete Resnick

On 5/29/02 at 3:35 PM -0700, Randy Bush wrote:

>sure is a lot of interest in this subject from diverse folk.  maybe 
>we should hold a wg/bof meeting on friday in yokohama to discuss it.

Oooo.that's a good idea. While we're on topics which generate "a 
lot of interest from diverse folk", let's have a WG/BOF meeting on 
Friday in Yokohama to discuss the format of RFCs, and one more to 
talk about conformance testing. We could even have one to decide what 
top-level domain names we need, if you like.

Look, as I've said now multiple times, I think it's peachy to have a 
session if we have something to discuss (where "discuss" is defined 
as "participants interacting verbally"). However, I'm not convinced 
by anything said so far that we do. So far I have gleaned that 
perhaps there will be some expert who will explain to us what we need 
to know. That can be done as a 0.5-1.0 hour presentation on IESG 
plenary night, or better yet can be written up as an I-D. If the 
latter, and there is *fruitful* discussion of the draft (where 
"fruitful" is defined as "could benefit from high-bandwidth 
interaction"), then its time to go ahead with a WG/BOF on the topic. 
But the discussion so far on this list does not seem ripe enough to 
warrant one. And overall I'm pretty darn sick and tired of wasting my 
time in WG/BOF sessions where all I get is a series of undiscussed 
presentations that could have been done in I-Ds which I could have 
read before the meeting.
Pete Resnick 
QUALCOMM Incorporated

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-29 Thread Dave Crocker

At 06:34 PM 5/29/2002 -0400, Scott Brim wrote:
>arguments won't do it.  There are only two ways to change IETF culture:
>(1) have people of influence issue a document of some sort and promote
>it for 3 years, or (2) have a plenary meeting and come up with a good
>sound bite to summarize a solution (like "we reject kings, presidents

the sound bite came from a person of influence issuing it.  yes, it 
happened to be at a plenary, but it was a thoroughly "produced" occurrence.

At 03:35 PM 5/29/2002 -0700, Randy Bush wrote:
>sure is a lot of interest in this subject from diverse folk.  maybe
>we should hold a wg/bof meeting on friday in yokohama to discuss it.

Sopunds like we are targeting a free-form coffee klatch or encounter group, 
to let all us ignorant folk vent our feelings on this difficult legal 
topic, and we all hope that there is an accident of brilliance that 
instantly solves everything -- even though we haven't solved it in 12 years 
of effort?

We seem to hold process-related IETF work to a very, very different 
standard of work specification than we hold for technical efforts.


Dave Crocker 
TribalWise, Inc. 
tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-29 Thread Scott Brim

On Wed, May 29, 2002 02:58:59PM -0700, Dave Crocker wrote:
> It is not clear that an entire week of discussion would be fruitful
> for that sort of deep and broad requirement for substantial process
> and concept invention, nevermind a couple of hours at the end of a
> long work-week, with little group preparation.

Personally I'm not after solutions yet.  IPR problems are lurking in
many working groups.  We're going to have to figure out new ways of
dealing with conflicting goals, and it's going to take a change to the
IETF culture to get enough people following them.  Polemicized email
arguments won't do it.  There are only two ways to change IETF culture:
(1) have people of influence issue a document of some sort and promote
it for 3 years, or (2) have a plenary meeting and come up with a good
sound bite to summarize a solution (like "we reject kings, presidents
and voting" etc.).  The first takes a long time.  I don't expect to
accomplish the second, but I'd like to allow for it.

Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-29 Thread Randy Bush

sure is a lot of interest in this subject from diverse folk.  maybe
we should hold a wg/bof meeting on friday in yokohama to discuss it.


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-29 Thread Scott Brim

On Wed, May 29, 2002 09:10:20PM +0100, Graham Klyne wrote:
> How do we best approach the design of Internet technologies so that 
> IPR-related obstructions to their deployment will be minimized?

That assumes IPR-related goals are obstructions.  For me they're a pain
but I've been burned so I have no problem with people, including me,
protecting themselves.  Let's start one step back.  How can we best
approach the process of building and running the Internet to minimize
conflict between technology goals and IPR-related goals?


Re: IPR at IETF 54

2002-05-29 Thread Dave Crocker

At 09:10 PM 5/29/2002 +0100, Graham Klyne wrote:
>At 08:53 AM 5/29/02 -0700, Dave Crocker wrote:
>> Certainly we do not have to worry about whether there is 
>> sufficient community interest in IPR.  What we do not have a good sense 
>> of, perhaps, is what problems need to be resolved.
>How do we best approach the design of Internet technologies so that 
>IPR-related obstructions to their deployment will be minimized?

Excellent question.


It is not clear that an entire week of discussion would be fruitful for 
that sort of deep and broad requirement for substantial process and concept 
invention, nevermind a couple of hours at the end of a long work-week, with 
little group preparation.


Dave Crocker 
TribalWise, Inc. 
tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850