[Ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM with body length

2024-05-25 Thread John R Levine

On Fri, 24 May 2024, Jon Callas wrote:

blank lines.) Maybe you can tell it's from a list and the crud is
benign, or maybe you can't and you should treat it as suspicious.

And yet, I didn't make up the word robustness, it's there in the spec as Dave 

When I read the whole paragraph, the message I get is that l= is intended 
to survive mailing lists but it has many problems so don't use it.  My 
recollection is that for a few features like l=, most of us found them 
useless, a few people really really wanted them, so that paragraph was a 
way to get the document out the door.

Twenty years ago there was no DMARC* and the issue was that until DKIM 
became more widely used, mail from dusty lists would have no signatures at 
all.  In fact lists did start signing pretty quickly, list mail all has 
DKIM reputation and that particular issue is moot.

I do not ever recall l= being an proposed as an invitation to recipient 
systems to do surgery on incoming mail.  If anyone had ever suggested 
that, I'm sure I'm not the only list manager who would have been sure to 
strip any l= signatures to prevent downstream funny business.

1) It appears that the issue with l= is that implementers are not doing it 
correctly, ...

If there ever was a correct way to use l=, there sure isn't now.  But per 
your next message we seem to agree on the outcome.


* - nobody used ADSP

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[Ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM with body length

2024-05-24 Thread John R Levine

According to Scott Kitterman  :

Honestly, I think l= is an idea whose time has passed (if it ever existed at 
all).  We ought to just kill it using the simplest
procedural mechanism available.

We can do an update to deprecate l= but I think that if we just adjusted 
our validation software to ignore l= the failure rate would be vanishingly 

The ESP that was using l=1 has stopped. Ironport systems sign the entire 
body and set l= to the body length, so even if you ignore the l=, the 
signature on an unmodified message will still validate.


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[Ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM with body length

2024-05-23 Thread John R Levine

On Thu, 23 May 2024, Philip Guenther wrote:

I said "this current round of visibility", a statement which implies
_previous_ rounds of visibility of a NOT NEW thing.

Sorry, I don't understand what you think is invisible here.

I think it could be useful to leverage the current round of publicity to
fix more than the specific problem, but it sounds like you believe that's
a lost cause and reiterating advice is ineffective.  Oh well.

General advice to the world, nope.  Identifying specific senders with the 
l= problem has been quite effective.  We've found an ESP who was signing 
with l=1 and has now stopped.  It appears that a lot of the others have 
poorly configured Ironport devices so who do we know at Ironport?

By the way, I see from IETF mailing list logs that Ironport users have 
been signing with l= and no Content-Type for most of a decade and nobody 
has noticed until now.


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[Ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM with body length

2024-05-23 Thread John R Levine

On Thu, 23 May 2024, Philip Guenther wrote:

** or don't over-sign and clients use the first found...

I would prefer not to go there.  A message with two Content-Type headers
or two Subject headers or Date or Message-ID and so forth is not a valid
message, and a DKIM signer or validator should just say no.

I'm not familiar with DKIM validators that also apply those sorts of "too
many instances of a field" rules.  Perhaps it would make sense to talk
about that in a revision of the DKIM rfc, ...

More than a decade ago Doug Otis went on endlessly about adding an extra 
subject line, which indeed in some cases would get past a DKIM validator, 
and pretty much randomly MUAs might show one subject or the other.  You 
can do much more effective filtering by assuming defective messages are 
spam, which they invariably are, rather than screwing around with 
signatures on them.

This current round of visibility on risks of the l= tag and not signing
content-type is a moment where *signers* are being prodded and updating
their configurations. ,,,

For about the tenth time, this particular issue is specifically called out 
in RFC 6376.  It is not new, it is not interesting beyond noticing that a 
trickle of signers still get it wrong.  If people don't read the spec, 
there's not much we can do about it.


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[Ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM with body length

2024-05-23 Thread John R Levine

On Thu, 23 May 2024, Philip Guenther wrote:

There's a related, though much less general, attack that works even if you
don't use the l= tag: on a message which has nested multiparts, there are
multiple potential delimiters that will look legit to a MIME parser, so if
you don't sign Content-Type** then an attacker can change the delimiter
from the outermost to a inner delimiter and make it appear that the sender
directly sent just that inner content, possibly resulting in

** or don't over-sign and clients use the first found...

I would prefer not to go there.  A message with two Content-Type headers 
or two Subject headers or Date or Message-ID and so forth is not a valid 
message, and a DKIM signer or validator should just say no.

Before anyone mentions the robustness principle, it says to be liberal 
*where the spec is ambiguous" which it is not here, and to be prepared

to recognize and reject garbage that doesn't meet the spec.


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Re: [Ietf-dkim] Question about lone CR / LF

2024-02-03 Thread John R Levine

Unix MTAs strip out the CR in CRLF, often on the way in, so by the time
opendkim sees the message, the line endings are just LF.

That might be true when it's handing a message to an LDA, but it's not true
for SMTP ingress filters.  For milter, CRs are preserved in the body, so
opendkim sees exactly what came in over the wire.


It's probably more of an issue on the way out.  On my system all the DKIM 
and ARC signatures are applied before the message is handed to the MTA, 
and it's all \n line endings.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

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Re: [Ietf-dkim] Question about lone CR / LF

2024-02-03 Thread John R Levine

But on review, it seems like I've tiptoed over that line from
time to time in support of robustness in some form or another. ...

It occurs to me that Dave and I have different views of how software is 
put together.  His sounds like the waterfall model that was popular when 
he and I were undergraduates.  You design the whole thing, you decide what 
modules do what, then you code the modules.  So if module A is supposed to 
do something, there's no reason for module B to worry about it because A 
should already have handled it.

My view is more pragmatic.  People assemble programs from pieces and the 
pieces have bugs.  So to the extent practical, you defend against things 
like bad input.  It happens that bare CR and LF are really easy to check 
for in DKIM since as I noted before there's already a state machine that 
is looking at the current character and knows if the previous character 
was a CR.  So it might as well recognize and reject that particular bit of 
bad input, particularly since whatever result it would otherwise produce 
isn't likely to be useful.

Maybe this illustrates the difference between pure software engineering and
applied software engineering?




It also optionally does LF to CRLF translation.  I'm fairly certain this is
to accommodate local/human SMTP injections since humans can't be expected
to type CRLFs when entering manual tests from a shell. ...

Unix MTAs strip out the CR in CRLF, often on the way in, so by the time 
opendkim sees the message, the line endings are just LF.

Ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [Ietf-dkim] Question about lone CR / LF

2024-02-03 Thread John R Levine

On Sat, 3 Feb 2024, Dave Crocker wrote:
Having a DKIM module check for one aspect of RFC5322 conformance raises a 
need to make it a full RFC5322 compliance engine.

That's easy: no, it doesn't.

Any DKIM signer or verifier already has a state machine looking for CR and 
LF to do header or body canonicalization.  When the state machine runs 
into a bare CR or LF, it has to do something.  The only options are to 
produce a wrong result, since there is no correct result, or no result. 
(As I said in a recent note to Murray, which wrong result is likely to 
vary depending on local file details.)  You seem to be saying that as a 
matter of principle it should produce a wrong result.  I'd rather not.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

Ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [Ietf-dkim] Question about lone CR / LF

2024-02-02 Thread John R Levine

I agree that by the time you're talking to a DKIM (or any) filter, I expect
that this has been handled somehow.  CRLF ends a line, anything before that
is part of the line, and WSP is just a space or a tab.  Past that, garbage
in, garbage out.

Yup, which is why I'd prefer to take out the garbage.

As I'm sure you know, on Unix-ish systems the internal line separator is 
LF, so MTAs add the CR on the way out and remove it on the way in.  DKIM 
routines operate on the internal form so they have code to add a CR before 
each LF when making hashes.  So if a message shows up with bare LFs, those 
DKIM verifiers will treat it as though those were CR LF.  But if a message 
came from some other system, say Windows, that uses CR LF internally, it 
won't have added the CRs and the hashes won't match.

It seems to me that a signature that may or may not verify depending on 
internal warts of the verifier is worse than no signature at all.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

Ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [Ietf-dkim] Question about lone CR / LF

2024-02-01 Thread John R Levine
Layering is a fine principle, but it's not how DKIM has ever worked in 
practice.  Two weeks ago we had a long discussion about oversigning, so 
DKIM validators can catch messages with multiple From: or Subject: headers 
which have never been valid in any version of 822/2822/5322 but show up 

Please explain how you think DKIM violates layering.

What I said in my previous message, people use oversigning to catch 5322 
header violations.

For the specific issue of bare CR or LF, I was reminded on another list 
that there is a trendy attack called SMTP smuggling which depends on mail 
software inconsistently accepting bare CR or LF, and mail providers are 
busy patching to fix it.

That has nothing to do with DKIM, of course.

Opinions differ.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

Ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [Ietf-dkim] Question about lone CR / LF

2024-02-01 Thread John R Levine

On Thu, 1 Feb 2024, Dave Crocker wrote:

Me, I would*not* put in code looking for bare CRs or LFs. ...

A 5322 processor gets to decide what is a valid message.  That's not DKIM's 
job.  And DKIM has no inherent reason to care about CR or LF on their own, as 
distinct from any other character on its own.

Layering is a fine principle, but it's not how DKIM has ever worked in 
practice.  Two weeks ago we had a long discussion about oversigning, so 
DKIM validators can catch messages with multiple From: or Subject: headers 
which have never been valid in any version of 822/2822/5322 but show up 

For the specific issue of bare CR or LF, I was reminded on another list 
that there is a trendy attack called SMTP smuggling which depends on mail 
software inconsistently accepting bare CR or LF, and mail providers are 
busy patching to fix it.

Read all about it here: https://smtpsmuggling.com/

I realize that there are plenty of ancient mail messages in archives with 
bare CR or LF, but none of them are going to be signed or verified now. 
You're not doing your users any favors by signing or verifiying a 
message-like thing that contains them.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

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Re: [Ietf-dkim] Headers that should not be automatically oversigned in a DKIM signature?

2024-01-19 Thread John R Levine

Manfred said:

(Seems like "seal"ing would be a better term than "oversign"ing.)

We've called it oversigning for a decade now.


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Re: [Ietf-dkim] DKIM Signature

2023-10-29 Thread John R Levine

Future proofing? The history of encryption is riddled with examples of

Well, sure, and I would not be opposed to revisiting this issue in a 

As Scott noted, approximately nobody handles ed25519 yet, and nobody will 
until there is some reason to believe that RSA signatures are too weak. 
Adding another five tons of steel to the door won't change that.

And on the third hand, if something unexpected happens and RSA and ed25519 
both fail, why do you imagine Ed448 wouldn't fail too?  If someone figures 
out how to make large quantum computers, they're all toast and we'll have 
to switch to PQC.


On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 2:02 PM John Levine  wrote:

It appears that Scott Kitterman   said:

On October 27, 2023 2:56:30 PM UTC, "Murray S. Kucherawy" <

superu...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 1:50 AM Jan Dušátko 


I would like to ask to consider the possibility of defining a DKIM
signature using Ed448. [...]

My view is that more encryption algorithms are bad for interoperability.

For DKIM signing/verifying to work, senders

and verifiers need a common algorithm.  More choices make this more

complex to achieve.

We standardized ed25119 as a hedge against unknown vulnerability in RSA.


Since we already have ed25519, why would we want ed448?  If ed25519 is a
ten ton steel
door on our cardboard box, ed448 is a fifteen ton steel door.


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John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

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