Re: [ietf-dkim] Last Call: (DKIM And Mailing Lists) to BCP

2011-05-13 Thread SM
At 08:02 12-05-2011, The IESG wrote:
>The IESG has received a request from the Domain Keys Identified Mail WG
>(dkim) to consider the following document:
>- 'DKIM And Mailing Lists'
>as a BCP
>The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
>final comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the
> mailing lists by 2011-05-26. Exceptionally, comments may be

 From Abstract Section:

   "Based on deployment experience with DKIM, this Best Current
Practices document provides guidance for the use of DKIM
with scenarios that include Mailing List Managers (MLMs)."

Although one can extrapolate from experience and provide some 
guidance, I would not call it "Best Current Practices".  I suggest a 
change to that sentence:

Based on deployment experience with DKIM, this document provides
guidance for the use of DKIM with scenarios that include Mailing
List Managers (MLMs).

Quoting the Introduction Section:

   "The goal for this document is to explore the use of DKIM for
scenarios that include intermediaries, and recommend Best
Current Practices based on acquired experience."

The Intended Status of this document is BCP.  I cannot support a 
recommendation for "Best Current Practices" that is not based on 
existing practices.  If the IETF wants a stick to tell the outside 
world what to do, it can publish this document as a BCP.  If the IETF 
would like to provide guidance, leave it to the outside world to 
adopt that and then document the current practice, it should not 
publish this document as a BCP.

 From Section 2.5:

   "Each of these could have different security policies imposed
against them, or there might be a desire to insulate one from
the other (e.g., a marketing campaign that gets reported by
many spam filters could cause the marketing stream's reputation
to degrade without automatically punishing the transactional or
user streams)."

Shouldn't that be sending policies instead of "security 
policies"?  If we go a stretch further, a marketing campaign might 
end up be labelled as a terrorist act and that falls under the Security Area.

I'll translate that paragraph for a wider audience.  Some companies 
send out spam; it keeps businesses happy if it is called a marketing 
campaign.  These companies also send out messages that the receiver 
actually wants to read.  On the receiving side, there is a lot of 
zealotry that goes on.  One way to mitigate the effects of that 
zealotry is to provide the receiver a means to separate the spam from 
other mail.

In Section 3.3:

   "Some lists prepend or append a few lines to each
message to remind subscribers of an administrative URL for
subscription issues, or of list policy, etc."

It's funny to see how some MUAs adapted to that by hiding these lines 
thereby rolling back that "fix".

In Section 4.1:

   "In an idealized world, if an author knows that the MLM to which a
message is being sent is a non-participating resending MLM, the
author SHOULD be cautious when deciding whether or not to send a
signed message to the list."

The author generally does not have any control over that decision as 
DKIM signing is not done at the MUA level.  The usage of a key word 
is somewhat excessive here as the ideal world is out of scope for RFC 2119.

   "This problem can be compounded if there are receivers that apply
signing policies (e.g., [ADSP]) and the author publishes any kind
of strict policy, i.e., a policy that requests that receivers reject
or otherwise deal severely with non-compliant messages."

The "definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and 
expecting different results".   There are parallels between ADSP and SPF.

In Section 5.1:

   "It is RECOMMENDED that periodic, automatic mailings to the list are
sent to remind subscribers of list policy."

This is currently being done by the IETF under the guise of mailman day.

In Section 5.5:

   "In that case, authors SHOULD create a mail stream
specifically used for generating signatures when sending traffic to

I suggest using "DKIM signatures".

   "This suggestion can be made more general."

Shouldn't that be recommendation?

In Section 5.8:

  "DKIM-aware authoring MLMs MUST sign the mail they send according to
   the regular signing guidelines given in [DKIM].

   One concern is that having an MLM apply its signature to unsigned
   mail might cause some verifiers or receivers to interpret the
   signature as conferring more authority or authenticity to the message
   content than is defined by [DKIM].  This is an issue beyond MLMs and
   primarily entails receive-side processing outside of the scope of
   [DKIM].  It is nevertheless worth noting here."

Removing the MUST and saying:

   DKIM-aware authoring MLMs signs the messages they send according to
   the regular signing guidelines given in [DKIM]

gives more weight to the last 

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM and mailing lists

2011-05-13 Thread Ian Eiloart

On 12 May 2011, at 17:44, Hector Santos wrote:

> For the record, the old MLM was read as well Levine's poison pill MLM.
> With no intent nor suggest the writer is stupid, writers do say stupid 
> things and that paragraph was "stupid" then and it remains to be 
> "stupid" as in a stupid manner; "he had stupidly defined a one way 
> ticket for DKIM."

I'm sorry, but in English, it's almost impossible to say that an idea is stupid 
without implying that the person who had the idea is stupid. 

I understand that the Spanish language may be different in this respect, in 
that it's much easier in Spanish to say that something bad has happened without 
assigning direct responsibility to some person involved.  

Ian Eiloart
Postmaster, University of Sussex
+44 (0) 1273 87-3148

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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM and mailing lists

2011-05-13 Thread Hector Santos
Perhaps its a cultural thing.  You should hear the number of the times 
my Jewish wife had said; "oh silly! stop being stupid!" or New York, 
Miami Cuban or Ricans cousins saying "stupppid" (its a special 
prolonged funny emphasis), or Cuban exiles elders calling me a "Stupid 
Communist" just because I want the Cuban embargo to end, Elian going 
back to this dad) or an Italian uncle saying "was a studid (Dominoes) 
move!" but I really hate it when he calls me a "Paper Hat!"  Oh, 
really gets to me!

Whatever, I remain convinced that particular paragraph is "terrible," 
"wrong", "improper,"  even "incompatible."But I can also see where 
that can imply, infer, suggest, insinuate or make people silently 
erroneously ponder the writer is a terrible, wrong and improper person 
writing incompatible material.

All of which, all this, is chippy and infers signs of disrespects.

Mucho Gracias, Ciao, Bonjour, Cheerio!, Catch you later, see ya on the 
rebound, Bye Bye!

Ian Eiloart wrote:
> On 12 May 2011, at 17:44, Hector Santos wrote:
>> For the record, the old MLM was read as well Levine's poison pill MLM.
>> With no intent nor suggest the writer is stupid, writers do say stupid 
>> things and that paragraph was "stupid" then and it remains to be 
>> "stupid" as in a stupid manner; "he had stupidly defined a one way 
>> ticket for DKIM."
> I'm sorry, but in English, it's almost impossible to say that an idea is 
> stupid without implying that the person who had the idea is stupid. 
> I understand that the Spanish language may be different in this respect, in 
> that it's much easier in Spanish to say that something bad has happened 
> without assigning direct responsibility to some person involved.  

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Last Call: (DKIM And Mailing Lists) to BCP

2011-05-13 Thread Murray S. Kucherawy
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of SM
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 12:16 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Last Call:  (DKIM And 
> Mailing Lists) to BCP

Hi SM,

By my read, the bulk of your comments fall into these categories:

(1) Remove the normative language, publish as Informational

As I said to John, I'd be fine with this.  The document started out as 
Informational but there was working group momentum in the direction of a BCP 
instead, hence the conversion to use of RFC2119 language.  I personally don't 
have strong feelings about that so if the preferred course of action is to go 
back to that, I'd be fine.

As for the idea of using PS instead, that doesn't seem appropriate to me given 
we're not standardizing a protocol here, and at best we don't have enough 
implementation experience to back up the claims.

(2) Editorial changes

I'd be fine with all of the changes you proposed.

(3) RFC5451 discussion

> In Section 5.11:
>"Receivers SHOULD ignore or remove all unsigned externally-applied
> Authentication-Results header fields, and those not signed by an ADMD
> that can be trusted by the receiver."
> Quoting Section 5 of RFC 5451:
>"For security reasons, any MTA conforming to this specification MUST
> delete any discovered instance of this header field that claims to
> have been added within its trust boundary and that did not come from
> another trusted MTA."
>"For simplicity and maximum security, a border MTA MAY remove all
> instances of this header field on mail crossing into its trust
> boundary."
> The MUST and the MAY are aggregated into a SHOULD.  Is that
> intentional?

Yes, I believe they are consistent.  The citation you made from RFC5451 directs 
implementations to delete forgeries (the MUST) and optionally delete everything 
else as well (the MAY).  The citation from this document does not dispute the 
MUST, and provides further guidance for this particular application (which is 
also consistent with other parts of RFC5451) in terms of how to deal with 
what's left after the MUST part is done.

>  From Section 5.11:
>"Upon DKIM and ADSP evaluation during an SMTP session (a common
> implementation), an agent MAY decide to reject a message during an
> SMTP session.  If this is done, use of an [SMTP] failure code not
> normally used for "user unknown" (550) is preferred; therefore, 554
> SHOULD be used."
> This falls under policy decision.  The usage of a 554 code is
> inappropriate.  From Section 3.6.2 of RFC 5321:
>"If it [SMTP server] declines to relay mail to a particular address
> for policy reasons, a 550 response SHOULD be returned."

3.6.2 applies to relays, not recipients.  A relay might try DKIM validation and 
ADSP evaluation, but that's not the model this document discusses.

However, if that doesn't matter, unfortunately this makes the distinction we're 
trying to make impossible without using enhanced status codes, which aren't 
universally used.  But to be conformant, I suppose 550 5.7.0 would be 

> Quoting two sentences from the same section to provide better context:
>"In such cases where the submission fails that test, the receiver or
> verifier SHOULD discard the message but return an SMTP success code,
> i.e. accept the message but drop it without delivery.  An SMTP
> rejection of such mail instead of the requested discard action
> causes more harm than good."
> I would remove the SHOULD as the argument (second sentence) is
> clear.  The usage of the SHOULD raises the question about whether
> this is a SMTP receiver action and whether it is appropriate to
> create a black hole (silent drop of message).

If we are leaving the normative language in (for BCP, should that status stay) 
then I think the SHOULD is appropriate in the sentence that defines the 
normative action.

Thanks for the review!


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Last Call: (DKIM And Mailing Lists) to BCP

2011-05-13 Thread Alessandro Vesely
On 13/May/11 09:15, SM wrote:
> In Section 4.1:
>"In an idealized world, if an author knows that the MLM to which a
> message is being sent is a non-participating resending MLM, the
> author SHOULD be cautious when deciding whether or not to send a
> signed message to the list."
> The author generally does not have any control over that decision as 
> DKIM signing is not done at the MUA level.  The usage of a key word 
> is somewhat excessive here as the ideal world is out of scope for RFC 2119.

+1, should be lowercase.

>"This problem can be compounded if there are receivers that apply
> signing policies (e.g., [ADSP]) and the author publishes any kind
> of strict policy, i.e., a policy that requests that receivers reject
> or otherwise deal severely with non-compliant messages."
> The "definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and 
> expecting different results".   There are parallels between ADSP and SPF.

As a corollary, it is sane to do slightly different things over and
over until one catches the one that works.  SPF is slightly better
than ADSP, though.

> In Section 5.1:
>"It is RECOMMENDED that periodic, automatic mailings to the list are
> sent to remind subscribers of list policy."
> This is currently being done by the IETF under the guise of mailman day.

Yes, the time-distributed database...

> In Section 5.8:
>   "DKIM-aware authoring MLMs MUST sign the mail they send according to
>the regular signing guidelines given in [DKIM].
> Removing the MUST [...]

+1, the MUST is in DKIM's specs and thus is redundant here.

> In Section 5.10:
>"An FBL operator might wish to act on a complaint from a user about a
> message sent to a list."
> Shouldn't that be FBI? :-)

+1 (smiley not taken), FBL is a specific mechanism.  As much of the
advice is also valid for other mechanisms, I suggest to change the
title to "Abuse Reporting Issues" or similar.

>  From Section 5.11:
>"Upon DKIM and ADSP evaluation during an SMTP session (a common
> implementation), an agent MAY decide to reject a message during an
> SMTP session.  If this is done, use of an [SMTP] failure code not
> normally used for "user unknown" (550) is preferred; therefore, 554
> SHOULD be used."
> This falls under policy decision.  The usage of a 554 code is 
> inappropriate.  From Section 3.6.2 of RFC 5321:
>"If it [SMTP server] declines to relay mail to a particular address
> for policy reasons, a 550 response SHOULD be returned."

-1, although it is a policy question, it has nothing to do with relaying.

>"In such cases where the submission fails that test, the receiver or
> verifier SHOULD discard the message but return an SMTP success code,
> i.e. accept the message but drop it without delivery.  An SMTP
> rejection of such mail instead of the requested discard action
> causes more harm than good."
> I would remove the SHOULD as the argument (second sentence) is 
> clear.  The usage of the SHOULD raises the question about whether 
> this is a SMTP receiver action and whether it is appropriate to 
> create a black hole (silent drop of message).

This should have been explained more clearly in RFC 5617.  Perhaps, we
should say that "discardable" means "droppable" in general?

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Last Call: (DKIM And Mailing Lists) to BCP

2011-05-13 Thread Rolf E. Sonneveld
On 5/13/11 8:12 PM, Alessandro Vesely wrote:


>> "In such cases where the submission fails that test, the receiver or
>>  verifier SHOULD discard the message but return an SMTP success code,
>>  i.e. accept the message but drop it without delivery.  An SMTP
>>  rejection of such mail instead of the requested discard action
>>  causes more harm than good."
>> I would remove the SHOULD as the argument (second sentence) is
>> clear.  The usage of the SHOULD raises the question about whether
>> this is a SMTP receiver action and whether it is appropriate to
>> create a black hole (silent drop of message).
> This should have been explained more clearly in RFC 5617.  Perhaps, we
> should say that "discardable" means "droppable" in general?

The problem what 'discardable' means has been introduced in RFC5617 and 
I don't think draft-ietf-dkim-mailingslists-10.txt has to 'fix' that 
problem. The meaning of 'discardable' has been discussed on this list at 
least two times (see for example and this has 
AFAIK not resulted in one unambiguous conclusion. Furthermore, as it's 
not primarily an MLM issue (but an ADSP issue), I don't think we should 
re-open the discussion again. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that 
it's important to define what we mean with discardable, but not here, 
not now.

I'd propose to put this item ('writeup a definition of 'discardable') on 
the to-do list of a successor of RFC5617, if there ever will be one. Or 
on another future 'policy' document.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Last Call: (DKIM And Mailing Lists) to BCP

2011-05-13 Thread Hector Santos
Rolf E. Sonneveld wrote:
> On 5/13/11 8:12 PM, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
> [...]
>>> "In such cases where the submission fails that test, the receiver or
>>>  verifier SHOULD discard the message but return an SMTP success code,
>>>  i.e. accept the message but drop it without delivery.  An SMTP
>>>  rejection of such mail instead of the requested discard action
>>>  causes more harm than good."
>>> I would remove the SHOULD as the argument (second sentence) is
>>> clear.  The usage of the SHOULD raises the question about whether
>>> this is a SMTP receiver action and whether it is appropriate to
>>> create a black hole (silent drop of message).
>> This should have been explained more clearly in RFC 5617.  Perhaps, we
>> should say that "discardable" means "droppable" in general?
> The problem what 'discardable' means has been introduced in RFC5617 and 
> I don't think draft-ietf-dkim-mailingslists-10.txt has to 'fix' that 
> problem. 

Nothing wrong with DKIM=DISCARDABLE.  What is wrong is trying to 
dictate to others MLM should ignore ADSP.

As a MLM vendor, I have technical and ethical engineering obligation 
not to cause problems when taking on a new inherently incompatible 
technology that doesn't naturally fit with a MLM.

Hence, there are two general solutions for the MLM:

MLM-LEVINE: Ignore all DKIM ADSP restrictive policies
MLM-SANTOS: Preempt all DKIM ADSP restrictive policies

I know as a matter of fact MLM-SANTOS is a better DKIM mail 
integration fit because we implemented it.

Also, you can't dictate to receivers they should ACCEPT and DROP. 
Although that could be feasible solution to solve MLM ignorance to 
support ADSP, its a very difficult issue when increasing receiver 
practice is rejecting bad mail at the DATA level.

What I had proposed is is method (rule) at the DATA filter:

   if message fails ADSP and has a LIST-ID,
  then respond 250 and discard the message

   if message fails ADSP and has no LIST-ID,
  then reject with 55x

The problem is the MLM that is *ignoring* ADSP and passing on the buck 
to ADSP ready member receivers adding the overhead to receivers and 
also creating new MLM problems for itself.  A repeated SMTP level 
rejection will cause harm to list member by the MLM sender creating 
false automated unsubscribing notifications when the attempts are 
exhausted. So if the receivers can detect its a MLM sender incorrectly 
sending ADSP protected mail, then the only recourse, in the name of 
not causing problems and backing up the ignorant MLM, is to accept 
(250) and then drop the message.

But the real solution is for the MLM to follow proper DKIM mail 
integration considerations when adding something new it hasn't done in 
40 years.

Hector Santos, CTO

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[ietf-dkim] IETF-SMTP signed mail DKIM BODY HASH Failures

2011-05-13 Thread Hector Santos
I am wondering if anyone else can confirm BODY HASH errors with the 
originating author domain DKIM signature mail submitted to the 

The IETF-SMTP MLM does not resign and in addition, it does not change 
the subject (adding [IETF-SMTP]) and does not appear to change the 
body by adding any list footer.

Here is a few A-R headers by my verifier all showing the same error.




I was thinking it was an C14N issue, but the first two are 
simple/simple and the last one is relaxed/relaxed.

What could be hidden in this body that is different?

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Last Call: (DKIM And Mailing Lists) to BCP

2011-05-13 Thread Hector Santos
Hector Santos wrote:

> Nothing wrong with DKIM=DISCARDABLE.  What is wrong is trying to 
> dictate to others MLM should ignore ADSP.
> As a MLM vendor, I have technical and ethical engineering obligation 
> not to cause problems when taking on a new inherently incompatible 
> technology that doesn't naturally fit with a MLM.
> Hence, there are two general solutions for the MLM:
> MLM-LEVINE: Ignore all DKIM ADSP restrictive policies
> MLM-SANTOS: Preempt all DKIM ADSP restrictive policies
> I know as a matter of fact MLM-SANTOS is a better DKIM mail 
> integration fit because we implemented it.

Keep in mind that I recognize MLM-LEVINE solution but that is based on 
ignoring all originating DKIM information - pass, fail or unknown. 
The theory is based on:

   A) The Member is already authorized based on being a list member
  already,  CONCUR

   B) No expectation of getting fraud submissions, and if so, a
  negligible amount, CONCUR

   C) Ignorance for DKIM failure promoting a relaxed atmosphere of
  DKIM unknown signer mail, OBJECT.

   D) Trust the single signer domain at the SYSTEM LEVEL (global), OBJECT.

Assuming this MLM-LEVINE is the acceptable solution, then the 
optimized, lower overhead receiver operation is to first check to see 
if the signer(s) are known before even trying to verify any signature.

> What I had proposed is method (rule) at the DATA filter:
>if message fails ADSP and has a LIST-ID,
>   then respond 250 and discard the message
>if message fails ADSP and has no LIST-ID,
>   then reject with 55x

Note, by fails ADSP, it is presumed the policy is DKIM=DISCARDABLE

To complete the logic for always accept systems:

if message fails ADSP then discard the message

You got to understand there is a split of how systems operate; many 
systems for scalability reasons, especially in earlier days, always 
accepted the message and then applies any mail filters.  As hardware 
and software (multi-threaded OSes) improved, and also to address the 
bounce problem, more systems began to do more dynamic rejections at 
the DATA level.  The technical responsibility to issues bounces is 
very strong.  The idea of discarding was largely frown upon.

This multi-decade BOUNCE requirement mindset, which touches base with 
1986 US EPCA provisions for avoid censorship claims, has changed for 
the first time in RFC5321 with new semantics that recognizes the 
contemporary needs to "drop mail" when reasonable non-frivolous new 
considerations are appropriate.  I pushed for this recognition known 
new technology like Sender-ID and ADSP was on the horizon.

In short, Levine did a good thing by technically "legalizing" 
discarding of mail.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Last Call: (DKIM And Mailing Lists) to BCP

2011-05-13 Thread SM
Hi Murray,
At 11:17 13-05-2011, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>By my read, the bulk of your comments fall into these categories:
>(1) Remove the normative language, publish as Informational
>As I said to John, I'd be fine with this.  The document started out 
>as Informational but there was working group momentum in the 
>direction of a BCP instead, hence the conversion to use of RFC2119 
>language.  I personally don't have strong feelings about that so if 
>the preferred course of action is to go back to that, I'd be fine.


>Yes, I believe they are consistent.  The citation you made from 
>RFC5451 directs implementations to delete forgeries (the MUST) and 
>optionally delete everything else as well (the MAY).  The citation 
>from this document does not dispute the MUST, and provides further 
>guidance for this particular application (which is also consistent 
>with other parts of RFC5451) in terms of how to deal with what's 
>left after the MUST part is done.


>3.6.2 applies to relays, not recipients.  A relay might try DKIM 
>validation and ADSP evaluation, but that's not the model this 
>document discusses.
>However, if that doesn't matter, unfortunately this makes the 
>distinction we're trying to make impossible without using enhanced 
>status codes, which aren't universally used.  But to be conformant, 
>I suppose 550 5.7.0 would be appropriate.

You can use 550 5.7.1.  The enhanced status code used in the draft is 

Thanks for the quick response.  BTW, I forgot to the "best current 
practices" in Section 8.  It's an editorial nit.


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