Re: [ilugd] j2ee problem

2004-07-12 Thread abhi

> hi all,
> i had installed j2eesdk1.4
> during installation it asked for the directory where
> to install. i typed /usr/local/java.
> everything went fine install was successful, but when
> i had opened /usr /local ther was no
> java folder.
> i checked the installed log which is at /var/tmp it
> says following thing :
> Installing Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4.2
> Installed:/tmp/j2eeskICpS6/usr/local/java/jdk/bin
> Installed:/tmp/j2eeskICpS6/usr/local/java/jdk/bin/java
> Installed:/tmp/j2eeskICpS6/usr/local/java/jdk/bin/javac
> i thought something went wrong during installation
> i again started installing it , again it prompts for
> the directory where to install
> when i browse i saw j2eeskICpS6 directory in /tmp

Why not do the obvious and simply cd to /tmp/j2eeskICpS6/usr/local/ and move
java directory to /usr/local ?


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Re: [ilugd] Yahoo Email Space

2004-06-18 Thread abhi
>From: "amitflu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> i dont knowhow can they offer so much of
> email space...even google offering 1 gb of
> can they offer such a service
> free...can anybody they r doing it..

I'll let someone else tell you about your post being offtopic.

But to add an on-topic bit, this seems to be how they plan to handle the
performance and stability issues ;-) was running GFE on Linux when last queried at
18-Jun-2004 07:46:00 GMT


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Re: [ilugd] Re: Suggestion required on CBQ !!!!!!

2004-04-01 Thread Abhi

> I have done as you suggested. In "iptraf" under "LAN station monitor", It
is showing ethernet
> address not the IP address. Also I want to see the real time bandwidth
usages (In Cumulative) by the
> different interfaces. So that I can show/convince the same to management.
> Any other tool by which I can see the bandwidth usages in graphical mode?

Zorbiptraffic is quite good in this regard.

Not only can you monitor realtime bandwidth utilizaion but it also uses a
mysql backend to keep a record of daily bandwidth usage by each of the

A new version (v0.10) has just been released.

There are ofcourse other tools for this purpose. I'd recommend giving
etherape a try too.


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Re: [ilugd] Re:MIlitary Grade Software

2004-03-20 Thread Abhi

From: "vivek khurana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Sorry dear this was not a class test and i didnt knew
> the answer before hand. i wrote it as first correct
> answer because Narsingh handled the core issue of what
> is "military grade".

His reply was quite thorough, I will concede that. But he simply told you
that you were phrasing your question improperly. Not to mention he didn't
answer it with much details about whatever little standards used , if any
(which you claim to really have wanted as the answer).He explicitly said "I
won't go into details of what constitutes military specifications and how
they are framed. I will also not discuss whether the Indian Military has got
any such specifications regarding software". Heaven only knows how you got
the "correct answer" when the other person is actually and explicitly
telling you he won't give you the details of the answer at all.

Question is that if you do not know the answer, and you have been asking the
wrong questions to begin with, how do you know what is the "right" or
"wrong" answer ? Especially in this partcular context one could only say
that his reply sounded like the first "complete/adequate" answer. Phrasing
is all important. Lacking that you will only serve to irk those who are only
trying to help you.

> were replying to me with military humor and names of
> some organizations which do standardization but no one
> was answering what those standards are. i had done

Because A) you never specified which military. B) Military grade software
for what fields/purpose ? C) you were informed that in USA it was done via a
standard certification and on adhoc basis in here and most of the other
countries("top brass" as you phased it). There are little or no standards in
place here yet, the last time I checked(and having worked with the armed
forced maintaining their servers, I did ask them about it once). I provided
you with name of the standards used in US "Some of the standards included in
COE are POSIX (1003.1 & 1003.2), X11, Motif, CDE, TCP/IP"

Usually the armed forces here do not give out orders to the tune of those
placed by Us DoD, and hence cannot really force any of proprietary OS
developers(Novell/Microsoft/Sun) to modify their products to comply with
their guidelines(i.e. DoD insisting that the OS should be POSIX compliant).
As a "relatively smaller"(relatively only) buyer they simply have to choose
amongst what is available or try and roll their own. They can however insist
in the case of application development orders that "RDBMS application must
run on oracle backend or be compliant to such and such standard" but there
is no fixed policy on it. But quite frequently this will be done "in-house",
I'd imagine, for security reasons.

Take your second query for example : "Can anyone point me to fault tolerance
components of Linux kernel, if any exists. Or alternatively tell me how
faults are handled in linux kernel."

What kind of faults ? harddisk ? there is software RAID support in linux if
that is what you want to know. But that is the filesystem rather. The other
faults can be in memory, processor, network. Well in Linux kernel, illegal
access of kernel memory space by a user process will usually crash the user
process. Kernel memory remains intact. Period. If the RAM chip itself is
faulty it is usually the bios that informs you during booting(beep codes
remember?). Network faults ? You probably know the answer. Processor failure
? Am not sure about the standard kernel but I do recall NEC UK managing that
with a modified kernel. Then there is also clustering.

So basically what exactly are you asking ? did you make a little effort to
visit ? Wouldn't you get an answer more easily and
authoritatively and on the linux-kernel list

Before posting a problem, atleast try to show you made an effort solving it

" Also, can anyone tell me how much immune is Linux
Kernel to noises of environment.(how noises are
handled in linux system)."

I have no idea what you are talking about here. What kind of noises ? "data
noises" ? What kind of data ? Isn't that rather upto the application in
question which is accessing the said data ? Why would kernel care ? Or do
you mean actual sounds ? What on earth would linux kernel have to do with
detection of whether you are having sonic boom explosions next to your
building ?

See? Totally ambiguous. Try and phrase your questions better.

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Re: [ilugd] Re:MIlitary Grade Software

2004-03-19 Thread abhi

>  Now thats the first correct answer i had received on
> this thread. I would say more than Military it is the
> top brass(governmet portion controlling) which look
> for this kind of certification.

"first correct answer" ??!!! what the ...?!!!

And here I thought we were helping you out with a query?.
Didn't realize it was a "class test".

If you knew the answer why bother asking ?

You know what ? Some of us while rather happy to attempt to help out, would
rather not have you waste our time with popquizzes.
So next time, do kindly label them as a pop-quiz instead of a "query" (Two
queries clubbed in one).


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Re: Re: [ilugd] Re:MIlitary Grade Software

2004-03-18 Thread abhi

From: "Arjun Asthana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What you are talking about is software tech standards, which would be
limited to systems which are capable of  operating  these
technologies/protocols. This way, you would end up leaving out a very large
chunk of software which runs on very small embeded systems, who may them
selves be autonomous in their operations.
> Very large number of mil softwares do not run on processors which can
handle these tech standards. They are designed for single small job.
> I was talking about quality standards by which, the design, testing,
integration and everything else takes place. The software may or may not
follow the tech standards mentioned by you. Your definition will disqualify
almost entire mil aviation software which uses its own protocols and tech

You are simply quoting the broad principle on which these specifications are
based. (" Mil grade means the software does exactly and only what it is
suppose to do"). And it doesn't takes care of interoperability/compatability

Let me simplify it for you. Let us say the military buys OS A which does
"exactly and only what it is supposed to do". And it also buys product B
which also does "exactly and only what it is supposed to do". But product B
despite qualifying your broad principle, doesn't runs on OS A. Usually apart
from real time OS/applications concerns, the second factor of major concern
is "will it work with what we already have in place?".

Your deifinition of  "Mil grade means the software does exactly and only
what it is supposed to do" hardly takes compatability into account, does it

>Your definition will disqualify almost entire mil aviation software which
uses its own protocols and tech standards.
Pardon ? how so ? I merely said that US has such and such standard and
*most* of the other countries borrow from what US has so far done(and others
obviously either make their own specifications on the fly). If mil aviation
software has its own standards, then mil grade software would be one which
complied to such protocols and tech standards, correct ?

I was merely saying that your definition of "Mil grade means the software
does exactly and only what it is supposed to do" was incomplete since it
didn't take interoperability into account for example.

As for Vivek's second query about whether linux qualifies, it completely
depends on which military. Several governments have officially adopted linux
and would probably have no qualms adopting it for military usage as it is
posix compliant to a large degree. Some of others make their specifications
on the fly. US DoD required certification. Last I checked Linux was posix
compliant to quite a degree but not certified.

- Abhi


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Re: Re: [ilugd] [Possible -OT][crosspost] Is linux miltary grade

2004-03-18 Thread abhi

> Helloaa, who are u to end this thread. My question is
> still unanswered. I will rephrase my question

I believe he meant the part of the thread that was going off-topic.
This is a linux list, remember ?

>  Q: "Do we have any standards in softwares which makes
> it military grade. For eaxample the military grade
> IC(integrated circuits) have to confine to certain
> temperature range, MTBF, fault tolerance limit etc.
>  Do we have such specifications/tests for softwares"

Yes and no. To the best of my knowledge, any such specifications have been
made on ad-hoc basis so far.(At least till 2 years back. Yeah I have worked
with the army). There is nothing like COE in place yet.

>  Now my second question arises from the first on. If
> we have specs for military grade softwares, is Linux
> meeting those standards??/

It wasn't posix compliant officially(as in certified).

>  As for the DRDO using Linux, its still not used
> extensible and linux is certainly not used in Indian
> Army (contact Ashlin to get a proof for my fact). Its
> one thing to have linux being used in DRDO but that
> usage is different from its usage in army.

How is it different ? I personally setup a linux mail server at DRDO few
years back.
Sounds to me, like it is being adapted by the army gradually.


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Re: [ilugd] Re:MIlitary Grade Software

2004-03-18 Thread Abhi

- Original Message - 
From: "Arjun Asthana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> No. Not exactly. Mil grade means the software does exactly and only what
it is suppose to do.

*Sigh* What is an elephant really like ? - Asked the blind men (no offence

US DoD has Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating
Environment(DII COE) stanard in place for this purpose. DII COE is a set of
standards and guidelines that describe a "plug and play" open architecture
designed around a client/server model defined by the Defense Information
System Agency (DISA). DISA collects the requirements from the U.S. Army, the
Navy, the Air Force, and so on, and then works with the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, to create a platform-independent environment
called the COE Kernel. DISA distributes this code to vendors and integrators
for porting to various platforms. DISA also distributes a set of
requirements concerning features of the environment (for example, minimal
required tools for networking, system, and account management) and the
procedures to be followed in order to be certified.

DII COE is designed to provide a common information technology architecture,
to promote interoperability, and to establish cross-platform capabilities
for the increasingly diverse US Department of Defense (DOD) operations.
These criteria include compliance with industry standards, commercial
testing, and satisfaction of DISA interoperability, security, and functional
requirements. But the Kernel Certification program has however been lately

Basically since most of the other countries adapted to computers etc. on a
mass sale much later than US, it made sense for them to simply adapt USA's
standards (which were already in place) regards this. Some of the standards
included in COE are POSIX (1003.1 & 1003.2), X11, Motif, CDE, TCP/IP.

Quoting just *one* of these criterions would be plain wrong.

Perhaps the original poster should have also mentioned "which military" ?
Answer will differ depending on that.

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Re: [ilugd] Automatic Counter Offensive??

2004-03-17 Thread Abhi
From: "Akshay Lamba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 3. When attacked system let's u know, block's offending traffic and
> launches counter attack automatically: Any way of doing this? PHLAK has
> a number of security tools but does it let us do this?

This will be quite illegal.

Consider this scenerion. Cracker compromises a military server and uses it
to attack your machine. Your machine launches a DoS against the military
server. They come after both the cracker *and* you.

You can rather block traffic to your machine from their server, and possibly
do a whois on their ip address to trace down the person to contact and send
them an e-mail to look into the situation(a CC to their ISP should help).


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Re: [ilugd] Where is linux-delhi proposed Forum??

2004-02-29 Thread Abhi

> works hard and fast. *Snakes* and *drinks*(can include beer if you do
> consume it :-) for you dude at my house the next time I am in town.
> Arindam Dey

Snakes ?!!! Aren't you taking "name your poison" too literally ? :-)

- Abhi

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Re: [ilugd] Qt licencing problem???

2004-01-28 Thread Abhi

From: "vivek khurana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Thanks for the help on dual licencing, but now i have
> a new doubt. Can i download the binaries of a GPL
> project and use them for inhouse development??

Qoting from GPL text itself ( :

"Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the
Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only
if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of
having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on
what the Program does."

It completely depends on whether you are doing any of the above restricted

Why not simply google for GPL btw?


ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Qt licencing problem???

2004-01-28 Thread abhi
> Hi!
> Thanks for explaining the dual licencing.
> > Since my company offers a product with a GPL/MySQL
> > type dual licensing too,
> > I can explain the rationale quite easily :
>  Kindly can you give me the name of the company and
> the product.
> bye
> vivek


The company I work for is Kizna Corporation, Japan.
The product is the Kizna Syncshare Server(, a java based
Collaboration Server.

Amongst other things, the Syncshare opensource project has spawned off an
eclipse IDE plugin based on it, which permits you to do colloborative
programming(i.e. you can see the code of the person sitting halfway across
the world, modify it on the fly, discuss it with him etc.). We have been
providing solutions based on the Syncshare server ourselves, to companies
like Telemedia, Japan, and IBM.

A lot of other interesting things have been done with it. For example you
could controlling a power-point presentation via the net from a j2me
enabled, say reliance cellphone(walk around the room amongst your audience
instead of running to the projecter/computer each time to change the slides.
No, not a commercial product.) We have used it to provide a photograph
sharing portal which servers html/chtml/wml pages simultaneously. And an
educational/training/meeting whiteboard where you can display
slides/links/share files etc. during the discussions).  Not to mention
coupled it up with a few GPS projects.(The last few developed by our Indian
partner company in Delhi).

Probably a shameless plug, but remember ... you asked ;). lol

It all works best on Linux and that is what we use for our servers too.

As far as I know, a few Indian companies have used syncshare for internal
projects/services too.

And it is opensource and available under GPL, if you are a java coder and
want to download it. :-)


ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Qt licencing problem???

2004-01-27 Thread abhi
> I think even MySQL comes with this type of license. It
> is (to me) difficult to understand the thinking behind
> this scheme.

Since my company offers a product with a GPL/MySQL type dual licensing too,
I can explain the rationale quite easily :

If you are using our product to help others and not making any money off it,
you are welcome to use it under GPL without paying us anything. OTOH, if you
are making lots of money from something based on *our* hardwork, we want to
get paid for our hard work too.

We are after all a company. And most(if not all) companies operate on a
profit model of some sorts, since the deveopers working for them expect to
be paid. Think of it like this. A lot of opensource developers work on their
project just part-time since some of them do need the cash from a job or
business, to feed the mouths at home. In the other scenerion, the company is
giving them an opportunity to work on the opensource project fulltime, since
now they are getting a salary. Don't you think the opensource projects will
benefit, if the opensource developers gave 100% of their working time to
their project instead of supporting it just on their free time ?

> Some rambling thoughts: If the intention is to promote
> open source, then it doens't make sense to make the
> code available under any license other than GPL. If
> the intent is to earn good karma through open
> sourcing/GPL and also make the product financially
> viable by selling to those who can afford it under
> more restrictive license, who benefits financially? Is
> it the open source developer who contributes time and
> code, or is it just the company.

The intention is to make money from people who can afford to part with it.
If you want to use a product for your personal use, GPL doesnt stops you. If
on the other hand, you are planning to mint money through mass-distribution
by using someone *else*'s work(even if it is in part), only fair that they
get their share too.

Who benefits financially? The opensource developer *does* gets paid a salary
or at least gets a financial contract. Does he gets paid a fair salary ?
That is a different question altogether and depends on the company ethics.

Cathedral and the Bazaar addressed a few ways of making money from the
opensource model. This is just another one.

Unless ofcourse, you have a psychological aversion to the idea of making
cash, in which case you are welcome to send your paycheck/bank balance to me
coming month.. ;)


ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Upcoming Event - Nerdz'04

2004-01-20 Thread abhi
> On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 12:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > What: Nerdz'04
> > When: 18,19 feb
> > Where: Jamia Hamdard
> What the nerds forgot? To post it in time. Saw the post Sunday evening
> and the mail come in today - 20th!! Even the posting is past noon on
> 19th.. :-(

So ? It is still January. The mail says Feb.
One month isn't enough for you to reach there ? :)

- Abhi

ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Club bandwidth -> Linux gurus -> linux helplines

2004-01-20 Thread abhi
> All I was saying was if some extra help could be extended to people who
> new to Linux, it could make things easier for them. When I say extra
> help...I dont mean anything more than emailed solutions that list a
> procedure, instead of a referal to a manual that has several thousand
> to confuse a beginner.

OTOH, keep things in perspective.. he was asking for QoS. Hardly a
beginner's topic, is it ? :)

So what did you expect ? one of us coding a readymade script for him and
saying "here you go.. we will pretend it is still christmas" ? :)

He made out like he was the admin. So frankly speaking he should be used to
reading manuals and getting what he wanted from them. Or if he is not the
admin, his company should hire a competent guy.

I think it is a bad idea to allow a guy who shirks from learning things to
setup servers etc., and thus  leave open mail relays and easily exploitable
servers which get used to create a problem for other people.(not necessarily
insinuating that *he* is one or not).

You may have valid points but they are not applicable to the case in

- Abhi

ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Help Require to divide Bandwidth

2004-01-16 Thread Abhi

> I have Lease Line of Bharti (64k in 1:4). Presently it is connected as
> Lease Line (Copper Pair)-> RAD HTU E1-->RAD FCD-2--->Cisco
Router 1720
> (WIC1T)-->Gateway Server
> Gateway Server (RHL 7.3 with IPChains) have 3 NIC's which are connected as
> Eth0-->Cisco Router
> Eth1-->Switch (For Server's)
> Eth2-->Switch(For Users)
> Now we are going to upgrade this Lease Line to 128k as one new sister
concern is
> going to open in the same premises. Management wants to divide this 128k
into 50-50%
> in parent & sister concern. Can we achieve it on Gateway ? If any other
solution has,
> please suggest.

Google for HTB CBQ

and/or simply goto


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Re: [OffTopic][ilugd] How does Microsoft armtwist its own partners?

2004-01-14 Thread Abhi

Dear Puneet,

For starters, this isn't what he is really asking.
He said "microsoft's own partners/developers". Last I checked Linux and its
community didn't qualify.

Arjun, you could simply dig up on Sun/Microsoft's Java controversy. That
will be the best example of what you are asking for.
Btw Arjun, this topic doesn't has anything much to do with linux whatsoever.
Should have marked it offtopic. :)


> Microsoft plans to broaden its attack on Linux and related operating
> this week by giving away a set of tools for migrating applications to
> Windows.
> The company is expected to release on Thursday a new version of Services
> Unix (SFU), a collection of tools that help Windows systems to work with
> installations based on the Unix operating system and its open-source
> derivative, Linux.
> Microsoft previously charged $99 per client or server to use SFU. But the
> new version, 3.5, will be free for any customer using a current Windows
> operating system.
> SFU packages an array of tools designed to accomplish two main tasks: that
> of allowing Unix and Windows systems to work together by using common file
> systems, directories and other resources; and that of helping information
> technology workers to migrate applications from Unix to Windows.
> regards,
> Puneet
> > > I need authentic reports/links on how Micro$oft twists arms of its own
> > partners/developers.
> > > Please help.
> > >
> > > Regards.
> > >
> > > Arjun Asthana

ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Forensic tools available for Linux

2004-01-14 Thread Abhi

>  Can anyone tell me what forensic tools are available for >Linux? Would
portsentry qualify as a foresic tool? Also >is PSAD a forensic tool or an
IDS like snort?
>Thanks & Regards

Coroner's toolkit(TCT) comes to mind

As for the second part of your query, "forensic" relates to collection of
evidence(e.g. for use in a court of law). So essentially the tools that will
help you collect evidence of an unauthorized access of your servers etc.

Try this URL :



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Re: [ilugd] TV Tuner Card - How To

2003-12-05 Thread Abhi
xawtv has a handson sort of  guide in its archives as well on the


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 4:08 PM
Subject: [ilugd] TV Tuner Card - How To

> Dear guys,
> I am using Mandrake 9.0 and I want to know how I can run my TV tuner card
make Intex using Mandrake. and oblige.
> Best regards,
> -
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