Re: [ilugd] Linux command-line introduction

2009-06-24 Thread Ramkumar R

I'll try not to criticize the article too heavily, but there seem to
be some glaring mistakes.

1. Further, you can schedule scripts to occur at a specific time or
date or at the occurrence of a specific event on your computer
Bad example. How does cron, at, or anacron have anything to do with
CLI? I can ask it to play a track in Amarok.

2. Ever tried to do anything remotely like that by using a Graphical
User Interface?
Firstly, you haven't quoted any mindblowing examples of CLI
functionality that cannot be done using GUI. Scheduling? I'm pretty
sure there are plenty of graphical schedulers/ sophisticated alarms
for Linux. Batch resizing images? Gimp comes with a scripting language
called Script-Fu which can easily do this. More and more applications
(yes, GUI applications) are coming out with extensibility and
scripting frameworks. I just quoted Gimp as one example. AutoCAD uses
a dialect of Lisp as its extension language, and the elephant in the
room Emacs is mostly written in Emacs Lisp. A shell scripting language
like ZSH's is no different- it's a language, that's all.

3. There are many commands you can use to check every facet of your
computer's health, from the amount of space left on the hard drive to
the temperature of the CPU
I wouldn't cite this as something that you can do from the command
line. It's like saying that `df -h' or `cat cat
/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature' is more useful than a
graphical monitor like Conky or GNOME applets that do the same thing.

4. There is one other interesting feature of command line interfaces
that GUIs can't match: interaction over a network.
I'm pretty sure there are hundreds of remote desktop projects for
Linux. Forget all that: I use `ssh -X' all the time. I don't want
users to have the impression that they can't run their graphical
applications over the network.

5. Well, those that know how can connect to the computer in the next
room via the command line and type halt.
Bad example. If you're looking to get Windoze converts, this'll give
them the completely wrong picture. They'd expect something like the
remote desktop they use in Windoze to `Start  Shutdown'. The worst
part is that such a remote desktop exists, but you're scaring away/
misguiding users by telling them this.

6. GUI programs often send more error messages to the CLI, than they
show in dialog boxes, this is useful to diagnose problems
Er. If you're looking to diagnose why a certain program didn't start
when you clicked a menu item, it's useful. But otherwise, no- it's
useless. Many programs today come with a compile flag to generate a
stripped down verbose executable for debugging. The output to CLI of a
normally compiled graphical application is practically useless- you
see, it's an optimization technique; if you keep tracing and printing
useful debugging symbols from the program, it's going to slow down

On a closing note, I think your approach of creating this huge barrier
between CLI and GUI, and advocating the use of CLI is just plain
wrong. Instead, you should be embracing both worlds (Yes, that's the
word used in the article- GUI and CLI are apparently worlds apart),
and concentrate on writing something useful.

p.s- There's a reason all newbie Linux tutorials suck. They're
written by beginners themselves. Experts can't be bothered to write
one. Yes, it's a problem; but I see no solution ahead until people
stop writing `cookbooks' of new Linux commands.

Artagnon (.com)

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Re: [ilugd] Linux command-line introduction

2009-06-24 Thread Ramkumar R

I'm a GNU/Linux user myself and it is in my interest to see that the
community produces good work and grows. Please don't take my criticism
of the Introduction section in the wrong sense- I'm not trying to be a
snob and trash the pieces of work that the community produces.
Ofcourse, a huge amount of effort has gone into compiling this work.
Needless to say, I appreciate the work that has gone into preparing
this. All I'm doing is listing a few of my observations on the
Introduction section. I'm sorry if I seem overly critical or

About my p.s, I'll maintain that newbie Linux tutorials suck. It's
like I criticize GIt cheatsheets- they don't teach you a thing about
Git, but supposedly claim to get you up and working in a few minutes.
They exist because there's a demand for them. It's difficult to write
good books- I passed out of school three years ago and I know what it
is to be brought up being taught Turbo C++ from Sumita Arora. And then
being taught C again in first year of college using books like Let us
C. They exist because it's a quick-and-dirty route- students don't
want to break their heads over KR, they simply want to pass the exam.

My point is simple: I think there's a better way to teach the user how
to user Linux. Use my email as an excuse to produce more pure and less
`cookbook' work. I hope you'll use this example as an inspiration- I
wrote it in my first year of college to teach my friends pointers in

Best wishes.

Artagnon (.com)

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Re: [ilugd] Linux command-line introduction

2009-06-24 Thread Ramkumar R
 Thanks but no thanks

*sigh* I'm not even sure what I've done to deserve this sort of
hostility, and being personally attacked by Nandeep. In response to a
Best wishes, I get this. Frankly, I don't know who's being the jerk.
I also humbly apologize for posting the one article that I thought I
wrote well, which for some reason, made me sound like a God almighty
that everyone should derive inspiration from.

I don't like being where I'm not wanted. I'm unsubscribing from this
mailing list, effective immediately.

Artagnon (.com)

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Re: [ilugd] I just uploaded a photo that I want you to see!

2009-06-15 Thread Ramkumar R
 OK, enough is enough.  Go ahead and add all such spammers, knowing or
 not, to:
 bin/twiki/view/Main/DoNotTrustMeWithYourPersonalData [URL has wrapped]

Fantastic idea! This is an apt punishment for spammers- put their
email ids up for harvesting :)
Eliminates the need to screen email and have list moderators.
Additionally, you might also want to write a nice spam filter- all
these invite spam emails look more-or-less the same.

Artagnon (.com)

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Re: [ilugd] How to increase /root partition size in Ubun tu 8.04

2009-05-21 Thread Ramkumar R
 bash$ mkdir /new
 bash$ mount /dev/mapper/VG00/LogVol00 /new
 bash$ reboot

Mounting a filesystem and rebooting will achieve nothing. What were
you trying to do here anyway?


Read the GRUB manual. I'm guessing that GRUB stage 2 is looking for a
kernel that doesn't exist. You can try booting manually using the
series of commands:
root (hd0, 2)
initrd /boot/initrd-...  | Hit tab to fill it in
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-... | Hit tab to fill it in

Artagnon (.com)

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Re: [ilugd] How to increase /root partition size in Ubun tu 8.04

2009-05-20 Thread Ramkumar R
 Do you recommend putting / on a LVM device?

No. The LVM partitions I maintain are:

No, /boot should not be on LVM.

 and that is the catch.  /boot in most installations is not on a separate

I personally hate auto-partitioning things (well, for that matter even
auto-installing things). Don't bother with them... even if you want
to, I'm sure most of these CD installers come with manual partitioning

 I had that for a couple of years and it was more trouble than it was
 worth.  Primary issue is with the default initrd generated when a new
 kernel is installed -- had to do all sorts of obscure initrd
 configurations to make sure it booted up fine on an LVM.

I've been using LVM for over four years now and it works perfectly. I
can add and remove physical hard drives whenever I want without
worrying about repartitioning.


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Re: [ilugd] How to increase /root partition size in Ubun tu 8.04

2009-05-19 Thread Ramkumar R
 Is there any way I can increase /root partition's size after installation,
 using gparted?

gparted will do this fine. Next time, consider implementing LVM to
resize partitions on-the-fly.

Artagnon (.com)

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Re: [ilugd] GNU/Linux PDF viewer with ability to read comments

2009-05-10 Thread Ramkumar R
 What's the easiest way to read PDFs with embedded comments (created
 with Acrobat Professional) on GNU/Linux? Evince (the default gnome
 viewer) displays the yellow comment icons but does not show the text.

Take this opportunity to write a patch to fix Evince to show comments.
File a bug here and get started
right away.

Artagnon (.com)

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Re: [ilugd] Restrcting direct access to CVS repository

2009-05-10 Thread Ramkumar R
CVS is so outdated, I don't even remember using it. Consider switching
to bzr, git, svn or hg.

Artagnon (.com)

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Re: [ilugd] Fwd: SliTaz GNU/Linux distribution - help of translating info on indian-hindu wikipedia

2009-03-05 Thread Ramkumar R
 [Forwarding without prejudice.  And yes, I'm Hindi and I speak the Hindu
 language ;)

*laughs* I'm not surprised. Even Wikipedia redirects 'Hindu' to
'Hinduism' and puts a disambigouation notice. 'Hindusim' and 'Hindi'
are less ambigous terms.

Artagnon (.com)

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[ilugd] orkut - Ramkumar has sent you a friend request

2009-01-24 Thread Ramkumar R

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Re: [ilugd] orkut - Ramkumar has sent you a friend request

2009-01-24 Thread Ramkumar R
My sincere apologies. I wasn't paying attention to all the email IDs.

Artagnon (.com)

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Re: [ilugd] Syncing Servers

2009-01-10 Thread Ramkumar R
 My friend has two machines which he wants to use as test LAMP servers.
 He would also use the same machines as a mail servers.
 He wants to keep the two machine in sync so that if one of those fails
 (for any reason) the mails and LAMP business keep going on the other

Assuming he's writing code, I'm guessing one's his development server
and the other's his production server. If that is the case, do use a
versioning system and work on two different branches.

Artagnon (.com)

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