Re: [ilugd] Open source Web Server load monitoring tools

2010-03-25 Thread Karanbir Singh

On 03/25/2010 04:09 AM, Ravi Kumar wrote:

erm, no - you seem confused about exactly how fs cache and tmpfs works.

Please enlighten me. :)

this is what you said :
Anyhow, as I know, modern servers load the content in memory, delivers 
it to client, and keeps the cache in RAM for reducing disk level IO.. 
This can clearly be seen, a long running apache just fills more and more 
RAM even if the load reduces.


I perhaps over trimmed my reply.

And, I didn't said anything about fs cache...

you need to reread your own email :)

I really would like to know why tmpfs would be the corner to look in for
Webserver performance gains.

its one of many areas that would help in shifting data out of your 
service. It gets a bit more complex when you get into large storage 
areas (eg. on a webserver with 128 gigs of ram, partitioning out 32 gigs 
for the master db, with 8gb dedicated for 4 replica instances will give 
you a mysql query rate thats about 21 times higher than a single mysql 
instance hitting disk. This is using bog standard mysql configs. One can 
tune some specific areas up, but cascade that level of tuning down to a 
multi node setup and you will still see a  higher read-query rate. And 
none of these are specifics that apply across the board to any and every 
app, you will need to test and tune to meet a specific requirement - but 
these are good places to look.

For these cases, the word Exception is used :) ? Don't you agree. If
you put some generalization, others should not disagree because they
found one or two of cases where generalization failed. I didn't stated
the Universal Truth.

right, I am assuming that common sense isnt that elusive. trying to 
shoehorn a Terrabyte into tmpfs would be exceptionally counter productive.

But in real -
Twitter doesnt let its user upload/showcase their media/pictures etcs
with their tweets. But users have ability to upload and change their
background which can be any picture less than 800KB in size. And Twitter
has more than 350,000 users (as per Even 1% users uploaded content makes a
huge contribution to their static media size. Twitter started using
Amazon AWS as CDN. It clearly proves they have a good amount of static

You are basing this on pure assumption. I know, for a fact, that 
youtube's most popular content comes from ram and not disk. So going on 
your rationalisation, I guess we can all assume that youtube does not 
have large content ?

btw, are you sure Twitter are using CloudFront ? afaik, twitter only use 
the s3 storage backend.

Read this,
This is really a nice information. Everything well said and tested and
used in real life rather than theories.

The nature of the original post conveyed a sense of little or no control 
over content supply and code control and the effort seems to be directed 
at resource control - which is what my whole point was, dont focus on 
resource control, but work on the same problem from the other end. ie 
Improve a delivery rate and maximise resource usage.

- KB

Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Open source Web Server load monitoring tools

2010-03-25 Thread Karanbir Singh

On 03/25/2010 06:54 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:

on a webserver with 128 gigs of ram, partitioning out 32 gigs
for the master db, with 8gb dedicated for 4 replica instances will give
you a mysql query rate thats about 21 times higher than a single mysql
instance hitting disk.

I actually still have my test results for this setup, will push them 
online somewhere soon.

- KB

Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Open source Web Server load monitoring tools

2010-03-24 Thread Ravi Kumar
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Karanbir Singh mail-li...@karan.orgwrote:

 Use this as a reference platform, eg if you can get 25% better performance
 by moving all your static content ( eg. graphics, css, js ) into a tempfs,
 that will translate to a about the same level[1] boost in production as

What are the benefits using these static media in tempfs (in WebServer
Environment)? Can you please show some examples/cases? Anyhow, as I know,
modern servers load the content in memory, delivers it to client, and keeps
the cache in RAM for reducing disk level IO.. This can clearly be seen, a
long running apache just fills more and more RAM even if the load reduces.

If we use tempfs, we are keeping just copies of static content in memory -
one sure wastage of precious memory.

Assuming (and probably its fact), when your site gets popularity,  your
Static Media content collection will become huge with the time. So, I don't
think, tempfs should really be in scene.

If you have a quad core, perhaps locking down 2 cpu cores and dedicating
 them for the mysqldb might be a good idea.

This is a good idea, again if you are using same system for WebServer and
Database server. But keep them apart, life would be much easier (and cost
would be little expensive).

Similarly, separating the i/o for http and mysqld at the block device level
 might be something you want to look into.

What you meant by this? Do you want to say Keeping them in different
partitions or disks would be beneficial?.

 These are just some generic options you can look at - before you move into
 app level optimisations. And there are many many things that could be done
 there as well. Simple things like - are you running the webroots with atime
 enabled / ensure that db index's are valid and the querylog isnt reporting
 runtimes greater than a second for most things

 Hope this helps and gets you thinking along a more formalised path.

My suggestions would be take the same route, what the others have taken,
and is already proved. Read mysql performance blog for tuning mysql. Then
read the case-studies and tricks on
You will find them really nice and proven, although you won't need that
much, but you will get insights.

Now, if I have to do something like this, I start with Browser. I
install *Firebugplugin
+ *Mozilla Firefox, enable the Net section, and refresh/load my webapp page.
It shows how much data is recieved, and what are those data.

Most static contents are then put in a rule to not expire, so browsers
won't hit the server for same data. Take an example, jQuery javascript
plugin is around 60KB (minimized version). But 60KB is too much for me. I
enable GZip compression on the webserver, so when a browser sends requests
with header saying it knows/supports GZip compression, my server just
compresses the JS (or any content which can be compressed - more effectively
texts). The size becomes too less, around 16KB (in transfer). When browser
gets it, it decompresses and presents to the page. That saves bandwidth, and
a lot time.

Now, since I am not going to update my jQuery, CSS, JS and images (which are
static to site), i write the rule in apache config to deliver them with
expiry time set in months. So next time browser wont hit my server for
getting the jQuery or other expensive media files.

After that - I look into either DB or App level for tuning. But if I have to
use the caching, I use it from the beginning of development. And what I put
in cache (like memcache) -

   - Rendered page blocks : Today we use Template languages in every
   framework. They are comparitively slow, takes a lot cpu in rendering the
   content. So good idea would be to save those cpu ticks :)
   I just get my templates rendered and push that in cache server, giving
   expiry time depending on how dynamic presentation is. Even if I give 5 mins
   for Homepage template blocks, it saves a lot CPU.
   - I enable slow_db_logging in mysql config, so taht I can get those
   queries which takes more than 1 sec (and 1 sec too is really evil). Getting
   all those queries, I try to find how to optimize, either at application
   level, or query level or db level.
   - In application, when I fetch a query result, I store them in memcache
   server. When I change something at users-request to that table, I do
   invalidate those cached result. That way, data is always fresh till you
   follow the rule One Entry and Failure point at application level.
   - I prefer only those servers for delivering my static contents which are
   based on libevent. That are really fast in processing multiple requests

But in Tanveer's case, he is using vBulletine, a ready made package. And he
won't want to spend his time in fine tuning at application level. So he need
to play at hardware, server (apache + mysql) and content delivery by other
server like nginix. He can also search Google to find way to attach caching
server into 

Re: [ilugd] Open source Web Server load monitoring tools

2010-03-24 Thread Ravi Kumar
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Karanbir Singh mail-li...@karan.orgwrote:

 On 03/24/2010 10:02 PM, Ravi Kumar wrote:

 If we use tempfs, we are keeping just copies of static content in memory
 - one sure wastage of precious memory.

 erm, no - you seem confused about exactly how fs cache and tmpfs works.

Please enlighten me. :) And, I didn't said anything about fs cache... When
you contradict or say something is wrong, it would really be nice if you
supply reason, facts, any pointers etc to assert your views rather pointing
that I am wrong and saying no reason.

I really would like to know why tmpfs would be the corner to look in for
Webserver performance gains.

  Assuming (and probably its fact), when your site gets popularity,  your
 Static Media content collection will become huge with the time. So, I
 don't think, tempfs should really be in scene.

 thats again completely wrong.

 even extremely popular sites like smugmug or twitter have just a few Megs
 of static content.

Lets says you are right, then -
For these cases, the word Exception is used :) ? Don't you agree. If you
put some generalization, others should not disagree because they found one
or two of cases where generalization failed. I didn't stated the Universal

But in real -
Twitter doesnt let its user upload/showcase their media/pictures etcs with
their tweets. But users have ability to upload and change their background
which can be any picture less than 800KB in size. And Twitter has more than
350,000 users (as per Even 1% users uploaded content
makes a huge contribution to their static media size. Twitter started using
Amazon AWS as CDN. It clearly proves they have a good amount of static

 besides if you are getting over a million hits/hour - I am sure you can
 afford a decent sysadmin and a few more machines. If not, you are doing it
 wrong :)

 - KB

There are many ways to optimize the Website. I didn't said what ever you
pointed is wrong.  There are optimization areas where you focus to gain
most. But you have to decide where to look first and give priority. You
probably won't spend 80% of time to achieve 20% performance gain, by just
avoiding or giving less priority to ways for 80% performance gains in 20%
time :) ...

Read this,
This is really a nice information. Everything well said and tested and used
in real life rather than theories.

Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Open source Web Server load monitoring tools

2010-03-12 Thread Ravi Kumar
More RAM is always good.

AFAIK, RAM is first preference, than CPU. You can write a small script to
monitor CPU / Memory usage of WebServer and Database server (its easy, since
you know both are long running process, so script can query based on their
PID). If everything goes well, try to implement MemCache (you will say WOW,
what a performance, but i am not sure how to integrate it with vBulletine.
caching is good if implemented at application level, but you won't want to
mess with their code). Apart from these, you can do static resources
delivery through ngnix server. You will have to find which URL is mapped for
static content, and then use sort of URL rewriter to point at ngnix. I did
the same thing for a client's application, and the result was awesome (in
terms of webserver responsivness and memory usage).

At database server, its always good idea to minimize their disk IO
activities. So loading most indexes in memory is a win situation.
Other MySQL optimizations, some are specifi to your server architecture
(like max. no. of threads to use. Too less and too many are both a high
performance hit). I think a site is called mysqlperformanceblog. You can
find a lot there.

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Tanveer Singh wrote:

 We have a website running vbulletin and some other stuff. The number of
 visitors is huge, and our quad core 16GB RAM dedicated server is feeling
 load. The web server is lightspeed
 Poking around on vbull forums revealed that most big boards run on 2 server
 1. Database server
 2. Front end Web server.
 We are on single server. Sometime back we were on apache, and loads were
 very high, after moving to lightspeed, things improved, but looking at the
 growing web traffic, we would need to go with dual server, with one
 server running mysql, and vbull frontend etc., on the other server.
 But before me make this plunge, we want to make an informed decision about
 whats consuming what load.
 Is the RAM the bottleneck, or is it CPU, if its CPU which process is eating
 CPU, how much is mysql process consuming etc., etc.,

 So we were thinking that we run a simple monitor software which dumps some
 graphs etc., over a period of one week, where we can compare the real time
 traffic vs CPU load graphs etc., and which process is memory intensive,
 which is CPU intensive blah blah.
 Any pointers to some easy to configure stuff?

 Ilugd mailing list

Ilugd mailing list

[ilugd] Open source Web Server load monitoring tools

2010-03-10 Thread Tanveer Singh
We have a website running vbulletin and some other stuff. The number of
visitors is huge, and our quad core 16GB RAM dedicated server is feeling the
load. The web server is lightspeed
Poking around on vbull forums revealed that most big boards run on 2 server
1. Database server
2. Front end Web server.
We are on single server. Sometime back we were on apache, and loads were
very high, after moving to lightspeed, things improved, but looking at the
growing web traffic, we would need to go with dual server, with one database
server running mysql, and vbull frontend etc., on the other server.
But before me make this plunge, we want to make an informed decision about
whats consuming what load.
Is the RAM the bottleneck, or is it CPU, if its CPU which process is eating
CPU, how much is mysql process consuming etc., etc.,

So we were thinking that we run a simple monitor software which dumps some
graphs etc., over a period of one week, where we can compare the real time
traffic vs CPU load graphs etc., and which process is memory intensive,
which is CPU intensive blah blah.
Any pointers to some easy to configure stuff?

Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Open source Web Server load monitoring tools

2010-03-10 Thread Sudev Barar
On 10 March 2010 16:36, Tanveer Singh wrote:
 But before me make this plunge, we want to make an informed decision about
 whats consuming what load.
 Is the RAM the bottleneck, or is it CPU, if its CPU which process is eating
 CPU, how much is mysql process consuming etc., etc.,

 So we were thinking that we run a simple monitor software which dumps some
 graphs etc., over a period of one week, where we can compare the real time
 traffic vs CPU load graphs etc., and which process is memory intensive,
 which is CPU intensive blah blah.


Sudev Barar
Read for topics ranging from here to there.

PS: Replying using bottom post/in-line post makes email conversations
whole lot easier for meaningful dialogue. Snip out what is not
relevant. Adopt this and spread the message.

Ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] Open source Web Server load monitoring tools

2010-03-10 Thread Tanveer Singh
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 6:53 AM, Sudev Barar wrote:

 On 10 March 2010 16:36, Tanveer Singh wrote:
  But before me make this plunge, we want to make an informed decision
  whats consuming what load.
  Is the RAM the bottleneck, or is it CPU, if its CPU which process is
  CPU, how much is mysql process consuming etc., etc.,
  So we were thinking that we run a simple monitor software which dumps
  graphs etc., over a period of one week, where we can compare the real
  traffic vs CPU load graphs etc., and which process is memory intensive,
  which is CPU intensive blah blah.


Munin is looking good, however, it looks like  pain to setup, well I will
experiment with it and see!
Ilugd mailing list