Re: [infinispan-dev] [jboss-as7-dev] Module jars dissapearing leaving empty classes/ folders and errors

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus

On Feb 4, 2014, at 12:50 PM, Dan Berindei wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
 Narrowing down the list now, since this is a problem of how our CI is doing 
 These logs are retrieved from [1].
 Dunno how our CI is configured but this is odd. Seems like the build is halt 
 due to test failures, but it continues somehow? I mean, the jars are not 
 being produced properly, but the build is not halting.
 We run the build with -fn (fail-never), so the build should never be halted 
 because of a test failure. The configuration is 
 It’s about time we did the following:
 1) Any test failures should halt the build there and then. IOW, do not 
 continue the build at all.
 Will having 100 tests in one run and 2000 tests in another really help?
 2) Any tests that fail randomly should be disabled.

Doing this in past didn't seem to help: tests were disabled and never 
re-enabled again. IMO we should fight to get the suite green and then any 
intermittent failure should be considered a blocker and treated as the highest 

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] L1OnRehash Discussion

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus

On Feb 4, 2014, at 11:04 AM, Dan Berindei wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
 On 28 Jan 2014, at 15:29, William Burns wrote:
  Hello everyone,
  I wanted to discuss what I would say as dubious benefit of L1OnRehash
  especially compared to the benefits it provide.
  L1OnRehash is used to retain a value by moving a previously owned
  value into the L1 when a rehash occurs and this node no longer owns
  that value  Also any current L1 values are removed when a rehash
  occurs.  Therefore it can only save a single remote get for only a few
  keys when a rehash occurs.
  This by itself is fine however L1OnRehash has many edge cases to
  guarantee consistency as can be seen from  This can get quite
  complicated for a feature that gives marginal performance increases
  (especially given that this value may never have been read recently -
  at least normal L1 usage guarantees this).
  My first suggestion is instead to deprecate the L1OnRehash
  configuration option and to remove this logic.
 +1 from me as well


Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] Store as binary

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus

On Feb 4, 2014, at 7:14 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:

 On 21 Jan 2014, at 17:45, Mircea Markus wrote:
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 2:13 PM, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
 On 21 January 2014 13:37, Mircea Markus wrote:
 On Jan 21, 2014, at 1:21 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
 What's the point for these tests?
 To validate if storing the data in binary format yields better performance 
 than store is as a POJO.
 That will highly depend on the scenarios you want to test for. AFAIK
 this started after Paul described how session replication works in
 WildFly, and we already know that both strategies are suboptimal with
 the current options available: in his case the active node will always
 write on the POJO, while the backup node will essentially only need to
 store the buffer just in case he might need to take over.
 Indeed as it is today, it doesn't make sense for WildFly's session 
 Sure, one will be slower, but if you want to make a suggestion to him
 about which configuration he should be using, we should measure his
 use case, not a different one.
 Even then as discussed in Palma, an in memory String representation
 might be way more compact because of pooling of strings and a very
 high likelihood for repeated headers (as common in web frameworks),
 pooling like in String.intern()? 
 Even so, if most of your access to the String is to serialize it and sent is 
 remotely then you have a serialization cost(CPU) to pay for the reduced size.
 Serialization has a cost, but nothing compared with the transport itself, and 
 you don’t have to go very far to see the impact of transport. Just recently 
 we were chasing some performance regression and even though there were some 
 changes in serialization, the impact of my improvements was minimal, max 
 2-3%. Optimal network and transport configuration is more important IMO, and 
 once again, misconfiguration in that layer is what was causing us to be ~20% 

yes, I din't expect huge improvements from storeAsBinary, but at least some 
improvement caused by the fact that lots of serialization should't happen in 
the tested scenario. 2-3% improvement wouldn't hurt, though :-)

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] L1OnRehash Discussion

2014-02-05 Thread William Burns
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Dan Berindei wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:

 On 28 Jan 2014, at 15:29, William Burns wrote:

  Hello everyone,
  I wanted to discuss what I would say as dubious benefit of L1OnRehash
  especially compared to the benefits it provide.
  L1OnRehash is used to retain a value by moving a previously owned
  value into the L1 when a rehash occurs and this node no longer owns
  that value  Also any current L1 values are removed when a rehash
  occurs.  Therefore it can only save a single remote get for only a few
  keys when a rehash occurs.
  This by itself is fine however L1OnRehash has many edge cases to
  guarantee consistency as can be seen from  This can get quite
  complicated for a feature that gives marginal performance increases
  (especially given that this value may never have been read recently -
  at least normal L1 usage guarantees this).
  My first suggestion is instead to deprecate the L1OnRehash
  configuration option and to remove this logic.


 +1 from me as well

  My second suggestion is a new implementation of L1OnRehash that is
  always enabled when L1 threshold is configured to 0.  For those not
  familiar L1 threshold controls whether invalidations are broadcasted
  instead of individual messages.  A value of 0 means to always
  broadcast.  This would allow for some benefits that we can't currently
  1. L1 values would never have to be invalidated on a rehash event
  (guarantee locality reads under rehash)
  2. L1 requestors would not have to be tracked any longer
  However every write would be required to send an invalidation which
  could slow write performance in additional cases (since we currently
  only send invalidations when requestors are found).  The difference
  would be lessened with udp, which is the transport I would assume
  someone would use when configuring L1 threshold to 0.

 Sounds good to me, but I think you could go even beyond this and maybe get
 rid of threshold configuration option too?

 If the transport is UDP and multicast is configured, invalidations are
 broadcasted (and apply the two benefits you mention).
 If UDP w/ unicast or TCP used, track invalidations and send them as

 Do we really need to expose these configuration options to the user?

 I think the idea was that even with UDP, sending 2 unicasts and waiting for
 only 2 responses may be faster than sending a multicast and waiting for 10
 responses. However, I'm not sure that's the case if we send 1 unicast
 invalidation from each owner instead of a single multicast invalidation from
 the primary owner/originator [1]. Maybe if each owner would return a list of
 requestors and the originator would do the invalidation at the end...

I totally agree since we currently have to send invalidations from the
primary owner and all backup owners to guarantee consistency if we
have a response from the backup owner [2].  By moving to this route we
only ever have to send a single multicast invalidation instead of N
unicast invalidations.  However this also brings up another change
where we only L1 cache the primary owner response [3] :) Actually that
would tilt the performance discussion the other way.  Makes me think
deprecating current L1OnRehash and adding primary owner L1 caching
should be first and then reevaluate if the new L1OnRehash support is
even needed.

The originator firing the invalidations is interesting, but don't
think it is feasible.  With async transport this is not doable at all.
 Also if the originator goes down and the value is persisted we will
have invalid L1 values cached still.  The latter could be fixed with
txs but non tx would still be broken.

 One tangible benefit of having the setting is that we can run the test suite
 with TCP only, and still cover every path in L1Manager. If removed it
 completely, it would still be possible to change the toggle in L1ManagerImpl
 via reflection, but it would be a little hacky.

  What do you guys think?  I am thinking that no one minds the removal
  of L1OnRehash that we have currently (if so let me know).  I am quite
  curious what others think about the changes for L1 threshold value of
  0, maybe this configuration value is never used?

 Since we don't give any guidance as to what a good threshold value would be,
 I doubt many people use it.

 My alternative proposal would be to replace the
 invalidationThreshold=-1|0|0 setting with a traceRequestors=true|false
 1. If traceRequestors == false, don't keep track of requestors, only send
 the invalidation from the originator, and enable l1OnRehash.
 This means we can keep the entries that are in L1 after a rehash as
 2. If traceRequestors == true, track requestors, send unicast/multicast
 invalidations depending on the transport, and disable l1OnRehash.


Re: [infinispan-dev] reusing infinispan's marshalling

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus
One way to do it is use a  distributed cache with two different marshallers: 
JBMAR and protostream. Admittedly this won't measure only the serialisation 
performance, but include other stuff as well, such as network time (I guess you 
can remove this from the result though). 
This way we would get a better understanding on how the two marshaller affects 
performance of the system as a whole. Also if using radargun, you could get 
more info around how much CPU time is used by each scenario.

On Jan 30, 2014, at 12:13 PM, Adrian Nistor wrote:

 I've been pondering about re-using the marshalling machinery of 
 Infinispan in another project, specifically in ProtoStream, where I'm 
 planning to add it as a test scoped dependency so I can create a 
 benchmark  to compare marshalling performace. I'm basically interested 
 in comparing ProtoStream and Infinispan's JBoss Marshalling based 
 mechanism. Comparing against plain JBMAR, without using the 
 ExternalizerTable and Externalizers introduced by Infinispan is not 
 going to get me accurate results.

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] reusing infinispan's marshalling

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus

On Feb 3, 2014, at 6:24 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:

 Not sure I understand the need to compare this.
 JBMAR and ProtoStream are solving different problems. The former is focused 
 on getting the best out of Java persistence. The latter is focused on 
 serializing stuff in a plattform independent way.
 IMO, it’s not an apples to apples comparison.

AFAIK the only thing JBMAR does and proto doesn't is tracking circular 
references: e.g. person has a reference to address which has a reference to the 
same person instance. That comes at a performance cost (I guess an 
IdentityMapLookup per serialized object), though and for many users tracking 
circular dependencies is not needed, because of their data model. My 
expectation is that ISPN+protostram will be faster than ISPN+JBMAR because:
- protostream doesn't track circular references (AFAIK this is something that 
can be disabled in JBMAR as well)
- protostream allows for partial deserialization, that is only deserialize a 
specific attribute of a class

On top of that, it is platform independent, so if you start using it as the 
default serialization format, it will be easier for you to use ISPN from 
multiple platforms.

The drawback protostream has over JBMAR is that it requires one to define, 
besides the serialized, a protofile. Las time we discussed, Adrian had some 
ideas on how that can be circumvented, though.

IMO, in certain deployments makes sense to use protostream over JBMAR even when 
serializing only java objects and this benchmark would be a good tool to 
validate that.

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] New Cache Entry Notifications

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus

On Feb 3, 2014, at 4:07 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:

 On Jan 23, 2014, at 5:48 PM, William Burns wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have been working with notifications and most recently I have come
 to look into events generated when a new entry is created.  Now
 normally I would just expect a CacheEntryCreatedEvent to be raised.
 However we currently raise a CacheEntryModifiedEvent event and then a
 CacheEntryCreatedEvent.  I notice that there are comments around the
 code saying that tests require both to be fired.
 it doesn't sound right to me: modified is different than created.
 I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve raised this up in the dev mailing 
 list :|
 And, if CacheEntryModifiedEvent has a method called isCreated(), is cos I 
 added it in order to differentiate between a modify and a create without 
 breaking backwards compatibility and expectations of events to be received. 
 Just need to trace back the jira issue number, and associated forum threads 
 ;) :p

Sorry for missing this till now :-) If it was raised that frequently through, 
must be because people are confused about it. As we're having a major release 
next, I think we should get this right, even if breaking backward 
compatibility, and document it as such in the migration guide.

 I am wondering if anyone has an objection to only raising a
 CacheEntryCreatedEvent on a new cache entry being created.  
 It’d break expectations of existing applications that expect certain events. 
 It’s a very difficult one to swallow.

we're at a major now, so we should break compatibility if it makes sense.

 Plus, there’s JCache specifications, which adds listeners, and gets them 
 right. Eventually everyone should move towards that.

Not sure I understand: JCache raises both an created and a modified event 
when an entry is created? or just created events? 

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] New Cache Entry Notifications

2014-02-05 Thread Galder Zamarreño

On 03 Feb 2014, at 17:29, William Burns wrote:

 On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
 On 23 Jan 2014, at 18:54, Mircea Markus wrote:
 On Jan 23, 2014, at 5:48 PM, William Burns wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have been working with notifications and most recently I have come
 to look into events generated when a new entry is created.  Now
 normally I would just expect a CacheEntryCreatedEvent to be raised.
 However we currently raise a CacheEntryModifiedEvent event and then a
 CacheEntryCreatedEvent.  I notice that there are comments around the
 code saying that tests require both to be fired.
 it doesn't sound right to me: modified is different than created.
 I've lost count the number of times I've raised this up in the dev mailing 
 list :|
 And, if CacheEntryModifiedEvent has a method called isCreated(), is cos I 
 added it in order to differentiate between a modify and a create without 
 breaking backwards compatibility and expectations of events to be received. 
 Just need to trace back the jira issue number, and associated forum threads 
 ;) :p
 Ah nice I didn't even notice the method until you pointed it out.
 I am wondering if anyone has an objection to only raising a
 CacheEntryCreatedEvent on a new cache entry being created.
 It'd break expectations of existing applications that expect certain events. 
 It's a very difficult one to swallow.
 I agree. Maybe I should change to if anyone minds if Cluster Listeners
 only raise the CacheEntryModifiedEvent on an entry creation for
 cluster listeners instead?  This wouldn't break existing assumptions
 since we don't currently support Cluster Listeners.  The only thing is
 it wouldn't be consistent with regular listeners…

Yeah, it’s a tricky one. You don’t wanna raise both cos that’d be expensive to 
ship it around for no extra gain. If you are going to choose one that’d be 
CacheEntryModifiedEvent indeed. I think we can break off here for clustered 
listeners specifying it clearly. I don’t think there’s much point in creating a 
new set of listeners/event/annotations for the clustered option since 
eventually we should move towards JCache listeners and only have custom ones 
for the extra stuff we provide callbacks for.

 Plus, there's JCache specifications, which adds listeners, and gets them 
 right. Eventually everyone should move towards that.
 Just to be clear you are saying the JCache only raises a single event
 for change and create right?

Yeah, see JCacheListenerAdapter class.

 anyone know why we raise both currently?
 Legacy really.
 Was it just so the
 PutKeyValueCommand could more ignorantly just raise the
 CacheEntryModified pre Event?
 Any input would be appreciated, Thanks.
 Mircea Markus
 Infinispan lead (
 infinispan-dev mailing list
 Galder Zamarreño
 Project Lead, Escalante
 Engineer, Infinispan
 infinispan-dev mailing list
 infinispan-dev mailing list

Galder Zamarreño

Project Lead, Escalante

Engineer, Infinispan

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] L1OnRehash Discussion

2014-02-05 Thread Sanne Grinovero
I'm all for simplification, assuming that this will deliver better
reliability and easier maintenance, but let's not forget that some
entries might be actually large.

Saving a couple of transfers might be a pointless complexity for our
usual small-key tests but maybe it's an interesting feature when you
store gigabytes per value.
Also, performance hiccups are not desirable even in small-key
scenarios: an often read key should stay where it is rather than
needing an occasional RPC.

I haven't looked into the details of your problem, so if you think
it's too complex I'm not against ditching this, I'm just trying to
make sure we evaluate the full picture.

I think you made a great point when specifying that the entry
remaining in place might actually not get any hit - so being pointless
- but that should be a decision the eviction strategy should be able
to handle?


On 5 February 2014 13:19, William Burns wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Dan Berindei wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:

 On 28 Jan 2014, at 15:29, William Burns wrote:

  Hello everyone,
  I wanted to discuss what I would say as dubious benefit of L1OnRehash
  especially compared to the benefits it provide.
  L1OnRehash is used to retain a value by moving a previously owned
  value into the L1 when a rehash occurs and this node no longer owns
  that value  Also any current L1 values are removed when a rehash
  occurs.  Therefore it can only save a single remote get for only a few
  keys when a rehash occurs.
  This by itself is fine however L1OnRehash has many edge cases to
  guarantee consistency as can be seen from  This can get quite
  complicated for a feature that gives marginal performance increases
  (especially given that this value may never have been read recently -
  at least normal L1 usage guarantees this).
  My first suggestion is instead to deprecate the L1OnRehash
  configuration option and to remove this logic.


 +1 from me as well

  My second suggestion is a new implementation of L1OnRehash that is
  always enabled when L1 threshold is configured to 0.  For those not
  familiar L1 threshold controls whether invalidations are broadcasted
  instead of individual messages.  A value of 0 means to always
  broadcast.  This would allow for some benefits that we can't currently
  1. L1 values would never have to be invalidated on a rehash event
  (guarantee locality reads under rehash)
  2. L1 requestors would not have to be tracked any longer
  However every write would be required to send an invalidation which
  could slow write performance in additional cases (since we currently
  only send invalidations when requestors are found).  The difference
  would be lessened with udp, which is the transport I would assume
  someone would use when configuring L1 threshold to 0.

 Sounds good to me, but I think you could go even beyond this and maybe get
 rid of threshold configuration option too?

 If the transport is UDP and multicast is configured, invalidations are
 broadcasted (and apply the two benefits you mention).
 If UDP w/ unicast or TCP used, track invalidations and send them as

 Do we really need to expose these configuration options to the user?

 I think the idea was that even with UDP, sending 2 unicasts and waiting for
 only 2 responses may be faster than sending a multicast and waiting for 10
 responses. However, I'm not sure that's the case if we send 1 unicast
 invalidation from each owner instead of a single multicast invalidation from
 the primary owner/originator [1]. Maybe if each owner would return a list of
 requestors and the originator would do the invalidation at the end...

 I totally agree since we currently have to send invalidations from the
 primary owner and all backup owners to guarantee consistency if we
 have a response from the backup owner [2].  By moving to this route we
 only ever have to send a single multicast invalidation instead of N
 unicast invalidations.  However this also brings up another change
 where we only L1 cache the primary owner response [3] :) Actually that
 would tilt the performance discussion the other way.  Makes me think
 deprecating current L1OnRehash and adding primary owner L1 caching
 should be first and then reevaluate if the new L1OnRehash support is
 even needed.

 The originator firing the invalidations is interesting, but don't
 think it is feasible.  With async transport this is not doable at all.
  Also if the originator goes down and the value is persisted we will
 have invalid L1 values cached still.  The latter could be fixed with
 txs but non tx would still be broken.

 One tangible benefit of having the setting is that we can run the test suite
 with TCP only, and still cover every path in L1Manager. If removed it
 completely, it would 

Re: [infinispan-dev] New Cache Entry Notifications

2014-02-05 Thread Galder Zamarreño

On 05 Feb 2014, at 15:38, Mircea Markus wrote:

 On Feb 3, 2014, at 4:07 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
 On Jan 23, 2014, at 5:48 PM, William Burns wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have been working with notifications and most recently I have come
 to look into events generated when a new entry is created.  Now
 normally I would just expect a CacheEntryCreatedEvent to be raised.
 However we currently raise a CacheEntryModifiedEvent event and then a
 CacheEntryCreatedEvent.  I notice that there are comments around the
 code saying that tests require both to be fired.
 it doesn't sound right to me: modified is different than created.
 I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve raised this up in the dev mailing 
 list :|
 And, if CacheEntryModifiedEvent has a method called isCreated(), is cos I 
 added it in order to differentiate between a modify and a create without 
 breaking backwards compatibility and expectations of events to be received. 
 Just need to trace back the jira issue number, and associated forum threads 
 ;) :p
 Sorry for missing this till now :-) If it was raised that frequently through, 
 must be because people are confused about it. As we're having a major release 
 next, I think we should get this right, even if breaking backward 
 compatibility, and document it as such in the migration guide.


As already mentioned, the reason why we’ve never this tackled this problem is 
cos of JCache, which gets listeners right in this area. JCache is about to go 
final and people should start moving towards that. Redoing our listeners would 
be a waste of time IMO. You’d be doing some work to fix something people should 
stop using in near-medium future.

 I am wondering if anyone has an objection to only raising a
 CacheEntryCreatedEvent on a new cache entry being created.  
 It’d break expectations of existing applications that expect certain events. 
 It’s a very difficult one to swallow.
 we're at a major now, so we should break compatibility if it makes sense.
 Plus, there’s JCache specifications, which adds listeners, and gets them 
 right. Eventually everyone should move towards that.
 Not sure I understand: JCache raises both an created and a modified event 
 when an entry is created? or just created events? 
 Mircea Markus
 Infinispan lead (
 infinispan-dev mailing list

Galder Zamarreño

Project Lead, Escalante

Engineer, Infinispan

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] New Cache Entry Notifications

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus

On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:03 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:

 On 05 Feb 2014, at 15:38, Mircea Markus wrote:
 On Feb 3, 2014, at 4:07 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
 On Jan 23, 2014, at 5:48 PM, William Burns wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have been working with notifications and most recently I have come
 to look into events generated when a new entry is created.  Now
 normally I would just expect a CacheEntryCreatedEvent to be raised.
 However we currently raise a CacheEntryModifiedEvent event and then a
 CacheEntryCreatedEvent.  I notice that there are comments around the
 code saying that tests require both to be fired.
 it doesn't sound right to me: modified is different than created.
 I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve raised this up in the dev mailing 
 list :|
 And, if CacheEntryModifiedEvent has a method called isCreated(), is cos I 
 added it in order to differentiate between a modify and a create without 
 breaking backwards compatibility and expectations of events to be received. 
 Just need to trace back the jira issue number, and associated forum threads 
 ;) :p
 Sorry for missing this till now :-) If it was raised that frequently 
 through, must be because people are confused about it. As we're having a 
 major release next, I think we should get this right, even if breaking 
 backward compatibility, and document it as such in the migration guide.
 As already mentioned, the reason why we’ve never this tackled this problem is 
 cos of JCache, which gets listeners right in this area. JCache is about to go 
 final and people should start moving towards that. Redoing our listeners 
 would be a waste of time IMO.

The effort here is minimum, pretty much adding an if statement. The good thing 
though is that you won't have to raise this on the mailing list again :-)

 You’d be doing some work to fix something people should stop using in 
 near-medium future.

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] Design change in Infinispan Query

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus

On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

 Sure searching for any cache is useful. What I was advocating is that if you 
 search for more than one cache transparently, then you probably need to CRUD 
 for more than one cache transparently as well. And this is not being 

Not sure what you mean by CRUD over multiple caches? ATM one can run a TX over 
multiple caches, but I think there's something else you have in mind :-)

 I have to admit that having to add a cache name to the stored elements of the 
 index documents makes me a bit sad.

sad because of the increased index size? 

 I was already unhappy when I had to do it for class names. Renaming a cache 
 will be a heavy operation too. 
 Sanne, if we know that we don't share the semi index for different caches, 
 can we avoid the need to store the cache name in each document?
 BTW, this discussion should be in the open. 


 On 31 janv. 2014, at 18:04, Adrian Nistor wrote:
 I think it conceptually makes sense to have one entity type per cache but 
 this should be a good practice rather than an enforced constraint. It would 
 be a bit late and difficult to add such a constraint now.
 The design change we are talking about is being able to search across 
 caches. That can easily be implemented regardless of this. We can move the 
 SearchManager from Cache scope to CacheManager scope. Indexes are bound to 
 types not to caches anyway, so same-type entities from multiple caches can 
 end up in the same index, we just need to store an extra hidden field: the 
 name of the originating cache. This move would also allow us to share some 
 lucene/hsearch resources.  
 We can easily continue to support Search.getSearchManager(cache) so old api 
 usages continue to work. This would return a delegating/decorating 
 SearchManager that creates queries that are automatically restricted to the 
 scope of the given cache.
 Piece of cake? :)
 On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 9:56 PM, Mircea Markus wrote:
 curious to see your thoughts on this: it is a recurring topic and will 
 affects the way we design things in future in a significant way.
 E.g. if we think (recommend) that a distinct cache should be used for each 
 entity, then we'll need querying to work between caches. Also some cache 
 stores can be built along these lines (e.g. for the JPA cache store we only 
 need it to support a single entity type).
 Begin forwarded message:
  On Jan 30, 2014, at 9:42 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
  On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:52 PM, Mircea Markus wrote:
  On Jan 15, 2014, at 1:42 PM, Emmanuel Bernard 
  By the way, people looking for that feature are also asking for a 
  unified Cache API accessing these several caches right? Otherwise I am 
  not fully understanding why they ask for a unified query.
  Do you have written detailed use cases somewhere for me to better 
  understand what is really requested?
  IMO from a user perspective, being able to run queries spreading several 
  caches makes the programming simplifies the programming model: each 
  cache corresponding to a single entity type, with potentially different 
  Not sure if it simplifies things TBH if the configuration is the same. 
  IMO, it just adds clutter.
  Not sure I follow: having a cache that contains both Cars and Persons 
  sound more cluttering to me. I think it's cumbersome to write any kind of 
  querying with an heterogenous  cache, e.g. Map/Reduce tasks that need to 
  count all the green Cars would need to be aware of Persons and ignore 
  them. Not only it is harder to write, but discourages code reuse and makes 
  it hard to maintain (if you'll add Pets in the same cache in future you 
  need to update the M/R code as well). And of course there are also 
  different cache-based configuration options that are not immediately 
  obvious (at design time) but will be in the future (there are more Persons 
  than Cars, they live longer/expiry etc): mixing everything together in the 
  same cache from the begging is a design decision that might bite you in 
  the future.
  The way I see it - and very curious to see your opinion on this - 
  following an database analogy, the CacheManager corresponds to an Database 
  and the Cache to a Table. Hence my thought that queries spreading multiple 
  caches are both useful and needed (same as query spreading over multiple 
 Mircea Markus
 Infinispan lead (

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] Design change in Infinispan Query

2014-02-05 Thread Emmanuel Bernard
On Wed 2014-02-05 15:53, Mircea Markus wrote:
 On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
  Sure searching for any cache is useful. What I was advocating is that if 
  you search for more than one cache transparently, then you probably need to 
  CRUD for more than one cache transparently as well. And this is not being 
 Not sure what you mean by CRUD over multiple caches? ATM one can run a TX 
 over multiple caches, but I think there's something else you have in mind :-)

//some unified query giving me entries pointing by fk copy to bar and
//buz objects. So I need to manually load these references.

//happy emmanuel
Cache unifiedCache = cacheManager.getMotherOfAllCaches();
Bar bar = unifiedCache.get(foo);
Buz buz = unifiedCache.get(baz);

//not so happy emmanuel
Cache fooCache = cacheManager.getCache(foo);
Bar bar = fooCache.get(foo);
Cache bazCache = cacheManager.getCache(baz);
Buz buz = bazCache.put(baz);

  I have to admit that having to add a cache name to the stored elements of 
  the index documents makes me a bit sad.
 sad because of the increased index size? 

It makes the index non natural and less reusable using direct Lucene
APIs. But that might be less of a concern for Infinispan.

  I was already unhappy when I had to do it for class names. Renaming a cache 
  will be a heavy operation too. 
  Sanne, if we know that we don't share the semi index for different caches, 
  can we avoid the need to store the cache name in each document?
infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] Design change in Infinispan Query

2014-02-05 Thread Radim Vansa
On 02/05/2014 05:30 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
 On Wed 2014-02-05 15:53, Mircea Markus wrote:
 On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

 Sure searching for any cache is useful. What I was advocating is that if 
 you search for more than one cache transparently, then you probably need to 
 CRUD for more than one cache transparently as well. And this is not being 
 Not sure what you mean by CRUD over multiple caches? ATM one can run a TX 
 over multiple caches, but I think there's something else you have in mind :-)

 //some unified query giving me entries pointing by fk copy to bar and
 //buz objects. So I need to manually load these references.

 //happy emmanuel
 Cache unifiedCache = cacheManager.getMotherOfAllCaches();
 Bar bar = unifiedCache.get(foo);
 Buz buz = unifiedCache.get(baz);

 //not so happy emmanuel
 Cache fooCache = cacheManager.getCache(foo);
 Bar bar = fooCache.get(foo);
 Cache bazCache = cacheManager.getCache(baz);
 Buz buz = bazCache.put(baz);

cacheManager.getCache(foo).put(xxx, yyy);
cacheManager.getCache(foo).put(xxx, zzz);

String xxx = cacheManager.getMotherOfAllCaches().get(xxx);

What should it print? Should an exception be thrown? Or should get on 
mother of all caches return MapCacheString, String, String?


 I have to admit that having to add a cache name to the stored elements of 
 the index documents makes me a bit sad.
 sad because of the increased index size?
 It makes the index non natural and less reusable using direct Lucene
 APIs. But that might be less of a concern for Infinispan.

 I was already unhappy when I had to do it for class names. Renaming a cache 
 will be a heavy operation too.
 Sanne, if we know that we don't share the semi index for different caches, 
 can we avoid the need to store the cache name in each document?
 infinispan-dev mailing list

Radim Vansa
JBoss DataGrid QA

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] Design change in Infinispan Query

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus

On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:30 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

 On Wed 2014-02-05 15:53, Mircea Markus wrote:
 On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
 Sure searching for any cache is useful. What I was advocating is that if 
 you search for more than one cache transparently, then you probably need to 
 CRUD for more than one cache transparently as well. And this is not being 
 Not sure what you mean by CRUD over multiple caches? ATM one can run a TX 
 over multiple caches, but I think there's something else you have in mind :-)
 //some unified query giving me entries pointing by fk copy to bar and
 //buz objects. So I need to manually load these references.
 //happy emmanuel
 Cache unifiedCache = cacheManager.getMotherOfAllCaches();
 Bar bar = unifiedCache.get(foo);
 Buz buz = unifiedCache.get(baz);

Can you please elaborate the advantages the mother of all caches would bring? 
It but feels to me like querying a whole database by a primary key without 
mentioning the table name :-) Also might get nasty if multiple caches have the 
same key.

 //not so happy emmanuel
 Cache fooCache = cacheManager.getCache(foo);
 Bar bar = fooCache.get(foo);
 Cache bazCache = cacheManager.getCache(baz);
 Buz buz = bazCache.put(baz);

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] Design change in Infinispan Query

2014-02-05 Thread Emmanuel Bernard
On Wed 2014-02-05 17:44, Radim Vansa wrote:
 On 02/05/2014 05:30 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
  On Wed 2014-02-05 15:53, Mircea Markus wrote:
  On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Emmanuel Bernard 
  Sure searching for any cache is useful. What I was advocating is that if 
  you search for more than one cache transparently, then you probably need 
  to CRUD for more than one cache transparently as well. And this is not 
  being discussed.
  Not sure what you mean by CRUD over multiple caches? ATM one can run a TX 
  over multiple caches, but I think there's something else you have in mind 
  //some unified query giving me entries pointing by fk copy to bar and
  //buz objects. So I need to manually load these references.
  //happy emmanuel
  Cache unifiedCache = cacheManager.getMotherOfAllCaches();
  Bar bar = unifiedCache.get(foo);
  Buz buz = unifiedCache.get(baz);
  //not so happy emmanuel
  Cache fooCache = cacheManager.getCache(foo);
  Bar bar = fooCache.get(foo);
  Cache bazCache = cacheManager.getCache(baz);
  Buz buz = bazCache.put(baz);
 cacheManager.getCache(foo).put(xxx, yyy);
 cacheManager.getCache(foo).put(xxx, zzz);
 String xxx = cacheManager.getMotherOfAllCaches().get(xxx);
 What should it print? Should an exception be thrown? Or should get on 
 mother of all caches return MapCacheString, String, String?

Yes I'm aware of that.
What I am saying is that the idea of search across caches as
appealing as it is is is not the whole story.

People search, read, navigate and M/R their data in interleaved ways.
You need to project and think about a 100-200 lines of code that would
use that feature in combination with other related features to see if
that will be useful in the end (or gimmicky) and if the user experience
(API mostly in our case) will be good or make people kill themselves.

The feeling I have is that we are too feature focused and not enough use
case and experience focused.
infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] Design change in Infinispan Query

2014-02-05 Thread Randall Hauch

On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:34 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

 What I am saying is that the idea of search across caches as
 appealing as it is is is not the whole story.
 People search, read, navigate and M/R their data in interleaved ways.
 You need to project and think about a 100-200 lines of code that would
 use that feature in combination with other related features to see if
 that will be useful in the end (or gimmicky) and if the user experience
 (API mostly in our case) will be good or make people kill themselves.

What is the plan for supporting joins across entity types? ___
infinispan-dev mailing list

Re: [infinispan-dev] Design change in Infinispan Query

2014-02-05 Thread Mircea Markus

On Feb 5, 2014, at 7:34 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

 On Wed 2014-02-05 17:44, Radim Vansa wrote:
 On 02/05/2014 05:30 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
 On Wed 2014-02-05 15:53, Mircea Markus wrote:
 On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:32 AM, Emmanuel Bernard 
 Sure searching for any cache is useful. What I was advocating is that if 
 you search for more than one cache transparently, then you probably need 
 to CRUD for more than one cache transparently as well. And this is not 
 being discussed.
 Not sure what you mean by CRUD over multiple caches? ATM one can run a TX 
 over multiple caches, but I think there's something else you have in mind 
 //some unified query giving me entries pointing by fk copy to bar and
 //buz objects. So I need to manually load these references.
 //happy emmanuel
 Cache unifiedCache = cacheManager.getMotherOfAllCaches();
 Bar bar = unifiedCache.get(foo);
 Buz buz = unifiedCache.get(baz);
 //not so happy emmanuel
 Cache fooCache = cacheManager.getCache(foo);
 Bar bar = fooCache.get(foo);
 Cache bazCache = cacheManager.getCache(baz);
 Buz buz = bazCache.put(baz);
 cacheManager.getCache(foo).put(xxx, yyy);
 cacheManager.getCache(foo).put(xxx, zzz);
 String xxx = cacheManager.getMotherOfAllCaches().get(xxx);
 What should it print? Should an exception be thrown? Or should get on 
 mother of all caches return MapCacheString, String, String?
 Yes I'm aware of that.
 What I am saying is that the idea of search across caches as
 appealing as it is is is not the whole story.
 People search, read, navigate and M/R their data in interleaved ways.

In all the non-trivial deployments I saw people used multiple caches for 
different data, instead of one. That's why for me this came as the straight 
forward way of structuring data and naturally I thought that querying multiple 
caches makes sense in this context: to allow querying to run over a model that 
is already in use and not to change the model to accommodate querying. 

 You need to project and think about a 100-200 lines of code that would
 use that feature in combination with other related features to see if
 that will be useful in the end (or gimmicky) and if the user experience
 (API mostly in our case) will be good or make people kill themselves.
 The feeling I have is that we are too feature focused and not enough use
 case and experience focused.

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

infinispan-dev mailing list