Re: Antigen found =*.pl file

2000-08-14 Thread David Thornley

> The following message is from the Alcoa Exchange Virus Protection System.
> An attempt to send the File matching the filter =*.pl for a
> potential Virus from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The file was Deleted.  The message was, "cvsweb - strict, use CGI with
> enhancements".
> Please ensure that your PC has  Anti-Virus protection with current
> definitions to detect and clean Viruses.

Will whoever owns this dog please leash it in the future?  There are
very good reasons to include Perl scripts on the info-cvs mailing
list, and we're all smart enough to look at them before using them.
Putting out gratuitous irrelevant email whenever that happens is bad

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: cvs-nserver and latest CVS advisory

2000-08-11 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> > > But the real culprit gets away.  This wouldn't happen with SSH.
> >
> > The culprit gets away no matter what. There's nothing I can do to
> > them even if I find out which email address is really associated
> > with the attack.
> No, with SSH the culprit cannot "get away".  You've got a finger
> pointing right at them, and a mound of evidence to show what they did,
> when, and how.  I.e. you have a counter-threat, and possibly one that's
> far more powerful than the threat they posed to you earlier.

Correction, Greg.  In the SSH scenario, Justin has a finger pointing
right at the account used, not the culprit per se.  In some cases,
this makes very little difference, and I have the impression that
you function in those cases.

Specifically, what is Justin to do when he finds, say,
(aka [EMAIL PROTECTED]) was behind some exploit?  It's far more work
than it's worth for him to come after me legally (IIRC, he's Canadian).
He can revoke my access and inform my ISP, who may well cancel my
account.  There are plenty of other places I can get an account if
I want to come back and taunt him a second time.

If he were willing to take legal action, then it would matter that
he had a finger pointing to me.  If he had some sort of face-to-face
link with developers, he could make sure I never got access again.
In those cases, it would be very useful to have such accountability.

Jon Bentley had a Programming Pearls column with wise sayings from
the field (two, actually).  One was "Never test an error condition
you're not prepared to handle."  In this case, Justin, using the best
available security procedures, could perhaps find out that the culprit
is [EMAIL PROTECTED], rather than [EMAIL PROTECTED]  What is he going
to do about that information?  What if, after that, he gets a request
for access from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or whatever account name I got)?

So, in Justin's case (and obviously not in Greg's), the additional
accountability from SSH is not that important, and the barrier it
presents is, in Justin's opinion, a more serious problem.

Again, if somebody would like to change Mac and Wintel CVS clients
to use SSH, presumably protocol 2, that would be very useful.  Until
it happens, SSH is going to be a problem for people not working off
Unix platforms.  As long as that is the case, people like Justin have
to make some hard decisions as to what policy will work best.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: cvs-nserver and latest CVS advisory (Was: patch to make CVS chroot)

2000-08-10 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> > I ran [SSH] for six months and none or few of my WinCVS clients got it working.
> > Now some documentation has been posted explaining how to do it, but I can
> > see that it's a fairly painful installation. Hopefully that will change soon
> > and I can really use the ssh solution.
> *YOU* should have been capable of writing that documentation in the
> first place and ensuring that your users understood it sufficiently.

Very likely capable.  Does this mean it's a good idea?

You can spend arbitrarily large amounts of time and effort and
inconvenience on security, but eventually you have to get some work done
or you've got
nothing to be secure about.  It would be beneficial if Justin were to
make it easy to use SSH for Wintel boxes and Macs, but it's additional
work that is not necessarily a good idea for his application, given his
risk assessment.

(BTW, I've only been able to find two SSH implementations for the
Mac.  One is commercial, costing a few hundred dollars, and one is
not legal for use in the US until September 21, due to US Patent
Office cluelessness.  Fortunately for me, I've just installed a
Linux box at home.)

> You can use that documentation *NOW*.  You should be capable of using
> that documentation to build, or solicit the building of, a well tested
> canned configuration for the necessary tools (eg. a self-installing
> package) such that you don't even have to educate your users in mundane
> issues that you don't think they should have to deal with.
That would be a useful project, and it would be nice if somebody would
undertake it.

And, yes, it's about personal computing, and, yes, personal computing
can be a nightmare to professionals.  On the other hand, it's useful,
prevalent, and fun, and it's not going away.  Professionals have to
deal with personal computing in some way or another, and I don't think
that trying to ban it from serious work is the best way to go.  It's
like the management structure set up around the CVS repository here:
it isn't ideal from the CVS point of view, but it serves the needs
of the company very well, and CVS can be set up to handle it.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: cvs-nserver and latest CVS advisory (Was: patch to make CVS chroot)

2000-08-09 Thread David Thornley

Mike Castle wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 02:34:02PM -0400, Justin Wells wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 12:06:53PM -0500, Mike Castle wrote:
> > > On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 11:54:33AM -0400, Justin Wells wrote:
> > > > Is it as easy for a WinCVS user to set up ssh as it is to set up pserver?
> > >
> > > Yes.
> >
> > No it isn't. You can use pserver with WinCVS directly by configuring WinCVS
> > with no extra effort. To use ssh you have to go and do all kinds of
> > complicated installation things outside of WinCVS.
> Not if you already have ssh installed.
> And if you don't, well, gosh, to use WinCVS, you have to *gasp* install all
> kinds of complicated software outside of CVS!  Oh no!  We can't have that!
> The user will NEVER get it right!  We'd best only let them use cvs from the
> command line!
Are you sure?

I have very limited experience with Microsoft Windows, but there is an
InstallShield thing that can make it easy to install complicated
software, provided you want to set it up the way the guy who made
the install package was thinking.  I have no experience with WinCVS,
but it might well come with an InstallShield or other thingy that
makes it relatively easy to use WinCVS with pserver and require
much more work to use ssh.  It's Microsoft Windows, after all, and
there's all sorts of interesting stuff you can get wrong trying to
do things yourself.

> Honestly, if someone can't set up ssh, they shouldn't be doing software
> development.
You'd be surprised.

Or, for that matter, what of somebody using a Wintel box for
who doesn't want to learn the details of MS Windows?  This isn't
something relatively straightforward like Unix, remember.

Anyway, I don't actually remember Justin talking about software
It may be the only thing in his repository, but he may have other
such as web pages, also there.  CVS works well on lots of kinds of
text files.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Reserved checkout

2000-08-04 Thread David Thornley

Guilhem BONNEFILLE wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use CVS in a reserved checkout model with centralised access
> to repository. It's to say :
> - reserved checkout : developpers need to lock files before act ;

The best you're going to do is cvs watch and cvs edit, particularly
with Noel Yap's patches.  Actual locking is not well supported, and
what support there is may go away.

cvs edit, when properly used, gives you every benefit you would get
from locking.

> - centralised access : developpers only have read acces to repository.
> They need to send their modified files to a configuration manager
> (human) which is able to commit works.
Possibly you could use commitinfo or something like that, or use
directory permissions.

> It's a non natural model for CVS, but it's a model I need to use.
Why?  If you don't trust your developers, fire them and hire new ones.
If you do trust them, establish procedures that work, and tell them
to follow them.  The reason why it's unnatural for CVS is that it's
unnatural for software development in general.

You have to trust your developers to be working for you, not against
you; there's too many things they can do if they don't like you
that the configuration manager is not going to catch.

If this is a management requirement, then you will have to treat it
like any other case of irrational management:  tell them what they
want to hear, live with stupidity, change jobs, whatever.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Branches vs keyword expansion

2000-07-19 Thread David Thornley

"John R. Dunning" wrote:
> In previous lives, I used cvs, branches, and expandable keywords, and
> don't ever recall having this problem.  So, questions for the
> assembled experts:
> 3.  Is there any other workaround other than jamming the equivalent of
> -kk onto the command line, or putting it in the admin files or
> something?
Personally, I consider branch-to-branch merges as too tricky to leave
to the individual developer, so I wrote Perl scripts to do the dirty
work (of which the -kkv I use is one of them).  These scripts prevent
several potential mistakes (like wiping out branch tags) and so I
try to get people to use them.  That way, they come to me less often
with questions on "How do we fix things now that I did X?"

(The biggest single problem I get is when people type
cvs tag -F RELEASE_x_y
rather than
cvs tag -F RELEASE_x_y_MERGED
where the first is the branch tag and the second is the marker showing
which changes have been merged to head.  Eliminating that was worth
the time taken to write and verify the Perl stuff.)

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Fixing a bad CVS setup... won't make CVS directories!

2000-07-19 Thread David Thornley

Stuart R Dole wrote:
> Clients are RedHat 6.1, CVS 1.10.6. (Should they be 1.10.8?)
> We call them "nodes" (embedded systems, effectively -- no
> monitor or keyboard -- we telnet in). Put "export
> CVSROOT=:pserver:root@gaia:/usr/local/repository" in node's
> /etc/profile.
Was it 1.10.6 that broke pserver?  Try upgrading to 1.10.8 and
see if the problem goes away.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Cvswebedit needs to be made GPL/open source. Any volunteers?

2000-07-13 Thread David Thornley

"Todd T. Fries" wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 11:17:46AM -0700, Steve Arnold wrote:
> > In short, no, and it sucks. RS created the GPL precisely because the BSD
> > license was too restrictive. And the XFree86 guys use the GPL because
> > they didn't like the X license (again, too restrictive).
> You are off base here.  X and BSD allow anyone to do anything with the
> source, GPL expressedly forbids anyone to do anything without releasing it.

Actually, no.  Unless I am sadly mistaken, the GPL allows you to do
whatever you like to the software in private (the "consenting
principle).  Once you decide to distribute it, the license takes
effect:  you must release it under the GPL and you must release the
modified source code.

> GPL is the more restrictive.  It is the freedom to 'do whatever' with the
> source that RS cannot stand, and thus you and his cronies continue to
> suggest that GPL is less restrictive, when in reality, it forces more
> restrictions.

Specifically, if I'm using code under the GPL, I'm prevented from
doing things that I could do if I were to use, for example, X code.
The GPL even points these things out:  there are programs that you
simply may not link with GPL-covered code and distribute.  I don't
believe this is the case with X code (provided you satisfy the
requirements for the code you're linking to).  (This is in
addition to the practical difficulty of using Gnu code in commercial

Now, the people at Gnu obviously think these restrictions are
reasonable, and that's fine with me.  I can use Gnu software
under the GPL or not at all, just like any other.  However, it is
a more restrictive license than X and BSD in terms of what
it allows me to do with software, and there's no point in
pretending otherwise.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Linked Files in the Repository

2000-07-13 Thread David Thornley

Donald Sharp wrote:
> I seem to recall that it's very easy to tell MS's C++ compiler the
> 'correct' extensions for your file.  Why don't you just do that.
> Another thing that might be extremely usefull would be for you to
> explain your cvs setup some more to us.  What are you using?
> pserver/ssh?  What type of machine does your cvs sit on?  How
> you connect to the server?

I know little of Windows C++ compilers, and I'm not really up on
the Apple MrC compiler for Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, but
I have worked with Metrowerks Codewarrior for the Mac, and I
assure you that you can change the default file extensions easily.
If you do so for the template projects it uses, it should be
picked up for all future projects.

So, in addition, what specific compilers are you using that appear
to need different extensions?

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Adding files to branches

2000-07-13 Thread David Thornley

Sheldon Samuels wrote:
> Is it possible to add a file to a branch other than the main branch, without first 
>adding it to the main branch?  We have custom files that apply to a specific 
>customer, but contain a feature that the application as a whole shouldn't support.  
>These custom files are add-ons to the primary application.  But in using CVS and 
>WinCVS (I'm new to all of this), I know how to add a file and I know how to create a 
>branch and assign a file to a branch.  But can I add the file to the branch without 
>first placing it on the Main branch.  It seems that the CVS function of "ADD" only 
>adds files to the main branch first.
You can do that.  At our shop, we consider it a nuisance, since it's
possible to do it inadvertantly and needs to be fixed afterwards
(since we almost never want to add a file without wanting to keep
it on head branch).

What you need to do, as far as I can tell, is have the directory
checked out or updated to the branch tag you intend to use.  You
can check the CVS/Tag file to make sure the branch is what you want.
Then, do a cvs add and a cvs commit.

At least that's how it goes on Unix.  I have no knowledge of WinCVS and
don't know how it would work there.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Patches or work-arounds requested for lock problems

2000-07-12 Thread David Thornley

"Win32 M$" wrote:
> Hi Laird ,
> > Well, CVS has two camps of users:
> > Because CVS was designed for (1) and only happens to be suitable for (2)
> > by virtue of its price, what you're describing isn't really a
> > problem--it's the way that CVS was designed to be used.
> The camps of users are irrelevant - the locks functionality is broken in
> many ways.
> The problem is still there, no matter how you try to ignore it.
CVS will also not brush your teeth or do your taxes.  Does this count
as "broken"?

I'm going to trot out a couple of stories from my past again.

In one shop, we "locked" effectively by writing notes on the listings
in the source library.  No problem.

In another shop, we used SCCS.  One developer, who was intelligent,
dedicated, and normally clear-headed, made a change on a copy of a
program, waited until the program was checked in, and then accidentally
overwrote the previous change in the course of trying to get his change
into the new head version.

My conclusion is that communication works, and hard locking doesn't.

Anybody who wants to use CVS with some sort of locking can use the
edit facilities, particularly with Noel Yap's patches.  This will give
all the good qualities of locking.  Bear in mind that developers who
will subvert this will subvert any arrangement you make, and you do
not want these people working for you.

In the meantime, the people who do the most work on CVS seem to
the ability to do concurrent development, and see no particular reason
work hard to support file locking.  As in all freeware/open-source
projects, you are allowed to modify CVS as you see fit, and distribute
your changes, and this is considered to be the proper approach to
basic disagreements about how the product should work.

My recommendation is to remove the CVS locking facility, and make
cvs admin -l/L/u/U aliases for cvs edit/unedit.  That will take care of
all the complaints about CVS's bad support for hard locking.

(No, I'm not currently volunteering to do the work for this.  The
setup bothers me very little, and I have little free time to work on
it right now.)

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Problem with merge

2000-06-27 Thread David Thornley

I just had a weird problem crop up.

We have a file.  At rev 1.8 we split off a release branch, and merged
all changes in (so that diffing on vs. 1.9 and vs.
1.10 pick up only the keyword changes).

One user made a large change to, and checked it in as
He then tried merging it to head branch, and was told there were
three conflicts.

As far as I can figure, CVS looks at and, and tries
to apply the change to 1.10; despite the fact that 1.10 and
are identical (using the -kk flag to suppress keyword expansion),
it can't figure out how to apply the change.

(I suppose the workaround is to do a physical copy, since we do
want it and 1.11 to be identical.)

I've never seen a problem like this before.  I checked out the latest
CVS source and looked in README/BUGS/NEWS/ChangeLog, and found nothing

Does anybody have any ideas?
David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: RE ".trunk" patch refinement

2000-06-26 Thread David Thornley

John P Cavanaugh wrote:
> > > I may be slow today, but I don't see how merging the metadata is going
> > > to accomplish all this [stuff that vendor branches do].
> Merge Metadata can serve the same function as the vendor branch.
> Typical scenario, a local copy of an open source project, maybe say cvs.
> Ill describe a scenario of how you could use this hypothetical cvs to
> develop the features to get to the hypothetical version.
What you are proposing is to use the trunk as the vendor branch, and
the equivalent of keeping a "last-merged" tag on it to merge onto
a branch.  This is the sort of functionality that took me three
days or so to write perl programs to handle (interfacing with CVS,
of course) that were tailored for our development process and which
catch a lot of common errors in process and procedure.

Specifically, the "merge metadata" idea seems to be nothing more
than keeping a "last-version-merged" tag on each branch, and updating
it accordingly.  (Except that it is not shown to have the ability
to *not* merge a change that should not be merged - whereas it's always
possible to move the "last-version-merged" tag without actually merging.
Presumably such a facility would have this ability, but it's still
not looking to me like a great improvement.)

> - You import the initial rev onto the main branch. (Say 1.10.8
>   or whatever)
> - You create your own private branch (called named_trunk) to make your
>   changes for say the naming of the main trunk
The CVS way, you've now got a labelled vendor branch and a main branch
you can do development on.  Your way, you've got a main branch that's
got the vendor release, and a private branch you can do development on.
In the event that you've got two external products you're combining,
you have problems your way, none the CVS way.  This may not matter.

> - Lots of work happens on cvs to fix bugs etc, or to add new
>   subcommands like lsvtree.
> - You now import a new rev onto the main branch (Say 1.10.9
>   or something)
> - Now to update your private branch you just do a merge from the main
>   branch by doing something like "cvs up -j main"
> - Even more work happens on cvs to fix bugs etc, or to add new
>   subcommands
> - You now import a new rev onto the main branch (Say 1.10.10
>   or something)
> - Now to update your private branch you just do a merge from the
>   main branch by doing something like "cvs up -j main".  But the
>   difference now is that it only merges in the differences from your
>   last merge.
However, the recommended "-j:yesterday" works very well in this
scenario, provided of course that you don't import vendor branches
more than once every day or two.  We don't here; I don't know about
your shop.

So, now that you've described this, what is the difference between
what you've described and what CVS does?  The difference I can see
is that you want to put the vendor releases on the main trunk, whereas
CVS puts them on a labelled branch.  Obviously, in this case, merged
metadata can do what CVS is doing.  However, I really don't see that
there is any advantage to doing so.

> This model also allows you to have multiple private branches doing all
> kinds of various things that are unrelated to each other.  Perhaps
> one to add rename support, another to add merge meta-data etc.
And the difference between this and intelligent use of CVS would be?

We can do things like that already.  It requires a little intelligent
use of tags.  This use can be codified into wrappers that people
will use instead of raw CVS commands.  Nothing you've described is
beyond what can be done with intelligent tag use.  It would probably
be easier to use for somebody starting with CVS being installed and
projects starting yesterday, but that's a pathological case for any
support software.

There are instructions in the Cederqvist about how to do this sort of
thing.  This isn't anything new, or anything that hasn't been considered

So, merging metadata (as you put it) would be a convenience, but as
far as I can tell nothing more.  If it requires more active CVS
administration, it might well be a loss.

> > And how did merging (meta)data get into this thread?  I'm not signing
> > up for _that_, no matter how many people refuse to change the
> > subject line. ;-)  Wy too hard, and I'm not really sure I even like the
> > idea anyway.
> > -- steve
> I agree its hard, but its very useful for big software projects with
> multiple parallel lines of development its essential.
What do you mean by "multiple parallel lines of development"?  How
parallel?  (ISTM that, if they don't track each other, they're going
to diverge, and that will destroy the "parallel" part.)

Would it qualify to have head branch and two or three releases on which
development is happening?  This is not giving any great amount of

> If you havent done multiple parallel lines of development (ie. like 3
> or more) you wont see

Re: RE ".trunk" patch refinement

2000-06-23 Thread David Thornley

"Cameron, Steve" wrote:
> David Thornley  wrote:
> [...Regarding support for redundant ".latest" suffix for branch tags.]
> >And similarity with the main trunk.  There's no great harm in synonyms.
> Except people have to write the code to support them, spend the effort
> to understand that code when debugging, maintain that code, test
> that code.  If it doesn't add significant value, why put it in?  synonyms
> like this don't add real value, IMHO
> [...]

Depends on what the code is doing.  Sometimes it makes sense to make
everything orthogonal, even when it causes redundancy.  The code
complexity depends on how much is put in to support the synonyms and
how much would be put in to suppress them.

Anyway, it's nice to have orthogonality when writing tools to use
CVS.  It's something of a pain to have to treat the main trunk
differently from a branch.  That is likely to create more extra
code than putting the synonym in would, although the code will be
a lot more distributed.  

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: ".trunk" patch refinement

2000-06-23 Thread David Thornley

John P Cavanaugh wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 10:02:19AM -0500, Cameron, Steve wrote:
> >
> > > - Name the main trunk "main" or "trunk" and just deal with the
> > >  consequences of people that already have that branch name
> >
> > Why should we break things when it's not necessary? ".trunk"
> > isn't so hard to type, you don't even have to hit "shift".
> Partly for personal preference of liking main or trunk better than .trunk.
> But it also allows for main.latest (which I will admit is only to facilitate
> similarity with other branches)
types easy too.  (. is in the central part of the three basic rows
of the QWERTY keyboard, and doesn't require a shift key.)

> > > - Delete the whole concept of HEAD, instead generalize it to something
> > This I think can agree with.
> >
> > >  really useful and scaleable like
> > >   .latest - For the latest version on a branch
> >
> > ok, that's an oversimplification. but this ".latest" thing doesn't do
> > anything
> > that the branch tag by itself doesn't do already, is my point, so I think I
> > have
> > to vote against that one.
> Well sort of, I included it just for similarity with branch.base
And similarity with the main trunk.  There's no great harm in synonyms.

> > >   .base - For the version where the branch sprouted
> > I haven't thought about BASE, or what it means, at all, not one whit, so I
> > haven't yet formed an opinion.
> Its nice to be able to easily figure out where your branch sprouted from
> using an abstract mechanism.
Or an explicit tag.

One thing that everybody says is to tag the base of any branch being
cut.  Any more or less mechanical thing that lots of people say should
always be done is a prime candidate for automation.

> > > - Allow importing directly to the main branch,
> > I think I agree with this, the key word being "allow".
> >
> > > get rid of the import branch.
> > I don't agree with this.  I'm not experienced with vendor
> > branches, but from reading what little I have about what's
> > going on there, there is a definite purpose and method to
> > the madness, I believe.  I don't think they can or should be gotten
> > rid of.  But I'm sure someone more experienced with vendor
> > branches will pipe up.
> >
> > Perhaps there's even some reasoning related to vendor
> > branches which can explain a method to the madness
> > around "cvs diff" and "HEAD", though nobody has yet
> > explained it to me.
> The vendor branch in my opinion is a gross hack in an attempt to
> mask some really deficient functionality in cvs, namely merge
> meta data.  If we had merge meta data we would never need the
> vendor branch.  Yes it would be a different model, and yes Im
> going out on a limb here, but it would be a much better model.
I think we need to keep the vendor branch or equivalent functionality.
Some of the things we need to do:

- Restore earlier releases, even if the guy who installed them threw
them out
- Merge the changes we've made from the old release to the new release
- Keep track of which changes were made by the vendor and which locally

I may be slow today, but I don't see how merging the metadata is going
to accomplish all this.

> For those interested there are some project and funding
> related to these items.
> CVS Advanded Merge & Metadata Support (Currently at $3700)
There's an issue that I didn't see covered in the advanced merge
issue list, which is when somebody makes a change to a branch that
should not be merged forward.  One example might be that a bug
has to be fixed on a branch, but it was fixed in a different way
on head, along with other changes.  It shouldn't be difficult to
say "this change is only for this branch, and should not be merged".
(In my shop, we maintain merged tags for branches, and simply advance
the tag for changes that should not be propagated.)

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: ".trunk" patch refinement

2000-06-20 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> [ On Monday, June 19, 2000 at 17:13:10 (-0500), David Thornley wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: ".trunk" patch refinement
> >
> > Since it's a very natural thing to do, lots of people have done
> > it.  It's easy (and correct) to say they should not have done
> > that, but the important fact is that it has been done.
> However the important thing now is to continue to deprecate that
> practice.

Certainly.  This does nothing to fix any existing problem.  Nor does
it help if somebody imports RCS files that have 2.x or higher rev

  That includes removing the instructions for doing it from the
> manual (and replacing them with dire warnings against doing it), and
> most definitely not adding new code that's expressly designed to handle
> only one of the corner cases that this sillyness introduces.
Um, why not?  And what are the other corner cases?  If you use the
rev number like a cookie, what problems are likely to result?

In any case, one of the things we keep saying is never to use the
rev numbers, and so you're claiming that the proper way to reference
the head is to use the rev numbers?  That looks like a kludge to me.

So, since a kludge works on repositories that have never had a
certain mistaken operation done to them (one that is easy and natural),
you're against providing a clean way to handle the problem?

> (If someone found some way to clean up *all* of the corner cases, and if
> they could justify the effort this would take even in the face of the
> design goal of using symbolic tags to identify such things, then that
> might be a somewhat different matter)
Are you saying that there might be a reason to change the rev number
to 2.x or so?  I don't think so.  I think CVS works best, and is likely
to continue to work best, when people treat the rev number as a raw
identifier for the change.  This doesn't mean that it isn't worth
handling cases where somebody has previously changed the rev number.

> > Mike Little referred to "some previous cvs admin", and this is
> > precisely what happened in my case.  Some previous CVS admin
> > put some of the rev numbers to 2.x, and there's no way I can put
> It may be possible to renumber the trunk back to "normal", especially if
> there aren't too many branches in your repository
There are too many.

> You can also leap-frog into a new repository starting fresh with "1.1"
> at some major milestone in your project.  The actual amounts of use of
> history information is usually far lower than people surmise without
> measurements and indeed is extremely low if you only examine events
> where users back past a major milestone.  You don't have to 100% cut
> them off from the old history either -- just keep it in a read-only
> repository for easy local access and then occasionally audit to see how
> often it's accessed before you retire it for good.
We routinely have to change code that's three or four milestones back,
when (for instance) a client runs into a bug.  Keeping this code
read-only is not acceptable.

Further, we consider it important to be able to match source changes
with the Gnats PR they are associated with.  If we were to change the
rev numbers, we'd have to find some way to change them in the PRs.
This seems to me a major project to support a particular kludge.

Another issue is that we can't invalidate everybody's workspace
without major consequences.  Most people have projects going pretty
much all the time, and there's no time in which everybody's workspace
is synchronized with the repository.  Forcing such a synchronization
is going to be expensive.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: ".trunk" patch refinement

2000-06-19 Thread David Thornley

> I would just like to point out that trying to use CVS revision
> numbers as module or system version numbers is a bad, bad thing
> to do.  This cannot be reiterated enough, and I realize that you
> did not suggest doing it Mike, but some people might get the
> mistaken impression that this use of revision numbers is not
> the mistake that it is.
> Rex.


It's unfortunate that CVS supports the reassignment of revision
numbers.  It's a very natural thing to do to move all the rev
numbers up to 2.1 for release 2, rather than creating a tag,
which is of course the correct thing to do.

Since it's a very natural thing to do, lots of people have done
it.  It's easy (and correct) to say they should not have done
that, but the important fact is that it has been done.

Mike Little referred to "some previous cvs admin", and this is
precisely what happened in my case.  Some previous CVS admin
put some of the rev numbers to 2.x, and there's no way I can put
them back to 1.x.  This has doubtless happened to many admins;
either they inherited such a repository, or they created the problem
themselves while not knowing better.

Either way, any technique that assumes that all main trunk development
is on rev numbers 1.* is useless to me, and probably to quite a few

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Off topic, sort of: best ChangeLog practices?

2000-05-24 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> One of the problems with ChangeLog files is that unless they are
> *always* generated automatically they have a tendancy to be "different"
> in unpredictable ways from the "real" logs.
Right.  They aren't authoritative.  I don't see that they have to be.
They can describe, very quickly, what sort of thing was done and
when.  If you need to find out exactly what was done, there's always
"cvs diff -u -D ... -D ... | less".

> Typically I always commit all the files at once with the same CVS
> command (something that's quite easy to do and now even more trivial to
> do with PCL-CVS) and thus I do end up with the identical log entry on
> each related revision in each file.

Still, if I were to wonder if there was a change done to support the
FOO environment variable, there's something to be said for reading
the ChangeLog as opposed to doing "cvs log" on likely-looking

ISTM that there's several levels of documentation here, for different
uses.  The ChangeLog is for humans to read, providing an overview of
changes done to the system.  The "cvs log" is for humans to read,
providing a history of what was done to a given file and why.  The
source code is for the machine (and, I certainly hope, humans) to
read, and that provides the definitive answer of what was done in

> But unfortunately even if you religiously use something like PCL-CVS to
> automatically update the ChangeLog file, or even "rcs2log" to generate
> it at release build time, it's still just a "copy" of what I would hope
> is the authoritative information.
Not necessarily even a direct copy of the authoritative information, but
still useful.

> There's a *LOT* more to be said of more formal documentation, including
> detailed release notes written by someone who reads both the log entries
> and the actual diffs!  ;-)
That's another piece of documentation, which has the distinct advantage
of being useful for the paying customers.  It can be done somewhat
post facto, and probably should at least be revised before shipping
to be more than a chronological list of random changes, some of which
the customers really don't need details of.  ("The foo subsystem has
been changed to assure faster performance" is probably better than
"Changed event queue in foo to use a heap" and "Consolidated database
queries in foo initialization" and "Moved slow action from inner to
outer loop" for the customers.)

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Virus warning to CVS fans: I LOVE YOU

2000-05-04 Thread David Thornley

Do not open any emails with the subject I LOVE YOU, particularly if
you are using Outlook Express under Windows.  For details, see
(but not from Internet Explorer if you've been hit already).

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

anoncvs, firewalls, and security

2000-05-04 Thread David Thornley

I'm trying to use anoncvs here, and am getting "Connection refused"
so fast I think it must be the firewall.  My sysadmin has assured me
that port 2401 is open for outgoing connections.  So, I've got a few

Is opening 2401 for outgoing good enough to get source by anoncvs?
(It's possible that he made a mistake, or there's some more
that needs to be done.)

Are there any additional security concerns with allowing incoming
connections aside from those common to all ports?

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: question (preference?) about xmalloc

2000-05-03 Thread David Thornley

Derek Scherger wrote:
> > > For safety, I propose that xmalloc zero out the memory it allocates.  Any
> > > comments or rebuttals?
> > >
> > For safety, I would prefer it does not.  I don't think we should
> > use non-portable solutions to cover up the faults of badly-written
> > software.  I'd feel more comfortable using the software knowing that
> > some classes of errors would have been discovered.
> So you would rather have problems occur *randomly* depending on what the
> values *happen* to be at the moment? Personally, if something is not
> properly initialized I'd like a core dump every time so that it is found
> and fixed quickly.
Ideally, I'd rather not have problems.  Since that isn't possible,
I'd like them to show up definitely and emphatically.  I don't like
solutions that patch over problems in most cases, particularly since
CVS is used in a very wide range of environments to control very
important files.  (My company's primary asset - aside from people -
is the software base currently managed by CVS.)

If xmalloc is to initialize memory, I'd prefer it to be initialized
to something obviously bad.  Jonathan Gilligan had some very good
suggestions.  Now, "obviously bad" is system-specific, but it's better
than initializing to a value selected to be innocuous.  (Steve Maguire,
in "Writing Solid Code", p. 49, gives some good pointers on selecting
a bad value.)

So I'd rather have random crashes than lurking bugs, assuming the
crashes occurred sufficiently often, and I'd rather have reliable
crashes than random.

About the free(0) issue:  ISO C requires free() to handle a null
pointer correctly, so any concern on this part is catering to
non-standard C libraries.  It's been over ten years since C was
standardized by ANSI, and it's even gotten a new standard.  If
we're going to make sure CVS runs properly on non-standard C
implementations, we should try to make sure it runs properly on
odd hardware with conforming implementations also, and that means
not relying on the value of binary zeros for pointer or floating-
point values.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: question (preference?) about xmalloc

2000-05-02 Thread David Thornley

Noel L Yap wrote:
> I've noticed that xmalloc does not zero out the memory that's just been
> allocated.

Right.  It shouldn't have to.  Well-written programs do not access
uninitialized memory.

  This doesn't jive well when adding new fields to existing structures
> (specially these structures don't have a common constructor-type function to
> initialize the memory).

If they are complicated enough to need some sort of constructor
then that's what they should have.  This may make it more difficult to
make certain changes to the code, but it seems to me that making such
changes is going to make the code harder to maintain in the future.
Further, it adds to the unwritten assumptions that the code depends on.

I realize that there are a good many hacks in all the software that
we're using here, but I see no reason to encourage these hacks.

  What winds up happening is that these fields contain
> garbage.  This is fine when these fields aren't used, but when these fields are
> pointers, they are always used by the function that frees the memory causing a
> core dump.
Yes.  This tends to happen with code that mismatches mallocs and frees.
I consider this at least partly a useful feature, in that it points out
that there is a problem with the code, and the dump will show what's

> For safety, I propose that xmalloc zero out the memory it allocates.  Any
> comments or rebuttals?
For safety, I would prefer it does not.  I don't think we should
use non-portable solutions to cover up the faults of badly-written
software.  I'd feel more comfortable using the software knowing that
some classes of errors would have been discovered.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Disable "cvs tag -F" of branch tags

2000-03-29 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> [ On Wednesday, March 29, 2000 at 13:06:20 (EST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ]
> > Subject: Disable "cvs tag -F" of branch tags
> >
> > Maybe this falls under the "yeah, and any idiot who accidently types 'rm -rf
> > /usr' should have to accept the price", but it would sure seem like an easy
> > fix for CVS to not allow the -F option when the tag is a branch tag.
> >
> > What do YOU guys think?
> Yes, that seems logical -- CVS should not allow a branch tag to be
> moved, particularly if it would be converted to a normal tag in the
> process.
Yup.  About fifteen minutes ago, I typed the wrong tag and changed
a branch tag into a normal tag.  This would not have happened if
the restriction above had been in place.

I have mistyped things in the past.  I have every reason to believe I
will mistype things in the future.  I appreciate all the help I can
get to make sure these mistypings don't do anything too bad.

In this case, it looks irrecoverable.  I updated to the correct
revision and created a new branch tag with the old branch tag name,
but this will mean that any future revisions on that branch will
have a six-digit revision number rather than a four.  I've effectively
cut off a branch and added a twig.  If I'm lucky, nobody's going to
change that branch any more.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: RCS style locking

2000-03-08 Thread David Thornley

Ben Leibig wrote:
> Any idea how to make this system work with the WinCVS client and a UNIX
> repository?
Unfortunately, I'm completely unfamiliar with WinCVS.  The trick here
is to have some sort of reminder to use "cvs edit".  On Unix, having
the files read-only serves as a reminder when somebody tries to edit
one.  I don't know what the equivalent sort of reminder would be in

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: RCS style locking

2000-03-06 Thread David Thornley

Ben Leibig wrote:
> Well, I've tried as hard as I can, but I can't convice our developers that
> RCS locking is not necessary when using CVS.  They're all old school, and
> they don't trust CVS's ability to merge, nor do they claim they need it.

If they don't need it, then they're never trying to work on the same
at the same time, so they don't need locks.  But I digress

> THey do however want the whole remote repository ability, which means I'm
> in a hard spot.  I need to figure out how to provide locking (every file
> gets locked everytime it is checked out and unlocked everytime it is
> commited.)  Using CVS, or to provide a remote repository system using RCS.

Nope, not in CVS.  If these are hard requirements, you'll have to try
to find something else that's going to work.

The "cvs watch" facility could be used.  If you have "cvs watch on",
then files are checked out into the developer's directory in read-only
mode.  The developers will then use "cvs edit" to unlock the files.
You may want to look into Noel Yap's "cvs edit -c" patch.

This is, in my experience, the most restrictive form of locking that
makes sense.  It is easy to subvert, but, then, so are more restrictive

> Actually the developers even want to have a copy of the checked out source
> all running in one directory on one of the UNIX servers.  When they check
> out they want the file's permissions in that directory to change so they
> can access it untill the check it back in, then they want it to go to read
> only for everyone.

The proposed procedure will provide multiple copies, one for each
developer, and each directory will have only the appropriate files
read/write.  This isn't what the developers are asking for, but it's
the best CVS is going to do.

It also strikes me as a lousy way to work, since you're working in
an environment where you can't control changes.  If a guy who's working
on a header file goofs and goes to lunch, you can't compile in that
directory until after his lunch.  In the CVS environment, you get
only checked-in changes, and only when you ask for them.  Not quick
hacks that don't quite work yet whenever.

  I'm not sure how possable any of this is.  It seems
> like what we really need is a client/server version of RCS.

You need more than that, I'd think.  I really doubt that there is
a system that'll do exactly what you've stated without a lot of

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (612)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: new guy - hopefully easy questions

2000-03-03 Thread David Thornley

"Michael R. Salazar" wrote:
> Dear CVS listers,
> I'm a new user of CVS and I have, what I hope, are easy questions.
> I have a rather large code that multiple users will be editing.  Each
> user will need the entire code for their improvements.  So, branching
> seems to make sense in this situation.  My ideas are:
> 1.Have a centralized repository where each user can branch out of
> and create their own repository with the whole code in it.
> 2.After the individuals make their improvements, then they may
> update the centralized repository.
CVS does not support this.  If you are determined to do this, you'll
have to find another tool, or go to a lot of work to make CVS do this.

> I don't want a repository that each user has access to and is being
> updated often by the individual users, because each user needs the whole
> code and this senario seems that it would create alot more problems with
> users attempting to commit their improvements while other users have
> checkout earlier editions.

It seems like that, yes.  In practice, it usually is not much of
a problem.  That's one of the things that people find hard to believe
about CVS, which is why you'll see discussions all over the place,
including the original Berliner paper.

There's tradeoffs here.  If you make updates infrequent and large, they
have a greater potential to cause problems when made.  If frequent and
small, they have more opportunities to cause problems but less
In practice, both work.

> As you all can probably tell by these questons, don't assume too much in
> your answers.  If possible, please provide the necessary commands and a
> brief description.  The architecture on which I am running is SGI Irix
> 6.5.  I'm using CVS version 1.9
Two recommendations:

First, if possible, update to a later CVS version.

Second, CVS comes with pretty good documentation, which can be printed
out or viewed with "info", and there is an excellent book, "Open Source
Development with CVS" available from CoriolisOpen Press.  (The
CVS-specific chapters are available at http:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and
are covered
under the GPL.)  If you're going to run a CVS repository, those are
going to be very useful resources.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (612)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Files Created After Installation

2000-02-17 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> [ On Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 20:34:21 (-0800), Richard Goh Muk Ling wrote: ]
> > Subject: Files Created After Installation
> >
> > directory), so I was wondering after the installation do I need to
> > remove that directory.
> Yes, you may remove the "source" directory -- i.e. the place where you
> However you might want to keep it around anyway in case you need to
> apply any patches.  If you're low on available disk space in that
> partition you can either move it to some other location and/or run "make
> clean" to remove all the files that can be regenerated by "make".
If you're going to keep it around, and possibly make patches, I'd
strongly suggest putting the CVS source into your repository with
"cvs import".  That way, it'll be far easier to keep patches you
make.  After that, you really don't need to keep a separate
source code directory (assuming, of course, that you back up
your repository properly).

If you're not going to make changes yourself, then you don't need
to keep it.  You can always get a copy of the latest CVS somewhere.
I'd keep a gzipped tarball somewhere, myself, though.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (612)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: Questions about CVS

2000-02-17 Thread David Thornley

RonPetersen wrote:
> I am trying to find out if CVS can do the following:
> 1.  Does it support COBOL/370 and Assembler source code?

It supports source code in text formats very well.  I wouldn't
expect problems.

> 2.  Are there any limitations to the number of developers that can
> be making changes to a program concurrently?


> 3.  Is there a mainframe interface to Panvalet?

Not unless somebody wrote one specially for it, and I haven't
heard of such.

> 4.  Is there a mainframe build and compile component?

There is no build and compile component.  That is explicitly
expected to be supplied by the user.

> 5.  Can CVS do PC syntax checks of all of the different types of
> supported source code?

No.  It supports text, and has no internal idea whether it is
storing haikus or COBOL.

> 6.  Is there an automatic merging of source code when several
> developers (working in the same program) migrate their changes to
> various stages in the testing life cycle (i.e. unit, system
> and customer acceptance testing)?  If merging of these program
> changes can only be done manually, is there any limitations to the
> number of versions which can be merged together?
I'm not completely sure what you mean here.  Around here, we do
the unit testing in programmer local directories, and when that's
finished, put it into the source tree.  We developers then pass
it on to testing and the project engineers, and fix problems as
they find them.  New development is done on the head branch, which
is generally not shipped; every so often, we cut off what we've got
as a branch, and use it as a release.  After that, fixes are generally
done on the branch, and merged to head.

If you require a system to do all of this right out of the box, then
CVS isn't going to work for you.  Most or all of this can be done
with externally written programs (I use Perl), which can either be
distributed to developers to use instead of the raw cvs commands,
or can be invoked by certain "hooks" in CVS.  In that way, CVS
can probably be made to do everything you want, provided that you
have the necessary external programs (like a syntax checker and
something resembling "make") - and, of course, the proper interface
to Panvalet (which I haven't used in well over twenty years).

CVS is not a commercial mainframe product, and is never going to be.
(The license forbids making it into a commercial product, for one
thing.)  It is Unix-centric open source written in C.  Expect a
culture clash.  :-)

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (612)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: CVS File Locking

2000-02-16 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> [ On Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 09:51:44 (-0600), David Thornley wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: CVS File Locking
> >
> > There are files which cannot be merged.  Feel free to curse the
> > people who made some of them so recalcitrant, if you like.  However,
> > I know of no shop where developer work is considered so freely
> > disposable as to say "OK, Jack and Jill have conflicting changes to
> > the VB program.We're keeping Jill's changes.  Sorry,
> > Jack, good work, but we'll just have to tell the customer we're not
> > going to fulfil that requirement."
> Anyone who has ever spent any time working in a shop where serialised
> development is the soup du jour will know that incidents of accidental
> "concurrent" development happen all the time (through errors, usually
> human in nature) and when merging isn't possible (or isn't thought of),
> someone has to re-do their changes using the other's as a new baseline.
> Sometimes this happens without anyone but the second developer knowing
> that it happened.
Yes, it happens.  I've been in that position often enough.  That's
what CVS was designed to avoid.

> Such recreation of changes is a perfectly valid solution.  Nothing needs
> to be lost of given up.
I suddenly feel like I'm in an alien universe.  Certainly you're aware
that this is the standard solution in (say) a SCCS or RCS conflict
that's not caught in time.  If you think this is a perfectly valuable
solution, then why do you like CVS?  You can do concurrent development
with no tools at all, if you don't mind this sort of "merge".  I did
it for quite a few years.  I hated it when it went wrong.

> > > CVS was designed only with the copy-edit-merge paradigm in mind.
> >
> > Your first sentence is at least close to true, although it doesn't
> > seem to account for the first "to-do" item at the end of the paper.
> Ah, the first item has already been done, a long long ago in fact.  The
> resulting feature is called "cvs history".
So you think that "cvs history" is the ideal way of learning "who might
working on the same module that you are"?  That seems odd.  I don't
think "cvs history" is the ideal way of learning anything, the way
the output is formatted.

And, if you're working to a strict copy-edit-merge paradigm, what do
you care about what other developers are doing?  The only reason
you'd want to know is if you wanted to coordinate changes with them
- in other words, if you wanted to add some serialization to the

> > I'm saying that, to me, the paper reads like "Look at this neat new
> > development system we've devised!", and seems to be devoted to showing
> > that concurrent development works.
> You're right, it does.  However there's also a fairly obvious underlying
> agenda.
The obvious agenda is to push copy-edit-merge.  It seems that there is
no obvious agenda to prevent serialized development, since I and some
other people don't seem to find it in the paper.  It may have been
Berliner's intent, but it is not clearly manifest in the paper.

> >   After all, we still have trouble
> > convincing people that it works, and this is some years later.  It
> > looks to me like it is advancing a new method to deal with known
> > problems with the old, and I don't see anything doctrinaire in it.
> There will always be issues convincing people that concurrent
> development works (be it in copy-edit-merge systems, or in two-stage
> commit systems, or whatever).  It's not intuitive and unless we somehow
> manage to wipe out existance of all serialised version control tools
> there will always be people who have tunnel vision about them.
Right.  We are in complete agreement here.

Now, since there is always a fight to push copy-edit-merge, it makes
sense that Berliner was pushing for it.  He didn't have to advocate
serialized development, since there were, and are, enough people who
don't believe concurrent works.  He had to bring up its flaws, so that
he could push for an improved alternative.

In other words, he would have written the paper in much the same manner
if he had thought serialized development was bad, or if he had thought
it was merely unnecessary.  There is no way to tell which from the
paper itself.  It is not evidence for the claim that CVS was designed
to force copy-edit-merge.

Now, CVS was certainly designed to facilitate copy-edit-merge, and
initially had no support for serialization.  This is at best negative
evidence to show that it was designed to force copy-edit-m

Re: OK, Remove the locks then...

2000-02-16 Thread David Thornley

"Win32 M$" wrote:
> Hi All,
> OK, what if we remove the locks completely? Any objections? If I am the only
> one who thinks that feature should be under control, I will step out and
> give a way to an option of completely removing the locks. I will do it

If you mean remove "cvs admin -l", sure.  I would be perfectly happy
to see that one gone.  If you mean to remove "cvs edit" and "cvs
watch", I object.  That's useful.

(Am I the only person here who thinks that (a) CVS should support
locks when necessary, and (b) it does already, for all practical
- if not all ideological - purposes?)
David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (612)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: CVS File Locking

2000-02-16 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> [ On Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 14:33:51 (-0600), David Thornley wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: CVS File Locking
> >
> > So, please tell me where in Berliner's paper it says what you claim
> > it says.  You can use either the page numbers or the internal
> > subdivisions.  Alternatively, you could retract your claim.
> Please refer to my previous reply to JMM under this thread.
Yes, and it looks thin.  IIRC, it was the second paragraph of the
paper proper, the part that mentions the problems with locking,
serialized, development.  There are problems with serialized
development.  I think we can all agree on that, particularly if
we've used it in the past. I take this as meaning that another,
more parallel, method would be desirable, if it works, and the
rest of the paper is devoted to showing that CVS works.  I think
we can all agree that concurrent development is good, when it
works (or we wouldn't be here).

> Well, OK, that's not exactly what I meant to imply.  Indeed CVS works OK
> with non-mergable files.  The issue is only with how one resolves
> conflicts.  If it is always OK to make a binary choice between two
> changes then yes, CVS works just fine with non-mergable files.
Which is sufficiently close to false to not be worth dealing with.

There are files which cannot be merged.  Feel free to curse the
people who made some of them so recalcitrant, if you like.  However,
I know of no shop where developer work is considered so freely
disposable as to say "OK, Jack and Jill have conflicting changes to
the VB program.We're keeping Jill's changes.  Sorry,
Jack, good work, but we'll just have to tell the customer we're not
going to fulfil that requirement."

> > > >  These have
> > > > to have some form of lock.  (From experience, I think "cvs watch on/
> > > > cvs edit" is adequate locking, and hard locks would be no better
> > >
> > > No, they do not.  For those very few files for which a merging algorithm
> > > cannot be developed "cvs edit" and friends are far *MORE* than
> > > sufficient for *ALL* purposes CVS should ever be put to use for.  Even
> > > they are over-kill in my opinion.
> > >
> > "cvs edit" and friends are, in my opinion, sufficient.
> Sorry, but I got carried away over-reacting to the opening sentence in
> your paragraph.  As you can see from my reply I mostly agree with you
> (but strongly disagree with those who think serialised development is
> the only answer to the problem).
I'm going to take issue with the final "the" in your paragraph.  I don't
see that there is one single problem.  It may well be that all the
controlled files at your shop can be merged.  Right now, it's true of
mine.  I don't know how many people here know about "cvs edit" and
"cvs watch".  I haven't told anybody.

However, I'm not willing to say that that will be true forever.  Things
change, and it's possible that we'll need to put nonmergeable files
into the repository in the near future.  We need to have a mechanism
to manage those in CVS, or we'll have to move off CVS, which would
be a great shame.  We agree that the concurrent model is better,
when it works.

> CVS was designed only with the copy-edit-merge paradigm in mind.
> Clearly it doesn't force programmers to always make simultaneous changes
> to the same files and I certainly didn't mean to imply that it does.
> Indeed good project management outside of CVS is often focused on how to
> reduce conflicts and the need for merges and there's nothing wrong with
> this.
Your first sentence is at least close to true, although it doesn't
seem to account for the first "to-do" item at the end of the paper.
Nor am I trying to say that CVS should substitute for management,
since no revision control system can.

I'm saying that, to me, the paper reads like "Look at this neat new
development system we've devised!", and seems to be devoted to showing
that concurrent development works.  After all, we still have trouble
convincing people that it works, and this is some years later.  It
looks to me like it is advancing a new method to deal with known
problems with the old, and I don't see anything doctrinaire in it.

> All I'm saying is that CVS forces developers to work within the
> copy-edit-merge paradigm -- there is no option to use hard locks and
> Berliner justified this by showing that there has been not real need for
> locks in their experience (and we can now amplify his conclusion though
> the ongoing half-dozen years of experience a wide variety of people have
> had w

Re: CVS File Locking

2000-02-15 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> [ On Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 09:56:42 (-0600), David Thornley wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: CVS File Locking
> >
> > I don't believe it is designed to do that.  It's freely available
> > open-source software, and I've never met anybody in the community
> > that wanted to force somebody to do development in one specific
> > way before.  You may want it to do that, but that's a different
> > statement.
> The fact that CVS was indeed designed to force concurrent development
> been discussed in detail on this list and is clearly evident both in the
> original CVS-I scripts and documentation, as well as in Brian Berliner's
> paper.  You can believe what you will, but those are the facts.
Berliner's paper will be a good source; I have it very conveniently
to hand.  I just skimmed through it again, and didn't find any such
statement.  It seems to have been intended to show that concurrent
development works.

So, please tell me where in Berliner's paper it says what you claim
it says.  You can use either the page numbers or the internal
subdivisions.  Alternatively, you could retract your claim.

> > Besides, there are things that cannot be developed concurrently,
> > since they are unmergeable, for good reasons or bad.
> CVS is not designed to work with un-mergable files.  Period.
I found no mention of such files in the Berliner paper, either
positive or negative.  I will point out that CVS can at least
version binary files, which are not mergeable.  It may not have
been designed to work with them, but it seems to not have been
designed not to work with them.

> If you want to add more merging support to CVS (i.e. to diff3) for
> different types of files then that's an entirely different story than
> advocating locks.  The former is entirely within the design goals of
> CVS but the latter is entirely without.
Additional sorts of merges would be good.  It's require additional
code, of course, but it'd be worth it.  Handling non-mergeable
files does not seem to me to be entirely foreign to "a freely
available tool to manage software revision and release control
in a multi-developer, multi-directory, multi-group environment"
(from the abstract of Berliner's paper).  

> >  These have
> > to have some form of lock.  (From experience, I think "cvs watch on/
> > cvs edit" is adequate locking, and hard locks would be no better
> > in practice.  Others have different opinions.)  I assume it is your
> > position that CVS should not be used in such cases.
> No, they do not.  For those very few files for which a merging algorithm
> cannot be developed "cvs edit" and friends are far *MORE* than
> sufficient for *ALL* purposes CVS should ever be put to use for.  Even
> they are over-kill in my opinion.
"cvs edit" and friends are, in my opinion, sufficient.  Some people
I think reasonable disagree, for reasons that I do not see the same
way they do.  They allow CVS to be used in an environment with
both mergeable and non-mergeable files.  Given the quote from the
abstract above, it looks to me like Berliner was talking about
a very general solution.

Further, "cvs edit" and "cvs watch" are a fairly straightforward
implementation of the first item in Berliner's "4.  Future Enhancements
and Current Bugs", where he complains that it is not possible to know
who else is working on a file.

> (and before Paul Sander jumps up and down in a flurry again: CVS cannot
> be "CVS" if it supports hard locks.  Period.  This is not something that
> can be discussed logically.  Either CVS forces the copy-edit-merge
> paradigm or it is not CVS.)
Perhaps you could show me where somebody else says that. The Berliner
paper seems to me to be about how concurrent development is possible,
with some mention in the second paragraph about how locking systems
like RCS and SCCS don't scale well.  CVS seems to be about permitting
copy-edit-merge in a freely available tool.  I don't see anywhere
where it is about forcing programmers to simultaneously working on
the same file.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (612)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: CVS File Locking

2000-02-15 Thread David Thornley

Tobias Weingartner wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 15, David Thornley wrote:
> >
> > Besides, there are things that cannot be developed concurrently,
> > since they are unmergeable, for good reasons or bad.  These have
> > to have some form of lock.
> No, they do not *require* some form of lock.  Using some form of
> lock is one way of dealing with these files.  Simple selection to
> resolve the conflict is another.
I have been imprecise.

There are files that are non-mergeable for various reasons, that still
are changed frequently in the course of development.  If two people
have changes to make on a file that is not mergeable, then it is
probably not acceptable development practice to have them both
make changes and have a decision procedure to see whose changes
get blown away.

Under these circumstances, it is usually a good idea to have one
person actually modifying the file, and all others perhaps making
notes on the changes they will make.  If they go further and
modify the file, somebody's work is going right into the bit bucket.

The person modifying the file may be referred to as having some sort
of lock on it.  It doesn't have to be a hard lock.  In my experience,
writing a "see me" on the listing in the master listing repository
works (although very few shops have master listing libraries and
racks of punch card decks any more), even in a shop with loose
procedures.  IMNSHO, this can be achieved with CVS as it currently
exists, with "cvs watch on" and "cvs edit".  You can speak of
an editor as having a lock on a file.  It isn't an exclusive lock,
and people may want to create such.  It doesn't actually prevent
commits, and people may want to change that.  However, I think
this can be considered as "locking".

It seems likely, to me, that more and more shops will have a mix of
mergeable and non-mergeable files, and that they will become more
and more intermixed.  This will obviously change.  Some types of
files will acquire merging algorithms, and some morons will create
new file types that gratuitously resist merging, and other people
will create file types where it's genuinely difficult to merge them
in a meaningful way.

If CVS is to continue to be useful, it needs to handle both mergeable
and non-mergeable files well.  (It wouldn't hurt to allow the use
of different merging algorithms by file type, defined somehow,

But what it comes down to is that there are cases where concurrent
development just doesn't work, and changes simply have to be made
serially.  Making serial changes in any efficient manner implies, to
me, that a maximum of one person or team is changing a file at one
time, and that other people and teams will have to wait to make
their changes, or find that they have to redo them later.  In that
case, the person or team making the change can be said to have the
lock, in whatever form the lock is.  That is why I say these sorts
of files require some form of lock.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (612)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

Re: CVS File Locking

2000-02-15 Thread David Thornley

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> Yup.  And the reason is that it would be absolutely against the design
> goals of CVS to build a hybrid environment.  CVS is designed to *FORCE*
> concurrent development.  If you don't like it then don't use it (and
> don't post stupid arguments about it either).
I don't believe it is designed to do that.  It's freely available
open-source software, and I've never met anybody in the community
that wanted to force somebody to do development in one specific
way before.  You may want it to do that, but that's a different

Besides, there are things that cannot be developed concurrently,
since they are unmergeable, for good reasons or bad.  These have
to have some form of lock.  (From experience, I think "cvs watch on/
cvs edit" is adequate locking, and hard locks would be no better
in practice.  Others have different opinions.)  I assume it is your
position that CVS should not be used in such cases.

If you want to force people to do things your way, please fork off
your version into something like FCVS:  Fascistly Concurrent Versioning
System.  Remove "cvs watch" and "cvs edit" and "cvs admin -l", since
they're just extra code.  Then try and force people to use it, if
that's what drives you.

David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (612)-694-2556
at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or