imtest - unsuccessful

2001-05-08 Thread Gunjan Kakani

HI all,

I've been trying to configure on a Mandrake 7.2
machine running postfix as MTA.

SASL amd and Cyrus compiled well with standard
configure options. (The same which I tried before

But when tried to test the installation using "imtest
-m login -p imap localhost" as cyrus user there was no
response from the server. It stops with line

C01: Compaitible(regular line)

I have copied the normal.conf as my /etc/cyrus.conf
and running cyrus by running the "master" command from
the cyrus bin!

Any way to solve this??



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Re: signalled to death by 11?

2001-05-08 Thread Ilya

ive seen so many reports about death by 11, if this error is removed from
code, it should fix all this problems. ;)

Postfix cyrus pam_ldap authentification

2001-05-08 Thread Philippe Izoret

Hi .

i'v installed postfix-cyrus-openldap on a Debian Potato for the gestion
of several domains .

my first conf , was Ok with on domain , witch i can put an receive a
mail .

now , i try to work with several domain .

- The ldap declaration in my postfix conf :

mydestination =,,ldap:ldapdomain
ldapdomain_server_host = zarma
ldapdomain_server_port = 389
ldapdomain_bind_dn = o=hosting
ldapdomain_search_base = o=hosting
ldapdomain_query_filter = (&(objectclass=dnsdomain)(domain=%s))
ldapdomain_result_attribute = domain

local_recipient_maps = ldap:ldapsource
#alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases, ldap:ldapsource
alias_maps =  ldap:ldapsource
ldapsource_server_host = zarma
ldapsource_timeout = 10
ldapsource_server_port = 389
ldapsource_search_base = o=hosting
ldapsource_query_filter = (&(uid=%s)(!(mail="*|*")))
#ldapsource_result_attribute = mail
ldapsource_result_attribute = maildrop

- A detail of an output of my ldap database for the user phil .:

dn: cn=phil,,o=hosting
cn: phil
sn: phil
userPassword:: cGhpbA==
uid: phil
mailacceptinggeneralid: phil
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: uidObject

So , i can send a mail  to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , his mailbos
user.phil_filou_my reseive
the mail ,

output of my postfix log :

to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=cyrus, delay=2, status=sent

but i can't get the mail , the connection failed ..

When i'm  log to imap whith user phil , it said that user does not exist

When i log whith user phil_filou_my
output of my postfix log :

badlogin: zarma[] plaintext phil_filou_my PAM Auth Error:
User not known to the underlying authentication module

ps : my pam_ldap.conf :

host zarma

base o=hosting

ldap_version 2

# Filter to AND with uid=%s
#pam_filter objectclass=domain

# The user ID attribute (defaults to uid)
pam_login_attribute uid
#pam_login_attribute cn

Someaone can help me Please ???


Philippe Izoret .

Migration from foriegn IMAP mailboxes

2001-05-08 Thread CYRUS LIST

Has anyone done a script to migrate folder and mail data from a foreign IMAP

Basically, I need to automate the procedure of a client logging into both
old and new IMAP servers, and for each folder, create the folder, and for
each message, copy the message, recursively through the entire account.
Auth information would be known for both sides, but may not be the same.

Kind regards,  Stuart.

Migration from foriegn IMAP mailboxes

2001-05-08 Thread CYRUS LIST

Has anyone done a script to migrate folder and mail data from a foreign IMAP

Basically, I need to automate the procedure of a client logging into both
old and new IMAP servers, and for each folder, create the folder, and for
each message, copy the message, recursively through the entire account.
Auth information would be known for both sides, but may not be the same.

Kind regards,  Stuart.

Re: migration of mbox-format mailboxes & backup

2001-05-08 Thread richard offer

* $ from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at "8-May: 6:54pm" | sed "1,$s/^/* /"
* Can anybody help me to migrate "old" mbox-style mailboxes into
* Cyrus-IMAP ? It would be nice if I could keep things like "seen flags".

Get the imap-utils from The program mbxcvt does exactly what you
want...I hacked my copy to allow for copying to an existing mailbox---the
default is that it wont...


Richard Offer Technical Lead, Trust Technology.
"Specialization is for insects"

Re: signalled to death by 11?

2001-05-08 Thread Seva Adari

"master" process is the daemon here and it spawns an "imapd" process
to service an imap request. It is the "imapd" process that is of
interest to you.

I believe that by default cyrus compilation includes "-g" flag to
enable us to carry out debugging or to read the core dumps, if not
you should be able to pass that to "configure" via "CPPFLAGS" option.

"Reynald I. Ngo" wrote:
> Hi,
>  Do you think its with the libraries that's being called by the daemons? How do 
>i link gdb to my Cyrus IMAP during compile time? Do i edit the Makefile? TYI! {=)
> >> SA> You may want to do an "ldd imapd", to check the libraries that
> >> SA> the compiled version of your programs are picking, if they
> >> SA> are not the same as the one that you built them with, then most
> >> SA> likely, that is your problem. If the shared libraries look ok
> >> SA> then you would have to deal with the logs and see if they have
> >> SA> anything to offer and if they don't reveal anything, then you
> >> SA> will probably have to deal with core itself by going into "gdb"
> >> SA> and looking at the trace and see where it bombed!
> Get 250 color business cards for FREE!

Re: core dump - but email is delivered

2001-05-08 Thread Werner Reisberger

Don't like to reply to my own email but maybe someone is interested in 
my findings. As other subscribers with similar problems I got no help 
from the list but I found a solution for myself although I don't know
if this solution is permanent.

The procmail recipe below caused deliver to segfault.

>   :0 w
>   ($DELIVERMAIL is "/usr/local/bin/deliver -r $SENDER")

I removed the -r flag (BTW: I couldn't find out what's the difference
between the -r and the -f flag) and removed in the postfix master config
file the R flag (which adds a Return-Path: field). The above recipe is now

   :0 w
   | /usr/local/bin/deliver $LOGNAME

I saw no more core dumps since yesterday. I can use the -a flag but a
segfault occurs if two recipes are calling deliver with the -a flag
simultanously as it happens when the first recipe has the c flag and 
creates a copy of the message. Example:

   :0 c
   | $DELIVERMAIL -a $LOGNAME -m user.$LOGNAME.subfolder


Removing the -a and -m flags from the second recipe fixes the problem.


Re: Reconstruct Databases.... how??

2001-05-08 Thread Anton Roeckseisen


Don't waste time thinking about problems I already have solved :-))

> 1. reconstruct -m doesen't work - correct???
>bash-2.01$ /home/Projekt/Mailsystem/bin/cyrus/bin/reconstruct -m
>reconstructing mailboxes.db currently not supported

Now I know this is a minor issue.

> 2. reconstruct -r gives I/O-Error
> ===
> bash-2.01$ /home/Projekt/Mailsystem/bin/cyrus/bin/reconstruct -r user
> user: Mailbox does not exist 
> user.ab1215
> user.ab1215.iteam
> user.ab1215.privat
> user.admin
> user.anton
> user.anton.robo
> user.ar100
> user.jb1350
> user.jb1350.Amazon
> user.jb1350.Private Mails
> user.jb1350.Private Mails.Abrechnung I-Team
> eV.bitz-Technik.Fortuna: System I/O error No such file or 
> directory
> ===
> And yes there are spaces in folder names! 
> eV.bitz-Technik.Fortuna doesn't exist in the Filesystem. Probably it did exist 
> in the past but was renamed.

I didn't manage to get rid of this error with "reconstruct" Creating the dir 
and running reconstruct got everything fine.

> 3. deliver terminates with signal 9 - but this worked before I recompiled 
> everything... I think it might be the db-library it worked with a static 
> one... now its shared so I might get it to work again.
>   bash-2.01$ /usr/lib/sendmail -v -q
>   Running /var/spool/mqueue/f489TO128101 (sequence 1 of 1)
>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Connecting to cyrus...
>   mailer cyrus died with signal 9
>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Deferred: cyrus mailer
>   (/home/Projekt/Mailsystem/bin/cyrus/bin/deliver) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL

After configuring to use lmtp-socket everything is fine.


migration of mbox-format mailboxes & backup

2001-05-08 Thread Jens Wiesecke

Can anybody help me to migrate "old" mbox-style mailboxes into
Cyrus-IMAP ? It would be nice if I could keep things like "seen flags".

Many thanks in advance
Jens Wiesecke
Institut für Makromolekulare Chemie
AK Prof. Dr. Rehahn

Petersenstr. 22
64287 Darmstadt


sieve vacation

2001-05-08 Thread Nick Ustinov

Is it normal that sieve is not setting return-path? the from: field is
correct, however reply-to is "<>" instead of

Nick Ustinov


Reconstruct Databases.... how??

2001-05-08 Thread Anton Roeckseisen


Some days ago I posted a question about mailsystem being blocked by 
"something". Right now I know for sure it is a database-lock. I tried to 
recompile everything with up-to-date sources from cvs and give 
stack-backtraces from blocked processes, but now I experience 3 other 
problems the first the more important to me :-(((

my system: cyrus cvs-sources, cyrus-sasl-1.5.24, db-3.1.17, solaris 2.7 - gcc

!! can someone tell that this system works on his site? Or same config bur 
other db-version?

1. reconstruct -m doesen't work - correct???

   bash-2.01$ /home/Projekt/Mailsystem/bin/cyrus/bin/reconstruct -m
   reconstructing mailboxes.db currently not supported

2. reconstruct -r gives I/O-Error

bash-2.01$ /home/Projekt/Mailsystem/bin/cyrus/bin/reconstruct -r user
user: Mailbox does not exist 
user.jb1350.Private Mails
user.jb1350.Private Mails.Abrechnung I-Team eV.bitz-Technik.Fortuna: System I/O error No such file or 
And yes there are spaces in folder names! 
eV.bitz-Technik.Fortuna doesn't exist in the Filesystem. Probably it did exist 
in the past but was renamed.

* HOW can I fix this if reconstruct -m doesn't work?? *

3. deliver terminates with signal 9 - but this worked before I recompiled 
everything... I think it might be the db-library it worked with a static 
one... now its shared so I might get it to work again.

  bash-2.01$ /usr/lib/sendmail -v -q

  Running /var/spool/mqueue/f489TO128101 (sequence 1 of 1)
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Connecting to cyrus...
  mailer cyrus died with signal 9
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Deferred: cyrus mailer
  (/home/Projekt/Mailsystem/bin/cyrus/bin/deliver) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL


Re: signalled to death by 11?

2001-05-08 Thread Reynald I. Ngo


 Do you think its with the libraries that's being called by the daemons? How do i 
link gdb to my Cyrus IMAP during compile time? Do i edit the Makefile? TYI! {=)

>> SA> You may want to do an "ldd imapd", to check the libraries that
>> SA> the compiled version of your programs are picking, if they
>> SA> are not the same as the one that you built them with, then most
>> SA> likely, that is your problem. If the shared libraries look ok
>> SA> then you would have to deal with the logs and see if they have
>> SA> anything to offer and if they don't reveal anything, then you
>> SA> will probably have to deal with core itself by going into "gdb"
>> SA> and looking at the trace and see where it bombed!

Get 250 color business cards for FREE!

Creating Folders with IMAP

2001-05-08 Thread Alessandro Avidano

i've installed Cyrus imapd server, but I'm not able to create folders on
my imap account.
There is some configuration to do this? Some directives to add in the
conf files?



Blank messages after move/copy

2001-05-08 Thread Josh Christie

I'm running cyrus imap 2.0.9 on Redhat 7.1 and many messages are being
lost during big move or copy operations.  For instance, I moved a folder
with over 2000 messages in it to a higher spot in my folder hierarchy
and now maybe 20% of the messages are blank.  I have tried copying,
moving, and using Outlook 2002 and Mulberry, but no combinbation seems
to remedy this problem.

The header info seems to be intact when viewing in Mulberry, but the
messages are blank.  Outlook 2002 doesn't display anything but the date
and the message size for these blanked messages.

Seems that somehow the messages are getting corrupted in blocks of 20 or
so messages during the copy/move procedure.

This system is an old P120 with 40 megs of memory, but it has plenty of
swap, so it doesn't seem like memory would be a problem.

Any ideas?

Josh Christie