Re: formail creates deliver-unreadable format

2001-12-03 Thread Emiliano

GOMBAS Gabor wrote:

> > (In case you wonder, MH utilities sometimes stick ">From " in the
> > middle of the headers.)
> Then they are broken and should be fixed. But do not try fixing something
> that is _not_ broken.

To some extent, why not? This is the real world we live in, and the real
world says way too many people use Outlook. Supporting them would be a
plus, and given the fact that MS is not going to fix this... you know,
be tolerant in what you accept, strict in what you send out kinda thing.


Re: Cyrus, Exim & Debian

2001-11-28 Thread Emiliano

Birger Toedtmann wrote:

> * I first tried to install cyrus-imapd with apt-get - installed cyrus-imapd +
> * cyrus-common and felt like working : WRONG!
> * Cannot find imap.conf..
> *
> * Well then I went to cyrus homepages and dl'd cyrus-sasl-1.5.27.tar.gz &
> * cyrus-imapd-2.0.16.tar.gz
> Why that if only the imapd.conf is missing?  /etc/cyrus.conf and
> /etc/imapd.conf are well documented by their respective man pages,
> did the debian packagers opt them out?

I'm running Testing, but with my Cyrus install I also got the manpages,
and a reasonable /etc/imapd.conf.

ii  cyrus-admin1.5.19-9   CMU Cyrus mail system (administration tool)
ii  cyrus-common   1.5.19-9   CMU Cyrus mail system (common files)
ii  cyrus-dev  1.5.19-9   CMU Cyrus mail system (developer files)
ii  cyrus-imapd1.5.19-9   CMU Cyrus mail system (IMAP support)


Re: What File Types does Cyrus use?

2001-11-23 Thread Emiliano

Jan Grant wrote:

> > * $ file /usr/bin/cyradm
> > * /usr/bin/cyradm: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, SPARC, version 1 (SYSV),
> > * dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
> > [...]
> >
> > Mmmh, then there is no help on that side, indeed.  Well, I don't know whether
> > there is any Perl stuff included in 1.5.x
> Unless I'm smoking something really strong, the 1.5.x cyradm was a
> tcl-enabled thing.

That was my understanding too.. my guess would be that cyradm is the tcl
shell with the cyrus extensions linked in statically.


Re: What File Types does Cyrus use?

2001-11-23 Thread Emiliano

Birger Toedtmann wrote:

> * > * Not on Debian, appearantly. It's a compiled executable here.
> * >
> * > Uh?  Are you really sure?
> *
> * $ file /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver
> * /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver: setuid setgid ELF 32-bit MSB executable, SPARC,
> * version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
> That is the deliver program.  What I referred to was the administration
> utility "cyradm".  Is there no "cyradm" in 1.5.x?  That's a pity...

Sorry, it's just 9:50 here and the coffee machine is broken. Here's what
I meant:

$ file /usr/bin/cyradm
/usr/bin/cyradm: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, SPARC, version 1 (SYSV),
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped


Re: What File Types does Cyrus use?

2001-11-23 Thread Emiliano

Birger Toedtmann wrote:

> * Not on Debian, appearantly. It's a compiled executable here.
> Uh?  Are you really sure?

$ file /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver
/usr/sbin/cyrdeliver: setuid setgid ELF 32-bit MSB executable, SPARC,
version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped

> Which version of cyrus do you use?



Re: What File Types does Cyrus use?

2001-11-22 Thread Emiliano

Birger Toedtmann wrote:

> * I didn't know about Cyrus::IMAP::Admin. I'll look into it, but how would
> * it gain access to the server without logging in? Or does it login (using
> * IMAP?) with the admin account?
> Yes, it does exactly the latter one.  Don't you use "cyradm"?  It is just
> a perl script utilising Cyrus::IMAP::Admin which comes with all cyrus distri-
> butions.

Not on Debian, appearantly. It's a compiled executable here.


Re: What File Types does Cyrus use?

2001-11-22 Thread Emiliano

Birger Toedtmann wrote:

> * priviliged user (like the way cyrdeliver works) without needing each
> * users' password.
> [...]
> Who needs that?  You have the admin account which can do almost anything.
> We administrate a very large userbase (>100k users, increasing) via this
> admin account and IMAP4 utilising the very power of perl and supplied
> modules
>   Cyurs::IMAP::Admin, Mail::IMAPClient.
> All administrative run as batch jobs and do not require any human inter-
> ference unless no errors are reported.  I won't say it is fast but you

I didn't know about Cyrus::IMAP::Admin. I'll look into it, but how would
it gain access to the server without logging in? Or does it login (using
IMAP?) with the admin account?


Re: What File Types does Cyrus use?

2001-11-21 Thread Emiliano

Devdas Bhagat wrote:

> Hmmm, cyrus is supposed to be a black box solution. This means that
> access should only be through the IMAP/POP/KPOP interface and not
> directly over the filesystem.
> What cyrus does internally should not be the concern of the
> administrator/user.
> This is good from both the developer and administrator point of view,
> and prevents hardcoded solutions from being put in place.
> Even if the internal format changes for some reason, it should not
> affect your application, and the IMAP interface provides a standard API.
> I don't think I need to specify why using a standard published API is
> good.

Agreed, but in this line of reasoning I'd love to see an API that
doesn't require logging is (as you'd have to through IMAP/POP/KPOP). For
migration, or ACL reporting, or whatever else you'd want to do as a
priviliged user (like the way cyrdeliver works) without needing each
users' password.


Re: [POLL] Cyrus v2.1 and SASL v2

2001-11-19 Thread Emiliano

Ken Murchison wrote:

> The biggest (only?) downside for existing installations is that any
> secrets stored in sasldb would have to migrated to the new format.  This
> will require resetting all of the users passwords because they can not
> be extracted from the old sasldb (unless you have been using my APOP
> patch).  As stated above, this will eventually have to be done, so why
> not now?

BTW, in a previous, similar situation (not with cyrus) I patched the
auth handler to still verify against the old database, but record the
credentials in the new format in the new database each time at
successfull login. It doesn't mitigate the entire problem, but if you
have this running for a month or so, pretty much anyone should
automatically have their password migrated. Requires cleartext
passwords, even though the delivery channel can be ssl-encrypted, of course.


Re: [POLL] Cyrus v2.1 and SASL v2

2001-11-19 Thread Emiliano

Ken Murchison wrote:

> The biggest (only?) downside for existing installations is that any
> secrets stored in sasldb would have to migrated to the new format.  This
> will require resetting all of the users passwords because they can not
> be extracted from the old sasldb (unless you have been using my APOP
> patch).  As stated above, this will eventually have to be done, so why
> not now?
> We would like to get as much feedback (pro and con) on this as possible
> before we make a final decision.

Since I have only 3 users to migrate I can live with the pain :)


Re: Restoring backup

2001-11-19 Thread Emiliano

Francesc Guasch Ortiz wrote:

> > Have you checked to make sure the file permissions were restored correctly?
> Yes, that was the very first I did after restoring.
> It was okay. I tested delivering to the mailbox and
> it worked. But I can't read any message. Even the
> ones delivered after the restore.

Looks like your ACLs have vanished. But I don't know where they're
stored; I just saw the same kind of effects when I accidently removed
all my acls by a script.


Re: Packaging 2.1.0pre for Debian

2001-11-17 Thread Emiliano

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

> While packaging it, I fixed a small number of minor problems with the code.
> Mostly, missing header files and whatnot. The patches will be sent to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] soon (anyone interested can just get the Debian
> diff and look it through for the patches).   Actually, it looks like some of
> them were already fixed in CVS since 2001-11-13 when I last exported the
> source.

I'm using Debian woody (testing). I suppose these packages would first
show up in Sid? Would these be sieve-enabled? Anything I need to fear at


RE: moving cyrus to another server

2001-11-15 Thread Emiliano

Kiarna Boyd wrote:

> I have to replace my mail server over the next few weeks. Are you thinking
> about imapxfer because the new server is controlled by your new ISP?
> I am curious because I was going to use a glorified tar command to
> copy/move my mailboxes

I used imapxfer because I was moving from Courier to Cyrus. I used
cyrdeliver for one of the users, though, because some messages were
damaged and imapxfer would just abort when it encountered them.


Re: moving cyrus to another server

2001-11-14 Thread Emiliano

Hiya Vincent,

> Next week I will be moving to another ISP. Is there
> a way to migrate my cyrus imap mailboxes to the new
> server in a painless manner?

I've had some success with imapxfer (the not-so-success part was
probably a conflict between courier and cyrus -- don't get ne started on
courier). I have a version here that doesn't require you to login three
times per folder (bah), it's yours if you want it. Needs c-client and
dotconf to compile.


Re: copying whole folder trees from one server to another

2001-11-14 Thread Emiliano

Jen Wu wrote:

> I just tried IMAPCopy trying to solve the same problem you have. It copied
> sub-folders for me okay ... the only problem I had is that it copied
> everything into the Inbox folder instead of at the top level, but at least
> all the folders and messages were copied (including subfolders of
> subfolders).
> Are we using the same IMAPCopy? The one I'm using is at:

You need to set 'p' (post) access for the entity delivering the mail. I
couldn't figure out what that 'entity' was, so I just temporarily
allowed post for 'anyone'.


Re: imapmigrate and wrong 'received' dates in outlook

2001-11-14 Thread Emiliano

Scot W. Hetzel wrote:

> The way cyrus works is that it shows the Date the message was delivered to
> the mail spool by reading the date from the file system for its received
> date to show to the IMAP mail clients.  Cyrus doesn't parse the first
> Received header to get the received date.

Weird... I used cyrdeliver to migrate my maildirs to cyrus and all dates
looked OK. Hmm. Maybe the mailclient I use does the sorting here, making
my mailboxes look OK after the migration.


Re: Storing sent-messages on Cyrus IMAP

2001-11-14 Thread Emiliano

Tarjei Huse wrote:

> This will be changed in the upcomming 2.1 release (when is it sceduled for
> release?).
> When you set the INBOX part in you client, then youshould get things like
> this:
> - inbox
> - sent
> - trash
> - etc
> instead of:
> - inbox
>  \
>   - trash
>   - sent
>   - etc
> What are you seeing?

The latter. UW-imap showed the first.


Re: Storing sent-messages on Cyrus IMAP

2001-11-14 Thread Emiliano

Tarjei Huse wrote:

> Hi Emile, nice seeing you on another list :)

Hi there. I'm strictly here to ask questions though :) OTOH, that's how
I got started on Midgard...

> There's a cyrus faq here:


> It used to have a section on clients, I do not know what it has at the
> moment. Somehow faq-o-matic crashed and wups I loost the 15 last answers I
> put there.  ;(

Not there, but the pages answer a couple of questions I had...
migration. I used a variation of mboxtocyrus to migrate Mialdirs to

> The trick is to confibure your imapclient to use the namespace INBOX. After
> you have done that, you go to preferences->mail and there should be a
> setting for storing sent, trash and templates in your imap box. It it
> doesn't work (I've had problems with this in moz), set the folder manually
> in the same pref window.

I can't set the folder manually in Mozilla, you get a drop down list,
but that worked. Setting it manually in NM works, thanks. Having the
INBOX as a prefix to everything takes a bit of getting used to (moved
from UW-IMAP to Courier to Cyrus). UW-imap allows folders on the same
'level' as the inbox, at least visually. But it's a minor issue, and one
well worth getting used to given the benefits of Cyrus.


Re: iCal server?

2001-11-14 Thread Emiliano

Tarjei Huse wrote:

> Things are happening on the Calandering front. I do not have the full
> picture, but there are discussions on using imap servers as the server
> backend for the calandering functions in Mozilla and other OS Cal clients.
> Does anyone know how much cyrus-imapd needs to be modified to support more
> than just storing of iCal items? How hard would it be implementing an ical
> server backend into cyrus that could handle free-busy info, private/public
> info +++?
> It would be great if Cyrus could support such functionality.

Well, well. That's an interesting concept. Any particular reason to
chose an IMAP server over, say LDAP?

And what about scheduling? In order to do scheduling you'd have to be
able to interrogate or search across mailboxes.


Storing sent-messages on Cyrus IMAP

2001-11-13 Thread Emiliano

Hello all,

When I try to store the Sent folder for Netscape or Mozialla on my Cyrus IMAP server I 
get a
complaint about invalid headers, and it won't store the message. Known
problem? Workarounds?
