Cyrus sieve vacation database

2007-04-02 Thread Jerome Nenert


With the "days" parameter on a vacation sieve script, the reply message 
will not be resent each time a sender send a message.

Where is the database that stores the sender list ?

Thanks for your help


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Re: single instance store and replication

2007-03-06 Thread Jerome Nenert

I'm using Cyrus replication. After several tests, it seems that the 
single instance store facility is not replicated. I mean, the same 
message sent to several recipient is stored once on the master, but 
stored several times on the slave. Is there a special thing to do to 
activate single instance store replication or it just doesn't exist yet?

Message UUIDs are used to replicate the single instance store (see 
docs/text/install-replication). This won't have much effect when you first 
replicate a mailstore as sync_server in 2.3 only tracks the last few 
thousand messages that have been uploaded. It becomes much more effective 
when a replica has been seeded and you switch to "rolling" replication.

Do i have to put the provide_uuid in imap & lmtp services both in master
and replica cyrus.conf or only in the master cyrus.conf ? Does the
sync_machineid has to be set in the imapd.conf of the replica ?

When you set up a replica for the first time with a master already in
service, do u have to first manually synchronize the mailboxes and only
after set the rolling replication ? Is there a way to reinitialize
"rolling" replication on the master ?

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Re: Info-cyrus Digest, Vol 20, Issue 1

2007-03-02 Thread Jerome Nenert

I'm using Cyrus replication. After several tests, it seems that the 
single instance store facility is not replicated. I mean, the same 
message sent to several recipient is stored once on the master, but 
stored several times on the slave. Is there a special thing to do to 
activate single instance store replication or it just doesn't exist yet?

Message UUIDs are used to replicate the single instance store (see 
docs/text/install-replication). This won't have much effect when you first 
replicate a mailstore as sync_server in 2.3 only tracks the last few 
thousand messages that have been uploaded. It becomes much more effective 
when a replica has been seeded and you switch to "rolling" replication.

After turning on "rolling" replication, 2 different hardlinks for the 
same message has been created in /bulk/imap/spool/sync./ on the replica 
( one per recipient ) but not the same hardlink for the same message in 
the spool.

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Re: single instance store and replication

2007-03-02 Thread Jerome Nenert

I'm using Cyrus replication. After several tests, it seems that the 
single instance store facility is not replicated. I mean, the same 
message sent to several recipient is stored once on the master, but 
stored several times on the slave. Is there a special thing to do to 
activate single instance store replication or it just doesn't exist yet?

Message UUIDs are used to replicate the single instance store (see 
docs/text/install-replication). This won't have much effect when you first 
replicate a mailstore as sync_server in 2.3 only tracks the last few 
thousand messages that have been uploaded. It becomes much more effective 
when a replica has been seeded and you switch to "rolling" replication.

Do i have to put the provide_uuid in imap & lmtp services both in master 
and replica cyrus.conf or only in the master cyrus.conf ? Does the 
sync_machineid has to be set in the imapd.conf of the replica ?

When you set up a replica for the first time with a master already in 
service, do u have to first manually synchronize the mailboxes and only 
after set the rolling replication ? Is there a way to reinitialize 
"rolling" replication on the master ?

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single instance store and replication

2007-03-01 Thread Jerome Nenert


I'm using Cyrus replication. After several tests, it seems that the 
single instance store facility is not replicated. I mean, the same 
message sent to several recipient is stored once on the master, but 
stored several times on the slave.
Is there a special thing to do to activate single instance store 
replication or it just doesn't exist yet ?


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Sendmail, virtualdomain, alias

2006-11-29 Thread Jerome Nenert


We try to build a virtualdomain cyrus server with sendmail. Sendmail 
must manage aliases. Here's the goal architecture :

_ the fqdn of our cyrus server is

_ sendmail on this server must accept messages for both & dealing with aliases for both 
these domains

_ cyrus has two virtual domains &

We didn't find any tips for this.

Any suggestions ?

Jerome N.

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How can I merging thousands of folders?

2003-03-14 Thread Jerome M Berkman

We had file system problems, and gave users temporary inboxes while we
fixed the problems.  We have recovered their old inboxes and folders
from tape.  How can we merge them?  This is for 1+ users.  We are
using ExecMail which is based on an old version of Cyrus, and hope to
migrate to Cyrus soon.

One way I'm thinking of is to make the old inbox/tree the active one,
use UNIX commands to copy the temporary inbox into a subfolder, then
use IMAP "copy" command to copy all the messages from the temporary
inbox, now a subfolder,  to the inbox, and then delete the subfolder.
Can I use the IMAP "copy" command to copy from a subfolder to the
inbox?  We want to the merge to preserve arrival order, flags, etc.

I'd use a similar method for the other folders.  I'll probably use an
expect script for the "copy" commands.  I know I'll have to fiddle with
ACLs, quotas, etc.

Another way might be to dump the info and use IMAP "append", but that
looks much more difficult.

If anyone has done this, or knows of a script to do this, I'd appreciate
a pointer to it.


- Jerry Berkman, [EMAIL PROTECTED], UC Berkeley

Re: mixed delivery to imap and non-imap mailboxes

2003-02-23 Thread Jerome M Berkman

We do something similar - most of our users are in the IMAP mailstore 
(an old derivation of Cyrus) plus a few admins using /var/spool/mail.
We use a database to differentiate, and have sendmail rules to pick
the appropriate MDA, in our case, the "local" delivery agent or "sms"
delivery agent.

- Jerry

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Robert Urban wrote:

> Hello imappers,
> apparently the standard installation of cyrus imap entails changing
> themail config such that local delivery is performed exclusively to
> IMAP mailboxes.
> I'm trying to configure a system on which some users should have mail
> delivered to IMAP mailboxes, others however to their regular unix
> mailboxes.
> I can imagine that others have also had to solve this problem,
> particularly considering there are some accounts that require
> exceptions to the usual delivery rules. In particular the "root"
> account springs to mind.
> Before I install procmail as my MDA and handle it that way, I wanted
> to ask this community if there is a simpler way.  It would seem
> reasonable for "deliver" to deliver to a unix mailbox if no such
> cyrus user exists. Since I couldn't find anything about this in the
> docs, I presume it doesn't behave this way.
> Any comments or simpler solutions?
> thanks,
> Rob Urban

Re: Sendmail & Unix Hierarchy Sep

2003-01-01 Thread Jerome M Berkman

If you have F=w specified in the mailer definition,
sendmail issues that message if the address is not in /etc/passwd.

E.g., from an old, untried,

Mcyrus, P=/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPqAh5@/:|, ...

Here F=lsDFMnPqAh5@/:| does not include "w".  Check if yours
does include "w".

- Jerry Berkman, UC Berkeley

On Tue, 31 Dec 2002, Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:

> Ya this is definately a sendmail problem.  I was hoping someone on this list
> had run into it before because for the life of me I cant figure out which
> flag I need to remove or add to solve this.
> Thanks,
> Ilan
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2002 at 09:34:51AM -0600, Simon Loader wrote:
> > I havent messed with sendmail configs for a while (been using these new 
> > fangled MTA`s of late). Check the flags for your mailer is passing the 
> > full emial. Track down which line in the config the error is coming from 
> > becuase it looks like this is a sendmail problem.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Simon Loader
> > 
> > Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
> > 
> > >thanks for the suggestion.  I patched cyrus but I'm still getting:
> > >
> > >Dec 31 04:30:44 igaming1 sendmail[5278]: gBV4TxVF005275: gBV4UiVF005278:
> > >DSN: User unknown
> > >
> > >In the sendmail logs. 
> > >
> > >Any suggestions?
> > >
> > >Thanks again,
> > >Ilan
> > >
> > >
> > >On Mon, Dec 30, 2002 at 08:59:00PM -0600, Simon Loader wrote:
> > >
> > >>Are you using cyrus 2.2 ? (cvs only) if not try the lmtp patch at
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>-- 
> > >>Simon Loader
> > >>
> > >>Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>>Hello,
> > >>>
> > >>>In case this might help I'm attaching my file.
> > >>>I'm still not having much luck with this thing.
> > >>>Same problem of sendmail rewriting the recipient to be just 'user' 
> > >>>instead
> > >>>of '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> > >>>
> > >>>Any suggestions greatly appreciated.  Is there a guide or a document out
> > >>>there on this I cant seem to find antyhign that covers this problem.
> > >>>
> > >>>Thanks,
> > >>>Ilan
> > >>>
> > >>>divert(-1)
> > >>># 
> > >>>#
> > >>>#(C) Copyright 2000 by Carnegie Mellon University
> > >>>#Portions (C) Copyright 2000 Red Hat, Inc.
> > >>>#
> > >>>#This sample mc file is for a site that uses the Cyrus IMAP server
> > >>>#exclusively for local mail. This requires Sendmail 8.10 or later.
> > >>>#
> > >>>divert(0)
> > >>>include(`/usr/share/sendmail-cf/m4/cf.m4')
> > >>>OSTYPE(`linux')
> > >>>define(`confDEF_USER_ID',``8:12'')dnl
> > >>>define(`confTO_CONNECT', `1m')dnl
> > >>>define(`confBIND_OPTS',`-DNSRCH -DEFNAMES')dnl
> > >>>define(`confDONT_PROBE_INTERFACES',true)dnl
> > >>>define(`confTO_IDENT',`0')dnl
> > >>>define(`confLOCAL_MAILER',`cyrus')dnl
> > >>>define(`ALIAS_FILE',`/etc/mail/aliases')dnl
> > >>>define(`STATUS_FILE', `/var/log/')dnl
> > >>>FEATURE(`mailertable',`hash -o /etc/mail/mailertable')dnl
> > >>>FEATURE(redirect)dnl
> > >>>FEATURE(always_add_domain)dnl
> > >>>FEATURE(use_cw_file)dnl
> > >>>FEATURE(`access_db')dnl
> > >>>FEATURE(`genericstable')dnl
> > >>>FEATURE(`virtusertable')dnl
> > >>>EXPOSED_USER(`root')dnl
> > >>>EXPOSED_USER(`postmaster')dnl
> > >>>EXPOSED_USER(`mailer-daemon')dnl
> > >>>MAILER(smtp)dnl
> > >>>MAILER(local)dnl
> > >>>
> > >>>Mcyrus,  P=[IPC], F=lsDFMnqA5@/:|SmXz, E=\r\n,
> > >>> S=EnvFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix, 
> > >>> A=FILE /var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp
> > >>>
> > >>>LOCAL_RULE_0
> > >>>Rbb + $+ < @ $=w . > $#cyrus $: + $1
> > >>>
> > >>># if there's a plus part, we want to directly deliver it
> > >>>SLocal_localaddr
> > >>>R$+ + $* $#cyrus $@ $: $1 + $2
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm trying to get sendmail to work with Cyrus-Imap and UnixHierarchysep.
> > Right now when e-mails come in sendmail only seems to pass on the 'user'
> > part of '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' so the mail never reaches the mail box I 
> > created
> > for it.
> > 
> > Any suggestions on how to fix this? Anyone have a sample I 
> > can
> > look at?
> > 
> > thanks,
> > Ilan
> > 
> > 
> > 


2001-11-29 Thread Jerome M Berkman


We have a mail server,, with about 40,000 accounts,
split between using qpopper POP server and the SMS/ExecMail/Messaging
Direct POP/IMAP server.  I am hoping we can move everyone to Cyrus
within a few months, because the split system is driving me crazy and
the POP/IMAP server is no longer supported on our platform (Compaq

I'm going to the USENIX LISA conference next week

I'd like to get together with people who are running Cyrus to talk
about what this entails, and what to watch out for.  I'm arriving
Monday as I am taking a tutorial Tuesday (T5), and will be
staying at the Town and Country.  Please let me know if you are
interested in getting together for dinner, or if there is enough
interest, a BOF, or ...

- Jerry Berkman, UC Berkeley, 1-510-642-4804

Problem with CYRUS_SERVICE

2001-10-21 Thread Jerome

Hi all.

I'have a message error in my syslog when i try to connect to my imapd
server in localhost :
Could not getenv(CYRUS_SERVICE); existing

My Inetd.conf is ok

I running a cyrus-imapd-2.0.16 and cyrus-sasl-1.5.24
My authentification is "passwd"

I don't Understand, Please Help me !!

Ps : sorry for my bad english :)

not able to download mails

2001-10-18 Thread K. .R . JEROME SELVARAJ .


We are having  an ISP set up , giving mail service having a userbase
of 9000 users. At present Qpop cersion 2.53 is running. We want to give
pop3 as well as IMAP service to users. We installed cyrus V 1.5.19. 

root@prodserver1>telnet 0 143
Connected to 0.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK Cyrus IMAP4 v1.5.19 server ready
. capability
. OK Completed
. login dummy4 dummy4
. OK User logged in
. select inbox
. NO Mailbox does not exist

when we sent mail, mail is stored in /mail/spool/mail. Tried to change the
mails from pop3 to IMAP. But then pop3 is not working for those users.
  Is it possible to give imap as well as pop3 service with cyrus. If so
what is the procedure for the same

   Can anyone help

Mini Jerome

not able o down load mails

2001-10-18 Thread K. .R . JEROME SELVARAJ .

I am new to the mailing list 
  I have configured cyrys Imap server 1.5.19 on ds20 alpha server with   
digital unix OS.If we telnet to port 143, imapd runs. But if I try to select the inbox 
of any   
user, it shows Inbox doesnot exist. pop3 service is running on the same server with 
Qpopper and   
9000users are  using pop3 services.Is it possible to configure imap as well as pop3
service with cyrus.  

   What are the steps required for that. Our aim is to start webmail
service for the users. We installed roxen web server with IMHO module on a 
seperate m/c. But not able to configure pop3 as well as imap  with cyrus.  
Can anyone help in this regard   

Mini Jerome

Re: Reality Check

2001-08-06 Thread Jerome Fleury

--On Sunday, August 05, 2001 09:44:07 PM -0700 David Wright 

> Does ANYONE have the following configuration working?
> cyrus-imapd-2.0.x authenticating via LDAP using sasl_pwcheck_method: PAM
> and the pam_ldap module
> If so, please chime in to say on what system and how you got it to work.
> I can't imagine this configuration is obscure: LDAP is the preemininent
> large-scale directory server, cyrus-imapd the preemininent large-scale
> imap server, and PAM the preeminent authentication system. If everyone
> is having the problems I am, this is a disaster for cyrus-imapd.

I have that configuration. Problem with "death by signal 11" was reported 
on a mailing list (can't remember if this is this one or openldap one) by 
someone who located the problem and gave me a small patch, consisting of 
commenting 2 or 3 lines of code in openldap. Problem was in memory 
deallocation (some memory was deallocated both by openldap and sasl).

Unfortunately, I lost this patch and the mail of the guy who gave it to me. 
I think we can find it in OpenLdap mailing list archives (I'll have a 
look). When I had to upgrade openldap, the problem came back since I didn't 
have the patch anymore. The workaround was to disable SASL support in 
OpenLdap which I don't use at all.

Hope this helps.

Jerome Fleury

Mailbox creation

2001-07-26 Thread Jerome Fleury

I don't know if this is a Mulberry of Cyrus server related problem but here 
it is:

I'm running Cyrus Imap server 2.0.14, and I try to create a mailbox in the 
top hierarchy (not in INBOX.*). Mulberry says Permission Denied when I try 
to do so.

I suppose it's a Cyrus related problem because I can do this with an 
Exchange (erk) server with no problem. Is there a special setting on server 
side to allow creation of Mailbox outside INBOX, or is it impossible ? The 
way mailboxes are presented under cyradm let me think it's impossible :(

Thanks for help

Jerome Fleury