Re: [Interest] DragDrop between different processes not working?

2014-12-17 Thread Till Oliver Knoll

 Am 17.12.2014 um 08:57 schrieb Wilhelm
 But just to rule out the usual suspects: does drag and drop in general 
 work with your current Window Manager (in applications where you /know/ 
 that certain MIME types are accepted)? E.g. when you drag and drop a file 
 from your File Manager to your Email editor: does it get attached (or even 
 embedded) (in)to your current email that you are typing?
 Yes, absolutely.
 E.g. I can drag from a foreign application (e.g. dolphin) to my programm
 (into a derived QTextEdit to accept that drops).

So just to repeat:

* Drag and Drop (DnD) works when initiated from another application (e.g.  
Dolphin file manager) and dropped onto your (drop-enabled) application/widget

* DnD works within your own application instance (process)

But it does not work when

* DnD initiated in your application instance 1 and dropped onto your 
application instance 2

What exactly does not work? In instance 2, are you not getting an event at all? 
Or is it simply not acceptable? What happens if you try to drop onto another 
application which e.g. accepts images (email client maybe)?

That is, you initiate a drag in a QLabel, place the image e.g. as image/png 
or image/jpeg (?) into the QMimeData and drop it over the email client? Would 
that work?

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Regarding my QHttpMultPpart issues

2014-12-17 Thread Jason H
I've filed a bug.

If anyone has time, please give it shot and see if you can reproduce my 
problem. If possible, place the server and the client on separate machines. 
A basic test if for each line read line, the bytes added up should match the 
byte count reported in the header, except for the first read which is the main 
In my example: 
Main header Content-Length: 114083
void TcpServer::read() 16384
void TcpServer::read() 97699
The sum of the two reads equals 114083, so this request over loopback would 
have worked. 
If you put it on separate machines, it doesn't. (At least for me)

What I am seeing is on separate machines, Qt locks up in reading the file and 
never finishes the request. 

Thanks all.
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] DragDrop between different processes not working?

2014-12-17 Thread Wilhelm
Am 17.12.2014 um 11:17 schrieb Michael Sué:
 You may need to override the dragEnterEvent, dragMoveEvent etc. functions of 
 the accepting widget

Yes, I did that. But the mimeData is empty ...

 - Michael.
 Interest mailing list

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Virtual keyboard

2014-12-17 Thread Helmut Mülner
I have a virtual keyboard installed (Hot Virtual Keyboard) on Windows7.
I use qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.4.0.

In Qt Widget programs (e.g. from examples) the keyboard works as expected:
When I click into an editable text field, the keyboard pops up.

But this does not work in QML programs like the gallery example: When I
click into a TextArea, TextEdit or TextField element, nothing happens.
It only works as expected in System Dialogs.

Is this a bug or do I miss something?

Best regards


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] DragDrop between different processes not working?

2014-12-17 Thread Michael Sué

 Yes, I did that. But the mimeData is empty ...

I just checked on my Linux machines: The (exact same) code that works on 
WINDOWS (drag and drop between different instances of my program) does not work 
(or better no longer work) on LINUX. Thank you for pointing this out to me :-)

I will check which version before Qt 5.4.0 was the last that did it well.

- Michael.

Interest mailing list

[Interest] QtQuickControls Slider and multitouch

2014-12-17 Thread Nuno Santos

I have just stumble on the lack of multitouch support for the Slider element in 
Quick Controls.

I can’t interact with more than one slider at once using the Slider element.

I had my own version of Slider using a Multitouch area and it was working 
great. I have now switch to Slider from Quick Controls and found that this is 
not possible with it. 

Since Qt is more than ever a cross platform platform for mobile (and desktop 
are each day becoming more and more multitouch aware), I think this kind of 
controls should have multi interaction support.

Does anyone knows a way of overriding Slider touch handling?


Nuno Santos
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] DragDrop between different processes not working?

2014-12-17 Thread Michael Sué
The problem seems to be a bug for LINUX in Qt 5.4.0, the (exact same) code 
works it still works in Qt 5.3.1.

Interest mailing list

[Interest] [Qt-iOS] How can I linked to libjpeg-turbo?

2014-12-17 Thread Liang Jian
My project use Qt 5.4.0, Some part of my app will decode jpeg file to
YUV buffer, to achieve this with fast speed I choose libjpeg-turbo(I use
the prebuilt iOS version 1.3.1). It works well in Windows and OSX, but
failed in iOS. The app fail to launch with the following message:

Wrong JPEG library version: library is 62, caller expects 80

I guess this is because qt library shipped in iOS are static libraries
and Qt itself will also link against libjpeg, and if I specify -lturbojpeg
in my .pro file, the linker will choose libjpeg-turbo to link and since
libjpeg-turbo only implement version 6.2 of libjpeg while Qt require 8.0.
How can I work around this issue? Thanks.
Interest mailing list

[Interest] TableView focus proxying

2014-12-17 Thread Jb Hubert

I am trying go give active focus on a TextInput belonging to a
delegate item of a TableView.

Here is a minimal code for the delegate:

// MyClickableWidget.qml

import QtQuick 2.3

FocusScope {
id: scope

property alias text: label.text

//FocusScope needs to bind to visual properties of the children
property alias color: rectangle.color
x: rectangle.x
y: rectangle.y
width: rectangle.width
height: rectangle.height

Rectangle {
id: rectangle
color: lightsteelblue
width: 175
height: 25
radius: 10
antialiasing: true
border.color: blue

TextInput { 
id: label
anchors.centerIn: parent
focus: true

MouseArea { 
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: { scope.focus = true; } 

So, my goal is to give active focus to label when the delegate is

import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2

Rectangle {
id: window

width: 400
height: 150

ListModel {
id: model
ListElement {x: 42; y: 84}
ListElement {x: 126; y: 168}

TableView {
id: table
anchors.fill: parent
model: model
focus: true

itemDelegate: MyClickableWidget {
   color: lightgreen
   text: styleData.value

rowDelegate: Rectangle {
height: 50

TableViewColumn {
role: x
width: 180
TableViewColumn {
role: y
width: 180

When I run this example, I have to click two times on a delegate to
focus the internal label and I don't understand why. Using a ListView
instead of a TableView give me the expected behavior.

Am I missing something with the focus chain mechanism?

Jean-Benoît Hubert
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] [Qt-iOS] How can I linked to libjpeg-turbo?

2014-12-17 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Wednesday December 17 2014 20:00:30 Liang Jian wrote:

 Wrong JPEG library version: library is 62, caller expects 80
 I guess this is because qt library shipped in iOS are static libraries
 and Qt itself will also link against libjpeg, and if I specify -lturbojpeg
 in my .pro file, the linker will choose libjpeg-turbo to link and since
 libjpeg-turbo only implement version 6.2 of libjpeg while Qt require 8.0.

 How can I work around this issue? Thanks.

I see 2 possibilities if you insist on using libjpeg-turbo (I presume you have 
already demonstrated to yourself that this library indeed gives a significant 
performance boost on iOS?!)

- rebuild Qt for iOS so that it accepts libjpeg-turbo

or if that's not feasible,

- figure out how to change libjpeg-turbo's functions just enough so you can 
have both libraries linked, and then call the turbo functions from your code 
where required.

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] QtQuickControls Slider and multitouch

2014-12-17 Thread Rutledge Shawn

On 17 Dec 2014, at 12:35, Nuno Santos wrote:

 I have just stumble on the lack of multitouch support for the Slider element 
 in Quick Controls.
 I can’t interact with more than one slider at once using the Slider element.
 I had my own version of Slider using a Multitouch area and it was working 
 great. I have now switch to Slider from Quick Controls and found that this is 
 not possible with it. 
 Since Qt is more than ever a cross platform platform for mobile (and desktop 
 are each day becoming more and more multitouch aware), I think this kind of 
 controls should have multi interaction support.
 Does anyone knows a way of overriding Slider touch handling?

The tentative plan is to have MouseArea handle touch events too; then it will 
work.  (Multiple-finger touch events can be broken up and dispatched to 
multiple Items in the scene, whereas only one touchpoint can be used as a 
synthetic mouse, because Qt only supports one mouse.)  However it’s been 
controversial, and hard to get working 100% correctly in every possible 
combination of items too; that’s why the patches are not integrated yet.  I 
also believe that if we start to directly handle touch events in MouseArea, we 
will need to do the same in every item that currently handles mouse events, 
because otherwise the scenarios in which one item steals the grab from another 
will not work correctly.  That means Flickable at least.  So, the following 
patches are mostly ready for integration, except that I’m not 100% sure that no 
regressions will be introduced, and I’m pretty sure there are a few autotests 
that don’t pass yet:

An alternative idea was to create a TouchArea which only handles the simple 
touch use cases, like tapping and dragging, with an API that is mostly 
compatible with MouseArea.  But that did not get done yet either, and I think 
it would be nice to have existing MouseAreas inside existing components just 
start working with multitouch.  The controversy comes from the fact that we 
usually try to avoid behavior change, because we cannot predict what bugs it 
would cause; for example in a set of tabs, where each has its own MouseArea, 
what happens if you press two tabs at once?  I think that in most such cases, 
at least something deterministic would happen.  But maybe there could be some 
unknown bad cases.

So probably in every case where a MouseArea was already in use, you will have 
to modify the QML to enable multiple-touch interaction.  In the current version 
of the patch, you would have to set multiPointTouchEnabled: true, because it is 
not enabled by default.  Or if we had a TouchArea instead, then you’d have to 
replace MouseArea with TouchArea.  So it’s not a transparent upgrade either 
way.  The Controls Slider will need this change to be done, if nobody has an 
objection to _that_ behaviour change, that suddenly all sliders can be dragged 
in parallel.

Interest mailing list

[Interest] QML innershadow

2014-12-17 Thread Federico Buti
Hi all,

last day we come up with a strage behaviour, or at least, what it seems a
strange behaviour to us. Following the documentation for InnerShadow QML
type it is stated that:

Note: It is not supported to let the effect include itself, for instance
by setting source to the effect's parent.

However, the only way to obtain an homogenous internal shadow such as this
one (i.e. with offsets set to zero)
seems to break the documentation rule:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0

Item {
id: root
width: 300
height: 300

Rectangle {
id: myRectangle
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 100
height: 100
color: grey

InnerShadow {
anchors.fill: root
cached: true
horizontalOffset: 0
verticalOffset: 0
radius: 16
samples: 32
color: #b000
smooth: true
source: root  // --- source include the effect!

Is it intended behaviour or a bug? Is there another way to achieve an
overall shadow like the one in picture?

Thanks in advance,
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] DragDrop between different processes not working?

2014-12-17 Thread Wilhelm
Am 17.12.2014 um 12:41 schrieb Michael Sué:
 The problem seems to be a bug for LINUX in Qt 5.4.0, the (exact same) code 
 works it still works in Qt 5.3.1.

Ok, thanks for testing this.

Is there a workaround for 5.4.0?

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] [Qt-iOS] How can I linked to libjpeg-turbo?

2014-12-17 Thread Liang Jian
First of all, thank you for the reply!
libjpeg-turbo uses NEON instruction to accelerate decoding, it should
give significant performance boost. And since QImage will decode jpeg file
into ARGB pixel format which will introduce YUV--RGB color space
conversion, it is slow to do it in CPU. The way I do it is to use
libjpeg-turbo to decode a jpeg file into YUV planar pixel buffer, and then
I will use GLES2 fragment shader to perform YUV-RGB color space conversion
by GPU and then display it in QtQuick's scene graph, that is the fastest
way I can imagine.
The first way you have suggested require rebuilding qt-iOS, that is a
burden too heavy for us. In fact in Qt-5.3.2 days, We have to build Qt-iOS
with a patch to work around an landscape issue introduced in iOS 8, but I
have encountered many problems with the qt built by myself , such as I
can't use it in QtCreator but I can use it in xcode(I don't know why :-) ).
The second way require modification of libjpeg-turbo ( maybe remove the
entire old libjpeg style API ) which is beyond me.

Is it possible to solve this issue by some kind of linker magic? For
example, MSVC support #pragma comment(lib, lib), that will only link the
lib inside the specific object file. But I can't find the equivalent thing
in clang.
And there is one thing I can't understand: xcode didn't ship libjpeg in
its iOS SDK and I can't find libjpeg shipped with Qt-iOS, then where is the
libjpeg library Qt-iOS linked by default?

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 8:17 PM, René J.V. wrote:

 On Wednesday December 17 2014 20:00:30 Liang Jian wrote:

  Wrong JPEG library version: library is 62, caller expects 80
  I guess this is because qt library shipped in iOS are static
  and Qt itself will also link against libjpeg, and if I specify
  in my .pro file, the linker will choose libjpeg-turbo to link and since
  libjpeg-turbo only implement version 6.2 of libjpeg while Qt require 8.0.

  How can I work around this issue? Thanks.

 I see 2 possibilities if you insist on using libjpeg-turbo (I presume you
 have already demonstrated to yourself that this library indeed gives a
 significant performance boost on iOS?!)

 - rebuild Qt for iOS so that it accepts libjpeg-turbo

 or if that's not feasible,

 - figure out how to change libjpeg-turbo's functions just enough so you
 can have both libraries linked, and then call the turbo functions from your
 code where required.

 Interest mailing list

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] [Qt-iOS] How can I linked to libjpeg-turbo?

2014-12-17 Thread Liang Jian
I will try it, thanks.

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 10:03 PM, René J.V. wrote:

 On Wednesday December 17 2014 21:21:29 Liang Jian wrote:

 The second way require modification of libjpeg-turbo ( maybe remove
 entire old libjpeg style API ) which is beyond me.

 It's really not difficult, but it will be a bit of work to ensure that you
 rename everything that has to be renamed. Functions that are not exported
 from the library (which includes all that are marked static) won't have to
 be renamed for instance.
 The goal is simply to avoid having 2 functions with the same name.
 If you're working in C++ you might be able to achieve this by putting all
 of libjpeg-turbo in its own namespace.

 Interest mailing list

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] QML innershadow

2014-12-17 Thread hualet
Hi Buti,

maybe the proper way to achieve the same effect is like this:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0

Item {
   id: root
   width: 300
   height: 300

   Item {
   id: src
   anchors.fill: parent

   Rectangle {
   id: myRectangle
   anchors.centerIn: parent
   width: 100
   height: 100
   color: grey

   InnerShadow {
   anchors.fill: src
   cached: true
   horizontalOffset: 0
   verticalOffset: 0
   radius: 16
   samples: 32
   color: #b000
   smooth: true
   source: src

my suggestion is that you should definitely follow the documentation, otherwise 
you will be confused by the strange effect caused by applying effect on the 
effect’ parent someday in the future ;)
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] QtQuickControls Slider and multitouch

2014-12-17 Thread Nuno Santos
Hi Shawn,

First of all thanks for your reply.

As far as I understood, there are a couple of patches ready to integrate and I 
could probably integrate them myself on my current Qt. If that is correct, I 
really don’t want to change my default Qt behaviour because, otherwise I would 
need to ensure that I apply the very same patches every time I update Qt.

Changing from a MouseArea to Multitouch area implies to change the source so I 
can’t make it from the Qml side, right?

In your opinion. Should I stick to my custom made slider for the controls I 
need this behaviour in?



 On 17 Dec 2014, at 12:22, Rutledge Shawn 
 On 17 Dec 2014, at 12:35, Nuno Santos wrote:
 I have just stumble on the lack of multitouch support for the Slider element 
 in Quick Controls.
 I can’t interact with more than one slider at once using the Slider element.
 I had my own version of Slider using a Multitouch area and it was working 
 great. I have now switch to Slider from Quick Controls and found that this 
 is not possible with it. 
 Since Qt is more than ever a cross platform platform for mobile (and desktop 
 are each day becoming more and more multitouch aware), I think this kind of 
 controls should have multi interaction support.
 Does anyone knows a way of overriding Slider touch handling?
 The tentative plan is to have MouseArea handle touch events too; then it will 
 work.  (Multiple-finger touch events can be broken up and dispatched to 
 multiple Items in the scene, whereas only one touchpoint can be used as a 
 synthetic mouse, because Qt only supports one mouse.)  However it’s been 
 controversial, and hard to get working 100% correctly in every possible 
 combination of items too; that’s why the patches are not integrated yet.  I 
 also believe that if we start to directly handle touch events in MouseArea, 
 we will need to do the same in every item that currently handles mouse 
 events, because otherwise the scenarios in which one item steals the grab 
 from another will not work correctly.  That means Flickable at least.  So, 
 the following patches are mostly ready for integration, except that I’m not 
 100% sure that no regressions will be introduced, and I’m pretty sure there 
 are a few autotests that don’t pass yet:
 An alternative idea was to create a TouchArea which only handles the simple 
 touch use cases, like tapping and dragging, with an API that is mostly 
 compatible with MouseArea.  But that did not get done yet either, and I think 
 it would be nice to have existing MouseAreas inside existing components just 
 start working with multitouch.  The controversy comes from the fact that we 
 usually try to avoid behavior change, because we cannot predict what bugs it 
 would cause; for example in a set of tabs, where each has its own MouseArea, 
 what happens if you press two tabs at once?  I think that in most such cases, 
 at least something deterministic would happen.  But maybe there could be some 
 unknown bad cases.
 So probably in every case where a MouseArea was already in use, you will have 
 to modify the QML to enable multiple-touch interaction.  In the current 
 version of the patch, you would have to set multiPointTouchEnabled: true, 
 because it is not enabled by default.  Or if we had a TouchArea instead, then 
 you’d have to replace MouseArea with TouchArea.  So it’s not a transparent 
 upgrade either way.  The Controls Slider will need this change to be done, if 
 nobody has an objection to _that_ behaviour change, that suddenly all sliders 
 can be dragged in parallel.

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] New connection syntax

2014-12-17 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Wednesday 17 December 2014 08:35:33 André Somers wrote:
 Thiago Macieira schreef op 16-12-2014 17:13:
  On Tuesday 16 December 2014 12:41:35 Igor Mironchik wrote:
  And my question is: is it ok to use QtPrivate::FunctionPointer in my
  No. That's only permitted for code that is part of Qt itself (hosted on
  qt-, part of qt.git)
 Isn't it a bit strange that there are things in the public API that
 really are private?


For two reasons:

1) We need a lot of code in the public headers in order to do things that 
appear in inline code. Take classes like QListData, QHashNode, or even the 
type_traits replacement that we carry for systems without it. We need them, 
but we never meant for people to use them. They may change unpredictably.

2) it's not public API at all. It's in public headers, but it's undocumented 
and therefore private API.

 If you built your own code on top of Qt, then I at least find it nice to
 be able to create similar API to what Qt offers so it is easier to use
 for other developers. This is made more difficult by things like this.
 It was easy to offer an API like the
   QAction qthelp://com.trolltech.qt.484/qdoc/qaction.html*
   QToolBar::addAction( constQString
 in your own code. Nothing private there. But apparently, mirroring Qt
 API design for the sake of consistency is no longer possible?

You can do whatever you want in your own code. But if you use undocumented 
parts of the Qt API, we can't promise it will continue to work. There are 
other ways of doing the same.

The same also applies to undocumented behaviour of libc or even undocumented 
processor instructions. If you use them, you're on your own.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] to -fno-exceptions or not ...

2014-12-17 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Wednesday 17 December 2014 11:55:21 René J.V. Bertin wrote:
 QIcon() isn't inline and neither is it marked as noexcept. Therefore, the
 compiler must add surrounding EH code so that any locals you have in the
 context where that QIcon was created can be destructed.
 And QIcon() is part of QtGui which *is* now built with no-exceptions ...

But when your code is compiled, the compiler doesn't know that. The question 
is whether the caller is built with -fno-exceptions or not.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt concurrency memory model C++11

2014-12-17 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Wednesday 17 December 2014 11:14:39 Frank Meffert wrote:
 Hey Qt folks,
 I’ve got a general question on Qt’s implementation of concurrency (i.e.
 QThread et al.).
 The new C++ standard introduces a whole new way of concurrency,
 incorporating a new memory model making it unnecessary to use 3rd party
 libs like pthread, for instance.
 As far as I know, Qt is currently using the pthread-library – in case of
 linux – within all concurrency related classes.

Yes and no. Qt is using pthread on Linux, correct. But it doesn't have 
concurrency issues.

The C11/C++11 memory model applies to pthread too.

 Will Qt make use of the new memory model and the new Thread API of the new
 C++ standard in future releases? Are there any plans/roadmaps?

Yes, Qt uses the new memory model. All you need for that is to compile your 
code with a compiler that supports the memory model. Qt code did not need to 
be changed for it.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] DragDrop between different processes not working?

2014-12-17 Thread Wilhelm
Am 17.12.2014 um 12:41 schrieb Michael Sué:
 The problem seems to be a bug for LINUX in Qt 5.4.0, the (exact same) code 
 works it still works in Qt 5.3.1.

I can confirm that it works with Qt 5.3.2 (linux). I can drag from my
test-application to another instance or to e.g. kate, etc ... That's
good news.

So, what todo with Qt 5.4.0?
Any Workarounds?

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] DragDrop between different processes not working?

2014-12-17 Thread Till Oliver Knoll

 Am 17.12.2014 um 22:45 schrieb Wilhelm
 I can confirm that it works with Qt 5.3.2 (linux). I can drag from my
 test-application to another instance or to e.g. kate, etc ... That's
 good news.
 So, what todo with Qt 5.4.0?
 Any Workarounds?

I am glad that you could track down the issue :)

I don't know of any workarounds unfortunatelly, but you should check

whether a drag and drop related issue already exists (for Qt 5.4), and if 
not, add one (best with some minimal compileable code).

(If an issue already exists you can also vote for it, or even add additional 
information about how to reproduce etc. ;))

Hopefully it gets fixed in 5.4.1 already (since it seems to be a regression in 

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