Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Lars Strojny
Hello everybody,

Am Dienstag, den 12.08.2008, 03:04 +0200 schrieb Etienne Kneuss:
> To me
> namespace A {
> }
> namespace B {
> }
> code
> seems equivalent to
> namespace A;
> code
> namespace B;
> code
> namespace ;
> code
> Only nicer. And I can hardly how it's going to cause more problems?
> But if that's so, fine.

Just one thing: we developed around 50.000 lines of code with the
current namespace syntax and it was neither confusing nor inconsistent
to use. I'm very happy with the current syntax and I would like to just
leave it as it is.

Also I'm really against the curly braces: the issue is, that we would
indent the single class in the file then as otherwise the sense of
braces would be caricatured: we indent to make sure we can easily
distinguish control structures. But if we indent the content of a
namespace, we will have less characters until the magic 80-100 character
border and therefore we will have linebreaks in conditions which makes
them hard to read.

cu, Lars

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Etienne Kneuss

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:39 AM, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
>> but if the {} syntax is introduced, it will be made to affect only the
>> code inside it, right? If so, I fail to see your point, since the new
>> syntax will solve that problem.
> While introducing a whole collection of new problems - such as that we will
> have now split scope, that you can get in and out many times in the same
> file. As we discussed on the list many times, it's not exactly what we want
> and definitely not the use case it was designed for. I don't see any use for
> it besides promoting bad coding practices.

To me

namespace A {

namespace B {


seems equivalent to

namespace A;
namespace B;
namespace ;

Only nicer. And I can hardly how it's going to cause more problems?
But if that's so, fine.

My point is that if we are going to allow multiple namespaces per file
solely on the perspective of permitting packaging, we should also
allow mixing namespaced and non-namespaced code for that same
perspective, and the current syntax is not going to allow that.

I'd really like the {} syntax if multiple namespaces per file is
allowed. If it's not, then it's not much more than syntactic sugar and
I couldn't care less.

> --
> Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
> (408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Etienne Kneuss

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as
when they do it from a religious conviction.
-- Pascal

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


3. You want another namespace, just write namespace again.

No, that's not for kids to play with. That's grown-up stuff. Rated X.

4. You got lost after the 10th namespace? Welcome to if-else nesting

Get your hands away from the keyboard and re-read the part about "not 
using multiple namespaces per file" :) If not convincing - stop using 
namespaces until it is :)

Some coding style guides force curly braces for if-else for a reason.

If you know what "coding style" means you are not using multiple 
namespaces per file anyway. If you don't - well, then all bets are off :)

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


"triskaidekaphobia" - oh and there was that very polemic pythin argument.
Dude I am sorry but ther is no argument at all. Unless your long mail is

Please ask you sysadmin to fix your mail system, you seem to be losing 
emails. The email I was referring to please read here:
After that, we can continue discussion to the point, if you wish so.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


but if the {} syntax is introduced, it will be made to affect only the
code inside it, right? If so, I fail to see your point, since the new
syntax will solve that problem.

While introducing a whole collection of new problems - such as that we 
will have now split scope, that you can get in and out many times in the 
same file. As we discussed on the list many times, it's not exactly what 
we want and definitely not the use case it was designed for. I don't see 
any use for it besides promoting bad coding practices.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Stanislav,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 1:34:49 AM, you wrote:

> Hi!

>> "I don't want braces because people would think it acts like C++" is as
>> silly as saying "I don't want the current namespace Foo; syntax because
>> people will think it acts like python"

> Errr... as far as I know Python has no "namespace Foo;" syntax. And as I 
> repeated numerous times, the syntax should be driven primarily by 
> function, not by what decision some guys (even very smart guys) took 
> when they designed entirely different language. The function of PHP 
> namespaces makes {} make little sense, since {} implies bounded (and 
> potentially nested) scope, that is repeatable and has "inside" and 
> "outside".

>> Thinking as a new user...
>> How is
>> namespace foo;
>> semantically different from
>> class foo {}
>> or even
>> function foo {}

> 1. Namespace is a tag on the entities defined inside this file, function 
> is not. Class can be viewed as such, kind of, but it'd be very limiting 
> view (class is more than just tag on set of function names).
> 2. Class and function exist as stand-alone entity, namespace does not.
> 3. There can be context outside class/function in this file, but not 
> outside namespace.

>> I'm defining something yes?  With stuff basically "inside it".  Yes an
>> oversimplification, but the strength of PHP has always been simple.  So
>> why should it act differently?  Why does it need different syntax to
>> define something?

> Well, it should act differently for the same reason class and function 
> act differently - because they are different things. ITYM "why the 
> should _look_ differently?". As I said, that is because for them to look 
> the same would be to imply things about namespaces that are not true.

>> But at the end of the day this is all personal preference.  Just
>> remember the poor people who have to teach this to the new users ;)

> I can help with that. Here's world's shortest course on PHP namespaces:

> 1. To define namespace for the file, write "namespace Foo::Bar;" at the 
> beginning of the file.
> 2. That's it, enjoy. ;)

3. You want another namespace, just write namespace again.

4. You got lost after the 10th namespace? Welcome to if-else nesting
ambiguty all over again.

Some coding style guides force curly braces for if-else for a reason.

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Stanislav,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 1:41:08 AM, you wrote:

> Hi!

>> Sorry but you never ever provided any logical reasoning for the current
>> way. The reasons that were brought up were:

> It would help the discussion a lot if you actually read my emails. 
> Unfortunately, by now it's clear that you do not. I just wrote a long 
> email outlining the reasons, but I guess reading it would be too much work.

>> a) JavaScript will have it in some future
>> b) We used to have in our first implementation
>> c) We said we were adding namespaces at some point, not saying in which way
>>we would.

I just read this from you: "We could use "package" or we could use 
"hexaflexagon" or we could use
"triskaidekaphobia" - oh and there was that very polemic pythin argument.
Dude I am sorry but ther is no argument at all. Unless your long mail is
still on the way. You vary between polemic and spin around arguments
reusing them at will. You promise we discuss and never agree too. Sorry
but for the namespace discussion that is all that made it to me. And I am
sure when I write something hardly anything makes it to you :-)

We can just agree to disagree, so it is for others to decide about. That's
what Lukas' mail was all about, collecting arguments, actually finding
someone to collect and weigh them. And that's why I brought up those three
points, because those are the arguments I do remember - apart from tons of
mails that had no content at all or somehow got filtered by my incoming
mail reading process :-)

Best regards,

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Etienne Kneuss

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:12 AM, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
>> I fail to see why { } meaning a different level of hierarchy is a
>> problem here, that's exactly what it's supposed to mean: "code in that
>> block is affected by that namespace."
> Exactly. The thing is that there can be no code that is not affected (at
> least not in this file) for namespaces - and {} implies there could be.

but if the {} syntax is introduced, it will be made to affect only the
code inside it, right? If so, I fail to see your point, since the new
syntax will solve that problem.

>> We don't expect if's to work until the next if(), do we? Even though
>> ifs are not "entities like classes or functions".
> Exactly. That's why it makes sense to have if() with braces - because if
> works not until the end of file, but only with the block attached to it, and
> after this block ends, it's like there was no if. But namespace doesn't work
> this way.

Same as before: but they would work this way with the {} syntax

> --
> Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
> (408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Etienne Kneuss

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as
when they do it from a religious conviction.
-- Pascal

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


I fail to see why { } meaning a different level of hierarchy is a
problem here, that's exactly what it's supposed to mean: "code in that
block is affected by that namespace."

Exactly. The thing is that there can be no code that is not affected (at 
least not in this file) for namespaces - and {} implies there could be.

We don't expect if's to work until the next if(), do we? Even though
ifs are not "entities like classes or functions".

Exactly. That's why it makes sense to have if() with braces - because if 
works not until the end of file, but only with the block attached to it, 
and after this block ends, it's like there was no if. But namespace 
doesn't work this way.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Etienne Kneuss

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 12:58 AM, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
>> So why the $%#$%& can't we use "package" if the implementation has
>> nothing incommon with namespaces in c++ (your example, not mine)?
> We could use "package" or we could use "hexaflexagon" or we could use
> "triskaidekaphobia" or any other word. But if we have namespace
> implementation in PHP, why don't we call it "namespace"? Because it is
> "inconsistent" with C++? To hell with C++ then, nobody said PHP is C++.
>> Well. I do want that indentation if I ever will be dumb enough to have
>> multiple namespace in the same file..
> Indentation happens when you do () even once. {} implies that everything
> inside it is on next level of hierarchy and thus should be indented.
> Of course, it's "inconsistent" with Python, so maybe we should drop braces
> altogether...

I fail to see why { } meaning a different level of hierarchy is a
problem here, that's exactly what it's supposed to mean: "code in that
block is affected by that namespace."

We don't expect if's to work until the next if(), do we? Even though
ifs are not "entities like classes or functions".

Additionally, I see the packaging argument being raised to advocate
the use of multiple namespaces per file. However, with that syntax,
you can't package namespaced and non namespaced code in the same file
anyway, that sounds to me like a burden and actually a point against
the current syntax.

>> Its not about consistency for me. Its about that little gut feeling you
>> have.
> Well, of course I can not address little gut feeling with any logical
> argument. But to hell with logic and reasoning, let the little gut feeling
> rule.
> --
> Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
> (408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit:


Etienne Kneuss

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as
when they do it from a religious conviction.
-- Pascal

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


Sorry but you never ever provided any logical reasoning for the current
way. The reasons that were brought up were:

It would help the discussion a lot if you actually read my emails. 
Unfortunately, by now it's clear that you do not. I just wrote a long 
email outlining the reasons, but I guess reading it would be too much work.

a) JavaScript will have it in some future
b) We used to have in our first implementation
c) We said we were adding namespaces at some point, not saying in which way
   we would.

Sadly, this has nothing to do with my reasoning.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


"I don't want braces because people would think it acts like C++" is as
silly as saying "I don't want the current namespace Foo; syntax because
people will think it acts like python"

Errr... as far as I know Python has no "namespace Foo;" syntax. And as I 
repeated numerous times, the syntax should be driven primarily by 
function, not by what decision some guys (even very smart guys) took 
when they designed entirely different language. The function of PHP 
namespaces makes {} make little sense, since {} implies bounded (and 
potentially nested) scope, that is repeatable and has "inside" and 

Thinking as a new user...
How is
namespace foo;
semantically different from
class foo {}
or even
function foo {}

1. Namespace is a tag on the entities defined inside this file, function 
is not. Class can be viewed as such, kind of, but it'd be very limiting 
view (class is more than just tag on set of function names).

2. Class and function exist as stand-alone entity, namespace does not.
3. There can be context outside class/function in this file, but not 
outside namespace.

I'm defining something yes?  With stuff basically "inside it".  Yes an
oversimplification, but the strength of PHP has always been simple.  So
why should it act differently?  Why does it need different syntax to
define something?

Well, it should act differently for the same reason class and function 
act differently - because they are different things. ITYM "why the 
should _look_ differently?". As I said, that is because for them to look 
the same would be to imply things about namespaces that are not true.

But at the end of the day this is all personal preference.  Just
remember the poor people who have to teach this to the new users ;)

I can help with that. Here's world's shortest course on PHP namespaces:

1. To define namespace for the file, write "namespace Foo::Bar;" at the 
beginning of the file.

2. That's it, enjoy. ;)

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Stanislav,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 12:58:29 AM, you wrote:

> Hi!

>> So why the $%#$%& can't we use "package" if the implementation has
>> nothing incommon with namespaces in c++ (your example, not mine)?

> We could use "package" or we could use "hexaflexagon" or we could use 
> "triskaidekaphobia" or any other word. But if we have namespace 
> implementation in PHP, why don't we call it "namespace"? Because it is 
> "inconsistent" with C++? To hell with C++ then, nobody said PHP is C++.

>> Well. I do want that indentation if I ever will be dumb enough to have
>> multiple namespace in the same file..

> Indentation happens when you do () even once. {} implies that everything 
> inside it is on next level of hierarchy and thus should be indented.
> Of course, it's "inconsistent" with Python, so maybe we should drop 
> braces altogether...

>> Its not about consistency for me. Its about that little gut feeling you have.

> Well, of course I can not address little gut feeling with any logical 
> argument. But to hell with logic and reasoning, let the little gut 
> feeling rule.

Sorry but you never ever provided any logical reasoning for the current
way. The reasons that were brought up were:

a) JavaScript will have it in some future

-> works in the same way as C++ has this or Java that

b) We used to have in our first implementation

-> which by the way used curly braces, and the only reason we we dropped it
   was because I was outruled by you and Zeev when we encountered the
   ternariy ambiguty and noone tought it was fixable even though I said it
   was fixable. Sadly I never provided a working patch back then.

c) We said we were adding namespaces at some point, not saying in which way
   we would.

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Closures and reflection improvements

2008-08-11 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Christian,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 12:34:41 AM, you wrote:

> Hi Marcus,

>> Account approved and access granted.

> Thanks!

>> Please provide the function copying in a function next to _free_function()

> I just committed that (and included some tests). I hope I didn't do
> anything wrong in the process, if so, feel free to do so.

>> and care for parameter info as well

> I assume with parameter info you mean arg_info? That isn't necessary and
> actually harmful since the arg_info is not copied but simply referenced
> via a C pointer in closures (zend_get_closure_invoke_method copies the
> entire function structure, including the pointer to arg_info and only
> changes some flags the function name). There is no need to copy or
> destroy arg_info in reflection.

Oh, cool. I thought we'd have to do more stuff.

>> Also for your next patches (cvs di -N) allows to ship the new files in the
>> patch and (cvs di -Np) shows the context, which makes reading the patches
>> easier.

> Ah, thanks, I added that to my .cvsrc.

> Regards,
> Christan

Best regards,

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


So why the $%#$%& can't we use "package" if the implementation has
nothing incommon with namespaces in c++ (your example, not mine)?

We could use "package" or we could use "hexaflexagon" or we could use 
"triskaidekaphobia" or any other word. But if we have namespace 
implementation in PHP, why don't we call it "namespace"? Because it is 
"inconsistent" with C++? To hell with C++ then, nobody said PHP is C++.

Well. I do want that indentation if I ever will be dumb enough to have
multiple namespace in the same file..

Indentation happens when you do () even once. {} implies that everything 
inside it is on next level of hierarchy and thus should be indented.
Of course, it's "inconsistent" with Python, so maybe we should drop 
braces altogether...

Its not about consistency for me. Its about that little gut feeling you have.

Well, of course I can not address little gut feeling with any logical 
argument. But to hell with logic and reasoning, let the little gut 
feeling rule.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Closures and reflection improvements

2008-08-11 Thread Christian Seiler

Hi Marcus,

Account approved and access granted.


Please provide the function copying in a function next to _free_function()

I just committed that (and included some tests). I hope I didn't do
anything wrong in the process, if so, feel free to do so.

and care for parameter info as well

I assume with parameter info you mean arg_info? That isn't necessary and
actually harmful since the arg_info is not copied but simply referenced
via a C pointer in closures (zend_get_closure_invoke_method copies the
entire function structure, including the pointer to arg_info and only
changes some flags the function name). There is no need to copy or
destroy arg_info in reflection.

Also for your next patches (cvs di -N) allows to ship the new files in the
patch and (cvs di -Np) shows the context, which makes reading the patches

Ah, thanks, I added that to my .cvsrc.


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Re: CVS Account Request: cseiler

2008-08-11 Thread Nicolas Chaillan

Welcome aboard (soon), and congrats for your patchs.



Nicolas Chaillan | | UIN : 16549830
Directeur général.

""Christian Seiler"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message de groupe de 
discussion : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maintaining closures, see 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] include bug in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Greg Beaver

Dmitry Stogov wrote:
This behavior is already implemented in "improved" patch that I sent on 

Thanks. Dmitry.


What I mean is:


works because of realpath() and PHP's wrapper.


Does this change affect code like:

include "../file.php";



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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Rodrigo Saboya


On 11/08/2008, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Ideally someone would summarize the discussion (or maybe two people, one
from each "camp") and then we can have a vote. Make it an RFC or

OK, here it goes again:

When we adopt some syntax, especially syntax matching some other
language, we do not just introduce an otherwise meaningless sequence of
symbols to be learned by users. We introduce concepts, and we create
associative links with other languages. So, if we introduced the syntax
for namespaces that is used by C++ - i.e. braces, we would imply that it
has all the properties that C++ one has and that we encourage the usage
patterns that C++ users adopt. Namely, that namespaces can be nested,
that they are hierarchical, that namespaces can be used in any place in
the file, just for one function/class or even variable without any
influence on the surroundings, that using multiple namespaces in the
same file, along with global space, is completely OK.

So why the $%#$%& can't we use "package" if the implementation has
nothing incommon with namespaces in c++ (your example, not mine)?

Added to that, braced namespaces would imply additional (and
unnecessary) level of hierarchy and indentation for most editors and
code formatters.
With all that, there's not one thing that syntax with {} enables us to
do and that is not possible to do right now (and that we want to do :).

Well. I do want that indentation if I ever will be dumb enough to have
multiple namespace in the same file..

There is only one thing I could care less about than consistency, and
that is Windows.
Its not about consistency for me. Its about that little gut feeling you have.
To me it looks, and feels, much more like a namespace when you wrap it
in a namespace block. To me its more natural syntax.


IMHO it doesn't make sense to have {} around namespaces if PHP 
recommends (imposes?) 1 namespace per file. I personally prefer the more 
C++-like way, described by Stanislav, where you can do pretty much 
anything namespace-wise. But if PHP is sticking to the prior, { } just 
looks wrong to me.

Rodrigo Saboya

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Elizabeth M Smith
Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
> When we adopt some syntax, especially syntax matching some other
> language, we do not just introduce an otherwise meaningless sequence of
> symbols to be learned by users. We introduce concepts, and we create
> associative links with other languages. So, if we introduced the syntax
> for namespaces that is used by C++ - i.e. braces, we would imply that it
> has all the properties that C++ one has and that we encourage the usage
> patterns that C++ users adopt. Namely, that namespaces can be nested,
> that they are hierarchical, that namespaces can be used in any place in
> the file, just for one function/class or even variable without any
> influence on the surroundings, that using multiple namespaces in the
> same file, along with global space, is completely OK.

Except that C++ is not the only language that uses this syntax, nor is
it the only language with "baggage" associated with syntax - to say that
"I don't want braces because people would think it acts like C++" is as
silly as saying "I don't want the current namespace Foo; syntax because
people will think it acts like python"

The bottom line is this is new for PHP, and although there will be
confusion when it's first introduced (goodness, PHP5 had plenty of
teaching over __construct) eventually with good documentation people
will learn what to expect from the PHP version - and that it is not like

> With all that, there's not one thing that syntax with {} enables us to
> do and that is not possible to do right now (and that we want to do :).
> Only reason presented for this change is the misguided notion of
> "consistency", grounded in the belief that semantically different
> constructs must look the same, because that way they will be... well,
> "consistent".

Thinking as a new user...
How is
namespace foo;
semantically different from
class foo {}
or even
function foo {}

I'm defining something yes?  With stuff basically "inside it".  Yes an
oversimplification, but the strength of PHP has always been simple.  So
why should it act differently?  Why does it need different syntax to
define something?

> While similarity in function in many cases should produce
> similarity in looks, I believe there's substantial semantic difference
> between namespaces and classes or functions, enough to make them use
> different syntax, especially when it better fits the function namespaces
> are to serve in PHP.

And here is the difference - I don't believe there's substantial
semantic difference between namespaces or classes or functions, enough
to require teaching a new syntax.

But at the end of the day this is all personal preference.  Just
remember the poor people who have to teach this to the new users ;)

Elizabeth Smith

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread hannes . magnusson
On 11/08/2008, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
>> Ideally someone would summarize the discussion (or maybe two people, one
>> from each "camp") and then we can have a vote. Make it an RFC or
> OK, here it goes again:
> When we adopt some syntax, especially syntax matching some other
> language, we do not just introduce an otherwise meaningless sequence of
> symbols to be learned by users. We introduce concepts, and we create
> associative links with other languages. So, if we introduced the syntax
> for namespaces that is used by C++ - i.e. braces, we would imply that it
> has all the properties that C++ one has and that we encourage the usage
> patterns that C++ users adopt. Namely, that namespaces can be nested,
> that they are hierarchical, that namespaces can be used in any place in
> the file, just for one function/class or even variable without any
> influence on the surroundings, that using multiple namespaces in the
> same file, along with global space, is completely OK.

So why the $%#$%& can't we use "package" if the implementation has
nothing incommon with namespaces in c++ (your example, not mine)?

> Added to that, braced namespaces would imply additional (and
> unnecessary) level of hierarchy and indentation for most editors and
> code formatters.
> [snip]
> With all that, there's not one thing that syntax with {} enables us to
> do and that is not possible to do right now (and that we want to do :).

Well. I do want that indentation if I ever will be dumb enough to have
multiple namespace in the same file..

There is only one thing I could care less about than consistency, and
that is Windows.
Its not about consistency for me. Its about that little gut feeling you have.
To me it looks, and feels, much more like a namespace when you wrap it
in a namespace block. To me its more natural syntax.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


Ideally someone would summarize the discussion (or maybe two people, one 
from each "camp") and then we can have a vote. Make it an RFC or 

OK, here it goes again:

When we adopt some syntax, especially syntax matching some other 
language, we do not just introduce an otherwise meaningless sequence of 
symbols to be learned by users. We introduce concepts, and we create 
associative links with other languages. So, if we introduced the syntax 
for namespaces that is used by C++ - i.e. braces, we would imply that it 
has all the properties that C++ one has and that we encourage the usage 
patterns that C++ users adopt. Namely, that namespaces can be nested, 
that they are hierarchical, that namespaces can be used in any place in 
the file, just for one function/class or even variable without any 
influence on the surroundings, that using multiple namespaces in the 
same file, along with global space, is completely OK.

However, the usage that we want to promote in PHP is very different - we 
want to encourage users to use one namespace per file (except for number 
of hacks that basically pack multiple logical files into one physical 
file), that namespace is to encompass big structured pieces of code and 
not to be used in random in-and-out fashion.

Added to that, braced namespaces would imply additional (and 
unnecessary) level of hierarchy and indentation for most editors and 
code formatters. Of course, special exception can be programmed into 
them to make namespace{} behave in a different way from all other 
constructs having {} blocks, but this would be working on solving the 
problem that we ourselves created, quite unnecessarily.

With all that, there's not one thing that syntax with {} enables us to 
do and that is not possible to do right now (and that we want to do :). 
Only reason presented for this change is the misguided notion of 
"consistency", grounded in the belief that semantically different 
constructs must look the same, because that way they will be... well, 
"consistent". While similarity in function in many cases should produce 
similarity in looks, I believe there's substantial semantic difference 
between namespaces and classes or functions, enough to make them use 
different syntax, especially when it better fits the function namespaces 
are to serve in PHP.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Closures and reflection improvements

2008-08-11 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Christian,

Monday, August 11, 2008, 8:43:31 PM, you wrote:

> Hi,

>>   all submitted now. Thanks everyone for their help and especially
>>   Christian for getting this started.

> Thanks for making my patch work after the modifications in
> zend_closures.c. I'm sorry I couldn't do it myself but I was kind of
> busy the last few days and the "simple fix" created memory leaks and I
> didn't want to post a knowingly broken patch.

> Anyway, there are still segfaults in the current version:

> $foo = function ($a) {};
> $o = new ReflectionMethod ($foo);
> $p = $o->getParameters ();
> unset ($o);
> $m = $p[0]->getDeclaringFunction ();
> Reflection::export ($m);

> $foo = function ($a) {};
> $p = new ReflectionParameter ($foo, 'a');
> $m = $p->getDeclaringFunction ();
> unset ($p);
> Reflection::export ($m);

> This is due to the fact that getParameters() / getDeclaringFunction()
> don't copy the fptr and fptr->common.function_name pointers if it's a
> closure. Here are patches for PHP 5.3 and HEAD that fix the problem:


> Also, the following test that I already posted should be added to
> PHP_5_2, PHP_5_3 and HEAD:


> The test already works for PHP_5_3 (since the fix for that was included
> in my original patch) but a segfault still occurs in PHP_5_2 and HEAD,
> my patch that I already posted fixes that problem for 5.2:


> My original patch also fixed the problem for HEAD, I readded that part
> to the above segfault patch for HEAD.

>> Also, it appears you do not have a cvs account, or did I overlook
>> something?

> No, I don't. Dmitry also mentioned that - should I request one?

Account approved and access granted. Please provide the function copying in
a function next to _free_function() and care for parameter info as well
(yeah sorry for the additional work). And then, happy submitting.

Also for your next patches (cvs di -N) allows to ship the new files in the
patch and (cvs di -Np) shows the context, which makes reading the patches

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: cseiler

2008-08-11 Thread Christian Seiler
Maintaining closures, see

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Closures and reflection improvements

2008-08-11 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Christian,

Monday, August 11, 2008, 8:43:31 PM, you wrote:

> Hi,

>>   all submitted now. Thanks everyone for their help and especially
>>   Christian for getting this started.

> Thanks for making my patch work after the modifications in
> zend_closures.c. I'm sorry I couldn't do it myself but I was kind of
> busy the last few days and the "simple fix" created memory leaks and I
> didn't want to post a knowingly broken patch.

> Anyway, there are still segfaults in the current version:

> $foo = function ($a) {};
> $o = new ReflectionMethod ($foo);
> $p = $o->getParameters ();
> unset ($o);
> $m = $p[0]->getDeclaringFunction ();
> Reflection::export ($m);

> $foo = function ($a) {};
> $p = new ReflectionParameter ($foo, 'a');
> $m = $p->getDeclaringFunction ();
> unset ($p);
> Reflection::export ($m);

> This is due to the fact that getParameters() / getDeclaringFunction()
> don't copy the fptr and fptr->common.function_name pointers if it's a
> closure. Here are patches for PHP 5.3 and HEAD that fix the problem:


> Also, the following test that I already posted should be added to
> PHP_5_2, PHP_5_3 and HEAD:


> The test already works for PHP_5_3 (since the fix for that was included
> in my original patch) but a segfault still occurs in PHP_5_2 and HEAD,
> my patch that I already posted fixes that problem for 5.2:


> My original patch also fixed the problem for HEAD, I readded that part
> to the above segfault patch for HEAD.

>> Also, it appears you do not have a cvs account, or did I overlook
>> something?

> No, I don't. Dmitry also mentioned that - should I request one?

Yes, please do and the seg fix patch should have a function to do the
copying as it is not complete, so we can add to it as necessary.

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Closures and reflection improvements

2008-08-11 Thread Christian Seiler


  all submitted now. Thanks everyone for their help and especially
  Christian for getting this started.

Thanks for making my patch work after the modifications in
zend_closures.c. I'm sorry I couldn't do it myself but I was kind of
busy the last few days and the "simple fix" created memory leaks and I
didn't want to post a knowingly broken patch.

Anyway, there are still segfaults in the current version:

$foo = function ($a) {};
$o = new ReflectionMethod ($foo);
$p = $o->getParameters ();
unset ($o);
$m = $p[0]->getDeclaringFunction ();
Reflection::export ($m);

$foo = function ($a) {};
$p = new ReflectionParameter ($foo, 'a');
$m = $p->getDeclaringFunction ();
unset ($p);
Reflection::export ($m);

This is due to the fact that getParameters() / getDeclaringFunction()
don't copy the fptr and fptr->common.function_name pointers if it's a
closure. Here are patches for PHP 5.3 and HEAD that fix the problem:

Also, the following test that I already posted should be added to
PHP_5_2, PHP_5_3 and HEAD:

The test already works for PHP_5_3 (since the fix for that was included
in my original patch) but a segfault still occurs in PHP_5_2 and HEAD,
my patch that I already posted fixes that problem for 5.2:

My original patch also fixed the problem for HEAD, I readded that part
to the above segfault patch for HEAD.

Also, it appears you do not have a cvs account, or did I overlook

No, I don't. Dmitry also mentioned that - should I request one?


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] pspell tweak.

2008-08-11 Thread Phil Oleson

Was running pspell through g++ and found that a couple of error conditions 
segments in pspell.c
are using the wrong cleanup methods.  delete_pspell_manager()  should be 


--- pspell.c16 Jul 2008 18:35:41 -  1.61
+++ pspell.c11 Aug 2008 17:39:03 -
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@

if(pspell_error_number(ret) != 0){
php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: %s", 

-   delete_pspell_manager(ret);
+   delete_pspell_can_have_error(ret);

@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@

if(pspell_error_number(ret) != 0){
php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: %s", 

-   delete_pspell_manager(ret);
+   delete_pspell_can_have_error(ret);

@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@

if(pspell_error_number(ret) != 0){
php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: %s", 

-   delete_pspell_manager(ret);
+   delete_pspell_can_have_error(ret);

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Zend Signal Handling

2008-08-11 Thread Dmitry Stogov

I'll try to review it on Tuesday/Wednesday.

Thanks. Dmitry.

Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

On 09.08.2008, at 17:42, Arnaud Le Blanc wrote:


As Lucas said the patch seems ready now, could someone please review 
the patch

for inclusion ?

Changes that have been made:

- The patch has been ported to HEAD
- The patch now supports multithreaded environments, and fixes many 

on non-windows platforms when enabled.
- Extensions can use zend_signal() and zend_sigaction() so that all 

they declare will always be deferred in critical sections. PCNTL has been
- There is now a zend.signal_check ini entry so that the checks made in
zend_signal_deactivate() can be done in non-debug builds.
- Some code has been moved to process startup or global constructor 
- The patch moves some HANDLE_BLOCK/UNBLOCK in zend_alloc to protect 
more code

Yeah where do we stand with this patch?

Lukas Kahwe Smith

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Zend Signal Handling

2008-08-11 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

On 09.08.2008, at 17:42, Arnaud Le Blanc wrote:


As Lucas said the patch seems ready now, could someone please review  
the patch

for inclusion ?

Changes that have been made:

- The patch has been ported to HEAD
- The patch now supports multithreaded environments, and fixes many  

on non-windows platforms when enabled.
- Extensions can use zend_signal() and zend_sigaction() so that all  
they declare will always be deferred in critical sections. PCNTL has  

- There is now a zend.signal_check ini entry so that the checks made  

zend_signal_deactivate() can be done in non-debug builds.
- Some code has been moved to process startup or global constructor  
- The patch moves some HANDLE_BLOCK/UNBLOCK in zend_alloc to protect  
more code

Yeah where do we stand with this patch?

Lukas Kahwe Smith

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Closures and reflection improvements

2008-08-11 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello guys,

  all submitted now. Thanks everyone for their help and especially
  Christian for getting this started.


Monday, August 11, 2008, 12:23:57 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Dmitry,

> Monday, August 11, 2008, 10:51:44 AM, you wrote:

>> Hi Marcus,

>> I committed the ZE part of your patch with exception for

>> zend_error(E_ERROR, "Cannot destroy active lambda function");

>> Catching this error may cause memory corruption and crash.

> Alright, didn't see that immediately.

>> Thanks. Dmitry.
> Thanks marcus

>> Marcus Boerger wrote:
>>> Hello Johannes, Christian, Felipe,
>>>   and here 5.3 and 6.0 versions that also have most memleaks fixed.
>>> marcus
>>> Saturday, August 9, 2008, 12:34:59 AM, you wrote:
 Hello Christian, Johannes,
 Friday, August 8, 2008, 11:48:37 PM, you wrote:
> Hello Christian,
>   I updated your patch for 5.3 due to recent changes. It works pretty fine
> for me. Care to test again, especially with your new tests? Note that test
> ext/reflection/tests/closures_001.phpt does not work for me and I have no
> clue why. Well, besides that obviously the closure class no longer has an
> entry for __closure, so it is more a question of how to know when to add
> this. Also, it appears you do not have a cvs account, or did I overlook
> something?
> Modified patch attached, including the updated reflection tests.
 Ok, it is actually easy to fix, we just check whether the thing is a
 closure and add the method manually, done. New patch attached.
 Johannes, this also adresses the switch from E_ERROR to E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR
 for the closure handlers.
 best regards
> Monday, August 4, 2008, 12:59:13 PM, you wrote:
>> Christian,
>> On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 11:33 +0400, Dmitry Stogov wrote:
>> without applying and testing the patch:
>> -   zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&ce->function_table TSRMLS_CC,
>> (apply_func_args_t) _addmethod, 3, &ce, return_value, filter);
>> +   zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&ce->function_table TSRMLS_CC,
>> (apply_func_args_t) _addmethod, 3, &ce, return_value, filter, 
>> intern->obj);
>> that looks a bit strange, probably you want 4 instead of 3 now?
>> johannes
> Best regards,
>  Marcus
 Best regards,
>>> Best regards,
>>>  Marcus

> Best regards,
>  Marcus

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

On 03.08.2008, at 14:26, Marcus Boerger wrote:

1) new keyword 'use'. Semantically it is the same as 'static' or  

so it should be used in the same location.

2) namespaces, either use 'package' and only one per file, or use
'namespace' with curly braces. Read this as be consistent with other
languages and even if one or two people do not like it the two main
languages out there which have it are Java which goes with the  
former and
C++ which does the latter. Please chose and not mix it. Also our mix  
is a

nightmare when developing code.

If we feel we have to keep the keyword 'namesapce' but cannot have  

braces, than I suggest we disallow multiple namespace per file.

And there is no technical reason and surely no other reason  
whatsoever to
not have curly braces. If there is then we either fix that or went  
with the

wrong approach.

3) __invokable, see Etiene's mail

AFAIK 3) is resolved?

So it seems to me like 1) and 2) have gone back and forth between  
people enough. We have also agreed that multiple namespaces per file  
are a necessary feature to support. But now the question is if we are  
going to change anything or not.

Ideally someone would summarize the discussion (or maybe two people,  
one from each "camp") and then we can have a vote. Make it an RFC or  
whatever. But this is definitely the last time we are going to vote on  
the curly brackets stuff for namespaces in 5.3.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Closures and reflection improvements

2008-08-11 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Dmitry,

Monday, August 11, 2008, 10:51:44 AM, you wrote:

> Hi Marcus,

> I committed the ZE part of your patch with exception for

> zend_error(E_ERROR, "Cannot destroy active lambda function");

> Catching this error may cause memory corruption and crash.

Alright, didn't see that immediately.

> Thanks. Dmitry.
Thanks marcus

> Marcus Boerger wrote:
>> Hello Johannes, Christian, Felipe,
>>   and here 5.3 and 6.0 versions that also have most memleaks fixed.
>> marcus
>> Saturday, August 9, 2008, 12:34:59 AM, you wrote:
>>> Hello Christian, Johannes,
>>> Friday, August 8, 2008, 11:48:37 PM, you wrote:
 Hello Christian,
   I updated your patch for 5.3 due to recent changes. It works pretty fine
 for me. Care to test again, especially with your new tests? Note that test
 ext/reflection/tests/closures_001.phpt does not work for me and I have no
 clue why. Well, besides that obviously the closure class no longer has an
 entry for __closure, so it is more a question of how to know when to add
 this. Also, it appears you do not have a cvs account, or did I overlook
 Modified patch attached, including the updated reflection tests.
>>> Ok, it is actually easy to fix, we just check whether the thing is a
>>> closure and add the method manually, done. New patch attached.
>>> Johannes, this also adresses the switch from E_ERROR to E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR
>>> for the closure handlers.
>>> best regards
>>> marcus
 Monday, August 4, 2008, 12:59:13 PM, you wrote:
> Christian,
> On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 11:33 +0400, Dmitry Stogov wrote:
> without applying and testing the patch:
> -   zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&ce->function_table TSRMLS_CC,
> (apply_func_args_t) _addmethod, 3, &ce, return_value, filter);
> +   zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&ce->function_table TSRMLS_CC,
> (apply_func_args_t) _addmethod, 3, &ce, return_value, filter, 
> intern->obj);
> that looks a bit strange, probably you want 4 instead of 3 now?
> johannes
 Best regards,
>>> Best regards,
>>>  Marcus
>> Best regards,
>>  Marcus

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP5.3+ win32 snaps latest file missing.

2008-08-11 Thread Pierre Joye

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Richard Quadling
> Hi.
> Whilst you can download the most recent file from, the
> latest file has always been named as Which
> means you don't need to know when the latest build was. Recently the
> latest file is missing. The filename appears in the list at
>, but doesn't download.
> Output from wget ...

My fault, while updating to the new snap scripts (which are now in cvs
under, I forgot to create
symlink for -latest. It will be fixed today.

Pierre |

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Win32 Snapshots for PECL V5.3.x stalled.

2008-08-11 Thread Pierre Joye

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Richard Quadling
> Hi.
> It may be known or not, but the Win32 PECL snapshots was last
> successfully built on (as at 2008/08/11 10:00 AM GMT)
>  pecl5.3-win32-latest.zip07-Aug-2008 08:45   4.1M
>  07-Aug-2008 08:45   4.1M

They are not built at all. We removed the link in CVS but somehow the
rsync cron does not work anymore on the box since last
day. Derick being in hollidays, I can't fix it.

The PECL packages will be back online in as soon as
possible and using releases.

Pierre |

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] PHP 6 Bug Summary Report

2008-08-11 Thread internals
 PHP 6 Bug Database summary -

 Num Status Summary (67 total -- which includes 26 feature requests)
===[*General Issues]==
26771 Suspended  register_tick_funtions crash under threaded webservers
===[*Regular Expressions]=
44923 Open   ereg works differently in PHP 6.0 unicode.semantics=on
===[*Unicode Issues]==
44868 Open   Replaces UTF-8 symbol with incorrect symbol
===[Apache2 related]==
44083 Open   virtual() not outputting results if zlib ouptut compression is 
===[Arrays related]===
35277 Suspended  incorrect recursion detection
41758 Assigned   SORT_LOCALE_STRING broken for sort() in PHP6
43109 Open   array_intersect() emits unexpected no of notices when 2d array 
is passed as arg
===[Class/Object related]=
41461 Assigned   E_STRICT notice when overriding methods not defined by an 
Interface in hierarchy
44043 Open   Enforcing a method without specifying the arguments
===[Compile Failure]==
42606 Open   unicode/constants.c relies on ICU draft api
44502 Suspended  Compiling ok with MySQL 5.0
45246 Open   make error after ./configure --with-mysql
===[Filesystem function related]==
27792 Assigned   Functions fail on large files (filesize,is_file,is_dir,readdir)
42110 Open   fgetcsv doesn't handle ""\n correctly in multiline csv record
44034 Open   FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES in FILE does not work as expected when 
lines end in \r\n
45585 Open   fread() return value for EOF inconsistent between PHP 5 and 6
===[GD related]===
34670 Assigned   imageTTFText for Indian scripts (Devanagari)
34992 Assigned   imageconvolution does not respect alpha
===[I18N and L10N related]
42471 Open   locale_set_default returns true on invalid locales
===[MySQL related]
44076 Open   mysql_result returns nothing with blob
===[ODBC related]=
39756 Assigned   Crashes in fetching resultsets with LONG ASCII columns from 
===[OpenSSL related]==
25614 Suspended  openssl_pkey_get_public() fails when given a private key
===[Other web server]=
26495 Suspended  Using WebSite Pro 2.5 with ISAPI, cookies are not working
===[PDO related]==
35368 Suspended  PDO query does not work properly with serialize
39171 Assigned   pdo_mysql configure script sets empty default socket
42079 Open   pdo_mysql always links to 3.x libraries (== PDO* in HEAD is 
===[Performance problem]==
42528 Open   Out of "char"(8-bit) range value doesn't roll back, with 
uni-code ON.
===[Program Execution]
39992 Open   proc_terminate() leaves children of child running
43784 Assigned   escapeshellarg removes % from given string
===[Reproducible crash]===
45107 Open   setting ext_dir to "./" (and other ini settings) causes apache 
===[Scripting Engine problem]=
33487 Assigned   Memory allocated for objects created in object methods is not 
42194 Open   $argc/$argv[] won't work when .php extension is assigned to 
===[Session related]==
44860 Open   session_encode fails for php_binary serialiser
===[Strings related]==
44075 Verified   strtok misbehaving
45566 Open   Strict comparision on $_SERVER values fail
===[Unicode Engine related]===
45248 Open   Shfift_JIS encoded characters in PHP script cause an error. 
===[Unknown/Other Function]===
45087 Open   Illegal or truncated character in input
===[URL related]==
45602 Open   urlencode/urldecode should use ASCII encoding
===[XML related]==
45022 Open   Can't get php6 snap to ./configure on mac, fails at libxml2
===[XSLT related]=
38218 Assigned   php:functionString tries t

[PHP-DEV] PHP5.3+ win32 snaps latest file missing.

2008-08-11 Thread Richard Quadling

Whilst you can download the most recent file from, the
latest file has always been named as Which
means you don't need to know when the latest build was. Recently the
latest file is missing. The filename appears in the list at, but doesn't download.

Output from wget ...

   => `D:\Personal Files\Software\PHP\Latest
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
10:07:10 ERROR 404: Not Found.


Richard Quadling.

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer :
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

[PHP-DEV] Re: Win32 Snapshots for PECL V5.3.x stalled.

2008-08-11 Thread Holografix

PHP 5.2 DEV Win  - 06-Aug-2008 04:20 UTC

best regards

""Richard Quadling"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu na mensagem 
> Hi.
> It may be known or not, but the Win32 PECL snapshots was last
> successfully built on (as at 2008/08/11 10:00 AM GMT)
> pecl5.3-win32-latest.zip07-Aug-2008 08:45   4.1M
>  07-Aug-2008 08:45   4.1M
> Regards,
> Richard.
> -- 
> -
> Richard Quadling
> Zend Certified Engineer :
> "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!" 

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

[PHP-DEV] Win32 Snapshots for PECL V5.3.x stalled.

2008-08-11 Thread Richard Quadling

It may be known or not, but the Win32 PECL snapshots was last
successfully built on (as at 2008/08/11 10:00 AM GMT)

 pecl5.3-win32-latest.zip07-Aug-2008 08:45   4.1M  07-Aug-2008 08:45   4.1M


Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer :
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Closures and reflection improvements

2008-08-11 Thread Dmitry Stogov

Hi Marcus,

I committed the ZE part of your patch with exception for

zend_error(E_ERROR, "Cannot destroy active lambda function");

Catching this error may cause memory corruption and crash.

Thanks. Dmitry.

Marcus Boerger wrote:

Hello Johannes, Christian, Felipe,

  and here 5.3 and 6.0 versions that also have most memleaks fixed.


Saturday, August 9, 2008, 12:34:59 AM, you wrote:

Hello Christian, Johannes,

Friday, August 8, 2008, 11:48:37 PM, you wrote:

Hello Christian,

  I updated your patch for 5.3 due to recent changes. It works pretty fine
for me. Care to test again, especially with your new tests? Note that test
ext/reflection/tests/closures_001.phpt does not work for me and I have no
clue why. Well, besides that obviously the closure class no longer has an
entry for __closure, so it is more a question of how to know when to add
this. Also, it appears you do not have a cvs account, or did I overlook

Modified patch attached, including the updated reflection tests.

Ok, it is actually easy to fix, we just check whether the thing is a
closure and add the method manually, done. New patch attached.

Johannes, this also adresses the switch from E_ERROR to E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR
for the closure handlers.

best regards

Monday, August 4, 2008, 12:59:13 PM, you wrote:


On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 11:33 +0400, Dmitry Stogov wrote: 

without applying and testing the patch:

-   zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&ce->function_table TSRMLS_CC,
(apply_func_args_t) _addmethod, 3, &ce, return_value, filter);
+   zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&ce->function_table TSRMLS_CC,
(apply_func_args_t) _addmethod, 3, &ce, return_value, filter, intern->obj);

that looks a bit strange, probably you want 4 instead of 3 now?


Best regards,

Best regards,

Best regards,

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Re: [PHP-DEV] include bug in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

On 11.08.2008, at 09:31, Dmitry Stogov wrote:

The failure of realpath_basic-win32.phpt is expected, as behavior of  
realpath() became the same as on Linux (slashes after regular file  
name are not allowed).

Lets make extra sure that when you commit these kinds of platform  
unifications, that you use the [DOC] tag so that things get documented  
(and adding a note to the 5.3 upgrading scratch pad [1] would also be  

Lukas Kahwe Smith


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] include bug in 5.3

2008-08-11 Thread Dmitry Stogov

Hi Pierre,

Thank you for feedback.
You are definitely right about FindClose().
The failure of realpath_basic-win32.phpt is expected, as behavior of 
realpath() became the same as on Linux (slashes after regular file name 
are not allowed).
I wasn't able to reproduce realpath_basic2.phpt failure (may be because 
I added missing FindClose()).

Thanks. Dmitry.

Pierre Joye wrote:

hi Dmitry,

On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Dmitry Stogov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The improved patch fixes all the issues I found during testing.
However I wasn't able to test it on NETWARE and on Solaris with relative

Please test it as much as possible.

I run the test suite and the results can be seen here:

There is two failing for real path (Server 2008, Vista 64 and XP (32 and 64)):

Test realpath() function: basic functionality
realpath() with relative directory

Some other may fail because of a change in realpath behavior. I will
run them again without the patch and post again the affected tests.

I'm going to commit it on Tuesday in case of no objections.

A FindClose is missing:

+#ifdef TSRM_WIN32
+   if (save && (hFind = FindFirstFile(path, &data)) ==  
   if (use_realpath == CWD_REALPATH) {
-   return 1;
+   /* file not found */
+   return -1;


+   if (save) {
+   directory = (data.dwFileAttributes &  
+   if (is_dir && !directory) {
+   /* not a directory */


+   return -1;
+   }
+   }
+   tmp = tsrm_do_alloca(len+1, use_heap);
+   memcpy(tmp, path, len+1);
+#elif defined(NETWARE)
+   save = 0;
+   tmp = tsrm_do_alloca(len+1, use_heap);
+   memcpy(tmp, path, len+1);


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