Re: [PHP-DEV] [Early Feedback] Pattern matching

2024-06-22 Thread Mark Trapp
On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 10:16 AM Brandon Jackson  wrote:
> > > 8. Capturing values out of a pattern and binding them to variables if 
> > > matched
> > > Ok I think that's stepping a bit far out of scope. Maybe `is` should
> > > simply check and not have any side effects.
> >
> > As above, this is core functionality of pattern matching for ADTs, as well 
> > as a core feature of every other language that has pattern matching, I 
> > believe.  It's not out of scope, it's core scope.
> Ok, it just seems like a rift between expectations and reality. When
> looking at things like this, if it is not actually something that's
> new to me, I like to try to put myself in the shoes of someone who it
> would be new to. Why? Because there are things that you can assume a
> syntax does, and there are things you would only know a syntax does by
> reading the docs (if it's not buried too deeply and you can find it).
> I would never have assumed that there was a pattern to be appended to
> `$foo is Bar` that would automatically assign one of its properties to
> another variable if there was a match. But I guess that comes from
> ignorance as I haven't had the luxury of familiarizing myself with a
> language that does this. So if it is a common thing then I will chalk
> it up to a bad assumption of mine.

Hi Brandon,

Something doesn't sit right with me when an argument is made that
something should be in this RFC because it's needed for another,
future RFC (in which case, it seems like it should be part of that
RFC), but in this particular case, one doesn't need to ever care about
ADTs to justify binding being a part of a pattern matching RFC.

Without a familiarity of the concept, I think it's very easy to view
pattern matching as syntactic sugar for type or shape assertions: in
other words, it simply provides another way to ensure type safety.
Believe me, I've made the same mistake! Naming things is hard, and
"pattern matching" as a name just intuitively feels like it should
just be about the checking.

But pattern matching's value is in type checking is incidental, and I
think a core thing to note from the preamble of the RFC is the

> In a sense it serves a similar purpose for complex data structures as regular 
> expressions do for strings.

Pattern matching's core purpose is to extract data from a matched data
structure, and just as regular expressions have limited value without
matching groups, pattern matching is similar without binding. I think
it would be difficult to think of an implementation of regular
expressions without matching groups, and similarly it would be
difficult to think of a useful implementation of pattern matching
without the ability to extract the data from the matched data
structure. Because of this, every language that implements the concept
also includes binding.

Hope this helps,

Mark Trapp

Re: External Message: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC][Vote announcement] Property hooks

2024-04-10 Thread Mark Trapp
On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 9:59 AM Jeffrey Dafoe  wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 4:01 PM Erick de Azevedo Lima 
> > <> wrote:
> > Maybe if such a feedback was given before and it was decided to go for a 
> > trimmed version of the feature, maybe Ilija/Larry could have had less work 
> > to implement and test all the variantes they've done. I think if a person 
> > has such numerous concerns, it should be exposed ASAP even if your thoughts 
> > are not
> > totally clear. If you had a chat directly with Ilija/Larry, they would be 
> > aware of such concerns and would expend efforts to address these concerns.
> > To an outsider, it looks wild when feedback starts coming in right before 
> > the vote starts. What's even more startling is that there are people with 
> > voting rights who have never participated in the discussion at all, yet 
> > have a right to wordlessly affect the vote's outcome. I sincerely hope 
> > Ilija and Larry's work don't
> > go to waste here.
> I hope that the property hooks feature goes through. I've used it in C# and 
> it reads nice and saves time.
> Waiting until the last minute to express a significant design disagreement is 
> disrespectful of the time the RFC authors have spent working on this 
> proposal. It's also counterproductive to the PHP project overall.
> -Jeff

Just a friendly reminder that feedback on why people vote against RFCs
has been desperately sought after and requested each time a seemingly
popular RFC is rejected, and the feedback provided by others for this
RFC was done so in good faith, before voting started, allowing the RFC
authors to address said feedback should they choose to acknowledge it.

And in general, the wider PHP community does not pay attention to RFCs
until/unless they come up for a vote.

Admonishing people for providing unexpected or negative feedback will
have a chilling effect for future RFC attempts, as it's much easier to
just silently vote no than to be attacked simply for providing a
dissenting opinion at an inconvenient time.

- Mark

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC idea: using the void type to control maximum arity of user-defined functions

2024-04-04 Thread Mark Trapp
On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 2:16 PM Bilge  wrote:
> On 04/04/2024 16:57, Tim Düsterhus wrote:
>> I think it would be reasonable to consider deprecating passing extra
>> arguments to a non-variadic function.
> This seems like the only reasonable thing to do, to me. If this were the
> case, there should be no need for any new syntax, since we could simply
> deny passing extra arguments in the next major, no?
> Bilge

I'd caution about being too hasty to deprecate and remove support for
this feature without understanding the underlying reasons why it has
been used historically, and without providing a better (not just
different) alternative for those use cases, lest an impossible upgrade
path is created.

While the variadic operator should be a 1:1 replacement for using
func_get_args(), is it enough of a benefit to force potentially tens
of thousands of codebases to change when they both accomplish the same
thing? What bad thing happens if PHP continues to support both

There is already enough friction to upgrade between major versions.
Introducing an optional attribute or syntax allows codebases that care
about signature strictness get that safety, while avoiding a
potentially costly and onerous upgrade for the community.

- Mark

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC idea: using the void type to control maximum arity of user-defined functions

2024-04-04 Thread Mark Trapp
On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 5:43 AM Pablo Rauzy  wrote:
> Hello all,
> First, I'm new here, so let me start by warmly thanking everyone
> involved in PHP development. I've started programming 22 years using it
> as my first programming language, and still enjoy using it a lot :).
> I've read the rfc:howto and the first step is to get feedback from this
> mailing list about the intended proposal, so here is a short description
> of what I have in mind:
> Currently PHP does not warn when user-defined functions are called with
> too many arguments. Changing this could break a lot of existing code,
> but it would also be a very good verification to catch potential bugs.
> I have an idea allowing this feature without breaking any existing code:
> using the void keyword in a function arguments list to strictly limit
> the number of arguments a user-defined function can receive, stopping it
> on the void, which could only be used once and in the last position.
> Currently, void is a return-only type so it isn't used in arguments list
> in existing code, so I believe the new behavior would only concern newly
> written code that explicitly wants to take advantage of this feature.
> A few examples using functions (the same would apply to class methods,
> callbacks, closures, etc.) :
>  function foo (void) {}
>  foo(42); // warning: foo() expects exactly 0 arguments, 1 given
>  function bar ($a, $b, void) {}
>  bar(1, 2, 3); // warning: bar() expects exactly 2 arguments, 3 given
>  function baz ($a, $b=null, void) {}
>  baz(1, 2, 3); // warning: baz() expects at most 2 arguments, 3 given
> I have no knowledge of the PHP internals: would that be feasible without
> breaking things? And, as importantly, would it be a welcome change?
> Cheers,
> --
> Pablo

Hi Pablo,

I like this concept, but instead of introducing a new syntax, have you
considered leveraging attributes in the same way that PHP 8.3
introduced #[Override]?

function foo () {}
foo(42); // warning: foo() expects exactly 0 arguments, 1 given

I think the intent would be clearer and it would avoid introducing a new syntax.

- Mark

[PHP-DEV] RE: Testing new list server

2024-02-15 Thread Mark Scholten

In the past there was a List-Id header. This seems to be missing now. Is it 
expected to be added again? Else I will update my mail rules.

Kind regards, Mark

> -Original Message-
> From: Derick Rethans 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 16:16
> To:
> Subject: Testing new list server
> Please don't be alarmed, we're moving the lists over to a new machine.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Deprecate declare(encoding='...') + zend.multibyte + zend.script_encoding + zend.detect_unicode ?

2023-11-28 Thread Mark Trapp
On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 12:48 PM Hans Henrik Bergan
> >If the solution is as easy as just converting the encoding of the
> source file, then why did we even need to have this setting at all?
> Why did PHP parser support encodings that demanded the introduction of
> I've read your question but don't have an answer to it, hopefully
> someone else knows.

These settings predate the ubiquity of UTF-8, which did not begin to
see widespread adoption until the mid-to-late 2000s, and did not reach
ubiquity until the mid-2010s:

mbstring.script_encoding was introduced with this commit and released
in PHP 4.3 (renamed to zend.script_encoding in PHP 5.4):

zend.detect_unicode introduced in this commit, released with PHP 5.1:

zend.multibyte introduced with this commit, released with PHP 5.4:

declare(encoding) appears to predate all of the PHP 4.0 tagged
releases, including the pre-release ones.

- Mark Trapp

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC][Discussion] Why can constructors violate LSP?

2023-11-24 Thread Mark Trapp
On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 12:31 Robert Landers  wrote:
> Hello Internals,
> As you may know, an inherited method cannot reduce the visibility of
> an overridden method. For example, this results in a fatal error
> during compilation:
> class P {
> public function hello($name =3D 'world') {
> echo "hello $name\n";
> }
> }
> class C extends P {
> private function hello($name =3D 'world') {
> parent::hello($name);
> echo "goodbye $name\n";
> }
> }
> However, we can make certain methods private anyway, namely,
> constructors (I haven't gone hunting for other built-in methods yet).
> This is perfectly allowed:
> class P {
> public function __construct($name =3D 'waldo') {
> echo "hello $name\n";
> }
> }
> class C extends P {
> private function __construct($name =3D 'world') {
> parent::__construct($name);
> echo "goodbye $name\n";
> }
> }
> To my somewhat trained eye, this appears to violate the Liskov
> Substitution Principle, for example, this now can have hidden errors:
> function create(P $class) {
> return new (get_class($class))();
> }
> proven by:
> $c =3D (new ReflectionClass(C::class))
>   ->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
> create($c);
> Even though we thought we knew that the constructor was declared public.
> I'd like to propose an RFC to enforce the covariance of constructors
> (just like is done for other methods), to take effect in PHP 9, with a
> deprecation notice in 8.3.x.
> I'm more than happy to implement it.
> Does anyone feel strongly about this one way or the other?
> Robert Landers
> Software Engineer
> Utrecht NL

(Apologies: resending because I used the wrong email address to send
to the list)

Hi Robert,

Liskov and Wing explicitly exempted constructors in their original
paper describing the principle:

> 4.1 Type Specifications
> A type specification includes the following information:
> - The type's name
> - A description of the type's value space
> - A definition of the type's invariant and history properties
> - For each of the type's methods:
> - Its name;
> - Its signature including signaled exceptions;
> - Its behavior in terms of pre-conditions and post-conditions.
> Note that the creators are missing. Omitting creators allows subtypes to =
provide different creators than their supertypes. In addition, omitting cre=
ators makes it easy for a type to have multiple implementations, allows new=
 creators to be added later, and re ects common usage: for example, Java in=
terfaces and virtual types provide no way for users to create objects of th=
e type.

(Creators is Liskov's word for constructors, which they later define
in the paper.)

Hope that helps.

- Mark Trapp

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC][Discussion] Why can constructors violate LSP?

2023-11-24 Thread Mark Trapp
On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 12:31 PM Robert Landers
> Hello Internals,
> As you may know, an inherited method cannot reduce the visibility of
> an overridden method. For example, this results in a fatal error
> during compilation:
> class P {
> public function hello($name = 'world') {
> echo "hello $name\n";
> }
> }
> class C extends P {
> private function hello($name = 'world') {
> parent::hello($name);
> echo "goodbye $name\n";
> }
> }
> However, we can make certain methods private anyway, namely,
> constructors (I haven't gone hunting for other built-in methods yet).
> This is perfectly allowed:
> class P {
> public function __construct($name = 'waldo') {
> echo "hello $name\n";
> }
> }
> class C extends P {
> private function __construct($name = 'world') {
> parent::__construct($name);
> echo "goodbye $name\n";
> }
> }
> To my somewhat trained eye, this appears to violate the Liskov
> Substitution Principle, for example, this now can have hidden errors:
> function create(P $class) {
> return new (get_class($class))();
> }
> proven by:
> $c = (new ReflectionClass(C::class))
>   ->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
> create($c);
> Even though we thought we knew that the constructor was declared public.
> I'd like to propose an RFC to enforce the covariance of constructors
> (just like is done for other methods), to take effect in PHP 9, with a
> deprecation notice in 8.3.x.
> I'm more than happy to implement it.
> Does anyone feel strongly about this one way or the other?
> Robert Landers
> Software Engineer
> Utrecht NL

Hi Robert,

Liskov and Wing explicitly exempted constructors in their original
paper describing the principle:

> 4.1 Type Specifications
> A type specification includes the following information:
> - The type's name
> - A description of the type's value space
> - A definition of the type's invariant and history properties
> - For each of the type's methods:
> - Its name;
> - Its signature including signaled exceptions;
> - Its behavior in terms of pre-conditions and post-conditions.
> Note that the creators are missing. Omitting creators allows subtypes to 
> provide different creators than their supertypes. In addition, omitting 
> creators makes it easy for a type to have multiple implementations, allows 
> new creators to be added later, and re ects common usage: for example, Java 
> interfaces and virtual types provide no way for users to create objects of 
> the type.

(Creators is Liskov's word for constructors, which they later define
in the paper.)

Hope that helps.

- Mark Trapp

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Introducing 2 new modes to round function

2023-08-03 Thread Mark Baker

Once upon a many years ago:

It will be nice to see it finally get and implementation

On 21/07/2023 21:26, Jorg Sowa wrote:

Hello internals!

I would like to propose introducing two new modes to the function

Those modes are highly requested as you can see by the comments on round
documentation page. First comment mentioning about those modes has 309
votes as of today. Introducing those 2 modes would be complementing to the
rounding in this function.

Round documentation:
My implementation:

I'm not sure if such minor improvement requires RFC, but as someone may
have some concerns I create this thread to get your feedback.

Kind regards,

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] New core autoloading mechanism with support for function autoloading

2023-04-11 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 14:17, G. P. B. wrote:

Dan and I would like to propose a new core autoloading mechanism that fixes
some minor design issues with the current class autoloading mechanism and
introduce a brand-new function autoloading mechanism:

The existing SPL autoloading functions would become aliases to the new Core
ones and will continue to work without any migrations needing to be

I fully support this endeavour: I've wanted this for such a long time 
now. A while ago I was pressured into splitting two of my libraries that 
provided both function and class/method calls, increasing my maintenance 
workload. This would allow me to combine them again.

Looking at all the points that have already been raised, I think Sara 
sums up well.

I also like Rowan's suggestion of a list of namespace prefixes.

In particular, you're already considering the use of maps for even 
better performance, and Constant and Stream autoloading, as possible 
future enhancements. Constants in particular is something I'd find 
particularly useful; and my only concern with this is the increased 
number of functions compared with a single function that accepts a Type 
argument (as Aleksander suggests).

A couple of general questions:

Are there any core functions that should never by overloaded 
(function_exists() perhaps)?

We have the special constants like \MyNamespace\MyClass::class. Would 
you envisage (or is there value in) equivalent constants like 

If there is value, how would that tie in with referencing them as 
Callables in callback functions?

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 11/04/2023 00:03, Larry Garfield wrote:

Here, I'll even give you a concrete 

This is a good change to clean up an old buggy design.  Let's suppose that we 
were 100% certain it would pass with 100% approval.  However, if someone is 
doing something screwy and buggy it will change the behavior by making 
previously-kinda-working-but-definitely-buggy code throw a Warning, and later 
another oddball usage will throw a deprecation, and then eventually in PHP 9 a 

Perhaps not the best example. There's definitely some cases that need 
cleaning up; but deprecating inc/dec for anything but numeric values is 
IMO too extreme in what it proposes making it little more than syntactic 
sugar for the += and -= operators, only working with numeric values. might be a better example.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker
versions and only then the feature is completely removed or made a full-on
Why a PHP language developer should care about a commercial company having
a 20-year-old legacy system that has no resources to upkeep it's systems?

Again with the 20 years. And when did I suggest that should be the role 
of internals? BUT, the affect of internals changes on legacy code 
shouldn't simply be ignored; where appropriate, upgrade 
paths/recommendations should be provided, and the edge cases of those 
changes should be considered. A small change to core code might have 
minimal benefit; but could still create hours of extra upgrade work for 
millions of developers around the world.

"they are making sure deprecations are issued well in advance, sometimes 
through multiple versions and only then the feature is completely 
removed or made a full-on error"

I do wish that this was always the case!

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 21:01, Hans Henrik Bergan wrote:

several PHP versions will be maintained for 10 years by third-party vendors.
PHP5.6 will meet the 10 year mark by 28 august 2024, and
maintains PHP5.6 with multiple customers paying 6000€/year for 5.6
Canonical intends to maintain PHP7.0 until April 2026 for their Ubuntu
Pro 16.04.
Canonical intends to maintain PHP7.2 until April 2028 for their Ubuntu
Pro 18.04.
Canonical intends to maintain PHP7.4 until April 2030 for their Ubuntu
Pro 20.04.
Canonical intends to maintain PHP8.1 until April 2032 for their Ubuntu
Pro 22.04.

I'm glad that some people can make money out of all this. The 70+ hours 
a week that I put in to maintaining my own libraries nets me €16,30 a 
month from a userbase that averages 120k downloads a day

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 19:04, Arvids Godjuks wrote:

I also want to add that PHP is purely developed by open-source contributor
efforts who are limited in their numbers and not a lot of them are getting
compensated for it (exceptions being specific people working for companies
who have a vested interest in PHP development like JetBrains, hosting
giants and some others. And now PHP Foundation is there to help people get
paid for their crucial roles in PHP project and their dedicated time).

Yes we know, and we're very grateful; but that doesn't mean we should be 
unquestioningly grateful!

And some of us are also open-source contributors, not getting 
compensated for it. We understand; and just as I try to take a 
professional approach to my OS contributions, and assess the impact of 
any change that may affect bc, I hope that PHP Internals does the same, 
but I don't often see that. So am I expected to stay silent when I see 
potential problems with bc breaks because I should just be grateful?

You also have a world on your hands that is changing - everywhere you look
things are going for a more typed approach. That's what developers of today
expect. That's the reality of how modern libraries are developed and old
libraries have been actively migrating to strict type code bases. This code
quality improvement absolutely takes a huge load off those developers'
shoulders. I'm seeing libraries out there now that basically require PHP
8.1 as a minimum because Enums are all the rage and almost half the
libraries I use have introduced them in their code in the latest versions
and authors just flat-out tell you "use the older version of the lib or
update your project"  (and I have at least 7 of them in my code already and
that project will never run on anything lower than 8.2). Some of the
biggest libraries out there have fully adopted SemVer and will bump the
minimal PHP version quite aggressively. And will tell you to pay for
commercial support or deal with it on your own. And now the Union types are
coming and I expect that to get adopted at a rapid pace by everyone and
their dog.

Yes it is changing, but at different speeds in different companies. 
Changes aren't being adopted at that rapid pace by everyone and their 
dog, that's the reality.

Just as owning your own house means you need to do the upkeep on a yearly
basis or it will become a mess, the same is with code and not maintaining
it - eventually, the roof will cave in and the costs of fixing it all will
skyrocket. And, frankly, this is the feeling I get from a lot of this
thread - the roof has collapsed and people are put into impossible
positions of "no, you can't have the time or resources to update the
project to the new PHP version, here are 20 KPI's for the next 3 months you
need to hit". The codebase was run on a credit of "this will be fixed down
the line". Well, the debt collectors now what their debt, their late fees
and lawyers want their slice of the pie.

Do you think we're unaware of that! But you're suggesting that anybody 
that isn't using the latest shiny release should be treated as though 
they don't exist. They're not your problem, so forget about them. Many 
of those developers would love to upgrade to the latest shiny release, 
but that isn't always an option every November; that run-up to Christmas 
can often be the busiest time of year for those developers, the time 
when they are least in a position to go through an upgrade.

Telling them that the debt collectors and lawyers are here isn't going 
to help them when the people that pay them so they can eat and have a 
roof over their heads and care for their families is a slap in the face 
to them when they are torn between business demands and wanting to do 
technical upgrades.

And the attitude of some here on PHP Internals that we should just 
ignore those who can't develop in greenfield environments using the 
latest shiny, or that it should just be a simple upgrade step from last 
version to current release... that's the equivalent of having unit tests 
that only test the happy path.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 18:17, Pierre Joye wrote:

I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
cleaning some legacy.

however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
right before 8.0).

Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
base, if they had tests.

I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.

We're NOT asking PHP to freeze!

We're asking for proper analysis of the effects of these changes on end 
users, and proper consideration of the time that it will take for 
end-users to upgrade... and the answer to that is NOT "within a couple 
of hours". Call it unnecesary overhead if you will, but many tech teams 
have process flows for their work that don't simply entail "run rector 
on your codebase and deploy". Even just the admin overheads of raising a 
ticket for the change, creating a Merge Request, Peer Review, etc can 
take a few hours of time in many teams. And that's before making the 
assumption that all older code has a good test suite, and CI pipeline... 
if it has, then it's probably code that's being updated regularly 
anyway, by developers that do try to keep everything up-to-date.

Nor are end-user developers the only people that are affected. End-user 
developers typically have the luxury of writing their code for a single 
version of PHP, so upgrading the version is a step from one version to 
the next. Library writers don't have that luxury: their codebase 
normally has to work with a range of PHP versions including the latest 
release; and any fixes that are made for the latest release still have 
to work with older PHP versions, which can take significantly more 
effort to maintain.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] Future stability of PHP?

2023-04-10 Thread Mark Baker

On 10/04/2023 10:48, Andreas Leathley wrote:

It would be interesting to know why some people are having such huge
problems upgrading their applications, as I think those would often be
good stories with something to learn in them. So to the original poster
or other people with big problems when upgrading, writing a blog article
detailing what happened would be helpful to evaluate if the PHP project
could improve something, or even why something broke.

Would it really be considered helpful? When I or others like jrf who see 
the potential problems try to warn about these issues here on Internals, 
our concerns are generally ignored, or it's considered that we don't 
want to allow PHP to move forward, or that we're simply scaremongering.

We aren't against PHP moving forward; we're not advocating that changes 
and improvements shouldn't be made.

We are saying that they shouldn't be purely technical discussions about 
implementation here on Internals, but there should also be consideration 
for the impact on existing userland code. All too many of the changes 
made in 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 had no impact assessment, no consideration of 
how much effort might be required for users to make the necessary 
changes in their code. Thankfully, I've started seeing some effort again 
to include a risk analysis or impact assessment in some of the more 
recent RFCs.

And many of those RFCs work on the assumption that all existing PHP 
codebases are adequately covered by unit tests to identify the points 
where changes need to be made, and written well enough that any 
designated fix will always work. But in the real world, that is rarely 
the case, particularly with older codebases. Too often the RFCs seems to 
assume the happy path; with testing for edge cases in developers 
applications after release.

> Nowadays there are even tools now like Rector that can help you 

> upgrade your codebase - that is also a new value proposition.

Tools like rector can help, particularly for developers that are 
specifically upgrading from one PHP version to another; and rector is 
certainly a game-changer there in the same way that Composer changed the 
way that we build applications and manage dependencies. Where rector is 
less useful is if we need to maintain the same codebase across multiple 
PHP versions, which is the case for many libraries, as well as some of 
the tools that we use for developing and testing.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Define proper semantics for range() function

2023-03-29 Thread Mark Baker

On 28/03/2023 00:36, G. P. B. wrote:

Hello internals,

While working on analysing the impact of the changes proposed by amending
the behaviour of the increment and decrement operators ( I discovered that the
range() function has some rather lax behaviour that is very unintuitive.

I therefore propose the "Define proper semantics for range() function" RFC
to address the unintuitive behaviour that sees no usage and/or hide bugs:

The change propose to throw TypeErrors and ValueErrors for case where I
couldn't find occurrences in the wild and hide bugs, and emit some
E_WARNINGs for cases that are hard to detect via static analysis.

Unlike your changes to the increment operator, I'd love to see this 
rationalisation put in place, though like many here I don't see problems 
with using a negative step with decreasing ranges, but would consider it 
strange for increasing ranges. And I do want to see some 
case-consistency when working with string ranges.

I'd love to see it taken a stage (or two) further; returning an iterable 
rather than an array (although that would be a bc break); and working 
with strings (ASCII only) in the same way that the increment operator 
does, so that range('A', 'IV') would be valid, and return `Z` then `AA`, 
`AZ` then `BA`, etc.

I am slightly surprised that you make no mention of the odd behaviour of 
mixed alphameric strings, e.g. var_dump(range('A1', 'C5')) which returns 
a purely alpha array 'A' to 'C'; or var_dump(range('3c', '5e')) which 
returns numeric (3, 4, 5); or var_dump(range('1', '1e2')) which treates 
`1e2` as scientific and returns 1..100.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [IDEA] allow extending enum

2023-03-29 Thread Mark Baker

On 29/03/2023 16:43, Mark Baker wrote:

On 29/03/2023 16:31, Davey Shafik wrote:
On Mar 29, 2023, at 06:56, Rowan Tommins  

On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 at 14:22, Rokas Šleinius  

Ok so I am trying to find the argumentation here:

This is by design.
The point of enums is to be limiting.

This is clearly an assumption. That statement is not in the docs or
RFC, nor such an oversimplification makes logical sense to me, but
maybe you have a source to back it up..?

 From a theory point of view, *any* type definition is about limiting
allowed values. The difference between "mixed" and "integer" is that
"mixed" allows both 'Hello' and 42, but "integer" does not - it 
defines a

tighter limit.

In the same way, saying "I accept an error code" means "I accept an 

code *and nothing else*" - the definition of what is and what isn't an
"error code" is deliberately a *limit* on the values that you accept.

Re: problem in the OP
You are approaching the design of this in a fundamentally wrong way.

The described problem is dealing with error *codes* not *types*

An enum is a type, so that's why George was talking about types. He was
making the same point, in different words, as I did: the relationship
between types implied by the keyword "extends" is not the 
relationship you

want in this case.

The set in question is *finite*, as you say of course, but much larger
and different in principle than in the solution you are proposing.
Problem in OP is looking for a way for end users to keep adding new
domains to the error codes passed to the parent system to be handled.

This is the key point - if you pass an error code that didn't 

exist, the existing system *won't* be able to handle it.

That's why enums are inherently restrictive: the system wants to be 
able to
say "this is the list of error codes I understand, don't give me 


If you have a system that accepts the new codes as well as the old 

you can use a union type declaration as George says:

enum AdditionalErrorCode {
   case Code_456;

class ExtendedErrorHandler extends StandardErrorHandler {
   public function handle(StandardErrorCode|AdditionalErrorCode 
$code) {

    switch ( $code ) {
    case AdditionalErrorCode::Code_456:
   // handling for new code goes here
    // assert($code instanceof StandardErrorCode);
The issue of contention here is that inheritance isn't the correct 
mechanism for reusing enum definitions to expand on them. What about 
allowing "use" syntax  like traits?

enum HttpErrors {
    case HTTP_STATUS_400;
    case HTTP_STATUS_401;

enum ApiErrors {
    use HttpErrors;

    case JsonParserError;
    case GraphQLParserError;

Now you have ApiErrors::HTTP_STATUS_400 etc without ApiErrors being 
is-a HttpErrors.

That would make a lot of sense, and I was just having similar thoughts 

ApiErrors isn't the same enum, or an extension of HttpErrors: it's a 
new Enum, but it does include all HttpErrors cases (and methods) 
without the need to duplicate code, and any new cases that are 
subsequently added to HttpErrors will automatically be incorporated in 

Another benefit of this approach would be to allow the inclusion of 
multiple enums, in the same way that we can include multiple traits.

enum HttpErrors {

    case HTTP_STATUS_400;

    case HTTP_STATUS_401;



enum DatabaseErrors {




enum ApiErrors {

    use HttpErrors, DatabaseErrors;

    case JsonParserError;

    case GraphQLParserError;


Mark Baker

Re: [PHP-DEV] [IDEA] allow extending enum

2023-03-29 Thread Mark Baker

On 29/03/2023 16:31, Davey Shafik wrote:

On Mar 29, 2023, at 06:56, Rowan Tommins  wrote:

On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 at 14:22, Rokas Šleinius  wrote:

Ok so I am trying to find the argumentation here:

This is by design.
The point of enums is to be limiting.

This is clearly an assumption. That statement is not in the docs or
RFC, nor such an oversimplification makes logical sense to me, but
maybe you have a source to back it up..?

 From a theory point of view, *any* type definition is about limiting
allowed values. The difference between "mixed" and "integer" is that
"mixed" allows both 'Hello' and 42, but "integer" does not - it defines a
tighter limit.

In the same way, saying "I accept an error code" means "I accept an error
code *and nothing else*" - the definition of what is and what isn't an
"error code" is deliberately a *limit* on the values that you accept.

Re: problem in the OP
You are approaching the design of this in a fundamentally wrong way.

The described problem is dealing with error *codes* not *types*

An enum is a type, so that's why George was talking about types. He was
making the same point, in different words, as I did: the relationship
between types implied by the keyword "extends" is not the relationship you
want in this case.

The set in question is *finite*, as you say of course, but much larger
and different in principle than in the solution you are proposing.
Problem in OP is looking for a way for end users to keep adding new
domains to the error codes passed to the parent system to be handled.

This is the key point - if you pass an error code that didn't previously
exist, the existing system *won't* be able to handle it.

That's why enums are inherently restrictive: the system wants to be able to
say "this is the list of error codes I understand, don't give me anything

If you have a system that accepts the new codes as well as the old ones,
you can use a union type declaration as George says:

enum AdditionalErrorCode {
   case Code_456;

class ExtendedErrorHandler extends StandardErrorHandler {
   public function handle(StandardErrorCode|AdditionalErrorCode $code) {
switch ( $code ) {
case AdditionalErrorCode::Code_456:
   // handling for new code goes here
// assert($code instanceof StandardErrorCode);

The issue of contention here is that inheritance isn't the correct mechanism for reusing 
enum definitions to expand on them. What about allowing "use" syntax  like 

enum HttpErrors {
case HTTP_STATUS_400;
case HTTP_STATUS_401;

enum ApiErrors {
use HttpErrors;

case JsonParserError;
case GraphQLParserError;

Now you have ApiErrors::HTTP_STATUS_400 etc without ApiErrors being is-a 

That would make a lot of sense, and I was just having similar thoughts 

ApiErrors isn't the same enum, or an extension of HttpErrors: it's a new 
Enum, but it does include all HttpErrors cases (and methods) without the 
need to duplicate code, and any new cases that are subsequently added to 
HttpErrors will automatically be incorporated in ApiErrors.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal - Types for Inline Variables

2023-02-07 Thread Mark Baker

On 07/02/2023 20:53, Olle Härstedt wrote:

No not really. I'd expect it behave similar to function argument
type-hinting in PHP, that is, runtime checks, but where the notation
can be used by external tools.

The big difference is that the current checking for function arguments 
is only necessary when a function is called; but that checking for 
local-scoped variables would be required on every assignment to a 
variable, or operation that can change a variable value; and that 
becomes more problematic with the potential need for union types.

$mystring = 'I love elephants';
$findme   = 'php';
int $pos = strpos($mystring, $findme); // $pos can be an integer or false

or when a type can legitimately change

int $result = PHP_MAX_INT;

++$i; // $i is now a float

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [Discussion] Typed class constants

2023-02-06 Thread Mark Niebergall

On Sat, Feb 4, 2023 at 8:34 AM Dan Ackroyd  wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> On Sat, 4 Feb 2023 at 00:22, Mark Niebergall 
> wrote:
> >
> > This is also a bigger policy question for other seemingly-abandoned
> > RFCs. If it is agreed that a new RFC should be created in this scenario,
> I've added some notes on the page
> I had some words already prepared from something I will post
> separately, but may as well post here also:
> Mailing list etiquette -
> Mailing list etiquette for young'uns -
> RFC attitudes -
> RFC etiquette -
> Most of the stuff in there is just etiquette rather than rules, so
> probably isn't appropriate for the wiki.
Thanks, these are actually very helpful and insightful.

> > I did leave Benas as an author to give him credit for the work he did.
> Although well intentioned, that's probably quite a no-no. Putting
> someone's name on something they don't necessarily agree with is
> likely to cause drama. I've added a note on that also.
> > With the reverting, valuable community input was dismissed. An effort
> should
> > be made to address applicable previous community input instead of just
> > reverting it out.
> Probably not.
> It's up to other people to persuade RFC authors why something should
> be included, rather than RFC authors having to take time and energy to
> justify why they are reverting unapproved edits to their RFC.
> But yep, if you want to do it as part of a separate RFC, go for it.

I'll be doing that as a separate RFC, after the typed constants RFC settles.

> cheers
> Dan
> Ack

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [Discussion] Typed class constants

2023-02-06 Thread Mark Niebergall

On Sun, Feb 5, 2023 at 9:29 AM Benas IML  wrote:

> [copy of the email that I have accidentally sent to Mark individually]
> Hey,
> As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm and ideas, adding your name on
> my original RFC and editing its contents without my approval is not
> acceptable. Especially considering that contents of the RFCs are a
> direct representation of my stance and views on a particular feature.
> As such, I would not like to have my name put on proposals that I have
> never discussed nor proposed myself. In this case, I explicitly have
> given Máté permission to continue working on this RFC and in taking it
> under his wing.

My apologies. Good luck on the RFC.

> That being said, feel free to open a new RFC yourself and copy the
> contents of your previous proposal from the wiki's history tab.

I will be doing that. I'll give the typed constants RFC time to settle

> Best regards,
> Benas
> P.S.: Next time, try also contacting me over Room 11 or GitHub, given
> that I rarely check this email.
Thanks for the updated contact information.

> On Sat, 4 Feb 2023 at 02:22, Mark Niebergall 
> wrote:
> >
> > Máté, Benas, Internals,
> >
> > On Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 7:34 AM Máté Kocsis 
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Alexandru, Mark,
> > >
> > >
> > > > 1. Why is object type not supported? I can't see a real reason and
> also
> > > > there is no explanation why.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Sorry for this, mentioning object as unsupported was an artifact from
> the
> > > original version of the RFC which
> > > was created back then when constants couldn't be objects. After your
> > > comments, I removed the object type
> > > from the list. Thank you for catching this issue!
> > >
> > >
> > > > 2. In the examples for illegal values, it would be good to explain
> why
> > > > they are not legal.
> > > >   I don't understand why "public const ?Foo M = null;" wouldn't be
> legal.
> > > >   I think "?Foo" should work the same as "Foo|null" that would be
> legal.
> > > >
> > > > It was there due to the same reason as above. I removed this example
> now.
> > >
> > > I had updated the RFC page, but it looks like the changes were
> reverted in
> > > > December 2022. The updated version I was working on was:
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Yeah, the original author of the RFC was surprised to find your
> changes in
> > > his RFC (
> > > ),
> > > so he restored his original version.
> > > Next time, please either consult with the author of an RFC if you
> intend to
> > > modify the wording, or you can simply create a brand new RFC - even if
> it's
> > > very similar to the original one (just don't
> > > forget to add proper references).
> > >
> >
> > See about contact attempts
> that
> > were made (with no response), and other discussions about why I used the
> > existing RFC instead of creating a new one. Next time I will just start a
> > new RFC if an author is non-responsive. This is also a bigger policy
> > question for other seemingly-abandoned RFCs. If it is agreed that a new
> > should be created in this scenario, I will update
> > since that scenario is not specifically
> > covered.
> >
> > That being said, the RFC was discussed publicly actively last year, and
> the
> > RFC was revised based on the public input. With the reverting, valuable
> > community input was dismissed. An effort should be made to address
> > applicable previous community input instead of just reverting it out.
> >
> > I will work on a new RFC to follow this implementation to introduce
> > inheritance.
> >
> >
> > >
> > > The updated RFC looks good, thanks for working on it. You may want to
> > > > review the revised version I had worked on for implementation ideas,
> and
> > > > review the previous conversations.
> > > >
> > >
> > > I also saw your proposal, but to be honest, I'm not that fond of the
> idea.
> > > This doesn't mean though that you shouldn't create a new RFC or an
> > > implementation, as others may find it useful. If you kick off
> > > the project, I'll surely try to review your work.
> > >
> >
> > That is fine to break it apart as a future RFC. I have seen too many real
> > world use cases where inheritance with typed constants would solve
> > problems. See for an
> > explanation. Adding typed constants independently adds value, so it
> should
> > progress.
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Máté Kocsis
> > >
> >
> > Overall, I'm happy to see that this is progressing again, thanks for
> > working on it.
> >
> > - Mark Niebergall

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [Discussion] Typed class constants

2023-02-03 Thread Mark Niebergall
Máté, Benas, Internals,

On Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 7:34 AM Máté Kocsis  wrote:

> Hi Alexandru, Mark,
> > 1. Why is object type not supported? I can't see a real reason and also
> > there is no explanation why.
> >
> Sorry for this, mentioning object as unsupported was an artifact from the
> original version of the RFC which
> was created back then when constants couldn't be objects. After your
> comments, I removed the object type
> from the list. Thank you for catching this issue!
> > 2. In the examples for illegal values, it would be good to explain why
> > they are not legal.
> >   I don't understand why "public const ?Foo M = null;" wouldn't be legal.
> >   I think "?Foo" should work the same as "Foo|null" that would be legal.
> >
> > It was there due to the same reason as above. I removed this example now.
> I had updated the RFC page, but it looks like the changes were reverted in
> > December 2022. The updated version I was working on was:
> >
> Yeah, the original author of the RFC was surprised to find your changes in
> his RFC (
> ),
> so he restored his original version.
> Next time, please either consult with the author of an RFC if you intend to
> modify the wording, or you can simply create a brand new RFC - even if it's
> very similar to the original one (just don't
> forget to add proper references).

See about contact attempts that
were made (with no response), and other discussions about why I used the
existing RFC instead of creating a new one. Next time I will just start a
new RFC if an author is non-responsive. This is also a bigger policy
question for other seemingly-abandoned RFCs. If it is agreed that a new RFC
should be created in this scenario, I will update since that scenario is not specifically

That being said, the RFC was discussed publicly actively last year, and the
RFC was revised based on the public input. With the reverting, valuable
community input was dismissed. An effort should be made to address
applicable previous community input instead of just reverting it out.

I will work on a new RFC to follow this implementation to introduce

> The updated RFC looks good, thanks for working on it. You may want to
> > review the revised version I had worked on for implementation ideas, and
> > review the previous conversations.
> >
> I also saw your proposal, but to be honest, I'm not that fond of the idea.
> This doesn't mean though that you shouldn't create a new RFC or an
> implementation, as others may find it useful. If you kick off
> the project, I'll surely try to review your work.

That is fine to break it apart as a future RFC. I have seen too many real
world use cases where inheritance with typed constants would solve
problems. See for an
explanation. Adding typed constants independently adds value, so it should

> Regards,
> Máté Kocsis

Overall, I'm happy to see that this is progressing again, thanks for
working on it.

- Mark Niebergall

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Path to Saner Increment/Decrement operators

2023-01-31 Thread Mark Baker

On 23/01/2023 14:06, G. P. B. wrote:

However, the whole point of this RFC is to*remove*  cognitive burden for
developers, so they don't even need to be aware of this "feature" and not
get surprised when it kicks in.

Moreover, by your logic, you wouldn't care if we removed support for
alphanumeric strings and only let the PERL increment kick in for purely
While convenient for you, someone might actually use this feature on
alphanumeric strings, and we're back to "why is my use case being removed
while that other just as weird one remains".

I make no judgement on alphanumeric strings, other than I can't see any 
use case for it myself, so I won't allow my objection be considered 
hypocritical; and your definition of my use case as "weird" is highly 

Bijective numeration using the letters of the alphabet has a long and 
ancient tradition, pre-dating our modern numeric Hindu-Arabic system 
using base 10 for place/value notation by many centuries. The Abjadi 
system used the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet; similarly the ancient 
Greeks and Hebrews, the Armenians; by Russia until the early 18th 
Century (each culture using their own alphabet). It's ironic that the 
Romans used a very different system, even though our modern western 
alphabet is based on the Roman alphabet.

These civilisations didn't consider their alphabetic numeral system "weird".

How many of the irregularities and idiosyncracies of alphanumeric 
strings could be resolved by not trying to cast them as a numeric value 
before increment/decrement; but by treating them consistently as 
strings? It would resolve the discrepancy with "5d9"; although not with 

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] [Discussion] Typed class constants

2023-01-31 Thread Mark Niebergall
I initiated a conversation about the typed constants RFC back in March

I had updated the RFC page, but it looks like the changes were reverted in
December 2022. The updated version I was working on was:

The updated RFC looks good, thanks for working on it. You may want to
review the revised version I had worked on for implementation ideas, and
review the previous conversations.

The primary concept missing is declared but unassigned class constants,
which must then be assigned a value in the concrete class. See the section
on my revised version "Inheritance and variance". That'll be a question of
if that can or should be included in this RFC or not. It provides the most
value, allowing for inheritance from a parent class to ensure the value is
set and typed in the concrete class.

- Mark Niebergall

On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 5:55 PM Ondřej Mirtes  wrote:

> I fully support this RFC. PHPStan added support for PHPDoc types in class
> constants some time ago - it’s useful to rely on the same constant type
> even in subclasses when accessing them via static:: or $object::.
> On Tue 31. 1. 2023 at 22:01, Máté Kocsis  wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > A few years ago, Benas Seliuginas announced the "Typed constants" RFC (
> > which apparently had a
> > positive reception overall.
> > Unfortunately, there were some issues with the implementation (namely,
> with
> > the parser)
> > so the RFC was stuck.
> >
> > A few weeks ago, I reached out to Benas whether he intended to resurrect
> > the proposal, but
> > due to time constraints, he couldn't, and was OK with me continuing it.
> > With some help from
> > Bob Weinand, I managed to overcome the implementation difficulties, and
> > adapted it
> > to the newly added type-related features.
> >
> > Please find the updated RFC here:
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Máté
> >
> --
> Ondřej Mirtes

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Path to Saner Increment/Decrement operators

2023-01-20 Thread Mark Baker

On 20/01/2023 19:48, Kamil Tekiela wrote:

I don't think it's such a huge issue as you make it to be. The
documentation states this only as an alternative:

It also mentions the pitfalls. I doubt many users would prefer that
"alternative" given that the recommended way is simpler and does the same
I also don't think that performance would come into play here. Any
difference would be insignificant.
I believe that the benefits of the deprecation outweigh any potential extra
work the developers may have.

I beg to differ. Having done a lot of work last year recommending the 
deprecation of using of column indexes (1,2,3,etc) in favour of 
addresses ('A', 'B', 'C', etc) to more closely match with Excel's 
layout; and knowing how much the codebase uses alpha column incrementing 
internally, I'm aware of how much an issue it is.

I'd prefer if developers using PhpSpreadsheet used the built-in 
iterators, and Im in the middle of writing a post on the benefits of 
doing just that; but "under the hood" alpha column names are used, not 
numeric indexes'; so a lot of the "under the hood" code uses ++ and -- 
with row numbers and column addresses.

And replacing any PHP operator with a function call is always going to 
be less performant.

The benefits of this deprecation seem to be making ++ and -- consistent 
by making them little more than a syntactic sugar for numeric values 
only; I'm afraid I don't see that as a benefit; but as a retrograde 
step, and not the same as making ++ and -- consistent.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Path to Saner Increment/Decrement operators

2023-01-20 Thread Mark Baker

On 20/01/2023 18:43, G. P. B. wrote:

That's a strange hill to die on, most people would expect that those
operators do indeed behave like Add1 and Sub1, and clearly you are not
having any issue with making -- act like Sub1.

It isn't so strange, when you consider that an OS library like 
PhpSpreadsheet with over 100million installs makes extensive use of 
alpha and numeric increment (not alphanumeric); and I dearly wish that 
PHP had implemented the decrement operator for alpha strings as well, 
because that would have allowed me to simplify the codebase even 
further; so I would prefer if -- acted like a decrement for alpha 
strings, and not simply as a Sub1 for numerics.

The documentation page consistently uses the word Increment and 
Decrement, not Add 1 and Subtract 1.

Developers who read the documentation should be aware of the Perl 
convention when dealing with alphabetic strings, and should expect that 
behaviour. Alphanumeric strings are certainly more problematic, less 
well documented, and less well understood, and I'll agree that they're 
inconsistent in their behaviour.

Deprecating the Increment operator for strings will create extra work 
for me, will affect many of the users of my library, and I'm certain it 
will also have a performance impact on the library (replacing that 
operation with a more expensive function call for alpha increments, but 
still having the operation for numeric increments). So yes, I am willing 
to die on this hill because that deprecation will have a very direct and 
adverse affect on my work.


Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Path to Saner Increment/Decrement operators

2023-01-18 Thread Mark Baker

On 18/01/2023 21:25, G. P. B. wrote:

I would like to start the discussion on the Path to Saner
Increment/Decrement operators RFC:

The goal of this RFC is to reduce language complexity by making $v++
behave like $v += 1 and $v-- behave like $v -= 1;

If that is the goal, then I would agree with this RFC.

However, changing the PERL string increment feature does not IMO fit
into that goal, and it also a useful*feature*. On that base I would
vote against this. And I suspect many others would as well.

However, the ++ and -- are the "Increment" and "Decrement" operators, 
not the Add1 and Subtract1 operators; while they behave in that way when 
used with variables containing numeric values, they are special 
operators and not simply a syntactic sugar for +=1 and -=1. As long as 
their behaviour is consistent, and definition of what "Increment" and 
"Decrement" mean is clearly defined for different datatypes, then I feel 
that the PERL-style alpha string increment has enough valid use cases to 
justify itself.

We might also discuss consistency of datatype changes when these 
operators are used.




$a = '10';


both change the datatype of $a; which isn't documented behaviour either.

Mark Baker

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Path to Saner Increment/Decrement operators

2023-01-18 Thread Mark Baker

On 18/01/2023 17:10, Craig Francis wrote:

I agree that some of the incrementing behaviour can be a bit weird, and I would 
be happy to see those be deprecated/removed; but I worry that the A, B, ..., Z, 
AA, AB, etc is something that works well today, and is likely to be tricky to 
find/replace with a new function in all existing code.

Replacing the use of an existing operator with a new function call, but 
only in certain circumstances (for alpha increments but not for numeric 
increments) would also be a pain; we'd have to examine every instance of 
++ use to see what datatype it was being used on (SA tools won't 
necessarily help with that); and when looping over Excel rows and 
columns it would seem strange allowing the ++ operator for rows, but 
having to use a function call for columns when all previous code also 
used ++.

Mark Baker

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Path to Saner Increment/Decrement operators

2023-01-18 Thread Mark Baker

On 18/01/2023 18:27, Kamil Tekiela wrote:

When I read the RFC I was a little sceptical about the deprecation of
string increment functionality. It's something I used in the past and I see
no easy upgrade path. However, after reading this thread and thinking it
over, I realize that deprecation is the right way to go. Someone said that
it's useful when working with Excel. Excel uses bijective base-26 system.
PHP does not. I cannot even explain what logic governs PHP string increment

The logic is actually fairly straightforward if you consider breaking 
the original string into blocks of alpha, numeric and non-alphameric 
characters; so a string like 'C-37AZ99' would be broken into five blocks 
of characters ('C', '-', '37', 'AZ' and '99').

Start with the rightmost block, but only if its alpha or numeric: the 
process will never increment any block of characters that is non-alphameric.

Increment the current block.

If that increment would result in an overflow (extending the size of 
that block) and there is another block to the "left" in the chain of 
blocks, then that block is reset to its "base" value (discard the 
overflow character), and the same process is repeated for incrementing 
the next block in the chain.

The process terminates when there are no more blocks in the chain, or 
when the process encounters a non-alphameric block.

The string is then "glued" back together again for the return.

In this regard, when a block is alpha characters, then the increment 
behaviour matches "Excel's bijective base-26".

Mark Baker

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Path to Saner Increment/Decrement operators

2023-01-17 Thread Mark Baker

On 17/01/2023 17:28, Craig Francis wrote:

I've seen this used a few times, e.g. starting with a numerical value (Passport 
number, NHS number, Social Security Number, Date of Birth 20230117), and the 
developer simply appends an incrementing letter on the end to get a unique 
reference; e.g. a person having multiple assessments... especially if it's more 
than 26 (A-Z), and you need to move to multiple letters, which `chr(90 + 1)` 
cannot help you with.

Being able to increment alpha strings is incredibly useful when working 
with Excel spreadsheets (as I do on a daily basis), because the column 
Ids match this pattern; and I would hate to see this deprecated. Having 
to replicate that logic for traversing column Ids in userland code would 
be inconvenient (to say the least), would affect many of the users of my 
libraries, and would have a performance impact on my libraries. If 
anything, I'd rather like to see the decrement operator work with alpha 
strings as well for more consistency.

I don't have the karma for a vote; but if I did then it would be a "No" 
for this alone, because I can see the problems that it will cause me and 
the users of my libraries.

That said, I appreciate that incrementing some strings can be a bit unusual (e.g. "A9" to "B0", vs 
"A 9" to "A 0").

Agreed. While incrementing works in a very logical manner with mixed 
alphanumeric strings, it's not well documented behaviour, and most 
developers take a long time before they understand what it's actually 
doing. While there might be use cases for incrementing alphanumerics, I 
suspect that it would be better implemented in the business logic of an 
application, because the component parts of that string are likely to 
have business meaning; and also to provide better code readability.

Mark Baker

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Re: [PHP-DEV] make install overwriting php.ini

2022-09-21 Thread Mark “Dygear” Tomlin
Thanks for the reply Ben, once I get home I’ll send what I did exactly.

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 17, 2022, at 11:42 AM, Ben Ramsey  wrote:
>>> On Sep 16, 2022, at 20:27, Mark Tomlin  wrote:
>> To the release managers of PHP, please make sure that you do not overwrite
>> the php.ini file. Making the php.ini.defaults file in the */usr/local/lib*
>> is fine, but overwriting it when running *make install* is going to break
>> some setups. This happened in both 8.2.0RC1 and now 8.2.0RC2.
>> Please and thank you.
> Mark,
> Running `make install` should not overwrite your system’s php.ini file. When 
> the release managers package a PHP release, we do not do anything that would 
> overwrite your system’s php.ini file.
> Can you share more information about how you’re installing PHP and what 
> behavior you are seeing? Be as detailed as you can. That’ll help us figure 
> out if there’s a bug somewhere.
> Cheers,
> Ben

[PHP-DEV] make install overwriting php.ini

2022-09-16 Thread Mark Tomlin
To the release managers of PHP, please make sure that you do not overwrite
the php.ini file. Making the php.ini.defaults file in the */usr/local/lib*
is fine, but overwriting it when running *make install* is going to break
some setups. This happened in both 8.2.0RC1 and now 8.2.0RC2.

Please and thank you.

Thank you for your time,
Mark 'Dygear' Tomlin;

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Asymmetric visibility

2022-08-08 Thread Mark Baker

On 08/08/2022 10:14, Marco Pivetta wrote:

As for `readonly`, the reason we sometimes **cannot** use `readonly` is
because current `clone` semantics can't work around `readonly` rules
(discussed in the `readonly` RFC):
If we solved that, I think `private(set)` would become even more
situational, if not completely unnecessary.

I'm with Marco on this; the majority of use cases for asymetric 
properties could be resolved if internally cloned objects could update 
their readonly properties.

And I also find the syntax looks odd, and not like any other aspects of 
PHP, not to mention the potential length of property definitions

Mark Baker

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC][Vote] New Curl URL API

2022-07-04 Thread Mark Randall

On 05/07/2022 00:34, Pierrick Charron wrote:

All recent discussions show that we are not even close to getting a
consensus on how the new CurlUrl OO API should be done. After changing my
mind 300 times in the last day, I decided to only propose the procedural
implementation that stays consistent with other functions of the ext/curl
to target 8.2. I know this is not the ideal scenario, but with 8.2 feature
freeze in two weeks, this is I think the only approach that will not put us
in a potentially bad/harmful situation for a better future with ext/curl.

I'm voting no on this one based on the discussions from R11.

The deadline being close is not a good enough reason to rush a change 
like this that will be difficult to unwind later.

I agree with some of the other comments made that it would be preferable 
to come up with a more generic solution that can be used by multiple 
components rather than something specific to Curl.

Mark Randall

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] [Under Discussion] New Curl URL API

2022-06-26 Thread Mark Randall

On 22/06/2022 05:38, Pierrick Charron wrote:

Feel free to give any feedback, concern or support :-)

This should preferably be namespaced.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Short Closures 2, aka auto-capture take 3

2022-06-12 Thread Mark Baker

On 12/06/2022 19:21, Larry Garfield wrote:

On Thu, Jun 9, 2022, at 11:34 AM, Larry Garfield wrote:

A little data:

I used Nikita's project analyzer on the top 1000 projects to get a rough sense of how 
long-closures are used now.  All usual caveats apply about such survey data.  I was 
specifically looking at how many `use` statements a closure typically had, and how many 
statements it typically had.  Mainly, I am interested in how common "really long 
closures where the developer is likely to lose track of what is and isn't closed 
over" are.

Total closures: 20052
Total used variables: 11534

Did many of those closures use "pass by reference" in the use clause, 
because that's one real differentiator between traditional closures and 
short lambdas. There's also the fact that use values are bound at the 
point where the closure is defined, not where it's called (if they even 
exist at all at that point), although that's probably more difficult to 

Mark Baker

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Adding new closing tag =?> for keeping trailing newline

2022-06-05 Thread Mark Baker

On 05/06/2022 10:23, shinji igarashi wrote:

I'd like to propose adding a new closing tag `=?>` to the language.

PHP currently removes the newline character immediately following
the closing tag `?>`.

So we would have 4 possible combinations that developers could apply in 
their code, two existing open/close settings

and two new combinations, the first you explain

but also

What should PHP do when it encounters this combination of 
opening/closing tags?

Mark Baker

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[PHP-DEV] Re: NULL Coercion Consistency

2022-05-28 Thread Mark Randall

On 28/05/2022 03:36, Craig Francis wrote:
 In this case, two of my clients are considering the cost of modifying their code (by adding a load of `?? ''` everywhere), and they would rather avoid that (time consuming, and makes their code more complicated). 

Alternatively, they may wish to define their own functions that do take 
null and then run a find / replace or rector rule to convert them over.

I would still recommend ?? because it's the most future proof.

We have passed two RFCs in recent months which will eliminate 
default-nulls in 2 of the 3 major variable sources in the engine (the 
remaining one being arrays), and that too may eventually find itself 

If it's a framework, I would suggest adding methods for explicitly 
getting a string that defaults to '' instead of null.

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC][Under discussion] Create a global login system for

2022-05-28 Thread Mark Randall

On 28/05/2022 10:53, Aaron Junker wrote:

When you have feedback to a specific point of the RFC, please use the 
corresponding number used in the RFC.

To point 1, there was a time I was thinking about implementing a system 
ourselves (I was working on website prototypes at the time).

That being said, as you identified creating our own system requires 
resources we don't have, and PHP is bad at infrastructure (lack of 
resources / specialists).

For that reason I think the sensible thing to do would be to use Github.

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Removal of ${} string interpolation in PHP 9

2022-05-22 Thread Mark Randall

On 20/05/2022 10:05, Ilija Tovilo wrote:

So unless there are concerns I will amend that in the RFC.

Erroring it out makes sense to me.

As we don't include any target version specification in PHP files, the 
safest bet it so prevent the silent change from potentially leaking 
through the introduction of a parser error.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Early feedback on encrypted session PR

2022-05-18 Thread Mark Randall

On 18/05/2022 16:23, Craig Francis wrote:

If the Session ID continued to work as the Identifier, but the client was given 
the Session ID and a Random Key (could be concatenated together for the 
cookie)... that means the Random Key would not be stored on the server, and 
could protect the session if there was a vulnerability on the server/website 
(e.g. attacker being able to see the directory listing of session files)... I'm 
not sure how much of a benefit that will actually provide, vs the risk of it 
going wrong (e.g. future PHP changing encryption algorithm).

Personally I usually just throw the session key through a one-way hash 
so the original session ID never gets written to a backing store.

I'm not sure why reversible encryption needs to take place?

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Early feedback on encrypted session PR

2022-05-17 Thread Mark Randall

On 17/05/2022 21:36, David CARLIER wrote:

I wanted a more general but early feedback on the idea itself

The same question that has already been asked on github:

What is the motivation? What is it meant to achieve?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] NULL Coercion Consistency

2022-05-08 Thread Mark Randall

On 08/05/2022 11:48, Jordan LeDoux wrote:

This is not the case with null. If you use the unset() function on a
variable for example, it will var_dump as null *and* it will pass an
is_null() check *and* it will pass a $var === null *and* it will return
false for an isset() check. Null loses these qualities if it is cast to
*any* scalar.

Fortunately the writing is on the wall for the undefined cases, but that 
doesn't take away from your argument.

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[PHP-DEV] Re: [VOTE] Undefined Property Error Promotion

2022-05-06 Thread Mark Randall

On 21/04/2022 22:45, Mark Randall wrote:

I have now opened voting on Undefined Property Error Promotion.

The vote has concluded.

The RFC has been passed with 31 votes (86%) in favour, 5 against.

Mark Randall

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[PHP-DEV] Re: PHP 8.2 Release Manager Selection

2022-04-26 Thread Mark Randall

On 25/04/2022 12:51, Christoph M. Becker wrote:

Please put your name forward here if you wish to be considered a
candidate.  An initial TODO page has been added to the wiki and contains
provisional dates for GA and pre-releases[2].

I could potentially be interested in helping out with this, but I do 
have a question about it, mainly, why hasn't most of this been automated 
at this point?

I was reading through the release process notes and am not seeing any 
obvious blocks on most of it that could not be accomplished via a 
suitable CI/CD pipeline.

Is it just a matter of someone having time available to do it?

The one thing which does make me ponder is would we need to assign a GPG 
key to the build process?

I'd be happy to give some of my time later this year to further 
investigate this.

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Stricter implicit boolean coercions

2022-04-26 Thread Mark Randall

On 26/04/2022 10:54, Andreas Leathley wrote:

Any non-empty string (except "0") is converted to true and any non-zero
integer or float is converted to true.

If we could get rid of "0" being false, that alone would be a huge 
benefit for the language in the long run.

I know why it exists, but I don't think it should. In fact it never 
should have existed in the first place.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Undefined Property Error Promotion

2022-04-22 Thread Mark Randall

On 22/04/2022 21:30, Rowan Tommins wrote:
Do you not have even a little bit of hope that we could make that less 
confusing, since we're breaking everyone's old code anyway?

I seem to remember we had a discussion years ago about deleting unset on 
properties, but it was being used for a very popular proxy manager to 
force them to be routed to __get.

The rule that anything typed must be initialized, nullable or not, is 
clearish enough. You could special case nullable, but then it's an extra 
rule to learn beyond "typed = needs to be initialized".

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Undefined Property Error Promotion

2022-04-22 Thread Mark Randall

On 22/04/2022 14:42, Rowan Tommins wrote:

As with your previous RFC, I approve of this in principle, but am
frustrated how little time has been spent considering the edge cases, such
as the ones I mentioned here:

Accessing an unset property, which currently emits a warning, will 
instead throw an Error.

If a property has already been written to via some mechanism, then the 
property exists and this RFC does not apply, no warning or error should 
be expected. It's a different responsibility to handle the guards 
against writing to one which has not been defined 
(AllowDynamicProperties RFC).

Re: Case 4, an untyped property without its own initializer is 
effectively defaulted to null.

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[PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Undefined Property Error Promotion

2022-04-21 Thread Mark Randall


I have now opened voting on Undefined Property Error Promotion.

Voting ends 2022-05-05


This RFC seeks to prevent execution continuing if the user has accessed 
an undefined property without specifying that it was their intent to 
potentially do so.

This RFC is designed to compliment the Undefined Variable Error 
Promotion, and Deprecate Dynamic Properties RFCs that have already passed.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Property Error Promotion

2022-04-15 Thread Mark Randall

On 06/04/2022 19:38, Larry Garfield wrote:

On the last point, regarding stdClass, I think the question is whether we want 
it to be consistent with classed object properties (throw) or with associative 
arrays (warnings).  stdClass is kind of an uncomfortable middle between those 
two.  I'm not sure which is better to align with, although I almost never use 
stdClass and tell others to avoid it as well so it doesn't really matter to me. 

My preference is to treat it like any other property, but I am open to 
hearing additional comments on this.

I'm not sure how much conversation we can expect on this one, if it 
remains quiet I intend to open the vote in a week or so.

As a tangent, R11 has had some comments made about a better method for 
indicating which property / array keys are expected to be missing, such as:

$foo[?'maynotexist'] // returns null and emits no warning

Down the line this might allow us to fix up arrays as well, but that's a 
question for a different RFC.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] NULL Coercion Consistency

2022-04-11 Thread Mark Baker

On 11/04/2022 20:22, Craig Francis wrote:

Keep in mind, if you're using `strict_types=1`, great, you're not affected
(I'm not either)... however, I work with quite a few developers, and it's
causing them a lot of problems, and their current approach is to either
disable the deprecation warnings, or to stay with 8.0, simply because they
do not have the time to make the changes... I will note that one team has
been trying to update their code base, it's about 6 months later, and they
still keep adding `strval()` to silence these deprecation warnings (yeah, I
know, not good, but it's the easy solution).

This doesn't only apply to end user developers, but also to library and 
toolchain developers who need to maintain code covering a range of PHP 
versions, and who also need to make these trade-offs.

It's those maintainers that have to deal with the impact of this type of 
change, whether needing to apply changes to their libraries to 
"suppress" the deprecation notice; or dealing with end-user developers 
raising the same issues time and again about it because they don't want 
to see deprecation notices appearing in their logs. Even though this was 
only a deprecation, most end-user developers don't recognise that 
difference from logged errors when using libraries, so the impact is 
felt most heavily by library and toolchain maintainers. This 8.1 
deprecation was the one that created the most work, and the most stress 
for me; and even with an average of 85% code coverage with tests, I'm 
still not certain that I've resolved every instance using the dirty `$x 
?? ''` approach when calling PHP core functions. In many ways, readying 
code for the 8.1 release because of this deprecation was more painful 
and time consuming than for the 8.0 release. With all the new 
deprecations being added for 8.2, I'm looking forward to it even less.

That's also why I wish there was a better risk assessment made for every 
deprecation RFC; becase all too often there's little or none; and why I 
get frustrated whenever a question is raised about an RFC, and the 
person raising these concerns is too often shouted down for raising "a 
storm in a teacup".

Mark Baker

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Property Error Promotion

2022-04-06 Thread Mark Randall

On 06/04/2022 17:34, Marco Pivetta wrote:

Perhaps worth mentioning that magic methods keep working?

Good call.

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[PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Property Error Promotion

2022-04-06 Thread Mark Randall


Part 2 of the undefined behaviour improvements, this time focusing on 

This RFC draws heavily from the just passed undefined variables error 
promotion RFC, and is intended to compliment both it, and the 8.2 
Deprecate Dynamic Properties RFC.

The arguments in favour are the same as the last one, reading things 
which don't exist will often lead to the program entering an unintended 
state, and is likely the result of a programming error.

There is a difference though that we do explicitly provide an object 
that is designed to be dynamic, and that is stdClass which is the 
typical output from json_decode and array to object casts.

I would expect we might want to discuss special-casing the accessing of 
properties on stdClass and leave them as a warning.

However, I personally think that for the sake of consistency we should 
make undefined properties throw across the board, including stdClass.

We already have fully backwards compatible mechanisms built into the 
language (isset, empty, null coalesce, property_exists) to safely handle 
cases of the property not being defined, even on objects that do not 
have a fixed structure.

I was originally going to include a section for discussion about 
potentially using AllowDynamicProperties to pull double duty, allowing 
reads without an error as well, but I do not believe that would be in 
the best interests of the language, and so removed it.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-30 Thread Mark Niebergall

On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 7:50 AM Guilliam Xavier 

> Hi Mark,
> I have updated the RFC with
>>>> more details and examples from this thread, and updated the RFC status
>>>> to
>>>> Under Discussion. Hopefully the updated RFC helps answer questions and
>>>> clarifies what the proposal includes.
> Thanks (I assume that you talked with the original author) -- not sure if
> you should have started a new thread with the "[RFC]" tag in the subject?

I will address the issues from you and Alex in the RFC page, then start a
new thread with "[RFC]" since you are correct this has moved past
initial testing-the-waters and is now into the discussion phase about the
RFC. I reached out multiple times to the original author but have not
received a response. I did leave Benas as an author to give him credit for
the work he did.

>> I think you should also update the "Supported types" section.
>>> Starting with enums, constants can also be objects. Once a good
>>> technical solution is found, any object would be supported probably
>>> I think that only void, never and callable types should not be
>>> supported, just like on properties.
>> I have updated the "Supported types" to list out all types that are
>> supported and which types are not supported.
> A few comments, by subsection:
>   - **Supported types**: This corresponds to the types currently allowed
> for const values (as well as unions thereof) except it [still] doesn't
> mention enums (which internally are classes implementing the `UnitEnum`
> interface, and whose values are ultimately of `object` type) although
> currently allowed. It also doesn't mention `mixed` (used later in examples).
>   - **Strict and coercive typing modes**: I didn't understand it on first
> read; I had to read the later "Constant values" section and compare both
> with
> and
>   - **Inheritance and variance**: Several occurrences of "Class constants"
> should probably be "*Typed* class constants". Also, I still think that
> `protected bool $isExtinct` is *not* a good parallel to `public const bool
> CAN_FLY` (see my previous message).
>   - **Constant values**: You should probably remove the `iterable` example
> now [and maybe add an `enum` one].

Thanks for the input, I'll work on addressing those.

>> Constants cannot be objects since objects are mutable, so typed constants
>> will not be allowed to be an enum (which is technically an object). A typed
>> constant _may_ be an enum value though, so the following example will be
>> valid:
>> ```
>> enum Fruit
>> {
>> case Apple;
>> case Banana;
>> }
>> class Colors
>> {
>> protected const string RED = Fruit::Apple;
>> protected const string YELLOW = Fruit::Banana;
>> }
>> ```
> This is incorrect, `Fruit::Apple` is of type `Fruit` (ultimately
> `object`), not `string`. But it is *not* mutable, and *is* allowed as a
> const value currently.

Yes, Alex also identified this issue in my examples, I will correct that
and include enum examples in an updated RFC. I will do that before starting
an "[RFC]" thread.

> Besides, I realized that the RFC is [only] for *class* constants; what
> about *namespaced (and global)* constants?

Ah yes, I hadn't considered expanding this RFC to namespaced and global
constants. Let me mull over implementation syntax for those and include
them in the RFC. My initial reaction is to not include those in this RFC,
keeping the scope to just class constants. If there is value in typing
namespaced and global constants, then another RFC could add those.

Once I have all these new issues figured out and the RFC updated, I'll
start that new thread.

> Regards,
> --
> Guilliam Xavier

Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-30 Thread Mark Niebergall

On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 7:47 AM Alexandru Pătrănescu 

> Hey Mark,
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 4:01 PM Mark Niebergall 
> wrote:
>> Alex,
>> On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 10:35 PM Alexandru Pătrănescu 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Mark,
>>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 6:03 AM Mark Niebergall 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have updated the RFC
>>>> with
>>>> more details and examples from this thread, and updated the RFC status
>>>> to
>>>> Under Discussion. Hopefully the updated RFC helps answer questions and
>>>> clarifies what the proposal includes.
>>> Thanks for the RFC and the drive here.
>>> I personally see the benefit and I think it would be a nice addition.
>>> I think you should also update the "Supported types" section.
>>> Starting with enums, constants can also be objects. Once a good
>>> technical solution is found, any object would be supported probably
>>> I think that only void, never and callable types should not be
>>> supported, just like on properties.
>> I have updated the "Supported types" to list out all types that are
>> supported and which types are not supported.
>> Constants cannot be objects since objects are mutable, so typed constants
>> will not be allowed to be an enum (which is technically an object). A typed
>> constant _may_ be an enum value though, so the following example will be
>> valid:
>> ```
>> enum Fruit
>> {
>> case Apple;
>> case Banana;
>> }
>> class Colors
>> {
>> protected const string RED = Fruit::Apple;
>> protected const string YELLOW = Fruit::Banana;
>> }
>> ```
> Actually, Fruit::Apple is an enum instance and that is an object that is
> of Fruit enum type (Fruit class).
> You can check this as it's already possible in PHP 8.1, even if it's not
> yet possible to have them with type:
> What you are referring to as enum value is actually a backed value for an
> enum instance.
> If you would define the enum as
> ```
> enum Fruit: string
> {
> case Apple = 'apple';
> case Banana = 'banana';
> }
> ```
> You could obtain the value with Fruit::Apple->value. But I'm not
> referring to this.
> So going back to the topic I mentioned, a constant can right now be an
> object.
> It can be only an enum instance for now but I believe that in the near
> future we will be able to have any object there.

Ah yes, you are correct, my mistake. I will need to make some more updates
to the RFC page to address that.

> Also, self and parent would make sense for valid typed constants, just
> like they do work on properties.

I'll add examples and an item about this as well.

> Regards,
> Alex
>>>> Of note is the "Inheritance and variance" section, which details uses
>>>> with
>>>> abstracts and interfaces, plus the "Constant values" section which
>>>> includes
>>>> details about errors.
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Guilliam Xavier
>>>> >
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex

Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-30 Thread Mark Niebergall

On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 10:35 PM Alexandru Pătrănescu 

> Hey Mark,
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 6:03 AM Mark Niebergall 
> wrote:
>> I have updated the RFC
>> with
>> more details and examples from this thread, and updated the RFC status to
>> Under Discussion. Hopefully the updated RFC helps answer questions and
>> clarifies what the proposal includes.
> Thanks for the RFC and the drive here.
> I personally see the benefit and I think it would be a nice addition.
> I think you should also update the "Supported types" section.
> Starting with enums, constants can also be objects. Once a good technical
> solution is found, any object would be supported probably
> I think that only void, never and callable types should not be supported,
> just like on properties.
I have updated the "Supported types" to list out all types that are
supported and which types are not supported.

Constants cannot be objects since objects are mutable, so typed constants
will not be allowed to be an enum (which is technically an object). A typed
constant _may_ be an enum value though, so the following example will be

enum Fruit
case Apple;
case Banana;

class Colors
protected const string RED = Fruit::Apple;
protected const string YELLOW = Fruit::Banana;

>> Of note is the "Inheritance and variance" section, which details uses with
>> abstracts and interfaces, plus the "Constant values" section which
>> includes
>> details about errors.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Guilliam Xavier
>> >
> Thanks,
> Alex

Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-29 Thread Mark Niebergall
On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 6:54 AM Guilliam Xavier 

> Constants are not abstract in an interface - they must be assigned a
>> value. Only classes and methods can be abstract. Within an abstract class
>> it is not valid to have an abstract property. Properties can be defined
>> `protected int $id;` and optionally assigned a value `protected int $id =
>> 5;`, but cannot be `abstract protected int $id;`.
> That's the *current* state of the language indeed, but to me, [part of]
> your proposal looks like introducing "abstract constants"... Maybe I'm
> misunderstanding?
>> So to me it makes more sense to have constants follow the same syntax as
>> properties `public const bool CAN_FLY;` without the `abstract` keyword.
>> An example:
>> ```
>> abstract class Bird
>> {
>> public const bool CAN_FLY;
>> protected bool $isExtinct;
>> ```
>> This allows for similar behavior, similar requirements, and similar
>> syntax - consistency ftw!
> For similarity/consistency, the `$isExtinct` property should probably be
> [`public` and] `static` (actually `readonly` too, but cannot be both).
> But, again, we can also see some similarity with `static` *methods*, e.g.:
> ```
> abstract class Bird
> {
> abstract public const bool CAN_FLY;
> abstract public static function isExtinct(): bool;
> }
> class Dove extends Bird
> {
> // NOTE: the following two lines are required (in the class definition)
> public const bool CAN_FLY = true;
> public function static isExtinct(): bool { return false; }
> }
> // var_dump(Dove::CAN_FLY);
> // var_dump(Dove::isExtinct());
> ```
> Besides, an uninitialized property must be initialized before first read,
> but is *not* required to be overridden/redefined (with a value) in a child
> class; so in this example (still hypothetical):
> ```
> abstract class Bird
> {
> public const bool CAN_FLY;
> public static bool $isExtinct;
> }
> class Dodo extends Bird
> {
> // NOTE: the following two lines are commented out
> // public const bool CAN_FLY = false;
> // public static bool $isExtinct = true;
> }
> var_dump(Dodo::CAN_FLY);
> var_dump(Dodo::$isExtinct);
> ```
> where would the [missing value for constant] error be: on the definition
> of class Dodo (like for an unimplemented abstract method), or only when
> trying to access Dodo::CAN_FLY (like for an uninitialized property)?
>> There seems to be interest and good use cases (thanks Sara for the good
>> practical example!). At this point I'm going to work on a new RFC with all
>> the details and feedback from this discussion.
> Thanks & good luck! =)

I have updated the RFC with
more details and examples from this thread, and updated the RFC status to
Under Discussion. Hopefully the updated RFC helps answer questions and
clarifies what the proposal includes.

Of note is the "Inheritance and variance" section, which details uses with
abstracts and interfaces, plus the "Constant values" section which includes
details about errors.

> --
> Guilliam Xavier

[PHP-DEV] Re: [VOTE] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-03-28 Thread Mark Randall

On 14/03/2022 17:18, Mark Randall wrote:
I have started the vote for promoting undefined variable access to throw 
an Error exception.

The vote will run for 2 weeks until March 28th 2022.

The RFC has passed with 33 votes (80%) in favour and 8 against.

Mark Randall

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-25 Thread Mark Niebergall
On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 10:55 AM Guilliam Xavier 

> I intentionally left `abstract` out of `public const bool CAN_FLY;` in the
>> `abstract class` for consistency with the implementation with `interface`,
>> which would also have to be `public const bool CAN_FLY;`. Currently
>> `abstract` is only used in front of methods `abstract function doThing():
>> bool;`. Open to discussion - which way is ideal or preferred? That could be
>> included as a subset of an RFC vote if a consensus during discussion isn't
>> reached.
> I understand, but note that methods are implicitly abstract in an
> interface, but it must be explicit in an abstract class; and since I see
> the proposed feature mainly as a "replacement" for abstract static methods
> [whose all implementations just return a literal value]... (anyway, not
> super important)

Constants are not abstract in an interface - they must be assigned a value.
Only classes and methods can be abstract. Within an abstract class it is
not valid to have an abstract property. Properties can be defined
`protected int $id;` and optionally assigned a value `protected int $id =
5;`, but cannot be `abstract protected int $id;`. So to me it makes more
sense to have constants follow the same syntax as properties `public const
bool CAN_FLY;` without the `abstract` keyword.

An example:

abstract class Bird
public const bool CAN_FLY;
protected bool $isExtinct;

This allows for similar behavior, similar requirements, and similar syntax
- consistency ftw!

There seems to be interest and good use cases (thanks Sara for the good
practical example!). At this point I'm going to work on a new RFC with all
the details and feedback from this discussion.

[PHP-DEV] Requesting wiki, RFC karma

2022-03-25 Thread Mark Niebergall
Hello All,

I would like to request wiki edit privileges and RFC karma.

Quick intro - I co-organize the Utah PHP Usergoup, speak at PHP and
tech conferences, volunteer for cyber security exam certification
development, work on a vulnerability management platform with PHP, and have
been developing in PHP for ~17 years.

Plans - I'm picking up the typed constants RFC where it was left off,
planning to create a new RFC for this go around. I have a few other future
ideas I've also been tinkering with and plan to create several other RFCs
in the future.

Username: mbniebergall


Mark Niebergall

Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-25 Thread Mark Niebergall

On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 6:35 AM Guilliam Xavier 

> Hi Mark,
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 11:55 PM Mark Niebergall 
> wrote:
>> (...)
>> Another example I often see in my projects could be used with a similar
>> example:
>> ```
>> abstract class Bird
>> {
>> public const bool CAN_FLY;
>> public const string FAMILY;
>> public function canFly(): bool
>> {
>> return self::CAN_FLY;
>> }
>> }
>> final class EmperorPenguin extends Bird
>> {
>> public const bool CAN_FLY = false;
>> public const string FAMILY = 'penguin';
>> }
>> ```
> I had this "need" too (and used abstract static methods where the
> implementations just return a literal value...).
> Just 2 remarks: in abstract class Bird, shouldn't it be:
> - "*abstract* public const bool CAN_FLY;" (and same for FAMILY)
> - "return *static*::CAN_FLY;"
> ?

I intentionally left `abstract` out of `public const bool CAN_FLY;` in the
`abstract class` for consistency with the implementation with `interface`,
which would also have to be `public const bool CAN_FLY;`. Currently
`abstract` is only used in front of methods `abstract function doThing():
bool;`. Open to discussion - which way is ideal or preferred? That could be
included as a subset of an RFC vote if a consensus during discussion isn't

Good correction, yes, `return static::CAN_FLY;` in that example in the
concrete child class.

> Regards,
> --
> Guilliam Xavier

Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-24 Thread Mark Niebergall
On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 1:00 PM Rowan Tommins 

> On 23/03/2022 18:54, Mark Niebergall wrote:
> > The next phase of work with different RFC would take
> > this further with const inheritance, where const type must match.
> I'm not sure it makes much sense to split this into two RFCs, and as far
> as I can see, the previous RFC included both features:
>  > Class constants are covariant. This means that the type of a class
> constant is not allowed to be widen during inheritance.
> Or is there something more you mean by "const inheritance", which isn't
> covered by the RFC's examples?

Agreed, the more discussion that is going on, the more I'm leaning towards
to see this implemented in a single RFC. The true value comes with the full
feature set.

Correct the original RFC discusses some inheritance, but didn't expand it
out the way I'm thinking. It only details ensuring the concrete class has a
matching type. I'm proposing additionally allowing blank values to be set
by the concrete class.

Existing draft RFC (

class Test {
private const int A = 1;
public const mixed B = 1;
public const int C = 1;

class Test2 extends Test {
// this is legal (because Test::A is private)
public const string A = 'a';

// this is legal
public const int B = 0;

// this is illegal
public const mixed C = 0;

What I'm proposing would further allow const without values in abstracts
and interfaces, which require concrete classes to have a value:

abstract class Test
private const int A = 1;

public const mixed B = 1;
public const int C = 1;

// no value set, this is legal, concrete classes must set value
public const int D;

interface TestInterface
// no value set, this is legal
public const string NAME;

class Test2 extends Test implements TestInterface
// this is legal (because Test::A is private)
public const string A = 'a';

// this is legal
public const int B = 0;

// these are required due to inheritance
public const int D = 5;
public const string NAME = 'EmperorPenguin';

// this is illegal
public const mixed C = 0;

> Regards,
> --
> Rowan Tommins
> [IMSoP]
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-24 Thread Mark Niebergall

On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 9:20 AM Pierre  wrote:

> Le 24/03/2022 à 16:06, Mark Niebergall a écrit :
> > So you are correct, the const value does have a value that has a type,
> but
> > there is no way to enforce which type the value is or to use const with
> > inheritance, which is part of the bigger picture here.
> That was exactly my point: the type could simply implicitely be the one
> of the original value.
> Then the engine just has to use the existing covariance/contravariance
> rules for type checks based upon the guessed value type. This would fix
> the type safety issue you are referring to.

I'd rather not use the "guessed value type" in code, that tends to lead to
bugs: guessing = bugs. Explicitly declaring the type avoids the pitfalls of
guessing and ensures code predictability. It also comes with added
benefits, including self-documenting code, defined inheritance requirements
(the way you describe would have BC breakage), and (for some IDEs) type

Of note, many other languages already have typed constants. Yes this is the
"everyone else is doing it" argument, but they had their valid reasons.
Some are strong typed languages, others are not. See:

- Go:
- C:
- C++:
- C#:

> --
> Regards

Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-24 Thread Mark Niebergall

On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 1:04 AM Pierre  wrote:

> Le 23/03/2022 à 23:10, Larry Garfield a écrit :
> > Is there a benefit to it other than "well everything else has types now,
> so..."?  Even if it's esoteric, like in reflection-based meta programming?
> (I've been dabbling too much in that lately. :-) )  "Everything else does"
> isn't a compelling argument for me, but there may be others I'm not
> thinking of.
> >
> > --Larry Garfield
> >
> Hello,
> Well I was thinking myself that const being well... constant, and so
> always defined, type could be determined at compile time without the
> need to express it in a verbose way.
> PHP doesn't do any static type inference, but in this case, it could be
> done almost for free, am I wrong ? If it was determined at compile time,
> then the type checking on overrides would only be trivial, using the
> parent occurrence value inferred type. My point is that there's no need
> to express the type of a value, the value has already has a type.

As a developer, I don't *always* trust other developers implementing my
code. Referring back to the Bird and EmperorPenguin example, the expected
type for `public const bool CAN_FLY;` example MUST be a bool. If it isn't
typed, another developer _could_ incorrectly set `CAN_FLY = 1;` or `CAN_FLY
= 'true';` or even `CAN_FLY = 'Y';`. With class constants typed, they would
get an error if setting it to anything other than a bool `CAN_FLY = true;`
or `CAN_FLY = false;`. This further proliferates into sending the value of
`CAN_FLY` into a typed argument like `protected function
determineModeOfTransport(bool $canFly)` - if the constant is set
incorrectly as a string or integer then more errors can occur.

Typing class constants could also help static code analyzers more easily
determine if there are bugs with unexpected value types being used in code.
Instead of determining the value of the constant, the type of the constant
could be used instead, providing a cleaner tokenized parsing.

So you are correct, the const value does have a value that has a type, but
there is no way to enforce which type the value is or to use const with
inheritance, which is part of the bigger picture here.

> Regards,
> --
> Pierre
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-23 Thread Mark Niebergall
On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 4:10 PM Larry Garfield 

> On Wed, Mar 23, 2022, at 1:54 PM, Mark Niebergall wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > In June 2020, Benas Seliuginas emailed this list (
> > to gauge interest in typed
> > constants. An RFC ( was
> > started and had an accompanying PR (
> > At the time, Nikita Popov supported it for overall language consistency,
> > and Sebastian Bergmann +1'd it for overall language consistency as well.
> > The PR has since been closed without being merged, and the idea hasn't
> > progressed since.
> >
> > I'd like to revisit the concept, gauge current interest, and pick the
> > concept and work back up. Any more discussion items for or against the
> idea?
> >
> > I'm willing to do the work to pick it up where it was left off and get an
> > RFC proposed through the normal process, and a working PR. This is my
> first
> > foray into the PHP RFC process, and C code is not my forte, but I'll take
> > it on. If anyone would be willing to pair/mentor/co-author with me,
> please
> > let me know. Either way, I'll plan to work on it.
> >
> > This is the first of several concepts I have been tinkering with and
> seeing
> > practical uses for. The next phase of work with different RFC would take
> > this further with const inheritance, where const type must match.
> >
> > - Mark
> Is there a benefit to it other than "well everything else has types now,
> so..."?  Even if it's esoteric, like in reflection-based meta programming?
> (I've been dabbling too much in that lately. :-) )  "Everything else does"
> isn't a compelling argument for me, but there may be others I'm not
> thinking of.
> --Larry Garfield

Larry and Internals,

To the benefits!

On its own, typing class constants does help align them with other things
like typed class properties, typed arguments, and method return types.
There will come additional benefits though, and this would be phase 1.
Phase 2 would be to introduce typed constants to be set by extending or
implementing classes. Combining the two features would lead to better
defined and usable class constants.

For example, an interface could be:

interface DbTable
public const string TABLE_NAME;

Which would then be implemented as:

class UserTable implements DbTable
public const string TABLE_NAME = 'user';

Thus ensuring `TABLE_NAME` is always set, and always returns a `string`
type. See for a
real-world framework example where this feature _could_ be used.

Another example I often see in my projects could be used with a similar

abstract class Bird
public const bool CAN_FLY;
public const string FAMILY;
public function canFly(): bool
return self::CAN_FLY;
final class EmperorPenguin extends Bird
public const bool CAN_FLY = false;
public const string FAMILY = 'penguin';

In this case, one could instead use typed class properties, but it feels
improper since the values are static and unchanging. Immutability is a work
around to this when implemented properly. This would simplify the solution
while ensuring values remain unchanged.

- Mark

> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Typed constants revisited

2022-03-23 Thread Mark Niebergall
Hello All,

In June 2020, Benas Seliuginas emailed this list ( to gauge interest in typed
constants. An RFC ( was
started and had an accompanying PR (
At the time, Nikita Popov supported it for overall language consistency,
and Sebastian Bergmann +1'd it for overall language consistency as well.
The PR has since been closed without being merged, and the idea hasn't
progressed since.

I'd like to revisit the concept, gauge current interest, and pick the
concept and work back up. Any more discussion items for or against the idea?

I'm willing to do the work to pick it up where it was left off and get an
RFC proposed through the normal process, and a working PR. This is my first
foray into the PHP RFC process, and C code is not my forte, but I'll take
it on. If anyone would be willing to pair/mentor/co-author with me, please
let me know. Either way, I'll plan to work on it.

This is the first of several concepts I have been tinkering with and seeing
practical uses for. The next phase of work with different RFC would take
this further with const inheritance, where const type must match.

- Mark

Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-03-16 Thread Mark Randall

On 16/03/2022 09:17, Christian Schneider wrote:

Maybe we should ask ourselves the question: Why would the entire package be 
blocked? Just because it is too big or maybe there *are* subtleties which have 
not been properly resolved?

It's politics and the practicalities of getting things done.

An all-or-nothing approach will inevitably end up with nothing, because 
those who are opposed on principle need only rally around attacking the 
weakest element, without the need to address any of the other parts 
which might individually be much stronger.

That's not to say that the weakest elements shouldn't be debated, they 

But we shouldn't sabotage ourselves, and bring about a state of 
permanent project paralysis, by mandating that semi-related weaker 
changes are bundled with stronger ones and must be voted on as a whole.

It would just open the door to the constant use of a poison pill argument.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-03-16 Thread Mark Randall

On 15/03/2022 23:02, Patrick ALLAERT wrote:

I am not against the fact this warning becomes an error per se. I am just
not very fan of cherry-picking an individual kind of problem (read:
notice/warning/error/...) and changing it without a more global frame.

I think we should try to hit all of them, ideally in time for PHP 9.

That was the premise behind:

It will likely take several RFCs until we've got it in the state we want 
it, some of those are more contentious than others (such as undefined 
array indexes).

I think undefined property access should throw too, and will likely have 
supermajority support, but let's do it in a separate RFC.

What I don't think we want is the entire package being blocked because a 
particular item (i.e. array keys) is contentious.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-03-15 Thread Mark Randall

On 15/03/2022 19:32, Sara Golemon wrote:

What I'm hearing is that we also need an RFC for promoting 'Undefined
index...' warnings to Errors as well.

We do. If it would pass or not is another matter, it would need someone 
braver than I to take it up.

I think there's some other engine stragglers, e.g. foreach must be type 
array|object comes to mind, that should really be an exception, maybe 
array to string conversion too.

Who knows, maybe PHP 9 can be the version that removes remove *all* 
warnings from the zend engine.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC][Under discussion] Deprecate ${} string interpolation

2022-03-14 Thread Mark Baker

On 12/03/2022 15:23, Ilija Tovilo wrote:

You're absolutely right. I will attempt to gather some numbers. For
option 3, I also think "not widely used" is just plain wrong. As for
option 4, I'm fairly confident it only exists by accident 95% of the

Like Andreas, this is my biggest concern with the proposal: the lack of 
actual figures for how many libraries will be affected b the change. 
We've seen a lot of deprecations over the last year, and they always 
create some degree of pain for library/toolchain maintainers. While 
typically dismissed as "it's just a deprecation notice", and being 
accused of creating a "storm in a tea cup" whenever we raise questions, 
library maintainers are the ones who have to deal with the additional 
work when end users raise issues against their repos becase of all the 
notices they're nw seeing in their logs; who already have a lot of work 
preparing for each new release; who are expected to have fully 
eliminated any deprecations from their repos (or their dependencies) on 
or before the GA release date. How much extra work and/or stress is it 
going to give those who maintain the PHP ecosystem?

From the preparation work for the 8.0 release, there has barely been 
breathing space over the last two years; dealing with null arguments 
passed to internal functions, and other (not always docmented) changes, 
those libraries/tools take a lot of work to maintain. And with so many 
deprecations going into this release, I would like to see some risk 
assessment undertaken on the affect that each deprecation RFC will have, 
with some real figures for the number of repositories that require work 
to prepare them for the release.

Mark Baker

|.  \ \-3
|_J_/ PHP |
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[PHP-DEV] [VOTE] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-03-14 Thread Mark Randall
I have started the vote for promoting undefined variable access to throw 
an Error exception.

The vote will run for 2 weeks until March 28th 2022.

Mark Randall

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Re: Question: What are requirements for having (new/old) functionswithin PHP core? :)

2022-03-07 Thread Mark Randall

On 07/03/2022 12:56, Thomas Krüger wrote:
Or if it has nothing to do with performance, why not including 
everything from PECL into PHP core, so PHP could offer out-of-the-box 
more and more features for developers?

PECL packages get to maintain their own release schedule, unlike PHP 
which follows a fixed cycle.

PECL packages have their own permissions, unlike PHP which only allows a 
narrow group to merge code into it.

The PHP core team does not have the knowledge or time to maintain every 
PECL package, or even a large number of them. Things distributed in Core 
should be produced and tested to the same standard as the engine itself.

Certain PECL packages conflict such as if they were forked.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allowing NULL for some internal functions

2022-03-01 Thread Mark Randall

On 01/03/2022 00:36, Craig Francis wrote:

And because I'm back to tired pissed-off sarcasm masking depression (why
bother spending days on a solution that works for everyone when we can make
a hostile/elitist environment/language)... maybe we could simply suggest
that everyone affected by this should use strval() for everything?

People aren't giving you the responses you want, because you haven't yet 
made an argument to convince everyone that your proposed solution is 
better than the existing ones, which are to use the language's existing 
tools to provide a sensible string default where one is required.

You see a problem, but rather than trying to fix the underlying cause, 
you're proposing making changes at other layers to accommodate the side 
effects of the original problem.

That is practically the definition of a hack.

Except rather than a short term fix, you're proposing to make it a 
permanent part of PHP.

That goes against what many of us would consider in the best interests 
of PHP and its users in the long term, and yes, we acknowledge that 
getting to that point will first require some short term pain for those 
who have historically been overly lax with their coding standards.

Mark Randall

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allowing NULL for some internal functions

2022-02-28 Thread Mark Randall

On 28/02/2022 01:46, Craig Francis wrote:

Personally I think `strict_types=1` is fine for my code, but I would never
want to force that style on everyone, because doing so would be fairly
hostile for a language that's popular and well known for being easy to

Magically coercing things and hiding things under the hood is useful for 
the first 10 minutes of learning.

After that it just becomes a hindrance difficult because you have to 
know all of the secret rules about type juggling.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Proposal for RFC to remove undefined arrayindexwarning when used ina ternary

2022-02-27 Thread Mark Randall

On 27/02/2022 09:12, Robert Landers wrote:

I'd also venture that this warning has caused more harm than good, in that
writing "$var['something'] ?? null" is second nature when writing new
code, even if there is practically no chance for a non-existent key. 

Using null coalesce should only be used when you know you have the 
possibility of a missing key.

For everything else you've probably entered an unexpected state and 
should display a warning (that should ideally be picked up by an 
exception handler and convert it to an exception).

When handling external data it is usually a good idea to use a 
validation step before using it, such as JSON schema.

An even better idea is to parse it into a specific type, rather than 
just validating it, at which point you're going to be using a lot of 
isset, null coalesces, array_key_exists, property_exists etc anyway and 
sucking in some default other than null is almost always the wrong thing 
to do.

As to your final point: PHP internals voted by a supermajority to raise 
this from a notice to a warning in PHP 8, it seems unlikely that 33% of 
people are now going to change their mind and vote for the opposite.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Proposal for RFC to remove undefined array indexwarning when used ina ternary

2022-02-26 Thread Mark Randall

On 26/02/2022 22:34, Robert Landers wrote:

This is not semantically the same though. A $_POST of a form, for example,
will usually contain an empty value if the form input was empty, but
missing if the form control wasn't in the form (maybe the form control is
injected via Javascript, or conditionally output by the script).

PHP is a general purpose language, the behaviour you're asking for is 
specific to one use case and may be of detriment to others, without 
offering significant benefit in exchange.

I suggest you write yourself a function that performs the operations for 
you. This may also be a good opportunity to move away from directly 
accessing the superglobals in userland code.

$form->get('foo', 'defaultgoeshere');

Performance concerns would be so so small they would be practically 
undetectable in the context of a real request.

Also, this:

$name = empty($_POST['name'] ?? 'Default Name') ?: 'Default Name';

Should be:

$name = ($_POST['name'] ?? null) ?: 'Default Name')

Mark Randall

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Proposal for RFC to remove undefined array index warning when used ina ternary

2022-02-26 Thread Mark Randall

On 26/02/2022 09:09, Robert Landers wrote:

I'd like to propose and implement an RFC that would consider dropping the
warning if and only if array access is the only test in ternary and short
ternary (?:) operations but first I'd like to start a discussion to see if
it is worth pursuing. I'd like to target PHP 8.2 or 8.3.

The warning comes from the array key being missing, not from being 
empty. There are many values which are empty which do not emit the warning.

If you want to provide a default should the array key be missing you 
want null coalesce.

$x = $array['foo'] ?? 'somethingelse';

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-02-23 Thread Mark Randall

On 24/02/2022 02:31, Bob Weinand wrote:

However, should your RFC pass, it is not possible to say "hey, I generally consider 
this a low impact class of errors, please try to continue".

This is correct.

As the custodians of the language, it is our responsibility to decide 
what the engine considers low / high impact and act accordingly.

In some cases users get the choice, but in most cases we make the choice 
for them. We have internals and the voting system precisely for this 
reason, to have a broad number of voices involved in those decisions.

If users wish to use the latest versions, they must ensure they meet its 
requirements, this is really no different than any other BC break we do 
for the good of the language and its users.

A couple of years ago we voted to promote 13 things to become errors / 
type errors, and I note you voted in favour of 12 of them, without 
requiring an opt-out.

I must therefore assume you consider the use of undefined variables to 
be a legitimate coding style, and that's fine if that is your position.

This RFC boils down to internals deciding, as a group, that it isn't one 
we want to support in future.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-02-23 Thread Mark Randall

On 23/02/2022 19:32, Rowan Tommins wrote
I think that wording change should be part of the proposed change in the 
RFC. Otherwise, a lot of people simply won't know the decision to remove 
it has been made and will be surprised when 9.0 comes around.

It is already part of the RFC within the "proposed PHP versions" section.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-02-23 Thread Mark Randall

On 23/02/2022 18:02, Nicolas Grekas wrote:

I mean in addition yes, deprecation before warning.

I don't see this happening.

An engine warning is as stark a mechanism as we have available that you 
either made a mistake, or shouldn't be doing something, without 
preventing you from actually doing it.

It may be that in 8.2 if this RFC passes that message will change to 
include "This will throw an error in PHP 9", but giving multiple 
messages for it is not beneficial IMO.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-02-22 Thread Mark Randall

On 18/02/2022 11:23, Rowan Tommins wrote:

- undefined array keys
- undefined object properties
- array access on a non-array
- property access on a non-object

I'd encourage those to be discussed, but they are unrelated to this RFC.

I think most of them would pass fairly easily, but undefined array keys 
is out the outlier and has a reasonable chance of being rejected at this 
time. However, with their being 4 years before the launch of 9.0 (and 
the next opportunity to change it) opinion may change between now and then.

I've updated the RFC to define accessing a variable as attempting to 
read its value for use in an expression without accounting for the 
possibility of it being unset.

I have also included the warning message to narrow this down further, 
and noted that things which account for undefined variables such as 
isset, empty and null coalesce will remain unaffected.

If there's am existing formal definition someone wishes to contribute, 
I'd be happy to update it.

One thing maybe worth mentioning is that while most operators such as 
++, +=, .= etc will be covered by this change, $undefined[] = 1; will 
not be.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-02-22 Thread Mark Randall

On 22/02/2022 09:15, Nicolas Grekas wrote:

I very much call for an implementation to be provided before starting any
vote on the topic btw.
The RFC states on its first line that accessing an undefined variable 
emits an E_WARNING. If it does not currently emit an E_WARNING then it 
is out of scope of this RFC.

It is not sensible to provide a full implementation for something that 
will require extensive engine and test changes for something several 
years into the future, during which many other changes will be made.

A sensible time for this would be after the branch is cut for 8.4.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Setting to disable the "Undefined array index" warning

2022-02-21 Thread Mark Randall

On 21/02/2022 10:29, Nicolas BADIA wrote:

and I don’t find the code more readable. Here are some examples of changes:

The example changes you provide are what many people here would 
recommend as good practice to improve the context and safety your code 

Anyone looking at that code can immediately infer that there is an 
expectation that those keys may be missing, with a suitable default 
provided for if that is the case.

The engine can see this too, which avoids it emitting warnings.

It takes a little more code, yes. But that is because you're being more 
clear in your intent.

This is a good thing. You should keep at it.

You could probably have the majority of your codebase converted before 
you could even hold a vote. Even if the vote was passed, which seems 
most unlikely, you would still need to wait 10 months for 8.2 to come 
out to use it.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-02-18 Thread Mark Randall

On 18/02/2022 10:50, Rowan Tommins wrote:
Other than an optimised implementation, there's nothing particularly 
special about the ++ operator's handling of null, it behaves the same as 
any other arithmetic operator:

I would claim that the unary operators behave slightly different, if it 
were a case of cooerce to zero, the behaviour of null++ and null-- would 
be expected to be the same as operating on 0, but it's not.

null++ is allowed, but null-- returns null, and its value afterwards is 

If anything, it's the fact that $a++ is NOT a special case that means it 
will be affected by this proposal.

It is intended to be affected by this proposal.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-02-18 Thread Mark Randall

On 18/02/2022 07:48, Robert Landers wrote:

Just out of curiosity, why is the 3rd case being included here? Is it just
because it's currently a warning > When I first taught PHP in 2011, I was told

> post-increment/decrement was sugar for `isset($var) ? $var + 1 : 1`

This is not the case, there is no isset($var) involved - specficially 
isset($var) would first check if a variable exists and is not null 
(ISSET_ISEMPTY_CV), it is designed to handle undefined variables, where 
as most things are not.

Before the increment can happen, the value in the variable must first be 
read. This leads to the E_WARNING for accessing an undefined variable 
just like any other, which this RFC seeks to prohibit.

The value is then copied internally, the original value is 
incrementeted, and the unchanged copy is returned (its value before 

The only reason this works at all is because an undefined variable read 
falls back to null, and the increment operator is hardcoded to treat 
null++ as 1.

That's why if you do this:

$x = $foo++;

You get:

Warning: Undefined variable $foo in  on line 3

Mark Randall

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[PHP-DEV] [RFC] Undefined Variable Error Promotion

2022-02-17 Thread Mark Randall


Following on from my previous thread, I think we are now in a position 
where we can begin formal discussions on an RFC to promote undefined 
variables to Error exceptions in PHP 9.0.

I present:

I still intend to bring other error promotions forward, potentially in 
collaboration with other developers, but as this is the biggest change, 
and the most likely to attract a large number of comments, I thought it 
deserving of a standalone RFC.

Mark Randall

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Setting to disable the "Undefined array index" warning

2022-02-17 Thread Mark Randall

On 15/02/2022 12:31, Nicolas BADIA wrote:

As I’m not ready to spend weeks upgrading our codebase because our coding style 
is not supported by the community, I’m looking at alternatives.

I don't think you'll be in luck, and should plan to get ready.

As to the specific behaviour:

If anything this behaviour will get tighter over time, and it's entirely 
possible that in a later major release it will throw an error (although 
that's not being proposed right now).

From my conversations, there is little apetite to add additional INI 
based controls for engine behaviour, as they are believed to lead to 
inconsistencies that harm the ecosystem, rather than enhance it.

Forking PHP to avoid resolving ambiguities in your code seems like it 
would be a false economy.

Ideally you should bring your code up-to-date with what is expected, but 
if you are unwilling or unable to do that, you may instead wish to stay 
on an older version that hax more lax behaviour, and purchase LTS from 
the likes of Zend.

Mark Randall

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Pre RFC - __debugType() magic method

2022-02-09 Thread Mark Randall

On 09/02/2022 13:49, Robin Chalas wrote:

What do you think?

It sounds like you need to wrap get_debug_type rather than introduce a 
magic method into core to account for framework oddities.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allowing NULL for some internal functions

2022-02-07 Thread Mark Randall

On 07/02/2022 15:34, Craig Francis wrote:

So are you suggesting that all the frameworks should change their default
to an empty string? or every single project should update every use of
these input functions to always override this default, or cast the received
value to always be a string? all to avoid a Fatal Error if a NULL value
ever dared to be passed to `htmlspecialchars()` and similar functions in
PHP 9?

I'm suggesting that every project should be specifying the default they 
want when they call the function. If by omission you call a function in 
a way that effectively says 'give me a null', then don't be surprised if 
it breaks when it gives you what you asked for and you pass it to 
something that wasn't designed for it.

Special casing things is almost always the wrong approach and will lead 
to pain in the long run.

Like "0" being the only non-empty string that's falsey.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allowing NULL for some internal functions

2022-02-07 Thread Mark Randall

On 07/02/2022 12:05, Craig Francis wrote:

And specifically with NULL, strings in C are a "one-dimensional array of
characters terminated by a null character", so you could say that NULL is
very similar to an empty string - maybe that helps address the "pretend its
a string" objection?

In this case we're talking about the difference between a char* that 
points to a 1 byte buffer containing '\0' and a char* that itself points 
to NULL. Trying to perform string operations on a null pointer in C 
would equally blow up.

With regards to your framework comment, any framework worth its salt 
will also have the option to provide a default value other than null 
when the value is not provided.

It is the responsibility of the user to make use of this functionality 
to provide the correct type for what the soon-to-be-called function is 

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Allowing NULL for some internal functions

2022-02-07 Thread Mark Randall

On 07/02/2022 01:27, Craig Francis wrote:

I know one person simply said this was a "terribl > idea", but I'm still
waiting to hear any details on why.

The changes you propose are not something that I am comfortable with 

I understand your motivations in proposing them, but to my mind it goes 
against the direction that PHP is developing, which I think is the right 
one, where errors and likely errors result in stopping execution rather 
than allowing it continue, potentially silently (dependent on error 
handling settings).

If a parameter expects a string, that is what it should be given, and 
its the callers' responsibility to ensure that is the case. If they fail 
to do so then it's an error just like any other.

IMHO reverting to "If it's a null we'll just pretend its a string" is 
contrary to how the language should be progressing.

It sucks that it was ever allowed in the first place.

PHP has a long history of making descisions to try to make things 'just 
work', and if history teaches us anything, its that we inevitably come 
to regret these descisions down the line.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Long-Term Planning for PHP 9.0 Error Promotion

2022-01-29 Thread Mark Randall

On 29/01/2022 16:33, Christian Schneider wrote:

If a static analyzer manages to catch it at development time then that is a lot 

Of course it's better, but you wouldn't argue that a car doesn't need 
airbags because you've tested that the breaks work.

Defense in depth.

Our ecosystem of static analysers are fantastic, but they're standalone 
tools outside the remit of internals. Maybe that software has a bug, 
maybe it hasn't yet been programmed to recognise the side effects of a 
new feature that was added, maybe the user has not updated the library 
in a while.

With runtime checking, the engine should always try to protect against 
the unexpected, irrespective of if other checking has already been 
performed by outside sources.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Long-Term Planning for PHP 9.0 Error Promotion

2022-01-27 Thread Mark Randall

On 27/01/2022 22:09, Larry Garfield wrote:

 I am not sure what additional value is gained by making the scream even louder.

For us to make something an exception at engine level, is to stop 
execution on the grounds that the engine no longer considers it safe to 

That might be because a boolean was passed to a function that expects a 
string, or in this case it might be because an undefined variable has 
been read.

Notices / Warnings are irrelevant to this under the default 
configuration, as in the absense of a userland error handler the engine 
will happily allow code to continue executing even after a probably 
undesirable state has been detected.

So what we're talking about here is changing the engine's definition of 
what is safe to exclude read operations on an undefined variable.

I understand the argument that the behaviour is well defined, at least 
for some operations, but I would posit that the vast majority of reads 
on undefined variables are in fact unintentional side effects from 
branching logic and are not the real intention at all.

If someone is insistent on working with nulls, there is an easy to use, 
fully backwards compatible way to avoid these errors, which is to define 
a variable as null prior to any branching logic.

For everyone else, we should offer this entirely sensible safety net.

What we don't want to do, I think, is end up in a situation like JS 
where it has to be opted in:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Long-Term Planning for PHP 9.0 Error Promotion

2022-01-26 Thread Mark Randall

On 26/01/2022 14:48, Christian Schneider wrote:

Please don't flame me, I just wanted to point out that there is an opposing 
view on internals to consider ;-)

It is my firm believe that a language such as PHP should not be 
dependent on static analysers to protect users against engine-level 
problems that may occur during runtime.

Third party static analysers are great, and I am a strong proponent of 

However, internals is not responsible for getting people to use a static 
analyser, we are responsible for the behaviour of the engine, and right 
now the engine is, I think, too lax in this regard.

We should be aiming to provide a reasonably safe experience out the box.

That you're manually patching PHP to change official behaviour (which 
was passed by RFC) puts your individual use case well outside of what 
should be considered when voting.

Mark Randall

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Long-Term Planning for PHP 9.0 Error Promotion

2022-01-26 Thread Mark Randall

On 26/01/2022 17:13, Rowan Tommins wrote:

For instance, the following code is safe, useful, and readable:

$countsByDayByCategory = [];
foreach ( $someData as $item ) {
     $countsByDayByCategory[ $item['day'] ][ $item['category'] ]++;

I myself am not planning to hold a vote on undefined array.

If there were one it would be an independent vote the same as "Undefined 
Array Index" in which promoted 
it to warning in 8.0.

As it's marked as a warning, I would expect it to still get upgraded at 
some point in PHPs lifetime, maybe even in PHP 9, but I am not proposing 
it with this batch of updates.

Mark Randall

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[PHP-DEV] Long-Term Planning for PHP 9.0 Error Promotion

2022-01-24 Thread Mark Randall


PHP 9.0, likely a few years away at this point, is our next opportunity 
to make significant breaking changes.

So I thought it would be appropriate to start a thread discussing what 
breaking changes we might want to include in it, specifically in 
relation to error handling behaviour both at engine level, and 
potentially library level.

By discussing and passing RFCs sooner rather than later, end users and 
library maintainers will have much more advanced notice than if we 
waited until 8.4 had released.

My goal is to help coordinate putting forth a set of individual RFCs, or 
maybe a collective set similar to that will specifically target 
PHP 9.0, even though that version does not yet have a release date, or 
even a release year.

Nothing in this conversation will preclude others from passing 
additional RFCs in the future years that also target PHP 9 error 
promotion, or, for that matter, reversing those decisions potentially 
made here, if necessary.

For my part I will be putting forward two votes which will hopefully 
complete the migration process started in Nikita's engine warnings RFC:

** Undefined Variables Promoted to Error **

PHP currently treats reading an undefined variable as though it were a 
null, emitting a warning message in the process. This was previously 
promoted from a notice in the PHP 8 engine warnings RFC.

At the time a 3 way vote was held between promoting to an error 
exception, a warning, or leaving it as a notice.

At the time, 56% voted in favour of throwing an Error, 28% in favour of 
a warning, and the remainder leaving it as a notice.

My understanding is that many of those who voted to raise it to a 
warning did so because they felt that jumping straight from a notice to 
an Error was too much in one go.

As it will have been a warning for around 5 years by the time PHP 9 is 
released, I expect that there will now be a healthy super majority to 
bump this up to throwing an error.

** Redefine Constants Promoted to Error / ValueError **

Attempting to redefine a constant either via 'const x' or define 
currently emits a warning, as well as failing.

My straw poll 
( gives a 
strong indication that there is an appetite to promote this from a 
warning to an error, potentially throwing a ValueError, in PHP 9.

This will bring it more into line with the result of attempting to 
redefine other constructs such as functions and classes.

** Other Recommendations **

Let's open a discussion as to what we might want to do in the future, 
and depending on how things shake out, we can decide what route to take 
with regards to bringing RFCs to vote.

Mark Randall

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[PHP-DEV] [Strawpoll] Promoting redefining constant to exception

2022-01-22 Thread Mark Randall


While cleaning up some PRs I was prompted to re-visit one I had 
outstanding about exception-throwing behaviour when redefining 
constants, this applies to functions like define and language syntax 
constructs such as const.

There have been a few discussions in the past about the topic.

Here is one from 2016 from Dmitry:


My own PR:

Since Dmitry's RFC was made in 2016, and my PR a while ago, attempted 
redeclaration was promoted from a notice to a warning, but I still think 
it's sensible to go one step further.

There was mention on github that there was some resistence to promotion 
to exception in the past, but I think there is a strong possibility that 
the mood may be different many years later, with PHPs positive moves 
towards throwing on poorly defined or illogical behaviour.

To gauge this, I'm throwing out a non-binding strawpoll to get the lay 
of the land before doing anything else with it. If there is general 
favour I'll fix up my patch and do a proper RFC.

Mark Randall

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Allow default parameters before non-default ones?

2021-12-08 Thread Mark Randall

On 09/12/2021 05:22, André Hänsel wrote:

This is very useful because I can add an optional parameter to a function
and prevent users of my function from using the parameter in a positional
way. This way I don't have to make a compatibility promise to never change
the position of this parameter.

I would much prefer we could find a way to give this proper support 
rather than a hack.

I frequently use large numbers of named arguments and would very much 
like to be able to knock out the ability to use positional arguments, 
thus ensuring I can change the order (e.g. inserting a new argument 
after a related one) without a BC break.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC [Discussion] array_column results grouping

2021-12-06 Thread Mark Randall

On 05/12/2021 14:02, Rowan Tommins wrote:
Since this is explicitly an open question in the current RFC draft, it 
seems a bit premature to talk about voting, rather than encouraging the 
RFC to develop in a particular direction.

I hope it was taken as nothing more than an indication that adding an 
extra argument to array_columns would not be our preference for the 
route to go down :-)

I could see the benefits to a standalone array_column_group function, 
that way the expected dimensions of the output would be more easily 
recognisable without having to inspect the parameters.

As this RFC focuses heavily on array_columns, including all of the 
examples and the PR, I would encourage the author to consider an RFC 
specifically for array_column_group.

Mark Randall

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