Re: site-locals

2003-04-04 Thread Fred L. Templin
I tend to agree with Erik on the research ship case; since the ship is
a rather large and coherent entity (most likley owned by an even larger
organization) it makes sense for it to have one or several globally
unique prefix assignments that can be used whether/not the ship has a
connection to the global Internet. But, I still havn't seen a solution
proposal for ad-hoc networks of individuals that come together for
arbitrary purposes and wish to form a network.
For example, if Bob, Ted and Alice find themselves in a common space
with no proximity to an Internet access point, they should be able to
form a network and have persistent communications that survive even
if an Internet access point is later encountered. But, since Bob, Ted
and Alice are just private individuals, it seems unlikely that any
would own a globally unique prefix - so how do they decide on a
common prefix to use that supports communications even in the
intermittently-connected case?
I have seen at least one IEEE 802.11 product vendor that solves this
problem at the MAC layer by choosing the MAC address of the first
node to join the network as the I-D to use for the IBSS (i.e., the
ad-hoc network "cluster"). When two nodes come together for the first
time, there is some sort of tie-breaking to decide whose MAC address
will be used. When multiple IBSS's merge (e.g., when John and Sue join),
the I-D of one IBSS is chosen as the I-D of the merged IBSS. When, an
IBSS partitions (e.g., when John and Alice leave) new I-D's are chosen.
But, this all seems too dynamic of a model to adopt for choosing
network-layer addresses in which stable addresses are needed both
regardless of the underlying topology dynamics and without a
provider-assigned prefix. How do we solve this?
Erik Nordmark wrote:
It is not a red herring. Input sent to me for the requirements doc:

But this case is exactly the same as what I categorized as #1 in my list - 
isolating communication local to the site from site renumbering. The only added
twist is that site renumber occurs when the site attaches and detaches from
the Internet.

Research ships at sea intermittently connect via INMARSAT, or when in
port, the shipboard network is connected to shore via Ethernet.

Looking at your resarch ship case a bit more in detail it occurs
to me that even using site-locals plus globals while connected doesn't
necessarily protect the local communication. The introduction of the 
global prefix/addresses when the ship is connected might very well
trigger different address selection behaviors in the stack or in the
applications. Thus it seems like the robustness provided by site-locals
only apply to communication established (and addresses selected)
before the global prefix is introduced. Later communication is subject
to any bugs or poor interaction in the address selection domain - something
that is bound to have some corner cases due to its complexity.
(Note that this is a property that applies to #1 in my list that I've
previously not realized.) While the effect of this probably is less than
the effect of renumbering the ships network each time it attaches to the
Internet, it still doesn't isolate the ships internal network from
being attached to the Internet when site-locals are used as you propose.

So if I were to design this ship I'd use neiether renumbering at
attachment time nor site-locals. Instead I'd have the research ship get
a stable prefixe (a few /64's might suffice) from the organization that runs 
it which are globally unique and can be used whether the ship is connected
or disconnected. This completely isolates the addressing of the ship internals 
from whether it is connected or disconnected; the only difference is the when
disconnected off-ship destinations are unreachable. When it gets connected
tunnel(s) need to be established back to the research organization in order
for routing to work. Such tunnels could be cobbled up today with some existing
tunnel establishment mechanism, and the Nemo WG is working on an IETF standard
for such tunnel establishment. So if you want internal stability you have to
pay by having less efficient routing - going bidirectionally over the tunnel
to "home" - no free lunch.

If you believe in Mobile IPv6 route optimization you might also
believe that the Nemo work can be extended to provide route optimization
to/from correspondent nodes in the Internet at large (by reusing the
MIPv6 approach). I personally think the utility of this remains to
be proven, but if it is it would help with the routing inefficiencies caused
by routing.
So once again, this is not a case where I think site-locals help.


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Re: A use for site local addresses?

2003-03-26 Thread Fred L. Templin
Jeroen Massar wrote:
Mike Saywell wrote:
#2 (related)
For an ad-hoc network to auto-config it needs an address range to use.
It's extremely limiting to confine them to a single subnet.
#3 (to be found at the root of this thread)
A provider independant (i.e. no upstream ISP) network which aims to
provide transit between 2 or more networks (which may or may not be

Effectively all these three boil down to one thing:
 - globally unique addresses
 - not connected to the internet
A place to register globally unique, but non-internet-connected
address space would be the best place IMHO.
This will take quite some effort but it is quite probably the
best way to avoid problems like mergers.
In the case of the cruise ship, it makes sense for the ship to
"own" a globally unique prefix. But, in the pure ad-hoc case,
all nodes are peers and may be drawn from completely unrelated
interest groups/geographies. In this case, you need to ask: "who
owns the globally unique prefix?" and "what happens if the prefix
owner goes away?". (I'm perfectly happy if these questions can be
answered w/o site-locals, BTW.)

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Re: A use for site local addresses?

2003-03-24 Thread Fred L. Templin
This is very close to the use case I referred to at the microphone
during the Thursday session in San Francisco when I spoke of
intermittently-connected networks. Take for example an ad-hoc/mesh
network that travels together and may from time to time lose connection
with the global Internet; perhaps reconnecting at a different point
of attachment at some later time. While detached, the nodes in the
intermittently-connected network should still be able to communicate
with one another. But, when reconnecting to a different point of
attachment, ongoing intra-network communications should not be
impacted by monolithic renumbering events.
Site-locals seem like a natural mechanism for such use cases, but if
they are to be deprecated a different scheme is needed. Possibilities
include having one or more nodes in the intermittently-connected network
"own" a global prefix that gets injected into the global routing tables
at the current point of attachment, a geo-addressing scheme such as the
one referred to below, or perhaps some new scheme that is yet to be
IMO, use cases such as these need to be identified and addressed in
whatever mechanisms are chosen as we move forward. New ideas and
further discussion along these lines would probably be a good thing.
Fred Templin
Mike Saywell wrote:
Hi all,

I've only just joined the list - I'm mailing about the proposed abandoning
of site locals because I'd like to use them!
Basically I'm involved in setting up a community wireless network in
Southampton, UK.  The wireless network itself is a fully routed mesh
using private (10.13/16) addresses, the long term goal is to get ISPs
to provide internet gateways which you connect to via a VPN, PPPoE or
some other method, over which you get a public address.
We'd like to start running v6 on the network alongside the 10.13 addresses
and site-locals seem like the most sensible choice since it's the only
allocation of v6 addresses which is going to be available for us to use
and which is large enough to accomodate a /48 per access point (of which
there could be hundreds).  Obviously the same internet access model could
be used so you would get a public prefix over the PPPoE connection.
The site-local addresses would only be used for traffic contained within
the the wireless mesh, if some areas offered open internet access then
they could advertise an additional prefix routed from their own internet
connection, thus avoiding any NAT.
Well, that's my use and case for Site-Locals in a nut-shell!  I realise
that this type of deployment is quite a rare case, but I think it
represents a legitimate use of private addresses.
By the way, another option which would work very well in this type
of scenario is the geographical based addressing -

Mike Saywell

Southampton Open Wireless Network
PhD Student, Dept ECS, Southampton UK.

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Re: dual stack & IPv6 on by default

2003-03-17 Thread Fred L. Templin
I'm just dropping into this thread, and maybe this idea has already come up.
But, when the DNS returns both A and  records for a destination and
when there is no v6 route, why can't the source just do automatic v6-in-v4
tunneling using an address from an  record as the v6dst and an address
from an A record as the v4dst? Gives you a decision tree of sorts, i.e.:
1) when an  record and a v6 route exist, use native v6. Else:
2) when both  and A records exist, but no v6 route, use
 automatic v6-in-v4 tunneling. Else:
3) when an A record exists, use v4. Else:
4) destination unreachable
Erik Nordmark wrote:

That's a really good question.  I'm not sure what would be the best way
to address this.  What we're saying in this draft is that operational
experience has shown that this part of ND could be problematic in some
circumstances.  Does ND need to be changed as a result?  Probably not.
There are no MUST's surrounding that bit of ND.  As implementors, we're
free to interpret the spec in a sane mannor.  With this draft, we're
pointing out reasons why implementors may want to be careful with that
part of ND.  There is informational value in this alone without having
to muck with the ND spec itself.

A possible way to approach this problem would be to make
the choice between A and  be a function of whether there
is one or more IPv6 route off-link (or at least one IPv6 router sending RAs).
That way you don't have to tweak ND. But you do end up with some
having e.g. getaddrinfo() check with the kernel. I think getaddrinfo()
needs to already do some checks in order to implement the default address
selection document.

If you don't have a route to the destination, why try to reach it
on-link just in case the destination might happen to be on-link?  Is
there a situation where this would be useful?

If you have two nodes communicating on a link and the router
dies for long enough time it seems useful to be able to
continue to communicate. Of course, the communication will fail
once the addresses become invalid but that might take a long time.

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Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-node-requirements-03.txt

2003-03-14 Thread Fred L. Templin
Mika Liljeberg wrote:

On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 21:09, Ralph Droms wrote:

Your question does raise an interesting issue - where, in the IPv6
specifications, is the behavior of a router in response to received
router advertisements specified?  How does a router behave if
it receives an RA with either or both of the 'M' and 'O' bits

RFC2462 states several times that routers are not expected to process
router advertisements.

RFC 2461, section 6.2.7 clearly does allow for routers processing router
advertisements, i.e., for consistency verification. It concludes by saying:
 "Any other action on reception of Router Advertisement messages by a
  router is beyond the scope of this document."
RFC 2462, section 4 says:

 "The remaining autoconfiguration steps are performed only by hosts; the
  (auto)configuration of routers is beyond the scope of this document."
So, it doesn't appear to me that either specification covers the case in
Fred Templin

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Re: [Draft] The PMTU Discovery for IPv6 Using Hop-by-Hop Option Header

2003-03-10 Thread Fred L. Templin
Hello Daniel,

It is an interesting draft, but I'm afraid you've re-created RFC 1063 
(albeit using
IPv6 constructs).  RFC 1063 was obsoleted by RFC 1191 at least partly due to
the requirement that all nodes implement the protocol in order for any 
useful path
MTU information to be obtained on a consistent basis - a feature shared 
by your
proposal. RFC 1063 suggested two methods for implementing such a scheme -
Transport Discovery and IP discovery - and it appears you have taken the low
road. But, I have seen some evidence lately that an efficient 
packetization layer
MTU discovery mechanism can be realized with no requirement for feedback
from the network and no requirement for an explicit probe response from the

That said, your draft does give me an  idea. An issue for the 
packetization layer
scheme is to provide the lower layers with some way of knowing when a probe
is in progress, i.e., so that the lower layers can let the probe 
through. If the
packetization layer were to insert a hop-by-hop (or destination) option that
essentially amounted to a no-op, the lower layers could know that a 
probe was
in progress.

Your thoughts?

Fred Templin
Soohong Daniel Park wrote:

Dear folks.

I'd like to discuss this draft "The PMTU Discovery for IPv6 Using
Hop-by-Hop Option Header", it's not submitted yet.
Before I propose, I want to listen some comments and opinion from IPv6
I'll attack this draft. Please look into and response.


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Re: M & O Bits was: draft-ietf-ipv6-node-requirements-01.txt

2003-02-24 Thread Fred L. Templin
Thomas et al,

The main message I am getting is that the "L" bit is a don't-care from
the standpoint of RFC 2462 section 5.5, and I agree that that point needs no
further clarification. But, I'm still a bit uncertain on the following point:
Thomas Narten wrote:
This question applies to any address a node autoconfigures, regardless
of the setting of the L-bit. The scope of the advertisement of course
applies to the interface on which it receives.
When you say that the scope of the advertisement applies to the interface
on which it receives, are you also implying that the scope of any addresses
autoconfigured from prefixes received in the advertisement apply to the
interface as well - regardless of the state of the "L" bit? Asked another
way, when a prefix option has the "A" bit set and the "L" bit NOT set,
should the address autoconfigured from the prefix be: a) assigned to the
receiving interface, b) treated as a node_ID independent of any of the
node's interfaces, or c) implementor's-choice?

Fred Templin

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Re: M & O Bits was: draft-ietf-ipv6-node-requirements-01.txt

2003-02-18 Thread Fred L. Templin

Tim Hartrick wrote:

Sure, that is what assigning an address to an interface means.  Are you saying
that you want to send datagrams that are destined to an address which is
assigned to a local interface, to a router, just because the advertised prefix
from which the address was derived had the "L" bit clear? 

No; I'm not saying that. I don't see any ambiguity in accepting the /128
resulting from address autoconfiguration as being "on-node"; i.e., it seems
clear enough that packets sent by the node to the autoconfigured address
should be looped back internally and not sent to a router. But, I still see
it as ambiguous as to whether the /128 must be "on-link" with the interface
the RA arrived on.



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Re: M & O Bits was: draft-ietf-ipv6-node-requirements-01.txt

2003-02-18 Thread Fred L. Templin

Tim Hartrick wrote:


I have myself been confused by the L bit in the past but I don't think
there is anywhere near as much ambiguity here as you.  And, if there is
the node requirements document isn't the place to fix it.


I'm still of the opinion that some ambiguity exists. Namely, if a prefix
option has the Autonomous flag ("A" bit) set and the on-link flag ("L" bit)
NOT set, one could infer from reading RFC 2462, section 5.5 that it is OK
to go ahead and configure an address from the (off-link) prefix as specified
in 5.5.3 d). But then, which link would one derive an interface identifier
from in order to form an address? (And, which interface would one assign
the address to?)

It is correct to infer that one should configure an address from a prefix
option with the A bit set and the L bit clear.  Is it really necessary to
spell out that the address should be configured on the interface on which
the advertisement was received?  What would justify making any other choice?

Right now, all RFC 2462 (section 5.3.3) says is to go ahead and configure
addresses for prefix options with the "A" bit set; the "L" bit is don't-care.
But, RFC 2461 (section 6.3.4) says that "a prefix information option with the
on-link flag set to zero conveys no information concerning on-link determination",
i.e., you can't tell whether the prefix is on/off link. But, if you configure an
address from a prefix option with the "L" bit set to zero and assign it to the
interface the RA arrived on, you are in effect declaring that at least one /128
chunk of the prefix is on-link. But, I don't see any text in RFC 2461 that says
you can assume this. This is where I see the ambiguity.


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Re: M & O Bits was: draft-ietf-ipv6-node-requirements-01.txt

2003-02-18 Thread Fred L. Templin

I'm still of the opinion that some ambiguity exists. Namely, if a prefix
option has the Autonomous flag ("A" bit) set and the on-link flag ("L" bit)
NOT set, one could infer from reading RFC 2462, section 5.5 that it is OK
to go ahead and configure an address from the (off-link) prefix as specified
in 5.5.3 d). But then, which link would one derive an interface identifier
from in order to form an address? (And, which interface would one assign
the address to?)

I believe this should be clarified somewere, e.g., in the IPv6 node reqt's
document. The challenge is in specifying something that is neither too
precise that it precludes legitimate functionality nor too broad that
it opens the door to security holes and/or misconfigurations. In particular,
if it's not OK for a node to configure an address from an advertised prefix
with the "L" bit not set we should probably say so somewhere and give some



Thomas Narten wrote:

"Fred L. Templin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I wonder if the setting of the "L" bit in Prefix Information options
also bears some mention in this section. RFC 2461, section 4.6.2 says:

 "When (the L bit is) not set, the advertisment makes no statement
  about on-link or off-link properties of the prefix. For instance,
  the prefix might be used for address configuration with some of
  the addresses belonging to the prefix being on-link and others
  being off-link."

Does this mean that prefix information options with the L bit not
set can be used to auto-configure off-link global or site-local

No. The wording really does says what it is supposed to say. If the L
bit is is not set, one cannot say anything about whether the prefix is
on-link or off link. Specifically, a sender cannot assume that other
addresses covered by that prefix are on-link and send packets directly
to them; instead, packets for those destinations must be sent to a

But it may (or may not) be the case that the destination is on the
same link as the original sender. If it is, the router will forward
the packet back to the same link. It may (or it may not) also send a
redirect to the sending node.

This is a feature that allows a router to arrange to have all traffic
forwarded to  it, even for destinations that are directly reachable.
It also (possibly) helps support things like multi-link subnets, where
some destinations may be on one link, but others on a different link,
but both covered by the same prefix.

Do you have some suggestion of text to add?

Unfortunately no, because RFCs 2461 and 2462 are both ambiguous on
the subject. RFC 2461, section 6.3.4 ("Processing Received Router
Advertisements") says:

   Prefixes with the on-link flag set to zero would normally have the
   autonomous flag set and be used by [ADDRCONF].

But, [ADDRCONF] (i.e., RFC 2462) says nothing about how to handle
prefix options with the on-link flag ("L") set to zero!

The point is that if the bit is set, one assumes all destinations
covered by the prefix are on link. If it is not set, you can't assume
that and one does nothing.

I believe the Node Requirements document is the right place to resolve
the ambiguity; I'm just not sure what that resolution should be.

Does the above explanation help? I.e., do you still believe there is
an ambiguity?


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Re: M & O Bits was: draft-ietf-ipv6-node-requirements-01.txt

2003-02-17 Thread Fred L. Templin


Hi Fred,

I wonder if the setting of the "L" bit in Prefix Information options
also bears some mention in this section. RFC 2461, section 4.6.2 says:

  "When (the L bit is) not set, the advertisment makes no statement
   about on-link or off-link properties of the prefix. For instance,
   the prefix might be used for address configuration with some of
   the addresses belonging to the prefix being on-link and others
   being off-link."

Does this mean that prefix information options with the L bit not
set can be used to auto-configure off-link global or site-local

Do you have some suggestion of text to add?

Unfortunately no, because RFCs 2461 and 2462 are both ambiguous on
the subject. RFC 2461, section 6.3.4 ("Processing Received Router
Advertisements") says:

   Prefixes with the on-link flag set to zero would normally have the
   autonomous flag set and be used by [ADDRCONF].

But, [ADDRCONF] (i.e., RFC 2462) says nothing about how to handle
prefix options with the on-link flag ("L") set to zero!

I believe the Node Requirements document is the right place to resolve
the ambiguity; I'm just not sure what that resolution should be.


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Re: Reason for the explicit link-layer address options in ND?

2003-02-12 Thread Fred L. Templin
Francis Dupont wrote:

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   Is this just a layering question, an attempt to
   avoid layer violations?  Or were there behind
   other goals, like allowing proxy ND?
=> both reasons. In the same kind of design ideas, it is
forbidden to mix unicast and multicast between layers, i.e.,
if the IPv6 destination is unicast, the link-layer destination
MUST be unicast, and same with multicast in place of unicast.

Can you point me to the text that forbids this? I was under the
impression that multicast emulation mechanisms (e.g. MARS, etc.)
use unicast link-layer destination addresses when the IPv6
destination is multicast. The whole point of multicast
emulation is to propagate network-layer multicasts over
unicast-only link layers - not true?



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Re: M & O Bits was: draft-ietf-ipv6-node-requirements-01.txt

2003-02-10 Thread Fred L. Templin
Roy et al,

I wonder if the setting of the "L" bit in Prefix Information options
also bears some mention in this section. RFC 2461, section 4.6.2 says:

  "When (the L bit is) not set, the advertisment makes no statement
   about on-link or off-link properties of the prefix. For instance,
   the prefix might be used for address configuration with some of
   the addresses belonging to the prefix being on-link and others
   being off-link."

Does this mean that prefix information options with the L bit not
set can be used to auto-configure off-link global or site-local


Fred Templin

Roy Brabson wrote:

Not knowing the background of all readers of the doc, it might be good 


put your explicit warning in the text:

  An IPv6 node that does not include an implementation of DHCP will be
  unable to obtain any IPv6 addresses aside from link-local addresses
  when it is connected to a link over which it receives a router
  advertisement with the 'M' flag (Managed address configuration) set
  and which contains no prefixes advertised for Stateless Address
  Autoconfiguration (see section 4.5.2).  In this situation, the IPv6
  Node will be unable to communicate with other off-link nodes.

This isn't strictly true - a node may use manually configured global or 
site-local IPv6 addresses and still be able to communicate with off-link 
nodes.  Maybe the first sentence should be updated to indicate the node 
will not be able to dynamically obtain any IPv6 addresses, as an IPv6 may 
be statically assigned to a node, and the last sentence to indicate a node 
will require manual configuration in the absence of DHCP support when 
Stateless Address Autoconfiguration is not being used?  Something like:

   An IPv6 node that does not include an implementation of DHCP will be 
   unable to dynamically obtain any IPv6 addresses aside from 
   link-local addresses when it is connected to a link over which it 
   receives a router advertisement with the 'M' flag (Managed address 
   configuration) set and which contains no prefixes advertised for 
   Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (see section 4.5.2).  In this 
   situation, the IPv6 Node will be unable to communicate with other 
   off-link nodes unless a global or site-local IPv6 address is 
   manually configured. 


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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-unicast-aggr-v2-00.txt

2003-01-31 Thread Fred L. Templin
Alain Durand wrote:

Pekka Savola wrote:

3.0 IANA Considerations

  The following prefix is reserved for use in documentation and MUST
  NOT be assigned to any operational IPv6 nodes:


==> I do not understand why this reservation has been made; I see zero 
technical reason for it -- and it would prevent the use of the full 
2000::/16 for something else.

I disagree. Having the reserved prefix is a good think and
will hopefully prevent what happen when Sun folks started
documenting examples using our address space.

I will agree with Alain that a reserved prefix for documentation is
good. But, I don't understand why '2000:0001::/32" was chosen instead
of '2000:::/32'. Can someone speak to this?


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Re: Enforcing unreachability of site local addresses

2003-01-28 Thread Fred L. Templin
Michel Py wrote:

Fred L. Templin
Your statements seem to be focused on the solutions we have
at hand today along with the unspoken assumptions we have
held as truths in the past. I used to think that carefully
managed hierarchical routing was the only way to go to
achieve scalability, but I am no longer wed to that

Can you explain the reasons of the divorce?

I'd prefer to think of it as an amicable parting, i.e.,
still on speaking terms but entertaining other possibilities.

> What new stuff do you have on the front of making PI scalable?

Stuff that steers routing decisions toward a unique
node/site/domain/cluster/etc., I would hope.

I don't think anyone is "gambling" on new and different solutions

Unless you have some realistically deployable answers to the question,
calling for PI now is a gamble that we will find a way to clean it or
leave behind a mess 10 times bigger than the v4 swamp.

In a different message, Brian characterized the NIMROD effort
as a failure. But, I wonder whether similar alternatives might
be viable. (Notice I'm only wondering here; not gambling...)


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Re: Enforcing unreachability of site local addresses

2003-01-27 Thread Fred L. Templin
Michel Py wrote:


Michel Py wrote:
PI = Does *NOT* scale.

Do you base this statement on hard evidence or conventional wisdom?

Brian Carpenter wrote:
But the problem remains as hard as it was in 1992. We don't
know how to aggregate routes for such addresses, and we don't
know how to scale the routing system without aggregation.
Solve either of those problems and you're done.

Exactly. Margaret, you are gambling on the fact that we will find a
solution to a problem that we have been working on for the last 11 years
and remains unsolved.
PI does not scale. As of today, the closest thing we have is ID/LOC and
aggregating the locators.

Your statements seem to be focused on the solutions we have at hand
today along with the unspoken assumptions we have held as truths in
the past. I used to think that carefully-managed hierarchical routing
was the only way to go to achieve scalability, but I am no longer wed
to that assumption. I don't think anyone is "gambling" on new and
different solutions, but I do believe we should keep the door open
to them.

Fred Templin

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Re: comments on draft-hinden-ipv6-global-site-local-00

2003-01-23 Thread Fred L. Templin

Brian E Carpenter wrote:

Pekka Savola wrote:

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Brian E Carpenter wrote:


  This document proposes an approach to allocating IPv6 Site-Local
  address so they are globally unique and routable only inside of a

==> it would be good to go a bit more in depth to how this is actually a
problem.  For some it surely isn't; if they don't need to prepare for
site-mergers, for example.

Can you define the class of sites that absolutely, definitely,
until the end of time, are guaranteed not to merge?

Well, it depends on quite a bit about which is the usage model for
site-locals.  For example, home nets probably don't merge if we would
mandate that site-locals should not cross home-to-office VPN's.

Let me be provocative. With proper e2e security, VPNs will become historic.
And one of the benefits of IPv6 is supposd to be proper e2e security,
as a result of having proper e2e addressing. 

But of course, there can be not absolute guarantee.

Yes. Scenario: Mum and Dad share a LAN. One day they discover
that young Johnny has set up his own LAN in his bedroom.
They connect them together, and both of them have
printers on FEC0::0002.

Forgetting for the moment that the LANs in your example are
probably "flat" topologies and could instead be using link-local
addresses, how do you propose to prevent such duplicate assignments
when disconnected/intermittently connected sites merge? Use global
addresses always? If so, how can the global allocations be procured
and/or maintained when the sites rarely (if ever) connect to the
global Internet?



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Re: Change in path-MTU ..

2003-01-07 Thread Fred L. Templin
I believe the text you are referring to is the following:

   "When the application is sending packets too big for the path MTU
   recvmsg() will return zero (indicating no data) but there will be a
   cmsghdr with cmsg_type set to IPV6_PATHMTU, and cmsg_len will
   indicate that cmsg_data is sizeof(struct ip6_mtuinfo) bytes long."

The way I read this, applications are informed of path MTU restrictions
when they are actively sending packets that result in ICMPv6 "packet too
big" error messages (i.e., even when the "packet too big" messages are
locally-generated). I see no requirement in this specification for
asynchronous notification of PMTU decreases.

Instead, in RFC 1918, section 5.2, I see:

  Note: An implementation can avoid the use of an asynchronous
  notification mechanism for PMTU decreases by postponing
  notification until the next attempt to send a packet larger than
  the PMTU estimate.  In this approach, when an attempt is made to
  SEND a packet that is larger than the PMTU estimate, the SEND
  function should fail and return a suitable error indication.  This
  approach may be more suitable to a connectionless packetization
  layer (such as one using UDP), which (in some implementations) may
  be hard to "notify" from the ICMP layer.  In this case, the normal
  timeout-based retransmission mechanisms would be used to recover
  from the dropped packets.

Fred Templin

Lilian Fernandes wrote:

Section 11.3 of draft-ietf-ipngwg-rfc2292bis-08 describes a socket option
IPV6_RECVPATHMTU that a UDP application can set to be notified of path MTU


On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Shashi Kumar wrote:

ICMP layer should recalculate the path-MTU depending on ICMP redirect
and update the routing entries appropriately and also inform
packetization layer(s) about the change in path-MTU ( you can have your
own algo.)


Keshava Ayanur wrote:

   I have a question about PATH-MTU .

   Should the IP stack inform the application about the change in
path-MTU .
   Else how does the application running on UDP will know about
change in the
   size ?
   Or is it up to the application running on UDP to care by some
   reliable mechanism ?


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Lilian Fernandes
AIX TCP/IP Development - IBM Austin
Tel: 512-838-7966	Fax: 512-838-3509

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Re: DAD scope ??

2003-01-06 Thread Fred L. Templin
Brian Haberman wrote:
> Each ipv6-over-foo doc discusses modifications to ND,
> if necessary, for the particular link technology.

Can you point me to any text in the core architecture
documents (e.g., RFCs 2461, 2462) that allow this and
can be used as normative reference?


Fred Templin

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Re: DAD scope ??

2003-01-06 Thread Fred L. Templin

Margaret Wasserman wrote:

DAD is a link-local mechanism (uses link-local multicast
packets).  So, while it checks all addresses, it only
explicitly checks for duplicate addresses on the local link.

What about DAD for links that are unicast-only? Alternatives
I can imagine are:

 1. specify some sort of unicast mechanism for DAD
 2. perform some sort of multicast emulation (e.g., MARS)
 3. avoid DAD alltogether when one can assume that addresses
are uniquely assigned within the site


Fred Templin

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Re: Scoping Scoped Addresses

2002-11-15 Thread Fred L. Templin

> I do not advocate requiring every host and router implementation to have
> multi-site support. I think all that's required for host implementations
> is the default address selection rules, and all that's required for
> router implementations is to have two modes (either all interfaces are
> in the same site so site-locals are treated like globals, or all
> interfaces are in different sites so site-locals are filtered). This is
> really very little burden for host and router implementations.

Sounds like you're referring here to the case of multilink subnets, as
in Dave and Christian's draft. Having multiple interfaces attached to the
same site vs. one interface per site is a design consideration we were
investigating for MANET applications at SRI shortly prior to my departure
6mos ago, but we didn't come to any firm conclusions.

I have been unable to find time to review that draft recently (let's just
say I've been off chasing wild geese), but I'm planning to take a look at
it today with two design points in mind:

 - does it scale to 10,000+ nodes? 100,000+ nodes? etc?
 - does it truly make life easier than multi-homing?


Fred Templin

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Re: My conclusion re site-local clean-up

2002-11-15 Thread Fred L. Templin
Michel Py wrote:
>>Fred L. Templin wrote

I'd like to propose F000:/4

Wow this is big. Not to mention the difficulties of obtaining a prefix
that short, I think this size would be a good fit for global PI
addresses such as Tony Hain's proposal, but why would site-locals need
that much?


I've reflected very deeply on this and yes - I really would like to see
such a short prefix set aside for other-than unicast/multicast purposes
(notice I'm not saying site-locals exclusively here). As can be told from
my earlier messages, I am keenly interested in large network operations in
disconnected and/or intermittently connected situations. When connected to
the Internet, global prefixes provide a topological frame of reference. When
disconnected, no topological reference is available, but a geographical one
is - it is called the Global Positioning System (GPS).

To be honest, I have not read Tony's global PI proposal yet, but the DARPA
mobile networking research community has been looking for ways to make
geographic routing and addressing work for years. The DARPA GloMo program
did some interesting work with georouting, and the ONR unmanned aerial
vehicle program (along with others) have been working on a flexibile
addressing scheme with geographical addressing as a core element. A limiting
factor up to now has been getting enough bits for fine-grained geographic

If enough bits were available, geo-referenced prefixes would provide a nice
means for supporting geographically-centered communications *with or without*
the presence of global prefixes. Examples:

 - community networks
 - find the nearest Starbucks coffee by queriyng a geo-centered network
 - have your vehicle talk to other vehicles in the nearby vicinity w/o
   needing an internet access point
 - etc.

So, I'd ask for a ::/3 or even a ::/2 if I thought there was any chance of
getting it.

Fred Templin

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Re: My conclusion re site-local clean-up

2002-11-14 Thread Fred L. Templin
There have been some alternate wording suggestions since Brian's
original message, but I like his text the best of all I've seen
and vote to adopt it as it stands.

We still have the use case of large networks that may have only
intermittent connectivity to the global Internet that will need
a stable prefix, as Brian says. But due to scaling limitations,
a flat addressing space simply won't suffice - there needs to be
some intra-site routing based on the stable prefixes. Finally, we
have to account for cases that can occur due to mobility:

 1) A large mobile network travels together from one attachment
point to the internet to another

 2) individual nodes or clusters in a non-attached network travel
to a different location within the same non-attached network

 3) individual nodes or clusters from one non-attached network
travel to a differenet non-attached network

The mobile ad-hoc network case (at least) is going to require routing
based on stable prefixes on networks with only intermittent attachment.
If there are problems with the apps, as Keith suggests, we're just
going to have to fix them. I'm willing to help in any way I can.

Fred Templin

Brian E Carpenter wrote:

Well, that was fun: send one message and receive a few hundred. Peace.

I'm very sensitive to the argument about intermittently connected
networks needing a stable prefix. So I would finally prefer the 
addressing architecture to contain yet another version of the
text in question:

   Site-local addresses are designed to be used for addressing inside of
   a site which is not permanently connected to the Internet. Using 
   site-local addresses, a subnet ID may be up to 54-bits long, but it 
   is recommended to use at most 16-bit subnet IDs, for convenience of
   subnet management.

Why? Because we don't have consensus, and this text carries less baggage
than the others, which seems appropriate for an architecture document.

However, it may be that this change is not enough for the WG to recall
the draft from the RFC Editor. I think we should hum on that in Atlanta.


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Re: My conclusion re site-local clean-up

2002-11-14 Thread Fred L. Templin
Margaret Wasserman wrote:

I also recommend that a range of IP numbers be reserved for use as
site-local addresses. This will prevent the rogue network administrator
from picking addresses from the air. This range would be non-routable
outside the local site.

Are you talking about a range other than FECO::/10?

I'd like to propose F000:/4

Fred Templin

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Re: Summary Re: Proposal for site-local clean-up

2002-11-13 Thread Fred L. Templin
Margaret Wasserman wrote:

How often do you think that people really set-up a private,
disconnected network and later connect it to the Internet?

Do you think this will be a common real-life case, or is this
more of a theoretical edge case?

Here again is the case for mobile ad-hoc networks. By definition,
MANETs are designed to operate in infrastructureless environments.
One case might be a string of vehicles on a remote highway that
still find useful benefit in chit-chatting with one another even
though none have access to the global Internet. But, when the
string approaches a population center, hot-spot access point,
etc. all should be able to share the global Internet access as
long as one or more have direct connectivity.

IPv6 is about anticipating and designing for *future* use cases
as well as the existing paradigms of today, right? I'm *not*
suggesting that we drop back into "research-mode" - only that
we keep our sights set forward while we address the existing
deployment scenarios we have today.


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Re: Proposal for site-local clean-up

2002-11-13 Thread Fred L. Templin
Tim Chown wrote:

Hi Fred,

That's interesting.  There has been some talk about multiple ISATAP site
routers, and scalability.  Can you comment on how ISATAP performed in this
network of thousands of (mobile) hosts?

I don't have any scaling figures from actual experiments, but scaling is
bounded by the frequency of the polling interval for router advertisements.
The spec currently lists 15min as the recommended minimum, so a density
of 900 nodes per ISATAP router would produce 1 RS/RA exchange per second.
Additional overhead is incurred for nodes that are actiively using the
router to carry traffic vis-a-vis NS/NA exchanges, but that overhead
is the same as for peer-peer communications between nodes.

If a generalized path MTU discovery mechanism were deployed, there would
be still more overhead for the tunnel encapsulator and decapsulator to
police the path MTU of the tunnel. But, I strongly believe that generalized
path MTU discovery is *not a good thing* for wireless networks. Reason
being - large packets on a lossy media (e.g., IEEE 802.11) incur increased
exposure to bit error rates, probability of loss, delay variance, etc. So,
there is no good reason to incur the extra overhead for generalized path
MTU discovery on such media - this also saves state in the routers.

(I assume you meant hundreds or thousands, not hundreds of thousands)

In a single cluster - hundreds or thousands. In a large MANET with
clustering - hundreds OF thousands or more. You also need to get into
analysis of the relative density/sparseness of each cluster. For example,
having hundreds of thousands of nodes show up in the same cluster at the
same point of time might cause trouble! (But, in this case, the wireless
media itself would become congested long before the ISATAP routers.)

Fred Templin

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Re: Proposal for site-local clean-up

2002-11-13 Thread Fred L. Templin
Keith Moore wrote:

Finally, the team as a whole is only intermittently connected to the
global Internet - perhaps with long periods of disconnected operation.

yes, intermittent connection is one of the genuinely valid justifications
for SLs.

Glad to hear you agree.

however even with intermittent connection it is often possible to use
globals rather than SLs.  the exception is a nomadic network that 
connects to the net at different locations at different times, and
whose hosts don't have home agent(s) for mobile IP.

This is exactly the case my message describe, modulo your point
"whose hosts don't have home agent(s) for mobile IP", which I don't
see as being relevant. In the case I described, two models are possible:

 1) The node's "home" is the MANET itself
 2) The node has a distant home and is always a visitor
in whichever MANET it is currently in

Either way, when associated with a MANET that is currently disconnected
from the global Internet, site-locals seem like a nice feature.


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Re: Proposal for site-local clean-up

2002-11-13 Thread Fred L. Templin

This study, along with others in the US Army CECOM division,
produced the transition mechansim now known as ISATAP.

Fred Templin

Fred L. Templin wrote:

So much traffic has flown by on this subject that my head is still 
But, let me give one example in which the use of site-locals on globally
connected networks might be useful.

While at SRI International, I had the privilege of participating in a 
study of
autonomous teams of unmanned vehciles with the Office of Naval Research. 
teams may consist of hundreds/thousands of mobile vehicles that travel 
in a more-or-less coordinated fashion. Communications are nicely modeled by
Mobile Ad-hoc Networking, as in the IETF MANET WG. Very large teams may be
organized into "clusters" based on geography, commonalities of interest,
etc. Finally, the team as a whole is only intermittently connected to the
global Internet - perhaps with long periods of disconnected operation.

When the team is out of contact with the global Internet, site-locals 
can provide
a nice means to facilitate intra-cluster and inter-cluster 
communcations. When the
team comes in contact with an access router(s) to the the global 
Internet, the global
prefixes can be disemminated to team members that need global access. 
But since the
team is mobile, global access may be intermittent, with new global 
prefixes learned
as different access routers are encountered.

So it seems tome that site-locals can provide a useful mechanism for 
large mobile
networks with intermittent global connectivity.

Fred Templin

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Re: Proposal for site-local clean-up

2002-11-13 Thread Fred L. Templin
So much traffic has flown by on this subject that my head is still spinning.
But, let me give one example in which the use of site-locals on globally
connected networks might be useful.

While at SRI International, I had the privilege of participating in a study of
autonomous teams of unmanned vehciles with the Office of Naval Research. Such
teams may consist of hundreds/thousands of mobile vehicles that travel together
in a more-or-less coordinated fashion. Communications are nicely modeled by
Mobile Ad-hoc Networking, as in the IETF MANET WG. Very large teams may be
organized into "clusters" based on geography, commonalities of interest,
etc. Finally, the team as a whole is only intermittently connected to the
global Internet - perhaps with long periods of disconnected operation.

When the team is out of contact with the global Internet, site-locals can provide
a nice means to facilitate intra-cluster and inter-cluster communcations. When the
team comes in contact with an access router(s) to the the global Internet, the global
prefixes can be disemminated to team members that need global access. But since the
team is mobile, global access may be intermittent, with new global prefixes learned
as different access routers are encountered.

So it seems tome that site-locals can provide a useful mechanism for large mobile
networks with intermittent global connectivity.

Fred Templin

IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
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New mailing list for MTU discussions

2002-11-11 Thread Fred L. Templin

This seems relevant to IPNG interests also (cross-posting from v6ops/ngtrans):

Fred Templin

Fred L. Templin wrote:
> FYI,
> Below is a message from Matt Mathis (fwd'd with his permission) announcing
> a new mailing list for MTU discussions. Matt has also posted an interesting
> new document titled: "Path MSS Discovery". See:
> Fred Templin
>  > Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 15:49:05 -0500 (EST)
>  > From: Matt Mathis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > Subject: Please subscribe to a new MTU mailling list (fwd)
>  > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > MIME-Version: 1.0
>  > Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
>  > Content-Length: 666
>  >
>  > For all *technical* and *public policy* issues pertaining to pushing
> up the
>  > Internet MTU.   This is an open list, so please be careful.   You
> must be
>  > subscribed to post.
>  >
>  > See for more information
>  >
>  > If you are interested, please subscribe YOURSELF by sending a note to
>  > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with:
>  >   subscribe mtu
>  > or
>  >   subscribe mtu 
>  > in the body.  Please forward this message to anybody else who may be
>  > interested.
>  >
>  > Thanks,
>  > --MM--

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Re: Limiting the Use of Site-Local

2002-10-31 Thread Fred L. Templin

I'm doing my best to follow this thread, but one item in your note
to Rich Draves has me confused:

Keith Moore wrote:

furthermore if you have multiple prefixes on a net, some of which
are trusted and some which are not, then you have to configure
each of those apps to tell them to use the trusted prefix.  

Can you say more about how this could occur in deployment
scenarios? Prefixes come from router advertisements, stateful
delegations (e.g., DHCPv6), or manual config - right? Are you
saying that applications need to be configured in order to know
which prefixes are legitimate and which are rogues? This sounds
to me like either a site security issue or a requirement for an
application-level prefix authentication mechanism - either way,
it seems unrelated to the subject matter of this thread.


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Re: FWD: I-D ACTION:draft-narten-ipv6-iana-considerations-00.txt

2002-10-24 Thread Fred L. Templin
This question came up during one of the ISATAP draft revisions. We
were intending to adopt Marc's proposed reserved address space for
documentation, but couldn't find a proper reference. I favor the
/16 example - it should be large enough to cover unanticipated
future use cases.


Marc Blanchet wrote:
> -- mercredi, octobre 23, 2002 10:43:58 -0400 Thomas Narten
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote/a icrit:
>>I'd like to formally request the following from the WG on this
>> - I'd like to see it become a WG document (to become a BCP RFC)
>> - I'd like for folks here to review it and post any issues they have
>>   with it
>> - I'd like to call special attention to the following text that it
>>   includes:
>>>   In addition, experience with IPv4 has shown that it is useful to
>>>   reserve an address block for documentation purposes that will never
>>>   be assigned for actual use in a network [DOC]. Such addresses can
>>>   safely be used in documentation, without the worry that someone will
>>>   accidentally (and incorrectly) configure them on a real network and
>>>   cause traffic intended for the legitimate owner of those addresses to
>>>   be impacted.
>>>   This document reserves the IPv6 address block ::/32 for
>>>   documentation purposes.
>>There has been some private discussion about the need for addresses
>>for documentation, but it's probably worth discussing how much address
>>space is needed for this purpose, and what the prefix should be (e.g.,
>>allocate out of 001/3?). the /32 length is a strawman.
> - great to see that the proposal I made on address space for documentation
> is surviving!
> - I would propose that at least the space reserved is in well known
> boundaries: /16, /24, /32.
> - 3fff::/16 is for me the best: it is large, but simple and would cover
> most cases needed.
> - if not agreeable (too large), then /24. which would have room for
> aggregates in bgp routing.
> Marc.
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Re: (ngtrans) remote netaccess-threats via automatic tunneling

2001-12-20 Thread Fred L. Templin


Pekka Savola wrote:
> Getting kinda off-topic for this scope..
> On Thu, 20 Dec 2001, Fred L. Templin wrote:
> > In any case, however, the tunnel pseudo-interfaces are uniquely identified
> > by the IPv4 address assigned to each. As long as different IPv4 addresses
> > are assigned to the different tunnel pseudo-interfaces (a configuration
> > requirement for FreeBSD and Linux, at least), there will never be a case
> > of ambiguity such as the one you describe below. Note that if a single
> > physical link were used, this would mean assigning two or more IPv4
> > addresses to the same link. But, all OS's I work with support this.
> How will the kernel police that local IPv4 address is different for each?

Since this is getting off topic (as you say), I will refer you simply to
the Linux 'sit.c' device driver found in:


Preferrably, look at the version in the latest USAGI CVS tree at:

The answer to your question is that the kernel *does* enforce the local
IPv4 address as different for each tunnel pseudo-interface as can easily
be seen from reading the code.


> --
> Pekka Savola "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
> Netcore Oy   not those you stumble over and fall"
> Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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Re: (ngtrans) remote netaccess-threats via automatic tunneling

2001-12-20 Thread Fred L. Templin

"Fred L. Templin" wrote:
> There has clearly been some confusion caused by sloppy instructions
> in my previous message; sorry about that. To close this out:
>  1) multiple tunnel pseudo=interfaces are supported under Linux
>  2) the correct syntax for configuring an ISATAP auto-tunnel is:
># ip tunnel add isatap0 mode isatap local V4ADDR
> where 'V4ADDR' is an IPv4 address assigned to a physical link. Please
> see:

Please see:

for more details.


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Re: (ngtrans) remote netaccess-threats via automatic tunneling

2001-12-20 Thread Fred L. Templin

There has clearly been some confusion caused by sloppy instructions
in my previous message; sorry about that. To close this out:

 1) multiple tunnel pseudo=interfaces are supported under Linux
 2) the correct syntax for configuring an ISATAP auto-tunnel is:

   # ip tunnel add isatap0 mode isatap local V4ADDR

where 'V4ADDR' is an IPv4 address assigned to a physical link. Please

Pekka Savola wrote:
> This is getting too implementation-specific, so I guess we had better kill
> this thread, at least from here...
> > allows you to add as many auto-tunnel pseudo interfaces as you'd like.
> > For example, try:
> >
> >   # ip add tun1 mode sit remote R1 local L1
> >   # ip add tun2 mode sit remote R2 local L2
> >   ...
> >   # ip add tunn mode sit remote Rn local Ln
> Autotunnel/6to4 interfaces by definition don't have specific destinations;
> this is useful for configured tunnels, though.  (This is how configured
> tunnels are created e.g. with probably most distributions).
> > and you should see n-many 'tun' pseudo-interfaces pop up when you
> > issue the command: 'ifconfig -a'. (Above, Ri and Li represent the
> > remote and local IPv4 addresses assigned to pseudo-interfaces 'tuni'
> > for 1 <= i <= n). The 'sit0' is simply there as a "base" upon which
> > multiple pseudo-interfaces may be layered.
> Multiple pseudo-interfaces should be possible, yes.  But being built this
> way, the kernel performing security checks cannot know which interface is
> which.
> --
> Pekka Savola "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
> Netcore Oy   not those you stumble over and fall"
> Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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Re: (ngtrans) remote netaccess-threats via automatic tunneling

2001-12-20 Thread Fred L. Templin


If you use the 'iproute2' package under recent releases of the Linux
kernel (e.g. recent releases of 2.4.*), you will see that the command:

  # ip tunnel add

allows you to add as many auto-tunnel pseudo interfaces as you'd like.
For example, try:

  # ip add tun1 mode sit remote R1 local L1
  # ip add tun2 mode sit remote R2 local L2
  # ip add tunn mode sit remote Rn local Ln

and you should see n-many 'tun' pseudo-interfaces pop up when you
issue the command: 'ifconfig -a'. (Above, Ri and Li represent the
remote and local IPv4 addresses assigned to pseudo-interfaces 'tuni'
for 1 <= i <= n). The 'sit0' is simply there as a "base" upon which
multiple pseudo-interfaces may be layered.

If you get the 'iproute2' package from:

you will see the following when you issue the command: 'ip tunnel help':

> Usage: ip tunnel { add | change | del | show } [ NAME ]
>   [ mode { ipip | gre | sit | isatap } ]
>   [ remote ADDR ] [ local ADDR ] [ v4any ADDR ]

So, to create an ISATAP tunnel, simply use the "mode isatap" directive.


Vladislav Yasevich wrote:
> Fred
> I believe Pekka is comming from the linux implementation point of view
> which has only one pseudo-interface (sit0) to act as tunnel endpoint
> (at least that's what I see on my linux box).  This is really the problem
> that leads to not being able to distinguish between tunneling mechanisms.
> -vlad

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Re: (ngtrans) remote netaccess-threats via automatic tunneling

2001-12-20 Thread Fred L. Templin


Let me respond to the below from the perspective of ISATAP and 6to4
tunnel mechanisms at work in the same machine. For example, let us
suppose that a 6to4 router is also acting as an ISATAP router. In this
case, there will be (at least) *two* distinct tunnel pseudo-interfaces;
one for 6to4 and one for ISATAP. These pseudo-interfaces *may* bind to
the same physical link, but they need not do so and (in practice) often
will not.

In any case, however, the tunnel pseudo-interfaces are uniquely identified
by the IPv4 address assigned to each. As long as different IPv4 addresses
are assigned to the different tunnel pseudo-interfaces (a configuration
requirement for FreeBSD and Linux, at least), there will never be a case
of ambiguity such as the one you describe below. Note that if a single
physical link were used, this would mean assigning two or more IPv4
addresses to the same link. But, all OS's I work with support this.

Am I belaboring an already obvious point?


Pekka Savola wrote:
> First, let me point out a property of overloading protocol 41, from my
> draft:
> --8<--
>There is a problem with multiple transition mechanisms if security is
>implemented.  This may vary a bit from implementation to
>Consider three mechanisms using automatic tunneling: 6to4, ISATAP
>[ISATAP] and Automatic Tunneling using Compatible Addresses [MECH].
>All of these use IP-IP (protocol 41) [IPIP] IPv4 encapsulation with,
>more or less, a pseudo-interface.
>When a router, which has any two of these enabled, receives an IPv4
>encapsulated IPv6 packet:
> src_v4 =
> dst_v4 =
> src = 3ffe:::1
> dst = 2002:1010:1010::2
>what can it do?  How should it decide which transitionary mechanism
>this belongs to; there is no "transitionary mechanism number" in IPv6
>or IPv4 header to signify this.
>Without any kind of security checks (in any of implemented methods)
>these often just "work" as the mechanisms aren't differentiated but
>handled in "one big lump".
>Configured tunneling [MECH] does not suffer from this as it is point-
>to-point, and based on src/dst pairs of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
>it can be deduced which logical tunnel interface is in the question.
>Solutions for this include not using more than one automatic
>tunneling mechanisms in the same system or binding different
>mechanisms to different IPv4 addresses.
> --8<--

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