[IRCA] Chicago off/ Idaho,Alaska tests

2012-03-09 Thread bill kral
I assume that the times listed (for the silent eastern 670 720 etc and western 
tests) are still standard time just an hour or two before the clock goes ahead 
to Daylight time. Guess it's good to start tuning in ahead to make sure I don't 
miss it. 
Bill in BC 
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[IRCA] KBOI Boise Morse code

2012-03-10 Thread bill kral
At approx 00:10 PST on Sat M 10/12 KBOI ran a couple of minutes of Morse Code 
in two different tones. They are back with regular programming. Signal during 
test was considerably stronger than normal. I don't know which direction their 
night signal goes or if max power was used and is now not on max. Are they non 
circular at night or do they cut power. Old log shows 50/50.
Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] IRCA#95--39--7 : 720 San Francisco

2012-03-10 Thread bill kral
"I left My Heart In San Francisco. Who is This? - Most likely Tony Bennet. LOL 
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Another Solar Storm for Sunday.

2012-03-10 Thread bill kral
Buletin: News Flash, Extra Read All About It!
Another less intense blast is currently travelling at about 4 million miles an 
hour and will blast into the planet sometime on Sunday so maybe some abnormal 
conditions will result from it. Since the start of the flare two days ago I'm 
still not hearing any sign of CBK SK on 540. An SS voice is audible very weakly 
so it's hard to make out what they're saying. All others are relatively as 
usual at the present time.
Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] Radio Globo 1220 Brazil

2012-03-11 Thread bill kral
Just curious about R Globo 1220 from Brazil. A website puts this one in a 
relatively small city about 250 miles west of Sao Paulo called Londrina. There 
are other Radio Globo stations in other cities and one is on 830 AM. I don't 
have a WRTH handy so I can't see what its power is but I would think that it 
isn't a high output station in a remote area of the country.If anyone has that 
info then I stand corrected if I'm incorrect. How can that signal drop into 
several receiver locations in the Eastern US from almost 5000 miles away with 
so many North American Stations occupying this freq including 2 high powers in 
Cleveland and St.Catherines.? Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re;Radio Globo in Rio

2012-03-11 Thread bill kral
Radio Globo in Rio is indeed on 1220 as I just found out so I guess 1220 is 
also used for Radio Globo stations in other places in Brazil. I guess it would 
help if I had a WRTH. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Aurora Anomalies at 00:30 PDT in Victoria BC

2012-03-12 Thread bill kral
For a week thus far there are still some "lost stations" on some freqs:
540,990,1010: no CBC outlets audible. 
Anything at a range of between 200 to 300 miles south is "lost"( High power 
New signals in tonight: 1120 KSJZ San Martin Ca with Vietnamese( as the only 
listed Asian) on 150 night watts.
1400 KVTO Berkeley Ca with an oriental talk show on 1KW night power.
All semi locals have steady ground waves (no backgrounders audible)
670 KBOI has all but vanished (off air?) 
750 in NV is in clear and steady with their classic country on a quarter Kw (I 
should call them to let them know)
Digital noise on some vacant freqs here is preventing me from finding more. 
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Additional Aurora Anomalies

2012-03-13 Thread bill kral
A partial band scan(Digital and Fluorescent lighting cuts total scan) at 23:30 
to 00:45 PDT shows more abnormal activity:
540 has a mix with the partial return of CBK Sk 
670 is still silent with a lost KBOI Id
700 is bringing in a new one here and is the only one audible with SS talk so 
presume it is KMBX Soledad Ca. on .7Kw.night power.
Most of the Oregon stations are still lost in space with the exception of 1190 
KEX which sounds like its 1000 miles away.
An earlier fair KCBS SF has disappeared from 740
1010 (without the usual CBR) is audible with SS music from maybe KCHJ Delano 
Ca. doing an SS Old format.(another new log here)(?)
At 00:30 KBOI Boise made a brief reappearance for about 10 minutes but is gone 
into hiding again.
KCBS 740 has returned with a poor to fair signal at 00:45.
Many of my prime vacant slots are being torn up by computer and lighting noise 
so this is all I can come up with tonight. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re CKMO still on with OC

2012-03-13 Thread bill kral
I have a gut feeling that Rogers is keeping the thing on because if tbere's no 
way to kill it from the city and only by going to the small island then its 
because once they kill it that's it ,they won't be able to fire it up again 
without a lot of logistics but they told me that if a buyer shows up before the 
official teake down of the towers then they could restart a new station(my own 
hunch: Rogers could make money from it again)Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re; Aurora Activity Redux

2012-03-14 Thread bill kral
03/14/1200:05 PDT--Victoria BC;
Reception seems to be returning back to normal with the exception of 540 and 
1010 where both CBC stations are still not sounding normal as fading is still 
occuring after a few minutes of minimum signal. Most of the Oregonians are back 
in as usual. KBOI 670 has returned with good signal but hasn't stabalised and 
is still fading into obscurity. In with a good steady signal is normally buried 
KNEW 960 Oakland Ca.with an under signal I guess would be Calgary AB. Upper 
band noise from digital or lighting seems to be low tonight so I have a chance 
to catch a few things above 1200 and some interesting activity is happening on 
1260 where two little guys are winning out over a big guy: C&W station KPOW in 
Powel Wyo on 1Kw night watts and oldies KLYC McMinnville Or.on .85Kw are 
throwing 50 K CFRN Edmonton a curve and basically telling it to go back to 
Alberta where it belongs. No official IDs on those two but the music fits the 
signal sources. Under
 normal conditions CFRN owns the slot. 
It's 0100 and it's time to sign off with one more item of interest : 900 AM in 
Victoria BC is still pumping out 10Kw and probably will be for a while just in 
case somebody bites the hook on Rogers' fish line before a scheduled 
dismantling of the towers happens and while they're waiting they figure they'll 
avoid having to restart it which might be more difficult in the long run than 
to leave it running
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Conditions almost normal

2012-03-15 Thread bill kral
Reception conditions are almost back to normal on most freqs as all are showing 
the usual familiar skips that were "hiding " during the Recent Solar storm. All 
the usual high power clears are in including the 3 CBCs on 540 990 and 1010. 
The Winnipeg station was audible at 00:00 TOH but had competion from others 
including a station carrying Coast to Coast AM so on their website I checked 
their California station list first and found KTMS in Santa Barbara Ca.on 5000 
watts (day power) and my log shows 500 night watts and I don't see any other 
C2C station on 990 anywhere else so I'm pretty sure it was them and that makes 
it a first timer for me. Not bad for a 500 watter at 750 miles.
Bill in BC 
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[IRCA] Stable Skip

2012-03-17 Thread bill kral
03/17/12  20:00 PDT -Victoria BC
At start of scan at 18;00 skip signals were active already as good as they can 
be get at LSS minus 1 hour mostly from CA from top to bottom including 760 San 
Diego and 1120 San Martin( before power drop). SF stations were in with full 
force while the closer Oregonians were barely audible except for a slightly 
stronger KEX Portland. It looks like the effects of the sun storm are gone for 
the most part before dark but a check at 20:30 reveals a different story. 
Californians have dropped slightly in strength and Oregon signals are still 
elusive here and the only one still in is 1190. There might still be a chance 
to catch an oddball but noise is overbearing here tonight and it's too chilly 
for an outside bandscan. Bill in BC  
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[IRCA] 03/18/12, 18:00 PDT, Victoria BC

2012-03-18 Thread bill kral
At LSS minus 60 minutes skip is well underway since approx 18:00 with signal in 
from Sac Ca. on 1530.
Next was from Wasco Green Acres (Berkelely) CA on 1180 KERN.. (now 
faded)   At 18:30 San Martin on 
1120 In with good signal and Oriental music.
KGO 810 is already on top of daytimer KTBI Ephtrata WA.
940 from Fresno is now top dog in signal.
No lower band CAs in yet.
At 18:40 an SS talk show on 990 (KATD Pitsburg CA?)
On 960 it's a weaker but readable signal from KKGN Oakland, CA.
KNBR backup on 1050(KTCT San Mateo ) is booming in on their 50 KW daypower.
KFI LA has just broken the 640 silence with an audible signal.
Waiting for 760 KFMB to make it up. 
No east -west stuff yet and nothing from this side of the northern Ca border 
yet at 18:50 PDT
The question is : Why nothing from OR or WA. or anywhere east where LSS has 
gone by?  
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[IRCA] Re; Test Alert/ WCSZ 1070.

2012-03-18 Thread bill kral
This test could not be heard here in Victoria BC since I'm only 3 miles from a 
local running 10K 24/7 on the same slot. Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] Test Alert/ WCSZ 1070

2012-03-19 Thread bill kral
Looking in my slightly obsolete log I see that WCSZ  went silent in June of 
2009 after playing C&W as format.Does this mean it was off until now or has it 
been active for sometime after rebooting with SS programs?
For those on this side of the Rockies and in the PNW: Heard 1110 Oak Harbor Wa 
sign off with new calls after the National Anthem: "KRPA Oak Harbour, 
Goodnight"  I missed the official shut down announcement and caught the very 
900 in Vic BC is still on with the 10KW carrier and unless there's a new 
operator waiting to restart modulating, it's a bit of a mystery as to why they 
haven't shut this thing down yet and I'm wondering how much longer I have to 
wait for a chance to do some dxing on this blocked freq.
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Southern Signal Surge Since Solar Storm

2012-03-19 Thread bill kral
After this recent Solar storm things haven't quite competely returned back to 
pre- storm conditions here on the West Coast of Canada.
With only signals from California dropping in and very little from the east and 
hardly anything from the PNW I'm wondering what's going on with magnetic flux 
or layer action that's preventing signals from an eastern direction from 
getting out this far before and after LSS. With all the big guys from CA in 
good there were a couple of little guys making their first appearance here 
(after LSS- 20:00 PDT) ;
1. 920 KVIN in Ceres- Modesto Ca with oldies and jingle ID "Vintage 920". Good 
signal at 8 & 9PM TOH ID but faded and was overtaken by : 
2. 920 KIHM Reno NV -Immaculate Heart Radio with a Catholic Religion program. 
This one was over and on top for a few minutes but has dropped down to mix with 
several other signals but is still dominating the slot at last time check of 9: 
30 PDT.
Both of these are new logs here at my listening post.
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] 1110 Oak Harbor Wa.( Ex KWDB)

2012-03-20 Thread bill kral
Daytime 500 watter on 1110 in Oak Harbor Wa. has started a full time "South 
Asian " format under the new handle KRPA and new ownership. Their signal will 
not reach the large population of Van and Surrey BC but there is a large 
India community in Vic BC but I don't know if they are aware of the station's 
new format with 3 other similar stations in the area: 1200,1600,and 93.1 
FM Bill in BC
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[IRCA] North and East Skip

2012-03-21 Thread bill kral
At 01:00 PDT on 03 /21/10 in Victoria a bandscan  reveals much more normal 
conditions than has been happening in the last week or two. The return of 
signals from places like Calgary, Dawson Creek, Penticton,BC, Regina SK, Boise 
ID, etc. might be signalling the end of the effects of the recent Solar storm. 
And the change has taken place rather quickly as in 24 hours. And signals that 
were almost inaudible a night or two ago are now so good that they're exceeding 
normal levels.Even 1700 in San Diego is running up to an 8 out of 10 on the 
signal gauge, while 760 SD can only manage a 4. 
CBC 990 Winnipeg shows a 6 of 10 while 1010 Calgary is at 8 but not as loud so 
maybe a program at a lower modulation volume than 990 while a 2 0f 10 from CBC 
SK is giving way to an SS speaking signal that I don't see in my list of CanUs 
stations.A website of Mex stations tells me it's XEWA with 150 KW in Monterey 
Mexico on 540 and a matching website stream confirms it is them doing a male 
and female talk show.. Stangely after almost 45 minutes of CBC SK with a good 
steady signal it has totally disappeared and it's only XEWA and another station 
playing music. CBC SK is now coming back.
I guess if keep on scanning I'll find a few more things I haven't heard yet but 
it's time to sign off from Victoria. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Coast to Coast AM on 1080

2012-03-26 Thread bill kral
At 00: 50 on Monday 03/26/12 the deep voice of the KKOH Reno Morning man Ross 
Mitchell could be heard ( under sports on KFXX Portland ) announcing" Coast to 
Coast AM" on KSCO Santa Cruz,CA.
1440 has CKJR Wetaskiwin AB with oldies trying to kick KMED Medford OR with 
Coast to Coast AM off freq but generally not succeeding.
With Sun effects gone, good eastern skip is bringing in a good signal from KSTP 
St.Paul Min.on 1500.
530 or 531 is producing an audio tone and a voice talking and it sounds like a 
TIS but is too weak to detect the subject. 
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] 830 at 8:00

2012-03-26 Thread bill kral
03/26/12--1930 PDT --Victoria BC
Tuning in at 7:30 on 830 I heard a radio play for kids with a religious theme 
called Adventures in Oddysey and signal was nice and clear for about 10 minutes 
until others pushed in to create a mix but the signal  stayed on top and 
briefly emerged solo just in time for an 8 PM ID for KUYO Casper Wyoming 
(Evansville). With 25 KW day power and listed with a CH 7000 for night is this 
one 24 hours now or are they into Post LSS overtime? Anyone out there with 
info? Robbie in Wyoming perhaps? Thanks Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Signals on Sixteen Ten

2012-03-27 Thread bill kral
With this frequency devoid of digital buzz tonight I'm hearing a couple of 
signals on 1610 and although barely audible with the current equipment and in 
this location it sounds like I'm probably getting the only two available 
stations operating here but since the nearer one does a talk format I did hear 
a very faint musical source under or behind the talk so I guess I got both 
Toronto and Montreal brieflybut since it's too faint to make out anything 
intelligable I'll assume that I heard CHHA and CJWI . Bill in BC
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2012-03-30 Thread bill kral
I'm amazed at Alan Willie's TA DX list of snags with an otherwise not so 
sensitive little pocket radio and also a little envious since I'm not even 
getting any TPs with a fairly good full sized portable but then he's much 
closer to his TAs than I am to my TPs. But anyway whenever he sends in a report 
it always mentions the ultralights. I'd like to see what the results would be 
if he used a big rig with adjustable RF gain etc.and something like a loop 
antenna. Can we persuade him to do some DXing with something a little more 
sensitive -weather permitting ? Bill in BC
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[IRCA] 530 ,710

2012-04-07 Thread bill kral
Scan on 04/07/12 from 01:00 to 02:00 PDT in Victoria BC:
530 Khz : Some seemingly non-stop instumental music was audible on a faint 
carrier from start of scan until approx 01:45 when a female voice talked for a 
minute and the signal died. No ID  so who could that be?
710 : A signal with SS music of a different format from the usual Spanish 
trumpet and tuba variety was heard under KIRO Seattle and peaked on and off 
high enough to match Seattle's groundwave and bury it for a few seconds. Did a 
station west of the Rockies become SS? I don't think I'm getting WAQI Miami all 
the way diagonally across the USA.
 Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Pre/post Sunset Skip --04/07/12

2012-04-08 Thread bill kral
Saturday evening skip was absolutely amazing. Things must have started to hop 
at 18:00 PDT but I started my scan at 18:30 and the first signal in loud and 
clear was 940 Fresno CA. The total band was showing good skip except 540 which 
was still vacant. No CBK yet while 990 and 1010 were active already. 1700 had 
an audible signal from Tj.Mex.  Some of the closer by graveyarders were topping 
out with temporary clear signals and one that ID'd nicely was KEDO Longview WA 
during a Mariners Baseball game. KPWX in Mt.Angel OR was still giving CKWX Van 
BC a hard time at least half an hour after LSS so are they cheating by delaying 
powering down to night power? Caught some sports on 1500 before it faded and I 
assumed it to be KIEV Culver City CA (if they are on air now). Heard Spanish on 
1570 for a few minutes before disappearing so either KCVR Lodi CA or KTGE 
Salinas CA. Both of these were first time catches here. 640 LA and 760 S.D. 
were showing signs of life
 an hour before LSS at 7:55 PM PDT.Scanning time was cut short due to other 
commitments but this time I enjoyed a little downtime from the digital noise 
that usually plagues most of the vacant freqs here. 
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] KPTQ 1280 Spokane Wa

2012-04-10 Thread bill kral
Pre LSS skip at 19:00 PDT last evening on 1280 brought in some C&W music and an 
ID at KPTQ Spokane Wa. They used to be progressive talk so I wonder how long 
they have been doing country and why they would buck the trend of usually 
changing from music to talk.
Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] IRCA # 96--23--7 : CKMO 900 News

2012-04-13 Thread bill kral
As of now 900 in Victoria is only running a carrier on 10Kw. The news report by 
the local daily paper mentions the occupation of the Camosun College radio 
station by the students but I don't think they are actually using the AM 900 
transmitter for announcements. I think it is either the internet based station 
or an on site college closed circuit operation that they are using as a "Radio 
Station". Bill in BC
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[IRCA] 1030 with "new station"

2012-04-13 Thread bill kral
Turned receiver on at 07:00 PDT and quickly scanned band and found an 
incredibly strong signal on 1030 and thought a new local had signed on close by 
as it was reading 100% but it turned out to be  10 Kw KMAS in Shelton WA 
playing a song or two and then two announcers started a conversation about 
something silly.in the meantime the signal started to drop a bit and mixed up 
with another and is now slowly fading down but still dominating the slot. No 
more music and I can't stay home long enough to hear it die and see when that 
happens. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] 940 with dead air

2012-04-14 Thread bill kral
04/14/12--01:20 PDT Victoria BC
Just did a last minute check when I decided it was time to crash and found a 
fair signal on 940 without audio so I figure that the normally strong KYNO in 
Fresno is having a tech problem so if someone in or near that location can 
verify my hunch. Thanks 
Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] CKMO Still on with OC

2012-04-17 Thread bill kral
Good day Gentlemen,
I read a report in the local paper saying that the broadcasting instruction 
program  at the college has been cut due to budget restraints and that includes 
the internet but going to villagenow.net shows that it's still running. I'm not 
exactly up to speed on this but it's definitely strange that the juice is still 
running at full speed in this operation. I'm going to call the Rogers FM 
station again to see what's going on and report with what they say. I know who 
to contact to get some info. 
Bill in Vic BC 
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[IRCA] 1130 ( under CKWX Van BC) with an EE Religious program

2012-04-18 Thread bill kral
04/18/12--01:00 PDT--Victoria BC
Tuning in on 1130 a signal carrying an English language religious program by 
female voice is destabalizing 
a 40 mile ground wave from CKWX Van BC to an almost equal mix but News 1130's 
rapid fire reporting is making it difficult to make out any clues as to where 
or who is butting in with slow and long cycles of mixing with the Van ground 
wave. My two year old log tells me it could be KRDU Dinuba ( Fresno ) CA. 
running on 6200 night watts which is 1200 more than their day power. It is the 
only one listed with an EE Rel format. Does anyone out there have more up to 
date info . This is the first time a late night secondary signal has come up 
this strong to throw Van off.   
Bill in BC 
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[IRCA] R e: IRCA # 96-37-5 -- 1130 (UnID under Van BC)

2012-04-22 Thread bill kral
I kinda figured it was KRDU from CA. Thanks. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] 540,990,1010,1110,1260,1330,1460

2012-04-23 Thread bill kral
04/23/12--2100 -2200 PDT ,Victoria BC
Tuning in from 9 to 10 PM Pac DaLt Time I found a few things leaning towards 
the abnormal again after a few weeks of what I would consider normal conditions.
540 is devoid of any signal that's strong enough to produce audio.(No CBC SK)
990 is a weak mix of unintelligible noise ( No CBC MB)
1010 is almost clear of any signals (No CBC AB, But 960 AB is mixed with CA
1110 has Punjabi format KPRA Oak Harbour, WA
 on air until sometime before 10 PM PDT - Sign off on Spring- Summer schedule 
this past weekend --up from 7PM previous. 
1260 shows a signal with Oldies format ( only KLYC McMinnville OR is listed.) ( 
1330 has a Spanish language religion format with preach and heavy rock sounding 
songs included 
mentioning Portland Vancouver. ( I guess KKPZ went from EE to SS or is both)
1460 with sports has gone back to where it was hiding previously.( No ID from 
this one)
After 10 PM the three CBC stations are weakly returning to own their usual 
It seems like skip was basically running north-south only tonight when I 
started my scan. Can anyone out there explain what causes directional skip? 
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re :IRCA # 96-40-05 /" Sun Burp"

2012-04-24 Thread bill kral
Nick in Victoria, Thanks for the tip. 
Also KPRA Oak Harbour WA, besides changing to a later sign -off, is also 
signing on later than 6AM PDT, which is unusual. Actual on air time is not 
certain yet. I will get back with that shortly. 
Bill in BC.
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[IRCA] KRPA 1110 Oak Harbour Wa.

2012-04-24 Thread bill kral
KRPA 1110 Oak Harbour Wa sign on  was at 0800 PDT , two hours later than their 
previous time of 6 AM.Transmitter has been off over night lately instead of the 
usual night time unmodulated signal. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] In the right place at the right time!

2012-04-25 Thread bill kral
04,24,12--Midnight PDT -Victoria BC
Scanning from the bottom up I happen to land on 800 at exactly 2400 just in 
time to hear a nice clear ID from a first time station here: KBRV Soda Springs 
Idaho with a country rock style song. Log lists them as a rock/old format and 
should be running on a measely 29 watts but sounding more like it's 50 thou 
which is their daytime power. Are they breaking the rules here or what's going 
on? There's no sign of Penticton BC or Moose Jaw SK.After a slow fade lasting 
about 15 minutes they are back with what sounds like C&W and the signal is now 
about a 6 out of 10 at 00:20 . If anyone out there is tuning then try 800 and 
see what's dropping in at your location. I'm staying with this one until 0:100 
PDT here in Victoria. 
Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] In the right place - KBRV 800 in Idaho

2012-04-26 Thread bill kral
 If KBRV is on 800 for a couple of years or more already then how can they have 
been hiding until now. With 50 Kw day power I would think that they would be 
dumping a good signal into this area anytime pre SS in the winter months. And 
where is CKOR these days? I haven't heard them at all. Only KBRV was on again 
last night but not peaking like 2 nights ago. Since they run 50 Kw day time why 
would they cut down to only 29 watts at night. That's not enough for a ground 
wave to reach the city limits and I'll bet that Penticton drops in there like a 
rock which would likely get KBRV to use a bit more than 29 to have a good local 
signal for the population of Soda Springs. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re KBRV 800 S.S. Ida.

2012-04-27 Thread bill kral
My 3 year old National Radio Club log lists KBRV as operating on 50KW d and 29 
w n. Could that have been a misprint in an otherwise accurate list? As I've 
never caught this one on day power before LSS it might be only 10 Kw and also 
150 w n might be more realistic. Soda Springs is the dominating signal again 
tonight between 00:00 and 01:00 PDT 
Also another first for me here is KVIN in Ceres (Modesto) CA playing easy 
oldies and is another one of these reverse power stations putting out more 
juice at night than day. In this case 2500 w n compared to 500 day (or is that 
a missprint too?) They are mixing with others but are the loudest of the bunch.
Finally, After hiding under a blanket of Spanish language programs for quite 
awhile, CKPR Prince Rupert made a brief appearance with CBC news at 01:00 on 
04-27-12 in Victoria 
Bill in BC. 
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Re: [IRCA] Latest Solar / WWKB Off

2012-05-04 Thread bill kral
A Retro newspaper report from March 8th noted that there would be a monthly 
cycle of flares of various intensity eminating from any area on old Sol in 
various directions so I guess we don't get hit by all of them but if one heads 
in this direction or better yet on a trajectory ahead of the earth and happens 
to arrive just as the earth arrives in the same location in orbit. I can't 
remember the velocity but at a million miles an hour it would take about 4 days 
to get here. Correct me if my numbers are off the mark. 
Is WWKB playing music again (oldies)? Didn't that extemely directional station 
change from top 40 to another format along with a juggle of call letters some 
years ago? As WKBW they were my # 1 station back in the 60s when I lived in NB 
and had the strongest signal there at night ( I caught the late night DJ Joey 
Reynolds mention that a listener in Scandinavia heard him), and would be 
audible without any kind of assisting antenna daytime on cold winter days. 
Later on in Toronto I tuned them in but was disappointed that their footprint 
north across Lake Ontario sounded like something resembling 1000 watts instead 
of 50 Kw so I figured they pushed most of their power east and west.
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re IRCA 97-11-02 WWKB Off

2012-05-07 Thread bill kral
Thanks fo(r the tip, Bob Young. I'll check it out on Wikipedia. Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] IRCA 97-31-3: NF TAs & NAs

2012-05-21 Thread bill kral
Hi A.W. 
I'm still in awe and a bit dissed that you can come up with such an impressive 
list of captures from across the pond and from some fairly far inland 
domestics. Doing a quick scan of your domestics I noticed that one had a small 
and insignificant location typo which most of the guys are probably familiar 
with but I thought I would bring to your attention and that is 1220 WHKW 
Cincinnati OH. Not being familiar with the current call letters of a station 
there I thought by myself,since when did that city set up a station on 1220 
when I knew there was a big one in Cleveland only a couple of hundred miles 
north so then I found the typo. It's WHKW in Cleveland -Ex WGAR when they were 
top 40 some years back. 
Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] NF Logs May 31

2012-06-01 Thread bill kral
Unless a station in Portugal is playing English language oldies, the likely 
suspect would be a 10 KW station in the south of Holland on 1251 called Radio 5 
Nostalgia. The public and Private broadcasters in Holland are constantly 
juggling frequencies and changing names and formats. Radio 5 Nostalgia is also 
the main station on 747 in the north with 1251 as a relay close to Belgium. 747 
used to be Radio 1 .Radio 5 was on 1008,  An FM network called Radio 538 had 
1251 to cover the southern part of Holland instead of an FM frequency.Radio 2 
and 3FM are offsprings of the original R 2 and R 3 which used to be on 1008 and 
1251 back in the mid 20th century. Radio 4 is also a newer FM national 
network. You can check it all out on a website called Alle Legale Radio en TV 
Zenders in Nederland. In English: All Legal ( licensed) Radio and TV Stations 
in the Netherlands.
Bill in BC 
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Re: [IRCA] 900 off (finally)

2012-06-08 Thread bill kral
  Yahoo!  It's time to turn the old radio on again. I was starting to lose 
interest in DXing but this gives me another excuse to do some late night 
listening. Did anyone here witness the sudden disappearance of the carrier and 
at what time it was shut down? I just now checked the IRCA emails at 23:45 PDT 
on 06/07/12 and saw the notes . I wasn't tuning in until now and so what I'm 
hearing is 2 or 3 signals and the dominating one is the non English talk show 
on what I read is KBIF in Fresno CA with a secondary playing music and it 
sounds like C&W from Prince Albert SK which is now getting lost in the jumble 
of signals and so no IDs at TOH at 0 hour going into Friday. A very unstable 
mix and nothing is really peaking but some SS talk  and singing. I guess some 
earlier tuning in will make things a little more interesting. It's time to call 
it a night. I don't know why they waited so long to pull the plug but all that 
BS about waiting for nice weather
 to take a boat out to a rock near Victoria to go and slowly turn this tranny 
off was exactly that: BS. Todays weather wasn't exactly favourable for that. At 
00:12 PDT on 06/08/12 I heard a good ID from CKBI and the C&W is trying to 
outdo everybody else. I've heard enough and will continue tomorrow night to see 
if I can pull in something a little further out like Hamilton. 890 is now a 
good deal better wherever it is coming from and 910 will also be looked at in 
the near future. Bill in BC 
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2012-07-21 Thread bill kral
KTRB has been the dominant signal here in Vic BC for quite a while as noted a 
few weeks ago but I can't recall whether that was before or after KPAM's power 
drop in the evening.
Also noticed a Hindu or Punjabi program on a relatively weak late night carrier 
on the recently vacated( local) 900 slot. Possibly a Fresno Ethnic format? No 
ID so far. Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] Replacing the Grundig G 5

2012-10-04 Thread bill kral
As in a previous entry, don't replace the G 5 with a G 3 as IT is "deaf on MW 
" but selectivity is not bad .I was thinking of taking it across the pond but 
I'm afraid it won't perform good enough to pull in those seemongly more 
powerfull stations in Western Europe. It might do better on long wave there and 
with RDS it'll ID all those popular FM fun stations on screen.I did manage to 
beef up the AM by placing it inside a loop of extension chord wound up flat 
around a cardboard box.Bill in Victoria BC
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Re: [IRCA] IRCA 105-81-6 1220 St. Catherines On. Application denied

2013-02-02 Thread bill kral
There's no point in restarting a 10k facility on this slot in this location as 
it would again be squeezed by the big 50k flamethrower dumping an almost 24 
hour signal into the surrounding area and would confine the local signal to the 
city limits after LSS. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re ; No_subject

2013-03-11 Thread bill kral



 3/11/2013 4:10:49 PM
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Re: [IRCA] 1. KLYC 1260 signs off / 2. KQNG 590

2013-03-21 Thread bill kral
1. After KLYC goes silent it should be easier to hear CFRN Edmonton with a 
sports format. 
    2. The KQNG on air handle of KONG is identical to the ID of a Seattle TV 
station which is operated by the owners of KING TV. They managed to aquire the 
KONG for a former UHF Channel to go with KING 5 on VHF and I guess you can see 
where that came from. A famous giant gorilla that climbed up the Empire State 
building in world war 1. Bill in Vic BC
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[IRCA] Fw: 1. KLYC 1260 signs off / 2. KQNG 570

2013-03-21 Thread bill kral

- Forwarded Message -
From: bill kral 
To: "irca@hard-core-dx.com"  
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 1:43:17 AM
Subject: Re:1. KLYC 1260 signs off /   2. KQNG 590 

1. After KLYC goes silent it should be easier to hear CFRN Edmonton with a 
sports format. 
    2. The KQNG on air handle of KONG is identical to the ID of a Seattle TV 
station which is operated by the owners of KING TV. They managed to aquire the 
KONG for a former UHF Channel to go with KING 5 on VHF and I guess you can see 
where that came from. A famous giant gorilla that climbed up the Empire State 
building in world war 1. Bill in Vic BC
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[IRCA] 1280 at 17:00 PST

2011-02-12 Thread bill kral
02 / 12 /11--Nanaimo BC  Some pre sunset signals in since 16:00 PST with the 
usual big guys on the clears and on 1280 a mix of a couple with one doing jazz 
music but no ID but I suspect it was KRVM in Eugene OR with NPR  on 5KW and the 
other with Sports and mentioning Utah so that would be KZNS Salt Lake City on 
10KW day power ( it has disappeared shortly after 17:00) leaving the Or station 
to own the slot until it powers down at LSS. First time for both here.Bill in BC

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[IRCA] 900 in Victoria BC

2011-02-13 Thread bill kral
A Northwest Broadcasters Recent News report states that CKMO AM 900 will stop 
broadcasting on 900 in 2013 and change to streaming audio. It does not say 
wether the AM station will be shut down permanently but if it does then that 
would open up 5 new slots(890,891,900,909,910) in this area for new catches.I 
cant wait,LOL Bill in BC

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[IRCA] 1700 Texas/ Mexico

2011-02-13 Thread bill kral
02/13/11--22:00 PST ---Nanaimo BC.1700 brought in 2 signals 
1. KVNS Brownsville Tex with old sixties music ( Stevie Wonder song)
2. XEPE ? Tijuana Mex with EE talk and ID as Double X 1090 and changing to SS ( 
Are they // to the Mex on 1090 ?--which usually renders KPTK Seattle useless in 
this area as it is a sky skip into the fringe of a groundwave.) Bill in BC

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[IRCA] X band in Australia

2011-02-15 Thread bill kral
Answers.com site link covering radio stations includes a link to List of Radio 
Stations in Australia. Some AM stations in the largest cities in Oz are 
using freqs above 1602 like the X band here and there are quite a few stations 
on the air on freqs between 1602 and 1701 khz.There was no info on power 
output.I wonder if anyone here has heard any on this side of the big ocean. 
Bill in BC

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Re: [IRCA] TPs from the snowy west coast.

2011-02-23 Thread bill kral
Scanning at zero hour PST two or three split slot whistles were audible on 558 
, 828, and one at the upper end so the TPs are already active here in the early 
early hours of the day but unfortunately I'm still asleep when it's prime time 
for listening.If reception is improving ( can anyone say if it is?) somewhat 
again I'll have to set my alarm for a pre-dawn scan.Bill in BC

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[IRCA] Re TPs from the snowy west coast

2011-02-24 Thread bill kral
I've had my foot of snow here in this area (Vancouver Island.) Now it's your 
turn down there in San Francisco. Are they saying how high the snow will be 
when all is said and done? And is it worth getting up at 5 AM to try to snag a 
TP or two these days,anyone ? Bill in BC

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[IRCA] Complete station information ?

2011-03-01 Thread bill kral
Just found : At Northwest Broadcasters Website : Cool Links : Regulatory 
Agencies: FCC : What looks like up to date info on all AM stations in Can, US 
&  Meghico listed by Frequency including Call, Freq, Power D/N and Geo Location 
Co ordinates in Degrees,Minutes,Seconds etc.The list includes  new stations( 
not on air yet) and one is for 530 KHz for Surrey BC. (Future operation?) 
Anyone out there has been using this already?
Other links in this section include histiory of Canadian Broadcasting with 
beginning and up to date present day info of all Canadian AM stations including 
evolution and history. 
Bill in BC

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[IRCA] 540 and 710

2011-03-02 Thread bill kral
03/02/11  02:00 PST Victoria BC..1. ---540 :Unusual conditions here.  Tuned 
into this chnl and found on top of all others a new station with religious talk 
going into ID as KNAK Delta, Utah with a reasonanbly clear and steady signal 
and when I checked my log for power output at that time  it said 13 watts/night 
and 1Kw/ day so I wonder if they might be running their day rig.Could 13 watts 
throw such a good signal over a distance of more than 500 miles? Can anyone in 
that 'hood verify whether they are powering down per schedule? This condition 
lasted about half an hour until the usual dominant CBK returned and produced a 
2. At 06:00 PST -- on 710 a religious station was trying to destabalize KIRO 
Seattle and the only possible  with that format would be KFIA Carmichael,CA. 
running on day power of 25Kw. I just missed the ID at TOH but I think it was 
 Both signals are new in this area for me. Bill in BC

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Re: [IRCA] IRCA # 83/4/5-Complete station info

2011-03-02 Thread bill kral
This info can be found at the Northwest Broadcasters website homepage in the 
Cool Links link where other sites are listed and the" complete station list" I 
mentioned is in the Regulatory Angecies link in the FCC site and had  been 
found by a pop-up  frequency list which is now eluding me and I'm a little 
p-o'd with that so if anyone out there is interested in possibly running into 
it could you let me know how you found it. Sorry about the "missing link" that 
would get us to the Frequency list.Thanks, Bill in BC 

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[IRCA] FCC Data Base

2011-03-03 Thread bill kral
The FCC Data Base and other interesting radio links are at the Northwest 
Broadcasters web site in the Cool Links page and scrolling down to  the 
Regulatory Agencies page into the FCC web page and the up to date? frequency 
list is in the FCC AM Query page in a green square and  clicking on the submit 
data button in a dark red line which will bring up a page showing a description 
with the list underneath .By clicking on blue.call letters it shows technical 
info on each station.The link for geo co-ordinates is hiding somewhere but 
other info is located on the right of this page.
I hope this will be of use to whoever hasn't seen this yet. Bill in BC

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[IRCA] 540

2011-03-05 Thread bill kral
Last night or rather early this morning at 00:30 hours PST I encountered 
another unusual condition on 540 khz which had CBC radio 1 in SK absent from 
the slot and allowing an SS language program to come though with a fairly 
strong and readable signal but unfortunately I didn't get an ID and so checking 
for possible sources I came across another night time peanut powered station 
with the only SS format on 540 running on a mighty 20 watts from Sin City. If 
it wasn't a strong Mexican then it would have been KNMX Las Vegas and like my  
previous one in Delta Utah which was seemingly operating on only 15 watts, 
could this one have been using its daytime antenna during overnight 
operation? Can anyone in or near L V check this out and verify if they are 
following the rules or not.Thanks,Bill in BC

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[IRCA] Re 540 wih typo

2011-03-05 Thread bill kral
My previous post re; 540 KNMX Las Vegas NM should exclude the words Sin City as 
this does not refer to the one in Nevada.Thanks,Bill in BC

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[IRCA] Re 540 with SS

2011-03-05 Thread bill kral
Thanks to all for the info on this one. I guess I should listen for some clues 
about location or something before I jump to conclusions and maybe get some 
reference for the Mexs so I can have more accurate info to report .Bill in BC

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[IRCA] Re;Freq Change in SE OR.(from 1230 to 1210)

2011-03-07 Thread bill kral
With only 600 watts at night on 1210 will there be any improvement in signal 
quality for their listeners with 10 KW coming out of the Seattle area playing 
the probably unpopular SS Mex format? Bill in BC

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Re: [IRCA] IRCA #83-43-2

2011-03-15 Thread bill kral
Nick,  The RNI  that was jammed refers to Radio Northsea International? Is that 
correct? They were on the air in the 60s on AM 1224 ?, FM 100.0 , 6205 SW and 
9??? SW from a ship just a few miles off the coast of Holland and I remember 
hearing  the two locals in Holland and the two shortwaves with jammer in 31 m 
band in New Brunswick.Bill in BC 

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Re: [IRCA] Noise Cancelling Headphones

2011-03-17 Thread bill kral
 Hi,If money is no problem, you can get noise cancelling headphones from 
aircraft operations accessory supply shops or maybe at your local airport 
flying club pilot shop. I can't remember any brand but I do remember that they 
cost about a grand,but work very well to cancel out the drone of an aircraft 
engine for easy two way com.Bill in BC

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Re: [IRCA] Small Radio with AM FM SSB

2011-03-25 Thread bill kral
Hi Stephen,

One good example is the Grundig G9 which is about 5-6 " long and less than an 
inch thick and has AM with SSB &-USB -LSB and good selectivity when SSB is 
on.Sensitivity on AM could be better. Manual or step tuning with digital 
readout is fairly accurate on centre of tuned signal with less than 1khz off 
max signal so with tuner on a frequency showing a zero, the signal sounds best 
at a freq showing a 1 as the right side number.( 540 - 541) On FM it has RDS 
for readout of Station ID and music playing. Also there is 1711 to 2 Khz SW 
non stop on the rotary. I managed to find one for close to 50% off for About 
$75.at a Scource ( Radio Shack) recently but are no longer sitting on shelves 
now so maybe on order status only. Hope you can find one somewhere in your 
area. Bill in BC 
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[IRCA] Saturday DX 0:600 to 0:900

2011-03-26 Thread bill kral
03-- 26--11 --- 0:600 PDT: Victoria BC:  747 AM --  750 Portland on night power 
pre LSS and in a perfectly timed signal fade and also a weak KCBS SF on 740 
allowed a strong het whistle to land at the antenna end of a barefoot Redsun 
RP-2100 and when tuning 1 khz down found audio of what sounded like a 
translation program of EE and JJ with female voice on a fairly strong steady 
carrier for approximately 15 minutes before slowly giving way to fade up of 
KXL. It seems that 6AM is a good time for capturing TPs which already produce 
hets after midnight on 828 and 558 but 747 was not in at that time. I'll have 
to set my alarm more often for more opportunities for the TPs before the 
terminator drifts further south for the summer.Bill in BC
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[IRCA] IRCA 83-73-5& 10 / TPs from Vic BC

2011-03-26 Thread bill kral
Hi Nick, Thanks for the thumbs up on my TP this morning. I've been sleeping in 
through the best capture time so I'm going to get up early at every chance I 
can before conditions change for the year.Next time I'll try 5:30 AM local time 
to see if reception is even better than 6 AM.Bill in Vic.
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[IRCA] IRCA ---83-78-#2 Drake R8

2011-03-29 Thread bill kral
Hello Patrick . Bill in Vic BC 
You mentioned KWDB 1110 Oak Harbor Wa as a station you can gat again with your 
other receiver. In Victoria that station has a near local signal and is at a 
fringe of reception in Nanaimo and compares to or is better than some of the 
big Seattle guys from there.I'm wondering what they are transmitting at night 
when they are "off air". It sounds like a jamming audio signal because I can't 
hear anything underneath like Bend OR which usually comes through if the jammer 
is not on some nights but most nights the rather low volume jammer is on.I 
can't desribe the sound but it"s a bit like a running truck engine.Let me know 
if you can hear it during off air time which is supposed to be before or after 
local sunset.Thanks . Bill Kral 
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[IRCA] Tp's on the west coast

2011-03-29 Thread bill kral
 Early this morning at 5:45 PDT several TP's tried to drop in here but only the 
Hets were audible. If anything did come in then it was covered up by domestics 
but there were signals coming in on 738 ,747 972,1242,1422,and a few 
others.West coast skip was just too good for picking out any TP audio but some 
of the hets were strong enough to have carried something through on my 
unassisted receiver.Bill in BC 
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[IRCA] 1110 KWDB off air noise

2011-03-30 Thread bill kral
Hi Patrick, Thanks for the reply on the "Idling truck engine" on 1110 at night. 
I checked in last night but the "engine" was off and letting Bend OR come 
through.     Several super strong skips made it in 
after zero hour PDT and one was abnormally booming in for a time and it was KGA 
Spokane with their non stop sports. The other was1480 KBMS Vancouver WA with 
Urban Contemprary. Also an ESPN Station on 1500 had a fluctuating signal but it 
would have taken forever to get a local ID from them and if KSTP in ST.P - Minn 
has changed to all sports it might have been them.Domestic Reception has made a 
dramatic increase in signal strength in the last few days as the TPs are not 
getting through as easily as late last week.Bill in Vic BC
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Re: [IRCA] KWDB 1110

2011-03-31 Thread bill kral
Wow, a 500 watter at 200 miles and across some rough terrain. I guess there's a 
big difference between scanning from a digitally noisy apartment and having an 
antenna to give reception a boost.If I'm correct about the topography near  Oak 
Harbour Wa,which is relatively flat, the KWDB TX site is probably located 
on level ground near the coastline on Whidbey island and using a 
mudflat for good ground conductivity (I'm only guessing) Bill in BC.
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[IRCA] 1580 with Spanish

2011-03-31 Thread bill kral
Last night at around the zero hour PDT 1580 was a mish mash of rapidly 
fluctuating signals and for a while I thought the normally strong and steady 
KGAL Lebanon OR was off air for some reason but as I found out after half an 
hour,they were hiding in the mix, and later emerged and came back to their 
usual strong signal .While they were under I heard some SS talk but couldn't 
get anything to tell me who or where and the log doesn't show anything on this 
side of the Mississippi with that format so it could have been a Mexican from 
Hermosillo running on 10 K at night with call letters as XEDM DM Noticias which 
I found on a website called Fred Cantu's Meican Radio list. Too bad no ID 
verification on this one since I don't have a pc at home for an online 
streaming match.Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re : 1520 Wa. --Retro Question

2011-04-05 Thread bill kral
Getting back to 1520 Wa for a minute ( this topic seems to have been abandoned 
as of yesterday and I didn't get a chance to ask the following question then):
Does  anyone know what kind of format the new 1520 in Snohomish or Everett Wa 
will be putting out on the air? I hope it won't be SS like Portland.There are 
enough Spanish language stations around already. And also,like someone has 
already asked,what will their 50Kw at night do to the Portland station's 
coverage area in southern Washington.? Bill in BC
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[IRCA] 1510 with dead air

2011-04-07 Thread bill kral
Last night at approx 0200 PDT( 04 / 07/11) after emrerging from a tub of nice 
relaxing hot water, I fired up my rig for a last minute check for TP whistles 
and since there weren't any I just did the usual scan and stopped scanning when 
I hit 1510 but didn't hear the usual sports ramble from what should have been a 
good signal from KGA Spokane WA.Instead I heard what appeared to be  dead air 
as there was no back ground noise. It wasn't just silence but a sound 
resembling what I heard long ago and that was something like a turning 
turntable with a disc on it with the needle stuck in the last circlular groove 
which keeps the arm from lifting off the record.I left it on 1510 for awhile to 
see if they would come back on air but nothing happened for at least an hour 
since I never heard anything to wake me up after falling asleep with my radio 
on.How long they were in the off air mode is unknown.Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] Bristol's Hope NF.

2011-04-07 Thread bill kral
I never thought it would be that easy to get so many signals from the old world 
in NF(especially using small pocket receivers) since I didn't manage to ever 
get anything from NB when I was living there but I guess the domestics don't 
reach the east coast of NF as easily. I always knew I ended up on the wrong 
coast as far as radio goes but I'd rather not have to deal with winter anymore 
after putting up with snow and freezing temps for the first half of my life.But 
one thing about TAs has puzzled me after seeing Allen Willie's report (also 
previously) and that is that The Canary Islands on 1008 consistantly makes it 
across but not the more powerful Dutch station on 1008 while other Dutch 
stations of lesser power do.I don't know for sure but I would say that distance 
wise Holland is closer than Canary, I haven't checked that out so I could be 
wrong. The list includes multiple signals on several splits but not on 1008. 
Strange.Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] NF UltraLight Bandscan

2011-04-10 Thread bill kral
Allen Willie is capturing all these TA's with a receiver that can be hidden in 
the palm of your hand and which a non dx listener might use to listen to their 
favourite FM local for the latest hip hop music. Quite an impressive list of 
TAs that he has posted recently. What would his list of TAs look like after 
doing a bandscan with a good sensitive and selective digital portable attached 
to a length of copper wire strung up on a couple of posts in the same location 
he is using now? 
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[IRCA] 960

2011-04-11 Thread bill kral
04--11--11 /  PDT--Nanaimo BC  -960 : Between 2000 and 2100 I had a 
chance to scan for a few minutes and there was very little skip action 
happening and the only signals audible were a few heavies from northern Cal and 
nothing from east like Ab or the Pac West outside of Wa except for a very 
listenable signal on 960 with classic country but no ID or other clues for 
location so a later check turned up a more normal AM band but no C&W on 960 but 
shortly after they were back dominating the slot so after checking Radio 
Locater I saw that it was KFLN in Baker, Montana, making it a new snag here for 
me.Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] 30 years or more of skywave Dxing (55 years of radio)

2011-04-14 Thread bill kral
A lot of interesting stories to read. I 've been listening and Dxing on almost 
the whole radio spectrum for most of my life and first contact was when I was 
about 6 or 7 in the old country when there was no such thing as FM so my mother 
had a radio tuned to one of only a hand full of stations and I guess reception 
was not local because one day she was listening and had to touch a length of 
wire attached to the radio and she let me hold it to show me that the weak 
signal became a bit stronger.That kind of got me interested in listening 
whenever I had free time after school etc.then after moving to N.B.Canada at 9 
I was preoccupied with life as a little kid and sort of let radio go of 
radio for awhile until a radio was available at home again and I became 
familiar with stations that played top 40 rock and roll and so when I became 
old enough to earn a few cents I got my first pocket transistor radio and put 
it under my pillow at night and discovered
 night time radio listening (and daytime skip in the winter) and tuned into the 
big cities where all the stations were playing R&R and finding all the ones 
doing top 40 which basically every station was doing.I found more and more 
stations over the years and then turned listening into searching and bought 
Radio & TV Experimenter Mags for the White Radio Logs which alternated between 
frequency lists and call letter lists every other month. School and other 
interruptions prevented me from becoming a total fanatic so I did not persue 
the hobby seriously and maybe turn it into a professional thing but it's been 
something that I got addicted to and I'm still at it now. Back in the sixties I 
was listening to WBAL 1090 Baltimore and they were IDing as WBAL Radio 11 so I 
wrote them a letter asking why 11 when it was 1090 and they said it was a more 
familiar way of IDing since most radios had an 11 on the dial and that was my 
one and only QSL that I got but I
 lost it years ago.During the summer months I spent some time Dxing on FM and 
TV which kept me busy during daylight hours..I've bought, listened to, opened 
up and played with so many radios over the years that if I still had them all 
now I could open up a radio museum.I still find the odd old multi band receiver 
at a second hand store and scoop it up for a few bucks for old times sake and 
try to see what it can do in the way of outperforming the previous one. Dxing 
was easier in those days but still as much fun now.I guess I'll be doing it for 
a while yet.Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re :IRCA 84---72--#3 NURTA & D Report / Alaska

2011-04-18 Thread bill kral

 Glad to see that the Newfoundland TA reception report has finally included the 
elusive Dutch station on 1008 and with a good signal for 10 minutes. I've been 
anticipating its arrival as a solo signal(rather than the Canary Is alone or 
mixed) on this side of the Pond,thanks to our man in NF.
 Early this morning after 0 hour PDT on the west coast here in Vic BC I managed 
to get a few clear minutes of KTKN In Ketchikan Alaska with ID as"Your Hometown 
Station KTKN " before dropping back into the mix with semi local KBAI 
Bellinghan Wa and others like Edmonton AB,etc. Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] CKNX 920 "on day power?"

2011-04-18 Thread bill kral
Why not contact the Wingham On station to let them know that you can get them 
and try to find out what's causing the strong night time signal or off night 
time signal pattern. Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] CKNX 920

2011-04-19 Thread bill kral
Craig In Providence, If you want to investigate the CKNX signal strength 
mystery  then I can give you their phone number if you don't have it so you can 
find out exactly what they are doing if they will release that info. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] RE; Another history question: 1040 vancouver BC

2011-04-23 Thread bill kral
Back in the mid 80s when CKST 1040 first came on the air, having moved 
frequency from 800 and location from Langley BC to Vancouver, they were playing 
modern rock music and used a tight east-west daytime signal which went all the 
way from west coast Van Island to Hope BC but was almost dead in Victoria but 
at or near LSS they would switch to a night time north south lobe which threw 
an almost local signal into Victoria while totally disappearing from a location 
in Chilliwack about 70 miles east of Vancouver.Since changing ownership and 
format to sports the night time signal switch was discontinued even though the 
recent TX site upgrade and testing showed that the north -south signal 
direction can still be done but is not on the day -night operation schedule as 
there is no difference between day and night signal strength now Bill in BC.
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[IRCA] NF ULR dx : 1008

2011-04-23 Thread bill kral
 Allen,Happy to see 1008 Holland improving in signal strength and maybe 
duration.I'm puzzled that with increasing daylight hours the TAs are getting 
better from some locations.Bill in Vic BC
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[IRCA] 580 KSAZ test

2011-04-24 Thread bill kral
>From Nanaimo BC I couldn't make out anything sounding like Spanish on 580 and 
>couldn't wait till the next TOH ID at 0100 PDT as I had more important 
>business to attend to Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] IRCA 84-85-#7 Re; 1040 Van BC

2011-04-24 Thread bill kral
The original CKST TX site had a Card 5 tower array and I think it was cloned 
for the new site but I'm not positive about that.Their new site is shared with 
the also new site of CFTE 1410  (the old CFUN) Bill in BC
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[IRCA] R: BC Radio History

2011-04-28 Thread bill kral
Hi, A couple of additions to the list of stations no longer on the air: 
CJJC ( CJUP ,CKST) Langley on 800 (not 850) : CFVR Abbotsford on 850 : CJVI 
Victoria on 900 (off air but hardware is still in use by Camosun College as 
CKMO which is scheduled to die sometime next year in favour of using the 
internet only) Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Unusual conditions

2011-05-03 Thread bill kral
In  Nanaimo BC on Sunday night I noticed that 1060 in Calgary AB was unusually 
unstable, fluctuating and fading rapidly but no noticable mix with any other 
signal. It is normally strong and steady here. 540 in SK has been weak to gone 
for a couple of nights, letting an American SS or Mex come through. And last 
night back in Victoria,on 558 the Split signal from a TP was very strong and 
steady but my unboosted receiver could not capture any audio.No other TP 
frequencies were audible with hets.Southern California stations on 640, 760 
,940 ,1700, and also the bunch from SF were much stronger and steadier than 
they are normally. And Finally, I'm glad that 1008 in the Netherlands is 
becoming the dominant station on that slot,with no mention of the Canary 
Islands in Allen Willie's UL TA report.
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Re: [IRCA] WMVP 1000 Chicago off air

2011-05-03 Thread bill kral
Hi Tom in Joliette , With your Chicago on 1000 dead what did you manage to 
hear? Was there any sign of my semi local KOMO in Seattle? It's always 
interesting what a guy can get when a nearby regular shuts down. Thanks Bill in 
Victoria BC.
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[IRCA] SS music on 870

2011-05-05 Thread bill kral
Has anyone out there heard Mex Music on 870 while doing a bandscan.Heard on 
Tuesday early AM dominating that slot but not a solo signal. I don't see such a 
format listed unless another EE station has gone to SS recently,or maybe it was 
a real Mex from south of the Rio Grande. Last night I didn't hear it since 
overall conditions have changed.
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Re: [IRCA] Lower Mainland BC signals ( Van-Vic)

2011-05-08 Thread bill kral
 1040 Vancouver/ 1070 Victoria :
1040 CKST's signal is relatively weak towards Victoria since their daytime 
pattern runs mainly east-west for maximum population coverage in the Lower 
Mainland of BC and not concentrating too much on covering areas in southern 
Vancouver Island and northwest Washington while also supposedly protecting 
another station in Oregon. 
1070 CFAX could have a stronger signal in every direction now as of a 
transmitter upgrade which was done about a year ago after I noticed that they 
were causing some off frequency distorted harmonics on I guess 1065 and 1075 
which I reported to their CE who was not aware of the problem. I don't know if 
it was corrected because of my report or by the previously planned upgrade.He 
told me that the power output had been 8000 watts and would be returning to 
normal at 10kw after the transmitter work was completed.
Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Signal Skip

2011-05-08 Thread bill kral
Sunday Night 05 08 11--22:00 hrs PDT --Nanaimo BC   Tuning in at 10 PM tonight 
reveals an overall quiet AM Band with only a handfull of strong skips on 810 
1100 1120 1190 1530 from the West Coast of the US.Signals from inland US and 
Canada are basically zero to weak from the bottom end up. Some sun activity 
tonight perhaps preventing normal conditions from happening for the last two 
nights? Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] Old Radio Pictures (and other interesting tidbits)

2011-05-15 Thread bill kral
In the Old Radio category; correct me if I'm wrong but the Call letters of US 
stations were started with the W because the first eastern stations were 
operated by the Westinghouse (Electric Company--not sure of this part of the 
name) with the strange exception of KDKA Pittsburgh--the first Westinghouse 
station.So that segways me to the question: How and why were all the western 
stations ( with the exception of a few easterns- in Phily and Pitts ) using the 
K as the first of 3 or 4 call letters? Anyone out there with a definite answer 
out there? Thanks,Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re Morning eastern beverage bandscan

2011-05-15 Thread bill kral
Pat, I'm surprised that most of the slots occupied by the big Californians were 
"dead" at thatt time. I guess they all went before you started your scan.They 
usually hang in longer than the other states here in Vic, especially 1530 in 
Sac.Cal. At 20:45 on Sunday Evening in Nanaimo BC my receiver does not detect 
IBOC on a 4 out of 5 strength signal digital readout bar from 1190 KEX Portland 
so DXing on 1180 and 1200 should be easier.First skip signal out at 6:30 here 
was 1520 Portland with SS music.Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] Old time radio call letters

2011-05-17 Thread bill kral
 Hi All,Thanks for the info on the station calls. I guess I was a bit off 
frquency there. The W for shore stations makes sense since one of the local 
NOAA weather stations on VHF here in NW Washington has a call sign starting 
with W. Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] New Station / SF 680 ,810

2011-05-17 Thread bill kral
On a trip by plane to the Oshkosh Airshow in 2005 I did a scan on the SF 
stations in a small town stopover in eastern Montana and got KNBR with mixed 
results but no KGO which maybe verified my assumption that KGO is pushing 
mostly north- south as they claim ( mentioned on the air by Bill Wartenberg 
that they go all the way from Baja to Alaska ) and very little to the east and 
that would be logical since the biggest population of listeners is less than 
200 miles from the coast.KNBR probably has a wider or more circular coverage 
area and is going more to the east at night.
CBU Vancouver's TX site is located on mudflats as far west as land will allow 
south of the city near the international airport and has the strongest 
footprint here on Vancouver Island. As it is weaker to the hilly east and into 
the Fraser Valley it is coverage augmented by FM LPRTs in some towns east of 
Vancouver. Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Re; Dx Tip ( XE s )

2011-05-18 Thread bill kral
 XE calls and freqs -- XEWW 690 ,XTRA 1360, --What is XEWW doing for format 
now if XTRA is (still) doing sports? Wasn't XTRA (XETRA) on 690 a while ago 
(with Sports)? And are they  operated by a US company for listeners in So Cal?  
Was it 690 in Tijuana where Wolfman Jack got his start in Rock'n' Roll radio 
back in the late 50s? ( CBU Vancouver is covering this area and is too strong 
for XE to come through) Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] Wolfman Jack -(one more and last time)

2011-05-19 Thread bill kral
Thanks to all for the Wolfman Jack (Bob Smith) update. Anyway,I always thought 
he was a Mexican or Spanish American since he kind of looked like a Latino and 
since he worked at a Mexican station but then with a name like Bob Smith maybe 
not.Also I remember reading that he might have been heard on a Mex station 
across from a Texas border city,El Paso maybe?, which was pumping out 150 KW. 
True or not, my memory is kind of vague about this. But anyway,not really 
important. Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] IRCA 85-40-#s 4 & 5

2011-05-19 Thread bill kral
Holland's Big L is or was really England's Big L using a Tx in Holland on 1395 
Khz which was beamed at the UK with EE programming as the latest format on that 
station.Before that I think 1395 ran a Business News ormat by a Dutch 
Broadcaster. Formats in Holland have been changing frequencies quite 
" frequently " recently. 
New Montreal Stations on 690 and 940 will probably clone a format presently 
also on the air in Vancouver BC on 730. They are not at the top of the ratings 
chart but are hanging in there. I thought that the Montreal stations were 
disabled by that ice storm a few years back and re-emerged on FM. Bill in BC
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Re: [IRCA] Wolfman Jack ( One last time - I hope)

2011-05-21 Thread bill kral
Hello Barry in the UK, Bill in BC. I started my Dxing days in the 60s too and 
listened to the big US stations like WINS 1010 and WMEX 1510 from New Brunswick 
Canada but my favourite  music station was WKBW 1520 ( now WWKB ) Buffalo NY 
with top DJ Joey Reynolds who announced one night that he heard from a listener 
in England. Did you ever hear that one before your local sunrise? Those were 
the good ol' days 
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[IRCA] SS Deportes on 1310

2011-05-21 Thread bill kral
05--21--11 , 21:00 PDT, Nanaimo BC-- From 9PM to current time I have been 
hearing what sounds like a soccer game in Spanish with the only verbal clue to 
sports from mention of the word "deportes" dominating 1310 with very little or 
no other signals butting in and so the listed possibilities are KFVR Crescent 
City CA on 1000 watts or KKNS Corrales NM on night power of 500 watts sounding 
like at least 5000 watts like their daytime output. Am I unaware of someone 
else with that format? Bill in BC
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