Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Poem Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is a mercy to all of humankind, And to me, he is MY BELOVED!

2007-03-16 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
I learnt of a man who struggled so hard 
When his mission was difficult from the start. 
The story of someone who had morals, 
Spoke gently, kindness as he knew. 
  Never fearing to say what is right, 
His conviction in ISLAM was true. 
The touch of his hand was as soft as silk 
To comfort the crying child. 
  To mend his clothes, or do the chores, 
Never complaining, he always smiled. 
A living he made with his bare hands, 
The same that held his mighty sword. 
Every heart and soul he adored. 
  His smell was always of musk, 
And cleanliness he kept at his best. 
He held the hands of his companions. 
Unashamed to play with small children. 
  So modest, so humble, a perfect example, 
That even a stranger could recognize him. 
  His eyes slept very little, 
For nights were precious, 
His prayers he treasured much greater. 
To wake and pray in the depths of night, 
Seeking forgiveness, and being nearness his Creator. 
  His enemies admired his teachings, 
Uniting every religion, every clan. 
Till ISLAM came to every corner of the world, 
Yet, indeed, he was only one man. 
  Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is a mercy to all of humankind, And to 
me, he is MY BELOVED!

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Timeline: al-Qaida.

2007-03-16 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

*Timeline: al-Qaida.*

The year begins with the broadcast of a message from al-Qaida's leader
urging Muslims to rise up against US forces in Iraq.

The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, says he believes Bin Laden is alive, and
French police say their country has escaped a planned chemical or biological
attack by an Islamist cell linked to al-Qaida.

On March 11, the worst terrorist attack in Europe since the Lockerbie
bombing kills 190 people and injures hundreds more in the Spanish capital,
Madrid. The atrocity is initially blamed on the Basque nationalist group Eta
but is later linked to Islamist militants. More than 20 people, most of them
Moroccans, are arrested in the following weeks.

Meanwhile, Washington orders the hunt for Bin Laden to be intensified along
the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in the hope of capturing him before the US
presidential election, in November.

After claiming that its forces have cornered a senior al-Qaida figure in a
remote tribal area, Pakistan admits its prey has escaped - probably via a
mile-long tunnel running through the battlefield.

A fresh attempt to wreak havoc with a bomb attack on Spanish trains is
foiled in April after a bag containing explosives is discovered under a
high-speed rail track 40 miles south of Madrid.

In the same week, a group of suspected Islamist terrorists blow themselves
up when their flat in the Spanish capital is raided by police. Among those
who perish in western Europe's first suicide bombing is Sarhane Ben
Abdelmajid Fakhet, the alleged ringleader and mastermind of the Madrid

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the September 11
terrorist attacks, is captured at the beginning of March and tells his
interrogators he has met the al-Qaida leader in recent weeks in Afghanistan,
close to the border with Pakistan.

Speculative reports that Bin Laden is also under arrest circulate over the
next couple of weeks until they are drowned out by the sound of war in Iraq.

In April, Britain's first convicted al-Qaida terrorists are jailed for 11
years each after being found guilty of helping to fund Bin Laden's terror
network. Illegal immigrants Brahim Benmerzouga and Baghdad Meziane had
raised thousands of pounds through credit card fraud for an international
network of terrorists planning a jihad, or holy war, against the west.

A week later, a tape handed to the Associated Press purporting to be from
Bin Laden calls on citizens of Arab and Muslim governments that supported
the US-led invasion to rise up against them.

One month later, at least 75 people are killed in one week in suicide
attacks in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Casablanca, in Morocco. Britain,
meanwhile, warns of an increased terrorist threat in east Africa.

Western counter-terrorism experts speculate that lower-level al-Qaida
operatives have further regrouped, and that many of the half of all top
al-Qaida operatives ... either jailed or dead that President Bush boasted
of have been replaced.

In May, an al-Qaida spokesman tells a London-based Arabic magazine that the
organisation has restructured itself and is planning spectacular attacks
against the United States. In a tape broadcast on al-Jazeera, Ayman
al-Zawahri - Bin Laden's second in command - criticises Arab countries for
helping the US war in Iraq.

The following month, Eliza Manningham-Buller, the head of MI5, warns it is
only a matter of time before terrorists target a western city, adding that
al-Qaida remains an organisation capable of deadly terrorist attacks.

Ayman al-Zawahri returns in August with another taped message, this time
warning America it would pay dearly if any of the al-Qaida suspects held
at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are harmed.

A few days later, another al-Qaida tape, broadcast on al-Arabiya television,
has Afghan-based al-Qaida official Abdel Rahman al-Najdi claiming that Bin
Laden and key ally Mullah Omar are still alive.

One of Europe's most significant terrorism trials since September 11
concludes in October, when a disciple of Bin Laden is jailed for 10 years in
Belgium for plotting a suicide bomb attack on a US military base.

Nizar Trabelsi, a Tunisian who spent several years as a professional
footballer before being recruited to Bin Laden's cause, was convicted, with
17 other Islamist extremists, of terror-related offences.

In November, a bombing kills at least 17 people in Saudi Arabia, prompting
fears of a new wave of attacks by al-Qaida sympathisers throughout the
Middle East.

Later that month, al-Qaida claims responsibility for devastating suicide
bomb attacks on the British consulate and HSBC bank headquarters in

In Yemen, meanwhile, a senior al-Qaida suspect linked to the 2000 bombing of
the warship USS Cole is captured. The arrest of Mohammed al-Ahdal results in
the foiling of a plot to use a truck bomb to blow up the British embassy.

It is not known whether Bin Laden is alive or dead. But terrorist attacks
continue - in Tunisia, 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 9-11 - Only the DELUDED or the PAID-OFF Still Believe AMATEUR Arab Pilots Did It

2007-03-16 Thread Alan Border
“World's Genuine Axis of Evil”
  “Monster Israel  Its Vampire Puppets Britain  the United States.” - John 
  Wed Sep 6, 2006 16:27;article=104298
  9/11: 5 Years Later
  Only the Deluded or the Paid-off Still Believe Amateur Arab Pilots Did It
  By John Kaminski

The mindlock continues. The official cover up of the events of September 11, 
2001 remains essentially intact five years after the mind-numbing orgy of 
destruction in New York and Washington.
This momentous first “foreign” attack on American soil was staged by key 
players running the U.S. government on a higher level than the president, who 
has by now has been exposed as a sociopathic sock puppet. The guilt of the 
highest leaders in the U.S. has been demonstrated for all to see by their 
concealment of evidence, obstruction of investigations, and obvious lies 
explaining that day and the subsequent carnage that has been wreaked because of 
The brief amount of time that the towers took to fall proves the building cores 
were demolished. In five years and after billions of dollars spent “fighting 
terror,” the U.S. government has arrested no one for the crimes, and in fact 
has spent considerable effort covering up the evidence of treason and mass 
murder that has been unearthed by a worldwide army of outraged 9/11 researchers.
My friend the Lone Eagle, an aircraft supply expert, notes that among all the 
air disasters in history, 9/11 was only the time that a crashed aircraft could 
not be identified by the serial numbers on its small replaceable parts, which 
are seldom destroyed in any crash. And it happened four times that day. Yet the 
government told us three steel framed skyscrapers collapsed due to fire. That 
also had never happened before.
Ellen Mariani is the widow of a man who supposedly lost his life on Flight 175. 
She looked for relatives of other victims of that flight and after five years 
of searching, she has found no one. These are three of thousands of jarring 
clues that the American people are in a significant coma about this event.
Both official government and mainstream media communications continue to 
reassure the public that the resulting war on terror continues, despite the 
facts that wars declared in its name have not only been unjust, but 
unsuccessful, and the entire American army is being poisoned in the bargain.

Not a single Arab terrorist not heavily coached (if not outright invented) by 
the powers that be has ever been arrested and charged for any of these colossal 
  The pre-9/11 investors who profited from their foreknowledge have all been 
identified as Israeli Jews.
9/11 was a hoax. You know it, and so do I. If you are an elected official and 
continue to deny 9/11 was a scam to make war a permanent revenue generator, 
then you should be preparing to go to jail. Then again, consider the penalty 
for treason and mass murder.
How has 9/11 etched itself into our collective history?

   Trillions of dollars spent on security measures and foreign invasions, 
enriching only the richest corporations and impoverishing the rest of us.  
   Hundreds of thousands of lives sacrificed to the maintenance of a scam.  
   No foreign terrorists ever arrested for the greatest crime ever committed in 
The legacy of 9/11 includes arrest and detention without trial for thousands of 
innocent people. The creation of the concept of rendition, which transfers 
suspects to other countries who have no laws prohibiting torture, is probably 
the major achievement by the Bush administration in its hell bent dash to 
destroy the American republic, and subjugate it to the whims of the 
international bankers.
It has become an America no one recognizes anymore.
The principle feature of the 9/11 cover up was the willful destruction of 
evidence by our highest leaders, one of many capital crimes committed by 
hundreds of national figures who broke the law to cover up their crimes.

Treason, mass murder, and obstruction of justice. That is the new official 
American mantra, for politicians to run from, and for citizens to keep 
repeating. I’ve been repeating it for three years.

Now, five years after the Twin Towers were destroyed, a groundswell of interest 
spreads across the minds of Americans, who for so long have been terrified of 
even considering the prospect that their own government would stage a charade 
of this magnitude merely to increase their profit margins.

Rumsfeld's Cipro stock, Cheney's Halliburton profits, the Bush family's joint 
bank account with the Queen of England  but all these are chump change 
compared to the real profits that are harvested from the poisoned corpses 
scattered all across the Middle East, innocent corpses planted by the world's 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] My comments on the book Rethinking Muslim Women And The Veil;;Challenging historical and modern stereotypes. by Catherine Bullock

2007-03-16 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,


Assalamu Alaikum.I have recently read the book Rethinking Muslim Women And The 
Veil;;Challenging historical and modern stereotypes. This is a must read book 
by Catherine Bullock, presently editor of American Journal of Islamic Social 
Sciences (AJISS).

She took doctorate in Political Science from the University of Toronto. She 
accepted Islam when she was a doctoral candidate. The book has chapters on 
Hijab in colonial era, wearing Hijab in Toronto, Meanings of Hijab, critique of 
Mernissi's view of women and Hijab in Islam, apart from an introduction and 
conclusion. It has been published by International Institute of Islamic Thought 


You can see a full review of the book in Number 4, Volume 19 of the above 


In chapter 4 she rejects portrayal of women and hijab in colonized Morocco as 
standard or norm for Islam or women in Islam.Mernissi views Women as threat to 
social order, a peculiar view not supported by Islamic scholars of the past and 
the present. This is not the general view of the Quran or Sunnah. To give a 
view based on some selected verses or hadith against the over-all picture is 
not academic honesty. She has tried to get support from Gazzali but in most 
part she has mis-understood Gazzali. For instance Imam Gazzali has written that 
sexual desire contains evil which may destroy religion and and the world if 
not controlled or subjugated or restored to a state of equilibrium.Gazzali has 
spoken of desire of all, men and women but Mernissi made it desire of women and 
as such erred all the way because of wrong assumption.


Mernissi,s view that woman is by definition a foe of men  ,she distracts men 
from Taqwa and religion is false imputation. 

I read some writings of Mernissi before but I could not realize whether she is 
for or against Islam. Now I feel that she really wanted to subvert Islam.


You may contact UK IIIT to get the book. Their e-mail address is   [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] Catherine Bullock can be reached in[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Shah Abdul Hannan

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Important New York Times article

2007-03-16 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

 Of all the groups, there is probably more suspicion about CAIR,
 but when you ask people for cold hard facts, you get blank stares,
 said Michael Rolince, a retired
who directed
 counterterrorism in the Washington field office from 2002 to 2005.


G. Waleed Kavalec
If you are not an intended recipient of this document, please notify the
sender, delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain
or redistribute it. In fact it would be best all around for you to burn
your computer then report to the nearest office of the Department of
Homeland Security and turn yourself in as a potential danger to the moral
fabric of America and a serious risk to the purity of apple pie.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Profile: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

2007-03-16 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

*Womaniser, joker, scuba diver: the other face of al-Qaida's No 3*
Terrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna assesses the arrest of Bin Laden's playboy

· Dr Rohan Gunaratna is author of Inside al-Qaida: Global Network of Terror
Monday March 3, 2003

The pre-dawn arrest in Rawalpindi of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qaida's
number three and its operations chief, is the most devastating blow yet to
its capability to conduct terrorist attacks worldwide.

His arrest will gravely diminish al-Qaida's ability to plan, prepare and
execute largescale operations of the scope of September 11. Mohammed has
been described as a meticulous organiser seeking retribution against the
United States - but there is another side to the man who masterminded the
trade centre attacks, and is considered the most feared terrorist in the

He was born in Kuwait in 1965, but his parents were from Pakistan's
Baluchistan province. Although Mohammed insists that he is a believer, he is
not a strict Muslim, and while the September hijackers lived in cheap
lodgings, he stayed in plush hotels. In contrast to the spartan lifestyle of
Osama bin Laden and his followers, he was flamboyant, spent lavishly, and is
known to joke with colleagues to ease the pressure on him and on them.

In the Philippines he was a frequent visitor to Manila's red light district,
including its karaoke bars and mirrored go-go clubs, where he introduced
himself to women as a wealthy businessman from Qatar. Mohammed's womanising
included phoning a dentist and telling her: Look out of the window and look

What she saw was Mohammed and his nephew and protege Ramzi Ahmed Yousef
waving from a helicopter hovering above her clinic and displaying a banner
saying I love you. On another occasion the pair took a scuba diving course
together at a local resort.

Although he has been on the run since being identified as a terrorist in
1991, and despite being placed on nearly 100 watchlists and tracked by two
dozen governments, he has managed to conduct operations across the world,
and demonstrate an ability to function effectively over long periods of time
under extreme pressure.

As he did not directly conduct terrorist attacks, his identity remained
elusive and his personality largely unknown to the intelligence community
even after September 11.

He is a highly experienced organiser of terrorist attacks across
international borders, one of an elite group capable of such events; a group
which would also include Imad Mugneyev, coordinator of the 1983 bombing of
the US marine barracks and French paratrooper HQs in Lebanon, and Israeli
targets in Argentina in 1992 and 1994, and Illich Ramirez Sanchez, alias
Carlos the Jackal, organiser of the hostage taking of 11 oil ministers in
Austria in 1975.

In 1992, Mohammed developed a plan with his nephew Ramzi to bomb the World
Trade Centre in New York, topple one tower on the other, and kill thousands
of people. The operation killed six, injured over 1,000 and caused extensive


In 1993, he funded an operation to assassinate Benazir Bhutto, then prime
minister of Pakistan. Two years later he planned an attempt across the
Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries to destroy a dozen US

During the 1990s he became head of al-Qaida's military committee. He has
been involved in attacks in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania,
and Yemen, and planned another two dozen attacks worldwide. His roles varied
according to the operation - directly participating in the bombing of a
Philippines Airline flight from Cebu to Tokyo that killed a Japanese
executive and injured others in 1994; and chairing the planning meetings for
September 11 in Asia and Europe. He also wired money to the September 11
hijackers, and to his nephew Ramzi for Oplan Bojinka - a plan to destroy a
dozen US airliners over the Pacific, assassinate President Clinton and Pope
John Paul II, and ram commercial airliners into the CIA HQ and the Pentagon.

Mohammed masterminded Holy Tuesday, the operation to strike at America's
key landmarks on September 11, 2001, the single biggest terrorist attack the
world has ever witnessed.

There are several other operations in which he is said to have been
involved, including the killings of two American officials in Karachi in
1995, and four US oil workers in Karachi in 1997. Although Ahmad Saeed Omar
Sheikh of Jayash-e-Mohomad, an associate group of al-Qaida, was convicted
for the murder of the Wall Street Journal reporter, Daniel Pearl, the
operation was also controlled by Mohammed.

September 11 involved planning in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Germany,
Spain, United Arab Emirates, Britain and the US. Mohammed's mastery of a
complex set of operatives, assets and funding made him a big threat to the
international system.

He accepted with enthusiasm his specific responsibility: targeting the US
along with its allies and friends. To meet that challenge he readily left
behind the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hidaya Foundation - Zakat Information (Part 3)

2007-03-16 Thread Alan Border
Hidaya Foundation - Zakat Information Page
  9.0. Who is entitled to receive Zakat?
  There are eight groups of people on whom Zakat should be spent, as mentioned 
in the Quran: The alms are only for the Fuqara' (the poor), and Al-Masakin 
(the needy) and those employed to collect (the funds); and for to attract the 
hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islam); and to free the 
captives; and for those in debt; and for Allah's Cause, and for the wayfarer (a 
traveler who is cut off from everything); a duty imposed by Allah. And Allah is 
All-Knower, All-Wise. [Al-Quran 9:60] 
  They ask you as to what they should spend. Say: Whatever wealth you spend, 
it is for the parents and the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the 
wayfarer, and whatever good you do, Allah surely knows it. [Al-Quran 2:215] 
  (Alms are) for the poor who are confined in the way of Allah-- they cannot 
go about in the land; the ignorant man thinks them to be rich on account of 
(their) abstaining (from begging); you can recognize them by their mark; they 
do not beg from men importunately; and whatever good thing you spend, surely 
Allah knows it. [Al-Quran 2:273] 
  And give to the near of kin his due and (to) the needy and the wayfarer, and 
do not squander wastefully. [Al-Quran 17:26] 
  1. Fuqaraa: Those who own property in excess of basic necessities but below 
the value of Nisab.
  2. Masakeen: Persons of extreme poverty who possess no wealth whatsoever.
  3. Aamileen: (Zakat collector) Those persons who are appointed by an Islamic 
Head of State or Government to collect Zakat. It is not necessary that this be 
a needy person.
  4. Muallafatul Quloob: Those poor and needy persons who are given Zakat with 
the intentions of solidifying their hearts because they maybe recently 
converted to Islam or to bring them closer to Islam.
  5. Ar-Riqaab: slaves whose maters have agreed to set them free on a payment 
of a fixed amount. Zakat may be used to purchase their freedom.
  6. Ibnus-Sabeel: A traveler, who, whilst wealthy at his residence, is 
stranded and in need of financial assistance.
  7. Al Ghaarimeen: A person whose debts exceeds his assets and his net assets 
(after deducting his liabilities) is below the Nisab limit. To determine 
whether a person qualifies, his basic necessities of life (house, furniture, 
clothes, vehicle, etc.) will not be taken into account. It is conditional that 
the debts were not created for any un-Islamic or sinful purpose.
  8. Fi Sabeelillah: Those who are away from home in the path of Allah. Those 
in Jihaad, those seeking knowledge or a stranded Haji may be assist with Zakat 
if they are in need.
  9.1. Who cannot be given Zakat?
  1. Zakat cannot be given to parents, grandfather, etc., or to one's children 
and grandchildren. A husband and wife cannot give Zakat to each other.
  2. Zakat contributions cannot be given to such institutions or organizations 
who do not give the rightful recipients (Masaarif) possession of Zakat, but 
instead use Zakat funds for construction, investment or salaries.
  3. Zakat cannot be given to non-Muslims. The same ruling applies to Waajib 
Sadaqah, i.e., Sadaqatul Fitr, Kaffarah, Ush'r and Naz'r. Naf'l Sadaqah could 
be given to non-Muslims.
  4. If one cannot determine whether the recipient is needy or not, then it is 
better to make certain before giving him Zakat. If Zakat is given without 
inquiry and subsequently it is known that the recipient is wealthy the Zakat is 
not valid. It has to be given again.
  5. Zakat will not be fulfilled by purchasing books for an institution, or 
land purchased for public utility and made Wak'f.
  6. Zakat cannot be used for the Kaf'n of a deceased person who has no heirs, 
because at that time he/she cannot become the owner.
  7. A dead person's debt cannot be paid from Zakat.
  9.2. Miscellaneous
  1. It is not permissible according to Shariah to give Zakat to a person who 
owns merchandise or wealth in excess of his needs to the value of Nisab nor is 
it permissible for such a person to accept Zakat.
  2. A person that does not own an amount equal to the value of Nisab is known 
as Faqir. This person could be given Zakat and it is permissible for him to 
accept it.
  3. If a person owns wealth which in value exceeds the amount of Nisab, but 
this wealth is not intended for business nor does he require it for his daily 
needs, such a person is regarded as well-to-do and should not be given Zakat.
  4. The books of a scholar or tools of a tradesman are among his necessities, 
irrespective of their value. Besides these if he does not own wealth equal to 
Nisab, he could be given Zakat.
  5. When giving Zakat, Sadaqah, etc., one's poor and needy relatives should be 
given preference. To avoid embarrassing them, it should be given to them 
without saying that it 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] September 11 'mastermind confesses'

2007-03-16 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

*September 11 'mastermind confesses'*
March 15, 2007

The alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,
has confessed to those and other al-Qa'eda attacks, according to the
transcript of a hearing at Guantanamo Bay released late last night.

A statement said: I was responsible for the 9/11 Operation, from A to Z.

Mohammed, a Pakistani, who was arrested in Rawalpindi in 2003, added: I was
the operational director for Sheikh Osama bin Laden for the organising,
planning, follow-up, and execution of the 9/11 operation.

Hearings are being held into 14 of the most serious suspects held in Cuba.


What Mr Mohammed told the tribunal:*

·* I was member of al-Qaida council
*·* I was director for planning and execution of 9/11, fr om A to Z
*·* I was commander for foreign ops
*·* I was directly in charge ... of cell for biological weapons, and
follow-up on dirty bomb ops on American soil
*·* I was responsible for shoe bomber operation to down two US planes
*·* I was responsible for Bali bombing
*·* I was responsible for second wave attacks after 9/11: California;
Chicago; Washington; Empire State, NY
*·* I was responsible for operations to destroy American vessels in the
Hormuz, Gibraltar, and Singapore
*·* I was responsible for planning operation to destroy Panama canal
*·* I was responsible for planning assassination of ex-US presidents,
including Carter and Clinton
*·* I was responsible for planning operation to destroy Heathrow, Canary
Wharf and Big Ben
*·* I shared responsibility for assassination attempt on John Paul II in
*·* I was responsible for operation to assassinate President Musharraf


*My comment:*

This man admits but there are so many questions remaining unanswered and
unsolved! Is it true and not a game? Is he free from any pressure?
Guantanamo itself is a question and the US Govt is under suspicion from the

*Arif Bhuiyan*



Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Good Internet Advice

2007-03-16 Thread Curtis Sharif

Subject: Good Internet Advice


The following procedure was reportedly written by a System 
Administrator for a corporate computer system. It is an excellent message that 
ABSOLUTELY applies to ALL of us who send e-mails. 

   Please read the introduction below, even if you're sure you already follow 
proper procedures. 

Do you really know how to forward e-mails?  50% of us do; 50% of us DO NOT.

Do you wonder why you get viruses or junk mail? Do you hate it? Here is how it 
happens: Every time you forward an e-mail, there is information left over from 
the people who received the message before you, namely their e-mail addresses 
and names. As the messages get forwarded along, the list of addresses builds, 
and builds, and  builds.  Now, all it takes to get a virus is if any of these 
addressees has a virus, it can now distributed to everyone receiving and 
opening the e-mail. Additional, the computer can Send that same virus to every 
E-mail address that is in your Address Book. In addition, some sap can take all 
of those addresses and sell them to a Spammer or just send junk mail to each of 
the them, in the hopes that you will go to a specific web site and he will then 
make five cents for each hit. That's right, all of that inconvenience is over a 
nickel! How do you stop it? Well, 
there are several easy steps but they do require discipline... 
Try the following if you haven't done it before:

(1)  When you forward an e-mail, DELETE all of the other addresses that appear 
in the body of the message (at the top).  That's right, DELETE them. You MUST 
click the Forward button first and then you will have full editing 
capabilities against the body and headers of the message. If you don't click on 
Forward first, you won't 
be able to edit the message at all. Highlight  them (Click and hold your mouse 
button down and drag over whatever  you want to remove, then press the delete 
key or the enter key) and delete all addresses received with your mail, 
backspace them, cut them, whatever it is you know how to do. It only takes a 
second. You can also put (  ) around all the E-mail addresses, and it will 
become a Blind Copy. No one else can see who you've sent the e-mail to.

(2)  Whenever you send an e-mail to more than one person, do NOT use the To: or 
Cc: fields for adding e-mail 
addresses.  Always use the BCC: (blind carbon copy) field for listing the 
e-mail addresses.  This is the way the people you send it to will only see 
their own e-mail address. If you don't see the BCC: option, click on where it 
says To: and your address list will appear. Highlight the address and choose 
BCC: and that's it, it's that easy. When you send to BCC: your message will 
automatically say Undisclosed Recipients in the TO: Address field of the 
people who receive it.

(3)  Remove  any FW : in the subject line.  You can re-name the subject if 
you wish or even fix spelling. Make it look as if you are the Originator of the 

(4)  ALWAYS hit your Forward button from the actual e-mail you are reading.  
Ever get those emails where you have to open 10 different Forwards, before you 
can read the one page that actual has the information on it?  By forwarding 
from the actual page you wish someone to view, you stop them from having to 
open the many e-mails just to see what you sent. You will also NOT be sending 
other peoples E - mail addresses along. This is really important.

(5)  Have you ever gotten an email that is a petition?  It states a position! 
And asks you to add your name and  address and to forward it to 10 or 15 people 
or your entire address 
book. The email can be forwarded on and on and can collect thousands of names 
and email addresses. A FACT: A completed petition is actually worth a couple of 
bucks to a professional spammer because of the wealth of valid names and email 
addresses contained therein.  DO NOT put your email address on any petition.  
If you want to support the petition, Copy , Edit and Send it as your own 
personal letter to the intended recipient. Your position may carry more weight 
as a personal letter than a laundry list of names and email addresses on a 
petition. And don't believe the ones that say that the email is being traced, 
it just isn't so!

Some of the other emails to delete and not forward are:

1. The one that says something like, Send this email to 10 people and you'll 
see something great run across your screen. Or sometimes they'll just tease 
you by saying something really cute will happen.  IT ISN'T GOING TO 
HAPPEN!  (We are still seeing some of the same emails that we circulated 10 
years ago!)   

2.  Don't let the bad luck ones suck you in or scare you either (please help so 
and so); these should automatically get 
trashed if you don't know the individual personally. 
3.  Before you forward an 'Amber Alert', or a 'Virus Alert', or some of the 
other emails floating around 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Food as Medicine

2007-03-16 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillsh, FYI
Peace, Curtis Sharif
Houaron Texas

 Food as Medicine 
 Eat plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent headaches. 
  So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain. 
 Eat lots of yogurt before pollen season. 
  Also-eat honey from your area (local region) daily. 
 Prevent buildup of fatty deposits on artery walls with regular doses of tea. 
(actually, tea suppresses my appetite and keeps the pounds from 
invadingGreen tea is great for our immune system)! 
  Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative. 
 Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes. (when I was young, 
my mother would make onion packs to place on our chest, helped the respiratory 
ailments and actually made us breathe better). 
  Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines actually prevent arthritis. (fish has 
omega oils, good for our immune system)
 Bananas will settle an upset stomach. 
  Ginger will cure morning sickness and nausea. 
 High-acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria. 
  Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese in 
 Women can ward off the effects of PMS with cornflakes, which help reduce 
depression, anxiety and fatigue. 
 Oysters help improve your mental functioning by supplying much-needed zinc. 
 Clear up that stuffy head with garlic. (remember, garlic lowers cholesterol, 
  A substance similar to that found in the cough syrups is found in hot red 
pepper. Use red (cayenne) pepper with caution-it can irritate your tummy. 
  BREAST CANCER?  EAT Wheat, bran and cabbage 
  Helps to maintain estrogen at healthy levels. 
 A good antidote is beta carotene, a form of Vitamin A found in dark green and 
orange vegetables. 
  Cabbage contains chemicals that help heal both gastric and duodenal ulcers. 
 Grate an apple with its skin, let it turn brown and eat it to cure this 
condition. (Bananas are good for this ailment) 
 Mono unsaturated fat in avocados lowers cholesterol. 
  Olive oil has been shown to lower blood pressure. 
  Celery contains a chemical that lowers pressure too. 
 The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar. 
  Kiwi: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, Vitamin 
E fiber. It's Vitamin C content is twice that of an orange. 
  Apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low 
Vitamin C content, it has antioxidants flavonoids which enhances the activity 
of Vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack  
 Strawberry: Protective fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant 
power among major fruits protects the body from cancer causing, blood vessels 
clogging free radicals. (Actually, any berry is good for you..they're high in 
anti-oxidants and they actually keep us young.blueberries are the best 
and very versatile in the health fieldthey get rid of all the 
free-radicals that invade our bodies) 
   Orange: Sweetest medicine. Taking 2 - 4 oranges a day may help keep colds 
away, lower cholesterol, prevent  dissolve kidney stones as well as lessen the 
risk of colon cancer. 
  Watermelon: Coolest Thirst Quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed 
with a giant dose of glutathione which helps boost our immune system.  They are 
also a key source of lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant.  Other nutrients   
  found in watermelon are Vitamin C Potassium. (watermelon also has natural 
substances [natural SPF sources] that keep our skin healthy, protecting our 
skin from those darn suv rays) 
  Guava Papaya: Top awards for Vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their 
high Vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber which helps prevent 
  Papaya is rich in carotene, this is good for your eyes. (also good for gas 
and indigestion) 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Taubah! (Repentance)

2007-03-16 Thread Umme Safoora


* *


*Allah Ta'ala says:*

*O Believers.' Make taubah unto Allah Ta'ala a pure taubah. *

*Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said:*

*O people! Make taubah unto Allah.  *


*The Nature of Taubah*

*Taubah (repentance) is the regret and sadness which arise in the heart when
remembering a sin. For the validity of the taubah, shunning the sin, firmly
resolving to abstain from it in future and controlling the nafs when it
urges for the sin, are necessary.*

*The meaning of taubah is to return and to return from the far side to the
near side. It has a beginning and an end. The beginning (Ibtidaa) of taubah
is the spreading of the rays of Noor-e-Ma'rifat (the Light of Divine
Recognition) of the heart which thus realizes that the sin committed is a
fatal poison which wroughts great spiritual disaster. This realization
induces regret and fear which result in a true and sincere yearning to
compensate for the sin. This yearning is to such a degree that shunning of
the sin is immediate. Further, a firm resolve and intention are made to
totally abstain from the sin in future. Along with this intention a full
effort is made to compensate for the past shortcoming. When the result is
this fruit of taubah pertaining to the past, present and future, then
perfection of taubah has been acquired. This then is the end (Intihaa) of t
*The Need for Taubah*

*It should be clear that taubah is Waajib (compulsory) upon every person
because Allah Ta'ala addresses all Muslims in the Aayat:*

*O Believers! Make taubah unto Allah, a pure taubah.*

*Since the reality of taubah is to regard sin as a fatal poison and disaster
for the life of the Hereafter, and to firmly resolve to shun sin this much
of taubah is part of Imaan it being waajib and necessary are apparent to
every Mu'min. Hence, Allah Ta'ala says:*

*He who makes taubah after his transgression arid reforms, verily
Allahturns towards him.

*Qur'aan *

*The meaning of this Aayat is:*

*Allah Ta'ala will forgive, have mercy upon and aid the person who after
having sinned renders taubah according to the rule of the Shari'at and
reforms his acts for the future, i.e. he abstains from all evil, practices
in conformity with the Shari'at and remains firm on his taubah.*


*Taubah or repentance is to confess to Allah Ta'ala one's sins and to regret
such commission. Resolve firmly to discharge all Huqooq-ul-Ibaad (rights of
others) and other duties which are obligatory, but which have not been
rendered. This intention should be immediately made and thereafter the
actual fulfillment of such rights and duties put into motion. Alternatively,
the pardon of those whose rights were usurped should be obtained. When a sin
has been committed, immediately perform two Rak'ats Salaat with the
intention of Taubah. One then has to offer repentance with both the tongue
and heart. The taubah should be made fervently and vigorously. If one is
unable to shed tears, then one's face should take on the appearance of a
concerned and crying person while making taubah.*

*For the purpose of making taubah, recall your sins and then offer
repentance in profusion. However, do not meditate about the sins committed
or do not make vigorous attempts in a bid to remember what sins had been
committed, for this attitude will create a barrier between the
repenter and Allah
Ta'ala. This constitutes an obstacle in the path of love and progress. After
having made a sincere taubah, if previous sins come to mind then renew the
taubah. Do not be too much concerned about sins for which taubah has already
been made.*

*While making taubah there should be a degree of moderation in mentioning
the sins. There is no need to recite a whole list of sins while making t
aubah. Seek forgiveness for all sins in general. According to the Hadith
Shareef one should say:*

*And, I repent of even such sins which you are more aware of.*

*I repent of such sins which l am aware of and of such sins which I am

*Pondering about sins is in actual fact destruction of time and diversion
from the remembrance of Allah. However, one should make special taubah for
sins which one recalls automatically. The real Goal is Allah Ta'ala and not
the remembrance of sins neither the remembrance of acts of obedience. The
purpose of remembering sins is to offer repentance. Hence, once taubah has
been made, one should not deliberately and consciously ponder over sins
thereby making such remembrance a definite purpose because this will
engender the idea that Allah Ta'ala is displeased with one, and this is a
dangerous idea.*


*Remember and reflect about the warnings sounded in the Qur'aan and Hadith
in regard to sins. The pang of regret which enters the heart as a result of
such reflection is in actual fact taubah.*

Alahumma infa`ni bima `allamtani wa `allamni ma yanfa`uni!

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] First Saudi Tabloid Survives Closure Arrest

2007-03-16 Thread Alan Border
First Saudi Tabloid Survives Closure and Arrest
  By Andrew Hammond
  RIYADH (Reuters) - The fact that he still has a newspaper to edit is proof 
enough to Khalaf Alharbi that the ceiling of freedom in ultraconservative Saudi 
Arabia is rising. His mischievous tabloid Shams, Arabic for Sun, has endured 
suspension, the arrest of one of its journalists and the carping of Islamist 
hard-liners who say it embodies the Westernized future they fear Saudi Arabia 
will face if liberals get their way.
  But with a daily print-run of nearly 70,000, and recent permission to print 
inside the oil-producing kingdom instead of in neighboring Bahrain, Alharbi 
says the paper for young people aims to set a new standard after its first 
turbulent six months.
  Boldness is one of the basic tools of a journalist. You have to try to enter 
all the sensitive areas and you have to try to go over the line, he said in an 
  Fear of the free press is based on an illusion. Countries that have a free 
press have discovered that there's no problem, that the press can be 
responsible, because in the end the press is patriotic and loves its country.
  Shams, which is owned by a grandson of Crown Prince Sultan, has certainly put 
its money where its mouth is. Trying to break the mold of Saudi Arabia's 
sometimes drab print media, it avoided hiring experienced journalists.
  We preferred to have a team without previous journalistic experience. The 
rules of work on the other papers are a bit traditional, and we wanted to be 
different, Alharbi said.
  Saudi Arabia is one of the world's most conservative societies, an absolute 
monarchy which governs through a strict interpretation of sharia, Islamic law. 
When King Abdullah came to power last year, he promised progress on a range of 
political, social and economic reforms.
  The appearance of Saudi Arabia's first tabloid last December has been seen as 
another sign of slow, but inevitable, change. The paper has published 
sensational features about forced marriage for young girls, premarital 
relationships, unemployment among women, an official ban on school sports for 
girls and arbitrary detention by police.
  And it managed to survive its most daring act of all -- publishing some of 
the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad that provoked a global outcry among 
Muslims earlier this year. The paper was shut down after running the 
caricatures, but the Ministry of Information, seen as a progressive force in 
Saudi Arabia under Minister Iyad Madani, allowed it to return a few weeks 
later, under its new editor Alharbi, a short-story author who had previously 
written in Gulf newspapers.
  We had the right permissions (to publish the cartoons) but it was a crisis 
and people were very excitable, so it would have been wiser not to have got 
into it, Alharbi said. The paper said at the time it had clerical approval to 
publish the cartoons so that the Saudi public could judge for itself how much 
of an insult they were to Islam.
  Two months later, one of the paper's journalists was arrested over an 
Internet article criticizing the puritanical school of Islam followed by Saudi 
clerics, known as Wahhabism. The journalist was later released.
  So far, Saudi Arabia's religious police have not challenged Shams directly, 
despite its criticism of the organization.  We're not against them but we 
believe that their role needs some order and clarification. People have the 
right to know their rights, said Alharbi, who describes himself as a liberal. 
  On Internet sites we're accused of being troublemakers, of being outside the 
boundaries of custom and tradition, of moving toward the way of the West or 
  Alharbi sees a domestic market for tabloids, a success in other Arab 
countries, because of Saudi Arabia's huge young population -- 60 percent of 17 
million Saudis are thought to be under 21. 
  The traditional crop of broadsheets, packed with text-heavy articles and 
semi-official communiqué about those in power, leave many cold. Major dailies 
claim print-runs of more than 200,000 copies, but the true figure could be half 
  The biggest press market in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia, said Alharbi, 
referring to an expected Saudi gross domestic product in 2006 of at least $350 
billion.  It will take us a few years to grow but there's no limit. The market 
is big. 
  The Internet, where Saudis express opinions that the country's conservative 
culture and closed political system cannot tolerate in public, presents one of 
the biggest challenges for Saudi Arabia's print media. 
  The press is like your daily bread, you can't do without it. But the 
Internet has raised the bar of freedom, so papers have to try to push for more 
freedom too, Alharbi said.  The Saudi press has 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iran's Nuke Guarantee Should Be Accepted--Asia post, Dhaka, editorial dated 15.3.07

2007-03-16 Thread S A Hannan

Iran's  Nuke Guarantee Should Be Accepted

AFP has reported from Tehran that Iranian Foreign Minister 
Manouchehr Mottaki yesterday said Iran was prepared to offer necessary 
guarantees on its nuclear programme if the issue is withdrawn from the UN 
Security Council. Mottaki said in a speech to the international Conference on 
Disarmament here that Iran was prepared to make efforts to build confidence in 
this regard.Let me seize this opportunity, and in order to show our readiness 
to resolve the issue, underline that if the five plus one countries refer back 
Iran's nuclear issues from the Security Council to the IAEA, my country will be 
prepared to offer necessary guarantees in order to create confidence regarding 
non-diversion of its nuclear programme, he said.

Iran also said that  the threat of further UN sanctions over its 
nuclear programme, would hurt neither the controversial atomic drive nor the 
country's economy. The adoption of another resolution is unwelcome but is not 
worrying, government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham told reporters. It will 
not affect our work and will not concern our people. Elham reaffirmed the 
government's oft-repeated insistence that Tehran has no intention of suspending 
sensitive uranium enrichment activities, the key demand of the UN Security 
Council over its atomic programme. The issue of suspension is completely ruled 
out and cannot be brought up. They (the other side) have themselves given up on 
this, he said.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, meanwhile, angrily brushed off 
warnings from within Iran that a second Security Council resolution against 
Tehran would put the country in an increasingly risky situation. Those who say 
that this country is in a critical situation just think they are politicians, 
Ahmadinejad told the government daily Iran in a typically combative interview. 
Which part of our country is in a critical condition? he asked in the 
interview. An Iranian government spokesman reiterated earlier Tuesday that Iran 
had no intention of suspending uranium enrichment, the key demand of the 
Security Council over its atomic programme.

The guarantee given by Iran clearly means guarantees regarding its 
declared position many times re-iterated that it will not produce nuclear 
weapons.If the US and the UN permanent members are serious about maintaining 
peace they should accept the Iranian offer. They should now discuss with Iran 
the mechanism of guarantees proposed by Iran. There is no point for security 
council members to submit to US pressure as US foreign policy objectives are 
too well-known to all the world. We hope the world powers will consider the 
proposal seriously. The members of the non-aligned movement the OIC members 
should put pressure in this regard.

(Asia post, Dhaka, editorial dated 15.3.07)

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] To Kill a Mocking Tongue

2007-03-16 Thread Nazia
To Kill a Mocking Tongue 
By: Sheikh Muhammad Alshareef 
  Al-Ma'roor ibn Suwayd narrates that he once saw Abu Dharr – radi 
Allaahu ‘anhu wearing a beautiful shawl. His slave standing next to him was 
wearing a shawl exactly like it, warm and beautiful.Ma'roor said to Abu Dharr, 
“Perhaps you could take the shawl of your servant and give him another (less 
expensive) one.” 
  “Never,” said Abu Dharr, “for I once had a servant whose mother 
was not Arab and I cussed him and his mother. That servant went to the 
Messenger of 
Allah –sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – complaining of the words I had said. 
  “When Rasul Allaah – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – saw me he 
commented, ‘O AbuDharr, you are a man who still has Jahilliyyah (Pre-Islamic 
in him.'” 
  Because of these painful words, Abu Dharr – may Allah be pleased with 
him -would always dress his servants in the exact same garments that he 
would wear. 
  Dear brothers and sisters, Allah is disobeyed most with our tongues. 
There is a sin that sweeps amongst us, a sin that many take lightly, a sin that 
laughed at, a sin that could very well pull someone to Hellfire: It is the sin 
of insulting others. 
  Read carefully this following verse. It is a commandment of Allah that 
begins with a call to those who claim to have Eemaan. Allah ta'ala says in the 
Qur'an (49/11): 
  O you who believe let not one group of people make fun of another, 
perhaps the (one's being made fun of) are better then them. And let not women 
fun of other women perhaps the (woman being made fun of) is better then them. 
And do not insult one another and do not call each other by (offensive) 
Wretched is the name (i.e. mention) of disobedience after (one's) 
faith. And whoever does not repent – then it is those who are the Dhaalimoon 
(the wrongdoers). 
  Perhaps the one that is being made fun of is more beloved to Allah. 
SubhaanAllah, let us remember this if we ever try to make fun of someone, 
perhaps Allah loves them and does not love us. Didn't the Mushrikeen make fun 
of RasulAllah – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – and we know Allah loved him 
and not them. Didn't the Munaafiqeen make fun of the Sahaabah – and we know 
Allah loved the Sahaabah and not them. 
  Rasul Allah – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – said, “Verily a 
person will speak words from those that Allah hates, paying no heed to what he 
is saying, 
and with those words he will plummet in to hellfire.” – Bukhari 
  There are different reasons why a person would want to insult, make fun 
of and ridicule other community members: 
  Firstly: They have weak Eemaan and their fear of Allah is poor. This is 
one of the major reasons.
  Secondly: They spend a lot of their time in gatherings that bring no 
benefit.Thirdly: They themselves may want others to praise them. Sadly, when 
there is a student or a community member that insults others, often it is they 
that want to be the ‘cool' one. How can they be ‘cool' if they are doing 
something that Allah and His Messenger hate? 
  Fourthly: They forget the punishment for those that make fun of others. 
Imam Al-Bayhaqee narrates in Shu'ab al-Eemaan, that Rasul Allah – sal 
Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – said, “Verily those people that make fun of people – 
for them a gate of Jannah will be opened. It will be said to them: Come (and 
enter). That person will come with all their anguish and depression – but when 
gets close, the gate will be closed in his face. Then another gate (to 
Jannah) will be opened and it will be said: Come (and enter). So that person 
with all his anguish and depression. But when he gets close, the gate will be 
closed in his face. This will keep happening to him until it gets to the point 
where it will be said: Come (and enter), and he will not come from the despair 
of ever entering paradise.” 
  Fifthly: Those that make fun of others may do so out of love for the 
Kuffaar and a love to imitate them. How many times do we see the comedians 
mocking people and everyone laughing? Indeed, mocking others and insulting them 
is a characteristic of Jaahiliyyah and kufr, and it is never a 
characteristic of a believer. 
  Allah ta'ala shows us in Surah Al-Mutaffifeen (83/29) how this 
characteristic of laughing at others is a characteristic of the Kuffaar: 
  Indeed, those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed. 
  The seriousness of this sin varies in accordance to the subject being 
On the highest level of seriousness is to make fun of Allah or His 
Ayaat or His Messenger – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam. 
  A group of Munaafiqeen started joking one day about their Qurr'aa, i.e. 
the Companions of Allah's Messenger. They described in ridiculing terms 
that they were large in stomachs, having lying tongues and being cowardly. 
ta'ala tells us in the Qur'an (9/65-66): And if you ask them, they will surely 
say, “We were only 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Palestine Lives! 3rd Annual Conference, March 31, Hamilton

2007-03-16 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
SPHR McMaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  From: SPHR McMaster [EMAIL 
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 12:49:51 -0500
Subject: Palestine Lives! 3rd Annual Conference

  McMaster Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights 
  proudly presents:

  Third Annual Conference
  A converging point for information 
  and discussion on the current 
  context of the Palestinian struggle.
   SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 2007
  9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  Council Chambers Room 111, Gilmour Hall
  $25 Suggested Donation
  Includes Refreshments  Lunch
  Please RSVP!
  How you can help: 
  Please forward this information to your contacts. 
  Also, we are looking for people in different cities 
  who would be willing to distribute the flyer 
  at education and community location, 
  Arab stores and anywhere else relevant.
  Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED] , 905-296-3551


  Susan's English as a Second 
Language Blog

Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Inside the mind of Osama Bin Laden

2007-03-16 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

*The gift of hindsight*
Peter Bergen on getting inside the mind of Bin Laden
(Paperback writer)
*Saturday September 7, 2002
I quit my job at CNN in the autumn of 1999, to start working full time on a
book about Osama bin Laden. I had become interested in the mysterious
multimillionaire Saudi after I met him in eastern Afghanistan in 1997, and
spent most of the next four years trying to understand the man. Finally, at
the end of August last year, I gave my manuscript to my publisher. Having
worked for more than a decade in the news business there were many things I
did not understand about publishing, not least the seemingly geological time
scale on which publishers work. When I handed in the manuscript, my editor
told me that they would be publishing the book in 10 months. I found this
somewhat surprising. As I told my agent, A lot of things can change in 10

I had a strong hunch that Bin Laden was planning another attack against an
American target and that it would happen long before the slated publication
date of my book. The clearest signal was a two-hour al-Qaida propaganda
videotape then circulating around the Middle East. I had acquired a copy of
the tape three weeks before the Trade Centre attacks and had it translated.
It was an eye-opener. It was the most wide-ranging distillation of Bin
Laden's views, and predicted additional anti-American actions. One of my
sources told me: These threats on the videotape are genuine. Bin Laden's
followers are making preparations against more than one American target.

I was so sure that an al-Qaida attack was in the offing that I wrote a
letter on August 17 to a reporter at the New York Times. I began it: I
think there is a major story to be told wrapping around the new Bin Laden
videotape and the various threats against US facilities... and [which]
responsibly suggest that an al-Qaida attack is in the works. On the morning
of September 11 2001, I watched in horror as the planes struck the World
Trade Centre.

A day or so later my editor called to talk about the book. We both agreed
that the old publication date made no sense. We needed to get it out as soon
as possible. And there was also the small matter of recalibrating the tone
and content. In the interests of attracting readers to a tome about the
hitherto largely obscure phe nomenon of al-Qaida I had included a good
number of travelogue scenes. Much of those would have to be cut, as levity
had little place in an exegesis of a mass murderer and his organisation.

And my previous conclusions about al-Qaida were simply wrong. In the old
version of the book I had written: In past years the likelihood that a US
citizen will die at the hands of a terrorist has actually receded. An
American... is more likely to be killed by a dog, or a bolt of lightning,
than by an act of terrorism. Get me Rewrite!


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Check out West Bank Sites on Private Land, Data Shows - New York Times

2007-03-16 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

-- Forwarded message --
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Mar 14, 2007 1:49 PM
Subject: Check out West Bank Sites on Private Land, Data Shows - New York

West Bank Sites on Private Land, Data Shows - New York

[image: The New York Times]

March 14, 2007
West Bank Sites on Private Land, Data Shows By STEVEN

JERUSALEM, March 13 — An up-to-date Israeli government register shows that
32.4 percent of the property held by Israeli settlements in the occupied
West Bank is private, according to the advocacy group that sued the
government to obtain the data.

The group, Peace Now, prepared an earlier report in November, also provided
to The New York Times, based on a 2004 version of the Israeli government
database that had been provided by an official who wanted the information
published. Those figures showed that 38.8 percent of the land on which
Israeli settlements were built was listed as private Palestinian land.

The data shows a pattern of illegal seizure of private land that the Israeli
government has been reluctant to acknowledge or to prosecute, according to
the Peace Now report.
long asserted that it fully respects Palestinian private property in
West Bank and takes land there only legally or, for security reasons,
temporarily. That large sections of those settlements are now confirmed by
official data to be privately held land is bound to create embarrassment for
Israel and further complicate the already distant prospect of a negotiated

The new data, updated to the end of 2006, was provided officially by the
Israeli government's Civil Administration, which governs civilian activities
in the territories, in response to a lawsuit brought by Peace Now and the
Movement for Freedom of Information in Israel in 2005. When the courts
refused the request, the groups filed an appeal, and the earlier data was
leaked to Peace Now. In January, the court ordered the Civil Administration
to provide the data, in the form of digitized map information.

The information will be published Wednesday, and a copy was provided to The

Some differences between the new data and the old data complicate the
picture. The old data distinguished between private Jewish land, private
Palestinian land, state land and so-called survey land, which is considered
of unclear ownership.

The new data, provided by the government, makes a distinction only between
private land and other land. But in the earlier data, the amount of private
Jewish land was small, only 1.26 percent of the area of the settlements.

The second major difference involves the Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim,
which looks like a suburb of Jerusalem, with a mall and a multiplex and an
Ace Hardware store.

The Israeli government has said that it will never give up the three main
settlement blocks— Maale Adumim, Gush Etzion and Ariel — inside the West
Bank and within the security barrier that Israel built. Information about
them is thus extremely delicate, and that was one reason that the government
refused earlier requests to provide the data.

The earlier data showed Maale Adumim containing 86 percent private
Palestinian land, which seemed very high to its residents. According to the
new data, however, only 0.54 percent of the settlement is listed as private
land. The single case of Maale Adumim represents much of the difference in
the total percentage of private land between the old and new data. Without
the new Maale Adumim data, the difference between the old and new data is
about one percentage point.

In settlements west of the separation barrier, which Israel intends to keep
and which include Maale Adumim, the amount of private land is 24 percent,
compared with 41.4 percent in the earlier data.

In settlements that Israel would presumably give up in any peace settlement,
the percentage of private land is 40 percent, higher than the earlier data,
which was 36.4 percent.

In the two other main settlement blocs that Israel intends to keep, Ariel is
now listed as 31.4 percent private, compared with 35.1 percent before. Gush
Etzion is listed now as 19 percent private, compared with 25.1 percent

In Givat Zeev, a settlement that Israel also intends to keep, the old data
showed that the settlement contained 44.3 percent private land; the new data
shows the figure to be 49.6 percent.

Dror Etkes of Peace Now, which put together the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Bollywood declares war against ISLAM

2007-03-16 Thread khan zahid

jessica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  salaam alaikum, 
i only watched about half of this before i wanted to vomit from the lies, and 
the half that i watched shows the hindus dressed as muslims committing the 
crimes that the hindus have committed against muslims. google bombay riots.

i know alot of people are indian and pakistani muslims who watch bollywood 
flicks the same as alot of americans and western muslims along with non western 
muslims watch hollywood flicks. hollywood isnt that much different when they 
use muslims as the villians in their movies. its all brainwashing the public to 
believe lies and make our religion like we are cavemen barberic animals 
astaghfirallah. inshaallah pass this around and boycott.
- jessica

Bollywood declares war against ISLAM
As-salaamu A'laykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuh
Dear brother  sisters
Bollywood has launched multiple vicious attacks against Islam and Muslims which 
are still continuing to this very day, and it is with these very films that we 
lead ourselves and our families astray. What is even more shameful is the fact 
that we help fund these ugly attacks against us and Islam as well.
May Allah guide us all, ameen.
Judge for yourself:
was salaam
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Big Brother Is Watching You NOW On The Internet

2007-03-16 Thread Alan Border
Unilateral Actions Have NOT Resolved Conflicts But Have Made Them Worse. This 
is Very Dangerous. Nobody Feels Secure Any More Because Nobody Can Hide Behind 
International Law.”
  What is an Unipolar World? No Matter How We Beautify This Term It Means ONE 
Single Centre of Power, ONE Single Centre of Force,  One Single Master.
  People Are Always Teaching Us DEMOCRACY, But the People Who Teach Us 
Democracy Don't Want to LEARN It Themselves.
  Vladimir Putin
  Big Brother Is Watching NOW You On The Internet
This is the web link for ABC's nightline story. Copy this article, and save it 
before it disappears!

The day of George Orwell's telescreen has finally arrived. Big Brother Is 
Watching NOW You On The Internet
ABC just ran a story of whistleblower, Mark Klein, ATT technician,
Security Agency.
At a San Francisco switching center Mr. Klein collected over 120
pages of technical documents showing how NSA installed splitters
which would allow of both domestic and international internet
communications to be copied.
Mr. Klein's story by (LA Times reporter, Joe Menn,) was killed at the
request of National Intelligence Director John Negroponte and NSA
Director Gen. Michael Hayden
The New York Times did publish it, and Newline ran it on March 6th.

Whistle-blower Had to Fight NSA, LA Times to Tell Story March 06, 2007 10:53 AM
Brian Ross and Vic Walter Report:
Whistle-blower ATT technician Mark Klein says his effort to reveal
alleged government surveillance of domestic Internet traffic was
blocked not only by U.S. intelligence officials but also by the top
editors of the Los Angeles Times.
In his first broadcast interview, which can be seen tonight on World
News and Nightline, Klein describes how he stumbled across secret
NSA rooms being installed at an ATT switching center in San
Francisco and later heard of similar rooms in at least six other
cities, including Atlanta, San Diego, Los Angeles, Palo Alto, San
Jose and Seattle.
You needed an ordinary key and the code to punch into a key pad on
the door, and the only person who had both of those things was the
one guy cleared by the NSA, Klein says of the secret room at the
ATT center in San Francisco.
The NSA is the National Security Agency, the country's most secretive
intelligence agency, charged with intercepting communications

Klein says he collected 120 pages of technical documents left around
the San Francisco office showing how the NSA was
installing splitters that would allow it to copy both domestic and
international Internet traffic moving through ATT connections with
16 other trunk lines. It's gobs and gobs of information going across the 
Internet, Klein  says.
President Bush has acknowledged he authorized the NSA to intercept
the communications of people with known links to terrorist
organizations into or out of the United States, but that we're not
trolling through the personal lives of millions of innocent

Intelligence experts say the NSA has the means to filter out suspect
communications with sophisticated machines that spot key words,
names, addresses or patterns.
Eventually, Klein says he decided to take his documents to the Los
Angeles Times, to blow the whistle on what he calls an illegal and
Orwellian project.
But after working for two months with LA Times reporter Joe Menn,
Klein says he was told the story had been killed at the request of
then-Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte and then-
director of the NSA Gen. Michael Hayden.
The Los Angeles Times' decision was made by the paper's editor at the
time, Dean Baquet, now the Washington bureau chief of The New York
Times. Baquet confirmed to he talked with Negroponte and Hayden but 
says government pressure played no role in my decision not to
run the story.
Baquet says he and managing editor Doug Frantz decided we did not
have a story, that we could not figure out what was going on based
on Klein's highly technical documents. The reporter, Menn, declined to comment, 
but Baquet says he knows Joe disagreed and was very disappointed.

Klein says he then took his ATT documents to The New York Times,
which published its exclusive account last April.

Click here:

As the new Washington bureau chief of The New York Times, Baquet now
oversees the reporters who have broken most of the major stories
involving the government surveillance program, often over objections
from the government.
After The New York Times story appeared, Klein filed an affidavit in
a lawsuit against ATT brought by a 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamica March-April 2007 Issue

2007-03-16 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Subject: Islamica March-April 2007 Issue
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:17:26 +0300

 body  {font-family: Tahoma;font-size:10pt; margin:1; }   td  
{font-family:Tahoma;font-size:10pt}   td.sArial 
{font-family:Arial(sans-serif);font-size:8pt}   .small  
International Committee for the Support of the Final Prophet (ICSFP)
   Wednesday, 14 March 2007 16:17: PM
  ICSFP is pleased to announce the latest issue of it's digital newsletter is 
available for download. Topics include: 
   Lazy Boy - It's All in Your Mind!  
   Islam gaining ground in Eastern Connecticut   
   Prophet Muhammad Is The 'Shiloh'   
   Seven Questions About Islam   
   The Quran Speaks of Happiness   
   Good Reading: The Status of the Sunnah in Islam  
   Question: Why has Islam continued to be so successful in the modern world?
  Download your free copy through this link: a 
 or you may download the Pocket PC/MS Reader edition here:
ISCFP Editor

Don't be flakey. Get Yahoo! Mail for Mobile and 
always stay connected to friends.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Freedom of speech row as talk on Islamic extremists is banned

2007-03-16 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

*Freedom of speech row as talk on Islamic extremists is banned*
By Sean O'Neill  John Steele
March 15, 2007

The University of Leeds was accused of infringing free speech last night
when it cancelled a lecture on Islamic anti-Semitism by a German academic.
Matthias Köntzel arrived at the university yesterday morning to begin a
three-day programme of lectures and seminars, but was told that it had been
called off on security grounds. Dr Köntzel, a political scientist who has
lectured around the world on the antiSemitic ideology of Islamist groups,
said there were concerns that he would be attacked. He said that he was
outraged that his meetings had been cancelled and had yet to receive an


*What he wrote*

 AntiSemitism based on the notion of a Jewish world conspiracy is not
rooted in Islamic tradition but, rather, in European ideological models. The
decisive transfer of this ideology to the Muslim world took place between
1937 and 1945 under the impact of Nazi propaganda . . . Although Islamism
is an independent, antiSemitic, antimodern mass movement, its main early
promoters, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Mufti and the Qassamites
in Palestine, were supported financially and ideologically by agencies of
the German National Socialist Government.  - *Jewish Political Studies
Review,* spring 2005

The university, which acted after complaints from Muslim students, denied
that it was interfering with the academic freedom of Dr Köntzel, and said
that proper arrangements for stewarding the meeting had not been made. The
lecture, entitled Hitler's Legacy: Islamic antiSemitism in the Middle
East, was organised by the university's German department and publicised
three weeks ago. A large attendance had been expected. Dr Köntzel, a former
adviser to the German Green Party, said: I have been told that it has had
to be cancelled for security reasons. It seems there were concerns that
there could be violence against my person.

I have lectured in lots of countries on this subject. I gave the same talk
at Yale University recently, and this is the first time I have been invited
to lecture in the UK. Nothing like this has ever happened before – this is
censorship. It is a controversial area but I am accustomed to debate. I
value the integrity of academic debate and I feel that it really is in
danger here. This is a very important subject and if you cannot address it
on university property, then what is a university for? Dr Köntzel, a
research associate at the Vidal Sassoon International Centre for the Study
of Antisemitism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said that he had been
shown two e-mails that had been received, which objected to his lecture.

One, apparently written by a student, said: As a Muslim and an Arab this
has come to me as a great shock. The only intention that you have for doing
this is to increase hatred as I clearly regard it as an open racist attack.
Ahmed Sawalem, president of the university's student Islamic Society,
confirmed that he had contacted the office of Professor Michael Arthur, the
Vice-Chancellor, to register an official complaint. The title of the talk
is provocative and I have searched the internet to read his writings and
they are not very pleasant, Mr Sawalem said. We are not opposed to freedom
of expression. We just sent a complaint, we did not ask for the talk to be

The university authorities contacted the German department on Tuesday and
asked for a change in the title. The department agreed to relabel the talk
as The Nazi Legacy: the export of antiSemitism to the Middle East.
Yesterday morning, the head of the German department, Professor Stuart
Taberner, was called to a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor's staff and the
head of security. After the meeting, Dr Köntzel's lecture and workshops were
cancelled. Annette Seidel Arpaci, an academic in the German department,
said: This is an academic talk by a scholar, it is not a political rally.
The sudden cancellation is a sell-out of academic freedom, especially
freedom of speech, at the University of Leeds. A spokes-woman for the
university said that it valued freedom of speech and added that the
cancellation of the meeting had been a bureaucratic issue.

The decision to cancel the meeting has nothing to do with academic freedom,
freedom of speech, antiSemitism or Islam-ophobia, and those claiming that is
the case are making mischief, she said.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Punishing a Woman for Adultery

2007-03-16 Thread Alan Border
“O Prophet! When believing women come to thee to take the oath of fealty to 
thee, that they will not associate in worship any other thing whatever with 
Allah, that they will not steal, that they will not commit adultery (or 
fornication), that they will not kill their children, that they will not utter 
slander, intentionally forging falsehood, and that they will not disobey thee 
in any just matter,- then do thou receive their fealty, and pray to Allah for 
the forgiveness (of their sins): for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
  (Al-Qur'an, 60:12 - Al-Mumtahina [She that is to be Examined, Examining Her])
  Punishing the Mother  the Baby
  As a new Muslim I am confused about the severity of some Islamic punishments. 
One question that I could not have an answer for concerns the punishment of an 
adulteress, where the only proof is her being pregnant. Is the child considered 
innocent? If so, why should that child suffer the mother’s punishment? 
  The severe punishments you are uneasy about are known as Hudood, which means 
that they are mandatory, determined by God, and cannot be reduced by anyone 
when the offense is proven according to Islamic requirements. These 
requirements are very strict and hard to obtain, which means that the 
punishments themselves are very rarely used. Their purpose is deterrence. 
  Moreover, they are very small in number. Scholars differ as to which offences 
carry such mandatory punishments, with the highest number put at 7 only, while 
others saying that they are only 4. This last view is perhaps the more accurate 
number, making the mandatory punishments applicable only in cases of theft, 
adultery, false accusation of adultery against women without producing four 
witnesses in support, and making war against the Muslim State. 
  When these punishments are applied in a community, they work wonders in 
achieving security for people, property, and reputation. To discuss this 
subject in detail requires much larger space than a newspaper could allocate. 
What you need is to look at this issue in specialized books, or to discuss them 
with a scholar. 
  The case you have cited is a point in favor of Islamic law. Islam does not 
permit that children should be punished for the sins of their parents. If a 
woman has been proved to commit adultery through voluntary confession or having 
four witnesses stating that they have seen the offence being committed, the 
punishment is applied. If it is suspected that she is pregnant, the punishment 
is delayed until she has given birth and the child is weaned. 
  This is what the Prophet, peace be upon him, did with a woman who confessed 
her offence. He first tried to make her withdraw her confession, as required by 
Islam. When she insisted, he delayed her punishment until the child was weaned 
and she came to him carrying the child eating normal food and asking for the 
punishment to be inflicted on her. 
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST  MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME. 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Status of women in Islam By Anwar Abbas Friday feature Courtesy:

2007-03-16 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

  March 16, 2007   Friday   Safar 26, 1428
Status of women in Islam

  By Anwar Abbas
  Friday feature

HALF of the population of the world consists of women. It is, therefore, 
necessary that any religion or social theory that stands for the good of 
mankind should also be concerned with the welfare, the rights and progress of 
women. This is an issue, which throughout history has bristled with emotional 
complexes, traditional taboos and other complications.

Historically, the status of woman has undergone many changes. She has been 
man’s helpmate without whom his life would never have been complete. She has 
been a plaything, an object of decoration and a beast of burden carrying man’s 
load of work and sorrow on her back. She has participated in all kinds of 
important activities ranging from administration to technical work, to poetry 
and mysteries. Some ecclesiastics have debated whether woman has a soul and 
have sometimes come to the conclusion that she has not!

She has been a fighter for her rights and has gained many rights denied to her 
in the past – the right to vote, the right to own property, the right to equal 
wages with men for equal work and the right to divorce.

In some cultures, the status of woman was better recognized at one time, or at 
least in one direction, and then there was a regression. Sometimes, within the 
same state or region, the position of women has differed enormously. Economic 
factors, technical advances, social theories and religion have influenced it. 
Sometimes there has been a great gap, greater than in the case of men between 
the theoretical rights enshrined in personal law or constitution and those 
accorded in practice. The right to share in property has been denied to women 
by hidebound men of feudal and semi-feudal societies.

Generally speaking, the status of women before the advent of Islam was not 
enviable, either in Arabia or outside. While there were occasional exceptions 
due to the personal status or the ability of individual women, in many of the 
older cultures they were generally looked down upon and treated as inferior 
beings. There is reason to believe that in the great Greek civilization, woman 
was treated as a slave. In her childhood she was the slave of her parents; in 
her youth and old age the slave of her husband, and as a widow, of her sons. 
Plato did hold that women should be treated as equals but this had no impact on 
her everyday life.

In the Roman civilization too, she had a low status under the law. The father 
and the husband had full control over their daughters and wives. They could 
even turn them out of the house with no redress. The father could marry her 
daughter to any one he liked and could also annul the marriage (sounds familiar 
in present day Pakistan?). The husband could in some cases even kill his wife, 
without the law taking any cognizance of the crime. Even in Jewish and 
Christian religions as they developed later, woman was supposed to be a source 
of pollution and the history of monks is full of painful incidents of how they 
not only looked down upon women but even considered it sinful to look at their 
mothers’ faces. There is of course nothing in the religion of Jesus Christ 
which countenances such an approach but this does show what travail and shame 
woman had to pass through in history.

In the Manu Smriti, likewise, woman is regarded as entirely and helplessly 
dependent on man. She is not to do anything independently. She is not even 
expected to perform acts of worship for her highest duty is to be of service to 
her husband (Pati parmeshwar), which would ensure her salvation. A widow was 
not allowed to remarry and must spend her life in sorrow without adequate 
fulfilment and the normal enjoyment of life. This applied equally to child 
widows. (When director Deepa Mehta wanted to show the horrors of a Hindu 
widow’s life in her film Water, rabid Hindu zealots prevented the shooting of 
the film anywhere in India. She had to go to Sri Lanka for filming). There are 
also other deprecatory references to women as addicted to telling lies, deceit, 
hypocrisy, stupidity, greed and lack of loyalty.Arabs during the age of 
‘ignorance’ often indulged in infanticide of girls. To many of them, women were 
not companions who could participate fully in the life of their
 husbands. They were mere objects of pleasure or slaves to carry out their 
commands. Unlimited polygamy was common and wives could be discarded at will 
without any restraints. When a man died, his wife or wives became the property 
of his brothers or his sons and stepsons. Women had no right to own personal 
property and no safeguards against maltreatment by their men folk. There were 
some exceptional women like Bibi Khadija, a well-to-do widow whom the prophet 
married, who carried on trade transactions. There were only a few poets among 
the womenfolk.

With the advent of Islam, 

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Freedom of speech row as talk on Islamic extremists is banned

2007-03-16 Thread Khalid Amayreh
Germany, which has been seeking to atone for one holocaust by enabling Israel 
to commit anotehr holocaust, has no right to lecture the world on Islamic 
anti-Semitism. Besides, there is no such a thing as Islamic anti-Semitism since 
hundreds of millions of Muslims are Semites. BUt Yes, Muslims are against 
Judeo-Nazism just as the world is against Aryan Nazism. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Arif 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 8:03 PM
  Subject: {Disarmed} Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Freedom of speech row as talk 
on Islamic extremists is banned

  Freedom of speech row as talk on Islamic extremists is banned
  By Sean O'Neill  John Steele
  March 15, 2007

  The University of Leeds was accused of infringing free speech last night when 
it cancelled a lecture on Islamic anti-Semitism by a German academic. 
Matthias Köntzel arrived at the university yesterday morning to begin a 
three-day programme of lectures and seminars, but was told that it had been 
called off on security grounds. Dr Köntzel, a political scientist who has 
lectured around the world on the antiSemitic ideology of Islamist groups, said 
there were concerns that he would be attacked. He said that he was outraged 
that his meetings had been cancelled and had yet to receive an explanation. 

  What he wrote

   AntiSemitism based on the notion of a Jewish world conspiracy is not rooted 
in Islamic tradition but, rather, in European ideological models. The decisive 
transfer of this ideology to the Muslim world took place between 1937 and 1945 
under the impact of Nazi propaganda . . . Although Islamism is an independent, 
antiSemitic, antimodern mass movement, its main early promoters, the Muslim 
Brotherhood in Egypt and the Mufti and the Qassamites in Palestine, were 
supported financially and ideologically by agencies of the German National 
Socialist Government.  - Jewish Political Studies Review, spring 2005

  The university, which acted after complaints from Muslim students, denied 
that it was interfering with the academic freedom of Dr Köntzel, and said that 
proper arrangements for stewarding the meeting had not been made. The lecture, 
entitled Hitler's Legacy: Islamic antiSemitism in the Middle East, was 
organised by the university's German department and publicised three weeks ago. 
A large attendance had been expected. Dr Köntzel, a former adviser to the 
German Green Party, said: I have been told that it has had to be cancelled for 
security reasons. It seems there were concerns that there could be violence 
against my person. 
  I have lectured in lots of countries on this subject. I gave the same talk 
at Yale University recently, and this is the first time I have been invited to 
lecture in the UK. Nothing like this has ever happened before – this is 
censorship. It is a controversial area but I am accustomed to debate. I value 
the integrity of academic debate and I feel that it really is in danger here. 
This is a very important subject and if you cannot address it on university 
property, then what is a university for? Dr Köntzel, a research associate at 
the Vidal Sassoon International Centre for the Study of Antisemitism at the 
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said that he had been shown two e-mails that 
had been received, which objected to his lecture. 

  One, apparently written by a student, said: As a Muslim and an Arab this has 
come to me as a great shock. The only intention that you have for doing this is 
to increase hatred as I clearly regard it as an open racist attack. Ahmed 
Sawalem, president of the university's student Islamic Society, confirmed that 
he had contacted the office of Professor Michael Arthur, the Vice-Chancellor, 
to register an official complaint. The title of the talk is provocative and I 
have searched the internet to read his writings and they are not very 
pleasant, Mr Sawalem said. We are not opposed to freedom of expression. We 
just sent a complaint, we did not ask for the talk to be cancelled. 

  The university authorities contacted the German department on Tuesday and 
asked for a change in the title. The department agreed to relabel the talk as 
The Nazi Legacy: the export of antiSemitism to the Middle East. Yesterday 
morning, the head of the German department, Professor Stuart Taberner, was 
called to a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor's staff and the head of security. 
After the meeting, Dr Köntzel's lecture and workshops were cancelled. Annette 
Seidel Arpaci, an academic in the German department, said: This is an academic 
talk by a scholar, it is not a political rally. The sudden cancellation is a 
sell-out of academic freedom, especially freedom of speech, at the University 
of Leeds. A spokes-woman for the university said that it valued freedom of 
speech and added that the cancellation of the meeting had been a bureaucratic 

  The decision to 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Third Texas Muslims Legislative Day April 4, 2007 Austin, Texas

2007-03-16 Thread Curtis Sharif
Mustafaa Carroll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ASA Memfis,
  Please announce at Jumah today.  ASA.

 3rd Texas Muslims Legislative Day   
 3rd Texas Muslims Legislative Day

- FIRST Muslim Imam to open the TX House of Representatives

- FIRST Friday Jumma Khutba inside the Texas State Capitol 
Don't miss the next milestone event for the Texas Muslim community!  On 
April 4, 2007, the first Muslim Imam will open the Texas Senate with an Islamic 
prayer to be broadcast live over the State Legislature's website! The Chair of 
the Texas Education Committee, Senator Florence Shapiro along with Texas's Lt 
Governor Dewhurst will welcome Imam Yusuf Kavakci and the Texas Muslim 
community on this monumental occasion. 
 Imam Dr. Yusuf Kavakci has been serving the Dallas-Ft. Worth Muslim community  
for nearly 20 years. With the help of the Texas Muslim community and our 
coalition partner CAIR-Texas, the Freedom and Justice Foundation (FJ) would 
like to show our support and gratitude to Imam Kavakci by bringing the largest 
group of Muslims to ever congregate in the Senate Gallery at the State Capitol!
 Let's show Austin that Texas Muslims are a proud bunch!

Wednesday April 4, 2007, Texas State Capitol 
 -Join the Lt. Governor in welcoming Imam Yusuf Kavakci as he opens the State 
Senate with an Islamic prayer (sponsored by the State's Senior Jewish senator, 
Florence Shapiro) at 11:00 AM Sharp!
 -Broadcast LIVE ONLINE on the TX Legislature's website 
 -Attendees will include Texas's largest faith-based organizations,  
collectively representing more than 11.8 million Texans (Texas Impact, BGCT's 
Christian Life Commission, Texas Conference of Churches, Texas Islamic Council) 
 -Learn about the Texas Immigrant Detention Center where the majority of 
inmates are innocent children. 
 -Change the way the immigration process works 
 -Presentation by Commissioner Anwar Khalifa, Texas's highest Muslim Political  
Appointee (appointed by Governor Perry to the Texas Commission on Human Rights) 
 -Lobby your state legislators. They work for YOU!
   Don't Be Late!!!
  LogoIn partnership with CAIR-Texas, bus transportation from Dallas-Ft. Worth 
and the Greater Houston area is provided.  Make sure you reserve your seat 
today to show our state officials how the Muslim voice in state public policy 
 For more information,  please contact the Regional Coordinators:  
 In Dallas-Ft. Worth: Contact Saadia Ahmed- FJ Director
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 214-893-3485 

 Buses will be departing from the following locations:
 Dallas-Ft. Worth Region:
Islamic Association of North Texas:  6:45 a.m. Sharp!

 Islamic Center of Irving: 7:30 a.m. Sharp!
  In the Greater Houston area: Contact Shariq Abdul Ghani - Director of 
CAIR-Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 713-838-2247

  Buses will be departing from the following central Houston location:   

 Greater Houston Region:
ISGH - Main Center:  7:00 a.m. Sharp!

 Reserve your space by sending an email with your name, address, e-mail 
address, and phone number to [EMAIL PROTECTED] We will promptly respond with 
confirmation and further guidance to help set up meetings with your State 
Representative and State Senator while at the State Capitol. 

 The Freedom and 
Justice Foundation (FJ)
2950 W. Commerce St

Dallas, Texas  75212
972-365-8214  The Freedom 
and Justice Foundation (FJ) is an independent, statewide 501c3 educational 
non-profit founded in November 2002 to enhance the organized Texas Muslim 
community's public policy voice and Interfaith Community Relations. FJ 
coordinates a subsidiary statewide membership body of Islamic 
Centers(Mosques/Masajid) called the Texas Islamic Council (TIC) with member 
congregations spanning from Tyler to El Paso and Dallas-Fort Worth down to 
Austin and Houston. Though recently founded, FJ has quickly grown its 
representative strength through its individual and congregational membership to 
75,000 thus making it the largest single representative body for Texas Muslims.



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Controversy over constitutional amendments proposed by President Mubarak, reports Gamal Essam El-Din, has centred on civil liberties being under threat

2007-03-16 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum. Please see the developments regarding constitutional 
amendment in Egypt.Saad El-Katatni, the Brotherhood's spokesman in the 
assembly, said the Brotherhood would boycott this coming Sunday and Monday's 
parliamentary debate on the 34-article initiative. The Brothers cannot accept 
to be an eyewitness to a constitutional crime. 

Shah Abdul Hannan. 

 Before the vote
Controversy over constitutional amendments proposed by President 
Mubarak, reports Gamal Essam El-Din, has centred on civil liberties being under 

Following almost three months of intensive debate, next Monday the 
People's Assembly will put President Hosni Mubarak's 26 December constitutional 
initiative -- that 34 articles be amended -- to a final vote. The new draft, 
finalised by a special nine-member parliamentary sub-committee last week, was 
approved by the parliament's upper house (the consultative Shura Council) last 
Tuesday and approved by the Constitutional Affairs Committee (ALCAC) of the 
People's Assembly on the same day. 

While Muslim Brotherhood MPs as well as leftist-leaning independent 
deputies boycotted the ALCAC meeting, only three of a total of 43 committee 
members rejected the draft. They were Wafd Party leader Mahmoud Abaza and 
independent MPs Kamal Ahmed and Mohamed El-Omda. El-Omda's insistence on taking 
President Mubarak to task for the new draft of Article 179 triggered a storm of 
protest from National Democratic Party (NDP) MPs. The draft gives the president 
of the republic sweeping powers to combat terrorism. 

It was not only El-Omda, however, who cried foul over the 34 proposed 
constitutional amendments. At a press conference on Monday at the Wafd Party 
headquarters in Dokki, a coalition of the liberal Wafd, the Muslim Brotherhood, 
the leftist Tagammu Party, the Nasserist Karama movement, and independent MPs 
joined forces to declare a united front against the drafts. 

A statement released by the coalition singled out amendments to 
articles 88 and 179 as threatening civil liberties. The statement read: The 
new draft of Article 88 eliminates full judicial supervision over elections and 
brings us back to the days before the ruling of the Supreme Constitutional 
Court (SCC) regarding this article. 

In June 2000, the SCC ruled that a correct interpretation of Article 88 
establishes as obligatory that the government place elections under full 
judicial supervision (or a judge for every ballot box) and that to achieve this 
end, elections should not be conducted in one day. 

The coalition's statement also emphasised that the proposed amendment 
of Article 179 grants the president powers striping individuals of the 
guarantees secured by articles 41, 44 and 45, and opens the door to a police 
state in Egypt. 

Articles 41, 44 and 45 state that, the law shall protect the 
inviolability of the private life of citizens and that correspondence, wires, 
telephone calls and other means of communication shall have their own sanctity 
and secrecy and may not be confiscated except by a judicial warrant and for a 
definite period in accordance with the provisions of the law. 

People's Assembly Speaker, Ahmed Fathi Sorour, indicated that the new 
draft of 179 would also authorise the president to refer civilians implicated 
in terrorist acts to military tribunals. Opposition forces, especially the 
Muslim Brotherhood, are up in arms. Saad El-Katatni, the Brotherhood's 
spokesman in the assembly, said the Brotherhood would boycott this coming 
Sunday and Monday's parliamentary debate on the 34-article initiative. The 
Brothers cannot accept to be an eyewitness to a constitutional crime, 
El-Katatni said. 

Hamdeen Sabahi, leader of the Karama movement and MP for the Delta 
Governorate of Kafr Al-Sheikh, said more than 100 opposition and independent 
MPs have decided to boycott the final discussion of the 34-article amendments. 
We will organise a protest picket in front of the parliament, wearing a 'No to 
amendments' banner. The Wafd and Tagammu parties, however, said the decision 
of whether to boycott Sunday and Monday's parliamentary sessions rested with 
party top executive bodies. Rifaat El-Said, leader of the Tagammu Party, said 
Mubarak's initiative has become like a suit tailored to fit the measures of 
one specific person.

Other political forces also lined up against the amendments in their 
present form. Ahmed Kamal Abul-Magd, deputy chairman of the National Council 
for Human Rights, said the way the amendments were drafted resembled the 
attempt of transplanting into the body of a dying man a liver, a kidney and a 
heart. Zakaria Abdel-Aziz, chairman of the Judges Club, an independent 
professional association, said 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Protest Amana's Sale of Illegal Israeli Settlements

2007-03-16 Thread rafeswhiterose
ADC Action Alert:
 Protest Amana's Sale of Illegal Israeli Settlements
 Washington, DC | March 15, 2007| Amana, The Settler Movement, an 
organization which describes itself as part of the settlement arm of Gush 
Emunim, is trying to convince Orthodox Jewish Americans to buy settlements 
(which are illegal under International law) in Israel. In addition to violating 
US anti-discrimination and civil rights laws, these events promote 
discrimination, endorse apartheid, and the illegal sale of Palestinian occupied 
 Under the guise of a real estate fair, they claim that the purchase of an 
illegal settlement is a zero risk venture. They also allege, Your investment 
is insured, protected and 100% legal.   These fairs are not open to the 
general public, only to members of the US Jewish community.
 What they fail to mention is that, one third of these illegal Jewish 
settlements in the West Bank are built on privately owned land, as reported by 
official Israeli statistics.  Without regard to land ownership or international 
law, Amana has already sold eight homes in the illegal settlements.  Ranging in 
price from $93,000 to $165,000 the settlement homes are then rented to settlers 
for $250-400 per month.
 They have already held one such fair in Teaneck, New Jersey, and now other 
fairs are planned the in Boca Raton and Surfside/North Miami Beach,  Florida on 
Sunday, March 18. Ten illegal settlements will be represented, making 
Palestinian land available to Jewish-Americans, but not to Palestinians, 
Palestinian-Americans, or non-Jewish Americans.
 The first event begins at 9:30 AM at Chabad of Boca Raton, on 17950 Military 
Trail in Boca Raton, Florida.
 The next event, also in Boca Raton, will begin at 12:00 PM at Boca Tov Cafe 
(Dairy Cholov Yisroel), at 21065 Powerline Road.
 Later that afternoon, in Surfside/North Miami Beach, at 4:00 PM, the Shul of 
Bal Harbour, will host a settler real estate fair at 9540 Collins Avenue.
 Please contact the following public officials to express your outrage at this 
event.  This event promotes discrimination, endorses apartheid and the illegal 
sale of Palestinian occupied land, in addition to violating anti-discrimination 
and civil rights laws. Included below is are talking points and a sample letter.
 1) The advertisement and sale in Florida communities of Israeli settlements in 
the Occupied Territories may violate Florida, federal and international law, 
including Florida Civil Rights Law, Fair Housing Act, sections 760.23 and 
760.25 and the Federal Fair Housing Act.
 2) Pursuant to the Fourth Geneva Convention, to which Israel is a signatory, 
states are prohibited from transferring civilians from the occupying power's 
territory into the occupied territory, and from creating permanent changes in 
the occupied territory that are not for the benefit of the occupied population. 
There exists broad international consensus that all Israeli settlements in the 
West Bank – including those in East Jerusalem - violate the Fourth Geneva 
Convention and are, therefore, illegal according to international law. Any 
sales of settlements are presumably illegal.
 3) The illegality of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian 
Territories has been affirmed by the UN Security Council in Resolution 465, the 
International Court of Justice, the world's highest legal body, in article 120 
of its July 9, 2004 advisory opinion 
( ), and by several 
major human rights organizations worldwide. Not only did the US government 
repeatedly affirm this position throughout the 1970s and 1980s, but the Israeli 
Supreme Court has acknowledged de facto its validity by ruling that the West 
Bank and Gaza Strip are under belligerent occupation in 1979, 2002 and 2004.
 4) The possibility that the rental and sale of Israeli settlements at these 
events in Boca Raton and Surfside/North Miami Beach, Florida may also 
contradict US government foreign policy as outlined in the United States 
Government's Performance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to 
the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” which, in Phase I, requires Israel to freeze 
all settlement activity (including natural growth of settlements).
 I am writing with great concern about the proposed sales of Israeli 
settlements (settlements are illegal under International law) by Amana in Boca 
Raton and Surfside/North Miami Beach in Florida.
 If these illegal West Bank settlements are being sold in Florida exclusively 
to people of the Jewish faith, and not to members of other religious and ethnic 
groups, including Palestinians, or if the advertisement of such sale expresses, 
directly or indirectly any discrimination against other religious or ethnic 
groups, such sales or advertisements may 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] SHUKR : (Gratitude)

2007-03-16 Thread Umme Safoora




*Allah Ta'ala* says:

*Be grateful unto Me.*

*Rasulullah* Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said:

*If happiness reaches him (the believer), he is grateful.*


Accepting that all benefit is from the True Benefactor (*Mun'im-e- Haqeeqee*),
the effect of which is to be happy with the Benefactor and be ever ready to
render obedience to Him, is the meaning of *Shukr*. The meaning of
*Shukr *envisages:
Acceptance of the fact that all benefit is from *Allah*, the True Benefactor
(*Mun'im -e-Haqeeqee*). This acceptance induces:

  1. Happiness with the Benefactor.
  2. Eagerness to execute the commands of the Benefactor and to abstain
  from his prohibitions. One should consider all benefit, goodness and
  pleasant conditions as the bounties of *Allah* and regard these to be
  in greater measure than what one really deserves. Praise is to be
  offered to *Allah* and His bounties should not be employed in evil and
  sin. His favours should be used in obtaining His Pleasure. This is the
  true meaning of *Shukr*.

This conception of *Shukr* will be comprehended only when one has realized
the purpose underlying creation and the functions of the various aspects of
creation. For instance, the eye is a *Ni'mat* of *Allah Ta'ala*. Its
*shukr*is to employ it correctly--to employ it in only lawful avenues,
e.g. making *Tilaawat of the Qur'aan Majeed*, *acquiring knowledge*, *studying
the wonderful creation of Allah so as to gain lesson and realize the
greatness and Splendour of Allah Ta'ala*, etc. The *shukr* of the eye
further demands that it be restrained from glancing at and viewing objects
which *Allah Ta'ala* has prohibited. Similarly, the ear is a *Ni'mat*. Its
shukr is to employ it correctly, e.g. in listening to the *Zikr* of *Allah*,
to such talks which remind one of the *Aakhirat*, and to prevent it from
listening to evil, nonsensical and futile talk. The tongue is a *Ni'mat*.
Its shukr is to employ it in *Zikr*, in expressing hamd, thanaa and shukr of
*Allah*, and to restrain it from complaining in adversity and from all evil
generally. It is highly inappropriate and sinful for such a worthless slave
as man to complain about any condition which *Allah Ta'ala*, the True King,
has imposed on him. A word of shukr emanating from the tongue is recorded as
an act of obedience.

Mere expression of shukr with the tongue unaccompanied by the true state of
*shukr* of the heart is only lip-service. It is essential that along with
verbal expression of *shukr*, the heart should value and honour the
*Ni'mat*of The Benefactor. Mere verbal
*shukr* will be like the outer-casing, like the outer-covering which is its
external form. The rooh (soul and essence) of *shukr* is that the honour and
appreciation of the *Mun'im* (Benefactor) and the *Ni'mat* (the bounty) are
ingrained in the heart.

The *initial* stage of *shukr* is at the intellectual level. In other words,
it is the correct understanding of the true meaning of shukr and the
realization of the honour of the Benefactor. The *final* stage of *shukr* is
the manifestation of its effect on one's body, movements and all states. In
short, all the beliefs, acts of worship, mundane acts, moral and social life
of the shaakir (the one who is truly grateful to *Allah*) will be in
conformity with the *Shari'at*.


*Shukr* is acquired by contemplating the bounties of *Allah Ta'ala*. Every
Ni'mat is to be related to Him. By degrees such meditation will imbue the *
Love* of *Allah* in the heart, the result of which will be the attainment of
the perfect stage of *Shukr*.


O Allaah, place light in my heart, light in my tongue, light in my hearing,
light in my sight, light behind me, light in front of me, light on my right,
light on my left, light above me and light below me; place light in my
sinew, in my flesh, in my blood, in my hair and in my skin; place light in
my soul and make light abundant for me; make me light and grant me light.
Alahumma infa`ni bima `allamtani wa `allamni ma yanfa`uni!

OH ALLAH! Make useful for me what You taught me
and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me!

Please take a moment to forgive me for all mistakes
and make du`a' for me if you have received anything of benefit.

Jazak Allahu khairan !!!

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] KSM Confessed To Attacking Bank Founded After His Arrest!

2007-03-16 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
  KSM Confessed To Attacking Bank Founded After His Arrest 
Fallacy of testimony exposed as story blows up in Pentagon's face 
Prison Planet | March 16, 2007 
Paul Joseph Watson 

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's alleged confession testimony has been thoroughly 
discredited after it emerged that one of the targets he identified, the Plaza 
Bank, was not founded until 2006, four years after the alleged Al-Qaeda 
mastermind's arrest. 

In his confession, KSM claims, I was responsible for planning, training, 
surveying, and financing for the New (or Second) Wave of attacks against the 
following skyscrapers after 9/11: ...Plaza Bank, Washington state. 

KSM was arrested in March 2003. According to the Plaza Bank's website , the 
organization was founded in early 2006, making it impossible for KSM to have 
even known of the bank's existence before 2003, never mind plotted against it. 

Skepticism about the legitimacy of KSM's confession has gushed forth from all 
quarters, leaving the credibility of the Pentagon and the process of military 
tribunals in ruins and provoking additional questions about why the alleged 
Al-Qaeda mastermind admitted to involvement in such a vast range of plots. 

After media commentators across the spectrum, from Time Magazine to Matt Lauer 
and even Rosie O'Donnell were openly cynical of the accuracy of KSM's 
testimony, officials speaking on condition of anonymity admitted that the 
claims were exaggerated, but still insist KSM's responsibility for 9/11, from 
A to Z is genuine. 

Former CIA field officer Robert Baer also expressed his doubts , questioning 
What the Pentagon's objective really is in releasing the transcript of Khalid 
Sheikh Mohammed's confession. 

On the face of it, KSM, as he is known inside the government, comes across as 
boasting, at times mentally unstable. It's also clear he is making things up. 
I'm told by people involved in the investigation that KSM was present during 
Wall Street Journal correspondent Danny Pearl's execution but was in fact not 
the person who killed him. There exists videotape footage of the execution that 
minimizes KSM's role. And if KSM did indeed exaggerate his role in the Pearl 
murder, it raises the question of just what else he has exaggerated, or 
outright fabricated, writes Baer. 

The facet of the Pearl murder and why the establishment would want to shut the 
lid on the whole affair by pinning the blame on KSM is interesting in the 
context that in September 2006, Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf 
fingered Omar Sheikh as Pearl's assassin, adding that he was an MI6 agent 
working for British Intelligence . In the transcript of his alleged confession, 
KSM cryptically discusses CIA and Mossad involvement in the Pearl execution but 
the text is heavily redacted. 

KSM's claim that he ran the 1993 World Trade Center bombing is also highly 
suspect because it also conveniently sweeps under the carpet the fact that it 
was the FBI who provided the terror cell with the bomb materials through their 
informant and ordered the bombing to go ahead. 

In addition, KSM was a known CIA asset in the eighties and was used as a go 
between during the CIA-funded Afghan jihad against the occupying Soviets. 

It is well established that before his mysterious arrest as the alleged 
mastermind behind the September 11 plot, Mohammed was granted a visa to enter 
the US just six weeks before the terrorist attacks in Washington and New York. 

Other questions that have arisen concerning the testimony revolve around KSM's 
Americanized use of the English language, including the term A to Z, which 
many see as a form of slang that benefits tabloid headlines more than it does 
the vernacular of radical Muslim extremists. 

A CNN online poll shows that a massive 74% disbelieve all of the claims made by 
KSM and BBC respondents were equally cynical. 

Think Progress makes the point that KSM's comments on torture and any potential 
reference to the fact that he was tortured himself are redacted in the 

The upshot of all this is that the much vaunted KSM confession, which seems to 
have been intentionally inflated so the book could be closed on a number of 
nebulous plots cited by the Bush administration as justification for its 
policies, has blown up in the establishment's face and only succeeded in 
detracting credibility from the government's official 9/11 story and the 
mythical war on terror. 
  ratcat writes: The confessions and the tapes are propaganda - no credible 
sources. Torture is not an acceptable or credible method of obtaining facts. 
This used to recognized (pre-Bush) by the courts. 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Google to erase information on billions of internet searches!

2007-03-16 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

*Google to erase information on billions of internet searches!
*Thursday March 15, 2007

Google has unveiled plans to stop holding search records that can be linked
to individuals for more than two years, in an effort to shed its Big Brother
reputation. The internet giant had previously kept billions of search
records for an unspecified period, widely thought to be indefinitely,
building up a huge database of private information for unclear internal

Peter Fleischer, Google's European privacy counsel, said that the search
giant would now anonymise data more than 18 to 24 months old, with the
exact date depending on international legal requirements. When anyone
searches on Google, the company retains the searcher's internet address, the
search term and the time of the search. Internet addresses can easily be
linked to a household, meaning that any breach of security could be

Last year, AOL published details of 23 million searches made by 650,000
people over a three-month period. The data included searches made by a
Florida man, who on April 16 typed in My cheating wife followed by I want
to make my wife suffer followed by Kill my wifes [sic] mistress.

Google's decision was taken, said Mr Fleischer, in response to feedback we
had from the privacy stakeholder community — code for criticism of the
company's lack of a clear data protection policy by European regulators and
campaigners. The information retained will still be available to police if
required. Google believes that holding the data for up to two years will be
enough for any law enforcement requests. We are not aware of any
obligations to hand over data older than that covered by this policy, Mr
Fleischer said.

Google did an estimated 3.3 billion searches in the US alone in January,
according to comScore, the internet data provider. On a global basis the
search figure could easily top 10 billion in that period, demon-strating the
vastness of the company's information repository.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ottoman Ethics Charity Stones...

2007-03-16 Thread Mohamed Ismail
The below is from Brother Ali.


Selam Aleykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu,

I found these passages through my readings and
thought, Insh'Allah Rahman, it may be of some benefit.
It was written by an independent scholar 
living in Turkey, named Henry Bayman, compiled from
two of his books, The Secret of Islam: Love and Law
in the Religion of Ethics, and The Black Pearl, and
gives some insight into an aspect of life in the 
Ottoman Empire:


 {  In the past, Islamic societies exhibited concern
for social and ecological issues because this was
built in to the very fabric of their religion. The
Ottomans, for example, had practices of a resoundingly
ecological nature, long before ecology was ever heard
of in the West. The quintessence of ecology was, of
course, expressed in the Koran: 
BismillahirRahmanirRahim -”Eat, drink, but do not
waste.” (7: 31) As we all know, the earth’s resources
will provide for every one, as long as they 
are not squandered mindlessly.

The “green” choice, is primarily and ethical choice;
the science of ecology may tell us that the
destruction of the environment will lead to the
destruction of humanity, but it does not tell us why
such self-destruction is wrong or bad.
In accordance with the Islamic precept, to show
compassion and tolerance toward not only human beings
but all God’s creatures, the Ottomans saw to it that
hungry wolves in the wild were fed carrion.

This not only protected villages from being raided,
but prevented the predator from entering the
“endangered species” list, because according to their
conception, ”every living being is precious”. The
means for this was a unique institution they called,
“the foundation”. Thus, the Ottomans had 
foundations for the preservation of birds, cats,
mongrels, wildlife, et al. - a delicate ecological
sensibility informed all their actions. 

Looking at all the funds and foundations devoted to
preservation in the West today, one cannot help but
remember their predecessors in a less 
ecology-conscious age.

People in Turkey are not ordinarily told about such
things, and I learned of them only by coincidence
later in life. If a people themselves 
don’t know their own heritage, others may well be
excused for their lack of knowledge in this regard.
One of the areas Ottoman culture excelled was security
against poverty. What I am about to tell you may sound
like a fairy tale today, yet it 
is the truth, and provides a graphic example of
Benedict’s “syphon system”. The Ottomans had stone
pillars, approximately the size of a human, 
which I am informed are still to be found in certain
parts of Istanbul. 

(They are said to exist all the way from Central Asia
to the Balkans.)
The purpose these stones served was not as mysterious
as that of the monoliths at Stonehenge, but it may
turn out to be more exciting by far in social terms.
They were called “Charity Stones” (sadaka tashi) . A 
rich person who wanted to make a donation would reach
up to a niche at the top of the stone, where he would
deposit his gift.

Later on, a needy person would come along,reach up,
take what was enough for his needs, and leave the rest
of the money where it was so that another one in need
may find solace. The purpose of this device was to
preserve the anonymity of the poor, thereby saving
them from shame and loss of face. No one was reduced
to begging.
As a saying of the Holy Prophet (ASWS) goes, one of
those who Allah’s shade will cover, on the day where
there is no shade but His shade, will be one who gives
sadaqa and conceals it so that his left hand does not
know what his right hand gives. So, this method also
saves the rich from ostentation, pride, and inflated

Does that sound too good to be true? Were there not,
you may ask, any thieves? Well, it was either that, or
the theives themselves - unlikely as this may seem,
would also be making donations. If they had thieves
these were the kind they had - the Robin Hood kind.
Likewise, during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan,
Suleiman the Magnificent, it is related that soldiers
on the march, when they entered a vineyard and ate
grapes, used to hang a bag of money at the location of
the grapes they had just plucked.
If all this sounds unbelievable, it is still a great
consolation to learn that the descendants of such
ancestors still preserve the meaning of the charity
stones as a sort of atavism. What they accomplished as
a matter of course, we cannot even dream of today. The
equivalent in this day and age would be an open bank
account; but can you imagine the deposits not being
stolen before the poor and needy got to them? 

The essence of Ottoman ethics was this: Treat every
human as if s/he were a jewel. This means that a
person should be handled delicately, as a 
being of infinite worth. You will not find this stated
in history books, which seldom do justice to this
aspect of Ottoman life, but such was 
in fact the ideal - and more often then not -