Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Violations Of Human Rights Should Stop-editorial of Asia Post , Dhaka, 25.5.07

2007-05-28 Thread S A Hannan

Violations Of Human Rights Should Stop

AFP has reported from London that Amnesty International has  made serious 
criticism of the United States accusing it of trampling on human rights, and 
using the world as "a giant battlefield" in its "war on terror." The war in 
Iraq and the politics of fear being spread by the administration of US 
President George W. Bush around the globe were fuelling deep international 
divisions, the human rights group charged. Washington was also guilty of 
"breathtakingly shameless" double speak, claiming to be promoting human rights 
while at the same time brazenly flouting international law, the London-based 
group charged in its 2007 annual report.

Last year, evidence revealed how "the US administration treated the world as 
one giant battlefield for its 'war on terror', kidnapping, arresting, 
arbitrarily detaining, torturing and transferring suspects from one secret 
prison to another across the world with impunity," she added. Hundreds of 
people have now been transferred by the US and its allies through these secret 
renditions to countries such as Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Yet Washington remains 
deaf to pleas to shut down its remote military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 
where many of these detainees have ended up, held without charge or trial, 
virtually incommunicado.

If Iraq was to escape from the cycle of violence and bloodshed and avoid its 
"apocalyptic prognosis", the Iraqi government and the US-led coalition had to 
set clear human rights benchmarks such as disarming the militia and reforming 
the police. The international community, led by the US, had also squandered the 
opportunity to build an effective state based on human rights and the rule of 
law in Afghanistan, the group said. The US "is unrepentant about the global web 
of abuse it has spun in the name of counter-terrorism," Amnesty Secretary 
General Irene Khan wrote.

We think Amnesty report is a painful narration of human rights abuses taking 
place around the world. We believe the maintenance of law and order and rule of 
law can go together. It is indeed tough but there is no escape from this. 
Unfortunately it has gone into heads of most people that in handling crime and 
terrorism law can not be fully followed. This theory has no basis. It is a sad 
commentary that humanity is unable to devise ways to tackle terrorism and crime 
and also maintain human rights. This thinking has come from human arrogance, 
disbelief in moral principles. As a result the people in the field, the 
soldiers and police and their officers are committing all kinds of abuse. A new 
thinking is necessary in this regard to uphold principles while fighting crime 
and terrorism. This should be the aim even if it means more difficulties and 
more time. We know that violation of human rights and rule of law also y can 
not solve the problem of terrorism unless root causes such as foreign policy 
mis-adventures and poverty are not eliminated. The global capitalism and 
imperialism has given no attention to that.( editorial of Asia Post, 
Dhaka,25.5.07 )

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamic History - 6th Century (500-599) C.E.

2007-05-28 Thread Muhammad Yaseen

*Asalaamu Alaikum Warehmatulahe Wabarakatuhu*

*Islamic* *History* *(Chronology)*

*6th Century (500-599) C.E.*
  *545*: Birth of Abdullah, the Holy Prophet's father.

*571*: Birth of the Holy Prophet. Year of the Elephant. Invasion of Makkah
by Abraha the Viceroy of Yemen, his retreat.

*577*: The Holy Prophet visits Madina with his mother. Death of his mother.

*580*: Death of Abdul Muttalib, the grandfather of the Holy Prophet.

*583*: The Holy Prophet's journey to Syria in the company of his uncle Abu
Talib. His meeting with the monk Bahira at Bisra who foretells of his

*586*: The Holy Prophet participates in the war of Fijar.

*591*: The Holy Prophet becomes an active member of "Hilful Fudul", a league
for the relief of the distressed.

*594*: The Holy Prophet becomes the Manager of the business of Lady Khadija,
and leads her trade caravan to Syria and back.

*595*: The Holy Prophet marries Hadrat Khadija. Seventh century

*Find the Attached File Document
Insha Allah Next: 07th Century (600-699) C.E.

Insha Allah Remember me & my Family members in your DUA*
*Allah Hafiz.*

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Resolutions: New Trend Magazine. Biggest Islamic web site in the USA. Phone: 4

2007-05-28 Thread badi323

New Trend Magazine. Biggest Islamic web site in the USA.
Phone: 443-869-5233. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subscription for printed
edition: $10 for 3 months. Mail check to: New Trend, P.O. Box 356, Kingsville, 
21087. Disclaimer: Views expressed are not necessarily shared by the editors.
New Trend does not endorse violence of any kind. Information on news or views
related to violence is for analysis and understanding, not for endorsement.
New Trend is against racism, classism, gender superiority, Zionism and
Imperialism. The Qur'an and the authentic Hadith are our foundation. All views 
welcome but only a selection can be published owing to high volume of mail. A
nyone criticized in New Trend has the right of reply up to 300 words.
Jamada al-Awwal 3, 1428/ May 20, 2007 #39

Honoring Two Very Special People.
Dr. Abdulalim Shabazz: Award for Educational Theory and Unique Distinction in
 May 19, 2007. The National Shoora of Jamaat al-Muslimeen gave a plaque
to Dr. Abdulalim Shabazz, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Lincoln
University, in recognition of his contributions to educational theory related to
the pedagogy of the oppressed and his unique distinction in the field of
Sis. Karen English: Award for Outstanding Commitment and Contributions to the
Islamic Cause
May 19, 2007: The National Shoora of Jamaat al-Muslimeen awarded Sis. Karen
English, from Los Angeles, California for her outstanding achievements related
to Islam and the cause of Jamaat al-Muslimeen. Sis. Karen is the director of
the Campaign to Boycott businesses which support Israel. Recently she visited
the ancient city of Timbuktu in West Africa, one of the oldest Islamic cities
in Africa. She is the author of numerous books for children.

Resolutions passed by National Shoora
Masjid al-Aqsa's Liberation From the Terrorist Entity. ["Israel"] Unites the
Muslims of America: Attack on Masjid in India Condemned: Impeach Bush:Put them
all on Trial
The National Shoora of Jamaat al-Muslimeen, which met in Greensboro, North
Carolina, unanimously passed the following Resolutions:
1. Masjid al-Aqsa in Occupied Al-Quds [Jerusalem] is facing serious attempts
by the Zionist terrorist entity known as "Israel." to undermine and demolish
it. The Muslims of America are deeply disturbed by this Zionist activity and
urge all Muslims to unite and put an end to the Zionist plan to demolish the
third holiest mosque of Islam.
2. We condemn the attack on a historic mosque in Hyderabad, India, by Hindu
extremists. The government of India must safeguard the rights of the very large
Muslim population of India which has been under steady attack by Hindu
extremists who were responsible for the demolition of Babri masjid.
3. IRAQ: U.S. troops must be withdrawn forthwith. Delays in the process of
withdrawal will not lead to any positive outcome and will only increase the
suffering of the Iraqi people as well as the losses of U.S. troops. We hail the
anti-war movement and the efforts of people like Cindy Sheehan which have made
it clear that the American people want withdrawal of forces from Iraq.
3a. British Prime Minister Blair's rule is ending in disgrace. We hail the
British people for being anti-war and urge Britain to stop persecuting the
Muslims of Britain.
4. IRAN: The continuing formulations of plots by the U.S. to carry out a
strike on Iran are a threat to world peace, do not have the support of the
American people and should be abandoned.
5. LEBANON: We hail the resistance which defeated the Israeli attempts to
invade Lebanon. The Zionist entity ["Israel"] must  indemnify Lebanon for the
damage it inflicted.
6. SUDAN and SOMALIA: All foreign interference must stop.
7. PALESTINE: We urge the factions to stop their fratricidal conflict. Their
energies should be directed against Israeli occupation. Palestinian authority
cannot function as long as occupation continues.
8.  We hail the efforts of Americans who even in the darkest days of the Bush
Administration did not waver from the path of justice and truth. Such people,
though unusual, are the saving grace of America. Among them are:

Ron Paul [Republican from Texas]

Ramsey Clark

Congressman Melvin Watt [North Carolina]

Cynthia McKinney [Georgia]

Cindy Sheehan

Scott Ritter

 Charles Barron [New York City Council]

Michael Moore

Jimmy Carter [on Palestine]

Al Gore [on the environment] 
9. Impeach Bush. The entire Bush administration should be put on trial for
crimes against humanity. We hail the efforts of Ramsey Clark who initiated the
"Impeach Bush" movement.
10. We support immigration from Mexico, Central America and Haiti. America
does not belong to any one race. It belongs to Allah and should be open to 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Tripoli , Riyadh and Langley,Virginia

2007-05-28 Thread raja chemayel
  How can Islam be served
  by killing 33 Lebanese soldiers ??

How can the Palestinian cause be served
by inviting a civil war to the inside of a refugee's camp ??

I really do not know , 
unless when "Fateh el Islam" are neither Fateh nor Muslim !!

Knowing what I think to know,
Fateh el Islam are financed by the Saudis and the USA

Seeing what I saw ,
Fateh el Islam are sabotaging Lebanese unity
and sabotaging the Libano-Palestinian social- solidarity

Suspecting what I always suspect ,
Syria is being demonised and held again responsible.
  And Hamas and Hezbollah might be intentionally confused 
  with that same Fateh el Islam .

Conclusion :
let us rather blame whoever has sent us those "Fateh el Islam"
and let us demand from our Muslim-brothers
to forbid to Fateh el Islam , to bear the name of Islam.
and let us request that the PLO , not to host them in their camps..
  and to condemn the Lebanese government for allowing them on
  Lebanese soil...
Please , 
  send them back to Langley, Virginia  or to Riyadh
  and let them take along Fouad Siniora as hand-luggage,
  he is after all so small !!

  Sherlock Hommos  
26th of May 2007

  PS :
  Fateh el Islam is  the rotten-apple
  in a case full of clean and healthy Liberation-Islam !!

 Now you can scan emails quickly with a reading pane. Get the new Yahoo! Mail.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Exams stress

2007-05-28 Thread Showkat Ali
Exams stress
By Showkat Ali
  It’s that time of year
When I’m full of fear
Scared and unable to sleep
I keep these thoughts near
Afraid to share
Or show my fears 
  Revising hard
Like it’s a bigger fard
Than following Islam
Which keeps me calm
  My final exams are nigh
End of an era
But my mind is full of terror
Grade eleven
Final year
Have to do well
A few A*'s and maybe
A couple of A's
That is If I’m lucky
If not how do I tell my family
That I failed miserably?
  My mum crying
My dad staring
Into space
With an empty face
Sombre dark frame of mind
Takes hold like somebody died
  I let down the family
What will people say?
Relatives boasting
Their kids done outstanding
Whilst my parents hide their shame
In isolation
Holding me for the blame
My life aint worth living
And I think about myself deeply
I think about suicide
Ending this pain and worry
With escape to break free
  Expectations so high
My older siblings are flying 
In their careers
Doctors and engineers
  I’m expected
To go higher
Maintain the tradition
To succeed in education
Job applications
Working hard
Lots of money
Fame and success
Is everything
  Getting married
Having kids
And that’s the end!
  That’s the plan my parents got
But I find my mind
Thinking and asking
Is their more to life than this?
Following the society 
or following my Creator?
  Where does happiness and success lie?
This life or the next?
You decide.
  Exams can be retaken
But if I waste my life
Will I get the chance to come back and re-take? 
  The author can be contacted on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
His blog
  Please feel free to publish, forward and circulate as widely as possible.

 Yahoo! Mail is the world's favourite email. Don't settle for less, sign up for 
your freeaccount today.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Violations Of Human Rights Should Stop-editorial of Asia Post , Dhaka, 25.5.07

2007-05-28 Thread S A Hannan

Violations Of Human Rights Should Stop

AFP has reported from London that Amnesty International has  made serious 
criticism of the United States accusing it of trampling on human rights, and 
using the world as "a giant battlefield" in its "war on terror." The war in 
Iraq and the politics of fear being spread by the administration of US 
President George W. Bush around the globe were fuelling deep international 
divisions, the human rights group charged. Washington was also guilty of 
"breathtakingly shameless" double speak, claiming to be promoting human rights 
while at the same time brazenly flouting international law, the London-based 
group charged in its 2007 annual report.

Last year, evidence revealed how "the US administration treated the world as 
one giant battlefield for its 'war on terror', kidnapping, arresting, 
arbitrarily detaining, torturing and transferring suspects from one secret 
prison to another across the world with impunity," she added. Hundreds of 
people have now been transferred by the US and its allies through these secret 
renditions to countries such as Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Yet Washington remains 
deaf to pleas to shut down its remote military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 
where many of these detainees have ended up, held without charge or trial, 
virtually incommunicado.

If Iraq was to escape from the cycle of violence and bloodshed and avoid its 
"apocalyptic prognosis", the Iraqi government and the US-led coalition had to 
set clear human rights benchmarks such as disarming the militia and reforming 
the police. The international community, led by the US, had also squandered the 
opportunity to build an effective state based on human rights and the rule of 
law in Afghanistan, the group said. The US "is unrepentant about the global web 
of abuse it has spun in the name of counter-terrorism," Amnesty Secretary 
General Irene Khan wrote.

We think Amnesty report is a painful narration of human rights abuses taking 
place around the world. We believe the maintenance of law and order and rule of 
law can go together. It is indeed tough but there is no escape from this. 
Unfortunately it has gone into heads of most people that in handling crime and 
terrorism law can not be fully followed. This theory has no basis. It is a sad 
commentary that humanity is unable to devise ways to tackle terrorism and crime 
and also maintain human rights. This thinking has come from human arrogance, 
disbelief in moral principles. As a result the people in the field, the 
soldiers and police and their officers are committing all kinds of abuse. A new 
thinking is necessary in this regard to uphold principles while fighting crime 
and terrorism. This should be the aim even if it means more difficulties and 
more time. We know that violation of human rights and rule of law also y can 
not solve the problem of terrorism unless root causes such as foreign policy 
mis-adventures and poverty are not eliminated. The global capitalism and 
imperialism has given no attention to that.( editorial of Asia Post, 
Dhaka,25.5.07 )

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Soldiers Speak out is available for all to view!!

2007-05-28 Thread Dennis Kyne
Soldiers Speak Out, featuring Dennis Kyne, Jimmey Massey, Pat Resta and many 
other veterans of Iraq.
to purchase your copy today.

  is now ready for you to see and share with your friends.  Get as many as you 
want for one shipping fee.  
  Soldiers Speak Out is a powerful, first-hand testament to the reality of the 
military experience, told entirely in the words of American veterans who have 
been to war and are now opposing it. This half-hour documentary serves as a 
counter-recruitment and organizing tool for activists, schools, and 
organizations. It provides a sober view of the war in Iraq and an important 
counterpoint to the "stay-the-course" rhetoric of the Bush administration.
  The DVD is packed with loads of bonus footage, in addition to the 
documentary: 92 minutes of extended interviews with the veterans, 31 minutes of 
award-winning shorts: Beyond Babylon, Camp Casey, Leave My Child Alone, Looking 
Down, plus 27 minutes of trailers from, music section, and resource section 
with direct weblinks to important groups and information to purchase your copy today

Dennis Kyne
Support the Truth
Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Qur'an: Whom Allah does not Love

2007-05-28 Thread K H U R R A M
  In The Name Of ALLAH, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

  Assalam-u-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
[2. Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayah 195] 

"And spend in the way of Allah and cast not yourselves to perdition with your 
own hands, and do good (to others); surely Allah loves the doers of good."

  Downloadable Audio Quran and Video Quran
Refer this Group/Site to your friend/relative Refer
Qur'an Sayings: Whom Allah does not Love

[2.Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayah 190]   
  "Surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits."


[3.Surah Aal-Imran : Ayah 32]
  "Surely Allah does not love the unbelievers. "

[3.Surah Aal-Imran : Ayah 57]
  "Allah does not love the unjust."

[4.Surah An-Nisaa : Ayah 36]
  "Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful."

[4.Surah An-Nisaa : Ayah 107]
  "Allah does not love him who is treacherous, sinful."

[5.Surah Al-Maidah : Ayah 64]
  "Allah does not love the mischief-makers. "

[5.Surah Al-Maidah : Ayah 87]
  "Allah does not love those who exceed the limits."

[6.Surah Al-An'am : Ayah 141]
  "He (Allah) does not love the extravagant. "

[8.Surah Al-Anfal : Ayah 58]
  "Surely Allah does not love the treacherous. " 


[16.Surah An-Nahl : Ayah 23]
  "Allah does not love the proud."


[22.Surah Al-Hajj : Ayah 38]
  "Surely Allah does not love any one who is unfaithful, ungrateful."

[28.Surah Al-Qasas : Ayah 76]
"Allah does not love the exultant."


[28.Surah Al-Qasas : Ayah 77]

   Allah does not love the mischief-makers.


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Tragedy in North of the Lebanon....because of its South

2007-05-28 Thread raja chemayel
Palestinians do get killed almost everywhere,
it is their fate since the Zionists decided for Palestine
instead of Madagascar

But this is no news !!

What we witness today is a "primeur" taking place 
in the North of Lebanon :
on one side we have ,
indirectly financed by the CIA (via some Fat Saudi Prince)
to help support the pro-Wahhabi-Puppets-Lebanese-regime
who would like to see a counter-balance to Hezbollah
and who would like to blame Syria for anything it can lay it hands on.
On the other side:
The official Lebanese army multi-religious and even multi-sectarian, organised 
and legal on all sense of that word.but financed and equipped by the 
Pentagon for different and multiple reasons, like to stand against Syria 
( but not against Israel) ..of course.

Practically the confrontation is today between the Lebanese Army and the Sunni 
(non-palestinian) fanatics for obviously non ideological reasons..
We can translate this into a confrontation between
the CIA against the Pentagon
whereas Arab blood is shed on both sides
while the world's attention is deviated from Gaza
where only Arab blood is shed but only from one side,
the Palestinian side.

We conclude here that all that exaggerated attention 
and that extended Media-coverage is aiming at some points :

1- not only Israelis slaughters Palestinians..
Lebanese do it too !!
2- Hamas the legitimate Palestinian authority is to be 
falsely compared with "Fatah Al Islam", 
that  fanatic-chaotic-enigmatic-anonymous-bunch.
3- Fatah-al-Islam was literally planted into a Palestinian camp
to use the Palestinian flesh as sand bags for any 
new CIA-scheme being tried-out in the Middle East Arena.

So may I line-up my ideas and my accusations , please :
A- Fatah al Islam is a Saudi-CIA  one-night-stand-show.
B- the Lebanese Army is a new-born-baby
on a life-support-machine  offered from the Pentagon
C- Siniora Government is a Saudi-US-Congress puppet
D- Hamas is a genuine liberation-government
E- Syria is the bad-wolf, for any occasion.false or true.
D- Palestinian-population is for the target-practicing
whereas anyone may take turn.
E- Israel gets all that.for free

Next time you switch on your TV  on the news
around Nahr el Bared in North Lebanon,
please bear in mind that all ideologies have died.
And the world is now divided only between 
the people killing for the sake of Israel .
and the others , who are dying for the same sake.

Raja  Chemayel
23rd. of May 2007

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against spam.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muhammad Saleem - Pro blogging with humility and wisdom

2007-05-28 Thread Su and Mikael
Professional Social Bookmarker. How is that for a job title?
Prettynifty, eh? How about Professional Blogger? These are just a couple
oftitles that Muhammad Saleem  can claim. Already he has earned the
following title: Social Media Celebrity and has been placed in the elite

However, Muhammad is not an elitist nor does he expect to be treatedas a
celebrity. He is a journalist with a story to tell and it was sucha
pleasure communicating with him. Muhammad offered some gentle
advicebefore the interview began and maintained
a"we've-known-each-other-for-20-years" disposition with me.
So, how does Islam factor in all this social media coverage? With a dash
of humility and sprinkle of wisdom.

Read the complete interview and remainder of the article here:\