Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Message of Ramadhan -

2007-09-20 Thread Fasih Ur Rehman Khan
Message of Ramadhan -

By  Khalid Baig
 We observe Ramadan every year. Do  we also listen to it?

is the most important month of our calendar. It is a tremendous gift
from Allah in so many ways. In our current state of being down and out,
it can uplift us, empower us, and turn around our situation
individually and collectively. It is the spring season for the garden
of Islam when dry grass can come back to life and flowers bloom. But
these benefits are not promised for lifeless and thoughtless rituals
alone. They will be ours if our actions are informed by the message of

Today the message of Ramadan tends to get drowned out
by much louder voices of the pop culture that have an opposite message.
We have become so accustomed to them that many of us remain enslaved to
them even during Ramadan.

The most important message of Ramadan
is that we are not just body. We are body and soul. And that what makes
us human beings and that determines our value as human beings is the
soul and not the body. During Ramadan we deprive the body to uplift the
soul. This is all simple and familiar. But we can understand its
significance if we remember that the message of the materialistic
hedonistic global pop culture that has engulfed every Muslim land today
--- just like the rest of the world--- is exactly the opposite. It says
that body is everything. That the materialistic world is all that
counts. That the greatest happiness -- if not virtue-- is in filling
the appetites of the body. This message produces endless appetites and
consequently endless wars to fill those endless appetites through
endless exploitation. It produces endless frustrations since the gap
between desires and achievements can never be filled. It produces
endless chaos and endless oppression. Yet this trash comes in such
beautiful and enticing packages that we can hardly resist it. We equate
this slavery with freedom. We consider this march to disaster as
progress. And with every movement, we get further and deeper into the

Ramadan is here to liberate us from all this. Here is a
powerful message that it is soul over body. Take a break from the pop
culture. Turn off the music and TV. Say goodbye to the endless and
futile pursuit of happiness in sensory pleasures. Rediscover your inner
self that has been buried deep under it. Reorient yourself. Devote your
time to the reading of the Qur'an, to voluntary worship, to prayers and
conversations with Allah. Reflect on the direction of your life and
your priorities. Reflect on and strengthen your relationship with your

On the last day of one Sha'ban, Prophet Muhammad, gave
a Khutbah about the upcoming month of Ramadan. It is a very important
Khutbah that we should carefully read before every Ramadan to prepare
ourselves mentally for the sacred month. It begins: "Oh people! A great
month is coming to you. A blessed month. A month in which there is one
night that is better than a thousand months. A month in which Allah has
made it compulsory upon you to fast by day, and voluntary to pray by
night. Whoever draws nearer to Allah by performing any of the voluntary
good deeds in this month shall receive the same reward as is there for
performing an obligatory deed at any other time. And whoever discharges
an obligatory deed in this month shall receive the reward of performing
seventy obligations at any other time. It is the month of Sabr
(patience), and the reward for sabr is Heaven. It is the month of
kindness and charity. It is a month in which a believer's sustenance is
increased. Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his fast,
shall have his sins forgiven, and he will be saved from the Fire of
Hell, and he shall have the same reward as the fasting person, without
the latter's reward being diminished at all."

The hadith
continues and contains many other very important messages. However let
us take the time to highlight two of the statements contained above.
First, that Ramadan is the month of sabr. The English translation is
patience but that word has a very narrow meaning compared to sabr. Sabr
means not only patience and perseverance in the face of difficulties,
it also means being steadfast in avoiding sin in the face of
temptations and being persistent in performing virtues when that is not
easy. Overcoming hunger and thirst during fasting is part of it. But
protecting our eyes, ears, minds, tongues, and hands, etc. from all
sins is also part of it. So is being persistent in doing good deeds as
much as possible despite external or internal obstacles. Ramadan
requires sabr in its fullest sense and provides a training ground for
that very important quality to be developed and nurtured. Here is a
recipe for the complete overhaul of our life, not just a small
adjustment in meal times.

The highest point of Ramadan is
itikaf, an act of worship in which a person secludes himself in a

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The War on Iran, A Scenario of Madness

2007-09-20 Thread Adel Elsaie
The War on Iran,  A Scenario of Madness
Dr. Adel Elsaie
  This articles is updated based upon development.
  If I am wrong, thank you God. If I am right, God help us all
  If you search Google for "Bush War on Iran", you will find 34,500,000 
articles !!
  Mohammed ElBaradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, 
has warned that resorting to military action against Iran over its nuclear 
program would be "an act of madness".  But this madness is nothing new in the 
present US Administration. The similarities of the events before the ill fated 
war on Iraq is a copy of the current events leading to a global catastrophe by 
the impending war on Iran. Any casual reader of newspapers understands the 
current events and their catastrophic implications.
  Knowing the level of arrogance of George Bush (the American Nero), would any 
one expect him to accept his legacy as an the first American President to start 
a preemptive strike in the American history against Iraq with a total failure, 
and a approval rating of about 30%, and a big chance that the Democrats win the 
Presidency and Congress. He needs a victory no matter what the cost is. The 
Roman Nero put Rome on fire, while the American Nero put the whole world on 
  The US administration’s propagandists are using exactly the same claims 
against Iraq in the current events leading to war against Iran. According to 
the US claims , diplomacy is failing with the fundamentalist Islamic regime in 
Iran. Isolation of Iran among its Muslim  "moderate" neighbors is happening now 
with enough signs of success.
  The US lost credibility in its military operation in Iraq, and the Israel 
lost credibility  in its military operation in Lebanon after 34 day war with 
the Hezbollah forces.
  Recent developments:
  September 17, 2007. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the world 
should brace for a possible war over Iran's nuclear drive. Iran's official 
media launched a blistering attack on France on Monday after its foreign 
minister warned the world to brace for war, accusing Paris of taking an even 
harder line than Washington.
August 15, 2007. The Bush administration has leaped toward war with Iran by, in 
essence, declaring war with the main branch of Iran's military, the Iranian 
Revolutionary Guards Corps, which it plans to brand as a terrorist organization.
  Jan 19, 2007.  2nd US aircraft carrier (Stennis strike group) leaves for 
Gulf, first time since start of Iraq war. (NBC)Jan 15, 2007.  Sect. of Defense 
announce Iran is reason for carrier and Patriots. (If we attack Iran, they may 
launch missiles.)
Jan 10, 2007.  Bush announces 2nd carrier and Patriot anti-missile battalion 
will be deployed to the Gulf.
  Oct 3, 2006.  The Eisenhower carrier strike group left Norfolk Oct. 3, began 
operations, Oct. 30 and entered the Gulf Dec. 11. (www-navy-mil).
  Apr 18, 2006.  Bush keep open option of nuclear first strike against Iran.
  June 29, 2007. The Jerusalem Post, Report: Israeli Air Force preparing for 
Iran strike
Israel has been practicing with nuclear bunker busters.
Scenario for Madness
  This is a scenario of how the war on Iran will start (maybe with some changes)
  Day 1, in the near future.
  At 9: am Washington time, the US administration claims that Iran shot a 
rocket on one of our American ships in the Gulf. At noon, George Bush declares 
on TV around the words " "God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, 
and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, Now God commands me 
to strike Iran, which I am doing now"
  The administration’s Ministry of Propaganda in the US media hails this step 
as getting rid of the last axis of evils, and claim the Iranian meets the US 
invasion with flowers as liberators.
  In the evening, US forces  attack Iran by missiles from the US fleet in the 
  Day 2, in the near future.
  Israel attacks Lebanon from the south with everything it has,  air force,  
navy, and a big Army. Hezbollah fights back fiercely  against the Israeli 
  US launches air strikes to destroy anti-aircraft capability, economic and 
nuclear facilities in Iran. Iran is not Iraq; Iran is smarter than Iraq's 
Saddam.  Iran fires anti-ship missiles based at Abu Mousa island that control 
the narrow Strait of Hermuz at the entrance of the Persian Gulf on super 
tankers crossing the Strait. Iran could easily close the strait thus blocking 
all naval traffic carrying gulf oil to the rest of the world, causing a global 
oil crisis. Every day, 17 million barrels of oil are shipped through the Strait 
of Hermuz. That’s a fifth of global oil exports, so a disruption would have 
been a nasty business, creating what Goldman Sachs called a “very significant 
impact on oil balances” and an immediate market shortfall of a couple of 
million barrels a day.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A blessed Month

2007-09-20 Thread `�.��.�*Minahil *��.��.�`
Oh Allah Increase Me in Knowledge(Ameen).  
  A blessed Month..
  It's the time of year to take spiritual stock 
Of the things we are doing and the things we are not 

It's a blessed month and our chance to be 
Cleansed of our sins if we fast sincerely 

Its not just about taking no food and drink 
Every part of our body should refrain from sin 

Guarding eyes, ears, tongue, our body as a whole 
With the conscious intent of purifying the soul. 

This will soften our hearts, we will feel the pain 
Of those that have little of our worldly gains 

The reward of good deeds is many times multiplied 
So give money, food, help, whatever you like 

Make the mind and body prostrate to the Lord 
Let the Quran's message become food for your thoughts 

Don't miss the Taraweeh, such blessings it holds 
It's a great opportunity to add to the score 

Remember, this is the month that generates Taqwa 
Doing all those things that bring us close to Allah 

Restraining ourselves from the deeds He dislikes 
Having love, fear, respect, all these feelings inside 

This month brings with it glad tidings, good cheer 
It's the best kind of training for the rest of the year. 


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
 Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 99 Names of Allah: AL- �ALEE (The Most High )

2007-09-20 Thread ayub572004
99 Names of Allah: AL- `ALEE (The Most High )

And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by
them. 7:180


The Most High

It is not given to any human being that Allâh should speak to him
unless (it be) by Inspiration, or from behind a veil, or (that) He sends
a Messenger to reveal what He wills by His Leave. Verily, He is Most
High, Most Wise. ( Surat ash-Shura, 42:51)
Allah introduces Himself to us: Allah, the Creator of all the worlds and
the sole Sovereign of the universe, is the Most High and the Possessor
of the heavens, Earth, and everything in between. There is no deity but
Him. High is He, Exalted above all that they associate (with Him). He is
the Sovereign, the All-Powerful, and the Lord of the Ways of Ascent.
Allah is Self-Sufficient, above all need.
All of the beautiful names belong to Allah, for He is the Owner of
infinite beauty and infinite sublimity. A person can know Him only to
the extent that He introduces Himself, and can appreciate Him through
the verses of the Qur'an. In one verse, Allah describes this name in the
following terms:

Allâh! Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped
but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that
exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever
is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede
with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His
creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter
. And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that
which He wills. His Kursî extends over the heavens and the earth, and
He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most
High, the Most Great. [This Verse 2:255 is called Ayat-ul-Kursî.]  (
Surat al-Baqara, 2:255)   

"…And whoever fears Allaah – He will make for him a way out
– And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And
whoever relies upon Allaah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed
Allaah will accomplish His purpose. Allaah has already set for
everything a [decreed] extent." [At-Talaaq: 2-3]

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Gain the True Knowledge of Islam and Be a True Muslim

2007-09-20 Thread teesra_aadmi
Gain the True Knowledge of Islam and Be a True Muslim

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Ramadan Kareem.

Please visit the following site for gaining Islamic knowledge and more.
Dar-us-Salam Publications : Your source for Authentic Islamic books,
Quran, Hadith, audio/mp3 CDs, software, educational toys, clothes, gifts
& more... all at low prices and great service. Satisfaction Guarantee.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Taraweeh Summary - NIGHT 6

2007-09-20 Thread Al Islaah Publications
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Tel no.: 27-56 -2124604  /   Mobile no: 083 477 3786/   Fax no:
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These are summaries of the the 30 Juz of the Qur'an-e-Kareem recited
on each night of Taraweeh in the month of Ramadhaan. The summaries of
the surahs are divided over 29 Nights. For the first four nights - ONE
AND QUARTER JUZ is recited ; thereafter ONE JUZ is recited for the
rest of the nightsthus completing the Quran on the 29 th night.
The summaries are taken from the book GIFT OF TARAWEEH.


Taraweeh Summary - NIGHT 6

This summary of the sixth Tarawîh covers the Seventh Juz.


Beginning of the Seventh Juz


Allâh also draws man's attention to the fact that the person who
forbids something that Allâh has permitted will be guilty of following
his carnal desires [his nafs] instead of Allâh's injunctions. An
example of this is the concept of monasticism that the Christians
devised by which they would totally forsake the world and forbid
themselves Halâl pleasures. This concept is incorrect and

Allâh also reminds the Mu'minîn that they will be taken to task for
every oath that they fail to fulfil. The Kafâra [atonement] for
breaching such a promise is that a person should either feed ten poor
people, clothe them, set a slave free or fast for three days. Allâh
also urges Muslims not to take intoxicants, not to gamble and not to
divine the future. Allâh declares these acts to be Harâm (temptations)
of Shaytân. 


Sûrah Mâ'idah mentions how Allâh will question every Nabî about his
nation. They will declare that they only did as they were told and
that Allâh alone knows the reality of all hidden matters. The Sûrah
also mentions the penalty for hunting an animal while in the state of
Ihrâm. Of course, every such situation has its own unique set of
circumstances, which will necessitate a unique ruling. These matters
should be referred to the men of knowledge.


On the Day of Qiyâmah Allâh will remind Hadhrat Îsa Alayhis Salâm
about his miraculous birth, about the various miracles that Allâh
allowed him to perform and about the favours that Allâh bestowed on
him and his mother Hadhrat Maryam (R.A). Allâh will then ask him, "O
Îsa, son of Maryam! Did you tell the people, 'Take myself and my
mother both as deities instead of Allâh?'" Hadhrat Îsa will deny that
he ever encouraged this and will accede, 'You know what is in my
heart... I only told them what You had commanded me with i.e. 'Worship
Allâh, Who is my Rabb and your Rabb!' ... If You punish them, then
verily they are Your slaves, and if You pardon them, then surely You
are the Mighty, the Wise.'" (verses 116-118 of Sûrah Mâ'idah).


Sûrah An'âm commences after Sûrah Ma'idah. Allâh mentions that it has
always been the practice of the Kuffâr to ridicule the Ambiyâ and to
call them wizards. However, Allâh's Dîn will always conquer and rise,
while the Kuffâr will suffer a terrible doom for their falsehood.


Whereas Allâh provides sustenance to people and does not require any
sustenance from them, other gods cannot provide sustenance for their
devotees but rather require sustenance from them. Allâh exhorts
Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam not to be distressed about the
aversion of the Kuffâr, but to be patient because Allâh will
definitely assist him. The Sûrâh makes it clear that none will be
required to account for the actions of another on the Day of Qiyâmah
and every person will be held responsible for his/her own acts. On the
Day of Qiyâmah the Kuffâr will come to learn the errors of their ways.
On that day, all kingdoms will belong solely to Allâh and none shall
have any say in any matter.


After describing how Hadhrat Ibrahîm recognised Allâh as his true
Deity, Allâh tells the Quraysh of Makkah that his people denied him
just as they (the Quraysh) deny the message of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu
'alayhi wasallam. The conclusion is drawn from this that the Quraysh
also stand to face the same destructive consequences as the people of
Hadhrat Ibrahîm Alayhis Salâm did.

Allâh also points out that the worst oppressor is the one who lies
about Allâh and who rebels against Allâh's commands. Oppressors will
never be successful, especially in the Âkhirâh. Allâh has promised
that the Day of Qiyâmah shall take place. Allâh advises the Women
never to swear the gods of others so that they do not retort by
swearing Allâh.


End of Seventh Juz

Source: Gift of  Tarawîh ( Mufti Elias )




Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Formation of Milk

2007-09-20 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*Formation of Milk  *

And verily! In the cattle, there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink
of that which is in their bellies, from between excretion and blood, pure
milk; palatable for the drinkers. *(Qur'an 16:66)*

We often see goats, sheep and cows eat grass, and yet it rarely occurs to
any of us to establish a link between this process and the milk and the
dairy products we consume. God lets them feed on this grass, its ultimate
transformation into milk, one of the basic nutriments. William Harvey
discovered the circulation of blood almost a millennium after the Prophet's
death. At the time of the Prophet, the fact that the blood carried the
nutriments absorbed from digested food into its constituents to mammary
glands for production of milk was not known. The new material transformed
from pasture into assimilated food and blood becomes a nutritious food.

The Qur'an not only draws attention to truths unknown at the time, but also
displays facts to derive lessons from. The blood collects and transports the
substances formed by digested food to organs; among others, to mammary
glands. This process is initiated by blood coming into contact with the
contents of intestines, on their walls. Before continuing its journey,
carried by blood, part of the digested food is absorbed by the intestines.
This information is the result of modern research in biology, chemistry and
in the physiology of digestion.

*Rich product easy to obtain*

Milk is the first food of the newborn mammal. It is a fluid secreted by the
mammary glands of mammalians as food for their young in the period
immediately after birth. From the young of whales to human infants, all
mammals feed on their mother's milk. The young animals and the babies obtain
their supply of excellent nourishment without any toil. Milk is the best
product for infants. No other nourishment can replace what is provided by
it. We can identify thousands of nutritious food items in the world. Had the
universe been the outcome of happy coincidences and had there been no
ingeniously designed creation, there would have been no particular reason
for the mother's milk to be the best and most carefully selected nutriment.
This perfect order designed for every mammal, including man, is a proof of
the Creator's inimitable forethought. Materials digested to become blood
turn into milk in the mother's breast and are offered to the newborn by its
Creator. Whether ratiocinated or mathematically calculated, it is impossible
to assert that this is the outcome of fortuitous events that have nothing to
do with a designed purpose. The infant practices sucking its finger in the
womb to be prepared for drinking milk as soon as it is delivered. The fact
that mother's milk comes exactly in the amount of the baby's need without
spurting is also carefully planned.

The milk we first taste from our mother's breast will continue throughout
our lives to be consumed by us to meet the requirements of a healthy
constitution. Milk is a whitish liquid consisting of small globules of fat
suspended in a watery solution containing proteins, lactose sugar and
minerals like calcium, casein and phosphorous, plus vitamins. Cheese, butter
and yogurt are all made with milk, the basic nutriment of man. The benefits
that our body derives from its contents, like minerals and vitamins are more
than the present book can contain. When we consume it, we should remember
always its Creator.

Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?
*(Qur'an 55:18)** *

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to p ublish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *


*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form.*


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Withdrawal the solution to the mess - Tariq Ali, historian and filmmaker

2007-09-20 Thread Abhiyya 2006
"If France and Britain, tiny countries, can have nuclear weapons, why not 
India, Pakistan or Iran? Israel is permitted nuclear weapons but not Iran. 
Ideally, no one should have nuclear weapons. But many people actually believe 
the only way they can defend themselves and prevent wars is to have them. Many 
countries also think that acquiring nuclear weapons is the only way to stop the 
US attacking them."
  Middle East
   Sep 18, 2007 

Withdrawal the solution to the mess
Tariq Ali, historian and filmmaker

LAHORE, Pakistan - Eminent writer, historian and filmmaker Tariq Ali was born 
in Lahore in 1943. While a student at Oxford University, he became involved in 
the movement against the war in Vietnam. That was the beginning of a long 
career in the literary arts and in peace activism that has earned him iconic 

Ali's book The Leopard and the Fox, released this year, was originally written 
as the script for a television drama

");  //-->   
commissioned in 1985 by the British Broadcasting Corp that 
depicted the circumstances that led to the hanging of Pakistan's first elected 
prime minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The book explains how the BBC was 
compelled to withdraw the three-part series because Pakistan's then military 
dictator, General Zia ul-Haq, was a key ally of the West in the war to expel 
the Soviets from Afghanistan. 

When Inter Press Service correspondent Aoun Abbas Sahi interviewed Ali, who was 
in Pakistan recently, the writer, known for his incisive political 
commentaries, explained why he believed US policy in Iraq and Afghanistan was 
doomed to fail from the start - because of the Iran factor. 

Inter Press Service: Who, according to you, is the main beneficiary of the 
US-led "war on terror"? 

Tariq Ali: Undoubtedly Iran. But then the Americans could not have occupied 
Afghanistan and Iraq and without Iran's support. This is what no one likes 
talking about. Had the Iranians said, if you take Iraq we will fight you, the 
occupation probably would not have taken place. But the Iranians, who regarded 
the Taliban and Saddam Hussein as enemies, kept silent. 

The Americans thought, because the Iranians supported them before they went in, 
things would be fine. But the Iranians were opportunists. They had their own 
agenda and defended their own state interests - just as the US defends its 
interests. These interests are now clashing, and so the US is threatening Iran. 

IPS: Do you think that the US will now launch a war against Iran? 

TA: I do not believe that the US can launch a new war on Iran because they 
haven't the troops. Second, if they do that they will be fighting the Iranians 
on three fronts - Iraq, Afghanistan and in Iran itself. So I think it is very 
unlikely that a war against Iran will happen. 

IPS: In Afghanistan, US-led NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] forces 
are blaming the Taliban for an increase in violence. 

TA: I do not believe that big powers occupying small countries can solve any 
problem, even with good intentions. The Soviet intervention in Afghanistan 
created a mess which the Americans fully exploited. That is why the American 
intervention - cooperation freedom, as they call it - always makes me laugh. It 
has been a disaster. 

They have set up a puppet regime. They have poured in money to sustain this 
puppet regime. You have large-scale corruption in the country. Recent figures 
given by the United Nations say that the drug trade is the worst it has ever 
been in the south of the country, especially in Helmand, a province controlled 
by British troops. So what changed in Afghanistan? 

You have a thin layer of politicians implanted there by the West with no real 
base in the country. And then you have the old American habit of shooting from 
the hip, dropping bombs from the air, indiscriminately killing people right, 
left and the center. The result is increased resistance. I don't like the 
Taliban, but if people in Afghanistan see the Taliban fighting the guys who are 
bombing and killing, they get attracted. It's very simple. 

IPS: You think the resistance against US forces in Afghanistan and the Pakistan 
Army in the adjacent tribal areas is justified? 

TA: People in Pakistan who support the occupation of Afghanistan should ask 
themselves whether they favor Pakistan being occupied just because many people 
in the West regard Pakistan as a failed state. I think one has to look at 
alternatives other than Western occupation. In my opinion, and I will argue 
this in public, the only way out of this mess is to first get all Western 
troops to withdraw. 

A regional summit including Pakistan, India, Russia and Iran could then be 
organized to discuss a joint deal to stabilize Afghanistan as a federation. 
That is the way to proceed - take regional initiatives and deny the US any 
excuse to

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 5th Day of TARAVEEH - Glimpses of Quran

2007-09-20 Thread Muhammad Yaseen
*Assalaamu Alaikum Warehmatullahe Wabarakaatuhu

 *5th Day of TARAVEEH *

This completes one and a quarter part of the Quraan, and a total of six and
quarter parts. Four sections from the sixth part and the whole surah
al-Maidah. This section begins with the advice not to make known the defects
in any person except the one who was wronged. It is insisted upon that one
should develop the quality of forget and forgive and that those who
differentiate between the prophets, accepting some of them and rejecting
some others were declared as disbelievers, and those who do not
differentiate between them are the true believers and for them is a great

The second section mentions the demands of the Jews from the Prophet to get
the Divine Book down from the heaven duly written and that they have
demanded even a greater thing from Moosa (AS). There is mention of the mean
misbehaviour, breach of trust and breaking of promises by the Jews. It is
categorically told that they are telling lies when they claim they had
killed Eesa (AS), nor have they crucified him, but in fact ALLAH had raised
him up to the heavens and that he will come back again before the end of the
world and that all the people of the book will believe in him. It is because
of this arrogance of the Jews that ALLAH had enjoined for them stringent and
harsh rules to follow.

In the third section the Prophet is told that revelation wa s being sent to
him as it used to be sent to the prophets before him and that the mention of
many a prophets had been made and the stories of many prophets have not been
mentioned and narrated. The continuity of the prophets was maintained for
the reason that people should not come out with excuses in the Aakhirah. O
People! Believe in the last Prophet, do not create confusion in religion,
say the truth. Eesa (AS) ibn-e-Mariam (AS) is a Messenger of ALLAH. ALLAH is
one and HE is alone and none associated with HIM in HIS being the GOD. HE is
free from all defects

In the fourth section it is mentioned that Eesa (AS) ibn-e-Mariam (AS) and
the Angels are all slaves of ALLAH. To obey ALLAH's commands and to serve
HIM is the highest honour and a great respect and whoever turns away from
HIS servitude he will be punished. Whoever holds fast the Quraan, has
succeeded and the last verse explains the laws of inheritance of a person
who has no father or children, known as Kalala.
Surah al-Maidah begins.

In the first section it is enjoined that one should fulfill the the promise
and a covenant and that the promise made to ALLAH Himself or any human
being, should fulfill it. Believers are asked to cooperate with one another
in good and righteous things only. Mention is made about the animals which
are halal and the details about the things which are haraam (forbidden) and
rules relating to hunting of animals. There is a declaration and good news
that the religion of Islam has been completed in every aspect and that ALLAH
has chosen Islam as the religion or the way of life for the whole mankind.
The rules relating to the Zabiha or the animals slaughtered by the people of
the book and the status of relationship with them is also explained.

In the second section the rules relating to wudhu, taharah (cleanliness and
purity) and the Tayammum were explained and it is enjoined to practice
justice. The believers are insisted upon to have faith an dependence only on

In the third section it is said that "WE" (ALLAH) has taken a promise from
the Jews to perform the prayers, pay the zakaat and to do good deeds, but
they have not fulfilled it. Making distortions in the scriptures revealed by
ALLAH and breach of trust and promises and deceit have become their
attitudes and the nasara or the Christians have also followed their way.
Hence the Quraan shows the way of truth and it is a beacon of light in the
darkness. The claim of the people of the book that they are the sons of
ALLAH and HIS beloved is totally false.

In the fourth section the favours of ALLAH upon them and the arrogant
behaviour of the Jews, their misbehaviour with Moosa (AS) and the
consolation of ALLAH is mentioned.

In the fifth section the story of the two sons of Adam (AS), Habeel and
Qabeel is narrated and the mention of the first murder of a man committed on
earth and the lesson out of that and other rules are explained. The warning
of a severe punishment form ALLAH is given for those creating disorder on
earth and committing murder.

In the sixth section Muslims are impressed upon to seek nearness to ALLAH,
call for undertaking Jihad and its merit is explained. Itis made clear that
on the day of Judgment if the non-believers want to escape or get remedy
from the torment by offering all the treasures of the earth, they cannot
save themselves. Punishment for theft, mention about the mischief and
behaviour of the Jews, call for practicing justice and that ALLAH loves
those who are just.

In the seventh section it is explained that the responsibility of protectin

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Effective Approach to Raise Children

2007-09-20 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*Effective Approach to Raise Children *

ONE of the most effective approaches to raise children, especially those who
are a bit older, is to instill in them proper values - teach them to
distinguish right from wrong - and then step back and give them some leeway
to monitor themselves. This means that they first need to learn what is
right and wrong to the point where they begin to internalize it, and then
they need to be given opportunities to put into practice what they have
learned so that they gain experience.

As far as boycotting certain media outright and engaging in constant and
perpetual monitoring of their movements, though it may provide some real and
substantial benefits in the short-run, it is doomed to fail in the long-run.

Moreover, sooner or later, the children will find a way to get access to
what is forbidden to them.

Older children and adolescents are resourceful, and no matter how strictly
and carefully they are monitored, they will find a way to get access to
watch what is prohibited to them. Everything that is forbidden becomes
enticing to young people simply because it is forbidden.

Therefore, it is best for you to experiment with them. Teach them what is
right and then giving them some leeway to put what you teach them into
practice. Let them watch some common programs in your company and let them
identify what is right or wrong about those programs. Let them identify what
is lawful behavior and what is unlawful in Islam. You can still intervene
when you have to - especially when they fail to distinguish what is good
from what is reprehensible.

If you find that this approach helps them develop their own consciousness of
these matters, then this is for the best.

If, in the long-run, they show an unwillingness or inability to conduct
themselves properly, then you must be straightforward with them. Tell them
that you gave them a chance to monitor themselves, and gave them time to
prove themselves, but they have failed. Tell them that you will give them a
chance again in the future when you feel that they are more ready. Keep
trying until you instill in them the ability to make good choices on their

Once you succeed in this, you will have provided them with an upbringing
that will prove better and more beneficial for them in the long run.

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to p ublish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *



Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hidaya Foundation - Fidya for Elderly, Sick,Handicapped Who Cannot Fast.....

2007-09-20 Thread Waseem Baloch
As Salaamu Alaikum (Peace Be Upon You),

Hidaya Foundation (  arranges Fidya - feeding of poor and 
deserving people on behalf of those who cannot fast  during the month of 

“As for  those who have not the capacity to bear the strain of fasting, for 
such the  substitute is the feeding of an indigent person.” Al-Quran  (2:184)

For those who are unable to fast (elderly, sick, handicapped,  etc.) a 
compensation must be given by feeding a poor person for every day of  fasting 
not observed. Fidya for each day is $3.50 according to Hanafi school of  
thought or $7.00 according to other major schools of thought.

Donate  online by check or credit card via the following link:  

You can mail checks payable "Hidaya Foundation" to:  
Hidaya Foundation
P.O. Box 5481
Santa Clara, CA 95056

Waseem Baloch
Office: (408) 244-3282
Toll free: (866) 244-3292

Hidaya Foundation is  a US based non-profit 501(C)(3) charitable organization, 
with Tax ID # 77-0502583. Its mission is  to implement charitable projects in 
economically depressed areas of the  world.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iraq was about oil, deaths put at 1.2 million

2007-09-20 Thread Jose Murekan
-- Forwarded message --
From: The Wisdom Fund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sep 16, 2007 4:45 PM
Subject: Iraq was about oil, deaths put at 1.2 million


September 8, 2007
The Washington Post

*Iran must pay $2.6 billion for attack that killed 241 soldiers*
Glenn Kessler

A federal judge yesterday ordered Iran to pay more than $2.6 billion to
nearly 1,000 family members and a handful of survivors of a 1983 bombing of
a Marine barracks in Lebanon that killed 241 soldiers. The ruling brought
cheers and tears from survivors but faces long odds of being fulfilled. . .

The militant group Hezbollah carried out the suicide bombing on Oct. 23,
1983, but in a ruling in 2003, Lamberth found that Iran was "legally
responsible" for supporting Hezbollah with financial and logistical support
to carry out the attack. . . .


September 16, 2007
The Observer (UK)

*Greenspan admits Iraq was about oil, as deaths put at 1.2 million*
Peter Beaumont and Joanna Walters

The man once regarded as the world's most powerful banker has bluntly
declared that the Iraq war was 'largely' about oil.

Appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1987 and retired last year after serving four
presidents, Alan Greenspan has been the leading Republican economist for a
generation and his utterings instantly moved world markets.

In his long-awaited memoir - out tomorrow in the US - Greenspan, 81, who
served as chairman of the US Federal Reserve for almost two decades, writes:
'I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what
everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.'

In The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World, he is also crystal
clear on his opinion of his last two bosses, harshly criticising George W
Bush for 'abandoning fiscal constraint' and praising Bill Clinton's
anti-deficit policies during the Nineties as 'an act of political courage'.
He also speaks of Clinton's sharp and 'curious' mind, and 'old-fashioned'
caution about the dangers of debt.

Greenspan's damning comments about the war come as a survey of Iraqis, which
was released last week, claims that up to 1.2 million people may have died
because of the conflict in Iraq - lending weight to a 2006 survey in the
Lancet that reported similarly high levels. . . .


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] "Ramadhaan - Q & A [Part 6 & 7]" - from Al-IslaahPublications

2007-09-20 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Ramadhaan - Q & A [Part 6]

Is it okay to remove hairs from underarms and bikini during fasting or should 
we do it after iftar?
It is permissible to do so whilst fasting.


Is it haram to have sex in whole Ramadaan or is it just during fasting time?
It is only haraam whilst fasting. Intercourse is permissible during Ramadhaan, 
during th ehours one is not fasting.

Is marriage allowed during ramadhan?
Performing Nikah during Ramadhaan is permissible.

Can you wear clear contact lenses during Ramadhaan, will it break the fast?
Wearing contac lenses is not prohibited during fasting.

Lailatul Qadr is on odd night in the last 10 days. Please help clarify this as 
we have started fasting a day after most northern hemisphere countries?
There is no specification of Laylatul Qadr. It could be in any one night of the 
entire year - Ramadaan - last ten days of Ramadaan - odd or even. Rasulullah 
(SAW) advised to search for Laylatul Qadr in the odd nights of  the last ten 
nights of Ramadaan. The people of every area will calculate the even and odd 
days according to whenever they commenced fasting. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.

Is it necessary to start Taraweeh from the 1st of Ramadhaan?
There are two Sunnats in Taraweeh: 1. To perform 20 Rakaats every night of 
Ramadhaan. This applies to the first of Ramadhaan as well. 2. To recite the 
entire Qur'aan in Taraweeh at least once in the entire month. This recitation 
of the entire Qur'aan may commence and complete on any chosen date, provided 
that at least one entire recitation of the whole Qur'aan is made in Taraweeh 

Is there any significance about death in the holy month of Ramadhan? Should a 
person consider such death to be of a good omen for the deceased? Are sins of 
such a person forgiven? 
There is no reference of significance of dying in the month of Ramadhaan. 
However, Ramadhaan is a month of Allah's special mercy and it is hoped the 
deceased becomes a recepient of that special mercy by being forgiven by Allah. 
May Allah Ta'ala grant us an honourable death and forgive us as we are full of 
sins and shortcomings. We depend only upon His mercy upon us. and Allah Ta'ala 
Knows Best.

A 12 year old boy is a hafiz, but he is not physically mature,Can this minor 
lead the taraweeh salaah or not?
The ruling is that a minor cannot lead the congregation.

A man participated in the Taraweeh but did not fast without any legal excuse. 
Will his Taraweeh salaah be valid?
His taraweeh salaah is valid and he will deserve recompense but he is a great 
sinner and defaulter for not fasting.

Taken from
Prepared by Al-Islaah Publications ( )

Ramadhaan - Q & A [Part 7]

Is it permissible to wear a pain patch while fasting?
A pain patch is used externally, hence, will not invalidate the fast. You may 
fast in the month of Ramadhaan while using the pain patch.  [Mufti Ebrahim 

One of my friends has a problem with his kidneys he only has the one kidney, so 
this means he has to drink lots of water, which was advised for his condition 
by the doctors. Please could you tell me if he has to still keep his fasts 
during Ramadan?
This depends on the seriousness of your friend's condition. If it is possible 
for him to fast without adversely affecting his health, then he should fast. 
However, if fasting will aggravate his condition and there is fear of his 
condition deteriorating, then he should not fast. He will compulsorily be 
obliged to make Qadhaa of the missed fasts. It will be advisable for him to 
wait until such a time of the year when the days are short, thus, facilitating 
easiness in keeping the Qadhaa. However, if this is also not possible and he 
has no hope of recovering his health, then he should pay the Fidya for every 
missed fast. 

I am trying to make up my qada fasts of ramadaan of the past years. I also 
suffer from Urinary bladder infection. I have to drink lot of water. Sometimes 
due to being busy or not remembering to drink I feel a bit burning on the 
urinary part. Normally I make the intention of fasting at night, sometimes when 
I wake up in the morning I feel that I wouldn't be able to fast because of my 
problem. So, then I change my mind and drink something. When I was fasting that 
time the sun was setting between 21:30-22:00 and the fajr was at 1:41am. I want 
to know whether this was a sin and whether I have to make a kaffaraa of this.
Since you had a valid excuse for breaking your fast, you would not be sinful 
and Kaffaarah also would not apply. Mere Qadhaa will suffice. and Allah Ta'ala 
Knows Best.  [Mufti Muhammad Kadwa] 

My father has diabetes, has not been fasting for many years. what

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Examples of Equality in Islamic History

2007-09-20 Thread Shahid Khan
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*Examples of Equality in Islamic History *

ISLAM calls for equality between people. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) said: "An Arab has no superiority to a non-Arab and a white man has no
superiority to a black one except through piety and good deeds."

The following examples prove this Islamic concept.

Abu Dharr of the Ghifar tribe somehow got angry with the freed slave of Abu
Bakr, Bilal of Abyssinia. Both of them were the companions of the Prophet
(peace be upon him).

The altercation became prolonged and Abu Dharr in his fury called Bilal, the
son of a black-skinned mother.

Bilal complained to the Prophet, who addressed Abu Dharr saying, "Did you
call him a name reviling his mother? It appears you still retain vestiges of
Jahiliyyah (Period of Ignorance before Islam)." The Prophet also said in
reply, "You are his brother (and should be considerate and kind to him)."

Abu Dharr was ashamed and repentant and out of extreme repentance and
humility requested Bilal to trample his face with his feet.

Another example is when, during the lifetime of the Prophet, a woman of the
Bani Makhzoom tribe, Fatimah, was found guilty of theft. She was brought to
the Prophet so that she might receive her punishment according to the Shari'ah
(Islamic Law).

The Quraish tribe very much resented it since it involved their tribal
prestige and dignity. So they thought of intercession by somebody for the
remission of her punishment.

It was therefore decided after deliberation to send Osamah Bin Zaid for such
intercession since he was very much in favor with the Prophet. So he was
approached, prompted to intercede and he talked to the Prophet on this

The Prophet was very angry and said to Osamah, "You intercede in the matter
of the limits prescribed by God?"

Then he called a big gathering of the believers and, in a touching manner,
said, "The people before you who met their doom, discriminated between the
austocrats and the common people in the dispensation of justice for crimes
like theft. The high-placed were spared while the weaker sections of society
were readily punished. By God, if Fatimah Bint Muhammad had committed theft,
I would have amputated her hand also.  A third example involves Adi Bin
Hatim(one of the elite of his time) who came to Madinah before embracing
Islam and found the companions sitting around the Prophet.

They had just returned from some battle and some of them still had the
armory and helmets on. 'Adi, witnessing the awe of the Prophet and their
reverence for him,  himself fell in awe.

Meanwhile, a humble woman of Madinah came to the Prophet and requested to
see him in private.

The Prophet readily agreed to talk to her. He got up and at some distance
from the gathering talked to her for a sufficiently long time, and having
finished with her came back to the gathering.

When 'Adi witnessed this state of affairs, he was very much touched by this
inconceivable concept of generosity in action and embraced Islam.

A fourth example was offered when, after 21 years of hard struggle, the
Prophet conquered Makkah. Those who had rejected him, had driven him out of
his home and had been waging wars with him, were brought before him
vanquished. But even then, he called them to the Faith and kept in view
those lofty principles that he had preached in the vales of Makkah or had
enforced in Madinah as a ruler when he was laying the foundations of a new
civilization in the Islamic history.

That day he proclaimed those principles that he had been preaching while he
had not yet gained his final victory.

Standing at the gate of the Ka'aba he said, "O you people of Quraish! Allah
has, this day, put an end to your pride of the Jahiliyyah (Days of
Ignorance) and also the pride of your ancestry. Keep in mind! All men are
the offspring of Adam, and Adam was fashioned out of clay". The Quraish who
held an exalted position in the Arab society, and had a high opinion of
themselves, listened to him in silence with bowed heads. On this occasion he
recited the following Qur'anic verse which he had been reciting off and on:
"O Mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and
made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you
may despise each other). Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of
God is (he who is) the most righteous of you."

The fifth example came in the period of the caliphate of Abu Bakr. He set
the example of a ruler whose heart was full of sympathy for his subjects
without distinction of rank or class. Notwithstanding his position as the
head of the Muslim state, he would visit the girls of the locality whose
fathers had fallen martyrs in wars.

He milked their goats for them and assured them that his new
responsibilities would not stand between him and his routine of benevolent
acts such as that.

It can be said with certainty that there is not a single incident as
glorious, outs