Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ramadan, please say a prayer for Herbert.

2007-09-21 Thread linda young
  Salaam, everyone.
  A short time ago some of you were kind enough to sign a petition for my 
Fiance , Herbert J.Blakeney. I just wanted to up date you all and ask you to 
pray for him! Herbert is an innocent Muslim on Death row for a crime committed 
by a Police Officer. Recently Herbert filed a perjury case against the 
witnesses in his Criminal case, ie. the cops. He was then appointed the same 
counsel he'd had in his original trial so he appealed to the Attorney General 
to stand down that counsel and appoint another. This was denied! Three times in 
recent months we've been advised to DROP the perjury case as it's ' a fast 
track to his execution!' WHY? What are 'they' afraid of? 'They' know we can't 
afford the Attorney we need to unravel Herberts case and 'they' know the 
perjury case would prove Herberts innocence!! Even though we know the perjury 
case would secure his innocence, how can we take the risk 'they'll' execute him 
to keep the truth from coming out?? We're in a no win situation!!!
 This is so wrong. Herbert is INNOCENT yet 'they'll' execute an innocent man to 
save themselves. Where's the  justice? So please pray for a miracle 
Insha-allah. Just something else i'd like to share with the group..I'm 
taking my SHAHADAH  today!!! Thankyou for reading this. Linda

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ahadith Qudsi-Superiority of Monotheism . . . Qudsi Hadith: 15

2007-09-21 Thread SA PEER MOHAMED
Ahadith Qudsi-Superiority of Monotheism . . . 
  Qudsi Hadith: 15
  He who loves to meet Allah (by way of death like martyrs) Allah too loves to 
meet him
  15. Narrated Abu Hurraira (r.a.): Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.s.) said that 
Allah the Exalted observed: If My slave loves meeting Me, I too love meeting 
him. If he dislikes to meet Me, I too hate to meet him.
(This Hadith is sound and reported by Bukhari and Nasa'i).

  This Hadith shows that a Muslim when he thinks of death he hopes to enter 
Paradise. So he likes death more or less. But disbelievers fear death because 
they do not have belief nor hope for Paradise. The believer who likes Paradise 
also likes death to meet Allah Assawajal. As a result, Allah Assawajal likes 
meeting him, too.
  Saying of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) 
  Having Allahs Statements.
  From Darussalam Islamic Books

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Mother in Ramadhaan - from MAW

2007-09-21 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Bismillahir Rahmaan Nir Rahim

Monday - 5 Ramadhaan 1428 / 17 September 2007

A Mother in Ramadhaan

Why a mother is so valuable in Ramadhaan
Ramadhaan is the most important month of the Islamic year. It is in this month 
that the family worships Allah and practices Islam more fervently and with 
greater enthusiasm. The Muslim family spend precious moments of their time 
together during Iftaar and Suhoor. These two meals provide the fuel and 
blessing that grant a Muslim the physical and spiritual strength to observe the 

The food Muslims consume plays a critical role in their worship. Allah mentions 
in the Quran : Eat what is wholesome and do good deeds. In other words, 
wholesome and halaal food promotes good character and actions. The 
responsibility of ensuring that wholesome meals are provided for the family 
rests on the father and mother. The mother in particular has to ensure that the 
food that she prepares is wholesome and halaal.  

A few ideas on how a mother can create an Islamic home in Ramadhaan :

  a.. Encourage children to recite Quran regularly every day even if it be a 
little. This will discipline them and make them love the Quran. 
  b.. Encourage them to fast for half a day or even an hour. This will build 
their confidence and make them feel part of the spirit of the fasting Muslim 
  c.. Let them perform Salaah together with you. 
  d.. Teach them one new thing about Ramadhaan every day, eg. a dua, hadith, a 
benefit of fasting, the importance of taraweeh, etc. 
  e.. Teach them to avoid junk food. Ramadhaan is, after all, a month of diet 
  f.. Assign one of the children the responsibility for waking everyone up for 
Suhoor. (Off course, you will have to set your alarm clock just in case!)
In Ramadhaan, especifically, there must be a constant reminder of an Islamic 
home! Children learn from a mother's personal example. A mother who is always 
there to supervise and discipline her children and who keeps busy with Salah, 
Qur'aan and Dua provides the most favourable Islamic atmosphere for piety and 
happiness in the home. A mother provides a special warmth and tenderness to the 
family during Ramadhaan. Ramadhaan without a mother can never be a true 
Ramadhaan. Ask anybody who has lost a mother within the last year how sad and 
empty that home now is.

The Western and Islamic concept of women and livelihood 

The western world encourages the idea of both the spouses entering the world of 
work to increase the family income. As a result many young toddlers are 
entrusted to the care of maids, creches and day-care centers. The West has, 
through their mass media, drilled the point home that home-making is dull and 
children are a burden. This philosophy has proved to be short-sighted in many 
ways. While the family income and material possessions may increase the 
children grow up with little parental guidance. The wealth that is amassed 
during the early years when both parents work, later has to be used to solve 
drug problems, heart diseases, sleep difficulties and marriage problems caused 
by children who are morally bankrupt.

Islam opposes the Western view. Islam recognizes the great responsibility of a 
woman in the family environment. A woman is the queen of her home. She plays a 
pivotal role in educating, guiding and motivating her husband and children. A 
mother is the perfect person who can create an environment in the home 
conducive to the teachings of Islam. 

Only women are uniquely qualified to be the queens of their homes. It is not by 
accident that pregnancy and nursing are purely feminine tasks. Allah has given 
women the special talents and psychological makeup needed to take care of the 
children. There is no substitute for a mother's love. No one can extract and 
bottle motherly compassion. Her patience and kindness, her willingness to 
sacrifice her own comforts, her natural affinity for children and her instinct 
of knowing the needs of her child are unique to her nature.

It should be understood that Islam places the financial responsibility of 
earning and supporting the family upon the father. While a mother can choose to 
work and earn an income she needs to stay within the framework outlined by 
Islam in terms of her dressing, traveling, contact with strange men, fulfilling 
her responsility to her children and husband, etc. These guidelines set by 
Islam are in fact aimed at protecting and safeguarding her. For this reason she 
should seek employment in a protected environment and not seek employment 
outside this protected environment unless in extreme cases.

A dua for our mothers  

May Allah grant our mothers the understanding of their critical role in every 
Muslim home. They are the spiritual pillars upon which the bricks of worship 
and obedience stand. If they fall or crumble the future of the Ummah is at 
stake. If they stand firm the Ummah will be able to produce the likes of Khalid 
Ibn Walid Radhi 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iran to celebrate Saeqeh's flight

2007-09-21 Thread Qalb-e-Mehdi
  Iran to celebrate Saeqeh's flight 
  Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:21:36 
Iran's domestic-made fighter jet, Saeqeh 
  Iran will celebrate the first official flights of the indigenous 'Saeqeh' 
fighter jets in a ceremony held at Tehran's Mehrabad Airport. 

  The ceremony, which will coincide with the advent of the Holy Defence 
Week in Iran, will display flights of two Saeqeh fighter jets, Fars news agency 

  A group of top Iranian officials and military brass are expected to 
attend the ceremony. 

  Developing the indigenous fighter is among top military achievements in 
Iran. In the near future, a large number of Saeqeh fighter jets will join the 
squadron of military planes in Iran. 

  Saeqeh, a joint product of the IRI Air Force and Iran's Defense Ministry, 
has been described as an aircraft similar to the American F-18 fighter jet. 

  Last month, Iran also demonstrated a new fighter jet for the first time, 
which was modeled on the American F-5 but built using domestic technology. 

  The Azarakhsh jet made a successful flight in the Iran's central city of 
Isfahan in a ceremony attended by Iran's Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad 
Najjar and other officials in August. 

  The development of the aircraft was first announced in September 2006, 
when military officials said that it would be comparable to the US F-5 
fighter jet. 

  Following the successful flight of Azarakhsh fighter jet, Iranian Defense 
Minister, Brigadier General Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said that Saeqeh, which is 
the second generation of the Azarakhsh fighter jets, would also launch official 
flights in the Iranian air space in the near future. 


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] You don't get any U-turns on the way up to Allah

2007-09-21 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*You don't get any U-turns on the way up to Allah *

When we pack our bags to go visit our friends, we remember to pack our
clothes, shoes, and other little things.

Since we could know right from wrong, we have started packing our bags and
will finish when our souls leave us.

Have you packed your prayer in your bag of provisions everyday? Have you
packed your fasting? Have you packed your reading and memorizing the Qur'an?

Our bags are called life. We have to pack everyday because we don't know
when Allah will call us back, so we have to be ready for the journey.

And on the way up to Allah, you don't get any U-turns so that you could go
back and get the things you forgot to pack. So start packing if you already
haven't, and don't forget, there's no such thing as too many bags when we're
packing for our trip to Allah.

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to p ublish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Audio Lectures of Imam Anwar Al Awlaki

2007-09-21 Thread Mohamed
Audio Lectures of Imam Anwar Al Awlaki available here

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Suggested Program for the Muslim during Ramadaan (No: 26869) - from IslamQA

2007-09-21 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Suggested Program for the Muslim during Ramadaan (26869)

Firstly, let me congratulate you on the beginning of the blessed month of 
Ramadaan; I hope that Allaah will accept fasting and prayers from us and from 
I hope that I can make the most of this opportunity to do as much worship and 
earn as much reward as possible. I hope that you could give me a program that 
is suitable for me and my family so that we can make the most of this month in 
goodness and obedience. 

Praise be to Allaah.

May Allaah accept all our righteous words and deeds, and help us to be sincere 
in secret and in public.

There follows a suggested program for the Muslim during this blessed month:

The Muslim's day in Ramadaan:

The Muslim starts his day with suhoor before Fajr prayer. It is better to delay 
suhoor until the latest possible time of the night.

Then after that the Muslim gets ready for Fajr prayer before the adhaan. So he 
does wudoo' at home and goes out to the mosque before the adhaan.

When he enters the mosque, he prays two rak'ahs (tahiyyat al-masjid - greeting 
the mosque). Then he sits and keeps busy making du'aa', or reading Qur'aan, or 
reciting dhikr, until the muezzin gives the call to prayer. He repeats what the 
muezzin says, and says the du'aa' narrated from the Prophet (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him) to be said after the adhaan ends. Then after 
that he prays two rak'ahs (the regular Sunnah of Fajr), then he occupies 
himself with du'aa' and reading Qur'aan until the iqaamah for prayer is given. 
He is in a state of prayer so long as he is waiting for the prayer.

After offering the prayer in congregation, he recites the dhikrs that are 
prescribed following the salaam at the end of the prayer. After that if he 
wants to sit in the mosque until the sun has risen, reciting dhikr and reading 
Qur'aan, that is preferable, and that is what the Prophet (peace and blessings 
of Allaah be upon him) used to do after Fajr prayer.

Then about one-quarter of an hour after the sun has risen, if he wants he can 
pray Duha prayer (a minimum of two rak'ahs), and that is good. Or if he wants 
he can delay it until the preferred time, which is when the day has grown 
hotter and the sun is higher in the sky - that is better.

Then if he wants he may sleep to prepare himself for going to work, and he can 
intend by sleeping to strengthen himself for worship and earning a living, so 
that he will be rewarded for it in sha Allah. He should also follow the 
etiquette of sleep that is prescribed in sharee'ah, both actions and words.

Then he goes to work, and when the time for Zuhr prayer comes, he goes to the 
mosque early, before the adhaan or immediately after it, and he should get 
ready to pray beforehand. So he prays four rak'ahs with two tasleems (the 
regular Sunnah before Zuhr), then he keeps busy reading Qur'aan until the 
iqaamah for prayer is given, and he prays with the congregation, then he prays 
two rak'ahs (the regular Sunnah after Zuhr).

Then after the prayer he goes and finishes whatever of his work is left, until 
it is time to leave work. If there is a long time to go after finishing his 
work until the time for 'Asr prayer, then he can rest. But if there is not 
enough time and he fears that if he sleeps he will miss 'Asr prayer, then he 
should keep busy doing something suitable until the time for 'Asr comes, such 
as going to the market to buy some things that his family needs and the like, 
or going straight to the mosque when he has finished his work, and staying in 
the mosque until he has prayed 'Asr.

Then after 'As, it depends on his circumstances. If he can stay in the mosque 
and keep busy reading Qur'aan, this is a great opportunity. But if he feels 
tired, then he should rest at this time so that he will be ready to pray 
taraaweeh at night.

Before the adhaan for Maghrib, he should get ready to break his fast, and he 
should do something at this time that will benefit him, whether reading 
Qur'aan, making du'aa', or having a useful conversation with his wife and 

One of the best things that he can do at this time is to take part in offering 
iftaar to those who are fasting, whether by bringing food to them or helping to 
distribute it to them and organizing that. This brings a great joy which no one 
knows except those who have experienced it.

After iftaar, he goes and prays in congregation in the mosque, and after the 
prayer he prays two rak'ahs (the regular Sunnah of Maghrib). Then he goes back 
home and eats whatever is available - without eating too much. Then he looks 
for a suitable way for himself and his family to spend this time, whether 
reading a book of stories, or a book on practical rulings, or a quiz, or 
permissible conversation, or any other useful idea that is of interest to the 
members of the family and will distracts them from the haraam things that 
appear in the media which regard this as their prime time, so you 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Clarification of the doubts about the Hatib (ra)'s incident

2007-09-21 Thread darultawhid english
Clarification of the doubts about the Hatib (ra)'s incident
   Darultawhid  Forum
  When Allah has deviated an individual there is no other to give him hidayah. 
An individual who has not comprehended the basis of Islam; which is tawhid, 
will undoubtedly have kufr in his life because he has not understood and grasp 
the essance of deen. Even if an individual has some knowledge of tawhid he will 
confuse haq and bateel and this confused state will make him like those 
ignorants who look at beards as signs of Islam, be fooled and go astray. This 
action of falling off track and going astray is an action of kufr. However, 
‘ilm has a scale, a range and a method. The ignorant ones who claim to have the 
most sufficient and reasonable knowledge are namely the sheikhs. These sheiks 
have tried to prove their bateel aqidah; they have tried to use this bateel 
aqidah in their advancement by abandonning the way of the Salaf and extracting 
bidah. Regardless of the old scholars and imitating their own nafs, also by 
embracing difficult situations and using them as their
 excuse, they use the swamp of kufr they have fallen into as a stepping stone 
to prove their aqidah. With the usul they have developed, they have opened a 
new era and have almost left the modernists behind. It is awfully clear how 
these comrades of the shaytan get their revelations from the same place and 
perform ibadah to the same idol; shaytan. What a coincidence it is that the 
servants of shaytan meet at the same location!

Throughout history shaytan and his comrades have approached the passengers of 
this path from their rights. They have adorned bateel and have made the 
deviated sects {Callers of Haakimiyyah -Al-Qudsiyya wa Taifatul Adavetulilhaq; 
Murji’ah of the time (mostly known as Saudi Salafis) and warriors of 
deliverance –the so called jihaadis-} (of today) go astray; just as the Sufis 
had gone astray. These individuals have betrayed haq in various manners by Arab 
racism or by idolizing their own fame, privilege and even the knowledge they 
have attained. Many youth who had the inclination towards Islam have come 
across these characters in this path of Islam and have been fooled by their 
embellished speech. They have been fooled by their bulky works filled with 
mixture of haq and bateel and never stopped to think of the shaytan who had 
fallen into denial before his Rabb. 

When one tries to speak with one of these ignorant individuals and youth, they 
will find themselves to be belittled and they’ll see that these individuals 
exalt their so-called scholar. Even though they are named differently, without 
knowing they are on the same path using the same method as the Sufis. These 
movement of the deviated sects mentioned above has become the modern day 
tasawwuf and like a tariqah. Their leaders have become the Sufi sheikhs and 
they have become the Sufi murid. The Muslims who have attained the subjective 
hidayah will notice the trick of the shaytan very quickly. The deficiency of 
the muqallid murids (such as the jihaadi wannabe youth); is their lack of 
knowledge before action. If they had attained knowledge they would not have 
lacked to realize the one thousand and one kufr and the bateel usul of their 
so-called scholars. 

These individuals who have gone astray have made many claims regarding the hukm 
of many matters. One of these claims regards the incident of Hatib bin Abi 
Balte’a (ra).   

According to various narrations this incident had occurred between hijri 6th 
and 8th years.  The most acceptable date for this incident is that it happened 
after the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah. After the Quraysh’s broke the Treaty of 
Hudaibiyyah, the Prophet (saw) started preparing for an invasion of Mecca. He 
did not tell anyone, except a few close Companions; the goal of the expedition 
and where the army of Islam would be directed. Hatib (ra) a companion wrote a 
letter to the Kuffar of the Quraysh and notified them of the news of the 
Prophet (saw), informing them about the Prophets (saw) plan to conquer Mecca. 
He sent his letter with a lady. She had been a slave-girl of the Bani 'Abdul 
Muttalib, and then after her freedom had adopted singing as her profession. She 
complained of poverty to the Prophet (saw) and requested financial help. The 
Prophet (saw) appealed to the Bani 'Abdul Muttalib and the Bani al-Muttalib and 
satisfied her need. She had come to Madina and was
 returning back to Mecca. Hatib bin Abi Balte'a (ra) met her and quietly gave 
her a letter addressed to some of the Mecca chiefs and paid her ten dinars so 
that she kept the secret and carried the letter to the addressees secretly. 
Allah (awj) informed his Prophet (saw) about the letter and the Prophet (saw) 
ordered 3 of his Companions (the Sahaba); Ali (ra), Az-Zubair (ra) and 
Al-Miqdad (ra) to go and find her and take the letter from her. They went to 
the place (Rawdat Khakh) where the Prophet (saw) had described to them. They 
found her 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 6th Day of TARAVEEH - Glimpses of Quran

2007-09-21 Thread Muhammad Yaseen
*Assalaamu Alaikum Warehmatullahe Wabarakaatuhu

 *6th Day of TARAVEEH *

Surah al-Ana'aam begins

The first section starts with all praise and glorification is for ALLAH
alone. HE is the Creator and Owner of the Heavens and the earth and all that
exists, mention of HIS Power is made here. Due to disobedience and rejection
of HIS message by the earlier communities, wrath of ALLAH had befallen them,
it is meaningless to question why the Prophet was not accompanied by the
Angels. Those who ridicule the Prophet will be punished severely.

In the second section people are called upon to travel around the earth and
find themselves what was the consequence of those who have rejected the
Message. ALLAH had made obligatory upon HIMSELF to be kind to HIS creations.
Hence HE does not punish the sinners quickly. ALLAH is so kind that HE had
made provisions for the sustenance of all the Creations. If ALLAH is kind to
you none can harm you and if HE deprives you none can come to your help and
rescue. The greatest of the witness is the Unity of ALLAH. The Holy Quraan
was revealed to warn the people in advance.

In the third section it is explained that the most unjust is the one who
falsifies the command and Authority of ALLAH and ascribe falsehood unto HIM.
When such people were brought to book on the day of Judgment, they would
wish they are sent back to earth. It is said that they are such worthless
ones that if they were sent back to earth, they would do the same thing for
which they were caught.

In the fourth section it is explained that whoever does not believe in the
Aakhirah has spoiled his own future and he will be carrying the burden of
his own sins. The life of this world is a game short lived, but the life in
the hereafter is a true eternal one, those who are not aware of their own
consequences do not understand this. Such people falsify the signs of ALLAH,
which hurts the Prophets. O Prophet, the prophets before you also faced the
same problem and the only remedy for this is patience. There are many signs
of ALLAH in the Heavens and the earth and what is in between, but they are
deaf and dumb and are groping in the darkness and are only waiting for the
punishment from ALLAH.

In the fifth section it is explained that the sinner should turn to ALLAH
after a small warning shock. Whoever has forgotten ALLAH because of his
indulgence in life, he will find himself surrounded by the torment of ALLAH.
Whoever declares his belief and does good deeds he would be successful and
those who have disobeyed the commands f ALLAH will get disgraceful
punishment. Oh! Prophet tell them  Everything is in ALLAH's command and
control and I myself follow the revelation.

In the sixth section it is said. Warn them with the Book and do not push
those who call their Lord in the mornings and in the evenings away from your
sessions. The believers are safe and successful. ALLAH has made it
obligatory upon HIMSELF to be kind to them and they shall repent for their

In the seventh section the Prophet was asked to tell them that  I have
already received the commandments from ALLAH and I am following them. Hidden
treasures are with ALLAH and nothing from the creations is away from HIS
knowledge. Remaining active in daily work and taking rest in nights, getting
up in the morning after sleep which is nothing but a symbol of death,
everything is before you.

In the eighth section it is said that the appointed time of death of every
person is fixed and that ALLAH does not the sinners immediately, but when
the time comes the arrogant disbelievers will realize it. ALLAH only saves
you and protects you, HE can punish anyone in whichever way HE wants.
Muslims are advised to renounce the friendship of those who ridicule

In the ninth section it is said that it is not befitting for a believer to
bow down before anyone other than ALLAH. Nothing can be more disgraceful
that man worships something which he has made with his own hands. Ibrahim
(AS) call towards Tawheed, his evidences on the unity of ALLAH, the moon and
the sun, the stars are all creations of ALLAH and it was called upon to turn

In the tenth section there is mention of names of eighteen prophets and
their history and their relationship with the last of the Prophets, and it
is indicated that the Holy Quraan is the guidance for the whole mankind.

In the eleventh section it is said that they have not understood the
Greatness of ALLAH as they should have understood and in order to oppose the
Prophet they rejected the revelation from ALLAH, even though ALLAH had
revealed the divine Book to Moosa (AS), and the last scripture and the Book
is the sacred of all the Books and those who are unjust falsify and reject
it. ALLAH says that they would be in very miserable condition on the day of
Judgment, and they would be brought before ALLAH alone.

In the twelfth section there is mention about the creations of ALLAH spread
over in the world and in the heavens and these 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why do we lack character

2007-09-21 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Respected  Scholars
My question is why do we lack character when we have with us a forceful  
mechanism of social control to ward off evil.  We often recite  Prayer Keeps 
us away from Indecency and Evil. I add to it a few more verses from the book of 
Allah saying:

1.Worship Allah (2:21)  so that you may ward off evil.تقون  لعلكم

2.Uphold strongly what has been given and remember its contents (2:63, 

 so that you  may ward off evil.تقون  لعلكم

3.Observe Law of equivalence (2:179)   so that you ward off evil.تقون  لعلكم

4.Fast during Ramadan (3:183)so that you  may ward off evil.تقون  لعلكم

5.Do not touch the orphans’ money except in the most righteous manner, 
until they reach maturity.Give full weight and full measure when you trade, 
equitably.Be absolutely just when you bear witness, even against your 
relatives..Fulfill your covenant with God. ( 6:152-153) so that you may 
ward off evil. (تتقون  لعلكم ) laAAallakum tattaqoona

The question is do we ever keep this objective in mind when offering Salat or 
perfoming other functions?  My observation is NO, NEVER, NOT AT ALL.

There is not a word to this effect in he liturgy of  our saum-o-salat and frame 
work of other rituals.  I have yet to see a supplication attached to any form 
of worship seeking abstention from indecency and evil. We only seek forgiveness 
for the crimes  we  commit.  How then we expect to develop the quality of 
escaping indecency and evil when we neither wish nor intend and never pray for 
it.? The result is we are all good save lack of moral character.

Who has distracted us from the right path? and when shall we revert? Please do 

 Please do not read to contradict and refute,
nor to believe and take it for granted,
but to weigh and consider.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Student of Quran

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Madina Munawwara

2007-09-21 Thread ZAKI SHAIKH
Dear sister Asalamu Aliqum,
  Can u send beautyful pictures of Masjid  E Nabwi and Macca al mukarama.
  Thanking You,





 Save all your chat conversations. Find them online.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ibn Abbas�s (ra) debate with Harooreyya (Hawarej)

2007-09-21 Thread darultawhid english
Ibn Abbas’s (ra) debate with Harooreyya (Hawarej) 
  Darultawhid  Forum
  Abdurrazzak, Abu Nuaym, Bayhakee and others

Narrated from Ibn Abbas, He said: Hawarij came together in a place with hatred 
and agreed upon to oppose (by fighting) with Ali (ra) and the Prophet (saw)’s 
ashab (companions) who stayed with Ali (ra). He {Ibn Abbas (ra)} said: A man 
came and he started saying O Amir al Muminun (chief) this group will oppose 
you. Ali (ra) replied: Leave them alone until they come and fight with me. For 
they will (fight with me). 

One day I told Ali (ra) O Amir al Muminun delay the pray so I will not miss, 
and meantime I will go and talk to them. He (Ali) said: I (Ali) fear they will 
hurt you. I (Ibn Abbas) replied: No, They won’t hurt me insha’Allah. I am a 
kind man who is gentile towards everyone and I never hurt anyone.

Ibni Abbas (ra) said: I wore one of the most beautiful cloths from this 
yamamniyya (a kind of fabric). (Abu Zammal added: Ibni Abbas was a beautiful, 
handsome man) Ibni Abbas said: I went the place they were at. They were resting 
hence it was noon. I’ve never seen anyone with strong effort in ibadaah as 
them. Their hands were like the knees of camels. (Due to doing so much ibadaah 
their hands got marked) The mark of sujuud (worship) could be seen on their 
faces easily. They had washed cloths on. Their faces were thin due to lack of 
When I arrived there they asked me: “What about this cloth you are wearing?” 
Ibni Abbas: “Do you criticize me with this? I saw better one on the prophet 
(saw) and then this verse revealed: “Say: Who hath forbidden the beautiful 
(gifts) of Allah, which He hath produced for His servants, and the things, 
clean and pure, (which He hath provided) for sustenance?”” (al-Araf 32) 

“Why did you come here?” they asked. Ibn Abbas replied: “I came here to mention 
to you about the people who were the companions of the prophet (saw), and the 
ones whom the verses of Qur’an was revealed on, none of them are here with 
you.” Some of them said: “Do not argue with Quraish. Allah (swt) stated: “They 
are a contentious people”” (az-Zukhruf 58) Two or three of them said: “Talk to 

Ibni Abbas said: “What is your problem with the cousin and the son in-law of 
the prophet (saw), and the first one to have iman, and the one whom the 
companions stand with?” They said: “We opposed him with three things.” Ibn 
Abbas said: “What are they?”

They replied: “The first is that He obtained an arbitrator in the deen of 
Allah. Whereas Allah (swt) stated: “the command is for none but Allah.” (Yusuf 
40). After Allah’s statement what will be left for the people to rule on?” 
“What else?” said Ibn Abbas. They replied: “Ali fought with some people but he 
did not take any slave nor spoil (ganimaah). If the ones whom he fought with 
were kaafir their merchandise should be permissible for Ali. (He should take 
their goods as capture) If they were Muslims, it was not permissible to shed 
their blood.” “What else?” said Ibn Abbas. They replied: “He disclaimed from 
the title of being Amir al Muminun. If he is not Amir al Muminun then he is 
Amir al kafirun.” “Do you have any other claim?” asked Ibn Abbas. They said: 
“These are enough for us.” 

Ibni Abbas: “If I provide evidence from Allah’s (swt) muhkam book and His (swt) 
prophets’ (saw) sunnah would you change your claims?” They replied: “Yes” Ibn 
Abbas continued: “About your opinion of mankind’s ruling in the deen of Allah 
(swt); Allah (swt) stated: from ““O ye who believe! Kill not game while in the 
sacred precincts or in pilgrim garb...” to “as adjudged by two just men among 
you” (al-Maeda 95) regarding a wife and her husband Allah (swt) stated: “If ye 
fear a breach between them twain, appoint (two) arbiters, one from his family, 
and the other from hers” (an-Nisa 35) Now, I am asking you with administration 
to you with the oath of Allah (swt): Is it better to give ruling to stop 
peoples’ killing each other, to bring them together, or to give ruling on its 
worth will be only a quarter of a dirham a rabbit; and a few women? Moreover 
you know that if He (swt) wished He (swt) would give the hukm (ruling) and He 
(swt) would not leave the hukm for the mankind.”
 They said: “Wallahi {oath of the name of Allah (swt)} to stop peoples’ killing 
each other, to bring them together is better.”

Ibn Abbas continued: “About your opinion of Ali fought with the people but he 
did not take any slave nor ganimaah. Tell me do you swear at your mother Aisha 
(raa) or do you render permissible for her what is permissible for other women? 
If so you are kaafir. If you say she (raa) is not the mother of muminun then 
you are kafir and out of the fold of Islam. Allah (swt) stated: “The Prophet is 
closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their 
mothers.” (al-Ahzab 6) It is shown that you are stumble in the middle of two 
heresies whichever you choose. Now do you back down from your opinions?” 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 99 Names of Allah: AL- �ASIM (The Protector )

2007-09-21 Thread ayub572004
99 Names of Allah: AL- `ASIM (The Protector  )

And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by
them. 7:180


The Protector

The son replied: I will betake myself to a mountain, it will save me
from the water. Nûh (Noah) said: This day there is no saviour from
the Decree of Allâh except him on whom He has mercy. And a wave came
in between them, so he (the son) was among the drowned. (Surah Hud,
People, all of whom are inherently feeble, can encounter all sorts of
difficulties at any time, such as an earthquake, flood, hurricane, or
volcanic eruption. In addition, people are vulnerable to mental
distress. In the face of these unfavorable events, they must consider
the following: Regardless of their effort or strength, they can never
avoid a threat unless Allah wills this. Allah, the most Compassionate,
is the only Protector, as the Qur'an relates in the following verses:

Say (O Muhammad SAW): Who rescues you from the darkness of the land and
the sea (dangers like storms), when you call upon Him in humility and in
secret (saying): If He (Allâh) only saves us from this (danger), we
shall truly be grateful. Say (O Muhammad SAW): Allâh rescues you
from it and from all (other) distresses, and yet you worship others
besides Allâh. ( Surat al-An`am, 6:63-64)
People remember Allah when they are left alone, when they realize that
neither material wealth nor powerful people can help them, or when they
fall sick. Yet after these situations pass, they forget what happened to
them and become ungrateful toward Allah. Such people, who insist upon
ungratefulness despite Allah's protection, will see the truth when they
face infinite punishment in Hell. Their situation is related, as

  So, as for those who believed (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic
Monotheism) and did deeds of righteousness, He will give their (due)
rewards, and more out of His Bounty. But as for those who refuse His
worship and were proud, He will punish them with a painful torment . And
they will not find for themselves besides Allâh any protector or
helper.  ( Surat an-Nisa', 4:173)

…And whoever fears Allaah – He will make for him a way out
– And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And
whoever relies upon Allaah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed
Allaah will accomplish His purpose. Allaah has already set for
everything a [decreed] extent. [At-Talaaq: 2-3]

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ramadhaan Focus (Parts 3 4) - from Al-Islaah Publications

2007-09-21 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Ramadhaan Focus (Part 3)

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar(radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) said:  The fast and the Quran, will both intercede on the 
day of judgement. The fast will say: O Allah ! This servant has refrained from 
eating and drinking and other desires; so accept my intercession for him. The 
Quran will submit : He did not sleep in the night ; so accept my intercession 
for him. Allah will accept both these intercessions. (Tibrani, Ahmad, Hakim)

2. TODAYS FOCUS:  Iftaar
Iftar means to conclude a fast after sunset by eating or drinking something. It 
is also a sunnah to make iftar soon after sunset, and it is makrooh to delay 
Iftar after sunset without a valid excuse. However, if someone is doubtful 
whether the sun has set or not, he should not make iftar until he is sure about 
it, because if it is proved at any time that he had made iftar even half a 
minute earlier than the sunset actually took place on his horizon, his fast 
will be rendered nullified and void. Similarly, if the weather is cloudy, it is 
advisable to delay iftar for a few minutes after the time of sunset. No 
particular meal is prescribed for iftar but it is advisable to make iftar using 
dates because the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) generally used 
dates for iftar.

It is also sunnah to recite the following du'a (prayer) while making iftar: O' 
Allah, for you I have fasted, and in you I have believed and in You I have 
placed my trust and with Your provision I make my Iftar. and after having and 
drinking water, it is advisable to say, Thirst has gone; veins have become wet 
and the reward (of the fast) has, Allah willing, been established.

It is described by Hazrat Sahal bin Sa'ad(radhiyallahu anhu) that 
Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) has said that: Those who are prompt 
in breaking fast, will ever remain on goodness. (Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Maja)

Hazrat Abu Huraira(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) has said that: Allah is very pleased with the man, who is 
prompt in breaking fast. (Tirmizi)

It means that fast should be broken after sunset without waiting for the 
appearance of stars.

Hazrat Abu Huraira(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) has said that: Whatever is prayed for at the time of 
breaking fast is granted and never refused. (Tirmizi)

Hazrat Salman bin Aamir(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) has said : Break your fast with dates. There is divine 
blessing in it. If the date is not available, break your fast with water, as it 
is pure. (Abu Dawud, Tirmizi)

Hazrat Zayd bin Khalid(radhiyallahu anhu) reported Rasullullah(sallallahu 
alaiyhi wassallam) has said that: He who helps a fasting one to break his fast 
will get the reward of one who fasts; and one who gives arms to a Mujahid 
fighter will get the reward of one who himself is a mujahid; and the reward of 
the fasting one or of the mujahid will not be diminished on that account. 

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu anhu) in a lengthy hadith, narrates that 
Rasullullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) said: The fasting person experiences 
two (occasions of) delights: At the time of Iftaar and at the time when he will 
meet his Rabb. (Bukhari)

3.  Q  A
Whilst fasting is it necessary to avoid the inhalation of talcum powder and 
spray emanating from an aerosol eg a deodorant? What I mean is when applying 
these things they always do get into your mouth and nose (although not a 
substantial amount). It's impossible to avoid it unless you cover your face. 
So, do these things break the fast?
In principle, anything going down the throat while fasting nullifies the fast. 
If the talcum powder or aerosol does not go down the throat, it will not 
nullify the fast. (Mufti Ebrahim Desai)

Diabetes Mellitus and Fasting: A medical perspective
Diabetics who wish to fast may be classified into three groups according to 
their mode of treatment.
  1.. Diet alone: No problems will be anticipated during a fast. Fasting will 
be of benefit to these patients provided that the total caloric intake is 
  2.. Diet pus oral medication(hypoglycaemic agents): Generally no problems 
will be experienced if these patients have their therapy modified. The 
principle of such modification is based upon the fact that the fasting patient 
consumes the greater part of his caloric intake at iftar and that the morning 
dose taken at suhoor needs to be reduced in view of the anticipated fast. Thus 
a patient on a once daily regimen should take the therapy at iftaar while the 
patient on a twice daily regimen should take the greater dose at at iftaar. For 
example, a patient on glibenclamide(eg. Daonil) 10mg for the morning and 5 mg 
for the evening, should take 10mg at iftaar and 5mg at suhoor. 
  3.. Insulin dependent: These patients are 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Jobs in Singapore

2007-09-21 Thread isam a.baqi
From: haja badurudeen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 21:28:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject:  Jobs in Singapore
Dear Brothers,
We have requirements for IT Positions. Our client is well known Singapore Based 
MNC company with global operation. The following is then Job descriptions, 
please forwards your updated profile if you are interested or please forward 
this requirement to your contacts who will be interested. Please send profile to
Location : Singapore
Techno-functional oracle financial consultant. 
It is also be good if the candidate has some Axapta financial knowledge. 
Peoplesoft HR Consultant 
2-3 years’ relevant experience 
PeopleSoft HR , PeopleSoft Tool 
Business Analyst 
b) Preferably with securities domain. 
Project Manager   
a) Good grasp of relational database; Knowledge of DB2 preferred
b) Strong analytical skills - will then be able to pick up IDMS concept  work 
out mapping rules
c) Mainframe background - important otherwise foresee problem in gelling things
d) Ability to manage meetings with big group of users
e) Preferably experienced in CICS/COBOL, JCL, Batch Cobol, EZT programming
Fortran Developer
Practicing IT person interested in picking up Fortran:
a) Someone with a degree in Mathematics or Computer Science 
b) Strong in the understanding of computability of numbers and mathematical 
significance of numbers
c) Knows the various degrees of infinity of numbers 
d) Able to explain how Fermat's Last Theorem was proven in 1994
Lotus Notes Administrators 
· 2-3 years experience in Domino email admin (server /or desktop), 
active directory, vmware, WSUS / Experience in MSSQL administration  support
· S’porean Chinese / S’pore PR
Best Regards

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Taraweeh from Mecca on Basic Cable TV

2007-09-21 Thread J M

Got a little couch potato? 
Check out fun summer activities for kids.---BeginMessage---
Please Kindly Forward to All Your Friends

Dear Jeanette,

Assalam Alaikum and Ramadan Mubarak. Verizon FiOS TV and many others are
offering Bridges TV FREE on Basic Cable. Comcast wants to charge you $180 a
year to watch Bridges TV. Please take 2 minutes to ask Comcast to add
Bridges TV FREE on Basic Cable:

Each entry enters you to win 1-year of FREE Verizon FiOS TV or $500 cash.
Multiple entries acceptable.

Verizon FiOS TV and others are providing Bridges TV on Basic Cable for all
Americans. This reduces fear and increases understanding among all
Americans. You can call Comcast at 215-655-8116.

You do not need to be a Comcast customer to write or call. We need
everyone’s help to make our voice heard. Please kindly forward this to
your friends.Thank you.

Ramadan Mubarak.

Imam Johari Malik

Daily 7 ET / 8 PT

Daily during Ramadan

8:30 ET / 9:30 PT

Fri 2 ET / 3 PT

Daily 11 ET / 12 PT

Note: Imam Johari Malik is a Board Member of the Coordinating Council of
Muslim Organizations, the Inter-Faith Council, Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque and the
Muslim Alliance of North America. Imam Johari is committed to leveraging
his personal influence with these and Inter-Faith organizations to bring
greater Islamic and Inter-faith programming to Basic Cable.

This message was sent by: CMA, Dar Al-Hijrah Masjid, Falls Church, VA 22040

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---End Message---

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fw: Government Should Take Action To Stop Hurting Religious Sentiment

2007-09-21 Thread S A Hannan

 Government Should Take Action To Stop Hurting Religious Sentiment

News papers have reported that the Bangladesh  government on Tuesday arrested a 
cartoonist and confiscated the issue of the Alpin, a weekly magazine of the 
Prothom Alo, a left-leaning Dhaka daily  for publishing a cartoon about the 
Prophet Muhammad (sm)that has ‘hurt the people’s religious sentiment.’ ‘The 
government has confiscated the issue as the cartoon hurts the religious 
sentiment of the people’.   Authorities of the Prothom Alo, however, apologised 
and announced withdrawal of the cartoon titled Naam (name).  A delegation led 
by the Baitul Mukarram mosque’s khatib, Obaidul Haque, called on the law and 
information adviser, Mainul Hosein, and demanded cancellation of the 
declaration of the Prothom Alo and arrest of its editor, along with others 
concerned, before this Friday ‘for showing disrespect to Prophet  Muhammad 
(pbuh)’.   ‘It is a conspiracy to destabilize the country. We are very 
concerned over the issue,’ Mainul told reporters after the meeting. The 
conspirators wanted to throw the country into a chaotic situation, he claimed.  
The adviser asked everyone to remain alert against the plot so that the 
conspirators cannot be successful.  The delegation that visited Mainul included 
Islami Oikya Jote’s chairman Fazlul Haque Amini, its vice-chairman Mohiuddin 
Khan and the Bangladesh Masjid Mission’s secretary-general Md Kalilur Rahman 
Madani, among others. Earlier in the day a team of the Detective Branch 
detained Prothom Alo’s cartoonist, Arifur Rahman, from his Uttara residence on 
charge of drawing a cartoon which was believed to have hurt the religious 
sentiment of the people

We are pained that such issues are cropping up in some places and countries 
repeatedly. This is not an issue of freedom of speech or writing, this is an 
issue of deliberately hurting people’s deep faith. The West and the 
ultra-liberal section of many societies have failed to understand the issue and 
the perpetrators are excused in the name of freedom. A long term solution lies 
in criminalization of attacking the Prophets and the founders of all religions. 
As regards the present case, the government should find out the roots of the 
matter and take action against persons responsible.