Bismillah [IslamCity] The Blessed Days of Dhul-Hijjah

2007-12-16 Thread `�.��.�*Minahil *��.��.�`
  All praises and thanks be to Allah, Lord of everything that exists.The most 
Gracious, the Most Merciful.Master of the Day of Judgment You (alone) we 
worship, and You (alone) we ask for help.Guide us to the Straight Way The Way 
of of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who 
earned Your Anger, nor those who went astray. Ameen
  Oh ALLAH Increase me In Knowledge(Ameen)

  The Blessed Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The month of Dhul-Hijjah is a season of worship, and seasons of worship 
bring along blessings, benefits and opportunities to correct one's faith and 
make up for shortcoming. Every one of these special opportunities involves some 
kind of worship, which brings the slave closer to his Lord. And Allah bestows 
His blessings and Favors on whom He wills. The fortunate person is he who makes 
good use of these special months, days, and hours, while worshiping Allah. He 
is most likely to be touched by the blessings of Allah. [Ibn Rajab, al-Lataa'if 
pp. 8] 
  The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are marked blessed for both, the pilgrims 
and the non-pilgrims. Rewards of good deeds are multiplied in these days. Imaam 
Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullah) (d. 751H) said: “Indeed, its days are the most 
excellent of all the days with Allah. It has been confirmed in Saheeh 
al-Bukharee from Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah 
(sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “No deed are more virtuous than deeds on 
these days.” The companions asked: 'Not even Jihad (fighting in Allah's 
Cause)?' He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) replied: “Not even Jihad for the sake 
of Allah, unless a man goes out risking himself and his wealth for the sake of 
Allah, and does not come back with anything.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee vol: 2, no: 
  Yawm al-Arafat: The 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah is the day of Arafat. It is this 
day when the pilgrims gather on the mountain plain of Arafat, praying and 
supplicating to their Lord. 
  The day of Arafat holds great importance in Islam since this is the Day when 
Allah completed his revelation on His Messenger (sallahu alaihe wa-sallam). It 
is reported in the Saheehayn (i.e. Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim), from 
Umar Ibn al-Khattab (radhi allahu anhu) that a Jewish man said to him: “O Ameer 
al-Mumineen (O head of the Muslims)! There is a verse in the Qur'aan, which if 
was revealed on us, the Jews, we would have taken that day as an Eid 
(festival).” Umar asked: “Which verse?” He said: “This day I have perfected 
your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you 
Islam as your religion.” [Soorah al-Maidah (5): 3]
  Arafat is the day on which Allah took the covenant from the progeny of Adam 
(alaihis-salaam) , it was reported that Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu) narrated: 
“The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) related: “(When Allah 
created Adam (alaihis-salaam) Allah took covenant from him in a place Na'maan 
on the day of Arafat, then He extracted from him all the descendants who would 
be born until the end of the world, generation after generation, and spread 
them out in front of Him in order to take a covenant from them also. He spoke 
to them face to face saying: “Am I not your Lord?” and they all replied: “Yes, 
we testify to it.” Allah then explained why He had all of mankind bear witness 
that He was their Creator and only true God worthy of worship. He said: “That 
was in case you (mankind) should say on the Day of Resurrection, 'Surely, we 
were unaware of this. We had no idea that You, Allah, were our Lord. No one 
told us that we were only supposed to worship You.” …”
 [(Saheeh) by Shaikh al-Albanee in Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah vol: 4, 
no: 1623]
Yawm an-Nahr: The tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah is the greatest day of Hajj. It 
is known as Yawm an-Nahr (the day of Sacrifice), since it marks the ending of 
the major rite of Hajj - the Sacrifice. And it is on this day that the Muslims 
commemorate the bounties and blessings of Allah. It was recorded in a Hadeeth 
by Imaam Ahmad (in his Musnad vol: 4, no: 350) that the day of Nahr is the most 
virtuous day to Allah. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) 
said: “The greatest day of Hajj (Pilgrimage) is the Day of an-Nahr 
(Slaughtering) .” [(Saheeh) by Shaikh al-Albanee in Irwa al-Ghaleel (no: 1101). 
Abu Dawood no: 1945] 
  Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H) said: “The most excellent day of the week is 
the day of Jumuah (Friday), by the agreement of the Scholars. And the most 
excellent day of the year is the day of an-Nahr. Some of them said that it is 
the day of Arafat. However, the first opinion is the correct one, since it is 
related in the Sunan collections that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) 
said: “The most excellent days with Allah is the day of an-Nahr, then the day 
of al-Qarr (the day that the Muslims reside in Mina).” [(Saheeh) by Shaikh 
al-Albanee in

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islam and 'Honor Killings'

2007-12-16 Thread saiyed shahbazi
  For that reason, we ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a 
soul for other than murder or spreading corruption in the land, it is as if he 
has killed the whole of humanity… (Qur’an 5:35)
  One of the gravest charges levied against Islam, in terms of its alleged 
antipathy towards women, is the claim that it encourages a phenomenon known as 
honor killings. This un-Islamic practice consists of the murder of female 
family members who are seen as dishonoring their families through real or 
perceived acts of indiscretion, such as premarital sexual relations or 
unapproved dating. This charge has been intensified recently due to the tragic 
murder of a Pakistani Canadian teenage girl, Aqsa Parvez. 
  The practice of honor killings has absolutely no sanction in the Qur’an, the 
Prophetic practice, or in the evolved systems of Islamic law. In the case of 
fornication or adultery, the only way a charge can be levied against an 
individual, male or female, is through confession, which is discouraged, or by 
four people actually witnessing the male organ penetrating the female. Even if 
four people witnessed a naked man engaged with a naked woman, but could not 
actually testify that they witnessed penetration, their testimony would be 
  In a somewhat related issue, it should be noted that in three of the four 
Sunni schools of law, as is the case with all of the major Shiite schools, 
pregnancy is not a proof of fornication, as the possibility of rape exists in 
such a case. Therefore, if a single woman were to become pregnant, according to 
the overwhelming majority of Islamic jurists, there is no basis for punishing 
her. In the few well-publicized instances where a pregnant woman has been 
threatened with death, the minority opinion of the Maliki School of law was 
unjustly evoked, as occurred in Nigeria, or criminal malfeasance occurred as is 
the case in Pakistan. 
  In the case of dating, there is no Islamically-mandated punishment for a male 
or a female seeing a member of the opposite sex against the wishes of their 
families. Such situations should be handled with counseling, compassion and a 
healthy dose of common sense. Muslim immigrants who have migrated to the West 
should realize that they have placed their children in an environment where 
there is a tremendous amount of un-Islamic peer pressure. This is especially 
true if they have placed their children, as was the case of the young lady who 
was recently murdered in Canada, in public schools. Children who succumb to 
that pressure should not be seen as “bad” kids, for by the standards of the 
society that has shaped them, no matter how strong their home environment is, 
they are normal. To kill a female guilty of an offense such as dating or 
dressing like her peers under such circumstances is nothing short of 
cold-blooded murder, and no Islamic authority can argue otherwise. 
  The overwhelming majority of Muslim societies are free from the practice of 
honor killing, although it does endure in some parts of the Middle East and 
South Asia. According to statistics released by the United Nations in 2000 
there are approximately 5,000 deaths annually from “honor” killings. Even if 
one killing occurred due to such barbarity, it would be one too many, as the 
Qur’an emphasizes. 
  However, to use the existence of such killings to smear Islam shows the 
desperation and misplaced priorities of many of those levying such attacks. 
Most of those deaths are the pathetic acts of sick individuals, who are far 
removed from the letter, as we have shown above, and the spirit of Islam. An 
example of such an individual is Muhammad Riaz, a British Muslim of South Asian 
descent who died as a result of a fire he set to burn to death his wife and 
four daughters, allegedly because his wife resisted his attempt to arrange 
marriages for his daughters. His wife and daughters did perish in that fire. To 
present Riaz, whose daughters had neither fornicated nor dated, as anything 
other than a sick individual is a sad attempt to defame Islam. 
  To attack Islam from this angle is a case of misplaced priorities because it 
can distract attention from far graver abuses of women that demand immediate 
redress. For example, the State Department estimates that approximately 800,000 
women and girls are trafficked as sexual slaves annually. The overwhelming 
majority of these females are taken from and sent to nominally Christian 
  Over the last five years well over one thousand women have been kidnapped and 
then gruesomely murdered in Guatemala. Their bodies usually turn up after a few 
days, mutilated and in some instances with messages such as “death to bitches” 
written on them. To date only three men have been incarcerated in connection 
with those attacks. Would it proper for us to infer from that situation the 
conclusion that the “Christians” of Guatemala, an overwhelmingly Christian 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Honey

2007-12-16 Thread Dina Khattab
Al salam aalikom dear all

I had came across this hadith a while ago, which says:
*Narrated Ibn Abbas (the prophet said): *
*"Healing is in three things: a gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with
fire (cauterizing). But i forbid my followers to use (cauterization)
branding with fire" *
*Sahih El Bukhari (76-The book of medicine)*

Then like two weeks ago, i bumped into this piece of information which
mentions that:
*Honey is the only food that never turns bad*

Then i thought to myself Sob7an Allah; the only kind of food that the
prophet mentions that heals us, never goes bad.
We have no excuse to be unhealthy!!

Bismillah [IslamCity] Those Who Will Enter Paradise Without Being Called to Account

2007-12-16 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*Those Who Will Enter Paradise Without Being Called to Account*


The first group of this ummah who will enter Paradise will be those who were
pre-eminent in their imaan, taqwaa, righteous deeds and adherence to the
true religion. They will enter Paradise in one rank: the first of them will
not enter until the last of them enters, and they will be as beautiful as
the full moon.

Al-Bukhaari reports from Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw)

"The first group to enter Paradise will be as beautiful as the full moon.
They will not spit, blow their noses or excrete. Their vessels will be fo
gold, their combs of gold and silver, their incense o aloe, and their sweat
of musk. Each of them will have two wives, the marrow of whose leg-bones
will be visible through their flesh because of their extreme beauty. There
will be no differences or hatred among them (the people of Paradise); their
hearts will be as one, and they will glorify Allah (swt) morning and
evening". *(Kitaab Bid' al-Khalq, Baab Ma Jaa' fi Sifaat al-Jannah, Fath
al-Baari, 6/318; Muslim, at-Tirmidhi)*

al-Bukhaari reports from Sahl ibn Sa'd (ra) that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said: "Seventy thousand - or seven hundred thousand - of my ummah will
enter Paradise; the first of them will not enter until the last of them does
so, and their faces will look like the full moon". *(Fath al-Baari, 6/319)*

It is true that with each one of these seventy, Allah (swt) will give His
Prophet seventy thousand. Ahmad reports with a saheeh isnaad from Abu Bakr
(ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:

"I have been given seventy thousand of my ummah, who will enter Paradise
without being called to account. Their faces will be like the full moon, and
their hearts will be as one. I asked my Rabb, may He be glorified, for more,
and He gave me, along with each of them, seventy thousand more". *(Saheeh
al-Jaami', 1/350, no. 1068)*

Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, and Ibn Hibbaan report with a saheeh isnaad from Abu
Umaamah that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "My Rabb promised me that
seventy thousand of my ummah would enter Paradise without being called to
account and without being punished, and with each one will be seventy
thousand, and three handfuls of people picked up by my Rabb [i.e. it will be
a great number]". *(Saheeh al-Jaami' 6/108, no. 2988).*

The Prophet (saw) described the characteristics of these seventy thousand.

al-Bukhaari reports from Ibn 'Abbaas that the Prophet (saw) said, "I was
shown the nations, and I saw a Prophet pass by with a group of his people,
and another with a band of his people, another with only ten, another with
five, and another on his own (with no followers). Then I looked and saw a
large crowd of people. I asked, "O Jibreel, are these my ummah?" He said,
"No, but look at the horizon." So I looked, and saw a huge multitude of
people. Jibreel said, "These are your ummah, and those seventy thousand in
front will not be called to account or punished." I asked, "Why?" He said,
"They did not treat themselves with branding (cauterisation) or with ruqyaa
(charms) and they did not see evil omens in things (i.e they were not
superstitious): they put their trust only in their Rabb"". 'Ukaasha ibn
Mihsan stood up and said, "Pray to Allah (swt) to make me one of them". The
Prophet (saw) said, "O Allah (swt) make him one of them". Then another man
stood up and said, "Ask Allah (swt) to make me one of them". The Prophet
(saw) said, 'Ukaasha has preceded you". *(Saheeh al-Bukhaari, Kitaab
ar-Riqaaq, Baab Yadhkul al-Jannah Sab'un Alfan bi Ghayri Hisaab, Fath
al-Baari, 11/405)*

These may be the ones whom Allah (swt) has called al-Muqarraboon (those
nearest to Allah swt):

"And those foremost [in faith] will be foremost [in the Hereafter]. These
will be those nearest to Allah [al-Muqarraboon], in the Gardens of Bliss". *

More of them will come from the early generations than from the later

"A multitude of those [foremost] will be from the first generations [who
embraced Islaam], and a few of those [foremost] will be from the later
generations". *(56:13-14)*

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to publish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *


*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form.*

Bismillah [IslamCity] Principle of veil (hejab)

2007-12-16 Thread muslimah muslimah
Principle of veil (hejab)  This information is taken from a book named(sharaiee 
perday ki hakikat by Molanah atiq –l-Rahman jamia binoria karachi )
   no hejab with those relatives which are mahrum for women 
  1.Perdah is compulsory from those relatives which are na mahrum 
  2.(is baray may ya principle hay kay wo people  jin say  kbhi  nikah  nhi 
ho sakta  hay 
  3.Wo mahrum hain . in say perday ka hokum bhi nhi hay 
  4.Jis say kisi  bhi time nikah ho sakta hay wo na mahrum hain .in say 
perdah faraz hay 
   Wo long jin say perdah lazmee hay 
  6.From a  son of  your mother’s sisters 
  7.From  a   son of your Mother’s brothers 
  8.From a son of your father’s brothers 
  9.From a son of your Father’s sisters
  10.   Your brother in law 
  11.   Husband’s brothers 
  12.   Uncles(mamo phopa khalo etc) of your husband 
  13.   Son of your husband’s brothers 
  14.   Son of your husband’s sisters 
   Jin  logo say perdah nhi  hay 
  15.   ^^^
  16.   People jin logo say perdah nhi hay wo ya hain 
  17.   1:husband ( if he divorced his wife then he will be 
in category of na mahrum )
  18.   2:father 
  19.   3:grandfather , (nana dada ) father’s brother , 
mother’s brothers  ,son, grand son ,son of husband (belong to other women his 
second wife),son in law, brother, step brothers   ,sister’s son , brother’s son 
.beside  this all those whom nikah is haram .children do not reach an age of 10 
year.did  not understand  the difference of man and woman .
  20.   Allah told us in Surah NISA the list of those women 
whom nikah is haram 
  21.  These are 
  22.  : Mother {including(grand mother )(nane ,dade)}
  23.  : daughter (Grand daughter)
  24.  :SISTER
  25.  ; Father”s sister (phopo)
  26.  : Mother “s sister(khala)]
  27.   Sister”s daughter
  28.   brother ‘s daughter
  29.   : foster-mothers
  30.  :daughter of Foster mother 
  31.  Other relatives of foster mother ( foster niece  foster aunties)
  32.  Mother in law
  33.  Daughter of wife
  34.  Daughter in law
  35.  Sister of wife till your wife is alive or in your Nikah
  36.   Step mother 
  37.   Perdah her us women say kerna obligatory hay jin 
say kesee bhi time nikah ki um,eed hay
  38.   For example  mamo  kee  wife , wife ke sister  
,father’s brother ki wife , brother ki wife 
  39.   Total 13 women hain jin say nikah haram hay .

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Bismillah [IslamCity] India: a catastrophe or a break with imperialism

2007-12-16 Thread Abhiyya 2006
   55% of the GDP is from the service sector, but only sheltering 
0,7%, while a vast majority is surviving on agriculture
   77% of the Indian population live on 20 rupi a day (0,5 USD). The growth 
rate is only for the top ten percent and it doesn't effect the vast majority of 
the people
   The vast majority of the indian population has no power, they have no 
purchasing power
  India: a catastrophe or a break with imperialism 
 Interview with GN Saibaba of the Revolutionary Democratic Front, India 

India is at a turning point, says GN Saibaba, a representative of the 
Revolutionary Democratic Front. He stresses the deep poverty and terrible 
living conditions of ordinary Indians co-existing with the economical boom. 
Either India breaks with imperialism or sectarianism and Hindu right-wing 
nationalism will prevail, he warns. His is a message of hope, but also fearful 

Poverty boom

The economy of India, when measured in USD exchange-rate terms, is the twelfth 
largest in the world, with a GDP of US $1.09 trillion (2007). It is the third 
largest in terms of purchasing power parity. India is the second fastest 
growing major economy in the world, with a GDP growth rate of 9.4% for the 
fiscal year 2006–2007.

- If these are indicators of growth, I'm afraid that these indicators could 
never speak about the real growth that is developing in India, says GN Saibaba, 
the deputy General Secretary of the Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF). 

India's huge population results in a per capita income of $4,182 at PPP and 
$964 at nominal (2007 estimate). The World Bank classifies India as a 
low-income economy. Co-existing with the economical growth is widespread 
poverty. The population of the vast South-Asian country is among the worlds' 
poorest and most down-throdden. The UN Human development index ranks India as 

An economy of impoverishment 

- This poverty is a real indicator of how growth develops in India, says 
Saibaba. An even better indication is the fact that 150,000 farmers have 
committed suicide. Even in Sub-saharan Africa these kind of numbers don't 
exist. These are forced suicides, not voluntary!

Saibaba sees the Western picture of India as a state of economical and 
technological progress as a fiction. - The growth rate is illusive! It's mostly 
based on calculated and speculated capital, which is very fragile. One day the 
capital could be here and another day it will fly to another territory in the 
world. This growth rate is artificial and calculated. 

Special Economical Death Zones 

Currently the Indian government is designating and building more than 500 
"Special Economical Zones" to stimulate further growth in the Indian export 
industry. The zones are put at the disposal of large multi-national companies 
and products will mainly be exported. 

- These are fragile investments, one would never know if they would remain 
permanently. Any kind of turmoil could easily cause a shift, says Saibaba. 
Through the Revolutionary Democratic Front he's participating in Visthapan 
Virodi Jan Vikas Andolan, which is an umbrella organization consisting of more 
than one hundred local mass movements all over India. 

To build the new zones local peasants are being bought out off or expelled from 
their land. Violence is often applied to expel those who are determined to 
stick on to the soil, like in Nandigram, close to the capital Kolkata of West 
Bengal, where the official Communist Party (Marxist) are heading the regional 
government. 150 were massacred and 2000 wounded when militias hired by the 
"communist" government were rushed in to clear the peasants out. 

Many intellectuals and others concerned about the social and sometimes deadly 
consequences of the "economical wonder" are also connected with the movement. 

Still a feudal economy 

Traditionally the maoist analysis applied by the inspired Indian naxalite 
rebels has been to say that the Indian economy is a feudal economy. Yet this 
image is contrasted by a sharp growth in the economical standards of the 
bourgeoisie and the upper middle class. 

But Saibaba denies that there's any development towards real capitalism in the 
country. - The capitalist entrepreneurs in India are dependent on imperialist 
capitalists, they are unable to take independent decisions. India is a 
traditional supplier of raw material. They export raw material cheaply and 
remain on the receiving end of the market for the finished goods, so in a 
double way you are helping the imperialist entrepreneurs. 

The new economics also give little in terms of investment to the people. While 
money is tossed into building new universities and campuses, the beneficiaries 
are foreigners and the Indian diaspora, not the common man, in the view of 

- They build some good educational institutions, but ordinary people don't have 
the opportunity to go. And though there are developments of science and 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamweb Hajj

2007-12-16 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Biography of Prophet Muhammad [pbuh]: Best Biography Award at international conference

2007-12-16 Thread Shakeel Ahmad
Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatahu,

*Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (THE SEALED NECTAR): Biography of Prophet [pbuh], by
Saifur Rahman 

PS: Actions may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness
without action, so act we MUST.
Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times ahead!
Aspiring 2 c u happy!

Shakeel Ahmad
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971.50.4599172 - Largest network of people from Bihar or

Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of
you have no today to be thankful for.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Terrorism and the Democratic Imperative: Reflections on Contemporary Muslim Politics

2007-12-16 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Terrorism and the Democratic Imperative: Reflections on Contemporary Muslim 
  Written by Dr. Abdelwahab El-Affendi
  When the news came in August 1998 of the bombing of the US Embassy in Kenya 
and Tanzania, the publisher and editor of an independent and strongly 
pro-government weekly published in Cairo made this comment: " The news came to 
me like a dream. The destruction of the embassies in Nairobi and Dar Es Salam. 
Glory be to the avenger. These fires remind me of the fires of Baghdad. My 
heart bleeds for the Africans but I am pleased about what happened to the 
Americans. That may have turned us into angry and embittered people looking for 
revenge which would placate our souls. I am not going to inquire about the 
perpetrator. Whoever you may be you have placated us a little. Ask the Arab 
masses from the Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean and you will see pleasure in their 
eyes. Even those who condemn the act say let them pay. Yes, American we are 

The editor who made the above statement does not belong to the extremist fringe 
of either the right of the left. He condemns the terrorism of local Islamists 
and he is very close to government circles - too close perhaps , as he has 
recently been used by official circles to spearhead the government's campaign 
against local human rights groups accused of receiving Western funding. 

The editorial in the semi-official Al Ahram on the same day called on the US to 
improve its image. It said 'The Arab peoples generally regard the USA as biased 
in favour of Israel and against the Arabs'. In other words the US has brought 
it on themselves. Other Egyptian papers were more explicit. The US, they argued 
has turned a deaf ear to Egyptian pleas to fight terrorism. Instead America 
harboured and protected wanted terrorists under various pretexts. Now it is 
learning a historic lesson. This general sentiment was echoed throughout the 
Arab world, particularly in countries which are US allies: the Gulf countries, 
Jordan and Morocco. 

These attitudes to political violence are reflected in mainstream political 
Arab discourse regarding how violence is produced and reproduced in the region. 
Most Arab regimes are very vocal in condemning terrorism but the signing of a 
treaty condemning terrorism by Arab Interior Ministers was held up for years 
because of the disagreement over the definition of terrorism. On the insistence 
of the majority of Arab countries, led by Syria, the final agreement 
distinguished between violence aimed at liberating occupied lands and other 
types of violence. The first would not be regarded as terrorism. Thus terrorism 
was defined in terms of the target and not its methods. Violence against Arab 
regimes or perpetrated on their territory is considered terrorism. That 
directed against Israel is not. In practise all Arab governments practically 
espouse this attitude and it is found in their policies. We cannot go into this 
discussion without a definition of terrorism. Contrary to the
 prevailing attitude, defining terrorism is not very difficult. One of the 
definitions concentrates on the five distinguishing characteristics of 

(1) A terrorist act is an act which is premeditated and designed. (2) It is 
directed at a wider target than the immediate victims. (3) It involves an 
attack on random or symbolic targets. (4) It is considered by the society in 
which it occurs as extra normal, that is in the literal sense, in that it 
violates norms and conventions. (5) It is used primarily, but not exclusively, 
to influence the political behaviour of governments.

I prefer the definition proposed by Alex Schmidt which defines terrorism as the 
equivalent of war crimes. I think this definition captures both the factual and 
normative condition of terrorism. I started with the comment made by an 
Egyptian editor and the connection he makes with the blowing up of the American 
embassies and the sanctions against Iraq at a time when the two acts can be 
seen in the same light. In both places the act targets civilians deliberately. 
In both places the suffering of the innocent is either an objective in itself 
or it acts as a pressure point on the target on which pressure is being put. 
The people who are hurt are not the target but they are used to exert pressure. 
The suffering of the victims is regarded as acceptable. Collateral damage, to 
use NATO speak , is 'a price well worth paying' as the US Secretary of State, 
Madeline Albright, said about the deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq as a 
result of the sanctions. 

If we accept the definition of war crimes, terrorism becomes an act which 
cannot be justified because nothing can justify war crimes. However if we 
stress the definition of war crimes, most of the acts of modern war would be 
classed as terrorism. We do not want to do that. If you look at the bombing of 
Hiroshima and Nagaski, it has all the criteria of a terrorist act. On a small

Bismillah [IslamCity] Only One Thing Unites Iraqis: Hatred of the US!!!

2007-12-16 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

a voice of reason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 13:45:45 
From: "a voice of reason" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Abdus Sattar Ghazali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
"abdul wahid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

Subject: Only One Thing Unites Iraqis: Hatred of the US!!!

  Only One Thing Unites Iraqis: Hatred of the US
  By Patrick Cockburn , The Independent. Posted December 14, 2007.
  The Americans will discover, as the British learned to their cost in Basra, 
that they have few permanent allies.

  As British forces come to the end of their role in Iraq, what sort of 
country do they leave behind? Has the United States turned the tide in Baghdad? 
Does the fall in violence mean that the country is stabilizing after more than 
four years of war? Or are we seeing only a temporary pause in the 
fighting?American commentators are generally making the same mistake that they 
have made since the invasion of Iraq was first contemplated five years ago. 
They look at Iraq in over-simple terms and exaggerate the extent to which the 
US is making the political weather and is in control of events there.   The US 
is the most powerful single force in Iraq but by no means the only one. The 
shape of Iraqi politics has changed over the past year, though for reasons that 
have little to do with "the surge" - the 30,000 US troop reinforcements - and 
much to do with the battle for supremacy between the Sunni and Shia Muslim 
  The Sunni Arabs of Iraq turned against al Qa'ida partly because it tried to 
monopolise power but primarily because it brought their community close to 
catastrophe. The Sunni war against US occupation had gone surprisingly well for 
them since it began in 2003. It was a second war, the one against the Shia 
majority led by al-Qa'ida, which the Sunni were losing, with disastrous results 
for themselves. "The Sunni people now think they cannot fight two wars - 
against the occupation and the government - at the same time," a Sunni friend 
in Baghdad told me last week. "We must be more realistic and accept the 
occupation for the moment." 
  This is why much of the non-al-Qa'ida Sunni insurgency has effectively 
changed sides. An important reason why al-Qa'ida has lost ground so swiftly is 
a split within its own ranks. The US military - the State Department has been 
very much marginalized in decision-making in Baghdad - does not want to 
emphasize that many of the Sunni fighters now on the US payroll, who are 
misleadingly called "concerned citizens", until recently belonged to al Qa'ida 
and have the blood of a great many Iraqi civilians and American soldiers on 
their hands. 
  The Sunni Arabs, five million out of an Iraqi population of 27 million and 
the mainstay of Saddam Hussein's government, were the core of the resistance to 
the US occupation. But they have also been fighting a sectarian war to prevent 
the 16 million Shia and the five million Kurds holding power. 
  At first, the Shia were very patient in the face of atrocities. Vehicles, 
packed with explosives and driven by suicide bombers, were regularly detonated 
in the middle of crowded Shia market places or religious processions, killing 
and maiming hundreds of people. The bombers came from al-Qa'ida but the attacks 
were never wholeheartedly condemned by Sunni political leaders or other 
guerrilla groups. The bombings were also very short-sighted since the Iraqi 
Shia outnumber the Sunni three to one. Retaliation was restrained until a bomb 
destroyed the revered Shia al-Askari shrine in Samarra on 22 February, 2006. 
  The bombing led to a savage Shia onslaught on the Sunni, which became known 
in Iraq as "the battle for Baghdad". This struggle was won by the Shia. They 
were always the majority in the capital but, by the end of 2006, they 
controlled 75 per cent of the city. The Sunni fled or were pressed back into a 
few enclaves, mostly in west Baghdad. 
  In the wake of this defeat, there was less and less point in the Sunni trying 
expel the Americans when the Sunni community was itself being evicted by the 
Shia from large parts of Iraq. The Iraqi Sunni leaders had also miscalculated 
that an assault on their community by the Shia would provoke Arab Sunni states 
like Saudi Arabia and Egypt into giving them more support but this never 

 discover, as the British learned to their cost in Basra, that they have few 
permanent allies.   

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Bismillah [IslamCity] "A good neighbour is better than a far away friend"

2007-12-16 Thread raja chemayel
  Half of the Lebanese do not agree with the other half.
  Half of them call the others: " Syrian-agents "
  and the second half calls the first :" American-dogs"
  One sides calls the other: "French-Puppies"
  while the other half uses the accusation of :" Iranian-Puppets"
  Remains the unanswered-question:
  who or what is worse ?? 
  an Iranian in Baalbeck ??
  a French-man in Jounieh ??
  When did Condi Rice ever do anything useful to the Lebanon ??
  While her Syrian counterpart Mr. Muallem belongs to a Family 
  which half of it are Lebanese.(and Christians)
  Who is the foreign intruder here ??
  Who wants to protect and defend the Lebanon ?
  Who stood by the Lebanon when Israel was 
  bombing Beirut in Summer 2006 ??
  Bernard Koushner  ??  or Condolisa Rice ???
  And who armed the Lebanese-resistance-forces ??
  George Sarkozy or Nicolas Bush , perhaps ??
  Which Lebanese half is not blind nor opportunist ?
  Which other Lebanese half would like to import 
  a ready-made-democracy ?
  instead of cooking it at home with homegrown ingredients.??
  Who is trying to divert the attentions from a born-dead-baby 
  called: " Annapolis " ?
  Who is removing away the spotlights on that alleged Atomic Bomb
  which never existed in Iran ??
  Who bombed Syria to destroy South-Korean-Fairy-tales ??
  Who brought devastation and diaspora to the Christians of Iraq ??
  and has completely forgotten that even the Christians of Lebanon 
  are also divided...50/50 ??
  A good-neighbour is better than
  any far-away-(false)friend !!
  (especially when this friend is the USA)
  Raja Chemayel
  50% Lebanese and 50% normal.
  16Th of December 2007
  How kosher is Khoushner ??
  How nice is Rice ??

 Sent from Yahoo! - a smarter inbox.

Bismillah [IslamCity] RE: Hidaya Foundation - One Million Meals & Qurbani Projects - Feed Less Fortunate

2007-12-16 Thread Muhammad Alawy
Assalam Alaikum

Dear Waseem Baloch

We hope that you will be delighted to inform you that they are thousands of 
the Somalis both in Somalia and in some refuge Camps in Kenya and yemen who 
do not have nothing to eat, many times we only hear that some Muslims 
Organizatiions are donating food and some tents else where but not Somalia.

Our Somali association in Glasgow UK is hereby kindly request that if you 
have any help for Somalia, please do contact with us as we have prepared to 
ship anything we got from any where to Somalia bnd to these Somali Camps 
outside Somalia to help these poor Muslims refugees of war torned Somalia.

Please do write do us for more information.

Thanks. Yours truly Hassan Guleid, Chairman of the Somali Association, 
Glasgow,. United Kingdom.

rom: Waseem Baloch
>To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
>Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Hidaya Foundation - One Million Meals & 
>Qurbani Projects - Feed Less Fortunate
>Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 19:19:56 -0800 (PST)
>  As Salaamu Alaikum (Peace Be Upon You)
>One Million Meals Project
>The world is  full of people who cannot afford to feed their children a 
>decent meal even one  time a day.  Hidaya Foundation ( 
>distributes food  packages along with Eid-ul-Adha sacrifice meat.  Due to 
>buying in bulk and  distributing in rural areas, it costs approximately 25 
>cents per meal.  This  means you can feed 200  people just for $50 or 1,000 
>for just $250.
>To donate online for our One  Million Meals project visit:
>Eid-ul-Adha  Qurbani (Sacrifice) 2007
>Hidaya Foundation ( has arranged Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani 
>(Sacrifice)  Project in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, 
>West Africa &  North America.  The costs are provided in the table below.  
>To  donate online via electronic check  or credit card, please click on an 
>option  below:
>   Goat/Sheep
>   Ox/Buffalo
>(One  Share)
> International
>   $100
>   $50
>   $200
>   $120
>You may mail checks payable to:  Hidaya Foundation, P.O. Box  5481, 
>Santa Clara, CA 95056
>Waseem  Baloch
>Hidaya Foundation
>(866) 244-3292 Toll Free
>Hidaya Foundation  ( is a US based non-profit 501 (C)(3) 
>charitable  organization, with Tax ID# 77-0502583. Its mission is to 
>implement projects in  economically depressed areas of the world.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Four levels of Dawah

2007-12-16 Thread S A Hannan
  Levels of Dawah

There are levels of Dawah for Islam, each level expands Dawah further.
The first level is individual dawah, meeting people, giving them books, explain 
important issues .This is the basic level and a must for all Islamic workers.

The second higher level of Dawah is when a person becomes a good speaker, then 
he can communicate to more people.

The third level of Dawah is reached when a person becomes a writer and writes 
articles or books or even letters to news papers on a regular basis.He then 
reaches more people even he canreach accross the country if he/she can write in 
English or Arabic or other international languages,

An Islamist can reach fourth and higher and global level if he/she become 
active in internet, al least for one hour.If a person writes through internet 
and distributes positive or sound materials, he/she can reach world level, can 
counteract those falsehoods which have no basis.

The first level is essential . If somebody can not be writer or speaker, he/she 
can jump to the fourth global level in this age of internet.We can increase our 
Dawah for good, dawah for Islam in this way.

Shah Abdul Hannan

Bismillah [IslamCity] Virtues of the Day of Arafaah

2007-12-16 Thread ***hajikhan***


2007-12-16 Thread Saba Khan
Mercy of Allah: 
A lecture by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (db)

Mercy in Creation
Hadith Qudsi says that Allah said, “I was a hidden
treasure, and I wished that I be recognized, and this
is why I created.” Hence the reason for creation was
love (mohobbah). Allah created everything out of love,
and therefore He loves what He has created.
Subsequently He loves the believers even more

Hadith also says that Allah divided His Mercy into
seventy parts, and distributed one of those parts in
the creation around us. Let us think of all the love
in this world; be it between a mother and child, a
husband and wife, a brother and sister, be it between
animals and their young, be it between friends. All
the love amongst these people and in this world
comprises just one part out of seventy of Allah’s
Mercy. This brings to mind the question that what
tremendous mercy might Allah show on the Day of

A bird is a very weak little thing. It builds a nest
for its young and leaves to get food. Now if the nest
was in a house and the door is closed upon the bird’s
return, this little bird will frantically search for
some way to get to its nest, flapping its wings at one
wall and then the next. She gets tired but keeps
struggling to find a way to her young so she can feed
them. If the door opens she flies hurriedly to feed
her young, but if it remains shut then she will die
flapping against the door, looking for some passage to
her young. This bird is such a little thing but Allah
has put such love inside it that she is willing to die
but cannot tolerate her young going hungry.

A chicken is also a very delicate little creature, but
it protects its young in its wings against a cat. It
knows that it is no match for the cat, but the
mother’s love inside this chicken compels it to stand
up against the cat, because it knows that the cat will
harm its children. Such is the love that Allah has put
inside this chicken that it is prepared to give its
life in defense of her children.

Only a mother can know and understand how much love
Allah has put in her heart for her children. This love
is a mountain and no one has been able to scale its
heights; this love is an ocean and no one has been
able to calculate its depths. 

A mother loves her children unconditionally, with no
display. A mother loves her child whether the child is
obedient or disobedient, honorable or dishonorable.
After Allah and His Messenger, only a mother can love
even the disobedient. This world likes the successful
and good, but hates those who are hateful and
disrespectful and rejects them. However, a mother is a
mother and loves her children no matter is they are
obedient or disobedient, kind or unkind. A mother
cannot be separated from her child.

A Woman’s Yearning
A woman’s greatest wish is to become a mother, because
that is how Allah has made her. She gets worried if
after marriage she somehow cannot have children, and
prays day and night in every prayer and in tahajjud.
When she goes for Umra and Hajj she will pray for
children. She has such a yearning in her heart for
motherhood that this becomes the first thing that she
prays for and it starts to consume her. Allah might
have given a big house and a successful husband who
loves her, but something will be missing from her life
and she will be sad. She will only have one wish
despite all this, and that is the wish to become a

This same woman’s life will be transformed if Allah
blesses her with children. Her face will gleam and she
will say that spring has come to her house. She spends
all day running after this child and stays awake all
night catering to this child’s needs. She stays
sleepless and hungry for this child’s sake, but this
struggle and hardship seem easy for her. Why? This is
only because Allah has put the love of her children in
her heart.

Now she forgets herself after begetting children. She
goes to the market but does not look for adult clothes
for herself, but searches for little clothes for her
child and anything else she can decorate the nursery
with. If she becomes tired, one look at her child
relieves her of her fatigue; if she is worried, she
hugs the child close to her and forgets all these
worries, and thinks that she has gained all the
happiness in the world.

She even forgets her relations, in that if her sister
dislikes the child then she does not consider her a
sister. Now the child becomes the purpose and focal
point of her life. This child grows up and starts
working, but the mother keeps worrying and stays up
late waiting for him. The rest of the household sleeps
but this mother stays awake waiting and worrying about
whether the child has eaten or not.

If the child hurts the mother to such a degree that
the mother says that she will never speak to him
again, the child only has to come and beg forgiveness
and the mother will immediately do so because she is a
mother. If the mother has been hurt worse than this
and says that she will not forgive him, then 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Watch Ahmad Deedat's Encounter With Christian Missionaries

2007-12-16 Thread Shakeel Ahmad
Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatahu,

*Video: Watch Ahmed Deedat's Encounter With Christian

PS: Actions may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness
without action, so act we MUST.
Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times ahead!
Aspiring 2 c u happy!

Shakeel Ahmad
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971.50.4599172 - Largest network of people from Bihar or

Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of
you have no today to be thankful for.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Darwinism: A Religion of Superstition

2007-12-16 Thread Ahumanb
Darwinism: A Religion of Superstition
The modified, but still characteristically Darwinian theory, has itself become 
an orthodoxy preached by its adherents with religious fervor, and doubted, they 
feel, only by a few muddlers, imperfect in scientific faith. (Marjorie Grene, 
Encounter, November 1959, p.48.) 
As stated in our introduction, the theory of evolution has now been discredited 
in scientific circles. Since this theory first appeared, a large number of 
scientific findings have invalidated its claims one by one. The development of 
the electron microscope, new knowledge of genetic laws, the discovery of the 
structure of DNA, the revelation of the complexity of every living organism, 
and other modern advances have defeated Darwinism and will continue to oppose 
it. In other books by this author, you can read about the collapse of Darwinism 
in light of scientific facts and about the scientific proofs that have 
invalidated the theory of evolution.1
But despite the fact that science is developing so quickly and is continually 
introducing something new into our lives, certain scientists of an 
unenlightened, bigoted and conservative mind continue to defend theories 
developed in the 19th century, theories originally elaborated within a 
primitive scientific understanding, whose naiveté and superficiality would make 
a child laugh.
So what explains the fact that Darwinism is still so popular in some scientific 
circles? There is not even one concrete scientific proof in place; on the 
contrary, it is clearly evident that every living thing has been created 
according to a flawless design and that nothing has come into existence by 
chance, as the theory of evolution claims. How can it be, then, that many 
people, nonetheless, continue to be strong advocates of this theory?
The reason is this: the theory is more an expression of a certain mentality and 
belief than a scientific formulation. It is a mentality that does not view 
evolution as a mere theory whose validity can be investigated by scientific 
method, but sees it as a belief that must be vindicated at all costs. Because 
their faith cannot be substantiated by scientific facts, people with this 
mentality have a dogmatic bond with their theory which cannot in the least be 
influenced by the scientific proofs that refute it. No matter how cogent the 
evidence against evolution, evolutionists continue to ignore it and vigorously 
defend their faith.
For Darwinists, the theory of evolution is much more than a scientific 
proposition. When their theory becomes a matter for discussion, evolutionist 
scientists immediately lose their impartiality and scientific objectivity. They 
are so fiercely bound to their theory that most distinguished biologists "would 
rather lose their right hands than begin a sentence with the phrase, 'If the 
theory of evolution is true...'"2 They do not even want to consider that the 
theory of evolution might not be true.
When Darwin's theory was proposed, science and technology were on a very 
primitive level. Scientists of that period used very basic equipment, whereas 
computers and electron microscopes are used today. The development of 
equipment, from the microscope to other technical devices, began only in the 
20th century. The results of scientific advances have nullified the claims made 
by Darwinism with its primitive level of scientific knowledge.
People are not accustomed to seeing this attitude among scientists. They 
generally imagine that scientific discourse is independent of the individual 
scientist's philosophical and ideological prejudices and that scientists are 
objective individuals whose facts are substantiated by concrete evidence and 
their truth proven by experiment. For this reason they seldom doubt the 
correctness of the theory of evolution.
This is a great error, however, because when evolutionist "scientists" are 
discussing the theory of evolution, scientific criteria are not brought to bear 
on the issue. These words of the eminent Darwinian, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, 
expose the position of "science" in the Darwinist outlook:
Is evolution a theory, a system, or a hypothesis? It is much more. It is a 
general postulate to which all theories, all hypotheses, all systems must 
henceforward bow and which they must satisfy in order to be thinkable and true. 
Evolution is a light which illuminates all facts, a trajectory which all lines 
of thought must follow. This is what evolution is.3
As can be seen in the above quotation, the terms used by Darwinists when they 
speak of their theory give important clues about their dogmatic attitude and 
blind allegiance. Taking other examples, one of the leading evolutionists of 
the world, G.W. Harper, calls the theory of evolution a "metaphysical belief";4 
the outstanding Harvard evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr calls it "man's world 
view today."5 Sir Julian Huxley, prob

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] From Masada to Gaza

2007-12-16 Thread Ibrahim Hayani
What a splendid piece of intellectual insight, artistic creativity, and 
social and political courage!

Regards & best of wishes,

Ibrahim Hayani


 ..from Masada to Gaza. 
In the past we have had Masada

and the question is :
are the same people calling themselves today "Israelis"
those same who resided inside Masada ??
I leave the answer to you ,
I have made my conclusion, 
long time ago..
What I want to compare, to identify and to confirm

is that the People, today, inside the besieged Gaza
are doing exactly what the Masada-people have done,namely,
to resist to the invader-occupier and to strive to liberate
their own homeland..
And the Irony is that the Gazzeans are genetically

related to the Masada's people,
although they have a new religion , now.
While an Israeli of today might share partly the blood
of any Roman soldier.or even a Norwegian Viking.
From Masada to Gaza  ,

history keeps on repeating itself,
and with the same actors , too.

Indigenous-Semites on the inside
and fascist-barbarians on the outside.
It was a war of liberation , then

It is a war of liberation !! now.

Raja Chemayel
a christian Semite from the inside...
15Th of December 2007
(my brother's Khalil Birthday)

Sent from Yahoo! 
- a smarter inbox.  

Bismillah [IslamCity] File - Setting in receiving email

2007-12-16 Thread islamcity

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