[iText-questions] Adobe Reader v6, v7, and Arabic Text

2005-05-17 Thread Youssef Eldakar
It appears that Adobe changed the way Adobe Reader handles Arabic text in v7. 
In v6, it used to be that Arabic characters had to be written in normal 
character order in order to copy-and-paste and search properly, while in v6 ME 
(Middle Eastern), they had to be written in reverse order. Now, it appears that 
v7 has adopted v6 ME's behavior, so Arabic characters have to be written in 
reverse order. So far, there does not seem to be a v7 ME release.
Is anybody aware of this change? Is it officially documented anywhere?
Youssef Eldakar
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

RE: [iText-questions] Font class - is it thread-safe?

2005-05-17 Thread Paulo Soares

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Biker Conrad
 Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 10:21 PM
 To: itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net
 Subject: [iText-questions] Font class - is it thread-safe?
 Is it ok to access an object of this class from
 different threads? I have a web application and I want
 to create a few Font objects as static members to be
 used in all my reports. I was wondering if this is
 actually safe, given the fact that the fonts are
 accessed from different threads.
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iText-questions mailing list

[iText-questions] SimpleTextColumn that flows to next page

2005-05-17 Thread Isabelle Ulfsdotter


How can I
implement a simple ColumnText that automatically flows to the next page when
full? What I am looking to do is similar to the ColumnObjects example with multiple
columns and a title at the top, but ensure that the columns continue on the
next page if necessary.



[iText-questions] Combine Multiple PDF files with master table of contents

2005-05-17 Thread Jared Davis

I have 200+ existing pdf documents that I would like to combine into one pdf 
file. The first couple of pages should be a table of contents that would allow 
the user to click on a name and go to the correct page.

My plan was to use PdfStamper on each pdf file to place a new page number on 
each page, then use PdfCopy to merge the documents together.

What I need help with is how to create the table of contents.

table of contents example:
 001.pdf page 3 - 5   (Click here to go to page 3)
 002.pdf page 6 - 12  (Click here to go to page 6)
 200.pdf page 535-537 (Click here to go to page 535)

My first attempt was to create the table of contents from the PdfCopy document. 
I couldn't figure out where the content was going. It didn't appear in the 
output document.

  if (f == 0) {
document = new Document(reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(1));
writer = new PdfCopy(document, new FileOutputStream(outFile));
document.add(new Paragraph(001.pdf Page 3-5)); // never made it to the pdf
document.add(new Paragraph(002.pdf Page 6-12));
  for (int i = 0; i  n; ) {
 page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i);

My second attempt was to create the table of contents as a separate document 
using Anchors then merge it later. I would always get an exception on the 
document.close stating the destination could not be found.

// create table of contents pdf

document.add(new Paragraph(001.pdf Page 3-5));
Anchor anchor2 = new Anchor(Go to the internal link); 
anchor2.setReference(# + a.pdf);

would throw

Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException: The name 'a.pdf' has no 
local destination.
at com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter.addLocalDestinations(PdfWriter.java:1726)
at com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfDocument.close(PdfDocument.java:926)
at com.lowagie.text.Document.close(Document.java:520)

How do I add Paragraphs with local goto action then merge other pdf documents 
using PdfCopy?

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iText-questions mailing list

[iText-questions] trying to download iText 1.3

2005-05-17 Thread Christopher Spiller
Hello I just tried to download the jar of 1.3, but it only downloaded 
15KB! I'll keep trying in case it is an issue on my end, but you may 
want to double check the link at: http://www.lowagie.com/iText/download.html

Chris Spiller
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[iText-questions] Split Table or Columns and Create an Appendix

2005-05-17 Thread Janne Berg
Hi !
I have following dilemma:
I want to add som content to a PDF say a table, after the table i need 
to have 2 columns of text that only have limited space to reside in. If 
this text fills the determined area i need to replace the text with see 
appendix  and the move all of the text to another page in this document.
Which is the best way to solve this problem ?  In the example below i've 
used MultiColumnText, is this the right way to go or should i use 
PdfPTable ?

Extra questions :
Is it possbile to make a table split text between columns?
Is it possible to make a  table to split between pages but not the 
following page (appendix or some such)

When i was browsing the site i found following code snippet  here 

while (mct.hasMoreText()) {
(mct.hasMoreText()) is not a member of MultiColumnText right ?
Code Example :
import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.PageSize;
import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;
import com.lowagie.text.Phrase;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.MultiColumnText;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;

public class  TestMultiColumn{
   private String lorem = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tincidunt sem tincidunt sem. Nulla mattis, elit vitae ultricies egestas, turpis pede feugiat justo, non ullamcorper sapien magna ac ante. Maecenas bibendum aliquam nulla. In sed diam. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam eu mauris non ipsum vehicula bibendum. Etiam adipiscing odio quis libero. Nulla facilisi. In euismod massa et magna. Suspendisse vel nisl iaculis massa accumsan fringilla. Mauris cursus, nunc id lacinia pharetra, elit dui accumsan urna, sed euismod risus sapien non augue. Vivamus eget orci facilisis leo scelerisque vestibulum. Nullam condimentum. Mauris in diam. Duis eu purus sed felis auctor porta. Vivamus tristique. Quisque et sapien. Aliquam sed metus.Sed eget enim eget ligula ullamcorper viverra. Nulla congue. In lorem urna, tempus mattis, ornare vitae, porttitor sed, eros. Morbi nec purus sed odio ultrices egestas. Morbi vitae mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed non sem ac mi euismod imperdiet. Etiam wisi massa, lobortis non, tristique in, eleifend a, pede. Integer dolor pede, ultrices at, faucibus volutpat, mattis eu, lacus. Mauris semper. Etiam adipiscing elit sed est.Cras nec velit. Duis egestas augue sit amet lectus. Phasellus purus diam, molestie eu, vestibulum at, feugiat eu, felis. Proin dictum elit. Quisque molestie. Aliquam dapibus justo a mi. Vivamus lobortis lorem non turpis. Fusce vulputate justo. Phasellus eu enim sit amet massa iaculis imperdiet. Suspendisse blandit diam quis mi. Nunc vel risus nec mi sodales tristique. Praesent lobortis, augue et sagittis mollis, elit arcu adipiscing risus, luctus pharetra libero risus et est. Nullam eu orci. Praesent pretium, tellus at facilisis egestas, pede est faucibus leo, sit amet blandit erat nisl tristique risus. Aliquam elementum elit et leo. Donec facilisis ipsum nec erat. Nunc consectetuer cursus purus. Mauris non diam.Nam odio wisi, luctus a, euismod eget, ultricies id, nulla. Quisque eget neque vel pede lobortis porttitor. Phasellus id massa. Etiam tristique. Vestibulum viverra elementum lacus. Maecenas dignissim, enim non vulputate ultricies, metus purus lobortis elit, sed iaculis lectus orci rhoncus urna. Suspendisse ullamcorper, nibh et aliquam vehicula, tellus dolor aliquet pede, ut ornare dolor mauris eget diam. Curabitur mattis risus nec erat. Curabitur viverra ante ac libero. Sed accumsan. Sed diam wisi, vulputate sed, lobortis non, congue vel, turpis. Nulla arcu neque, tempor ac, varius ac, vehicula at, orci. Duis at magna sed dolor feugiat semper. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur eleifend enim eu justo.Suspendisse at purus quis sem sodales vestibulum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque rutrum viverra ipsum. Aliquam neque nibh, placerat vitae, varius non, facilisis at, ante. Vestibulum est ligula, hendrerit non, porta quis, ullamcorper et, neque. Curabitur eu dolor vitae dui pharetra consectetuer. Vivamus iaculis tellus sit amet elit. Suspendisse elementum, metus et dapibus accumsan, urna sapien porttitor lacus, a condimentum libero tortor sed massa. In aliquam, urna vel rutrum laoreet, ligula lectus porttitor lacus, nec placerat ipsum sem a nulla. Integer purus. Sed vel mi at erat ultrices mattis. Aliquam mauris felis, luctus vel, fermentum sed, conseq;
   public TestMultiColumn() {
   try {
   Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4,34, 34, 20, 68);
   OutputStream out = new 

Re: [iText-questions] trying to download iText 1.3

2005-05-17 Thread Bruno Lowagie
Christopher Spiller wrote:
Hello I just tried to download the jar of 1.3, but it only downloaded 
15KB! I'll keep trying in case it is an issue on my end, but you may 
want to double check the link at: 
The 15 kbyte is a webpage provided by SF that redirects you to a mirror 
of your choice.
You need to download the jar from that mirror, not the page from 

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[iText-questions] Plz tell me which jar(s) file I should add to the classpath to compilesource code at my desktop for iText.

2005-05-17 Thread b . laxminarayana

 I am unable to understand how compile the files, which one I found in
your site.  Please give in detial which jar files are required to add class
file, and where from can I get them as early as possible.

Thanks n Regards
Laxminarayana Boojjewar
91-40-23407500 Ext 605

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[iText-questions] PDFContentByte toPDF()

2005-05-17 Thread Krunoslav Požega

One question:

I have PDFContentByte object (passed to method as parameter).
How can I create a PDF document from this PDFContentByte object ? I presume 
that this is done with the toPDF() method ? 
But how ?


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RE: [iText-questions] UGH! I give up! Blue backgrounds are driving me crazy

2005-05-17 Thread Leonard Rosenthol
At 05:14 PM 5/16/2005, A. Gautier wrote:
I need to know how to turn off background and hovor colors using itext,
does anyone know how to do that?
iText can't modify existing PDF documents.
Also, that sort of functionality is usually written into the 
JavaScripts of the document.

Leonard Rosentholmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chief Technical Officer  http://www.pdfsages.com
PDF Sages, Inc.  215-938-7080 (voice)
 215-938-0880 (fax)

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Re: [iText-questions] Adobe Reader v6, v7, and Arabic Text

2005-05-17 Thread Leonard Rosenthol
At 04:07 AM 5/17/2005, Youssef Eldakar wrote:
It appears that Adobe changed the way Adobe Reader handles Arabic text in v7.
Yes, they did.  They made it so that the English (normal) 
version of Acrobat is ME aware - no longer do users need a separate version 
of Acrobat when working with Arabic/Hebrew/etc.

In v6, it used to be that Arabic characters had to be written in normal 
character order in order to copy-and-paste and search properly, while in 
v6 ME (Middle Eastern), they had to be written in reverse order. Now, it 
appears that v7 has adopted v6 ME's behavior, so Arabic characters have to 
be written in reverse order.
ME 6 and Acrobat 7 follow standard Unicode rules for ME/RTL data - 
such that the extraction is based on logical and NOT visual order.  They 
also both have knowledge of RTL glyph and codepoint rules, provided that 
the document(s) in question have appropriate font and/or Unicode internals 
(aka /ToUnicode table)

So far, there does not seem to be a v7 ME release.
If there is - it will only be for localization.

Is anybody aware of this change? Is it officially documented anywhere?
Yes, in the developer notes that I wrote for Adobe ;).
Leonard Rosentholmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chief Technical Officer  http://www.pdfsages.com
PDF Sages, Inc.  215-938-7080 (voice)
 215-938-0880 (fax)

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RE: [iText-questions] Adobe Reader v6, v7, and Arabic Text

2005-05-17 Thread Youssef Eldakar
Are these developer notes publicly available?
Thank you so much for the information.
Youssef Eldakar
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

-Original Message- 
From: Leonard Rosenthol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tue 5/17/2005 1:55 PM 
To: Youssef Eldakar; itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net 
Subject: Re: [iText-questions] Adobe Reader v6, v7, and Arabic Text

At 04:07 AM 5/17/2005, Youssef Eldakar wrote:
It appears that Adobe changed the way Adobe Reader handles Arabic text 
in v7.

 Yes, they did.  They made it so that the English (normal)
version of Acrobat is ME aware - no longer do users need a separate 
of Acrobat when working with Arabic/Hebrew/etc.

In v6, it used to be that Arabic characters had to be written in normal
character order in order to copy-and-paste and search properly, while 
v6 ME (Middle Eastern), they had to be written in reverse order. Now, 
appears that v7 has adopted v6 ME's behavior, so Arabic characters 
have to
be written in reverse order.

 ME 6 and Acrobat 7 follow standard Unicode rules for ME/RTL 
data -
such that the extraction is based on logical and NOT visual order.  They
also both have knowledge of RTL glyph and codepoint rules, provided that
the document(s) in question have appropriate font and/or Unicode 
(aka /ToUnicode table)

So far, there does not seem to be a v7 ME release.

 If there is - it will only be for localization.

Is anybody aware of this change? Is it officially documented anywhere?

 Yes, in the developer notes that I wrote for Adobe ;).


Leonard Rosentholmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chief Technical Officer  http://www.pdfsages.com
PDF Sages, Inc.  215-938-7080 (voice)
  215-938-0880 (fax)


Re: [iText-questions] SimpleTextColumn that flows to next page

2005-05-17 Thread Steve Appling
Try using MultiColumnText.
Isabelle Ulfsdotter wrote:
How can I implement a simple ColumnText that automatically flows to 
the next page when full? What I am looking to do is similar to the 
ColumnObjects example with multiple columns and a title at the top, 
but ensure that the columns continue on the next page if necessary.




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[iText-questions] Paragraphs and Chunks and Graphics2D

2005-05-17 Thread Nederhof M.J.
Some advice would be appreciated with the following problem.

1) I have a method that generates Egyptian hieroglyphs written to
Graphics2D, in such a way that no pixelization results. I.e. I write curves,
not pixels. This has been applied to PdfGraphics2D as well, which works fine
provided I know the x and y coordinates on a page.

2) I use Paragraphs and Chunks for normal running text. I can mix this with
Images containing hieroglyphs, which works fine from the viewpoint of layout,
but then I get pixelization, because Images consist of pixels, not curves.

Question: how do I combine the two? So, how can I mix hieroglyphs with normal
running text, arranged in Paragraphs and Chunks, in such a way that there is 
no pixelization for the hieroglyphs?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [iText-questions] Paragraphs and Chunks and Graphics2D

2005-05-17 Thread Bruno Lowagie
Nederhof M.J. wrote:
Some advice would be appreciated with the following problem.
1) I have a method that generates Egyptian hieroglyphs written to
Graphics2D, in such a way that no pixelization results. I.e. I write curves,
not pixels. This has been applied to PdfGraphics2D as well, which works fine
provided I know the x and y coordinates on a page.
2) I use Paragraphs and Chunks for normal running text. I can mix this with
Images containing hieroglyphs, which works fine from the viewpoint of layout,
but then I get pixelization, because Images consist of pixels, not curves.
Question: how do I combine the two? So, how can I mix hieroglyphs with normal
running text, arranged in Paragraphs and Chunks, in such a way that there is 
no pixelization for the hieroglyphs?

Are you combining 1) and 2) ?
As you describe the problem, it seems that you are converting the
hieroglyphs to soe Image format (gif, png, jpg) first and add this
image to an iText object.
You could using the PdfGraphics2D to make a PdfTemplate
and construct a com.lowagie.text.Image object with this PdfTemplate.
You can use this Image in Chunk or Paragraph.
I don't think you'll get pixelization in this case.
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Re: [iText-questions] Paragraphs and Chunks and Graphics2D

2005-05-17 Thread Nederhof M.J.
Dear Bruno,

Thanks very much for your help.

 Nederhof M.J. wrote:
 Some advice would be appreciated with the following problem.
 1) I have a method that generates Egyptian hieroglyphs written to
 Graphics2D, in such a way that no pixelization results. I.e. I write
  curves, not pixels. This has been applied to PdfGraphics2D as well, which
  works fine provided I know the x and y coordinates on a page.
 2) I use Paragraphs and Chunks for normal running text. I can mix this
  with Images containing hieroglyphs, which works fine from the viewpoint
  of layout, but then I get pixelization, because Images consist of pixels,
  not curves.
 Question: how do I combine the two? So, how can I mix hieroglyphs with
  normal running text, arranged in Paragraphs and Chunks, in such a way
  that there is no pixelization for the hieroglyphs?

 Are you combining 1) and 2) ?

In the past, 1) and 2) were used separately. Now I wanted combined them.

 As you describe the problem, it seems that you are converting the
 hieroglyphs to soe Image format (gif, png, jpg) first and add this
 image to an iText object.

What I did in the past was to create an AWT Image, get a Graphics2D from that,
and write the hieroglyphs to that Graphics2D. Then the AWT Image is turned 
into an iText Image. Then that is turned into a Chunk and that is added to a 

 You could using the PdfGraphics2D to make a PdfTemplate
 and construct a com.lowagie.text.Image object with this PdfTemplate.
 You can use this Image in Chunk or Paragraph.
 I don't think you'll get pixelization in this case.

The way I understood this is as follows:

PdfTemplate template = writer.getDirectContent().createTemplate(80, 80);
Graphics2D g = template.createGraphics(80, 80, myFontMapper);
g.drawString(string, 10,10); // and also hieroglyphs written here...
Image img = Image.getInstance(template);
Chunk c = new Chunk(img, 0, 0);

I tried it and it seems to work. Your help is much appreciated.


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[iText-questions] iText - print existing PDF file

2005-05-17 Thread Behnken, Andree
Title: iText - print existing PDF file


I have a question regarding iText and printing:

Is there a way to print a pdf-file which exists as a byte[] or a ByteArrayOutputStream from a java program without using servlets (as in the SilentPrinting example) and also without using AcrobatReader to display and then print the file?


[iText-questions] iText

2005-05-17 Thread Sri ram Murthy
Hi All,
I am using the class com.lowagie.tools.concat_pdf  for 
merging two pdfs. But the output  pdf if opened is not showing Bookmarks 
by default, but clicking on the Bookmarks will show me all the 
bookmarks. Is there any way to open the pdf with the bookmarks by 
default. If you require any further information let me know.

Sri Ram
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[iText-questions] Table et hauteur

2005-05-17 Thread christophe . canou


j'aimerais mettre une hauteur de ligne spécifique à chacune de mes lignes de mon

Comment puis-je procéder ?

PS: excellente librairie

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[iText-questions] fill in form question

2005-05-17 Thread Mikhalsky Stanislav
Title: fill in form question


I'm trying to use your examples from iText software. Everything looks great. I just have one question -- you have a Register.java class to show how to fill out the form. However, for PDF file, how do I find exact field names? For example, you're using name, address, postal_code, email. If I'll change postal_code, for example. to code, this field is not populated. This is understandable, you're using correct name for each field. My question is, where in Adibe I could read a properties for these fields, their exact names?

Thank you very much,

Stan Mikhalsky

BBVA -- Bancomer Securities International


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RE: [iText-questions] iText

2005-05-17 Thread Paulo Soares
PdfCopy.setViewerPreferences(). See the javadocs for PdfWriter.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Sri ram Murthy
 Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 2:41 PM
 To: itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net
 Subject: [iText-questions] iText
 Hi All,
  I am using the class com.lowagie.tools.concat_pdf  for 
 merging two pdfs. But the output  pdf if opened is not 
 showing Bookmarks 
 by default, but clicking on the Bookmarks will show me all the 
 bookmarks. Is there any way to open the pdf with the bookmarks by 
 default. If you require any further information let me know.
 Sri Ram
 This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space Sweepstakes
 Want to be the first software developer in space?
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 iText-questions mailing list

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iText-questions mailing list

RE: [iText-questions] fill in form question

2005-05-17 Thread Paulo Soares
You must know the field names. It's possible to list the field names but
you still have to know what to do with them. 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Mikhalsky Stanislav
 Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 4:20 PM
 To: itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net
 Subject: [iText-questions] fill in form question
 I'm trying to use your examples from iText software. 
 Everything looks great. I just have one question -- you have 
 a Register.java class to show how to fill out the form. 
 However, for PDF file, how do I find exact field names? For 
 example, you're using name, address, postal_code, 
 email. If I'll change postal_code, for example. to 
 code, this field is not populated. This is understandable, 
 you're using correct name for each field. My question is, 
 where in Adibe I could read a properties for these fields, 
 their exact names?
 Thank you very much, 
 Stan Mikhalsky 
 BBVA -- Bancomer Securities International 
 This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended 
 recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged 
 information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or 
 distribution is prohibited.  If you are not the intended 
 recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and 
 destroy all copies of the original message.

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RE: [iText-questions] Table et hauteur

2005-05-17 Thread Paulo Soares
Table ou PdfPTable? 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 3:14 PM
 To: itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net
 Subject: [iText-questions] Table et hauteur
 j'aimerais mettre une hauteur de ligne spcifique  chacune 
 de mes lignes de mon
 Comment puis-je procder ?
 PS: excellente librairie
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 iText-questions mailing list

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iText-questions mailing list

RE: [iText-questions] UGH! I give up! Blue backgrounds are driving me crazy

2005-05-17 Thread A. Gautier
Yes, iText can definatly make changes to existing documents.  I have added
fields, moved them around, renamed them and set the /MaxLen property. 
Also, using PdfContentByte I have been able to change just about anything
I have wanted.  I just don't understand what you are saying since I can
also look at the code and extend the PDFStamper(which I have also done) to
add which ever low-level access I need.

All that said thank you for the lead on the Javascript side I did not
think about that and I will look into it.  It seems that I might need to
do that to remove the Javascript.  A better question would be what
property in the widget connects it to the JavaScript.

Cheers, Adam

 At 05:14 PM 5/16/2005, A. Gautier wrote:
I need to know how to turn off background and hovor colors using itext,
does anyone know how to do that?

  iText can't modify existing PDF documents.

  Also, that sort of functionality is usually written into the
 JavaScripts of the document.


Leonard Rosenthol
 Chief Technical Officer  http://www.pdfsages.com
PDF Sages, Inc.  215-938-7080 (voice)
   215-938-0880 (fax)


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iText-questions mailing list

Re: [iText-questions] multiple output types

2005-05-17 Thread Mark Hall
On Monday 16 May 2005 14:13, Doug James wrote:
 I was trying to use the base objects, like Table and Cell, in my
 document so I could use either a PDFWriter, RTFWriter, or a HTMLWriter.
 Make sense?
If you stick to the base objects, you should get similar looking documents in 
each of the formats depending on which writer you use. The RtfWriter and 
HTMLWriter have some limitations in some areas. Check the documentation for 

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RE: [iText-questions] Adobe Reader v6, v7, and Arabic Text

2005-05-17 Thread Leonard Rosenthol
At 07:05 AM 5/17/2005, Youssef Eldakar wrote:
Are these developer notes publicly available?
They were made available by Adobe to developers during the beta 

But you can ask me stuff and I can answer it - I just can't give 
you the prewritten material.

Leonard Rosentholmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chief Technical Officer  http://www.pdfsages.com
PDF Sages, Inc.  215-938-7080 (voice)
 215-938-0880 (fax)

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space Sweepstakes
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iText-questions mailing list

[iText-questions] Relative text position

2005-05-17 Thread fabian andres gutierrez

can you tell me if itext has a way to write some text in a direct position. eg: 5 cms from the left and 3 cms from the top of the paper. 

I cant find anything like that in the faq. Thanks in advance.

