Re: [iText-questions] Guidance Requested - Generating multipage output with header/footer and pg 1 layout

2010-04-28 Thread Giovanni Azua
Hello Daniel,

On Apr 28, 2010, at 1:32 AM, Daniel Cane wrote:
 Interesting - could you show me how you define your spot function? The idea of
 simply assembling a 'top' spot, 'left' spot and 'right' spot is appealing, but
 I'm a little lost on how to implement it. Are spots = paragraphs or templates 
 Also, how would this work with a different header / footer on all pages after
 the first page? 
 I very much appreciate your suggestion!
The Spot is a class or better yet an enum type which has a corresponding stored 
configuration in your preferred configuration format e.g. xml, properties, txt 
etc. The client code can refer to Spots by the appropriate enum instance e.g.


the client code would look like this:

IBuilder builder = ...

note that client code does not exactly know what TOP_LEFT details are ...
The Spot type could also have some sort of small gap constant value maybe also 
externalized in configuration which would support functions like this:
Spot.TOP_LEFT.right().right() so you would have finer control on the coordinate 
positions but again I would avoid any algorithm that moves things around 
- complexity
- possible lose of predictability of the visual output

From all the ideas I thought of for implementing the layout, this was the 
simplest one ...

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Re: [iText-questions] Guidance Requested - Generating multipage output with header/footer and pg 1 layout

2010-04-27 Thread Giovanni Azua
Hello Daniel,

Please note that I am a relatively newbie with iText. I have been recently 
faced with similar questions as yours and this is my attempted solution ... 
perhaps it will give you some ideas.

On Apr 27, 2010, at 9:58 PM, Daniel Cane wrote:
 My first approach was attempting to create the page from scratch using 
 chunks, paragraphs, etc. This seems to give me a ton of control, but I find 
 myself tinkering (a ton) to get the layout to work. 

I define templates as simple as a list of coordinate points or hot spots or 
however you want to call them. These points are uniquely keyed by labels e.g. 
TOP_LEFT and they also have a recurrence flag i.e. repeat for all pages. So 
they look like Spot(x,y,TOP_LEFT,repeat). These coordinate tuples are defined 
manually once so that the visual appealingness is well known in advance and 
not computed on the fly by some algorithm where you could lose predictability 
of the visual output. 

Now that's all :) I then use the Builder Design pattern which is one of the few 
interfaces to client code with methods similar to e.g.


my Layout Manager does not shift on the x axis but only on the y-axis and 
breaks onto new pages automatically. It also checks or will for overlapping.

This solution resolves the problem of having to deal with the combinatorial 
explosion of PDF templates to maintain ... you keep only metadata list of 
points as template.

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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-24 Thread Giovanni Azua

On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:50 PM, trumpetinc wrote:
 Don't know if it'll make any difference, but the way you are reading the file
 is horribly inefficient.  If the code you wrote is part of your test times,
 you might want to re-try, but using this instead (I'm just tossing this
 together - there might be type-os):
 ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 byte[] buf = new byte[8092];
 int n;
 while ((n = = 0) {
   baos.write(buf, 0, n);
 return baos.toByteArray();
I tried your suggestion above and made no significative difference compared to 
doing the loading from iText. The fastest I could get my use case to work using 
this pre-loading concept was by loading the whole file in one shot using the 
code below.

Applying the cumulative patch plus preloading the whole PDF using the code 
below, my original test-case now performs 7.74% faster than before, roughly 22% 
away from competitor now ...  

btw the average response time numbers I was getting:

- average response time of 77ms original unchanged test-case from the office 
multi-processor-multi-core workstation 
- average response time of 15ms original unchanged test-case from home using my 

I attribute the huge difference between those two similar experiments mainly to 
having an SSD drive in my MBP ... the top Host spots reported from the profiler 
are related one way or another to IO so would be no wonder that with an SSD 
drive the response time improves by a factor of 5x. There are other differences 
though e.g. OS, JVM version.  

Best regards,

private static byte[] file2ByteArray(String filePath) throws Exception {
  InputStream input = null; 
  try {
File file = new File(filePath);
input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filePath));

byte[] buff = new byte[(int) file.length()];;

return buff;
  finally {
if (input != null) {

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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-24 Thread Giovanni Azua

On Apr 24, 2010, at 8:59 PM, trumpetinc wrote:

 If the file is being entirely pre-loaded, then I doubt that IO blocking is a
 significant contributing factor to your test.
After I did the entire pre-loading, taking the entire file at once the 
benchmarks look better yes, meaning there is some bottleneck in the way itext 
handles the loading of the PDF files. Besides changing to a different storage 
i.e. from non SSD in the office to SSD in my laptop shows a performance 
improvement by a factor of 5x, of course there could be other reasons but I 
would be willing to bet that this 5x faster is by a high margin due to the fast 
SSD. If there is something SSD are really good at is Random access and iText is 
doing that and a lot. 

Benchmarking the alternative in my laptop shows:
alternative mean RT: 18ms
itext mean RT: 14ms 

So in my laptop itext is faster than the alternative ... why? I think because 
of random access. If itext was doing a lot of random access it could slow it 
down in a non-SSD drive like the one I have in the office.I have to benchmark 
again itext in the office to see how it performs with the new load the entire 
file strategy.

Because of these variations I will setup the experiment in the actual hardware 
where it will be deployed.

 I think that the best clue here may be the difference between performance
 with form flattening and without form flattening.  Just to confirm, am I
 right in saying that iText outperforms the competitor by a significant
 amount in the non-flattening scenario?  If that's the case, then it seems
 like we should see significant differences in the profiling results between
 the flattening and non-flattening scenarios in iText.
 Would you be willing to post the profiling results for both cases so we can
 see which code paths are consuming the most runtime in each?
I posted this yesterday, see

- FOOTER 4x shows the Hot spot profiler results in the loading and flattening 

- HEADER 4x shows the Hot spot profiler results for the loading only

 BTW - which profiler are you using?  Are you able to expand each of the
 hotspot code paths and see the actual call path that is causing the
 bottleneck?  I use jvvm, and the results of expanding the hotspot call trees
 can be quite illuminating.
I am using JProfiler. I can expand the Hotspots, it shows the full call trees 
leading to the Hot spot.

 What I really would like is to get ahold of your two benchmark tests (with
 and without flattening) so I can run it on my system - do you have anything
 you can package up and share?
I will prepare it for you ...  

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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-23 Thread Giovanni Azua
Hello Mike,

On Apr 23, 2010, at 12:55 AM, Mike Marchywka wrote:

 Mark Twain gets to the front so quickly. Again, I'm not suggesting
 you did anything wrong or bad, I haven't actually checked numbers
 or given the specific test a lot of thought- 9 data points is usually
 not all that conclusive in any case and I guess that's my point.
There are 10 means, each mean comes from 1K data points, so there are 10K data 
points for each version tested, not just 9

Unlike other tests of significance, t-test doesn't need a large number of 
observations. It is actually this case of few observations e.g. 10 means one 
of its main use-cases. Indeed one would need to check the assumptions of 
independence and normality. Looking at the response times though looks ok 
normal distribution ... I owe you the scatter and QQ plots. I really would not 
expect a Gamma going on but I might be wrong :)

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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-23 Thread Giovanni Azua
Hello Paulo,

On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:43 PM, Paulo Soares wrote:
 FYI I already use a table to map the char to the result for the delimiter 
 testing and the speed improvement was zero in relation to plain comparisons.

You are right ... changing to a table makes no difference. I checked this with 
the profiler and the results stay the same.

Best regards,
Giovanni --
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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-23 Thread Giovanni Azua

On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:18 PM, trumpetinc wrote:
 I like your approach!  A simple if (ch  32) return false; at the very top
 would give the most bang for the least effort (if you do go the bitmask
 route, be sure to include unit tests!).

Doing this change spares approximately two seconds out of the full workload so 
now shows 8s instead of 10s and isWhitespace stays at 1%.

The numbers below include two extra changes: the one from trumpetinc above and 
migrating all StringBuffer references to use instead StringBuilder.

The top are now:

PRTokeniser.nextToken  8%   77s 19'268'000  invocations   6%   53s   149'047'680 invocations  3%   26s  61'065'680 invocations
PdfReader.removeUnusedCode   1%  15s 6000 invocations
PdfEncodings.convertToBytes   1%   15s5'296'207 invocations
PRTokeniser.nextValidToken1%12s   9'862'000 invocations
PdfReader.readPRObject   1%10s   5'974'000 invocations
ByteBuffer.append(char) 1%10s 19'379'382 invocations
PRTokeniser.backOnePosition  1%10s 17'574'000 invocations
PRTokeniser.isWhitespace 1%8s   35'622'000 invocations 

A bit further down there is ByteBuffer.append_i that often needs to reallocate 
and do an array copy thus the expensive ByBuffer.append(char) above ... I am 
playing right now with bigger initial sizes e.g. 512 instead of 127 ...

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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-23 Thread Giovanni Azua
Hello trumpetinc,

On Apr 23, 2010, at 7:29 PM, trumpetinc wrote:

 Giovanni - if your source PDFs are small enough, you might want to try this,
 just to get a feel for the impact that IO blocking is having on your results
 (read entire PDF into byte[] and use PdfReader(byte[]))
Trying it right now ...

 The StringBuffer could definitely be replaced with a StringBuilder, and it
 could be re-used instead of re-allocating for each call to nextTokeen()
This is what I applied yesterday with the patch I posted. It includes both 
changes in PRTokeniser: StringBuilder + reusing the same instances ... the 
improvement is somewhere around 6.2% faster for my test case. 

I want to try this one you suggest above ... and then I will post the new 
numbers plus the cumulative patch I have ...

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Re: [iText-questions] MISTAKE! performance follow up

2010-04-23 Thread Giovanni Azua

I am sooo sorry the performance is worse with the change for pre-loading the 
PDFs in the test-case :(( the problem was that I ran the benchmarks with a 
small mistake in my test case ... 

The HEADER tests how to load flattened PDF part templates ...

The  FOOTER tests how to load PDF part templates containing fields  that need 
to be populated.

The mistake was to leave fixed the HEADER always ... so it would load only the 
flattened PDF template and not the footer (see below) [sigh] In any case is 
good to know that loading flattened PDF parts is cheaper.

I mistakenly ran the last benchmark like this:

private static byte[] file2ByteArray(String filePath) throws Exception {
  InputStream input = null; 
  ByteArrayOutputStream output = null;
  try {
input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(HEADER_PATH));
output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int data =;
while (data != -1) {

  data =;

return output.toByteArray();
  finally {
if (input != null) {

if (output != null) {

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Re: [iText-questions] AWESOME! performance follow up

2010-04-23 Thread Giovanni Azua

I am sooo sorry the performance is worse with the change for pre-loading the 
PDFs in the test-case :(( the problem was that I ran the benchmarks with a 
small mistake in my test case ... 

Loading the HEADER demonstrates how to load flattened pre-formatted PDF part 
templates ...

Loading the FOOTER demonstrates how to load PDF part templates containing 
fields  that need to be populated.

The mistake was to leave fixed the HEADER always ... so it would load only the 
flattened PDF template and not the footer (see below) [sigh] In any case is 
good to know that loading flattened PDF parts is cheaper.

I mistakenly ran the last benchmark like this:

private static byte[] file2ByteArray(String filePath) throws Exception {
  InputStream input = null; 
  ByteArrayOutputStream output = null;
  try {
input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(HEADER_PATH));
output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int data =;
while (data != -1) {

  data =;

return output.toByteArray();
  finally {
if (input != null) {

if (output != null) {
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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-23 Thread Giovanni Azua
Hello trumpetinc,

On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:50 PM, trumpetinc wrote:
 Don't know if it'll make any difference, but the way you are reading the file
 is horribly inefficient.  If the code you wrote is part of your test times,
 you might want to re-try, but using this instead (I'm just tossing this
 together - there might be type-os):
No, pre-loading the PDF template with the IO code I submitted was not part of 
the performance tests before. I added it quick and dirty just to try out and 
saw the massive performance improvement, I should have been skeptical but the 
Latin spirit took over :)

 ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 byte[] buf = new byte[8092];
 int n;
 while ((n = = 0) {
   baos.write(buf, 0, n);
 return baos.toByteArray();
Thank you, I will try this one later ...

 From your results, are you seeing a big difference between iText and the
 competitor when you aren't flattening fields vs you are flattening fields? 
 Your profiling results aren't indicating bottlenecks in that area of the
 code.  If iText is much faster than the competitor in the non-flattening
 scenario, but slower than the competitor in the flattening scenario, I'm
 having a hard time reconciling the data presented so far.
HEADER is a PDF file with no fields 

FOOTER is a PDF file with fields (needs to be populated and flattened i.e. 

I prepared the equivalent exact same code for iText and the alternative. 
However, I did not measure the times for the two templates HEADER and FOOTER 
separately. So I can not tell if iText is faster loading with flat PDF than the 
alternative or if iText is faster loading the PDF with fields compared to the 

Just now I discovered that if the loaded PDF form does not have fields iText 
performs much faster. So I just modified my test-case to disable the HEADER and 
run and profile only FOOTER (the expensive one with fields) four times so that 
the top bottlenecks for this case will be better evidenced. 

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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-22 Thread Giovanni Azua

On Apr 22, 2010, at 6:49 PM, 1T3XT info wrote:

 Paulo Soares wrote:
 Thank you. I'll include your changes.
 Due to the lack of time, I wasn't able to follow the discussion,
 but I've just read the latest mails, and I also want to thank you
 for the performance tests and improvements.
No problem! I am happy to help .. it is a win-win :) The currently established 
commercial PDF solution I was comparing iText against is fast yes and with a 
lot of imagination and some compromises somehow you manage to achieve the 
use-case that you need but the design shortcomings and bugs it has are 
countless plus the huge risks because of their close code. But this is of 
course my personal opinion, and not the bank policy :) 

I might propose some more patches, it would be great to get the performance 
numbers at least as good as the commercial solution ... 23.8% response time 
difference still to go. Would this list be the right place for proposing new 
patches or is there a dedicated list for development?

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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-22 Thread Giovanni Azua
Hello Mike,

On Apr 22, 2010, at 12:22 PM, Mike Marchywka wrote:

 This of course is where you consult Mark Twain. LOL.
 iText is or isn't better than before ( for some particular
 use case) irrespective of the data you currently have
 but the question is does the data allow
 you to reject the conclusion that they are have the same
 execution times with some confidence level?
Good, this is exactly what I meant :)

 Finding ways to explain or attribute the noise into some kind
 of model of course would be a reasonable thing to
 consider if you had a few more test cases with some
 relevant parameters( number of fonts you will need or something).
The performance comparison is based on the representative test case exactly as 
business wants it.

As far as I know we need only two fonts: light and bold. So the number of fonts 
is not a parameter.

 the parameters you know about it- obviously for the cases
 you have only one decision makes sense andd off hand based
 on what you said about nature of patch I don't know of any
 case where generating gratuitous garbage is a good strategy LOL.
I know ... but hypothetically my patch could have well fixed the generating 
gratuitous garbage while the use-case still be slow i.e. my point being to make 
sure and prove that the patch delivers the promised performance gain.

 The paired observation of the means are:
 At this stage it is usually helpful to look at the data, not
 just start dumping it into equations you found in a book.
This book is the official reference for the course in Advance System 
Performance Analysis I am taking for my graduate CS Master program in the 
top-10 Technology University of the world ... so no, it is not just equations I 
found in a book :)

If you need to compare the performance of two systems and you have paired 
observations, this is the recipe you want to use. 

  I'm not slamming you at all, just that its helpful
  to have a check on your analysis even if you
No worries, I am actually very happy with your feedback. I would actually like 
to thank you for your insights. 

 Also it sounds like the alt pacakage is still faster by
 a clinically significant amount- an amount relevant to someone.
Now only 23.8% to go. We only need to make 4 more fixes like the last one and 
the gap will be gone :) The Profiler shows there are still several bottlenecks 
topping which could also be easy fixes e.g. PRTokeniser.isWhitespace is a 
simple boolean condition that just happen to be called gazillion times e.g. 
35'622'000 times for my test workload ... if instead of doing it like:

public static final boolean isWhitespace(int ch) {
return (ch == 0 || ch == 9 || ch == 10 || ch == 12 || ch == 13 || ch == 32);

we used a bitwise binary operator with the appropriate mask(s), there could be 
some good performance gain ... 

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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-22 Thread Giovanni Azua

On Apr 22, 2010, at 10:59 PM, Giovanni Azua wrote:
 PRTokeniser.isWhitespace is a simple boolean condition that just happen to be 
 called gazillion times e.g. 35'622'000 times for my test workload ... if 
 instead of doing it like:
 public static final boolean isWhitespace(int ch) {
 return (ch == 0 || ch == 9 || ch == 10 || ch == 12 || ch == 13 || ch == 
 we used a bitwise binary operator with the appropriate mask(s), there could 
 be some good performance gain ... 
The function already exists in
 I checked and it already uses bitwise binary operators with the right masks 
... we would only need to inline it to avoid the function call costs.

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Re: [iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-22 Thread Giovanni Azua

On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:30 PM, trumpetinc wrote:
 The semantics are different (the JSE call includes more characters in it's
 definition of whitespace than the PDF spec).  Not saying that it can't be
 easily done, but throwing an if statement at it and seeing what impact it
 has on performance is pretty easy also.
I will try your suggestion too ... 

 What was the overall time %age spent in this call in your tests?
Total 10 seconds that accounts for 1% ... 1% is not much but how the Swiss 
people use to say who does not care about the cents, do not deserve the 
francs or something like that :)

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[iText-questions] eclipse project

2010-04-21 Thread Giovanni Azua

I just checked out trunk to try out some changes related to the performance 
question thread. Is there an easy way to get an eclipse project ... I already 
cd src/ant
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true

with no luck ... it does not generate the expected eclipse project for me, I 
mean it does but not pointing to the sources nor fetching the dependencies ...

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Re: [iText-questions] eclipse project

2010-04-21 Thread Giovanni Azua

Sorry! never mind! I managed with the plain old wizard :) I am too spoiled with 
Maven ...  

On Apr 21, 2010, at 11:18 PM, Giovanni Azua wrote:

 I just checked out trunk to try out some changes related to the performance 
 question thread. Is there an easy way to get an eclipse project ... I 
 already tried:
 cd src/ant
 mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true
 with no luck ... it does not generate the expected eclipse project for me, I 
 mean it does but not pointing to the sources nor fetching the dependencies ...
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[iText-questions] performance follow up

2010-04-21 Thread Giovanni Azua

Good news ... after applying the attached patch to trunk and doing yet
another performance experiment using the previously posted workload these
are the results:

BEFORE (trunk)
15.125  5.514
15.440  3.474
15.258  9.736
15.621  23.869
15.449  4.817
15.500  2.662
15.221  8.431
15.319  3.419
15.142  1.626
15.457  3.972

AFTER (trunk + patch)
14.404  5.928
14.487  16.781
14.132  1.618
14.314  3.174
14.663  7.522
14.542  15.086
14.283  6.924
14.399  2.064
14.205  1.609
14.471  2.761

The mean values look surprisingly much better than in the office. I'm
running here Snow Leopard with JVM 1.6.0_19.

Is iText with the patch better than before?

The paired observation of the means are:
{(15.125, 14.404),
(15.440, 14.487),
(15.258, 14.132),
(15.621, 14.314),
(15.449, 14.663),
(15.500, 14.542),
(15.221, 14.283),
(15.319, 14.399),
(15.142, 14.205),
(15.457, 14.471)}

The performance differences constitute a sample of 10 observations:
{0.721, 0.953, 1.126, 1.307, 0.786, 0.958, 0.938, 0.92, 0.937, 0.986}

For this sample:
Sample mean = 0.9632
Sample variance = 0.02651
Sample standard Deviation = 0.16282

Confidence interval for the mean = 0.9632 +/- t*sqrt(0.02651/10) = 0.9632
+/- t*0.0514
The 0.95 quantile of a t-variate with df=N-1=10-1=9 is 1.833113
= 95% confidence interval = 0.9632 +/- 1.833113*0.0514 =
[0.9632-0.09422,0.9632+0.09422] = [0.86898,1.05742]
Since the confidence interval does NOT include zero we can conclude that the
performance improvement is significative (patch is better than no patch) and
will be approximately of (0.9632/15.3532)*100% = 6.2%

I also ran the workload connected to the profiler and the number of
StringBuffer instances decreased to 846'988

The Letter PDF looks good i.e. the patch didn't seem to break anything but
you will have to run the unit tests on it.

Best regards,

PS: There are still some StringBuffer around to fix ...

Description: Binary data
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