[Iup-users] IUP, CD and IM Third Party License Restrictions

2020-06-05 Thread Antonio Scuri
 Hi All,

  There has been a lot of discussion about this on the list. IUP, CD and IM
have secondary libraries that use third party libraries.

  The secondary libraries follow their third party libraries license terms
as described by the documentation in their respective pages. And this does
NOT affect applications that don't use those secondary libraries, because
they are in separate libraries, of course. Also applications that use only
the IUP main library are NOT dependent on CD nor IM.

  The fact that we left every party in separate libraries comply with the
license restrictions, and allow us to provide solutions for both commercial
and free applications.

  All libraries are packed together to facilitate the distribution. Not
considering Lua, IUP for instance has 15 secondary libraries. It is not
viable to distribute them in separate packages.

  So I would like to clarify which third party libraries are not
compatible with the MIT license used by IUP, CD and IM. Only the following
libraries are not compatible:

*iuptuio *+ TUIO (GPL)
*cdpdf *+ PDFLib (not free for commercial applications)
*im_fftw *+ FFTW (GPL)
*im_lzo *+ miniLZO (GPL)

  Luckily we seem to have less restrictive alternatives for PDFLib and
FFTW, probably they will be available in the near future in CD and IM. *iuptuio
*and *im_lzo *have low relevance and can be ignored. *cdpdf *can be
replaced today by *cdcairo *which has a Cairo PDF driver.

  No other libraries are affected by these libraries. They are completely

  The text in:


  Was updated to list only these libraries.

Iup-users mailing list

[Iup-users] Source code license comments; IUP/CD/IM notes

2020-06-05 Thread sur-behoffski
G'day all,

[Sorry for breaking the thread -- digest strikes again...]

Like RMS, I strongly dislike "Open Source" as an umbrella term, and strongly
prefer "Free (as in Freedom)" or "Libre" (e.g. LibreOffice):  The underlying
concepts are massively, massively different.

Before I go any further, Lua's use of the MIT license has been a key reason
why it has thrived in some key areas, such as game scripting.  If it was
GPL (probably v2; perhaps, more recently, v3), then some key early-adopter
companies would (very likely) not have adopted it.  This has been a feedback
loop -- Lua has been enriched by its wider audience.

The GPL combination of Copyright + License is a brilliant piece of legal
engineering, since Copyright as a starting point is so uniform and clear
because of the Berne convention.  The GPL is all about encouraging, but
also being able to force, if necessary, a source-code-sharing culture.

With GPL, if you "combine" some GPL code with your code, the entire linked
(statically or dynamically) result MUST be licensed with the same GPL
license that was in the library.  This is non-negotiable.  In particular,
you MUST grant exactly all the privileges and restrictions of the original
GPL component, including explicitly licensing your entire program for all
downstream users, as follows:

You explicitly grant all the privileges and restrictions of the
GPL code that you used, and to all other code linked in the same
package, to all clients/users of your code.  This license grant
is non-revocable, once given.  Furthermore, you must apply the
same GPL license to all "down-stream" clients of your source

The "strength" of the linkage between some GPL-controlled source code,
and the end-user, can vary widely, and so there is some interpretation
that needs to be looked at here.  For example. "GNU Grep" is GPLv3
licensed, yet users can run the binary without incurring any license
restraints on their work (perhaps Grep being invoked in a Bash script).
Any end-user of the GNU Grep utility, however, has the right to receive the
source code for that binary utility, under the provisions of the GPL.

The Free Software Foundation also recognised that there were cases
where the full "Copyleft" demands of the GPL were too onerous, or perhaps
there was no benefit since an outside entity (library) already covered nearly
all of the territory.  Thus, the "LGPL" "Lesser" GPL license was created and
is used in some situations, such as the support code for the GNU Compiler
Collection (GCC) itself.  The LGPL demands that modifications made to the
LGPLed-library itself must be made available, with the same LGPL license
attached to the changes, but does not demand that other parts of the program
must adopt the LGPL.

If an application (library) calls on libraries with multiple licenses, it is
the responsibility for the the application's owner/publisher to ensure that
there are no conflicts between any of the components (using a matrix?).


Okay, enough on general licenses; some brief comments on Tecgraf stuff:

CD explicitly "depends on" IM, and IUP explicitly "depends on" CD and IM.
Therefore, all worries regarding licenses in CD potentially flow up into

Therefore, I repeat an earlier plea:  Please, please separate the top-level
projects (e.g. CD), which are currently packaged into a single
dynamically-linked library (e.g. .dll or .so, etc) into separate modules,
at least initially based on licence considerations (e.g. tuio -- GPL).

This separation would mean that there would be much more clarity, than at
present, regarding what license conditions an end-user would be exposing
themselves to -- they can explicitly avoid GPL libraries by not linking to
them, and/or not "require()"ing them in a Lua script.

I would also urge that the top-level README at least mention that the
product has components with different licensing requirements, and that
the top-level LICENCE file enumerate all the licenses in use in the module,
along with expressly naming MIT for the code not covered by the enumerated
list.  For cumulative projects (CD requires IM, and IUP requires CD+IM),
the top-level LICENSE file (e.g. for IUP) either explicitly enumerates the
requirements inherited from the lower projects, or else very strongly
points out the scale and importance of licenses in those other packages.

And finally, as before, I would like to see the libraries brought up to
be top-level targets in the Makefile, as is mostly true within IUP, but
should be applied to IM and CD, so that an "EXCLUDE_TARGETS" or perhaps
also an "INCLUDE_TARGETS" macro could be used at the top level of the
project Makefile.



s-b etc.

Iup-users mailing list

Re: [Iup-users] Fw: IUP License Questions

2020-06-05 Thread Andrew Robinson

On 2020-06-05 at 9:10 AM, "Moore, Tysen"  wrote:

>My reasoning for my initial email was not to cause a big fight in this list.

Everyone knows you didn't mean for that to happen. The "big fight" you are
seeing is just people who like to fight to have a reason to fight.

>I was bringing this to the attention of the list in case the maintainers or
users were unaware of these issues.

For that I thank you because I wasn't aware of those issues either. I wasn't
expecting that because ALL the advertisement for IUP only brags about how free
and unemcumbered they are in any way, shape, or form, but incorporating
functions calls for GPL source code into your --> API <-- and then claiming
they are "completely separate from your product" is not an accurate summary of
what IUP is actually doing then. IUP is completely free and unemcumbered but
you will find certain IUP API functions that are not. Which functions and
which sofware that goes with those functions? Go look it up yourself.

>I was also looking for some guidance for best practices to resolve these

Sometimes these things can only be settled by a disinterested third party with
no conflict of interest ... or really, really nice lawyers.

>My suggestion was for a benign change to the top level docs to clearly list
third party code that one should be aware of.  If the maintainers of IUP don't
want to do this, that is their decision.  Again, my thought was a suggestion
for [apparently debatable] improvement.  No harm.

No HONEST person can fault you for doing the right thing.

Like yourself, I too am waiting to see how IUP will respond to your innocent
and objective observation(s). So far IUP's first response basically appears to
be "Go look it up yourself", which isn't a good thing because that will only
lead to websites all around the world having to put warnings in their
advertisements about IUP having a few IUP API functions that are not a part of
the IUP license but are GPL instead, all you have to do is just search through
the source code and documentation for it and avoid it if you don't agree with

At least now I am seeing them beginning to at least question the friendliness
of any third party products (FFTW and PdfLib) that are "completely separately"
but directly incorporated into the IUP API and zip file, so that is a good
sign. So maybe what you did will have a good effect.


PS -- To make this picture complete to anyone on or off the IUP forums who may
be monitoring this conversation (FBI? CIA? NSA? Some American-based privacy
invading spy organization?), this is an important issue because some people
religiously believe that GPL is great because it means software that can be
freely accessed, used, changed, and shared, but other people believe that GPL
can't be trusted because it was written by lawyers that don't actually work
for them, number one, and two, because it appears to be a sneaky way for other
people to steal your ideas for free and then make money off of it, and you
will never get as much credit for it as they do, because you must release your
application as freely accessible, usable, changeable, and sharable for them to

Iup-users mailing list

Re: [Iup-users] Fw: IUP License Questions

2020-06-05 Thread Ranier Vilela
De: Moore, Tysen 
Enviado: sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2020 16:10
Para: IUP discussion list.
Assunto: Re: [Iup-users] Fw:  IUP License Questions

>I'm not sure I entirely agree with your statement: "The point here is that IUP 
>project have nothing to do with it all. >After all, who is possibly violating 
>the GPL is the end user of the libraries (CD and IM). The IUP project only 
>provides, >as a courtesy, the source code of the GPL libraries to anyone who 
>wants to use it or not, it does not oblige in any >way to use them. And it is 
>clearly documented, including licenses, in its official documentation, so that 
>no one is in >doubt."
Welcome to the opensource world, with the GPL.

>I agree that all users are ultimately responsible for the licenses used within 
>their projects.  However, please take a >step back and look at this as a new 
>IUP user like myself.  I started my project by evaluating a number of 
>>cross->platform frameworks: wxWidgets, Qt, NCurses, Nuklear, IUP.  When 
>evaluating a number of frameworks I >relied on top level docs, and I even 
>wrote the same simple app to evaluate high level features needed by my 
>>application.  We decided to use IUP because of its: ease of use, feature set, 
>licensing, etc.  I think it is a little naive to >think a new user evaluating 
>a framework will know to look for third party licenses in every source 
>directory when >the top level overview/license sections indicate it's "free 
>software, can be used for public and commercial >applications".  I believe 
>that you feel things are "clearly documented" but this is from your intimate 
>knowledge of >the framework.  As a new user this is not the case. It is even 
>more confusing for a new user because the IUP/etc >directories make no clear 
>distinction between third-party and IUP framework code--at least for a new 
Unfortunately it is confusing yes.
What has to be made clear here, is about the IUP License, is that they are 
talking about the code itself.
It's free-code, without any restrictions.
But, as a developer, you and I have to really check if what we are going to use 
is free or not.
That is why I do not use the CD library in my products.
See, I already found, for example, projects with all free libraries (not GPL), 
but the final project is GPL, that is, in this case, you can use the libraries 
in non-free products, but not the main product code , very confused.

>My reasoning for my initial email was not to cause a big fight in this list.  
>I was bringing this to the attention of the >list in case the maintainers or 
>users were unaware of these issues.  I was also looking for some guidance for 
>best >practices to resolve these issues.  My suggestion was for a benign 
>change to the top level docs to clearly list third >party code that one should 
>be aware of.  If the maintainers of IUP don't want to do this, that is their 
>decision.  >Again, my thought was a suggestion for [apparently debatable] 
>improvement.  No harm.
Certainly, a welcome suggestion, not an imposition.
But Tecgraf cannot be held responsible for any deviations that may occur, with 
or without warnings, by whoever uses the libraries, because in the end, it is 
not Tecgraf that is violating the GPL, after all the products distributed by it 
are free-code (GPL accordance).

Better yet, walk the path of removing all GPL libraries, step by step, in the 
end, indirectly protecting all users of those libraries, who may want to create 
non-free products.

Ranier Vilela

Iup-users mailing list

Re: [Iup-users] Fw: IUP License Questions

2020-06-05 Thread Moore, Tysen

I'm not sure I entirely agree with your statement: "The point here is that IUP 
project have nothing to do with it all. After all, who is possibly violating 
the GPL is the end user of the libraries (CD and IM). The IUP project only 
provides, as a courtesy, the source code of the GPL libraries to anyone who 
wants to use it or not, it does not oblige in any way to use them. And it is 
clearly documented, including licenses, in its official documentation, so that 
no one is in doubt."

I agree that all users are ultimately responsible for the licenses used within 
their projects.  However, please take a step back and look at this as a new IUP 
user like myself.  I started my project by evaluating a number of 
cross-platform frameworks: wxWidgets, Qt, NCurses, Nuklear, IUP.  When 
evaluating a number of frameworks I relied on top level docs, and I even wrote 
the same simple app to evaluate high level features needed by my application.  
We decided to use IUP because of its: ease of use, feature set, licensing, etc. 
 I think it is a little naive to think a new user evaluating a framework will 
know to look for third party licenses in every source directory when the top 
level overview/license sections indicate it's "free software, can be used for 
public and commercial applications".  I believe that you feel things are 
"clearly documented" but this is from your intimate knowledge of the framework. 
 As a new user this is not the case. It is even more confusing for a new user 
because the IUP/etc directories make no clear distinction between third-party 
and IUP framework code--at least for a new user.  

My reasoning for my initial email was not to cause a big fight in this list.  I 
was bringing this to the attention of the list in case the maintainers or users 
were unaware of these issues.  I was also looking for some guidance for best 
practices to resolve these issues.  My suggestion was for a benign change to 
the top level docs to clearly list third party code that one should be aware 
of.  If the maintainers of IUP don't want to do this, that is their decision.  
Again, my thought was a suggestion for [apparently debatable] improvement.  No 


From: Ranier Vilela 
Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 7:37 AM
To: r...@gnu.org
Cc: iup-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Iup-users] Fw:  IUP License Questions

De: Richard Stallman 
Enviado: sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2020 03:17
Para: Ranier Vilela
Cc: arobinso...@cox.net; iup-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Assunto: Re: [Iup-users] Fw:  IUP License Questions

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

 > > FFTW is GPL, and not can be use with commercial closed products.
  >> MiniLZO is GPL and no can be use with commercial closed produtcs.

>What you say is right in the basic point, but not stated correctly.
>The incorrect aspect is the use of the words "commercial" and
Yes, it's a little confusing.
I understand that there may be a commercial product, with open source.

>It is incorrect to use the word "commercial" here.  The GPL does not
>distinguish between commercial activities and noncommercial acivities,
>except in one very obscure case which does not apply here.

>it is incorrect to use the word "closed" here.  We shun the terms
>"open" or "closed" because we do NOT advocate "open source".  That
>term stands for rejecting our values and principles, so we have never
>advocated it and never will.

>See https://gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html
>for more explanation of the difference between free software and open

>The right way to state this basic point is that the GPL permits
>including the GPL-covered code in a larger combined program
>_only provided that_ the larger combined program is, as a whole,
>released under the GPL.

>In particular, to combine a nonfree program with GPL-covered code
>violates the GPL.
Yes, I think we all understand that.
The point here is that IUP project have nothing to do with it all.
After all, who is possibly violating the GPL is the end user of the libraries 
(CD and IM).
The IUP project only provides, as a courtesy, the source code of the GPL 
libraries to anyone who wants to use it or not, it does not oblige in any way 
to use them.
And it is clearly documented, including licenses, in its official 
documentation, so that no one is in doubt.

>I don't have time to study the details of this case.
>I can't keep up with my work now.
Anyway, thank you very much for your clarification.

Ranier Vilela

Iup-users mailing list

Iup-users mailing list

Re: [Iup-users] Fw: IUP License Questions

2020-06-05 Thread Richard Stallman
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

  > FFTW is GPL, and not can be use with commercial closed products.
  > MiniLZO is GPL and no can be use with commercial closed produtcs.

What you say is right in the basic point, but not stated correctly.
The incorrect aspect is the use of the words "commercial" and

It is incorrect to use the word "commercial" here.  The GPL does not
distinguish between commercial activities and noncommercial acivities,
except in one very obscure case which does not apply here.

it is incorrect to use the word "closed" here.  We shun the terms
"open" or "closed" because we do NOT advocate "open source".  That
term stands for rejecting our values and principles, so we have never
advocated it and never will.

See https://gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html
for more explanation of the difference between free software and open

The right way to state this basic point is that the GPL permits
including the GPL-covered code in a larger combined program
_only provided that_ the larger combined program is, as a whole,
released under the GPL.

In particular, to combine a nonfree program with GPL-covered code
violates the GPL.

I don't have time to study the details of this case.
I can't keep up with my work now.

Dr Richard Stallman
Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (https://gnu.org)
Founder, Free Software Foundation (https://fsf.org)
Internet Hall-of-Famer (https://internethalloffame.org)

Iup-users mailing list

Re: [Iup-users] Fw: IUP License Questions

2020-06-05 Thread Ranier Vilela
De: Richard Stallman 
Enviado: sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2020 03:17
Para: Ranier Vilela
Cc: arobinso...@cox.net; iup-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Assunto: Re: [Iup-users] Fw:  IUP License Questions

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

 > > FFTW is GPL, and not can be use with commercial closed products.
  >> MiniLZO is GPL and no can be use with commercial closed produtcs.

>What you say is right in the basic point, but not stated correctly.
>The incorrect aspect is the use of the words "commercial" and
Yes, it's a little confusing.
I understand that there may be a commercial product, with open source.

>It is incorrect to use the word "commercial" here.  The GPL does not
>distinguish between commercial activities and noncommercial acivities,
>except in one very obscure case which does not apply here.

>it is incorrect to use the word "closed" here.  We shun the terms
>"open" or "closed" because we do NOT advocate "open source".  That
>term stands for rejecting our values and principles, so we have never
>advocated it and never will.

>See https://gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html
>for more explanation of the difference between free software and open

>The right way to state this basic point is that the GPL permits
>including the GPL-covered code in a larger combined program
>_only provided that_ the larger combined program is, as a whole,
>released under the GPL.

>In particular, to combine a nonfree program with GPL-covered code
>violates the GPL.
Yes, I think we all understand that.
The point here is that IUP project have nothing to do with it all. 
After all, who is possibly violating the GPL is the end user of the libraries 
(CD and IM).
The IUP project only provides, as a courtesy, the source code of the GPL 
libraries to anyone who wants to use it or not, it does not oblige in any way 
to use them.
And it is clearly documented, including licenses, in its official 
documentation, so that no one is in doubt.

>I don't have time to study the details of this case.
>I can't keep up with my work now.
Anyway, thank you very much for your clarification.

Ranier Vilela

Iup-users mailing list